Stretch Cheatsheet: Routine 1 Routine 2

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Stretch cheatsheet

Routine 1 Routine 2
Shoulder exercises Core
Halos, Snatch..Chinup, thera pull apart, pull down, pushups, Mountain plank and plank
prone y, lower cuff extensor, rows, reverse rows, wall angels
Hip stretches
Shoulder stretches Butterfly/frog, Left, Right, lunge, left & right, sitting butterfly.
Doorway pec stretch, Bow and arrow Thrust thing (dvipada pitham)


Routine 3 - Yoga

Padangusthasana : Big toe Adho Mukha Svanasana : High Lunge (Step right foot Anjaneyasana : Deep Lunge
posture Downward Dog forward) Pose
5-10 breaths (also next one 5-10 breaths 5-10 breaths Back knee on the floor and then
hands on floor) elbows on mat.
5-10 breaths

Extended Side Angle Pose Downward Dog Downward Dog (Step back Utthita Trikonasana :
5-10 breaths (also do bound arm Eka Pada Rajakapotasana : into). REPEAT LEFT Extended Triangle Posture
reach through) One-Legged King Pigeon Pose Jump feet forward (right side)
10 – 20 breaths into Uttanasana hold for 5 5-10 breaths

and then come up

into Tadasana

Ardha Chandrasana : Half Virabhadrasana II : Warrior II Tree Pose Wide angle standing forward
Moon Posture 5-10 breaths bend (WALK FEET IN after)
5-10 breaths 5-10 breaths

Baddha Konasana : Bound Upavishtha Konasana : Wide Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana :
Angle walk hands into a Angle Seated Forward Bend Revolved Head to Knee
Supta Virasana : Reclining forward bend 5-10 breaths Posture (on right)
Hero Pose (only do a little) 5-10 breaths 5-10 breaths

Janu Sirsasana A : Head to Ardha Baddha Padma Marichyasana A : Pose Sit in Dandasana : Staff Pose
Knee Posture (right side) Paschimottanasana : Half- Dedicated to the Sage Marichi Move your feet a little more than
5-10 breaths Bound Lotus Seated Forward (right side) hip distance away from each
Bend (right side) 5-10 breaths other. Move your feet from side
5-10 breaths to side (like windscreen wipers)
to get a rotation effect in the
hips. Feels good.


Supine Half Lotus Hip opener/ Supta Padangusthasana B : Downward Dog. Ardha Matsyendrasana – Half
Thread the Needle Pose (on 5-10 breaths Lord of the Fishes Pose On
right) right then left
5-10 breaths Step into Pigeon Pose 10 – 20 breaths
can try king pigeon but yeah..


Jathara Parivrtti (Abdominal Vipassana, Savasana

On right then left
10 – 20 breaths

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