Garothi Worldbreaker: Tanks

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Garothi Worldbreaker


Swap for fel bombardment and watch a movie while the other runs around left side.


Make sure u leave decimation right side and dont stand left side as u would die from fel
bombardment. Focus left weapon on apocalypse drive. Finally make sure to soak all
annihilations and dont eat big green laser.
Felhounds of Sargeras

Place 3 markers before starting the fight. If tanks and healers are geared enough stack
them mid for bloodlust.

Tanks just need to make sure to not die or get feared, in case there are not enough
melees to soak the puddles jump into ranged group.

If dogs are not stacked just dodge stuff around, but if they are make sure to use healing
cds as stacking and spreading mechanics will come right one after the other and heavy
damage will come.

Most visuals are incoming damage, normally as fire, only one that needs stacking is purple
circle. If there are not 3 people inside a circle when it expires, it will fear the crap of the
one or two that are inside.
High command
All pods have two skills, first one is a spam on boss to amplify damage on boss for everyone and
second one is:

a. First pod: Aoe skill, try and use it so it hits adds and boss

b. Second por: first one to go in places three shields behind the current boss AND LEAVES POD,
second in pod leaves 3 or more shields on next boss (as many as he has time to).

c. Third pod: skill is an aoe to disable mines, try and disable the ones that are closest to the


Bosses will cleave in front of them so make sure they show their back to the raid and
offtank stays away from front. At 3 stacks swap unless next boss is comming in less than
10 seconds aprox, in that case offtank runs to next boss to make sure its in position asap.
Offtank is the one who uses shields when it goes dark.


If u are assigned to pod make sure to know what u have to do, otherwise ask Zael, u wont
be kicked for asking but he is going to be pissed if u fuck the pod mechanic. Otherwise
focus adds when they spawn and dont trigger mines and dont get cleaved by spinning


First boss doesnt makes much damage unless retarded dps stays on spinning add or
triggers mines so make sure to save up mana for the other two bosses. Second one is the
most healing intensive as it combines adds ( spread mechanic) with shields (stack
Portal Keeper Hasabel

Portal order is fire at 90% (red), fel at 60%(green) and void, at 30%(purple). A tank, 2/3 of
the dps and a healer should go the respective portal. What healer and dps go to portal
needs to be prestablished. Single target dpsers with interrupts are preferred.


Swap at 3 stacks to minimize raid damage, whoever is tanking when corresponding

percentage is comming be ready to go to portal as soon as the swap happens. When imps
portal spawn make sure to tank the boss on top of them to gain aggro fast.


Stun, interrupt and kill portal adds/imps and dont stand in green shit or collapsing world
when spawned.


Heavy aoe damage will happen during portal phases to the group that spawns bot,
combined with imps and collapsing world make sure to save cds for those phases. Resto
druid can use flourish right before portal happens to make Light cry about his healing.
Freeonar (sometimes)
A group of heavy aoers and a healer would be prestablished. There would be two different paths
for one group and the other.

AOE group

Stay with group for the first 4 waves (mid-bot-top-mid). Then stay mid and kill bats and proceed top
to kill a wave of untankeable adds. Make sure to have cds for that wave. Regroup mid after to kill
more adds and wait for bats to spawn. Kill those flying bastards and go to help top group kill boss.

Rest of the raid

Mid-Bot-Top (make sure to kill them really fast as we have to fligh mid before they spawn)-Mid-Bot
(again use cds as two bosses spawn here)-Mid. After this 3 waves of bosses will spawn, bot is left
alone as boss is dead before he reaches. Mid needs to be tanked and interrupted so two dpsers will
go with a tank and healer. Rest go top and kill the big add making sure its interrupted. Enjoy free
loot and the ap from the rerroll.
A marker will be tossed on left side. That area is for dispells so whoever stays around is going to be
sleep for most of the fight. If it looks like its going to hurt, it probably will so stay away from laser,
mines etc. If you get targetted by laser make sure to not place it on the raid, healers will be happier.
Healers make sure to have cds for second bridge. A nice trick to make second bridge less painful is
to let a rogue with bubble clear as much of left side while healers use their cds. It will make transition
much cleaner. BL on third phase as tank stacks wont drop.

BTW: warlocks, dont even try what you are thinking.

Raid will be dividied in two groups with their respective tank and marker. When adds spawn go with
your tank kill the add and then run to the add that is about to spawn, not the one that is about to
be killed. The adds that need to be killed and marked are left and front (if u have ur back to the
entrance). Asking to make sure to not blow up balls is unreal so just make sure to dodge as much as
u can so they dont blow up all at the same time and healers can save cds for when they are needed.


DMB will tell you when to taunt, dont stand next to detonation charges and if ur add is the last to
die and therefore you are not tanking third add be ready to taunt the boss when phase ends. Help
soak demolish IF not tanking.


Most important: DONT.DIE.TO.LASER.

Stack with demolish (purple circle around people) spread with decimation. Adds have priority. Make
sure to have op damage cds for first and third set of adds. This is very important as they have to die
really fast. BL on second set of adds. Melee make to stand where there are no tanks or detonation


Most important: DONT.DIE.TO.LASER.

Stack with demolish (purple circle around people) spread with decimation. There will be heavy aoe
damage on add phase so be ready to use cds.

Remember first set of adds use personal damage cds second set bloodlust and third personals again.
This might not make ur dps have the best logs but will give you loot at the end of the boss. Your
choice (not really).

Make sure not to be stacked if you get necrotic embrace. If you get targeted with marked prey try
to make a mobile melee like a dh or a warrior to soak it, in case you get pushed and get misery
debuff use personals to survive.


Stay and swap positions like the picture says when shadow strike is casted. Ez as fuck.


Melee make sure to stay on one side, if you are close to mid you will spawn a pool and tanks wont
be able to swap, therefore wiping the group. Mobile melees soak marked prey so no one except
nectroic embrace guys get misery.

Ok if you are reading this is because we have already wiped several times and Light is pissed. Yes i
know there is a ton of shit flying around and you are too busy concentrating on the 3 button rotation
icy veins told you to do but please be aware of the following(grab a coffee, long text incoming):

 This fight is a roll of a dice. It can go very easy or several mechanics stack making it almost
impossible so be patient.
 Tanks want to slack and find too dificult to swap two bosses around so what we will do is
have a melee with self sustain like a dk or dh facetank ASARA (its in mayus so u read it
clearly). Remember tanks slacks in a corner with NOURA while dps toys around with
ASARA. Once DIIMA comes down everything will return to normal.


DBM makes this fight trivial for tanks, just make sure bosses do not have the buff, clearly seen cause
they change colours and stuff. When healing and fire adds spawn ta


Ranged: This fight is ez for you guys, just dodge stuff, drop fulminating pulse away from people and
make sure to use defensives if you are low before it xplodes. When the electric debuff comes try to
stay in one side so melees can move around with less threat of collision.

Melee: For the first time u guys have to actually do things instead of pew pew everything. Besides
dodging what those bitches throw to your face, make sure to not drop fulminating pulse in the
group, even if it hurts your dps. When electric debuff comes move your finger away from charges,
glides, rolls etc. I know its tempting to go as fast as you can to the ads cause of deeeps but u cant
deep if u are dead.


Boring as fuck fight for healers, mechanics barely do any damage if dodged so there is not much to
heal (and if not dodged its a oneshot mostly and brez doesnt count on ur hps). There are several
thing to keep in mind:

 Players affected by fulminating pulse will need to be topped, and if they fuck up their friends
around will need some patching too.
 When storm of darkness is channeled some people might take a bit to reach a clear zone so
there will be some extra healing to do.
 Healing adds will need your best cds as there will be a ton of extra damage. Dont use cds
right at the beginning, wait a bit.
Things to watch for:

 Fulminating pulse: debuff that requires you to spread, migh happen (and probably will) at
the same time that storm of darkness so plan ahead.
 Storm of darkness: everything will go dark except for some clear areas like this, so look for
this circles when dbm shouts BEWAAAAARE
and floor goes dark.
 Diima will cast orb of frost move away from
 Rest of the fight goes the same as in
normal but instead of almost dying when
failing, u directly die. Follow tanks when purple
adds spawn and forget the dps. Remember ur
deeps would be much worst if u are dead.
Follow tanks when killing adds so boss get
cleaved, but adds are the priority.

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