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Cloze Tasks
Cloze procedure, fixed-ratio deletion (every seventh word)

Kijang is one of the place (1) in Bintan. It is located in (2) Bintan. It has
several places to visit. There are Mini Zoo, Kijang City Walk, Relief, LAM Building (Lembaga
Adat Melayu), Taman Kota, Masjid Raya Nurul Iman, Tanjak & Adipura Monument,
Community Center Building, and others. Some of these places are often visited by people like
from Kijang itself, Tanjungpinang, Tanjung Uban, and others. Mini Zoo is a bustling place and
frequented by Tanjungpinang people every holiday. In addition, visitors can also take photos
with cherry blossoms in the Taman Kota but it is only at certain times.

Cloze procedure, rational deletion (prepositions and conjunctions)

Kijang is one of the place names (3) Bintan. It is located in East Bintan. It has several
places to visit. There are Mini Zoo, Kijang City Walk, Relief, LAM Building (Lembaga Adat
Melayu), Masjid Raya Nurul Iman, Tanjak & Adipura Monument, Taman Kota, and Community
Center Building. Some of these places are often visited by people like from Kijang itself,
Tanjungpinang, Tanjung Uban, and etc. Mini Zoo is a bustling place and frequented by
Tanjungpinang people every holiday. In addition, visitors can also take photos with cherry
blossoms in the Taman Kota (4) it is only at certain times.

C-test procedure

Question for 5-6!

Kijang is one of the place names in Bintan. It is locat_ _ in East Bintan. It has several places to
visit. There are Mini Zoo, Kijang City Walk, Relief, LAM Building (Lembaga Adat Melayu),
Taman Kota, Masjid Raya Nurul Iman, Tanjak & Adipura Monument, Community Center
Building, and others. Some of these places are often visited by people like from Kijang itself,
Tanjungpinang, Tanjung Uban, and others. Mini Zoo is a bustling place and frequented by
Tanjungpinang pe_ _ _ _ every holiday. In addition, visitors can also take photos with cherry
blossoms in the Taman Kota but it is only at certain times.

Cloze-elide procedure
Question for 7-8!

Kijang is one of the place names in Bintan. It is located in East Bintan. It has several the places
to visit. There are Mini Zoo, Kijang City Walk, Relief, LAM Building (Lembaga Adat Melayu),
Taman Kota, Masjid Raya Nurul Iman, Tanjak & Adipura Monument, Community Center
Building, and others. Some of these places are often visited by people like from Kijang itself,
Tanjungpinang, Tanjung Uban, and others. Mini Zoo is a bustling place and frequented by
Tanjungpinang people every holiday. In addition, visitors can also take photos with a cherry
blossoms in the Taman Kota but it is only at certain times.

Impromptu Reading Plus Comprehension Questions

Reading comprehension passage (Phillips, 2001, pp. 421-422)

Last holiday, I and my family went to Jogjakarta. We stayed at Nugraha Hotel which is
not a long way from Malioboro.
On Friday, we went to the sanctuaries in Prambanan. There are three major sanctuaries,
the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu sanctuaries. They are truly stunning. We went by just
Brahmana and Syiwa sanctuaries, on the grounds that Wisnu sanctuary is being remodeled.
On Saturday morning, we went to Yogya Keraton. We spent around two hours there. In
the daytime, we had lunch. We eat typical food from Yogya like gudeg. Then, we also bought
snacks to ate at our next trip. At that point we proceeded with our trip to Borobudur. We touched
base there at four p.m. At 6 p.m. we heard the declaration that Borobudur entryway would be
closed. In the evening we left Jogjakarta by bus.

9) What kind of the text above?

A. Narrative C. Procedure
B. Descriptive D. Report

10) The word “trip” in the text has the same meaning as ….
A. Holiday C. Go
B. Vacation D. Journey

Short-Answer Tasks
Open-ended reading comprehension questions

Hospital is a licensed place where sick or injured people have medical treatment from
doctors or nurses. Hospital can be categorized into two major groups: general hospital and
specialized hospital. General hospital is a medical facility which is set up to treat any kind of
disease and injury. A general hospital is typically the major health care facility in its region.
Usually, it has a large number of beds for intensive care and long-term care; and specialized
facilities for surgery, plastic surgery, childbirth, and so forth. Specialized hospital, on the other
hand, is a hospital where patients of only certain diseases of injuries can have medical treatment.
Children hospital, for example, can only give medical treatment to children. Adult patients
cannot be well served there. Then, Obstetric hospital is the one specialized for pregnant women.

11) What is the main idea of this passage?

12) According to the passage, how many types of hospital are there?

Editing (Longer Texts)

Contextualized grammar editing tasks (Imao, 2001)

One day I went to Mini zoo with my friends. First, we saw birds. (13) Many species of birds,
there are old sister birds, owls, pigeons, and others. After that, we saw some deer. We also saw
many other fauna such as crocodiles, snakes, frogs, and fish. They all felt at home in the zoo.

Lastly, we saw various types of monkeys. We passed many happy hours at the zoo. (14) It was
pleased experience for all of us.


This question for 15-16.

Ordering Tasks
Sentence-ordering task

17) Put the following sentences in the correct order:

(A) the nose is like a westerner’s.

(B) besides, he has a prominent nose.
(C) he is tall and has curly hair.
(D) Sofian is my oldest brother.
(E) that’s why he always gets good marks.
(F) he is also diligent.

A. D-F-C-B-A-E C. D-F-E-A-B-C
B. D-A-B-C-F-E D. D-C-B-A-F-E
18) Put the following sentences in the correct order:

(1) I love him very much.

(2) My father is a laborer.
(3) he has short hair with thick mustache.
(4) he always keeps his body fit.
(5) he is tall and strong.
(6) he looks serious, but in fact he is humorous.

A. 2-1-3-4-5-6 C. 2-6-5-4-3-1
B. 2-5-4-3-6-1 D. 2-4-5-6-3-1

Information Transfer: Reading Charts, Maps, Graphs, Diagrams

Tasks for assessing interpretation of graphic information

19) Where is PDAM?

This is a diagram of the sales of language dictionary in four countries.

20) How much increase in sales of language dictionary in Indonesia on March?


Skimming Tasks
Skimming tasks

Raja Ali Haji Maritime University (UMRAH) is the first state university in Riau Islands
(KEPRI). It was established since 2007. It is located in a geographical position directly opposite
Malaysia and Singapore. It has two campus buildings in Dompak and Senggarang. It has 5
faculties. There are FKIP (Faculty of Teacher Training & Education), FEKON (Faculty of
Economics), FISIP (Faculty of Social & Political Sciences), FT (Faculty of Engineering), and
FIKP (Faculty of Marine Science & Fisheries). It also has facilities such as buses, libraries,
laboratories, Wi-Fi, and others.

21) What kind of this text?

22) What is the purpose of this text?

Summarizing and Responding

When I was kid, I felt out of my friend’s mango tree. At that time, my friends and I
wanted to eat mango in front of my friend’s house. The tree was very high. We could not climb it
because at that time we were little. They didn’t dare to climb the tree, so I dared myself to climb
it. I knew that I could not climb the tall tree. However, I want to show them that I was great.
Then I climbed the tree. Having reached the top, I started looking for fruit which I would take. I
saw my friends from the bottom praised me. “Great, you are awesome!” said one of my friends.
“Fetch the fruit!” begged my friend. Then I tried to reach the fruit. However, when I was about
to pick it up, the trunk where I stand broken. I felt from the tree. “Gubraaakk” My body crushed
the ground. I cried in pain. I see blood was coming out of my head. At that moment, I was
ushered by my friend to my home. They told my mother that I fell out of a mango tree. Then my
mother treated my wounds. Until now the wound is still seen in my arm. Every time I see it, I
remember my childhood that careless and love to be praised.

23) Write a summary of the text. You should include your understanding of the main idea and
supporting ideas.
24) Write an essay your opinion with information from the text and from your own experience.

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