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wat we8B SUBMITTED BY: Batemanfarms, Print ADDRESS: _1819. Lafayette__ ae eee City Zip Code PHONE NO: (Home) uJ. SS PHONE NO: (Cell) __303-594-0126 MANAGEMENT PERIOD: March 2017 through December 2019. My rent bid shall be $_55.00, per acre, due and payable on or before Dec. 15th_M2@. , ____, each year this agreement is in effect. oR My rent shall be based on production at $. per ton of hay and $ per AUM due and payable on or before each year this agreement is in effect, “Keith Bateman [aa PT? Signature Date THE CITY OF BOULDER RETAINS THE ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS. Please provide answers to the following questions. Attach additional pages as needed. If you prefer not to use this form, be sure to refer to the question number for each of your responses. 1. Describe the operation you intend to manage on the properly. Please include details of grazing rotation, irrigation, pest and nutrient management, etc. This bid is for both the spicer and the webb properties. Since they are so close most answers are the same. except for the residence and outbuildings. On the Webb property a smalll future garden or orchard running off the exsisting well could be a good use for this area. The sandstone is fairly close to the top in areas, that is why | think we shoud start small fo see if it will work. Alll of this is with staffs approval. I would leave the exsisting grass alfalfa mix stand. Haying it and using the hay for our market farm 7th Generation Farm. We sell whole, half, quarter and by the package (pound) beef at our farmstand and local farmer markets. The latest partnerships is with a local food truck serving our beef, lamb, goat and pork. We have both grass fed and grain fed beef. I would like to include the house on spicers, as the market farm gets busier employment and housing that employees can afford can be an issue. | do have a relative that currently is working at the farmstand and would be a good fit for the house. She is a single parent. The shed can be utilized for calving for a few heifers that the employee can watch. | would work with staff to make sure the house, future coral, hay feilds, gated pipe, fences are not mis-used and to improve the property both in production and apperance. Grazing would usually occur after haying is done more in the fall. The water is limited for this farm but | do have experiance with other ditches that are junior to the Marshelville, The Davidson, Goodhue, comunity, S.Boulder ext.-Coal creek. Ihave farms currently under these ditches.. With the short season water you must be ready when the ditch starts to run, checking and making sets as the water gets across the farm. That would be another benefit to having the house, someone on hand to check and change the water. | soil test every year to help determine what and how much ferlilizer to apply. Over and improper application can lead to leaching and violotisation, Cutting timing would depend on weather, staff recomendations, and the inigation season. Grazing wold happen only if there is enough affer math and with the approvel of staff. Pests with the hay crop should not be an issue. With the use of the corrall in the fall and winter cleaning it out as needed should keep the neighbors happy. | do have farms backing to sub-divisions and strive to be a good neighbor. 2. Ifyou are currently involved in other agricultural enterprises, briefly describe the operation(s). Please include general location. I'm 5th generation in Boulder County my son Cory who works with me and hopes to take the farm over oneday is the 4th. His kids are the 7th, that is where the name came from for the market farm. | grew up on a farm on Baseline rd. west of Lafayette, starting my own operation when I was 16 sfill in High School. We have a very diverse operation it might be the most diverse in the area. We have alfalfa, grass hay grass- alfalfa mix, corn, wheat, barly oats, a small market farm named 7th Generation Farm on Boulder County, City of Louisville, and Lafayette open space. Vegetables, pumkins, sweet corn etc. at the market farm. We have farms with all different soll types. Irrigation water from full season to limited as on this farm. Most are in the Lafayette Louisville area.

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