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This report is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements

for the degree of Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours

Faculty of Electronic and Computer Engineering

Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka




Tajuk Projek : Sila tuliskan tajuk projek anda disini

Sesi Pengajian : 2010/2011

Saya NAMA PENUH DALAM HURUF BESAR mengaku membenarkan

laporan Projek Sarjana Muda ini disimpan di Perpustakaan dengan syarat-syarat
kegunaan seperti berikut:

1. Laporan adalah hakmilik Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka.

2. Perpustakaan dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian sahaja.
3. Perpustakaan dibenarkan membuat salinan laporan ini sebagai bahan
pertukaran antara institusi pengajian tinggi.
4. Sila tandakan ():

(Mengandungi maklumat yang berdarjah

keselamatan atau kepentingan Malaysia
seperti yang termaktub di dalam AKTA
(Mengandungi maklumat terhad yang
TERHAD* telah ditentukan oleh organisasi/badan di
mana penyelidikan dijalankan.

Disahkan oleh:


Alamat Tetap: Sila taip alamat


Tarikh : 01 Januari 2010 Tarikh : 01 Januari 2010

*CATATAN: Jika laporan ini SULIT atau TERHAD, sila lampirkan surat daripada pihak berkuasa/organisasi berkenaan
dengan menyatakan sekali tempoh laporan ini perlu dikelaskan sebagai SULIT atau TERHAD.

I declare that this report entitled “PSM Full Title” is the result of my own work except

for quotes as cited in the references.

Signature : …………………………………

Author : …………………………………

Date : …………………………………

I hereby declare that I have read this thesis and in my opinion this thesis is sufficient

in terms of scope and quality for the award of Bachelor of Electronic Engineering

with Honours.

Signature : …………………………………

Supervisor Name : …………………………………

Date : …………………………………

Click here to enter text.



Click here to enter text.



Click here to enter text.



(Please delete this part): Most research reports, dissertations or theses have their

subsection to convey appreciation to those who have been involved in the study.

Use Ack title for acknowledgement heading and for style TOC1.


Declaration i

Approval i

Dedication i

Abstract i

Abstrak ii

Acknowledgements iii

Table of Contents iv

List of Figures viii

List of Tables ix

List of Symbols and Abbreviations x

List of Appendices xi

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION (Heading 1, h1) 12

1.1 First Subtitle (heading 2, h2) 12

1.1.1 Second Subtitle (Heading3, h3) 12 Third subtitle (Heading4, h4) 13



2.1 First Subtitle (heading 2, h2) 15

2.1.1 Second Subtitle (Heading3, h3) 15 Third subtitle (Heading4, h4) 15





6.1 Report Writing Format 20

6.1.1 Paper Size 21

6.1.2 Page Margin 21

6.1.3 Page Numbering 21

6.1.4 Chapter and Sub-Chapter Numbering 22

6.1.5 Typing Format 22

6.1.6 Reference Format 23 Reference in text 23 List of References 23

6.1.7 Figure Format 25 Figure Captions 26

6.1.8 Tables 26 Tables Captions 26


6.1.9 Mathematics and Equations 26

6.1.10 Computer Print 27

6.1.11 Maximum Number of Pages 28

6.1.12 Compilation of PSM I Report 28

6.1.13 Compilation of PSM II Report 28

6.2 Report Content and Arrangement 28

6.2.1 PSM I & II Report Arrangement 28

6.2.2 Page Title 29

6.2.3 Report Status Confirmation Form 30

6.2.4 Dedication Page 30

6.2.5 Admission Page 30

6.2.6 Supervisor Confirmation Page 30

6.2.7 Acknowledgment Page 31

6.2.8 Abstract Page 31

6.2.9 Table of Contents Page 31

6.2.10 List of Table Page 31

6.2.11 List of Figure Page 31

6.2.12 List of Symbols/Abbreviations/Definition Page 31

6.2.13 List of Appendices Page 32

6.2.14 Text Contents 32


6.2.15 Reference Page 32

6.2.16 Appendices 32

6.3 Abstract and Contents of PSM Report 33

6.3.1 Abstract 33

6.3.2 Content of the Report 33 Introduction 33 Background Study 34 Methodology 35 Results and Discussions 35 Conclusion and Future Works 35

6.4 Digital PSM Report 36

6.4.1 Contents of Digital PSM Report 36 File summary 37 Full Text 37

6.4.2 Guidelines for Digital PSM Report Preparation 37

6.4.3 File Name Format 38


List of Publications and Papers Presented 41



(Please delete this part): This list contains the titles of figures, together with their

page numbers, which are listed in the text. For e.g., figures in Chapter 3 are numbered

sequentially: Figure 3.1, Figure 3.2.

For title of list tables use other title and TOC1 for style.

Figure 3.1: Example 17



(Please delete this part): This list contains the titles of tables, together with their

page numbers, which are listed in the text. The numbering system is according to

chapter, for e.g.: tables in Chapter 3 are numbered sequentially: Table 3.1, Table 3.2.

Table 2.1: Example 14



For examples:

CC : Central canal

DAB : 3,3’-diaminobenzidine

HRP : Horseradish peroxidase

MS222 : Tricaine methanesulfonate



Appendix A: Example


The body of the text should be typed with double spacing. Single-spacing is only

permitted in tables, long quotations, footnotes, citation and in the bibliography.

Beginning of the first line of each paragraph should have 0.5cm indentation.

1.1 First Subtitle (heading 2, h2)

First topic in each chapter should numbered with “chapter number”.1. Use Heading

2 or h2 for title and for table of content TOC3 must be used.

1.1.1 Second Subtitle (Heading3, h3)

For first subtopic in each chapter use Heading 3 or h3 for title and for table of

content TOC4 must be used

13 Third subtitle (Heading4, h4)

For second subtopic in each chapter use Heading 4 or h4 for title and for table of

content TOC5 must be used.




Tables are printed within the body of the text at the center of the frame and labeled

according to the chapter in which they appear. Thus, for example, tables in Chapter 2

are numbered sequentially: Table 2.1, Table 2.2.

The label should be placed above the table itself and has the following format:

Table 2.1: Short Title

If the table occupies more than one page, the continued table on the following page

should indicate that it is a continuation: for example: ‘Table 2.7 continued’. If the table

contains a citation, the source of the reference should be placed below the table.

Table 2.1: Example

Heading Heading
Test Text

To insert label above a table, click “Insert Caption” under the “References” tab and

select “Table” in the dropdown list. Click on “Numbering” and tick the “Include

chapter number” and select “period (.)” as separator. When done, click “Update Table”

to update the List of Tables.

The body of the text should be typed with double spacing. Single-spacing is only

permitted in tables, long quotations, footnotes, citation and in the bibliography.

Beginning of the first line of each paragraph should have 0.5cm indentation.

2.1 First Subtitle (heading 2, h2)

First topic in each chapter should numbered with “chapter number”.1. Use Heading

2 or h2 for title and for table of content TOC3 must be used.

2.1.1 Second Subtitle (Heading3, h3)

For first subtopic in each chapter use Heading 3 or h3 for title and for table of

content TOC4 must be used Third subtitle (Heading4, h4)

For second subtopic in each chapter use Heading 4 or h4 for title and for table of

content TOC5 must be used.



Figures, like tables are printed within the body of the text at the centre of the frame

and labelled according to the chapter in which they appear. Thus, for example, figures

in Chapter 3 are numbered sequentially: Figure 3.1, Figure 3.2.

Figures, unlike text or tables, contain graphs, illustrations or photographs and their

labels are placed at the bottom of the figure rather than at the top (using the same

format used for tables). If the figure occupies more than one page, the continued figure

on the following page should indicate that it is a continuation: for example: ‘Figure

3.7, continued’. If the figure contains a citation, the source of the reference should be

placed at the bottom, after the label.


To insert label below a figure, click “Insert Caption” under the “References” tab

and select “Figure” in the dropdown list. Click “Update Table” to update the List of


Figure 3.1: Example



For making numbered lists use “numbered lists style “and for bulleted list use

“Bullet list” style. For both of them you will have 1 cm indention.

Numbered list example

Bullet list example

For explanation under bullet or numbered list use “indent” style which start a

paragraph with 1.4 cm indention.

Do not change on Normal or text style because this is the base style for others so

any change will affect other styles as well.



For making numbered lists use “numbered lists style “and for bulleted list use

“Bullet list” style. For both of them you will have 1 cm indention.

Numbered list example

Bullet list example

For explanation under bullet or numbered list use “indent” style which start a

paragraph with 1.4 cm indention.

Do not change on Normal or text style because this is the base style for others so

any change will affect other styles as well.



(delete this whole chapter before submission)

6.1 Report Writing Format

This section explains the writing format for PSM I and PSM 2 in details. Students

will be exposed to the format that needs to be obeyed such as paper size, paper margin,

page numbering, chapter and sub-chapter numbering, reference format, table title

format, figure title format, typing format, computer print, maximum number or pages,

and compilation of PSM I and PSM II reports.

Students are encourage to have their report in English but allowed to use Bahasa

Malaysia with their supervisor’s consent.


6.1.1 Paper Size

All pages must be printed on 80 gram A4 sized (210mm×297mm) high quality

white paper.

6.1.2 Page Margin

All pages must have 4 cm at the left, 2.5 cm on the right with top and bottom shown

in Figure 6.1.

Figure 6.1 Page Margin

6.1.3 Page Numbering

Page number is located on the top right of the page, 1.25 cm from the top and 2.5

cm from the right of the last number of the page. The numbering format has to follow

these guideline:

a) The starting pages, Dedication, Approval, Dedication have no pages.


b) Page number for Abstract, Abstrak, Acknowledgements, Table of Contents,

List of Tables, List of Figures, and other list pages has to be in Roman (i, ii,

iii,). For the text, the page number is Arabic (1, 2, 3,).

c) No page number in chapter page

6.1.4 Chapter and Sub-Chapter Numbering

Every Chapter and Sub-chapter has to be numbered accordingly. All chapters

numbers must be in Roman (Chapter I, Chapter II, ...). For section and subsection

numbers should be in Arabic where the first number has to be from the chapter,

followed by the section number and subsection number. All students are advised to

not be having more than second subsection to avoid confusion. For example:

a) CHAPTER 1 for chapter title

b) 1.1 for section

c) 1.1.2 for subsection

d) for second subsection

6.1.5 Typing Format

The letter in the report has to be Times New Roman size 12. The distance between

each line is 2 lines. Chapter title has to be small cap and located in the centre. New

chapter has to be at the new page. Section title has to be bold and not underlined.

The format has to follow the following items:

a) New chapter

(i) Distance between the edge of the page and the title is 2.5 cm or 3 lines.

(ii) Distance between chapter title and the first line of the text is 4 lines.

b) Regular pages

(i) Distance between section title and the paragraph before is 2 lines.

(ii) Distance between section title with the next paragraph is 1 line.

(iii) Distance between each paragraph is 1 line.

(iv) The section title with the numbering started from the left edge of the


(v) Distance between the paragraph and table/figure is 1 line

6.1.6 Reference Format

The references sources in the thesis must be clear and follows the format set up by

the Faculty. This format is based on international standards. Reference in text

Every reference will be given Arabic numbering. For in line text, the number is

given with [ ] for each quote. E.g According to Kuo et. al [?], most of the problems in

engineering and economic scheduling are included in the optimization factors. List of References

References should be numbered and cited within the square brackets in order of

appearance in the text. Example of references can be from books, journal publication,

conference proceedings and websites. A list of references should be listed at the end

of the manuscript. No footnotes are allowed. The references should be typed in single

spacing, 8-font size, Times New Roman. Websites

[1] ‘Author Guide - IET Research Journals’,, accessed 27 November 2014

[2] ‘Research journal length policy’,


accessed 27 November 2014 Patent

[3] ‘ORCID: Connecting research and researchers’,, accessed 3

December 2014

[4] ‘Fundref’,, accessed 4 December 2014

[5] Lindgren, E. A. Screen Room Air Inlet and Wave Guard. U.S. Patent 2, 925,

457.1960. Journal articles

[6] Smith, T., Jones, M.: ’The title of the paper’, IET Syst. Biol., 2007, 1, (2), pp


[7] Borwn, L., Thomas, H., James, C., et al.:’The title of the paper’, IET

Communications, 2012, 6, (5), pp 125–138 Conference Paper

[8] Jones, L., Brown, D.: ’The title of the conference paper’, Proc. Int. Conf.

Systems Biology, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2006, pp. 1–7 Book, book chapter and manual

[9] Hodges, A., Smith, N.: ’The title of the book chapter’, in Brown, S. (Ed.):

’Handbook of Systems Biology’ (IEE Press, 2004, 1st edn.), pp. 1–7

[10] Harrison, E.A., and Abbott, C.: ’The title of the book’ (XYZ Press, 2005, 2nd edn.

2006) Report

[11]IET., ’Report Title’ (Publisher, 2013), pp. 1-5

[12] Brown, F.: ’The title of the patent (if available)’. British Patent 123456, 2004

[13] Smith, D., Hodges, J.: ’The title of the patent (if available)’, British Patent

Application 98765, 1925 Thesis

[14] Abbott, N.L.: ’The title of the thesis’. PhD thesis, XYZ University, 2005 Standard

[15] BS1234: ’The title of the standard’, New York, 4987, 2011

6.1.7 Figure Format

Figures will be reproduced exactly as supplied, with no redrawing or relabelling. It

is therefore imperative that the supplied figures are of the highest possible quality.

With larger figures, please note that the editorial office may contact you to revise them

to ensure they do not exceed half of a page, or so that they fill the entire page. This is

because figures between these two lengths may negatively impact production later.

Graphics may be full colour but please make sure that they are appropriate for print

(black and white) and online (colour) publication. For example lines graphs should be

colour and use dotted or dashed lines, or shapes to distinguish them apart in print (see

Figure 1.1 at page 2). Each figure should be explicitly referred to in numerical order.

A maximum of four subfigures will be allowed per figure.

Please note that IET typeset format is to float figures to the top or bottom of a page,

they cannot appear within the main body, interrupting the text.
26 Figure Captions

Figure captions must be below the figure, in 10 pt italic font and should ideally

consist of one sentence. If a figure has subfigures, all subfigures should also have a

caption and should be identified by letters, e.g. a, b, c, as shown above.

6.1.8 Tables

Tables should be formatted as shown in Table 6.1 with no column lines unless

needed to clarify the content of the table. Row lines can be used to distinguish the

column headings from the content of the table. Any tables larger than half a page

should be placed in an appendix and the appendix cited within the main body of text.

If the table has four or five columns it should span the whole width of the page.

These should also float to the top or bottom of the page instead of breaking up the

main text.

Table 6.1 Caption for the table

Some Actual Content

prettifies the content
as well as
using the booktabs package Tables Captions

Tables must be numbered and cited within the text in strict numerical order. Table

captions must be above the table and in 12 pt font.

6.1.9 Mathematics and Equations

When writing mathematics, avoid confusion between characters that could be

mistaken for one another, e.g. the letter ’l’ and the number one.

∞ ∞
𝑛𝜋𝑥 𝑛𝜋𝑥 𝑛𝜋𝑥 𝑛𝜋𝑥
𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑎0 + ∑ (𝑎𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑠 + 𝑏𝑛 𝑠𝑖𝑛 ) + 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑎0 + ∑ (𝑎𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑠 + 𝑏𝑛 𝑠𝑖𝑛 )
𝑛=1 𝑛=1

Refer to equations using round brackets, e.g. (6.1) followed by (6.2).

𝐴 = 𝜋𝑟 2 (6.1)

∆𝑦 1 1 𝑑𝑦 (6.2)
𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛼 + 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛽 = 2 cos (𝛼 + 𝛽) cos ( ) ∑ (𝛼 − 𝛽)
∆𝑥 2 2 𝑑𝑥

Equations should be capable of fitting into a two-column print format. If they do

not fit into one column they should be floated to the bottom of the page or top of the

next and cited in the text by "(see (3))". All large equations must be numbered in order

to avoid confusion between floated equations and they cannot exceed a width of

17.5cm. Vectors and matrices should be in bold italic and variables in italic.

If your paper contains superscripts or subscripts, take special care to ensure that the

positioning of the characters is unambiguous.

Exponential expressions should be written using superscript notation, i.e. 5×103

not 5E03. A multiplication sign should be used, not a dot.

Inline equations can be used but if the equation is longer than a line it will need to be

broken up in a suitable location to ensure the line spacing is not too large a2 +b2 = c2.

6.1.10 Computer Print

PSM I and PSM II report have to be typed with computer and laser printed or the

same quality. Students are allowed to colour print the figure(s). The copy of PSM II

report has to be done with the same quality with the same content as the original copy

6.1.11 Maximum Number of Pages

The maximum pages allowed for PSM I is between 30 and 60 pages whilst for PSM

II to be between 50 to 100 pages not included the appendices, tables, figures and other


6.1.12 Compilation of PSM I Report

PSM I can be bounded with regular bind. The cover has to be blue A4 size that

contains the project title, student’s name and university.

6.1.13 Compilation of PSM II Report

PSM II report has to be hard bounded. The colour of the cover is blue as been set

up by FKEKK. All letters on the cover and bone has to be gold in colour. The cover

should contain the project title, student’s name, and university.

6.2 Report Content and Arrangement

This section explains about the arrangements and contents for PSM I and PSM II

reports. Students are required to make sure that the contents of their report is properly

arranged based on the guideline in this chapter

6.2.1 PSM I & II Report Arrangement

The report of PSM I and II has to follow the arrangements in Table 6.2. The

explanation for each content in Table 6.2 are in the following sections.

Table 6.2 PSM I & II Content Arrangement

Item Content Status Notes Section

1 Page Title Compulsory No page number 6.2.2
2 Report Status Compulsory No page number 6.2.3
Confirmation Form
3 Dedication Compulsory No page number 6.2.4
4 Admission Page Compulsory No page number 6.2.5

5 Supervisor Confirmation Compulsory No page number 6.2.6

6 Acknowledgement Compulsory No page number 6.2.7
7 Abstract (Bahasa Compulsory Roman page (i and ii) 6.2.8
Malaysia & English)
8 Table of Content Page Compulsory Roman page (i, ii, 6.2.9
…) continued from
the previous page
9 List of Table Page Compulsory Roman page (i, ii, 6.2.10
…) continued from
the previous page
10 List of Figure Page Compulsory Roman page (i, ii, 6.2.11
…) continued from
the previous page
11 List of Symbol/ Optional Roman page (i, ii, 6.2.12
Abbreviation/ Definition …) continued from
the previous page
12 List of Appendices Optional Roman page (i, ii, 6.2.13
…) continued from
the previous page
13 Text Contents Compulsory Arabic page (1,2,…) 6.2.14
continued from the
previous page
14 Reference Page Compulsory Arabic page (1,2,…) 6.2.15
continued from the
previous page
15 Appendices Optional Arabic page (1,2,…) 6.2.16
continued from the
previous page

6.2.2 Page Title

The cover title of PSM I and II must have the information as follows:

a) The complete project title

b) Students full name as in IC

c) Statement of intent for the report

d) Faculty

e) University

f) Months and year of submission


The statement of the aim of the report for PSM is as follows:

Laporan Ini Dikemukakan Sebagai Memenuhi Sebahagian Daripada Syarat

Penganugerahan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Elektronik dengan Kepujian

in Bahasa Malaysia or in English:

This Report Is Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for

The Bachelor Degree of Electronic Engineering with Honours

6.2.3 Report Status Confirmation Form

The report confirmation form for PSM I and II can be downloaded from FKEKK

PSM website or ULEARN. All information included in this form need to be typed

neatly and signed by the students and confirmed by the supervisor.

6.2.4 Dedication Page

The dedication page has to be brief and not more than 1 paragraph. It cannot contain

any number, charts, figure, or picture

6.2.5 Admission Page

This page contains the admission of the student regarding the originality of the

report. It requires the signature of the student

6.2.6 Supervisor Confirmation Page

The student needs to get the confirmation signature from supervisor before

submitting to the faculty


6.2.7 Acknowledgment Page

This page cannot exceed 1 page. Acknowledgement is meant for any individual or

organization that contributed either directly or non-directly to the completion of the


6.2.8 Abstract Page

Abstract needs to be written in two languages, English and Bahasa Malaysia. It has

to be less than 300 words with no figure or table. The page location of English abstract

has to be before the Bahasa Malaysia version. Please refer to Section 6.3 for more

detailed information about abstract writing for PSM.

6.2.9 Table of Contents Page

New content has to be started at a new page and include the early pages of the report

chapter, sections, subsections, and appendices.

6.2.10 List of Table Page

The list contains all tables titles and pages in the report. The arrangement of the

table number is according the report.

6.2.11 List of Figure Page

Figure comprises of illustration, photograph, drawing, graph, charts and map.

Similar to the list of tables, the list contains the figure title and page in the report. The

arrangement of the figures have to be the same as the arrangement in the report.

6.2.12 List of Symbols/Abbreviations/Definition Page

This page contains the list of symbol, abbreviation or definition in the report.

6.2.13 List of Appendices Page

All appendices in the report needs to follow the guidelines below:

a) Appendix is optional. If needed it should be related to the research date,

mathematical equations, computer programming codes, figures etc that are

too long to be included in the contents pages.

b) The title of appendix should start with Appendix A, Appendix B and so on.

6.2.14 Text Contents

The text in the report should be comprised of chapters with the suitable title that

briefly reflects the contents. New chapter needs to be in a new page. Each chapter has

sections and subsections where each numbering has to be in order. Avoid long

paragraphs and each paragraph should be connected to the paragraph before and after.

Section 6.3 explains in detail the writing method of PSM report.

6.2.15 Reference Page

This page contains the references used for the project. The form of references can

be books, journals, articles, thesis, reports etc.

6.2.16 Appendices

Appendices enables the students to include the materials related the project that are

too long to be included in the contents pages. This includes tables, charts,

programming codes etc. The presentation of this page is up to the students.


6.3 Abstract and Contents of PSM Report

This chapter will explain about abstract writing and text content of PSM report.

This is very important because the report shows the ability of the student to do

analysis, arrange the information gained and solve the problems obtained along the

project duration.

6.3.1 Abstract

Abstract should be brief and concise and contain the following:

a) Brief introduction

b) Problem statement(s)

c) Project objective(s)

d) Methodology and validation

e) Outcome of the project and summary

6.3.2 Content of the Report

Mainly the text content should be comprised of at least FIVE chapters:

a) Chapter 1: Introduction

b) Chapter 2: Background Study/Literature Review

c) Chapter 3: Methodology

d) Chapter 4: Results and Discussion

e) Chapter 5: Conclusion and Future Work Introduction

In this chapter the sections included are:


a) Introduction to the project: It is a brief description about the project. The

introduction can start by describing the importance of the project and the

related past publications.

b) Project objectives: This describes the aims of the project when completed.

Each objective needs to be explained in detail.

c) Problem Statements: This starts with the motivation behind the problem

identified. Students need to explain in detail the problem and stress the

importance of solving it.

d) Project Scope: Students need to specify the scopes of the project by

identifying the limitations of the project.

e) Brief description of the methodology: Only brief description of

methodology is needed for the introduction chapter.

f) Report structure: This shows the whole structure of the report Background Study

In this chapter the students are required to discuss the background study of the

project that also includes the literature review together with the fundamental aspects

such as theoretical explanation and derivation. The contents of this chapter is:

a) Explanation about the perspective and methodology used in the research

project in the past and present and the relationship with the current work and

theoretical knowledge.

b) Show the theoretical aspects and clear concept used in solving the problems

faced in the project.

c) Clear objective and problem statements that relates to broader range of

research area.

d) Clear hypothesis stated in the methodology chapter. Methodology

Research methodology explains the method or approach used in solving the

problem of the project. Among the contents of this chapter includes:

(a) Method and approach used that include data collections, process and

analysis of data collected, model, flow chart etc.

(b) Factors considered for the chosen method or approach taken.

(c) The advantage(s) of the method and approach chosen compared to other

method in the research area. Results and Discussions

In this chapter, the students are required to present the experimental results and

point out the contribution of the project based on the analysis from the data collected.

Among the contents of this chapter:

(a) The arrangements of the results in terms of figures and tables have to be in


(b) Each result has to be described clearly and compared with the previous

results from other publications.

(c) The results have to be aligned with the objective and problem statements of

the project.

(d) The students need to point out how far the hypothesis has been reached. Conclusion and Future Works

The report is ended with the overall conclusion by providing the overall summary

of the research. Among the contents of the chapter:


(a) The summary of the contribution of the project, analysis on the project

achievement and suggestion(s) on future work.

(b) The summary on data collected by observing how close the results obtained

when compared to the objectives and problem statements of the project.

(c) Discussions and analysis on the methodology and the research application

applied in the project.

(d) Suggestions on the changes and improvements related to the project’s topic.

(e) Discussions with respect to the knowledge and contributions to the

university, faculty and self within the project duration.

6.4 Digital PSM Report

Apart from hard bounded PSM II report, it is compulsary for students to submit the

copy of the report in digital form. This is to ensure that there will be a copy of students

work for the library and faculty in the future reference. The digital copy of the

report has to be included in a cd and attached together with the hard bounded report.

Please note that the failure of these submissions may result in students PSM grades


6.4.1 Contents of Digital PSM Report

There will be two files for the digital copy of the report,

(a) Summary file.

(b) Full text file.

The summary file is for general reader while the full text file is the one that has

been checked by the supervisor before submission.

37 File summary

The summary file contains the brief information of the author, and supervisor

including the summary of the report as shown in Table 6.3.

Table 6.3 Contents of the summary file

No Title Contents
1. Author
2. Supervisor
3. Title Page
4. Abstract
5. Abstrak
6. Key words of the project Full Text

The full text of the report is the report that has been thoroughly checked by the

supervisor. This includes all earlier pages, the table of contents, the contents itself and

all appendices included in the report. All these contents has to be in ONE file only

6.4.2 Guidelines for Digital PSM Report Preparation

For the digital file preparation, students are needed to follow the guideline listed


(a) The digital version has to be the exact copy of the hard bounded version.

(b) The digital file has to be in PDF.

(c) All pages with signatures have to be scanned.

(d) The digital file has be submitted in a high quality CD.

(e) ONE CD and TWO copies of the hard bounded reports have to be submitted

to the faculty on the required date.


6.4.3 File Name Format

Both files (summary and full text) have to be named according to the format below:

Summary file:

Full text file :


abst: Fail Ringkasan Laporan Digital

full: Fail Teks Penuh Year and PSM code number

name: Student’s name

Example Azmirudin bin Abdul Kadir, year 2004 student with the project code




Example 4.3.2 Wong Ah Seng, year 2005 student with the PSM code PSM05.210:




(Please delete this part): All works or studies referred to in the research

report/dissertation/thesis in the form of quotations or citations must be included in the

references. The references should be written consistently in the IEEE format or in

another format approved by the faculty.

In order to insert new citation, go to REFERENCE>INSERT CITATION>GO TO

MENDELEY then click CITE.

Use Reference style.

Examples: Author X discovered that this PSM report is simple [1]. In addition B.

Wang et al. studied about temperature [2].

[1] A. Jaafar, N. Soin, and S. W. M. Hatta, “An educational FPGA design process

flow using Xilinx ISE 13.3 project navigator for students,” 2017 IEEE 13th Int.

Colloq. Signal Process. its Appl., no. March, pp. 7–12, 2017.

[2] B. Wang, R. Liang, L. Liu, J. Wang, and J. Xu, “Temperature dependence of

the hole mobility in indacenodithiophene-benzothiadiazole OTFTs,” 2017

IEEE 24th Int. Symp. Phys. Fail. Anal. Integr. Circuits (IPFA), Chengdu, pp.

1–3, 2017.


Published works as well as papers presented at conferences, seminars, symposiums

etc pertaining to the research topic of the research report/ dissertation/ thesis are

suggested be included in this section. The first page of the article may also be

appended as reference.


(Please delete this part): Appendices consist of additional illustration of data sources,

raw data and quoted citations which are too long to be placed in the text. The appendix

supports the written text of the research report/dissertation/thesis. Research

instruments such as questionnaires, maps or computer programmes are parts of

appendix too.

Appendices can be divided into Appendix A, B, C.

This page is optional; if you do not have any appendices, delete the entire page.

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