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The main intent of this chapter is to represent the information and the data that has been obtained
from the primary analysis (analysis done by questioning the various persons involved in the
company). The various information and the data that has been used in the research study has been
evaluated in this data analysis chapter. The analysis of the data is represented through the use of
various tables and pie charts. The various information that is collected in the research study to
evaluate the effect of the social media and marketing in the growth of a business organization helps
in reaching a definite conclusion of the research study. In this chapter the primary analysis of the
data is done. This data analysis helps in obtaining a better research rational for the research study.
4.1 Primary Research Analysis:
The primary research analysis is done by doing a survey among the various stakeholders of the
Sainsbury plc. The questions that are asked in the survey reflects the issues that have been found
in the literature review and are in conformity with the research objectives and the research
questions. There is a total eleven questions that is asked in the survey which addresses the research
objectives. The sample questions consist of two sets, one for the quantitative analysis and other
for the quality analysis. The sample population for the quantitative analysis consist of 100
consumers to whom eight questions are asked and their answer is recorded. Whereas in the
qualitative analysis is done by surveying five managers to whom three questions are asked. The
answers of the questions asked is evaluated to understand the role of social media and marketing
in the growth of a business organization.
4.1.1 Survey with the consumers of Sainsbury plc. :
In this section the various questions that were asked to 100 consumers of the Sainsbury plc for the
quantitative analysis. The outcome of these questions is presented in the form of tables and pie
chart. Each questions are framed such that it addresses all the research objectives and gives a clear
view of the effect of the social media and marketing in the growth of Sainsbury.
I. Do you think that the introduction of social media marketing has enabled to have better
access to products and services?
Table 1:
SI No. Category No. of Total Number Percentage (%)
Respondents Of Respondents
1 Strongly Agree 20 100 20%
2 Agree 30 100 30%
3 Neutral 20 100 20%
4 Disagree 20 100 20%
5 Strongly 10 100 10%

Pie Chart 1:

No. Of Respondents




Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

The respondents were subjected to the particular question and from their responses the following
interpretation has been devolved. From the above pie chart it is clear that the introduction of the
social media and marketing can give better access to the products and the services. The above pie
graphs shows that 20 percent of the customers strongly agree and around 30 percent of the
customers agrees with the fact that the application of the social media and marketing has allowed
better access to the company products and services. Around 20 percent of the people who were
questioned were neutral in their reply whereas only 30 percent people either disagree or strongly
disagrees with the statement.

II. Do you think that the social media marketing techniques adopted by the Sainsbury plc.
have greater reach and appeal than the traditional forms?

Table 2:
SI No. Category No. of Total Number Percentage (%)
Respondents Of Respondents
1 Strongly Agree 30 100 30%
2 Agree 31 100 31%
3 Neutral 20 100 20%
4 Disagree 17 100 17%
5 Strongly 2 100 2%
Pie Chart 2:

No. of Respondents




Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

The respondents were subjected to the particular question and from their responses the following
interpretation has been devolved. The adoption of the various social media methods and techniques
has enabled the company to have better reach and appeal among the customers which was possible
with the earlier methods and technologies. This fact is represented in the pie-chart in which it is
shown that about 30% of the people strongly agrees and 31% of the people agrees with the fact
that the use of the social media and marketing has enabled the company to properly reach the
customers. While only 20% of the people gave neutral replies only a handful of people have given
negative answers. Thus it can be proved from the above representation that social media and
marketing gives better access to the Sainsbury.
III. Have the social media marketing techniques enabled the consumers become more
aware and informed about brands and their products and services?

Table 3:
SI No. Category No. of Total Number Percentage (%)
Respondents Of Respondents
1 Strongly Agree 33 100 33%
2 Agree 20 100 20%
3 Neutral 30 100 30%
4 Disagree 16 100 16%
5 Strongly 1 100 1%

Pie Chart 3:

No. of Respondents




Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

The respondents were subjected to the particular question and from their responses the following
interpretation has been devolved. It has been seen in the recent times that the availability of the
social media has generated more awareness in the customers about various details of the products
and the services. This fact was proved when the customers of the Sainsbury were asked about
whether social media marketing techniques helped them to be more aware of the products and
services that are offered by Sainsbury. Almost 53 percent of the population either agrees or
strongly agrees with the fact. This shows that the use of the social media as a marketing tool has
helped the customers to be more aware of the products and thus they are able to make proper
choices regarding the products. Whereas only few percentage of people did not agreed with the

IV. Do you think that social media marketing techniques adopted by the Sainsbury plc. have
influenced the customer purchase decision making positively?

Table 4:
SI No. Category No. of Total Number Percentage (%)
Respondents Of Respondents
1 Strongly Agree 30 100 30%
2 Agree 28 100 28%
3 Neutral 21 100 21%
4 Disagree 14 100 14%
5 Strongly 7 100 7%

Pie Chart 4:

No. of Respondents

14% 30%



Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

The respondents were subjected to the particular question and from their responses the following
interpretation has been devolved. The social media marketing techniques that has been used by the
Sainsbury plc. has helped the customers to make positive decision regarding the products and
services offered by the company. On asking the question regarding this matter to the respondents
almost 30percent of them said that they strongly agree with the fact. While 28 percent of the people
said that they agree with the statement only 21 percent of the people said that they don’t agree with
the fact. Thus it is clear from the above representation that most of the customers agree that the
social media marketing has helped them to make a very concise decision when purchasing the
products from Sainsbury.

V. Do you think effective social media marketing techniques lead to better brand

Table 5:
SI No. Category No. of Total Number Percentage (%)
Respondents Of Respondents
1 Strongly Agree 22 100 22%
2 Agree 35 100 35%
3 Neutral 18 100 18%
4 Disagree 20 100 20%
5 Strongly 5 100 5%

Pie chart 5:

No. of Respondents


Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

The respondents were subjected to the particular question and from their responses the
following interpretation has been devolved. Since the brand impression of a company
depends how well a company can showcase its products to the customers. The social media
is an effective tool that can be used to market the products of a company and helps the
company to build a good brand impression among the customers. When this question was
put forward to the respondents, almost 22 percent of them said that they strongly agree
with the fact. While 35 percent of the people said that they agree with the statement only
25 percent of the people said that they don’t agree with the fact. Thus the outcome of the
questions that were asked shows that the social media can be used to increase the brand
value of Sainsbury.

VI. Do you think that the social media marketing techniques of the Sainsbury plc. have
helped the management retain customers to a considerable extent?

Table 6:
SI No. Category No. of Total Number Percentage (%)
Respondents Of Respondents
1 Strongly Agree 23 100 23%
2 Agree 22 100 22%
3 Neutral 30 100 30%
4 Disagree 15 100 15%
5 Strongly 10 100 10%
Pie chart 6:

No. of Respondents




Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

The respondents were subjected to the particular question and from their responses the
following interpretation has been devolved. The effectiveness of a marketing technique is
gauged from the fact that how many customers purchased the product and services of the
company. As for increasing the profit of the company it is important that the company holds
on to his customer base, for which it requires effective marketing tool. Social media can be
very useful in this purpose as large number of customers are available on various social
networking sites. Thus on asking the question regarding this matter to the respondents
almost 23 percent of them said that they strongly agree with the fact. While 22 percent of
the people said that they agree with the statement only 25 percent of the people said that
they don’t agree with the fact. This representation shows that the social media has helped
the Sainsbury to effectively retain their customers and increase their customer base.
VII. Do you think that the effectiveness of social media marketing leads to spread of the
mouth of word and helps generate brand popularity for the Sainsbury plc. ?

Table 7:

SI No. Category No. of Total Number Percentage (%)

Respondents Of Respondents
1 Strongly Agree 18 100 18%
2 Agree 36 100 36%
3 Neutral 30 100 30%
4 Disagree 15 100 15%
5 Strongly 1 100 1%

Pie Chart 7:

No. of Respondents
15% 18%



Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

The respondents were subjected to the particular question and from their responses the
following interpretation has been devolved. The social media is an effective tool to market
the products of the company from one customer to another. This helps in improving the
brand popularity of the company among the prospective customers of the company. The
above pie chart shows that when it was asked to the respondents that whether social media
has helped the spread of the mouth of word and thus enable the company to increase the
brand popularity of the company. Almost 54 percent of the population either agrees or
strongly agrees with the fact the process indeed helped in increasing the popularity of the
company. Only a handful of respondents replied in negative.

VIII. Do you think that social media marketing helps develop better rapport between the
managers and the consumers of the Sainsbury plc. ?

Table 8:
SI No. Category No. of Total Number Percentage (%)
Respondents Of Respondents
1 Strongly Agree 20 100 20%
2 Agree 25 100 25%
3 Neutral 30 100 30%
4 Disagree 20 100 20%
5 Strongly 5 100 5%

Pie-chart 8:

No. of Respondents




Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

The respondents were subjected to the particular question and from their responses the
following interpretation has been devolved. In order to improve the business of the company
it is very important the managers of the company have better rapport with the customers of the
company. This generates a positive feedback in the mind of the customer which thus helps in
improving the image of the company. The above pie chart shows that when it was asked to the
respondents that whether social media has helped to increase the rapport among the managers
and the customers Almost 45 percent of the population either agrees or strongly agrees with
the fact the process indeed helped in increasing the popularity of the company. Only a handful
of respondents replied in negative. This proved the fact the social media is a important tool for
effective communication between the managers and the customers of Sainsbury.

4.1.2 Interview with the managers:

A set of qualitative questions were set by the researcher to put forward before the managers
of the company. This helped the researcher to get a better view of the effects of the social
media and marketing on the growth of the organizations.

i. To what extent has social media marketing been able to help create brand
awareness and attract potential customers towards the brand?
On asking the managers of the Sainsbury plc. Most of them agreed with the fact that
the social marketing has helped them to create awareness among the customers about
the various products and services offered bn the company.

ii. Do you think that the marketers have a pivotal role to play in attributing success
to the endeavour of attracting, engaging and retaining customers through social
media marketing?
When this question was asked to the managers, most of them replied that since the
role of the managers is to market the products and services of the company it is
important for the marketers to use an effective tool so that they can convey the
features of the product to the customers in a much better way. The said that social
gives them that platform to market their products in an efficient manner.

iii. What are the ways through which social media marketing can be used as a
crucial strategic tool to have the upper hand over the rivals?
On being asked about the possible ways of using the social media to get an edge over
the rivals the managers pointed out that the social media enables them to access large
customer base and they can target their products to a specific group of customers.
This enable them to make customer centric products which are affordable for the

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