Optimization of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics Via Air Bubble Injection Inside A Shell and Coiled Tube Heat Exchanger

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Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 78 (2016) 1–9

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Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science

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Optimization of heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics via air

bubble injection inside a shell and coiled tube heat exchanger
Amin Moosavi, Majid Abbasalizadeh, Hamed Sadighi Dizaji ⇑
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Most recently, a couple of academic investigations have focused on air bubble injection (with a constant
Received 26 March 2016 air flow rate) inside the shell-and-coiled-tube heat exchangers in order to increase the performance and
Received in revised form 12 May 2016 effectiveness of these heat exchangers. However, the amount of air flow rate has great effects on these
Accepted 12 May 2016
applications which have not been probed in previous studies. Moreover, in former papers, air flow has
Available online 12 May 2016
been injected inside the only shell side and not coil side of heat exchanger. Hence, in this experimental
research, air bubbles is flowed inside the shell or coil side of heat exchanger with variant air flow rates to
detect an optimum condition and also fill out this topic. Air flow rate was changed between 1 LPM and
Air bubble injection
Different flow rate
5 LPM. Coil side water flow rate was kept at 1 LPM (inlet temperature of 40 °C) and shell side water flow
Overall heat transfer coefficient rate was varied between 1 LPM and 5 LPM (inlet temperature of 15 °C). Furthermore, pressure drop due
Pressure drop to bubble injection is measured in this paper for aforesaid heat exchangers as another new parameter.
Effectiveness Observations showed that the air flow rate and injection side (shell and coil) play key roles on the effect
of bubble injection into the heat exchangers. Findings showed that, increment of air flow rate causes
enhancement of overall heat transfer coefficient. Air injection into the shell side of the heat exchanger
increased the overall heat transfer coefficient 6–187% depending on air flow rate.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction of heat exchangers in which water fluid (or other liquid) flows as
a working fluid. Aforesaid phenomenon is the main base of present
In recent years, researchers proposed different methods for paper.
improving the thermal performance of heat exchangers. Some of Most recently, Sadighi Dizaji et al. [1] suggested the air bubble
said methods such as using corrugated tubes, turbulators and fined injection as a considerable method for effectiveness improvement
tubes are termed passive methods which do not need external of vertical shell and coiled tube heat exchangers in which a liquid
power. Other methods such as vibration and electrostatic fields (especially water) is used as the working fluid. They injected air
which require external powers are termed active methods. All bubbles inside the shell side of heat exchanger with a constant
mentioned methods are based on increasing the turbulence level air flow rate. Indeed, holes number was the variant parameter in
of the fluid flow and mixing the thermal boundary layer of heat said study. Nonetheless, three other most significant parameters
exchanger. including air flow rate, injecting of air bubbles into the coil side
Air injection into a liquid fluid causes creation of air bubbles (in addition to the shell side), and pressure drop due to bubble
inside the said fluid. The number, shape, distribution and size of injection should be considered in these cases as well. Hence, in this
these air bubbles depend on the method which is employed for research all of the aforementioned parameters are comprehen-
air injection. Obviously, upon the creation of an air bubble inside sively investigated. Investigations on two phase follows, helical
a liquid, it began to move vertically through the liquid because of tubes and bubble injection are summarized as follow.
the buoyancy force. Said natural behavior of air bubble can Heat transfer efficiency and capital cost evaluation of a three-
increase the turbulence level of the liquid fluid. Hence, vertical phase direct contact heat exchanger for the utilization of low-
movement and mobility of small air bubbles can be used as an grade energy sources was experimentally studied by Mahood
appropriate active method to enhance the thermal performance et al. [2]. Their results showed that the thermal performance
increases with the increase of flow rates. Besides, according to their
report, mass flow rate of gas phase influences the minimum capital
⇑ Corresponding author. cost. Simultaneous measurements of liquid and gas velocity have
E-mail address: HamedSadighiDizaji@gmail.com (H. Sadighi Dizaji). been made in an air–water two-phase flow in a rectangular vertical

0894-1777/Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 A. Moosavi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 78 (2016) 1–9


A tube Area, m2 W total uncertainty in the measurement

b coil pitch, m X independent variable
C thermal capacity, J/kg K
c specific heat, J/kg K Greek letters
D tube diameter, m m kinematic viscosity, m2/s
L tube length, m e effectiveness
LPM liter per minute DT temperature difference, K
m_ mass flow rate, kg/s
N number of turns Subscripts
NTU number of thermal units a air fluid
P pressure, Pa
co cold fluid
Pr Prandtl number, lkC c coil side
q heat transfer rate, W h hot fluid
Q flow rate, LPM H hydraulic diameter, m
R coil radius, m
i inner
r radius of shell side inlet/outlet, m LMTD logarithmic mean temperature difference
Re Reynolds number NE non-enhanced
t coil thickness, m
o outer
Rc coil radius, m s shell side
Re Reynolds number, VD t in inlet
T temperature, K min minimum
U overall heat transfer coefficient, W/m2 K
out outlet
V water mean velocity, m/s w water
VF volume fraction

duct by Vassallo et al. [3]. Their findings showed that, for gas flow, that sub-millimeter bubble injection is effective in the laminar
the amount of relative velocity is increased with increment of void region as well as the transition region with the maximum heat
fraction in large bubbles. Said phenomenon for small bubbles is transfer coefficient ratio of 1.9. The heat transfer coefficient ratio
vice versa. Odaymet and Louahlia-Gualous [4] experimentally was obtained 1.2–1.3 at turbulent region. Puli et al. [13] investi-
studied on slug flow for condensation in a single square gated the bubble behavior in sub cooled flow boiling of water in
microchannel. Local heat transfer was increased with enhance- a horizontal annulus. Their observations showed that the bubbles
ment of vapor mass flow rate and more number of slugs was behavior is impressed by mass flow rate of working fluid and the
observed. Characteristics of slug flow in a vertical narrow rectan- amount of mass flux. Samaroo et al. [14] performed an experiment
gular channel were investigated by Wang et al. [5]. They found on the turbulent flow characteristics in an annulus under air bub-
that, the average length of bubbles increases with the increase of ble injection and sub-cooled flow boiling conditions with water as
gas flow rate. Increment of liquid flow rate caused reduction of working fluid. Findings revealed that, existence of gas bubbles can
the rate of length increment of bubbles. Farisè et al. [6] investi- impress the velocity profile and also turbulence level of fluid flow.
gated experimentally how the heat transfer in a laminar flow can In laminar flow a continuity behavior of bubbles was observed.
be enhanced by using partially miscible binary liquid–liquid mix- However in turbulent regime said continuity behavior was not
ture undergoing spinodal decomposition. The amount of heat observed between bubbles because of the increment of bubbles
transfer rate was increased in said study for lower amounts of flow movement frequency. Recently Sadighi Dizaji et al. [15] studied
rates. Sadighi Dizaji et al. [7] carried out experiments on the effect on exergetic characteristics of a shell and coiled tube heat exchan-
of flow, thermodynamic and geometrical characteristics on exergy ger which is used in present paper. Higher hot water flow rate with
loss through a shell and coiled tube heat exchanger. Kitagawa et al. lower inlet temperature and also lower cold water flow rate with
[8] studied on heat transfer enhancement for laminar natural con- higher inlet temperature can enhance the second law efficiency
vection along a vertical plate due to sub-millimeter-bubble injec- of heat exchanger. Chang and Huang [16] experimentally studied
tion. They reported 1.35–1.85 times higher heat transfer on thermal performances of upward concurrent air–water flow
coefficient with sub-millimeter-bubble injection. Oh et al. [9] per- through a furrowed narrow channel with skewed wall waves and
formed experiments on bubble behavior and boiling heat transfer ribs.
enhancement under electric field. Their results revealed that the The novelty of present paper can be observed in the third para-
effect of magnetic field on enhancement of boiling heat transfer graph of introduction. Indeed, the main scope of the present work
has some limitation conditions and it depends on type of working is to experimentally clarify the effect of air bubble injection with
fluid. Funfschilling and li [10] studied on the influence of injection various air flow rates on thermal and frictional characteristics of
period on the bubble rise velocity and bubble shape in non- a vertical shell and coiled tube heat exchanger. Air flow is injected
Newtonian fluid. Ide et al. [11] measured the void fraction and inside the shell or coil side of heat exchanger.
bubble size distribution in a michrochannel. Plug/slug length was
found to increase with the increasing superficial gas velocity, but 2. Experiments
the liquid plug/slug length was found to decrease sharply as the
superficial gas velocity was increased, so that the total length of 2.1. Experimental set-up
the gas-liquid slug unit remained relatively constant or slightly
increased with the superficial gas velocity. Kitagawa et al. [12] A general view of the experimental set-up is shown Fig. 1. The
investigated the turbulent natural convection heat transfer in injection method was the same technique which was used in [1].
water with sub-millimeter bubble injection. Their results showed According to [1] a spiral tube was employed to inject the air flow
A. Moosavi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 78 (2016) 1–9 3

Fig. 1. (a) A schematic illustration of the test set-up: 1 – test section, 2 – water-rotameter, 3 – warm water tank, 4 – dimmer and thermostat, 5 – heater, 6 – water pump, 7 –
codenser, 8 – compressor, 9 – cold water tank, 10 – evaporator, 11 – coiled tube, 12 – end plates of test section, 13 – air pump, 14 – spiral shape plastic tube, 15 – air-
rotameter, 16 – test section and (b) experimental setup.

Fig. 2. (a) Spiral tube, (b) air injection inside the shell side of heat exchanger and (c) air injection into the coiled tube.

inside the shell side (Fig. 2a). The number of holes on spiral tube manometer (PM-9100 Lutron) respectively. The resolution of Data
was 224 and the holes diameter was 0.3 mm in this study (case logger and digital manometer were 0.1 °C and 1 mmHg respec-
‘‘4” in [1]). Injection method of the shell side and coil side are illus- tively. The amount of water or air flow rate was adjusted using
trated in Fig. 2(b) and (c) respectively. As seen in Fig. 1, hot water of some valves. Air flow was produced via a compressor.
and cold water was flowed inside the coil side and shell side of heat
exchanger respectively. Both hot and cold water were inserted 2.2. Experiments procedure
from the bottom inlet of test section (parallel flow). Air flow is
injected from the bottom side of test section too. If coil side water Experiments were performed in two main modes. First mode
flow is inserted from the top side of test section (for second mode, which is related to air injection into the shell side of heat exchan-
Fig. 2c) a great pressure drop is created because of the contrary ger and second mode which is related to the air injection into the
contrast between the air flow and water flow. And presumably a coil side of heat exchanger. The ranges of water and air flow rate
stronger air pump is required. Hot water was sent back into the are presented in Table 1. Coil side water flow rate was kept at
hot water tank (containing an electric heater) after passing through 1 LPM in all experiments. Shell side water flow rate was changed
the coiled tube. Cold water was sent back inside the cold water between 1LMP and 5 LPM. For each shell side water flow rate, five
tank containing an evaporator. Indeed, evaporator, condenser, different air flow rate was injected (1–5 LPM). Said process was
compressor and refrigerant act as a cooling unit. Water flow rate, repeated for coil side (air bubble injection inside the coiled tube)
air flow rate, inlet and outlet temperatures, pressure drop are as presented in Table 1. Coil side water flow rate was kept constant
measured by means of water-Rota-meter, air-Rota-meter, K type (1 LPM) during the all experiments. Tubes geometry is presented in
thermocouple (TM947 SD Lutron Data logger), and digital Table 2.
4 A. Moosavi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 78 (2016) 1–9

Table 1 The obtained uncertainty for each parameter is shown in

Test conditions. Table 3. As seen in Table 3, the amounts of uncertainty are in rea-
Shell side water Air flow Coil side water sonable ranges.
flow rate (LPM) rate (LPM) flow rate (LPM)
First mode: air injection 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1 4. Results and discussion
inside the shell side 2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1
3 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1
4.1. Thermal characteristics
4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1
5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1
Overall heat transfer coefficient is one of the best indicative for
Second mode: air 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1
injection inside the 2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1 heat transfer rate in most heat exchangers. First law efficiency
coiled tube 3 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1 (effectiveness) shows the thermal performance of the heat exchan-
4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1 ger. Besides Number of thermal units is the indicative of the size of
5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1
the heat exchanger so that The NTU–effectiveness charts can be of
great practical utility in design problems; and more elaborate
design procedures, requiring analytical expression for these curves
Table 2
[1]. Hence, the effects of hot water flow rate, cold water flow rate
Tubes geometry.
and air flow rate on overall heat transfer coefficient, effectiveness
Tube t L N 2Ri Di 2r b and number of thermal units are evaluated in this section for both
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
first mode (air injection into the shell side) and second mode (air
Coiled tube 1.44 380 11 114 4.4 – 30 injection into the coil side).
Shell 3 420 – – 120 12.7 –

4.1.1. First mode: air injection into the shell side

Air flow was injected inside the shell side of heat exchanger as
3. Calculations method presented in Table 1. The relationship between overall heat trans-
fer coefficient and shell side water flow rate is presented in Fig. 3
3.1. Calculation method of thermal characteristics for different amounts of air flow rates. The effect of bubble injec-
tion on NTU and e are shown in Figs. 4 and 5 respectively.
Overall heat transfer coefficient, heat exchanger effectiveness The key findings from the thermal studies of first mode can be
and number of thermal units (NTU) are evaluated as shown below. presented as follow.
Heat transfer rate through an adiabatic heat exchanger (present
paper) can be evaluated from Eq. (1).  As seen in Figs. 3–5, air bubble injection can improve signifi-
cantly the performance of heat exchanger. Air bubble injection
_ h cp;h ðT h;in  T h;out Þ ¼ m
q¼m _ co cp;co ðT co;out  T co;in Þ ð1Þ inside the shell side of heat exchanger increases the overall heat
Overall heat transfer coefficient is calculated from Eq. (2). transfer coefficient, effectiveness and number of thermal units
in all conditions. Air injection into the heat exchanger increased
U¼ ð2Þ the overall heat transfer coefficient 6–187% depending on air
ADT LMTD flow rate. 187% is occurred in water flow rate of 5 LPM and air
Effectiveness and Number of thermal units (NTU) are evaluated flow rate of 5 LPM. The intensification of effectiveness due to
from Eqs. (3) and (4). air injection was observed between 3% and 56%. The enhance-
ment of heat exchanger thermal performance can be explained
actual heat transfer q
e¼ ¼ ð3Þ as follow. Air injection inside the shell side of heat exchanger
maximum possible heat transfer C min ðT h;inlet  T co;inlet Þ causes creation of many tiny air bubbles inside the shell side
of heat exchanger. Said air bubbles move vertically from the
AU bottom side of heat exchanger toward the top side of heat
NTU ¼ ð4Þ
C min exchanger because of the buoyancy force. Bubbles natural ver-
where Cmin is the minimum thermal capacity and it is defined as tical movement causes a significant turbulence inside the heat
bellow, exchanger which is the main reason of heat transfer augmenta-
tion. Mobility of air bubbles can mix the thermal boundary layer
_ h cp;h ; C co ¼ m
C min ¼ MinfC h & C co g; C h ¼ m _ co cp;co ð5Þ and increase the turbulence level of the shell side water flow.
It is noted that the maximum mass flow rate of air flow
15.42  105 kg/s (5 LPM) is really negligible in comparison with
minimum water mass flow rate (0.016 kg/s). Moreover, thermal Table 3
Maximum uncertainty of parameters.
capacity of air is less than water. Hence the amount of m _ h  cph
for air flow was ignored in this study. Parameter Unit Comment
Uncertainty in the temperature measurement °C
3.2. Uncertainty of measurements Hot fluid inlet temperature °C ±0.5
Hot fluid outlet temperature °C ±0.5
Cold fluid inlet temperature °C ±0.5
Uncertainty of measurements is calculated using of the method
Cold fluid outlet temperature °C ±0.5
which was employed in Sadighi Dizaji et al. [1] study (Moffat [17]
Uncertainty in the measurement of volume flow rate m3 h1
method). As described in [1], the uncertainties in calculating a
Water m3 h1 ±0.02
result (WR+) can be evaluated by following equation. Where, x1, Air m3 h1 ±0.01
x2 etc. are independent variables of a defined result.
Uncertainties in calculating a result %
 þ 2  þ 2  þ 2 !12 Effectiveness % ±9.64
@R @R @R Overall heat transfer coefficient % ±8.37
W þR ¼ w1 þ w2 þ    þ wn ð6Þ
@X 1 @X 2 @X n Uncertainty in reading values of table (q, k, . . .) % ±0.1–0.2
A. Moosavi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 78 (2016) 1–9 5

Fig. 3. The effect of air flow injection on overall heat transfer coefficient for first
mode (air injection into the shell side).
Fig. 5. The effect of air injection on e for first mode (air injection into the shell side).

side of heat exchanger, more amount of fluid flow (water flow

+ air flow) should pass along the same shell. And obviously the
mixed fluid has to passes with higher velocity compared to the
pure water. Hence the real water velocity and consequently the
real shell side Reynolds number (can be termed apparent Rey-
nolds number of water) is higher than the Reynolds number
which is evaluated from Eq. (7). Hence, this extra Reynolds
number can be introduced as another positive behavior of air
injection which increases the heat transfer rate of heat

 The effect of air flow rate on overall heat transfer coefficient

intensifies by increasing the air flow rate. According to Fig. 3
for lower amounts of shell side water flow rate, the effect of
bubble injection on U is less than the higher amount of shell
side water flow rate. More amount of air flow rate creates extra
number of bubbles along the heat exchanger. These small air
bubbles can have two main behaviors. In their first role, they
can act as turbulator which causes more heat transfer rate
between hot fluid and cold fluid. However it should be noted
Fig. 4. The effect of air flow injection on NTU for first mode (air injection into the
that air fluid has an isolation treatment which may be observed
shell side).
in very high air flow rates. In this research, the maximum ratio
of air volumetric flow rate to water flow rate was 5 and it had a
Creation of small bubbles is the main parameter for said expla- positive behavior in all tested flow rates.
nation. The second main reason can be related to the shell side  Another memorable finding is related to the changes of U/UNE
Reynolds number. It should be noted that, the shell side Rey- with shell side water flow rate (Fig. 6). UNE is the overall heat
nolds number may be evaluated based on the water flow rate transfer coefficient for simple case (without air injection). As
by the following correlations. seen in Fig. 6 the slope of U/UNE is reduced with the increase
of water flow rate. It is noted that, the reduction of U/UNE or
its slope does not mean the reduction of U. It just means that
the amount of positive effect of air bubble injection on U has
Vd been reduced compared to the lesser water flow rate. But the
Reshell side ¼ ð7Þ
t overall heat transfer coefficient is increased yet. For lower water
flow rates (for example 1 LPM or 2 LPM) the slope of U/UNE is
Q rapidly reduced. Indeed, higher values of water flow rate can
V ¼p 2 ð8Þ
4 H increase the turbulence level of the fluid flow and obviously
in order to extra intensify turbulence level, higher amount of
where the Q is water flow rate through the shell side of heat
air flow rate should be employed. This phenomenon can be
exchanger. However, it is noted that the real water velocity
explained using of the conception of volume fraction (as
inside the shell side is more than the water velocity calculated
described below) too.
from Eq. (8). Because after the air flow injection inside the shell
6 A. Moosavi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 78 (2016) 1–9

Fig. 6. The effect of air injection on e for first mode (air injection into the shell side).
Fig. 8. The amount of U for an identical volume fraction.
air flow rate
VF ¼ ð9Þ
air flow rate þ water flow rate
Increment of water flow rate, reduces the amount of volume
fraction. And reduction of volume fraction means the reduction 4.1.2. Second mode: air injection into the coil side
of air flow (air bubbles) contribution in all fluid flow. Fig. 7 shows Air flow was injected inside the coil side of heat exchanger as
the variation of U/UNE with volume fraction. Obviously for a con- presented in Table 1. The relationship between overall heat trans-
stant air flow rate in Fig. 7, increment of volume fraction is due fer coefficient and shell side water flow rate is presented in Fig. 9
to the reduction of water flow rate not increment of air flow rate. for different amounts of air flow rates. The effect of air injection
To this reason the amount of U/UNE is reduced with the increase on NTU and e are shown in Figs. 10 and 11 respectively.
of volume fraction. However for a defined volume fraction, incre- The key findings from the thermal studies of the second mode
ment of air flow rate increases the U/UNE. can be presented as follow.
It should be noted that, identical volume fraction does not mean
the identical U because of the differences in water flow rate. Fig. 8  The mechanisms which enhance the performance of heat
shows the amount of overall heat transfer coefficient for an identi- exchanger in second mode are different from first mode. A com-
cal volume fraction. Obviously this augmentation of overall heat parison between Figs. 3 and 9 reveals that the air injection into
transfer coefficient is related to the enhancement of shell side the shell side has higher effect on thermal performance of heat
water flow rate which creates higher value of Reynolds number. exchanger compared to the air injection into the coil side. The
reason can be explained by two mechanisms. First, if air flow
is injected inside the coil side of heat exchanger, no consider-
able bubbles are created inside the coiled tube. As mentioned
above, the creation of small air bubbles and their random
mobility has significant effect on the enhancement of overall
heat transfer coefficient which does not occur in second mode.
Indeed, air flow and water flow move inside the coiled tube sep-
arately and slug by slug (in each moment and in each chosen
cross section there is only one of the water fluid or air fluid)
with a huge interaction between air flow, water flow and solid
boundary. Air flow and water flow push each other frequently
through the coiled tube and the fluid velocity (Reynolds num-
ber) is strongly increased. Consequently, more pressure drop
is observed. Secondly, it is noted that air flow may act as insu-
lation especially inside the coiled tube which is more compact
and slender. This phenomenon can explain why the air flow
injection into the coil side has less effect than the shell side.
Indeed the inside space of the coiled tube is very small com-
pared to the shell side for the same air flow rates. Accordingly,
each slug of air flow inside the coiled tube, occupies the entire
cross section of coiled tube which can act as an insulator
through the coiled tube. Said behavior of air flow does not
appear for first mode or may appear negligible. Fig. 12 shows
said explanation based on volume fraction. As seen in Fig. 12,
for identical volume fractions, the amount of overall heat trans-
fer coefficient of first mode in more than the second mode.
Fig. 7. Relationship between VF and U/UNE.
A. Moosavi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 78 (2016) 1–9 7

Fig. 9. The effect of air flow injection on overall heat transfer coefficient for second
mode (air injection into the coil side).
Fig. 11. The effect of air flow injection on e for second mode (air injection into the
coil side).

Fig. 10. The effect of air flow injection on NTU for second mode (air injection into Fig. 12. The amounts of U in identical VF for both first mode and second mode.
the coil side).

4.2. Pressure drop

 As a general result, if air flow is injected into the shell side, the
major reason of the effect of air flow is related to the creation of Pressure drop due to air flow injection is experimentally mea-
tiny air bubbles along the heat exchanger which can mix the sured. The position of junction between heat exchanger and
thermal boundary layer without high pressure drop and any manometer are shown in Fig. 13 for both shell side and coil side.
considerable contact between fluid and solid boundary. To this Shell side pressure drop with different water and air flow rates
reason as seen in Fig. 3, a sharp increment of overall heat trans- are presented in Fig. 14(a). For coil side, water flow rate was kept
fer coefficient is obtained with the beginning of air injection at 1 LPM and the air flow was varied from 1 LPM to 5 LPM and
(even 1 LPM). This event is not observed in second mode. In sec- the amounts of pressure drop are shown in Fig. 14(b).
ond mode the same air flows causes a very significant intensifi- As seen in Fig. 14, coil side pressure drop is more than the shell
cation of fluid velocity inside the coiled tube because of the side pressure drop. It should be noted that, both air and water or
compact and slander space. Indeed, contrary to the first mode, one of them may pass from a defined cross section of coiled tube
in second mode, water flow and air flow were not able to pass (or outlet/inlet of shell) in any moment. Hence, monometer was
near each other (relative velocity) and they have to pass slug showing a fluctuating value (between two specific values) for each
by slug along the coiled tube with a higher velocity. And it case. Accordingly, each point of Fig. 14 shows an average amount
may be said that, no air–water mixed exists in a defined cross of aforesaid fluctuating values. Shell side pressure drop enhances
section of coiled tube. with the enhancement of water flow rate or air flow rate. Coil side
8 A. Moosavi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 78 (2016) 1–9

Fig. 13. Position of junction between heat exchanger and manometer (a) shell side and (b) coil side.

Fig. 14. (a) Shell side pressure drop and (b) coil side pressure drop.

pressure drop increases with the increase of air flow rate. Maximum 5. Conclusion
pressure drop was observed in water flow rate of 5 LPM and air flow
rate of 5 LPM. Coil side pressure drop is higher than the shell side In this paper the air flow with different flow rates is injected
because of the slender space and higher Reynolds number. Indeed, inside the shell or coil side of a shell and coiled tube heat exchan-
one of the effective parameters on pressure drop is Reynolds num- ger and its effects on thermal characteristics including overall heat
ber. And obviously for an identical water flow rate the coil side Rey- transfer coefficient, number of thermal units and effectiveness and
nolds number is more than the shell side. Moreover, centrifugal also pressure drop are experimentally investigated. Findings
forces influence on coil side fluid flow which is causes extra pressure showed that, the effect of air injection increases with the increase
drop. However what it is considerable in this section is the amount of of air flow rate. However, the amount of augmentation and curves
added pressure drop due to air injection not pure water pressure behavior were completely different when air flow was injected into
drop. According to Fig. 14(a) and (b), air flow injection into the shell the shell side and coil side of heat exchanger. Besides, if the
side of heat exchanger causes increment of pressure between 13% amount of shell side water flow rate is increased more and more
and 225% (depending on water or air flow rate) compared to the pure (volume fraction is reduced), the amount of overall heat transfer
water. Air injection into the coil side of heat exchanger increases the coefficient is increased as well, but the amount of U/UNE is reduced
pressure drop between 49% and 370% compared to the pure water. in comparison with other points. Moreover, pressure drop due to
Hence, air injection into the shell side is more suitable than the air air bubbles injection for coil side was more than shell side of heat
injection into the coil side. exchanger.
A. Moosavi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 78 (2016) 1–9 9

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