TEST - 45 (CSAT Full Syllabus) 16-Apr-18 14 - 45

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Total Marks : 200

TEST - 45 (CSAT Full Syllabus) Mark Scored : 0

1 Read the following passages and answer the items that follow. Your answer to these items should be
based on the passages only.

Passage 1:

Cricket is a sport, but it is also a code of honour. The phrase ‘it’s not cricket’ refers to any act that is
not fair. That it has been called ‘a gentleman’s game’ suggests that it is held to high standards. Yet,
like a few other things wrong with the game, ball-tampering remains one of its murkiest secrets. The
seemingly innocuous application of saliva and sweat, and more interventionist acts such as pressing
chewed lozenges, throwing the ball hard on the surface, the use of nails or abrasive dust from the turf,
and in some cases the use of bottle openers have plunged a knife into the game’s heart even as they
enhanced many a fast bowler’s ability to extract reverse-swing.

Q. Which of the following is the most logical and rational inference that can be drawn from the

A. Ball tampering is a genuine tool to aid fast bowlers

B. Ball tampering comes under the category of unsportsmanlike behaviour just short of cheating
C. For the spirit of cricket to be preserved, ball tampering needs to be eradicated from the
D. Ball tampering distorts the balance between bat and ball

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

The passage states that ball tampering is one of the murkiest secrets of cricket. Hence, it cannot be
a genuine tool. This also implies that ball tampering is cheating and not merely unsportsmanlike
behaviour. Ball tampering distorting the balance between bat and ball is one of the reasons why ball
tampering is cheating and not merely unsportsmanlike behaviour. C is most apt.

2 Passage 2:

Today, we see the rise of Big Data analytics, artificial intelligence and social media, which crosslinks
content, community and messaging. With convergence, this has an effect across media. Data is flowing
and being analysed and leveraged in unprecedented ways, and it is impossible for the average user to
understand the implications of the terms of service agreements which must be signed before a new
app can be used. Users just scroll down and tick the right box, consenting to the monetisation of their
Q. Which of the following is the most logical and rational corollary to the above passage?

A. Unsuspecting users are being used as guinea pigs by data mining companies
B. There is an immediate need to bring in laws protecting data privacy
C. Governments across the world are complicit in monetization of data
D. Terms of service agreements have to be made less verbose and simpler to facilitate

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Your Answer :
Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

The main idea in the passage is that users are not able to read terms of service agreements and
accept them in ignorance, which allows data mining companies to collect data from them. Hence,
the most logical corollary is that the service agreements be made less verbose and simpler for
people to realize what data of theirs is in public domain.

3 There are equal number of rats and cats in a garden. The cats’ population grow at 10% every year
whereas rats’ population grow at 37.5%. After 2 years, what will be the ratio of cats to rats?

A. 4:15
B. 4:5
C. 16:25
D. 2:5

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

4 What is the greatest 3 digit number which when divided respectively by 5, 7 and 9 leaves the remainders 3, 5 and 7 respectively?

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A. 943
B. 963
C. 953
D. 947

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

999 is the greatest 3 digit number.

The desired number has to be less than 999.

The number when divided respectively by 5, 7 and 9 leaves the remainders 3, 5 and 7 respectively.

Here, the divisor and the respective remainders have common difference of 2.

That means the desired number is 2 less than the LCM of 5, 7 and 9 which is lesser than 999 and
closer to 999.

Therefore, LCM of 5, 7 and 9 = 315.

Dividing 999 by 315, we get 54 as remainder.

999-54 = 945.

Therefore, 945 is the closest LCM which is 3 digit.

Thus, desired number = 945 – 2 = 943.

5 In a firm, the daily average wages of 20 skilled employees is decreased from Rs.250 to Rs.100, thus the
average salary of all skilled and unskilled employees decreased by Rs.100. The number of unskilled
employees working in the firm is:

A. 15
B. 20
C. 10
D. Data insufficient

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

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The reduction in the original salary of a skilled employee = 250-100 = Rs.150

The reduction in the original salary of 20 skilled employees = 150 × 20 = Rs.3000

Note that the salary of unskilled employees was not changed.

But the change in the salary of skilled employees affected the average of salaries both skilled and
unskilled employees by Rs.100

Total number of employees = 3000/100 = 30

Number of unskilled employees = 30 – 20 = 10.

6 Passage 3:

Green growth means fostering economic growth and development while ensuring that natural assets
continue to provide the resources and environmental services on which our well-being relies.
To do this it must catalyse investment and innovation which will underpin sustained growth and give
rise to new economic opportunities. Green growth is not a replacement for sustainable
development. Rather, it provides a practical and flexible approach for achieving concrete, measurable
progress across its economic and environmental pillars, while taking full account of the social
consequences of greening the growth dynamic of economies. That potential includes the provision of
critical life support services – clean air and water, and the resilient biodiversity needed to support food
production and human health.

Q. Based on your understanding of the passage,

1. Natural resources are infinitely substitutable

2. Our addiction to economic growth only needs to be sacrificed

Which of the following assumption(s) have been made in the passage?

A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Statement 1 is not an assumption made in the passage. The purpose of green growth itself is to
ensure that we are able to preserve finite natural resources. Statement 2 is correct as this
assumption is implicit throughout the passage where the talk is of sustainable growth. Hence B

7 Based on your understanding of the passage, Which of the following is the most apt description of
green growth?

A. Path of economic growth that uses natural resources in a sustainable manner

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B. means by which the current economy can make the transition to a sustainable economy
C. decoupling GDP from material use
D. a way of invoking steady increase in output without adverse environmental consequences

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

The passage describes that Green growth is about neither sacrificing economic growth nor ignoring
environmental and social concerns. D captures the essence most aptly.

8 Passage 4:

The politics of activism, the involvement of civil society and the participation of citizens in movements
influencing, or attempting to influence, government policies are healthy elements of democracy.
Through agitation or peaceful demonstrations, planned or spontaneous movements; the participation
of pressure groups, concerned citizens, social activists and NGOs through the politics of confrontation
and consultation can only make our democratic institutions stronger and more vibrant.

Q. Which of the following is the most essential message being conveyed by the passage?

A. Democracy thrives when people participate

B. Freedom of expression is sacrosanct
C. Pressure Groups are useful in achieving short term gains
D. The strength of democracy gets reflected by the strength of democratic institutions

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

B is an umbrella idea. Participation of people in a democracy is also a means of expression, which

the passage focuses on. The central idea is captured in statement A as the passage mentions that
democratic institutions are strengthened when people participate. C is wrong as per the passage. D
is unrelated to the central idea in the passage.

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9 Directions for questions 9 and 10:

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a rectangular table in such a way that two
persons sit on each of the four sides of the table facing the centre. Persons sitting on opposite sides
are exactly opposite to each other.

1. D faces north and sits exactly opposite to H.

E is to the immediate left of H.
A and G sit on the same side.
G is exactly opposite of B, who is to the immediate right of C.
A is sitting to the left of D.

Q. Which of the following statements is definitely true?

A. A is facing North
B. E is sitting opposite to F
C. F is to the left of G
D. C is to the left of A

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

From statements 1, 3 and 5, we get that D faces north. A and G in clockwise, face east.

From statements 1, 2 and 4, we get the order in clockwise, DAGHEBC.

Now, F will occupy the seat at the immediate right of D.

So, final arrangement is: clockwise, DAGHEBCF.

Conclusion (a) is false because A is facing east.

Conclusion (b) is true as E is sitting opposite to F.
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Conclusion (c) is false because F is to the left of C.

Conclusion (d) is false because C is to the left of B.

10 Which of the following pairs of persons has both the persons sitting on the same side with first
person sitting to the right of second person?


Your Answer :
Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

Refer the explanation to previous question.

D is sitting to the left of F. Hence (a) is not the answer.

C is sitting to the left of B. Hence (b) is not the answer.

F and C are not on the same side. Hence (c) is not the answer.

A is sitting to the right of G. Hence (d) is the answer.

11 What is the maximum number of students among whom 1274 books, 1183 pens and 1001 pencils be
distributed in such a way that all students get the same number of books, same number of pens and
same number of pencils?

A. 13
B. 7
C. 91
D. 273

Your Answer :

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Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

Here, we need to calculate HCF of numbers 1274, 1183 and 1001.

Arrange them either in increasing order or increasing order.

Decreasing order: 1274 1183 1001:

Take the difference of two consecutive pairs i.e. 1274 – 1183 and 1183 – 10001

i.e. 91 and 182.

The HCF of 91 and 182 = 91.

Once, verify if 91 can divide the given numbers i.e. 91×11 = 1001, 91×13 = 1183 and 91×14 =

Hence, we can distribute the books, pens and pencils in the desired manner among maximum 91

12 Passage 5:

There comes a phase in life when the spring of life is frozen, the rain of circulation becomes dry, the
movement of body becomes motionless, the rainbow of life becomes colourless and the word life,
which one calls a dance in space and time, becomes still and blurred and the inevitable death comes

Q. Which of the following statements best fit the message being conveyed in the passage?

A. Right to die is implied in right to life

B. Right to not accept medical treatment is essential to liberty
C. Death is unavoidable
D. We are all trapped in the cycle of life and death

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

The debate around passive euthanasia is centred on the idea that there comes a stage when you are
just mechanically alive. In such a situation, whether or not to continue with life is a matter of
personal choice. This is captured in B. The first part of the passage describes a stage where life
loses its vitality and meaning. Hence B

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13 Passage 6:

We live in troubled times, in a dangerous and destabilised world that has coarsened our sensibilities
and constrained our capacities for goodness. All the world’s major faiths teach love, compassion and
tolerance; yet, unprovoked and unimaginable violence is being perpetrated in the name of faith by
self -proclaimed rabbis .Those who claim to be emblems of faith are acting in ways that bring
dishonor to it and themselves. Most of the misunderstanding about various religions is primarily on
account of lack of deeper analysis of the world’s scriptures.

Q. Which among the following is the most logical and rational inference that can be made from the

A. Compassion and mercy underpin the philosophy of all scriptures, which is scarcely understood
in today’s age
B. Religious leaders have lost sight of the true meaning of scriptures
C. There is a tendency to sermonise on other religions on the basis of understanding obtained
from secondary sources
D. Religion is the opium of masses

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

B is wrong as the passage says that the world itself is misguided. Religious leaders have a role to
play, but there are other factors as well. C is wrong as secondary sources is not talked about in the
passage. D is right as the religion does blind people. However the most logical inference is A as the
focus of the passage is on understanding why people are blinded. It is because the main idea of
scriptures is lost on them.

14 In a regular week, there are 5 working days and there are 8 working hours in each day. A man gets
Rs.2.80 per hour for regular work and Rs.3.20 per hour for overtime work. If a person gets Rs.496 at
the end of 4 weeks, then how many hours he has worked for?

A. 175
B. 160
C. 165
D. 155

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

In 4 weeks’ time a person can work 4×5×8 = 160 hours

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Salary for regular work of 160 hours = 160 × Rs.2.80 = Rs.448

Salary for overtime work = Rs.496 – Rs.448 = Rs.48

Number overtime work hours = Rs.48/Rs3.20 = 15

Total number hours the person has worked for = 160 + 15 = 175

15 A team batting first has scored 320 runs. The opponent team chasing the target has scored one third
of the target in 2/5th of the maximum overs. At the least with what average should the opponent team
score the remaining runs per over from now to win the match if maximum number of overs is 45?

A. 7.12
B. 7.88
C. 7.93
D. 7.66

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

The target is 321 to win the match.

2/5 of 45 overs are bowled i.e. 18 hours are bowled.

Remaining overs are 45 - 18 i.e. 27 overs.

1/3rd of the target is reached i.e. 1/3 of 321 i.e. 107.

Remaining (321-107 = 214) runs to be scored in 27 overs.

The required run rate or average = 214/27 = 7.93 per over

16 Passage 7:

There is nothing that is valued more than intellectual integrity, the right to call my soul my own, to
dream my own dreams and sing my own song. It is the only beacon by which you can steer your bark
through the rough and stormy sea of life.

Q. Which among the following is the most essential message being conveyed by the passage?

A. The most valuable tool to wade through life is to be true to one’s own self
B. People who fail in their endeavours lack intellectual integrity
C. Being disappointed by the obstacles in life will serve no purpose
D. One can be truly free only if they live a life of integrity

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Your Answer :
Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

The keyword in the passage is integrity and staying true to one’s belief. The advantage as described
in the passage is that it would help us steer through the crests and troughs of life. Hence A. D also
talks about living a life of integrity. However, being free is not being spoken of in the passage.

17 Directions for questions 17 and 18:

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions which follow:
A, B, C, D, E and F live on different floors in the same building having six floors numbered one to six
(the ground floor is numbered 1, the floor above it, number 2 and so on and the topmost floor is
numbered 6).
A lives on an even numbered floor.
There are two floors between the floors on which D and F live.
F lives on a floor above D’s floor.
D does not live on floor number 2.
B does not live on an odd numbered floor.
C does not live on any of the floors below F’s floor.
E does not live on a floor immediately above or immediately below the floor on which B lives.

Q. Who among the following live on the floors exactly between D and F?

A. E, A
B. C, B
C. E, C
D. A, C

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

Inference from statement 1: A lives on floor no. 2 or 4 or 6.

Inference from statements 2, 3 and 4:

If D lives on floor 3: From top: F_ _ D_ _

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If D lives on floor 1: From top: _ _ F _ _ D

Inference from statement 5: B lives on floor no. 2 or 4 or 6.

Inference from statement 6: be possible arrangement from top are: _ C F _ _ D or C _ F _ _ D

Since A and B have to occupy even numbered floors, we have only one arrangement possible i.e. _ C

Inference from statement 7: Since E can’t be B’s neighbour, the final arrangement is:


Hence, A and E live on the floors exactly between D and F.

18 On which of the following floors does B live?

A. 6th
B. 4th
C. 2nd
D. 5th

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

Refer the explanation to the previous answer.

B lives on 6th floor.

19 Three times the first of three consecutive odd integers is 3 more than twice the third. The third
integer is:

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A. 11
B. 13
C. 15
D. 17

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

Let the first 3 odd consecutive numbers be k, k+2 and k+4

As per the given condition, 3k = 2(k+4) + 3

3k = 2k + 8 + 3

3k = 2k + 11

k = 11

Thus, third integer = k + 4 =11 + 4 = 15

20 The sum of ages of father and son is 60 years. 6 years ago, father’s age was 5 times the age of the
son. After how many years the age of the son will be half of the father’s age?

A. 14
B. 18
C. 9
D. 12

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

Let the father’s age be ‘x’ years.

Therefore, the son’s age = 60 - x years.

6 years ago, father’s age was x - 6 years and son’s age was 60 – x – 6 years = 54-x years.

As per the given condition,

(x – 6) = 5 (54 – x)

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x – 6 = 270 – 5x

5x + x = 270 +6

6x = 276

x = 46 years.

Thus, son’s age = 60 – 46 = 14 years.

The difference between father’s age and son’s age = 46 – 14 = 32 years.

So, when son becomes 32 years old, his father will be 64 years old.

Since son’s age is 14 years, he needs 18 years to become 32 years old.

21 Read the following passages and answer the items that follow. Your answer to these items should be
based on the passages only.

Passage 8:

In an age of mass extinction – with unknown impacts on human society – wildlife conservation
remains massively underfunded and unsupported. Yet, aggressive actions to save our planet’s wild
diversity would also mitigate climate change, clean up our oceans, and safeguard our food and water
supplies, in addition to giving our children a world nearly as wild and diverse as the one we inherited.

Q. Based on your understanding of the passage,

1. Funding for wildlife conservation is not a priority for the government

2. Loss of biodiversity impacts our climate
3. Mass extinction is a recurring event in Earth’s history

Which of the following assumption(s) have been made in the passage?

A. 1, 2 and 3
B. 1 only
C. 1 and 2 only
D. 2 and 3

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

2 is correct as the passage states that investing in climate change would help mitigate climate
change. 3 is wrong as mass extinction event might be a recurring event in Earth’s history, however,
it isn’t being stated in this passage. 1 is correct as the passage states that wildlife conservation is
underfunded, which means that it is of low priority for the government.

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22 Passage 9:

Public-private partnerships (PPP) are collaborations between public and private sector entities with a
focus on system efficiency, innovation and accountability. In education, they bring together the scale
of the government system with the innovation of the private sector to improve the quality of the
system as a whole. This is a cooperative venture between the two sectors. It is built on the expertise
of each partner to meet clearly defined public needs.
Today, basic education in India faces the twin challenges of enrolment in schools and learning
outcomes. Education is a fundamental sector, but governments have limited resources for it. This has
resulted in greater involvement of the private sector and business corporations in the financing and
management of services in education.

Q. The main idea of the passage is that

A. PPP leverages the complementary strengths of the partnering entities

B. PPP in education sector can be a panacea for education sector in India
C. Education for all in India is still a distant dream because of lack of innovative policymaking
like PPP
D. The government alone is not sufficient to reform the education sector in India

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

The key focus of the passage is on PPP in education sector in India. Hence any option that doesn’t
keep this idea as the central theme cannot be the main idea of the passage. Thus, A is out as it talks
about PPP. Statement D is wrong as the passage suggests that government can reform education
sector but will probably take more time and resources. C is extraneous to the passage. Hence B

23 As per the passage,

1. Limited financial resources
2. Limited usage of technology in classroom
3. Students of class 5 are unable to read passages of class 2

The main challenges faced by the education sector in India is/are

A. 1 and 2 only
B. 2 and 3 only
C. 1, 2 and 3
D. 1 and 3 only

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Both I and iii are mentioned in the passage. III is mentioned indirectly in the form of poor learning

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outcomes. Limited usage of technology is nt directly stated.

24 Majnu is as much younger than Ranjha as he is older than Romeo. If the sum of ages of Ranjha and
Romeo is 60 years, what is the definite difference between Ranjha’s age and Majnu’s age?

A. 2 years
B. 58 years
C. 30 years
D. Data inadequate

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

Let the ages of Majnu, Ranjha and Romeo be ‘x’, ‘y’ and ‘z’ years respectively.

As per given condition,

y – x = x – z …..(1)

Also, y + z = 60 …..(2)

Since there are three variables and only two equations can be constructed, the solution will be

We can get only the value of x from the given equations.

From (1), y + z =2x

Equating with (2),

2x = 60

x = 30.

But the definite difference between x and y can’t be determined.

Hence, data is inadequate.

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25 Directions for questions 25 and 26:

Study the following information given about 5 students and 5 subjects in a school.
1. Aadi and Archi are good in Arithmetic and Athletics.
Adhira and Aadi are good in Athletics and Astronomy.
Archi and Abhi are good in Algebra and Arithmetic.
Adhira, Abhi and Ayesha are good in Astronomy and Algebra.
Ayesha and Adhira are good in Astronomy and Art.

Q. Who among the following is/are good in exactly 3 subjects?

1. Aadi
2. Abhi
3. Archi
4. Adhira

Select the correct answer using codes below:

A. 1 and 2 only
B. 2 and 3 only
C. 1, 2 and 3 only
D. 1, 2, 3 and 4

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

26 Highest number of students is good in which of the following subjects?

1. Arithmetic

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2. Athletics
3. Astronomy
4. Algebra

Select the correct answer using the codes below:

A. 1 and 2 only
B. 3 and 4 only
C. 1 and 3 only
D. 2 and 4 only

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

Refer the explanation to the previous answer.

4 students (highest) are good in Astronomy and Algebra.

27 Passage 10:

The role of the state, according to Hobhouse, is to "secure [the] conditions upon which its citizens are
able to win by their own efforts all that is necessary to a full civic efficiency". To this end, he
proposed a special tax on income derived from financial speculation, and other measures designed to
"quench the antisocial ardour for unmeasured wealth, for social power, and the vanity of display".

Q. What is the most rational and critical inference that can be drawn from the above passage?

A. State misjudges the scope of its role when it strives to provide cradle to grave support
B. The role of state is to ensure redistribution by taxing the rich and making sure that the people
have the avenues to develop their capacity
C. Accumulation of wealth leading to inequality is a massive problem leading lo lack of civic
D. Economic activities like financial speculation has a major role to play in social inequality

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

The focus of the passage is on understanding the role of state. This eliminates option C and D which
are not talking about the role of state. The passage is describing what should be the role of state
and not what the state shouldn’t do. That eliminates A. Hence B is the most accurate.

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28 When any number is divided by 15, then dividend becomes 1/3rd of the other number. By how much
percent first number is greater than the second number?

A. 400
B. 300
C. 500
D. None of the above

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

Let the first number be ‘x’ and second number be ‘y’.

When x is divided by 15, the dividend is x and divisor is 15.

When divided, dividend x becomes x/15.

x/15 is also 1/3rd of second number i.e. (x/15) = (y/3)

x/y = 15/3 = 5.

Thus, x = 5y.

x is 500% of y or x is 400% greater than y.

Thus, the first number is 400% greater than the second number.

29 Kanchan sells Kanchi Silk Saree at a profit of 25%. If she had bought it at 20% less and sold it for
Rs.210 less, She would have gained 30%. Find the cost price of the saree?

A. Rs.1000
B. Rs.1200
C. Rs.700
D. Rs.1050

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

Let the Cost Price of the saree be Rs.’x’.

Selling Price @25% profit = x + 25% of x = 1.25x

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If the saree was bought @20% less, then New Cost Price = x – 20% of x = 0.8x

New Selling Price = 1.25x – 210

New Profit = 30%

Therefore, 0.8x + 30% of (0.8x) = 1.25x – 210

0.8x + 0.24x = 1.25x – 210

1.04x = 1.25x – 210

210 = 1.25x - 1.04x

0.21x = 210

x = Rs.1000

Cost Price of the saree = Rs.1000

30 Passage 11:

Why must we preserve dying languages? Other than being a part of living heritage, languages convey
our unique culture; it also carries so much traditional wisdom. And more importantly, each language
has its own world view and can provide insights into the neurology, psychology and the linguistic
capacities of our species. For people, language is also power. Take for example, the plight of tribals
in Chhattisgarh. There is an acute disconnect between them and the administration and one key
reason is that while they cannot speak Hindi, the administrators cannot speak their local language.
And as they say, much gets lost in translation.

Q. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about languages?

1. Transmission of culture happens through language

2. During growing up stage, speaking in mother tongue adds to our cognitive abilities
3. Knowing local language is a critical requirement for good governance

Select the Correct Answer using the codes given below:

A. 1 only
B. 1 and 2 only
C. 2 only
D. 1 and 3 only

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

The passage states that languages convey culture. Hence, 1 is true. The last two lines of the
passage convey 3. 2 is wrong as it is not mentioned in the passage. Hence D

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31 Passage 12:

Hung Parliament” is a phrase that terrifies the stock market. The thinking is that our economy needs
strong and decisive leadership that a government formed without a single party’s majority fails to
provide. It results in lack of economic direction, accompanied by lower GDP growth. There are too
many vested interests inside the Cabinet and regional parties often have a veto on what can and
cannot be done by the leadership. This is the basis of the thinking in favour of a majority government
and against coalitions. The evidence of recent years does not support this thinking.

Q. Which among the following is the most logical and critical inference of the above passage?

A. Coalition governments lead to instability which is disliked by the financial market

B. Coalition government is incompatible with laissez faire because of their socialist leanings in a
country like India
C. The idea that coalition government is incompatible with economic growth does not find merit
based on empirical evidence
D. Coalition government leads to crowded leadership which slows down decision making process

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

A is incorrect as the last line of the passage states that coalition governments have had no such
negative impact. Socialist leaning of coalition government is not mentioned in the passage. Hence B
is wrong. While D is correct per se, it is not the focus of the passage. The focus of the passage is on
showing that the stereotypes about coalition government does not find merit empirically. Hence C

32 Direction for questions from 32 to 34:

A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven persons who travel to office everyday by a particular train which stops at
five stations – I, II, III, IV and V respectively after it leaves base station.
Three among them get in the train at the base station.
D gets down at the station next to the station at which F gets down.
B does not get down either with A or E, G alone gets in at station III and gets down with C after one station.
A travels between two immediate stations and gets down at station V.
None of them gets in at station II.
C gets in with F but does not get in with either B or D.
E gets in with two others and gets down alone after D, B and D work in the same office and they get down
together at station III.
None of them gets down at station I.

Q. At which of the following stations do B and D get in?

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A. Base station
B. Station I
C. Station III
D. Data inadequate

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

33 At which station do C and F get in?

A. Base station
B. Station I
C. Station III
D. Data inadequate

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

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Answer Justification:

Refer the explanation for previous answer.

Only E’s entry station is confirmed.

Any of the pairs CF or BD can get in at Base Station/Station I.

34 Who among the following get down at Station V?

1. G
2. C
3. A

Select the correct answer using the codes below:

A. 1 and 2 only
B. 2 and 3 only
C. 1 and 3 only
D. 1, 2 and 3

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

Refer the explanation given for previous to previous question.

All G, C and A get down at station V.

35 Passage 13:

The indigenous cryogenic stage on the GSLV is the third stage, and uses liquid hydrogen as fuel and
liquid oxygen as oxidiser. Cryogenic stage is a highly efficient rocket stage that provides more thrust
for every kg of propellant it burns compared to solid and earth-storable liquid propellant stages. The
impulse achievable with cryo fluids is 450 seconds compared with 300 seconds for other fuels.

Q. Which of the following is the most logical corollary to the above passage?

A. Rockets with cryogenic stage can carry greater weight of payload

B. Cryogenic technology is very difficult to master
C. Cryo fluids release more energy because they are more combustible and hence are a safety
D. None of the above

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : A

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Answer Justification :

A is correct as the passage states that cryo engines are more efficient, which means that more
thrust can be derived from lesser quantity of fuel. Thus the payload will be more. Hence A

36 In the chain of Producer-Wholesaler-Retailer-Consumer, the price of a product rises by 65%. If the

producer gains 20% and wholesaler gains 25%, find the percentage profit earned by retailer?

A. 20%
B. 15%
C. 10%
D. 5%

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

Let the Input cost for the producer be Rs.100

If the producer gains 20%, then Cost Price to the wholesaler = Rs.100 + 20% of Rs.100 = Rs.120

If the wholesaler gains 25%, then Cost Price to the retailer = Rs.120 + 25% of Rs.120

= Rs.120 + Rs.30

= Rs.150

The consumer pays Rs.165 for the product. That means, Selling Price by the retailer = Rs.165.

We have to find out that Rs.165 is how much percent above Rs.150.

Profit Percentage for the retailer = ((165-150)/150) × 100 = 10%

37 30 litres of mixture contains petrol and ethanol in the ratio 3:1. If 9 litres of this mixture is replaced
by 9 litres of petrol, the ratio of petrol to ethanol would be:

A. 21:19
B. 7:3
C. 33:7
D. 11:9

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

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Answer Justification:

In 30 litres of mixture, 3/4 part is petrol and 1/4 part is ethanol.

Therefore, the original volume of petrol = 3/4 of 30 = 22.5 litres.

The original volume of ethanol = 30 – 22.5 = 7.5 litres.

In 9 litres of mixture that is taken out, 3/4th is petrol i.e. 3/4 of 9 litres = 6.75 litres.

The volume of ethanol that is take out =1/4 of 9 litres = 2.25 litres.

So, the remaining mixture has (22.5 – 6.75) litres of petrol and (7.5 – 2.25) litres is ethanol.

i.e. 15.75 litres of petrol and 5.25 litres of ethanol.

When 9 litres of petrol is added, the new mixture will contain (15.75 + 9) i.e. 24.75 litres of petrol
and 5.25 litres of ethanol.

Now, the ratio of petrol to ethanol = 24.75:5.25 = 33:7

38 Sam walked from a place, 10 km towards South to reach the station, then turned left and walked 2
km, then took a right turn and walked another 4 km. Again he turned right and walked for 12 km and
took a 14 km walk by turning to North, and there he could see the station at a 12 km distance after
taking a right turn. In which direction is the station situated?

A. North
B. East
C. South
D. West

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

The following diagram illustrates the journey of Sam.

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The station is in East direction from the final position of Sam.

39 Read the following passages and answer the items that follow. Your answer to these items should be
based on the passages only.

Passage 14:

Decriers of the data-oil equivalence paradigm underscore the fact that oil is limited hydrocarbon
resource while data is a renewable being churned out in more than generous doses every day. There
is but a finite amount of oil on Earth that can be extracted. The worth of oil comes from its
scarceness and the difficulty of mining it from new and untapped locations. However, it is
progressively becoming easier to churn out massive amounts of data. Designating data as the new oil
serves to only delineate the study and analysis of a hitherto unexplored horizon as the brave new
frontier of the technology universe. The insights that a deep dive into the undulating oceans of data
can provide, in turn impels companies and even states to discern novel methods of monetising and
weaponizing it respectively.

Q. Based on the passage,

1. Data multiplies while oil depletes

2. Oil technology has nothing new to offer whereas data management is the new buzzword
3. Countries have stopped fighting over oil and have started mis utilizing data

Which of the following is/are the differences between oil and data?
A. 1 only
B. 1 and 2 only
C. 1, 2 and 3
D. None of the above

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Statement 2 is wrong as the first part which states that oil technology has nothing new to offer is
false as per the passage (not mentioned). 3 is wrong as the passage only states that countries have
started misutilizing data, it doesn’t state that countries have stopped fighting over oil. The passage
states that it is easier to churn out massive data whereas oil is a scarce resource. Hence A

40 Which among the following is the most logical and critical inference that can be made from the

A. With the amount of data that is being generated, data based decision making will become a
very efficient governance tool
B. Oil based technology will fade away in future and newer technologies will emerge to take its
C. Big data technology, which is a part of blue sky revolution, has many applications in the near
future, both progressive and perverse

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D. None of the above

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

A is wrong as data based decision making is just one of the many applications of big data
technology, and is not even mentioned in the passage. B is wrong as the focus of the passage is data
and not oil. C is correct as the passage explains that data technology is going to be a big thing in
future and its applications have already started yielding effects, both positive and negative.

41 In a certain code language if the word ‘MUSEUM’ is coded as ‘LSPAPG’, then how will the
word ‘PALACE’ be coded in that language?


Your Answer :
Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

Word: M U S E U M

Logic: -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6

Code: L S P A P G

Similarly, the code for PALACE is

Word: P A L A C E

Logic: -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6

Code: O Y I W X Y

42 Find the wrong term in the letter-number series given below:

G4T, J10R, M20P, P43N, S90L

A. G4T
B. J10R
C. M20P
D. P43N

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Your Answer :
Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

The first letter of each term is moved three steps forward.

The last letter is moved two steps backward to obtain the corresponding letters of the next term.

The numbers follow the sequence

2 × (Preceding number) + 1, 2 × (Preceding number) + 2, 2 × (Preceding number) + 3 and

2 × (Preceding number) + 4.

So, 10 is wrong and must be replaced by (4×2+1) = 9.

43 Three friends Amar, Akbar and Anthony started a business with initial investments of Rs.40000,
Rs.80000 and Rs.120000 respectively. Akbar withdrew Rs.40000 from his investments after 1 year.
Anthony withdrew Rs.80000 after 2 years. In what ratio the profit be shared at the end of 3 years?

A. 2:3:5
B. 3:4:7
C. 4:5:7
D. None of the above

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

Amar invests Rs.40000 for 3 years.

Akbar invests Rs.80000 for 1 year and Rs.40000 for 2 years.

Anthony invests Rs.120000 for 2 years and Rs.40000 for 1 year.

The ratio of shares in the profit is in proportion with the amount invested and the time for which the
amount is invested.

Thus, the ratio of shares of Amar, Akbar and Anthony is

= (40000×3) : (80000×1+40000×2) : (120000×2+40000×1)

= 120000:160000:280000

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= 3:4:7

44 If 12 generators consume 24 litres of diesel, when each is working 8 hours a day, how much diesel
will be required for 18 generators, each running 7 hours a day, it is being given that 2 generators of
former type consume as much as 3 generators of latter type?

A. 31.5 litres
B. 24 litres
C. 28 litres
D. 21 litres

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

Case 1:

12 former generators working for 8 hours i.e. 12×8 = 96 hours of work is done.

Efficiency of the former generator = 96/24 = 4 hours per litre.

2 former generators consume as much as 3 latter generators consume.

i.e. 12 former generators consume as much as 18 latter generators consume.

Case 2:

18 latter generators working for 7 hours i.e. 12 former generators working for 7 hours

i.e. 12×7 = 84 hours of work is done.

But the efficiency of the former generators is 4 hours per litre.

Volume of diesel required = 84/4 = 21 litres.

45 A contractor undertook to do a certain piece of work in 9 days. He employed certain number of men,
but 6 of them being absent from the very first day, the rest could finish the work in 15 days. If 30
workers were employed, how many days before the target day the work would have been finished.

A. 3
B. 4½
C. 6
D. 7½

Your Answer :

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Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

Let the original number of workers be ‘x’.

The number of pieces of work that x workers could have done in 9 days is 9x.

Due to absence of 6 workers, there were x – 6 workers at work for 15 days.


9x = 15 (x – 6)

9x = 15x – 90

6x = 90

x = 15

Originally 15 workers were employed to get the work done in 9 days.

If 30 workers were employed, they would have finished the work in 9/2 days i.e. 4 ½ days

The target would have been achieved (9 - 4½) i.e. 4½ days earlier.

46 Passage 15:

Children have a novel way of looking at things because they are not tainted by worldly cares, motives
and influences. They cannot be forced to accept things. They have to be logically convinced. As
adults, we understand that there are some laid down rules and regulations. Children question the
legitimacy of these restrictions. They are keen to know why.

Q. What is the most logical and rational inference that can be drawn from the above passage ?

A. When it comes to certain things, children are smarter than adults

B. The spirit of inquiry should be nurtured and not nipped in the bud.
C. Curiosity of children, at times, can be irritating for parents
D. Children are curious because they are not dealing with the humdrum routine of daily life

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

A is a vague statement which cannot be the most logical inference. C is not in tune with the
message of the passage. D is extraneous to the passage. B is the most apt

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47 Passage 16

Gender politics starts early. Earlier than we would care to accept. And from when it starts, language
plays an absolutely critical role. "Daddy's princess", "meri Gudiya" vs "strong boy," is how children
grow up. "What a pretty girl" vs "What a strong boy". Strength is an asset for both genders, why do
we appropriate it for one? Beauty is again genderless, why do we limit it to one? The language we
choose, the visual language we represent of dainty princesses and charming princes, all tie back to
the culture of patriarchy. Each spoke of the wheel must introspect and critique.

Q. What is the most logical corollary to the above passage?

A. In the conversation of the genders, we have to start using our words well, keeping the agency
of each alive, keeping misogyny and patriarchy at bay.
B. Language is what we make of it. The patriarchy in language has been long ignored
C. Personal is political but it should not remain so
D. None of the above

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

The passage focuses on the sexism prevalent in language which makes it deep rooted. The corollary
should be to remove the patriarchy in language. Hence A is the most appropriate

48 Passage 17:

What do we want in election manifestoes? Grandiose dreams? Or will the political parties include a
'shadow budget' to show how much money is actually required to actualise those dreams, how they
will raise those resources? Current manifestoes and budgets are devoid of crucial details, making
them just castles in the air that are meant to give false hopes to the public.

Q. What is the most logical and critical corollary to the above passage?

A. Democracy in India requires course correction

B. Indian public needs to become more cautious when it comes to believing the promises of
C. Electoral reforms are required in the country to prevent the public from getting duped
D. The need of the hour is to focus on implementation rather than conjuring dreams

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

The focus of the passage is on describing how politicians make tall claims in their manifestos,
without a care about their implementation, which makes them futile for gauging their performance

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later on. The need of the hour thus would be to bring in electoral reforms to ensure that parties
deliver on what they promise. Hence C

49 Directions for questions 49 and 50:

The following questions are based on the information given below:
1. There is a cuboid whose dimensions are 4 x 3 x 3 cm.
The opposite faces of dimensions 4 x 3 are coloured yellow.
The opposite faces of other dimensions 4 x 3 are coloured red.
The opposite faces of dimensions 3 x 3 are coloured green.
Now the cuboid is cut into small cubes of side 1 cm.

Q. How many small cubes will have no face coloured?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 8

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

One needs to imagine the hidden faces and their colours from the diagram below.

Number of small cubes have no face coloured = (4 - 2) (3 - 2) (3 - 2)


= 2.

50 How many small cubes will have only one face coloured?

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A. 10
B. 12
C. 14
D. 18

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

One needs to imagine the hidden faces and their colours.

Number of small cubes having only one face coloured = 4 × (4 - 2) + 2 × (3 – 2)


= 10

51 Two pipes A and B can fill the tank in 6 hours and 4 hours respectively. If they are opened on
alternate hours and if pipe B is opened first, in what time, the tank shall be full?

A. 4 hours 48 minutes
B. 5 hours
C. 4 hours 30 minutes
D. 4 hours 40 minutes

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

Pipe A can fill 1/6th of the tank in 1 hour and Pipe B can fill 1/4th of the tank in 1 hour.

If they opened on alternate hours, in 2 hours they can fill (1/6) + (1/4) of the tank i.e. 5/12 of the

In 4 hours, they can fill ((5/12) × 2) of the tank i.e. 5/6 of the tank.

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After 4 hours, 1/6 of the tank is empty which has to be filled by pipe B. ……. (5th hour is B’s turn)

The time required by pipe B to fill 1/6 of the tank = (1/6)/(1/4) = 4/6 = 2/3 hours = 40 minutes.

Hence, the tank is filled in 4 hours 40 minutes.

52 A man, during his journey, covers first 1/3rd of the journey by car at 60 km/hr, next 1/3rd by cycle at
20km/hr and last 1/3rd by walk at 10 km/hr. What is the average speed of the whole journey?

A. 30 km/hr
B. 12 km/hr
C. 20 km/hr
D. 18 km/hr

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

53 Passage 18:

As information becomes freely available on the world wide web, knowledge itself becomes rapidly
outdated. It is clear that traditional teaching method is no longer the method to best prepare young
people for the challenges of the 21st century. Instead of being content-focused, and teaching them
what to think, we need to equip them with the skills that will teach them how to think. This is where a
liberal arts and sciences education comes in.

Q. The above passage argues for

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A. Revision of methodology of teaching to equip students with skills necessary to survive in a

rapidly changing environment
B. The necessity of incorporating technology in education
C. The need for education reforms in India to address its deteriorating learning outcomes
D. The need for constant upgradtion of one’s skills to be relevant in a rapidly transforming world

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

The passage talks about how technology is transforming the ways in which we have to learn to be
relevant. It tells us about how the current methodology of education is insufficient to equip students
with the tools needed to succeed. Hence revision of methodology is required, incorporating liberal
arts and science education. Hence A

54 Passage 19:

The rise of these social media companies has coincided with major changes in the nature of the state
and its duties towards citizens. Surveillance as a means of providing safety has gained acceptability
— even legitimacy — in many parts of the world. In the industrially advanced bastions of liberal
democracy, a sharp change in public willingness to put up with, even appreciate, the state’s ominous
presence in every sphere of life has come about.

Q. According to the passage,

1. Threat of terror attacks

2. Declining importance of liberty even in liberal countries
3. Formal change in the nature of social contract

Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct reasons behind increased surveillance by state?
A. 1 and 3 only
B. 2 and 3 only
C. 1, 2 and 3
D. 1 and 2 only

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

The passage mentions that safety is a possible reason. Hence, 1 is correct. The passage mentions
that even in liberal countries people are willing to give up on freedom from state’s presence. Hence
2 is correct. The passage mentions that nature of state and its duties towards citizens has changed.
However, the change is informal, not formal. Hence 3 is wrong.

55 Milka can complete six rounds running around a circular track in an hour whereas Silka can complete one round in one hour. Both of
them start running from the same point in the same direction at 06:15 am. At what time will Milka cross Silka for the first time?

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A. 06:42 am
B. 06:30 am
C. 06:27 am
D. 06:17 am

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

Silka runs one round in 60 minutes whereas Milka runs one round in 10 minutes.

Therefore, if the speed of Silka is ‘s’m/s then speed of Milka is ‘6s’m/s.

If the distance covered by Silka is ‘d’m in time ‘t’s, then distance covered by Milka in ‘t’s is ‘6d’m.

When Milka crosses Silka for the first time, Milka would run one round extra compared to Silka.

Thus, 6d = One round + d

One round = 5d m

If Milka can cover 5d m in 10 minutes then he needs 12 minutes to cover 6d m.

So Milka will cross Silka in 12 minutes.

So, @ 06:27am Milka will cross Silka for the first time.

56 There are three statements given followed by conclusions: 1, 2, 3 and 4. Consider the given
statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read the
conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given
statements disregarding commonly known facts.
Statements: Most CPUs are keyboards. No keyboard is a Mouse. All Mouses are CPUs.
1. Some keyboards are CPU
2. All CPU’s are Mouse
3. No Mouse is a keyboard
4. Some Mouses are keyboards

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

A. Only 1 follows
B. Only 2 follows
C. Only 1 and 3 follow
D. Only 2 and 3 follow

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : C

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Answer Justification :

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57 Follow the instructions 1 to 4 and answer the question below.

1. A3P means A is the mother of P
2. A4P means A is the brother of P
3. A9P means A is the husband of P
4. A5P means A is the daughter of P

Which of the following means that K is the mother-in-law of M?

A. M9N3K4J
B. M9N5K3J
C. K5J9M3N
D. K3J9N4M

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

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58 Passage 20:

While culture is not the only explanation for the low regard in which most Indians hold nursing as a
profession, surely there is something deeply admirable about cultures where such service to others is
respected — and not just for the money. For, alas, the high prestige enjoyed by doctors in India is not
a reflection of the service they provide or the fact that they look after other people; it is simply an
index of the money they can make.

Q. Which of the following is/are reason(s) behind the poor respect that nurses command in India?

1. Culture of India which does not value a nurse’s work

2. Indian culture values money much more than work that a person does

Choose the correct answer using the codes given below:

A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Both I and 2 are similar statements. However, the more accurate explanation is in statement 2
where it mentions that in India respect for a profession is indexed to money. Hence B.

59 There are 3 girls and 2 boys travelling in a car of capacity 5. One person can sit next to the driver in
front seats whereas 3 persons have to sit in back seats. Only girls can drive. Boys will sit only in
window seats. In how many ways these persons can sit in the car?

A. 120
B. 12
C. 24
D. 36

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

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60 Among 3 boys and 3 girls how many doubles teams can be formed which consist Boys’ Doubles, Girls’
Doubles and Mixed Doubles teams?

A. 9
B. 15
C. 6
D. 12

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

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61 What is the probability that a 3 digit number doesn’t contain zero in it?

A. 4/5
B. 9/10
C. 8/9
D. 81/100

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

The 3-digit numbers start from 100 and end at 999. There are 900 3-digit numbers.

The hundred’s place will contain a non- zero number 9/9 times.

The ten’s place will contain non-zero number 9/10 times.

The unit’s place will contain non-zero numbers 9/10 times.

Thus the probability = (9/9)×(9/10)×(9/10) = 81/100

62 Out of 40 students, 29 are taking chemistry and 14 are taking physics. If 2 students take neither of
the subjects, what is the probability that a randomly-chosen student has taken only chemistry?

A. 3/5
B. 29/40
C. 9/40
D. 7/20

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

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63 In a row of girls facing North, Rani is 10th to the left of Poonam, who is 21st from the right end. If
Mala, who is 17th from the left end, is fourth to the right of Rani, how many girls are there in the row?

A. 37
B. 43
C. 44
D. 40

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

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64 Read the following 6 passages and answer the 7 items that follow. Your answer to these items should
be based on the passages only.

Passage : 21

One important component of agro-forestry in the Draft Forest Policy document is the provision for
subsidy and MSP (minimum support price) support for it on the lines of agricultural produce.
However, these are likely to only help the big and absentee farmers as the small and marginal
farmers hardly have spare land to undertake agro-forestry. So, an already heavily subsidised class
who pay no taxes will be the prime beneficiary. This will need to be addressed. Moreover, only dry
degraded agriculture and fallow land with private individuals can be targeted for block plantations as
good agricultural lands cannot be diverted for it. But we have no models to suit different agro
climatic zones of the country.

Q. Consider the following assumption(s):

1. MSP policy of government has failed to address the issues of agriculture

2. A lot of planning has not gone into drafting the forest policy document

Which of the following assumption(s) is/are correct based on your understanding of the passage?
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : D

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Answer Justification :

The passage assumes that MSP policy has benefitted the richer farmers more. It doesn’t specifically
mention about the benefits derived in agriculture from MSP policy. Statement 2 is wrong as the
passage tries to find certain lacunae in the draft forest policy, which can be incorporated in further
drafts. It doesn’t necessarily mean that planning has not gone into drafting it. Hence D

65 Which of the following statements explain the problem faced by agro forestry in India?
1. Absence of adequate land for agro forestry
2. Limited awareness among farmers
3. Lack of resources especially for small farmers

A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 1 and 3
D. 1, 2 and 3

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

The passage states that diversion of agricultural land for growing forests is an issue. Hence, I is
true. II is not mentioned in the passage hence it is false. III is true as the passage states that small
and marginal farmers do not have the resources to invest in agro forestry. Hence C

66 Within a square garden of a side 15m, a pavement of width 1.5m has to be constructed along the
edges of the garden. If the construction charges are Rs.135 per square metre, what is the total cost
of construction?

A. Rs.10935
B. Rs.12150
C. Rs.13500
D. Rs.10125

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

The area of the square garden = 152 = 225 sq.m.

After the pavement is constructed, the garden area left = 12 = 144 sq.m.

The pavement area = 225-144 = 81 sq.m.

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Therefore, the total construction charges = 81 × 135 = Rs.10935

67 The simple interest on a certain sum of money for 12 years at 3 ¾ % per annum is Rs.60 more than
the simple interest on the same sum for 14 years at 2 ½ % per annum. Find the sum.

A. Rs.600
B. Rs.1200
C. Rs.900
D. Rs.300

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

Let the sum be Rs.100

Case 1: At 3.75% for 12 years.

SI = PTR/100 = (P×12×3.75)/100 = 45P/100

Case 2: At 2.5% for 14 years.

SI = PTR/100 = (P×14×2.5)/100 = 35P/100

But, (45P/100) – (35P/100) = Rs.60

10P/100 = Rs.60

P = (60×100)/10 = Rs.600

68 The compound interest on a sum of money for 2 years is Rs.832 and the simple interest on the same
sum for the same period is Rs.800. The difference between the compound interest and the simple
interest for 3 years will be:

A. Rs.66.56
B. Rs.98.56
C. Rs.64
D. Rs.96

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

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If the SI after 2 years is Rs.800, then SI after 1 year is Rs.400.

SI and CI on the same sum for 1st year at same rates of interest are always equal.

So, CI for first year = Rs.400.

CI for second year = Rs.832 – Rs.400 = Rs.432.

The difference between CI and SI after 2nd year = SI on CI for first year = Rs.32

i.e. Rs.32 = SI on Rs.400

Rate of Interest (for CI or SI) = (32/400) × 100 = 8%.

Thus, difference between CI and SI of 3rd year = SI on CI for two years

= 8% of Rs.832

= Rs.66.56

Therefore, difference between CI and SI after 3 years = Rs.32 + Rs.66.56 = Rs.98.56.

69 Passage: 22

Liberalism has no timeless, fixed content, an unchanging core. The different doctrines/principles that
fall under the rubric ‘liberalism’ share only a family resemblance. Each of them is as different from
the other as are members of a large extended family. Some liberalisms are single value doctrines
(monists); others try to combine different values (pluralists); some single value liberalisms insist on
liberty as the core value, others equality.

Q. What is the most logical and critical inference that can be drawn from the above passage?

A. Liberalism as an ideology is full of internal conflicts

B. All liberal values have one thing in common – they keep individual at the centre
C. In liberalism, liberty precedes equality
D. no one course of action dictated by liberalism exists

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

The passage tells us that liberalism is an umbrella ideology which means that it would be difficult to
find one particular course of action under liberal ideology. C is wrong as per the passage. B is
wrong as the passage never talks about what the different schools of liberalism have in common. It
merely states that liberalism contains many strains of thought within itself. Hence D

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70 Passage : 23

Private firms are efficient because they are able to empower employees with decision-making powers,
which draw on diverse considerations including past experiences, references and trust. If we make
private sector firms behave like the public sector, we will lose economic dynamism.

Q. The main focus of the passage is on explaining

A. How private sector firms are better than public sector firms
B. How there needs to be a difference in the way public and private sector firms are treated
C. The necessity of operating public sector firms in the same way as private sector firms
D. The ways in which private sector firms outperform public sector firms

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

The answer can be guessed from the last line of the passage which states that private sector ad
public sector firms should be treated differently.

71 Passage : 24

Psychographics, suddenly in the news after the Cambridge Analytica-Facebook controversy exploded,
is a fairly well-defined concept — psychological profiling of target groups that helps to understand
them better so corporates can make better sales pitches for their products, and governments can
tailor their schemes and customise political campaigns.

Q. The passage talks about

A. Cyber bullying and its impacts

B. Lack of privacy on the net
C. Psychological profiling and what it achieves
D. How Facebook is the bastion of consumerist capitalist ideology

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

The passage talks about psychological profiling and what benefits it accrues for the corporate.
Hence C

72 The calendar of year 2015 will be same as the calendar of which year?

A. 2020

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B. 2021
C. 2022
D. 2026

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

We need multiples of 7 to add to the starting day of year 2015 to get the same calendar.

The calendar of year 2016 will have the start from +1 day of the starting day of year 2015.

The calendar of year 2017 will have the start from +1+2 = +3 day of the starting day of year 2015.
(+2 because crossing leap year)

The calendar of year 2018 will have the start from +3+1 = +4 day of the starting day of year 2015.

The calendar of year 2019 will have the start from +4+1 = +5 day of the starting day of year 2015.

The calendar of year 2020 will have the start from +5+1 = +6 day of the starting day of year 2015.

The calendar of year 2021 will have the start from +6+2 = +8 day of the starting day of year 2015.
(+2 because crossing leap year)

The calendar of year 2022 will have the start from +8+1 = +9 day of the starting day of year 2015.

The calendar of year 2023 will have the start from +9+1 = +10 day of the starting day of year

The calendar of year 2024 will have the start from +10+1 = +11 day of the starting day of year

The calendar of year 2025 will have the start from +11+2 = +13 day of the starting day of year
2015. (+2 because crossing leap year)

The calendar of year 2026 will have the start from +13+1 = +14 day of the starting day of year

Thus, year 2026 will have the same calendar as year 2015.

73 At what time between 12pm and 1pm will the hands of clock will make straight line?

A. 12:30:00 pm
B. 12:33:00 pm
C. 12:32:43 pm

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D. 12:33:43 pm

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

We have to obtain a straight angle or 180˚ between hands of a clock.

We have to take 6am or 6pm as the reference time for calculation of 180˚.

The hands of clock will make straight angle after every multiple of (12/11) hours.

So, from 6am to 12pm, 6 hours will elapse.

So, at 6th multiple of (12/11) hours the hands will be at 180˚.

6th multiple of 12/11 is 72/11.

72/11 hours after 6pm is

6 hours and 6/11 hours after 6pm

6 hours and 360/11 minutes after 6pm

6 hours 32 minutes and 8/11 minutes after 6pm

6 hours 32 minutes and 480/11 seconds after 6pm

6 hours 32 minutes and 43 seconds (approx.) after 6pm. i.e. 12:32:43 pm

74 In the given network, all the routes except LD are one-way.

How many distinct routes are possible for a person to go from D to A in such a way that he does not
touch any point twice?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 6

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D. 8

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

Now if he starts from D to B, then further he has two options i.e. either he can travel from B to A to
reach destination or he can go from B to C and from C to A. Hence DBA, DBCA are the possible

Now if he goes from D to F, he has to go to L from D, then from L to B. From B again he can go to A
directly or via C. Hence the possible routes are DFLBA and DFLBCA.

If he chooses to go from D to L, then afterwards he had to go to B from L and then A either directly
or via C. So possible routes are DLBA and DLBCA.

Hence, in total, there are 6 possible distinct routes to go from D to A.


75 Sidhu is as much older than Kumble as he is younger than Pataudi. Naydu is as old as Kumble. Which
of the following is wrong?

A. Kumble is younger than Pataudi.

B. Naydu is younger than Pataudi.
C. Sidhu is older than Naydu.
D. Pataudi is not the oldest.

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

Sidhu is as much older than Kumble as he is younger than Pataudi.

It can be represented as: P>S>K

Naydu is as old as Kumble.

It can be represented as: K=N

Thus, we have P>S>K=N

All options are right except (d).

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76 Passage : 25

The Constitution, adopted in 1950, necessitated that English and Hindi be utilized for conducting the
Union’s official business for a time of fifteen years [s. 343(2) and 343(3)]. After that time, Hindi
should turn into the sole official dialect of the Union. It demonstrated difficult to supplant English
with Hindi, in any case, in light of substantive restriction from the southern states, where Dravidian
dialects were talked. They felt that the central government was attempting to force the entire nation
to use Hindi, including the south, and chose to keep using English, which they thought was more
“adequate” on the grounds that, much unlike Hindi, it was not connected with any specific ethnic

Q. The essential message being conveyed by the passage is

A. India needs an official language in the near future to develop a distinct Indian identity
B. Hindi which is spoken by the maximum number of people in India should be declared as
India’s official language
C. Southern states will never agree to supplant English with Hindi
D. None of the above

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

The passage tells us about certain historical facts that have happened. The passage does not take
any sides or has any essential message to convey. It is just telling us about the provisions in the
Constitution and the thought process of the Constituent Assembly. Hence A, B and C are wrong.

77 Passage : 26

A distinctive feature of Indian secularism is that it rejects the ‘wall of separation’ but demands that
the state keep a ‘principled distance’ from all religions.

Q. Which of the following statement corroborates the above passage?

A. There is no strict separation between state and religion in India

B. State in India is hardly secular
C. Certain religions are accorded priority by the Indian state
D. Indian secularism is context oriented

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

B is wrong as the passage does not imply so. It highlights that Indian secularism does not want a
strict separation between state and religion. However, it wants the state to keep a principled

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distance from each religion. Thus C is also wrong. A is more accurate and in line with the theme of
the passage.

78 Directions for questions 78 to 80:

Study the following table and answer the questions that follow.
The following table shows the yearly sales (In thousands) of different
types of vehicles by ABC Company.

Year Trucks Buses Cars Jeeps Mopeds

1990 26 64 232 153 340
1991 45 60 242 172 336
1992 72 79 248 210 404
1993 81 93 280 241 411
1994 107 112 266 235 442

Q. What was the percentage of sales of jeeps in the total sales of all
vehicles over the years 1990-1994?

A. 25.65%
B. 20.42%
C. 39.04%
D. 30.18%

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

Vehicle wise sales from 1990 to 1994:

Trucks: 26+45+72+81+107 = 331

Buses: 64+60+79+93+112 = 408

Cars: 232+242+248+280+266 = 1268

Jeeps: 153+172+210+241+235 = 1011

Mopeds: 340+336+404+411+442 = 1933

Total number of vehicles sold from 1990 to 1994 = 331+408+1268+1011+1933 = 4951.

Percentage of jeeps in total sales = (1011/4951) × 100 = 20.42%

79 In which year the growth percentage of total sales of all types of vehicles was the highest with respect to previous year?

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A. 1991
B. 1992
C. 1993
D. 1994

Your Answer :
Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

Total sales year-wise:

Year 1990: 26+64+232+153+340 = 815

Year 1991: 45+60+242+172+336 = 855

Year 1992: 72+79+248+210+404 = 1013

Year 1993: 81+93+280+241+411 = 1106

Year 1994: 107+112+266+235+442 = 1162

Then percentage grow in particular years:

1991: 40/815

1992: 158/855

1993: 93/1013

1994: 56/1106

By approximation, we get that in year 1992, there was the highest percentage of growth in sales.

80 In which type/s of vehicles there was an uptrend in sales from base year 1990 to 1994?
1. Trucks
2. Buses
3. Cars
4. Jeeps
5. Mopeds

Select the answer using the codes given below:

A. 1 only
B. 1 and 3 only
C. 1 and 4 only
D. 1, 3 and 4

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Your Answer :
Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Answer Justification:

In Trucks: There is an increase in every year from base year 1990 to 1994 i.e.

In Buses: From 1990 to 1991, there is a dip in sales.

In Cars: From 1993 to 1994, there is a dip in sales.

In Jeeps: From 1993 to 1994, there is a dip in sales.

In Mopeds: From 1990 to 1991, there is a dip in sales.

Hence, answer is (a).

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