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Clinical Practicum Physician Interaction Log

Student’s Name: ____Alice Nsawi Clinical Site: _Baptist Memorial Hospital Memphis
Instructions for Use:
 Complete an entry for each interaction you have with a physician that day.
 Identify the physician interaction type as either: “Patient Focused”, “Tutorial”, or “Small or Large Group”.
 Identify the first and last name of the physician with whom you interacted.
 Document key points learned during this physician interaction and the length of time of the interaction.
 Identify and explain 3 “key” things that were introduced, learned, or reinforced to include in the summary

Type of Physician
Date/Time Physician Name Topic
03/08/1830 mins Michael C, Smith, MD Patients Focused Interpretation of X-
ray images
Brief Summary of Interaction
Know what a normal X-ray look like, the marking and importance organs.
- The size of the heart, if the heart size is enlarged, how it affects the patients breathing pattern. When
the heart is enlarged it puts pressure on the lungs and patient could experience shortness of breath and
irregular breathing patterns.
- Presence of foreign materials in the lungs, x-ray shows you a clear picture of the lungs. It shows wither
the lungs are under inflated or overinflated. With under inflated lungs, patient will likely be hypoxia and
low oxygen circulation and patient will be retaining CO2.

Type of Physician
Date/Time Physician Name Topic
03/12/10 30mins Ravis B, Curry MD Patient Focused Weaning
Brief Summary of Interaction

He reinforced the important of patient assessment like;

- Patient’s ability to maintain airway
- Is the problem the caused patient to be intubated resolved
- Patient aware of what is going on/mental status
- Patient’s breathing pattern and cardiac rhythms
He also talk about the important of reading patient past medical history and notes from other clinicians help paint
a better picture of the patient sickness and facilitate decision of weaning.

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RCP303: Activity and PI Log: Revised 5/2016

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