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Construction and Building Materials 69 (2014) 221–231

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Characterization of permeable pavement materials based on recycled

rubber and chitosan
Christopher A. Murray ⇑, Kayla S. Snyder, Brooke A. Marion
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, Lakehead University, 500 University Avenue, Orillia, Ontario L3V 0B9, Canada

h i g h l i g h t s

 Composite materials for use as permeable pavers were prepared from chitosan and tire crumb.
 Compressive strength and hydraulic conductivity similar to conventional permeable pavers was achieved.
 Sorption capacity of dissolved zinc from water was as high as 0.63 mg per gram of chitosan.
 Unlike other permeable pavements, properties were not strongly dependent on binder content.
 Material properties and morphology were dominated by the concentration of chitosan solution used.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A variety of composite permeable pavement materials were prepared from crumb rubber embedded in a
Received 13 March 2014 matrix of the biopolymer chitosan, which is a waste product of the seafood industry. We have character-
Received in revised form 11 July 2014 ized the hydraulic conductivity, mechanical properties, and the capability of these materials to remove
Accepted 17 July 2014
particulate and dissolved pollutants (including zinc) from water. The dependence of material properties
Available online 12 August 2014
on process parameters such as binding polymer content differs from what is typical of binder-based per-
meable pavement, due to the mechanism by which chitosan is introduced, and in many cases the stability
of the composite material increases with decreased binding polymer content.
Tire crumb
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Permeable pavement
Hydraulic conductivity
Compressive strength

1. Introduction carried by stormwater, and when existing stormwater systems

are overtaxed or destroyed, a major health risk is caused by uncon-
One of the most important areas of focus where water quality is trolled flood water mixing with sewage. A simple solution to these
concerned is management of stormwater and runoff. As develop- problems involves increasing the capacity of developed areas to
ment increases and natural vegetative groundcover is replaced by infiltrate rainwater rather than conveying it over impermeable sur-
pavement and roofing, rainfall that would have otherwise been faces to rivers, lakes and streams.
absorbed and slowly released by plants and soil is concentrated Permeable or porous pavement is a family of passive technolo-
into fast-moving streams in pipes and gutters, dramatically gies that address the problem of runoff by providing pathways for
increasing its ability to erode soil, carry pollutants and overflow water to infiltrate down through walkways, parking lots and roads
into other water management systems such as wastewater sys- [1–3]. Rainwater may be directed over an expanse of permeable
tems. In addition to increasing the fraction of impermeable space, pavement, which (if large enough) can allow all of the runoff to
development is typically associated with increased soil vulnerabil- infiltrate down into groundwater. This reduces the buildup of ice
ity – removing the vegetative groundcover for development makes in cold conditions, and may achieve physical filtration and pollu-
soil susceptible to erosion. Developing countries and regions tant removal [4,5], but its most important role is to reduce the
responding to disaster are similarly vulnerable to pollutants impact on other stormwater conveyance systems by reducing the
volume of runoff and its capacity for erosion.
Two major categories of permeable pavement that include a
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 705 330 4008x2651; fax: +1 705 329 4035. large fraction of aggregate materials are (1) permeable cement or
E-mail address: (C.A. Murray).
0950-0618/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
222 C.A. Murray et al. / Construction and Building Materials 69 (2014) 221–231

asphalt and (2) resin- or elastomer-bound pavement. Materials than one blocked by a small amount of material at the top). Crumb
falling into the former category are typically prepared by omitting rubber has also been considered as an absorbent of the very heavy
or limiting a void-filling component of what would normally be metals and other contaminants it is known to contribute to surface
impermeable concrete or asphalt [1,6] (Fig. 1) and those falling into water.
the latter category are made by bonding granular and/or aggregate In this paper we present results describing the preparation of
material within a polymeric matrix that inherently leaves spaces stormwater filter materials suitable for permeable pavement from
[7]. Cement- or asphalt-based permeable pavement is usually crumb rubber that is untreated following collection from the tire
heavy and capable of supporting similar compression as their recycling facility. The binding material we have used to hold the
impermeable counterparts [6]. Binder-based permeable pavers matrix of rubber particles together is the biopolymer chitosan,
are light, often flexible and are more likely found in walkways than which is derived from chitin. Chitin is the second-most abundant
driveways because of their lesser resistance to compression. polysaccharide found on Earth, and plays a structural role in most
Crumb rubber is a common filler material for both types of per- invertebrate exoskeletons. Chitosan can degrade in a landfill (with
meable paver [7,8], as it is low in cost and can often impart elastic- suitable temperatures, moisture and enzyme content) and corre-
ity and resilience that is desirable in walkways. Crumb rubber is spondingly is a candidate material for many single-use packaging
generally made from waste car and truck tires that have failed or applications that promises to relieve stress on overfilling landfills.
have exceeded their usable lifetime [9]. More than 300 million Chitosan is a waste product of the seafood industry and, like tire
waste tires accumulate each year in the USA and the majority of rubber, it is underutilized because of difficulties associated with
the approximately 80% that are reused are used as fuel. Less than its processing. Unlike common thermoplastics, the high degree of
5% of the tire is typically eroded from the surface before the tread inter- and intra-molecular bonding in chitosan prevents it from
depth becomes insufficient to ensure safe use and the tire is dis- melting, and only solution-based processing methods are available.
carded. Because the rubber used in tires is chemically crosslinked, Dilute solutions of chitosan (dissolved in weakly acidic, aqueous
it cannot be reformed into new rubber without significant energy solutions) can be dried to form films, coatings and membranes
input that generally makes such recycling uneconomical. Tires but chitosan is rarely used in a structural capacity (in spite of this
brought to a tire recycling facility are cryogenically or mechani- being one of its roles as a biomolecule in nature). Instead, chitosan
cally crumbled and ground, and the steel belting and fiber is currently finds application in specialty products requiring antimi-
removed magnetically and through the flow of air, respectively. crobial properties, biocompatibility (chitosan can be formed into
The remaining crumb rubber is sized for the appropriate applica- implants that resist rejection from the body) and fat-binding
tion and most often there is no washing or cleaning step involved capacity: chitosan can be eaten but not digested, and it can bind
in the preparation of the final crumb product. Primary applications to fats and prevent their digestion. Because of hydroxyl and amine
for tire crumb include filler, athletic and equestrian running sur- side groups on the chitosan monomer, it is reactive and readily
faces, road resurfacing [6,10,11], playing surfaces [12] and garden binds with metals [17].
mulch. In some of these applications, significant cleaning of the In developed countries, rubber and chitosan are both industrial
rubber is required after it has been purchased from the tire waste products for which much-needed recycling technologies
recycling facility, because of the contaminants present in tires- may be encouraged by higher value applications. We have used lar-
most notably organic compounds and heavy metals such as zinc, gely untreated rubber and chitosan as it is available from large-
lead and cadmium [12,13]. These metals eventually leach from quantity manufacturers to demonstrate that this type of technol-
untreated crumb rubber into water, and similarly pose a threat ogy can be made available not only to the developed world where
to water along roadways, where the tread has been abraded off stormwater is increasingly of concern, but also to developing
in the form of tiny, high-surface area particles that eventually get nations and areas recovering from disaster. Cleanliness of water
swept from the road into ditches and other stormwater is of primary concern in such areas, and it is our hope that because
conveyances. both chitosan and rubber are easily available and because the pro-
Because of the environmental impact of tire waste, significant cessing techniques described below are simple and inexpensive
interest exists in developing new applications for crumb rubber. this type of technology may find use in such areas where water
While most existing applications treat tire crumb as a commodity quality and pollution are of more critical concern.
filling material, some researchers have pursued more exotic appli-
cations that might increase its value and indirectly motivate more 2. Materials and methods
progressive approaches to tire recycling. Crumb rubber has been
used as an experimental filter media [14–16] that becomes more We have prepared a variety of candidate permeable paving materials by mixing
compressed with increased depth in the filter, leading to decreas- crumb rubber and weakly acidic aqueous chitosan solutions, using various solution
concentrations and ratios of solution to rubber. A subset of these samples were
ing pore sizes ideal for physical filtration (where large particles
exposed to sodium tripolyphosphate solution to achieve chemical crosslinking
are stopped first, smaller particles make their way further into (but without the toxic consequences of typical crosslinkers such as glutaraldehyde),
the filter and ultimate filter clogging involves a full filter, rather as some form of crosslinking of chitosan is necessary to prevent dissolution should

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of cement-based permeable pavement, which differs from conventional concrete (left) in that the cement content is reduced, leaving a
continuous network of pores between aggregate materials (right).
C.A. Murray et al. / Construction and Building Materials 69 (2014) 221–231 223

these materials encounter acidic environments. The ability of these materials to 2.3. Filtration performance
perform as permeable pavers was characterized by measuring their hydraulic
conductivity, their ability to remove fine sediment from water, their mechanical Following hydraulic testing, the filtration performance of a subset of samples
compressibility and their ability to remove zinc from aqueous solution. was measured. Influent water with concentration of finely ground silica particles
(sil-co-sil 106) [22] (average particle size of 22 lm) of 200 mg/l was allowed to flow
2.1. Sample preparation into the hydraulic testing cell, and inlet and outlet samples were collected and mea-
sured using a modified Total Suspended Solids (TSS) removal test procedure [23].
Crumb rubber (with average particle diameter of approximately 2 mm) was Trans-sample pressure drop and flow rate were recorded (as described above).
donated by Emterra Rubber (Mississauga, Ontario). The crumb rubber was prepared The samples were not tested for sediment loading capacity, and no pressure change
that might be associated with clogging was observed over the course of the
from a typical mix of used car and truck tires, and was used in all preparations with-
out any cleaning or other treatment beyond the mechanical and magnetic sizing
and separation carried out at the plant. As such, fine particles, impurities such as Each collected sample was filtered through a pre-weighed glass fiber filter (with
fiber and wire were still present. nominal pore size of 1 lm) under light vacuum, and the sample collection beaker
A high-molecular weight sample Chitosan was provided by Imtex membranes was rinsed with deionized water into the filter until no trace of the sediment was
Corp., and had an average molecular weight (as measured through viscometry of observed. The filter was dried in an oven at 85 °C and weighed to obtain a measure
weakly acidic solutions [18]) of 450,000 g/mol, and a degree of acetylation (which of the amount of sediment in the sample. Control samples with well-defined sedi-
ment concentration were interspersed with the experimental samples to confirm
ranges from 0% to 100% for pure chitosan and chitin, respectively) of DA = 81%, as
accuracy of the measurement.
measured using potentiometric titration [19] and UV–vis spectroscopy [20]. Before
mixing with crumb rubber, chitosan was dissolved in solutions of 5% acetic acid in
water, at concentrations between 1% and 8% by mass of chitosan.
Each sample was prepared by mixing 10 g of crumb rubber with a well-defined 2.4. Mechanical (compressive) strength
amount of chitosan solution (ranging from 5 to 40 g) in a cylindrical mold with
inner diameter of 3.8 cm (see Fig. 2). The mixture was left to dry in a dehydrator The mechanical response of the samples was evaluated by measuring stress and
and sample mass was periodically measured until no change within a 5 hour period strain of samples with a procedure modeled after ASTM D575 [24], using a custom-
was observed, at which point drying of the sample was judged to be complete. Once built device consisting of a screw and force transducer, which was capable of apply-
dried, the samples were removed from the molds, photographed and qualitatively ing in excess of 1330 N of force to the samples with a resolution of 4 N, and allowed
examined. Depending on the ratio of chitosan to rubber used and the initial chito- simultaneous measurement of compression with a resolution of 0.03 mm. The
san concentration the initial sample height ranged from 1.5 cm to 3 cm. As apparatus was calibrated by applying compression to the limits of the device with-
described below, initial compression testing was performed before further treat- out sample, and the stress/strain behavior of the force transducer was subtracted
ment and characterization. from the measurements made with samples in place.
Following drying and initial compression testing, half of the samples were neu- Following release from the molds and examination, preliminary measurements
tralized by replacing them in their molds and exposing them to an excess amount of of the mechanical response of the samples was made, so that any change accompa-
0.1% NaOH solution for 48 h. The samples were thoroughly rinsed with deionized nying crosslinking, hydraulic or filter testing could be discerned. Compression was
water to remove any precipitated salts and then dried. The other half of the samples kept to a minimum to avoid any destruction of the samples.
were simultaneously neutralized/insolubilized and crosslinked through exposure to After neutralizing/crosslinking and the hydraulic and filter testing described
an excess amount of 5% sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) in water for 48 h, after above, samples were replaced in the compression testing apparatus and exposed
which samples were thoroughly rinsed with deionized water and dried. to progressively higher values of compressive force while the displacement of the
A small number of ‘‘conventional’’ permeable paver material samples were pre- samples was measured. The samples were thus cycled in pressure until either the
pared by mixing the same crumb rubber with polyurethane adhesive at various sample disintegrated or the limits of the testing device were reached. As described
ratios and allowing these similarly sized coupons to cure. in standardized compression testing procedures [24], every value of displacement
was held for approximately 3 s before pressure was measured, to allow for a
consistent amount of stress relaxation in the samples.
2.2. Hydraulic conductivity measurement

Hydraulic conductivity of the samples was measured using a modified falling-

head type permeability test [21] in which the sample was secured in a pipe (sealed 2.5. Zinc removal
around the edge using silicone caulking to prevent water from bypassing the sam-
ple). The apparatus allowed measurement of pressure drop across the coupon Samples were tested for their ability to remove dissolved zinc from water using
(through a clear manometer tube in communication with the upstream side of UV–vis spectroscopy. Both neutralized and crosslinked samples were left to soak
the sample chamber) as water was allowed to flow into the top of the pipe and under solutions (100 g of solution for each test, which covered the sample in small
through the sample. Flow rate was measured using a stopwatch and a large beaker beakers) of zinc at concentration of 3 mg/l chosen to be high but appropriate for
to collect water on the downstream side of the sample. The mass of water collected accelerated capacity testing. After times of 1, 2, 4 and 8 days, aliquots of the
in a given amount of time was measured using a balance and flow rate was solution surrounding the various samples were collected and measured using a
determined for each sample as a function of headloss (the height of water above Dithizone-based spectroscopic method [25], and removal (or leaching) was
the sample). determined by comparison with the original concentration of zinc in the solution.

Fig. 2. Digital images of the sample coupons resulting from varying the concentration of chitosan solution used (vertical axis) and the amount of chitosan solution (horizontal
axis) in combination with 10 g of crumb rubber.
224 C.A. Murray et al. / Construction and Building Materials 69 (2014) 221–231

3. Results and discussion (5 g of a 2% solution), but twice this amount, when introduced as
20 g of 1% solution, resulted in a sample with too little stability
3.1. Qualitative observations for any kind of testing. It is likely that an even smaller amount of
chitosan than 0.1 g could be used to prepare a stable sample, if
Dramatic differences were observed in the samples as a func- solutions of higher concentrations were used.
tion of the amount and concentration of chitosan solution added This qualitatively different mechanism of composite material
to the rubber (see Fig. 2). Because of the means by which chitosan preparation leads to a much richer behavior than what is observed
solution dries, high ratios of solution to rubber caused crumb rub- with traditional resin-bound permeable pavement. Because the
ber particles to be widely dispersed in the final dried material, extra degree of freedom afforded by variable solution concentra-
leading to a more porous sample with less mechanical integrity tion strongly affects the final sample structure, much more
than when a smaller amount of solution was used. On average, variation can be achieved through adjustment of a few process
the void space formed by the gaps between 10 g of crumb rubber parameters.
particles is 12–13 ml. As such, when the volume of solution used In the ‘‘conventional’’ samples prepared by mixing polyure-
in preparing the sample, Vsol, is greater than 12 ml, rubber particles thane adhesive with crumb rubber, the stiffness and durability of
are forced to separate. As the amount of solution used increases the sample increased with polyurethane content, and there was
beyond this void space amount, the resulting structure becomes very little change in the mass (<1%) of the sample upon drying/cur-
increasingly fragile and includes larger gaps between rubber parti- ing. The highest amount of polyurethane added was only barely
cles. Because the chitosan solution at the surface of the sample sufficient to fill the void space between the rubber particles, and
dries and becomes immobile before the solution in the bulk of as such overall sample dimensions were not strongly affected by
the sample has time to dry and contract, in samples prepared using the amount of polyurethane used. The thickness of the polyure-
large amounts of chitosan solution rubber particles become immo- thane/rubber samples were all nominally identical (16 ± 1 mm).
bilized near the surface (where a crust formed) and at the bottom Because there is little change in resin volume associated with cur-
(where chitosan remains mobile the longest), leaving a large open ing, the properties of the polyurethane/rubber composite material
space in the center of the sample (Fig. 3a). If smaller amounts of are a relatively simple function of binder content: porosity
more concentrated solution are used, a much denser, stronger sam- decreases as more binder is added, and when the void spaces
ple resulted (see Fig. 3b). Though only one sample prepared using a between the rubber particles are completely occupied by the
chitosan solution concentration of 1% was sufficiently stable for binder, a solid composite material without pores is formed upon
mechanical testing, several samples prepared using solutions of curing.
higher concentration but smaller absolute amounts of chitosan There was no qualitative difference observed between the
were stable. This result is contrary to what is expected of conven- chitosan/rubber samples that had been neutralized with NaOH
tionally prepared ‘‘binder-based’’ permeable materials, in which exposure and those that had been simultaneously neutralized
more binding polymer generally leads to a stronger material that and crosslinked through exposure to STPP.
is less porous.
Clearly, there must be a lower limit to the amount of chitosan
3.2. Hydraulic conductivity
that can be used and still maintain sufficient sample integrity. In
the samples prepared for this study, the smallest amount of
Results obtained from chitosan/rubber samples using the mod-
chitosan that when used resulted in a cohesive sample was 0.1 g
ified falling head method [21] are shown in Fig. 4, where flow rate
through a cross-sectional area of 11.3 cm2 is shown as a function of
pressure drop across the sample. Consistent with the qualitative
observations made above, the amount of chitosan in the sample
did not strongly affect the ease with which water passed through
the sample. The data shown in Fig. 4 was analyzed using two meth-
ods: first, it was used to calculate an average value of hydraulic
conductivity K (as is typical when characterizing the flow of water

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram indicating how composite samples prepared using large
amounts of dilute solution can lead to a fragile, open structure upon drying (a),
while for samples prepared using smaller amounts of more concentrated solution, a Fig. 4. Flow rate of water measured through various chitosan/rubber samples as a
denser sample may be obtained (b). function of the height of driving head (in cm).
C.A. Murray et al. / Construction and Building Materials 69 (2014) 221–231 225

through granular media, such as gravel, sand, and other materials used to calculate an equivalent hole diameter using the orifice
used for stormwater filtration) through the use of Eq. (1) [21]: equation [26], Eq. (2):
K ¼ QL=Ah; ð1Þ Q ¼ C d A 2gh; ð2Þ

where Q is the flow rate, L is the thickness of the sample, A is the where Q is flow rate, Cd is the coefficient of discharge, A is the cross-
cross-sectional area of the sample and h is the height of the driving sectional area of the hole, g is the acceleration due to gravity and h
head of water. The resulting values of hydraulic conductivity are is the height of driving water. In this way, an estimate of the
shown as a function of the amount of chitosan in the sample in hydraulic behavior of the sample was made by calculating the size
Fig. 5a, as a function of the amount of solution used in preparing of a sharp-rimmed orifice (Cd = 0.62) that would demonstrate the
the sample in Fig. 5b, and as a function of solution concentration same dependence of flow rate on trans-sample pressure. A sample
in Fig. 5c (a dashed line is added to indicate hydraulic conductivity curve from Fig. 4 is shown in Fig. 6, with a fit to the orifice model
values typical of sand or gravel). Clearly, the hydraulic properties of (Eq. (2)) shown. The results of this calculation are shown in Fig. 7,
the sample depend more strongly on the amount of solution and where Fig. 7a shows this calculated equivalent hole size as a func-
solution concentration than on amount of chitosan in the sample. tion of the amount of chitosan in the sample, Fig. 7b shows the
This is consistent with the qualitative observations that porosity equivalent hole size as a function of the amount of chitosan solution
of the sample varies strongly with the amount of chitosan solution used in preparation of the sample and Fig. 7c shows what is the
used, though for Vsol < 12 ml the porosity of the sample should strongest correlation – effective hole size as a function of solution
decrease as the amount of chitosan increases. In Fig. 5a the hydrau- concentration.
lic conductivity for samples for which Vsol < 12 ml are differentiated For comparison, a representative dataset of flow rate versus
from those for which Vsol > 12 ml, and when either of these subsets trans-sample pressure for a polyurethane/rubber sample (where
of data is considered separately, the dependence of hydraulic con- 2 g of polyurethane is combined with 10 g of rubber) is shown with
ductivity on the amount of chitosan is clear. that of a chitosan/rubber sample (in which 10 g of 2% chitosan
To facilitate comparison with other devices used for manage- solution is combined with 10 g of rubber) in Fig. 8. These two
ment of stormwater quantity, the data shown in Fig. 4 were also samples have quantitatively similar hydraulic behavior but very

Fig. 5. Hydraulic conductivity, K, calculated for chitosan/rubber composite samples by application of Eq. (1) to the data shown in Fig. 4, as a function of the amount of
chitosan in the resulting sample (a), the amount of chitosan solution used in the preparation of the sample (b) and the concentration of the chitosan solution used in preparing
the sample (c). In (a) the results obtained using samples prepared using volume of solution Vsol less than the void space between rubber particles of approximately 12 ml are
differentiated from those measured for samples with Vsol > 12 ml. The dashed line indicates a hydraulic conductivity of K = 0.001 m/s, typical of sand or gravel used for
226 C.A. Murray et al. / Construction and Building Materials 69 (2014) 221–231

different polymer contents, indicating that the same hydraulic

behavior can be achieved with an order of magnitude less chitosan
than what would be required of from a similar sample containing
The two samples shown together in Fig. 8 demonstrate that
similar values of hydraulic conductivity and porosity are possible
to achieve in these two types of permeable materials, but the very
different mechanisms by which they are prepared gives rise to a
more complex dependence of hydraulic conductivity on process
parameters for the chitosan/rubber sample than what exists for
traditional resin-bound samples. When the volatile fraction of
the binder resin and associated binder resin shrinkage with curing
are low (as is the case with polyurethane resin), the porosity of the
sample is a relatively smooth function of binder content: once the
void space formed by the rubber particles is completely filled by
the binder, the sample is completely impermeable. In contrast,
because most of the chitosan solution volume is lost during curing,
it is not trivial to achieve a completely impermeable sample using
Fig. 6. One example data set from those shown in Fig. 4, with a fit to Eq. (2) shown, the chitosan/rubber combination of materials. Because pore size in
indicating the degree to which the hydraulic behavior of the composite sample can
the chitosan/rubber samples is not strictly a function of polymer
be described by that of a sharp orifice with 6.7 mm diameter.
content, a relatively small amount of polymer can yield a dense
sample with low hydraulic conductivity, whereas a large
amount of polymer can (if introduced as a large volume of low

Fig. 7. Diameter of an orifice with equivalent hydraulic properties to that of the chitosan/rubber samples, made by fitting Eq. (2) to the data shown in Fig. 4, as a function of
the amount of chitosan in the resulting sample (a), the amount of chitosan solution used in the preparation of the sample (b) and the concentration of the chitosan solution
used in preparing the sample (c).
C.A. Murray et al. / Construction and Building Materials 69 (2014) 221–231 227

Since there is no reason to expect these samples to remove sed-

iment by a mechanism beyond physical filtration, it is perhaps not
surprising that there is a strong correlation between hydraulic con-
ductivity and filter performance (inset to Fig. 9). It is worth noting
that the removal efficiency of these materials is comparable to that
of typical stormwater treatment practices [27]. A typical commer-
cially-available stormwater filter can achieve approximately 80%
removal of similar influent sediment (i.e. sediment of similar parti-
cle size and concentration) after passing through 20 cm of granular
filter media at a specific flow rate of under 1 l/sm2. The ‘‘slowest’’
samples tested demonstrated a removal efficiency of approxi-
mately 65% for an equivalent specific flow rate of 0.88 l/sm2 after
passing through less than 3 cm of sample. It must be noted that
no measurements were performed which might characterize the
capacity for sediment loading in these composite samples, and that
commercial stormwater treatment filters must not only achieve
adequate filtration and hydraulic conductivity, but must maintain
this performance over long periods of time without maintenance.
Fig. 8. Comparison of flow rate, Q, versus driving head height of water, for a As such, the measurements presented here only provide prelimin-
chitosan/rubber composite sample and a conventional polyurethane/rubber ary support for the use of these chitosan/crumb rubber composite
materials as candidate for permeable pavers, and do not necessar-
ily indicate that they would perform comparably to commercial
products over long periods of use.
concentration solution) give rise to high porosity and high
hydraulic conductivity. 3.4. Mechanical testing
Consistent with qualitative observations, there was no system-
atic dependence of hydraulic conductivity on whether the samples The results of compression testing of samples immediately after
were neutralized with NaOH or simultaneously neutralized and preparation are shown in Fig. 10, for maximum strains between 7%
crosslinked using STPP. and 25%. For comparison, a line is shown on Fig. 10 indicating
200 kPa, a pressure typical of foot traffic that a permeable paving
3.3. Filtration testing material might be expected to withstand without significant dete-
rioration. An average compressive modulus was determined for
The fraction of fine particles removed from 200 mg/l inlet water each sample and, similarly to the hydraulic and filtration measure-
by passing through the chitosan/rubber samples is shown in Fig. 9, ments, the mechanical response of the chitosan/rubber composite
as a function of the solution concentration used in the preparation materials (when all samples are considered together) displayed a
of the sample. The TSS removal efficiency [23] of the samples is much clearer dependence on the concentration of the chitosan
calculated by comparing the inlet concentration to that measured solution used in preparing the sample than on the amount of chito-
in the outlet samples (Eq. (3)): san contained in the sample. Initial compressive bulk modulus val-
ues ranging from 502 kPa to 2.6 MPa are shown in Fig. 11 as a
% TSS Removal ¼ 100  ð½C i   ½C o Þ=½C i ; ð3Þ function of the total amount of chitosan used (Fig. 11a), the
where [Ci] and [Co] are the concentrations of the inlet and outlet amount of solution used to prepare the sample (Fig. 11b) and the
samples, respectively. solution concentration used to prepare the sample (Fig. 11c). As
was demonstrated in measurements of hydraulic conductivity,

Fig. 9. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) removal efficiency measured for chitosan/
rubber samples as a function of the concentration of chitosan solution used in their Fig. 10. Initial measurements of pressure applied versus strain for a subset of
preparation. Inset: TSS removal efficiency as a function of hydraulic conductivity K, chitosan/rubber samples. The dashed line shows a pressure of 200 kPa, typical of
calculated using the data shown in Fig. 4. foot traffic.
228 C.A. Murray et al. / Construction and Building Materials 69 (2014) 221–231

Fig. 11. Compressive modulus, calculated by linear regression of the data shown in Fig. 10, as a function of the amount of chitosan in the resulting sample (a), the amount of
chitosan solution used in the preparation of the sample (b) and the concentration of the chitosan solution used in preparing the sample (c). In (a) the results obtained using
samples prepared using Vsol < 12 ml are differentiated from those measured for samples with Vsol > 12 ml.

for samples prepared using more than 12 ml of chitosan solution a

more porous final structure results, in which (on average) cross-
sections of the sample decreasingly intersect rubber particles as
pore size increases. While more concentrated solution generally
leads to a stronger sample, a greater amount of solution does
not. In Fig. 11a modulus values measured for samples prepared
with Vsol < 12 ml are differentiated from those obtained for samples
with Vsol > 12 ml, and it is clear that above and below this critical
solution volume the dependence of sample strength on the amount
of chitosan is consistent with the overall trend shown in Fig. 11c.
Comparison between preliminary mechanical testing and the
first cycles of mechanical testing after hydraulic and filtration
performance measurement showed no significant change in the
samples. There was little or no difference in the results of compres-
sion tests performed on samples that had been neutralized and
that of those that had been simultaneously crosslinked and
neutralized using STPP.
As the samples were cycled to progressively higher displace-
Fig. 12. One representative set of compression/decompression cycles for a chito-
ments and pressures, the hysteresis typical of rubber materials
san/rubber sample. The first compression cycle (shown by open triangles) and final
was observed, with higher pressures for a given displacement as compression cycle (shown by open circles) are highlighted.
pressure was increased than was measured when pressure was
decreased. A representative compression/decompression curve is
shown in Fig. 12, showing nine compression/decompression cycles, On any individual cycle, initial compressive modulus was lower
with strains ranging from 9% to 40% at the limit of the cycle. In than what was measured as the sample became increasingly com-
Fig. 12, the initial and final cycles are highlighted. pressed, an observation qualitatively consistent with the porous
C.A. Murray et al. / Construction and Building Materials 69 (2014) 221–231 229

nature of the sample, which becomes more dense with compres-

sion. As the maximum pressure achieved on each cycle was
increased, the sample was observed to become softer (as the chito-
san matrix began to break down), such that the initial compressive
modulus decreased with each cycle. In spite of this deterioration,
the maximum modulus increased as a function of cycling, due to
the increasing compression.
Cyclic mechanical testing of many different samples was consis-
tent with the abovementioned observation that the properties of
the sample are dominated more strongly by the concentration of
chitosan solution used during preparation than the overall amount
of solution or of chitosan in the sample.
A comparison of the mechanical testing results of four samples
with identical amounts of chitosan (but varying amounts of solu-
tion and concentration of solution) is shown in Fig. 13, and shows
that sample strength increases as a function of solution concentra-
tion (or decreases as a function of amount of solution used).
A comparison of the mechanical test results of samples pre-
pared with the same amount of solution but different concentra- Fig. 14. The results of compression testing of three chitosan/rubber samples
prepared with the same amount of chitosan solution but different solution
tion is shown in Fig. 14, and indicates that the strength of the
concentrations, indicating greater compressive strength for samples prepared with
material increases with increased solution concentration. In con- higher concentration solution.
trast, comparison of results obtained for samples prepared using
solution of the same concentration (2%) but different amounts (5,
10, and 20 g) does not show any systematic dependence of
samples for which less than 12 ml of chitosan solution was used
strength on solution amount (data not shown), as the greatest
are differentiated from those samples where more solution was
amount of chitosan solution corresponded to the most porous
used. For the samples where less solution was used and the rubber
and fragile sample.
particles did not, on average, become separated by large pores
As was the case for the initial mechanical measurements before
upon curing, an expected positive correlation between mechanical
hydraulic or filter testing the multi-cycle compression testing
strength and the amount of chitosan in the sample is observed. For
showed a strong dependence on the concentration of the chitosan
samples in which more solution was used the behavior is less
solution used and on the amount of solution used, but not on the
straightforward: all have relatively low compressive strength, as
amount of chitosan in the sample. In Fig. 15, average compressive
is expected for a more fragile structure, and the mechanical
modulus values are shown (calculated as an overall average of all
strength does not seem to be strongly affected by the amount of
stress/strain measurements over all cycles) as a function of the
chitosan in the sample.
amount of chitosan in the final sample (Fig. 15a), the amount of
As a function of binding polymer used, the polyurethane/rubber
solution used in preparing the sample (Fig. 15b) and solution
samples used for comparison were all much stiffer than the rubber/
concentration (Fig. 15c).
chitosan samples. For comparison, a sample prepared using 0.5 g of
As was observed when considering hydraulic conductivity
polyurethane and 10 g of rubber demonstrated an average modu-
(shown in Fig. 5) and the initial measurement of compressive
lus of 2.3 MPa over eight cycles, and a similar average modulus
strength (shown in Fig. 11), the dependence of ultimate mechani-
of 2.3 MPa was measured for a sample prepared using 10 g of
cal strength on the amount of chitosan in the sample and on the
chitosan solution at a concentration of 2% (for a total polymer of
amount of solution used in preparing the sample is not straightfor-
0.2 g) over five cycles. With the above hydraulic conductivity
ward when all the data is considered together. In Fig. 15a the
results in mind, this indicates that while mechanical properties
similar to conventional permeable pavers can be achieved using
similar amounts of polymer, where hydraulic conductivity and fil-
tration are of primary interest much less polymer need be used to
achieve the same effect. Conversely, a chitosan/rubber sample that
has similar mechanical properties as a polyurethane/rubber sam-
ple has a much lower hydraulic conductivity and a correspondingly
higher sediment removal capability.
There was no systematic difference in mechanical strength
observed between the samples neutralized by exposure to NaOH
and those simultaneously neutralized and crosslinked with STPP.

3.5. Zinc absorption capacity

Two varieties of the chitosan/rubber composite samples

described above were used to measure zinc absorption capacity:
samples prepared using 5 g of 2% solution and 10 g of 2% solution,
with 10 g of rubber. Half of this set of samples were crosslinked
using STPP and half were neutralized through NaOH exposure.
The absorption capacity of the media is shown in Fig. 16, and
Fig. 13. The results of compression testing of four chitosan/rubber samples with
equivalent amount of chitosan, prepared using different solution concentrations
indicates a capacity of up to 0.63 mg of Zn absorbed per gram of
and different amounts of solution, indicating greater compressive strength for chitosan, after 96 h of exposure. For longer absorption times,
samples prepared with smaller amounts of higher concentration solution. however, the Zn concentration after exposure is much higher than
230 C.A. Murray et al. / Construction and Building Materials 69 (2014) 221–231

Fig. 15. Compressive modulus calculated by averaging all pressure/strain data for each sample, over several compressive cycles, as a function of the amount of chitosan in the
sample (a), the amount of chitosan solution used in the preparation of the sample (b) and the concentration of the chitosan solution used in preparing the sample (c). In (a) the
results obtained using samples prepared using Vsol < 12 ml are differentiated from those measured for samples with Vsol > 12 ml.

prepared with amounts of chitosan that differed by a factor of 2,

suggesting that all the chitosan in the sample was similarly
involved in adsorption of zinc (as opposed to some chitosan being
screened in the samples with higher polymer concentration).
Measurement of zinc removal by chitosan/rubber samples
crosslinked using STPP were inconclusive, possibly due to interfer-
ence of the colorimetric analysis and complexes formed in the
crosslinking process.

4. Conclusions

The results of hydraulic conductivity, TSS removal, compressive

strength and metals removal testing of chitosan and crumb rubber
composites described here suggest that this type of composite may
be a promising candidate material for permeable pavement.
Because of the mechanism by which the chitosan solution binder
cures, the dependence of hydraulic and mechanical performance
Fig. 16. Sorption capacity of dissolved zinc, shown as mg of zinc removed for each of these materials does not follow a dependence on polymer con-
gram of chitosan in the chitosan/rubber sample used. Capacity is shown as a tent that is typical of binder-based permeable pavement. Instead,
function of time spend soaking in a zinc solution of 3 mg/l concentration, and
much more varied final material properties can be achieved and
indicates that after 96 h the capacity of the sample has been reached and zinc
leaching from the crumb rubber can be observed. much more complex dependence of those properties on a small
number of process parameters is observed. When large amounts
the initial concentration, suggesting that the chitosan has reached of solution are used in the preparation of a sample (beyond the
its sorptive capacity and zinc from the rubber continues to leach void space in a compact sample of rubber particles) the final sam-
from the rubber. Similar capacity values were obtained for samples ple becomes highly porous and brittle, and exhibits associated high
C.A. Murray et al. / Construction and Building Materials 69 (2014) 221–231 231

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