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Institute o f Space and Aeronautical Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Measurements of the lean and rich limits of flammability of methane-air mixtures and
detailed experimental studies of the structure of premixed flames near the lean limit of
flammability were made using a counterflow flame (a double flame) stabilized in the forward
stagnation region of a porous cylinder.
The flammability limits were determined by measuring a discernible break in the distance
between the two flame zones with change in composition of the test mixture. The equivalence
ratios of the lean and rich limits were found to be 0.47 and 1.72, respectively, which are
somewhat broader than those obtained by the standard technique.
From previous results of structure analysis of rich fuel-air flames and the present results
of lean fuel-air flames, it becomes clear that, in a double flame inside the flammability
limits, the two reaction zones are completely separated, the reactions in the inner flame
zone are completed, and the inner flame has the characteristics of a self-sustaining flame.
On the other hand, in a double flame outside the flammability limits, the two reaction
zones are not completely separated and the inner flame is closely correlated with the outer
diffusion flame, so that the inner flame is not a self-sustaining flame. The flammability
limit, defined as the limit of flame propagation, can be considered as the limit at which
the supplies of reactants from the burned side must be necessary for a premixed flame
to be established.
The flammability limits determined in the present study depend only on the physicochemical
properties of the mixture. The propagation velocity at the flammability limits was found
to have a finite value.

Introduction limits. 6 The technique uses a steady state b u r n e r

with a tent flame (containing the test mixture whose
Flammability limits of combustible mixtures have limit is to be measured) surrounded by a separate
been studied mainly using a propagating flame, and stream of ignition gases, which are the product gases
the limits are usually determined by visual observa- of another premixed flame using the same fuel, A
tion of flame propagation in wide vertical tubes. 1'2 limit is obtained by measuring a discernible break
Flammability limits thus determined have practical in the tent flame angle with change in composition
significance because they give practical limits for of the test mixture. Their technique is quite original
flame propagation. However, the behavior of flames in concept and very attractive. The method w h i c h
near the limits is very complicated and many effects uses the coaxial streams of the inner test mixture
operate at the observed limits. These complex phe- a n d the outer ignition gases, however, can not dispel
n o m e n a inherent in flame propagation near the limits the uncertainty as to the actual composition of the
make the fundamental research still more difficult, mixture in the region of propagation. 7 Such a defect,
so that the structure of near-limit flames and the inherent in this burner flame, can be avoided by
mechanism of nonstationary flame extinction are not using a counterflow flame.
fully u n d e r s t o o d ) A two-dimensional, laminar, rich fuel-air flame
Some investigators have used burner methods to can be established in the forward stagnation region
determine the flammability limits. 4'5 A new tech- of a porous cylinder immersed in a uniform air
nique has recently been developed by Sorenson, stream (secondary air) by ejecting premixed fuel and
Savage a n d Strehlow to study the flammability air uniformly from the cylinder surface. In previous


studies of this rich fuel-air flame, the authors mea- small amount of argon (2.4 volume per cent) was
sured aerodynamic, temperature, and stable species added to the test mixture, and the concentration
concentration profiles, and then made structure distribution of argon was measured in detail. Then
analysis of the flame and clearly demonstrated the the flow velocity along the stagnation stream line
characteristics of flames near the rich flammability was calculated by the species continuity equation
limit,s'~ It was also found that, inside the rich for argon.
flammability limit, the inner flame propagates rap-
idly toward the cylinder surface, while at the same
time the outer diffusion flame moves rapidly away Experimental Results
from the cylinder. As a result, the distance between
two flames increases considerably. This suggests Flame Locations and Distance between Two
that the flammability limits can be determined by Flame Zones
observation of a discernible increase in this distance
with change in composition of the ejected mixture. The flame stabilized in the forward stagnation
In the present study, the lean as well as the rich region of a porous cylinder is really a double flame.
flammability limits of methane-air mixtures have The inner and outer flames correspond, respectively,
been determined by the counterflow-flame tech- to the inner tent flame and the outer diffusion flame
nique. In addition, the structures of lean fuel-air in the experiment by Sorenson et al. (When a lean
flames have been analyzed to obtain profiles of mass fuel-air mixture is ejected from the cylinder surface
flux and reaction rate of stable species throughout into a uniform flow of a very rich fuel-air mixture,
the flame zone. The characteristics of flames near the outer diffusion flame has two luminous flame
the lean flammability limit have also been estab- zones.) The characteristics of the stabilized flame
lished. On the basis of the previous results for rich are determined if two aerodynamic parameters and
fuel-air flames and of the present results, the phys- two chemical parameters are given. Two aerody-
icochemical processes in the near-limit flames and namic parameters are the mixture-ejection velocity
the features of the flammability limits are discussed. v~ and the surrounding-stream velocity V (i.e., the
Such measurements can be carried out only when nondimensional mixture-ejection rate -fw [ =
the stationary flame is maintained beyond the flam- (vw/ V)(Re / 2) ~/ z] and the stagnation velocity gra-
mability limits, namely when a rich fuel-air mixture dient 2V/R, where Re is the Reynolds number and
is burned in air (or a lean fuel-air mixture) and R the cylinder radius). Two chemical parameters
a lean fuel-air mixture is burned in an atmosphere are the equivalence ratio ~0 of the ejected mixture
of fuel (or a rich fuel-air mixture). and the equivalence ratio 9 of the surrounding flow.
In the present study, we are interested in changes
in the locations of two flame zones as the equivalence
Experimental ratio q0is varied.
Figure 1 shows the locations of the center of the
The experiment was performed using a rectangular inner luminous flame zone and the center of the
combustion chamber of 3 cm x 12 cm cross section outer luminous flame zone for the flames near the
and an uncooled porous (sintered bronze) cylinder, lean limit of flammability for 2V/R = 25 see -1
6 cm in diameter and 3 cm long. The homogeneous -f= = 8 (i.e., V = 37.5 cm/sec, v,~ = 15.6 cm/seci
mixture of methane and air (the test mixture) was and 9 = 8. Figure 2 gives corresponding data for
fed to the porous cylinder, from the surface of which the flames near the rich limit of flammability for
a rich mixture was ejected uniformly into a uniform 2V/R = 25 sec -x, - f ~ = 8 and 9 = 0. In these
stream of air or a lean mixture into a uniform stream figures, the distance y~ is plotted against the equiva-
of a very rich methane-air mixture. This surrounding lence ratio ~0of the test mixture ('q, is the nondimen-
air or very rich mixture was supplied through a sional distance defined by ~1, = (Y,/R)(2Re)~/2) .
settling chamber and a converging nozzle to the If the inner flame begins to have the propagation
vertically mounted combustion chamber. velocity by the increase in q~of a lean fuel-air mixture
The location of the flame (the distance y, from or by the decrease in ~0 of a rich fuel-air mixture,
the cylinder to the flame) was measured by direct the inner flame propagates rapidly toward the cylin-
photography, and the particle-track technique was der surface and stabilizes at the point where its
used to determine the stagnation point. The temper- propagation velocity equals the local flow velocity.
ature distributions across the flame were measured At the same time, the outer diffusion flame moves
with a silica-coated Pt/Pt-13% Rh thermocouple rapidly from the cylinder and as the result, the
(wire diam, 0.05 mm). Concentration profiles of distance between these two flames increases consid-
stable species were determined using a microprobe erably. Accordingly, if the distance between these
sampling technique and gas-chromatography. The two luminous flame zones, Ay,, is plotted against
flow velocity across the flame zone was calculated ~0, the flammability limits can be determined by
by the continuity equation of an inert species. 9 A measuring a discernible break in the distance with


.... I I I ! .,~-
E -12
(D O9
4; -8 ~
- 6o
0.4 Z

0,,2 -- z

0 I i J I - 0
0.2 0.3 0..4 0.5 0.6 0.7
FIG. 1. Locations of the center of the inner luminous flame zone and the center of the outer luminous
flame zone for flames near the lean flammability limit. 2 V / R = 25 sec -1, -fw = 8 (V = 37.5 cm/sec,
vw = 15.6 cm/sec), and 9 = 8.

change in composition of the test mixture. However, these limits are found to be independent of the
it is inevitable that a certain degree of arbitrariness composition of the surrounding flow for a wide range
is exercised in defining a limit by this technique. of composition. They are also independent of the
The uncertainty in the composition at which the ejection velocity of the test mixture, if this velocity
break occurs is approximately + 0.02 in the equiva- is comparatively large and the heat loss from the
lence ratio ~0. inner flame to the cylinder 4s neglected. Figure 5
Figure 3 shows the measured distance Ay, near shows the relation between the measured rich limit
the lean flammability limit for 2V/R = 25 sec -1 of flammability and the stagnation velocity gradient
and - f ~ = 8, dp being the parameter. Figure 4 shows of the surrounding air stream. The measured limit
Ayo near the rich flammability limit for 2 V / R = is independent of the stagnation velocity gradient,
25 sec -~ and 9 = 0, -fw being the parameter. From provided that it is not very large.
these figures, the equivalence ratios of the lean and The flammability limits of methane-air mixtures
rich flammability limits for the methane-air mixtures determined in the present study and those obtained
are found to be 0.47 and 1.72, respectively. Moreover, by other techniques are given in Table 1. The

I I [ I I



U or)
- ) 8~



0 i I i I i - 0
I .4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0
FIG. 2. Locations of the center of the inner luminous flame zone and the center of the outer luminous
flame zone for flames near the rich flammability limit. 2V/R = 25 sec -l, -f,,, = 8, and 9 = 0.

flammability limits determined in the present study flow instability, buoyancy and heat loss, so that
are somewhat broader than those obtained by the it is to be expected that the limits determined by
standard technique using a propagating flame in the standard technique using a propagating flame
a long, vertical tube, 2 and by the fiat-flame burner, 4 and by the flat-flame burner become narrower than
but they almost coincide with those obtained using those obtained in the present study and those ob-
a large cylindrical explosion vessel in which wall- tained using a large cylindrical vessel. On the other
quenching effects can be avoided.~~ The flammabil- hand, the lean flammability limit determined by
ity limits determined by Sorenson et al. 8 are broader Sorenson et al. gives the broadest limit that has
in the lean mixture and narrower in the rich mixture ever been obtained. It is probable that, in the case
than those obtained in the present study and in where the coaxial streams of the test mixture and
Ref. 10. the ignition gases are used, the interdiffusion be-
Near the flammability limits, the flame is liable tween the test mixture and ignition gases occurs
to be affected by many physical factors, such as in the dead space between the flame base and the

E 0.4 1 I 1 A

z~ @ = 1.60
o q9 =8.0
O A 0
rn w 0 . 2 _
n ..J
0.2 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.6
FIC. 3. Distance between two luminous flame zones for flames near the lean flammability limit. 2V/R
= 25 sec -I a n d - f w = 8.

burner rim. Consequently, the actual composition establish the characteristics of flames near the lean
of the flame propagation region will differ from flammability limit, one must examine the structure
the initial composition of the test mixture. for flames in the two ranges of equivalence ratio,
i.e., ~ > 0.47 a n d ~ < 0.47. Therefore, we measured
Structure of Lean Methane-Air Flames aerodynamic, temperature, a n d stable species con-
The lean flammability limit of the methane-air centration profiles for two lean methane-air flames
mixture is 0.47 in the present study. In order to of equivalence ratios 0.42 a n d 0.58. Profiles of

Measurement of flammability limits of methane-air mixtures

Flammability limits:
Equivalence ratio (% methane)
Author Ref. Method Lean limit Rich limit

Zabetakis 2 Tube, 10.2 cm diam, 0.50 (5.0) 1.69 (15.0)

Egerton and T h a b e t 4 Flat-flame burner 0.51 (&l)
Andrews and Bradley 10 Cylindrical vessel, 0.45 (4.5) 1.75 (15.5)
30.5 cm diam,
Sorenson, Savage,
and Strehlow 6 Coaxial-flow b u r n e r 0.40 (4.0) 1.69 (15.0)
Yamaoka a n d Tsuji -- Counterflow b u r n e r 0.47 (4.7) 1.72 (15.3)

0.4 I I I I

[] --f-w = 5
# o-fw 8
w0.3 • ,2
F- Z
w W
F-- <[
n q l l 0.2-

0. I I
I .5 I .6 I .7 I .8 I.9 2.0
FIG. 4, D i s t a n c e b e t w e e n t w o l u m i n o u s f l a m e z o n e s for f l a m e s near the r i c h f l a m m a b i l i t y l i mi t . 2V/R
= 25 sec -~ a n d d~ = 0.

2.0 I L I I i I i I I I i


Pt" Q 9

_j 1.6 -


1.4 I I I I I I I i[ I I
I 0 20 40 60 80 I00 200 400
F1c. 5. E f f e c t of the s t a g n a t i o n v e l o c i t y g r a d i e n t of the s u r r o u n d i n g f l o w on the ri c h f l a m m a b i l i t y
l i m i t . - f ~ = 8 a n d c} = 0.

velocity, temperature and concentrations of various The oxygen concentration decreases across the inner
stable species were determined along the stagnation flame zone from the cylinder surface toward the
stream line across the flame zones for 2V/R = 25 outer diffusion flame and also from the surrounding
sec -~ and - f ~ = 8. The equivalence ratio #0 of the stream toward the outer diffusion flame, and oxygen
surrounding stream of rich methane-air mixture was reaches a minimum but finite concentration in this
fixed at 3,0, because the aerated flame of equivalence flame. The concentration profiles o f hydrogen and
ratio 3.0 can be treated essentially as a diffusion carbon monoxide have two peaks, respectively, one
flame, s'9 The temperature and concentration dis- in the inner flame zone and the other in the outer
tributions for q~ --- 0.42 and 0.58 are shown in Figs. flame zone. However, peak concentrations in the
6 and 7, respectively. Only the mole fractions of inner flame zone of such lean methane-air flames
major species are presented in these figures. are very low compared to rich flames. 8'9 Carbon
For both flames, the maximum temperature is dioxide and water vapor exist over the whole region
observed in the outer flame zone; the temperature across the double flame and their profiles are similar
is lower in the inner luminous flame zone than in to the temperature profile, their maximum con-
the outer flame. In the flame for ~ = 0.58, the distance centrations being observed in the outer diffusion
between the two luminous flame zones is compara- flame.
tively large, the temperature increases gradually Figure 8 shows the velocity profiles for the two
from the inner flame toward the outer diffusion flames. The stagnation points determined from the
flame and shows the unique plateau-shaped profile velocity profile and by the particle-track technique
across the double flame (Fig. 7), as observed in almost coincide. Moreover, if the surrounding stream
the rich methane-air flame (~p = 1.55) inside the of methane-air mixture is very rich as in the present
flammability limit. *'g As q~ decreases and the inner study, the stagnation point always lies on the sur-
luminous flame zone approaches the outer luminous rounding-stream side of the outer diffusion flame.
flame zone, the temperature profile becomes less In other words, the stabilized inner flame always
broad (Fig. 8). has an apparent propagation velocity, even for the
In both flames, the methane concentration de- very lean mixture outside the lean flammability limit.
creases rapidly from the cylinder surface toward This means that the flammability limit can not be
the inner luminous flame zone; methane disappears discussed on the basis of the relative positions of
almost completely at the outer edge of this zone. the stagnation point and the inner flame, and there-


8O 25 1 2 09
0 0
N2. t 1
~/~I I
CH41 ~
X x
- v " "" "" v v~v""'-~v__ -]Z~ Ii. 6
z o" 02 \
0 (.-)
F-60 &l 5 i - 1.2~
'~ s
" (5
50 :~ o - / N -I
0 3:

40 & 5 o.4
50~ 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.65 0.8 1,0 1.2 I .4

Fro. 6, Temperature and concentration profiles. 2V/R = 25 sec -l, - f ~ = 8, and q~ = 0.42.


%80?325 I I F~ J - I I V/'~ ~ I I j2.0
"~ "~ N2__ | C H 4 \ ~ z~]

Z70 T20 ~ t ~ - ~ ~ ~JI.6

d ~
d P "~r~_
~ ..... I .....
I uJ

so g ~ 0.2 o.s 0.4 0.5 o.~ 0.8 ,.o ,.2 i~ ~

0 . . . .

Vlc. 7. Temperature and concentration profiles. 2V/R = 9,5 sec-l, -fw = 8, an(] ke = 0.58.

~ 50 l J i j I I


~ : 0.42
~-30 : 0.58



-20 I I I 1 .I
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
F I c . 8. V e l o c i t y p r o f i l e s . 2V/R = 9,5 see -~ a n d -f,~ = 8.

fore the discussion on the rich limit of flammability coefficient Dt for each species with nitrogen was
9 9
in the previous paper was not appropriate, found as a function of temperature in the

Mass-Flux and Reaction-Rate Profiles

Structure Analysis
Figures 9 and 10 show the net reaction-rate profiles
Derivation of Reaction-Rate Distributions of the six species across the two flame zones for
q~ = 0.42 and 0.58, respectively. The mass fluxes
The measured aerodynamic, temperature, and sta- of hydrogen and carbon monoxide are also shown
ble species concentration profiles were analyzed, in these figures.
and the mass flux j~ and the net reaction rate K, In the flame of tp = 0.58, in which the dark space
of each stable species were determined. In the between the two luminous flame zones is wide, the
present lean fuel-air flame, nitrogen has a very high two reaction zones are completely separated. The
concentration among all species over the whole net reaction-rate profiles of various stable species
region (Figs. 6 and 7). Therefore, the other species in the inner flame zone are found to be qualitatively
i may be treated as a trace in a binary mixture with similar to those obtained in the premixed methane-
nitrogen. The cylinder radius is large enough, so oxygen flames at reduced pressure. ~z'~3Namely, in
that the radial dependent term in the species conti- the inner flame zone, a negative peak of the net
nuity equation can be neglected.~ Accordingly, the reaction-rate profile is observed for methane, oxygen,
continuity equation of species i is given by hydrogen and carbon monoxide, and a positive peak
for hydrogen, carbon monoxide, water vapor and
dr, d carbon dioxide. And the mass fluxes of hydrogen
pv - - - + - - (p Y~v, ) = M, K,. (1) and carbon monoxide due to convection and diffu-
dy dy sion show that, within the inner flame zone, these
two species flow toward the outer diffusion flame
In this equation, p is the density of the gas mixture, (Fig. 10) and reactions that produce water vapor
v the flow velocity, M, the molecular weight of and carbon dioxide are completed. Thus, the inner
species s and K, the net reaction rate of species flame has the characteristics of the self-sustaining
/, i.e., the net molar rate of generation and consump- flame. It is demonstrated that the inner flame is
tion of species i per unit volume per unit time due a true premixed flame which can propagate in the
to chemical reaction. The mass concentration Y~and lean fuel-air mixture and acts as oxygen supply to
the diffusion velocity v, of species i are given by the outer diffusion flame, and the outer diffusion
flame is the counterflow diffusion flame between
the rich fuel-air mixture and the hot mixture of excess
(2) oxygen and combustion products.
In the flame of q~= 0.42, in which the dark space
between the two luminous flame zones is narrow,
the net reaction-rate profiles in the inner flame zone
and those in the outer flame zone somewhat overlap
1), dX, (3) in the dark space, and the two reaction zones are
X, dy not completely separated, although the profiles are
qualitatively similar to those of the flame of ~ =
respectively, where X~is the mole fraction of species 0.58. Namely, the second half of the inner reaction
i and Dl the binary diffusion coefficient of species zone is undoubtedly supplied with hydrogen and
i with nitrogen. The mass flux of species i is given carbon monoxide from the outer reaction zone. This
by indicates that the reaction in the inner flame zone
can not be completed without these supplies of
i,=pr,(v+v,). (4) hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Therefore, in this
case, the inner flame does not have the characteristics
The density of the gas mixture was calculated from of the self-sustaining flame, although the inner flame
the measured temperature and stable species con- which lies between the stagnation point and the
centrations by the equation of state cylinder wall seems to have an apparent propagation
velocity. The premixed flame in such a case will
never exist independently of the outer diffusion
(5) flame. Namely, the premixed flame will be estab-
lished only when the flame is followed by the
diffusion flame.
where p is the pressure,,~the universal gas constant, Similarly, in the rich methane-air flame of q~ =
and T the gas temperature. The binary diffusion 1.80, the net reaction-rate profiles in the inner flame


, 6 ~ 1 I
E (.)

4- H20\p ~ \k/MASS FLUX (CO) _ 21~
E /H20 o

2- CO /,C02 - I ~
0 X // ~

' ~ " ~ - - %\\\\
rr_ 2 - -Ix
C /\ \\ _J
o-4- \ --2o~
02 MASS ~LUX ( Hz)x I0 03
ILl <
I I I l _3 ~
60.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
FIG. 9. Mass-flux and net reaction-rate profiles. 2V/R = 25 see-', - f ~ = 8, and q~ = 0.42.

zone and those in the outer flame zone somewhat Discussion

overlap in the dark space, and the two reaction zones
are not completely separated (Fig. 8 in Ref. 9), so Many papers have been published on the mea-
that the rich methane-air flame of ~p = 1.80 is not surement of limits for certain flammable mixtures,
the self-sustaining flame. Therefore, the conclusion and recently on the near-limit p h e n o m e n a and
of the previous paper s that there is another limit mechanism of nonstationary flame extinction, a'~~
of flame propagation in addition to the rich limit but experimental studies rarely have been devoted
of flammability usually defined, is incorrect. to the structure of flames near the limits of flam-


"~ r~/~ i I l 'F///. -
(J 7 \
V//14 i
', V SSFLO CO' -

co,i \ \ \
\ \ Ha0\ I ~

tO ~

.,, .... CO •

g ,, -.. 02 -I x
02 / V MASS FL.UX(H2) x I 0/~ <
12: I / I
~_ 60. 3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
z DISTANCE, y, cm
FIG. 10. Mass-flux and net reaction-rate profiles. 2V/R = 25 see , -f,~ = 8, and ~o = 0.58.

inability. In the present study, the flammability by close association with a bubble of its own exhaust
limits of methane-air mixture and structure of flames gases rising at the same speed. The cause of different
near the lean flammability limit have been measured flammability limits for upward and downward
by the counterflow-flame technique. The structure propagation for the same fuel is at once apparent.
of these flames has been analyzed, and the charac- All the factors which assist upward flame propaga-
teristics of the flames near the lean limit have been tion have an adverse influence on downward propa-
demonstrated. gation. The "surf-riding" phenomenon of the flame
From the previous results of structure analysis on the hot bubble surface ~5 which is inevitably
of rich fuel-air flames9 and the present results for involved in the tube method is effectively eliminated
lean fuel-air flames, it becomes clear that the pre- in the present method by using the stationary flame;
mixed flame which exists beyond the flammability the hot exhaust gases are conveyed away from the
limits is clearly correlated with the outer diffusion flame zone by forced convection.
flame and is always supplied with reactants from It was confirmed that flammability limits deter-
the outer diffusion flame. If the equivalence ratio mined by the present method are independent of
of the test mixture is increased or decreased and external conditions, such as the ejection velocity
the premixed flame becomes self-sustaining, it be- of the test mixture, the composition and velocity
gins to have a propagation velocity and, at the same of the surrounding flow, and the flame propagation
time, the supply of reactants from the outer diffusion direction relative to the earth's gravitational fields,
flame becomes unnecessary. Accordingly, the inner and these limits are not affected by physical factors,
premixed flame begins to move away from the outer such as flow instability and heat loss to the wall.
diffusion flame, andas a result, the distance between These results suggest that the limits thus determined
the two flame zones begins to increase considerably. depend only on the internal properties of the mixture.
Therefore, it is reasonable to determine the flam- Therefore, these limits can be regarded as "physico-
mability limit by measuring a discernible break in chemical constants" of the combustible gas at a
the distance between the two flame zones with stated temperature and pressure.
change in composition of the test mixture. Moreover, At the flammability limits determined in the pres-
the flammability limit defined as the limit of flame ent study, the inner flame always lies between the
propagation can also be considered as the limit at stagnation point and~ the cylinder surface, so that
which the supply of reactants from the burned side the propagation velocity at the flammability limits
becomes necessary for the premixed flame to be is found to have a finite value.
A certain degree of arbitrariness is exercised in
defining a limit using the present technique, as it Coneluslons
is in all others. Although such a limitation is involved
in this technique, the limits thus determined are 1. Measurements of flammability limits of com-
found to be independent of external conditions, such bustible gas and experimental studies of the structure
as the ejection velocity of the test mixture, and the of premixed flames near the flammability limits can
composition and velocity of the surrounding flow. be made, using a counterflow flame (a double flame)
One important factor that would affect the limits stabilized in the forward stagnation region of a
is known to be an acceleration due to gravity. In porous cylinder.
order to examine the effect of this factor on the 2. The lean and rich flammability limits of com-
limits determined using the stationary counterflow bustible gas can be determined by measuring a
flame, the combustion tunnel-burner assembly was discernible break in the distance between the two
inverted such that the surrounding mixture was flame zones with a change in composition of the
flowing vertically downwards over the porous cyl- test mixture. The equivalence ratios of the lean and
inder, and the distance between the two flame zones rich limits of flammability for the methane-air mix-
in the forward stagnation region was also measured. ture thus determined are 0.47 and 1.72, respectively.
Stable flames were established when the velocity 3. For a double flame inside the flammability
of the surrounding stream was larger than that of limits, two reaction zones are completely separated,
the flow induced by buoyancy of the combustion and the reactions to produce water vapor and carbon
gas. The flammability limits determined by the dioxide are completed in the inner flame which has
present method were confirmed to be independent the characteristics of a self-sustaining flame.
of the direction of flame propagation relative to the 4. In a double flame outside the flammability
earth's gravitational field. This fact makes a sharp limits, two reaction zones are not completely
contrast with the current view on the flammability separated, and the reactions in the inner flame zone
limits, in which the convection due to gravity is can not be completed; the inner flame is not self-
considered to have a predominant effect. As pointed sustaining.
out by Levy, ~ a flame in upward propagation 5. The flammability limit defined as the limit of
through a near-limit mixture in a tube gains stability flame propagation can be considered as the limit

at w h i c h the supply of reactants from the b u r n e d 6. SORENSON, S. C., SAVAGE, L. D., AND STREHLOW,
side becomes necessary for the premixed flame to B. A.: Combus. Flame 24, 374(1975).
be established. 7. HERTZaERG, M.: Combus. Flame 28, 213(1977).
6. The flammability limits determined in the 8. YAMAOKA,I. AND TsuB, H.: Fifteenth Symposium
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7. The propagation velocity at the flammability 9. YAMAOKA,I. ANDZsull, H.: Sixteenth Symposium
limit has a finite value. (International) on Combustion, p. 1145, The
Combustion Institute, 1977.
10. ANDREWS, G. E. AND BRADLEY, D.: Fourteenth
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1. COWARD, H. F. AND JONES, G. W.: Limits of 11. HmSCHFELDEn, J. O., CuaTISS, C. F., AND BIRD,
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N. Peters, Teehnisehe Hochschule, Aachen, West

Germany. Besides the advantage, that buoyancy if=-- Ii fvr (plx)~plx d~
effects can be eliminated by using the counter-flow
geometry, the fact that the structure of these flames pv
may be easily analysed theoretically makes them f=
most suitable for the determination of flammibility ~)~2VIR '~ = (P~)s R p dy

limits. Thus correction factors that account for the

non-uniformity of the flow-field as well as for the accounts for the decrease of the mass flow rate due
heat gain from the outer flame may be derived in to non-uniform flow, while
analytical terms. Using large activation energy
asymptotics, 1the mass flow rate pv through the flame
G = (0.2867 a 2 -- 0,656 a + 1) -1/2, a
in a stagnation point boundary layer is found to (dT/dy)~
be related to that in a homogeneous mixture (pV)F
as accounts for the e n h a n c e m e n t of the flow rate due
to heat gain. In the limit of large (pv)~ the stream
pv = (pv) F F G function f may be assumed constant up to the
position of the inner flame. In this limit F approaches
where the correction term unity. Likewise, as the temperature gradient to the
b u r n t side (index b) becomes much smaller than
that to the u n b u r n t (index u) side, the correction
dF/d~l IiexpPd~l factor G approaches unity as well. The mass flow
F~ rate through the flame is related to that at the wall
exp F (pv)~ by the solution of the Falkner-Skan equation.

REFERENCE experiment. Although the structure of our flames

m a y be easily analyzed theoretically, the flammabil-
[ll N. PETEaS. Das F l a m m e n z o n e n m o d e l l u n d seine ity limits t h u s determined are considered to d e p e n d
A n w e n d u n g e n , Chemie-Ingenieur- Teehnik 50 largely on the a s s u m p t i o n s a n d model u s e d in the
(1978), 234-235. analysis. We are very m u c h interested in the theoret-
ical analysis, a n d we expect that the theoretical
Authors" Reply. It is interesting to k n o w that the structure of the flames, as well as the flammability
correction factors which account for the non-unifor- limits, will be reported in the open literature in
mity of the flow field, as well as the heat gain from the near future.
the outer flame, approach unity in the case of our

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