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MECH 442 – Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Qatar University

6) Which component in the system is used to

College of Engineering shut off the flow electronically? and Where
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department is it located?
7) What is the device that is used to drop the
MECH 442 – Refrigeration and AC
pressure? and How that of the freezer differs
Dr. Samer Ahmed from that of the cooler?
Eng. Ahmed Mohamed 8) Why is the rotameter located at the liquid

Lab # 1: Refrigeration System region and not on the gaseous region of the

Lab report (Individual) due: system?

2 weeks from the experiment day @ 2:30 pm sharp 9) State at least FOUR changes that what will
happen if only the cooler was shutoff.
10) Using the data collected:
1- To get familiar with the working principles of a) Plot the P-h diagram for the whole system
a multi pressure system and the basic
components of a refrigeration unit. b) Plot the T-S diagram for the whole system
2- Calculate the COP of the system.
3- Calculate the efficiency of the compressor. c) Calculate the thermal output

d) Calculate the refrigerating capacity

Based on the Refrigeration System demonstrated
during the lab and the data collected, answer in e) Calculate the compression ratio
details (with References) the following:
f) Calculate the Carnot COP
1) What is the compressor type used? and
g) Calculate the COP of the system
What are its main characteristics?
2) What are the main characteristics of the h) Calculate the Performance factor

refrigerant used? and Why water is not

commonly used as a refrigerant? Useful relations and parameters:
3) What is the main purpose of the refrigerant
• Room temperature (T0) = 22 oc
receiver? and What can be modified in the
• Heat transfer coefficient (k) = 3.65 W/K
system to avoid using the receiver?
4) What could be the causes for the • Mass flow rate at the freezer =
compressor to work out of its operating
𝑘 (𝑇0 − 𝑇11 )
range? and How is it protected? ℎ7 − ℎ5
5) Which component is mainly used to
• Performance factor =
increase the coefficient of performance of 𝐶𝑂𝑃𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑜𝑡

the system? and Which type is it?

Spring 2018
MECH 442 – Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Qatar University

For the Lab Report:

A. Report Format

1. Cover page

2. Introduction (General then specific about this experiment)

3. Theory

4. Objective (Use you own words and add more than what is stated here)

5. Equipment and Experimental Procedure

6. Data collected

7. Observations and Question clarified after research

8. Assignments and discussion

9. Things/Components you still need to learn about it more.

10. Conclusion: what did you learn? experiment, and an overall summary

11. Creativity: Bonus will be given for adding something to the report that is extra or exceptional.

12. References

B. This lab report must be turned in a hard copy form to the Lab instructor or in the mail box. On the same day,

a soft copy must be submitted on Blackboard as well for plagiarism checking.

– End of the Instruction –

Spring 2018

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