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Works Cited

Primary Sources “History of the Laws of the Game - From 1863 to the Present Day.” ​​, This is primary source. This

article is a soccer player speaking of his experience in FIFA Association. I learned that its

not easy at all to play for FIFA.

Secondary Sources

Crocombe, Mike. “Soccer Has Ancient Origins -- Dating Back as Far as 2500 BC.” ​ThoughtCo​,

ThoughtCo, This is a secondary

source. I learned that there was something created way before soccer called Tsu'u very

similar to soccer. This article talks about Tsu'u.

O'Hanlon, Ryan. “What Does Soccer Mean Today?” ​Pacific Standard​, Pacific Standard, 10 June


This is a secondary source. I learned that countries added new rules from time to time.

This article states that not just one country made soccer but multiple.

Phillips, Ryan. “Soccer Truly Is a Beautiful Game.” ​The Huffington Post​,, 25 May 2011, This is

a secondary source. This article is about how anybody of any size shape age can play

soccer. I learned that anybody in the world can play soccer because its a cheap sport.
Sawe, Benjamin Elisha. “The Most Popular Sports in the World.” ​WorldAtlas​, WorldAtlas, 16

Sept. 2016, This

is a secondary source. I learned that soccer is the most popular sport in the world. This

article says that soccer has gone worldwide and that why its the most popular sport.

@tonykaron, Tony Karon. “No, England Did NOT Invent Football (Soccer) As We Know It.”

Time​, Time, 2 Apr. 2012,

e-know-it/. This is a secondary source. I learned that we don't really know where soccer

was invented from because a lot of countries said they invented it. This article said that

England and other countries say they invented soccer.

“Why Does Soccer Inspire Such a Passion around the World?” ​DeerParkHPE - Why Does

Soccer Inspire Such a Passion around the World?​,

orld%3F. This is a secondary source. this is about how soccer is the first sport kids play

because it's really easy to learn.

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