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It is called transport to the short transfer of broken material in the mine, that is to
say that this transport has limitations, or has a certain radius of action, and will
be located in the fronts of operation.


It is to pierce a layer of sterile material by mechanical or manual methods, in order

to drill a hole to be then filled with explosives and fracture the earth's crust.


It is the action of fracture or fragment the rock, the hard soil, the concrete or to
detach some metallic element, by the use of explosives.


By loading is understood the collection of the rock stripped from the ground or
bank, and its transfer to a means of transport.


The objective of the drilling process in simple words is to "Construct a defined

physical space inside the rock that will be removed (holes of drilling), then in these
holes to place the explosive that will later be detonated." To materialize this
activity it is necessary to carry out the following sequence:

 Programming the location of the wells to be drilled.

 Selection of steels to be used.
 Preparation of the work area (topography and cleaning).
 Positioning of equipment (with each shot).
 Perforation (of each shot).
 Debris sampling.
 Verification of the quality and quantity of perforated shots.
 Withdrawal of the sector equipment.

This sequence is fulfilled until all the programmed sectors have been drilled.

1. ¿Por qué el proceso de acarreo los trayectos son cortos y que limitaciones
2. ¿Cuáles son los métodos de Perforación que existen para contrarrestar el
sostenimiento de las rocas?
3. ¿Qué consecuencia puede traer el uso de explosivo en la corteza terrestre,
en un tiempo lejano?
4. ¿cuál es la principal amenaza cuando se está ejecutando el proceso de cargue
y descargue de material?


1. ¿Why the process of carrying the routes are short and what limitations does
it present?
2. ¿what are the methods of drilling that exist to counter the support of the rocks?
3. That consequence can bring the use of explosive in the terrestrial crust, in a
distant time?
4. ¿what is the main threat when the loading and unloading process is running?


 Crust: Corteza
 Ground: Suelo
 Carry: Llevar
 Wells: Pozos
 Drilled: Perforado
 Debris: Escombros
 Sampling: Muestreo
 Withdrawal: retirada

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