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Moral Values are Flourishing

A very Good Morning to one and all present here from Rakshitha Leo. We are all VITians and the best,
distinguishing factor of VITians is that they are deep thinkers. So, I call upon everyone of you to delve deep
into the truth and not just scratch the surface. Let me invite you to be with me as I walk you through the
facts and the end of it – I am sure, intelligent as you are, you yourself will be convinced that moral values
are flourishing, especially in the Indian context.

India was the seventh largest economy last year and we are now the sixth largest. Last year, India was the
second fastest growing economy and this year, the world’s number one fastest. You may wonder why I
am talking about economy now. The fact is that no country can progress economically if its moral values
are degenerating. Remove the moral values from VIT and in a few years, be sure, it will fall into pieces. If
you have an institution where everyone lies, beats, copies, bullies, do you think it will continue to gallop
steep in global rankings? A big “NO”. Progress and moral values are two sides of the same coin. So, the
mere fact that we are progressing means that we are growing in moral values. It is not only applicable for
India, but all over the world. The world is progressing technologically, economically, socially and this can
only mean that moral caring people form its backbone.

Do you know what is the divorce rate in Belgium? Hold your breadth. – It is 70%. In U.S, it is 53%, In
Spain, Portugal, Luxembourg, the Czech Republic, and Hungary it is higher than 60%. In india, it is lower
than 4%. On a global scale, the number of countries with low divorce rates are much higher than those
countries that have a high divorce rate. Families are the base structures of any country. So, isn’t the fact
that most countries have low divorce rate a proof enough that moral values are flourishing.

Very near us, two years before, Chennai saw its worst flood. Our own VIT campus in Chennai was filled
with water. Such a big flood had one of the lowest death rates. How was this possible? Everyone,
irrespective of religion, caste, color swung into rescue operations, accommodated people in their
homes, in temples, churches, mosques. People, even though poor themselves, distributed food to their
neighbours? What saved Chennai, Cuddalore and numerous other suburbs from downing? One answer –
“moral values”.

Yes, it is sad, a person gets robbed here and there, some corrupt persons thrive. But think big. Look from
above. Social media is filled with tips to make you healthy. It showers praises on people fighting for
social cause. Just visit an orphanage of the missionaries of charity? So many people come there, donate,
help. Goodness and Goodness everywhere. Now, tell me, Are not the cultural values flourishing?


Good morning again. We heard arguments that rapes are increasing, corruption is on the rise, murders
are more, so on and on. How do we know these? From the press. Now, press loves sensational news. Will
you read a news ever that a girl started somewhere in the midnight and reached safely? It will be a dull
news. Newspapers will not sell. I am not denying that these problems exist. All that I am saying is, Take a
balance, Keep the goodness on one side, keep the problems on the other, now weigh it. The goodness
will far outweigh the bad and this is the proof that moral values are flourishing.

We have had a past when slaves existed, untouchability was common, women never studied, women
never voted, gays were stoned and killed, communities were wiped out of existence. The very fact that
you and me live, happily, with a positive hope that our efforts will be rewarded, that we will find ourselves
successful careers is an ample proof that cultural values, moral dimensions have not only survived, but
have flourished. We are the youth and the makers of tomorrow. I have a full faith that we will ensure that
the cherished moral values will continue to flourish, on an exponential scale.

Thank you.

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