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Web 2.

0 Tools : Recording Booths

Feel free to use these tech tools for your recording booth or in your classroom as you see fit.
Please let me know if you need help or have any questions - have fun!

SeeSaw - Student driven online portfolios and parent communication. Students can record
themselves with a video or discuss a picture they took of their work. All information can be
saved and/or shared with parents.

PlayPosit - Create an interactive video to assess students. You can use youtube videos and add
questions (multiple choice, free response, etc.) The results are instantly shown correct/incorrect
with a chart.

Padlet - Virtual “post-it” note board. You can use to assess students, communicate, or

Linoit - Similar to padlet (sticky note board) but you can also add photos and to-do lists.

Blabberize - You can turn a picture into a talking video. For example, students could choose a
picture of the big bad wolf and they could narrate how he was feeling, what he was doing, and
his side of the story. This could be used in a variety of ways.

KidBlog - Digital student portfolios.

Popplet - Online graphic organizers and webs. Students can create their own or add to one
already created to show their understanding.

Canva - Students can make their own infographic to show their understanding in a different way.
It could also be used for posters, book reports, or projects.

Piktochart - Another infographic website similar to canva.

Quizizz - Teachers can create online quizzes using different avatars, themes, and music.

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