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Advanced Writing with English in Use i Hugh Cory _ Oxford University Press 1996 Oxford Unversity Press, Walon treet, Oxford OX2 6OF Oxford New York Athens AucKand Bangkok Bombay CCatutta Cape Town Dares Salaam Dsty Forence Hong Kong Istanbul Keach! Kunis Lumour Macrae. Madrid Melbourne Mexico Cry Natebi Pars Singapore Tape Tokyo Toronto and eesociald compares in ‘erin tbacan (OXFORD and OXFORD ENGUSH fare trace mars of Oxtord Univers Press ISBN 0 19 453946 8 (© Oxford University Press 1996 Fst published 1986 No unauthorized photocopying AN ights reseed, No par ofthis pubicaton may be reproduced, stored na releval system, of ransmitted, in ay form or by ary rears. electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or ctherwise, ‘without the pie wren permission of Oxord Universty Pres. 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Printed in Hong Korg ‘Acknowledgements “The Publisher and author are grata to the University of Cambridge Loca Examinations Syndicate for passion to reoroduoe the assessment cera for CAE Paper 2 cn page 8 “The Pubshar and author are grate to those who have gien jermiasion o reproduce the folowing extracts and adaptations of ‘copyright mater: ‘The Fak of nla ard Charles Charaswart rom Tales of the Wiora'S by Ral Steadman Jonathan Cape 1990) Gotaway Car ropeoduood with permission, © Saatchi & Saatchi ‘Adverising Limited ‘tloves tha at reprocuced wih permission, © Fat Auto (UK) Lic ‘Advrtsement with kn permson of Stoves Faxes, Phones and Foregners, © Betish Telecommuricatons ple, by prison ‘Adapted trom The gt way to keep Rabests by Roy Ranson (1980) ‘Song fom the Forest by Sue Gator LA Rots Report by John LUchfls; The golden near tha sts oiter by Mavarne MacDonal ‘he sadist who destroyed me by anny Derwige and Raters fgged {down patos car, al produced courtesy of © Tho Independent ‘Short edracts ken fom Morocco, Alger and Tuna by Crowthar ‘4 Finlay, © Lonely Planet ‘Soft Centre in 2 Chocolate, © Reader's Digest, by permission Breaking Sto by Luke Jennings; Kies; Genesis, Eas Court by Adam ‘Sweeting; Doctor: Francs ames by George an Smith; How Metal Detector Works and How a Fre Extinguisher Wr, al taken from (© The Guaraan Mentors and Tormentors by Margaret Forster, source: The Olde ‘The Foots of he Bues by Samuel Charters, © Marion Boyars PPubleners Ltd Landon and New York nen? 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The author woul especialy ke to thank tho folowing for tel help and support my coleagues at Eurocentre Cambridge, notably annon vllame and Cla Anderson who ploted mater: my students at urocentre, wha were the motvaton fer this back and the source ot ‘many of ha ideas he stat of Newnham Language Cente, Cambriee, fnd the Camrige Academy, Gren, or tele hep in ploteg mater Annee Capel FeictyO'Dok and lst but not east, Rafiaela Bonacna Inrropuction Aims of the book This book has two objectives: 1 to prepare you for the CAE exam Paper 2 (Writing) land Paper 3 (English in Use). 2 te develop your practical writing skils to an advanced level “There is no conflict between these two objectives, because CAE writing tasks are as close to real-life situations as possible, and the examiners use real-ife criteria in assessing candidates’ work. Ifa piece Of writing would ‘do the job’ effectively in real life, it should algo satisty the examiners. Why combine Papers 2 and 3? For those unfamiliar with the CAE exam, it may seem. surprising that this book combines Paper 3 (the ‘grammar’ paper) as well as Paper 2 (the ‘writing’ paper) Infact, this combination is inevitable, given the many areas the two papers have in common. A characteristic Of the CAE exam is that grammar is tested in context. Paper 3 tests the abilty to use grammar in order to communicate, and focuses on many of the key areas of written communication — including register, cohesion, and even punctuation. ‘The Paper 3 exercises: * provide exam practice for Paper 3. «are integrated with the Paper 2 work, as controled practice in writing skils. + are models (well written, well organized, and usually about 250 words long), which may be referred to when doing the writing tasks that follow them. * demonstrate cifferent registers and explore different aspects of the theme of the Unit. * are usualy based on authentic texts, How the book is organized Part 1: the frst part of the book contains an introduction to CAE Papers 2 and 3, folowed by preiminary work on three key areas of writing skils at this level: style and register, cohesion, and punctuation. Its intended that this part of the book should be used for preparatory ‘work, remedial work, and reference. Part 2: Units 1-5 divide waiting into types (descriptions, instructions, narrative and argument), to develop the skills specific to each type. At the same time, each Unit looks at a variety of registers, to focus on the importance of the context and the purpose of a piece of writing, Part 3: Units 6-10 cover all the writing task types in the CAE Paper 2 sylabus, Task bank: a further selection of writing tasks, indexed to the appropriate units. Key: answers to all exercises and Paper 3 questions. Model answers to Paper 2 Section A tasks. Working through the book It is suggested that you work through Units 1-5 before {going on to Units 6-10, as each writing task in Units 6-10 practises skis that have been developed in one or more of the first five units. Nevertheless, as there is no progression through the book in terms of difficulty, and {as Units 1-5 also contain writing tasks in the style of the ‘exam, the Units may be taken in any order. Classroom work and self study ‘This book can be used in class, for self study, or for a combination of the two, In class Each Unit is divided into modules which can be taught in class in about 90 minutes (plus homework). Explanations, presentations and activites are folowed by Paper 3 exercises and either mini writing tasks or ful: scale Paper 2 tasks. Suggestions for pairwork are ‘sometimes included when an exercise would be more ‘enjoyably done with a partner; many other exercises can also be done in pairs and groups. For self-study Many features of the book make it especially useful for soff study: ‘the introductory units, with their thorough treatment of register, style, cohesion and punctuation. * the use of Paper 3 writing tasks as controlled writing practice, easily corrected with the key when working without a teacher. * the inclusion of mode! texts in the form of Paper S tasks, and the inclusion of model answers in the key. * the fact that it is self-contained: itis the student's book, the teacher's book and the key all in one. Non-exam use Because of the ‘real-life’ nature of the CAE writing syllabus and assessment criteria, this book can be used just as sucessfully as a general writing course at ‘advanced level focusing on practical writing tasks. Contents Part1 Writing sub-skills PaPERS 2 AND 3. STYLE AND REGISTER ‘COHESION linking words reference PUNCTUATION {ull stops, sentences, paragraphs ‘commas semicolons colons dashes hyphens Part2 Types of writing Unit | DESCRIPTION ‘making descriptions interesting desoribing pictures and objects describing products Unit 2 ACTION Instructions and directions advice processes and systems Unit 3 NARRATIVE narratives and connecting words biographical narratives newspaper stories Unit 4 GIVING YOUR OPINION argument reviews personal advice Unit 5 PEOPLE AND PLACES describing people describing places 12 19 20 26 29 29 34 35 36 38 39 44 48 49 5st 58 59 66 68 69 76 78 79 83 Part3 Task types Unit 6 FORMAL LETTERS letters of complaint: tact applying for jobs, courses and scholarships other formal letters Unit 7 INFORMAL LETTERS technical matters diplomacy and tact Unit 8 REPorTS information reports: people recommendation reports eye-witness and narrative reports Unir 9 ARTICLES AND REVIEWS openings and closings reviews Unit 10 PUBLIC INFORMATION, leaflets, brochures and information sheets tourism ‘TASK BANK Key 87 87 102 402 109 12 112 117 119 122 122 128 132 132. 135 140 147 / Papers 2 AND 3 1.0 Format “The writing paper is a two-hour paper in two parts, Section A and Section B. In each part, you are given a writing task of about 250 words, which can be of the | folowing types | Arles and reviews fora newspaper or magazine Unit (alo 1,23, 4,5) | Leaflets information sheets nics announcements Unit 10 (alo 1, 23,5) | Formal letters Unit 6 (also 2, 3, 4, 5) Infernal eters, personal notes, messages Unit 7 (also 23, 4.5) Reports Unit abo 12.3) Instructions and directions Unit 2 (also 6, 7) Section A (e.9. page 64-65) 1 In Section A, you have no choice of task. There is just one question that all candidates must answer. 2 In Section A, you need to read a lot before you can plan your waiting. The instructions for the task include information in the form of a number of texts from different sources, such as an advertisement or an extract from a letter. In Corder to complete the writing task in a satisfactory way, you must ‘process’ this information by selecting from it, summarizing it, or adapting it to suit the reader(s) you are writing for. 3 In Section A, you are sometimes asked to produce more than one piece of iting, for example a report (200 words) which you must send to a friend ‘accompanied by a note (60 words); the total number of words is stil 260 ‘words in all. This kind of question enables the examiners to see the difference between, for example, your formal and your informal writing, ‘Section B (see the Task bank on pages 140-144 for examples) offers a choice Of four aifferent tasks from which you must choose one. As in Section A, the instructions for the task give a clear idea of who you are writing for, and why. Timing Because of the amount of reading in Section A, and the time needed to process the information, you will probably need to spend longer on this section than on Section B, even though the two tasks are worth an equal number of marks, Marking criteria - what the examiners are loo! CAE Paper 2 uses @ marking system in wich very pece of wring f marked by atleast to examiners @ picoe of wring does not have to be perfect inorder to obtain ful marks ‘The examiners are not only interested in how many mistakes you make. in fact, they gue cleat for successful task achievement ar for accuracy and range ‘The Sovencrtora by whch wring is assessed in Paper 2, desorbed in the folowing exerci, al late io one or both of these perspectives. A que to how the oxainorsalocate marks is ven Inthe ark scheme afr the exercise. 19 for Paper 2 ‘The following criteria are used in the assessment of writing in Paper 2. range accuracy cohesion target reader content register ‘organization Which of the criteria match each of the explanations below? Write them in the spaces provided. (The examiners reduce this list to six by combining 4 and 6.) Have you written in the appropriate style ~ should. this task be written in a cold, precise style, or should your writing be entertaining? Does your writing have the right degree of formality or informality Are you too personal, or not personal enough? How many things did the task deseription ask you todo? Have you done all of them, and covered all the points raised? Is your writing interesting, informative or convincing, as appropriate? Have you included anything else that is appropriate, eg. a friendly greeting in a personal letter? Have you made a lot of mistakes in grammar, spelling or punctuation? Have you used voeabulary ina precise way? Do your mistakes make your writing difficult to understand? You can make a number of mistakes and still pass the writing paper, provided that your errors do not interfere with communication. Have you clearly indicated the connections between your ideas? between your sentences? between your paragraphs? Do you use linking words and phrases as appropriate? “Are the following all appropriate? the beginning of your piece of writing the ending the layout (eg, letter, note, leaflet) the order and use of paragraphs the use of tits, subtitles, headings ‘+ Would your writing be successful and effective in a reallife situation? + Would the company receiving this letter of complaint refund your money? ‘+ Would you be forgiven by the person receiving this letter of apology? ‘+ Would the magazine editor publish this article, and would anyone read it? * Do you have enough mastery of both vocabulary and grammar to accomplish the task? Or is your vocabulary too elementary, and your choice of grammar and sentence structure too simple and limited? > D> Use this list of questions when checking your writing!

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