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48 Safety Aspects of Industrial Dryers

Article · November 2006

DOI: 10.1201/9781420017618.ch48


8 682

2 authors:

Adam S Markowski Arun Mujumdar

Lodz University of Technology National University of Singapore


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Safety Aspects of Industrial Dryers
48 Adam S. Markowski and Arun S. Mujumdar


48.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 1133

48.2 The Process Factor............................................................................................................................. 1135
48.2.1 Nature of Fire and Explosion Hazards in Dryers ................................................................. 1135
48.2.2 Material Characterization Procedure .................................................................................... 1136 Explosiveness......................................................................................................... 1137 Combustibility ....................................................................................................... 1138 Dust Explosion Characteristics ............................................................................. 1138 Thermal Decomposition Characteristics ............................................................... 1140
48.2.3 Hazards with Flammable Vapors .......................................................................................... 1143
48.2.4 Hybrid Mixtures .................................................................................................................... 1145
48.2.5 Identification of Ignition Sources .......................................................................................... 1145
48.2.6 Selection of Operating Conditions ........................................................................................ 1145
48.3 The Engineering Factor ..................................................................................................................... 1146
48.3.1 Design Consideration ............................................................................................................ 1146
48.3.2 Fire and Explosion Precautions ............................................................................................ 1146
48.3.3 Fire and Explosion Prevention .............................................................................................. 1147 Inerting .................................................................................................................. 1147 Avoiding Formation of Dust Clouds .................................................................... 1147 Excluding All Ignition Sources.............................................................................. 1147
48.3.4 Explosion Protection ............................................................................................................. 1148 Venting .................................................................................................................. 1148 Suppression ........................................................................................................... 1151 Containment.......................................................................................................... 1153 Explosion Isolation Systems .................................................................................. 1153
48.3.5 Fire Dust Protection.............................................................................................................. 1153
48.3.6 Explosion Hazards and Protection in Ancillary Units .......................................................... 1154
48.3.7 Reliability of the Protective Systems ..................................................................................... 1154
48.3.8 Application to Some Common Dryers .................................................................................. 1155
48.3.9 A New Development in Safety Dryer Assessment ................................................................ 1155
48.4 The Management Factor.................................................................................................................... 1155
48.4.1 Plant Operation ..................................................................................................................... 1155
48.4.2 Maintenance and Training .................................................................................................... 1158
48.5 The Procedure for Safe Plant Dryer Design ...................................................................................... 1159
References .................................................................................................................................................... 1159

48.1 INTRODUCTION ers at risk is considerably greater in the food industry

than, e.g., in the chemical industry. Approximately
The statistics of industrial accidents show that drying 8 to 9% of all dust explosions in the food industry is
should be regarded as a potentially hazardous oper- related to the drying operation (Figure 48.1). The
ation that has brought a number of reported incidents other data for the period 1967–1983 in the German
with serious results for personnel and equipment [1,2]. sugar industry indicate that drying contributes to
The data indicate that the accident rate per 105 work- 37% of all accidents [3], whereas in the French milk

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.




Transport Milling Silos Dryers Burners Classifiers Separators Other


FIGURE 48.1 Distribution of explosion location for dust explosion in the food industry. (From W. Hamm, The Chemical
Engineer, 8–9: 22–25 (1984). With permission.)

industry an average of four major accidents in spray the application of various codes of practice and
dryers were reported annually [4]. Based on 89 acci- standards. This is a basis for prevention of the fire
dents that happened in 1965–2000, 415 people were explosions hazards. Within this factor, the philosophy
injured and 16 fatalities were reported in The Accident of safety is based on the acceptance of the possibility
Database [5]. It is worth to note that in most cases of of fire and explosion and provision of a method for
spray dryer accident in the food industry fire was protecting personnel and equipment from its conse-
observed whereas an explosion experienced in <10% quences (protection method).
[6]. The above reports underline the importance of Usually, each drying plant being part of a chemi-
safety from fire and explosion hazards in dryers and cal plant is under last protection layer that is emer-
in the ancillary equipment. gency response that may essentially mitigate the
Drying is particularly prone to fire and explosion impact of a fire or explosion to human, property,
hazards because it is a process in which external heat and environment.
sources are applied. Within the management factor, which usually ac-
Most of the materials, whether natural products counts for majority of industrial accidents, the most
or synthetic organic products, are combustible or sen- important tool is a risk assessment, which examines
sitive to heat as well as are exposed to elevated tem- the hazards associated with the drying operation and
perature in the air. on that basis safety prevention and protection meas-
All possible ignition sources may be present in ures are designed. Besides these all operating, house-
dryers. keeping, and maintenance procedures as well as
There are three factors that influence the potential training systems are defined by the management
for fire and explosion: (1) process; (2) engineering; and based on the risk assessment.
(3) management. In view of the diversity of the nature of material
The process factor is associated with the charac- handled and types of dryers, it is not possible to
terization of material being dried and the physical present any universal answer to the above-mentioned
conditions to which it is subjected. This is a very factors. However, many of the general values regard-
important consideration because it enables for the ing the process, engineering, and management factors
recognition and assessment of fire and explosion are commonly applicable to all types of dryers. These
hazards. For this factor, the basis of safety is the are given here, but one must remember that each
prevention methods (e.g., drying in an inert atmos- material and dryer should be assessed individually,
phere, elimination of the formation of explosive mix- taking all steps possible to provide adequate safety. It
tures, and rigorous exclusion of all possible ignition is worth emphasizing that the application of different
sources). precaution methods in drying processes is a statutory
The engineering factor relates to the plant layout, requirement in many countries; e.g., the Factories
its location, the equipment used, and its engineering Act of 1961 (in the United Kingdom) requires all
standards. Special attention should be paid to the practicable precautions to be taken to prevent an
design stage at which safety and reliability rely upon explosion wherever an explosion dust is involved.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Similar requirements are in Germany (Störfall VwV), systems, which by the nature of the process may
the United States, and the other European Union bring about a fire and explosion hazard. As a conse-
countries. The EU ATEX Directives 94/9/EC is fully quence, the following hazards may appear:
applicable to dryers [7]. An excellent guide to safety in
drying operations has been prepared and published 1. Fire (i.e., combustion of dust, which means a
in a revised version by the Institution of Chemical chemical reaction of a combustible and gaseous
Engineers of Great Britain [8]. oxidant with resultant production of flame and
burning gases)
2. A dust explosion (i.e., flame propagation through
48.2 THE PROCESS FACTOR a confined dispersed dust with pressure gener-
ation by combustion)
3. A deflagrating or detonating explosion
4. An uncontrolled thermal decomposition of ma-
The simultaneous presence of three basic condi- terial producing extensive damage
tions is required for fire and explosion to occur
(Figure 48.2) Based on the nature of the reaction exhibited
by materials when heated, they may be classified as
1. Fuel (e.g., flammable dusts, solvents, or hybrid follows:
2. Oxygen (air) 1. Deflagrating or detonating explosives
3. Ignition source with sufficient energy 2. Materials that exhibit violent exothermic reac-
tion even in the absence of air (e.g., certain
When any of these three basic conditions is miss- peroxides)
ing, no explosion can occur. 3. Materials that undergo exothermic oxidation or
The majority of powdery, fibrous, and granular decomposition in layer, bulk, or fluidized form,
products processed in dryers contain fuels. Moreover, or that can disperse into flammable clouds in air
fine combustible dust, when dispersed in air, can form
a reactive mixture leading to explosion, which may The differentiation between a detonation type of
trigger others as dust is dislodged by a primary event. combustion and deflagration is based on the velocity
Frequently, the material can accumulate within a of combustion zone. According to NFPA Standard
dryer in the form of deposits (in places unswept by a 69 (1986) edition the deflagration is defined as a
drying agent) or residues because the dryer may not propagation of combustion zone at a velocity that is
have been cleaned before start-up. As a result of the less than the speed of sound in the unreacted medium.
accumulation, the overheating process may take The opposite feature is characteristic for the deton-
place. The risk is substantially increased if a flam- ation type of the velocity combustion.
mable solvent is being evaporated from the material Types 1 and 2 require a specialized drying tech-
or a mixture of combustible dust and flammable gas nique and are not discussed in this chapter. The dry-
or vapor occurs (e.g., a hybrid mixture). ing of solids of type 3 can be safely carried out by
The air generally used as a drying agent contains proper control of operating conditions and by pro-
enough oxygen for combustion and also all types of viding adequate precautionary measures.
ignition sources may be present during drying. More- The hazards with combustible materials can be
over, drying is a very complex unit operation that divided into:
may include other operations like pneumatic convey-
ing, separation, storage, and direct/indirect heating
. Ignition of dust clouds
. Ignition of hybrid mixture
. Ignition of dust layer or deposits
. Ignition of bulk powder
Fuel (dust)
Ignitions of dust clouds are due to oxidation reactions
Ignition whereas ignitions of dust layer or bulk powder are
Oxidizer Fire/explosion
due to self-ignition or exothermic decomposition.
Confined vessel The optimum condition for ignition and subse-
(or partially) quently for the combustion process is when the par-
ticle separation allows sufficient air to get to each
FIGURE 48.2 Fire and/or dust explosion components. particle, but the particles are close enough for the

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

heat release to support burning of adjacent particles. giving some uncertainty. Also, the test procedures
Such conditions are met mainly in a dispersional may not reflect exactly the condition in a parti-
dryer in which dust clouds are formed. As a result cular type of dryer. Therefore, it is recommended
of a dust cloud ignition, fire dispersion or explosion in that published data may be used carefully and indi-
a confined place or flash fire in open space may take vidual tests on the particular dust concerned may
place. The ignition of a dust layer and bulk powder be required.
results in burning by smoldering or flame. Transition The most comprehensive ranges of tests, which
from fire to explosion and vice versa can readily occur. are already standard in their countries, have been
An overall assessment of fire and explosion hazards in made in the United Kingdom, the United States,
dryers is presented in Figure 48.3. and West European countries [9–14]. In addition to
these testing methods, there are special methods that
48.2.2 MATERIAL CHARACTERIZATION PROCEDURE have been developed by specific industries for certain
processes and products. As far as drying operations
An extensive series of laboratory tests have been are concerned, ICI Ltd. (United Kingdom) [15] and
conducted in various countries to enable the investi- CIBA-Geigy (United Kingdom) [8] have set up such
gation of fire and explosion characteristics of procedures.
materials to be made. The testing apparatus and As a result of these established procedures, data
procedures differ from one country to the other, regarding the explosion characteristics of many prod-
although there are some common points. The tests ucts already exist [14–16,19–21]. With the product not
used to be made on a laboratory scale and the results tested previously, the following characterization pro-
obtained were extrapolated to full scale, always cedure is recommended (Table 48.1).

Is material No
suitable for Consider
thermal drying? alternatives


Can cloud of Can material

No No
material form in bulk or form
dryers or ancillaries? deposits or layers?

Yes Yes

Select sample
for testing

Do explosibility Do thermal
tests and decomposition
classify dusts tests

No Does material Yes Yes Does exothermic No

propagate flame? activity take place?

Fire/explosion hazard No thermal

No fire/explosion
safeguards required decomposition

FIGURE 48.3 Overall assessment of fire and explosion hazards in dryers.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

TABLE 48.1
Material Characterization Procedure

Tests on Chemical structure Explosive Unsuitable for

explosiveness materials thermal drying
Oxygen balance
Incombustible No precaution on
Small flammability test materials fire/explosion


Tests on Tests on dust or Tests on thermal

combustibility vapor explosion decomposition

Propagation Explosibiity Exotherm characteristics

characteristics MEC/LFL/MOC TA, TL, TB, (dT/dt)

Ignitability Sensitivity Consequence of decomposition

MIT, MIE (dP/dt)max, VG

Smoldering Violence Self-heating

Pmax, (dP/dt)max TC, d

Fire-fighting systems Safeguard systems Explosiveness Oxygen Balance—An explosive material under-

goes oxidative decomposition in the presence of oxy-
In order to identify materials that may be accepted for gen under certain conditions of temperature,
drying, it should be determined whether or not they pressure, and composition, thereby releasing a lot of
have properties associated with deflagrating or deton- energy and a large volume of simple oxidation prod-
ating explosives. Such an initial examination is based ucts. The oxygen availability within the compound is
on the laboratory tests concerning the following: often a fairly good estimate of its explosive nature.
Oxygen balance, computed from oxygen availability,
1. Chemical composition when compared against known explosives, provides
2. Oxygen balance the indication of explosibility.
3. Small-scale flammability tests For a compound with carbon, hydrogen, and oxy-
gen in the ratio given by CxHyOz and stoichiometry of
Chemical Composition—The explosibility of a ma-
combustion given by
terial can be attributed mostly to the presence of some
functional groups in its molecular structure. Some of  
these functional groups are: Y Z Y
C x Hy Oz þ X þ  O2 $ X CO2 þ H2 O
4 2 2
1. Those affecting the explosive nature directly,
e.g., aliphatic and aromatic nitro groups, ni-
trate ester, and nitramine the oxygen balance is defined as
2. Those indirectly concerned with explosibility,
e.g., azide, azo, nitroso, acetylene, peroxide, 16  (2X þ Y =2  Z)  100
Oxygen Balance ¼
and perchlorate molecular weight
3. Those that make some contribution to explosi-
bility, e.g., hydroxyl, ether, amino, carbonyl,
Computed values for some of the known explosives
and sulfonic acid
are nitrobenzene, 162.6; trinitrotoluene, 74.0; and
It should be noted that this list is not exhaustive. glyceryl trinitrate, þ3.5.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

If the oxygen balance of the compound is >200, Dust Explosion Characteristics
the compound should be considered as being poten-
tially explosive and these materials cannot be ther- Many dusts, when dispersed in air, form a cloud or
mally dried. suspension. Clouds of combustible dusts are generally
Small-Scale Flammability Tests—The final exam- explosible and, when ignited, result in an explosion in
ination is made by exposing a small-scale sample (1 to a confined space (e.g., drying chamber) or a flash fire,
2 g) to flame. Violent reaction will confirm the neces- developing little hazardous pressure, in an open
sity of further explosiveness testing. A full account of space. For a dust to be explodable, the particle size
the above-mentioned tests is available [8]. must be small enough to give an adequate reactive
Additional information on explosibility of a ma- surface area, and the dust cloud sufficiently dense and
terial is provided by thermochemistry. All materials uniform to propagate the combustion reaction. Par-
with endothermic heat of formation can release this ticles greater than about 500 mm in diameter are
stored energy upon decomposition and must there- unlikely to cause explosions, although during drying
fore be regarded as hazardous substance [20]. A list of a comminution process may take place that produces
reactive chemicals and their associated hazards is fine powder much smaller in diameter. Generally, the
given by Bretherick [21]. explosion of a dust cloud can occur only when all the
following conditions are met: Combustibility
1. Dust concentration lies within the explosive
Combustibility properties are necessary to assess the limits
type and magnitude of any fire associated with a 2. Required oxygen concentration is available
material. These properties can be markedly affected 3. An ignition source of sufficient energy is
by physical properties of the material and external present
factors. No universally accepted testing method is Flammable dusts mixed with air exhibit an explo-
available. The basic data on combustibility may be sive range having upper and lower limits (Figure 48.4).
obtained by a burning test and combustion test [8,9]. The upper limit for dusts is difficult to establish; the
The essential information is required on the rate and lower limit, called the minimum explosive concentra-
type of exhibited propagation (flame or smoldering) tion (MEC), as the lowest concentration of suspended
and ignition temperature observed under one set of dust capable of propagating flame, may be in the range
conditions may be changed substantially by a change of 0.02 to 0.085 kg of product/m3 of air for polyethylene
of condition. and coffee, respectively. Such conditions may be met in
Based on the procedure developed by CIBA-Geigy all types of dryers except for tray and band dryers. The
[8], the material is rated from 1 to 6 depending upon its range of explosible concentrations is strongly influ-
reaction to an electrically heated platinum wire. The enced by many parameters, e.g., the particle size, par-
sum of the two ratings is then taken as the overall ticle shape, moisture content, the position and nature of
index of the drying hazard and subsequently a hazard the ignition source, and more. In all dispersional dryers,
classification is determined (Table 48.2). Products with in which the material is dispersed in air, it is necessary
a hazard class Tr 3 should not be dried in heated to accept that a dust cloud of explosible concentration
vessels since safe handling of the dry product cannot can form.
be assumed. The required oxygen concentration is expressed
by minimum oxygen concentration (MOC) to sup-
port combustion; this varies between 3 and 15% (v/v)
TABLE 48.2
Classification of Drying Hazards by
CIBA-Geigy Ltd. Flame quenched
Upper Typically
Total Rating Hazard Class Remarks limit 2−10 kg/m3 air
2–4 Tr 0 No fire hazard Explosion
5–7 Tr 1 Slight fire hazard risk
8–10 Tr 2 Fire hazard
Lower Typically
11–12 Tr 3 High fire hazard limit 0.01−0.5 kg/m3 air
Source: From Preventing of Fires and Explosions in Dryers—A Flame cannot
User Guide, 2nd ed., Institute of Chemical Engineers, Rugby, be sustained
UK (1990).
FIGURE 48.4 Dust explosivity limits.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

as measured experimentally at 8508C, depending be described by measuring the pressure rise occurs
on the chemical nature of the dust, its particle size, during an explosion. As can be seen in Figure 48.5a,
moisture content, and temperature. the pressure continues to rise inside the vessel until
The sensitivity of a dust cloud to ignition is deter- explosion pressure Pmax has been reached. In the
mined by the minimum ignition temperature (MIT) rising portion of the pressure curve, an inflection
and minimum ignition energy (MIE). The MIT and point occurs at which the slope of the curve is the
MIE are determined by standard tests described in greatest. It gives the explosion rate of pressure rise
detail by Palmer [9] and Field [12]. (dP/dt)max. The Pmax for dryers operating at atmos-
The MIT is especially relevant in problems involv- pheric pressure does not exceed 900 kPa and can de-
ing a relatively large heated area of a plant, e.g., the velop rates up to 10 kPa/s. The effect of vessel
surface of a dryer, and represents a maximum tem- volume, types of dust, and presence of flammable
perature that should never be exceeded. Typical val- solvent is quantitatively shown in Figure 48.5b, Fig-
ues have been determined to be 370, 500, and 5758C ure 48.5c, and Figure 48.5d, respectively.
for sugar, cocoa, and coal, respectively. The violence of explosion parameters has been
The MIE is particularly relevant in ignition by determined for many years in the United King-
sparks. Typical values have been shown to be 30, dom and the United States in the Hartmann bomb
120, and 50 mJ for sugar, cocoa, and coal, respect- apparatus of 1.3-L mm capacity (Figure 48.6a) [9].
ively, and are strongly dependent on the particle size: Today, an alternative method that is generally
the finer the dust, the more easily it can be ignited preferred, following extensive research and deve-
[11]. The main application of MIE is in relation to the lopment in Switzerland, is the 20-L sphere test with a
static electricity hazard. It has been reported that the 10,000-J chemical igniter [11,14] (Figure 48.6b).
majority of incidents occur with sparks having igni- Methods of qualifying explosion severity in the vessel
tion energy below 25 mJ [13]. have been described [22] and widely accepted in
The course of an explosion of a combustible dust Europe [23].
in a closed vessel is shown in Figure 48.5. These test series and data are used to determine an
There are two main factors governing the violence additional explosion parameter—the maximum rate
of explosion: (1) the maximum explosion pressure of pressure rise normalized to a volume of 1 m3 (Kst).
Pmax and (2) the maximum rate of pressure rise (dP/ The explosion parameter is expressed in the form of
dt)max. The severity of explosion of a dust cloud can the ‘‘cube root’’ law:

P, Pa

P, Pa

Slope (dP/dt)max Coal dust

t, s t, s
(a) (c)

PVC dust and solvent vapors

P, Pa
P, Pa

simultaneously present
(hybrid mixture)
V = 20 m3
V = 1 m3

PVC dust not explosive

V = 1 dm3
t, s t, s
(b) (d)

FIGURE 48.5 The course of explosion.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Pressure (dP=dt)max V 1=3 ¼ Kst
Combustion tube where V is the volume of the vessel and Kst is the
dimensional constant characteristic of a particular
dust (kPa~m/s). The maximum explosion pressure
Brass electrodes Electrode Pmax and the maximum rate of pressure rise (dP/
insulation dt)max are used to design the explosion protection
system and are discussed below.
Spark gap
Reported values for the explosion parameter Kst
deflector vary over a range for a particular material, e.g., from
Brush tube Air reservoir 2.8  103 to 34  103 kPams1 for pigments and
Dispersion cup
from 5.8  103 to 13  103 kPams1 for milk. The
Full−port Pressure
solenoid valve differences are connected with the variations in chem-
ical formulation of samples and differences in particle
size. According to Bartknecht [14], the variation in
moisture content may be less significant.
Experimental data on dust explosibility enable the
classification of dust into dust explosion hazard classes.
Stainless steel Igniter cables Such a classification applied in different countries is
sphere presented in Table 48.3. The determination of the
Water in dust explosion hazard class is required not only to
dispersion assess dust explosion risk, but also to define statutory
ring requirements as well as to assist in the identification
Pressure of protective measures for different hazard classes.
port (Table 48.4), presents a selected data for dust
explosivity [16-21].
Igniter dust chamber Thermal Decomposition Characteristics
In almost all dryers, there is a buildup of deposits on
Water out Pressure
the inner surface of the drying chamber or an accu-
mulation of dust layer in some dead areas. The
material may also be stored in bulk form at the
(b) bottom of some dryers and in bins, hoppers, silos,
or bags. Ignition of such a material can occur not
FIGURE 48.6 Apparatus for testing dryer explosion char- only by typical high-temperature sources (i.e., elec-
acteristics for organic powders. trical sparks or incandescent particles), but also by

TABLE 48.3
Dust Classification Systems

Country Test Criterion Dust Class Reference No.

Great Britain Horizontal tube Ignition and flame Group A (explosive) 9

<13008C propagation
Vertical tube
Inflammator Group B (nonexplosive)
United States Physical properties Explosivity index IE 17
of dust Group A (weak explosion); IE ¼ 0.1
Ignitability Group B (moderate); IE ¼ 0.1 to 1.0
Result of ignition Group C (strong); IE ¼ 1.0 to 10
Group D (severe); IE ¼ 10
Federal Republic of Sphere test Dimensional constant 23
Germany, Switzerland (volume 1 m3) Kst in ‘‘cube root’’ law St 0 (nonexplosive); Kst/kPam/s
St 1 (weak); 0 < Kst < 200 kPam/s
St 2 (moderate); 200 < Kst < 300 kPam/s
St 3 (strong); Kst > 300 kPam/s

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

TABLE 48.4
Explosibility Characteristics of Various Dusts

Type of Dust MEC, kg/m3 MIT, 8C MIE, J Pmax. kPa (dP/dt)max Dust Classification
105  105, kPa/s
Cloud Layer IE St

Metal powders
Aluminum flakes 0.045 650 760 0.050 5.80 1400.0 >10.0 3
Magnesium 0.040 620 490 0.040 6.40 630.0 10.0 2
Silicon (96% Si) 0.110 790 — 0.100 6.40 840.0 0.9 1
Agricultural products
Cocoa 0.045 470 370 0.030 5.40 211.0 13.7 1
Coffee 0.085 720 — 0.016 6.20 360.0 0.1 1
Grain dust (wheat, maize,
barley, and oats) 0.055 430 230 0.030 9.20 140.0 9.2 1
Corn 0.055 400 — 0.040 7.80 413.0 6.9 1
Corn starch 0.045 400 — 0.040 7.30 516.0 9.5 1
Cotton linters 0.500 520 — 1.920 5.02 275.0 <0.1 1
Egg white 0.140 610 — 0.640 3.99 344.5 <0.1 1
Malt barley 0.055 400 250 0.035 6.54 303.0 5.5 1
Milk, skimmed 0.05 490 200 0.050 6.54 158.0 1.4 1
Potato starch 0.045 440 — 0.025 8.26 551.0 20.9 2
Rice dust 0.051 440 240 0.050 6.50 183.0 2.3 1
Soya protein 0.045 530 460 0.060 6.90 239.0 2.0 1
Sugar, powdered 0.045 370 400 0.030 7.70 352.0 9.6 1
Wood flour, pine 0.035 470 — 0.040 7.78 378.0 9.9 2
Pittsburgh coal 0.055 610 180 — 5.80 160.0 1.0 l
Cellulose acetate 0.040 420 — 0.015 5.85 248.0 >10.0 1
Epoxy 0.020 540 — 0.015 6.60 420.0 10.0 1
Nylon 0.030 500 430 0.020 6.70 280.0 10.0 1
Phenolformaldehyde 0.030 490 — 0.010 6.50 775.0 10.0 1
Polycarbonate 0.025 710 — 0.025 5.30 241.0 — 1
Polyurethane foam 0.025 550 — 0.015 6.60 254.0 — 1
Polyethylene 0.020 450 — 0.010 5.50 516.0 10 2
Polypropylene 0.020 420 — 0.030 5.30 356.0 10 1
Polystyrene latex 0.020 500 — 0.015 6.81 482.0 — 1
Polyvinyl acetate 0.040 550 — 0.160 4.75 689.0 — 1
Rayon 0.055 520 — 0.240 7.37 117.0 — 1
Rubber, synthetic 0.030 320 — 0.030 6.40 213.5 — 1
Urea molding comp. 0.085 460 — 0.080 6.13 248.0 1.0 1
Drugs and chemicals
Aspirin 0.050 660 — 0.015 6.06 >689.0 2.3 2
Nitropyridone 0.045 430 — 0.035 7.64 >689.0 >10.0 2
Vitamin B 0.035 360 — 0.060 6.95 413.0 8.3 1
Adipic acid 0.035 550 — 0.060 5.78 >186.0 1.9 1
Benzoic acid 0.030 620 Melts 0.020 5.23 378.9 >10.0 1
Bisphenol A 0.020 570 — 0.015 6.13 585.6 >10.0 2
Diphenyl 0.015 500 — 0.020 5.64 689.0 >10.0 2
Salicylanilide 0.040 630 Melts 0.020 6.13 330.0 5.8 1
Sulfur 0.035 190 220 0.015 5.37 323.0 >10.0 1

low-rate atmospheric oxidation (self-heating) or ther- exponentially with temperature according to Arrhe-
mal decomposition due to chemical reaction induced nius dependence) exceeds the rate of heat losses QL
by exposure to heat. (which increases only linearly with temperature)
These can take place when the rate of heat gener- as shown in Figure 48.7. It may lead to run-
ation in the material QR (which strongly increases away, increases in temperature of the material and

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Thermal of the sample under controlled conditions (an exo-
decomposition thermal onset temperature for the material in layer
hazard TL; in bulk TB; and aerated TA) [15]. Test methods
QL take into account more conditions that can be met in
Rate of heat

dryers (e.g., the effect of chemical composition of the

material, physical properties, influence of external air,
effect of bulk or scale, and the time cycle of the heat
For material with self-heating capabilities col-
lected and stored in the bulk form, the most import-
es ant is the discharge temperature, which cannot exceed

a ti

ea the onset temperatures for self-heating Tc. Detailed


H g data on the self-heating are given by Bowes [24].

He There are also some important practical points of
which one has to be aware:
. Contamination of the material by lubricating oil
FIGURE 48.7 Thermal decomposition phenomenon. from the equipment (e.g., the atomizer in a
spray dryer) decreases MIT
. During start-up and shutdown, some parts of
subsequently to smoldering combustion that even- the dryer may have a higher temperature than
tually may break into flame. during normal operations
Characterization of an exothermal behavior of the . Any smoldering layer may ignite into a
material involves a determination of the temperature flame when disturbed and as a consequence
at which exothermicity is first detected and then the can result in a flash fire or an explosion;
rate, magnitude, and nature of the subsequent decom- such deposits should be extinguished by a
position. Such data can be produced by the applica- gentle water spray before cleaning operation
tion of techniques known as differential thermal begins
analysis (DTA) and differential scanning calorimetry
(DSC) [11]. The summarized results of wide research made by
These techniques have some limitations connected Gibson et al. [15] for the exothermal onset temperat-
with the small scale of the experiments and they dif- ures for >200 samples of different organic chemicals
ferentiate between conditions in the experiment and are shown in Figure 48.8. The obtained data on the
in the dryer. Therefore, ICI Ltd. of the United King- material in the form of bulk powders, layers, and
dom has developed its own ICI Screening Test based aerated powders are used for the selection of safe
on the measurement of the temperature at which operating conditions that simultaneously preserve
exothermic activity is first detected during the heating good product quality.

30 30
% of materials

% of materials

20 20

10 10

50 150 250 350 50 150 250 350

T, ⬚C TB, ⬚C

FIGURE 48.8 Distribution of material exothermal temperature TA, TL, TB. (From N. Gibson, D. J. Harper, and R.L. Rogers,
Plant/Operations Progress, 4(3): 181–189 (1985). With permission.)

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


Combustible concentration
Thermal drying of any combustible solid or liquid Saturated
produces a vapor that can form a flammable mixture vapor−air
ble limit (
mixtures r flamma
with oxygen if only the vapor concentration is in the Uppe
right range. Similar to dust explosions, a vapor ex-
plosion can occur under the following conditions:
Mist Flammable
. A vapor concentration is within lower flamma-
bility limits (LFLs) and upper flammability Lowe
r flam
limits (UFLs) mable
limit (
. Minimal oxygen concentration (MOC) is LFL)
. An ignition source of sufficient energy is present
Flash Autoignition T
point (FP) temperature (AIT)
The presence of the flammable vapor in air makes the
mixture more susceptible to ignition and the propa-
gation of flame through the mixture of reactants is FIGURE 48.9 Flammability characteristics of an idealized
vapor–air mixture.
even more rigorous than that for dusts dependent on
the overall conditions.
The general relationship between flammability most organic solvents in air, is around 1 to 2% by
parameters of an idealized flammable air mixture is volume at room temperature. The flammability limits
shown in Figure 48.9, whereas Table 48.5 presents can also be calculated on the basis of the stoichiomet-
some flammability data for selected organic liquids. ric amount required to sustain combustion.
The terms lower explosibility limit (LEL) and Adequate equations for flash calculation are set
upper explosibility limit (UEL) are also used; they up in Table 48.6.
are synonymous with LFL and UFL, respectively. The LFL is largely independent of the oxygen
The LFL and UFL can be determined experimen- concentration in the gas, whereas the upper limit is
tally and LFL, which is more relevant to drying for strongly dependent. These are also affected by tem-

TABLE 48.5
Flammability Data for Selected Organic Liquids

Limit of Flammability in Air, % v/v

Compound Flash Boiling Autoignition Minimum O2 for
Lower Upper Point, 8C Point, 8C Temperature, 8C Ignition (Average), % v/va

Ethanol 3.3 19.0 13 78 363 10.5

Methanol 6.0 36.0 12 64 385 10.0
Isopropanol 2.0 12.7 12 83 399 —
Isobutanol 1.7 10.6 28 107 415 —
n-Butanol 1.4 11.2 29 343 —
Acetone 2.15 13.0 20 56 465 13.5
Diethylether 1.9 36.0 45 35 160 10.5
Ethyl acetate 2.0 11.5 4 77 426 b
n-Hexane 1.1 7.5 22 69 223 12.0
n-Heptane 1.05 6.7 4 98 204 —
n-Octane 1.0 6.5 13 126 206 —
Gasoline 1.4 7.4 38 38–204 180–456 —
Benzene 1.3 7.1 11 80 498 11.2
Toluene 1.3 7.1 4 111 480 —
m-Xylene 1.1 7.0 27 139 527 —
The data on minimum O2 for ignition are for nitrogen as the inert diluent.
Source: From Fire Hazard Properties of Flammable Liquids, Gases and Volatile Solids, NFPA No. 325M, National Fire Protection
Association, Boston (1977).

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

TABLE 48.6
Formulas for Calculation of Explosibility Parameters

Description Equation Remarks Reference No.

Flash point of liquids, TFP, 8C TFP ¼ 0:683TBP  71:7, or Recommended for hydrocarbons; 25
P PFP ¼ vapor pressure at
TFP ¼ f (PFP ) closed-cup flash point;
1 þ (N  1)4:76
PFP ¼ ; TFP ¼ f (PFP )
1 þ (N  1)4:76
TBP ¼ boiling point, 8C
N—number of atoms of oxygen for
combustion of one molecule of fuel
Flammability limits of vapor, % v/v LFL ¼ 100 M, X, Y ¼ stoichiometric number of 26
atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen,
0:55  100
LFL ¼ respectively, in molecule of fuel
4:76M þ 1:19X  2:38Y þ 1
Recommended for hydrocarbons
3:50  100
UFL ¼ Deviation for nonorganic compounds
4:76M þ 1:19X  2:38Y þ 1

1 1
Flammable vapor mixture LFLm ¼ P
n ;UFL ¼ P
n Yi ¼ mole fraction of component i
Yi Yi
LeChatelier’s rule LFLj UFLj n ¼ number of combustible species
i¼1 i¼1
1 100
100  XB
Mixture of flammable vapor (A) LFLm ¼ LFLA XB ¼ % v/v of nonflammable
with nonflammable component (B) 100 þ LFLA component B in mixture
100  XB
Flammability limits of vapor LFLT ¼ LFL25 [1  0:75(T  25)=DHc ] DHc ¼ heat of combustion, kcal/mol
Dependence on temperature T, 8C LFLT ¼ LFL25 [1 þ 0:75(T  25)=DHc ]
Dependence on pressure UFLP ¼ UFL þ 20:6(lgP þ 1) P ¼ absolute pressure, MPa
Minimum oxygen concentration, % v/v O2 MOC ¼ LFL M þ  Stoichiometric relation 25
4 2
Minimum oxygen concentration: MOCP ¼ MOC  1:5(lgP þ 1) P ¼ absolute pressure, MPa
dependence on pressure P
(100  LFL)
Minimum nitrogen concentration, % v/v N2 MNC ¼   1
4:76 M þ X4  Y2 LFL
Minimum explosible concentration for hybrid mixture MECH ¼ MEC 1 MEC—minimum dust explosible 14
concentration xG ¼ total % v/v of
flammable vapor
perature (the flammability range increases linearly both dispersions and layers can be found, the most
with the rise of temperature) and pressure (increased common and hazardous ignition sources include elec-
pressure widens the flammability limits). trostatic discharges and electric frictional sparks. Elec-
If the air is diluted with an inert gas, e.g., nitrogen trostatic discharges can be reduced substantially by a
or carbon dioxide, the risk of ignition is reduced. careful design and application of the approved codes
The MOC for ignition varies from 10 to 13.5% by of practice [11,27,28]. The accumulation of electrostatic
volume, depending on the type of the vapor and charge by product and equipment is in many cases
the inert gas. This feature has been used to develop directly associated with the process and operations
self-inertizing dryers. involved in industrial production. It represents a
The most potentially hazardous situations are source of ignition that can be hazardous not only
likely to occur when flammable substances are used under normal circumstances, i.e., without any kind of
at temperatures above the flash point, which corres- plant upset occurring, but also under abnormal condi-
ponds to the vapor concentration at LFL. This situ- tions. Dust layers or bulk accumulates are especially
ation frequently occurs for solvents encountered in sensitive to self-heating or exothermic decomposition.
drying because most of them have the flash point The risk may be reduced by ensuring proper operating
below room temperature. conditions or by design like ‘‘deposit-free’’ spray dryer
Therefore, a careful control of the vapor or oxy- [29]. Since it is not possible to ensure that all ignition
gen concentration is required even in a feed container sources are eliminated, it is necessary to introduce a
when solvent-wet feedstocks are handled. proper protection system.


A combination of combustible dust and flammable The operating conditions for a chosen type of dryer
gas or vapor called a hybrid mixture is of significance can be selected taking into account the type of hazard
in certain drying operations. Such dust–vapor–air that exists, the particular part of a drying system
mixtures are much more susceptible to ignition and where the hazard takes place, and the appropriate
any resulting explosion is more violent than the dust- fire and explosion characteristics.
alone explosion. Research carried out so far has A fire hazard may be safely avoided if the tem-
established that: perature of the material is lower than the relevant
minimum ignition or exotherm onset temperature.
. An explosion may occur even if the concentra- The greatest risk exists in the part of the drying
tion of vapor is well below the LFL and the system where the product moisture content is lowest,
dust–air mixture is nonexplosive such as the separation units (e.g., cyclones and bags).
. A minimum vapor concentration of the order of Where dust deposits can accumulate, the require-
0.2% by volume may cause a marked increase of ments are that the maximum permissible temperature
Pmax and (dP/dt)max of the plant surfaces should not exceed two thirds of
. Low energy ignition incapable of igniting a given the layer MIT. Also, for the dust layer, the time the
dust–air mixture may easily cause an ignition of material is exposed to heat should be taken into ac-
a hybrid mixture count as a controlling factor that will determine
cleaning and removal of deposits.
The properties of hybrid mixture explosions are Therefore, an automatic control system that
not yet available; therefore, until more information is monitors the temperature at selected locations is
available, all such mixtures should be treated with strongly recommended. The explosion hazards will
great concern. be successfully eliminated if the dust concentration
is less than the minimum explosible concentration.
48.2.5 IDENTIFICATION OF IGNITION SOURCES This is difficult to achieve for most dispersional
All kinds of ignition sources can be present in dryers. The onset exotherm temperature (e.g., layer or
However, for a particular type of dryer, there are bulk) is to be lower than MIT (e.g., layer or bulk)
some major sources with a higher risk of occurrence and is proposed for the cases in which the change of
that should be well recognized, localized, and possibly material quality occurs before the ignition takes
eliminated. An identification of all ignition sources and place. The summary of recommended conditions for
their conjunction to hazardous areas is particularly safe plant operation is presented in Table 48.7.
important when a certain type of hazard takes place. The above proposal is based on the characteristic
For the areas where flammable vapors and dusts in controlling parameters for a certain type of hazard

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

TABLE 48.7
Selection of Operating Conditions

Ignition Hazard Basic Controlling Parameter Recommended Operational Type of Equipment

Temperature T, Dust
Concentration DC, Vapor
and Oxygen Concentration
VC and OC, Respectively

Dust–air mixture Minimum ignition temperature MIT T ¼ MIT508C Spray dryer, fluid dryer,
pneumatic dryer
Onset aerated exotherm temperature TA T ¼ TA(30–508C) Fluid dryer, band dryer
Maximum permissible oxygen OC  (50–70%) MOC Inside dryer and dust recovery
concentration MOC system
Minimum explosible concentration MEC DC < MEC It is not possible to achieve this
for most dryers except for
tray and band dryers
Dust layer or deposits Onset layer exotherm temperature TL T ¼ TL208C Band and tray dryers and
Bulk dust Onset bulk exotherm temperature TB T ¼ TB508C Bins, hoppers, silos, and bags
Flammable vapor Lower explosive limit LFL VC < 25% LFL Whole drying system
Minimum oxygen concentration MOC OC  (50–70%) MOC Whole drying system
Minimum ignition temperature MIT T < MIT Whole drying system

with a significant safety margin. Selection of a max- There are other engineering factors that affect the
imum drying temperature on the basis of the onset fire and explosion hazard, e.g., engineering standards
exotherm temperature has been verified extensively by of the structural steel and foundations, process equip-
Gibson et al. [15]; the temperatures specified do not ment, heat exchangers, feeding system, fan and
place an unacceptable restriction on drying operations. blowers, storage vessels, electrical equipment, instru-
They have continued to be efficient and economic. ments, and fire protection and safety equipment. Con-
siderable assistance in design also can be obtained
from relevant codes of practice. The responsibility
48.3 THE ENGINEERING FACTOR for safe operation rests with the manufacturers of
equipment and products as required by national law
48.3.1 DESIGN CONSIDERATION (e.g., Factories Act and Health and Safety at Work
Act in the United Kingdom).
Within the design consideration factor, probably the
most important section is plant layout. Taking into 48.3.2 FIRE AND EXPLOSION PRECAUTIONS
account the possibility of dust explosion and fire, a
question arises whether a certain type of plant may be The basis of safety in plants drying flammable mater-
located in a particular place or whether some splitting ials can be prevention and protection of life and
of the process on particular operations may be re- property to the maximum possible extent, assuming
quired. The increased scale of many new industrial that explosion is inevitable. Fire and explosion pre-
plants means that the volume of the plant providing a vention can be accomplished by
risk of explosion is much greater than it was only a
few years ago. 1. Maintaining the concentration of the flammable
Therefore, there is a tendency for a large plant to material beyond the range of flammability
be situated in an open space. The best arrangement is 2. Maintaining oxygen concentration within
to put the plant in a separate structure covered only safe limits
with a light roof. If this is not possible, attention 3. Excluding all probable ignition sources
should be given to the situation of collection and
storage, units and furnaces. All those units as far as Fire and explosion protection can be achieved by
possible should be outside the building or inside a
fire-resistant enclosure. Also essential is the position 1. Proper venting
of the central room and electrical switch rooms and 2. Containing the severity of explosion
how they will be affected by fire and explosion. 3. Suppressing the fire or/and explosion

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

It is to be noted that there is no need to duplicate Recycling a part of the dryer exhaust gases not
any method of protection or prevention. Methods of only improves the thermal efficiency, but also helps in
dust explosion prevention and protection are de- reducing the oxygen concentration. Such dryers are
scribed in three Institute of Chemical Engineers called self-inertizing. An example of such a system is
(IChemE) guides [30–32] and in References 33 and 34. presented in Figure 48.10.
One more important point is that, during the
48.3.3 FIRE AND EXPLOSION PREVENTION start-up of a self-inertizing dryer, initially and for
some time the oxygen concentration is above the
For materials undergoing exothermic oxidation, the minimum value desired, so the solid feed should not
methods given below will be satisfactory for explosion be started until the concentration reaches the desired
prevention, whereas for materials undergoing exo- limit. However, when organic solvents are involved,
thermic decomposition resulting in the release of the drying air must be substituted by inert gas (e.g.,
large volumes of gases, these methods can be used nitrogen), which recirculates in a closed-cycle system
only to protect, not to prevent, explosion hazards. (Figure 48.11). Inerting Avoiding Formation of Dust Clouds

The principle of inerting is to create an environment The only safe way of avoiding formation of dust
in which combustion cannot take place. Some of the clouds is to use air velocities at which no entrainment
common inerting agents are N2, CO2, flue gases, and of dust takes place. In band and tray dryers, the
others. The presence of inert gases causes the concen- control of velocity is easier, but this is difficult to
tration of oxygen in the gaseous mixture to be re- fulfill in dryers that involve suspended-particle pro-
duced below the minimum required for sustaining cessing. In general, the nature of the drying operation
combustion, which is used to be within the range of is such that dust entrainment is not easy or feasible
10% by volume. Inerting also decreases the maximum for various reasons.
explosion pressure and retards the rate of pressure
rise [14]. Excluding All Ignition Sources
The MOC determined in the laboratory at 8508C
is a very safe value for most of the dryer applications It is imperative to ensure that all the following prob-
in which the operating conditions are never as severe. able sources of ignition are either removed or con-
Actually, the use of this value results in an unneces- trolled to prevent explosion.
sary high consumption of the inertizing agent. Hence, Direct Heating Systems—For dryers containing
tests should be carried out at conditions that actually flammable vapors, direct heating systems are too dan-
exist in the dryer. Some data on MOC are presented gerous to be employed. In such cases, a separate hot
in Reference 9. air generator should be provided.

Feed Air
Heater bleed

Drying (gas)
chamber Combustion

Scrubber/ Condensed
condenser water recovery

FIGURE 48.10 Semiclosed cycle (self-inertizing) spray dryer system.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Feed Indirect

Drying Atomizer

Scrubber Solvent
condenser recovery

FIGURE 48.11 Closed-cycle spray dryer system.

Hot particles from a heater can also be a potential Frictional Sparks and Heating—For frictional
risk of ignition. According to accepted practice, the sparks and heating, the probable sources of hazards
following precautions should be taken: are: (1) overheated bearings; (2) power drills and similar
tools in which localized heating is likely; (3) frictional
1. If recirculation of a part of the exhaust gas is impact with shovels and scoops, which may cause igni-
considered, it is important to make sure that no tion of compounds with low MIE, e.g., peroxides and
dust particles enter the combustion chamber sulfur; (4) rotating fan blades touching the casing; and
2. The burners should be cleaned periodically, (5) tramp metals and stones fed with the solid into the
and efforts should be made to operate the dryer. For all these hazards, standard procedures are
burners at a proper air/fuel ratio to ensure available to take care of various problems [8].
complete combustion Autoignition—It is worthwhile taking all precau-
3. The primary and secondary air fans should be tions to ensure that at no stage of drying operation,
located to take in dust-free air. If this is not including start-up and shutdown, does the material
practical, the inlet side of these fans should temperature exceed its autoignition temperature
contain dust filters, which should be periodic- (AIT). The exhaust gas temperature is a safe way of
ally checked and cleaned. controlling the material temperature in a dryer.
Also, ledges, corners, and crevices, e.g., should be
Electrostatic Discharge—Any metal or good avoided as far as possible to prevent dust layer for-
conductor of electricity can store enough, electrical mation. If unavoidable, periodic cleaning of the dust
energy to exceed minimum spark ignition energy deposit is essential.
for dust and vapor clouds (25 mJ for most of the hy- The decision tree for ignition sources assessment is
drocarbons). To prevent such charge accumulation, all shown in Figure 48.12.
the conducting elements should be grounded. Periodic
checks are necessary to ensure proper inert grounding. 48.3.4 EXPLOSION PROTECTION
Similarly, nonconductors of high resistivity also
pose a serious problem. In such cases, the resistance Explosion protection measures expect the explosion to
has to be reduced by incorporating some conductive take its course, but ensure that it does so safely without
elements. For example, the extremely high resistance any effects on the personnel and equipment. The three
of synthetic fibers used in bag filters may be reduced possible ways of protection from a fire or explosion
by adding some steel or carbon fibers. are: (1) venting; (2) containing; and (3) suppressing.
Electrical Equipment—Contact switches, fuses,
circuit breakers, and so on can discharge spark energy Venting
greater than MIE, thereby causing explosion in an
environment containing flammable dust or vapor. It The principle of operation of venting is that at a
is necessary to make sure that such electrical equip- predetermined pressure rise Pst the vent in the system
ment does not come in contact with dust or flam- opens up, thereby releasing the explosion products
mable vapor. to a safe area. The course of vented explosion is

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


Can Is series
ignition source of equipment
propagate? involved?

Yes No
No Are direct No electrostatic
heating or hot surfaces discharges
Ignition sources present? safeguarded? Yes
should be limited Yes
to one vessel Yes
No Is the MIE sparks from
of dust known? friction or impact

No Are controls
to prevent spark Yes
ignition taken?
Yes No

Yes spontaneous
heating of the dust
Not all ignition Is
sources are controlled. No the MIT of the dust
Additional precautions measured?
required Is
Yes plant zoning
Are done?
No electrical No
ignition sources Yes
Yes Have
permit to hot work
in place?

Good engineering
practice to control
over ignition sources

FIGURE 48.12 The decision tree for ignition sources assessment.

shown in Figure 48.13. Venting is a common, often that, when vented ducting is used, the peak pressure can
cheapest, way of protection from explosion. In case be increased. The increase in the peak pressure rise
the explosion products are toxic and cannot be re- is directly proportional to the square of the length of
leased in the immediate vicinity of the plant, the the ductings.
explosion products are carried to a safe area by The important criteria for vent design and
ducts connected to the vents. Since most dryers op- selection are that the vent should open fully at the
erate at low or moderate pressures, a suitable vent- designated pressure with very little inertia and should
opening pressure rise is 10 kPa. It is useful to note be perfectly sealed when closed. The principles and

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


Pmax—the resultant maximum pressure

Slope (dP/dt)max Pdes—the design pressure
Pred —the resultant reduced pressure
Pst—the burst pressure of the vent
Pred Vented
Pst explosion
Vent acts

FIGURE 48.13 The course of vented explosion.

practice of venting have been widely discussed [9–15, The value of K depends upon the designed strength of
23,25,26,32–34]. The main question is vent design. the vessel and the vent-opening pressure. For a vent-
Unfortunately, very little information is available on opening pressure rise of 10 kPa and a maximum ex-
vent design for dryers. Moreover, high-temperature, plosion pressure rise within the vessel of 20 kPa such
flammable dusts, and turbulent contact between gas that the designed strength of the dryer is 40 kPa (twice
and solid further complicate the use of available in- the maximum pressure rise), the value of K can be
formation on vent design in general. Three criteria taken as 3. This value is recommended for the chem-
have been developed for vent area calculation: (1) ical plant handling dusts with dP/dt values up to 700
vent ratio; (2) K factor; and (3) cube root law. to 800 kPa/s measured in a 1.2-L Hartmann bomb
The vent ratio is defined as the ratio of vent area [27]. If the designed strength required for the vessel
to the volume of the vessel. Based on the maximum decreases, the value of K has to be reduced. The
rate of pressure rise in a 1.2-L Hartmann bomb, for variation of maximum pressure rise with K factor is
vessels up to about 30 m3, the vent ratio can be given by Gibson and Harris [36].
selected from Table 48.8. For most carbonaceous In the United States, Germany, and Switzerland,
dusts, 1:5 seems to be a safe vent ratio. the recommended vent areas are based on the experi-
For volumes exceeding 30 m3, the vent ratio mentally measured dependence of the rate of pressure
should be progressively reduced to a limiting value rise on the vessel volume, the ‘‘cube root law’’ defined
of 1:25 m1 for a volume of 283 m3. in Section 2.2. From large-scale venting experiments, a
For estimating vent areas, the concept of K factor series of normographs (or a tabular form) have been
was developed by Simmonds and Cubbage [35]. They derived and incorporated in the German standard
defined K as VDI 3673 [23]. Based on an original work of Bart-
knecht [14], the National Fire Protection Association
cross-sectional area of vessel AC of the United States [34] presents such a series of
K¼ ¼
vent area AV normographs that allow the vent area F to be deter-
mined for the products according to their explosion
characteristics Kst for dust and KG for vapor, vessel
volume V, the vent opening pressure Pstat, and max-
TABLE 48.8 imum pressure during venting Pred. Typical normo-
Recommended Vent Ratio graphs are shown in Figure 48.14. An adequate
equation for the sizing of a relief vent can be found in
Maximum Rate Vent Ratio, m1 Dust Example the monograph of Crawl and Louvar [26]. Table 48.9
of Pressure presents equations for the vent area F1, required for
Rise, kPa/s volume V1, scaled up to that of F2 for volume V2.
A wide variety of explosion relief venting is avail-
<35,000 1/7 Wood, coal, flour,
and coffee
able to the industry. Bursting disks, displacement
35,000–70,000 1/5 Plastics panels, and hinged covers or doors with spring-loaded
<70,000 1/3 Magnesium and aluminum or magnetic catches and automatic trigger vents are all
in use. Selection of the specific type should be based on

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Kst, bar·m/sec Maximum pressure during venting

250 Pred, bar·a
400 1.2
500 1.3
600 1.4

100 10 1 0.1 0.1 1 10 100 1000

Vent area, m2 Vessel volume, m3

Venting normograph for dusts, Pstat = 1.1 bar·a

FIGURE 48.14 Normographs for the sizing of vent relief explosion. (From Explosion Venting, NEPA No. 68, National Fire
Protection Association, Quincy, MA, 1988 (presently under revision by the NFPA Explosion Protection Systems Committee.)

cost, operating conditions, and vessel type. Figure 48.15 nearly impossible. Realistically, the vent should be
presents some commonly used explosion vents. positioned where it is least affected by internal fit-
It must be recognized that during the normal tings, which could increase turbulence if the flame
course of explosion, a significant volume of flame front has to pass through them. The vent may be on
will discharge through the vent opening. For this the side or the top of the equipment.
reason, the equipment utilizing venting should be
located outdoors or close to external walls so that Suppression
the vent duct will be as short as possible, avoiding
any bends. Discharge must be to a safe area. Typical Explosion suppression is a technique that is activated
location of vents in a selected drying system is shown when the start of a dust explosion is detected (usually
in Figure 48.16. within the first 10 ms) and arrested during incipient
Ideally, the best location for an explosion-relief stages, thus preventing the development of a pressure
vent would be as close as possible to the source of that could result in an explosion. The pressure/time
ignition; however, predicting the ignition source is curve for suppressed and unsuppressed explosion is
similar to that for venting (Figure 48.13).
Commercially available equipment for detection
TABLE 48.9 and discharge suppression has been successfully ap-
Scale-Up Equations for Vent Area Calculation plied even for the very large volumes typical of silos
and spray dryers [32].
Scale-Up Equations Basis Recommended for A typical suppression system operates on the
F2/F1 ¼ V2/V1 Vent ratio Dust explosions basic principle shown in Figure 48.17. The detector
F2/F1 ¼ A2/A1 K factor Mainly for vapor explosions 1 placed inside the dryer casing detects the pressure
F2/F1 ¼ (V2/V1)2/3 Cube root law Dust and vapor explosions wave, before the outburst of flames, and induces the
detonating cap valve 2 to blow the extinguish powder

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Steel channel
Greased felt
Rigid sheet Support frame

Explosion vent
Exploded view Insulation


Holddown Vent Base

‘T’ Section
panel supports


rotary valve

FIGURE 48.15 Types of explosion vents.

contained in the bin 3 evenly into the apparatus cas- also important to bear in mind that the suppressant
ing through the ball nozzle 4. The developing explo- is not effective against exothermic decomposition
sion is thus so rapidly being attacked that it cannot reactions resulting in large volumes of gas.
reach its fullest extent, and therefore causes a relative Generally, a limitation of this technique is the
low pressure rise of only 0.1 to 0.6 bar. An efficient path along which the suppressants can be expected
suppression system will keep the maximum explosion to travel with a possibly maximum value of 4 m [12],
pressure rise below 10 kPa and the number of sup- although Moore [37] reported a successful testing on
pressors depends on the volume of the plant and a 250-m3 scale. As a general recommendation, it can
airflow rate, and, according to Bartknecht [14], fol- be stated that the explosion–suppression systems
lows the cube root law (n ~ V2/3). Suitable suppres- are effective against most solvent-vapor explosions,
sants are halogenated hydrocarbons or dried powder, hybrid-mixture explosions, fuel-droplet explosions,
e.g., sodium bicarbonate, fluorides, cryolite, or ammo- and dust explosions, provided that the explosibility
nium phosphate. Generally, powder is more effective constants Kst and KG are <300 Pam/s. For more
than halogenated hydrocarbons. severe materials and for weak plants that are located
Automatic suppression systems are of particular within a building, e.g., a larger spray dryer plant,
use when the dust is toxic and safe discharge of the the explosion suppression and the explosion venting
explosion products from a vent is not permitted. It is combination are alternatives.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Vent Vents Vent Vent


Band dryer
dryer Fluid-bed
Flash Batch fluid-
dryer bed dryer

Vent Vent Vent

Bins Ducting
or silos
Bag filter

FIGURE 48.16 Location of relief vent in various drying systems. Containment Explosion Isolation Systems

Containment involves designing the drying system to Suppression or containment systems can be operated
sustain the maximum pressure rise. For dryers oper- in conjunction with rapid-acting explosion isolation
ating at or near atmospheric pressure, this may result systems that isolate several interconnected vessels
in a vessel design pressure exceeding 900 kPa. As so an explosion in one vessel does not propagate
expected, this is an expensive solution and is worth through ducting to initiate an explosion in another
considering only for small dryers and for some cases vessel. Two types of isolation systems are used: (1)
of vacuum drying. mechanical and (2) extinguishing, both based on a
fast-acting knife gate valve principle. For details,
please refer Reference 38.


6 5
Protection against fire can be obtained by all the
means used for explosions and also by typical fire-
fighting systems using appropriate extinguishers. The
6 following methods may be applied:

. Gentle water spray

3 . Inert gas blanket
. Steam blanket
. Isolation and an external water spray

2 The selection of an extinguisher depends on factors

4 such as the composition of the dust, its situation, and
the presence of other hazardous materials. The most
FIGURE 48.17 Suppression technique in a fluid-bed dryer. commonly used extinguisher, water, cannot be used
(1, detector; 2, cap valve; 3, bin; 4, ball nozzle; 5, screen for fire involving electric equipment or reactive metals
containing powder; 6, explosion vents). (e.g., aluminum or magnesium). Gases or vapors such

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, or steam may be used as Table 48.10. It should be noted that these suggestions
extinguishing agents for dust fires, especially for dust may be changed or modified depending upon the
that is contained in a relatively gas-tight volume. specific application and dust properties.
Such a vessel should be cut off from adjacent equip-
ment. An alternative to extinguish fire is to allow it to 48.3.7 RELIABILITY OF THE PROTECTIVE SYSTEMS
burn itself out after isolating the vessel concerned,
keeping a spray of cooling water on the outside of An assured level of safety in a drying operation de-
the vessel. pends essentially on the reliability of the protective
The application of any fire-fighting systems re- systems. This means that the system should function
quires that the dust should not be disturbed into a at the time of hazard under given conditions without
cloud because burning material is present and may failure. However, no single system is perfectly reli-
cause an explosion. able. A hazard results when a protective system is
called on to act during a dead period (the fraction of
48.3.6 EXPLOSION HAZARDS AND PROTECTION the time that a protective system is inactive).
On the basis of the hazard analysis (Hazan)
[39,40], the mathematical formula for the hazard
Almost all dryers have to be provided with some type rate H caused by failure of the protective system is
of heating system. Moreover, continuous-duty dryers given by
require feeding and discharging arrangements as well
as dust collection units. Therefore, it is necessary to H ¼ f n T n1 [1  exp (DT =n þ 1)]
consider some of the potential fire and explosion
hazards associated with these systems and steps re- where f ¼ the failure rate of the protective system to
quired to protect them from the hazards. cope, T ¼ the test interval between maintenance
A comprehensive summary of explosion hazards checks, D ¼ the demand rate, and n ¼ the number
and a respective safety measure are presented in of systems.

TABLE 48.10
Explosion Hazards and Safety Measures in Ancillary Units

Heating System Feeding System Dust Conveying

and Recovery
Direct Indirect

Major hazard Flame and burning particle No Scrap metal and stones Dust deposits
Ignition source Hot particles No Sparks Static electricity and
Safety measures Screen to stop particles Pressure relief valves Magnetic or pneumatic Venting or suppression
separators for toxic dust
For water-wetted dust Automatic spark
detection system
Extinguishing system
For flammable solvent Not applicable Inerting or suppression Inerting Inerting or suppression
Basic design Correct air/fuel ratio Interlocked with Uniform feeding rate Air velocity at
considerations Interlocked with the feeding system Interlocked with heater least 20 m/s in
the airflow conveying system
Inlet and outlet Interlocks Bounding and grounding
Effective seal Incorporating carbon
and metal filaments
in fabric filter
Maintenance Purging before start Inlet air filter cleaning Good house keeping Periodical cleaning
and operation and inspection and inspection
Burners cleaning Outside of heating tubes

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Using this formula and a typical figure on the reliability of any safety-critical control system (protec-
relief valve failure (f ¼ 0.01/y), test interval T ¼ 1 tion system) according to standard IEC 61,508 [50] must
y, demand rate D ¼ 1/y, and the hazard rate H ¼ represent a particular safety integrity level, i.e., ‘‘SIL.’’
0.00393 (once in 254 y for n ¼ 1). The value of There are four SIL numbers from 1 to 4 expressing
demand rate D influences the extent of protective the range of probability of failure on demand. For
measures to prevent drying hazard, whereas the fail- category 1 (dryers) the overall protection system
ure rate depends on the design and the maintenance SIL3 is assigned, i.e., the probability of failure on
of the protective system. When a single protective demand is from 104 to 103/y. These are basic guide-
system is unreliable, giving an unacceptable hazard lines to the risk assessment and selection of particular
rate, the duplication or triplication of the system is protective devices.
recommended. The more accurate and reliable pro- The drying risk assessment methodology is dis-
tection system may reduce significantly the safety cussed by Rogers et al [51] as well as by Markowski
margin in operating conditions, which may bring and Mujumdar [52]. Safety assessment of drying pro-
additional economic effects. cesses can also be done using the expert system [53].


A number of papers published so far on safety aspects The normal operation of the plant should be safe,
refer to the spray dryer [41–44) and the fluid dryer efficient, and economical. Safety can be effectively
[45–47]. Few data refer to other types of dryer [48,49], achieved by correct operation and maintenance of
like the contact dryer, which generally can be safe- the equipment. Hazardous situations can arise in the
guarded easier than convective dryers. Table 48.11 best-designed plant if it is improperly operated or
provides a summary of the probable hazards associ- inadequately maintained, or incorrect instructions
ated with a few industrially common types of dryers are given. Human error accounts for over 90% of in-
and some hints on the recommended safety measures dustrial accidents [51]. Within the management factors,
to be taken. Once again, it is noted that this tabulated the most important are the operating and maintenance
information on measures and hazards is not exhaust- procedures, which are common for all industrial equip-
ive. The suggested measures may have to be changed ment. Therefore, there is no special, different recom-
or modified depending upon the specific application mendation for drying equipment, although each type of
at hand. equipment has its own specific characteristics, espe-
cially in terms of operating procedures. Housekeeping
48.3.9 A NEW DEVELOPMENT IN SAFETY cannot be overemphasized either.
Drying is an operation that may produce a combustible
powder or dust that can cause an explosion under the All employed dryers must be equipped with clear and
drying conditions or produce a flammable solvent that comprehensive operating manuals prepared jointly by
may form an explosive vapor–gas mixture. As well as the equipment supplier and the plant operating man-
from fluids and gases, hazards can also result from agement. The manual should be learned by the oper-
solids. For such conditions, the machines, equipment ators, who are to be trained in recognition of hazardous
and protection systems are under EU ATEX 10A situations and risk assessment with the material being
Directive 94/9/EC, which is in force since 2003 [7]. dried. Very useful techniques, known as Hazop (haz-
There are two main requirements of that directive: ard and operability studies) and Hazan (hazard analy-
sis), may be applied successfully in both new and
1. Categorization of the machines, equipment and existing processing plants [39,40].
assignment of an appropriate level of protec- The operating manual should contain the following:
2. Compulsory to carry out risk assessment to . Prestart-up checklist
identify and evaluate any relevant hazard and . Start-up procedure
on that basis eliminate or minimize the risk by . Normal running
an appropriate design measure and protective . Normal shutdown
devices. . Emergency shutdown

Dryers are ATEX category 1, therefore, level of A special hazard is to be expected during start-
protection must be very high. On the other hand, the up and shutdown when the process is not in equilibrium

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ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

TABLE 48.11
Summary of the Probable Hazards and the Recommended Safety Measures for Some Dryer Types

Spray Pneumatic Fluid bed Rotary

Dust cloud ignition Rotary atomizer Yes Mostly in the upper section and in In the bed, no; just above bed and Within the dryer due to fines
the dust recovery section in dust recovery section, generated as a result of attrition
probably yes and breakage
Nozzle atomizer Yes
Dust layer ignition Always a probability; hammers or Top bend of dryer is probable In corners if bed is ot properly Depending upon material
air blankets are used to prevent location; sometimes fluidized; large agglomerates characteristics
agglomerates settle at bottom of may not fluidize at all
Bulk ignition At bottom if discharge mechanism Base of the cyclone; if product is On failure of the discharge If drum stops rotating discharge
fails discharged in the silo mechanism; if hot powder goes mechanism fails; hot powder to a
to a silo silo
Flammable vapor Whole system Whole system Anywhere in the system Whole system
Ignition sources All those listed in Section 3.3 All those listed in Section 3.3; static All those given in Section 3.3; static All those given in Section 3.3;
electricity is more likely is more likely friction is likely to be more at the
Safety measures Specially for Flammable vapor and For flammable vapors, it is the Most practical for flammable Recommended for flammable
solid most feasible vapor solvent recovery
Venting Top and bottom section of the On the roof for continuous duty Inlet and discharge hoods (vent
vertical tube and side vent for batch area ¼ dryer cross-section)
At the roof or side doors (weight/
area < 40 kg/m2)
Suppressing Not useful Suitability depends upon airflow Use limited to small-length dryers
rate and speed of injection
Useful only for dryers with volume
< 100 m3
ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Containing Feasible Only for small units Feasible

Process specification Air temperature 508C below MIT Bed temperature 208C below MIT Inlet air temperature 508C below
Only for small units
Inlet air temperature 508C below
minimum ignition temperature
Dust cloud ignition No, due to low air velocity except No, due to low air velocity; Weak explosions during drying and Mostly depends upon type of
at discharge end probable only during emptying unloading are probable material
Dust layer ignition Material on band and that falls off Product in the tray; product spills Not much of a change On shaft and blades of mixer; on
edges of band during charging and emptying inner surface of trough
Bulk ignition Discharge system fails; hot powder Product directly bagged If mixing stops; during discharging If shaft stops rotating; if product
to a silo goes to a silo directly
Flammable vapor Normally not used Whole system Loading and unloading; during Whole system
drying in the vacuum system
Ignition sources All those given in Section 3.3 All those given in Section 3.3; self- All those given in Section 3.3 All those given in Section 3.3;
ignition is more likely heating and frictional sparks
Safety measures Not feasible Feasible for flammable solvents Can be done Preferred for flammable vapor
Inerting Required only when burners in the Feasible and most preferred Required on the roof for cases of On the roof
oven; 6 m apart on the roof exothermic decomposition
involving large volumes of gas
Suppressing Can be used Not feasible Can be used Only when large free space between
mixer and roof
Containing Not feasible Not feasible Easier to attain in cylindrical unit Most suitable
Process specification Air temperature 208C below MIT Oven temperature 508C below Operating temperature 508C below 508C margin from cross-flow layer
layer ignition temperature bulk ignition temperature ignition temperature

1 Initial test on material

The process 2 Choice of the dryer


3 Fire and explosion


4 Operating conditions

5 Process and equipment


The engineering
6 Ignition source

7 Explosion and
fire precautions

8 Risk Risk cost

assessment benefit analysis
The management
factor 9 Safe operating

10 Maintenance and


FIGURE 48.18 The procedure in safe plant dryer design.

and it is more likely that control may be lost. Very prevention measures as well as routine maintenance
essential is online controlling equipment, especially and turnaround periods. Special attention should
for air and material temperatures and flow rates. For be paid to maintenance in all safety systems and in
evaporation of organic solvents, vapor concentration that equipment responsible for the ignition sources.
monitoring is mandatory. Any instrument malfunc- A work permit should be followed in all maintenance
tioning, dust leakage, or spillage, and any deviation work, especially performing hot work like welding,
from an acceptable range of parameters must be cutting, or soldering.
located and removed. Regular safety reviews should It is important to appreciate that the main danger
be carried out, particularly when any changes are to be is not necessarily from a primary explosion occurring
made in equipment, feedstock, or operating practice. within the drying plant. The secondary explosion,
A full account of the plant operation safety usually caused by dust deposition on surrounding
requirements can be found in Reference 8. surfaces, is always devastating; the importance of
good housekeeping cannot be overemphasized.
48.4.2 MAINTENANCE AND TRAINING Adequate training of management and operatives
is necessary to run the plant safely, efficiently, and
Fire and explosion hazard in dryers imposes extra economically. The plant should allow not only for
requirements on plant maintenance. It is important preparation of correct operating procedures, but
to apply the general policy in a breakdown case or also for staff action in emergency conditions.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

48.5 THE PROCEDURE FOR SAFE PLANT 10. M.M. Raftery, Explosibility Tests for Industrial Dusts,
Department of Environment and Fire Research, Tech-
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On the basis of process, engineering, and manage- 11. J. Cross and D. Farrer, Dust Explosions, Plenum Press,
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12. P. Field, Dust Explosions, in Handbook of Powder
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