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Name: Light Root Community Farm, LLC Cameron Genter and Daphne Kingsley (owners/operators) Email: a hn Address: 7945 N. Foothills Hwy. Boulder, co 8302 Phone: 316-640-0151 2. Proposed Operation for the Aweida property: The 34 acres of dryland alfalfa and sainfoin will be managed as an organic hay crop. We utilize draft horse power to make hay, with two working teams of draft horses that will mow and rake the hay. We will hire out a custom baler to bale the hay into small squares and/or large round bales. Hay crop will all be utilized on our farm as feed for our dairy cows. 3. Describe practices that conserve soil, water, and other resources: Water conservation practices for this property will include leaving enough residual stubble after cropping the field for winter snow catching, which will help this property because it is not irrigated. Soil conservation and soil building practices will include spreading composted manure from our small dairy operation periodically and bringing in other organic fertility inputs as needed (ie. mineral amendments). 4. Describe your proposed crop production (crops raised, tillage, irrigation): According to past management on this dryland field, we anticipate approximately 2 cuttings of hay from the property, with a possible 3rd cutting on a portion of the east end of the alfalfa field where there is more subirrigation available. Due to the presence of alfalfa weevils in this field, we will aim to take an early first cutting to knock back the weevil habitat and mitigate damage to the second crop. 5. Describe how and where you will market the products grown on the property: All of the hay crop from the Aweida property will be utilized on our farm, Light Root Community Farm, to support our grass-fed dairy operation. 6. Describe any kind of infrastructure improvements that you envision for the property: Because the Aweida property is only a hayfield, we do not envision any infrastructure improvements for this property. 7. Current Farm Operation and Location: Light Root Community Farm is located 4 miles north of Boulder off Hwy 36 (7945 N. Foothills hwy), on about 1@ leased acres. We lease an additional 16 acres of hayland 2 miles north, as well as the 44 acre Berman Brothers property from OSMP off Niwot road, for a total of 70 leased acres. Currently Light Root Community Farm consists of a small 12 cow grass-based dairy (+ young stock), a flock of 10@ pastured laying hens, a few grass-fed beef cows, and a % acre education garden for our farm education programs. We work with organic and biodynamic farming practices, but we are not currently certified. We utilize 4 Draft horses on the farm for hay making, manure/compost spreading, and all soil tillage. They provide a fossil-fuel free source of power for much of the farm work, (we hire out a custom hay baler and we use our own skid steer for manure management and compost making). The dairy operates like a CSA model, offering raw milk herd shares to the local community. Our herd share membership is currently capped at 14@ shares with a waiting list. Eggs and beef are sold to our CSA members as well, which we sell out of quickly with our current production. The farm education programs are run under our non profit organization, Living Earth Agriculture Foundation (LEAF). LEAF offers practical education programs for both kids and adults, providing hands-on inmersion experiences on a sustainable working farm. We work with local and regional schools and organizations to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for agriculture and nature. Light Root Community Farm has been in operation for just over 3 years in Boulder, CO. Our farm business is thriving with ample room for diversification and growth. Our Limiting factor is access to a large enough contiguous land base and our lack of good tillable soils to diversify the farm with some mixed vegetable crops. 8. How will the City of Boulder agricultural land you are proposing to lease, fit in with the rest of your operation? Light Root Community Farm currently buys in about 88 ton of grass and alfalfa hay annually to supplement the hay and pasture we produce from our existing leased acreage. Our CSA members want dairy from cows on an organic grass based diet, and it can be challenging to source good quality organic hay and alfalfa for our dairy herd. The 34 acre Aweida property would provide our operation with an additional source of hay that we would manage organically 9. Describe your agricultural background Cameron Genter and Daphne Kingsley trained for 3 years (1999 thru 201) as apprentices on Live Power Community Farm, a 40 acre biodynamic vegetable and Livestock farm in northern California. The farm utilized draft horse-power to produce vegetables for a 200 member CSA. Cameron and Daphne trained in all aspects of the farm, including soil tillage, diverse vegetable production and processing, irrigation systems, compost making and fertility management, anima husbandry, and CSA operations. Cameron specialized in managing the draft horse work on the farm. From 2002-2084 they continued their farm training on the east coast, where Cameron managed an organic market garden and small livestock farm in coastal Maine--Horsepower Farm, (also a draft horse powered farm). Cameron managed 4 acres of mixed vegetable production, ran weekly farmers markets, managed seasonal interns, and assisted with small livestock management (sheep, pigs, and egg and meat chickens). In 2005 they spent a winter in Vermont honing their dairy skills--Cameron worked as 2 herdsman on a small dairy farm, milking and caring for the dairy cows. Daphne delved into a farmstead cheesemaking internship at Cobb Hill Farm learning all aspects of artisan cheesemaking. In 2006 they moved to Wisconsin and begam their oun farming endeavors. They purchased 40 acres of farmland and designed and built a solar powered house and farmstead. They utilized all draft horse power on the farm, which included a grass-based micro dairy (6-8 cows), pastured pigs, chickens, and some vegetable production and small grain production. In late 2014 they moved their farm operation to Boulder, Colorado and established Light Root Community Farm (see current farm operation above). 10. List machinery and equipment needs for your planned operation on the property and how you will meet those needs: We have adequate horse drawn mowing and raking equipment and 2 teams of draft horses to do the work. We also have truck, trailer and skid loader to transport hay to home farm. Currently we hire out the baling to a custom baler, as that has been more cost effective than purchasing our own tractor and baling equipment. We will likely hire out custom baling for the next couple of years, but are looking at investing in our own baling equipment in the future. 11.Describe how you will meet the labor demands for the proposed operation. Are you involved in your agricultural enterprises on a full-time basis? Cameron and Daphne are both involved in the full time operation of Light Root Community Farm. Cameron also does some occasional contract work in organic farm certification and he is a part-time ditch rider on Table Mountain ditch April thru September. The off farm jobs currently supplement our families income. Our goal going forward is to eliminate Cameron’s off farm jobs by diversifying and increasing the farm income and producing more of our farm’s forage needs,thus reducing our feed expense. On our current operation we have one part time dairy employee, which we would like to expand to a full time position in 2018. We also usually take on a seasonal farm intern to help with farm labor in the busier summertime months. 12, Amount bid for the property, either cash rent or per ton of hay and/or AUM Our bid amount for the 34 acre dryland Aweida property is $40/acre for a total annual cash rent of $1,360. 13. Personal References: 1. Tra-Ling Tu (current farm landlord) 2. Erin Dreistadt (Co-owner/operator Of Aspen Moon Farm, Hygiene, CO.) 3. Gloria Decater (Farm mentor of Live Power Community Farm, Covelo, CA). email : Phone email: Phone: email: Phone: 720-352-1647 303-249-1583 707-983-8196 ‘Aweida, Swartz, IBM Agricultural Open Space Properties Failure to complete, sign and return this signature page with your proposal may be cause for rejection. ‘Contact information Response AT Kook Community Facm pe] meee meena Limited Liability Cone. Name and Titie of Person Authorized to Contract ‘with City of Boulder Daphne. Kingstey, UC Manager Tame and Tite of Peron Submitting BIE Dathne. Kingey Milkmaid ahae® gmrait.cond J491S_N: fedlhills buy, Bolder, CO. 3IL—GYo~ 018) Tonipany Wabste Lowio-lighttreot Farm Company Fax Number ‘Company Name including DBA L i Email Address for Person Submitting Bid Company Address Company Phone Number By signing below I certify that: 1am authorized to bid on my company’s behalf. 1am not currentiy an employee of City of Boulder. None of my employees or agents is currently an employee of City of Boulder. {am not related to any City of Boulder employee or Elected Offical lam note Public Employees’ Retirement Association (PERA) retiree. Btludégn AB “Signature of Pers jorized to Bid on Company's Behalf Date Note: If you cannot certify the above statements, please explain in a statement of explanation,

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