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Randolph Quirk
Sidney Greenbaurn
Geoffrey Leech
Jan Svartvik

Index by David Crystal




Preface v

Pronunciation table viii

Abbreviations and symbols ix

1 The English language

2 A survey of English grammar 35
3 Verbs and auxiliaries 93
4 The semantics of the verb phrase 173

5 Nouns and determiners 241

6 Pronouns and numerals 333
7 Adjectives and adverbs 399
8 The semantics and grammar of adverbials 475
9 Prepositions and prepositional phrases 655
10 The simple sentence 717
11 Sentence types and discourse functions 801
12 Pro-forms and ellipsis 855
13 Coordination 915
14 The complex sentence 985
15 Syntactic and semantic functions of subordinate
clauses 1045
16 Complementation of verbs and adjectives 1147
17 The noun phrase 1235
18 Theme, focus, and information processing 1353
19 From sentence to text 1421
Appendix I Word-formation 1515
Appendix 11 Stress, rhythm, and intonation 1587
Appendix III Punctuation 1609
Bib I iography 1641
Index 1665
1666 Index

abroad 7.10-11, 67; 8.41; 19.34

A absent (adjective) 7.22
(verb) (~ oneself(from)) 6.25
A--r adverbial
absoballylutely 1.16
Ao -r adverbial (object-related) absolute (adjective) 7.5n, 33; 8.106
As -r adverbial (subject-related) (~ly) 7.5n; 8.101,105,106, 130n
a -r article (indefinite)
a (as conjunct) 8.137 clause 15.34n, 58-62
a- (prefix) 1.21,30 comparison 7.7, 56n, 74-86, 89; 12.55;
(preposition) 8.29 18.45n
-a nouns 5.94 meaning 6.5, 53, 58; 9.58
-a plurals 5.95,98 abstract
ala9.10n; 17.60n adjectival head 5.74; 7.26
a-words 7.10-11 meaning 2.43; 9.55; 15.2,8; 16.24,48;
see also: adjective, adverb
17.17; 1.26
aback 16.2 noun 3.69; 4.4; 5.3, 7, 9, 17,58,75;
abattoir 1.13 6.16; 7.78; 8.106n; 9.51, 63; 10.18,
abbreviated clause 8.40, 125n, 134, 143; 39,51; 15.42n; 16.26,84-85; 17.26,
11.34n, 36n, 45-50; 12.59-65; 15.6, 51-52,54; 1.13, 23,25,32,35,36,
14,40; 17.28; 19.44 37,38,44,53; H.4
see also: prepositional phrase, question, . absurd 16.83; (~ ly) 7.56
Academy 1.15, 17
abbreviation 5.66n, 81; 6.65, 66, 69; accent (prosodic) -r stress
1O.37n; 17.73; 1.15, 23n, 73; III.27, accent (regional) 1.20,27, 32
28-30 accept 16.31 ; (~ as) 16.47
see also: coordination acceptability 1.42; 2.11
abide(d) 3.18; 10.61n accidence -r inflection
ability 3.47,72; 4.51, 52, 57n, 60-62, 65, accommodations 5.77
66; 16.79 accompaniment preposition 9.7,30,52;
ablaut-r gradation 10.10; 16.15
ablaze 7.10 accomplishment-rverbs (semantic
able 16.2; (be ~ to) 3.40, 47; 4.52,61,66, classification)
68; 7.39; 12.64; 16.79 accordance (in ~ with) 9.11,63
-able 7.1,21; 16.72; 1.15,36,40 according.(as) 14.12; (~ly) 8.137, 145;
(~ to) 8.127n; 9.10,57,63
aboard 7.10-11; 8.41 ;9.66; 19.34
account (for) 16.28; (on ~ of) 8.86; 9.3n,
abode (verb) 3.18
11,44; 14.12n, 14; 15.46n; .
abolish 16.26 (take ~ of) 16.58
about (adverb) 7.62; 8.41, 48; 9.5 accurate 7.88; (more ~ ly) 8.137
(conjunction) 14.12n accusative case 6.4
(particle) 16.2 accuse 6.25; (~ of) 16.8, 57; (~ N of)
(preposition) 3.76; 7.62n; 9.7, 22, 51, 16.8
57,60; 16.69 accustomed 16.79; ( ~ to) 16.69
(prepositional adverb) 9.66 ache (noun) 5.49n
(be ~ to) 3.40, 47; 4.47, 48,66,68 (verb) 4.29; 16.41; (~for) 16.38
(just ~) 8.126 acknowledge 16.31, 60; (~as) 16.47
see also: how acquit 3.8n
above (adverb) 7.67, 70; 8.41 acronyms L13n, 73, 75, 76
(particle) 16.2 across (adverb) 1.66; 8.41; 16.3
(preposition) 9.7,19,23,32 (particle) 16.2
(prepositional adverb) 9.66 (preposition) 9.7, 22, 25 -27,28;c
pro-form use 19.47 16.6
(~all) 8; 137 -138; (the ~ ) 19.47 (pr~ositional adverb) 9.66
abridge 7.85n act (verb) 7.36; (~as) 16.22n
Index 1667

act-+completion, illocutionary, adjective [cont]

locutionary, speech (act), verbs central 7.3, 20-30, 32, 33, 34, 37, 44,
(semantic classification: activity, 45; 17.97, 114
momentary, speech act, clause 7.10, 27-30; 15.61
transitional) combination with verb 1O.12n; 16.17,
acting (adjective) 7.36 33
action -+ verb compound 7.17; I.68, 69n; IlIA
active -+ passive construction -+ adjective (phrase)
actively 8.105 criteria for 3.76; 7.2-4
actual-+ recipient disyllabic 7.81
actually (disjunct) 8.127 dynamic 7AO-41, 44, 46n; 8.94; 1.55
(subjunct) 8.100, 102, 126; 18.55 ellipsis 7.28n
adI.74 evaluative 7.84; 10.53; 16.82
add 16.31; (~ to) 16.28 final-If-ll I.41
addendum 5.95 gradable 7.13, 16n, 21, 40, 42, 44, 56,
addition, in (conjunct) 8.137 63n, 66, 74, 87; 8.101; 9.62; 10.66;
(prepositional adverb) 9.66 17.114; 1.38, 39,40, 55
(subjunct) 8.116, 119 head2.25n, 26, 28, 29; 3.59; 5.56-57,
(~to) 9.11,58; 13.103 74; 7.14, 20,23-26; 10.66; 12.55;
addition preposition 9.7, 58 13.79; 17.56-57; I.45
additional 5.22 inflection 7.1,2-4,24,74-82,83
additionallanguage-+ English inherent 7.32, 40, 43, 44; 17.114
additive (conjunct) 8.136,137-138,143 1engthof7.81; 17.115
(subjunct) 8.116-117, 119, 120, 143; -Iy 7.9, 81n
10.60; 12.29; 13.36,38 monosyllabic 7.81-82
meaning 10Al, 57; 12.20,25; 13.23n, negative 7.87n; 10.59; 17.96
27, 37n, 57 nongradab1e 7.14n, 37,40,42,44,45,57,
address to 16.57 87; 8.83; 17.97, 114; 1.37, 38, 39, 51
address nongradable conversion to gradable
forms of 5.103; 10.52-53; 17.91n; .I.55
18.5; 19.65 noninherent 7.32,36,40,43,44,73;
function 10.52 17.97
postal III.30 nonparticipial16.69-83
see also: plural, self-address, vocative nonpredicative -+ adjective
adieu 5.99 (attributive only)
adjectival-+ adjective nonrestrictive 6.20; 7.22, 24, 25, 32n;
adjective 2.34, 35,43; 7.1-45, 47, 8.94n
71-82,84-90; 9.2, 8,10; 10.22,46, noun related to 7.12-14,37; 17.97,
51; 12.27, 45n, 65; 13.79; 14.24-25; 114-118
15.2,54; 16.8,68-83; 1t51; II.5-6 object complement 16A4-45, 47
a-7.10-11, 21, 39 order 7A5; 17.114-116
adverb related to 7.6-10, 27, 28n, 29n, participia13.12n, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19,
36,38,46-47,71-74,83 44n, 49, 76, 77;7.15,46,47,81;
affixation in I.21- 32, 36-42, 45, 46, 9.50n, 63; 16.14n, 54n; 69-83;
48,50-52,55,57,59, 63n, 65, 66, 17.64,94,98-103, 114; I.65;
69-71 IlIA
attributivefunction6.62; 7.2-4,10,11, participle vs. 7.15-19
13,15,18,19,20-30,32,34,38,39, peripheral 7.3, 12,31-39,44,45,68;
45,76,78,84,85; 13.79,99n, 102; 17.97, 114
15.2; 17.57,96-97,113-116; phrase 2.24,25,26,28; 3A7n; 7.9,20,
I.27 23-26,65; 10.8, 11,20,53,66;
attributive only 7.32-37, 73; 17.97 llA2n, 53; 12.20,27; 15.39,62,69,
base7.1, 75, 79;8.54, 79,89,92,94, 71,73; 16.20,21,24,44-47,68-83;
106n, 125 17.2,58,96; 18.27,42
1668 Index

adjective [cont] adjective [cont]

positionof7~2--4, 7, 20-30, 45; 15.39, superlative, supplementive clause, time, wh-
69,71,73 adjunct 2.15, 60; 8.24,25-87,121,
postcentra17.45 134-135,138,144,148-153; 9.1,
postmodification by 6.47; 7.21, 22; 16,33,45,47,63,65; 10.9,63-64;
13.68n; 15.69,71,73; 17.15,56-60, 12.49,62; 15.54,64; 16.16,20,24,
91n 38n,48;17.51,53;18.3 -
postmodification of classes 8.26-38, 143
-'>- complementation clausal 13.15; 14.21n, 37n;15.2, 17,
postposed -'>- adjective 20-23,33,47,48,49;18.28; IIU8
(postmodification by) conjunction and 7.53
precentral 7.45 cooccurrence -'>- adverbial
predicative function 2.17n; 5.37; 6.62; criteria for 7.49
7.2-4,7, 10, 13, 15, 19,20-30, fronting -'>- adverbial
32,34,82; 8.94; 13.68,79, 99n; grammatical realization of8.39-80·
15.25; 16.22n; 17.94,96,114, 115n hierarchy 8045,56,66,69; II1.8
predicative only 7.38-39; 1.30 negative 8.35n; 13.36
prehead 7.45 nonrestrictive 12.70n; IIU8 .
premodification by 5.68; 6.47; 7.2-4, object-related 8.37-38, 76
13,20-30,43,45; 7.6, 22, 65, 71, obligatoryjoptiona18.17, 19,22,26,
86; 9.12; 11.32n; 13.62, 79; 15.69, 27-34,35,39,42,51,84,86;
71; 16.68; 17.2,3n, 15,27,94, 10.9-11; 15.22-23; 16.27n;
96-97, 124; 18.42, 59n; 1.25, 29, 18.5-6,43
65 order 8.56, 66, 125n
premodificationof7.2-4, 11, 15n, 16, positionof7.58; 8.26, 27, 35,
22,24, 25,26, 27n, 28, 42, 48, 50, 36-38,44,47,55,63,65,68,71,73,
56-59,60,66,83,89; 8.103n; 84,85,87,150-152; 15.20, 21n, 22,
10.58; 11.32; 15:69,71,74; 16.44; 25
17.96,118; 19.50 predication 8.17, 19,22,26,27 -90,
prepositional 16.68n 150; 9.33, 60; 10.9-10; 15.22-23,
prepositional complement function 50; 16.3,21,24,48; 18.21, 24n, 43;
9.1n; 16.47 II.16; IIU7n
repeated 13.100 preposition and 7.55
restrictive 7.22,35, 36,73; 8.94n semantic roles of8.39-80, 81,134
semantic classification 7.40-44; sentence 8.26, 36, 38, 39,43, 44, ~5,
17.114 48,50,51,58,66,71, 76n, 78,86,
series of 13.68n; 17.58, 114 87,90,92, 134n, 148, 150,153;
stative 7.40-41,44,46; 17.95 14.39n; 15.22-'-23,25; 18.24n;
stativejdynamic conversion 1.55 II.16
subject complement function 16.21 subject-related 8.37-38, 76, 129n
syntactic functions 7.20- 30 syntactic features 0[8.25, 48, 77, 83
syntactic subclassification 7.31- 39 see also: adverbial, concessive, ,coordinate,
trisyllabic 7.81 direction, duration, frequency, goal, if-,
universa17.35n manner, means, position,.process,
usage problems with 7.4n, 7, lln, 16, ·purpose, reason, relationship, respect,
24n,28n,38,75,84 result, source, subjuilct, time adverbial
see also: abstract, adverb, age, amplifier, adjust (oneself)(to) 6.25; 16.28
colour, commendatory, comparative; admire 6.25; 8.107; 16.26
complement, complementation,
admission (by . .. own) 8.127n
contingent, conversion, coordinate,
denominal, deverbal, downtoner,
admit4.67n; 15.54; 16.31, 39, 60;
emotive, emphasizer, health, (- tedly) Se 127, 128, 137; 19.53n,
intensifying, measure, noun, personal, 56; (- to) 16.28
postmodification, prepositional, adnominal-,>- relative clause
prepositional phrase, provenance, suffix, adrift 7.10
Index 1669

adv-+adverb adverb [cont]

advantage (take ~ of) 16.8, 58 syntactic functions of7.56-70;
adverb 2.31n, 34, 35n, 41, 43, 56; 3.27; 8.24
6.59; 7.46-74, 82n, 83, 88; without -ly 7.8; 8.106
8 passim; 9.2, 10,28; 10.15, 17,59; see also: adjective, adverbial, adjunct,
12.26n, 30; 14.14; 15.2; 16.3, 72n, amplifier, but, comparative,
77; 17.114; 11.6,16; III.4 complement, conjunct, coordinate,
degree, direction, disjunct, duration,
intensifying, manner, nonassertive,
affixation in 7.1,6,7,46-47,71; 121, operator, place, preposition,
31, 41, 46n, 69, 71n prepositional, subjunct, suffix,
classes 7.3-4,49 superlative, time, wh-
clause element function 7.48-49 adverb phrase 2.12, 24, 25, 26, 28; 7.46,
closed~class 2.41; 7.46; 8.13,23,41, 48n; 8:13,19,24,78,153; 10.9-10;
45,54, 127, 148; 9.5n 13.82; 15.2
compound 7.21, 46, 69; 19.37n; 1.57n as subject 2.25
conjunction and 7.51, 52-53 elliptica18.60
criteria 7.46-47,51-55 premodifying 17.94, 111
derivationa17.1, 6-9, 46-47,71; see also: coordinator, postmodification
8.10n,54, 79,89,92,150,153; adverbial
III.4 central/peripheral 2.15 ; 8.150-152;
gradable 7.4, 74, 87; 10.66; 1.41 10.10
head 2.26, 28; 7.46; 8.13,153; 10.66 clause 3.46n, 62; 4.45n, 53n, 67; 7.53;
homomorphy with adjective 7.6-10, 8.13,40,53,78,106,124,127,130,
83 132,150; 9.55; 10.9,10,15, 16n, 65;
inflection 7.74,83; 8.48n 11.18n; 12.61,67; 13.3,50-51,82,
-ly-+adverb (derivational) 103; 14.4, 15,22,29, 37n, 39n; 15.2,
medial 6.50 17-52,53,55,58-62,75; 16.24n,
nongradable 8.85,89; 1.41 38n, 49n; 17.4,23-24,33,83-84;
open-class 7.47; 8.13, 23, 54, 93 18.33n; 19.60
participial7.58n compared to complement 2.18, 60;
particle 7.61; 8.27, 33, 42n, 47n; 9.5; 10.11
10:12; 16.2-17 compared to object 8.27
position of 3.27,40; 6.50; 7.10, 27, cooccurrence 8.1, 5,11-12,66,69,73,
56-70,83,89-90; 8.87; 14.6 101,149-152; 11.42
postmodifying 2.28; 6.20, 42; 7.50, 57, directive function 11.42
60,67,69,85; 8.52, 63n;r03n; 9.5, element 2.12, 13;15, 16, 17,24,31,45;
35; 10.62n; 15.69,71; 17.55 4.5,20,22,23,36; 5.50; 6.32, 34n;
premodification by 2.45; 6.50n; 7.6,48-49; 8 passim; 9.1, 58, 61;
72-4,11,22,24,25,26,28,42,48, 10.1-4,9-10,12,13,15,26,27,29,
50,56-65,68; 8.24, 48n, 83, 91, 33,52,64; 11.15,31, 44n, 53; 12.49,
98n,107, 131, 148; 10.11n,58,59; 62, 70n; 13.22, 56n, 91-92, 94, 97;
15.69,71,74; 17.29, 55,58, 14.2,14,36; 15.1-2, 4n, 8,13,40,
100-101,118; 19.50; 1.41 65,68; 16.5; 17.52, 54n, 58, 115n,
premodificationof7.27n, 48n, 50, 60, 116,122; 18.10, 11,14; 18.42n,
66,89; 8.63n, 68, 77, 83, 91, 98n, 49-50; 19.9,35-39,80; 1.60, 63;
102,106,107,113,120,131; 10.59; II.14, 16,21; H1.9, 17-18,22
11.32; 15.69,71,74 ellipsis 12.59
preposition and 7.55 focuson8.98n; 18.16,27
prepositional complement function· frequencyof8.1n, 13, 15n, 23
7.70; 9.1n fronting4.7; 8.27, 35-38,43,44,47,
repeated 13.100 49,51, 52,55, 65,66, 70, 71, 77n,
restrictive 7.35 78,81,86,87,89-92,95,96,98,
sequence 8.79, 150 lOIn, 103, 112, 114, 120, 121, 124,
simple 7.46 130, 138n, 143n, 144, 146, 147,
1670 Index

adverbial [cont] advise 16.59, 62, 63; (~about) 16.57

150-151; 10.16, 17,26,58-59, 64n, -ae plurals 5.94
66; 13.36, 54-55,92; 14.9, 39n; affect 16.26, 38
15.22,25; 16.3, 38n; 17.4,84,122; affected role 10.19, 32; 14.5n; 16.14, 19;
18.19, 24n, 33n, 49-50; 19.13; 18.32,51,53
II.14; III.17-18, 20,22 see also: object, subject
functions4.66n; 6.54; 8.1, 24-153; affectionately 8.91n
19.80; 1.41 affirm 16.31
negative 3.44n; 6.50n; 10.58-59,66 affirmative response 11.4-13
object-related 2.19; 10.2, 10 affixation 2.7, 37; 16.12; 17.118; 1.2-6,
obligatory 2.18; 8.22; 10.9-11,21; 14,15,20-42,52,58, 76n, 77;
15.5n; 1.54 H.4
optional 2.13, 15, 16, 21; 7.48; 8.22; see also: adjective, adverb, conversion,
10.2,9,16,17; 12.44,62,64; 14.9; deadjectival, denominal, deverbal, dormant,
16.45 negation, noun, participle, verb
order 8.15, 22,150-152 afford 16.38
particle -7 ad verb afire 7.10
position of 2.13; 4.7; 8.1, 11,14-23, afloat 7.10
121,125,149,150-152; 10.9, 17, aforementioned 19.47n
35,40; 13.38; 18.5, 11, 42n, 47; aforesaid 19.47n
III.17-18, 20, 22 afraid7.10-11; 12.28; 15.54; 16.71,78;
realization of 2.24, 25n; 8.1, 13, 14, (~about)7.39; (~of) 7.39; 16.69;
17,23,39-86,89-90,93,104,116, (~ that)7.39
124,125,127,130,150,153; 10.9, afresh 8.72; 19.37n
17 African English 1.34
repetition of 8.149 Afrikaans 1.26
restrictive/nonrestrictive 15.23, 62 after (adverb) 7.68,70,83; 8.41, 55n;19.37
scope of 13.54- 55 (conjunction) 4.15, 24;8.55n; 9.3;
semantic roles 8.1, 2-10, 39-86, 153; 12.61n; 14.12, 19n, 27; 15.25,27
10.9,13; 15.24-56 (particle) 16.2
sentence 2.15, 55; 8.15, 134n (preposition) 5.46; 7.70; 8.55n; 9.3, 7,
subject function 7.48n; 10.15, 34, 43n 19,38; 12.61n; 13.103; 15.25,29
subject-related 2.19; 10.2, 10 (prepositional adverb) 9.66
syntactic function of 10.9; 15.17 -23 (~am 8.137,143; (~ that/this) 7.83;
textualroleof8.1; 19.53-56 8.55n; 19.37
usage problems 7.9, 63n, 83; 8.21, afterwards 7.67,70; 8:55, 72; 19.37,38
55n,66,69, 79, 98n, 99n, 106, 109n, again (additive subjunct) 8.116,119
112, 114, 117, 126, 129n, 138n, (reinforcing conjunct) 8.137,144
146 (replacive conjunct) 8.137, 141, 144, 146
see also: adjunct, adverb, agent, causative, (time adjunct) 8.55, 72,77n; 19.37
cognate, complement, concessive, with comparative 15.71n
conditional, contingency, coordinate, (~and again) 8.74n; 13.101
coordination, degree, diminisher, against (particle) 16.2
direction, disjunct, distance, downtoner,
(preposition) 9.7, 17n, 53;13.81n
duration, emphasizer, frequency, goal,
instrumental, manner, measure,
(prepositional adverb) 9.66n
mobility, modality, noun phrase, place,
position, prepositional phrase, process, age adjectives 7.46n
pro-forms, purpose, reason, relational, age (verb) 3.9n
relative pronoun, respect, result, source, (~d) 7.19; (for/in ~ s) 8.61n
space, subjunct, supplementive clause, -age I.32, 35
time agency 9.50; 15.45; 16.23, SIn
advert 1.74 direct vs. indirect 18.51n
advertise (vs. -ize) 1.42 see also: agent, agentive role
advisable 3.59 agenda 5.95n
Index 1671

agent all (determiner) 6.44n, 45,49,51; 9.41,

adverbial 8.5, 78, 80,81-83 42,58; 10.42; 17.5
animate/inanimate 3.66; 9.50 (emphasizer) 7.57; 9.29
constraints on 3.71 (predeterminer) 5.15-17,23, 121;
personal/nonpersona13.75; 7.16; 9.42; 10.42,65
8.129; 9.50; 1.62, 64 (pronoun) 5.7,16, 17n; 6.13, 20, 45,
phrase -+ by-phrase 48,49,50; 7.69; 8.115; 9.58; 10.42;
preposition 3.65, 76; 9.7, 9, 43, 50, 63; 12.10,17; 17.15,24; 18.45n
10.10 after auxiliary 3.28; 17.5, 24; 18.40n
role-+agentive role pro-form use 12.10, 17
semi-7.16n; 9.51 (at ~ ) 6.61n, 62n; 8.98, Ill, 114;
suffix 7.73; 1.33 10.60,62; 16.70; ( ~ but) 8.111,
see also.' -er, noun, passive 114; 9.58n; (for ~ ) 9.56; (for
agentive role 2.21; 3.65, 71, 76; 4.4; ~ (that» 14.12; (~ in all) 8.137;
6.21; 8.129; 9.7, 50; 10.6, 13n, 18, 19.56; (in ~ ) 8.137; (not at ~)
J9,20n,21, 22, 24n, 28, 30, 33; 11.4n; (of ~ ... ) 11.53; (of ~) 7.90;
14.5n, 24n; 15.73; 16.4n, 14, 19; (with ~) 9.56
17.103; 18.32, 51-53; 1.40 see also.' above, after, and, right, round
see also.' means, verbs (semantic
classification) -all-+you
agentless -+ passi ve allege 15.54; 16.31; (~dly) 8.127,
aggregate -+ noun BIn
aggrieved about 16.69 allied to 16.69
aghast 7.10 alliteration 19.25n, 68n
agin9.7n allow 16.32, 33, 50, 57; (be ~ ed to) 4.52,
ago 9.35 66,68; (~for) 16.28;
agree 8.107; 15.54; 16.31,32; (~able) (make ~ ancefor) 16.7, 58
1.40n; (~about) 16.38; (~on/to) almost 7.56, 62n; 8.111-114, 126
16.28, 38; (~with) 16.15, 28, 38 aloft 8.41
agreement 17.36; (in ~ with) 9.63 alone 7.10-11; 8.116,118
agreement -+ concord, response along (adverb) 7.70; 8.41
ah(a)7.54; 8.136n; 11.55 (particle) 16.2
ahead 7.67; 8.41; 9.66,16.2; (~of) (preposition) 9.7, 26-27,29
9.10 (prepositional adverb) 9.66
~, ahem 11.55 (~with) 9.10; 10.40
aid (in ~) 9.66; (in ~ of) 9.11 alongside 8.41; 9.7, 66
aim (noun) 17.36 aloof7.10-11
(verb) (~at) 9.46, 63; 16.28; (~for) alphabetic -+ letters
16.28,38,41 alphabetism 1.75
ain't 3.32n already (adjunct) 8.72n; 9.28, 39; 10.60;
ajar 7.10 19.36
-al7.1, 37; I.l6n, 35, 36, 39 (subjunct) 4.22; 8.97
-al- (following -ic) 1.41 also (adjunct) 8.77n, 83,113
alarm (~ed) 16.71; (~ed at) 9.63; (conjunct) 8.137
16.69; (~ing) 16.72 (subjunct) 8.116,117, IT9, 120; 12.29;
alarm calls 11.54 13.42
alas 11.55n alternative -+ conditional-concessive,
albeit 14.12n interrogation, negation, question
alert 7.1 0-11 alternatively 8.137; 13.28
alga(e) 5.94 although 8.143n, 145; 13.8; 14.12,
alias 8.137, 141 18-19; 15.21,39-40
alienable -+ possession vs. though 8.143n; 15.39-40
alight (verb) 3.18 (~ ... ) 14.13
alike 7.10-11; (so/too (much) ~ )7.11 altogether (conjunct) 8.137
alive 7.10-11 (subjunct) 8.105
1672 Index

alumna(e) 5.94 American English [cont]

alumnus 5.93 word-formation 5.105; I.16n, 36n, 41,
alveolar suffix 3.12, 14 46n,63,68, 72n, 74, 75, 77
always4.13n, 26n; 7.70; 8.63,65,76,98, amid(st) 9.7, 21,32
103,117; 10.60; 11.13 . among(st) (preposition) 9.7, 21,32
a.m.17.55n (particle) 16.2
am 3.23,32; (~ I not) 3.32n; (~ n't l) amount (a greater ~ of) 15.69; (~ of)
3.32n 5.25;(~ to) 16.28n;
amazingly 7.56; 8.127 see also: number
ambient it 10.26n; -+it (prop) amount-+measure, quantity
ambiguity -+ comparison, coordination, amplification 8.9; -+ amplifier
direction, -ing participle clause, amplificatory -+ tag
postmodification, premodification, amplifier
space, structural adjective 7.32-34, 45; 17.114
AmE -+ American English adverb 7.56, 87, 89
amends 5.77 cooccurrence of 8.107 -1 08
American English 1.7-8, 21-22, 23-24, position of 8.109
25,26,27,36,37,42 syntax of 8.110
constructions l.11, 24; 2.21n; 3.12, subjunct8.25n, 33, 104, 105-110, 113;
13n, 14n, 15, 16, 18, 19,20,23,30n, II.21
32n,34,35,39n,42,43n,44,45,48, amplify 7.85n
59,61; 4.5n, 20n, 22n, 25n, 50, 54n, amuse 6.25; (~d) 16.71; (~d at) 9.63;
55,58,64; 5.16, 25n, 44, 47, 49n, 66, 16.69
85,108,111, 125n; 6.12n, 24n, 25n, amusingly 8.127
46n, 56, 66; 7. 14n, 21, 56n, 57n, 66, an-+article (indefinite)
83;8.31n, 39, 52, 59, 61n, 62, 79,89, an- (prefix) 1.21
91n, 97n, 98, 135, 137, 138n; 9.3n, -an7.37;I.37
4,8,10,17, 18n,34,36n,37,40,41, anacoluthon 17.63; II1.26
44, 46n, 51n, 66n; 10.8, IOn, 16,27, analogy 1.3,7-8
36, 48n, 50, 55n,62n, 67, 68n; analysability (of words) I.l4
analysis 5.97 . .
11.8n, 13, 15n, 17, 24, 26n, 28, 32n,
34n,40; 12.21,25, 26, 28, 49n, 64n, analysis, mUltiple 2.61; 8.24, 32;
65n; 13.18n, 98n, 99; 14.12, 23n, 24, 10.11-16; 13.52n; 16.5, 13,
25,26,33,36; 15.10,22, 34n, 35n, 64-67
anaphora4.11, 13; 5.30, 32; 6.15,19,
39, 44n, 46n, 48, 50, 66n; 16.2,22,
21,40,44;8.54, 78n,87, 145, 147,
30,32,41, 52n, 59, 83n; 17047,60,
153; 12.6, 11, 12, 32; 13.9; 15.2,
82n,88,91, 108; 19.48,51,62
19n, 68n; 18.18; 19.44,46-49,
Edited 1.24
pronunciation 1.27; 2042; 3.5n, 16; 52
direct vs. indirect 5.30-31
5.83; 6.52n; 7047; 11.22n; 18.8n, 17; see also: coreference, ellipsis
1.25,37, 39n, 56, 64, 65, 74; 11.1, ancient (adjective/noun) 7.13
5,6 and2.10, 60;6.22; 8040, 138, 146;
spelling/punctuation 1.23; 3.8, 13n, 10.37-39,40,41,44; 11.29n, 44,53;
51; 5.8; 6.66; 7.79; 9.7; 17047; I.56, 12.68; 13 passim; 14.40; 15.34n,
59; IlIA, 8, 11, 20n, 21, 23, 26n, 29, 46n,49, 60; 19.5,8,11,58; 11.9;
30 III.6-8, 12
vocabulary 1.24; 5.7, 33,45,46,47, in apposition 17.65,71, 73, 80
66n, 75,76,77,90,108,109,125; uses of 13.22-27
6.63n, 64n; 7.21n, 38, 46n, 54, 56n, (~all) 15A6n; (~nor) 13.18n;
69; 8041, 55,100,111,112,113, 18.24n; (~so) 8.144,146; 19.58;
120n; 9.11, 13n, 19n, 20, 21n, 22, (~so on/so forth) 1O.37n; 13.104;
49, 57n, 58; 10.3n,30,53,60; (~ with) 15.46n
11.41n, 54; 14.36; 16A5n; 17.91n; see also: coordination, coordinator, or,
19.36n, 65; 1.42, 54, 64, 67; III.28n sentence (connectivity)
Index 1673

anent9.7n any [cont]

anew 19.37n pro-form use 12.10, 17
anger formulae 11.54 stressed/unstressed 5.14n, 39
angry 16.71, 78; (~about) 16.69; (~at) (~ the) 10.60
9.63; 16.69; (~with) 16.69 any- 2.54; 6.45-47, 52, 59, 60, 61; 10.59;
animals (higher/lower) 5.87,104, 15.9; (~body) 2.54; 6.9,45-47,61;
109-110,J17, 118; 6.8 10.43,50,60; (~how) 8.137,144,
see also: names (classified) 145; ( ~ more) 9.39; ( ~ one) 6.9,
animate-+agent, gender, inanimate, 45-47,61; 10.43,50,60; (~place)
noiIn, subject 10.60; (~ thing) 2.54; 6.45-47,61;
annals 5.77 10.60; 17.15; (~ time) 10.60;
annex clause 18.28,48 (~ way) 8.137,144,145; (~ ways)
announce 16.31,50,60; (~ to) 16.57 8.137; (~where) 8.41; 9.58;
annoy (~eel) 16.71,78; (~ed about/ 10.60
with) 16.69; (~ing) 16.72, 83; Apache 5.88
( ~ ingly) 8.127 apart 7.66; 16.2; (~from) 9.10, 58;
annually 8.64 15.44n
another 5.22; 6.13, 54,58; 12.10 apex 5.96
see also: one aphaeresis 12.31, 51n
answer -+ response phrasa112.46n
answerable to 7.39; 16.69 aphoristic sentence 11.43
-ant 1.34 apiece 13.61
Antarctic(a) 5.68 apodosis 15.34n
ante-1.27 apologies 11.3, 54
antecedent 2.44; 6.15-17, 19, 22, 23, apostrophe 5.114; 111.2, 27
24n,26, 31, 32-34, 40, 44; 10.36n, omission of 5.118n, 125
44n, 48-49; 12.8-70; 13.56,64, + s 5.81, 113
103n; 14.22n; 15.8,55,57,61;17.4, appal 16.26
5,9,10,13-32,63,66; 18.28,30; apparent 16.72, 73; (~ly) 8.l27n
19.10,45, 47n, 77 appear 4.29; 8.42n; 12.28; 14.36;
see also: coordinate 16.19,21, 22, 23, 24n, 34, 38n;
antelope 5.87 18.36
antenna(e/s) 5.92,94 (it ~ s) 15.54; (it ~ s to me that)
anterior 7.85 16.60n; (~ to) 3.40, 49
anterior time -+ time (anterior) appellation (apposition) 17.74, 76
anti 9.7 appellative 10.53
anti-1.25 appended -+ clause, coordination
anticipate 14.36; 16.31,35 appendix 5.96
anticipated identification 17.78 apply (for) 16.28, 56n; ( ~ to N for N)
anticipatory meaning 4.35, 38, 44n 16.17
anticipatory subject-+ it appoint 16.46,50; (~as) 16.47;
antithesis 17.80 (~eel) 7.21
antitheticconjunct8.136, 137, 141, 146, apposition 2.5n, 22; 6.28; 8.11 ; 9.1n, 2,
148; 15.43; 19.52, 54n 60; 10.5, 11; 11.20n; 12.4, 70n;
antonymy 2.38; 6.53; 10.66; 13.78n, 13.49n; 14.9, 14,29; 17.44,65-93;
101; 1.1, 20, 38 18.6; 111.6
arlxious 16.71, 79 attributive 17.74, 81-84
any (determiner) 2.54; 5.14, 23, 53; 6.45, coordinative 10.37,39,41; 13.66n;
61; 9.58; 10.42, 43n, 59-60, 66; 17.80
15.14; 17.5 defining vs. defined 17.68-69, 80
(intensifier) 7.56n, 89 discontinuous full 17.66
(pronoun) 2.54; 6.12, 13,45,48, elliptica118.29; 1.52n
52,59-61,62; 9.58; 10.42, explicit indicators -+ apposition
59-60; 12.10, 17; 15.9 (marker)
1674 Index

apposition [cont] archaism 1.28; 2.44; 3.4n, 12n, 16, 17,

full 14.9 ; 17.66,69,70,73,92 18, 22n, 24n, 37n,48, 60, 77n;4.4n,
genitive of 5.116n 7n, 53n, 58n, 61n; 5.23n, 58n, 102,
indeterminacy in 17.72 103; 6.12n, 18n, 20, 42, 48n;7.15;
marker 15.18; 17.65,73-87; Ill.lln, 8.3n,29,50n,60n,64, 85n, 86, 91n,
13 103n, 105n, lll, ll6n, 130n; 9.7n,
multiple units in 17.71 15n; 10.44n, 58n; 11.26, 39,41,44,
nonrestrictive 5.42n, 64; 6.20; 17.68, 55n; 12.27n; 14.12n, 23n, 29;
70,72, 73, 74-87; III.l9 15.31n, 34n, 48, 49, 57n, 74n; 16.21,
partiaI14.9; 17.66,69,70,73,76-77, 52n, 79; 17.12,37, 91n; 18.23, 24n;
79,80,82,85,92 19.42; 1.13, 14
premodification and 17.105 archives 5.77
restrictive 5.42n; 7.25n; 17.68-69,70, are 3.32; 10.44; 18.49n; 11.9; (~n't) 3.32
82n, 88-91,93 area (dimension) 5.8; 9.15, 17
semantic scale of 17.74-87 Argentina 5.68
strict 17.67, 70, 88-91 arguably 8.127
weak 17.67, 70, 92 argue 16.31, 35; (~about) 9.60; 16.28,
see also: and, appellation, appositive, 35; (~on) 9.60; (~with)9.53
attributive, designation, equivalence, -arian 1.37n
exemplification, identification, arise 3.16
inclusion, or, prepositional phrase, arithmetical sums 1O.37n
particularization, reformulation, say, arms (vs. weapons) 5.4, 77
substitution, titles around (adverb)7.10-ll, 66, 70; 8.41,48
appositive 17.65 (particle) 16.2, 12
clause 14.22n; 15.2,4,5,6,8,10,12, (preposition) 9.7, 22, 26-27, 29
57; 17.9,26-27,35-36,74; 18.39; (prepositional adverb) 9.66; 13:101
Ill. 10 arrange 16.32, 35; (~for) 16.28, 38,41
compound 5.102; 1.65 arranging --7 verbs (semantic
conjunct8.136, 137, 139,141,144 classification)
name 5.64n, 66; 10.52n, 53; 111.29 arrears 5.77
noun phrase 5.42; 10.34; 13.56; 15.61, arrival9.17n
62; 16.47n; 17.21, 23n, 46,84; arrive 4.27,45; 9.17n; 16.19; (~ at)
18.40; 19.44 16.14
of-construction5.ll6n, ll7; 17.47-48, art 3.4n
73,93 artfully 8.127
predications 17.74 article 5.ll, 26-72 .
pronouns --7 -self comparison and 7.84
see also: apposition conflated 5.60n
appreciate 8.107 definite 2.30n, 41; 4.11,13; 5.2,10,11,
approach (verb) 16.19 13,14, 16-17,21,26-35, 36, 37n,
appropriate 16.72; (~ly) 8.127 42-50,52,55-57,58,59,62,63~64,
approve of16.5 67n, 68, 69n, 70-72,108,125; 6.15,
approximately 8.124 20, 30n, 37n,40,42n, 45,50, 53,62,
approximation 8.8; 13.71,102 64n; 7.24,84,86; 8.63n, 79; 9.ll,
approximator subjunct 8.104, 111-114, 40; 10.49n, 58; 12.8, 19n, 51;
126 13.71n; 16.46n; 17.26,43, 78n,
apropos (of) 9.lOn 81-82,88-91,99; 18.45n
apt 16.79; (be ~ to) 3.47 ellipsis 1.34; ll.48, 53; 12.35,51;
aquarium 5.95 15.41; 17.107
-ar 7.37; 1.2, 36 followed by h 5.lln
Arab(-ianj-ic) 5.57n generic reference 5.26, 33n, 38n,
Arabic 1.2 52-59
arc (verb) 3.8n indefinite 2.30n, 37,41; 4.13; 5.2, 9n,
arch 1.24 10,11,13,14,17-19,21, 23n, 24,
Index 1675

article [cont] aside 8.41; 16.2; (~from) 9.10, 58

25,26,30,34,36-38,48,52,53,59, ask 9.2; 12.65; 16.32,35,38,55,57,59,
63,67,72; 6.45, 53, 54, 55, 67; 7.22, 60-63; ( ~ about) 16.35; (be ~ ed
39n, 56n, 62, 84; 8.103n; 9.11; 12.16, for) 16.14; (~for) 9.2; 16.15,28,
51,55; 13.71n; 15.7,41,73,74; 41; (~ of) 16.57, 60
16.46n; 17.47,82,96,99,122; asleep 7.10-11
18.45n; 11.9 aspect3.21,31,32,40,44,47,49,56;
noS.2, 58, 60, 65,...69, 70 4.1,4,17-40,41,66,67;7.58Ii;
see also: article (zero) 8.64; 13.98n; 14.6, 27n; 15.26, 54,
plural 5.39 58n, 62,75; 16.3,40,42,53,79;
stressed 5.11n, 21, 63; 13.71n; 18.12n; 17.28-29,31,54n, 101; 18.16;
11.9 19.7
unmarked 5.36 continuous-+progressive
zero 2.30n; 5.2,13,14,34, 37n, 39-51, durative -+ progressive
52,54,58,59,67,72; 6.21, 50; 7.2, marked 19.79
22,84; 9.49; 15.74; 16.22, 46n; mixed 4.30
17.2,50, 78n, 82; 18.59n narrative structure and 19.39-43
see also: categorial, coordinate, noncount, simple 4.17
some tense and 4.17-20, 36; 8.61n
artificial language -+ English see also: duration, nonperfective,
artistic -+ names (classified) nonprogressive, perfective, potentiality,
-ary 7.47; 1.39n progressive, verbs (semantic
as (adverb) 6.53 classification)
see also: as ... as aspectual meaning 8.29; 1.35n
(conjunction) 6.4; 8.79, 103;9.3, aspire to 16.38
4,48; 14.12, 18,20; 15.20,25,26, assentto 16.38
39,46-47,50, S5, 59n; 16.47n; assert 16.31
18.24 assertion2.46n; 8.100; 11.3,22-23,53;
(particle) 10.12n; 16.2 15.37; 19.23n
(preposition) 6.4; 9.3, 4, 7, 48; 15.46n, assertive
46-47 forms 2.53-55; 3.25, 43n; 5.14, 23;
(relative) 15.55 6.45,59; 8.63n, 97; 10.59n, 60, 61n,
comparative 15.39n, 50; 19.52 62,63; 11.6, 12,13,28; 15:35;
concessive 15.39 16.39,73; 17.5
manner 14.18 pronoun 6.13,45-46,48,52-58,60;
proportional 15.51 7.62n
reason 15.20, 46-47 territory 6.52,61
similarity 15.50 see also: determiner, nonassertive
temporal 15.20, 25, 26 asseverative 7.56n; 8.100; 1.16
vs. like 8.79; 15.50n assimilation 1.17, 21n; 11.10
(~and when) 13.83n; (~for) 6.27; 9.10, assist 16.50
57; 17.50; (~from) 9.10; (N if) assume 14.22, 36; 15.54; 16.31,50
14.12,17-19,24; 15.50; 16.24n, 34n; assuming (that) 14.12, 14; 15.34, 35n,
(~of) 9.10; (~ ... so) 13.42n; 38n
14.13; 15.50-51; (~to) 9.10, 57; assumption (on the ~ that) 15.34n
16.61-62; 17.50 assumption (in tag questions) 11.8
as . .. as 6.27; 7.74, 86; 14.12-13; see also: verbs (semantic classification)
15.39n, 71, 75; 17.122; 18.24 assure 16.59; (~dly) 8.127, 128n;
see also: far, good, long, many, often, soon, (most ~ dly) 8.131
well asterisk convention 1.42
ascertain 16.31,35 astern 8.41
ashamed 7. 10-11 ; 16.78; (~of) 16.69 astonish (~ed) 16.71,78; (~ingly)
ashes 5.77 8.127
ashore 8.41; 19.34 astray 16.2
1676 Index

asyndetic auxiliary [cont]

coordination 7.89; 10.37; 11.46; 13.1, 31,47,95, 109n, 117; 10.67-68;
3,11,17, 18, 36, 42n, 58, 68, 79, 11.8-11,24, 42n; 12.10, 62,64;
100,102; 15.49; 17.71, 86; 19.57; 13.78; 15.61; 16.52; 18,16,43
IlI.6n, 8, 12 contracted 1.31 ;3.4n, 23, 45; 4.42, 57;
parataxis 19.5n 14.23n; 11.9; m.27
textual connec;tion 19.:5-18 criteria for 3.22-30,40
at (particle) 16.2 dummy 2.49, 51; 3.21, 30, 37; 10.55;
(prepo~ition)3.76; 5.'14, 46; 7.70; 11.5,8; 12.21-23,26,40,60-62;
8.85; 9.7,15-17,34,40,41,46,51, 18.16
62,63; 16.69; 17.19 ellipsis 11.40, 47; 12.47 -50, 52, 59n;
ate3.16 13.53
-ate U, 34, 35, 39n, 42 empty--+auxiliary (dummy)
-atic 1.39 marginal--+ modal
-ation 1.1, 2, 35, 42 quasi- 13.98
-ative 1.40 semi- 3.1n, 29,40,46,47-48,49,50,
atmospheric conditions 6.17; 10.26 57; 4.41, 47, 66, 68; 8.30n, 97;
atomic 7.37 12.48n, 64; 14.26; 16.51n, 79;
atop 9.7 18.45n
-atorium 1.32n sequence 3.47; 8.20; 12.22
attachment-+subject substitute--+auxiliary (dummy)
attain (to) 9.31 syntactic function of 3.21, 22, 24-28
attempt (verb) 16.38 see also: ail, both, each, future, modal,
attend to 16.28 negative, operator, passive, subject
attention (pay ~ to) 16.8, 58 avail (~ able) 15.25; 16.81;
attitude 8.111, 122,127; 15.54 ( ~ oneself(of» 625
variety 1.19, 31-33, 36, 37,42 averse 7.10, 39; (~from/to) 7.39; 16.69
see also: prefix, variation avoid 16.39, 40
attitudina1 disjunct--+content disjunct avowedly 8.127
see also: verbs (semantic classification) awake (adjective) 7.10-11
attitudinal past--+past awake(n)(ed) (verb) 3.16
attorney general 5.102 aware 7.10-11; 9.2; 16.71,73; (~oj)
attraction --+ proximity 9.2
attribute 2.43; 4.25; 7.28; 9.55; 10.18, away (adverb) 7.10-11,68; 8.41
20,21, 26, 33~ 15.39; 16.47, 82; (particle) 16.2, 12
17.11 (prepositional adverb) 9.66
genitiveof5.116; 10.20n see also: from
see also: current, result awful(ly) 7.56
attributive--+ adjective, apposition, awkward 16.72,80,83
noun (premodification by) awoke(n) 3.16
auspices 5.77 axis 5.97
Australian English 1.26
see also: regional English
authoress 5.105
authorial we --+ we B
authorize 16.50
authorship 9.50 baby-sit I.71
auto- 1.29 baby talk 1. 77
automaton 5.98 bacillus 5.93
aux --+ auxiliary back (adverb) 7.46, 67; 8.41
auxiliary 2.27,28,29,48-49; 3.1, (particle) 16.2
21-30,31-33,36-37,45,47,48, (prepositional adverb) 9.66
52,54-56,64; 4.3,66; 7.16; (in ~ of) 9.11; (~of) 9.10, 11n;
8.30n, ( ~ up) 16.26n
Index 1677

back-formation I.5n, 11n, 12 be [cont]

backshifting 3.59; 4.16, 24n, 60n; 8.75; 11.5,15,17,50; 12.27,48-50; 14.9,
11.46n; 14.23,28, 29n, 31,33-35; 18,26; 15.5,22,41, 42n, 55n, 56,61,
15.35; 19.39,43 64, 66n; 16.21,22,50-51,54; 17.26,
backstage 7.68 37,47, 78n, 122n; 18.22,23,26-29,
backward ~ span 33n,44-48,49,50;1.31n, 53,55
bacterium 5.95 forms of 3.2, 4n, 5n, 12, 30,32,52,54,
bad7.9n, 75, 77, 82, 83; 9.2; (~at) 9.2; 58,62; 10.34; 14.24; 15.36, 41n
(~ der/ ~ dest) 7.83; (~ ly) 7.9n, (to ~ ... ) 8.125
83; 8.105,107,108 see also: am, are, been, being, is, was, were
vs. ill 7.83 be to 3040, 45-46; 4047, 48, 66; 11.46;
see also: worse, worst 15A8n
bad(e)(verb) 3.17 be (... ) to 3040
bags of5.25n see also: about, able, apt, bound, due, going,
bahuvrihi compound 1.3, 67 likely, meant, obliged, supposed, unable,
balance 8.145; 14.13; 18040 unwilling, willing
discourse strategy 19.18, 56, 59 be- 1.30
bang (verb) 4.35 bear (verb) 3.16; (can't ~) 4.52n;
bank on 16.39 10.61n; 16.39,41
banns 5.77 beat(en) 3.16; 16.26
Bantu(s) 5.88 beaver away 16.2n, 12
baptize 16046 because (adjunct) 8.86,124,132; 15.21,
bar (preposition) 9.8, 58 23; n.21
(verb) 3.7 (conjunction) 8.86, 124, 132, 143n;
bare (verb) 3.7; (~ly) 7.56; 8.98, 9.3n; 12.31, 51n; 13.14, 18,31;
111-114; 10.59; (~ly ... ) 14.13 14.12; I5.8n, 21, 23, 47, 49
bare ~existential, infinitive (disjunct)8.143n; 13.31; 15.21,23;
barracks 5.91 11.21
barring (preposition) 9.8,58 (~of) 8.86; 9.10,44; 15A6n; (~ ...
base form 2.35,36,57; 5.80-81; 8.127, therefore) 8.145
BIn; 13.85; 1.2-4, 17,21-77; become 2.16n; 3.19, 66n, 68; 10.8,16;
IIIA 16.21,22,23; 1.31n
verb 3.2, 3-20, 30, 32, 33, 36, 52, 54, (middle verb) 10.14
58-60; 4.3; 7.36; 10044; ILl, 24; becoming ~ verbs (semantic
13.98; 15A6n classification)
see also: adjective bed 5.44 .
base morpheme 1.2n Bedouin(s) 5.88
based (up)on 16.69 been (vs. gone) 4.22n; 9.17; 13.98h
Basic English LlO (~andgoneand ... ) 13.98n;
basic relational structures 19.17 -18,55 (having ~ ) 8.61n
basically 8.127, 130n see also: being
basis 5.97 befall 3.16
basis ~ comparison before (adverb) 6.59; 7.66, 67, 83; 8041,
bath(s) 5.83n 55n, 62, 72, 77; 19.36
BBC 1.5,27 (conjunction)4.15n; 8.55n; 9.3;
be (auxiliary) 2.29,34,49; 3.21, 23, 30, 12.61n; 14.12, 19n, 27; 15.20,25,
31,32,47,54,56,64,66; 4.28; 8.16, 27n,34,52n
18n; 10.55; 11.24; 12.22n, 23, 49, (preposition) 5046; 7.70; 8.55n, 59;
59; 14.8, 18 9.3,7,19,38,40; 12.61n; 15.25,
(copula) 2.15,16,29,34,43; 3.27, 30, 27
32, 46n, 47n, 59n, 76; 404, 27, 28, (prepositional adverb) 9.66
31,44; 5.37n; 6.5; 7.10,14,15,20, negative result 15.20
29,56n, 67n; 8.42,49,51, 76,95; positional15.27n
9.17,28,60; 10.8, 10, 11,16,20,44; temporal 15.27n
1678 Index

before [cont] besides [cont]

(. " ~) 14.13n; (~now) 19.36; (preposition) 9.7, 20,58
(~ that/then/this)
7.83; 8.55n; 19.36 (prepositional adverb) 9.66
beforehand 8.55n; 19.36 (subjunct) 8.119n
beg 16.32, 38, 59, 60, 63; (~of) 16.60 besought 3.15
beget/begat 3.16,18 best 5.34; 7.75, 77, 83; (had ~) 3.45n
begin/began 3.19; 4.27; 16.19, 26, 38, 40; best-known 7.83
(to ~ (with)) 8.137; 15.18 bestride 3.16
beginning -7 verbs (semantic bet(ted) 3.17; 14.22; 16.31, 59
classification) be take 3.16
begone 3.77n betcha 12.47n
begrudge 16.39 better (comparative) 7.75,77, 82n, 83,
begun 3.19 85
behalf (in/on ~ of) 9.11, 12n (conjunct) 8.137,141,143
behave 7.17; 8.108n; 10.10; 16.24n; (subjunct) 8.96
( ~ oneself) 6.25; 7.17n (had ~) 3.40, 45-46,50; 4.60,66;
behind (adverb) 7.70; 8.41 8.96; 12.48n; 14.34; (or ~) 17.73
(preposition) 9.7, 19, 23-24 between (adverb) 8.41, 48
(prepositional adverb) 9.66 (preposition) 9.7,21, 32,39,41;
behold 3.18 13.60n,70n
being-7verbs (semantic classification) (prepositional adverb) 9.66
being 3.32; 17.83; (be(en) ~ ) 2.28n; 3.55, (~ ... and) 9.39; (~you and J) 1.17;
56, 73; 4.40n; (~ Ving) 3.56n 6.5
belief -7 verbs (semantic classification) beware 3.54n, 77n; 16.35; (~ of) 16.35
believe 4.29; 12.28; 14.30,36; 15.54; beyond (adverb) 8.41
16.26,31,44,46,50; (I ~ ) 15.54; (preposition) 9.7, 27,32,58
(~in) 16.14, 28 (prepositional adverb) 9.66
bellow (verb) 9.46n bi- 1.28
bellows 5.76 biannualI.28n; (~ ly) 8.64
bellyache, the/a 5.49n bias (verb) 3.8
beloved 7.19 bias -7 masculine, sex
below (adverb) 7.67, 70; 8.41 Bible, Books of 17 .89n
(preposition) 9.7, 19, 23, 32 biblical-7 religious language
(prepositional adverb) 9.66 bid(den) 3.17; 16.52n
pro-form use 19.47 biennialI.28n; (~ ly) 8.64
bend 3.13 big 7.34n, 36, 82, 88'
bended (adjective) 3.13 bilingualism l.3n
bends, the 5.49n billion 6.63n
beneath (adverb) 7.70; 8.41 binac 1.75
(preposition) 9.7, 19, 32 binary contrast 1.21n
(prepositional adverb) 9.66 bind (verb) 3.18
benefactive 10.19n binoculars 5.76
beneficiary 10.19n; 16.56 binomials 13.86; 19.68n
benefit (verb) 3.8n; 10.23; ( ~ from) bio- 1.66
10.23 bionic 1.76
bent 3.13; (~(ujJ)on) 16.69 bison 5.87
bereave(d)fbereft 3.15 bit (past tense, bite) 3.16; (~ ten) 3.16;
beseech(ed) 3.15; 16.63 (a ~) 7.56; 8.98, 111, 113-115;
beset 3.17 10.62; n.21; (a good ~) 7.89;
beside (particle) 16.2 (~of) 5.7; 7.64; (one ~) 8.114
(preposition) 9.7, 20 bit (= binary digit) 1. 76 .
besides 9.4n bite 3.16; 16.26; (~ at) 9.46
(conjunct) 8.137, 144, 146;9.20; bitterly 8.105
15.32 bivouac 3.8
Index 1679

bizarrely 8.131 bound morpheme 1.2n

black (adjective) 7.13,82 boundary-+tone unit
(noun) 7.13 bounden 3.18
Black English 1.24 bowels 5.77
blame 16.56; (~for) 10.12n; 16.8,56,57; boy (vocative) 10.53
(~on) 10.12n; 16.56, 57 brace 5.90
blazes, the 8.101; 18.59n braces 5.76
bleed/bled 3.18 braces 2.6; III.20n
blending 3.42n, 76; 8.81; 11.13; 15.22; bracketing 2.3; 13.16;III.3, 16,20
17.63n; 1.9n, l5n, 73,76 conventions in this book 3.75; 6.34;
see also: semantic 7.50
blew 3.16 see also: braces, parentheses, square
blink (verb) 4.27 brackets
block language 10.5n; 11.45-47; 12.52;, brains 5.77
l8.44n; III.29n branching (left-/right-) 14.38-39;
block style III.14 17.44
blow 3.16; (~ n) 3.16; (~ down) 16.26n; brand (amplifier) 7.56n
(~over) 16.19n; (~up) 16.3,4 brand name-+names (classified)
bluntly 8.124 BrE -+ British English
blush (verb) 16.21 break (noun) 5.44
board, on 19.34 (verb) 3.16; I.l2; (~ down) 16.3;
boast (verb) 16.31 (~even) 16.17; (~inon) 16.29;
:bodily sensation -+ verbs (semantic (~off) 16.26n, 39; (~up) 16.12
classification) break -+ anacoluthon, tone unit
body I.25n (boundary)
-body (pronoun) 5.12; 6.45-47; 7.21, 69; breathalyzer I. 76
17.57 breeches 5.76
see also: any-, every-, some- breed/bred 3.18
body parts -+ names (classified), the brethren 5.85
boil (verb) 4.27; ( ~ N soft) 16.45 bribe (verb) 16.50
bold face III.30 bride(groom) 5.105
boo 3.lOn; 11.55 brief(in ~) 9.1n; (~ly) 8.63,77,124
booster (pitch level) II.18 briefs 5.76
(subjunct) 8.94, 101,104,105-110, bright 7.88
115 brilliant at 16.69
bore (verb) 3.16 bring 3.15; 16.26,48',57; (~ about)
bored 16.78; (~with) 16.69 16.26n; (~ to) 16.57; (~ up) 16.4,
born 3.16; (be ~) 3,68 12; (~N up healthy) 16.45
borne 3.16 Brit 5.57n
borrowfrom 18.31n britches 5.76
borrowing -+ loan word British Council 1.5
both «pre)determiner) 5.15-16,23, 73n, British English 1.7, 23-24, 25, 26, 27,
121; 6.11, 45, 50; 13.5,64,68 36,37,42
(pronoun) 5.16; 6.11,13,20,45,48, constructions 1.11, 24; 2'.21n, 49; 3.12,
50,61; 12.10, 17; 17.24 13n,14, 15, 16, 17,20,21,23, 32n,
after auxiliary 3.28; 17.24; 18.40n 34,35,38,39,42, 43n, 44, 45, 48,
(~ ... and) 5.50; 10.39n; 13.5,33, 49,59,61; 4.21, 23n, 25n, 42,47,50,
35,37-42,61, 68n, 88; (the ~) 55,58,64; 5.17n, 44, 46, 49n, 67n,
5.17n 91n, 108, 111, 125n; 6.46n, 56, 66;
bother (verb) 16.26, 50; (~about) 16.38 7.9,14,15,76,83; 8.50n, 52, 58, 59,
bought 3.15 61n, 63n, 86, 88,91n, 100, 107n,
bounce (verb) 4.27 130n; 9.9, 16n, 17, 18n, 34, 40, 46n,
bound (past tense, bind) 3.18; (be ~ to) 51n; 10. 17n, 27, 35, 36, 48n, 50, 55,
3.40,47; 4.47,66 58n, 61n, 67, 68n; 11.5,13,15,28,
1680 Index

British English [cont] bust(ed) 3.17; 1.12

30,40; 12.21-23,25,26, 65n; busy 16.83; (~ with) 16.69
13.18n, 98n; 14.12, 18, 19,22, but 9.4n; 11.9
23-27,33; 15.lOn, 25, 29, 39,43, (conjunction)4.53n; 6.5; 8.144,146;
44n, 48, 57; 16.2, 22, 30, 32, 41, 50, 9.58n; 10.66n; 11.44; 12.68;
52, 69n; 17.11,60, 82n, 99,108,112; 13passim; 14.2; 15.43,44; 19.58,
18.26n, 38n, 51, 59; 19.48,51,63; 59n,65; 111.7,12
1.41 (subjunct) 8.111, 116n; 10.69; 11.41
pronunciation 1.27; 2.42; 3.6n, 13n, (preposition) 6.5,27; 9.7, 58; 15.44
16; 5.83n; 6.64n; 7.47; 18.8n, 17; end-placed adverb 1.26; 8.144n; 13.7n
1.31, 39n, 56, 63n, 64; ILl, 5, 6, 7, noun phrase coordinator 13.57
15n, 21 use of 13.32
spelling/punctuation 1.23, 25; 3.8, (~also) 8.120; 10.41n; (~er . .. )
13n; 5.8; 6.63n, 64n, 66, 68; 9.15n; 19.59n; (~for) 6.27; 9.10, 59;
12.51n; 17.101; 1.17, 24,42,56,59; (~nor) 13.18n; 18.24n; (~ that)
I1I.4, 8, IOn, 11, 14, 19,21,27,28, 9.3n; 14.12; 15.44
30 see also: coordinator, doubt, even, not,
vocabulary 1.24; 5.7, 33,45,46, 66n, sentence (connectivity)
75,76, 77,90,91,103,125; 6.63n; buy 3.15; (~from) 18.31n; (~ N cheap)
7.8,9,38,63,77; 8.41, 59n, 64, . 16.45
100-102, 105n, 111, 112, 120n, 127, by (adverb) 8.41
145; 9.7; 19n, 21n, 22, 49; 10.30,53; (particle) 16.2
11.34n, 54; 16.9,12,23, 45n; (preposition) 3.65, 75; 5.45,46; 7.70;
17.91n; 18.36n; 19.65; 1.7,10,12, 8.59,80; 9.3, 7, 9, 20,34,37,39,49,
33n,54,63 50,51,63; 15.29n; 17.43
word-formation 1.23n, 46n, 48, 49, 51, (prepositional adverb) 9.66
62, 74, 75, 76n, 77 -name 5.64n, 69
Britisher 5.57n -phrase 2.21; 3.65,71,75,76; 7.16;
Briton 5.57n 9.39,50; 10.6, 13n; 16.4n; 17.103;
broadcast (verb) 3.17 1.40
broadcasting 1.28; 5.11n; 9.9n; 11.50; (~N of) 9.11; (~ the by(e)) 8.137
18.14n, 26n; 19.34; 1.12 see also: agent
broadly 8.124
broke (adjective) 3.16
broke(n) (verb) 3.16; 1.12
brother/brethren 5.85 c
brought 3.15
Brown University Corpus 1.42; 3.39n; C -+ complement
6.31n, 46n; 9.19n, 21n, 22n; 10.17n; Co-+complement (object)
IIl.3n, 7 Cs-+complement (subject)
brunchq6 -c doubling in verbs 3.8
budge 10.61n cables 11.47
build 3.13 cactus 5.93
buildings-+names (classified) calculate 8.108n; 14.36; 16:31,35
built 3.13 calf/calves 5.83
bureau 5.99 calf(vs. veal) 5.4
bureaucratic language 1.28 call 16.26, 44, 46; (~for) 16.12,14,28,
-burger 1. 76 41; (~ off) 16.4; (~. on) 16.6, 13, 14,
burn 3.13; 16.21; (~ down) 16.26n; , 16,28; (~up) 16.12, 16; (~upon)
(~for) 16.38,41; (~ t/ ~ ed) 16.28
3.13 calling (role) 10.52; II.17n
burst 3.17; 1.12; ('" for) 16.38,41 see also: alarm
bus (noun) 1.74n calque1.5n
(verb) 3.8 came 3.19; (~st) 3.4n
Index 1681

camp (noun) 5.44 catch (verb) 3.15; 4.27; 16.48, 53; (~at)
(verb) 9.37 9.46; (~on) 16.3, 19n; (~sightof)
campus 5.44 16.7, 58; (~upon) 16.29; (~up
can 3.4n, 21, 39, 40, 47, 72; 4.30, 49, 50, with) 16.29
51,52,53;54,57n,60;61,63;6.61; categorial (zero article) 5.40
8.103,112, 116n; ll.5n, 13, 28n; catenative 3.1n, 29,40, 45n, 49, 57; 4.66;
13.31; 14.22,26; 15.48; (~ not) 15.25,62; 16.38n, 39n, 40; 18.46n
3.39; 10.67; ( ~ st) 3.4n; (~ 't) 3.39; cattle 5.78
10.67; 11.8n caught 3.15
Canadian English 1.23, 25 causative
see also,' regional English adverbial 8.7; 10.21; 11.24n;
canals--+names (classified) 15.45-47; 17.4, 18-19,34,53,84;
cancel 3.8 18.51n
candelabra(s) 5.95n meaning 3.35, 76n; 7.20n; 8.9; 9.49n;
candelabrum 5.95 10.4; 15.29,60; 16.78; 19.8; 1.42,
candidly 8.124 54,68
canonicall.16n preposition 9.7, 14, 43, 44, 56
cap ( ~ ping it all) 15.18; (to ~ it (all» subordinator 8.145
8.137; 15.18 see also,' jor, verbs (semantic classification)
capableof4.52; 16.69,83 cause (verb) 16.50
'cause 12.51n; 15.46-47; 111.27
cause/effect relationship 15.45-47
captive, hold/keep 16.46n
cause-purpose spectrum 9.43, 44-47
cardinal numbers --+ numeral
causer, external 10.21-22, 33
care (verb) 10.61n; 16.35; cease 16.38, 39,40
(~about) 16.35; (could ~ less) cent 6.69
10.62n; (~for) 8.107; 16.5,28,38, central--+adjective, adverbial, clause,
41; (take ~) 14.22; (take ~ of) coordinator, determiner, modal,
16.7,58 passive, premodification,
careful 16.73, 76; (~about) 16.73; (be ~) preposition, pronoun, verb
14.22 'cept (= except) 12.51n
careful--+ formal certain (emphasizer) 7.33,34,35,43
careless 16.76 (restrictive) 7.35
caret III.30 complementationof16.71, 72, 73, 79
Caribbean English 1.27 (be ~ to) 4.66; (be ~ that) 18.36;
carry 10.24; 16.26 (for ~) 8.100,1'02; (make ~)
case (in ~) 8.86; 9.66; 14.12; 15.34, 35n, 16.45; (make ~ that) 16.17n; ( ~ of)
46-47,48; (in any ~) 8.137; 16.69
(in ~ of) 9.11, 12n; 15.34n, 35; certainly (disjunct) 8.127, 128, 130, 133n,
(in ~ (that» 15.38n; (in that ~) 145n; 19.53n
8.137; 15.32 (response) 8.130n; 11.4n
case (marked/unmarked) 5.112; 6.5 (subjunct) 8.100,102; 18.56n
see also,' accusative, common, dative, certify 16.31,44,46; (~as) 16.47
genitive, nominative, noun, oblique, -ch nationality noun ending 5.56; 7.25
participant, pronoun (objective, -ch verb base ending 3.9
subjective) chain (discourse strategy) 19.18, 20, 22,
cast (verb) 3.17 56
casual--+ informal chain relationships --+ choice
catalog(ue) (verb) 3.8 relationships
cataphora4.11, 13; 5.31, 32, 34n, 58, 64; challenge (verb) 16.63
6.15,17,19-21, 28n, 40, 42n, 44; chamois 5.99
8.78n; 10.26n; 12.6,11,12, 19n; chance (verb) 16.34, 38n
13.9; 17.81; 19.46-48 (noun) 17.36; (by any ~) 8.127
see also,' coreference, ellipsis, what change (verb) 16.19; (~into) 16.22n
1682 Index

change -+ English, phonological clause 2.3-4,7,11,13-24, 48n, 55;

characterization 6.l7n, 34n, 39; 10.8,20, 3.64; 6.3,16,24, 38n, 44; 7.20,
21; 15.11, 39; 17.11 48-49; 8.134-135; 10.1~4; 11.32,
characterize as 16.47 38,45-46,54,93; 12.13; 14.5,29;
charge 16.57, 59; (,....; at) 9.46; (in ,..;) 15.57; 18.10, 11; 19.7, 28; 11.15;
9.66; (in ~ of) 9.11; (~ with) 16.57 111.20
chassis 5.99 appended 11.19; 12.70; 13.2, IOn, 84,
chat 9.60 94; 15.23
chatter away 16.3, 12 central vs. peripheral elements 2.13,
cheat (N) of16.8 14-15, 17,27,60; 7.48-49; 8.36,
check (verb) 16.31, 35; (~ (up) on) 16.29, 38,45; 12.44; 13.54; 15.18,20-21,
35 23; 11.16; 111.9
check (graphic) III.30n dependent-+subordinate clause
checking -+ tag discourse reference 19.46-48
cherub(imjs) 5.101 element 2.12-24, 25, 47; 3.65; 7.22,
chew at 9.46 48-49,50, 53n; 8.1, 88, 92,121,
chid(den) 3.16 134; 10.1-33, 51, 52; 11.15,24,38,
chief(adjective) 7.35; (~ ly) 8.116; 54; 13.52, 84; 14.1; 15.39,65,75;
17.73,87 16.66; 17.9-10,51-52, 115n, 116;
chide(d) 3.16 8.4-6,9,11,20; 111.9
child(ren) 5.85, 113 elliptical 3.26, 42n; 7.29; 8.60; 10.37;
chime in 16.31n 12.28,59-65,68,70; 13.10n, 32,
Chinaman 5.57 34-35,83-84,94-95; 14.2n, 19,
Chinese 5.57 41; 15.66n, 72; 16.80; 17.17; 18.24;
choice vs. chain relationships 2.5-6,12; III.9
3.49n; 5.12 frequency data 10.17n
choose 3.16; 15.8,9; 16.35, 38,46; (~ as) independent vs. dependent 10.1;
16.47 14.2
chose(n) 3.16 main vs. subordinate 14.2-4; 18.29
christen 16.46 matrix 7.52; 8.147; 12.69; 14.4;
chronological sequence -+ time 15.62
(sequence) order 4.24; 7.52; 8.17, 22; 13.6-9, 18,
church 5.44, 108n 22-23; 14.13,37-41; 15.4n, 12,
circa 9.7 20-23,25, 28n, 29, 32, 37, 41, 43,
circumstance 44,47,49,50,53-62,74; 17.4, 84;
clause 15.45-47, 71 18.20-25, 32n, 59
IIleaning 15.29,45,60 position of elements 2.12-15, 17,45,
see also: that 50,55,57; 3.37n; 6.32,38; 9.48;
citation form 6.16 10.17; 11.15, 34,40; 15.42,51; 16.4,
citations 17.90 44n, 55, 56n; 17.115n, 116; 8.9,13,
cities-+names (classified) 20-25, 32n, 37-40; III.8
claim (verb) 12.28n; 15.54; 16.31, 38 pro--+pro-forms
claim editing 17.80 semantic role oflO.18-33; 18.10
clamour for (verb) 16.38,41 sequence-+clause (order)
clarification 8.145; 12.4; 13.39, substitute-+pro-forms
57; 15.67; 17.17,63-64, 121; superordinate vs. subordinate 2.9;
18.58 10.1; 13.10n; 14.3
class 5.44 syntactic function of elements
class -+ closed-class 10.5-17; 15.65; 16.66
class as 16.47 types 2.16-24, 32; 10.1-4, 17,33;
classic(adjective) 7.13; 1.39n 14.7,9; 15.25, 34, 39, 46-47; 18.10,
vs. classical I.39n 45,51
classic (noun) 7.13 underlying structureof7.72-73; 9.14,
classical 1.34; 11.4 38; 10.15; 17.41, 115n, 116; 18.39;
Index 1683

clause [cont] close [cont]

1.60-65 (amplifier) 7.33
see also: abbreviated, absolute, adjective, (prepositional adverb) 9.66
adjunct, adverb, adverbial, annex, (~ly) 7.8; (~to) 7.70; 9.5,10,20;
appositive, circumstance, comment, 16.69; 19.34
comparative, comparison, complement, close (verb) 16.19, 26
complementation, compound,
closed class 2.34, 39, 40, 41, 42; 5.10,12;
concessive, conditional, contingent,
6.1,13,63; 7.46; 8.13, 41n; 11.3,
contrast, coordinate, copular,
declarative, disjunct, -ed participle, 45; 12.52; 17.97; 18.5, 12n, 14, 17n;
embedding, exception, exclamatory, 19.24n, 33-35; 1.28, 52, 58;
extraposition, final, finite, ij-, 11.9-10; III.29n
imperative, indicative, infinitive, -ing, see also: adverb, premodification,
initial, interrogative, intransitive, quantifier
kernel, manner, medial, negative, closed condition ---7 condition
nominal, nonfinite, nonrestrictive, not, (hypothetical)
object, parenthetic, participle, passive, closed system ---7 closed class
phrase, place, positive, clothes 5.77
postmodification, preference, clothing (vs. garment) 5.4
preposition, pro-forms, proportional,
clove(n) 3.15
purpose, reason, relative, reported,
reporting, restrictive, result, resumptive, cloverleafslcloverleaves 5.83n
reversal, rhetorical, sentence, similarity, clubs 5.77
since-, subject, subjunct, subordinate, clung 3.18
summative, supplementive, tag, clo 1.75
than-, that-, the-, time, transitive, co- 1.6, 17, 24
verbless, wh- coalescence Ll2n; ILl 0
clean (adjective) 7.8, 82; 16.45 coastline ---7 names (classified)
(adverb) 7.8; (~ ly) 7.8 coat-of-mail5.102
(verb) 16.26 C.O.D. 1.75
clear (adjective) 16.72,73 cod 5.87
(emphasizer) 7.33,34, 73 code 3.26
(make N ~ ) 16.45 codex 5.96
clearly (conjunct) 8.127,128, 145n codification ---7 rules
(intensifier) 7.34 coercive---7verbs (semantic classification)
(subjunct) 8.100 coexisting 19.36
cleave(d) 3.15 cognate
cleft 3.15 object 8.7; 10.29,30,33
cleft sentence 2.59; 6.5,17; 8.120; subject 10.29n
1O.44n; 13.42n; 17.15; IS.12n, 21, cognition ---7 verbs (semantic
25-30,31; 19.48n; ILl5 classification)
focus of 8.25, 68, 83, 92,102,110,113, cognomen 5.64n
120,121,134,135; 15.10n, 20; coherence 19.2-3, 28
16.36,66 cohesion 19.2, 69-84
pseudo- 4.4; 7.28n; 1O.46n; 14.6,29; scaleof3.69; 9.12; 13.52; 16.3-4,8
15.8n, 9, IOn, 15,66; 16.36,66; see also: discourse (connecti v·ity)
18.25,29-30,31; 19.61 coinage 3.4; 1.2n, 3, 7, 9, 15, 16
see also: that, what, when, where, who, why coinciding 19.36
clever 7.36; (~ at) 16.69; (~ ly) 8.127 col- 1.6, 17, 24n
cliche 8.120; 15.53; 18.26n; 19.24n cold 5.49n
climb 9.31; 10.27; (~ up) 9.31 collective
cling 3.18 gender 5.104, 108
clippers 5.76 noun 1.24; 5.91n, 108, 111, 117, 118;
clipping 12.31, 5In; I.l2, 73, 74; 1II.27 6.16; 10.35,36, 48n, 50; 17.10,39,
close (adjective) 7.S 109
(adverb) 7.8 see also.' we
1684 Index

college 5.44 comment [cont]

collide 16.19 disjunct, su bjunct -+ metalinguistic
collocation -+ semantic (restrictions) comment
colloquial 1.33 ; -+ informal see also: topic
colon 6.66; 14.29; 17.77; III.3, 6, 10-11, commentaries 4.7; 11.50
13,16,21,28n committed 4.51,66
colour (verb) (~ N blue) 16.45 common 7.81n; (in ~) 9.66; (in ~ with)
colour adjectives 7.45,46n; 13.68; 9.11; (~/y) 8.65, 77
17.114 common
com- 1.6, 17, 24n case 5.112; 6.2; 15.12
combinatory coordination 13.35,46, core 1.19,31,40,42; 1.6
59-60, 64- 75, 79 gender 5.104, 107; 6.9; 17.43n
see also: apposition, coordination see also: noun
combining form 1.3, 15n, 17, 23n, Commons, the 5:77
28-29,32,57,59,66,70 communicate (about) 9.60; (~on) 9.60;
see also: compound (~ to) 16.57

come 3.19; 4.45; 8.28, 30, 45, 47; 14.24n; communication -+ names (classified),
16.2n, 19,21, 23n, 24; (~about) verbs (semantic classification)
16.34; (~across) 16.6, 53;( ~ and communications 5.77
... ) 8.30; 13.98; I.l8n; (~by) 16.6, communicative
12; (~ down with) 16.29; (~ into) dynamism 8.28; 13.22n; 18.3, 8,9,10,
16.15; (~off) 16.19n; (~ out) 12, 13,23,32, 36n, 38, 43; 19(.12
16.19n; (~to) 3.49; 16.19n; function 1.3; 2.46, 57-59; 17.45, 109;
(~ upon) 16.53 18.1
see also: genitive
comfortable with 16.69
commutability 2.5, 6
comfortably 8.1 03n
comp -+ comparative
comic(af) I.39n
absolute 7.85; 17.97
comitative 9.52; 1O.32n adjective 7.1, 2-4, 7,11,23,42,
comma 1.23; 2.15; 6.63n, 67n; 8.17, 36, 74-82,84-86,87; 9.62; 10.58,62;
144; 10.65; 13.11, 16n, 52n; 14.29, 12.27,55; 13.71, 100; 14.13n;
40; 15.49,54,74; 17.6,22,68,72, 15.63; 16.23; 17.114, 122;
114; 18.20; 19.9,29; H.20; m.2, 3, 19.52
6-9,10,11,12,13,16,17,20,21, adverb 7.83-8~, 87; 8:55; 13.100;
22,30 14.16n; 15.52n, 63; 19.52
correlative III.l6, 17-19,22 clause4.13n, 53n; 7.53, 86; 8.48,
inverted -+ quotation mark 109n; 9.4; 10.61; 11.43n; 12.69;
serial IIL6, 8, 9 14.20; 15.2,49, 50n, 63-75;
see also: punctuation 16.47n; 17.122; 18.24,41,42;
command (verb) 16.32, 59, 63 19.52
command4.42n; 8.50,91; 11.2n, 3, 29, construction 3.45n; 4.28; 6.4, 59;
42,53; 18.19,57; IIL23n 7.56n, 85; 8.21;.9.4; 12.35; 14.16n;
see also: directive, imperative 15.51n;16.13, 17; 17.121
correlative 14.13
element 11.44; 15.63-75; 18.41
commence 16.38, 39
frequency of7.82n
commendatory adjective 13.99 implicit 7.85 .
comment (verb) 16.31; (~on) 16.28 item 15.64
comment premodification of 7.89
clause 7.28; 8.133; lUln, 12; 12.28n, preposition 9.5,20
30n, 65n; 14.20,29, 36n; 15.53-56; quantifier 5.24; 6.53; 10.66
18.20n; 19.65 syntactic function of 15.75
function as 11.44; 13.27; HL20n see also: again, as, coordinate, more, other
Index 1685

compare with 16.57; (~ d with) 15.69n complement [contl

comparison (by (way of) ~ ) 8.137; (in~ ) prepositiona12.26, 28; 5.1, 35; 6.3, 23,
8.137; 9.66; (in ~ with) 9.11,12 24,26, 29, 32, 38, 39; 7.14,23,26n,55,
comparison 7.74-86; 8.78, 89,110; 9.4; 68;9passim; 10.6,48,66; 11.14, 15n,
11.44; 12.20, 25n; 13.100, 103; 18,31; 13.56, 57n, 81, 93n; 15.1-8,
15.63-75; 18.23; 19.52 12, 18, 59, 64n,65; 16.4n,5, 14;
ambiguity in 15.67 17.35, 52,j5; 18.21, 36; 19.34;
basis of 7.82n, 85, 86;9.7, 62; 15.63; 1.70
19.52; 1.70 prepositional phrase as 2.25; 10.10, 11
clause of 15.22, 50 subject 2.16, 17,19; 6.3, 4, 23, 35; 7.2,
ellipsis in 12.43, 44, 61, 65n, 69; 14,20,22; 8.28; 10.2-5,6,8, 10, 11,
15.64n, 66-67; 19.52 16,18,20,21,26,33, 39n; 11.15,38,
focusof8.48n, 83, 102, 106, 113, 42n; 12.48-49, 59; 13.56,92; 14.29;
120 15.1,4-15,22,39,47,56,62,65,
inflectiona17.1, 2-4, 74-84, 85n, 86, 71; 16.20-22, 46n, 68; 17.65,83;
89,90; 9.5, 20; 10.58; 15.6( 19.52 18.21,29,30, 45n; 1.53
irregular 7.75-78 substitute-J> pro-forms
multiple/partial contrasts 15.68 verb 10.14
periphrastic 7.2,74-75,77,81-82, vs. verbless clause 10.16
see also: adjective, adverb, adverbial,
83,86,89,90; 10.58; 15.64; 19.52
attribute, characterization, concord,
standard of 15.63-75
coordinate, nominal clause, noun
see also: absolute, article, clause,
phrase, preposition, prepositional
equivalence, excess, good, ill, least, less,
phrase, pro-forms, relative pronoun,
little, maximizer, nonequivalence, old,
reversal, subject
small, sufficiency, verbs (semantic
classification), well comp1ementation 2.16-19,28,32; 8.78;
16.18-83; 17.2, 121-122; 18.41
compass(es) 5.76n
by clause 3.76n; 4.29; 8.21; 12.64-65;
compass points 8.41n
compatible (with) 16.69
modification and 2.33, 60
compatibility 19.17, 55-56, 72
of adjective 2.32; 3.47n; 7.21, 22, 24,
compel 16.50
25, 27n, 39, 50; 8.31, 85; 9.1,
compensation -J> structural
60-63; 11.18; 15.1-12,59; 16.44,
compete with N for 16.17
68-83; 17.56,58,122; 18.42
complain 16.31, 60; (~about) 16.28
of noun 16.84-85
complement of verb 2.21,32; 3.57; 4.27, 67n;
adjective phrase as 2.24; 3.74; 7.9, 29, 6.25n; 7.53; 8.26, -27, 42n, 49,51,
30; 8.94; 17.15; 18.27 75n; 9.1,60-63; 10.2,4,10,11,
adverbial as 10.11; 16.20,24 12n, 13, 16; 12.34; 14.20,29; 15.18,
clause as 3.46n; 8.61n, 120; 9.58n; 22, 54n, 59, 61,62,64; 16.1-67; 17.33
15.1,4-15,47; 18.29, 30 zero 16.24
compared to adverbia12.18, 60 see also: certain, complex transitive,
element 2.13, 15, 17,18,22,24,45; .copular, ditransitive, intransitive,
3.66,77; 5.37, 42; 6.5, 24, 29, 32; modification, monotransitive, transitive
7.23; 9.3, 45, 47; 10.1-5,8,10,18; complete (adjective) 7.33; 8.106; (~ ly)
11.31; 12.20; 13.60; 14.9; 15:1-2, 8.105-109
64; 17.47; 1.65; 111.9 completion -J> verbs (semantic
ellipsis 9.65; 1O.8n; 12.59; 16.4n; classification)
17.55 completion of act/event 2.15,32; 4.25,
identificatory 10.8, 20, 21, 26, 46n 38-39; 9.17; 16.12; 17.54n; 1.35n
object, 2.17, 19; 7.2, 20, 22, 33; complex 2.4n; -J> coordination,
10.2-5,8, 10, 11, 18,20,33; 11.15; determiner, finite phrase, noun
13.91; 15.1,4,8, 15,61,62,65; phrase, preposition, pro-forms,
16.43-54,68; 18.21,27 sentence, subordinator, verb
position of 10.8,20; 15.71, 74; 18.5 phrase, word
1686 Index

complex transitive verb/construction concessive [cont]

2.16,18,22; 3.51; 6.25n; 8.34n, 37, meaning 8.9, 97n, 127n; 13.24; 14.14;
49,76; 10.2-4,8; 1l.24n; 15.10n; 15.29,43, 54n, 60; 19.59
16.17,18,20,36, 39n, 43-54,55, preposition 9.7, 56
64-67,84; 1.54 subordinator 8.145; 13.20
see also: complementation, monotransitive see also: as, conditional-concessive, if, that,
complexity -+ grammatical though, when, while, whilst
compliance (in ~ with) 9.11 conclude 16.31; (to~) 8.137,143;
composite -+ name, pro-forms 15.18
compound 2.4n conclusion, in 8.137; 19.56
analysed as clause elements 1.34, conclusive-+ verbs (semantic
61-65 classification)
gender 6.24; 10.6-8,48-50; 11.8;
plural of I.31n
16.39; 17.11-12, 13
verbless 1.64
grammatical 10.35-36, 40-41, 45, 48;
word 2.36; 3.76; 5.91,102,121,
122n; 7.77, 83; 8.41n, 143n; 13.85;
notional 10.35-36, 39-42, 45
15.31; 17.110; 18.15,41; 1.17,
number 2.49,57; 3.2, 52; 5.25,108,
28-29, 33n, 38, 41n, 57-72, 76;
111; 6.5, 9,11,22,24; 10.6-8,
34-43,44,46,48-50; 11.8; 15.8,
word vs. noun phrase 17.104-106,
16; 16.39; 17.2, 68n, 90; 18.46
114, 122n; 1.59
object-complement 10.46
see also: adjective, adverb, appositive,
person 3.52; 6.6, 22, 24; 10.6-8,34,
bahuvrihi, combining form, coordinate,
derivation, lexicalization, noun, plural, 44,48; 11.8, 15n; 16.39
premodification, preposition, pronoun, pluraI5.73n, 76, 77, 78, 91n; 7.23, 25;
sentence, stress, tense 10.6,34-43, 48n, 50; 13.46, 66, 103;
compounding I.3-5, 15, 52 17.11
compressed -+ predication prosodic 18.19
semantic restrictions on 10.51
compromiser subjunct 8.104,111-114,
singular 5.75, 91n; 6.38n, 46; 7.26;
115,126; 11.21
10.6,34-43; 13.60; 17.9, 11,90;
compulsion -+ obligation, verbs
(semantic classification)
subject-complement 10.46, 48
compulsory 16.72
subject-object 10.48
con-1.6, 17, 24n
subject-verb 3.g 59, 62, 65; 6.12,
concatenated -+ focus
22; 10.34-45,47-50; 13.45-46,
concede 16.31, 32
49n, 7ln, 95; 17.9
conceivably (disjunct) 8.112, 127, 130n
usage problems 5.22n, 125; 6.5; 8.39n;
(subjunct) 8.112
10.35-36,41-46,48-50; 13.66
conceive 16.50; (~of) 16.28 see also: determiner, proximity
concentrate on 16.28 concreteness 2.43; 3.69; 5.3, 7, 9,17,58,
concern (be ~ ed) 15.19; (~ ed) 7.21; ·75; 7.73; 9.55; 10.18,51; 15.8,9,
16.78; (~edwith) 16.69 13n; 16.26,55; 17.39,45,51-52·
concerning (preposition) 9.8, 57,60 54; 18.50; Llln, 32:33, 34, 35, 38,
concessive 62
adjunct 8.86, 135 concurrent(ly) 19.36
adverbial 8.7, 72 condemn 165'0
clause 3.61; 4.53n; 8.127,132, 134; condescend to HU8
14.13,24; 15.20,21,32,39-42,71; condition (on'" (that» 15.34
17.84; 18.19n,24 condition
conjunct8.136, 137, 141,143-146, direct 15.33
149; 13.2'0; 1'9,54n, '60n hypothetica13.30n; 14.l0n, 18n;
disjunct 8.127 J535~36
Index 1687

condition [cont] criteria for 7.49; 8.134-135,143

indirect 15.33, 35,38 negative 10.58n
negative 9.7,59; 13.30; 15.35n positionof8.15, 17,23,144,147;
open 14.19n, 23n, 24, 25n; 15.35-38 10.17; 18.5-6
see also: future semantics of 8.136-142
conditional syntaxof8.134-135,147
adverbial 8.7, 13 see also: additive, antithetic, appositive,
clause/sentence 3.46,61; 4.9, 42,43, concessive, contrastive, coordinate,
45, 52n, 57, 64; 6.60; 7.29; 8.127, discourse, enumerative, equative,
inferential, listing, reformulatory,
132,145; 10.57,61; 11.15n,41; reinforcing, replacive, result, so,
13.30; 14.4, 13,20,22-25,27; 15.6, summative, time, transitional
11,20,27,32,33-38,39,73; 17.34; conjunction 1.18; 2.34, 41; 4.15n; 6.5;
18.24 7.51,54; 8.9, 53; 9.1n, 2-4,10;
meaning 8.9; 9.32; 10.61; 11.29n, 43, 12.5,44; 13 passim; 14passim;
53n; 13.25, 37n, 83n; 14.40; 15.27, 15.59n; 18.10; III.22
28,29,44, 46n, 52, 60; 17.4 coordinating -+ coordinator
rhetorical 15.37 ellipsis 13.16-17, 79
see also: if, verb phrase
process of 2.46
conditional-concessive clause subordinating -+ subordinator
alternative 13.28n, 94; 14.13, 18-20, see also: adjunct, adverb, conjunct,
22, 24n, 41 coordination, correlative, exclusive,
universal15.8n, 41, 42 preposition, time
conducive question 8.97n; 11.6-8, 12, connection (in ~ with) 9.11
16 connective devices 19.19-68
confer (about/on) 9.60 connectivity-+asyndetic, covert,
confess 16.31, 39, 44, 46,60; (~ to) discourse, ellipsis, logical, prosody,
16.28n punctuation, rhematic, sentence,
confetti 5.1 OOn stress, text, theme, time
confide 16.31 connotation 13.22
confident 16.71 conscious 7.39; (~of) 7.39; 16.69;
confidentially 8.124 (~ that) 7.39
confine to 16.7, 57 consent to 16.28, 38
confirm 16.31, 35 consequence (as a ~ )8.137; (in ~) 8.137;
confiated -+ article (in ~ of) 9.11
conform to 16.28 consequence (meaning) 8.140n; 13.23,
conformity (in ~ with) 9.11, 63 35; 15.45; 19.8·
congratulate on 16.57 consequently 8.137, 143n, 145
congratulations 5.77 consider 10.12n; 15.19,54; 16.31,35,39,
congratulations 11.54 44,46,50; (~as) 16.47
conjecture (verb) 16.31 considered (style) -+ formal
conjoin(t) 2.10; 13.49 considering (conjunction) (~(that))
equivalence of 11.21; 13.93,96 14.12
see also: coordination, either, not (preposition) 9.3,8,57
conjunct2.10n, 15,60; 7.49, 51, 54, 65; consistof10.14n
8.24, 78n, 122n, 126, 127,134-147, consonants 3.7,8,44; 5.11, 81; 7.79;
148-153; 9.1, 57, 65,66; 10.9,64; 1.17,72; III.4n
11.14, 15n, 18n; 12.5,62; 13.3; conspire 16.38n
14.13, 39n; 15.17,18, 21n, 23,32; constantly 8.65, 77
18.5-6; 19.18,38,53-54; III.17 constituent
conjunction vs. 7.51; 8.146; 13.6-8, clause-+ subordinate clause
10-13,16,18-19; 15.44n; immediate/multiple/unitary 2.4-8;
19.58 8.1
cooccurrence 8.144 obligatory 2.13, 18,26,30,32,33;
correlative use 8.145; 15.39 10.4; 12.34; 16.69
1688 Index

constituent [cont] contrast (by ~ ) 8.137; 15.43; (by way

structure 2.3-10, 48n; 6.20; 13.2, 16, of ~) 8.137; (in~) 8.137; 15.43
32,65; 14.2-4,37-41 contrast
see also: coordinate clause 15.32, 43
constrain 16.50 meaning 13.24, 37n; 15.31; 18.12,16,
consul-genl:jraI1.18n, 31n 17n; 19.17, 34
contact (noun) 1.56; (in~ with) 9.11 see also: binary
(verb) 1.56 contrastive
contemporaneous(ly) 19.36 conjunct 8.136,137,141; 19.56
contemporary 19.36 see also: focus, stress, where, while, whilst,
contend 16.31 you
content 16.78; (~ with) 16.69 contribute to 16.28
content disjunct 7.28; 8.94, 100, 102n, contrive 16.38
123,124, 125n, 127-133, 149; convenient 16.80; (~ly) 8.127
9.63; 10.66; 15.20-21,23,47,53, conventions in this book-+asterisk,
57 bracketing, italics, parentheses,
contents 5.77 small capitals
context, in 9.66 converse (noun) 19.52; (~ ly) 8.137;
context 2.32-33, 52, 58; 3.12n; 6.40; 19.52
8.117; 11.3,45; 16.14; 19.1,3-4, converseness 9.19, 32n; 15.27n; 18.31
15,48 conversion 2.38n; 1.3,12, 15, 18,30,42,
see also: linguistic, situational 43-56
Continent, the 1.8 adjective/noun 7.13, 24n; 12.55n;
continents -+ names (classified) 17.51; 1.48
contingency adjective/verb 1.50
adverbial 8.2, 7,49,59,86,87,92, direction of 1.44
103, 132; 9.55; 15.30 formal modification in 1.56
meaning 15.30-32, 34, 46; 17.54n full 1.45
see also: causative, concessive, conditional, minor types 1.52
if, purpose, reason, result, when, where noun/adjective 7.l4n; 1.51
contingent (up)on 16.69 noun/verb 1.11, 49
contingent adjective clause 7.29 partia17.13n; 1.45
continual frequency -+ continuous phrasal 5.123; 17.111, 122n;18.41;
frequency 1.17,52,59
continually 4.26n; 8.65 pronoun/noun 6.20n-
continuative-+coordination, relative secondary 2.32n;.4.28; 5.5, 6, 7,
clause 62-64,75; 10.4; 11.46;1.53-55
continue 16.38, 39,40; (to ~) 15.18 verb/noun 17.51; 1.47
continuing 15.18 see also: adjective,count, intransitive,
continuing-+verbs (semantic manner, monotransitive, noncount,
classification) prefix, pronoun, word class,
continuous word-formation
aspect -+ progressive convey 16.31
frequency 8.64,65, 67 convict of16.57
continuously 8.65 convince 9.2; 15.54; 16.59;' (~ of) 9.2;
continuum -+ varieties of English 16.57,59
contour -+ intonation cooccurrence -+ adverbial
contra-1.25 co-op 1.12
contraction -+auxiliary, negative, coordinate
phonological, prefix, pronoun, -s adjective phrases 13.49, 79
contrariwise 8.137 adjectives 7.7,22,24; 8.31n; 13.20,
contrary (on the ~) 8.137, 144; 9.66n; 79,99,100,102; 17.58; 1.51n;
13.32; (~to) 9.10, 66n; (to the ~) 111.8
9.66n adjuncts 8.46, 74
Index 1689

coordinate [cont] coordinate [cont]

adverb phrases 13.80 prepositional and non-prepositional
adverbials 8.11, 120; 13.20,50-51, construction 17.17
82 prepositional phrase and adjective
adverbs 13.80, 100, 101, 102; III.8 9.1n; 10.11
antecedents 6.22 prepositional phrases 9.50n; 13.39,57,
articles 13. 71n, 95n 69,81,84; 1II.8
clause constituents 13.12-13,18, prepositions 9.9, 55n; 13.81, 101
20-21,34,43-49,91-93 pronouns 6.5,22; 10.44,50
clauses 8.15,30,36, 94n, 140; 10.1, 7n, proper names l2.18n
41; 11.18n, 29n, 53n; 12.36,68; question and statement 19.62
13.16-17,18,20-21,34,48,50-51, questions 19.59
52,53,57,58,59,64,89,90-95, reflexive and phrase 6.27
103n, 104; 14.2,29; 15.21n, 26, 43, relative pronouns 13.84
57; 17.9; 18.5; 19.11, 81; III.6:-7, sentences-+ sentence (connectivity)
15,22 subjects 6.9; 10.21,35,37-41,44,50;
comparatives 7.85 13.34,61
compounds 1.59,70; III.4 subordinate clauses 13.14-15,18, 35n,
conjuncts 8. 144n 50-51; 14.37-41; 15.4n; 19.59
determiners 13. 71, 100 subordinators 13.83
finite vs. nonfinite clauses 13.50-51 verb phrases 13.21,78
genitives 13.72 verbless clauses 13.50
genitives and possessive pronouns verbs 3.69; 4.15; 13.78,98
13.74 word-components 8.134; 13.85;
imperative and statement 11.29n III.5n
imperative clauses 13.52n words 13.75
interrogative words 13.84 see also: parallelism
masculine and feminine 6.9 coordinating conjunction -+ coordinator
modifiers 13.70 coordination 2.10,11,44; 8.138; 9.52;
nominal expressions 13.75-76 10.5; 11.21; 12.1-5,43,44, 45n, 61,
nonfinite clauses 13.50-51 68,69; 13 passim; 14.1-4; 16.13;
noun phrase constituents 13.64-76 17.23,44,65,112; 19.7, 18,57-60,
noun phrases 5.12n, 38; 6.5, 22; 66; III.6-8, 12
7.11n; 8.40; 10.34n, 35, 37-41; abbreviations for 13.104
12.45n, 54, 56, 68; 13.39,49,56-63, adverbial scope and 13.54-55
64,73-74,94,102; 15.41; 17.44,71, ambiguity in 13:16, 50, 55, 65, 67, 69,
120; 1II.8 70,75,79; 17.61
noun and adjective 7.14n; 13.68n appended 13.43, 90, 94; 17.80
nouns 5.50; 9.42; 13.67, 102; 1.51n complex 13.43, 56n, 90-93, 96-97
numerals 13. 71, 102 conjunctions and 13.10-11,18
participle and adjective 3.76 continuative 13.101
phrases 11.18n; 13.35, 104 correlati ve -+ correlati ve (construction)
possessive pronouns 13.73 expressive 13.98-102
postdeterminer and adjective 13.71n gradience 13.5-6, 18->19, 103
postmodifiers 13.69; 17.61; I.51n idiomatic 13.98-102
predicates 13.12, 35, 37, 48, 52, 53n, ill-assorted 13.87-89
55; 18.5; 1II.7, 8 intensifying use of 13.100
predications 2.51, 52n; 12.68; 13.21, interpolated 13.29, 54n, 78, 90, nn,
34,35,47-48,53,55; 18.5; 1II.7, 8 95-97,103; III.19
prefixes 1.2On; lII.5n iterative 13.78, 101; 16.3
premodifiers10.38; 13.68; 17.114, levels of 13.58
119; 1I1.8 mixed 13.38, 82
prepositional adverbs 13.101 multiple 13.16-17,18,58
prepositional complements 13.69 number and 13.66
1690 Index

coordination [cont] coreference 3.70; 4.13; 5.5, 30, 36; 6.9,

parentheticall3.96n 15,17, 19, 21, 22n, 23, 24, 25, 27n,
premodificationand 17.105,121 30,31,32; 8.l33n; 10.7,48; 1l.8;
pseudo- 8.30; 13.98-99; I.18n 12.4n, 5,8-13, 19,24; l3.52-53;
quasi-9.4; 10.40; 12.69; 13.19,103; 15.27n; 16.39,79; 17.65, 66n, 77,
14.15n; 15.64n, 68 121; 18.52,59; 19.44
semantic features of l3.3-4, 47 -49 see also: pro-forms, pronoun, substitution
sequence in 13.8-9, 18,22-230,60, corpora 5.93
73-74,86 corps 5.99
simple l3.43-89, 96; 19.57 corpus(es) 5.93
syntactic features of l3.6-17, 96 corpUS-7- Brown, Lancaster-Oslo/
vs. subordination 2.60; 13.2-4, Bergen, London-Lund, Survey of
18-19; 14.1-4,40; 19.57-60,66 English Usage
see also: apposition, asyndetic, correction -7- self-correction
combinatory, ellipsis, noun phrase, corrective (clause function) 13.29; 18.12,
polysyndetic, segregatory, space, 14,15
syndetic, time adverbial
correctly 8.127
coordinative -7- apposition correctness notions l.17
coordinator 2.10,41,60; 7.52; 8.119, correlative
138,144,146; 12.18; l3passim; construction 5.50; 7.82n, 86; 8.116n,
14.2,37-41; 15.44n, 47, 60; 17.23, 119,120,140,144; 9.ln; 10.7, 39n,
61,114; III.6-8, 10, 12, 13, 18 41; 12.17; 13.5,20,33-42,61,71,
centrall3.5, 18-19,36-37; 17.65; 88,103; 14.13,17, 39n; 15.2,6,
19.58-59 8n,30,39,41-43,49,50,51,
frequency of19.58 63-75; 17.77n; 18.24,41,42,57;
quasi--7-coordination (quasi-) II.20
semi-13.19,103 coordinator vs. subordinator l3.42n·
uses of l3.22-32 multiple 13.39
see also: but, conjunction, gapping, noncorrelative vs. 18.57
restrictions on 13.39-41
cop -7- copula see also: comma, comparative, conjunct,
cope with 16.5 pronoun, proportional, punctuation,
copula 2.16n; 3.32, 46n, 47n; 8.42; subordinator, through
10. IOn, 16,20; 16.21,79; 17.26 correspondences, systematic 2.20- 23;
current/resulting 3.66; 16.21-23 13.21,44; 17.51-52
ellipsis 15.71 correspondingly 8.137
copular corrigendum 5.95
clause/sentence 2.22; 3.66; 5.37, 42; 'cos 12.31, 51n; I.74n; III.27
7.20,29; 9.45; 10.8; 15.62; 16.17, cosec 1.74
20,21-24, 46n, 47,55,64; 17.15, cost (verb) 2.21n; 3.17
65 could 3.4n, 21, 39, 40; 4.30,50,51,52,
verb 2.16, 18,22; 3.68, 74, 76, 77, 78; 53,59-64, 65n; 8.103,112; ll.5n,
6.25n; 7.3-4,10, lln, 14; 8.28, 33, l3; 14.20,23,26; 15.36,48; 18.16; .
42,82,84; 9.1n, 47, 48, 50n; 10.2, (not/ ~ n't) 3.39; 10.68; 14.36n;
11,16,18,21,26; 15.55n, 71, 74; (~st) 3.4n
16.4n,21-24; 17.122n; 18.22;1.54 see also: can
verb, semantic function of 16.23 counsel (verb) 3.8; 16.63
see also: intransitive, phrasal verb, Counsellor 10.53
prepositional verb count (as) 16.22n, 47; (~on) 16.39;
copulative verb -7- copular verb (~on . .. to) 16.51n
cor- 1.6 count
cordially 8.90 conversion to noncount 1.53
(~ yours) 8.91n noun 4.4, 7, 35; 5.2-9,11,14,17,
core -7- common core, grammar 21-25, 36, 39, 42, 49n, 50, 52,58,
Index 1691

count [cont] crown 16.46; (~as) 16.47

75, 91n; 6.50, 52, 54, 55; 7.13, 14n, crucial 16. 72
63,78; 10.38,42,62; 12.15, 55n; crudely 8.124
13.68; 15.41,69-70,71,73; 17.47, cruel7.81n
54; 1.32,34,35,47 cry out 16.4n
pronoun 6.41, 45, 49,53; 12.18n cultural dominance 13.86
see also: noncount -culture 1.66
counter- 1.25 cunningly 8.127
counterfactuaI3.42n, 52; 4.65; 15.35n curious 16.72, 79; (~ly) 8.127,131
see also: condition (hypothetical), factual currency symbols 6.69
counties-+- names (classified) current
counting II.l 0 attribute 10.8, 20; 11.15n; 12.20;
countries-+-names (classified) 16.21-23; 1.54
couple (noun) 10.36n relevance 4.18, 20
course (in the ~ of) 8.52 see also: copula, result, verbs (semantic
course, of9.5n; l1.4n; 12.51; 19.56 classification)
(concessive conjunct) 8.137, 141; curriculum 5.95
19.53n curtai17.85n
(resultive conjunct) 8.137, 140 customarily 8.65
(subjunct) 8.100 customs 5.77
'course 12.51 cut (verb) 3.17; 16.26; (~ down on) 16.29;
court 5.44 (~Nshort) 16.17; (~up) 16.12
court martial 5.102
courtesy subjunct 8.90-91; 17.97
cover (verb) 16.26
covert vs. overt5.12n, 104; 6.1; 7.14; D
connectivity 12.5; 13.1; 19.3-5, 11, -d (inflection) 1.18
15,21 'd 3.23,33,39,40, 45n; 4.57
see also: ellipsis, semantic (implication), daily 7.9; 8.64
syndetic damn (a ~) 10.62; (~sight) 7.89
crab 5.77 dances-+-names (classified)
craft 5.91 dangling participle -+- unattached
crave for 16.41 dare (to) (marginal modal) 3.40, 41, 42;
crazy 16.76 4.66; 10.61n, 68n; 11.13
creative language 1.3 (lexical) 3.42; 10.68n; 11.13; 16.50
creativity 2.40; I.l2n, 15 (~ d) 3.42n; 1O.68n; (not/ ~ n't) 3.42;
credentials 5.77 10.67;(~say)3.42n; 10.61n; 15.54
creep 3.15 dash 17.68n; II1.3, 7,11, 16,20,26, 28n
creole 1.27, 35, 38 en vs. em II1.5n, 28n
crept 3.15 data 5.91, 98n; 10.34n
criminal (adjective) 7.13, 37 dates 1.23; II1.28n
(noun) 7.13 see also: numeral, tables
crisis 5.97 dative case 6.4
criteria(s) 5.98n; 10.34n see also: recipient
criterion 5.98 datums 5.91
crochet 3.8n days (... ~) 15.29
crooked 7.19 days-+-names (classified), time
crop (~N short) 16.45; (~up) 16.19n de- 1.2, 17,22
cross (verb) 9.31; 10.27; (~over) 9.31; dead (amplifier) 7.56n
(~swords with) 16.8 de-adjectival 1.31
cross (graphic) II1.30n noun 7.43; 17.51; 1.36, 37, 48
cross-references 4.8n verb 1.50
crossroads 5.91 see also: affixation
1692 Index

deal (noun) 5.25; (a good/great ~ ) 5.25; definiteness [cont]

6.53; 7.69, 89; 8.98,105,115; 10.61n see also: article, determiner, frequency,
(verb) 3.15; (~ t) 3.15; (~ with) 16.14, noun phrase, past, pro-forms, pronoun
28 defy 16.50
dear (adjective) 7.8 degree 2.57; 6.41n; 8.106,126; 9.64;
(adverb) 7.8; (~ ly) 7.8 11.32; 13.100; 14.13; 15.63-75
Dear 10.53n adverb 6.53; 8.48n; 10.66; 12.10;
debate (noun/verb) 1.56 13.102; 15.2
deceive 16.26 adverbia16.50n; 8.2, 9, 15,17,19,
decide 3.59; 9.2; 16.31, 32, 35; (~on) 104; 10.60; 18.41,42
9.2; 16.28, 38, 39 see also: absolute, amplifier, comparative,
decidedly 8.127, 128n; (most ~) 8.131n diminisher, gradability, intensifying,
decision 3.59; 17.36 measure, positive, prefix, superlative,
declarative 2.46; 3.32n that
clause/sentence 2.14, 27, 46, 56n, 57; deictic item -7 deixis
3.32n; 4.50; 5.37n; 8.43, 97,103, deign 16.38
109, 120n, 147; 10.2,5, 6n, 7n, 17, deixis 4.11n, 17; 6.42n, 43; 8.10n; 9.40;
57, 61n; 11.1, 13,24,37; 12.46; 14.30,32; 19.44
13.22,28,30; 15.3-4; 7,54; 18.10; deletion -7 ellipsis
111.23 deliberately 8.93
ellipsis in 12.46, 47-48 delight ( ~ fully) 8.127; (~ in) 16.38, 39
negative/positive 8.97, 103, 109; 12.60 delighted 16.78; ("':"' about) 16.69; (~at)
question 11.2, 5n, 12, 14n, 19n; 12.47, 9.63; 16.69; (~ to) 15.54; (~ With)
49n 16.69
see also: verbs (semantic classification) demand (verb) 14.25n; 16.32,38
declare 16.31, 44, 46, 50, 60 demean oneself6.25
decline 7.85n; 16.38 demi-1.28
decree (noun) 3.59 demo 1.74
(verb) 16.32 demonstrate 14.25n; 16.31, 35, 37n
decreolization 1.35 demonstrations 4.7
deduce 16.31 demonstrative
'deed (= indeed) 12.51n phonology and 1.18
Deejay 1.75 pronoun 3.38; 4.11n; 5.124n; 6.11,13,
deem 16.31, 44,46; (~as) 16.47 20,40-44,45; 12.10, 19; 14.30,35;
deep (adjective) 7.8,66,88 15.57; 17.15n
(adverb) 7.8; (~ly) 7.8,56; 8.105, 107 see also: determiner
deepfreeze 3.16; 16.45n denial-7 negation
deer 5.87 denomina11.3,31
(vs. venison) 5.87n adjective 7.37, 42, 45; 17.102, 114,.
default (in ~ of) 9.12n 118; 1.22, 25-30, 37,38-39,51
defence (in ~ of) 9.12 noun 17.51; 1.32-33, 37
deferred -7 preposition verb 1.22,30,46,49,71
define 16.26; (~as) 16.47 see also: affixation
defined -7 apposition denotation -7 unique
defining -7 apposition, mutually deny 16.31, 39, 57; (~to) 16.57
defining/exclusive, restrictive deontic 4.49n
definite 7.33 depend 16.35; (~ ent (up)on) 16.69;
definite description 5.70 (~on)16.35;
definitely (disjunct) 8.127 (~on ... to) 16.51n
(subjunct) 8.100,101,103 dependent clause-7subordinate clause
definiteness 4.45; 5.11, 26~27, 41, 90, depress (~ed) 16.71,78; (~ed with)
121n, 126; 6.1, 21, 40, 45; 7.22; 16.69; (~ing) 16.72
8.40, 61n, 129; 9.21; 11.36; 12.10; deprive (of) 16.7, 8, 57; (~N of) 16.8
18.31,52 deputy-1.29
Index 1693

derivation 2.36, 37; 3.8n, 12n; 5.105; determiner [cont]

6.64; 1.3, H.4 cooccurrence 5.122n
direction of 1.11 n definite 2.30; 5.11, 22n; 6.50n; 7.23,
zerO--7 conversion 24,62,84,86; 12.10; 17.7,38,
see also: adjective (participial), adverb, 88-89,91
affixation, compound, inflection, prefix, demonstrative 4.11n; 5.14, 16; 6.40,
suffixation 42,44,86; 9.12; 17.46
derogatory ellipsis 5.42n; 10.5n, 20n; 12.50n, 52;
meaning4.26n; 13.98 13.66-67,75; 17.88-89,91
word 1.76n indefinite 2.30; 5.11; 6.30n; 17.5, 7, 96
see also: pejorative interrogative 5.14; 6.36-39; 15.8
describe 16.26; (~ as) 16.47 negative 3.34n; 5.14; 6.45, 62
description --7 definite description, possessive 5.14,16, 23n; 7.24, 86; 17.14
structural quantitative 5.14, 16; 8.71; 13.76
descriptive--7 genitive, name relative 5.14; 17.13,24
descriptor 5.60,69; 17.89; HI.29 repeated 10.39n; 13.100
position of 5.68n universal 2.30; 5.14; 6.45, 47; 18.45n
deserve 16.39 zero 17.96
desideratum 5.95 see also: coordinate, partition,
designation (in apposition) 17.74,79 postdeterminer, predeterminer, wh-
desirable 3.59 detest 16.39
desire 16.26, 32, 41; (~ d) 7.21 develop/ram ... into 16.17
despise 16.26 deverball.3, 31
despite 8.86; 9.7, 56; 15.39n adjective 7.21; 16.72; 17.114; 1.21n,
destination 30,40
intended 9.7,45 noun 8.106n; 9.38; 10.25,30; 15.14n;
preposition 4.34; 9.7,16-17,23,30, 17.41,51-54; 1.22, 27, 34-35, 46,
32,43 47,61-63
prepositional adverb 9.66 see also: affixation
destined (be ~ to) 4.66 devoid 0/9.10
detail (verb) 16.63 di-1.28
detect 4.30 diachronic vs. synchronic 1.3, 5, 8, 13,
determination 17.36 44,71
determination 2.30, 33; 6.20, 39n, 42 diaeresis HI.4n
determinative 2.27,29,31; 5.10-25; 6.2, diagnosis 5.97
3,13,23,29,30,36,38,54,63;7.45; dial (verb) 3.8
12.56; 13.72-76; 15.12n, 69-71, dialect 1.9-10, 20-21, 22-27,32; 3.30n,
73; 17.2,24,52,94,96,110,113 43n; 6.27n; 7.56n; 8.16, 29, 50n,
see also: genitive 97n, 107n, 116n; 9.7n; 10.3n, 58n;
determine 16.31, 32; (~ d) 16.79 11.8; 15.5n; 16.39,66; 17.78n;
determiner 2.29,30,34, 35n, 41; 5.1, 2, 18.59
10-14,61,63,64,72, 91n; 6.1,11, randomly distributed 1.39
13,20,30,45-46,48,49-51,54,55, see also: American, British, mid-Atlantic,
56n,57,58,59,65;7.2, 13, 14, 25n, regional
63,64,90; 8.52; 9.12, 49n, 58; dialogue 11.51; 12.43, 65n
10.34,42,53,59,60,62; 12.16, 17; see also: ellipsis
13.39,60,67; 15.12, 14; 16.8,76; diamonds 5.77
17.16, 23n, 27,47, 61, 117, 120; diaries 11.47
19.44-45,49,76 dice 5.91
assertive/nonassertive 5.14 dictionary I. 70n
central 5.10-14, 121; 7.45; 15.7; dictionary --7 vocabulary
17.2 did 3.16, 36; 11.8n; (~n't) 3.36; (~st)
complex 5.25 3.4n
concord 10.35n die (noun) 5.91
1694 Index

die [cont] directive [cont]

(verb) 3.7,10; 4.27; 16.19, 21n; (~of) see also: adverbial, command, do,
9.49n; 16.15 imperative, negative, positive, question,
differ(ence)from 16.69n verbless
different 16.69n, 74; (~ly than) 16.74n; direcrly (adverb) 7.8
(be ~ ) 13.46; ( ~ from) 16.69; (conjunction) 14.12; 15.25,29
18.31n; (~than) 15.66n; 16.74; dis- Ll4, 15
(~ to) 16.69n (negative vs. privative) 1.21-22
differentiation -l>- noneq ui valence disagree 4.29
comparison disagreement -l>- response
difficult 6.59; 16.80; (- ly) 1.41n disappoint(~ ed) 16.71, 78; (~edwith)
dig (verb) 3.18 16.69; (~ ing) 16.72; (~ ingly)
digs (noun) 5.77 8.127
digress 16.19 disastrous 16.72
dim 7.88 discern 16.31
dimension disclose 16.31, 35
meaning 7.46n; 17.114; 19.34; 1.41 discontinuous
types 9.7,15-17,25-26,29,32,34; construction 8.22n, 33, 35, 63n, 118n;
19.34 10.12; 15.75; 16.68; 17.44,62,64;
see also: area, line, point, surface, volume 18.39
diminish 7.85n scope 10.65
diminishersubjunct8.9, 104, 111-114, see also: apposition, noun phrase, pronoun,
115, 117n; I1.21 subject
diminution adverbial-l>- diminisher discount (verb) 1.56
diminutive 1.77 discourage 16.39
dint (by ~ of) 9.11, 12n; (for ~ of) 9.12n discourse
direct (adjective) 7.8 analysis 1.13
(adyerb) 7.8 conjunct 8.136, 137, 142
(verb) 16.63 " connectivity 10.57, 58n; 12.5.".9;
direct-l>-agency, anaphora, condition, 17.45; 19 passim; ILl 6
indirect, object, question, reason field of 1.19,28,36,37; 17.124
direct speech 14.28-35; 15.54n; 16.31; function 11 passim
18.20n,23; lILlO, 14n, 21 reference 19.46-51
free 14.28, 35; 19.43 strategies 19.18, 56
punctuation of 14.29 see also: balance, chain, clause, initial,
direction initiator, noun phrase, sentence, step, the-
adjunct 8.39-48,50, 149; 15.22 discover 4.27; 8.138n; 16.31, 35, 37n, 53,
adverb 7.10, 46; 1.41 54
adverbiaI8.3, 10; 15.31; 16.3 discreteness 1.27
ambiguity with position 8.43 see also: gradience
meaning 2.18; 17.19; 19.34 discuss 16.26, 35
prepositional 9.19, 32; 10.10n; 16.48 disdain 16.38
see also: derivation, path, predication, diseases -l>- names
verbs (semantic classification) disgusted 16.78; (~at) 9.63; 16.69;
directive 2.46,57, 58; 3.48, 52; 4.63; (~ with) 16.69
.8.50; 11.2,3,4,10,16,17,24-30, disinclination 17.36
34,40, 41n, 42, 53n; 13.25; 14.29; disjunct 2.15, 60; 7.27n, 56n, 57, 58, 65;
16.30n, 31; 18.10; 19.47n, 62 8.24,85,86,88, lOOn, 112, 117n,
elliptical11.30n 120,121-133,134, 135n; 147,
indirect 3.59n; 14.33; 16.32,59-60, 148-153; 9.1, 48, 57,58; 10.9,52,
63 64; 11.18n; 12.62; 15.53; 18.5-6;
vs. statement 11.25n 19.53; lIU8
with let 11.26-28 c1ausaI13.18n; 14.21n; 15.2, 17,20,
with/without subject 11.24-25 23,49; lIU8
Index 1695

disjunct [cont] do [cont]

criteria for 7.49; 8.121 forms of 3.4n, 5n, 9, 16, 30,36,38;
negative 10.58n 12.23,26; 18.49n
personal 8.129 pro-form use 2.44; 3.38; 4.4,33;
positionof3.27; 8.15,17,149, 12.9-10,21-26; 15.15; 16.66n;
150-152; 15.20; 18.5-6 18.27,29
subject-oriented 8.94n, 95 -periphrasis-+do (-support)
syntax of 8.130-133 -support 2.49,51, 56n; 3.34, 35, 37,
see also: concessive, consequence, content, 40n, 43n, 44,47,48,49,51n, 52,
contingency, factive, formulaic, 59n; 4.55; 11.30n; 12.40,60-61;
frequency, i/-, inferential, manner, 18.16,56n
metalinguistic comment, modality, transitive vs. intransitive 12.21-23,
outcome, process, purpose, reaction, 25,26
reason, respect, result, speech-related, (~away with) 16.9, 14,29,39; (be
style, truth judgment, value judgment ~ne/or) 16.14; (do ~) 3.37n; (~es)
disjunction 10.41; 13.31; 15.41 3.16,23,36; 18.49n; 11.9; (~es it)
dislike (verb) 4.29; 6.25; 8.107; 16.39 (predicate) 10.15n; (~ esn't) 3.36;
dislocation (right vs. left) 17.78; 18.58n (~/or) 16.57; (~ it) 12.10,24-26;
dismayed with 16.69 (~ne) 3.16, 36, 38n; (~ not) 3.37;
dismissal formulae 11.54 (~n't) 3.36, 37; 11.28-30; (~n't
disparagement 5.63n; 6.21; 1.33, 37, be) 3.37n; (~so) 2.51; 12.10, 12,20,
39n,67,72 21,23-26; 19.45; (so ~ ing) 12.23n;
dispose (~ cl) 16.79 (~st) 3.4n; (~ th) 3.4n;
dissatisfied 16.78 ( ~ that) 12.10, 24-26; (to so ~ )
distance 12.23n; (will ~) 8.100; (~ without)
adverbial 8.3, 39,42,47; 10.66; 19.34 16.6
general/specific 8.39 Doctor 10.53; 17.91
expressions 6.17; 10.26 doer-+agent
distant/rom 16.69 does-+do
distant reference-+near dogged 7.19
distinct/rom 16.69 -dom 1.32
distressed 16.71; (~ with) 16.69 don't-+do
distributive 5.18; 6.51; 9.7; 10.37n, 47; dormant affix 1.13n
13.61 dot-+period, suspension
disturb (~ed) 16.71; (~ingly) 8.127 double (predeterminer) 5.15,18
disyllabic forms 7.81; 1.19 double-+genitive, marking, negative,
see also: adjective preposition
ditransitive construction/verb 2.16,21, doubt (verb) 15.6n; 16.26, 31, 35
32; 10.2-4,7, 12n; 14.33n; 16.20,36, (~but) 16.31n; (no ~) 8.127n; 15.54;
38,42,55-63,64-67,84; 18.32,38 (~/ul (as to)) 16.73; (~less) 8.127;
see also: complementation 19.53n
dive(d) 3.16 dove (past tense, dive) 3.16
divided-+ focus, usage down (adverb) 7.46.66; 8.41
DIY17.112; 1.75 (particle) 16.2
DJI.75 (preposition) 7.70; 9.7, 26-27, 32;
do (auxiliary) 2.29,34,45,49-51; 3.21, 19.32n
24,25,26,30,31,36-37; 10.55, (prepositional adverb) 9.66; 13.101
68n; 11.1,5-9,13,15,17, 30n; (~with)II.42
12.10,21-26,49,60-62; 18.16 downhill 8.41
(lexical or main) 2.29, 34, 44n; 3.38; downright 7.56
10.30; 11.15n; 12.10,21-26; 16.26, downstairs 7.11n, 67, 70; 8.41
57; 18.43 downstream 8.41
directive use 2.57; 3.37n; 11.30; downtoner
18.55-56 adjective7.33,45,87; 17.114
1696 Index

downtoner [cont] dwe1l3.6n, 13; (~ed) 3.6n, 13;

adverbial 7.56, 62, 87; 8.104, 107n, (~ (up) on) 16.28
111-114; 1O.62n, 66; 11.21 dwelt 3.6n, 13
position of 8.114 dye (verb) 3.7,9; (~N pink) 16.45
syntaxof8.113 dynamic--7adjective, have, noun,
downward(s) 8.41 dynamic verb meaning
downwind8.41 . dynamic verb meaning 2.43; 3.35, 48,
dozen 5.89 66, 76, 77; 4.4, 6, 7, 14, 15,22,25,
Dr 17.91; H1.28 . 27,28, 29n, 30, 31, 32, 33-35, 45,
dragoman 5.84n 47; 8.42; 9.16, 42; 10.14n, 18,20,
drank 3.19 55n; 11.24; 12.25~26; 13.23,78;
draw 3.16; (;.., n) 3.16; (~out) 16.12; 14~22n; 15.22, 31, 50, 60n; 16.39,
(~ up) 16.26n 44; 17.95, 101; 18.51n; 1.47
dread (verb) 16.38, 39,40; (~ful) 16.72 dynamism --7 communicative
dream 3.15; 16.31; (~ed/t) 3.15
dregs 5.77
dress (oneself) 6.25
dress--7names (classified)
drew 3.16 E
drink (verb) 3.19; 4.27; 16.19; (~up)
8.108; 16.12 E ( = end position) --7 final
drive 3.16; 16.19,44,48,50; (~n) 3.16 -e
drop (verb) 4.27; 16.19 addition 3.7,9
drove 3.16 loss 3.7,9; I.l7
drown (be ~ ed) 3.68 mute 3.9, IOn; 5.81; 7.79
drunk (verb) 3.19; (~ with) 16.69 each (determiner) 5.14, 18; 6.45, 49, 51;
drunken (adjective) 3.19; 7.19 8.52; 9.41, 58; 10.37n, 43
dual (pronoun) 6.13, 20,45, 48,49, 50,51;
gender 5.104,106 9.58; 12.10, 17; 13.61
number 5.16, 73n; 6.11,50,61; 13.39 after auxiliary 3.28; 18.40n
see also: noun pro-form use 12.10,17
duck (noun) 5.87 (~andevery) 13.71; (~other) 6.13,
due 15.59n; 16.79;(~s)5.77 31; 13.46, 60
due to 9.10; 14.14; 15.46n, 59n; 16.69; eager 7.39, 81n; 12.65; 16.71, 79
(be ~ ) 3.47; 4.66 earlier 7.66, 83; 8.55, 77; 19.36, 47n;
dug 3.18 ( ~ on) 8.55n .
du1l7.44n early 7.9,83; 8.55, 71
dummY--7auxiliary, it (prop), theme earn(ed) 3.13
du(o)- 1.28n pronunciation with/-t/ 3.13n
duration earnings 5.77
adjunct 8.51-54,57,63,68,73,74,76, earth 5.29n; (on~) 6.39n; 7.64; 8.100;
77,81; 16.48; 17.53 11.14n; 18.59n
adverbia14.5n, 13,20,39; 7.67; 8.4, ease, with 8.103n
11; 9.42; 15.26,27; 16.24n easily 8.103n
aspectua13.13n; 4.7, 25-26, 38 east(ward(s)) 7.46n; 8.41; 9.66
limited 4.25, 38 easy 10.15n; 16.80
preposition 9.7,36-39,42 eat(en) 3.16; 4.27; 10.51n; 16.26
subjunct 8.98, 108,115 -eau nouns 5.99
syllabic 11.2 echo (verb) 3.9
see also: nonprogressive, progressive, echo utterance 11.33-37
verbs (semantic classification) see also: exclamation, explicatory,
during 8.52, 59n, 61; 9.7, 34,36; 11.14n question, recapitulatory, wh-
dvandva--7coordinate (compounds) economic(al) I.39n
dwarfs/dwarves 5.83 economy of expression 17.123; 19; 60n
Index 1697

-ed (denominal) I.30, 38; IlIA element -+ adverbial, clause,

participle 3.2,3-4,6-20,32,33,35, comparative, complement, object,
36,38,40,49,53,54,55,56,64,76, pushdown, subject, verb, wh-
77; 4.67; 7.15-19,47, 58n, 81; elf/elves 5.83
8.l27n, BIn; 9.3, 17, 50n; 13.98n; elicitation experiment 1.42; 3.42n, 43n,
16.69; U2, 24, 65,69 48n
participle clause 3.2; 4.67; 8.59n, 61n, eligible 16.79
125; 13.50; 14.6-7, 18, 19; 15.25, elision 3.45n; I.33, 37,41; lUO
30, 31n, 34, 39,53,56,58-62; elk 5.87
16: 14n, 20, 49, 54; 17.29,33- 35; ellipsis 5.97
18.29,45 ellipsis 2.52; 3.43,44; 6.5,17; 8.152;
premodifying 17.100-103 12.1-7,10, 16n, 18, 20n, 21, 26, 27,
with/without subject 14.6 29,31-70; 19.48,67; III.26n
see also: adjective anaphoric 5.31; 12.7,42-43,44,45,
-ed z vs. -ed2 3.4, 6,11-20 55n,67
edge 5.120 cataphoric 5.32n; 12.7,42-43,44,45,
Edited American English 1.24 54n, 55n, 67; 13.81
editing 17.80 classification of 12.41-44
see also: claim, mistake, nuance, reference, coordination and 12.45n, 55, 68;
well 13.44-49,55,90; Hl.5n
editorial we-+we criteria for 12.32-38
educated use of English 1.7, 20n, 22, 27, dialogue use 11.51; 18.11n
28,30,34,36,37; 5.57n; IIU final 12.44, 45, 46, 54, 56, 57, 59, 62,
-ee (adjective base ending) 7.79 68,69 .
(suffix) I.34 formal type 12.41,44,45
-ee(d) spelling in verbs 3.9 functional type 12.41,43,44,53-70
EEC 1.75 general 7.55; 12.38,43,44, 45n,
e'er III.27 53-65,68; 13.51n, 53n, 56, 95
-eer 1.33 indeterminacy 12.32, 38n
eerily 8.131 initial 12.44, 46, 52, 57, 66, 68, 69
effect -+ cause limits of 13.45-46
effected-+re$ult (object) medial 12.23, 44, 48n, 50n, 52, 58, 62,
e.g. 8.137; 17.73, 86; 1.75; I1I.11 64; 13.12, 53n, 92-93
egg on 16.2n quasi- 5.124; 6.29; 12.38,40, 54n, 60,
eh? 11.11, 55 62; 13.64
either (adverb) 10.60 sentence connectivity and 19.33,
(determiner) 5.13,14,16, 73n; 6.61; 44-45,60n
10042,60; 13.5 situational12.38, 42,44,46-51, 54n,
(pronoun) 6.13,45,48,59-61,62; 63n
10.42,60; 12.10, 17 special 12.43, 44, 66-70
(subjunct) 8.116 standard 12.8, 38, 40n, 60, 68
multiple conjoins with 13.39-41; strict 12.38, 39, 68
15.41n structuraI12.38, 42, 44,52, 59n
pro-form use 3.26; 10.57n; 12.10, 17 textuaI7.24; 12.42-43,44,.45
(~one or the other) 10.60; (~ ... or) virtual 12.18, 40, 54n
10.41,44; 13.5,33-34, 35, 39~41, weak 7.24; 12.38,46,65; 17.90
68n, 71; 15.6n, 41 without speaker-change 11.52
eke out 16.2n, 12 see also: adjective, adverb phrase,
elbow (verb) 16048 adverbial, apposition, article, auxiliary,
clause, comparison, complement,
elder 7.76; 10.51n
conjunction, copular, declarative,
eldest 7.76
determiner, directive, exclamative,
elect (verb) 16.46, 50; (~as) 16.47 head, imperative, infinitive, initial,
electric(al) I.39n interrogative, it, modification, name,
electrocute I. 76 nonfinite, noun, noun phrase, object,
1698 Index

ellipsis [cont] en- 1.30

operator, postmodification, predicate, -en 7.37; I.42, 50
predication, premodification, (plural) 5.74,85
preposition, prepositional phrase, participle ---+ -ed participle
pro-forms, pronoun, question,
en dash ---+ dash
recoverability, relative clause, response,
sentence, stress, subject, subordinate enable 16.50
clause, subordinator, substitution, there, enablement ---+ verbs (semantic
verb, we, wh- classification)
else (concessive/inferential conjunct) enchanted with 16.69
8.137,144,146; 13.28,30 enclitic2.48; 3.23; 10.55-70; 11.7-11,
(postmodifier) 6.37n, 47; 7.69; 17.57 22; 13.42n; 15.36
(something ~) 8.138n; (~ where) 8.41; postposed 5.123
19.33 see also: not, -n't
eM (= end-medial position)---+ medial enclose 4.26n
em- I.30 encounter---+ verbs (semantic
'em 6.14n classification)
em dash ---+ dash encourage 16.50
embarrass(~ ed) 16.78; (~ing) 16.72 end (noun) 5.120
embedded clause ---+ subordinate clause (verb) 16.26
embedding (no~ (of)) 10.62; (~up) 16.21,22

clause 2.9; 10.1n; 12.1; 14.5; end-focus 5.117; 8.22,44,47,92; 13.81n;

17.61-64, 112 14.37; 16.4, 7n, 14,56; 17.44;
multiple 2.8-9, 52n; 14.37 -41 18.3-4, 11-21,26,29, 31-32, 36n,
phrase 2.8; 5.121; 6.24n; 8.118n; 13.2 42,37-40,42,50; 19.12; 11.15
see also: genitive, self-embedding end position ---+ final position
embrace 6.31 see also: initial, medial
Emcee I.75 end-weight 5.117; 8.23, 66, 150, 153;
emotive 13.86; 14.39; 16.7n, 56n; 17.44;
adjective 5.64; 7.32n; 16.70-72,78; 18.9,32,37,40,43
17.114 endeavour (verb) 16.38
force 3.25; 9.63; 10.21n; 14.25; 15.54; ending---+verbs (semantic classification)
III.2,23 endocentric ---+ headed construction
see also: emphasis, verbs (semantic endorsing items 13.5, 33-42, 64, 68;
classification) 14.13; 18.12n; 19.7
emphasis 3.39n, 72; 4.55; 5.16; 6.42n; English
7.89; 8.91, 95, 109n, 144; 10.6,7, additional language 1.3
17,48,69; 11.8, 15n, 25, 30n, 52n; Basic 1.10
12.19n, 28n, 30,60; 13.5n, 42, 71, contemporary change in 1.11, 19n, 40;
101; 14.37; 15.28n, 40, 41, 70, 73; 4.28n; 6.12n; 8.61n; 9.36; 14.12n,
18passim; 19.23n, 34n, 65, 96; 24n, 26; 17.108
.1 I. 10, 21; III.25 first language 1.3
emotive 18.16, 55-57 for Specific Purposes 1.10
see also: exclamation, negation, operator, foreign language 1.3-6, 7, 10, 15,27,
positive, pronoun, reflexive, stress 32,34,36,38; 5.9; I.12n, 14n
emphasizer functional load of 1.1-2
adjective 7.33-34, 45,87; 17.114 geographical spread of 1.1-2
adverbial 8.8; 20; 18.55, 56n importance of 1.1-5, 9-11
cooccurrence restrictions 8.101 international/intranational1.3, 9, 41
position of 8.102 learning 1.32
subjunct 8.96,99-103, 126n national 1.9-10
syntax of 8.1 02 native 1.3-4, 7,10,35
empty 7.88n; (~of) 16.69 neutral 1.31-33
empty---+auxiliary (dummy), it (prop), nonnative 1.3,7
theme Nuclear 1.1 0
Index 1699

English [cont] -er [cont]

quality of 1.2 (comparative) 7.2,74-86; 13.100;
school models of 1.7 15.63-75
second language 1.3, 6, 7,10,27, (denominal) 1.33
34-35,36,38,41 (deverbal) 1.32n, 33
speakers of 1.1- 2, 4 (familiar) 1.33, 77
standards of 1.11 er~but
teaching of 1.4-5,6, 10, 27, 34, 38 erlebte Rede~indirect speech (free)
see also: American, British, -eroo 1.77n
communicative, creative, dialect, erratum 5.95
Edited, educated, network, error~performance error, punctuation
nonstandard, regional, standard, variety -ers 1.77
English(-man/-woman) 5.57n -ery 1.32
enjoin 16.32, 63 -es plurals 5.97
enjoy 6.25n; 8.107; 16.26,39 escape (verb) 16.39,40
enlarge 7.85n; (( ~ up)on) 16.28 -ese 5.88; 1.37
enormously 8.105 Eskimo(s) 5.88
enough (adverb) 2.28; 6.53; 7.22, 50, 60, ESP I.75
97;8.98,111,113-115,127,131; especially 5.17n; 8.116; 17.73,87
10.62n; 15.73; 16.75n Esq 17.91n
(determiner) 5.13, 14, 17n, 23n; 15.73 -esque 1.39
(pronoun) 6.13,57; 12.10, 17; 15.73 -ess 5.105; 1.33
(~of a . .. ) 15.73n essentia116.72, 82; (~ly) 8.127, 130n
enquire 16.35; (~of) 16.61 -est 3An; 7.2, 74-86
ensuing 19.37 establish 16.31, 35
ensure 16.31, 32 esteem 16A6; (~ as) 16A7
-ent 1.14 estimate (verb) 8.108n; 16.31
enter 16.19 -et 1.28n
entire 7.33, 35n; 8.106; (~ly) 7.56; et a113.104n
8.105-107 et cetera 13.104
entitle 16.50 et seq(q) 13.104n
entrails 5.77 etc 10.37n; 13.104; lIl.28
entreat 16.32, 63 -eth 3An
enumerative conjunct 8.136, 137-138, ethnic nouns~names (classified: peoples)
143, 144n, 148 -ette 5.105; 1.19, 33, 77
envelop(e) 1.56 etymology 5.82; 1.2, 3, 71; IlIA
envisage 16.39 popular 1.13
envy (for) 16.56, 57 -eu nouns 5.99
epistemic ~ modality, possibility euphemism 7.38n
epistolary formulae 8.91n; IIL11 Euro- 1.66, 76n
equal (verb) 7.85n; 10.14 Eurovision 1.76
equality~equivalence comparison evaluative~adjective, how, noun, verbs
equally (conjunct) 8.137, l38 (semantic classification: general.
(subjunct) 8.116,119 evaluation)
equative conjunct 8.136,137-138; 19.52 even 8.116, 117,119; 13A2; 15.30; 19.55;
equative verb ~ copular verb (but ~) 10.41n; (~if) 8.145;
equip 3.8n; 16.50 14.13-14, 18-19, 24n; (not ~)
equivalence 8.120n; 10.57n; (~so) 19.56;
comparison 15.63, 71, 72, 75 (~ when) 14.14n
in apposition 17.74,75-80 see also: if, now, though
see also: conjoin(t), functional equivalence, even ~ stress
nonequivalence event (at all ~ s) 8.137; (in any ~ ) 8.137;
-er (adjective base ending) 7.81 (in the ~ of) 15.34n; (in the ~ that)
(agential) 1.11, 16n, 31n, 34, 62, 63, 71 14.12, 14n; 15.32, 34, 35, 38n
·1700 Index

event--+completion, past, progressive, excess comparison 15.63, 72-75

verbs (semantic classification: excessive(ly) 15.73
momentary, transitional) exchange (in) 9.66; (in ~ for) 9.11
eventive exclaim 16.31, 35n
object 3.35; 10.30,32,33; 18.38,43 exclamation 2046,57,58; 4.13; 5.37;
subject 7.30; 8.51; 10.10,25,33; 16.24 7.88n; 8.106; 11.2,8, 11,41,54;
see also: noun, verbs (semantic 14.25n, 35; 18.16, 27n, 55-56;
classification: event) 19.18
eventually (adjunct) 8046, 55, 72 echo 11.33, 37; 14.33n
(conjunct) 8.137; 19.38 indirect 14.33; 16.35n
ever (intensifier) 6.39n; 7.64, 90; 8.60, mark 11.22; IILl, 3,14,20,23
69,112; 11.14n; 15.9n, 29; 16.70 point --+ exclamation (mark)
(time adjunct) 2.54; 4.13n; 7.70; see also: verbless
10.60; 11.13 exclamative2.46; 11.1, 10,31-32,37;
(time subjunct) 8.98, 117n 111.23-24
(for ~) 7.70n; (hardly ~) 8.98; ellipsis 11.32
(not . .. ~) 8.70; (yours ~) 8.91n see also: exclamatory
vs. -ever 15.9n exclamatory
see also: never, since clause/sentence 4.7; 6.34n, 52n; 7.30;
-ever 5.14; 11.14n; 15.8,9,42 8.97n; 10.17; 14.20; 15.3,4, 7; 16.35n
every 5.12,14,18; 6.13, 45, 47, 49, 51; phrase 6.55n; 11.53
8.52,64; 9040, 41, 58; 10.37n, 43, question 11.8, 22-23; ILl8
65; 17.5; 18A5n the 5.37n
(~one) 6.51 see also: exclamative, how, tag, what
see also: each excluding (preposition) 9.8,58
every- 5.12; 6.45-47, 49,51; (~body) exclusive (~ ly) 8.116; (~ of) 9.10
6.9,12,45-47,49; 10043,50; exclusive
(~one) 6.9, 45-47, 49; 10043,50; vs. inclusive conjunction 1I1.8n
(~ thing) 6045-47, 49, 50n; 9.58; plural 17.109
17.15; (~ where) 8041 subjunct 8.116
evident 16.72; (~ ly) 8.127, 128 see also: mutually defining, or, we
ex- L1.7, 27; IlIA excuse (verb) 16.57; (~for) 16.57;
-ex nouns 5.96 (~me)10.53;11.34n ~
exact7.35 exemplification (apposition) 17.74,86
exactly (disjunct) 8.126 exhort 16.63
(subjunct) 8.116, 118n, 120n; 15.50 existential sentence 3.47; 1O.34n; 11.40,
exaggerate 7.85n 44; 15.15; 17.15,50; 18.44-54
exam Ll2, 74 bare 10.2n; 15.14; 18.47,49
examine 16.26 frequency 18.50
example,for8.137; 17.73,86; 19.55; have-9.55; 16A4n,54; 18.51-53
IILlI infinitive with 18048, 53-54 .
exceed 7.85n relative with 18048, 53
except 9.4n; 12.51n space adjunct and 18.50
(conjunction) 6.5; 14.12; 15.34n,44 there 2.59; 3.29, 47; 6A3lL; 10.34n;
(preposition) 6.5,27; 9.7, 58 12047; 16.83n; 17.31; 18.23, 32n,
(~for}6.27; 9.10, 58-59; 15A4n; 44-50
(~ that) 9.3n; 14.12; 15.34,44; 16.28n verbless 18.54
excepting (conjunction)( ~ (that)) 14.12; verbs in 18049
15044 see also: nominal clause, there, ·verbs
(preposition) 9.8,58 (semantic classification)
exception (with the ~ of) 9.11, 58 exocentric--+ headed construction
exception exocentric compound --+ bahuvrihi
clause 15.34, 44 expect 12.28; 14.36; 15.54; 16.26,31,
preposition 9.7-8, 58; 15.15; 18.39 41n,50
Index 1701

expectation 10.61; 11.8 F

new vs. old 11. 7
positive/negative/neutral 11.8 ; 14.23 face (in (the) ~ of) 9.11; (~up to) 16.9,
expecting -+ verbs (semantic 29
classification) fact 9.2; 17.26; (in ~) 9.5n; 12.30;
expense (at the ~ of) 9.11, 12n (the ~ (that)) 14.14
experiencer 10.21n,23n, 30; 16.71,73 factive disjunct 8.129
explain 16.26, 31, 35, 37n, 60; (~ to) factual 3.52; 15.49-50
16.57 see also: condition (open), counterfactual,
explanation (clause function) 13.23n, 27 verbs (semantic classification)
expletive 8.21; 11.54; 18.13,55, 59n; factuality orientation 19.15
I.16n,76n factually 8.127
it 10.26n; -+ it (prop) fail 6.59 ; 16.38; (~ to) 3.49
explicatory echo 11.33, 36 failing (preposition) 9.8
explicit-+ apposition (marker) faint 7.38
explicitness 1.29; 2.58;7.82n,85, 86; fair 7.82; 8.100n; (in all ~ ness) 8.125
8.10n, 52; 9.66; 12.4; 15.64n, 71n; fairly 7.56; 8.100-102
17.8,10,13,21,24,30,33,37,52, faithfully, yours 8.91n
61,104,107-108,117,120,121,123 fall (verb) 3.16; 16.2n, 19, 21; (~ back)
see also: apposition, postmodification 16.19n; (~ down) 16.21; (~en)
explode 4.27 3.16; (~off) 16.19n; (~out) 16.3,
express (verb) 16.35 19n;(~ through) 16.19n
expression -+ diminisher falling tone 8.135; l1.5n, 7n, 8,10,12,
expressive -+ coordination, repetition 14,20,22,23, 28n, 36, 37; 14.36n,
extensibility 2.7 -10 37; 15.54n; 17.86; 18.18; 19.9,26-27,
extensive-+copular verb 63,65; 11.12,13, 15n, 18n; III.23
extent (to some ~) 8.105,111,114-115; fall-plus-rise tone 10.65; 18.8n;
10.60; l1.4n; (to what ~) 8.25n, 18.17-18, 59n; 19.65; II.15
110n; 11.15n fall-rise tone 4.53; 8.112, 143n; 10.52,
extent-+measure (phrase) 65; 11.25; 14.37; 18.16, 18;
external-+causer, modality, negation 19.26-27; 11.14, 15n
extra-1.26n,29 familiar with 16.69
extralinguistic factors 4.11-12; familiar -+ informal, -s
5.27-29; 6.15, 40, 43; 12.6-7, 12, familiarity marker 1.74n, 77
46; 15.38, 68n; 17.66, 80; 18.9n family -+ names (classified)
see also: situatiorial context fancy 16.31, 39 .
extraordinary 16.72 far (adjective) 7.75,82,83,88
extraposition 18.33-36 (adjunct) 7.83; 8.41,48; 10.61n
clausal 3.70; 6.17; 7.28n; 8.128; (subjunct) 7.90; 8.63n, 105; 10.62
12.47; 15.4,6-7,10,12; 16.28,30, (~and away)7.90; (as ~ as) 9.11,17;
35, 37, 41, 45, 46, 60n, 70, 72, 73, 14.12; (by ~) 7.90; 8.105; 15.19;
79; 18.33-36, 44n (~from) 18.31n; (how ~) 8.3, 48,
of object 3.70; 15.7; 16.34n; 18.35 110n;10.13;11.15n;(so~)8.62, .
of subject 2.59; 14.39; 15.4,6,7,10, 72; 19.36; (so ~ as) 15.19
12; 16.18n, 34, 38n, 59, 60, 72, 73, see also: farther/est,further/est
76,80,82,83; 18.33-36, 44n farewells 11.54
phrasal 18.33n farther 7.75, 83; 8.48
see also: -ing participle clause, it farthest 7.75, 83; 8.48n
extreme 7.33,34; 8.106; (~ ly) 7.56; fascinate 16.26; (~ d) 16.78
8.106,109n -fashion 7.46; 1.41n
extrinsic -+ modality fast (adjective) 7.82; 1.41
(adverb) 7.6,83
(amplifier) 7.56n
(~er ... than) 15.52n
1702 Index

fated 16.79 figure (verb) 14.36; (~out) 16.12

Father 10.53 fill (out) 16.26n; (~up) 4.27
fathom 16.35 final 19.38
faux pas 5.99 final position
favour (noun)(in ~) 9.66; (in ~ of) 9.11 in clause 6.38-39; 7.29; 8.15n, 21, 22,
(verb) 8.107 23,26,35-38,43,44,47,49,51,55,
FBII.75 56,60,63,65,66,73, 77n, 78n,
fear (for ~ (that)) 3.61; 15.48; (I ~) 84-87,90-92,95,97,98, lOin, 102,
15.54 105,108,109, ll1n, 114, 119, 124,
feasible 15.25 144,150-152; 10.9, 16, 17,63,64;
fed 3.18; 16.31; (~up) 16.4n 12.30n; 13.61n, 91; 14.9; 15.49n;
feeble 7.33 18.5,11; 19.65n; IlL8, 17-18,20
feed (verb) 3.1'8; 6.25; 10.51n in sentence 4.24; 8.l43n; 10.52-53;
feel 3.15, 76; 4.29-30; 6.25n; 7.9; 10.23; 11.25; 13.4n, 8-9,18,55,103;
14.30; 16.21,22, 24n, 26, 31, 50, 52, 14.13, 16n, 29,37-41; 15.20-23,
53,54 25, 28n, 29, 37,41,43,47,49,
(~as if) 14.36; (I ~) 15.54; (~ like) 53-56, 57n, 59-62, 75; 18.59n
16.24n; (~oneself) 6.25 see also : but, ellipsis, initial, medial, so
feet 5.84 finally (adjunct) 8.55, 72
fell (past tense,fall) 3.16 (conjunct) 8.137; 19.37, 38, 56
(present tense,fell) 16.l9n (and ~) 8.144
felt 3.15 find (verb) 3.18; 10.4n; 16.26,31,44,46,
female (gender) 1.26; 5.56, 57n, 50,53, 54, 57; (~for) 16.57; (~out)
104-106,109-111; 6.1,8-10,13, 16.4,12,35; (~out about) 9.60;
14; 10.50; 1.33n 16.35; (~strange) 16.45
feminine fine (adjective) 7.8; (~ r) 7.85
gender-+ female (adverb) 7.8; (~ ly) 7.8
suffix 1.33 (verb) 16.57
usage 5.66n; 11.30,32; 19.65; I.76n finish (verb) 4.34; 16.40; (~up) 16.12
see also: coordinate finite
feminism 6.10 clause 3.22,25,52; 6.5, 25n; 7.20;
festivals-+names (classified) 8.10n, 13, 20n, 23, 24, 30n, 53, 86,
fever 5.49n 87,124,125,130; 9.3, 4, 55; 10.6,
few (determiner) 2.54n; 6.44n, 59; 10.59; 34, 55, 57, 58n; 11.40; 12.59; 13.35,
12.39 50; 14.5-9, 10-14,18, 19,20-41;
(postdeterminer) 5.23-24; 10.66; 15.1-3, 4-9, 18~23, 34, 41n, 42n,
13.71n; 15.9 46n, 48,53,58,71, 74n; 16.25,30-35,
(pronoun) 2.54n; 6.48,62; 12.10, 17; 50,61,64,66,73; 17.2, 9-26,
12.39 29,31,33,35,36,37,44,92-93;
predicative use 5.23n 18.32,33,54; 19.39,41,60; lIU8
pro-form use 12.10, 17 verb 2.49; 3.2, 30, 32, 52, 59; 4.17n;
(a ~) 5.23, 38n; 6.48, 53, 57, 62; 11.37; 12.23,26; 13.92n; 14.5, 15,
10.35n, 59, 61n; (~andfar between) 20; 16.22,77
8.48; 13.71n; (~er) 5.24; 6.48, 53; vs. nonfinite criteria 3.2, 30, 52
10.66; 12.10, 17; (~ est) 5.24; 6.48, see also: coordinate, object,
53; 12.10, 17; (too ~ ) 6.57 postmodification, subordinator, verb
see also: less,1east phrase
ff13.104n finite phrase 3.21, 52-57; 4.18n, 67;
fictional narrative-+present (fictional) 8.122n; 10.34; 17.28, 54; 18.16
field -+ discourse (field of) followed by nonfinite phrase 3.57
fifth 6.64 simple vs. complex 3.54- 55, 57
fight (verb) 3.18; (~with) 9.53 structure 3.54-55
figurative -+ metaphorical finiteness scale 3.52, 56
figuratively 8.124. fire (verb)4.27, 35; (~ away) 16.12
Index 1703

firm (amplifier adjective) 7.33, 43 focus [cont]

firms --+ names (classified) marked 18.11,12,21,29,37,39; 11.15
first subsidiary 13.37
(adjunct) 8.55,72; 19.36 see also: adverbial, cleft sentence,
(conjunct) 8.137, 138n, 143; 19.38,55, comparison, end focus, focusing
subjunct, information, interrogation,
negation, operator, theme, to
(postdeterminer) 5.34, 119; 6.63-64;
17.15,32 focusing subjunct 2.56; 8.17, 25, 97n,
(~andforemost) 8.144n; (at ~) 19.38;
lOOn, 102,116-120,121,134;9.63;
(~ly) 8.137, 138n; 19.38; (in
11.7; 14·.14n; 15.20,30; II.21
the ~ place) 8.137; (~ofall) 8.137 -fold 1.28n, 41n
folk(s) 5.78
first language --+ English
fish (noun) 5.87
folk etymology --+ etymology
follow 16.26; (as ~ s) 17.73; 19.47;
fissile 1.9
fission(able) 1.9
IIU1; (the ~ ing) 19.47
following (adjective) 7.21; 19.37
fit (adjective) 16.79,81
(verb) 3.17,68; 10.14; 16.27,50 (preposition) 9.8
(~ting) 3.59; 16.72
fond 7.39; (~of) 7.39; 16.69
fool (around) 16.12; (~ ishly) 8.127, 128
fix Nup with 16.9
foot/feet 5.84
fixed phrase 3.60; 4.7n, 53; 5.34n, 51, 70,
vs.feet 5.89n; 7.22
114; 7.6, 21, 26, 66n; 9.1n, 5n, 15n,
foot, on 5.51
19n; 10.58; 15.14; 16.52; 17.28n,
foot (rhythmical) 11.2
103; 18.45n
for'(conjunction) 2.60; 8.146n; 13.5,
see also: stereotyped
8-10,12,18-19,103; 14.6, 17, 33n;
fixed stress --+ stress 15.10, 44n, 46-47; 16.36,41,66,75,
fixed word -order language 2.14
80,82; 17.30,31; 19.58; Ill. 18
flammable 1.21n (particle) 16.2
flannels 5.76 (preposition) 2.23; 7.70; 8.9, 52, 55n,
flash (verb) 4.27 59,60,86,133; 9.7, 9,10,36,38,42,
flat (adjective) 7.8 43,44,45,46,53,62; 10.19n,47;
(adverb) 7.8; (~ly) 7.8; 8.124,125 16.57, 69n; 17.37
flatter 16.26 (prepositional adverb) 9.66n
flee/fled 3.15, 16; 9.31; (~ from) 9.31 cause 8.9, 146n; 9.44
flew 3.16 purpose 8.9; 9.45
fling (verb) 3.18 respect 8.9
flounder (noun) 5.87 see also: certain, example, instance, long,
flown 3.16 sake, start, sure, thing
flu 1.74 forasmuch as 14.12
flung 3.18 forbad(e) 3.16
fly (verb) 3.16 forbear 3.16
fob off(on) 16.9n; (~N off with) 16.9 forbid(den) 3.16; 16.63
focus (verb) 3.8 force (verb) 16.50
focus(es)/foci 5.93 force--+communicative, emotive,
focus 1.18,29; 2.56, 59; 5.40, 117; 6.5, external causer, illocuti6nary,
43n; 8.8, 56, 66, 84, 86, 87, 1J7; locutionary, privative
10.32,59,65; 11.8n; 12.24; 13.4n, forceps 5.76
22n; 14.36, 37; 15.10n, 20, 23, 62; fore- (locative) 1.26
17.4; 18.9, 10-54; 19.34n; 1.58, 59, (temporal) 1.27
70; 11.16, 21 forecast 3.17; 16.31
concatenated 18.18 forego 3.19
contrastive 2.56; 5.17; 8.18, 21, 35, foregoing, the 19.47
130; 12.24, 28n, 54, 56n; 16.6; foreman 1.24n
18.21n, 22, 56; 11.9,15 forementioned 19.47n
divided 17.78; 18.17,21,26,37, 38n, 59 foremost 7.82n
1704 Index

foresee 3.16; 16.31 forsook 3.16

foretell 3.16; 16.31 forswear 3.16
forever4.26n; 7.70n; 8.98; 9.36 fortnightly 7.9; 8.64
forewarn 16.59 fortunate 16.72,82,83; (~ly) 8.127,128,
forget 3.16, 18; 8.75n, 107; 16.26,31,35, 130,133n
38,39,40 forum 5.95
forgive 3.16; 16.57; (~for) 16.57 forward(s) 8A1; 16.2
forgo 3.19 forward -+-span
forgot(ten) 3.16 fossilization 3.62; I.5
form -7 meaning, phonological fought 3.18
form/function 2.12,24,29 found 3.18
form class-7word class fractions 5.15,18; 8.118n; 10A1n, 42;
formal (vs. informal) 1.17, 23, 31-:33, 37, 15.71n; IlIA
38,41,42; 8.21; 9.7n; 19.87; I.16 see also: numeral, partition
constructions 2A4; 3.23, 34, 59, 60, fragmentary sentence 11.38
61, 66; 4.26n, 42, 47, 48, 49, 52, 53, 'fraid 12.51n
57,58; 5.17, 23n, 55, 64,103; 6.3-5, frame -7 time
9,12, 18, 19,31,35,38,39,42,50, frankly (adjunct) 8.148
53n,56, 66, 69; 7.7, 22, 56n, 86; (disjunct) 8.124,125,130,148
8.35,52,79, 80,.85n, 86, 90-91, 97, (subjunct) 8.100, 126, 148
98, 103n, 140, 144;9.6, 38n, 44, 57, free (adjective) 16A5, 79, 81
60; 1O.7n, 8,41,42, 43n, 45, 50,53, (~from) 16.69
55,56,58; 11!7, 8,14, 15n, 18, 28, free -7 direct speech, indirect speech,
37,41,54; 12.11, 19,23, 28n, 35, variation
61n; 13.36, 61-63, 72n, 78, 81, 88, free combination-7phrasal verb,
91,94,96; 14.12-13,24; 15A, 5, 8n, prepositional verb
12,34, 35n, 36,38, 39,44,46,48, free morpheme 1.2n
49,50,51,57,58,59,67,73,74; freedom 17.36
16.30,32,36,42,59,60,63,70; freeze 3.16;16.21; (~N hard) 16A5
17.12,14,17,19,24,30, 91n, 96, French lA, 5n, 6, 8, 15; 5.99,104; 9.7n,
122; 18.14n, 24, 48, 54; 19.18,42, IOn; 17.59-60; 1.6,13,14,21,36;
47,49, 51,60,62,63, 64, 65, 68n; HA
1.26n, 27n, 34;HL5n, 11,12,13,20, French fries 1. 74
26n,29 frequency, with AD] 9 Al
vocabulary 4.23; 5.77; 6.25; 7A6, 83; frequency (fundamental) 11.2, 17
8.3n, 78n, 111, 127, 137; 9.7, 8,10, frequency (statistical) 1.42; 17.115
15n, 19, 21, 22, 32, 56, 58; 10.53; frequency (temporal)
11.54; 13.61; 16.79; 17.73; 19.33, adjunct 8.52-54,64+71,73,74,76,77
36-37,47; 1.39; HI.28 adverbial4A, 6, 15,20,23,26; 5.18;
formally 8.127 8.4, 11; 9A1; 15.28
former 7.36; 19.36; (~ly) 8.55; 19.36; definite 8.64, 66
(the ~) 19A9 disjunct 8.67n
formula(e/s) 5.92, 94 high 8.65,67, 70
formulae (punctuation of) HI.30 imperatives and 8.77n
see also: anger, disjunct, epistolary, indefinite 8.53, 64, 66-71
formulaic (utterance) low 8.65,67,70
formulaic quantifiers and 8.71
disjunct8.127n; 18.17 subjunct 3.27; 8.98, 108,115
question 3.24n; 19.62 universal 8.65, 67
subjunct 8.90 see also: continuous, occasion, period,
subjunctive 3.58, 60; 4.53n usual
utterance 2.58; 3A2n; 11.38,54; frequentative -7 verbs (semantic
12.34, 65n; 19.48;1.7 classification)
. forsake(n) 3.16 frequently 8.65, 67 ":71, 77
Index 1705

jridge 1.74 future [cont]

}riendlily 1.41 tense 4.3.41
}riendly 7.9, 81n; (~ with) 16.69 tIme 3.30. 46, 48.4.2-5,37,38,40,
}righten ( ~ ed) 16.71, 78: (,~ ed about) 41-48,51,52,56,57,58,62,65n.
16.69; (~ing) 16,72 66: 8.49,55,57,63, 75,76,98, 103.
}rolic{verb) 3.8 112; 9.35; 1l.8n, 24, 46; 14.22 -23,
from (particle) 16.2 20--27; 15,35,36; 15,68n; 16,30,
(preposition) 7.70; 8.59, 62; 9,7, 9,10, .+6n; 18,16
15,18,27,28,32,37,44,47,61; nme, using present tense 4.9
16.42,69 time, using past tense 4. 16
(away ~) 7.70; 9.10,15,18; 16.2; See also past. present. tense
(~ , , . to) 8.62; 9.37,39 -/y 1.42
front(in - )9.19,66; 16,2; Un - 0/)9.11,19
fronting2.59; 8.152; 10.7n, 58-59; G
11.21; 13,9L.n; 15.51; 16,13, 15;
18.19,20-25,58, 59n; 19.7 -g doubling in verbs 3,8
see also: adverbial, myselj; object, gainsay 3,5n
predication, pronoun, theme, wh- gallows 5.91
}rosty 16.81 galore 5.23n
froze(n)3.16 games -,.. names (classnied)
frozen expression -+ fixed phrase ganglion 5.98
frozen style 1.33; 5.43, 50; I.36n gapping 12.44; 13.92-93; III,9
-juI5.102;7.1; 17.102;I.3, 15,32,38 garment (vs. clothing) 5.4
fulfilment 15.11 -gate I.l3n, 76
jull7.35n, 88n: 8.106; (- of) 16.69; garher 16.31
(- y) 8,105,106 gare 3.16; (- st) 3.4n
full-+ apposition, con version, verb gaze at 9.63
full point/stop --,> period geese 5.84
jun 7, 14n; (for/in -) 9.45n; (make- of) gender 5 104-111; 6,8-10
16.58; (~nily) 8.127,131 animate ).104-110
function -+ communicati ve, discourse, classes5.1V4, 105-110; 17,39,58
ellipsis, form, nonfinite, regulative grammatical 5, 104
function word -+ word (grarnmatical) inanimate5.104. 110, III
functional con version/shift-+ con version indetermiUd.te 6.9: 10.50
functional equivalence 2.12,20 marked vs. unmarked 5.105, 6.10,12.
functional load -+ English 1.64
fundamentally 8,127, 130n; 19.56 mixed 17.11
funds 5.77 notional 5,104
fungus(es)/fungi 5.93 noun 5,57n, 104-111
furiOUS 16.78; (~ with) 16.69 pronoun 1.26; 5,104,6,1,8-10,13.
further (adverb) 7.83; 8.48 14,24,32,34,41
(conjunct) 8.137,143 scale 5.109-110, 117; 17,39
(subjunct) 8.116, 119 see also: collecti ve, common, concord,
(ordinal) 5.22; 7.75 dual, female, genitive, mg.le.
(~more) 8.137, 143n nunpersonal, pers0n(li
furthest 7.75, 83; 8.48n genera 5.93
fuss (make a ~ about/of/over) 16.58; general, in 8.125n
(~ y about) 16.73 general-+ distance, ellipsis, noun,
future, in (the) 8.59n numeral, subjunct·
future general evaluation -+ verbs (semantic
auxiliary 4.42, 46, 57, 65n classification)
frequency of expressions 4.42, 45, 47 general knowledge -+ extralinguistic
in the past 4.37, 48; 14.26 factors
past in the 4.19, 45n general/particular 19.17, 22, 55
1706 Index

generalization 1.18; 2.41, 43,61 genitive [cont]

generally (disjunct) 8.124, 125n superlatives and 5.119
(frequency adjunct) 8.65, 67 syntactic factors 17.44
( ~ speaking) 8.67n zero 5.113-114
generic see also: apposition, attribute, coordinate,
noun (phrase) reference 3.72n; 5.17, measure, objective, o!(-construction), -s,
26, 33n, 38n, 40,52-59, 60n; 6.21; subjective
7.22,24,25,26, 39n, 71; 8.71; gentlemen 19.65
10.38,46,58,61; 12.35; 14.23n; gents 1.74
15.13, 34n; 17.3, 12, 19,46,99, genus/genera 5.93
109 geographical-+ names (classified)
pronoun 6.21, 23; 1.65n German 5.57n, 84n
sentence 10.13 German 1.2; 5.104, 123; 8.91n; I.l4, 25n
see also: article, one, we, you Germanic 1.40; 11.4
genitive gerund 15.12n; 17.54; 1.3
case 5.112-126; 6.2-4, 5, 29, 30n, 56, see also: -ing participle
58; 7.13, 23; 9.54; 10.20n; 15.12; gerundi vel gerundi val clause -+ -ing
16.42,53; 17.33,36; 111.27 clause
communicative factors 17.45 gesture 11.25, 53
construction 2.29; 5.72, 115 -126; get 1.24; 3.18, 49, 66; 6.25; 8.47; 10.3,
7.86; 8.133; 9.12n; 12.54; 14.39; 30, 32n; 11.24; 16.2n, 21, 23, 24, 26,
15.13-14; 17.38~45 39n,44,48,50,53,54
descriptive 5.116,122; 17.38, 110 (~around to) 16.39; (~ away with)
determinative 5.121,126; 6.2-3; 10.6, 16.9, 12,29; (~ by) 16.3; (~ down
7,48; 17.38-39 to) 16.29; (~ going) 16.17; (~ (N)
double 5.126 off) 16.4n; ( ~ on) 16.3; ( ~ over)
embedded 5.123 16.6; ( ~ rid of) 16.17; ( ~ to) 3.45n,
gender and 5.117 49; (~up) 6.25; (Ved) 3.40, 49
grammatical status of 5.121-126 see also: passi ve
group 5.123; 13.72; 15.12,75; 17.44, GHQI.75
119; I.l8n gird3.l2n
independent 5.124; 6.2-3, 30 girl-1.33n
inflection 5:113-114; 6.47; 7.69; girt 3.12n
15.75; 17.38, 119; 111.27 give 3.16; 10.30,32; 16.2n, 57; 18.43
lexicalfactors 17.39,43,45 (~in) 16.3,4; (~n) 3.16; (~place to)
local 5.125 16.58; (~ris.e to) 16.8; (~to) 16.57;
meanings of 5.63n, 112, 116; 17.46n 18.31n; (~up) 16.4n, 39;
modified/modifying 5.122 (~wayto)16.7,58
multiple 17.118 given (conjunction) 14.12,14; 15.34, 35n
name 5.72 (preposition) 9.3,8
noun classes and 5.118; 17.39,42 (~ that) 14.12; 15.34, 35n
noun heads and 5.120 given-+names (classified)
o/vs. -s 5.115; 17.38-45,62, 109, 119 given vs. new information 2.56, 59;
of origin 5.116 6.43n; 8.45, 54,116,151; 9.9~ 10.6;
ordinals and 5.119 12.4,24; 13.3; 17.78, 109; 18.8-54;
partitive 5.64n, 116, 117; 17.40,46 19.12,23,25, 34n, 60n, 66-68;
possessive 5.112, 116, 118n; 10.20n II.l6
post- 5.126; 6.29, 30; 17.38,46 semi-18.8n
premudification by 5.14n; 17.94, 109, glad 16.71, 78;( ~ about) 16.69; (~at)
110; 17.118; 1.64 9.63; (~of) 16.69
pronoun 6.2-4,29,31,33,34,36; glance at 9.63
16.42,53; 17.13-14 glasses 5.76
relational factors 17.40 glide/glode 3.16n
split 17.44 gloss over 16.12
Index 1707

glow (verb) 4.27 graffiti 5.100n

go 3.9,12,19; 4.22; 7.15; 8.28, 30,45, -gram 1.66
47; 9.17, 50n; 15.19; 16.2n, 19,21, grammar 1.12-18, 20, 23-28, 31; 2.1,
23,24,39n 11,37; 4.3; 19.2-4,28
(~ across) 16.12; (~ and) 8.30;13.98; core 2.11
(~astray) 16.3; (~ infor) 16.39; information structure and 18.1, 20-59
(~ into) 16.5,14; (~on) 16.3,40; lexicologyand 1.13, 16, 18,42;
(~past) 16.12; (~ with) 16.15 2.35-38; 19.22; 1.1,7,8, 12n, 14,
goal 18; IlLS
adjunct 8.39-48, 86, 149 meanings of 1.14; 2.11
adverbiaI7.38n; 8.3 notiona12A3
intended 9A6 outline of 2.1- 2
preposition 9.7, 46 phonology and 1.18; 2.56
GodIII.29 pragmatics and 1.18; 2A6n; 19.2
goin' III.27 school1.14n
going (be ~ to) (semi-auxiliary) 3AO, 47; semantics and 1.18; 2A6n, 56; 11.2;
4.43,44, 45n, 46, 47, 48, 66; 8.21, 19.2; 1.12n, 31
30n; 12.64; 15A8n; 18.29 textual structure and 19.19, 21, 30-68
goings-on ---7 verbs (semantic traditional 1.14-17 ; 2A; 4.17n, 42;
classification) 6.5; 9A; 13.39-40; 15.59n, 73n;
gone 3.12, 19 17.54
vs. been---7been see also: intonation, prescriptive,
gonna 8.21; 12A8n; 1.18 punctuation, rule, tone unit
good 7.9, 75,77,82,83; (a~) 6.64n; grammatical
(~and ... ) 13.99; (as ~ as) 8.111, complexity 2.1,44,46; 8.13; 10.ln;
114; ('"" at) 16.69; (~for) 9.36; 14.2,37 -41; 17.16; 18.7; 19.55,60
(very ~) (response) 8.100 see also: concord, gender, genitive,
comparison of 7.77 hierarchy, subject, word
see also: better, best, bit, deal, many grammaticality ---7 acceptability
goods 5.77 grant (verb) 16.32, 57; (~ ing (that»
googolI. 7, 14 14.12; (~ to) 16.57
goose/geese 5.84, 87n grant-in-aid 5.102
gospelI.13 granted (conjunct) 19.56
got 3.18; 8.16; 1O.55n; (had ~ to) 3A5; (conjunction) 8.145; 14.12; 15.35n
(have ~ ten to) 3A5n; (~ ta) 3A5n; (preposition) 9.8
8.21; 12A8n; (~ten) 3.18; (~to) (~ that) 8.145; 14:12; 15.35n

3A5n -graph 1.66

see also: have graphemics ---7 graphology
government 16.8, 30 graphology 1.12; 6.64-69; 18.14; 1.17,
graciously 8.90 74, 76n
gradability 5.24; 6.53; 7A, 85n; 8.5, 9, see also: sentence
80,99,101,104,147; 10.65n; 11.8n; -graphy 1.66
17.98; 1.21n, 36n, 37 grassroots 5.77
see also: adjective, adverb, degree, grateful 16.71
nongradable, noun, verb (semantic great 7.33, 34, 82; (~ly) 8.105,107
classification: gradable) see also: deal, many
gradation 3.11, 12, 19 great- IlIA
gradience 1.27; 2.60, 61; 3AO, 47n, Grecian 5.57n
50-51,56,57; 4.32, 49; 5A2n, 70; greedy 16.76, 79
8.25n, 104; 9A, 12; 10.11-16; Greek 1.14,16; 5.82,97-98,114; 1.6,
12.37; 13.5-6; 14.14,29; 15.9, 44n, 14,28; 11.4
62; 16.11, 15,58,64-67; 17.21,54, greetings 11.54; 19 A4
91; 18.lOn; 1.3, 12n, 18, 35n, 59n grew 3.16
see also: coordination, passive, word class grieve 15.54; 16.26
1708 Index

grind (verb) 3.18 hard (adjective) 6.59; 7.36, 82; 16.80; 1.41
grisly 7.9 (adverb) 7.83; 8.105
gross 5.90; 7.21 hardly 3A2n; 6.59; 7.56; 8.98,100, Ill,
ground (past tense, grind) 3.18 112, 114, 117; 10.64; (~ ... ) 14.13
grounds (on (the) ~ (s) of) 9.11; as response 8.130n
(on the ~ that) 14.l4n see also: ever
group -+ genitive has 3.13, 33; 18A9n; (~n't) 3.33
grouse (noun) 5.87 hast 3An
grow 3.16, 66n; 10.16; 16.21, 23, 24; hasten4.26n; 16.38n
(~into) 16.22n; (~n) 3.16; (~up) hate 8.107; 16.38,39,40,41
4.27 hath 3An
growl (verb) 9A6n have (auxiliary) 2.29,34,49; 3.2, 21, 30,
guarantee (v~rb) 16.31 31,33,47,54,56; 4.28; 8.16; 12.22,
guess (verb) 12.28; 15:54; 16.31, 35; 23,49; 15.11
19A7n (lexical or main) 2.21n, 29, 34; 3.30,
guts 5.77 34-35,68; 4.4, 27, 28, 31 ;"8049;
9.55; 10.14,23,30, 32n, 55; 11.5,
15; 14.9; 15041; 16.27, 52, 53, 54;
17.37; 18043; 1.31n
H dynamic vs. stative 10.55
elision 3A5n
h (initial) 5.11n forms of 3An, 5n, 13, 30, 33; 11.9
habitual3A8; 4.20, 28, 57, 61; 8.52; frequency of 3.33, 34, 48n
11.24, 46n; 14.23n; 15.30; 17.99 passiveofl0.23n; 18.32n
see also: past, present, progressive (do ~ to) 11.13; (~ done with) 16.17;
habitually 8.65, 67 (don't ~ to) 10.67,68; ( ~ got) 3.34,
had 12A8n; 14,20; 15.36 35; 18.51; (~ got to) 3040, 45, 48,
(past tense) 3.13,33 50; 4.50,51,54,55,56,66; 8.21;
(~da) 14.23n; (~n't) 3.33; (~st) 11.5; ( ~ had to have) 3.57; ( ~ n't)
3An; (~ to) 4.55n,61n; 14.34 3.33, 34; ( ~ to) 3.33, 40, 46, 47-48,
see also: have 50; 4.50,51,54,55,56,66,68; 8.21;
half (adverb) 5.17n; 11.21 11.13; 12.64; 14.23
(predeterminer) 5.15-16, 121; 10042 see also: been, existential, had, health
(pronoun) 5.7, 13,16; 12.10,.17 having
(1lOt/-n't ~) 8.107n; II.21;(the ~) prepositions of9.7, 55
5.17n see also: verbs (semantic t:;lassification)
half/halves 5.83 he 5.104-107,109-110; 6.2-6, 8-11,
half- IlIA 14,18,20; 10.50; 12047; 19.51; 11.9
hamstring (verb) 3.18 (~or she) 10.50
hand (noun) (at the ~ s of) 9.11 ; (by ~ ) head (noun) 5.90; (~s) 5.77
5.51; (on the one/other ~) 8.137, (verb) 9045
141; 15.32; 19.55,56 head 2.26, 27 - 33; 6A6n
(verb) 16.57; (~down) 16:12; (~in) clause -+ clause (main)
1604; (~ to) 16.57 ellipsis of 5.89, 124; 6.64; 9.14n;
handicap (verb) 3.8 12.54.:...58
handsome7.81n; 11.43n multiple 17.120
hang 3.18 see also: abstract, adjective, adverb,
hanky 1.74n genitive, noun phrase, personal,
happen 7.36; 11.15n; 16.19, 34, 38n; pronoun
(~ to) 3.40, 49; 4.66; 16.60n . headache 5A9n; 1.12n
happily 8.127, 129 headed/nonheaded construction 2.26, 27
happy 7.39; 16.71, 78;(~about)7.39; headlinese 1.28; 4.8n; 11.46; 12.52;
16.69; (~that) 7.39; (~to) 7.39; 14.29; 17.82n, 104, 109; III.29n
15.54; (~ with) 16.69 headquarters 5.91
Index 1709

health hesitate about 16.38

adjectives 7.38, 77 hesitation 19.59n; 11.10
enquiries 18.16 hew(ed/n) 3.14
use of have 3.34 hey 10.53; 11.55
use of how 11.15n Hiberno-English 1.25
heaps of5.25n; 10.43n see also: regional English
hear 3.16; 4.8,29-30; 10.23; 15.54; hid(den)3.16
16.26,31,35,52,53,54 hide (verb) 3.16; 6.25; (~oneself) 6.25
(~ about) 9.60; 16.28, 35; (~ d) 3.16; hierarchy
(~of) 16.28; (I ~) 15.54 grammaticaI2.7-10, 12, 14n, 46;
hearer -+ speaker 5.121-124; 6.19; 12.45; 13.2-3,93;
hearing -+ verb {semantic classification) 14.2-4; 17.61,71; 19.28; IIL22
heartily 8.105 see also: adjunct, punctuation, space
hearts 5.77 adverbial, time adverbial
heave(d) 3.18 high (adjective) 7.8, 66, 82, 88
heaven (in ~) 8.100; 18.59n; (in ~ 's (adverb) 7.8; (~ ly) 7.8,56; 8.105
name) 11.14n; (~s) 5.77 high -+ frequency, pitch
heavy 7.36,88 higher animals -+ animals
heavy-+end-weight, punctuation, stress highlight (verb) 3.18
Hebrew 1.2; 5.101 highlighting 2.59; 8.126n; 10.17; 13.4n;
heck ((in) the ~) 7.64; (~of a) 7.64,89 18.7,26-29; 19.34n, 67
hedged -+ performati ve him 6.2-6,8-11, 14
hedging 8.124,126; 15.33, 38,40,54 himself6.6, 14,23-28
see also: tentativeness hindmost7.82n
height (dimension) 17.114 hint 16.31; (~at) 16.28
held 3.18 his 5.14; 6.2-6, 8-11, 14, 29; 12.39
heliport I. 76 historic(al) I.39n
hell (in the ~) 7.64; 8;100; 18.59n; historic-+ present
(~of a) 7.64,89; (the ~) 7.64; history -+ English (history of)
8.100; 11.14n; 18.59n; (~uva) hit (verb) 3.17; (~ off) 16.4n
17.47 hither 19.33; (~to) 19.36
hello 11.54; 12.34 hm 7.54
help (verb) 16.19, 26, 38, 50, 52; hoe (verb) 3.9
(can't ~) 4.52n; 16.39 hold (verb) 3.18,68; 10.24; 16.26,31,44,
hemi- 1.28 46; (""' forth aqout/on) 9.59; (~ out)
hence 8.137, 144,145; 13.11; 19.33; 16.12
(~forth/ ~ forward) 19.37n holiday (noun) 1.14
her 1.26; 5.14; 6.2-6, 8-11,14,29; home (adverb) 7.46n, 67, 70; 8.41, 50n;
(~s) 6.2-6, 8-11, 14,29 19.34
here (place adverb) 3.23; 4.l1n; 6.43; (noun) 5.44
7.67,70; 8.41, 48; 19.33, 34, 64n; (particle) 16.2
11.21 (at ~) 5.51
(time adverb) 19.36 homeward(s) 7.46n
and now 19.15, 31-32 homograph 2.38
pro-form use 8.10n, 41; 12.10, 11; homomorph 2.38; 3.41, 47n; 7.6-10, 13;
19.47 12.16, 18,39-40
(~abouts) 8.41, 48; (~ ... be) 8.47; homonymy 2.38; 7.32, 34,35, 36n, 39;
18.23; (~by) 4.26n; 7.46; ll.3n; 8.143; 13.87; 16.6n; 17.97
(~ upon) 19.37n; (~ with) 4.26n; verb/noun 1.19
7.46 homophone 2.38
herring 5.87 honestly (disjunct) 8.101n, 124, 127n,
herself6.6, 14,23-28 130n
hertz5.90 (subjunct) 8.100-102
hesitant 16.79 honorific 7.76n
1710 Index

honours 5.77 hurt (verb) 3.17; 4.29; 6.25

-hood I.13n, 32 hybrid -+ word-formation
hoo/s/ hooves 5.83 hyper-1.24
hop (verb) 3.7 hyperbole 8.126; 16.4n; 18.55; 19.45;
hope (noun) 16.28n; 17.36 1.24,76n
(verb) 3.7; 4.28,47; 12.28; 14.22; hypercorrection 1.17; 3.62n; 6.5, 35n,
16.31,38 38n; 8.8In; 9.4; 15.5n; 17.63n
(~for) 16.14, 28,41; (~fid) 16.71; hypernym 19.21, 24
(~fully) 8.127, 129n; (I ~) 8.129n; hyperurbanism 6.27
15.54; (~ less at) 16.69, 83; (- of) hyphenation 6.64n, 67; 8.89n; 13.1 02n;
16.28n 16.14n; 17.58, 101, 108, 121, 122;
horrified i 6. 71 I.l7, 21, 24, 27n, 59; 11.6; lI1.3, 4,5
horsepower 5.90 hypocoristic 1.65n, 77
hospital 5.44 hypotaxisJ3.2; 14.2; 17.114, 116; 19.5n;
hourly 7.9; 8.64 Ill. 8
houses 5.83 hypothesis 5.97
hove 3.18 hypothetical meaning 3.30, 46, 62; 4.62,
how (conjunction) 7.28n, 53; 14.20; 15.7, 63n,64; 8.127; 11.l3; 15.50; 16.40,
8; 17.18 72n
(exclamatory) 2.57; 8.105, 109n; see also: condition, past, verbs (semantic
10.17; 11.1,31-32; 15.7,74; classification)
16.35n; 18.57 hypothetically 8.127
(interrogative) 7.53, 66, 88; 8.10, 25,
78,79,80,110; 9.43,48, 49; 10.11;
11.14-19; 15.64,66, 69n; 16.15,
61n; 18.59n
(premodifier) 8.83,102, 106, 120
evaluative 11.15n 1(= initial position)-+initial
in pseudo-cleft sentence 18.30 T (= speaker) 14.8; 15.18n, 19n, 21;
pro-form use 7.53 19.39,64
( ~ about) 11.40; ( - about that) 16.2-6,8-11,14,18,27; 12.28n, 47-48;
11.40n; (and ~ ) 11.32n; ( ~ come?) 14.22,27, 36n; 15.37n, 54; 19.51n,
1l.l5n, 40; ( - goes it?) 11.15n; 77n; IlI.29n
(~ if) 11.40 vs. me 1.17
see also: far, health, long, much, often, (X and ~) 6.5; (~ 'da) 4.23n;
times, well (~ 'll be . .. ) 15.37n
however (conj)lnct) 8.l37, 143-146; -ipluraI5.93,100
13.19 +1.66
(conjunction) 8.106; 1l.l4n; 14.20; -ia11.39
15.42 -ian 1.3 7; 11.5
(intensifier) 8.77; 83, 102, 120 -ible 7.21; 16.72; 1.40
howsoever 14.20 -ic 7.1,37,47; 17.102; 1.37, 39,41; 11.4
HP 5.90 -ica17.47; 1.37, 39
hug (verb) 16.26 -ices plurals 5.96
human-+no(!n -ics 5.75
humanities 5.77 ID 1.75
humbly 8.90 idea unit-+ tone unit
humbug (verb) 3.8 ideally 8.127, 130n
hundred 5.89; 6.65 identification (apposition) 17.74, 77 -78
hundredweight 5.90 anticipated/postponed 17.78
hung 3.18 see also: complement, that
hunt (verb) 4.27 identify (oneself) with 6.25
hurrah (verb) 3.8n idiom 3.35, 42n, 45, 47, 66n, 69, 70n;
hurry up and . .. 13.98 4.13n, 53n, 57n; 5.43, 50, 51, 117n,
Index 1711

idiom [cont] im-U7,21

122n; 6.17n; 8.47n, 59n, 96; 9.26, -im plurals 5.101
34,36,65, 66n; 10.16n, 23n, 43, imaginative prose-+informative
46n, 47,58,60; 11. 24n; 12.28n, 51, imagine 4.29; 12.28; 14.24, 30, 36; 16.31,
63n, 65n; 13.25, 66n, 71, 87; 35,39,44,46,50
14.25n; 15.36,53, 64n, 68n; 16.3-9, immediate constituent -+ constituent
11,12,13-17,21,24n,29,58,69n; immediate situation 4.11-12; 5.28
17.37,57; 18.24n,48n,49; 19.68n, immediately (time adverb) 8.55; 15.27,
69n; I.7, 17 29; 19.37,55
semantic criteria for 16.12 (conjunction) 14.12; 15.25, 29
semi- 16.12 impair 7.85n
see also: coordination, fixed phrase, modal, impatient 16.78; (~with) 16.69
stereotyped imperative 3.59; 16.72
iE (= initial-end position) -+ initial imperative
ie 8.137; 17.27,73; I.75; IIUl clause/sentence 1.28; 2.13n, 46; 3.37n,
-ie 1.77 77n;4.64n; 6.24; 7.41; 8.16, 77n,
-ie verb base ending 3.9, 10 90-91,95,102,109, 118n, 130, 147;
if2.60; 3.62; 4.45; 8.9, 49; 13.18-19; 10.6,17,34; 11.1, 10, 13, 17,24-30,
14.12,18-19; 15.6,20,21,30,32-40 37, 54n; 13.25,30, 52n; 18.55;
adjunct vs. disjunct 15.21 11.13; III.23n
-clause 3.30n; 4.16, 52n; 8.124,125, ellipsis analysis 12.46n
140,147; 11.41; 12.63; 13.15, 25n, first person 3.51n; 4.8n; 6.7; 11.10, 13,
28n, 30; 14.18-19,22,25; 15.6, 26-28
19n, 20,32-40, 48n; 16.31n, 72n; frequency of 11.27
18.33n illocutionary force of 8.47 ; 11.29
concessive 8.9 marker-+do, don't, let's
conditional 4.64; 8.9; 14.12n; 15.6,20, mood 3.51,52,54,58
32-38,40-41 particle-+do, let
contingent 15.30, 39-40 passive 11.24
frequency of 15.6 perfective passive 11.24n
interrogative 14.12n; 15.6 persuasive 3.37; 18.55-56
(~and only if) 15.35n; (~and when) progressive 11.24
13.83n; 15.35n; (as ~) 3.62; 9.4; quasi- 3.54n; 4.52n; 11.30n
(even ~) 8.145; 15.32, 39-41; subject in 2.57; 10.6; 11.1,25,27;
(~Imay)4.53;( ~ I were you) 3.62n; 12.46n; 13.52n; 15.54
15.36; (~not) 13.103; 15.34; verb 2.57; 3.2; 4.4; 6.25n; 11.40, 43;
(~only) 11.41; 15.35n; (only ~) 14.22,24; 16.33
15.35n; (~ ... or) 14.13; 15.6; see also: command, coordinate, directive,
(~so) 15.34; (~ ... then) 8.145; frequency (temporal), negative
14.13 imperfective 4.17
see also: as, even, how imperial-+names (classified)
if.f13.104n; 15.35n impersonal-+ it, subject (personal), you
-ifX 1.35, 42 impinge 3.9
il-1.17,21 implicature 11.4
ill 7.38, 77; 1.65; (~ er) 7.83 implicit 16.72
comparison of 7.77 implicit-+comparative
ill- 7.83 implore 16.63
ill-assorted -+ coordination imply 16.31
illnesses -+ names (classified) impolite -+politeness
illocutionary act/force 11.3, 13, 16, 17, important 16.72, 82; (most ~ (ly)) 7.28n
20n, 22, 41, 42, 53; 15.38 . impossibility 17.36
iM ( = initial-medial position) ~ medial impossible 16.72, 80
I/M ( = initial or medial impotent 16.79
position) -+ initial imprecation -+expletive
1712 Index

improper 16.72 indeterminacy 2.11,15,60-61; 4.66n;

improve 4.27 8.24,96; 1l.3; 12.18, 26n; 14.36;
in (adverb) 8.41 15.60; 17.33
(particle) 16.2 see also: analysis (multiple), apposition,
(preposition) 5.44, 119; 7.70; 9.7, ellipsis, gender, gradience, sentence
15-17,25, 32, 34, 35, 40, 49n; 51; index(es) 5.96
16.77 index entries III.17n
(prepositional adverb) 9.66 indicate 14.25n; 16.31,35
(~N of) 9.11; (~Nwith) 9.11; indicative
( ~ that) 14.12 mood 3.37, 52, 55, 58, 59, 62; 4.16n;
in-1.17, 21, 26n, 36n 10.34,44, 55n; 14.24-25; 15.36;
-in 1.47n 16.30, 33, 50, 59, 70- 73; 1.40n
-in' (= -ing) 3.5n indicator word 2.37
-in-law(s) III.4 indices 5.96
inalienable -+ possession indignant 7.39; 16.78
inanimateness-+agent, gender, noun, indirect
subject offer 15.38
inasmuch as 14.12; 15.46; 1.18 request 11.29n; 15.38
incense (verb) 16.26 thought -+ indirect speech
inception -+ verbs (semantic see also: agency, anaphora, condition,
classification) direct, directive, exclamation, indirect
incessantly 8.65, 77 speech, object, prepositional phrase,
incidentally 8.137,142,143 question, reason, statement
incite 16.63 indirect speech 3.30; 4.16, 24n, 48n, 58n,
inclination 17.36 60,61; 1l.3, 46n; 12.28; 14.28-34;
inclined 16.79; (~to) 16.69 16.31n,63
included 17.73, 86 free 4.48n, 60n, 61; 14.28, 35; 19.43
included clause -+ subordinate clause indisputably 8.127 ...
included units -+ punctuation Indo-European 2.34; 3.11
including (preposition) 9.8; 17.34,73,86 indoors 7.70; 8.41
inclusion (apposition) 17.74, 85-87 indubitable 16.72
inclusive-+ exclusive, or, our, we, your indubitably 8.127
incompatible (with) 16.69 induce 16.50
incomp1ete-+ completion, question, -ine 5.105
sentence inequality -+ none qui valence
incontestably 8.127 comparison
incontrovertibly 8.127 inevitably 8.127
incorrectly 8.127 infer 16.31
increase (verb) 7.85n; 16.19 inference, tentative 4.56, 66
incredibly 8.127 inferential
indeed (conjunct) 8.103n conjunct8.136, 137, 140,144,148
(disjunct) 8.127, 130n disjunct 13.30
(subjunct) 2.28; 7.57, 60; 8.100,101, relation 19.17
103n; 12.30; 18.55; 19.55 inferior 7.85
as response 8.130n infinitive 3.2,52,53,54,55,56, 59n;
indefinite-+article, determiner, 15.36,52; 16.69n; 17.54n
frequency, noun phrase, past, bare 3.2,30,35,40,41,42,43,45; 4.3,
pro-forms, pronoun, subject 42,43,47,48,64; 7.39; 9.49; 10.55,
indefinitely 8.63 67, 68n; 11.13, 16,40; 14.6, 15,16;
indentation H1.11, 14,21,30 15.15, 66n; 16.17,20,52,53,54;
reverse III.14n 18.29
indention -+ indentation clause 2.22; 3.46n; 4.52; 6.24; 7.22;
independent-+ clause, genitive, -ing 8.21,30,86,125,128; 9.2, 3n, 6;
participle clause, pronoun, subject 10.65; 12.23; 14.6-8, 13n, 15-17,
Index 1713

infinitive [cont] informal [cont]

25,33, 36n; 15.3, 4n, 6, 8, 10-11, 55n, 66n, 76, 84n, 102; 6.3-5, 8,9,
12, 18, 25, 34n, 44, 46n, 48, 50, 53, 12n, 18, 20, 21, 24n, 31, 35, 38, 43n,
56,58-60,65, 66n, 73, 74n; 16.20, 52n, 53, 55n, 56, 64n; 7.7, 8, 14,22,
22,28,36,38,41,42,43,49,50-52, 29, 56n, 60, 63,64, 70n, 78n,83;
63,64-67,68,70,73,75-82,.83; 8.21,30, 31n, 39, 42n, 47,52,62,
17.30-32,33-34,35-36,93,122; 65n, 75n, 76, 78,86, 89, 91, 97n, 98,
18.29,35-36,53; 19.60; 111.17 114, 117n, 119, 124n, 143, 146n;
clause ellipsis 12.64-65 9.3n,4,5,6,8, IOn, 16, 18n,37,40,
marker-+to 41,44,58,60; 10.lOn, 15, 23n, 27,
object + 16.32,41,44,50,63 30, 34, 41-45, 50, 55n, 60; 11.5, 8,
passive 15.73; 16.63n,81; 17.31 11,12, 15n, 18,24,26,28, 32n, 34,
perfective 4.19,67; 14.34n; 16.76-77 40,44,47,49,53-55; 12.11, 17,23,
progressive 4.46 27, 29n, 35, 46, 48n, 50n, 51n,52,
split 8.21; 12.23n; 18.42n 61n, 63n, 64n, 65n, 68; 13.7n, 12,
to- 3.2, 30,40,42,43,44,45,49,51, 36, 72n, 74n,88,91,94,98-99, 102,
70, 77n; 7.22; 8.21, 132; 9.55; 103n, 104; 14.12-13, 23n, 26, 29n,
11.13n, 18,40,41; 12.23n, 64-65; 30n, 36; 15.5n, 6, 9n, 12, 15, 18,22,
13.50-51,98, 103n; 14.6-8, 13n, 25, 34, 35n, 37n, 39-40, 44, 46n, 48,
17, 23n, 33; 15.3, 4n, 6, 8, 10-11, 50, 54n, 57n, 71, 74; 16.3,9, 14n,
12, 18, 25, 34n,44, 46n,48, 50, 53, 22,29; 17.11n, 12, 14-16, 19,30,
54,56, 58-60, 65, 66n, 73, 74n; 44,46,47, 57n, 60n, 78,80,
16.17,20,22,28,31,36,41,42, 111-112, 119; 18.20,22,27, 28n, 30,
50-51,52,54,59,63,68,75-82; 34, 40n, 43, 45, 48,57-59; 19.2, 18,
18.29,35-36; 19.60 42-43, 47n, 48, 50, 51, 59, 60, 61n,
vs. participle construction 16.40 62,63,65
wh-clause 12.63; 16.20, 35, 37, 62, 73 pronunciation 3.45n, 51; 6.14n, 52n,
with/without subject 14.6, 16, 17, 33;- 69; 19.34n; 11.10; 111.5, 27
15.10, 48n, 73; 16.20,36,38,41, . punctuation/spelling 3.36n, 45n, 51;
80-82; 17.35-36 6.14n; 8.21; 9.7; 17.47; 1.39; Ill. 11,
see also: existential 20, 24n, 26, 27
infix 1.18, 31n, 76n vocabulary 3.16; 5.7, 35n, 49n, 57n,
inflammable 1.21n 77,78,90; 7.57n, 61, 89; 8.65,100,
inflection 1.14-15,18; 2.4, 7, 35; 3.30, 102n, 105n, 111, 112, 115, 127, 135,
50,62; 4.3, 17n; 5.104,123; 7.13, 137,145; 10.30,53,60,62; 11.54;
23,74-86; 8.29, 48n, 63n; 10.34n; 13.103n; 14.12;'15.18; 16.3,21,29,
12.55n; 13.100; 15.75; 16.2; 1.3, 69n, 80; 17.11n, 91n, 112; 1.7,12,
16n, 17, 31n,38,45, 71 23n,24 .
vs. derivation 1.31n, 41 word-formation 1.16, 18, 24, 29, 34,
vs. preposition 5.123 38, 40n, 41, 46n, 47n, 48n, 51, 52,
see also: adjective, adverb, comparison, 65n,67,68, 70, 72, 74, 75, 76n, 77
genitive information
inflectional processing 8.1; 18passim; 19.25,61,
language 6.4 66-68 .
morpheme I.2n sequence and 19.68
influencing-+ verbs (semantic structure 8.14, 37, 151; 13.3; 14.40;
classification) 15.28n; 18.40; 19.60n, 83-84
inform 9.2; 16.59,61; (~ about) 9.60; unit 17.68, 78n; 18.3-19; 19.27; 11.11,
(~of) 9.2, 60; 16.57 16
informal(vs. formal) 1.26, 31-33, 37, 38, value 8.47,87; 11.36,45; 12.51-52;
42; 11.49,53; 17.124 17.102; 18.2-4
constructions 1.24; 3.23, 30n, 32n, 34, see also: communicative (dynamism),
36n, 38, 43, 62, 66; 4.13n, 26n, 43, focus, given (vs. new), grammar,
46, 52n, 65n; 5.17n, 23, 25, 35n, prosody
1714 Index

informative vs. imaginative prose 3.73 initial [cont]

infrequently 8.65, 70n, 77 in word 1.3
infringe 3.9 letter 5.29,66,70, 71n, 118; 10.53;
-ing participle 3.2, 3-5, 7-20, 32, 33, 36, 17.91n; 19.75; 111.28, 29
38,40,42,49,53,54, 55, 56; 4.8n, or medial 8.20
67; 7.15-19,81; 12.22n; 15.12; words omitted 11.49
16.28n, 77; 1.68, 69 see also: adverbial (fronting), ellipsis, final,
-ing participle clause 3.2, 44n; 4.67; 8.13, fronting, medial, preposition, so, stress
28, 59n, 61n, 75n, 125;9.1-3,6,38; initialism 1.13n
11.18,40; 12.23,65; 13.50-51; initially 8.55, 138n
14.6,19; 15.3, 12-14,25,34,39,53, initiator
56,58-62; 16.4n, 20, 36, 38, 39-40, discourse 7.54; 11.15n
42,49,53,68,83; 17.28,29,30, role 10.21n
33-34,35,36,64; 18.20, 29, 48n; inland 8.41
i9.60 inner 7.85n
ambiguity with noun phrase 15.13-15 innermost 7. 82n
extraposed 18.34-35, 36n innings 5.91
independent interpretation 16.39 inquire 16.35
premodification by 17.98-99 inquiry 11.3, 4, 16, 17,22, 40, 53
with/without subject 9.38; 14.6, 19n; insertion operation 2.46
15.12,75; 16.20,36,38,39,42,83; inset (verb) 3.17
17.28-30; 19.60 inshore 8.41
see also: nominal clause inside (adverb) 7.68, 70; 8.41
-ing suffix (denominal) 1.32 (preposition) 9.7, 15n, 55n
(deverbal) 8.127,133; 10.30n; 16.72; (prepositional adverb) 9.66
17.53,54; 1.3, 16n, 31n, 35,61-63, (~of)9.10
71 insignia 5.95n
ingratiate oneself(with) 6.25 insist 3.59; 14.25n; 16.31,32; (~ on) 16.28
ingredient preposition 9.7,61 insistence 4.57,61; 18.56
inhabit 10.27n insofaras 14.12; 15.55 ;Ll8; (~ that) 14.12
inherent -i> adjective (inherent) insomuch as 14.13
initial (position) inspire 16.50
-end position 8.22,23,35,47,49,63, instance,for 8.137,139; 17.73, 86
90,118; 18.9 instantaneous -i> present
in clause 3.23; 6.38-39, 41; 7.29, 54; instantly 8.55, 77n
8.15,16,20,23,26,35-38,43,44, instead 8.137, 141; 9.5n, 66; 15.32; Ll8;
,47,51,52,55, 65,66, 70,71, 77n, (~of) 9.3n, 10, 13; 14.19n
78,81,86,87,89-92,95,98, lOIn, in ... stead Ll8
109n, 112, 114, 118, 119, 120, 121, institutionalization 1.7, 24, 26, 27, 34,
124, 130, 138n, 143n, 144, 146, 147, 35; 2.42; 3.23; 5.42n, 43, 71; 6.35n;
150-151;9.6,42,58; 10.17,58,59, 7.21; 8.9, 91n, 96; 11.26n; 12.48n,
60n, 64n, 66; 11.1, 14n, 19,31; 51n; 13.83n; 15.59; 17.91, 104,
12.27n, 28-30; 13.11, 36, 38, 84; 108-109,111-112,116; 19.26,
14.9; 15.5,7,42,71; 17.49-50,78; 34-35; 1.5, 7, 9, 12, 15, 36n, 57, 61;
18.5,9-10,13,19,20-25,49,50, 11.9,20; IILl, 27
58,59; 11.14; IILl7-18, 20, 22 scale of 5.70
in'discourse 8.135,142 temporary 17.109
in phrase 5.121; 13.41 institutions -i> names (classified)
in sentence 4.24; 6.27n; 8.147; instruct 16.32, 59, 62, 63
10.52-53; 11.25,49; 13.7-9, 18n, instructional language 1.28; 11.48
54-55,103; 14.13n, 16n, 24n, 29n, instrumental
38-41; 15.12,20-23,25,32,41,43, adverbial 3.75; 8.5, 78, 79, 80,82-84;
47,50,53-56,59-62; 16.38n; 17.5, 11.15n
34, 122; 18.20-25, 33n; 19.60n language 1.3
Index 1715

instrumental [cont] interpol I. 76

meaning (in conversion) 1.47; (in interpolation 13.27n; 17.68n
compounds) 1.63 see also: coordination
noun 17.116; 1.49 interrogation
object 10.31 alternative 8.25, 83,95, 102, 110, 113,
preposition3.75; 9.7,14,43,49-50,51 120,121,134; 11.20-21; 13.28n,
subject 9.49; 10.21,33 94; 14.13; 15.6,20, 41n, 42; 16.31n
instruments -+ names (classified) focus 8.77,83, 92n, 120; ll.5n; 15.20
insure 16.31 scopeof2.55; 8.113, 120; 13.47
intellectual (adjective/noun) 7.13 see also: question, wh-
intellectual state -+ verbs (semantic interrogative
classification) adverb-+wh- (wQrd)
intend 4.29, 47; 16.32,38, 41n, 50; clause/sentence 2.46,49,50; 3.21, 24,
(~as) 16.47 34,42,44,45, 48n,52; 4.53n, 54;
intended-+destination, goal, recipient 6.37n, 59, 60, 69; 8.16, 68, 77n, 83,
intensely 8.105 103,109,110,124; 10.6; 11.1-2,
intensify 7.85n 5-23,37,40; 12.63; 14.17,20; 15.3,
intensification 2.57; 3.76n; 5.38; 6.30, 4,5-6,7,8,9,12,49,51,54; 16.35,
39n, 61n, 62n; 7.84, 87-90; 8.21, 37n; 18.33n;19.62, 65; III.23-24
81,99; 9.5; 11.l5n, 31-32; 13.1, ellipsis in 12.46n, 49-50, 63
102; 15.9n, 35n, 70, 74; 16.3,70; meaning 2.56; 6.53
18.55; I.16n, 30, 72, 76n negative/positive 8.97
see also: coordination, negative pronoun-+wh- (word)
intensifier-+ intensifying see also: coordinate, determiner, if,
intensifying wh- (question), yes-no question
adjective 7.4n, 14n, 33-34,36,45,73; interrupted -+ discontinuous
8.106n; 13.99; 17.114 intervals, at AD] 9.41
adverb 2.57; 5.17n, 24; 6.62n; 7.2, intestines 5.77
16-18,22,34,35,42,56,57,58, intimate -+ informal
60-64,77,87-90; 8.20, 48, 63n, 69, into 9.7,13,15-16,26,32; 10.10n; 16.2
77,98,103,131, 147, 150;9.50n,64; intonation 1.18; 2.15, 56; 5.37n, 39n;
12.10; 14.36; 16.4; 17.96-97, 114; 6.33; 7.63n; 8.17,43, 100, 117, 124,
19.50 126n, 127n, 130n, 143n; 10.16,52,
preposition 9.32n, 58n 64,65; 11.22, 56n; 13.47n, 54, 92,
subjunct8.17, 104-115, 148; 14.14n 96-97; 14.29,37,41; 15.6n, 20, 21,
see also: amplifier, approximator, booster, 23, 28n, 49n, 5( 62,74; 17.68,72,
compromizer, coordination, diminisher, 84,86,112; 18.28, 37, 56, 59n;
downtoner, maximizer, minimizer 19.65; II.1-2, 8, 11-20; III.2
intensity -+ loudness vs. music 11.2, 17
intensive-+copular verb see also: nucleus, punctuation, tone,
intent (up)on 16.69 tone-unit
intention 17.36; (~ ally) 8.93; intra- I. 26n
(without ~) 8.93 intranational-+ language
intention 4.42,43,46,48,57,58,61; intransitive
8.94; 14.24,25,45; 19.62 construction/verb 2.16, 32n; 3.38, 68,
inter- I.14, 26 77n; 4.34; 6.25n; 7.lln, 15,55;
interested9.2; 16.78; (~in) 9.2; 16.57 8.22n, 28,32,33,47,94; 9.46, 47,
inter/ere with 16.28 65n; 10.2-4, IOn, 12n, 16,21,22,
interference variety 1.34-35, 36, 38 24,30; 11.46; 12.34; 15.8n; 16.2n,
interim, in the 19.36 3,4n,5,18-19,21,24,26,28,38n,
interjection 2.34,42, 58n; 7.51; 11.55; 75; 17.29, 31,43, 102; 18.13,32,43,
14.35; 18.55 49; 1.24, 42, 50, 65
intermediate function -+ verb conversion to copular 1.54
international-+ language conversion to transitive 16.19; 1.54
1716 Index

intransitive [cont] islands -7 names (classified)

pure 16.19 -ism 1.32, 36
see also: complementation -ist 1.32, 37
intrinsic -7 modality issue (noun) 19.24n
introduce to 16.57 it
introductions 11.53, 54 ambient-7it(prop)
invariable form 2.35; 3.1n, 44, 50; 6.54 anticipatory 2.59; 3A9n, 70; 6.17;
see also: noun, plural, singular 8.128; 10.26n; 12.28,47-48; 14.6,
invariably 8.65, 67 -68 26; 15.3,25; 16.30, 34n, 45,72,73,
invariant-7tag 76,82,83; 18.33-36, 44n
invent 8.138n; 16.26 comment clause use 15.54-55
inversion2A6; 9AO; 10.60n; 12.33n; dummy/empty/expletive-7it (prop)
17.109; 18.22-24 extrapositive-7 it (anticipatory)
subject-operator 2.50; 3.23,24, 37,40, impersona18.91n; 16.59n
47; 4.53n; 8.35, 70, 98,112,119, introductory -7 it (prop)
120; 10.6, 7n, 17,57,58,59,66; nonpersona15.104, 107 -111; 6.8, 14,
11.1,5-23,31, 34; 12.29~30, 60; 20
13.36, 38,40,42; 14.10, 13n, 20, nonreferring -7 it (prop)
25n; 15.5, 34, 36, 50n, 74; 18.22,24 omission 11.50; 12A7-48
subject-main verb 3.24n;8A7; 10.26, personal pronoun 3.38; 5.104,
43n; 11.39; 12.27n, 28; 14.29; 16.3; 107-111; 6.2, 6, 8,14,20,21,39;
17.78n; 18.21,22,23, 24n, 49-50 9.9; 15.19n; 18.33n
inverted commas-7quotation (marks) preparatorY-7 it (anticipatory)
invest in 16.6 pro-form 7.29; 12.13,24-26,28; 15.3;
invitation 17.36 16.36; 19A7
invitations 4.64n; 6.60; 11.3,4, 17, 20n, prop 6.17; 10.15,26,33, 50n;
29,40,53 12A7-48; 15.59; 18.25-30, 33n;
invite (verb) 16.63 19A8n
involve 16.39; (~d) 7.21 referring 6.16
inward(s) 8A1 stressed 6.16, 29
-ion 1.39; IIA (~ ... all) 6A5; (~s) 5.14; 6.2, 6,14,
-ious I.39 29; (~self) 6.6,14,23-28
ir- 9.57n; I.17, 21 Italian 5.100
Irish English 1.25 italics 5.11n; 9.7n, IOn; 14.29; 18.14;
see also: regional English II.21; III.24, 28
ironically 8.127 convention in this book 2.35; 3.1n;
irony4.64n; 5.37n; 8.70; l1.7n, 34,54, 7.50
55n; 12.9n; 15.38, 54n; 17.57n, 112; itch (verb) 4.29; (for) 16.38, 41
18AO, 55; 19A7n, 65, 75; 1.21n, 32 -ite 1.37, 39n; 11.5
irrational 16. 72 item of5.7
irregardless (of) 9.57n item -7 comparative
irregular-7 comparison, plural, item subjunct 8.92-98
sentence, subordinate clause, verb iterative4AO; 12.1
irregularly 8.65, 70n, 77 see also: coordination
irrespective (of) 9.10, 56n; 15.39n; its(elf) -7 it
(~ whether) 15A1n -ity 1.14, 36, 39; 11.5
irretrievably 7.56 -ive 1.40
irritate ("< d) 16.71; (~ ing) 16.72 -ix nouns 5.96
is 3.32; 12A8; 18A9n; (~n't) 3.32 -ize I.2, 15, 35,42
see also: that
-is nouns 5.97
-ise I.42
-ish (adjectival) 5.56-57; 6.64n; 7.1, 25;
Index 1717

J kill (verb) 16.26

kilohertz 5.90
jagged 7.19 kilometre 1.66
jail 5.44 kind (~ ly) 7.9; 8.90-91; 11.29n; (~ of)
Japanese 1.2; 1.13 5.6; 7.56n, 64; 8.111,113,114,126;
jargon 1.28 10.43
Jaycee 1.75 kind-7-noun
jeans 5.76 kingly 7.9
jerk back 16.4 kinship terms 5.66n
Jesus 5.114 kiss (verb) 6.31; 16.26
jingles 1. 72 KLI.75
jitters, the 5.49n kneel(ed) 3.15
job (vs. work) 5.4 knelt 3.15
joint-7-participation knew 3.16
journalistic language 1.28 knickers 5.76
jubilant 16.78 knife/knives 5.83
judge (verb) 8.108; 16.31,35,44,46 knit(ted) 3.17
jump (verb) 4.35; 9.31; 10.27; (~over) knock 4.35; (~ down) 16.26n; (~ N
9.31 flying) 16.17; (~ N senseless) 16.45
junior 7.85 know 3.16; 4.4, 29; 12.28,35,65; 14.30,
just (diminisher subjunct) 8.111 36n; 16.26, 31, 35, 50, 52; 17.112;
(emphasizer) 7.57; 8.100, 102 19.47n
(restrictive subjunct) 5.17n; 8.100n, ( ... ~ s) 15.54; (be ~ n that) 18.36;
(~how to) 4.52; (1 ~) 12.65n;
116,118,120; 11.40; 15.20,27,29,
50 15.54; (~n) 3.16; 7.83; (be ~ n (to»
(time adjunct) 4.22, 47; 6.59; 7.46; 3.76n; (well ~ n) 3.76n; (you.~)
9.28,59n 15.54; 19.17,65
(time subjunct) 8.98 knowledge -7- extralinguistic factors,
(~as) 13.42n; 14.14; (~ ly) 8.127;
shared knowledge
(not ~ ... but) 9.41n knowledgeable about 9.60; 16.69
justify 16.39

K -I (syllabic) I. 76n
-I doubling 3.8; 7.79.
k (= thousand) 6.65 LA 1.75
karate I.13 lab 1.74
keen 7.9; 16.79; (~(up)on) 16.69 lack (verb) 3.68; 10.14; 16.27
keep 3.15; 10.24; 16.2n, 21, 23, 24, 26, ladies and gentlemen 19.65
44,46,48; (~ away from) 16.29; lady 19.65
(~on) 16.40; (~on at . .. to) laid 3.16
16.51n; (~pace with) 16.8, 58; lain 3.16
(~quiet about) 9.60; (~ tabs on) lakes-7-names (classified),
16.8; (~up with) 16.29; (~ Ving) Lallans Scots 1.25
3.40 lamb 5.4
kennels 5.91 Lancaster-Oslo/Bergen corpus 1.42;
kept 3.15 3.39n; 6.46n; 9.19n, 21n, 22n; 15.47
kernel (of clause) 13.54 language-7- block, bureaucratic,
key I.12n creative, English, fixed word-order,
key words III.29 foreign language, formal,
kibbutz(es/im) 5.101 inflectional, informal, instructional,
kick (verb) 4.27; (~ at) 9.46 instrumental, journalistic, learned
kidnap 3.8 legal, iiterary, occupational, ,
1718 Index

language [contl leave (verb) 3.15; 4045; 9045; 10.27;

printed, regulative, religious, 16.19,44,46,53,54,57; (~before)
scientific, spoken vs. written, 16.15; (~off) 16.39; (~ out) 16.12;
standard, technical ( ~ N standing) 16.17; ( ~ to/for)
languages -+ names (classified) 16.57
large 7.88; (~ ly) 8.116 lecture about/on 16.28
larger situation 4.11 ; 5.29 led 3.18
largest 5.34 left (adverb) 8041
larva(e) 5.94 (past tense, leave) 3.15
laser 1.75 left-+ branching, dislocation
last (conjunct) 8.137 lega11anguage 1.28; 3.14n, 37n, 59;
(postdeterminer) 5.22, 34, 67, 119; 4.58n; 8.91n; 9.12n, 38n, 56; lUn;
7.21; 8.52; 9040; 17.15, 32; 19.38 12.20n; 13.104n; 14.20; 15.36;
(time adjunct) 8.55, 77n; 19.37 17.73; 19.23, 47n, 64n; 111.29
(verb) 8.51'; 16.24n" 48 lend 3.13; (~to) 18.31n
(at ~ )9.1n, 28; 19.55; (~butnot length (dimension) 5.8; 17.114
least) 8.144n; 19.56; (~ ly) 8.137; (of structure) 2.7-9; 7.81; 8.87, 150,
19.38; (~of all) 8.137; (~ out) 153; 17.115; 18.7; 19047, 68n;
16.12; (this/these ~) 8.60n 111.10/-18,20
late (adjective) 7.8, 36 see also: adjective, long, medial, noun
(adverb) 7.8, 83; 8.55n, 77 phrase, prepositional phrase, short,
(~ly) 7.8, 70, 83; 8.55, 62, 63; (of ~) subject, tone unit, vowel, word
7.70n lengthen 7.85n
later 7.70,83; 8.55, 72, 77; 19.37,38, lent 3.13
47n; (~ on) 8.55n less (postdeterminer) 5.24
Latin 1.2,14,15; 4.17n; 5.82, 91, 93-96, (preposition) 9.8
112,123; 604; 7.21n, 85; 9.7n; (pronoun) 6048, 53; 12.10, 17
13.104; 17.54n; 1.6, 14,21,28,39, in comparison 7.74, 82n, 83, 86;
56,75; 1104 8.131; 10.66; 13.100; 15.63-64,
see also: neo-classical 69n, 71; 19.52
latter 17.97; (the ~) 19049 vs. fewer 5.24,53
laugh (vs. laughter) 504 (~ er) 7.78, 83; (no/not (any) ~ (... )
laugh (at) 9A6n, 63; (~ ... off) 16An; than) 15.70; (~ofa ... than)
(~ ... self sick) 16A5n 15.69n, 71n; (~so) 12.27;
lay (verb) 3.10, 16; 9.16n; 16.19n, 48; (~ ... than) 14.13;15.63-64, 70
(~down) 16An -less 7.1; 9.57n; I.5, 38
lay (past tense, lie) 3.16 lessen 7.85n
-le (base ending) 7047, 80, 81 lest 3.61; 8.86; 14.12; 15048
lead (verb) 3.18; 16.26,48,50 let (lexical) 3.17, 51; 11.26n; 16.52
leaf/leaves 5.83 (particle) 3.51, 60; 11.26-29;
lean(ed/t) 3.15 16.52n
leap(ed/t) 3.15; 9.31; (~over) 9.31 (~alone) 13.103n; (~down) 16.26n;
learn 3.13; 4.8; 16.31, 35, 38; (- about) (~Nbe) 16.17;(~Ngo) 16.9, 17,.
9.60; 16.28; (~ed/ ~ t) 3.13 52n; (~on) 10.61n; lQ.31n; (~out)
learned (adjective) 3.13; 7.19 16.31n,34n
learned language 1.28 see also: directive, let's
least (postdeterminer) 5.24; 7.78 -let 1.15,33, 77
(pronoun) 6048,53; 12.10, 17 let's 3.51n; 6.7,18; 11.26,29, 30n; 1I.9;
(subjunct) 8.111,113,11'5 (~ not) 3.51n; 11.30n; (~ us) 3.51n;
in comparison 7.74, 82n, 83; 8.131; (~ you) 3.51n
19.52 letter (alphabetic) 5.81; 8. 138n, 143;
vs.fewest 5.24 17 .88n; 111.3, 28, 29n
(at ~) 8.116; 9.1n; (in the ~) 8.111; capital 5.29, 60, 66n, 70,118; 8.138n;
10.62; (~of all) 8.111 10.53; 14.29; 17.91n; 19.75; I.59,
Index 1719

letter [cont] like [cont]

75; III.l, 4, IOn, 11, 14,21,23,25, (verb) 4.29, 64n; 8.107; 15:8,9; 16.26,
29,30 38,39,40,41,44,54
reduplication 13.1 04n vs. as-l>as
see also: acronym, initial, silent (and the ~) 13.104; (if you ~) 4.52n;
letter-writing 1O.53n; 11.47; 17.91n; 8.126; 12.65n; (~ to)
19.65,85; 111.2, 11, 14n, 30 (approximator) 8.112n;
letters 5.77 (would you ~ ) 4.58n
level-l> coordination, hierarchy -like 1.3, 38
le~el tone I1.l4, 15n, 18n likely7.9,81n;8.127; 14.36; 16.72,79;
leieme -l> lexical, vocabulary (be ~ to) 3.47, 66; (most/quite/
lexical very ~ ) 8.127
factors 9.12; 12.2; 13.89; 16.21; 17.39; likewise (conjunct) 8.137, 143
18.1; 19.7; 11.16 (subjunct) 8.116
hybrid -l> word-formation pro-form use 12.10, 25n
item 2.35; see vocabulary (do ~) 12.10
linkage 19.19, 21-24, 25n, 33-35,72 liking -l> verbs (semantic classification)
morpheme 1.2n -lily 7.9; 1.41
recurrence 19.23 limiting -l> restricti ve
see also: genitive, prosody, verb line (in ~) 9.66; (in ~ with) 9.11
lexicalization 17.8, 51, 96, Ill; 1.8, line (dimension) 9.15, 17
9-12, 13-15, 36n, 38,57,65 linearity 18.3
conditions on compounds 1.58 -ling 1.33
phrasaI9.12n; 1.l2n, 16 "linguistic
see also: conversion, relexicalization context 6.1, 15, 38n; 7.30; 8.144n;
lexicography 2.38n 10.4; 11.38,41; 12.6-7,9,46; 14.8;
lexicologY-l>grammar, vocabulary 15.13,73; 17.8, 46n, 80
lexicon -l> vocabulary organization 1.12-13, 18,27
liable 16.79; (~ to) 4.66; 16.69 see also: extralinguistic factors
lib 1.l2, 74 linguistics 1.12,16,18; 2.4n; 1.l6n
libretto 5.100 see also: textlinguistics
lice 5.84 linkers 13.6
licence/ license 1.56 see also: discourse (connectivity), lexical
lick N into shape 16.8 linking verb -l> copular verb
lie (verb) 3.4n, 10, 16; 4.27,32,38; links 5.91
10.24; 16.19,21,24; (~and . .. ) list 11.20; 17.86; 1I.1G.-,-13; 1I1.l1, 23n
13.98; (~st) 3.4n; (~low) 16.17 listen 4.30; (~ to) 4.30; 10.23; 16.28,53
lieu, in 9.66; (~ of) 9.11, 12n, 13 listingconjunct8.136, 137-138,143; 15.18
life (in all . .. ~ ) 8.62 lit 3.18
life/lives 5.83 literal-l> metaphorical
liger 1.76 literally (disjunct) 8.124, 130n
light (adjective) 7.8,88 (subjunct) 8.100, 126
(adverb) 7.8 literary language 1.28; 19.28
(verb) 3.18; (~ed) 3.18 little (adjective) 5.24n; 7.88 ,
(in (the) ~ of) 9.11, 12n; 14.14; (determiner) 6.59; 10.59
15.46n; (~ ly) 7.8; (~upon) 16.5 (frequency adjunct) 8.65, 77
light -l> punctuation (minimizer) 8.111-113
lighter I.l 0 (postdeterminer) 5.23-24; 7.83;
lightning (verb) 3.5n 10.66; 15.9
like (conjunction) 8.79; 9.4; 14.12, 36; (pronoun) 6.48, 53, 62; 7.69; 12.10,
15.50; 19.60n 17; 17.15
(particle) 16.2, 22, 24n comparison of 7.78, 83
(preposition) 6.27; 7.81; 8.79; 9.4, 7, (a ~) 5.23-24, 38n; 6.48, 53, 62; 7.56;
9,48; 13.103n; 15.50n, 71; 17.37n 8.77,98, Ill, 114, 115; JO.59,61n,
1720 Index

little [cont] long structure [cont]

66; 12.10, 17; 11.21; (as ~ of a ... 86; 14.13,39; 15.4n, 5n, 12, 35n,
as) 15.71n; (~r/ ~ st)7.78n; 39n, 41, 44n,46n, 75; 16.4, 7n,44n;
(too ~ ) 6.57; (very ~ ) 8.65 17.58, 115; 18.5,9, 19,37,40,58;
liturgical-+ religious language· II.20; III.9
live (verb) 4.26, 27, 32, 38; 8.51; 10.24; see also: length, noun phrase, prepositional
16.24; (~ down) 16.2n, 4; (~on) phrase; short structure, subject
16.28 look (verb) 4.30; 7.9, lln; 10.11n, 16;
lively 7.9, 81n 16.21,22,23, 24n; (~after) 16.5,
liven up 16.3 15, 28; (~asif) 14.36; (~at)4.30;
livestock 5.78 10.23; 15.19; 16.5,28, 53; (~down
'll3.23, 39, 40; 4.42, 57 on) 16.9, 29; (~for) 16.5;
loads of5.25n; 10.43n (~forward to) 16.9,29,39; (~ in
loaf/loaves 5.83 on) 16.9; (~on) 16.28; (~outfor)
loan word l.5n; 3.4; 9.7n; 1.6,19,27,31, 16.29; (~over) 16.6n; (~s) 5.77;
36n, 39; II.4 (~to) 16.28; (~up) 16.4, 19n;
loath (to) 7.39; 16.79 (~upto)16.29
loathe 16.38, 39,40 loom (verb) 16.21
LOB -+ Lancaster-Oslo/Bergen corpus loose (adjective) 16.45
local-+ genitive, negation Lord 5.66n; 17.91n
locally 8.41, 48 Lords, the 5.77
locative lose 3.15; 16.26; (~hopeof) 16.8;
object 9.31; 10.27,33 (~sight of) 16.58; (~ touch with)
preposition 9.5,20,32,37, 49n; 16.14 16.7,58; (~ track of) 16.58
quasi- 5.44 lost 3.15
subject 10.25, 26, 33 lot (a ~)7.69, 89; 8.77, 105, 115;
see also: name, noun, place, prefix, space, (a ~ of) 5.23, 25; 6.53; 8.98; 10A3n
verbs (semantic classification) lots (adverb) 7.89
locus 5.93 (~of) 5.23, 25; 10.43
locutionary act/force 11.3 loudness 15.53; ILl
lodgings 5.77 louse/lice 5.84
logical 16.72 love (numeral) 6.64n
logical (verb) 4.27, 64n; 8.107; 16.26,38,39,
connectivity 10.18; 15.60; 19.55 40,41
necessity 3.46,48; 4.54,55,57; 10.67 (be in ~) 13.46; (~ly and . .. ) 13.99
status 2.46, 47, 53, 55; 10.70 low 7.82,88; (~er)7.85n .
see also: the low -+ frequency, pitch
-logy 1.66 lower (verb) 7.85n; 16.26 .
London-Lund corpus 15.47 lower animals -+ animals
lonely 7.81n luck(~ ily) 8.127; (~y) 16.82
long (adjective) 7.66,80,88 luggage (vs. suitcase) 5.4
(adverb) 7.70,83; 8.62, 63n, 77; lull N to sleep 16.8
IO.61n _ -ly 7.1,.6-9,37,46-47, 8In, 83; 8.10n,
(all . .. ~) 8.63n; (any ~ er) 8.97; 54,89, 138n, 153; 1..1,3, 16n, 31n,
10.60; (as ~ as) 9.12n; 14.12; 15.25, 38, 40n, 41, 69n; IIIA
26,32,34, 35n, 46; (before ~) 9.1n; sequence of7.60; 8.79,150
(~er) 8.63n; 10.61n; (for ~) 8.62; see also: adjective, adverb
(~for) 16.28, 38,41; (how ~) 8.4, 9,
25, 59n, 60, 63n, 115; 9.36; 10.10;
15.29; (no ~ er) 8.97; 10.60;
(so ~ as) 15.25,26,34, 35n;
(very ~) 8.63n; 10.61n
long structure 8.35, 47,56, 87, 116, 125,
145,150; 10.17,35; 11.8n; 13.27n,
Index 1721

M manner adverbial [cont]

meaning (in conversion) 1.47
M (= media1position)-+-media1 preposition 9.7, 43, 48
m (reaction signal) 7.54 subordinator 7.53
m (= million) 6.65 see also: as, process
-m (vs. -mme) spelling 3.8 mannered -+- formal
'm (= am) 3.23 man-oJ-war 5.102
'm (= ahem) 11.55 manservant 5.102
ma'am 10.53; 19.65 manual-+- style
macaroni 5.1 OOn many (postdeterminer) 5.23-24; 10.43;
machine (vs. machinery) 5.4 13.71n; 15.9, 69n
macro- I.24n (pronoun)6.44n,46,48,53,62;
mad 16.76; (~about) 16.69 10.61n; 12.10, 17
madam 19.65 predicative use 5.23n; 6.53n
made3.13 pro-form use 12.10, 17
main7.73;(~ly)8.116; 15.20; 17.73,87; ( ~ a) 5.23n; 1O.35n; 13.66n; (a good ~ )
(~s)5.77 1O.35n, 61n; (a great ~) 5.38n; 10.61n;
main -+- clause, inversion, negative, verb (as ~) 15.71; (as ~ (...) as) 15.71n;
maintain 16.31 (so ~ ) 12.17; (that ~ ) 12.17
major 7.85 Maori 1.26
majority 10.43 marginal-+- modal, preposition,
make 3.13; 7.36;10.30; 16.2n, 22n, 26, subordinator
44,46,52,57; 18.43; (~N do) mark you 15.54
16.17; (~do with) 16.17; (~for) marked vs. unmarked form 2.3Sn; 3.58;
16.57; (~into) 16.47; (~off) 7.88; 13.1,17; 18.9-10
16.19n; (~out) 16.4, 31n, 35; see also: aspect, case, focus, gender,
(~out to) 16.51n; (~ up) 16.19n, pronoun, theme, voice
26n marked condition -+- condition
making -+- verbs (semantic classification) (hypothetical)
mal- 1.23 marker-+- apposition, familiarity,
male (gender) 5.104-106, 109-110.; 6.1, modality, restrictive, status
8-10, 12, 13, 14; 10.50 marking, double 4.19n
see also: masculine married (get ~ ) 13.46; (~ to) 18.31n
mammonolatry I. 7, 8 marry 10.14n; 16.26; (~off) 1O.14n
man 1.3, 54n, 60n marvel 16.33, 35n
vocative 19.65 masculine
(~like) 1.38n; (~ly) 7.9; 1.38n; bias 5.3Sn, 56; 6.10; 11.30; 19.65
( ~ nish) 1.38n . gender -+- male
man/men 5.84, 102 see also: coordinate
-man 5.56-57, 84n, 102; 1.3, 33n, 64 mass-+-noncount, noun
manage 8.108n; 16.38; (~to) 3.49 mass communication -+- names
mandative -+- subjunctive (classified)
manifestly 8.127 master 1.33n; (~ ly) 7.9
mankind 5.54n matching relation 19.17
manner 8.79; (in . .. ~) 9.48; (~s) 5.77 material
manner adverbial noun 9.61
adjunct 2.18; 8.5, 19, 55n, 78,79, preposition 9.7,61
80-84,88,90,92,94, 103n, 109, math(s) 1.74n
115n, 148, 153; 10.10n, 18; 15.49n; mathematical symbols 6.68
16.48; 17.53; 1.41 matrix 5.96
adverb vs. phrase 9.48 matrix -+- clause
clause 7.53; 8.78; 15.22 matter (verb) 16.19
disjunct 8.123 -124 (it doesn't ~ /no ~ whether) 15.41,42;
meaning 15.49, 50; 17.18,20 (on the ~ of) 8.85; 9.11, 57
1722 Index

maxi- 1.24 measure [cont]

maximize7.85n adverbial 8.3, 4, 9, 48,57,63; 10.10,
maximizer 60, 66; 16.24n
comparison of 8.106, II 0 genitive of 5.116; 17.38
modification of 8.1 06, II 0 phrase 5.18, 38n; 6.4ln; 7.88; 9.32n,
subjunct8.104,105-110 35,64; 10.13, 14,20n, 27n, 35n;
maximum 5.95 13.102; 15.64n; 16.27n; 17.55, 108;
may 3.21, 39, 40, 51, 60; 4.47, 49, 50, 51, I.53
52,53,54,60,61,63; 6.61; 8.103; see also: noun, partition, verbs (semantic
l1.5n, 8n, 13, 39; 13.31; 14.24n, 34; classification)
15.40,48, 55n; 18.16, 24; (~as well) media 5.95n, 98n; 10.34n
4.53n; (~not) 3.39; 10.67; (~n't) medial
3.23,39; 10.55n; 11.8n cooccurrence 8.20
maybe 8.127 end- 8.19,20,23,60,84,90,102,114,
M.C.1.75 130
me 6.2-6, 8-ll, 14, 18n, 27 in clause 5.16; 7.27; 8.16-18, 22, 23,
see also: I 38,47,55,63,65,71,78n,81,86,
meals--+names (classified) 90,91-92,95,97,98,102,103n,
mean (verb) 3.15; 16.26,31,38,50; 105,107,109,114, 116n, 117, ll8,
(I ~) 17.80 119,121,124,130,146,150-153;
meaning vs. form 2.35n, 38n, 41; 4.1; 10.17, 58n; 13.38,95; 18.6,47;
13.47,51; 1.3, 9,10,15,20 II1.17-20
meaning relations --+ semantic (relations) in sentence 10.52; 11.8n, 25; 13.55;
see also: absolute, abstract, additive, 14.29,38-41; 15.22,25,47,53-56,
anticipatory, aspectual, causative, 57n, 60; 18.20n, 59
circumstance, concessive, conditional, initial- 8.18,20,21,23,47,55,65,102,
consequence, contingency, contrast, 109n, 114, 130
derogatory, dimension, direction,
long structure at 8.17
genitive, grammar, hypothetical,
inferential, -ing participle clause,
medial- 8.20
instrumental, interrogative, lexical, variants of 8.18- 20
manner, matching, modal, negative, see also: ellipsis, final, initial
nonfinite, noun, object, outcome, medical (adjective) 7.13, 37
passive, place, pragmatic, preposition, (noun) 7.13
process, progressive, pronoun, purpose, medium 5.95
putative, reason, reciprocal, repetition, medium 1.19, 29-30, 36,42
resemblance, respect, result, semantic, meet 3.18; 6.31; 16.19,26
some, subject, time, verb, verb phrase, memo 1.74
word, word-class memorandum 5.95
means (noun) 5.91 men 5.54n, 84; 19.65
(by ~ of) 9.11; (by any ~) 10.62; (by -men 5.56-57
no ~) 6.50n; (~of) 9.lln -ment 1.34
means mental state--+verbs (semantic
adjunct 8.5,7,78,79,80, 81n, 82-84, classification)
88; 10.10 mention (verb) 14.30; 16.3L, 60;
preposition 9.7,43,49 (make ~ of) 16.8; (not to ~)
see also: noun, process 13.103n
means/agentive spectrum 9.43, 48-51 mercifully 8.127
meant 3.15; (be ~ to) 3.47 mere 17.97; (~ Iy) 8.1ll, ll6, 118;
meantime 8.137, 145; 19.36; (in the ~) (not ~ Iy) 8.120; (not ~ Iy . .. but)
8.137; 19.36 10.41n
meanwhile 8.137, 143n, 145 ;19.36; (in merger 6.2; 13.11; 17.33
the~)8.137; 19.36 Merriam-Webster Third International
measure Dictionary 1.13n
adjective 7.66 mess (around) 16.12; (make a ~ of) 16.7, 8
Index 1723

Messrs 5.103 miscalculate 8.l08n

met 3.18 miscast 3.17
metalinguistic comment disjunct 8.8, misdeal (verb) 3.15
111,126; 10.66; 11.24; 12.31; 15.38 misgive 3.16
(subjunct) 8. 120n, 126 mishear 3.15
metanalysis 1.71n misjudge 8.108
metaphorical vs. literal 1.8; 3.14n, 16, mislay 3.lOn
18; 5.122n; 8.2,4, 42n, 55, 126; mislead 3.18
9.l5n, 19n, 32, 33, 39n, 61; 10.10, 11, mismanage 8.108n
21, 32n, 47, 51; 14.22; 16.3, 4n, 5n, misrepresent 8.108n
12,14,24,29,48; 18.55; 1.7, 12n, 26 miss (verb) 16.39
see also,' preposition Miss 5.66,103; 10.53; 17.91n; 19.65;
metaphorically 8.124 (-es) 5.103
-meter 1.66 misspell 3.13
metonymy 10.21n misspend 3.13
metropolis 5.97 missus 19.65
mews 5.91 mistake (verb) 3.16; (~for) 16.47
mhm7.56 mistake editing 17.80
mice 5.84 mister 10.53; 17.91n; 19.65
micro- 1.24n, 66 misunderstand 3.18
mid-Atlantic dialect 1.24 MITI.75
middle-+become, verb mixed -+ aspect, coordination, gender
midi- 1.24 mM( = medialmedialposition)-+medial
might 3.21, 39, 40; 4.50,51,53,59-63, mm 11.55
65n; 8.103; ll.5n, 13; 14.20,23, -mme spelling 3.8
24n, 34; 15.36,48, 55n; 18.24; mob 1.74n
(~ as well) 4.53n; (~ not) 3.39; mobility 2.12-15; 6.28; 7.27, 55, 63n;
10.68; (~n't) 3.39; 10.68; l1.8n 8.14,38; 9.5; 10.1,9; 13.36-37,
mighty (intensifier) 7.56n 103; 15.22,55,75; 17.34,58; 111.17
mike I.74 modal
mildly 8.111 auxiliary 2.29,34,41; 3.1, 4n, 21, 30,
millennium 5.95 31,39,47,50,52,54,55,56,64,72;
million 5.89; 6.65 4.16n, 19, 30, 37,40,41,42,46,47,
mind (verb) 10.61n; 16.26,35,39; 48,49-66,68; 6.61; 7.39; 8.21, 55n,
(~ you) 15.54; (if you don't ~) 75,97,103, 116n; 10.34,41,44,55,
8.124n; (to PRON ~) 9.63 6On, 61n, 67-68; 69; ll.5n, 8n, 13,
mine 6.2-6,8-11,14,29 24, 28n; 12.10,22,23,40,47; 14.6,
mini- 1.13n, 15, 17,24,77 8,22,24-27,34,36; 15.14,40,48,
minimal free form 1.2n 49,52,54, 55n, 68; 16.59,63, 71n,
minimize 7.85n 72n; 18.24, 27n
minimizer subjunct 8.104, 111-114, central 3.39, 40, 41; 4.50
115; 11.21 construction 3.48, 54; 4.3, 8n, 48,67
negative 8.111-114 frequency of auxiliaries 3.39n; 4.42,
see also,' nonassertive 47,50,53,56, 58n; l1.n
minimum 5.95 idiom 3.40,45-46,47,50,66; 7.83;
minor 7.85 15.52; 16.33
minor-+conversion, postmodification, marginal3.1n, 39, 40, 41-44; 4.50, 56,
punctuation, question 66; 1O.68n; 12.64; 14.34; 16.69n
minority 1O.43n meaning 3.46,47,72; 4.42, 46, 49-66;
minus (preposition) 9.8 8.9; 15.25; 16.51,79; 17.32, 54n;
minute (noun) (~s) 5.77 1.40n,54
(the ~ (that)) 15.29n particle 3.50
mis- 1.23 past vs. nonpast 4.50; 10.68; 14.23;
misbehave 8.1 08n 15.35
1724 Index

modal [cont] monthly 7.9; 8.64

past perfective 14.23, 26; 15.35 months~names (classified)
quasi- 3.51n; 4.55 mood~modal, modality
sequence 3.30n moped (noun) 1. 76
see also: noun, prediction moratorium 5.95
modality 3.21, 40, 49, 52, 56; 4.1, 41, 49; more (comparative) 5.24; 7.2, 28, 74-77,
8.96; 15.68; 16.40,42; 17.31; 1.40n 81-86; 8.106; 10.66; 13.100;
adverbial 8.2, 8, 9, 17, 117n 15.63-75; 19.52
disjunct 8.123-124 (conjunct) 8.137, 138n, 144
epistemic 3.48n; 4.49n, 51, 53-55, 62, (determiner) 15.69-71
63,65; 10.67 (intensifier) 3.76; 7.85n; 8.105, 109n,
extrinsic vs. intrinsic 4.49,66; 17.36 127,131, 133n; 15.69, 71
markers 4.64 (pronoun) 6.48, 53; 12.10,17;
root 4.49n, 55 15.69-71
subjunct 8.88,99-103 functions of comparative 15.69-70
unmarked 3.52 pro-form use 12.10, 17
see also: deontic, imperative, indicative, (any ~) 8.97; 10.60; (no ~) 8.97;
subjunctive 10.58n, 60; (no/not any ~ (. .. ) than)
'mode' qualifier 17.60 15.70; (~o/a) 15.69n, 71n; (~or
model (verb) 3.8 less) 8.111, 113; (~so) 12.27;
modification 2.22, 28, 29, 31,32, 33n; (~than) 10.35n; 13.103; 15.68n;
5.64,70; 6.1, 20, 39n, 42, 55, 56n; (~ ... than) 8.77; 14.13; 15.69-71;
7.20,46; 8.79, 83, 89, 98,103,110, (what is ~) 8.137,144
120,131; 10.53; 12.16, 17, moreover 8.137, 143n
55-56; 13.51,67,75; 15.29; 17.52, morpheme 2.3, 4, 5, 7, 37; 12.31; 1.2n
124; III.4 see also: base, bound, free, inflection,
complementationand 2.33, 60; 8.31n lexical, root, stem
ellipsis 12.55, 56; 13.66 morphologicalform 2.37-38, 54n; 3.21,
multiple 17,120-124 23,30; 4.3, 17; 6.1, 11, 13,46,54,
see also: apposition, complementation, 62; 7.15n, 46, 71; 8.10n, 108n;
conversion, coordinate, genitive, 10.29, 34n, 43n, 49, 61; 12.8, 33n,
maximizer, name, nonrestrictive, noun, 36,39; 13.36; 14.12n; 15.57,75;
postmodification, premodification, 16.2, 28n, 69n, 84; 17.51,114;
prepositional phrase, pro-forms, III.4
pronoun, restrictive morphology 1.14, 42; 2.7, 35n, 41; 5.105;
modulation (modalitY) 4.4% I.2n, 39, 40, 73, 76n
moment (~ arily) 8.55, 63; (at the see also: syntax, verb, word-formation
very ~ that) 15.28n; (~ s) 15.28n; morrow, on the 19.37
(the ~ (that» 14.14; 15.29n Moses 5.114
momentary act/event~verbs (semantic most (comparison) 5.24; 7.2, 28, 74.,.77, .
classification) 81-86; 10.43; 19.52
monarchs ~ names (classified) (intensifier) 7.87; 8.105, 109n, 131
money 5.4; ( ~ s) 5.9n (pronoun) 6.48, 53; 12.10, 17
mongoose 5.84n pro-form use 12.10,17 .
mono 1.74 (~ ly) 8.116; 17.73,87; (the ~) 6.53
mono- 1.28 -most 7.82n
monosyllabic forms 7.81-82 motel 1.76
see also: adjective, preposition mother-in-law 5.102
monotransitive mother-tongue~ English
conversion to complex-transitive 1.54 motion ~ movement preposition, verbs
verb 2.16,32; 3.65; 8.34n; 10.2, 12n; (semantic classification)
16.18,20, 24n, 25-42, 44-46, 52, motivation 15.45, 49
60,64-67, 68n, 84 in word-formation 1.14
see also: complementation motive preposition 9.7,43,44
Index 1725

mountains--+names (classified) mutually defining/exclusive 2.39, 42;

mouse/mice 5.84 5.12,15
movable --+ stress my 5.14; 6.2-6,8-11,14,29; 10.53
move (verb) 3.59; 16.19,26,32; (~out) myself6.6, 14,23-28 .
16.4n fronting 6.23n
movement preposition 9.22-30,32
implied 9.26
mow(ed/n) 3.14
Mr5.66, 103; 17.91n;III.28
Mrs 5.66, 103 N (= noun phrase in multi-word verb)
Ms 5.66,103; 10.53n; 1.76n N A --+ nonasserti ve
naked 7.19
MSS 13.104n
name (verb) 16.46,50; (- as) 16.46n;
much (intensifier) 7.11, 16n, 62n, 83, 89;
(in N's ~) 18.59n; (~ ly) 8.137, 143n;
8.63n, 77, 98,105,107,115
17.27,73,76-77,79,92; IILll, 13
(postdeterminer) 5.23-24; 7.83;
names 5.60, 65-72, 84n, 114, 123; 10.53;
10.61n; 15.9, 69n
17.124; 1.75
(pronoun) 6.48,53,62; 7.69; 10.61n;
composite 5.60, 70
12.10,17; 17.15
descriptive 5.70; 17.59
pro-form use 12.10,17
ellipsis in 5.71
(as ~) 15.71; (as ~ as) 13.103; 15.71n;
locative 5.65, 69; 17.39
(as ~ of . .. as) 15.71n; (how~)
modification of 5.64,71,72
7.88; 8.25,110,113,115; 10.13; personal 5.64, 65, 66, 118; 10.53;
11.15n; 16.27n; (not so - ... as) 14.29; 17.39,42,88,91; 1.37, 77
13.42n, 103; (- of) 6.53; 10.43;
proper5.108; 10.34n; 17.3,95; 1.59
(so - so) 12.27; (too ~ of a) 15.73n;
vs. noun 5.60
(too - so) 12.27; (very -) 2.14n; see also: appositive, by, coordinate,
7.11, 62n, 77; 8.89, 107, 108 genitive, noun, plural
mu1tal quantifier 6.13, 48, 53; 8.67; names (classified)
15.9 anima15.87, 118; 17.11, 39; artistic
multi- 1.28 6.26; body parts 5.35, 36n; 6.30n;
multiple--+analysis, apposition, 10.49n; brand Ll5n; buildings
comparison,consti tuent, 5.44n; 9.17; canals 5.72; cities 5.68,
coordination, correlative, either, 118; 9.17; 17.89; coastline 5.72;
embedding, genitive, head, communication 5.33,45; continents
modification, negative, 5.68,118; 9.17·; counties 5.68; 9.17;
postmodification, premodification, 17.89; countries 5.57, 68, 111, 118;
subordination, wh- 9.17; dances 5.55; days 5.67; 9.34,
multipliers 5:'15, 18; 8.118n 40n, 41; dress 5.76; ethnic--+names
multi-word --+ verb (peoples); family 10.53; 17.91;
mumble (verb) 16.31n festivals 5.33,67; 9.34,36; firms
munitions 5.77 5.108n, 125n; games 5.75;
music --+ intonation geographical 5.17 , 65, 68, 72, 118;
musica17.37 9.17; 17.39, 88n, 89; given 5.66;
must 3.21,39,40,47,48; 4.47, 51, 54, 55, illnesses 5.49,75; imperiaI5.66n;
56,57,60, 61n, 65; 8.103; 11.13; institutions 5.33,44,72; 17.109;
14.23,34; (- not) 3.39; 10.67; III.29; instruments 5.55,76; islands
(- n't) 3.39; 10.67 5.72; lakes 5.68; 17.89; languages
with sec0I1d-person subject 4.54n 5.9n, 57, 58n; 1.38, 39; mass
mutation 5.74,84 communication 5.33; meals 5.48;
mutter(verb)9.46n; 16.31n monarchs 5.64n, 66n; months 5.67;
mutton (vs. sheep) 5.4 9.40n; 17.89; mountains 5.68,72;
mutual(ly) 19.52 17.89; nationalities 5.56-57,88;
mutual participation --+participation 7.25,42,45,87; 17.114; 1.37;
1728 Index

no- 2.54; 5.12; 6.13, 45-47, 62 nonattributive -+ adjective (predicative

no article -+ article only)
no-one-+no(one) nonce-formation 2.42n; 8.89n; 17.111;
noble (adjective/noun) 7.13 I.5n, 15, 18, 32, 40n, 41, 49, 58, 71n
nobody 2.54; 6.9, 45-47, 62; 9.58; 10.43, noncommitted4.51,66
50,60 nonconclusive-+ verbs (semantic
nod (verb) 4.27,35 classification)
noise about/abroad 16.34n noncorrelative-+correlative, so, such,
nominal 6.1, 23, 46, 55; 7.45; 9.3 through
expression 12.16, 19n; 13.75-76 non count
predicative-+noun (predicative) conversion to count 1.53
see also: coordination indefinite article and 5.9n
nominal clause 4.64n; 7.53; 1Ll8n, 45; noun2.30n; 4.4, 7, 34, 35; 5.2-9,11,13,
12.20; 14.9,22; 15.2,3-16,25,65; 14, 17, 23-25, 39, 49n, 52, 54,58, 59,74,
16.35,43, 83n; 17.63, 112; 18.33,39 75, 87n, lOOn; 6.50, 52; 7.14; 10.38,
complement use 3.46n; 10.8 42; 12.16, 19; 13.66,79; 15.7,
existential15.16 69-71, 73; 17.54; 1.32,35,36,47
-ing3.49;9.1; 16.47; 19.60 pronoun 6.41,45,49,53,61; 12.18n
object use 3.62; 4.29; 10.7; 18.28 see'also: count
prepositional complement use. 9.1 nondefining -+ nonrestricti ve
relative 6.20, 35n; 10.7, 34, 38; none 6.12, 44n, 45, 48, 62, 64n; 10.42,58,
lLl8n; 12.63; 15.1n, 2, 3, 5n, 8-9, 60; 12.10, 17, 18; (~the) 10.60
12n,18,53,56; 1~9, 12, 18,20; nonequivalence comparison 15.63,
18.29,33n 71-72,75
subject use 10.6, 15 nonetheless 8.137,145
that-lLl8; 13.50-51; 14.20,22,30; nonfactual condition -+ condition
15.54; 17.26; 18.26n; II.16 (hypothetical)
vocative use 10.53 nonfinite
wh-9.1; 12.63; 13.50-51; 14.22 clause 2.13n; 3.37n, 40,52; 6.24n,
nominalization 1.28; 2.31n, 43; 6:24n; 25n, 31; 7.20; 8.13, 20n, 29,53,59,
7.72-:-73; 9.14; 10.25; 14.5; IS.13n, 61n, 75n, 86, 87, 127n, 132; 9.3,
14; 16.36, 84; 17.26,33,47,51-53; 32n, 55; 10.ln, 6, 34, 57, 58n;
18.43; 19.22,49; L26n, 31n, 35, 42, 12.22n, 43-44; 13.35n; 14.5-8, 10,
44, 71n 15-19; 15.1-3, 10-15, 18-19, 30,
nominally 8.127 34,41,50,56,58--':62; 16.25, 36-42,
nominative case 6.4 49,64; 17.2,8,28-36,37, 54n, 62,
non- U5, 17,21; IlI.4 92-93; 18.33-36,53-54,59; 19.38,
nonagentive-+ verbs (semantic 41,60;III.18
classification) clause ellipsis 12.67
nonassertive forms 2.27; 3.2, 32, 36, 40, 45, 47, 48,
adverb 10.60 52; 4.55,66; 9.3; 10.34; 11.43;
context 3.42, 43; 4.51; 5.23; 7.56n, 78, 12.23,26,49,59; 14.5, 10; 16.17;
86; 8.62,107; 9.58; 10.57-70; 17.54n; 18.27
13.31; 15.14; 16.32n, 35, 39, 61, 71,73 frequency of clauses 14.6'
determiner 6.45; 10.60 functions 3.30
form 2.53-55; 5.14; 8.63n, 69,97,98; phrase 3.22n, 49n, 52, 53, 56, 57; 4.19,
10.57-70; 11.6-7, 12, 13, 16, 17, 67-68; 17.58
22,23,28; 14.36n; 15.27,35,52,63, verb-+ nonfinite (forms)
73; 17.5; 18.24n verb phrase, meaning in 4.67-68
minimizer 8.111-114 with/without subject 10.6; 14.7-8;
pronoun 6.13, 45-46, 48, 53, 59-61, 15.58-62; 16.36,49; 17.28-30
62; 10.60 see also: coordinate, finite, not, object,
territory 2.53; 6.52 postmodification, subordinator, verb
see also: assertive, determiner phrase
Index 1729

nonflammable 1.21 n nor[contl

nongradab1e ~ adjective, adverb, (subjunct) 8.116,119,120; 12.29;
gradability, noun, verbs (semantic 13.11,36,40; 18.24n
classification) pro-form use 3.26; 6.59; 12.29, 30n;
nonheaded ~ headed 18.24
noninherent ~ adjecti ve (noninherent) see also: and, but, neither
non1imiting ~ nonrestrictive normally 8.65,67 -69, 125; (~ speaking)
nonlinguistic~ extra linguistic factors 8.67n
nonnative~ English normative~prescriptive
nonnegative forms 3.23, 32, 33, 36, 39 north(ward(s)) 7.46n; 8.41; 9.66
nonparticipia1 ~ adjective not (particle) 2.34,48,50,54; 3.22-24,
nonpast ~ modal, present 37, 42n, 45, 47, 51n, 58; 6.50n, 59;
nonperfective 3.34; 4.67; 8.61; 14.26; 7.15n, 22, 56n; 8.8,103,113, 116n,
16.39 117,120,131;10.54-70; 11.7,28;
nonperson 1.21n 12.64; 13.36-37,42; 15.36; 17.96;
nonpersonal gender 11.9
in noun 5.104, 107-108, 118n;6.37; clausal vs. phrasa18.116n
15.12; 1.34 position in·nonfinite clauses 14.6
in pronoun 6.1, 8, 14,16,20,29, position in questions 11.7
33-34,36-39,41,42,45,47,49; position with conjoins 13.42, 57
10.49-50; 16.15; 17.11-15, 22, 25 pro-form use 10.66n; 12.28; 13.57;
see also: agent, it, noun (personal), subject 15.64n; l6.71n, nn
(personal) (~a) 10.62; (~at all) 8.70;
nonpredicative-> adjective (attributive (and ~ ... ) 13.42n; (~ ... but)
only) 10.41n; 13.33; (~one) 10.62; (or ~)
nonprogressi ve construction 4.25 - 33, 11.20; 15.6 .
46,67; 10.14; 17.7, 98n; 18.43 see also: even, ever, half, if, just, much,
see also: verb (stative meaning) negation, no, only, yet
nonreflexive ~ verb notably 8.116; 17.73,87
nonrestrictive notary public 5.102
clause 8.94n; 15.23, 28n, 29; 18.6; note (verb) 16.31,35; (take ~ of) 16.58
111.18, 19 nothing 2.54; 6.12;45,62; 10.60; 17.15
modification 5.64; 6.20, 53; 13.79; (numeral) 6.64n
14.9; 15.2; 17.3, 4-29, 34,35, 44, notice (noun) (take ~ of) 16.8, 58;
48-50,58,65,94,95,110,115; III.19 (until further ~) 8.59n
see also: adjective, adjunct, adverbial, (verb) 16.31, 35, 42n, 52, 53
apposition, postmodification, notify 16.59
premodification, relative clause notional~concord, gender, grammar,
nonsentence 11.38, 45; 53-55 passive, plural, subject
nonspecific ~ specific notwithstanding 8.137,145; 9.7, 56;
nonstandard 1.22, 37,41 15.39n
construction 1.20; 3.32, 34n; 5.67n, nought 6.64n
89n, ll1n; 6.5, 18n, 43n, 55n; 7.7, nought (symbol) 6.64n
56n, 83; 8.69; 9.4; 10.63n, 70; noun 2.28,29,34,35; 3.23, 59; 5 passim;
12.20n; 13.74n; 14.29n; 16.24n; 6.1,13; 7.33, 86; 8.47, 54, 103n,
17.91n, 112; 19.42n, 63; 1.18n 106n, 133n; 9.11; 10.5n; 11.45;
orthography 3.36n, 44, 45n, 51; 14.24-25,32; 16.55-57; 18.13;
12.47n, 48n, 49n, 50n; 14.23n; 19.34-35; 11.5-6
17.47, 112 -adjective combination 17.56, 59
pronunciation 3.5n; 1II.27 affixation in 8.89; 1.21-49, 51-53, 56,
vocabulary 3.17; 9.57n; 10.53; 19.65; 57,59-61,63-66,69-71
I.12,46n agent(ia1jive) 7.36, 73; 17.7,52,97;
nor (cbordinator) 10.41; 13.5, 18-20,40, 1.18n, 34,44,62,63, 69, 71
103; III.6, 12 aggregate 1.32
1730 Index

noun [cont] noun [cont]

animate 8040; 9.52; 10.51; 16.73; proper-common conversion 5.61;
17042; 1.64 1.52n,53
attributive-+ noun (premodification quantitative 5.18, 25,89-90; 6.65;
by) 10.35n; 17.108
case 5.112-126 repeated 13.102
classes 5.2-9, 13, 118 spatial 17.116; I.18
clause -+ nominal clause stative2A3; 17.95; 1.53
common 2.30; 5.2,11,26-59, 60n, stative-dynamic conversion 1.53
61-64,67,69, 125; 10.53; 17.5; 1.53 tempora15.14n, 17, 18, 118; 6.52;
compound 5.91,102, 122n; 17.59, 8.52,63; 9.38; 1O.20n; 15.25n, 26;
104-106; I.19, 61, 71; II.6; IlIA 17.20n, 24,39; I.38
countab1e-+count (noun) uncountable -+ noncount (noun)
dual class membership 5.2, 4, 58 variable 5.74
dynamict53 verbal 10.30; 15.12; 17.52-54; I.3,
ellipsis of7.24; 12.19n, 35n, 45n, 31n,35,61-63
55-58 see also: abstract, adjective, case,
evaluative 10.53; 16.76; 18.13, 59n collective, complementation,
eventive 8.76 conversion, coordinate, count,
general 5.7; 7.24, 26; 8.39; 9.2; 10043, deadjectival, denominal, determinative,
deverbal, gender, generic, genitive,
53; 11.18n; 15.8, 15; 17.24,26;
homonymy, instrumental, material,
17.93; 18.13, 14n, 30, 59n; 19.35; name, nominal, noncount, nonpersonal,
H.7 number, plural, pronoun, -s, singular,
gradable 7.14n; 8.101; 9.62; 10.58; suffix
15.69n,70 noun phrase 2.8, 25, 26, 27-28, 29, 44;
head-+noun phrase (head) 5 passim; 6.1, 5, 6, 24, 29, 30, 31,41,
human5.29n, 55; 10.51; 17046; 1.27 44,48; 7.27, 35n, 50, 53n, 55, 56n,
human relevance 5.118 89; 8.118, 119n, 133n, 148; 9.55, 60;
inanimate 5.104, 110, 111, 118; 6.16; 10.62; 11.32,40, 41n; 12.51; 13.9,
10.51; 14.22; 17.39,45; 1.40n, 64 56-76,82; 14.9, 15; 15.2-3, 5n, 8,
invariable 5.74, 75-78 12,13,15,16,21,23,27n,28n,46n,
locative 5.118, 119; 17.24 57,61,62, 64n, 71, 74; 16.39n, 41,
mass-+noncount (noun) 49,53,66,70,74; 17 passim; 18.36,
material 7.14; 17.116 45,58-59; II.16; IlIA
meaning of2A3; 6.11, 47; 7.32, 35, adverbialfunction2.24, 25n; 8.10n,
43,71 13,23,J9,52,59,60n,64, 66, 78"
means 17.116 79,81,87, 104, 109, 111,,116, 137;
measure 5.8, 89n 9040; 10.9,13,26; 14.14
modal 17.36 basic 5.1
modificationof5.59, 61, 64 complement function 2.24; 5.1; 6.39;
nongradable 7.63n; 10.58 8.94; 10.8, 11, 20n, 46-47; 12.27;
parallel use of 5.12n, 50 15.39; 16.20,22,44,46; 17.65;
partitive-+ partition 18.39
pejorative 7.36n complex 1O.1n; 13.56; 1:4.3;
personal 5.104-108, 111, 117, 118; 17 passim
6.9,37; 7.17n, 19,24,40; 16.66; conjoint -+ coordinate
19A7n definite 4.11; 5.10, 32, 121n, 126;
predicative 2.17n; 7.14n; 1.51 10.20; 12.7-8, 10, 11, 15, 18n;
premodification by 5.7n, 76; 7.12-14, 15.69n; 17.38,46-47,76,79,81;
45,68; 17.2,94,104-109; 1.26, 27,51 18048,50
proper 2.30; 5.2,17,29,60-72,74,75, direct object function 2.21,24; 3.65,
81, 125; 8.141; 17.5,33,46, 76, 88n, 70; 5.1; 6.25n; 8.55, 71; 10.7, 13,
89,91,114;18.15, 28n; 19.32, 34; 21,27-32; 15.67; 16.20, 25-63;
1I1.29 17.28,54; 18.39
Index 1731

noun phrase [cont] noun phrase [cont]

discontinuous 9.58; 10.17; 17.26,122; 17.54; 18.13, 39,40,50,51; 1I.16,
18.32n, 39-41, 44n 20
discourse reference 19.46, 49-51 substitution 12.14-20
ellipsis 7.55; 12.54-58; 13.64,71-76; vocative function 10.52-53; 11.25
17.121; I.48 see also: appositive, but, compound,
frequency of 17.124 coordinate, generic, infinitive, -ing
headof2.28, 29, 30; 5.1-2,10, 12n, participle clause, pro-forms, stress, tag
16,25,70,73,89,124;6.9,32,54, now (conjunction) 14.12; 15.25,27,28, 46
57,63; 7.2, 13n, 20, 45, 78; 8.40, (resultive conjunct) 8.137, 143
115; 9.58; 10.25,29,34-38,50; (time adjunct) 4.11n; 6.43; 7.10, 70;
12.15-16,55-58; 13.56,67,79, 8.10n; 55; 19.36,55; 11.21
102; 14.14, 22n; 15.2,8; 16,57, (transitional conjunct) 8.23, 135, 137,
69-71,75; 16.8,68, 74, 84; 142,143; 11.21
17 passim; 18.13; 19.49 premodifying 7.68
in multi-word verb 10.12n; 16.2-17, (~and again) 8.74n; (~and then)
36 8.74n; (by ~) 8.72; 19.36; (even ~)
indefinite 5.10, 11,32,36, 121n, 126; 8.72; (~for) 11.41n; (just/right ~)
6.52; 7.22, 62; 9.21; 10.20; 12.11, 8.98; (~ that) 14.12; 15.25,27,28,
15; 17.28,38,42,46-47,77,79,81, 46; (until ~) 9.1n; 19.36; (up to ~)
99; 18.47 -48, 50 19.36
indirect object function 16.20, 55 nowadays 8.55
long 8.47; 15.12,75; 16.44n; 18.7,58; nowhere 8.41; 10.60; 13.36
1I.20 NP-+noun phrase
plural, with singular head 13.66 -n't 2.48,50,54; 3.23; 8.8; 10.55-70;
postmodification 2.31 ; 3.76; 5.1, 27, 11.7-11,22; 13.42; 15.36; 1I.9
32,58,59, 71, 113n, 123; 6.61; 7.21; (~half) 5.17n
8.40,44,49, 61n, 115; 9.1, 54, 55, nuance editing 17.80
57,58,66; 10.1n,29,35,38,66; nuclear stress/syllable/tone -+ nucleus
11.18; 12.16; 15.1-8, 12, 16,61; nuclear tai1-+ tone unit
17.2-63,94,95,100,103,104-108, Nuclear English 1.1 0
119-124; 18.5-6,39,42; 1I.8 nucleus 5.93
postposed in coordination 10.41, 44 nucleus 2.52,56; 3.25, 42n; 4.57n; 5.28,
premodification 2.31 ; 5.1, 7n, 9n, 27, 63; 6.16, 23n, 27, 28; 8.91, lOIn,
32,58,71,76,89; 6.54; 7.2, 63-66, 116,119, 143n, 144; 10.55,65;
88; 9.49n, 66; 10.38; 12.16; l1.5n, 8-11, i5n, 30; 12.15n, 24, 28,
13.102n; 15.74,75; 17.2-8,29,38, 30n, 56n, 60, 63, 64; 16.6, 16; 17.26;
44,47,54,58-59,88-89,94-124; 18.1-19,40,41,56,57; 19.14,
18.13, 59n; 19.24n; 1.65; 11.8; I1I.4, 25-27,67; 1I.1l-15, 18,21
5n falling, etc. -+ tone
prepositional complement function frequency of 11.5n, 14n; II.15n
3.44n; 5.1; 7.68; 9.1-3; 16.2, 5 see also: focus, intonation
prepositional object function number II1.30n
16.28-29,38 vs. amount 5.25n
reference 2.30; 5.26-72; 6.15; 7.71; (a ~ of) 5.25, 38n; 10.43;
12.11 (a greater ~ of) 15.69
sentence function 11.45, 53-55; 16.64 number
simple 17.124 classes 5.73-101
structure 2.8, 28; 5.1, 70, 73; 6.24n; noun 5.11,61,62,73-103, 108; 7.13,
7.45,68; 8.24; 11.18; 13.56-76; 17 14,23; 10.34-43
passim; 18.39-40; 1.4,10, 41n, 58 pronoun 5.111 ; 6.1, 11-12, 14, 24, 34,
subject function 2.21,24; 5.1; 6.25n, 40,41,45; 10.44,48-50; 12.18n
50; 8.71; 10.6, 15, 18-26, 34-43, see also: concord, coordination, distributive,
46-50,59; 11.42; 15.42n, 67, 75; dual, plural, prefix, quantifier, singular
1732 Index

numbers -+ numeral 14, 16n, 18, 19,21,24,27-32,33,

numeral 2.34, 42; 5.11n, 18,20-22,89; 39n, 66n; 11.15, 19,42; 12.25, 26n;
6.58,63-69; 7.25n; 8.52; 9.8; 13.61n, 91-92, 93n, 94, 97; 14.29;
17.86n, 97; I1I.4, 9 15.1,4-14, 18,22, 48n, 65, 73;
cardinal 2.42; 5.20-21, 38, 66n; 16.4-10, 17,20,25-63,66,75,80,
6.50n, 54, 63-64; 7.52; 8.118n, 81; 17.112; 18.20n, 27,38; I1I.9, 21
138n, 143; 13.71; 15.9 effected-+result (object)
general ordinal 5.20, 22, 34, 119; 7.21; element 2.13; 16, 17,21,24,45; 3.65,
17.32 66,70; 6.24, 29,32; 7.22, 23, 29;
in dates 1.23; 6.65, 66 8.49, 138n; 10.1-5, 7,48n; 11.31;
in fractions 6.67 13.56; 14.5n; 15.1-2,65,67; 17.115n,
in titles 5.66n 116; 19.35; 1.60, 62,64; II1.9
in years 6.65, 66 ellipsis of 1.28; 2.32n; 10.4,7; 11.48;
order of 5.22 12.59; 15.66
ordina12.42; 5.20, 22,34, 66n, 119; fronting8.27; 1O.46n; 13.92n; 18.5,
6.63-64; 7.62; 8.61n, 138n; 17.32; 20n,21,24
19.38; 1.18n indirect 2.17, 19,23; 6.23, 24n; 8.11;
postposed 17.88n 9.46; 10.2-5,6,7, 16n, 19,32,33;
premodification of 7.62 11.15n; 13.91; 14.33; 15.1,8, 48n,
punctuation with 5.81; 6.63n, 64n, 66, 65; 16.20,55-63; 18.27, 32,38
67 + infinitive-+infinitive
scope of 13.76 meaning (in conversion) 1.47
usage problems with 6.63n orderofdirectjindirect 10.7, 17n;
see also: coordinate 16.55; 18.38
personaI5.35n; 10.27n; 16;15
positionof2.14; 10.7
o prepositionaI2.23n; 3.49; 14.33;
O-+object prepositions with indirect 16.57, 60
Od-+object (direct) pronoun 3.38; 6.3, 24-25, 35; 8.22;
OJ -+object (indirect) 16.4,66; 18,14n, 38
0(= other referent) 6.6 quasi- 8.6
-01.15,77 raised 16.41n, 49, 54, 64-
-0 (stressed) 1.77n realization of 2.24; 10.7
-0 nouns 5.100 resultant -+ result (object)
-0 verb base ending 3.9 semantic properties oflO.7, 19,21,24,
-0-1.66 27-32
oasis 5.97 syntactic function of 10.7
oaths 5.83 territory 6.5,24,27, 35n; 15.67
oats 5.91 see also: adjunct, adverbial, cognate,
obelisk (appropriately,last item indexed :complement, concord, eventive,
in this book) III.3On extraposed, infinitive, instrumental,
object (verb) 16.31; (~ to) 16.28 locative, nominal clause, noun phrase,
object prepositional, prepositiol,lal phrase,
affected 10.7,18,19,21,24,27,28,32, recipient, reflexive, relative pronoun,
33 result, time adverbial
clause 3.40,70; 10.7n, 66n; 11.18; objective
12.28,47; 15.4-14,54; 16.4n, 20, case-+pronoun (objective form)
30-42,59-63,66; 17.26; 18.7,28, genitive 5.116, 118n; 17.41-43,45,
35-37, 44n; II.16 51,115n
direct 1.28; 2.17, 19,23; 3.33, 42n, 49, role -+ affected
65; 4.34; 5.35; 6.23; 7.17n, 73; 8.11, see also: subjective
22,33, 63n, 71, 78n, 85n, 115; 9.31, oblig -+ obligatory
46,49,55; 10.2-5, 7, 8-':10,12,13, obligation 17.36
Index 1733

obligation 3.31, 46, 48; 4.49,51,54,55, off(adjective) 10.11n

56,58,65,66; 8.128; 10.67; 11.13; (adverb) 8.41
14.23, 25n; 15.5; 1.40n, 54 (particle) 16.2
obligatory 16.72 (preposition) 9.7,15, 18
obligatory -+ adjunct, adverbial, (prepositional adverb) 9.66
constituent verb (~of) 9.10
oblige 16.50; (be ~ edto)3.40 offer (verb) 10.30; 16.38,56,57; (~ to)
oblique case 6.4, 12n; 9.3n 16.56,57
oblique stroke 2.6; 6.66; I.59n, 76n; offer 4.57,58,60, 64n; 6.60; 8.91n; 11.3,
III.28n,30 4,6n,17,29,53
observationa1-+ verbs (semantic see also: indirect
classification) officially 8.127
observe 16.31, 35, 52, 53 offset 3.17
obsessed with 16.69 offshore 8.41
obsolete -+ archaism offside 7.67
obtain 16.26 offspring 5.91
obvious 16.72, 73 often 7.83; 8.65, 67 -71, 77; (as ~ as)
obviously (disjunct) 8.127, 133n 15.28n; (~er/ ~ est) 7.83; (how ~)
(subjunct) 8.100 7.88; 8.4, 64,115; (very ~) 8.98;
occasion (~ al) 7.36; (~ ally) 7.36; 8.65, 11.4n
77; l1.4n; (onADJ ~ s) 8.64, 66; oh (exclamation) 11.55
9.41 (initiator) 7.56; 8.135n; 11.9,41
occasion frequency 8.64, 66 (~for)11.41
occupational language 1.3 oh (numeral) 6.64n
occupations -+ names (classified) oho 11.55
occupied with 16.69 OK8.l00, 135; 13.102n; I.75; III.28n
occupy 10.27n okay-+OK
occur 7.36; (it ~ s to me that) 16.34n, -olatry I. 7n
59n,60n old 7.36, 66, 76, 82, 88; (~er)7.85;
occurrence-+privilege, usual, verbs 1O.51n
(semantic classification) comparison of7.76
oceans-+names (classified) Old English I.5
o'clock 17.55n; II1.27 old expectation -+ expectation
-ocracy 1.32 old-fashioned -+ archaism
odd 16.72; (~ly) 8.127,131 old information -+ given
-odd6.64n omission -+ elision; ellipsis, zero
odds 5.77 omit 16.38
-oe verb base ending 3.9 on (adverb) 8.41, 46
o'er 111.27 (particle) 16.2
-oes plurals 5.81 (preposition) 5.44; 7.70; 8.52, 85; 9.7,
of (particle) 16.2 15-17,32,34,36,40, 46n, 49n, 57,
(preposition) 2.23; 5.25; 6.30; 8.85; 60; 14.19n; 15.25; 16.69
9.7, 10, 49n, 54,55,60,61; 16.57, (prepositional adverb) 9.66; 13.101
69; 17.37, 38-45,48-50,54,89 (~N of) 9.11; (~ to) 9:10, 15n
-construction 5.19, 115-117, 120-121, see also: account, onto, top
124n, 126; 6.29n, 42,58; 7.24; -on nouns 5.98
8.133; 9.54; 12.10; 14.23n; 15.14; once (adverb) 4.13,23; 7.70; 8.55, 64,
17.38-45 65n
-genitive-+oj-construction (conjunction) 14.12, 18-19; 15.25,27,
-phrase 5.6-9, 16,58, 66n, 71, 89; 30,34
6.34n, 37, 48, 50; 6.65; 7.64, 84, 86; (predeterminer) 5.18
9.55; 12.51,56; 16.76, 82; 17.36 (at ~) 8.65n; 9.1n; 19.37; (~more)
-pronoun 17.24 8.65n, 72; 19.37n; (~ ... then)
see also: appositive, genitive, pronoun 14.13
1734 Index

one (conjunct) 8.137 operator [cont]

(noun phrase head) 5.11n; 6.55n; 18.10, 40n, 59; 19.63
17.57n dummy/empty-+auxiliary (dummy/
(numeral) 5.11n, 19,21,38, 52n; 6.54, empty)
55n, 65; 7.62; 12.15-16 ellipsis 12.44, 46, 48-50,52,67; 13.21,
(pronoun) 5.63n; 6.11,13,48,52, 53; 15.58, 66; III.7
54-56; 8.143; 10.50; 12.10, 15-16 emphatic 3.25,37,40; 11.22; 18.42n,
generic 4.9ni 6.21,54,56; 15.54; 19.51 56
pro-form use 6.11, 41, 54,55; 7.86; focuson2.56n; 8.18n, 130; 18.16, 24
12.10, 12, 15-16,20n in reduced clause 3.26,37,40; 6.4
(~and) 10.41n; (~another) 6.13, 31; pre-adverb 3.27, 40
13.60; (~ ... another) 6.54; see also: inversion, negative, nonnegative,
(between ~ and two) 9.41n; (~of) subject
6.48,54-56; 10.43n; (~or the opinion, in PRON9.63
other) 10.60; (~or two) 10.41n; opinion -+ verbs (semantic
(~ 's) 6.56; (~self) 6.23, 24n, 56; classification)
(the ~ (s» 12.19 opportunity 17.36
see also: no, not opposed to 16.69
-one 5.12; 6.45-47; 7.21, 69; 17.57 opposite (adverb) 8.41, 48
only (adverb) 6.59; 7.46; 8.77n, 83; 10.59 (preposition) 9.7, 20; 18.31n
(conjunct) 8.137, 143, 144n, 146-147; (prepositional adverb) 9.66
13.11; 15.34,44 (~ly) 8.137, 141n; 19.52; (the ~)
(conjunction) 15.44 19.52; (~ to) 9.20
(diminisher sUbjunct) 8.111 opposition
(postdeterminer) 5.34, 119; 7.21 ; preposition 9.7,53
17.15,32 role 10.32n
(restrictive adjective) 7.35; 17.97 opt -+ optional
(restrictive sUbjunct) 3.42n; 5.17n; opt out 16.19n
8.113,116,117,118, 119n; 13.57; optati ve -+ subjunctive
15.20,35n optionality2.6, 12,13,15,17,26,31,32,
frequency of 8.117n 33
usage problems 8.117 see also: adjunct, adverbial, preposition,
(if ~) 14.14; (~ if) 14.14; (not ~ but reflexive
(also» 8.120; 10.41n; 13.33,42,57 or2.10; 8.141,144,146; 10.41,44;
onomatopoeia 2.42n 11.29n; 12.68; 13 paSsim; 14.13,40;
onset -+ theme, tone unit 15.34n; II1.6, 8, ·12
onto 9.7, 15-16; 16.2 and vs. 13.31
ontological-+ existential (bare) appositive 17.65, 73, 76, 80
-ool.77n exclusive 13.28, 34
ooh 11.55 inclusive 13.28
oops 11.55 uses of 13.28 - 30
open (adjective) 10.22n; 16.45 (~so)6.64n; 13.102
(verb) 10.22n; 16.19 see also: either
open-+adverb, condition, open class, -or 1.34,39
quantifier, solid oral (adjective/noun) 7.13
open class 2.34, 40-42; 6.63; 7.46, 47, oratio obliqua-+ indirect speech
71,83; 8.13; 16.8; 18.4, 12n; 19.34; oratio recta -+ direct speech
1.21,58; 11.8,10 ordain 16.32
see also: adverb, closed class order (noun) 3.59
operator 2.48-50, 52n, 53, 55; 3.21-30, (verb) 3.59; 16.32,57,59,63
34- 37,40,44,,45,48,52; 6.50; 8.15, (~for) 16.58; (in ~) 14.17; (in ~ that)
16,18,19; 10.6,55-59,64; 9.12n; 13.14; 14.12; «in ~) to) 9.45,
11.5-23, 30n; 12.21-6,29-30, 49; 14.17; 15.48; 16.38n
59-60,62; 14.23n; 15.66; 17.78n; order-+adjective, adjunct, adverbial,
Index 1735

order [cont] outcome

clause, command, numeral, object, disjunct 8.132
prefix, premodification, pronoun, meaning 15.25; 19.60n
sentence, verb phrase, word outdo 3.5n, 16
ordinal-7 genitive, numeral outdoors 7.70; 8041
ordinarily 8.65 outer 7.85n
orientation outermost 7.82n
participant/speaker/hearer 8045; 9.27 outfight 3.18
preposition 9.7,27,30 outgrow 3.16
prepositional adverb 9.66 outright (emphasizer adjective) 7.33
textual 19.15-16, 69 outrun 3.19
see also: factuality, narrow, negative, outset, at the 19.56
place, positive, prefix, time-orientation, outshine 3.18
wide outside (adverb) 7.11n, 68, 70; 8041
origin preposition 9.7, 32, 47 (preposition) 9.7, 15n, 55n
see also: genitive (prepositional adverb) 9.66
original 7.87 (~of) 9.10
originally (adjunct) 7.87; 8.55, 72 outskirts 5.77
(conjunct) 8.137, 138n outward(s) 8041
-orium 1.32n outwardly 8.127
orthography 1.12, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29,35; outwith 1.25; 9.7n
2.36,37-38,42; 9.13; 14.12n; over (adverb) 7.62n; 8041
I.12n, 43n, 59; III passim (particle) 16.2
see also: nonstandard, space, spelling (preposition) 3.76; 7.62n, 70; 8.59;
-ory 1. 32n, 39n 9.7,8,19,23-24,25,26,27-30,32,
-os plurals 5.81 36,60; 16.6
ostensibly 8:127 (prepositional adverb) 9.66; 13.101
other (ordinal) 5.22 (~and over) 8.74n
(pronoun) 6.13, 58; 12.10 over-1.24
comparative use 15.69n overall 8.137
(or ~) 6.52; (the ~) 5.22n, 54 overbear 3.16
see also: each. either. one overboard 8 Al
otherwise 8.137, 143n; 12.27n; 13.11, overcast 3.17
30 overcome 3.19; (~with) 16.69
ouch 11.55 overdo 3.5n, 16
ought 3.30; 8.103; 11.13n; (~ not) 3043; overeat 3.16
10.67; ( ~ n't) 3043; 10.67; 11.8n; overestimate (verb) 8.108n
(~ to) 3040, 41, 42n, 43, 47n; 4049, overfeed 3.18
50,51,56,60,65,66; 8.21; 11.13n; overflow (noun/verb) 1.56
12.64; 14.34; 18.16,24 overhang (verb) 3.18
our 5.14; 6.2-6, 8-11, 14,29; (~s) overhead 8041 ; 9.19, 66
6.2-6,8-11, 14,29 overhear 16.52,53
inclusive 13.73 overjoyed 16.78
ourselflourselves6.8, 11, 14,23-28 overland 8041
-ous7.1; 17.102; 1.2,39 overnight 7.67
out (adverb) 7046; 8041 overrate 8.1 08n
(particle) 16.2, 12 override 3.16
(preposition) 9.7, 18n overrun 3.19
(prepositional adverb) 9.66 overseas 8041
(~and out) 13.102n; (~of) 7.70; oversee 3.16; (~ r) 1.24n
9.7,10,13,15,18,28,32,44,61; overshoot 3.18
16.2 oversleep 3.15
out- 1.24, 26n overt -7 covert
outbid 3.17 overtake 3.16
1736 Index

overthrow 3.16 parenthesis 5.97

overwhelmed 16.78 parenthetic 5.37n; 10.35,40; 17.6,48,
ovum 5.95 68; 18.13,59
ow 11.55 clause 6.32; 12.70; 13.27n, 95~96;
-ow (adjective base ending) 7.81 14.35; 15.23, 53-56; 18.20n; m.2
owe (to) 16.57 sentence IlL20, 23
owing to 9.10; 15.46n, 59n see also: coordination, parataxis, right
own (emphatic possessive) 6.30; 10.6,7, part (verb) 16.22n; (in';") 8.111, 114;
48; 11.25 (~ly) 8.111,114; (on the ~ of)
(verb) 4.27; 10.23 9.11; (~with) 16.28
owning--+verbs (semantic classification) part of speech --+ word class
ox(-en/-es) 5.85 part-whole relation 17.106
partake 3.16
partial--+ apposition, compound,
p conversion, quotation
partially 8.111
p --+ particle
p5.90; 6.69
relations 19.15-16, 31, 61,64-65, 69
-p doubling in verbs 3.8
role 10.18-33; 16.14,57; 17.51; 18.31,
pace (preposition) 9.7
pain (noun)(of) 9.11n; (on ~ of) 9.11,
see also: orientation
(verb) 15.54 participation, joint/mutual/unitary
paint Ll1; (~ N red) 16.45 13.60,70n;.16.19
pair (a ~ of) 5.76 participial--+ adjective, participle
pairs (in textual structure) 19.59 participle 2.43; 3.30,56; 7.19, 21n, 45,
pajamas 5.76 83; 9.2; 14.12, 14; 16.17; 17.54,94,
palaeo- 1.29 98-103
pan- I.29 affixation in 8.127; 1.23, 24
panic (verb) 3.8 clause 3.47n, 70; 7.27; 8.89; 9.55;
pants 5.76 10.6n; 12.35; 14.14,40; 15.19;
paper 1.11 17.93; m.17
paradigmatic relationships 2.5-6 prepositional 16.14n
paragraph 19.18, 28, 73; IlLl, 3,14-15,20 see also: adjective, adverb, coordinate, -ed,
-en, infinitive, -ing, passive, past present,
prosodic 19.27, 87n unattached
parallelism 3.32n; 12.2; 19.7
particle 16.2-17; 18.14
structura15.12n, 50, 54n; 6.29n;
position of 16.2-4,6, 13, 16
12.45n, 54, 55n, 68-70; 13.42-43,
reduplicated 16.3
51,57,63, 75, 82,91; 14.13; 15.41;
see also: adverb, do, enc1itic, let, modal,
18.21; 19.7, 14,59; Il1.6n, 12; 19.
not, phrasal verb, pragmatic
see also: noun
particle-verb combinations--+ phrasal
paralysis 5.97
verb, prepositional verb, verb
paraphrase 2.20
parataxis 13.2, 23; 14.2,40; 15.34n, 54n, (multi-word)
74; 17.63n; 19.5,7,8 particular (restrictive adjective) 7.35
(~ly) 8.116; 17.73, 87; (~s) 5.77
parenthetical 13.96n
see also: asyndetic particular, in (conjunct) 8.137; 17.73,87
paratroops 1. 76 (subjunct) 8.116, 118n
pardon?11.34n; (I beg your ~) 10.53; particular --+ general
( ~ me?) 11.34n particularization (apposition) 17.74,87
parentheses (punctuation) 17.68n; IlL3, particularizer su bjunct 8.116
13,16,20,24,30 partition 2.30; 5.5-8,16,58-59,64;
convention in this book 2;6; 3.12, 39; 6.45-46,48,52; 8.56; 9.54; 12.56;
12.4,14 17.46,50
Index 1737

partition [cont] passive [cont]

fractional 5.7 verbs lacking 3.68
measure 5.8 see also: have, imperative, infinitive,
quality 5.5,6, 7n; 9.54; 17.40 subjunctive, voice
quantity 5.7, 17; 9.54; 17.40 past (adjective) 7.21,36
scope of 5.7n (adverb) 8.41; 16.3
singular vs. plural 5.7, 8 (general ordinal) 5.22
typical 5.7 (particle) 16.2
see also: genitive, plural, singular (preposition) 9.7, 25, 27-~8, 32
party 7.21n (prepositional adverb) 9.66
pass (verb) 9.31; 10.27; 16.19,26; (this/these,,",) 8.60n
(""' by) 9.31; (""' away) 16.19n; past
(""' for) 16.22n; (""' out) 16.19n; attitudina14.16, 29, 37; 14.34n
(""' over) 16.26n definite 4.11, 13, 14
pass --+ passi ve event 4.14-15, 20, 24
passage form 3.2,3-4,6-20,30,36,39,42;
preposition 9.7,22,24-25,28,30,32 4.16n, 55, 57n, 58n, 59-64
prepositional adverb 9.66 habitual 4.14-15, 20, 24, 57; 19.42
passer-by 5.102; 1.18n hypothetical 4.16, 19, 24n, 64; 14.23,
passive 1.28; 3.2, 63-78 34; 15.50; 16.30,33, 72n
agent 3.65, 66, 71, 75, 77,78; 6.21; indefinite 4.13, 20, 21, 22
8.90,94, 129 participle--+ -ed participle
agentless 3.68, 71, 75, 77, 78; 8~94 perfect --+ past (Perfective)
auxiliary 3.32,66 perfective 4.17,19,24; 14.23,25-27,
central 3.75, 77, 78 31,34; 15.35; 19.40n, 43
clause 2.21; 3.47,49, 57, 59n,63~ 78; perfective progressive 4.17
6.21; 8.39n, 80, 84, 91; 10.33; progressive 4.17, 25, 36, 37n, 48; 19.43
11.24; 14.6-7; 15.4,12; 17.28,29; simple 1.24; 3.37, 52, 54; 4.8,11-16,
18.31-32, 49n, 51n, 53; 19.60 18,20,21, 22n, 23, 24, 25, 30; 8.47,
constraints on use 3.67 -73; 4.40n; 62,75,98; 14.26-27, 29; 18.16, 23n,
10.25; 12.22n 27n,44
correspondence with active 2.21 ; 3.29, state 4.14-15,20,24
42n, 45, 47, 65; 7.16, 29; 8.5, 78n, tense 3.2, 11-20, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37,44,
80,94,129; 9.6, 50, 51, 63; 10.6,7, 45,51,52,54,55,58,62,64,77; 4.1,
8,12,13,14,21,27; 12.25, 26n; 3,10,11-16,19,25,36,40,48,55,
14.6; 15.10n; 16.4-9, 15,20,26, 57n, 58n, 59-64, 67; 8.55n, 60n,
27-67; 17.31,51,100-101; 18.45; 112n; 10.34,44,68; 11.16-17,39,
1.40 46n; 12.40; 14.23,26,29,31,35;
frequency of 3.73 15.35,36; 17.28; 19.39-43
get- 3.66; 11.24; 16.77n tense, for future tiine 4.16
gradient 3.74,78 tense, for present time 4.16
meaning 3.72; 7.15; 10.30, 32n; tense, situational use of 4.12
15.73n; 16.39,79,83; 1.40 time 3.40, 42, 44,48; 4.2,3,4,5,8,
notiona13.77n 11-15,19,36, 57, 60~61, 66; 8.55,
only (verbs) 3.68 57,60,63,75, 77n; 9.35;11.24;
participle--+ -ed participle 14.23,25,34; 15.35; 16.39,40;
prepositional 3.69 ; 16.9, 14,53,58 18.16; 19.39-43 '
pseudo- 3.49, 66, 77,78; 11.24n; see also: auxiliary, future, modal, present,
16.4n,14n subjunctive, time
semi- 3.76, 78 patently 8.127
statal 3. 66n, 68, 77; 17.100 path
true--+passive (central) directional 83, 46, 149; 9.26
verb phrase 2.21; 3.54, 55, 56; 4.34, preposition 9.7,22
67; 14.31; 15.54 prepositional adverb 9.66
1738 Index

patient role --+ affected period (punctuation) 1.23; 6.66, 67;

patois 5.99 14.29; 19.9; 1.75; IIU, 2, 3,11,14,
paucalquantifier 6.13, 48, 53; 8.67; 15.9 21,23,28-29
pause8.143n; 10.69; 14.41; 17.22; period frequency 8.64, 66
. 19.27; II.19, 20; III.2 see also: time
pay (verb) 3.10; 10.30; 16.38n, 55, 57; periodicals --+ names (classified)
(~for) 16.28, 57; (~ to) 16.57; periphery (of class) 2.39, 42
(~ to .. .for) 16.56n; (~ with) 16.57 see also: adjective, adverbial, clause
see also: attention periphery (of construction) 2.13, 60
p.c.I.75 see also: adverbial, clause
peculiar 16.72 periphrasis 8.59
pejorative--+noun, prefix, suffix see also: comparison, do
pence --+ penny perjure oneself 6.25
pendant participle --+ unattached permanence 4.32; 10.11n
pelJding9.7, 8, 38n see also: temporary
penny 5.9.0; 6.69 permanently 8.63, 65
people 5.78; 7.24 permission (vs. permit) 5.4
peoples --+ names (classified) permission 3.47; 4.49, 51,52,53,60-63,
per 5.18; 8.64; 9.7; (as ~) 9.10 65,66; 10.67, 68n, 69; 11.13,29;
per- I.2n 13.31
perceive 4.30; 16.31, 35,53 see also: verb
perceiver vs. percept 4. 30 permit (noun) (vs. permission) 5.4
perctption4.30; 8.127n; 17.15n (verb) 16.39, 50
see also: verbs (semantic classification) (be ~ ted to) 4.61n, 66
pelject (adjective) 7.4n, 33, 43; 8.106 perpetually 8.65
(~/y) 7.4n, 56n, 87; 8.96, 105, 106 perplexing 16.72
perfect aspect/tense --+ perfecti ve person 5.78;" (in ~ ) 8.125n; ( ~ s) 5.78
(aspect) -person 5.105; I.3, 33n, 64
perfective person 2.49,57; 3.2; 6.1, 6-8, 14,24,34;
aspect 3.2, 33, 34, 42n, 45n, 48, 64, 10.6,44; 15.37n
72n, 77; 4.1,17,18-24,32,33,38, first 3.32, 51n, 58, 62; 4.26n, 42,54,
39,56,62,65,67; 8.21, 29, 60, 62, 55,58,64; 6.1, 5, 6-7, 8,11,13,14,
63n, 75n, 97, 98, 108; 9.17,31; 15,18,20,21,22,23,27,29; 8.90;
11.24; 12.22; 14.6, 19,26-27; 10.6,44,49; ll.5n, 26-28, 41, 47;
15.11; 16.39,52; 17.28-29, 101; 12.7,47-48; 13.56n; 14.24,32;
18.29,49n,51n 19.77; III.29n.
construction 3.54, 55, 57 second 3.4n, 32, 51n, 58, 62; 4.9n, 42,
frequency of 4.18n 54n, 58n; 6.1, 6, 8,11,12,13,14,15,
progressive 4.17,32,38-40,67 20,21,22,23,24,27,29;8.90;
simple 4.19, 38-40, 67 10.34; ll.5n, 25-28; 12.7,47;
tense--+ perfective (aspect) 13.56n; 14.32; 19.77; III.29
see also: imperative, irifini tive, modal, third 3.2, 4n, 30, 32, 52, 54, 58, 62; 4.58n;
nonperfective, past, present 6.1,6,8,9-10,11,13,14,15,18,21,
perform 7.36 22,23,29; 8.90, 91n; 9.63; 10.34,
performaIice--+potentiality 44,49-50; 11.25-28; 12.7, 12,47;
performance error 4.23n; 17.80 14.24,32; 19.64, 68n, 77; III.29
performative 3.50,51; 4.7, 26n; 11.3; unmarked 10.44
16.44; 19.5n see also: concord, .imperative, must, -s
hedged ll.3n (verb singular), shall, subject
performer --+ agent personal
perhaps 4.53; 8.127, 128, 130; l1.4n; adjective head 5.74; 7.23-25
15.40 . gender 5.104-108, 111, 117;6.1, 15,
period (~ ically) 8.65; (during the ~ 33-39,41,42,45-47,49,56;
(that)) 15.28n 17.11-16,22,25
Index 1739

personal [cont] phrasal verb [cont]

reference 7.76n; 9.51n; 10.12n; 15.2, 19n, 20, 26n, 31n, 34,39; 18.14;
8, 12; 1.34 1.12n, 18,34, 40n, 47n, 50; H.8
see also: agent, disjunct, it, names copular 16.21
(personal), nonpersonal gender, noun, particle in 7.55; 16.2-4, 16; 18.14;
object, pronoun, subject 1.18, 26n, 40n, 50; 11.8
personal belongings ~ names (classified) Type 116.3,4,7, 10, 19n
personally (adjunct) 8.125n Type 11 16.4, 6, 7, 10, 26n, 34n
(disjunct) 8.124, 130 vs. free combination16.3-4
(intensifier) 8.125n vs. prepositional verb 16.11, 16
personification 5.107; 6.8; III.29n phrase 2.3,4,7,8,25-33; 6.24; 10.In;
persuade 6.25; 16.59,63; (~of) 16.57 14.38; 1.l2n .
persuasive ~ imperative vs. clause 14.5n
perturbed 16.78 word order 2.14n
pervasive see also: adjective, adverb phrase, by-,
preposition 9:7,29,30,36,61 coordinate, embedding, finite phrase,
prepositional-adverb 9.66 fixed, generic, initial, measure, negative,
pet forms I. 77 nonfinite, noun phrase, of-,
petition (verb) 16.59 prepositional phrase, ready-made, verb
pets~names (classified) phrase, word
ph~phrasal verb physical (adjective/noun) 7.13n
ph-pr ~ phrasal-prepositional verb pick up 16.4n
phenomenon/phenomena 5.98; 10.34n pidgin 1.35, 38
phone 1.74 piece (of) 5.7; (~together) 16.12
phoneme 1.12; 2.42 pierce (through) 9.31
phonetics 1.12 pig (vs. pork) 5.4
see also: spelling pincers 5.76
phonological pitch 1.12; ILl-2, 8,9,11,18
change 1.1 0, 27n high 11.37; ILl8
contraction 1.28n; 11.9 low 5.37n; 12.30n, 46; 17.68n; 11.11
criteria 3. 12; 8.21; 12.51; l3.86; narrow 17.6; 19.27;11.15, 18; Ill. 12
16.16; 1.2, l3; I1I.4 range 11.23, 55; l3.68n; 17.6; 18.14;
form of word 2.37-38; 10.22; 12.31, 19.14, 65n; ILl 5, 17, 18; III.12
46, 48n, 50n; 17.80; 19.21n wide 11.55; 18.14; 19.14,65n;ILl8
rules 1.25, 27; 2.37,42; 3.5-6, 23, 32n, pity (verb) 4.29
33n; 5.80, 114; 6.27n, 29; 7.80, 83; place (verb) 9.16n; 16.48
11.55; 1.19, 38, 43n, 56 (in ~ of) 9.11; (no ~) 10.60; (take ~)
transcription 11.1 7.36
see also: demonstrative, grammar, -place 7.69
pronunciation, reduction, word- place
formation adverb 7.10,67,70; 12.10; 17.55;
phonology 1.12, 16, 18,20,34 19.33
photo 1.74 adverbia16.42; 8.3; 10.18,60; lU8n;
phrasal (prepositional) adjective 16.68n I5.8n; 16.24,48; 17.1-8-19,24;
phrasal ~ adjective, aphaeresis, 18.26n, 46, 50
conversion, extraposition, clause 7.53; 15.31,32; 17.24
Iexicalization, not, phrasal meaning (in conversion) 1.47; (in
prepositional verb, phrasal verb, compounds) 1.63
premodification, suffix orientation 19.15, 32
phrasal prepositional verb 7.55; 16.2,9, preposition 6.27; 9.6, 7, 9,14,15-32,
10,20,25,29,35 33,64; 16.48; 17.17, 106; 1.26
Type I vs. Type 11 16.9, 29 reference 2.18; 8.3, 40; 14.30,35;
phrasal verb 7.55, 61; 8.22, 33, 47n, 96; 16.12,14; 17.114; 18.46; 19.32-34
9.5,65; 16.2,3-4,6,7, 10, 12,16, relator 19.31,32-34,46-50,55
1740 Index

place [cont] plural [cont]

see also: noun (spatial), position, space 18,20,22,23, 38n,41, 45, 46, 49,
adverbial, where 51n, 57, 58, 61; 10.35-36,44-50;
place-names 5.72; 19.32 13.62; 19.13n
placing --,)- verbs (semantic classification) regular 5.74,79-81,87-91,92-101;
plague, the/a 5.49n 17.43n
plain (adjective) 16.72,73 -s 5.74,80,81,83; 17.119; 1.31n
(intensifier) 7.33, 56n subject 3.58, 59n, 62; 4.35n;
(subjunct) 8.1 OOn 10.34-50; 13.94; 16.69n
Uust ~) 8. lOOn: summation 5.74,76; 10.43n
plainly (disjunct) 8.127 unmarked 5.74,78
(subjunct) 8.100 verb 3.32, 52; 5.108; 10.34-50; 13.46;
plan (noun) 17.36 15.9,36
plan (verb) 16.38; (~for) 16.41 zero 5.74,86-91; 10.34
planeL74 see also: article, compound, concord,
planes--')-names (classified) exclusive, nou.n phrase; number,
plateau 5.99 partition
play (verb) 3.8n; 4.27, 28; 9.53; 13.46; pluralia tantum in -s 5.74, 77; 17.109
16.19,21;( ~ around) 16.3, 12; plus (conjunction) 13.5n
(~at) 16.39 (preposition) 9.8
plead 3.18n; 16.21; (~guilty) 16.17 ply with 16.7
pleasanti81n; 16.80 p.m.17.55n
please (courtesy subjunct) 8.90-91; podium 5.95
11.29n,53 poem (vs. poetry) 5.4
(verb) 15.8, 9; 16.26 poetess 5.105
(~d) 16.71; (~d about/at/with) poetry (vs. poem) 5.4
16.69; (~d to . .. ) 15.54; (ifyou ~) point (at) 9.46; (at this ~) 19.36; (be on
8.124n the ~ of) 4.47; (from ... ~ of view)
pleasing 16.72; (~ly) 8:127 8.89,133; (~less) 16.83; (~out)
pled 3.18 16.12, 31n, 35, 60; (~ to}9.46
pledge (verb) 16.32 point (punctuation) --,)- period
plentyof5.23, 25; 6.53; 10.43 (punctuation)
pluperfect--,)-past perfective point dimension 9.15
plural point of orientation --,)- time-orientation
compounds 5.102 point of view 15.46
-en 5.74,85 point vs. period--,)-time
foreign 3.4n; 5.74, 82, 92-101 poised 16.79
forms of address 5.103 polar 7.37
invariable 5.56-57, 74, 76-78, 86 polarity 8.8; 10.54-70; 11.22;18.16
irregular 5.74, 82-91, 113; 17.43n neutrall1.6
mutation 5.74,84 see also: negative, positive, question,
names 5.67,68,72,84, 125; 7.25n subjective
notionall0.35, 50; 15.9n poles--')-communicative dynamism
noun 2.30n; 4.4, 7, 35; 5.2, 7, 11, 13, police 5.78; (~man) 5.78
14, 16, 21, 23-25, 26, 29n, 39, polish N smooth 16.45
52-58,62,73-103, 118n, 122; 6.1, polite 7.81n
21,31, 50, 52, 53,58, 65; 7.11n, 14n, politeness 3.17,19; 4.16, 28, 37, 50, 52n,
24, 63n; 8.52; 9.12, 41; 10.34-43; 53,57,63, 64n; 6.5, 20, 60; 8.90,91,
12.55n; 13.60-62,66-71,79; 15.7, 127,142; 10.53, 68n; 11.4, 6n, IOn,
72n, 73; 17.20, 26, 52, 104, 11, 13, 25, 29n, 34; 13.56n, 73n;
108-109; 1.35; 111.27 14.23, 29n, 34n; 15.33,38; 17.91n;
noun lacking 5.62 18.5; 19.62,65; 11.13
partitive 5.6,7,8 politic(al) 1.39n
pronoun 5.76; 6.6, 7, 8, 9, 11-12,14, poly- 1.28
Index 1741

polysyllabic forms 18.5; 1.2, 3,56, 74; positive [cont]

II.3,8n 8-15,16,18-23; 14.36n; 15.54
see also: preposition see also: declarative, expectation,
polysyndetic coordination 13.17, 58 interrogative, pronoun
ponder 16.35; (~ on) 9.31 possess 10.14, 23
pooh 11.55 possession 3.33,34; 5.112,116,117,
poor (~ ly) 7.38; (the ~) 7.24; 12.35n 118n; 6.10
popes-+names (classified) alienable vs. inalienable 17.102
popular etymology -+ etymology possessive
pork (vs. pig) 5.4 pronoun 3.70; 5.14, 35, 36n, 63n, 112,
pose as 16.22n 117, 121, 124; 6.2, 3, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13,
position 19.24n; (~of) 5.42n 14,23,29-30,31,38,45, 50n; 9.12,
position 2.18; 9.7,15-22 63; 10.49; 11.25,53; 12.10, 54n;
negative place preposition 9.7,18,32 13.62; 16.36,53
positive place preposition 9.7, 16-17, see also: coordinate, determiner, genitive,
32,34 the
prepositional adverb 9.66 possibility 17.36
relative 9.7, 19, 30 possibility 3.31, 72; 4.49, 51, 52, 53,
space adverbia18.3, 39-49,85, 149, 60-63,65,66; 10.67; 11.13; 13.31;
153; 15.22, 27n, 31; 16.48; 18.27 15.1 1, 25; 16.79; 17.54n; 18.33n;
time adjunct 8.52-54, 55-62, 65n, 72, 1.40n,54
73, 74, 75n, 76, 77, 149, 153 epistemic/root4.53, 54; 17.36
time adverbial 4.9, 11, 19,23,24,26, possible 7.36; 15.25; 16.72,82; (be ~)
40; 7.67; 8.4,11,13 4.52; (if ~) 15.34; (it is ~) 4.53
time preposition 9.34,36 possibly (disjunct) 4.53; 8.112,120,127,
time subjunct 8.98 130
see also: direction (response) 8.130n
position (in sentence)-+ adjective, (subjunct) 8.112
adjunct, adverb, adverbial, post of5.42n
amplifier, clause, complement, post-1.14, 17,27
conjunct, descriptor, disjunct, postal-+ address
downtoner, emphasizer, final, postcentral premodification 17.114
initial, medial, not, object, particle, postdeterminer 5.10, 20-25,34; 6.53,
preposition, prepositional phrase, 57n, 58, 64; 7.45; 17.2, 15,97
process, quantifier, rather, reflexive, see also: coordinate
relative pronoun, space, space posterior 7.85
adjunct, stress, subject, subjunct, post-genitive -+ genitive
subordinate clause, time adverbial, postmodification 2.28, 31, 32
verb ambiguity in 17.62-64
positional-+ before by adjective 17.56-60
positioner role 10.24, 33 by adverb phrase 17.55
positive 7.21 by finite clause 9.55; 12.20n, 34;
positive 13.51; 15.31n; 17.2,9-26,37,
clause 2.53; 3.42; 6.59; 8.58, 114, 61-64, 119; 18.23n '
120n; 9.37; 10.55-70; 11.23; 13.14, by nonfinite clause 9.55; 10.6n; 12.34;
30,61; 15.14n,27, 34, 35n, 68n, 71, 13.51; 15.62; 16.54n; 17.2,28-36,
73, 74 37,61-64, 119
directive 11.24, 28, 30 by prepositional adverb 9.65
emphatic 3.25 by prepositional phrase 3.76; 5.115;
orientation 6.60; 7.77; 10.57,65; 11.7, 6.20,26; 7.14, 24, 25,64; 8.24; 9.1,
8, 12-13,22; 15.44; 16.23n; 17.96; 14,16,33,40,45,47,50,52,54,55,
18.16 57,58,60,61,66; 10.42,66; 12.35n,
preposition -+ position (positive place) 51; 13.66n; 17.2,37-50,61-64
question 10.57-59, 66, 70; 11.6, 7n, ellipsis of 12.44, 45n, 54-58
1742 Index

postmodification [cont] predicate 2.47,51; 8.104; 15.57; 18.40,

explicitness of 17.8,37,61,94 43
frequency of 17.37 ellipsis 6.4; 12.61
minor types of6.20; 17.55-60 see also: appositive, coordinate, pro-forms
multiple 17.61-64 predication 2.48,51, 52n, 57; 6.17n;
nonrestrictive vs. restrictive 17.3-9, 7.27; 8.117,119, 126n, 129; 10.17;
13-25,34,48 15.57; 16.43; 18.11,21
see also: adjective, adverb, adverbial, compressed 5.5; 10.66
coordinate, intensifying, mode qualifier,
direction of 17.41-43
nonrestrictive (modification), noun
phrase, relative clause, restrictive. ellipsis 3.37, 45n; 8.21, 25, 77, 83, 95,
(modification) 102, 110, 113, 121, 134; 12.21,23,
postponement 16.56n; 17.78; 18.31-43, 30,44,59-60; 13.53, 92n
45,49 fronting 3.26; 12.23n; 14.20; 15.39,
see also: identification, subject 47; 18.27
postposition 3.51n; 9.58; 15.6, 49n, 69, scopeof8.25, 77, 83, 95,102,110,113,
71, 75 121,134
see also: enclitic, numeral, subjunct 8.96
postmodification, preposition, pronoun, see also: adjunct, appositive, coordinate,
quantifier, till, until negation, pro-forms, relativized
posture--+-verbs (semantic classification) predicative~adjective,few, many, noun
potential size 2.7 -10 predicator 2.13n
potential word--+-word predict 16.31, 35; (~ably) 8.127
potentiality vs. performance 16.40, 42 predictability 1.1, 8, 9-10,14
poultry 5.78 prediction (modal meaning) 4.42, 49, 51,
pound (noun) 5.89 57,58,60-62, 65, 66; 11.3
power (noun) 17.36; (~less) 16.79 prefer 3.59; 4.64n; 8.107; 16.32,38,40,
pp 13.l04n 41,44; (~ably) 8.127
pr--+-prepositional verb preference clause 15.52.
practically 7.56n, 62n; 8.111,114 prefix 13.85; 17.107; 1.2-3, 6,17,18,19,
practice/practise 1.56 20n, 21-30, 31; IlI.4
pragmatic attitude 9.53; 1.25
implication 19.19, 20,21,48,69 contraction 1.28n
particle 3.51 conversion 1.30
pragmatics 1.13,18,42; 2.46n, 58; 4.50; degree 1.24
11.3; 13.4,22,28; 14.36; 19.2-3, 10cative 1.24, 26
70-71; 1.13; 111.2, 23n negative 7.81; 8.131; 9.50n; 10.66;
see also: grammar 18.15; 1.21, 40
pram 1.74n neoclassical 1.28-29, 56
prapsI.74n number I. 28
pray 16.32, 63; (~for) 16.28 order 1.27
prayers --+- religious orientation 1.25
pre- 1.14, 27 pejorative 1.21n, 23, 24, 30
preach about/on 9.60; 16.28 privative 1.22
preceding 7.21; 19.36 reversative 1.22
precentral premodification 17.114 size 1.24
precise 7.73; (~ ly) 8.116, 118n, 120n; time 1.28
(more ~ ly) 8.137 . prefixation 1.3, 21- 30
precise--+- recoverabi1ity see also: coordinate, deadjectival,
precise reformulation 17.80 denominal derivation, deverbal
precision (in expression) 13.28; 17.80 prehead premodification 17.114
pred --+- predicati ve preliminary to 9.10
predeterminer 3.28; 5.10, 15-19, 121; premises 5.77
6.11,42,50, 57n; 7.45, 62, 63; 8.71; premodification 2.28, 29, 30, 33; 6.67;
10.42; 11.32; 12.10; 17.2 7.56-66,67; 10.43n; 14.13; 15.50,
Index 1743

premodification [cont] preposition [cont]

69,71; 17.2,94-122; L28 marginal 9.3, 8,57
ambiguity in 17.117-121 meanings 9.14-59
central17.114 metaphorical use of 6.27n; 9.32
compounds as 1.17, 59 monosyllabic 9.7, 9, 65
ellipsis of 12.54-58 negative 9.18,28,52-53; 10.59
multiple 17.117 -122 optiona19.2n
nonrestrictive vs. restrictive 5.64; polysyllabic 9.7,9; 16.6
17.3-8,95 positionof6.38-39; 16.83, 84
postcentral/precentra1/prehead 17.114 postposition 9.56
prepositional phrase7 .22 premodification of 7.61
sequence in 17.113-116 sequence of two 9.1n
zones 17.113-114 simple 9.7-9, 12-13,65-66
see also: adjective, adverb, adverb phrase, stress on 9.7, 9, 10; 18.14n, 17n;
apposition, comparative, coordinate, 19.34n; H.8
coordination, -ed, genitive, -ing three-word 9.11, 66
participle clause, nonrestrictive
two, governed by verb 16.17
(modification), noun, noun phrase, now,
numeral, postcentral, precentral, two-word 9.10,.66
prehead, preposition, pronoun, see also: accompaniment, addition,
restrictive (modification), sentence, adjective, adjunct, adverb, agent,
stress, superlative, then causative, comparative, complement,
prenomina1-+ noun concessive, coordinate, destination,
direction, duration, exception, goal,
preparatory to 9.10
having, inflection, ingredient,
preparatory -+ it instrumental, intensifying, locative,
prepare (~ d) 16.79; (~ for) 6.25; 16.38, manner, material, means, motive,
41; (~oneself) 6.25 movement, object, opposition,
preposition 2.26,28,29,34,40; 5.35, 50, orientation, origin, participle, passage,
51,6.4,5,26,27,35, 38, 39; 7.26n, passive, path, pervasive, place, position,
51,62; 8.9, 52; 9 passim; 10.40,51; positive, prepositional phrase, purpose,
13.57,93, 103; 14.6, 11, 14, 19n; reaction, reason, recipient, relative
15.8, 25n, 59n; 16.61, 66n, 70, 73; pronoun, respect, result, role, source,
17.17-20,24,64,104-107; 18.54 standard, stimulus, subject matter,
substance, support, target, time
absence 9.40-42
prepositional .
adverb and 9.5
adjective 16.68n
adverb 7.55,61; 9.5,13,19, 39n, 64,
complex 2.36,40; 5.51n; 9.5, 7,
65-66; 13.81n·; 14.26; 16.2; 1.41
10-13,20,57,66; l3.66n;
complement of adjective I. 70
15.34n, 59n; 16.2,61; 17.17,37,48,
object 6.24, 26; 10.7n; 15.73; 16.5,7,
nn; 1.12n
compound 1.57n
confusion 13.89; 17.63n
object complement 16.47
conjunction and 9.2-4 see also: coordinate, destination,
criteria 9.2 orientation, passage, path, pervasive,
deferred 6.38-39; 9.6; 11.14; 15.5n, position, postmodification,
9; 16.2, 14, 16,81; 17.17-19, 30, prepositional phrase, prepositional verb,
64n; l8.42n result
ellipsis 8.78; 9.1n, 12, 31; 10.27; prepositional phrase 2.8, 18,23,25,26,
12.51,52; 13.69-70,81; 15.5n, 10; 28; 5.115,121; 6.27, 47; 7.14, 22,
16.35,37,38,73; 17.48 50,55,61,68, 71, 86; 8.10n, 78, 79,
frequencyof9.19n, 21n, 22n, 38n 80,81,85,86,87,115; 9 passim;
in multi-word verb 3.44n, 69; 1O.12n; 10.32,66; 12.61n; 13.81, 82, 84, 93,
16.2-17 103; 14.2, 14; 15.5, 10, 16, 39n, 44n;
initial in clause 9.6, 42; 11.14n; 15.5; 16.3,8,13,14,17,55,62; 17.8,20,
17.17-18,24,30,35; 18.28 24,36,37-50,51-53,55,58,
1744 Index

prepositional phrase [cont] present [cont]

104-107,109,119,123; 18.28,42; (at ~) 8.55n; (~ly) 8.55; 19.36
19.34n; 1.41, 63 present
abbreviated 8.41n, 52, 55n, 78; 16.4n fictional 4.10, 36
adjectival similarity 9.1n forms s.39
adjective complement 16.68, 69; habitual3.35n; 4.6, 7, 8n, 36, 40;
17.103, 122 14.26,27; 19.42
adverbial 2.17, 18, 21n, 23, 24; 3.65; historic4.8, 10,36; 14.29n, 31; 19.42
8.13, 15n, 17, 19,22,23,24,39,40, instantaneous 4.6n, 7, 15,26,30; 13.25
47,52-53,55,59,60, 61n, 64,65, = nonpast 4.3
66,89,93,104,106,109,116,124, participle-+-ing participle
125,127,133,137,150,153;9.1,14, perfective 1.24; 4.4, 5n, 8, 13, 17,
47,57; 10.9-10,26, 29n; 11.18; 18-19,20-23,24,40, 45n; 8.63;
14.9,26; 15.2, 25n, 26, 27n, 31n, 11.46; 14.26-27,31; 15.54; 19.43
46n; 16.15,48; 17.4, 14,49-51; perfective progressive 4.17
18.33n; IP6 progressive 4.7,17,25-26,36,41,44,
appositive function 17.47 "':'48 45,47; 8.98; 14.26; 19.43
complement function 12.20; 15.62n simple 3.37,52,54; 4.5-10, 25, 26, 28,
ellipsis 16.17 30,41,45,47, 53n; 8.47; 1O.5n;
indirect object 10.7; 18.27,38 11.46; 14.22,24,26-27,29; 15.54,
long vs. short 8.17; 10.17; 14.6; 68n; 18.16, 23n, 27n, 44
15.46n state 4.5,6, 7; 14.22n, 31; 19.41-42
modification of 9.64 tense 2.35n; 3.2, 4n, 30,32,34, 35n,
position of 6.19; 7.22, 86; 9.58; 11.31; 36,37,45,52,54,55,64; 4.1-10,
16.13,15, 23n; 17.49-50; 18.33n I1n, 14, 15, 18,28,37,67; 8.55n;
reduced -+prepositional phrase 10.34,44,68; 11.13,46n; 12.40;
(abbreviated) 13.25; 14.22,29,31,34-35; 15.36;
subject function 2.25; 9.1n; 10.15,26, 17.28; 19.39,41-43
34; 18.33n tense, for fictional narrative 4.10
syntacticfunctions9.1, 14; 17.48 tense, for future time 4.9, 52n; 14.22n;
see also: complement, coordinate, of- 16.31n
(construction), postmodificatloIi, tense, for past time 4,8
premodification time 3.30, 42; 4.1-7; 14, 16,20,43,
prepositional verb 2.18n, 61; 5.51; 8.22, 44; 8.57, 61n, 75; 14.23-24; 15.35;
32-33; 9.6, 65; 13.93n; 15.10,73; 19.39,41-43
16.2,5-8,9-12,13-16,20, .24n, 25, timeless 4.5,6; 14'.31; 19.41-42
28,35,37,38,39,41, 46n, 47,48, see also: auxiliary, future, subjunctive,
53,56,62; 17.17, 103; 1.12n, 40n, tense
47n presentative function 18.49-50
copular 16.22n, 24 press (verb) 16.50
syntactic criteria for 16.13, 16 press-+news reporting
Type 116.5,6,10,13-14,20,25,28 presumably 8.127
Type 11 16.7-8, 48n, 56 presume 14.36; 15.54; 16.31,44,46,50
vs. free combination'16.11, 13-15 presuppose 16.31
see also: phrasal verb, stress, verb (multi- presupposed information -+ given
word) presupposition 11.4, 16-19; 13.22, 32;
prescriptivism 1.7, 17,22; 4.42, 52, 53, 18.12,27n
58; 6.3, 4, 5,12,31,35,53; 7.4n, 9; pretend 16.31; (~ to) 16.38
, 8.21, 106, 117; 9.4; 10.35,42, 46n, pretty (downtoner) 7.56; 10.62
59n, 62n, 63n; 12.23n, 35; prevent 6.59; 16.42; (~from) 16.57
13.39-40,88; 14.13n; 15.6n, 12, previous 19.36; (~ ly) 8.55; 72, 77; 19.36;
46n, 50n, 67; 16.69n, 74;1.14 (~to)9.10 '
see also: grammar (traditional),usage pride (verb) ( - .. .selfon)6.25,27n; 16.7n
present (adjective)7.21, 36 primarily 8.116 . ..
Index 1745

primary ---+ stress, time (-orientation), pro-forms [cont]

verb complement 12.10, 21, 27-30
principa17.35; (~ ly) 8.116 complex 12.10
principal clause---+clause (main) composite 2.51
principal parts of verb 3.11 definite 12.9
printed language 1.22, 42 ellipsis and 2.52
prior 7.85; 19.36; (~ to) 9.10 indefinite 12.9
prison 5.44 limitations on 19.45
prisoner, hold/keep 16.46n modifier 2.44
private ---+ verbs (semantic classification) noun phrase 6.1
privately 8.124 predicate 2.44, 47n, 51; 12.10,21-26,
privative force 16.8 60n
see also: dis-, prefix predication 2.51; 3.38; 6.17n; 8.25,
privilege of occurrence 2.12; 13.49n 77,83,95,102,110,113,121,134;
pro ---+ pronoun 12.10,12,21-26,29-30; 15.66;
pro 9.7 18.29
pro- 1.25 scopeof8.25, 77, 83, 95,102,110,113,
pro-adverbial---+ pro-forms 121, 134
probability 8.103; 17.36 substitution 12.8-13
probably 8.120, 130; l1.4n; 14.36 wh-words and 2.45
proceeds 5.77 -x 12.13
process (in (the) ~ of) 9.11 see also: above, all, any, below, do, each,
process---+verbs (semantic classification) either,few, here, how, it, likewise, many,
process adverbial more, most, much, neither, nor, not, one,
adjunct 8.2, 5, 10, 25n, 37, 78-84,88, reflexive, similarly, so, that, then, there,
89,92,95, lOOn, 102n, 108n, 109, these, this, those, thus, time adverbial,
wh-, which, who, whom
115n, 124, 143, 148,150, 153; 10.60;
11.18n; 12.10; 15.60 program(me) (verb) 3.8
cooccurrence restrictions 8.82 progression 19.17, 55-56, 69
meaning 3.13n; 7.73; 9.31, 32; 11.15n progressive
positions of 8.84, 87 aspect2.35n, 43; 3.2, 48, 49, 51, 64, 77;
realization 8.78 4.1,17,25-40,44,46,47,65,67;
syntaxof8.83 7.38n, 41; 8.29, 42, 60, 76, 98; 9.17;
see also: instrument, manner, means 10.14n, 25; 11.24; 12.22n, 23n, 35;
processing ---+ information 13. 78n; 14.6, 19,22,23, 27n, 31;
proclaim 16.31, 44, 46, 50; (~as) 16.47 15.28n; 16.21,40,53; 17.7,28-29;
pro-clause, pro-complement---+pro- 18.29,43, 49n; 19.40n; 1.53, 55
forms construction 3.54, 55
produce 16.26 prone 16.79
productivity 3.59; 5.50, 70, 105; 8.127; pronoun 2.34,35,44; 3.23; 5.12;
11.43; 12.34,51; 16.12, 45n; 17.60; 6passim; 8. 133n, 134, 135; 10.6,60;
1.2,5,6,8, 10, 13-16,20,21-77 12.9-11, 26n, 33, 40n; 16.6; 17.124;
profI.74 18.26n, 52; 19.2; II.S
profess 16.38, 44, 46 anticipatory ---+ it
pro-forms 2.44-45,55; 3.26; 4.33; 6.1, case 6.1, 2-5, 12n, 14, 32-35; 11.15n;
16, 17n, 4i, 42n, 48; 7.29; 8.10n; 15.5n
12.1-31,39, 65n; 15.3, 15,21; central 6.13, 14-30
17.77-78; 19.44-45,47,72,77 compound 5.12; 6.12, 31,46-47,51,
adverbial 2.44; 7.53; 8.10n, 41, 55, 52,59,61,62; 7.21, 69; 17.57; 1.57n
78n, 87, 148, 151; 12.9-11, 21, 27; contraction 6.7, 14n
19.33,34,36 conversion to noun 6.20n
clause 3.22n; 1O.7n; 12.10,13,21-30; correlative 6.31,54
15.34, 35n, 54n, 55n, 64n; 16.71n, definite 6.1, 15,36,37; 12.10; 17.12
72n discontinuous 3.70n
1746 Index

pronoun [cont] pronoun [cont]

ellipsis 6.27n; 12.47-48,52 universal 6.13, 20, 45-46, 48, 49-51;
emphatic 6.20,27,28,30 10.65; 18.45n
frequency of 6.46n unmarked 6.9, 10, 12, 16, 17,35; 10.50
fronting 6.23n, 35; 18.28 usage problems with 6.3, 4- 5, 8, 10,
head 2.29; 6.20, 50; 7.25n; 13.56 18,31,34-35,38,53,56;9.4;
indefinite 3.38; 5.117n; 6.1, 5, 8, 9, 11, 10.48-50; l1.25n; 12.61n; 13.56n,
12,13,23,36,37,45-48,54; 7.21, 73n, 74n; 16.42; 17.14-17,22
62,69; 8.47,143; 9.58; 10.42-43, zero -+ relative clause
48n,50,53; 11.16; 12.10, 17; 15.59; see also: assertive, case, concord,
17.15,57; 19.51 conversion, coordinate, coreference,
independent 6.14, 29, 31,38; count, demonstrative, gender, generic,
genitive, nonassertive, noncount,
nonpersonal, number, object, of-,
marked 6.35 person, plural, possessive, reciprocal,
meaning of term 2.44 reflexive, reinforcing, relative, -s,
modification of 6.20, 30 singular, subject, suffix, than, wh-
negative 3.34n; 6.13, 45-46, 48, 62; pronounce 16.31,32,44,46,50;
9.58; 10.62 ( ~ illegal) 16.45
objectiveform 3.51, 65, 70n; 6.1,2-5, pronunciation (of items) 2.45n; 3.13n,
10,12,13,14,23,24,25,27,33-35, 16,23, 32, 33, 36, 39, 43, 44, 45n,
36,38; 9.4; 10.7,8, 14, 44n; 11.26; 47n,51; 5.11, 56, 63n, 66n, 80, 84n,
12.61n; 13.73n, 74n; 15.5n, 8n, 10, 88,95, 97n, 99, 114; 6.12n, 29, 46,
12, 27n, 67; 16.36,49; 17.12; 64; 7.19, 46, 79, 80; 8.137; 9.9;
18.27n 11.55; 12.64n; 13.71n; 16.69n;
of- 5.16, 46, 48, 58, 59,62
17.15n, 43n; 1.3, 35, 39n, 40n, 41,
order of precedence 6.22 74n, 75; II.1, 9-10; I1I.4, 27
personal 2.27, 30, 36; 3.38; 5.1, see also: American English, British
104-111; 6.1-13, 14-22, 24, 27,29, English, informal, nonstandard,
30,32,35,39,40,45,50; 8.47; 9.2, phonology, Received Pronunciation,
63; 10.44n, 48-50,53; l1.5n, 18n, spelling
25-28,47,53; 12.7-10; 12, 6ln; prop-+it
13.56n; 14.30, 32,35; 16.16,49; proper 7.21, 81n; 16.72
17.12,16,63,88; l8.14n, 21, 23, 24, proper-+name, noun
27n; 19:51; II.9 prophesy 16.31
positivf! 6.13; 9.58 proportional
postposed 5.l7n, 50; 7.21 clause 11.43; 14.2:2; 15.51
premodification of 7.62 correlative 14.13
proxy 17.77; 18.58 see also: as
quantifier-+pronoun (universal) propos, a-+apropos
reference 5.104-111; 6.1, 7,15-21, proposa117 .36
39,40-44; 10.34n,48-50; 12.45; propose 16.32, 38, 39, 60
13.9; III.20n pro-predicate, pro-predication -+ pro-
sequence 6.27; 13.56n, 73n forms
sexual bias in 6.10, 56; 10.50 prosody 1.29; 18.59n; 19.14, 87-90;
shift 14.32, 35 IIpassim; III.1-2, 5,12,15, 16n,
stressed/unstressed forms 6.16, 29, 18,22,23,25
46n, 52n, 54, 61 ; 11.25 connectivity 19.19, 25-27, 28-29, 73,
subjective form 2.36; 3.65; 6.1, 2-5, 75,87n
12,13,14,27,33-35,36;9.2,4; information structure and 8.28;
10.6,8; 11.44, 53; 13.73n, 74n; 18.1-19,21,26, 42n; II.16
15.5n, 8n, 10,67 lexical independence of 19.25
substitution 6.11,12,53,54,55; prominence5.17;8.98n, 150; 12.28n,
12.8-20; 15.21,66; 17.63; 18.58; 56n;13.16n; 17.6,95; 18.1-9;
19.10, 12, 13, 14,24,44 19.12,25-27, 65n; 11.9,15; III.29
Index 1747

prosody [cont] punctuation [cont]

systems 11.2 grammar and 8.38, 100, 117, 143n;
transcription 1.29 10.16; 13.1, 16n, 17n, 52n, 54, 96;
see also: concord, focus, intonation, 14.29,40-41; 15.6n, 20, 21, 23,
paragraph, prominence, punctuation, 28n; 17.68,72,84,112,121; 18.34,
stress 41; 19.9, lln; 111.2, 7, 15
prospect (noun) 17.36 hierarchy 111.3, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18,23
protasis 15.34n included units in 111.2,9, 16-21,22
protectfrom 16.7, 57 light vs. heavy IIl.11, 22, 30
protest (verb) 16.31 minor conventions 111.30
pro to- 1.29 prosody and 11.52n; n.20
proud 16.71; (~of) 16.69 separation 111.2,3-21
prove 3.14n; 6.25; 14.25n; 16.21,22,31, specification 111.2, 9, 23-30
35,44,46,60; (~d/ ~ n) 3.14n; successive units in 111.3-15,22
(~ (oneself)(to be)) 6.25 see also: American English, British
provenance adjectives 7.42 English, colon, comma, dash, direct
see also: names (nationalities) speech, formulae, hyphenation,
pro-verb-+do (pro-form) informal, numeral, parentheses, period,
proverb 4.12; 7.83; 1l.43; 13.25n; 15.16; semicolon, space (orthographic)
1.7 punishfor 16.57
provide 16.48n, 57; (~ d (that)) 9.3; pure (central adjective) 7.34
14.12,14; 15.34, 35n, 44n; (~for) (emphasizer adjective) 7.33,34
16.28,57; (~ .. .for/with) 16.48n; (~ly) 8.116,118
(~with) 16.7, 57 pure -+ intransitive
providing (that) 14.12, 14; 15.34, 35n purportedly 8.127
proviso (with the ~ that) 15.34n purpose (~ ly) 8.93; (on ~) 8.93
pro-X -+pro-forms purpose
proximity adjunct 8.30,86, 132; 11.15n
concord 10.34n, 35, 40-45; 15.16; 17.11 adverbial 8.7; 10.10,21, 24n; 17.33
spatial 6.43 clause4.53n; 8.86; 14.13n, 24; 15.20,
temporal 6.43 ; 15.26,29 48,72-73,75; 17.33
proxy -+ pronoun disjunct 8.94n
prudently 8.127 meaning 8.9; 13.37n; 15.27, 34n, 49;
pseud 1.23,74 16.51; 1.62n, 65
pseudo- 1.15,23 negative 3.61; 8.86; 15.46n, 48
pseudo-+cleft, coordination, how, preposition 9.7, 32n, 42, 45
passive, subject, subjunctive see also: cause,for, if, so, that, until
psst l1.55n pursuance (in ~ of) 9.12n
psycholinguisticfactors 17.113; 1.14n pursuant to 9.10
PTO 111.28, 29 push (home) 16.4; (~N open) 16.45
pub 1.74 pushdown element 6.35n; 11.18; 15.4n,
public -+ verbs (semantic classification) 65, 66n, 68; 17.63; 18.20n, 28
public facilities -+ names (classified) see also: relative clause, wh-
publicly 7.47 put 3.17; 8.126; 10.30; 16.2n, 48;
publishing -+ printed language (~about) 16.34n; (~across)
pull (along) 16.4n; (~ up) 16.19n 16.26n; (~an end to) 16.58; (~a
punctual-+verbs (semantic stop to) 16.58; (~away) 16.4; (~by)
classification) 16.6; (~down) 16.4; (~down
punctuation 1.23; 11.47n; III passim to) 1O.12n; 16.9; (N off) 16.4, 26n,
connectivity 19.19, 25, 28-29, 73-74 39; (~on) 16.4; (~paid to) 16.17;
cooccurrence 111.3, 16, 24n (~straight) 16.17; (~ N to rights)
correlative 111.3, 16 16.8; (~up) 16.4; (~ up to) 16.9;
error6.31n; 1I1.16n (~up with) 10. 12n; 16.9, 12, 13, 14, 29;
frequency of IIl.3n, 7 (~ ... )17.80
1748 Index

putative meaning 15048-49 question [cont]

see also.' should direct6.37n; 8.15,130; 9.6; 13.94;
putt(ed) 3.19 14.35; 15.5,38; 19.62
puzzled 16.78; (~at) 16.69; (~ as to) ech02.56n; 11.12n, 14n, 34-36;
16.73 14.12n,33n
pyjamas 5.76 elliptical 10.17 ; 11.20-21
incomplete l1.36n
indirect 3.62n; 8.130,147; 9.6; 14.33;
15.5,6; 16.61,63; 19.62
a information ~ wh- (question)
mark 11.29n; IlI.1, 3, 14,20,23
qua 9.7 minor 11.22-23
quadrillion 6.63n polar 11.5n
quail (noun) 5.87 reduced 2.58n; 3.37
quality~partition, verbs (semantic see also.' conducive, coordinate,
classification) declarative, exclamatory, formulaic,
interrogation, negative, not, positive,
quantifier 504,16, 38n, 39; 6045-48, 51,
ratiocinative, reason, reflective,
58; 7.83; 8.52, 59, 67, 71,108,115, response, rhetorical, tag, verbless, wh-,
118n; 9040; 10042-43,66; 11. 7n; yes-no
12.10,17, 70n; 15.9, 69n; 17.31,59,
quick (adjective) 7.82; 16.77
(adverb) 7.83
closed class 5.20, 23-25 (~er . .. than) 15.52n; (~ Iy) 7.88
negative 6.62
quid 5.90
open class 5.20, 23, 25; 6.53
position of 3.28, 40
quit(ted) 3.17; 16.39
postposed 3.23n, 28, 40; 5.23n
quite (compromizer) 8.111,113,114;
scope of3.72; 13045,76
universal ~ pronoun (universal)
(diminisher) 3.76; 8.111; 10.62; Il.21
see also.' comparative, frequency, multal,
paucal, superlative (maximizer) 8.96, 105
(modifier) 7.56, 63, 89; 8.77, 111n,
quantifying, quantitative,
131,147; 1O.62n
quantity~determiIier, noun,
(predeterminer) 5.17n; 6.53
partition, some
as response 8.120n, 130n
quantity 0/5.25
«not) ~ all) 6.50n; ( ~ so) 8.130n
quarrel (verb)(about) 9.60; 16.28;
quotation IlUOn, .20n, 21
(~ with) 9.53; 16.28
marks 1.23; 14.29; IlI.3, 20n, 21, 25
quarterly 7.9; 8.64
quarters 5.77
see also.' direct speech
quasi- IlIA
quote, to 8.126
quasi-~auxiliary, coordination, ellipsis,
imperative, locative, modal, object,
subject, subjunctive
quest (in ~ of) 9.11,12 R
question 2045,46,48,50, 53; 337; 4.52,
55,58;8.85,90,97, 102, 106, 125n, R ( = regular variant) --7 variant
146n, 147; 10.8,55,57, 68n; 11.2,3, -r base ending 7.80
4-23, 29n, 32; 13047; 14.25n, 29; races ~ names (classified)
15.10n, 35, 54; 16.15; 18.19,24, radar I.75
27n, 49,57; 19.32, 47n, 61-63, 66; radio~ broadcasting
Ill. 23 radius 5.93
abbreviated 11.15n, 16 ragged 7.19
alternative 11.4, 20-21, 53; 13.28n, rain (verb) 4.27; 10.26
47n, 94; 14.33 raise (verb) 16.19n
as directives 19.62 raising ~ object
Index 1749

ran 3.19 reason [cont]

rang 3.19 adverbial 8.7, 121; 140; 10.10
range-+nucleus, pitch clause 7.53; 8.127,132, 143n; 14.13;
rapid(ly) 7.6,36 15.20,21,45-47
rarely 2.54n; 8.65, 68, 70, 77, 98; 10.59; direct/indirect 15.45
11.31 disjunct 8. 14On, 143n
rate (verb) 8.108n; 16.44,46; (~ as) frequency of clauses 15.47
16.47; (at any ~) 8.137, 143n; meaning 13.23; 14.14; 15.28, 34n,
(at a/the ~ of) 9.41 55n, 60; 17.18-20
rather (booster) 3.76; 8.105n; 10.62 preposition 9.7,43,44
(compromizer) 7.56, 89; 8.111,113, question 11.15n, 40
114 see also: as, since, while
(conjunct) 8.126, 137, 141, 143; 13.32 rebind 3.18
(predeterminer) 5.17n rebuild 3~ 13
as response 8.130n recall (yerb) 16.31, 39
position of7.56n recap (~ping) 15.18; (to ~) 15.18
(had ~) 3.45n; 7.83; (or~) 17.73, 80; recapitulate (to ~) 15.. 18
(should ~) 3.45n; (~ than) 10.40; recapitulating 15.18
12.69; 13.103; 14.15, 16, 19n; recapitulatory echo 11.33, 34'- 35
15.52; (~ ... than) 13.42Ii.; recast 3.17
(would ~ I'd ~) 3.40, 45-46, 66; receive 4.27 ; 10.32n; 16.26; (~from)
7.83; 8.96; 10.61n; 15.52; 16.33 18.31n
ratiocinative question 11.23n Received Pronunciation 1.27; 1.56
ravioli 5.100n recently 4.22; 7.70; 8.55, 62, 63, 77
re 9.7,57 recipient
re- I.17, 27 intended vs. actual 9.46
're 3.23, 32 object 10.33
reach (verb) 10.27 preposition 9.7, 32,46; 10.10
reaction role 2.23; 10. 7n, 19, 20n, 23, 30, 33;
preposition 9.7,63 16.56; 18.51-52
signa17.54; 11.54 subject 10.23, 30,33
read (verb) 3.18; 15.54; 16.19, 57; reciprocal
(~ about) 9.60; 16.28; (~ to) 16.57 expression 13.46
readily 8.103n; (more ~ ... than) 15.52n pronoun 3.70; 6.13, 31, 54; 7.11n;
readiness 17.36 13.46; 19.11n
ready 16.79; 81 pronoun frequency 6.31n
ready-made phrases 1.7, 8n relationship 13.60; 18.31n
real (central adjective) 7.34,81 reckon 14.36; 16.31,44,46,50; (as) 16.47
(emphasizer adjective) 7.33,34,73 reclassification -+ conversion
(intensifying adverb) 7.56n; 1.46n recognize 14.30; 16.31
really (disjunct) 8.127, 130n recommend 16.32,39,60,63; (~. to)
(intensifier) 7.56n, 57 16.62
(subjunct) 8.23, 96, 99-102, 109; 11.6; record (verb) 16.35
18.55-56 re(-)cover I.27n
real condition -+ condition (open) recoverability 5.31; 8.129; 12.6-7,41,
realization 2.6; 19.2 42,44,45-52; 19.48; 1.9-10,14
realize 4.29; 14.30; 15.54; 16.31, 35 precise 12.33, 34, 36~38, 65
reason (noun) 17.18 - 20 unique 12.6, 38, 40n; 14.28
(verb) 16.31 verbatim 12.32
(~ableabout) 16.69; (~ably) 8.127; see also: ellipsis, situational, structural,
(the ~ (that» 15.46n; (the ~ why) textual
15.46n; 17.18,20 recurrence 8.64, 69; 15.26, 30, 34
reason see also: lexical
adjunct8.55n,86; 11.15n recursion 17.115,117,120; L57n
1750 Index

redo 3.16 regarding (preposition) 9.8,57

reduce to 16.7n regardlessof9.1O, 57n; 14.14; 15.39n;
reduced form-+operator, question, (~ whether) 15Aln
reduction, relative clause, sentence regional English 1.11,19,20-21,22-27,
reduction 36,37,41; 3.14n, 23, 30n; 4.50, 64n;
phonological 3.23, 36n; 9.9; 12.31,46, 5.17n, 23n, 58n, 111n; 6.12n, 27n,
48n, 50n, 64n; 14.23n; 17.15n; 11.9 67n; 7.56n, 57n; 8.144n; 9.7n;
syntactic 2.52, 58n, 59; 12.1-5; 14.9, 10.10n; 12.22n, 30n; 13.7n; 15.5n,
12n; 16.66 74; 18.27
see also: abbreviated clause, ellipsis, see also: American, British
pro-forms register -+ discourse (field of)
redundancy 2.52; 3.71; 12.1-2, 7; 13.71; regret4.67n; 8.107; 15.54; 16.33,38,39,
15.6n, 46n, 73 40; (~tably) 8.127,129; 9.63
reduplication 5.81n; 7.70n; 16.3 regular-+noun, plural, verb
see also: coordination (iterative), letter, regularly 8.65, 70n
particle regulative language 1.3
reduplicative compound I. 72 reindeer 5.87
reel back 16.3 reinforcement 18.58-59
refer to 16.28, 57 reinforcing conjunct 8.136, 137-138,
reference (in/with ~ to) 8.85; 9.11, 57 148; 15.18
reference -+ anaphora, cataphora, reinforcing pronoun 17.78
discourse, generic, near vs. distant, reject 16.26
noun phrase, personal, place, rejected condition -+condition
pronoun, semantic, situational, (hypothetical)
specific, sporadic, time rejoice 16.33; (~ at) 9.63; 16.28
reference editing 17.80 relater word 2.37
referendum 5.95 relation (in ~) 9.66; (in ~ to) 9.11;
referring -+ it (~s)5.77
reflect 16.31,35; (~on) 16.35 relational-+ basic, genitive
reflective question 18.33n relational verb -+ verb
reflexive pronoun 3.70; 5.104; 6.5, 6, 8, relationship 3.34
11,12,13,14,20,23-28,31,45,56; time adjunct 8.53,72; 15.25,26
8.125n; 10.6,7,8,48; 11.25; 16.39; time adverbial 4.22; 6.27n; 8.4, 11
18.l1n time subjunct 8.97
basic use 6.23,24-27 relative (~ ly) 7.56; (~to) 15.69n
emphatic use 6.23, 27, 28, 30; 18.39 relative clause 2.9 ;.4.64n; 6.19,20,
object 7.17n; 1004,6; 16.7n, 45n, 46, 32-35,42; 7.22, :24,25; 9.6,55;
53n;1.54 10.1n, 7n, 17, 43n, 44n; 11.18n;
optional 6.27 1204; 13.50-51,84; 14.3, 22n; 15.2,
position of 6.28 8-9, 25n, 27n;28n, 29n, 31n, 39n,
precedes subject 6.23n 44n, 51, 57, 74n; 16.6, 15, 16;
pro-form use 12.10 17.2-6,8,9-25,26-34,37,61,76,
semi-emphatic use 6.27 79,92; 18.48,53; 19A7n
see also: coordinate, verb (nonreflexive, adnomina16.35n; 15.2,.8, 57;
reflexive, semi-reflexive) 17.9-25,34
reformulation (in apposition) 17.74, 80 continuative 15.57n
reformulatory conjunct 8.126,136,137, elliptical 7.86
141,143 free-+nominal clause (relative)
refreshingly 8.127 independent -+ nominal clause
refusal 17.36 (relative)
refuse (verb) 16.38, 57 nonrestrictive 5.64; 6.33, 35n; 7.25,
regard (as) 16047; (as ~ s) 9.57; (in ~ to) 27,29; 8.94n, 132; 13.103n; 15.57,
9.11,57; (~s) 5.77; (with ~ to) 60-62; 17.3-6,9,13, 21, 22~25,
9.11,57 26-27,33,66,81; 19A7n; 1II.19
Index 1751

relative clause [cont] remaining-+verbs (semantic

pushdown 6.35n; 17.63-64 classification)
reduced 7.21,22,24; 12.35n; 17.56, remake 3.l3
66,82,83,92 remark (verb) 16.31, 60; (~ably) 8.127
restrictive 5.64; 6.20, 33,47,53,61; remember4.52n, 67n; 15.54; 16.26,31,
7.25,86; 10.61; 11.53; 14.14,20, 35,38,39,40; (can/could ~) 14.26n
23n; 15.34n; 17.3-6,9,13-21,22, remind 16.48n, 59, 61, 62, 63; (~of)
25,26-27; 18.28 16.7,57
sententia18.133; 13.27, 103n; 15.2, remote from 16.69
29n, 55, 56, 57; 17.5, 9 rend 3.13
telescoped 17.21 render 16.44
zero 6.33-34; 11.53; 12.19, 59n; rendezvous 5.99
14.20; 17.11, 13-20,22; 18.28 rent (verb) 3.13; (~from/to) 18.31n
see also: existential, nominal clause, repay 3.10n
postmodification repeat (verb) 16.31; (~ edly) 8.65
relative destination -+destination repent 16.39
relative determiner-+determiner repetition
relative pitch -+ pitch expressive 7.89; 12.4n; 18.58; 19.23
relative pronoun 6.8,11,13,20,32-35, meaning4.35n, 67; 14.27; 15.28
36,38; 7.53; 9.6; 1O.44n, 49,51; offorrns 17.61; 19.72
14.20; 15.2,55,60,66; 16.15; see also: adjective, adverb, adverbial,
17.9-25,63,66; 18.28,48 coordination (iterative), determiner,
adverbialfunction 17.13-14, 17-20, emphasis, never, noun, verb
22,30,34 repidginization 1.35
complement function 17.11,13-14, replacive conjunct 8.136,137,141, 143,
22,25,30 146
neutra16.34n reply (verb) 16.31
object function 7.13-14,15-16,22, reply-+response
30-34 report (verb) 15.54; 16.26,31,44,50,60;
position 6.32; 13.84; 18.28 (~ back) 16.31n; (~ edly) 8.127
prepositional complement function reported
17.13-14,16,17,24; 18.28 clause 14.28-35
subject function 17.13-14, 15,22, request 8.91
28-32 see also: directive (indirect), indirect
see also: coordinate, that, wh- (pronoun), speech, question (indirect), statement
when, where, which, who, whom, whose, (indirect)
why reporting
relativized predication 3.26 clause 4.60; 14.28-35, 54n; 18.20n,
relator-+place, time 23; III.21
re'lay/'relay 3.10n verb4.l6; 14.28-35; 18.20n; 19.41n,
re/end 3.12n 43
relevance -+ current see also: news reporting
relexicalization 1. 71 n represent 8.1 08n
reliant (up)on 16.69 repudiation 12.54,62,70;"13.32,42,57,
relieve(~ d) 16.78; (of) 16.57 94
religious language 1.28; 3.4n, 16; 6.7, repute (verb) 16.50; (~ d) 3.68; (~ dly)
12n; 7.70n; 9.7n; 14.20; 15.3In; 8.127
II.10 request (verb) 3.59; 16.32,63
relish 16.39 request4.52n, 57, 63, 64n; 8.90-91,100;
reluctance, with 8.93 11.3,4,13, 20n, 29,53; 19.62;
reluctant 6.59; 16.79; (~ly) 8.93 IIL23n
rely on 16.28; (~ ... to) 16.51n see also: indirect, reported
remain 10.16, 24; 16.21,22,23,24; (~s) require 14.25n; 16.26,32,39,50; (~d)
5.77 7.21; (~ment) 3.59
1752 Index

reread 3.18 result

rerun 3.19 adjunct 8.49,81, 103n
resemblance (meaning) 9.48 adverbial7.20n; 8.7
resemble 2.21n; 3.68; 4.27,28; 10.14n; attribute 10.8, 20; 16.21,23,45
16.27 clause 8.132, 140n; 15.20,25,49,
resent 16.39 72-73,75
reserve 16.57; (~for) 16.57 conjunct8.136, 137, 140,144
reset 3.17 meaning 3.13n, 38n, 77; 4.22, 33, 39,
resolution 3.59; 17.36 43; 7.16, 20; 8.42,108; 9.17; 10.24;
resolution (principle) 14.37; 18.32n 13.23; 15.27,45,74; 16.38n;
resolve 16.32; (~ on) 16.38 19.60n; 1.54
resort to 16.28, 39 object 10.22, 28,33
respect (verb) 16.26; (in all ~ s) 8.105; (in preposition 9.7,28,30,32
~ of) 9.11, 12n, 57; (in some ~ s) prepositional adverb 9.66
8.111,114; (in/with ~ to) 8.85; 9.11, subject 10.22
57 subordinator 8.146n
see also: respecting see also: before, copula, so, source, that,
respect until
adjunct 7.87; 8.28-31, 81,85,87,88 resultant, resultative, resulting,
adverbial.8.2, 5, 6; 1.70 resultivec-+ copula, result, verbs
disjunct 8.123-124 (semantic classification)
meaning 8.9 resume 16.39
preposition 9.7,8,57; 17.50 resumptive clause 15.57
titles of 10.53 retell 3.15
see also: for rethink 3.15
respecting (preposition) 9.8, 57 retort (verb) 16.31
respective 10.37n; 13.61,62; 19.52; retrospectivec-+ verbs (semantic
(~ly) 10.37n; 13.60,61,63; classification)
19.52 return (in ~) 9.66; (in ~ for) 9.11;
response 1.34; 3.26; 6.4; 8.79, 91n, 97n, ( ~ N unopened) 16.45
100,114, 130n; 11.4-23, 40n, 43n, returns 5.77
54; 12.43,44; 14.29; 15.5,20, 21n, Rev 5.66n
54n; 16.13; 18.19, 59n; 19.26-27, reveal 16.31
54, 65; II.l2, 13 reverend 5.66n
elliptical11.7n;12.61; 18.16; 19.2, reversal
54n clause 15.25, 49, 54
see also: hardly, indeed, negative, never, no, subject/complement 10.20, 46n
quite, rather, right, sure, yes reversati ve c-+ prefix
responsibility 17.36 reverse c-+ indentation
rest (verb) 16.21 rewind 3.18
restriction adverbial 8.8 rewrite 3.16
restrictive rhematic connection 19.14; 21, 69
clause 8.94n; 14.37n; 15.23 rheme c-+ theme
markers 17.32 rhetorical
modification 5.64; 6.42, 47, 61; 7.24; conditional clause 15.37
12.19; 15.2, 34n; 17.3,4-29,34,35, question 8.112; 11.2;13,23,44; 19.63
44,48-50,94,95,110,115 style6.19n, 20; 12.4n, 9n; l3,87, 94;
see also: adjective, adverb, adverbial, 15.22; 17.23n, 80; 18.21,23, 36n,
apposition, nonrestrictive, 48, 59n; 19.18,29, 47n, 59; I1.2ri.,
postmodification, premodification, 10,18; III.2, 7, 8,24
relative clause, subjunct see also: we
restrictives 5.17n rhinoceros 1.14
restring 3.18 rhododendron 1.14
result (as a ~) 8.137; (as a ~ of) 9.11 rhythm 13.86; 17.115; 19.12,25; II.1-3,
Index 1753

rhythm [cont] roughly 8.124

10,11,18,19; II1.2 round (adverb) 7.66n; 8.41,52
types of 13.86 (particle) 16.2
see also: foot, stress (preposition) 7.70; 9.7, 9, 22, 26-27
riches 5.77 (prepositional adverb) 9.66
rid(ded) 3.17 (all/right ~ ) 8.63n
ridden 3.16 round brackets -+ brackets
ride (verb) 3.16 row (verb) 3.8n
ridicule 16.26 royal we -+ we
right (adjective) 7.81 RP -+ Received Pronunciation
(adjunct) 8.41 RSVP H1.28, 29
(conjunct) 8.135 rub (in) 16.34n; (~ N dry) 16.17
(intensifier) 7.61; 15.27, 29; 16.3,4 rule (noun)(as a ~) 8.76
parenthetic use 19.65n (verb) 16.26, 32
response use 8. 100, 120n rules
(all ~) 8.100, 102n; 13.102n; (~ ly) codification of 1.15,16
8.127,129,133n grammar 1.15-16; 7.47; 10.51; 19.44;
right-+ branching, dislocation 1.1,5
rigid -+ frozen (style) spelling 3.7-10, l1n; 6.64n; 7.47, 83
ring (ed) 3.19 transformational 2.20
ripen 4.27 word-formation 1.5, 15
rise(n) 3.16; 16.19 vs. tendencies 17.114; 111:7
rise-fall tone 11.23, 37; 1I.14, 15n see also: phonological, prescriptivism
rise-plus-fall tone 18.17-18; I1.14n, 15n rumour (verb) 15.54; 16.50
rising tone 8.91,135; 10.52; 11.5,8-12, run (verb) 3.19; 9. 16n, 45; 10.4n; 16.21;
20, 22n, 23,34,37,53; 14.37; 17.78, (~and . ..) 13.98; (~at)9.46;
86; 18.5,16,18, 26n, 59; 19.9, (~away with) 16.29; (~ down)
26-27,65; 1I.l3, 15, 18n; II1.12 16.4n; (~for) 16.28; (~out of)
risk (noun) 17.36 16.12; (~over) 16.6; (~through)
(verb) 16.39 16.6n; (~ to) 9.46
ritual 11.3n rung 3.19
River 5.72; 17.89 Russian 1.2, 5n; 5.104,112,123; 8.91n
rivers -+ names (classified) -ry 1.32
roam (about/around) 9.31
roar 9.46n; (~ hoarse) 16.45n
rob (of) 16.7,57; (~N of) 16.8 5
rock (amplifier) 7.56n
rode 3.16 8-+subject
role 8/0 (= raised object)-+object (raised)
preposition 7.4,7,48; 9.7 -s 1.18
see also: adjunct, adverbial, affected, clipped forms use I. 74n
agentive, attribute, calling, clause, contracted genitive 5.113-114; 6.47;
initiator, opposition, participant, 7.69; 13.72; 17.43n
recipient, semantic, unique contracted pronoun 6.14n
role of5.42n doubling in verbs 3.8
roll Nflat 16.45 familiarity marker I. 77
Romance languages 1.40; 1.40 noun plural 5.74, 80, 81,83; 6.65;
romp home 16.3 7.25n; 10.34n; 1.31n
room (make N for) 16.58 verb base ending 3.9
root-+modality, necessity, possibility, verb singular 3.2-7, 11-20, 23, 30, 34,
stem 40,42,45,59; 1O.34n; 18.49n
root morpheme 1.2n see also: genitive, plural
rose (verb) 3.16 sad 16.71, 72; (~ ly) 8.127,129
1754 Index

said 3.15,68; 14.29; 18.36; (it is ~) scientific language [cont]

15.54; (that ~) 8.127n, 137; (the ~) 8.41n, 137; 9.7n; 15.59; 17.99, 124;
19.47n I.24, 26, 27n, 59n; HI.5n, 11,30
sail around 16.12 scissors 5.76
saist/saith 4.2n scope 2.55; -+ adverbial, coordination,
sake (for . .. ~) 5.114,120; 8.100; discontinuous, interrogation,
11.41n; (for (the) ~ of) 9.11, 12n; negation, numeral, partition,
(~of) 9.11n predication, pro-forms, quantifier
salmon 5.87 score (noun) 5.90
salt-cellar 1.14 scorn (verb) 16.38
salutation 10.53n; 19.65 Scot(-ch/-s/-tish) 5.57n
same (restrictive adjective) 5.34; 7.35 scotchtape (verb) 16.45n
(all the ~) 8.137,.141; (be the ~) Scots English 1.25
13.46; (do the ~) 12.10, 20, 25n; see also: regional English
(the~)7.62n; 12.10,20 scrape N clean 16.45
sang 3.19 sea 5.44
sank 3.19 search (in ~ of) 9.11,12
sans 9.7 seas -+ names (classified)
sat 3.18 seasons -+ names (classified)
satisfied with 16.69 second (conjunct) 8.137,143; 19.38
satisfy 16.26,59 (numeral) 6.63-64
save (conjunction) 15.34n (~ ly) 8.137; 19.38,56; (~ of all)
(preposition) 9.8, 58 8.137
(verb) 16.39, 57 second-instance sentence 2.56n; 3.45;
(~for) 16.57; (~that) 9.3n; 14.12; 4.52n; 8.70; 12.28n; 15.35; 16.39;
15.44; 16.28n 17.101,104; 18.45n
savings 5.77 second language -+ English
saw (past tense, see) 3.16 secondary-+ conversion, stress, time-
saw(ed/n) 3.14 orientation, word class
say 3.4n, 5n, 10, 15,68; 4.8; 12.20,28; see 2.4n; 3.16; 4.29-30; 8.127n; 10.23;
14.29, 33n, 36n; 15.54; 16.26, 31, 14.22, 36n; 15.54; 16.26, 31, 35,48,
35,50,56,60; 18.23 50,52,53,54
in apposition 17.73, 86 (~about) 16.39; (~as) 16.47; (~fit
(can't/couldn't ~) 14.31n; (not to ~) ... to) 16.17n; (I~) 15.54; (~n)
13.103; (~s) 3.5n, 15; (~s he/If - 3.16; (~st) 3.4n; (~through) 16.6;
you) 14.29n; (so to ~) 8.126; (so (~ to it) 14.22;·(you ~) 15.54;
they ~) 12.28n; (they ~) 15.54; 19.39,65
(~to) 8.129; 16.56,57 seeing (that) 8.145; 9.3; 14.12, 14; 15.46;
see also: that (~ ... ) 14.13
saying-+verbs (semantic classification) seeing -+ verbs (semantic classification)
scale-+cohesion, finiteness, gender, seek 3.15; (~for) 16.38; (~out) 16.12
gradience, institutionalization seem 3.66n, 76; 4.29; 7.3,10, 11n, 14, 15;
scales 5.76 8.42n; 10.l1n; 12.28; 14.26,36;
scarcely 8.98, 111, 112, 114; 10.59; 16.21,22,23, 24n, 34;38n; 18.36
(~ ... )14.13 (can't/couldn't ~) 14.36n; (~ ingly)
scared of16.69 8.127; (it ~ s) 15.54; 16.34n, 60n;
scarfs/scarves 5.83 (~to) 3.40, 49; (~tobe) 7.11n
scene-setting 8.15,38,47,87; 18.26n; seeming-+verbs (semantic
19.68 classification)
school 5.44; 9.17 segregatory coordination 13.35, 38, 46,
school.,.-7 English, grammar 59-63,64-75
schwa vowel II.9 seldom 6.59; 8.65, 67, 70, 77, 98; 10.59
scientific language 1.28; 3)3; 4.25n; selectional restrictions -+ semantic
5.54n, 56, 91, 92; 6.18, 63n, 64n, 65; (restrictions)
Index 1755

self-1.29, 62, 68, 69; I1I.4 sensibly 8.127

-self/-selves 5.83; 6.5, 6,11,23-28; sent 3.13
8.124; 12.10 sent -+ sentence
self-address 11.53 sentence (to) 16.57
self-correction 2.5n; 17.80 sentence 2.11, 46n, 59; 14.1-2; 15.57;
self-destruct 1.12, 71 18.5; IIU
self-embedding 14.39 clause vs. 2.4n
see also: embedding complex 2.4, 9,11,44,46; 10.1,55;
sell 3.15 ; (~ N cheap/new) 16.45; (~ to) l1.8n, 18n; 14passim; 17.24; 19.57
18.31n compound 2.4, 11,46; 10.1; 11.38;
sellotape (verb) 16.45n l3passim; 14.2-3; 18.5; II1.6-7
-selves -+ -self connectivity 2.44; 12.l3; 13.44n;
semantic 19 passim
blends 8.81 discourse reference 19.46-48
classification 2.46; 3.21; 5.3; 7.40-44; discourse use 6.16, 44; 19.28,29,74
11.2-3; 13.87; 16.20; 17.74-87; ellipsis 11.38, 43; 13.52
1.20,21-30 graphic identity Ill. 1, 14-15
criteria 2.33,38,39,42; 3.21,29; incomplete III.26n
5.35n; 7.4, 40, 45; 8.28,31,34,40, indeterminacy 2.11
64; 10.4; l3.3-4, 36, 45, 54; l3.86; irregular 11.38-52
18.4; 1.2 multiple 2.11; 10.1; 14 passim
implication 12.31, 38; 19.19,20,21, premodification by 17.74, 112
69,70-71 processes 2.46; 3.21
relations 2.20- 23,40; 3.65; 6.33; reduced 2.46
10.29; 17.73-74; 19.7; 1.58 ;11.8 sequence 6.16, 44; 12.l3; 15.57; 19.3,
restrictions 1.18; 3.29; 7.56n; 1"0.16, 58
30,51; 15.9, 16; 16.21,45; 17.31; simple 2.4, 9, 11,46-47; 3.2; 10.1,55
I.7,44,57 structure 2.3-10; 10.1-4; l3.44n
role 3.65n; 8.1, 2-10, 134-142, 144, types 1.18; 2.46 - 59; 11 passim
149; 10.5-9, 18-33; 14.5n; 16.23 units within 2.3-10
vs. referential 4.2 unreduced 2.56n
see also: adjective, adjunct, adverbial, utterance vs. 2.46n
apposition, clause, concord, conjunct, see also: adjunct, adverbial, aphoristic,
coordination, copular, grammar, idiom, clause, cleft, conditional, coordinate,
object, subject, subordinate clause, copular, declarative, ellipsis,
verbs (semantic classification) exclamatory, existential, final,
semantics 1.13,16, 18,42; 2.46n; fragmentary, generic, imperative,
19.2-3; IILl initial, interrogative, medial, negative,
semi-1.28 noun phrase, parenthetic, second-
semi-annually 8.64 instance, statement, subordinate clause
semi-auxiliary -+ auxiliary sentential analogues 1.60-65, 69n
semicolon 14.40; 19.29,73; IIU, 6, 7, sentential relative clause-+relative
10,11,12-13,16 clause
semi-coordinator -+ coordinator separability 16.3
semi-formulaic -+formulaic separate 4.27
semi-given -+ given separation -+ punctuation
semi-lexical-+ lexical sequence-+adjective, adverb, auxiliary,
semi-passive -+ passive clause (order), coordination,
semi-reflexive -+ verb information, -ly, modal,
send 3.13; 4.26n; 16.44,48,57; (~away premodification, preposition,
for) 16.14; (~ N packing) 16.17; pronoun, sentence, tense, time,
(~ to) 16.57 triadic
senior 7.85 sequent-+time (sequence)
sense (verb) 16.31; (in the ~ that) 14.14n seraph(-s/-im) 5.101
1756 Index

serial comma -3>- comma sheep [cont]

series 5.91 (vs. mutton) 5.4
seriously 8.124,130 sheer (emphasizer adjective) 7.33
serve 16.57; (~for) 16.38; (~ N hot/ shelf/shelves 5.83
cold) 16.45; (~to/with) 1657 shew(ed/n) 3.14
set (noun) (~ of) 10.43n shift -3>- stress
(verb) 3.17; 16.48; (all~) 16.79; shine 3.18; 4.27
(~fire to) 16.58; (~ N free) 16.45; ship5.111n
(~out) 9.45; 16.38n; (~to) 9.66n; -ship 1.32
(~up) 16.4; (~ (up)on) 16.69 ships-3>-names (classified)
set expression -3>- fixed phrase shit 3.17
SEU -3>- Survey of English Usage shock (verb) 16.26; (~ed) 16.71;
several (postdeterminer) 5.23 (~ing) 16.72
(pronoun) 6.13,57; 12.10, 17 shod 3.18
severe (-ly) 8.105; (~ (up)on) 16.69 shoe(d) 3.18
sew(ed/n) 3.14; 4.27 shone 3.18
sex-neutrality/bias 556, 105; 6.8, 10,56; shook 3.16
13.86n; 19.51 shoot 3.18; 4.27; (~ at) 9.46
see also: pronoun shorn 3.14
sh 11.55 short 7.88; (in ~) 8.125; (~ly) 7.6; 855;
-sh (nationality noun ending) 556-57; (~of) 16.69
7.25 short structure 7.22; 8.17, 22n, 23, 47,
-sh (verb base ending) 3.9 87; 15.4n; 17.16, 82n, 115; 18.19,
shake 3.16; (~ N loose) 16.45; (~n) 3.16 40,43; 1958;II.6n, 7; IIU2, 29n
sha1l3.4n, 21, 39, 40; 4.37, 42, 47, 50, 51, see also: length, long structure
57,58,60,61,64,65; 11.13; 14.22, shorts 5.76
27; 15.68n; 16.41 shot (verb) 3.18
with second/third-person subject should 1.24; 3.4n, 21,39,40; 4.49, 50, 51,
458n 56,57,59-62,64,65; 8.103; 14.16n,
(~not) 3.39; 10.67; (~ we) 6.7; 11.10, 20,23; 15.36,48; 16.71n
13 putative 3.59; 4.64; 8.128; 10.55n, 61;
see also: shalt, shan't, should 11.41; 14.24,25,33; 15.11,44n;
shallow 7.88 1630,32,59,70-72; 17.26,35
shalt 3.4n; 4.58n (~not/ ~ n't) 3.39; 10.68; 11.8n;
shan't 3.23,39; 10.67 (~st) 3.4n
shared information -3>- given see also: shall
shared knowledge 5.27-29,36; 19.22n, shout 9.46n; 16.31n; (~_at) 16.14
- 65 show 3.14; 14.25n; 16.31, 35, 48, 55, 57, 62;
see also: verbs (semantic classification) (~ed/ ~ n) 3.14; (~ to) 16.57, 59
sharp (adjective) 7.8 showbiz I. 74n
(adverb) 7.8; (~ly) (amplifier) 7.8,56 shrank 3.19
shat3.17 shred3.17n
shave 3.14n; 6.25; (~d) 3.14n; 7.19; shrewdly 8.127
(~n) 3.12n, 14n; 7.19; (~oneself) shrimp 5.87
6.25 shrink 3.19; (,..., from) 16.39
she 1.26; 5.104-107, 109,-111; 6.2-6, shrive(d/n) 3.16
8-11,14,18,20,38; 12.47; 17.11 shrove 3.16
s/he 5.105; 6.10; 1.76n shrunk(en) 3.19; 7.19
sheaf/sheaves 5.83- shut 3.17
shear(ed) 3.14 sibilance 35,9, 32n; 5.80, 99,114; 6.11,
shears 5.76 29
sheaths 5.83 sick 738n; (~ with) 16.69
shed 3.17 sideways 8.41
sheep 5.87 signal (verb) 3.8; 16.60
Index 1757

significantly 8.127 singular [cont]

signify 16.31 108; 6.9,16,21,23,50,52; 7.14n;
silent letter 3.8n; 5.81 8.39; 9.12, 41; 10.34, 38,46, 50;
sillily 1.41 13.46,60-62,66-71,103; 15.69n,
silly 16.72, 76 73; 17.47, 108-109, 118n;III.27
similar (be ~) 13.46; (~ to) 16.69; noun lacking 5.61
18.31n partitive 5.6, 7, 8
similarity clause 13.26; 14.20,22; 15.22, pronoun 6.6,8,9,11-12, 14, 38n, 40,
50; 19.52 41,42,45,46,47,49,51,56;7.69;
see also: as 10.49-50;;11.26; 19.13n; II1.29n
similarly (conjunct) 8.137 subject 3.59n; 10.34-43,50
(subjunct) 8.116, 119 verb 3.2, 32, 52, 54, 58, 62; 4.16n;
pro-form use 12.10, 25n 5.100n; 6.12; 9.52; 10.34-46;
simile 18.55 13.94,95; 14.24; 15.9, 16,36; 18.46
simple (emphasizer adjective) 7.33 see also: concord, distributive, noun
simple ---+ adverb, aspect, coordination, phrase, number,-s
finite phrase, noun phrase, past, sink 3.19
perfective, preposition, present, Sioux 5.88
progressive, sentence, subordinator, sir 10.53; 17.91n; 19.65
verb phrase, word Sir 5.66n; 17.91n
simply (adjunct) 8.100n sit 3.18; 4.27, 32; 8.28, 30n; 9.16n;
(diminisher sUbjunct) 8.111 10.24; 16.48; (~and ... ) 13.98;
(disjunct) 8.100n, 124 (~ down) 4.27; 10.24
(emphasizer subjunct) 8.100,102 situation 19.24n
(focusing subjunct) 8.116,118,120; situationtJpe4.4,27-35; 10.18; 14.22n
15.20 see also: verbs (semantic classification:
simultaneity ---+ time dynamic, stative)
simultaneous 19.36; (~ly) 8.55; 19.36 situational
since context 6.1; 7.30; 8.124n; 10.4,49;
(time adjunct) 8.55, 60-61; 14.26; 11.29,49,53; 12.9; 14.33n; 15.13,
19.37 . 73; 17.8; 19.33-34; 1.16
(conjunction) 8.55n, 60-61; 9.3; recoverability 12.6-7
14.12, 19n, 21-22, 26; 15.20-21, reference 4.11-12; 5.28, 33n; 6.15,40,
25,27,46-47 43,44; 12.11-12
(content disjunct) 15.21 see also: ellipsis, immediate, larger, past
(preposition) 7.70; 8.55n, 60; 9.3, 7, 9, size ---+ dimension, potential size, prefix
38,40; 11.14n; 15.25, 29n ski (verb) 3.10n
(prepositional adverb) 9.66; 14.26 skyward(s) 8.41
-clause 8.60-61, 124, 132; 14.21-22, slacken off16.12
26 slacks 5.76
frequency of 8.60 slain 3.16
introducing style disjunct 15.21 slam (verb) 16.21
reason 8.61n, 132; 14.13; 15.20,46-47 slang 1.33; 5.90; 10.46; 11.54; 17.112;
temporal 8.55, 60-61; 14.21-22; 1.12, 16, 52, 77
15.20,25,27 slant!slash ---+ 0 bliq ue stroke
(~ ...) 14.13; (ever ~) 14.14n, 26, 27n slay 3.16
sincerely, yours 8.91n sleep3.15; (~ in) 16.15
sing 3.7, 19 slept 3.15
singe 3.7, 9 slew 3.16
single (adjective) 5.38; 6.47; 10.62 slide!slid3.18; 9.16n
singular slight 7.33; (in the ~ est) 8.111; 10.62;
invariable 5.74, 75; 6.54 (~ly)8.111
noun 4.4, 7, 35; 5.7,11,13,14,21,26, sling 3.18
29n, 36, 42, 50, 52-59, 62, 73-103, slink 3.18
1758 Index

slip of the tongue 16.2n sob out 16.4n

slit (verb) 3.17 soc I. 74n
slow (adverb) 7.6; I.l6n social variation 1.19, 22-27, 41
(verb) 16.77 sociolinguistic criteria 1.19-41; I.l3, 16
slung 3.18 sociolinguistics 1.19
slunk 3.18 so/t7.43; 16.81
small 7.82, 88 sold 3.15
. comparison of7. 77 sole (adjective) 5.34; 7.35; (~ Iy) 8.116;
small capitals convention 2.35; 3.1n I.41
small objects -+ names (classified) solid7.81n
smell (verb) 3.13; 4.29-30; 7.9; 10.23; solid vs. open spacing IlI.4
16.21, 24n, 53; (~ ed) 3.13 solidus -+ oblique stroke
smelt 3.13 some (determiner) 2.54; 5.2, 14, 23,45,
smile at 9.46 52,59-60; 9.40; 10.43n, 60; 12.18
smite/smitten 3.16 (pronoun) 2.54; 6.13, 46, 48, 52,54, .
smog I.76 59-60; 10.42,60; 12.10, 15, 16, 17,
smoke (verb) 16.19 18;15.9
smote 3.16 quantitative meaning 5.39-40, 64n
sn- words I. 76n stressed5.14n; 7.63; 12.18
snap at 9.46 unstressed 5.39; 6.64n; 12.18
sneeze 4.27 zero article vs. 5.39-40
snow (verb) 4.27; 10.26 ( ~ 0/) 6.48, 52
so (conjunct) 7.52; 8.135,137,140, 143n, some- 2.54; 6.45-47, 52; 10.60; 15.9
144, 146, 148; 11.9; 12.29n; 13.5, -some 1.28n, 38n
11,12,18-19; 15.49; 18.24; 19.58; somebody 2.54; 6.8, 9,13,45-47,59-60;
III.6, 12 10.50,60
(conjunction) 8.86; l3.103; 14.12; 15.48 somehow. 7.46; 8.137, 140, 147; 10.60
(intensifier) 6.53; 7.22, 89; 8.77,83, someone 6.9, 12,45-47,60; 10.50,60
102,105,120,148; 11.32; 12.10, someplace 10.60
30n; 15.49, 74; 16.70; 17.96; 18.24, something 2.54; 6.8,45-47,59-60; 10.60
57;19.50 sometime 8.55; 10.66; 15.27; (~s) 2.54;
(process adverb) 12.10 8.67,71,98; 10.60
end-placed conjunct 8.144n somewhat 7.56, 89; 8.77,111,115; 10.60
initia112.28,29 somewhere 7.46; 8.41; 10.60
noncorre1ative 18.57 soon (adjunct) 7.70,83; 8.55; 15.29;
pro-form use 2.44; 3.26; 8.10n, 148; 19.36n
12.10,13,20-26,27-30; 15.54n, (as ~) 3.45n; (as ~ as) 4.13; 14.12, 18,
55n; 16.30, 34, 71n, nn; 18.23,24 25,27; (~er) 3.45n; 7.83; 8.96;
purpose 8.86; 15.48 (~er than) 14.16; 15.52; (~est)
result 15.49 7.83; (no ~ er than) 14.13, 18n;
stressed 12.23n, 29 15.25n; (would ~ er) 3.40; 4.66
syntactic status of 12.26n, 30 sorry 9.2; 16.71; 19.17; (~ ?) 11.34n;
(~as) 14.17; (~ ... as)7.74, 86; 19.17; (~ about) 9.2; (~ to ... )
14.13; 15.71; (~as to) 15.48; 15.54
(~ ... as to) 17.122; (~be it) sort 0/5.6; 7.56n, 64; 8.111,113,114,
12.27n; Uust ~ (that)) 15.34, 35n; 126; 10.43
(~ ... (that)) 14.13; 15.49, 74; sought 3.15
(~ too) 19.55 sound (adjective) 7.36
see also: do (so), even, if, less, many, more, (verb) 4.28, 30; 7.9; 16.21,22,23, 24n
much, say, so that, speak ( ~ as if) 14.36
so that 14.12 source
(purposive) 13.8, 10; 15.20,48 adjunct 8.39-48, 85, 149
(resu1tative) 8.l46n; 13.5, 8-10, 12, adverbial 8.2
14, 18-19, 103; 15.20,49 preposition 8.2,7,18; 9.7,47
Index 1759

source [cont] specifically (conjunct) 8.137

-result relation 17.106 (subjunct) 8.116
south(ward(s)) 7.46n; 8.41; 9.66 specification -+ punctuation
South African English 1.26 spectacles 5.76
see also: regional English spectrum 5.95
South Asian English 1.34 sped 3.18
see also: regional English speech
sow(ed/n) 3.14 act 2.46n; 3.50, 52; 4.7, 65n; 11.3;
space (orthographic) 111.1,2, 3,4,9 14.28; 15.33,38,45; 16.30n, 31, 63
space adverbial 2.18 ; 6.27; 8.2,3, 15n, -related disjunct 8.89n
22,37,39-50, 55n, 76, 78n, 81, 85, see also: direct speech, indirect speech,
86,94, 117n, 143, 149, 150, 151, reported, spoken vs. written, verbs
153;9.66; 10.10, 11; 12.62; 16.2-4; (semantic classification)
18.50 speed(ed)(up) 3.18
ambiguity in 8.43 speed -+ tempo
cooccurrence 8.42-46 spell(ed) 3.13
coordination of 8.46 spelling 1.10,12,23; 2.37-38, 45n, 54n;
hierarchy 8.45, 149 3.4n,6n,7-10, 12, 13n,20,39n,44;
position of 8.47, 87; 18.50 5.11,70,81,83,99,114; 6.46, 58,
realization 8.40-41 64; 7.47,79,80,83; 8.137; 9.5n, 7,
syntax of 8.48 13, 15n; 10.22; 11.14n, 55; 12.51n;
see also: direction, distance, existential, 15.9n; 16.69n, 83n; 1.3, 14, 17, 21n,
place, position 31, 40n, 41n, 42, 56, 59; III.4n, 27,
space preposition -r place 29n
spades 5.77 informal3.36n, 45n, 51; 8.21; 12.47n,
spaghetti 5.1 OOn 48n,49n, 50n, 51n; 14.23n, 29n;
span (past tense, spin) 3.18 17.47, 112; U8, 74n
span 8.4, 52-53, 57-62; 9.37, 39; 17.7 phonetic 1.27n
backward 8.4,53,60-62, 121; 9.35 pronunciation 1.27n;11.55n
forward 8.4,53,58-59,62 see also: American English, British
Spanish 1.6, 8 English, rules
spare 16.57; (~for) 16.57 spelt 3.13
spat 3.18 spend/spent 3.13
spate of10.43n spill(ed) 3.13
spatial-+noun, proximity, space spilt 3.13
adverbial spin 3.18
speak 3.16; 7.17n; ( ~ about) 9.60; 16.28; spirits 5.77
(~of) 9.60; (~on) 16.28; (so to ~) spit (vs. spat/spitted) 3.18
8.126; 15.21n; (to ~ of) 10.62n spite (in ~ of) 8.86; 9.11, 56; 14.14;
speaker/hearer 1.42; 5.27n 15.39n; (in ~ of that/it all) 8.137;
see also: ellipsis, native, orientation (~of) 9.11
speaking (... ~) 8.67n, 89,125,126; split 3.17
15.56; 17.80 split-+genitive, infinitive, word
speaking -+ verbs (semantic spoil(ed/t) 3.13 '
classification) spoke(n) 3.16
special-+ ellipsis spoken vs. written language 1.7,10,12,
species 5.91 17,19,23,29-30,37,38,41,42;
specific (restrictive adjective) 7.35 3.23,33, 36n, 39n, 45n, 73; 4.49;
Specific Purposes -+ English 5.113; 6.10,18,19, 23n, 63n; 7.29;
specific vs. nonspecific reference 5.26, 8.13,21,23,35,58,117-119,126,
27-51, 55n, 56-58; 6.15, 60n; 7.22, 137, 138n, 144; 10.35, 36,40,43,
23; 8.42n, 46, 54,78, 85, 98; 10.60; 52n; 11.7, 29n, 40, 51, 53; 12.4, 19,
11.18n; 12.35; 15.8, 9, 31; 17.5,39, 46, 50n, 52; 13.1,28,39-40,88,91,
76,77,92,99; 18.45n, 50 94,96; 14.29,40; 15.35n, 36, 53;
1760 Index

spoken vs. written language [cont] statement 2.46, 58n; 4.52n; 11 passim;
16.30; 17.6,21, 43n, 63, 68, 72, 73, 12.47; 16.30n; 18:10, 19,57; 19.32,
78,80,113,119,124; 18.1-2, 11, 47n; 111.23
12n, 14, 20, 26, 34, 42n, 57; 19.1,9, indirect3.59n; 11.31; 14.33; 15.54;
10,25,28-29, 47n, 51; 19.64-65, 16.31,59-60,63
75; 1.27n, 41; 11.9,16,20-21; see also: coordinate, directive
1II.1-2,5,27n states--+ names (classified)
statistical differences 8.13; 17.124 stative--+adjective, have, noun, stative
spoonjillI.31n verb meaning
sporadic reference 5.33, 43-49, 125 stative verb meaning 3.34,66,68,76;
spork I.76 4.4,5,6n,22,26,27-31,32,33,44,
spot (verb) 1653 52n, 67; 7.18; 8.42,82, 149; 9.16,
sprang 3.19 24n, 27-30,32,42; 10.14, 18,20,
spread 3.17 23,24,55; 11.24; 12.25,35; 13.23,
spring 3.19; 16.21 78; 14.19,26, 27n; 15.60n;
sprung 3.19 16.21-24,39,44,50,53,54; 17.28,
spun 3.18 101; 18.51n; 1.47
spy (verb) 16.53 status marker 10.53; 111.29
square brackets 1I1.20n stay (verb) 10.24; 16.21, 22n, 23, 24
-st 3.4n StE ( = Standard English) --+ standard
stack(discourse strategy) 19.18, 28, 56,69 stead --+ instead
stacks 0/5.25n steal3.16
stadium 5.95 stem 2.4, 37; 16.12; 1.2, 4; 11.4
stage 5.44 morpheme 1.2n
stagflation 1.76 see also: base
stairs 5.77 step, out 0/5.51
stammering III.26n steps 5.77
stance --+ verbs (semantic classification) step (discourse strategy) 19.18, 56, 69
stand (verb) 3.18; 4.27, 31, 38; 8.28; -ster 1.33
9.16n; 10.24; 16.21,24,48; (- and stereo 1.74
... ) 13.98; (can;t -) 4.52n; 10.6In; stereo- I. 66
16.39;( - up) 16.21; (- up/or}l6.29 stereotyped 5.64; 8.92, 122n, 124n, 125n,
standard 127n, 144n; 1O.15n, 61n; 11.38,40,
language 1. 7,9-11, 17,22-23,27,41, 41n, 42n, 44n, 53n, 54; 13.83n, 86,
42, 43n, 62n; 3.16; 4.42, 50; 5.25; 99n, 102n; 14.18n;15.18, 34n, 37n,
6.11, 14n; 7.7; 9.3n; 10.70; 17.14 44,46n, 54-55', 58; 16.22n; 17.97
national 1.24-26, 34, 36, 37 see also: fixed phrase
preposition 9.7,62 stick (verb) 3.18
see also: comparison, Edited, ellipsis, still (adjunct) 3.46n; 8.9, 72n; 9.39; 10.60
English, nonstandard (conjunct) 8.137, 141, 143-146
stank 3.19 (subjunct) 8.97, 98
star (verb) 3.7 (- and all) 8.137; (better -) 8.147;
stare (verb) 3.7; (- at) 9.63; 16.14 ( - less) 13.103n
starred form 1.13 still life 5.83n
start (verb) 9.45; 16.26,38,39,40; (for stimulus 5.92
a -) 8.137; (get - ed) 3.66n; stimulus preposition 9.7,43,51,63; 10.10
(to - (with» 8.137; 15.18 sting 3.18
stasis --+ verbs (semantic classification: stink 3.19
state, stative) stipulate 16.32
statal--+ passi ve stipulation (with the - that) 15.34n
state (verb) 16.31, 60 stole(n) 3.16
state--+past, present, progressive, verbs stone (amplifier) 756n
(semantic classification: intellectual (noun) 5.90
state, state, stative) stood 3.18
Index 1761

stoop 3.7 strive(d/n) 3.16; (~for) 16.38

stop 3.7; 4.27,34; 11.47n; 16.19,26, 38n, strode 3.16
39,40,42; (~ and . .. ) 13.98 stroke-+oblique
straight (adverb) 16.3 strong (adjective) 7.9n, 80, 88
stranding 2.51; 3.26, 45n; 604; 12.10,40, (amplifier adjective) 7.33,34
55, 59n, 60-64; 15.66n; 16.14 (~ Iy) 7.9n; 8.105, 109
see also: preposition (deferred) strove 3.16
strange 16.82; (~/y) 8.127,131 struck 3.18
strata 5.95n, 98n structural
strategy -+ discourse ambiguity (of complex sentence) 14041
stratum(s) 5.95 compensation 18043
strength (on the ~ of) 9.11 description 2.12,55; 1.8
stress 1.12; 19.25; Il.1-9, 10-11, 18; recoverability 12.6-7
IlI.2 see also: ellipsis, parallelism
compounds and 5.120, 122n; 6047; structure word -+ word (grammatical)
17.104-106; 1.3, 58, 59, 61-70; struggle (with .. . for) 16.17
IJ.6-8 strung 3.18
connected speech and Il. 7-10, 21 stuck 3.18
contrastive Il.9;-+ focus (contrastive) study (verb) 16.26
emphatic/heavy 11.22; 15.71; 18.3, stung 3.18
14; II.3, 8 stunk 3.19
even 7.14 style 8.79
fixed vs. movable IlA -style 7046; lAin
initial ellipsis and 12.51 -- style 1.31
multi-word verbs and 9.65; 16.6, 16 constraints 8.66;-13.96-97; 17.62,
noun phrase premodification 105, 109
17.104-106,109,114; 11.6-9 disjunct 8.123-126, 127n, 128, 129n,
position in words 7.79; 8.55; 19.68; 130,143,149; 14.21n, 39n; 15.18n,
1.14n, 19,26,34,37,39,40,56,74, 20-21,23,33,38,45,46,53,56,59
76; /I.3-5 manual IlIA
primary vs. secondary L19, 20, 21, 25, indirect libre-+indirect speech (free)
59,68; II.3 see also: block, frozen, rhetorical
shift 1.18; 7047; 9.9; 1.19, 27,31,35, suasive -+ verbs (semantic classification)
36, 40n, 56; Il.6, 8n sub-+subordinate
-timed rhythm Il.l sub- (degree) 1.24
vs. unstressed form 3.8, 23, 32, 39; (locative) 1.26 .
4.53,57; 5.2, 14n, 23,38,39,63; subaudibility 17.15
6.27n, 28, 50n, 52n; 7.14, 32, 56n, subject (adjective) 7.39; (~ to) 7.39
62,63,81; 8.111,116; 12.15,23,24, (verb)(~ to) 16.57
40,46,50,64; 17.26; 18.3-19,46; subject
19.34n; 1.19, 24, 30, 33, 42n affected 10.21-22, 23,30,33; 18.32
see also: any, article, focus, intonation, it, animate 4.34; 10.19; 16.26
nucleus, preposition, pronoun, so, some, anticipatory-+it (anticipatory)
that -attachment 8.127n, 152; 15.58-59
strew(ed/n) 3.14 clause 2.59; 10.26n,37,46n; 15.1-15,
stricken (adjective) 3.18 56; 16.38n; 1804,29,32-36
strict-+apposition, ellipsis discontinuous 3.28; 13.94
strictly 8.124 element 2.13, 21, 24, 25, 45, 47,50;
strid(den) 3.16 3.56,65,66,69; 4.8n; 6.3-5, 23-27,
stride (verb) 3.16 29,30,31,32,35,41,50;7.22,23,
strike (verb) 3.18; (~as) 10.14; 16A6h; 27,29; 8.16,18,49,117,119,120,
(it ~ s me that) 16.34n, 59n 127,129; 9.6; 10.1-5,6,7-11, 16n,
strikingly (amplifier) 7.56 17-26,27,28,30,33,56; 11.15,22,
string (verb) 3.18 31; 12.25,50,61; 13.35n, 52-53, 56,
1762 Index

subject [cont] subject matter 1.23, 28

57,92,94,95,97,103; 14.5n, 14; preposition 9.7, 60
15.1-15,52,54,65,67; 16.7, 14, subjective
18n,19,38-39,43, 70, 75,81; case-+pronoun (subjective form)
17.47,83-84, 115n, 124; 18:3,5,10, genitive 5.116; 6.24n; 1O.20n;
16, 19, 20n, 27, 32,45-54,59; 19.8, 17.41-43,47,51,115n
35; I.60, 61, 64, 65; 1I1.7, 9, 21 -objective polarity 8.5, 7; 17.115
ellipsis 8.20n; 11.40, 48n; 12.43-44, subjects-+names
46-49,67; l3.12-13, 19,21, 92n; subjunct2.15, 60; 7.49; 8.24,25n, 37, 85,
15.58-62,66,71; 17.17; III.7 88-120,121,126, 129n, 135n; 9.1,
empty -+ it (prop) 9; 14.39n; 15.69,71; 19.53; 1.71n
first-person 4.26n, 42, 54,55,58,64; clausal 13.15; 15.17, 19, 21n,23
8.122,124,134,143,151; 11.8n, 13, distinguished from adjunct 8.88, 90,
41 92n,95,98n
inanimate 4.34; 10.21 general 8.93-95
indefinite 6.24n; 7.39n; 10.35,42-43; position of 8.89-92, 95,97,98,116,
14.8; 15.73; 16.39,79,80; 18.45-49 117-119
independence of auxiliary/operator restrictive 8.100n, 111, 116-18, 120;
3.29,40, 42n, 47,49 9.58n
length 11.7; 15.5n; 17.20n; 18.40,43; subject-oriented 8.78,92-95, 109n,
1I.20; III.9 129, 148, 149
meaning (in conversion) I.47 syntaxof8.102, 110, 113, 120
notional vs. grammatical 14.8; see also: additive, amplifier, approximator,
18.45-48,52 booster, compromizer, courtesy,
personal vs. nonpersonaI4.43; 6.24n; -diminisher, duration, emphasizer,
8.90,94, 129; 9.49; 14.36n; 16.42; exclusive, focusing, formulaic,
18.36n frequency, intensifying, item,
maximizer, minimizer,
-plus-complement construction 11.44
modality, narrow orientation,
position of 2.14; 4.30; 10.6,20, 43n;
particularizer, position, predication,
11.41; 12.29 relationship, time adverbial, verb
postponed 1O.26n; 16.70; 18.33 phrase, viewpoint, volition, wide
pronoun 8.47, 71; 11.8-11,41,44; orientation
14.8,29; 15.10; 16.3, 36; 18.10, 23n, subjunctive
24,26n frequency of 14.24
prop -+ it (prop) mandative 3.58, 59; 4.64; 14.24,
pseudo-l0.34n 33-34; 16.30,33,70; 17.26
quasi- 10.43n mood 3.32n, 37n, 52, 54,58-62;
realizationof2.24; 10.6 10.34,44, 55n; 11.38-39; 14.23-25,
semantic properties of 10.6,19-26,33 34; 15.34n, 41n, 42n, 50; 16.59,63;
stranded 6.4 17.35
syntactic function of 10.6 optative 3.51; 11.39; 14.34
temporal 10.33 passive 3.58
territory 6.5, 35 past-+subjunctive (were-)
understood 6.24; 7.27, 29 present 1.24; 3.2, 52, 58,.61;
see also: adjunct, adverb phrase, adverbial, 14.24-25; 15.36, 44n, 48
cognate, complement, compound, pseudo-1.17; 3.62n
concord, coordinate, directive, disjunct, quasi- 4.53n, 64n
-ed, eventive, extraposition, imperative, uses of3.59-61; 14.24n
infinitive, -ing participle clause,
were- 1.17; 3.58, 62; 4.16n, 64; 14.23,
instrumental, inversion, locative, must,
nominal clause, nonfinite, noun phrase, 24,34; 15.36; 16.30, 33
plural, prepositional phrase, recipient, see also: formulaic, negative
reflexive, relative pronoun, result, submit 16.31
reversal, singUlar, subjunct, time, time subordinate clause 2.9, 25, 45; 3.56, 58,
adverbial, verbless, vocative 61; 4.9, 13, 16, 19,45,47, 53n, 62,
Index 1763

subordinate clause [cont] substitution [cont]

64; 6.37n; 7.27-30; 8.13,15,22,75, vs. coreference 12.8
106,130,141,143,144,145,147; vs. ellipsis 12.8, 19n, 38, 39-40, 54n,
9.3; 10.1, 57, 64, 65; 11.l8n, 38,40; 57
12.34,43,45,65,69; 13.2,9-10, see also: noun phrase, pro-forms, pronoun
14-15,18-19,83,84; 14passim; succeeding 19.37
15 passim; 18.20n, 27n, 45n; successive units--+punctuation
19.81-82 such (determiner) 2.44; 11.32; 18.57
ellipsisof15.68; 19.60n (intensifier) 15.49; 16.70; 17.96
as irregular sentence 11.41 (predeterminer) 5.15, 17n; 6.44n;
positions of 14.38-41 7.63; 12.10, 11; 15.74; 19.50
semantic functions of 15.24-56 (pronoun) 6.44n; 12.10
syntactic functions of 15.1-23 noncorrelative 18.57
verb phrase in 14.21-27 (~as) 14.13; 17.73, 86; (~ ... as)
see also: adverbial, clause, coordinate, 15.74n; 17.77n; (~ that) 14.12;
nonfinite 15.49, 74n; (~ ... that) 14.13;
subordinating 15.49, 74
conjunction --+ subordinator suddenly 19.37
subordination 2.9, 11,44; 6.19; 11.43; sufficiency comparison 15.63, 72-75
12.1; 13.2-4, 18-19, 103; sufficientl5.73; 16.81; (~ ly) 7.85; 8.111,
14passim; 15 passim; 19.5n, 7, 113,115; 15.73
57-60 suffix(ation) 2.4,35; 3.8n, 12; 5.105;
formal indicators 14.10-20 1.2-3,6,17,18,19,30,31-42,57,64
multiQle 14.37 -41 adjective 7.1,15,37,79, 82n; 1.37,
see also: coordination 38-40
subordinator 2.9, 41, 44, 45, 60; 6.4; adverb 7.46,71; 8.41; 1.41
7.29,52-53; 8.145; 9.3, 55; 13.2-4, noun 1.32- 37
5-10,13-16,18-19,103; pejorative 1.32, 33, 37, 38n, 42
14 passim; 15 passim; 17.26; phrasa15.123; 13.72
IILl8 pronoun 6.11, 12n, 23
complex 9.3n, 12n; 14.11, 12, 14; verb 3.12-20; 1.42, 50
15.46,48-49; 16.28n; I.12 zero Ll6n, 43n
correlative 14.11, 13 see also: agent, alveolar, de-adjectival,
ellipsis 7.29; 13.14,50; l4.24n denominal, derivation, deverbal,
finite clause 14.12-14 feminine, -ing, nasal
marginal 14.14 suggest 14.25n; 16)1,32, 60; (~to)
nonfinite clause 14.15-19 16.62
simple 14.12 suit (verb) 3.68; 10.14; 16.27
verbless clause 14.18 suitcase (vs. luggage) 5.4
see also: causative, concessive, condition, sum (in ~) 8.137; (~ ing up) 15.18;
coordinate, correlative, manner, (to ~ up) 8.137; 15.18
purpose, result, time summarize, to 8.137; 15.18
sub-paragraph --+ paragraph summarizing 15.18
subsequent 19.37; (~to) 9.10 summation --+ plural
subsequently (adjunct) 8.55, 62, 72, 77; summative
19.37 clause 15.57
(conjunct) 8.137 conjunct8.136,137,139, 144, 148;
subsidiary --+ focus 15.18; 19.18,27
substance preposition 9.7,61 summon 16.50
substandard --+ nonstandard sung 3.19
substitute clause--+clause sunk 3.19
substitute form --+ pro-form sunken (adjective) 3. 12n, 19
substitution 2.5-6,46; 3.26; 12.5,8-20; super- (degree) 1.24
18.33-36 (locative) 1.26
1764 Index

superficially 8.127 surround 10.27; (~ings) 5.77

superior 7.85 Survey of English Usage 1.42; 3.39;
superlative 7.82n; 8.1n, 13, 15n, 21n, 23, 58, 60,
adjective 5.34,119; 6.64; 7.1, 2-4, 7, 117; ll.5n, 14n; 15.47; 17.124;
21,26,62, 74-82,84,86; 8.21, 61n; 19.10,12,87-90; Ill.7
17.15,32,97; 18.45n suspect (verb) 15.54; 16.31
adverb 7.83· suspenders 5.76
frequency of7.82n suspension dots III.26n
premodification of 7.90 suspiciously 8.127
quantifier 5.24; 6.53 swam 3.19
see also:· genitive swear 3.16; 16.31,38
supernatural beings-+names (classified) sweat(ed) 3.17
superordinate -+ clause, hierarchy sweep 3.15; (~Nclean) 16.45
supervening 19.37 swell(ed) (adjective/verb) 3.14
supervisor L24n swept 3.15
supplementive clause swim 3.19; 9.16n, 31; 10.27
adjective 3.47n; 7.10,27-28, 29n swine 5.87
adverbial 15.60-62 swing (verb) 3.18; (~N open) 16.45
subjectless 15.61, 71 switch (down/off/up) 16.4; (~on) 16.4, 6
suppletion 3.12 swollen (adjective) 3.14; (verb) 3.14
supply 16.56; (~for/to/with) 16.57 swore/sworn 3.16
support (verb) 16.26 swum 3.19
support-+do swung 3.18
support preposition 9.7,53 syllabic form 3.5n, 33n
suppose 3.62; 4.29, 64n; ll.8n, 41; 12.28; syllable 18.4, 11; 19.68;11.3-10, 18-19
14.22,24,30; 15.54; 16.31,33,44, division Ill.4
46,50 loss 12.31, 51n
(be ~.dto) 3.40; 47,66; 12.64; 14.36; see also: duration
(I ~) 15.54; (I 12.65n; (~dly) syllabus 5.93
8.127 symbols 8.138n
supposing (that) 11.41; 14.12, 14; 15.34, see also: currency, mathematical, nought
38n symposium 5.95
supposition (on the ~ that) 15.34n synchronic -+ diachronic
sur- L24 syncope 9.13n
sure (adjective) 7.33; ~.100n; 16.71,73, syncretism 6.2
79 syndeticcoordination 13.1,17,68,79;
(intensifier) 7.56n; L46n 19.11, 14,69; IlL8
(subjunct) 8.100 synonymy 2.38; 12.35,37; 17.80; 1.1
as response 8.100 synopsis 5.97
(be ~) 12.28, 65; 15.54; 18.36; syntactically bound
(be ~ to) 4.47,66; 16.79; (for ~) clause -+ subordinate claus'e
8.100,102; (make ~) 16.45; syntagmatic relationships 2.5-6; 1.13
(make ~ that) 16.17n syntax 1.14-16,42; 2.7,33,37; 4.47;
surely (disjunct) 7.56n; 8.127, 128n 6.46; 7.41; 8.48, 77; 10.5; 13.4;
(subjunct) 8.100,102 16.16; 17.44,66-67,92
surface 5.120
vs. morphology 4.17
surface dimension 9.15,17,25 vs. semantics -+ grammar
see also: adjective, adjunct, adverb,
surmise (verb) 14.36
adverbial, amplifier, auxiliary, clause,
surname 5.61, 66 comparative, conjunct, coordination,
surprise (verb) 9.2; 16.26 disjunct, downtoner, emphasizer,
surprised7.33; 16.78; (~at) 9.2, 63; genitive, negation, object, prepositional
(~by) 9.63 phrase, prepositional verb, process,
surprising 16.72, 82; (~/y) 8.127,129, reduction, so, space, subject, subjunct,
131,133n subordinate clause, time adverbial
Index 1765

synthesis 5.97 technical language 1.28

systematic correspondences see also: scientific language
-+ correspondences technically 8.127
systems 5.77 -teen 6.64; 11.10, 13
teeth 5.84
tele- 1.29, 76n
telecast 3.17; 1. 76
T telegraphese 12.52; III.29n
telescoped -+ relative clause
T 1 -+time-orientation (primary) television 5.33
T 2 -+time-orientation (secondary) television -+ broadcasting
T 3 -+ time-orientation (tertiary) telex 1.76
t-+ transitive tell 3.15; 4.8; 9.2; 12.28; 14.33n; 15.54;
-t doubling in verbs 3.8 16.35,55,56,57,59,61,62,63;
tableau 5.99 19.47n; C~ about) 9.2,60; 16.56,57;
taboo 11.54; 15.37n; 1.16 (can't/couldn't ~) 14.31n; (~of)
tag 9.2,60; (~off) 16.26n; (~ to)16.57
abbreviating 13.104 telly 1.74
amplificatory 17.78;18.20, 59 temperature 5.49n
checking 10.57 temperature 9.32n
clause 11.34 tempo 5.100
exclamatory l4.12n; 17.68n; 18.59n tempo 15.53; 18.7, 17n; 19.27; 11.2,10,
invariant 1.34; 11.11 19
noun phrase 11.44; 18.34, 59 temporal-+as, before, frequency, if,
question 3.37, 44; 4.58n; 6.7, 9; 10.6, names (classified), noun, position,
50n,57-59,66, 70; 11.7,8-11, 12n, proximity, since, subject, time, verb,
22,25, 26n, 28n, 38, 53; 12.47; 13.2; until, when, while, whilst
14.35, 36n; 15.54n; 19.63, 65n; 11.13 temporarily 8.63
see also: assumption, negative temporariness 4.25,26, 29, 32, 37, 38
tail (intonation)-+ tone unit see also: institutionalization
take 3.16; 10.30; 16.2n, 24n, 26, 47n, 50; 'temporary' vs. 'permanent'
18.43; (~ as/for) 16.47; (~ in) 16.4; modification 7.10, l1n, 21, 27, 38,
(~ it that . .. ) 16.34n; (~n) 3.16; 58n; 17.7, 57-58, 63, 95, 98-102,·
(~n with) 16.69; (~ off) 4.27; 105, 114; 18.45n
16.2n, 3; (~ out on) 16.9; (~ to) tend to 3.49; 4.66
16.28; (~up) 16.39 tendencies -+ rules'
see also: account, advantage, care, note, tense 2.49, 57; 3.31,40, 42n, 44,50,52,56,
notice, place, pride 58; 4.1, 2-17, 25, 36; 11.24; 13.23n;
talk 4.27; 16.48; (~ about) 9.60; (~ of) 14.8, 27n, 30; 15.26, 54, 58n, 68;
9.60; 16.14; (~ to N about N) 16.17 17.28,31; 18.16,48, 51; 19.7-8,78
tall 7 .66, 88 compound 4.17n
tantamount (to) 7.39 narrative structure and 19.39-43
tap 4.27 sequence 14.31-34; 19.39
target preposition 9.7,43,46 unmarked 4.2 '
task (vs. work) 5.4 see also: aspect, backshifting, future, past,
taste (verb) 4.29-30; 10.23; 16.21, 24n present, time, time adverbial
taught 3.15 tentativeness 3.30; 4.16, 28, 29, 37, 49,
tautology 8.124, 144, 146, 149; 17.18,20 50,53, 56, 57, 58n, 62, 63, 64n,66;
taxi1.74n 8.140; 14.23, 25n; 15.36, 54; 19.61
TB 1.75 -teria 1.32n, 76
teach 3.15; 16.55,57,59,62,63; terminological issues 2.4n, 13n, 14n, 16,
(~about) 9.60; (~ to) 16.57 17n,29, 35, 38,41,43,44,46, 52n,
teaching-+ English 53; 3.2n, 49n, 65; 4.1, 2, 3, 17,66;
tear (verb) 3.16 5.27n, 112; 8.104, 134n; 1O.1n, 7n,
1766 Index

terminological issues [cont] that [cont]

9n; 11.2n; 12.6; 14.2n, 4n; 15.12n, circumstantia115.47
59n; 16.18; 17.54n; 19.2, 5n; 1.2n, 3 cleft sentence use 18.28-29
terminus 5.93 concessive 15.39
terms (in ~ of) 9.11 degree 6.41n
terrible at 16.69 disparaging 5.63n
terribly (amplifier) 7.56; 8.105 identificatory 6.34n
territory -+ assertive, negative, pro-form use 12.8,10,12,13,19,
non assertive, object, 24-26, 28n, 30n; 15.3; 19.47,49
premodification zone, subject purpose 8.86; 15.48n
testify 16.31 resultative 15.49
-tet 1.28n stressed 5.63n
text 1.13; 19 passim; II.21 zero 12.52; 14.20, 30n; 15.4, 49n, 54,
connectivity 8.134, 145; 19passim 74; 16.30,34; 17.11, 14-20,22,63;
illustration of 19.69-90 18.28
linguistics 1.13 (... ~) 14.12-13; (and ~) 19.47n;
see also: adverbial, asyndetic, final, (at ~) 17.80; (do (just) ~) 12.10;
grammar, initial, orientation (for all ~) 8.137; (in ~) 9.3n, 12n;
textual recoverabi1ity 12.6-7,12,35,37 15.46; 16.28n; (~ is (to say» 8.137,
see also: ellipsis, recoverability 139; 15.18; 17.27,73,75-81,86,
th- (initial sound) 1.18; 2.37 92; III.l3; (like ~) 8.78n; 12.27;
-th 16.70; (~'s . .. ) 15.8; (~which)
(final sound) 5.83 6.42; 17.12
(suffix) 3.4n; 6.63-64; 1.5, 16n see also: nominal clause, say, so that
than (conjunction) 3.45n; 6.4; 7.76; 9.4; the-+article (definite), exclamatory
14.13; 15.52n, 63-75 body parts and 5.35
(preposition) 6.4, 27; 9.4, 7; 15.64n, -clause 11.43n; 15.30,51
66n,68 discourse reference 19.49
similari ty to pronoun 15.66 logical5.34
than-clause 7.82,84-86; 8.48; possessive pronoun or 5.35
15.63-75; 16.68,74 (~ ... the) 7.82n; 14.13; 15.30,51
thank (for) 16.7,57; (~ N for) 16.8; see also: exclamatory
(~ful) 16.71, 78; (~fully) 8.127, thee -+ thou- forms
129; (~s) 5.77; 8.91; (~s to) 8.91; their 5.14, 23n; 6.2-6, 8-11,14,29;
9.10; (~you) 8.91 (~s) 6.2-6, 8-11,14,29
thanks 11.54; 12.34 them 6.2-6, 8-11; 14; 1O.36n
that (conjunction) 8.86; 12.6; 14.12,20; thematization 9.6; 17.50
15.39,47,54 theme 8.15; 10.6; 18.1-2,9, 10-54;
(determiner) 3.38; 4.11n; 5.14; 8.39; 1.58,59,70,76; II.l6
9.40; 17.46 connecting function 17.45; 19.12-13,
(intensifier) 7.56n, 89; 12.10, 17; 21,22,53,69
15.74; 19.50 dummy/empty 18.25-30, 44, 49, 51
(pronoun) 6.11, 13, 16,40-44; 10.50n; fronting 15.10n; 18.36
12.10, 19, 24-26, 64n marked 18.10n, 16, 19; 20-24,58
(relative) 5.37n; 6.13, 33-35; 12.19; onset 18.10,19
14.20; 17.9, 11-21, 23n, 26; 18.28,48 related to focus 18.9
-clause 2.22; 3.42n, 59; 4.27, 45, 53; unmarked 18.9
7.28; 8.49, 68,120,128; 9.2; ll.8n, vs. rheme 18.9n, 12n, 38,40; 19.12,
39,41; 12.28,65; 13.14; 14.22n, 53
24-25,33,36; 15.3-5, 10, 11, 12, themselves 6.6,14,23-28
46n, 74; 16.20, 24n, 28, 30-32, then (additive conjunct) 8.23, 137, 143,
34-35, 38n, 41, 43, 45,50,59-61, 148
63,68,70-72,73,78,79,82; (adjunct)4.11n; 6.43; 7.70; 8.55, 72,
17.122; 18.35-36; 19.47 87,144,148; 13.12; 19.36,37

Index 1767

then [cont] this (determiner) 3.38; 4.11n; 5.13, 14,

(antithetic conjunct) 8.137, 141, 143, 63n; 8.39; 9.40; 14.30; 17.46
146, 148; 11.l5n (intensifier) 19.50
(enumerativeconjunct) 8.137,143, (pronoun) 6.11,13,16,40-44; 10.50n;
148; 19.18, 38, 55; 111.12 12.10; 19.64n
(inferential conjunct) 8.135, 137, 140, pro-form use 12.8, 10,12,13; 19.47,49
143,144,148; 15.32 (like ~) 16.70
(summativeconjunct) 8.137,143,148 thither 19.33
premodifying 7.68 thorough 8.106; (~ ly) 8.105, 106
pro-form use 2.44; 8.lOn, 55; 12.10, 11 those (determiner) 5.14; 6.42n, 62; 10.43
(~again) 8.146; (by/until/up to ~) (pronoun) 6.11,13,40-44; 7.24;
19.36; (just/right ~) 8.98 12.10,19
see also: before, if pro-form use 12.8, 10, 19; 19.49
thence 19.33; (~ forward) 19.37n (~that) 12.19n; (~who) 12.19
theoretically 8.127 thou-forms 3.4n; 6.12, 14n; 10.44n
there (adverb) 3.23; 4.11n; 6.43; 7.67, though (conjunct) 8.134, 137, 143, 144,
70; 8.41, 48; 18.46; 19.33, 64n; 146
11.21 (conjunction) 3.62; 8.143, 145; 13.7n;
adverbial vs. existential18.46 14.12,18-20,24; 15.21, 39-40
omission 11.50 (content disjunct) 15.21
pro-form use 2.44; 8.10n, 41; 12.10, 11 (style disjunct) 15.21
(~ ... be) 8.47; 18.23; (in ~) 9.1n concessive 14.24n; 15.39-40
see also: existential (~ ... ) 14.13; (as ~) 3.62; 9.4; 14.12,
thereabouts 6.64n; 8.41 17 -19,24; 15.50; 16.24n; (even ~)
thereafter 19.37n 8.145; 14.13, 24n; 15.39-40
therefore 7.46; 8.144, 145; 13.19 see also: although
(resultive conjunct) 8.137, 140n thought 3.15
(summative conjunct) 8.137 thousand 5.89; 6.65
thereupon 19.37n threw 3.16
these (determiner) 5.14; 10.43n; 14.30 thrice 8.64
(pronoun) 6.11,13,40-44; 12.10 thrive(d/n) 3.16
pro-form use 12.8,10; 19.49 through (adverb) 7.66n; 8.41, 52
thesis 5.97 (particle) 16.2
they 5.104, 108; 6.2-6, 8-11, 14,20,21; (preposition) 7.70; 9.7, 9, 22, 25, 27,
10.36n, 50; 12.47; 15.54; 19.51 29,32,36-37,50; 14.19n; 1I1.28n
( ~ ... all/both) 6.45 (prepositional ad"verb) 9.66
thick 7.66,82,88 correlative vs. noncorrelative 8.59
thief/thieves 5.83 (all ~) 8.63n; 9.36; (right ~) 8.63n
thin 7.82, 88 throughout 8.41, 48; 9.7,29,36,66; 19.36
thine-+ thou-forms throve 3.16
thing (noun) 2.44n; 7.26; 17.57n; (a ~) throw (verb) 3.16; 16.26, 57; (~about)
(minimizer) 8.112; 10.62; 16.4; (~at) 9.46; (~n) 3.16; (~to)
(for one/another ~) 8.137 9.46; 16.57
-thing 3.38; 5.12; 6.46-47; 7.21, 69; thru 9.7
17.57 thrust 3.17
think 3.15; 4.27, 29; 12.28; 14.36; 15.54; thus (appositional conjunct) 8.137
16.31,35,44,46,50; (~about) (resultive conjunct) 8.137,144; 19.55
9.60; 16.28; (I don't ~) 15.54n; (summative conjunct) 8.137,144; 19.56
(~odd) 16.45; (~ of) 9.60; 16.14, pro-form use 2.44; 8.10n, 78n; 12.10; 19.47
28; (to ~ (that)) 11.41 thy (self) -+ thou-forms
thinking-+verbs (semantic classification) tick (graphic) m.30n
third (conjunct) 8.137 tickle (verb) 4.29
(fraction) 6.67 tidal 7.37
(numeral) 6.63-64; 19.38 tie (verb) 3.10
1768 Index

tight 7.82 time (temporal) [cont]

tights 5.76 see also: duration, frequency, future, noun,
tigon 1.76 past, position, prefix, present,
till (conjunction) 8.55n, 58; 14.12; 15.25 relationship, span, time adverbial, time-
orientation, when
(preposition) 7.70; 8.55n, 58, 59, 62;
9.7,37,38; 11.14n; 15.27, 29n time adverb(ial) 2.45; 4.13, 22, 23, 47,
postposed 8.59n 52n, 57; 7.9,10,67,70; 8.2,4,15
vs. until 8.58 adjunct 8.37, 42n,51-77, 117n, 121,
time (a long ~) 1O.61n; 15.27,29; (at 125n, 143, 149,150, 151, 153;9.66;
some ~) 8.55; (at the same ~) 8,137, 10.10,18,33,60, 61n, 66; 11.24;
143; (before that ~)8.72;(bythe 12.62; 14.14; 15.68n; 16.24; 17.7,
~ (that)) 8.59; (every ~ (that)) 18-20,24,55,122; 18.26n, 27; 11.21
14.14; 15.28n; (from ~ to ~) 9.41; conjunct8.136, 137, 142
(in ~) 8.59; (in a short ~) 8.55n; coordination of 8.74
(it's ~ (that)) 14.24n; (on ~) 8.59; hierarchy 8.149
(one more ~ ) 8.65n; (throughout position of 8.73, 87
the ~ (that)) 15.28n; (up to ... ~) pro-form use 12.10
8.72 realization 8.52-54
see also: times subject-/object-related 8.76
time (temporal) subjunct8.67n, 69, 97-98,143
adjective 7.36 syntax of 8.77
adjunct, adverb, adverbial-+ time tense and 8.75
adverb(ial) see also: duration, frequency, position,
after 8.55; 15.26,29; 19.35,37 relationship, span
anterior 4.18-19, 21, 24, 67; 8.55; time-orientation 4.14, 18-20,23,24,36,
14.26n; 15.26,27; 19.35,36 40, 43n; 8.4, 55
clause 4.8, 24, 42; 10.26; 13.14; 14.4, primary 4.14,19,24,40
21,22, 24n, 26-27; 15.20,25-30, secondary 4.14, 19,24,36,40
32; 17.34 tertiary 4.24
conjunction 4.13, 24, 45; 7.53; 8.145; times (noun) 8.52
14.12n, 22; 15.25-30, 31 (predeterminer) 5.15,18; 15.71n
connectivity 19.8, 17 (preposition) 9.8
day/night 5.46; 6.66; III.28n (N ~ (a)) 8.64, 66; (how many N) 8.64,
frame 4.2,7,14,18,19,20,24,36,46; 66
8.57 timeless-+present, will
inclusion 4.36 Timestyle 5.42n
meaning (in compounds) 1.63 tinge (verb) 3.9
period vs. point 9.34,40; 14.26 -tion 1.39n
preposition 9.7,8,14,32,33-42,64; tip (verb) 16.50
17.17 tired of16.69
reference 2.18; 3.30,40,42; 4.2-16, titles (book, etc) 8.85n; 10.34n; 12.52;
66; 6.17, 43; 7.73; 8.9, 75, 97n; 13.60; 17.90; III.29n
1O.20n; 11.18n; 14.30-35; 15.8n, (personal)5.42n,66; 10.53; 17.82n;
25-31,34,46, 52n; 16.40; 17.106, III.28
114; 19.15, 35-38 apposition and 5.64n, 66; 17.88,
relators 19.31, 35-38 90-91,105; III.29
sequence 4.15, 24, 36; 8.72; 13.23,77; see also: numeral, respect, your
15.45,60; 19,35,36-38,40:-41,46, tmesis 18.59n; 1.76n
55; 19.57 to (conjunction)-+order
simultaneous 13.23n; 14.27n; 15.26, (infinitive marker) 2.34; 3.53; 9.32n;
28; 19.35,36, 40n 11.46; 12.64, 65n; 15.66n; 16.28n, 66
subject 10.25, 26 (preposition) 2.23; 3.76; 8.59; 9.7,10,
su bordinator -+ time (conjunction) 15-17,26,32,37,45,46,.51,63;
vs. tense 4.2 10.7; 16.28n, 39, 57-63, 69; 18.38
Index 1769

to [cont] towns --* names (classified)

(prepositional adverb) 9:66n traditional--* grammar
-clause--* infinitive traffic (verb) 3.8
focus on infinitive 18.14 tragic 16.72; (~ally) 8.127
(~andfro) 9.66n trans-1.26
see also: ought transcription --* phonological, prosody
toasts 11.54 transferred --* negation
today 6.43; 7.70; 8.55; 9.40; 1O.15n transformations 2.20
together 9.66; 16.2; (~with)9.10 transitional actjevent--*verbs (semantic
token, by the same 8.137 classification)
told 3.15; (I'm ~) 15.54 transitional conjunct 8.136,137,142;
tomorrow 6.43; 7.70; 8.55, 75; 9.40 19.54n; 11.21
tone --* falling, fall-plus-rise, fall-rise, transitive construction/verb 2.16, 32n;
intonation, level, nucleus, rise-fall, 3.2n, 38, 49, 66n, 67, 68, 70; 4.27;
rise-plus-faH, rising 6.25; 7.16, 21; 8.22n, 32, 33; 9.31,
tone of voice lI.17 47, 65n; 10.2-4, 14,21,24; l1.26n,
tone unit 8.36, 91,116,135; 9.9; 11.9, 46; 12.34; 15.8n, 54, 73; 16.2n, 4, 7,
25; 14.37; 15.53; 17.6,120; 17,19,20,25-63,75,80; 17.43;
18.1-19,41; ILl 1, 16-19; lIU8 18.32,43,49; 1.24, 30,40,42,49,
boundary 8.38; 10.52, 66n; 13.1, 16n, 50,54
92, 97; 14.41; 17.22, 68, 72; 11.20; see also: complementation, complex, do,
lIl.9 intransitive
grammar of lI.16 translation 1.5n, 6; 17.80
length 18.7n; lI.16 transpire 15.54; 16.34
onset 12.46; 18.10, 19;11.11 transport --* names (classified)
tail 9.9; 10.52; 15.54n; 16.16; 18.59n; transposition 2.46
11.15 travel 3.8 ; ( ~ ogue) I. 76
tongs 5.76 tread 3.16
tonight 7.10, 70; 8.55 treat (verb) 15.22n; 16.48; (~ as) 16.47;
too (conjunct) 8.137, 138n; 12.25n (~ to) 16.57
(intensifier) 6.53,57,59; 7.22, 56, 57n, tree diagram 2.3
85; 10.62n; 15.63, 73, 74; 16.75n; tri-1.28
17.122 triadic sequence 19.8, 45n, 59, 69;
(subjunct) 3.26; 8.116, 119, 120; 1II.6n,8
10.60; 12:29 tricky 16.80
see also: much trillion 6.63n
took 3.16 trisyllabic --* adjective
tools --* names (classified) trod(den) 3.16
tooth/teeth 5.84 troops 5.77
top (on ~) 9.13n, 19,66; 16.2; (on ~ of) tropics 5.77
9.11,19; 16.2; (on ~ of it all) 8.137; trouble (verb) 16.26
(to ~ it all) 8.137 trousers 5.76
topicjcomment2.47; 10.6; 18.9n true 7.33,34,43,73; 8.145n; 15.54;
tore/torn 3.16 16.72; 19.56
-tory 1.32n truly (disjunct) 8.124, 125n, 130n
total (adjective) 7.21,33, 73; 8.106 (subjunct) 7.34, 56n
(adverb) 7.56 (yours ~) 8.91n
(~ly) 8.96,105, 106 truncated--*abbreviated, reduction
touch (down) 16.3 trunks 5.76
touching (preposition) 9.8,57 truth value 3.65; 8.6, 8,112,123,127;
tough 16.80; 18.36n 10.66; 15.6n; 18.1
tough-movement 18.36n truth-focusing paraphrase 8.36
toward(s) 7.70; 9.7,17,26; 16.69 truthfully 8.124, 127n, 130n
town 5.44 truths 5.83
1770 Index

try 8.30; 14.23; 16.38,39,40; (~and uncountable -+ noncount

... ) 8.30; 13.98; U8n undecided(about) 16.73
turbo- 1.66 undeniably 8.127; 19.53n
turn (verb) 5A2n; 9.31; 10.27; 16.19,21, under (adverb) 7046; 8041
23,24,44; (~down) 1604; (~ into) (particle) 16.2
16.22n; (~off) 1604, 26n; (~on) (preposition) 7.70; 9.7,19,23-24,32
1604, 6n; (~out) 16.21, 22, 34, 38n; (prepositional adverb) 9.66
(~outfor) 16.29; (~out to) 3049; under- 1.24, 29
(~ red) 4.27; (~ round) 9.31; (~ to) underbid 3.17
9.66n; (~traitor) 16.17n, 22; underestimate (verb) 8.108n
(~turtle) 16.17n; (~up) 16.3, underfoot 8041
4, 12 undergo 3.19
turn, in 5.51 underground 8 Al
tut-tut 11.55 underlining 5.11 n; III.25
TV 5.33; 1.75 underlying structure -+ clause
'tween9.7n underneath (adverb) 7.70; 8041
tweezers 5.76 (preposition) 9.7,19,23-24
twice (adjunct) 8.64 (prepositional adverb) 9.66
(predeterminer) 5.15, 18; 15.71n underrate 8.1 08iJ.
(~a) 8.64 understand 3.18; 4.8, 29, 52n; 15.54;
'twixt9.7n 16.26,31,50; (~ably) 8.127,129,
two 5.16; 6.50n 133n
-ty 6.64 understood -+ presupposition
type of5.6; 10043 undertake 3.16; 16.38
typica1-+ partition underwrite 3.16
typography -+ graphology undies 1. 74n
undo 3.16
undoubtedly 8.127, 128n, 131; 19.53n
u uneasy with 16.69
uneducated -+ educated
-uble 1040 UNESCO 1.75
UFO 1.75 unexpected 7.15n
ugh 11.55 unexpectedly 8.127, 131; (most~) BIn
uh-(h)uh 11.55 unexpectedness 10.66
ultimatum 5.95 unfortunate 16.72; (~ly) 8.127
ultra-1.24 unfreeze 3.16
-um nouns 5.95 unget-at-able U8n, 40n
umpteen 5.25n ungrammaticality -+ acceptability
UN 1.75 unhappily 8.127
un- (negative) 7.81; 9.50n; 1.13,15,21, uni- 1.28
36n unintentionally 8.93
(privative) 1.22, 40n unique 7An; 10.51n; (~ ly) 7An
unable 16.79; (be ~ to) 3047; 4.68 unique
un acceptability -+ acceptability denotation 5.29,32,34,3'6,56,60,61,
unarguably 8.127 64,70; 10.53; 17.5
unattached clause/participle 8.152; role 5042
15.59 see also: recoverability
unaware of16.73 unit-+information:, tone
unbelievably (amplifier) 7.56 unitary -+ constituent, partiCipation
unbend3.!3 unite 16.19 #

unbind3.18 United States Information Agency 1.5

unbroken 7.15n universal-+ adjective, conditional-
uncertain (of) 16.73 concessive determiner, frequency,
unclear (about) 16.73 pronoun, tag
Index 1771

university 5A4n upon [cont]

university -+ names (classified) (preposition) 9.7, 13n; 16.69
unjustly 8.127 upper 7.85n; 17.97; (~most) 7.82n
unknown 16.73 upper-case-+ capital
unless 14.12,18-19; 15.20, 34, 35n, 44; upset (adjective) 16.71
(~ ... ) 14.13; (~anduntil) 13.83 (verb) 3.17; 16.26
unlike 9.7,48; (~ly) 16.72 upstairs 7.10, 67n, 70; 8041
unlinked -+ asyndetic upstream 8041
unluckily 8.127 upward(s) 7A6n; 8041; (~ of) 9.10
unmake3.13 -ure (adjective base ending) 7.81
unmarked-+article, case, gender, urge (verb) 16.32, 63
marked, modality, person, plural, us 6.2-11, 14, 18n; 11.26n; 11.9
pronoun, tense, theme -us nouns 5.93
unnatural (not ~ ly) 8.127, 128n usage
unpleasant 16.80 criticized 1.17; 3.57; 5.11n, 24, 25n,
unqualified 16.79 95n, 98n; 6.5, 43n; 8.21; 904, 6, 57n;
unquestionably 8.127 11.14n; 12.17, 23n, 36; 13.39-40,
unreal condition -+condition 88,96; 14.13n, 23n; 15.12, 46n, 50n,
(hypothetical) 59; 16Aln, 42, 69n, 74; 17.14-17,22,
unreasonably 8.127,131 61-64, 118n; 18.14n, 26n, 27n, 49n;
unreduced -+ sentence 19.34n, 50, 51, 60n, 64n; 1.42, 76
unrelated participle -+ unattached divided 1.7,11,17,39; 5.22n, 125;
unstressed form -+ stress 6.5, 63n; 8.106; 12.25-26; 15.71n;
unsure (of) 16.73 IlIA, 8
until (conjunction) 8.55n, 58; 9.3; 14.12, variation in 1.19-42; 2049; 3A2n,
18-19; 15.20,25, 27n 43n, 48n; 4.23n, 47, 58n, 63n; 5.35,
(preposition) 7.70; 8.55n, 58, 59, 62; 37,40,59,70,75,76,83,87,111;
9.3,7,37-38; 11.14n; 15.27, 29n 6.12n, 56; 7.14n, 31, 64; 8.111;
postposed 8.59n 9AOn; 10.11n, 14n; 11.7, 15n, 30;
purposive 15.27n 12.62n; 13.72-74, 87-89; 14.36;
resultative 15.20, 27n 15.20,23,25; 16.19n; 1.33n, 41n,
temporal15.27n 51n; 11.5n, 6
vs. till 8.58 see also: adjective, adverbial, American,
unto 9.7n British, concord, feminine, formal, .
untrue 16.72 informal, legal, male, negation,
unusually 8.131 nonstandard, numeral, only, politeness,
pronoun, religious, scientific, standard
unwell 7.38
unwilling (be ~ to) 3047; (~ly) 8.93; use (verb) 9046; 16.26; (~ as) 16047;
(~ness) 17.36
(make ~ of) 16.58; (~ up) 16.12
unwind 3.18 use(d) to (marginal modal) 3.30, 40, 41, .
unwise 16.76; (~ly) 8.127,131 44; 4.15, 57, 66; 8.21; 11.8n; 12.64;
(~ be) 4.13n; (had ~) 3A4n
unwritten 7.15n
up (adverb) 8041 used to (adjectival) 16.69n, 83
(particle) 16.2, 12 useless 16.83
(preposition) 7.70; 9.7, 26, 27, 32, 37; user vs. use 1.19; 2.59
19.32n usual occurrence 8.65, 67
(prepositional adverb) 9.66; 13.101 usually 8.65,67 -71,77, 125n
(verb) 13.98n utter (adjective) 7.33,34,68; 8.106
(~and . .. ) 13.98n; (~ to) 8.59, 62;
(verb) 16.26
(~ /y) 7.34,87; 8.105, 106
9.10,37; (~ with) 11.42
see also: time utterance-+echo, formulaic, sentence
uphill 8041
uphold 3.18
upon (particle) 16.2
1772 Index

v verb [cont]
linking -7 copular
V -7 verb main 2.16, 28-29; 3.1
Vpass (= passive verb phrase)-7passive middle 3.68; 10.14; 16.27
v 9.7 morphology 3.2-6, 11-20
valency 16.18n multi-word 2.36,61; 3.45-46; 10.12;
see also: complemelltation 16.2-17,20, 51n; 18.49
valuables 5.77 nonprogressive-7verb (stative
value (verb) 8.107 meaning)
value-7communicative, information nonreflexive 6.25
value-judgment disjunct 8.123, 127 ob1igatoriness of 2.13
variable-7noun -particle combination -7 verb (multi-
variance (at ~) 9.66; (at ~ with) 9.11 word)
variation position of 2.13, 14
attitudes to 1.41 primary 2.29,34,41; 3.1, 2, 4n, 5n, 13,
free 1.39; 5.52 21,30,31-38,47
see also: usage reflexive 6.25, 27n; 16.24n, 57
varieties of English 1.7, 9-11,12,17, regular 3.2-10, 11, 12,13,14,16,17,
19-41; 3.5n; 19.85-90 18, 19, 32n
continuum of 1. 35, 39 relational 10.14, 24n
relationships among 1.36-38 repeated 13.101
variation within 1.39-41 semi:reflexive 6.25
see also: attitude, discourse (field of), senses of 2.13n, 41
interference, medium, regional, social, -verb combination 16.17 .
standard see also: active, adjective, auxiliary, base
've 3.23,34 form, catenative, complement,
veal (vs. calf) 5.4 complementation, complex transitive;
vegl.74n concord, conversion, coordinate, copula,
venison (vs. deer) 5.87n copular, de-adjectival, denominal,
venture (verb) 16.38 ditransitive, existential, finite,
homonymy, imperative, instrpmental,
verb 2.13, 24,35; 3 passim; 4 passim;
intransitive, inversion, modfl,.
7.38-39, 56n, 73; 8.64, 96; 9.8, 31; monotransitive, negation, nonfinite,
10passim; 13.78,97; 14.5, 10, number, passive, performative, person,
24~25; 15.54, 65; 17.51; 18.3, 10, phrasal verb, plural, preposition,
13,27,32,43; 1.60-63; 1I.5-6; prepositional verb, principal parts,
1II.9,21 . pro-forms, reporting, -s, singular,
affixation in 1.21-27,30-35,37,38, situation-types, stress, SUbjunctive,
40,42-44,46,49,50,52,54,56,59, suffix, tense, transitive, voice
60, 71 verbs (semantic classification)
centrality of 2.13 / accomplishment 4.27, 33- 34, 39;
classes 2.16,41; 3.1, 12-20; 16.1-3 activity 4.27, 33-34; IO.24n; 12.22;
constraints (on passive) 3.68 19.40-41; agentive 3.38, 49; 4.27,
contraction -7 auxiliary (contracted) 30,33-34,35,43; 10.23; 11.15n;
copulative -7 copular 12.25-26; 16.23,54; arranging
ellipsis 2.15n; 3.23,26; 11.37; 12.4, 8.49, 75n, 76; aspectuaI4.66; 16.39,
43,59-60,92-93; 14.10; 15.66; 40; assumption 8.63n; 12.28;
18.41; 11.8 attitudinaI3.68; 4.29; 8.63n, 101,
equative -7 copular 104-105,107; 12.25; becoming
full 2.29 ; 3.1,2-20 16.23; beginning 16.40; being 3.68;
intensive-7 copular 4.31;belief8.63n; 12.28; 16.50;
intermediate function 3.40-51 bodily sensation 4.29; causative
irregular 3.2, 3, 5, 6n, 11-20 3.66n; 9.16n; 10.22,23; 11.42;
irregular (alphabetical index) 3.20 16.48,51,54; coercive 16.52, 53;
lexical-7 verb (full) cognition 8.101; 10.23; 14.31;
Index 1773

verbs (semantic classification) [cont] verbs (semantic classification) [cont]

communication 4.8; 19.51; 4.27,28-29,31; 8.3; 16.2n; 19.41;
comparison 7.85n; completion suasive 14.25n; 16.30, 31,32;
3.77n; compulsion 16.51; thinking 12.65; 14.29-30; 16.31;
conclusive 3.66; 4.22,25,27,33,35, transitional act/event 4.27,33,35,
39; 17.101; continuing 16.40; current 44n, 45; volitional 3.68; 4.16, 29;
3.78; 16.44; declarative 16.44; 12.24n; 16.32,44,54; wanting 8.49,
direction 15.22; 16.23n; durative 4.27, 75n, 76; 15.10; 16.41
33-34,38; 8.58; 9.37-38, 39n; see also: dynamic verb meaning, stative
14.26-27; 15.25,27; 16.23; emotive verb meaning
4.29; 10.23; 16.30,33,39,40; verb phrase 2.24,25,26,27-28; 3.1-2,
enablement 16.51; encounter 16.53; 21,63,64; 10.5, 12; 12.59n; 18.13;
ending 16.40; event 11.15n; II.16
existential 15.62; expecting 8.49, conditional clause 15.36
75n, 76; factual 16.30-31, 44, 50; constituent order in 3.21,27-28
frequentative I. 76n; general finite vs. nonfinite 3.21-22, 52-53;
evaluation 8.110; goings-on 4.27, 4.18n, 19,67-68; 8.122n
33-34; gradable 7.85n; 8.21,101, meanings of 4 passim
107n, 108, 111; 11.15n; 1.23n; simple vs. complex 3.21,33,54-56;
having 3.68; 4.31; hearing 16.52; 4.17; 10.55; 13.47
hypothesis 16.30, 33; inception structure 3.27,40,45,52-57; 4.66;
18.49; influencing 16.51; 7.16; 8.16, 126n
intellectual state 4.29; 16.31, 44; subjunct 8.96
liking 16.41; locative 16.24; making see also: coordinate, passive, subordinate
9.61; measure 10.13; mental state clause
4.16, 52n; momentary act/event verbal noun --+ noun
4.27,33,35,67; 8.58, 66, 69; 9.37;
verbatim --+ recoverability
motion3.77n; 7.10; 8.3, 29, 42, 50,
76; 9.16n,22-30; 1O.10n; 11.42; verbless
clause2.13n; 7.27; 8.13, 53,91, 122n,
16.2n, 23n, 48; 18.23n, 49; negative
132; 9.55; 10.6,16, 58n; 11.43-44;
meaning 10.59; nonagentive 4.27,
12.43-44,67; 13.25, 30n; 14.5,9,
30, 33-35; nonconclusive 4.27,
15,18; 15.16,25,30, 31n, 34, 39, 40,
·33-34; nongradable 8.101,108,
41,50,58..,..62,71; 16.22n,65; 17.63,
115; observationa116.42n;
83-84; 18.23n, 44n; Ill. 17, 18
occurrence 16.38n; opinion 14.36;
directive 11.42 .
owning 8.49; perception <1-.29,30,
exclamation 11.10, 40n
52n, 67; 7.9; 10.23; 14.36; 16.52,
introductions 11.53
53,54; permission 16.51; placing
preposed 10.16n
8.49,76; posture 3.77n; 8.28;
question8.130n; 11.41,44
private 4.29; 16.31-32,50; process
with/without subject 10.6; 14.9,25;
4.27, 31n, 33-34, 39; 12.25; 16.23;
public 16.31-33, 50; punctual 4.27,
see also: complement, compound,
33,35,38; 10.24n; 14.27; 17.53;
existential, subordinator
quality 4.27, 28; remaining 16.23;
result(ative/ing) 3.78; 4.22; 10.16; vermin 5.78
16.44,51,54; retrospective 16.40; versus 9.7
saying 8.49, 75n, 76; 12.28,65; vertebra 5.94
II.21n; seeing 16.52; seeming 16.23, very (adjective) 7.35
24n, 38n; shared knowledge 19.51; (adverb) 3.74; 6.30, 53, 62n; 7.2-4,
speaking 4.7, 25n; 8.63n, 122, 124, 11, 15n, 16-18,50, 56n, 57n, 60, 89,
128,143; 9.46n; 14.29-30; 15.13, 90; 8.48n, 77,91, 96,103,106,131,
21,54; 15.59; 16.31; 19.47n; speech 133n; 9.4, 50n, 63; 10.1n, 62n;
act 4.7; 16.31,44,50; stance 4.27, 17.58,97-98
32; 10.24; 18.23n, 49-50; state see also: much
1774 Index

veto (verb) 3.9 vowels [cont]

via 9.7 56, 64, 66, 72; III.4n, 26n
Vicar 10.52 see also: gradation
vice- I.1 7, 29 vs 9.7
vie 3.10 vulgar-+ fractions
view (verb) 15.19; (in ~ of) 9.11,57;
viewpoint subjunct 7.59,60,65; 8.25n,
89,127; 15.19, 21n wade (across) 16.3
violently 8.1 05, 109 wager (verb) 16.59
VIPI.75 wages 5.77
virgule HI.30 wait (verb) 16.19, 38n; (~around) 16.12;
virtual-+ ellipsis (~for) 16.41
virtually 8.111, 114, 126 wake(n) 3.16
virtue (by ~ of) 9.11; 15.46n see also: awake
virtuoso 5.100 walk9.16n, 66n; 10.27; 16.19
vis-a-vis 9.7 wanna 3.51; 12.49n, 64n
visit 10.27n; 16.26; (~ in/with) 10.27n want 4.29; 7.83; 8.107; 10.10n, 51n;
vital 16. 72, 82 15.8,9, IOn; 16.26,38,39,41,44,
viz 8.137; 17.27; I.75n; III.11 54; (for/from ~ of) 9.11; (~ to)
vocabulary 1.20, 23-27, 28, 31; 2.7, 13n, 3.51; 12.49n
35-38; 3.1n, 4; 5.120; 6.12n, 15; wanting (preposition) 9.8
8.IOn; 9.65; 10.51; 18.4; 19.21, 68; wanting-+verbs (semantic
1.1,7,12, 13n; II.8; III.4 classification)
see also: American English, British -ward(s) 7.46; 8.41; 1.41
English, formal, informal, lexical, warn 16.31, 56, 59, 62; (~ of) 16.56,57
nonstandard warnings 11.53, 54; 15.38
vocative5.12n; 10.44n,52-53; 11.25, was 3.32, 62; 4.13n; 16n, 61n; 18.49n;
41,53; 14.35; 17.12n, 91n; 18.5-6, 11.9; (~n't) 3.32; (~to) 3.46; 15.36
17, 59n; III.11, 19, 23n, 29 wash (verb) 16.26; (~oneself) 6.25
vs. subject 11.25 WASPI.75
see also: man, nominal clause, noun phrase, watch (verb) 16.26, 52, 53, 54
you wax (verb) 16.21
voice 2.21; 3.21, 31, 56, 63-78; 15.75; way 8.39, 79; 17.18-20; (a long ~)
16.67n; 18.32; 1.40, 69n 10.61n; (by ~ of) 9.i 1; (by the ~)
marked 19.79 8.137,142,143; (every which ~)
see also: active, passive 8.39; (in any/no ~) 10.60,62; (in the
Voice of America 1.5 same ~) 8.137; (in what ~) 8.25n,
voicing 3.5,6, 11, 13, 15; 5.74, 80, 83, 78 ; «in) that ~) 8.78; (~ of) 9.l1n;
114; 1.27,56 (no ~ ) 10.62; (that ~ ) 12.27;
void of 9.10 (which ~) 8.3, 10
volition 3.31,46; 4.42, 46, 49,51, 53n, waylay 3.10n
57,58,60,62,63,65,66; 10.21; -ways 7.46; 1.41
11.13; 14.22,23; 16.79 we 6.2-11,14,18,21; 11.26b.; 14.22,27
subjunct8.93-95; 10.21, 24n authorial 6.11, 18; 15.18n
see also: verbs (semantic classification) collective 6.7
volume (prosodic) -+ loudness editorial 6.18
volume dimension 5.8; 9.15,17,25 ellipsis 12.48
voluntarily 8.93 exclusive 4.58; 6.7; 11.13; 19.51
vortex 5.96 generic 6.18; 8.143; 10.50
vote (verb) 16.32, 46, 50 inclusive 4.58; 6.7, 18, 21; 11.13;
vow (verb) 16.31, 38 19.51,64
vowels 3.5,6,7,8-20,32,39,44; 5.11, rhetoricaI6.18, 21
80; 7.79, 81; I.17, 19, 31, 33, 36, 37, royaI6.18n, 23
Index 1775

weak 7.88 wh- [cont]

weak -+ apposition, ellipsis, reduced fronting 1O.7n; 11.19,34; 15.42;
form 18.28-30
weapon (vs. arms) 5.4 multiple elements 11.19; 15.5n
wear 3.16; 10.24 pro-forms and 2.45
weather 5.9n pronoun 2.37, 45; 5.104-111; 6.2,12,
weave(d) 3.16 13,32-35,36-39,45; 7.69; 9.6;
wed(ded) 3.17 14.20; 1O.7n; 16.15; 17.9,11-25
weekly 7.9; 8.64 pushdown element 11.18,31; 18.20n
weep 3.15 question 2.48,50,57; 3.24n; 5.28;
weight (dimension) 5.8 6.36-39; 7.11n, 66; 8.3,4,25,48,
weight (semantic)-+end-weight, 59n,60, 63, 64, 66, 78, 79,80,86,
semantic (criteria) 100,110,113,115, 118n; 9.6, 36,44,
welcome (adjective) 16.79 45,48,49; 10.6, 7n, 10-13, 17,61;
well (adjective) 7.9n, 38, 77 11.1,4,14-19,20,23; 31, 33-36,
(conjunct) 8.23, 135 40,44,53; 12.50n, 63; 14.33; 15.5,
(initiator) 7.54; 11.41; 13.102n; 20,42,64,66; 16.14, 15, 16, 26n,
19.54n,65 66; 18.10, 59n; II.12, 13; 111.23
(intensifier) 3.76n; 7.11, 16n, 61; 8.96, word 2.37,45,50, 54n, 55, 57; 5.28;
103,105, 109n 6.32-39; 7.53, 64; 8.118n; 9.43, 58;
(simple adverb) 7.46 10.17; 11.1~-19, 31-32,34-36;
claim editing use 17.80 12.63; 13.14; 14.20; 15.5-9,42;
comparison of 7.77, 83 16.16; 17.57,65; 18.28-30
(~and truly) 13.99n; (as ~) 3.45n; see also: coordinate, infinitive,
8.116,119; 10.60; (as ~ as) 9.58; interrogative, nominal clause, pro-forms
10.40; 13.103; l4.19n; 19.60n; wharfs/wharves 5.83
(how ~) 8.25; (less ~) 7.77; (may/ what (conjunction) 10.46n; 14.20; 15.9, 15
might (just) as ~) 4.53n; (oh ~) (exclamatory) 2.57; 10.17; 11.1,
7.54; (~ then) 7.54; (very ~) 7.11 31-32; 15.7,74; 16.35n; 18.57
see also: known (initiator) 11.15n
well-7.17,83 (interrogative determiner) 5.14, 28;
went 3.12, 19 6.36-39,62; 10.34; 15.7-9; 16.15n
wept 3.15 (interrogative pronoun) 3.38; 6.12,
were 3.32; 4.13n, 16n, 61n; 10.44; 14.20; 36-37,39; 7.64; 8.25, 80,115; 10.6,
18.49n; (as it ~) 3.62n; 15.21n; 7n, 12,13, 34n; 11.14-19,34-36;
(~n't) 3.32; (~ to) 3.46; 15.36 14.29; 15.7-8; ·16~15, 26n, 66;
see also: subjunctive 18.59n; 19.47n
wert 3.4n (noun) 11.34
west(ward(s)) 7.46n; 8.41; 9.66 (predeterminer) 5.15, 17n; 7.63; 15.7
wet(ted) 3.17 (relative pronoun) 6.35n, 42; 15.8-9,
wh- 56,57; 17.12
adjective 2.45 (ad hoc verb) 11.34
adverb 2.45 ; 7.11n, 53, 69; 10.10, 13; cataphoric reference of 19.47n
16.15 in pseudo-cleft sentence·18.30
clause 6.36-39; 9.1-3; 14.33; 15.5,6, ( ~ about) 11.40; ( ~ aboutit) 11.40n;
51; 16.20, 31n, 35, 61, 68,73; 17.93; ( ~ cha) 12.50n; (~ .. .for) 8.86;
18.28-30 9.45; (~ if) 11.40,41; (~ ... like)
clause ellipsis 12.63-65 11.15n; (~ofit?) 11.40n; (~s)
determiner 2.45; 5.14; 6.35n 11.34; (so ~ ?) 11.40n; (~though)
echo question 11.34-36 11.40; (~with . .. ) 15.46n;
element 2.50, 55; 6.32-39; 7.30; 8.15; ( ~ ... with) 8.80
10.6,7n, 17, 34; 11.1, 14-19,23, whatever (interrogativedeterminet)
31-32; 14.10,20; 15.2, 4n, 5-9,42, 6.35n; 10.34; 15.8
65; 18.10, 20n, 27-30 (conjunction) 14.20; 15.9
1776 Index

whatever [cont] which (interrogative determiner) 5.14,

(postmodifier) 6.62n; 10.62 28; 6.35n, 36-39; 8.39; 16.15n
(relative pronoun) 6.35n; 17.12 (interrogative pronoun) 5.104,
whatsoever6.62n; 10.62; 14.20 107-110; 6.36-39; 11.14~19
when (conjunction) 4.24, 45; 7.53; 8.49, 53; (relative determiner) 5.14; 635n
93; 10.65; 14.12, 18-20,27; 15.20, (relative pronoun) 5.104, 107-110;
23,25,27,30,34,39-40; 18.33n 6.8,32-34,36,39,42; 10.36n, 49,
(interrogative) 4. 13; 7.53; 8.4, 9, 25, 50; 14.20; 15.8-9,55,57;
55, 59n, 60; 10.10; 11.14-19; 16.15; 17.11-25; 18.28; 19.47h
18.59n as pro-form 7.53n
(relative)7.53; 15.29n; 17.17-18,20, (at -) 7.53; (for -) 17.18;
24;19.36 «in) - way) 8.10; (of""') 6.34; 17.14
concessive 15.20, 39-40 whichever (determiner) 5.14; 6.35n
contingent 15.30, 34 (pronoun)6.35n; 14.20; 17.12
in pseudo-cleft sentence 18.30 while (conjunction) 4.13; 8.61, 145;
tempora17.53; 8.53; 10.65; 15.25,27, 14.12,18-19; 15.20,23,25,28,32,
34; 18.33n 39-40,43,46
'time'- 8.4, 55; 9.40 (preposition) 9. 7n
(no sooner . .. -) 14.13; (by -) 15.57; concessive 8.145; 15:20,32,39-40
(even -) 15.40; (from -) 15.57; contrastive 15.32,43
(since -) 8.4,60; 9.1n; 15.57; reason 15.46
(- ... then) 14.13n; (till-) 8.4, temporal 8.61, 145;-15.20, 2~, 28, 46
59n; (until-) 8.59n; 15.57 (- ... ) 14.13; (a -) 8.77
see also: as, even, if whilst 14.12,18-19
whence8.3n; 14.12n; 15.31n, 57 concessive 8.145; 15.39-40
whenever 8.53, 64; 11.14n; 14.12, 18-20, contrastive 15.43
27n; 15.25,27,30,34,42 temporal 15.25, 28
where (conjunction) 7.53; 8.40; 14.12, 18, whimper (verb) 16.31n
20; 15.30-31,34 whisper (verb) 16.31n
(interrogative) 7.11n, 53, 64; 8.3,9, whisper 11.2
25; 10.10, 11; 11.14-19; 16.15,61; whither8.3n; 14.12n; 15.31n
18.59n who (interrogative pronoun) 5.104-109;
(relative)7.53; 15.8; 17.17-20,24; 6.2,12,36-38; 7.64; 8.25, 80;
19.33 1O.6n, 7n, 34n; 11.14-19,34;
contingent 15.30,31,34 15.5n; 16.15; 18.59n
contrastive 15.31 (relative pronoun)·5.104-109; 6.2, 8,
in pseudo-cleft sentence 1830 32-35; 10.36n, 49,50; 14.20;
place 7.53; 15.31,42 15.8-9; 17.11-23; 18.28
(N . . .for) 9.45; (- from) 8.3; as pro-form 7.53n
(-: .. there) 14.l3n; (- to) 8.3 in cleft sentence 18.28-30
-where 7.21, 69; 8.48; 17.57 (- .. . for) 9.45
whereafter 15.57n see also: whom
whereas 14.12; 15.31; 32, 39-40,43 whodunit 17.112
whereat 14.12n; 15.57n whoever6.35n; 11.14n; 14.20; 15.5n, 8n,
wherefore 14.12n; 15.57n 42; 17.12
wheresoever 14.20 whole 5.7, 17; 6.50; 7.35n; 9.42
whereto 7.46; 14.12 whole-part relation 17.106
whereupon 7.46; 14.12; 15.57; 19.37n wholly 7.47; 1.41
wherever 8.40; 14.13, 18,20; 15.30-31, whom (interrogative pronoun) 6.2,
34,42 36-38; 8.25, 80; 11.14-19; 15.5n;
wherewith 15.57 16.15
whether U.18n; 12.63; 13.28n; 14.12n; (relative pronoun) 6.2, 8,32-35;
15.6; 16.31n, 37n, 61 1O.36n, 49; 14.20; 15.8-9;
(- ... or) 14.17-19; 15.6,41-42 17.11-23; 18.28
Index 1777

whom [contl wipe N clean 16.45

as pro-form 7.53n wise 16.76; (~ly) 8.127-129, 133n
vs. who 1.17; 6.5n, 35; 17.14 -wise 7.46; 8.89; 1.16n, 17, 41
(of ~) 6.34n; (to ~) 6.35; 10.7n wish (verb) 3.62; 4.29, 64n; 1O.51n;
whomever 14.20; 15.5n, 8n 12.65; 14."36n; 15.8,9,54; 16.33,38,
whomsoever 14.20 41,44,46,48,56,57
whose (interrogative determiner) 5.14; ( ~ for) 16.15, 28; (I ~ (that)) 14.23n
6.36 wit (to ~) 17.73
(interrogative pronoun) 6.2, 36-38; with (conjunction) 8.86, 132; 9.55; 14.9,
11.14-19 15,17; 15.34,41,46, 60n; 18.54
(relative determiner) 5.14 (particle) 16.2
(relative pronoun) 6.2, 33 -' 34, 38; (preposition) 2.23; 3.75, 76; 8.40, 80;
10.49; 14.20; 17.11-23; 18.28-30 9.4,7,10,20,29,43,48,49-50,51,
whosoever 14.20 52-53,55,61; 11.42; 13.103; 16.15,
why (conjunct) 1L 15n 60,69; 17.37
(conjunction) 7.53; 14.20; 15.5, 46n (along ~) 9.4
(initiator) 7.54; 11.15n, 41 withdraw 3.16
(interrogative) 7.53, 64; 8.9, 25, 86; withhold 3.18
9.43,44,45; 10.10; 11.14-19,40; within (adverb) 7.70; 8.41
12.63; 16.15; 18.59n (preposition) 9.7, 15n, 55n
(relative) 7.53; 15.8; 17.18 (prepositional adverb) 9.66
in pseudo-cleft sentence 18.30 without (adverb) 7.70
( ~ don't I/we) 11.17; ( ~ don't you) (conjunction) 8.132; 9.55; 14.12n, 15,
11.17, 25n, 30n; (~ do you) 11.16; 17; 15.34,41, 60n; 18.54
(~ever) 11.14n; (~ ncha) 3.36n; (preposition) 9.7,49,52,53,55;
(~not) 11.15n, 17; 12.63; (~ then) 13.81n; 16.6
8.135 (prepositional adverb) 9.66
wicked 7. 19, 81n withstand 3.18
wide (adjective) 7.8,66,82,88 wits 5.77
(adverb) 7.8, 56n woke(n) 3.16
(~ly) 7.8 wolf/wolves 5.83
wide-+pitch woman 5.54n, 60n, 102; 19.65
wide orientation subjunct 8.88, 89-91 woman/women 5.84
widow(er) 5.105 woman- 5.102; 1.33n
wife/wives 5.83 wo/man 5.105
wilfully 8.93 won 3.18
will (auxiliary) 3.4n, 21, 39, 40, 47; 4.3, wonder (verb) 4.29; 16.33, 35; (I ~) 15.54n
8n, 37, 42, 43n,45n, 46,47,49, 50, won't 3.23, 39; 11.8n, 10; 12.47; 14.22
51,57,58,60,61,63,64,65; 6.61; see also: will
10.67,68; 11.10, 28n; 12.47; 13.25; wont 16.79
14.22,26-27; 15.55n, 68n; 18.56; woodcock 5.87
II.9 wooden 7.43
(noun) 17.36 word, a 10.62
timeless 4.57 words, in other (appositional/contrastive/
(~ do) 8.100; 19.48; (~ have) 14.26; inferential conjunct) 8.137, 139,
(ifyou ~ ) 8.126; (~ not) 3.39 141,144; 17.75-81,86
see also: do, won't, would word 1.13; 2.3, 7, 35, 48n; 12.31; 18.15;
willing 12.65; 16.71,79; (be ~ to) 3.40, 19.26; IIU, 3,5
47,66; 7.39; 16.79; (~ly) 8.93; complex vs. phrase 1.18
(~ness) 4.57, 61; 8.94; 17.36 complex vs. simple 8.1 On; 1.3, 4, 14
wilt 3.4n grammatical 2.35, 39; U2n
win (verb) 3.18; 16.19,26; (~ over) grammatical form of 2.38n
16.26n integrity of U2n
wind (verb) 3.18; (~ up) 16.21,22 length 13.86
1778 Index

word [cont] would [cont]

order 1.28; 2.14; 19.7 10.68; 14.36n; (~st) 3.4n; (~ that)
sensesof2.38n; 1.11-12, 46 14.23n
see also: will
shortening --7 clipping
wound (past tense, wind) 3.18
space --7 space (orthographic)
wove 3.16
splitting 1.16
wow 11.55
structure --7 morphology
see also: compound, coordinate, wreaths 5.83
derogatory, indicator, initial, key, loan, wretched 7.19
phonological, phrase, polysyllabic wring 3.18
forms, relater, stress, wh-, word class, write 3.16; 4.26n, 27; 16.19,26,31,59;
word-formation (~ about/on) 9.59
word class 2.12n, 29, 34-45,55; 7.3,4, writings 5.77
5-15, 26n; 7.46; 9.2-5, 8; 10.51; written 3.16
12.26n; 16.2; 1.3, 31, 57 written language --7 graphology, spoken
conversion 43-56 vs. written language
gradience 2.60 wrong 7.81; 16.76; (~ly)8.127
meaning 2.43 wrote 3.16
secondary 2.38n, 41; 1.53-55 wrung 3.18
taxonomy 2.41
word-formation 1.13; 2.1n, 12n, 38n;
3.76n, 77n; 10.4; 12.31, 51n; 16.12;
17.51,54; 19.22; I passim; H.4, 7
dead process 1.5
X --7 pro-forms
x (letter) II1.30n
phonology and 1.19
-x plurals 5.99
see also: American English, British
English, informal, motivation, rules -x verb base ending 3.8n, 9
xerox (verb) 3.4
wore 3.16
work (verb) 4.28; 9.37, 46n; 16.19
(~away) 16.12; (~N loose) 16.17;
(~out) 16.12; (~s) 5.91
workaholic 1.14
worn 3.16 -y (adjective base ending) 7.47, 80, 81
worried 16.78; (~about) 16.69 (suffix) 6.64; 7.1; 17.102; 1.15,38,70,
worry (oneself) 6.25; (not to ~ ) 11.41n 74n, 77
worse (adjective) 7.75, 77, 82n (verb base ending) 3.5,7,10; 5.81
(adverb) 7.83 y'all('s) 6.12n
(conjunct) 8.137,143 ye 6.12n
(even ~) 8.147 -ye verb base ending 3.9
worship (verb) 3.8 yeah 7.54
worst (adjective) 7.75 year (a ~) 15.29; (for ~ s) 9.36; (in ~ s)
(adverb) 7.83 9.36n; (~ ly) 7.9; 8.64
(at~)9.1n -year-old (adjective/noun)7.13; 17.108
worth 9.6; 15.12n; 16.83 year (graphic) HI.27
worthwhile 16.83 see also: numeral
worthy 16.79; (~of) 16.69 yearn (for) 16.38,41
-worthy 1.38n yell (verb) 16.31n
wotcher 12.50n yen 5.90
would3.4n, 21,39,40; 4.48, 50, 51, 57, yep 7.54
59-64; 10.68; ll.5n, 13; 14.16n, yes 7.54; 8.100, 130n; 10.66; 11.4-13;
23; 15.48, 55n; 18.56; 11.9 13.102n
(~a) 14.23n; (~have) 1l.53n; 14.23, in negative reply 1.34
26; (~not)3.39; (~n't) 3.39; yes-no question 2.48, 50,53; 3.21, 24n;
Index 1779

yes-no question [cont] you [cont]

8.9; 10.6, 17,61,66; ILl, 4, 5-13, (~-all) 1.11; 6.12n, 14n; 10.53
18n, 20-23,34-35,53; 12.46,47, see also: between, know, see
49-50; 13.47n; 14.33; 15.5,6; young 7.80,82,88
16.37n; 18.10, 16, 20n; 19.63n your 5.14, 55n; 6.2-6, 8-11, 12n, 14,29
yesterday 6.43, 67; 7.70; 8.55, 75; 9.40; inclusive 13.73
10.15n in titles 10.53
yet (adjunct) 2.54n; 3.46n; 4.22; 9.28, (~ s) 6.2-6, 8-11, 12n, 14,29
39; 10.60; 19.36 yours faithfully, etc 8.91n
(conjunct) 7.52; 8.23, 137, 143, 144, yourself, yourselves 6.6,11, 12n, 14,
145,146; 13.3,5,11,12,18-19,32, 23-28; 11.25
103; 15.32; III.6, 12 youse 6.12n
(subjunct) 8.97 youth 5.108n; (~s) 5.83
(and ~) III.7; (as ~) 8.97n; 19.36;
(not ~) 9.28; 10.58n
yippee 11.55n
yoke 5.90 -z verb base ending 3.9
you 1.11; 6.2-6, 8-11, 12n, 14, 18,24; zero 6.64n
7.25n; 8.47, 91n; 10.44n; 11.10, 13, zero-+ article, categorial,
25-28; 12.46n, 49, 50n; 15.54, 55n complementation, determiner,
contrastive 11.25n, 28 genitive, plural, relative clause,
generic 6.21, 56; 8.143; 10.50; 19.51 some, suffix, that
impersona14.9n zeugma 9.50n; 13.87
vocative use 10.52n, 53; 11.53; zip 6.64n
17.12n, 88; 19.51 zone -+premodification

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