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Argumentative Essay: Comments.

Eric, you have a lot of great information and insights about the benefits and negative
aspects of being bilingual, especially in a relatively monolingual country. While you use
a lot of great outside sources, I would suggest either using more of your own words to
relay your arguments and let the evidence back your words up, or perhaps consider
limiting the sources you incorporate. As it is, the paper is unbalanced with so many
quotes and so little of your own analysis. Try not to open or end a paragraph on a quote
if it can be avoided. Revise for grammar and syntax errors. In all, this is a great effort,
and I look forward to seeing how you expand on these ideas further in your portfolio at
the end of the semester.

1. Topic Selection: Answers one of the three questions in the prompt. 3/3

2. Title: The title should be both creative and informative. .5/1

3. Thesis: Makes a clear, specific, and debatable argument. Includes supporting points
and a counter argument. 5/5

4. Development/Support: Ideas are fully developed. Two scholarly sources (either books
or essays/articles found either on library databases or .edu/.gov websites) used to
support your thesis. Essay also quotes or paraphrases How the Garcia Girls Lost Their
Accents. Essay uses quote sandwiches. 10/10

5. Organization: The ideas appear in a logical order. The paper uses transitions to move
from one idea to the next. The essay should have at least five paragraphs. Each body
paragraph should discuss a different point and begin with a clear topic sentence. 4.5/5

6. Spelling/Grammar/Mechanics: The paper is virtually free of spelling, grammar, or

mechanical errors. 1.5/2

7. Page Length: The paper is at least 3-4 complete pages long. Papers less than 3
COMPLETE pages will not earn a passing grade. Yes

8. MLA Citation: The paper uses MLA style citation for quotes, paraphrases,
summaries, and a Works Cited page. 3/3

9. MLA Formatting: The paper uses MLA formatting, including 12-point, Times New
Roman, etc. 1/1

Total: 28.5/30

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