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1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to make Second
Conditional clauses.
1. If William _____________ (not/watch) so many horror films, he ___________
(not/be) scared of the dark.
2. If Peter ________ (be) braver, he ____________ (not/feel) frightened of thunder
and lightning.
3. If Robert _____________ (not/spend) so much time playing video games, he
_______________ (get) better grades at school.
4. If James _______ (eat) healthier food, he _______________ (not/be) ill so often.
5. If he __________ (not/be) ill so often, he ____________ (not/miss) so many classes.
6. If his parents _____________ (not/allow) him to drink so much coke, he
________________ (sleep) much better.
7. If James ____________ (sleep) better at night, he ______________ (start) his day
with more energy.
8. If he __________ (start) his day with more energy, he ______________ (do) many
more things.
9. If Rose ___________ (practice) a sport, she _______________ (keep) fit and healthy.
10. If she ___________ (keep) fit and healthy, she _____________ (feel) more

2. Choose the best option to complete the sentences in Second Conditional.

1. I would go on a diet ____________________________________________
a) if the doctor told me to do so. b) If I didn’t have to.

2. If Jane earned enough money, ___________________________________

a) she’d buy a new apartment. b) She couldn’t buy an apartment.

3. The teacher would explain the lesson again _________________________

a) if the students understood it. b) If the students didn’t understand it.

4. If I were you, __________________________________________________

a) I wouldn’t smoke so much. b) I wouldn’t give up smoking

5. What would you eat ___________________________________________

a) if you could choose anything in the world b) If you would choose anything in
the world

3. Choose the best option to complete the Wish in the Present.

1. Our apartment is very small. I wish _________________________
a) it would be bigger. b) it was bigger. c) both are possible
2. I have to work tomorrow. I wish __________________________
a) I didn't have to work tomorrow. b) I wouldn't have to work tomorrow.

3. I have a boring job. _____________________________________

a) I wish I didn't have a boring job. b) I wish I wouldn't have a boring job.

4. The neighbors are playing loud music now. _________________________

a) I wish they would stop. b) I wish they didn't play loud music.
c) I wish they weren't playing loud music.

5. The neighbors play loud music. ___________________________________

a) I wish they would stop. b) I wish they didn't play loud music.

4. Complete each WISH in the Present by filling in the blank space.

1. It's cold. I wish it ___________ warmer
2. It's cold. I wish it ___________get warmer
3. My brother hasn't got a job. I wish he _____________ a job
4. My brother hasn't got a job. I wish he _____________ find a job
5. It's raining. I wish it _________ raining.
6. I don't know where my wallet is. I wish I ________ where my wallet was.

5. Circle the best option to complete these sentences with the correct form of
Reported Speech.
1. "I live with my family." She said she ___.
a) lived with her family b) living with her family c) have lived with her family

2. "I don't like vegetables." He told me he ___.

a) do like vegetables b) didn't like vegetables c) don't like vegetables

3. "I'm doing my homework." She told me she ___.

a) was doing her homework b) had homeworked c) was done her homeworked

4. "I've seen that film." He said he ___.

a) had seen that film b) have seen that film c) had saw that film
d) had been seen that film

5. "I haven't been to Turkey." She said she ___.

a) hadn't to Turkey b) hadn't been to Turkey c) hadn't being to Turkey
d) hadn't have been to Turkey

6. "I enjoy playing tennis." He told me he ___.

a) enjoying playing tennis b) enjoyed played tennis c) enjoy played tennis
d) enjoyed playing tennis

7. "I arrived at 10:30." She told me she ___.

a) has arrived at 10:30 b) have arrived at 10:30 c) had arrived at 10:30
d) had arrive at 10:30
8. "I will remember." He said he ___.
a) had remembered b) would remember c) would remembered
d) would been remember

6. Combine two sentences together to make one sentence. Put the adjective clause
after the noun that it describes. You can use "who" or "that" to put the clauses
Example: The student is a very nice person. / She comes from Japan.
The student who comes from Japan is a very nice person.

1. We sent a package to our relatives. They live in Iowa.

2. The woman works as a cashier. She sits next to me in class.
3. That's the book. Everyone is reading it.
4. We bought some trees. Our neighbor told us they were on sale.
5. The car has a bad engine. I bought it last month.
6. I lived in an apartment building. It had a very slow elevator.

7. Put the following sentences into Passive Voice. (Present Progressive Passive)
1. The cat is tearing the new book.
2. Is the agent chasing the criminal?
3. We are collecting the donations at the moment.
4. They are washing my car now.
5. Mr. Barber is handing out the exam papers.
8. Rewrite the sentences in Passive Voice. (Present Perfect Passive)
1. I have eaten a hamburger.
2. We have cycled five miles.
3. I have opened the present.
4. They have not read the book.
5. You have not sent the parcel.
9. Rewrite the sentences in Passive Voice (Present Perfect or Present Progressive
1. Is she preparing the party?
2. They have not caught the thieves.
3. Have they noticed us?
4. Farmer Joe is milking the cows.
5. She is taking a picture of him.
6. Has she phoned him?
7. I am writing a poem.
8. He is not wearing a tie.

10. Change the direct question into an indirect question.

1. Why did she cry? - I don't really know _____________________________________
2. Does she speak Greek? - I will ask her _____________________________________
3. Where is Joe? - I have no idea ___________________________________________
4. Is he all right? - I do not know ___________________________________________
5. What’s his name? I have no idea _________________________________________
6. Where did you buy this dress? I can’t remember ____________________________
7. When will he come to see us? I don’t know ________________________________
8. Why is she in such a bad mood today? I cannot tell you _______________________

11. Circle the correct Negative Question.

1. Which negative question is formed correctly?
a) Didn't you finish your homework? b) You didn't finish your homework?
c) Your homework why you didn't finish it? d) Why you did finish not your homework?

2. Which negative question is formed correctly?

a) Don't like you donuts? b) Why you don't like donuts?
c) Don't you like donuts? d) Why donuts don't like you?

3. Which negative question form is correct?

a) Isn't computers amazing! b) Computers aren't amazing!
c) Aren't computers amazing! d) Why are computers amazing?

12. Complete the sentences with one of the following words or verbs.
cope with freight fuel board fare pedestrians ban
1. The city has ___________ smoking in all public buildings.
2. We must find a gas station soon. We’re running out of __________
3. I need some coins for the bus _________
4. John quit his job; he couldn’t _________ with the pressure and the stress.
5. Could you ask the airline agent when are we going to __________ the plane?
6. The small ships which sail up and down the coast take some passengers, but their
main business is carrying ________ to coastal communities.
7. Within the city's lines the river is crossed by two bridges (to Manchester) for vehicles
and ____________, and three railway bridges.

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