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PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK Casta. 1978 Skyhawk PERFORMANCE- CESSNA SPECIFICATIONS MODEL 172N PERFORMANCE - SPECIFICATIONS SPEED: Maximum at Sea Level... « 125 KNOTS Cruise, 75% Power at 8000 Ft 122 KNOTS CRUISE: Recommended lean mixture with fuel allowance for engine start, taxi, takeoff, climb and 45 minutes reserve at 45% power. 75% Power at 8000 Ft... ...... . .Range 485 NM ‘40 Gallons Usable Fuel Time 4.1 HRS 75% Power at 8000Ft s,s... . Range 630 NM 50 Gallons Usable Fuel ‘Time 53 HRS. Maximum Range at 10,000 Ft. . Range 575 NM 40 Gallons Usable Fuel Time 5:7 HRS. Maximum Range at 10,000 Ft. . Range 750 NM 50 Gallons Usable Fuel Time 74 HRS RATE OF CLIMBATSEALEVEL ..... 770 FPM. SERVICE CEILING . . ao 14,200 Fr TAKEOFF PERFORMANCE: Ground Roll... . n0G 805 Fr Total Distance Over 50-Ft Obstacle fic. 1440 FP LANDING PERFORMANCE: Ground Rolt ; 2. SOFT Total Distance Over 50-Ft Obstacle 1250 FT STALL SPEED (CAS): Flaps Up, Power Of 2. 2... » . 90 KNOTS Flaps Down, Power Off 5 : 44 KNOTS MAXIMUM WEIGHT... PILI D112 2 e300 ups STANDARD EMPTY WEIGHT: Skyhawk . 1393 LBS Skyhawk 1 ot ; 21419 LBS MAXIMUM USEFUL LOAD: Skyhawk . 907 LBS Skyhawk 1 puboGdsa 881 LBS BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE ||) | 5 + 120 LBS WING LOADING: Pounds/Sq Ft | | 132 POWER LOADING: Pounds/ HP er oa FUEL CAPACITY: Total Standard Tanks... : 48 GAL. Long Range Tanks |) || 54 GAL OW CAPACITY... Bo a : 8aTs ENGINE: Aveo Lycoming 0-320-H2AD 160 BHP at 2700 RPM PROPELLER: Fixed Pitch, Diameter. 75IN, PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK SKYHAWK 1978 MODEL 172N Serial No____________ Registration No—______ THIS HANDBOOK INCLUDES THE MATERIAL REQUIRED. TO BE FURNISHED TO THE PILOT BY CAR PART 3 COPYRIGHT ® 1977 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY WICHITA, KANSAS, USA DIOLS Change 1 TS CONGRATULATIONS CESSNA cESSNA ‘TABLE OF CONTEN’ MODEL 172N MODEL 172N TABLE OF CONTENTS CONGRATULATIONS .... SECTION Welcome to the ranks of Cesina owners! Your Cessna hat been designed and GENERAL. . bese constucted ogre you the mstinperformancereconomyandcomfon. tsar desrethat You wil find fying ether for business or pleasure, pleasant and protable experience LIMITATIONS... 0.6 2 his Pilos Operating Handbook hasbeen preparedasa guide tohep you getthe mos pleasure aod olny hone your sepia ine nfoeoatan ee ee ee EMERGENCY PROCEDURES. weed Equipment operating procedures cod peforeancer ana sapeesonrion keeeeic and Cate We uige you ts ead rom cower to cover ad Wo 1k is eee ReeteOcen URE 4 ou inert in your hing esr has nt ese wh your purse oa Cn 5 olden, the Cera Dealer Organization backed by the Ceuhs Cotoses Soee Deparment stands ready to serve you, The following secces arc oflerd to most Cena PERFORMANCE. .... : : Debies WEIGHT & BALANCE/ © Cesna Deglers worldwide Spetic benels and prigons of watts tether EQUIPMENT LIST important Penalts for you. a contained in your Customer fore Program book, Dales throughout hewerld upon peesonision ature sone ace Cardhch AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS iabishes your clip onder abe wary SSeRPONG (© FACTORY TRAINED PERSONNEL to provide you with courteous expert service. AIRPLANE HANDLING, (© FACTORY APPROVED SERVICE EQUIPMENT to provide you efficient and accurate ‘workmanship. SERVICE & MAINTENANCE ......-- 8 A STOCK OF GENUINE CESSNA SERVICE PARTS on hand when you need them. ‘ when yo SUPPLEMENTS (© THE LATEST AUTHORITATIVE INFORMATION FOR SERVICING CESSNA AIR- : ipti PLANES, since Cessna Dealers have all ofthe Service Manvals andParts Catalogs, kept (Optional Systems Description gurrent by Service Letters and Service News Letters, published by Cessna Aircraft & Operating Procedures) ..........9 We urge all Cessna owners to use the Cessna Dealer Organization to the fullest eee ee A current Cessna Deder Directory accompanies your new airplane. The Directory is en revised irequenty anda curentcopy canbe ataaned tom your Cessna Bette Make your Tis handbook wil be kept current by Sev eters published by Ces Ara very Coane eae” Toe moun gh planning aids; a warm welcome swat you a through the Owner Follow-Up System. fyou are not receiving subscription service, You will want to keep in touch with your Cessna Dealer fr information concerning the change status of the handbook. Subsequent changes will be made in the form of stickers. These should be examined and attached to the appropriate page in the handbook immediately after receipt; the handbook should not be used for ‘operational purposes until it has been updated to a current status. i 4ii/(iv blank)

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