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œúÌ·þ¥Ìâ FâòtÌ¥Ìâ #̘Ì:** Pranaamams to the
Summit and the
August Participants

December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 1

Hyderabad Astrology Summit

Chandra as Chronometer
Chandra as Dasha Calculator

December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 2

Hyderabad Astrology Summit

Sequence of presentation


Chandra as a chronometer
Transit through the zodiac

Chandra as a Dasha indicator

Transit through a Nakshatra

Quantisation of birth time

Rectification of birth time

Understanding the concept of Dasha period

December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 3

Hyderabad Astrology Summit

Quantisation of birth time
Role of Chandra as chronometer

The term “Nakshatra” refers to a segment of

the zodiac covering an arc of 13°-20’. The
zodiac of 360° is thus made up of 27
Nakshatras, viz., 27x13°-20’ = 360°, making a
full circle.

The presence of Chandra (the Moon), the

fastest moving body of the planetary entities in
each of these Nakshatras is one of the
important parameters in Oriental astrology.

Chandra is thus the long needle of the zodiac

clock given by Nature.
December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 4
Hyderabad Astrology Summit
 1 lunar cycle
consists of 27
1 year equals
360 days

 360 days equal

13 lunar cycles
+ 9 Nakshatras
Long needle 27 x 13 = 351 +
9 = 360
Time needle
Each Nakshatra
occupies 130-20‘
of arc, 27
Nakshatras cover
one zodiac circle
December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 5
Hyderabad Astrology Summit

Quantisation of birth time
Chandra as Dasha indicator - 1
Assumption: A birth occurs during the transit of
Chandra in Krithika Nakshatra (00-0‘) (Ravi Maha
Dasha of 6 years)
6 years represent whole of 13°-20‘ = 800‘ arc in the
zodiac belonging to Krithika Nakshatra
(260 ♈ 40‘ to 100 ♉ 00‘)
800‘ of arc is equal to 6 x 360 (days) = 2160
This equals 2160/27 = 80 Lunar cycles
800‘ of arc distance is covered in 80 lunar cycles
December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 6
Hyderabad Astrology Summit

Quantisation of birth time
Chandra as Dasha indicator - 2

We can thus visualise a clock with two needles

One long needle representing the daily

movement of Chandra (time needle) to
complete the lunar cycles (in the above case
80 cycles)

Another, short one, again representing Chandra,

covering the 800' arc (arc needle) distance
in the zodiac
December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 7
Hyderabad Astrology Summit

Quantisation of birth time

Chandra as Dasha indicator - 3

The short needle (arc needle) covers 800′ in 80

lunar cycles
For every lunar cycle the arc needle advances by
10′ (800′/80 lunar cycles) of the zodiac arc
In every lunar cycle, Chandra´s long needle (time
needle) transits through all 27 Nakshatras.
For each Nakshatra transited by the time needle,
only 10′/27 = 22.222” of arc is travelled by the
arc needle.
December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 8
Hyderabad Astrology Summit

7y 20y 800‘ arc
Ke Su equals
17y Dasha
Bu Ra 6y
Arc needle periods!

For a given
Dasha period,
19y Ch the arc
Each arm 10y distance
measures 800' travelled by
arc needle per
Gu Ku
lunar cycle
16y 7y
Rh will be
18y different !
December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 9
Hyderabad Astrology Summit

Quantisation of birth time
Salient points with respect to example taken (Ravi Maha

For 800‘ of 6 y, the arc needle will traverse Ravi

Nakshatra only
During that period, the time needle completes 80 lunar
During every lunar cycle, the arc needle
traverses 10‘ arc distance
During every lunar cycle, time needle once
passes through Krithika Nakshatra
Both the needles will be overlapping for 22.2222” arc.
Birth in Krithika Nakshatra occurs during that overlapping
period only
December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 10
Hyderabad Astrology Summit

Quantisation of birth time
When both the needles are exactly at Krithika 0°,
whole of Ravi Dasha Period of 6 years is
Any birth in Krithika Nakshatra is possible only
when the arc needle is in between 0° and 22.222”
After 22.222”, the time needle would have entered
into another Nakshatra’s domain.
Birth in Krithika is not possible for another 27
days (or after 27 Nakshatras are travelled
through) till the arc needle is in between 10’ and
10’-22.222”, during which time both the needles
conjunct again in Krithika Nakshatra.
December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 11
Hyderabad Astrology Summit

Quantisation of birth time

Thus birth in Krithika Nakshatra occurs at

intervals of 10´ arc (every 27 days) starting from
00 (26 ♈ 40 to 10 ♉ 00) Krithika for 22.2222"
duration during which time both the needles (time
and arc needles) will be overlapping.
This continues until the 800´ arc of Krithika
Nakshatra is consumed.
Any other number would not just fit into the
scheme since the long needle would be elsewhere.
Thus quantisation of birth time occurs.

December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 12

Hyderabad Astrology Summit

How to realise this quantisation of birth time ?
It is clear that quantisation of birth time is based
on Chandra’s time keeping (time needle and arc
What we have from a birth chart is time and
Chandra’s longitude.
So a reverse calculation is carried out to arrive at
the correct birth time.
From given birth day, time and place, the
longitude of Chandra at birth time is arrived at
and the Nakshatra of the Birthday is then found

December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 13

Hyderabad Astrology Summit

Rectification of birth time

1. Express this longitude of Chandra as the elapsed

arc minutes representing the Nakshatra of the day
(similar to the method we use to arrive at the
elapsed Dasha period).
2. Convert this into Lunar cycles and adjust the
value to the nearest whole number giving the
completed Lunar cycle.
3. From this calculate the corresponding longitude
of Chandra.
4. We get the correct longitude of Chandra.
5. Then adjust the birth time to get this longitude.

December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 14

Hyderabad Astrology Summit

Correcting the birth time

The horoscope thus obtained is

then subjected to critical
analysis by correlating it to the
events in the life of that

December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 15

Hyderabad Astrology Summit

Computer Programme
A computer programme was written for correcting the
longitude of Chandra and from that the birth time.
Any birth time given is corrected so that the
consumed Dasha Period in days is a multiple of 27.
Subsequent Dasha and Antardasha Periods are
calculated based on Nakshatras. Our computer
program gives the Dasha, Antardasha, and Vidasha
Periods based on this Nakshatra Paddhati.
For correct analysis it is advisable to go up to Prana
Dasha Periods.
So, for astrological comprehension, one should not
ignore these all-important smaller Dashas.
December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 16
Hyderabad Astrology Summit

Planet Dasha No. of lunar Arc Arc
Years cycles length/cycle length/Nakshatra
Ravi 6 (800´) 80 10´ 22.22222˝
Chandra 10 (800‘) 133.333334 6´ 13.33333˝
Kuja 7 (800´) 93.3333334 8.5714´ 19.04762˝
Rahu 18 (800´) 240 3.3333´ 7.40741˝
Guru 16 (800´) 213.333334 3.75´ 8.33333˝
Sani 19 (800´) 253.333334 3.1579´ 7.01754˝
Budha 17 (800´) 226.666667 3.5294´ 7.84314˝
Ketu 7 (800´) 93.3333334 8.5714´ 19.04762˝
Sukra 20 (800´) 266.666667 3´ 6.66666˝

December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 17

Hyderabad Astrology Summit

Example 1
Chandra´s Longitude = 20  7´ (Krithika 2 padam)
Elapsed arc minutes from Krithika 00 = 327´
For Ravi Maha dasha, 800´ (130-20´) correspond to
80 lunar cycles and each lunar cycle = 10´
Completed lunar cycles at the time of birth =
327/10 = 32.7
Nearest whole lunar cycle = 33
Hence the difference = 33 – 32.7 = 0.3 cycle = 0.3
x 10 = 3´
Corrected Chandra´s longitude = 20  10´

December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 18

Hyderabad Astrology Summit

Example 2
Chandra´s Longitude = 40  21´(Aswini 2 padam)
Ketu Maha dasha is running
Elapsed arc minutes from Aswini 00 = 261´
For Ketu Maha dasha, 800´ (130-20´) correspond to
93.3333334 lunar cycles and each lunar cycle = 8.5714´
Completed lunar cycles at the time of birth = 261/ 8.5714 =
Nearest whole lunar cycle = 30
Hence the difference = 30 – 30.4501015 = - 0.4501015 cycle
= - 0.4501015 x 8.5714 = - 4´
Corrected Chandra´s longitude = 40  17´
December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 19
Hyderabad Astrology Summit

Chandra´s Lord No. of Nearest Difference and (arc
position completed full cycle equivalent), Chandra
lunar cycles longitude
27 Ravi 32.7 33 0.3 (3´) 2  10

5 Chandra 70.833333 71 0.16667 (1´) 17

3 56 Kuja 69.5336 70 0.4664 (4) 4 00

18  10 Rahu 206.999999 207 0.0000 (0) 18  10

1  16 Guru 180.2666667 180 - 0.266667 (-1) 1  15

14  23 Sani 209.94966 210 0.0503499 (10") 14  23-10

19  55 Budha 55.2502 55 - 0.25 (- 1) 19  54

4  21 Ketu 30.4501 30 - 0.4501 (- 4) 4  17

20  12 Sukra 102.6666 103 0.333334 (1) 20  13

December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 20

Hyderabad Astrology Summit
 Interesting observations
3 Groups of Planets
Planet Arc Arc length /
Maximum correction for
length/cycle Nakshatra Chandra longitude (±
Ravi 10´ 22.22222˝ 11.11111“) if birth occurs in
Ravi Maha Dasha (about ±
Kuja 8.5714´ 19.04762˝ 10 minutes for Ravi Dasha
Ketu 8.5714´ 19.04762˝ born natives)

Chandra 6´ 13.33333˝ Maximum correction for

Chandra longitude (±
Rahu 3.3333´ 7.40741˝ 6.66666“) if birth occurs in
Guru 3.75´ 8.33333˝ Chandra Maha Dasha
(about ±6 minutes for
Sani 3.1579´ 7.01754˝ Chandra Dasha born
Budha 3.5294´ 7.84314˝
Maximum correction for
Sukra 3´ 6.66666˝ Chandra longitude (±
3.33333“) if birth occurs in
Sukra Maha Dasha (about
±3 minutes for Sukra Dasha
December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar born natives 21
Hyderabad Astrology Summit

It would be interesting to see whether similar

observations / conclusions are drawn / arrived at
when birth time is corrected based on other
prevalent methods
Maximum birth correction of ≈10 min if birth
occurs during Ravi Maha Dasha
Maximum birth correction of ≈6 min if birth
occurs during Chandra Maha Dasha
Maximum birth correction of ≈3 min if birth
occurs during Sukra Maha Dasha

December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 22

Hyderabad Astrology Summit

Time needle

20 Y
7Y 6Y

17 Y 10 Y

19 Y 7Y

16 Y 18 Y
Arc needle

December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 23

Hyderabad Astrology Summit

Dasha Periods
The logic of time keeping by Chandra and the
rectification of birth time there from was
extended to calculation of starting and ending
days for Dasha periods
This is desirable to reduce the uncertainty in
arriving at the timing of events in the life of a
native based on the Dasha Paddhathi
The deviation from the expected starting day
and the day shown as of now based on Julian
calendar becomes substantial for long Dasha
periods (Guru, Budha, Rahu, Sani and Sukra)

December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 24

Hyderabad Astrology Summit

A - B MD-AD Start - end
108 -108 RA-RA Krithika 00-Krithika 0.66670
180 -162 RA-CH Krithika 0.66670-Uttarashadha 1.77780
126 -108 RA-KU Uttarashadha 1.77780-Uttara 2.55560
324 -324 RA-RH Uttara 2.55560-Uttara 4.55560
288 -270 RA-GU Uttara 4.55560-Krithika 6.33330
342 -324 RA-SA Krithika 6.33330-Uttarashadha 8.44440
306 -297 RA-BU Uttarashadha 8.44440-Krithika 10.3330
126 -108 RA-KE Krithika 10.3330-Uttarashadha 11.1110
360 -351 RA-SU Uttarashadha 11.1110-Rohini 0.000000
A = Total number of Nakshatras in the corresponding Dasha-
B = Number of Nakshatras in multiples of 27

December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 25

Hyderabad Astrology Summit

A - B MD-AD Start - end
300-297 CH-CH Rohini 00- Punarvasu 1.11110
210-189 CH-KU Punarvasu 1.11110 –Aswini 1.88890
540-540 CH-RH Aswini 1.88890 - Aswini 3.88890
480-459 CH-GU Aswini 3.88890 –Sravanam 5.66670
570-567 CH-SA Sravanam 5.66670-Purvabhadra 7.77770
510-486 CH-BU Purvabhadra 7.77770 –Sravanam 9.66670
210-189 CH-KE Sravanam 9.66670-Visakha 10. 44440
600-594 CH-SU Visakha 10.44440-Sravanam 12.66670
180-162 CH-RA Sravanam 12.66670-Chitta 0.000000
A = Total number of Nakshatras in the corresponding Dasha-
B = Number of Nakshatras in multiples of 27
December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 26
Hyderabad Astrology Summit

December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 27

Hyderabad Astrology Summit

Namaskarams to one and all

December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 28

Hyderabad Astrology Summit

Bhava Concept as we see (an example)
When a bhava is in the fourth quarter of Aslesha Nakshatra
towards the end of the Rasi Karkatakm, the planets in Simha Rasi
do not influence that bhava even if they are found in the first
quarter of Makha Nakshatra at the start of Simha Rasi.
(But according to Krishnamurthy Paddhati, these planets are
supposed to be in the bhava beginning at the fourth quarter of
Aslesha in Karkatakam)
If two bhavas are placed in the same Rasi, all the planets in that
Rasi have to work for both the bhavas.

December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 29

Hyderabad Astrology Summit

Suppose the lagna bhava is Mrigasira-3 and the 2nd bhava is
Punarvasu-3, then the lagna bhava extends backwards to
Mrigasira-1 in Vrishabha Rasi and the 2nd bhava extends up to
Punarvasu-4 of Karkatakam.
If the Nakshatras do not extend beyond a particular Rasi and a
bhava is placed in such Nakshatras, then the influence of that
bhava is limited only to that Rasi.

This is how we interpret the Bhava concept, which is quite

different from that of Sripati Paddhati or Krishnamurthy
Paddhati, both of which are in wide circulation.

December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 30

Hyderabad Astrology Summit

Accuracy of the horoscope is assessed by confirming
the main events that have already happened in the life
of the native after going through DBA (Dasa, Bhukti
and Antras)
If the events tally, the horoscope is correct, if the
events do not tally the horoscope requires " Birth Time
Rectification ".
Ruling Planets for birth rectification
Day Lord
Moon Sign Lord
Nakshatra Lord
Ascendant Lord : It is the lord of the Ascendant rising
at the time when the query for rectification of the
birth chart is put to the astrologer

December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 31

Hyderabad Astrology Summit

Step 1
Note down the time of the question and take
the degrees of the Ascendant.

Find the ruling planets at the time the query is

Third step involves casting of the horoscope
from the approximate time of birth provided by
the native.

December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 32

Hyderabad Astrology Summit

Step 4
Take the Table of Sign Lord, Nakshatra Lord &
Sub Lord from the annexure provided in this
Step 5
Now we have to arrive at the Ascendant,
Nakshatra & the Cuspal Sub lord from the ruling
planets arrived upon from the "Step 2".
Step 6
This step involves casting of horoscope by taking
down the degree of Ascendant arrived at by the
use of Step 5.
December 13, 2008 Karanam L. Ramakumar 33
Hyderabad Astrology Summit

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