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546 Letters to the Editor

0.4, 95% CI 0.2–0.7, X2 ¼ 8.2, p ¼ 0.004). When all the the non graded nature of the KADL and the
variables were controlled for, only functional impair- impossibility of implying any causal direction in a
ment consistently remained independently associated cross sectional investigation are some of the obvious
with emotional distress with a trend for physical illness weaknesses of this report.
(OR 3.5, 95%CI 1.1–10.3, p ¼ 0.03, OR 2.2, 95%CI 0.8–
6.1, p ¼ 0.06).
Conflict of interest

Comment None declared.

Between 1 in 3 and 1 in 5 community older adults had

physical and emotional distress. Physical symptoms References
commonly occurred together and with psychological
distress contributed to impairment in functioning. Goldberg DP, Gater R, Sartorius N, Ustun TB, Piccinelli M, Gureje O, Rutter C. 1997.
Functional impairment was independently associated The validity of two versions of the GHQ in the WHO study of mental illness in
general health care. Psychol Med 27: 191–197.
with emotional distress. In a previous paper we reported Katz S, Ford AB, Moskwitz RW. 1963. Studies of illness in the aged. The index of
that dependence was associated with memory difficulty, Activities of Daily Living:A standardized measure of biological and psychosocial
function. JAMA 184: 914–919.
stroke, physical impairment and depression (Uwakwe Uwakwe R, Ibeh CC, Modebe AI, Emeka BO, Ezeama N, Njelita I, Ferris C, Prince M.
et al., 2009). The relationship between subjective memory 2009. The epidemiology of dependence in older people in Nigeria: prevelance,
determinants, informal care and health service utilization. A 1066 Dementia
complaints, objective cognitive test and incident demen- Research Group Cross Sectional Survey. J Am Geriatr Soc 57: 1620–1627.
tia remain inconsistent across studies. One possible
mechanism is the contribution of various sociodemo- RICHARD UWAKWE1, IFEOMA MODEBE1, IFEOMA ANNE NJELITA2,
graphic and health factors that generate co-occurring AND NKIRU NWAMAKA EZEAMA
physical illnesses which activate memory complaints. 1
The Unit of Psychiatric Research, Faculty of Medicine,
In spite of physical and mental distress, the majority College of Health Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University
of the older adults still rated their health as good or fair, Nnewi Campus, Nigeria
which may perhaps be partly accounted for by the fact 2
Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital,
that generally, most Nigerians express satisfaction with Nnewi, Nigeria
life irrespective of any hardships.
Our small non-representative sample (with the Published online in Wiley Online Library
possibility of having excluded those with more (
disablement), the use of subjective health conditions, DOI: 10.002/gps.2528

Towards development of drugs targeting both amyloid and

tau pathologies of Alzheimer’s disease
Hypothesis-driven experimental investigation is a well- amyloid pathology (Williams, 2009). How can we test
established scientific process. However, a hypothesis the validity of this hypothesis? The best way to test the
can only contribute to efficiently finding a true amyloid cascade hypothesis may be to show that drugs
solution if controversies between the hypothesis and developed from this hypothesis provide the expected
experimental data are actively used to modify the clinical benefits. However, efforts in targeting the
original hypothesis, or to formulate a new hypothesis removal of amyloid plaques from the brain of patients
that better explains experimental data. with AD have been disappointing. Neither plaque-
Amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles are the removing vaccines, nor the gamma-secretase modu-
pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). lator tarenflurbil have demonstrated clinical benefits,
The amyloid cascade hypothesis, the most widely which leads us to question the validity of the amyloid
proposed pathogenic mechanism for AD, suggests that cascade hypothesis that has driven AD research for the
elevated beta amyloid protein is the cause of AD, while past decade (Williams, 2009). The lack of progress in
tau pathology is a downstream manifestation of the developing therapeutic drugs based on the amyloid

Copyright # 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2011; 26: 545–549.
Letters to the Editor 547

hypothesis might indicate that some of the basic

assumptions of AD causality, and the search for
effective therapeutic agents, are in need of major
reassessment and redirection (Williams, 2009).
Recently, a ‘‘dual pathway’’ hypothesis of causality of
late-onset AD was proposed to resolve controversies
between the amyloid cascade hypothesis and recent
experimental data (Small and Duff, 2008). While the
Figure 1 Pittsburgh Compound-B (PIB) positron emission tomography
amyloid cascade hypothesis assumes a serial model of (PET) fusion image (right) over an anatomical magnetic resonance (MR)
causality (whereby abnormal elevations in beta amyloid image (middle), and FDDNP positron emission tomography (PET)
levels drive tau hyperphosphorylation and other down- fusion image (left) over an anatomical magnetic resonance (MR) image
stream manifestations), the dual pathway hypothesis (middle). The images were acquired from an 83-year-old woman with
Alzheimer’s disease (Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) ¼ 18/30
suggests that elevation of beta amyloid levels and tau
and Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) ¼ 1). FDDNP binds to amyloid
hyperphosphorylation are linked to separate mechan- plaques and tangles, and PIB selectively binds to amyloid plaques. Note
isms but driven by a common upstream molecular that the FDDNP–PET image shows strong FDDNP binding in the
defect. While the recent antiamyloid drug trial failures medial temporal cortex but that the PIB–PET image shows little PIB
have led to the general acknowledgment that effective binding in the same region. This suggests that the FDDNP binding in
the medial temporal cortex of this patient predominantly represents
therapeutic agents should target both amyloid and tau
tangle accumulation. On the contrary, the lateral temporal cortex, where
pathologies, the prevailing view is that a mixture of amyloid pathology is known to be predominantly accumulated, shows
drugs will be needed; some that reduce beta amyloid and high FDDNP binding as well as high PIB binding. Therefore, this
amyloid plaques, and others that reduce tau phos- combined PET imaging using both PIB and FDDNP in the same subject
phorylation and tangles (Small and Duff, 2008). can contribute to monitor the effect of agents targeting amyloid path-
ology and/or tau pathology (Modified from Shin et al., 2008).
However, the dual pathway model, by which singular
molecular defects may drive both abnormalities, pathologies in living human subjects (Shin et al., 2008).
provides a pharmacological rationale for searching FDDNP is a PET radiotracer that binds to both amyloid
out and developing single agents that can ameliorate plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, while PIB binds to
both core defects of AD (Small and Duff, 2008). amyloid plaques selectively. Combined PET imaging
As a possible single agent targeting both amyloid and using both PIB and FDDNP in the same subject may,
tau pathologies, there are interesting indications that therefore, help distinguish amyloid pathology from
activating the M1 muscarinic cholinergic receptor can tau pathology in living humans (see Figure 1). In
reduce both amyloid and tau pathologies in AD conclusion, multitracer PET imaging using PIB and
(Caccamo et al., 2006). As expected, stimulation of FDDNP may help to test the effect of drugs targeting
muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, in particular the amyloid pathology and tau pathology in living humans.
M1 subtype, has been shown to have a beneficial effect
in restoring cognition, and in attenuating both
amyloid and tau pathologies in 3Tg-AD mice with Conflict of interest
plaques and tangles (Caccamo et al., 2006). The M1
muscarinic receptor is coupled to phospholipase C-b1 None declared.
via the a subunit of Gq proteins, and this signaling
cascade is involved in memory performance and AD Key Points
(Shin et al., 2005). More importantly, because  Recently, repeated clinical trial failures in devel-
phospholipase C-b1 is coupled to multiple G-protein oping disease-modifying drugs that target amyloid
coupled receptors (Shin et al., 2005), it may prove pathology in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) suggest that
beneficial to discover additional single agents that can some of the basic assumptions of AD causality
reduce both amyloid and tau pathologies. warrant major reassessment and redirection.
How can we monitor whether a candidate agent  Several lines of evidence indicate that effective
targeting both amyloid and tau pathologies reduces therapeutic agents should target not only amyloid
amyloid pathology, tau pathology, or both, in living pathology but also tau pathology.
humans? Multitracer positron emission tomography  Multitracer positron emission tomography ima-
(PET) imaging using 2-(1-{6-[(2-[18F]fluoroethyl) ging using [11C]PIB and [18F]FDDNP may help
(methyl)amino]-2-naphthyl}ethylidene)malononitrile test the effects of drugs that target both amyloid
(FDDNP) and [11C] Pittsburgh Compound-B (PIB) and tau pathologies.
may provide a means to distinguish amyloid and tau

Copyright # 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2011; 26: 545–549.
548 Letters to the Editor

References JONGHAN SHIN1,2

Neuroscience Research Institute, Gachon University of
Caccamo A, Oddo S, Billings LM, et al. 2006. M1 receptors play a central role in Medicine and Science, Incheon, Republic of Korea
modulating AD-like pathology in transgenic mice. Neuron 49: 671–682. 2
Shin J, Kim D, Bianchi R, Wong RK, Shin HS. 2005. Genetic dissection of theta rhythm
Department of Psychiatry, New York University School of
heterogeneity in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 102: 18165–18170. Medicine, New York, NY, USA
Shin J, Lee SY, Kim SH, Kim YB, Cho SJ. 2008. Multitracer PET imaging of amyloid
plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer’s disease. Neuroimage 43: 236–244.
Small SA, Duff K. 2008. Linking a beta and tau in late-onset Alzheimer’s disease: a dual Published online in Wiley Online Library
pathway hypothesis. Neuron 60: 534–542.
Williams M. 2009. Progress in Alzheimer’s disease drug discovery: an update. Curr
Opin Investig Drugs 10: 23–34. DOI: 10.002/gps.2543

A meta-analysis of studies comparing the effectiveness of

three cognitive screening tests in the detection of dementia

Dear Editor of the MMSE with either the Modified Mental State
Examination (3MS; six studies) or the ACE (seven
Detection of early dementia has been identified as a studies). This included comparison of the MMSE with
health service priority and the use of cognitive revised versions of the ACE (ACE-R; one study) and
screening tools is recommended to facilitate this. the 3MS (3MS-R; one study).
Cognitive screening tests consist of systematic, The meta-analysis was based on the method of
structured questions or tasks that are easily scored, Hasselblad and Hedges (1995) for integrating data on
and can usually be equated to a ‘caseness’ or ‘non- diagnostic and screening tests. The effect size was
caseness’ category highlighting where further clinical calculated for each test in each study using the
assessment is indicated. This meta-analysis considered standardized difference between the means for control
studies that directly compare the effectiveness of the and dementia sample groups. Where means and
MMSE with revisions/developments of it in identifying standard deviations were not reported, values of
dementia populations. sensitivity and specificity were used to calculate
The Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) is the effectiveness values. A value of combined effectiveness
most widely used cognitive screening test. It was across each group of studies was derived using the
developed as a bedside tool to evaluate the cognitive standard error to weight the effectiveness values.
status of elderly people in clinical settings. Attempts The effectiveness values calculated for each of the 13
have been made to develop the MMSE by extending its studies showed that the extensions (ACE or 3MS) had
content (Modified MMSE, 3MS/MMMSE; Adden- the same or a higher effectiveness value than the MMSE
brooke’s Cognitive Examination, ACE). Thirteen in every comparison. Effectiveness values were found
papers were included that reported direct comparisons to be homogeneous, therefore a random effects model

Table 1 Weighted mean effectiveness values for ACE/MMSE and 3MS/MMSE studies

Tests compared No. Total no. Total no. Test Weighted mean 95% Confidence
studies cases controls effectiveness interval

ACE/MMSE 7 943 1871 ACE 2.170 1.8412.499

MMSE 1.727 1.4621.992
3MS/MMSE 6 656 507 3MS 2.210 1.8132.607
MMSE 2.039 1.6052.473

Copyright # 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2011; 26: 545–549.

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