F.S. Finite - Difference - Buckling - Analysis - of - Non - Uniform - Columns PDF

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Civil Engineering Department, Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, England

Abstract-Buckling loads for tapered and stepped columns have been determined by a finite difference method
using a matrix iteration solution technique (a BASIC program for which is appended). Errors which can arise with
the finite difference approach are discussed namely, that convergence towards the correct buckling load as the
number of segment subdivisions is increased may not be monotonic, that simple averaging of the second moments
of area to either side of a change of section is hardly adequate and that correct formulation of the problem using a
fourth order differential equation is difficult. It is shown that consistent and correct results can be obtained using
only a small number of segment subdivisions coupled with extrapolation procedures. A simple expression is
derived for an “effective”value of second moment of area at a change of section.

1. Wl’RODlJCTlON As will be shown, it is possible to obtain highly ac-

Tapered and stepped columns such as those shown in curate solutions to the buckling load by dividing a
Figs. 2 and 6 are of practical importance in structural column into a small number of segments, particularly if
engineering because of their reduced weight compared extrapolation methods are used. There are snags
with uniform columns for the same axial load carrying however which are not made clear in most textbooks
performance (buckling load). Solutions for all the stan- employing these methods and giving simple examples.
dard cases are now known[l], indeed some have exact For instance the pattern of convergence towards the
closed form solutions, so any re-analysis can be regarded correct buckling load may depend upon whether a
as of only academic interest. It is in this context however column is divided into an odd or even number of seg-
that the analysis of these non-uniform columns provide ments and an incorrect solution may be obtained if the
good examples in teaching upon which to exercise simple problem is formulated using a fourth order differential
techniques of numerical analysis-a necessary topic in a equation. These difficulties will be highlighted and it will
modern treatment of stability. They can also illustrate be shown how consistent and correct solutions can easily
lower bound solutions which can be contrasted with be obtained.
upper bounds obtained from a Rayleigh-Ritz energy
approach. Lower bound solutions to buckling problems 2.ANALYSBMETHODS
have been found by a method of successive ap- The buckling loads for axially loaded columns can be
proximations as done numerically by Newmark[2] or by found from the governing differential equation for small
finite element methods[3] but such analyses are some- deflection bending
what complex. A simpler direct approach is presented in
this paper.
H(X) 2 = M(u, x) (1)
Differential equations for the equilibrium of a column
with small lateral. displacements can easily be written in
finite difference form. The expression of these equations where E is Young’s modulus: x is distance along the
at a number of stations along the column gives a set of column measured from one end; I(x) is the second
homogeneous simultaneous linear equations the lowest moment of area about the neutral axis of bending; v is
eigenvalue solution of which leads to the buckling load. the lateral displacement; and M(u, x) is bending moment.
Many methods of solution are available to find the lowest The finite difference form of this equation is
eigenvalue including direct expansion of the determinant,
which becomes inconvenient if there are more than
El(xr)(“.-1-2p+“. )=M(o. x.) (2)
about three unknown displacements. Most methods h ’ ’ ‘+I ” ’
avoid matrix inversion but as this can be done with a
single statement in a BASIC computer program the where uiel, tri and tli+l are the lateral displacements at
method outlined in this paper uses it in a matrix iteration three stations covering two segments length h, a beam of
technique, the program for which can be student written length L being divided into (L/h) equal segments.
(see Appendix A). It is mathematically invalid to write this equation for
The direct finite difference approach may seem like columns of varying I as
well trodden ground but it is not easy to find answers to
such questions as “What value of second moment of
~(I(%-‘)&- -Zl(Xi)Vi +I(Xi+l)Ui+l)= M(Q9-G)
area (I) should&e used at a step change of section?’ or
“What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of (3)
modelling a column using second or fourth order
differential equations?‘. as is sometimes done.
Application of eqn (2) at a number of stations yields a
tprincipal Lecturer. set of homogeneous linear simultaneous equations from

which the lowest eigenvalue corresponding to the buck- giving

ling load can be determined. A solution using the matrix
iteration technique is described in Appendix A. This
method requires the simultaneous equations to be written
in the matrix form
(b) Free-fixed column (Fig. lb)
[AIM = A[EI{D] (4) Bending moment M(u, x) = P( u. - u) = El(d*u/dx*).
In finite difference form
where [A] and [B] are matrices containing displacement Ui_l-ZUi t Ui+l t A(Vo- u~)=O
coefficients and A is the eigenvalue. To illustrate how the
equations can be put into this particular matrix form for where
problems with different boundary conditions a column of
uniform I divided into three segments will be considered Ph' L
(Fig. 1).

(a) Pinned-Pinned (Euler column (Fig. la)) the boundary conditons are
Bending moment M(u, x) = - PO = EZ (d*u/dx’).
In finite diRerence form this equation is u(L)=O=u3

AUi =O and

where A = (Ph’IEZ) and h = (L/3) u’(L) = 0

the boundary conditions are
zero slope at the fixed end can be represented by intro-
o(0)= 0 = uo ducing a station 4 outside the column and then putting
u4 = uz (slope being defined as U’(Xi)= (- q_, t u,+,)/2h)

and at luo-2uItu2-A(uo-u,)=O

u”(0) = u”(L) = 0 at2u,-2u2tuj-A(uo-~z)=0

. ‘. at 1 at3u2-2u9tu4-A(uo-us)=0

uo-2u,tu2tAu,=0 giving

at 2


station number
(c) Pinned-fixed column (Fig. lc)
0 1 2 3 L Bending moment M( u, x) = - Pu - Qx = EZ(d2u/dx2)
I where Q is the pin reaction.
In finite difference form ui_l - 2Oi+ tli+t + Au,= (axlh)
(a) where A = (Ph’IEZ), a = (Qh”/EZ) and h = (L/3)
the boundary conditions are

u(0) = 0 = u,

lb) u”(0)= 0 --fno equation at station 0


.Latl uo-2u1tuztAuI=a

at2 u,-2u2+u3tAu2=2a

at3 u2-2u3tu4tAu3=3a

from the last equation a = (2u2/3)

......... buckled shape

Fig. 1. Uniform columns with various end conditions. . [A2 -'S,3lkl=A [I:
Buckling analysis of non-uniform columns 143

Similar equations can be written for columns of varying 3. TAPERED COLUMNS

Z, in which case some of the coefficients of matrix [B] Application of eqn (2) to tapered columns such as
are changed. It is also easy to derive the coefficient those shown in Fig. 2 yield solutions that demonstrate
matrices [A] and [B] if a column is divided into a higher how accurate buckling load predictions can be made with
number of segments because of the regular structure of only a small number of segment subdivisions. Their use
the finite dilTerence equations. also illustrates that care may be necessary in extrapolat-
As discussed later, it is not necessary to subdivide a ing the results.
column into a hi number of segments (more than say For the single tapered free-fixed column of Fig. 2(a)
seven) in order to obtain very accurate buckling load the predicted buckling load monotonically converges to
predictions. Instead, the so-called “h’” or Richardson’s the exact value (numerical coefficient 4.92[1]) as shown
extrapolation method can be used[4]. This assumes that in Fig. 3 when the number of segment subdivisions is
the error (e) in the ejgenvalue solution is given by increased. Only four segments are required to give a
lower bound solution within 1% of the exact value. Using
e=ah2tbh4tch6t ... “h*” extrapolation (eqn 6), errors are only 0.4% using 2
and 3 segments and 0.1% using 3 and 4 segments. Similar
With the further approximation that e=ah’ it follows accuracies could be expected for different degrees of
that if a solution AI results from a column being divided taper and for the single tapered pinned-pinned column
into nr segments and a solution A2results from dividing shown in Fig. 2(b). The value of this simple numerical
the column into n2 segments then a better solution A is method of solution is exemplified in this latter case
given by because a closed form analytical solution is not possible.
The solution to the double tapered pinned column
n,*A, - n2*A2 shown in Fig. 2(c) is related by symmetry to that for the
A= 2 2’
fh -n2 single tapered free-fixed column of Fig. 2(a). An exact
closed form solution is possible, giving 19.675 as the
More accurate extrapolations can be obtained by tak- buckling load numerical coefficient. However, as shown
ing into consideration two terms on the right hand side of in Fig. 4 the numerical solution does not monotonically
eqn (5). Three approximate solutions are then required[4] converge towards the exact solution. Using even num-
but the extrapolation method given by eqn (6) is accurate bers of segments only half the column need be con-
enough for most purposes. sidered because of the symmetry of the buckled shape
In an attempt to simplify the analysis, eqn (1) can be (indeed, the analysis is identical to that for the single
diflerentiated to give a fourth order equation, which for tapered column shown in Fig. 2(a) but of length L/2). The
columns with constant Z is symmetry of the buckled shape can also be used with
odd numbers of segments. The idealized column shapes
Ez fi = d*Mu,xl which the numerical solutions represent are shown by
dx’ dx* the dashed lines in Fig. 5. These idealized shapes explain
why higher buckling loads are predicted with even num-
where the right hand side equals P(d’ddx*) for all three bers of segments and illustrate the obviously “overstiff”
columns shown in Fig. 1. In finite difference form this idealization with just two segments. Predicted buckling
equationcanbewrittenas loads within about 1% of the exact value can be obtained

&-2_4Ut-~ t6Vi -&+I + u~+z=~(U~-I -2Ui + Ui+l)t.

(8) (a)

This formulation provides a slight simplification of the

pinned-fixed column (Fig. lc) analysis because the reac-
tion Q does not appear but for the other columns extra
outside nodes have to be introduced. For columns where
Z varies along their length this method of analysis pro-
vides no advantage. If Z continuously varies, eqn (7) is
invalid and a much more complicated equation arises
from differentiating eqn (1). For stepped columns eqn (8) fb)
is invalid in the region of the step change of section and
its application provides an erroneous continuity of cur-
vature at the step with consequent errors in both the
buckling load and buckled shape (see later). It would be
possible to modify the central difference eqn (8) using
either forward or backward differences to avoid “cross-
ing the step” but this considerably complicates the for-
mulation of the problem. (cl

tAtternatively the right hand side of eqn (8) can be written as

t- L___/
g(Di_*-2Vi+ Uj+d.
Fig. 2. Tapered columns.


I # 1 I 1
2 3 I 5 6 7
number of segments
Fig. 3. Convergence of buckling load coefficient for single
tapered free-fixedcolumn.

by using eight or more segments. However as demon- Fig. 5. Idealized column shapes (shown dashed) as analysed to
strated in Table I a danger arises when using r‘hZ’r represent double tapered column.
extrapolation. If results for pairs of either odd or even
segments are used, which inde~ndently converge Two particular stepped columns, one free-fixed and
monotonically to the exact value of buckling load, then the second pinned-fixed are shown in Fig. 6. The patterns
very accurate lower bound solutions can be obtained. On of convergence towards the correct buckling load for
the other hand if odd/even pairs are used (e.g. 4 and 5 these columns as the number of segment subdivisions is
segments) then the accuracy is less than the un- increased are shown respectively in Figs. 7 and 8, An
extrapolated solution and, equally important, may not exact closed form solution is possible for the free-fixed
represent a lower bound. column giving a numerical coefficient 4.135[l] but for the
pinned-fixed column a numerical solution is required.
4.srEPPED COLUMNS Newmark’s method gives a numerical coefficient for this
Good solutions can be obtained to the buckling loads latter case of 25.175151.
of stepped columns from the direct application of eqn (2) Using only odd numbers of segments the solutions to
though the different effect of using odd or even numbers the buckling loads for both these problems converge
of segments is even more marked than for double monotonically from below. Accuracy within 1% is
tapered columns. obtained with only 5 segments for the free-fixed column

Fig. 4. Convergence of buckling load coefficient for double tapered pinned column.
Buckling analysis of non-uniform columns 745

Table 1. Errors measured in buckling load predictions for double tapered pinned column

r T-
rror (X
E:tror (X)


3, 4 5.1

-2.5 3, 5 -0.9

4, 5 -5.6

-3.6 4, 6 -0.4

5, 6 3.8

-1.3 5, 7 -0.’

6, 7 -3.6

-1.9 6, 8 -0.1

7, 8 3.0


When either of the stepped . columns

_ of Fig. 6 are._.
divided into an even number of segments, eqn (Z)
has to be applied at the step change of section. It is
common[5]to choose a value of second momentof area
(I) at this station which is a simpleaverage of the Z’sto
‘Ia 21, right and left of the section. This gives an effective I of

/ value l.S& for the two columns in Fig. 6. This ap-
proximation is successful for the pinned-fixedcolumn
because the finite difference solution basicaly under-
estimates its stiffness. For the free-fixed column, buck-
ling loads above the exact value are obtained. These
converge slowly towards the exact bucklingload as the
number of segment subdivisionsis increased. Not only
I L/2 I L/z I
does this lead to an uncharacteristicupper bound solu-
--------I tion but for both columns “!I”’ extrapolation based on
Fig. 6. Free-fixed and pinned-fixed stepped columns “even plus odd segment” pairs leads to erroneous pre-
dictions of bucklingload.
but I5 segments are necessary for the pinned-fixed The need for a better treatment of a step change of
column because its buckled shape is more complex. For section was recognised by Girijavallabhan[6] who
this latter case, 1% accuracy is obtained using “h’” developed a somewhat complex expression for an
extrapolationof the results from 3 and 5 segments. “equivalent” or “effective” I at the step involving dis-

P wit CEI,
1 I I I I I 1 I L I J
2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 IO II 12 13 14 15

number of segments

Fig. 7. Convergence of buckling load coefficient for free-fixed stepped column.


exact solution

x I.5 I, at s&p
+ l-33 I, at step

Peril i
3 4 9 10 11 12 13 14

number of scgmcnIs

Fig. 8. Convergence of buckling load coefficient for pinned-fixed stepped column.

placements at stations on either side of the step and an However for both columns, as for the double tapered
assumed displaced shape. A simpler expression men- column, it is necessary to restrict “h*” extrapolation to
tioned by O’Rourke and Zebrowski [7] is results from pairs of either odd or even numbers of
Use of the fourth order eqn (8) leads to values of
predicted buckling loads which converge to about 15%
below the correct value for the pinned-fixed column as
where ZL and Z, are respectively second moments of the number of segment subdivisions is increased. This is
area to left and right of the change of section. This because, as shown in Fig. 9, application of eqn (8) leads
expression yields an effective Z at the step equal to to an invalid continuity of curvature at the step change in
(4ZJ3) for the columns of Fig. 6. Equation (9) is derived section which in turn leads to an incorrect and “too
in Appendix B using a similar method to that employed flexible” buckled shape. The same errors in curvature
by Girijavallabhan. Using the value (4ZJ3) at the step occur with the free-fixed column and the buckled shape
there is a monotonic convergence towards the correct is also “too flexible” but because this shape has less
buckling loads for both columns as shown in Figs. 7 and changes in curvature the effect on the buckling load is
8. These give similar orders of accuracy to those insignifIcant.
obtained with odd numbers of segment subdivisions.
The analysis of buckling ioadsfor the tapered and
stepped columns shown in Figs. 2 and 6 has demon-
strated that highly accurate lower bound solutions are
possible using a direct finite difference approach coupled
with a matrix iteration solution technique. In calculating
the buckling loads, none of the above columns need be
divided into more than 5 segments to give an accuracy
within 1% (or 8 segments to give an accuracy within
0.1%) provided “A*” extrapolation of two solutions is
There is not in general however a monotonic con-
vergence towards the exact buckling load as the number
2nd order
of segment subdivisions is increased. Instead, there is
often a marked difference between the pattern of results
for even and odd numbers of subdivisions. It is easy
4th order
therefore to be misled by the trends implied by the
i\ results of consecutive low numbers of segment sub-
\ divisions. These often appear as worked examples in
\ textbooks. Instead, results from even and odd numbers
/ of segment subdivisions should not be mixed when used
Step change of section
for “h*” extrapolation.
Fig. 9. Variations in predicted buckled shape and curvature It has been shown that the most consistent sets of
around step between second and fourth order formulations of results for stepped columns are obtained with stations
pinned-fixed stepped column problem. equally spaced either side of the step, i.e. odd numbers
Buckling analysis of non-uniform columns 741

of segments. However if subdivision of the column into 8. J. M. Prentis and F. A. Leckie, Mechanical Vibrations-An
segments gives a station at a step change of cross-section Introduction to Matrix Methods. Longmans, London (l%3).
then reliable results can be obtained if an effective 9. L. Meirovitch, Elements of Vibration Analysis. McGraw-Hill,
second moment of area is used at that station given by New York (1975).
eqn (9) and derived in Appendix B. Simple averaging of
the second moments of area to the left and right of the
Matrix iteration
step change of section can lead to misleading and
The mechanical vibrations of multi degree of freedom systems
erroneous predictions of buckling load. It has also been can be represented in matrix form as
demonstrated that the fourth order formulation of eqn (8)
cannot be used successfully for stepped columns [KIWI = ~‘[Ml W) (At)
because it predicts continuity of curvature at the change
of section and erroneous buckling loads. To be used in which [M] and [K] are respectively mass and stiffness
successfully the fourth order equation would have to be matrices, {X) is a displacement amplitude vector and w is natural
formulated using forward or backward differences in the frequency. The natural frequencies and corresponding mode
region of the step change of section. The correct dis- shapes are commonly determined using a matrix iteration
technique[8,9]. This technique is also applicable to the stability
continuity of curvature could then be maintained at the
analysis presented in this paper because eqns (4) and (Al) are of
expense however of a more complex analysis which
similar form.
moreover provides no advantage over a second order For matrix iteration eqn (4) is rewritten as
The analysis presented in this paper is useful in the jr}= ACAl-’I4 {u). (A3
teaching of stability. The application of finite difference
equations is an important part of the modern treatment In essence, the technique involves assuming a set of values for
of that subject and the use of a matrix iteration solution the displacement vector {u), evaluating the vector [A]-’ [B] {u),
technique makes a significant link with the teaching of normalising this vector by extracting a coefficient, i.e. by dividing
through by one of the terms (for instance the first) and repeating
vibrations. This paper has shown how some of the pit-
the procedure using this normalised vector for {u). The iteration
falls of the finite difference approach can be avoided.
procedure is repeated until the value of the extracted coefficient
differs by less than some specified tolerance from one iteration to
REFERENCIC3 the next. The lowest eigenvalue A is then given by the reciprocal
I. S. P. Timoshenko and .I. M. Gere, 77reory of Elastic sfa&/ity, of this extracted coefficient and lul gives the buckled shaoe.
2nd Edn. McGraw-Hill, New York (1961). In the BASIC program listed~below all the terms ‘of the
2. N. M. Newark, Numerical procedure for computine displacement vector {u) are initially set to unity (line 240 ); the
deflections, moments and buckling loads. Trans. AS& 108: value of the extracted term is NI for the current iteration and NO
1161-1188 (1943). for the previous iteration. NO is initially set to a high number
3. Pen-Yuan Shih and H. L. Schreyer, Lower bounds to fun- (line 250). It is assumed that adequate convergence has been
damental frequencies and buckling loads of columns and attained when the extracted term differs between one iteration
plates. Int. 1. Solids Structures 14, 1013-1026 (1978). and the next by less than 0.01% (line 300). In the unlikely event
M. G. Salvadori, Numerical computation of buckling loads by that this level of convergence is not reached within 20 iterations
finite differences. Trans. ASCE 116,590-624 (1951). a message is printed (line 340). The printed EIGENVALUE
Ping-Chun Wang, Numerical and Matrix Methods in Struc- COEFFICIENT has to be multiplied by the square of the number
tural Mechanics. Wiley, New York (1966). of segment subdivisions (either N2- or (N t I)‘) to give the
C. V. Girijavallabhan, Buckling loads of nonuniform columns. coefficient C in the exoression for buckline load (CEI,/L*).
J. Struct. Div. ASCE 95, 2419-2431 (1%9). DATA statements supplying data for l&es 126 and l3b have
M. O’Rourke and T. Zebrowski, Buckling load for nonuniform been left out of the program listing. These can conveniently be
columns. Comput. Structures 7, 717-720 (1977). added using line numbers less than 100.

CM Vol. 12.No. S-F


At step change of section

An expression for the most suitable value of second moment
of area (I) to be taken at a APPEND’X
step change
B of section can be derived
by the moment-area method. It is assumed that the bending
moment is constant across the segments to either side of the
step, i.e. from stations i - I to it I in Fig. 10. In addition to the
notation indicated in Fig. IO the slope of the displaced shape at
the step (station i) is taken as 6.
Anulication of the moment-area theorem for the region i - I to
i about station i - I gives
I h
v,_,-(a,+Bh)=EIl.Mh.i (Bl) / 1 / shape

“i-1 “i “i+l
and for the region i to it I about station it 1gives

u;+,-(c!i-Bh)=EIR (B2)

Adding (Bl) and (B2) gives

Fig. IO. Notation and assumed variations around step of dis-

If eqns (2) and (B3) are compared it can be seen that placements and MEI diagram used in moment-area analysis.

This represents an ‘~equivalent” or effective I at station i, the

step change of section.

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