I - Runewords

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1h Weapons (melee & ranged)

Vampire (there also is a Vampire belt)

x% chance to cast Curse on hit (+x life when you hit the target)
x% chance to cast Blood Fury on attack
x% critical hit chance
x% crushing blow
x% chance to cause bleed
+x life per attack
x% resource burn

deal additional damage based on your Life per Second – you no longer benefit from LpS
+x-y arcane damage
+x-y poison damage
+x-y frost damage
ignores x% of targets resistances
x% area damage
x% crushing blow
x% resource burn on hit

periodically casts Lightnings at random enemies OR x% chance to cast Charged Bolts when hit
x% chance to cast Tornado on attack
x% chance to cast Volcano on kill
+x-y fire damage
+x-y frost damage
+x-y lightning damage

2h Weapons (melee & ranged)

??? (this one also works for bows)

increases your damage based on your movement speed
+3 to all skills
+x maximum damage
x% increased damage against elites
x life on kill
resource improved by x%

x% chance to cast Volcano on attack
periodically casts Meteor
periodically casts Pyroclastic Flow
+x-y fire damage
x% area damage
+x fire resistance
+x power
+x constitution
x% increased resource costs

x% chance to create a Mirror Image on hit
x% area damage
x% critical hit chance
+x power
+x agility
+x spirit
x% reduced cooldowns

x% chance to cast Mass Confusion when hit
+x-y arcane damage
ignores x% of targets resistances
x% area damage
x% movement spees
x% dodge chance
x% resource burn

+x-y fire damage
+x-y frost damage
+x-y lightning damage
x% increased weapon damage
ignores x% of all targets resistances
x% crushing blow
x% reduced resurce costs

1h Weapons (melee only)

x% chance to cast Heavenly Fury on attack
+2 to all skills
x% increased holy damage
x% area damage
+x life per point of resource spend

+x to Bloodlust (Barbarian Passive: bleeding enemies give attack speed)
x% chance to cast Rend on attack
x% chance to cast Frenzy on attack
x% increased damage
x% critical hit chance
chance to cause bleed

x% chance to cast Sprint on attack
x% increased attack speed
+x frost damage
+x physical damage
x% chance to knockback the target

x% chance to cast Witch Fire on attack
x% chance to cast Flamestrike when hit
+x-y fire damage
x% increased fire damage
x% area damage
x% increased attack speed
+x life per second
+x fire resistance

x% chance to cast Crucify on hit
x% chance to cast Shield of Blades when being hit
x% increased damage
x% increased attack speed
x% deadly strike
x% chance to cause bleed
x% increased movement speed

1% chance to cast Transcendence when you get hit
+x-y holy damage
x% area damage
x% increased damage against elites
ignores x% of targets resistances (all)
+x life
+x life per second

x% chance to emit a spike nova on attack that deals damage based on your thorns
+1-2 to ??? (Paladin trait that adds x% of your thorns to weapon damage)
+x maximum damage
x% area damage
x% chance to cause bleed
ignores x% of targets armor
+x life per kill
x% chance to taunt the target on attack
2h Weapons (melee only)

every 30 seconds for 3 seconds, all attacks you make stun enemies
+x maximum damage
+x% area damage
x% increased damage against enemies under the effect of a hard CC
x% chance to stun the target
+x life per kill

Honor (Barbarian only)

Call of the Ancients lasts until they die, but their damage & rune effects are reduced by 75%
+4-6 to all skills
ignores x% of targets armor
+x to might
+x to constitution
x% chance for crushing blow

periodically casts Rain of Corpses
x% chance to cast Corpse Explosion on attack
x% increased weapon damage
x% crushing blow
ignores x% of targets physical resistance

x% chance to cast Retribution on attack (MXL iron shard nova)
x% increased weapon damage
+x to all attributes
x% chance to cause bleed
x% chance to knockback
x% chance to overpower

x% chance to cast Horrify when hit
x% chance to cast Haunt on attack
+x-y frost damage
+x-y arcane damage
ignores x% of targets armor
x% crushing blow
x% area damage
x% resource burn

x% increased damage & burning duration on fire secondary effect
+5-8 to fire skills
x% increased fire damage
x% increased damage against elites
+x power
x% reduced resource costs
+x life per health globe


gain the base effect of the Vampire Aura
+x maximum damage
x% critical hit chance
+x power
+x life per hit
x% chance that missile pierces

gain the base effect of the Fanatism Aura (attack speed)
x% chance to cast Frenzy on attack
increases damage against enemies under a CC
+x to spirit
+x life per kill
x% chance to overpower

periodically raises skeletons from the ground, until you have x skeletons
x% chance to cause your skeleton warriors to explode when you attack
+x maximum damage
ignores x% of targets physical resistance
x% increased minion damage
+x to power
+x to constitution

x% chance to cast Heavenly Fury on kill
x% chance to cast Holy Bolt on hit
+3-6 to all skills
+x-y holy damage
x% increased weapon damage
x% crushing blow
x% resource burn per hit

x% chance to cast Tornado on kill
x% chance to cast Lightning Strike on hit
x% chance to cast Healing Rain when you get hit
+x to all skills
+x-y physical damage
+x-y frost damage
+x-y lightning damage
x% chance that missile pierces

Demon Hunter 1h Crossbows

hitting an enemy sometimes drops a Sentry, Caltrops or a Mine
+2 to archery skills
+2-3 to all skills
x% increased weapon damage
+x agility
+x life per kill
x% chance to root enemies on hit

x% chance to cast Vanish when you are hit
x% chance to cast Bent the Shadows on hit
+x-y shadow damage
x% area damage
+x agility
x% chance to pierce
x% increased movement speed

x% chance to cast Locust Swarm on hit
+x-y poison damage
ignores x% of targets poison resistance
x% critical hit chance
x% chance to cause bleed
x% dodge chance
x% chance to overpower
x% increased movement speed

Assassin Daggers

+1-2 to Envenom Blades [passive skill]
+1-2 to Master Poisoner [passive skill]
x% increased poison damage
ignores x% of targets poison resistance
+x life per attack
+x poison resistance

x% chance on attack to summon a shadow that attacks enemies
+x-y shadow damage
x% area damage
x% critical hit chance
ignores x% of targets armor
+x spirit

Druid Staves

summon a fire elemental to your side
x% chance to cast Volcano on kill
x% chance to cast Avalance (Pyroclastic Flow) when you are hit
x% increased fire damage
x% area damage
+x power
+x life per attack
+x life per kill

summon a frost elemental to your side
x% chance to cast Blizzard on kill
+x-y to all skills
ignores x% of targets armor
ignores x% of targets frost resistance
+x constitution

summon a stone (physical) elemental to your side
x% chance to cast Earthquake on kill
x% chance to cast Stone Skin when you get hit
x% increased physical damage
x% crushing blow
+x physical resistance
x% chance to overpower
x% reduced resource costs

summon a lightning elemental to your side
periodically strikes a random enemy with a lighting
+5 to all skills
+x-y lightning damage
ignores x% of targets lightning resistance
x% increased damage against CC'ed enemies
+x agility
x% dodge chance
Monk 2h Battle Staves

x% chance to cast Inner Sanctuary when you get attacked
+x-y arcane damage
ignores x% of targets resistances
+x to agility
x% reduced resource costs
+x% resource burn on hit

Necromancer Bone Wands & Scythes

x% chance to cast Bone Spirit on hit
+x maximum damage
+x-y frost damage
x% increased damage against elites
x% deadly strike

Necromancer 2h Staves

Command Skeletons gains the effect of the Skeleton Archer rune
+x maximum skeletons on Command Skeletons
+4-6 to all skills
x% increased minion damage
x% increased weapon damage
+x to all attributes
x% reduced damage taken
+x physical resistance

Paladin Shields

when falling below x% life, x angels crush from above to aid you in battle – only once all x seconds
when you fall below x% life, automatically casts Holy Armor – only once all x seconds
+2-3 to all skills
+x% block chance
x% reduced damage taken from elites
+x spirit
+x life per second

+x to Critical Blocks (Crusader Passive)
+x to Shieldmaster (Crusader Passive)
x% increased block chance
+x to all attributes
x% chance to stun enemies whose attacks you blocked
x% reduced damage taken from ranged attacks

x% chance to cast Immolation ...
x% chance to cast Metamorphosis ...


Wizard 1h Warp Blades

chance to cast Diamond Skin on attack/when hit???
+2 to all skills
+x-y physical damage
+x armor
x% chance to parry
+x to all attributes

Enyo (Enyo = Melee Wargoddes)

x% chance to cast Bladestorm on hit
+x-y lightning damage
+x-y fire damage
x% increased damage against elites
x% crushing blow
x% chance to overpower

Wizard Wands

periodically creates a [element] Hydra (based on gem socketed)
ignores x% of targets enemies fire/cold/lightning/... (based on gem socketed)
+2 to all skills
+x to maximum damage
+x to all resistances
x% reduces resource costs

taking damage restores x% of your primary resource
+2 to all skills
x% increased damage
x% reduced damage taken
x% reduced damage from elites
+x constitution
+x life per second

+5 to all skills
+x to all attributes
x% increased damage
+x armor
x% diminished resource

you no longer take increased damage from critical hits
x% increased damage
+x armor
+x thorns
+x physical resistance
+x poison resistance
x% reduced movement speed

makes you able to walk through enemies
+2 to all skills
+x frost resistance
x% reduced damage taken from ranged attacks
x% CC resistance
x% improved buffs

x% chance to cast Healing Rain when hit
+3 to all skills
+x spirit
+x life
+x lightning resistance
+x poison resistance
x% reduced cooldowns
x% increased movement speed

increases all atttributes by x%
+2 to all skills
+x to all attributes
+x to all resistances
+x armor
+x life

Frost Armor skill while equipped & x% chance on attack to trigger its active effect
+x armor


x% chance to cast Weaken on attack (increases your damage taken by x%)
x% crushing blow
x% increased damage against elites
x% CC resistance
+x power
+x agility
+x spirit

gain x% of your poison resistance as additional poison damage
ignores x% of targets poison resistance
+x poison resistance
+x armor
+x life per attack

+3-5 to Warcry (Barbarian skill)
+x to might
+x to spirit
+x to cold resistance
+x life
x% reduced duration of control impairing effects

x% chance to cast Pentagram when you kill an enemy
+x-y arcane damage
+x fire resistance
x% increased chance that a health globe drops
x% reduced resource costs
x% increased buff duration

x% chance to cast Sprint on kill
+x agility
x% dodge chance
x% increased movement speed
x% reduced cooldowns
x% increased shrine and pylon duration

your abilities have a x% chance to not trigger the cooldown when used
+x to all resistances
x% dodge chance
+x spirit
+x life per second
x% reduced resource costs
x% increased buff duration

Vampire (there also is a Vampire weapon)

gain the Vampire Aura (gives you and everyone else +x life per attack) when equipped
x% chance to cast Blood Fury on attack
x% chance to cause bleed
+x physical damage
+x arcane resistance
x% increased chance that a health globe drops
x% resource burn on hit
-x fire resistance

your abilities have a x% chance to not trigger the cooldown when used
+2 to all skills
+x to all resistances
x% dodge chance
+x spirit
x% reduced resource costs
x% increased buff duration

for every minion that you have, increases all your attributes by x%
+1 to all skills
x% increased minion damage
+x armor
x% reduced damage taken from elites
+x to all attributes
+x thorns

all x seconds, cast a random buff (that has a base cooldown lower than x seconds)

periodically casts Petrifraction (turns enemies into stone/stun)
x% chance to cast Mass Confusion when hit


x% chance to cast Ignore Pain when hit
35% reduced damage taken
+x physical resistance
+x armor
+x might
x% reduced duration of control impairing effects
health globe bonus

x% chance to cast Fireball (Flamefront) on block
+2 to all skills
+x-y fire damage
x% reduced damage taken from elites
+x fire resistance
+x physical resistance
+x poison resistance
+x thorns

x% increased fire resistance
+x spirit
+x to all resistances
x% reduced damage from ranged attacks
+x life
+x life per second
+x life per health globe

x% chance to an attack does no damage to you and instead heals you for the amount it damaged you
x% reduced damage taken from elites
+x physical resistance
+x frost resistance
+x arcane resistance
+x life per second
+x life when you are hit
x% CC resistance

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