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ART I: Foundations of Studio Art

Instructor: Mrs. Hensley

Course Description

Art 1 is the prerequisite course for the

comprehensive high school art program
and fulfills the 1 credit Fine Arts
graduation requirement. Studio
problems are designed to build creative
and critical thinking skills through
practice in drawing, painting,
printmaking, sculpture, and other art

Course Topics

Elements of Art: Ceramics / Clay Sculptures

line, texture, value, shape, form, Scratchboard / Creating linear texture
space, color Printmaking / Multicolor Linoleum Prints
Space / Negative vs. Positive Art Criticism / Feldman Method
Drawing / Learning to See Aesthetics / 3 Theories of Aesthetic Style
Craftsmanship/Composition Watercolor Painting / 3 Styles of Art
Still Life Drawing / Narrative Work Principles of Design:
Oil Pastel / Design- Based Techniques balance, repetition, emphasis, movement,
Charcoal / Portraits contrast, variety, proportion, unity

Required Materials:
4 #2 pencils & 2 erasers – to add to the class collection that you may use all year.
Sketchbook – We will be using a sketchbook starting on the first day of the second week
of school. The sketchbook will be used for class notes, image collection, sketches for idea
development, journaling, and critiques so I would highly recommend a spiral bound
9”x12” sketchbook that will hold up for the entire year.
** Optional: an apron or old oversized shirt to protect your clothing.
Art Studio Expectations
1. Sit in your assigned seat.
2. Respect others’ space.
3. No cursing or teasing.
4. Quiet while others are teaching.
5. Voice level should suit activity.

Students are permitted to use an electronic device between classes and during lunch
as long as they can hear and respond to staff members (no headphones that COVER
the ears are permitted at Howard). Students will take full responsibility for any
electronic device that is brought to school. Students may not use electronic devices
during art class for any purpose unless specifically permitted to do so by the teacher –
there will be a verbal and visual cue (“I am putting up the sign, you may listen to your
own music with one earbud”). During tests or exams, electronic devices must be
stored in a designated container.

FOOD AND DRINK POLICY: nothing but water in a CLEAR container is allowed in the art room.

*Adherence to the school-wide Student Handbook policies is expected at all times. If you choose to break
any of the above rules, then you have chosen to accept the consequences as outlined on Howard High
School’s Discipline Ladder:
Sequence Contact Consequence
1st Offense Classroom Teacher Warning and Parental Contact
2nd Offense Classroom Teacher Teacher Detention and Parental Contact
3rd Offense PBIS Coordinator PBIS Conference, Parental Contact, School detention
4th Offense PBIS Coordinator PBIS Conference, Parental Contact, Fri./Sat. School
5th Offense Administrator Assigned Consequence per HCPSS Code of Conduct

Tardy & Attendance/Late Work Policy

Be in your seat and ready to learn when the bell rings - If you are late, the discipline ladder applies.
**The ONLY excused tardy that I accept must be accompanied by a teacher’s signature in your agenda book.

* For excused absences, you may make up missed work. You are permitted a one day extension for every
day you are absent. You are responsible for asking the instructor for missed work. The nature of the
assignment may require that you do the work at school rather than at home. It is up to the instructor to
decide on what day and at what time this would occur.

*Final assignments handed in late will have 10 points deducted each day until it’s worth half-credit. You
may receive up to ½ credit for final assignments until the end of the quarter.

*Homework & sketchbook assignments handed in late will have 5 points deducted each day that it’s late.

*Extensions on a FINAL assignment will be given at my discretion and only to those students who work
diligently in class and cannot finish or work meticulously…not to those who waste studio time.

* Do-Over Policy – Not happy with the job you did on a FINAL assignment the first time around? You can
submit 1 re-do per quarter.
Class Routine

1 Drill
What are we going to do today? (The warm-up gets us started)

2 Instruction/Demo
This is when I talk about or show you things you need to know. Pay attention.

3 Studio Time
Independent time to demonstrate the skills and ideas taught in class.
**this is the ONLY time where the use of electronics MAY be permitted.

4 Critiques
A great way to share and learn from one another’s work.

5 Clean- Up
Be responsible for your table space and put things back where you got them.

6 Closure
Did we learn what we set out to learn?

Drills: Daily warm-ups meant to help you focus and participate in class discussions. (2 pts each)

Sketchbook: an exploratory journal to keep sketches and ideas in throughout the process of completing
the product. (pts based upon activity)

Final assignments: For each unit, you will be given the following information: (100 pts total)

Lesson Objective - tells you what the problem is that you’ll need to solve
Criteria - tells you what specifically you need to know and do to be successful

A – 90– 100 (Exemplary – completely fulfills objectives)

B – 80 – 89 (Very Good - fulfills most objectives)
C – 70 – 79 (Average - fulfills some objectives)
D – 60 – 69 (Needs Improvement - fulfills few objectives)
E – 0 – 59 (Unsatisfactory - Missing or Incomplete Work)

Homework: Enrichment or research done outside of class to help reinforce what you’re learning OR most
often, a request to BRING IN a picture or object that is chosen by YOU to work from. (10 pts)

Exams: Midterm and final exams, including content we’ve covered up to that point – these do not factor
into your quarter grades.
ART I Name__________________________

Period _______

Students and Parents or Guardians, please read the statement below:

Mrs. Hensley went over the syllabus, course content, art studio expectations, grading,
attendance, and tardy policies. She also covered the Howard High School policy regarding cell
phones and other electronic devices. I have seen a copy of Howard High School’s Discipline
Ladder and understand the consequences outlined. Mrs. Hensley answered any questions I
had about the syllabus (a digital copy can be found at under Art 1:
Syllabus) and I understand what is expected of me in Art class.

Student Signature_________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name (print) ______________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature__________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Contact information:

Home Phone # _____________________________________________________________

Cell Phone # _______________________________________________________________

E-mail adress_______________________________________________________________

* Please sign and return this page by the 1st day of the 2nd week of school. *

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