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Alfons Geser, César Muñoz2, ICASE - NASA LaRC, Hampton, Virginia

Abstract separation.
Conflict detection and resolution (CD&R) In contrast to ground-based systems, airborne
systems predict loss of separation between aircraft systems have a limited access to computational
and propose conflict avoidance maneuvers for the resources and are distributed. To target the
aircraft involved in the conflict. Given a pair of complexity of a free-flight environment, new
aircraft in conflict, the ownship and the intruder, the approaches for CD&R have been proposed based
resolution system diverts the ownship from its on non-standard programming techniques such as
original trajectory. In this paper, we introduce the genetic algorithms [4,5,6], neural networks [7],
concept of recovery course. A recovery course game theory [8], graph theory [9], or semidefinite
redirects the ownship to its original target waypoint programming [10]. These approaches deal with
without introducing new conflicts, in a geometric issues such as multiple aircraft conflicts and
optimal way. Based on resolution and recovery uncertainties in the prediction of aircraft
concepts, we also develop a strategic CD&R trajectories. Given the computational complexity of
approach that produces conflict-free flight plans for some of these approaches, they usually require time
the ownship and the intruder aircraft. The resolution and space discretizations.
and recovery algorithm is computationally efficient A more classical approach to CD&R is the so-
and amenable to formal verification. We provide a called geometric approach [11,12,13,14]. In this
rigorous analysis of the problem and the basis of approach, aircraft trajectory predictions are based
the correctness proof of our approach. on linear projections of current aircraft states.
Linear projections can be computed efficiently and,
moreover, prediction errors are negligible during
Introduction short look-ahead times. For the latter reason, this
Conflict Detection and Resolution (CD&R) approach is also referred as tactical. For large look-
systems are designed to warn air traffic controllers ahead times a more strategic approach that looks at
or pilots about an imminent loss of separation the pilot intent information, i.e., the flight plan, is in
between aircraft, and to assist them in a corrective order. While tactical approaches have well-
maneuver. Algorithms for CD&R have been widely understood geometric descriptions that allow for
studied over the last decade and several have been efficient and clear algorithms, they fall short on
reported in the literature (for a survey on CD&R pilots’ expectations in some field studies [15].
methods see [1]). Emerging reliable surveillance Strategic approaches seem to be more appreciated
and communication technologies enable airborne by pilots, but their theory is far less understood.
CD&R capabilities, and so, they are becoming In a previous work [14], we have proposed a
fundamental features in new concepts for air traffic geometric optimization algorithm, called KB3D, for
management, such as Free-Flight [2] and CD&R in a 3-D airspace. In this paper, we address
Distributed Air-Ground Traffic Management [3]. the recovery problem, that is, redirecting the
These concepts address the expected increase in air ownship to the original path while maintaining the
traffic density in the next decades, by distributing minimum required separation at all times. The new
among the different actors of the airspace system proposed algorithm is on the border between
the responsibility for keeping minimum traffic tactical and strategic algorithms. Its inputs are the

This work was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under NASA Contract
No. NAS1-97046 while the authors were in residence at ICASE, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton,
VA 23681-2199, USA.
Corresponding author:, ICASE, Mail Stop 132C, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton,
VA 23681-2199, USA.

three-dimensional position and velocity vectors of module.
the ownship and intruder aircraft, and the time The algorithm is computationally efficient,
where the ownship is required to arrive at its target suitable for embedding in a flight-deck computer,
point (“Required Time of Arrival”, RTA). The and appropriate for formal verification. We provide
RTA defines the position of the target point by the a rigorous mathematical description of the problem
ownship’s constant movement. RTA is a limited and show that the algorithm is correct, i.e., no
form of intent information: the target point may be matter which of the proposed maneuvers the
the next trajectory change point in the ownship ownship picks, it will arrive at the target point at
flight plan. Assuming a loss of separation between the scheduled time while maintaining the minimum
two aircraft, the algorithm outputs a choice of required separation to the intruder at all times.
maneuvers for the ownship. Each maneuver Mechanically checked proofs are currently under
consists of an escape course that brings the development. We strongly believe that given the
ownship off the predicted conflict, and a subsequent critical nature of CD&R, rigorous techniques and
recovery course that leads the ownship back to its well-understood mathematical models are required
original target waypoint. If the ownship follows any to guarantee the overall safety of the new, and more
proposed maneuver then it arrives at RTA at the autonomous, air traffic systems.
scheduled position without having experienced a
loss of separation at any time. In the meantime, the Definition of the Problem
intruder aircraft is assumed to continue its current
For conflict detection purposes, aircraft are
trajectory. That is, ownship’s resolution-recovery
assumed to be surrounded by an avoidance region,
maneuvers take place assuming no cooperation of
which is typically a cylinder of 5 nautical miles of
the intruder aircraft.
diameter and 1000 feet of height. Two aircraft are
The various maneuvers that our algorithm
said to be in conflict when their avoidance regions
proposes differ in the constraints they satisfy. For
overlap. In this paper, we take an alternative, but
example, one constraint requires that during the
equivalent view, where aircraft are surrounded by
maneuver the ownship may only change its ground
protected zones twice as big as the individual
speed, but not its heading or its vertical speed.
avoidance regions. In this view, a conflict is the
Another constraint requires that only the vertical
incursion of one aircraft in the protected zone of
speed of the ownship may change. Imposing such
another one.3
constraints has a number of benefits:
We assume the airspace given as a three-
• It restricts the number of choices to finitely many. dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, where the
• It simplifies the calculations performed by the z-axis points upward in the vertical direction. The
algorithm. ownship’s initial position, i.e., its position at time
• It is simple to conceive and to perform by the crew. t = 0, is given by the vector
• It enhances passenger comfort. so = (sox,soy,soz).
The maneuvers that our algorithm outputs may The ownship’s original velocity vector is given by
be rendered at a display for air traffic controllers or vo = (vox,voy,voz).
pilots who may select among the proposed Likewise the intruder’s initial position si and the
solutions. Our algorithm is also suitable for use
intruder’s velocity vector vi are given. It is
underneath a trajectory planner that may perform
the selection. Indeed, we describe a strategic convenient to consider the ownship’s motion
CD&R approach that produces conflict-free flight
plans, based on our resolution and recovery
However, we do not address the question of
physical feasibility of the maneuvers proposed by
the algorithm. In particular, the algorithm does not 3
check for minimum/maximum altitude/airspeed. In this paper we use Italic letters to denote
variables. Positions are named ‘s’ and velocities ‘v’.
Nor does it implement cost-based analysis such as Ownship variables are subscripted with ‘o’ and intruder
fuel consumption. All these analyses require variables with ‘i’. Coordinate names ‘x’,’y’,’z’ are
performance data that are not available to the appended as a subscript to the name. Names on boldface
algorithm. They can be implemented in an external indicate vector variables.

Figure 1: Predicted Conflict

Figure 2: Escape and Recovery Courses

relative to the intruder. For this purpose, we v, i.e., angle α such that:
introduce a relative coordinate system where the vx = v cos(α) and vy = v sin(α),
intruder’s position is fixed at the origin, and we
where v is the ground speed of v. We avoid
consider the relative position vector
s = (sx,sy,sz) = so – si, explicit references to α in our analytical
description of the escape-recovery maneuvers.
and the relative velocity vector
v = (vx,vy,vz) = vo - vi. The task of the resolution and recovery
In this coordinate system, the protected zone is algorithm (RR3D) is defined as follows:
defined as a cylinder P around the intruder: Inputs
P = {(x,y,z) | x2+y2 < D2 and |z| < H}, • Initial ownship’s relative position s.
where D and H denote the diameter and height of • Absolute velocity vectors vo and vi of ownship and
the avoidance region, respectively. The aircraft are
intruder aircraft, respectively.
said to be in conflict at time t when s+tv ∈ P. They
are in predicted conflict if they are in conflict at • Required Time of Arrival (RTA) or target time t” >
some time 0 < t. 0, which determines the target point
Given a velocity vector v = (vx,vy,vz), we define s” = s+t”v.
the following concepts.
• Courses, i.e., trajectories between waypoints, are
• Ground speed: Length of the horizontal projection
line segments. Hence, courses are described by a
of v, i.e., v v . position, a velocity vector, and a time interval.
x2 y2
• Vertical speed: Vertical component of v, i.e., vz. • Changes of course or speed are implemented in
zero time by an aircraft.
• Heading: Direction of the horizontal projection of

Figure 3: Line Course

Figure 4: Circle Courses

• Neither at initial time nor at target time the aircraft intruder does not maneuver. Henceforth, we call the
are in conflict. ownship’s change of the velocity vector from vo to
• Neither at initial time nor at target time is the vo’ the escape step, and its change from vo’ to vo”
ownship at the boundary of the intruder’s protected the recovery step.
• The aircraft are in predicted conflict before t”, i.e., The ownship’s maneuvers shall be constrained
s+tv ∈ P for some time 0 < t < t”. in such a way that both vo’ and vo” satisfy one of
Outputs the following conditions:
A list of maneuvers each one a triple (t’,vo’,vo”) 1. Change of vertical speed only. The ownship’s
composed of vertical speed may change but neither its heading
• A time of switch t’ such that 0 < t’ < t”. nor its ground speed.
2. Change of ground speed only. The ownship’s
• An escape velocity vector vo’ that determines a
ground speed may change but neither its heading
conflict-free escape course for the ownship. A nor its vertical speed.
recovery velocity vector vo” that determines a 3. Change of heading. In the two dimensional
conflict-free and on-time recovery course for the projection, the escape course and the recovery
ownship. course (each in absolute coordinates) form a
triangle. By the triangle inequality, the escape
Figure 1 illustrates the original situation where course and the recovery course together are longer
the aircraft are in conflict during the dashed line. than the original course. To arrive at the target point
Figure 2 shows a possible pair of escape and at time t”, the ownship has to compensate the
recovery courses. The two vertical lines in the longer way by a greater average ground speed as
protected zone mark the points where the owhship opposed to its original ground speed. Hence,
touches P. If the ownship flies the escape course maneuvers where only heading changes are allowed
from time 0 to t’, and the recovery course from time cannot reach the target point in time. In this case,
t’ to t”, then (1) it shall not be in conflict at any we propose a change of heading combined with a
time between 0 and t”, and (2) it shall arrive at s” at change of ground speed at time t’. For the escape
time t”. Note that we assume no cooperation from step, the
the intruder aircraft, i.e., we assume that the

Figure 5: Line/Line (Top View, Perspective View, and Side View)

Figure 6: Line/Circle (Top view, Perspective View, and Side View)

ownship’s heading may change, but neither that in a line course, horizontal separation is
its ground speed nor its vertical speed; for guaranteed for all times, and that in a circle course,
the recovery step in addition to a heading there is a time t such that either vertical separation
change, one must allow for a change of is guaranteed before t and horizontal separation is
ground speed as well. guaranteed after t, or vice versa.
Since escape and recovery courses touch P, we
Furthermore, in all cases, we require the escape and also conjecture that these kinds of courses are
recovery maneuvers to be tangential to the lateral optimal, i.e., they avoid conflicts with a minimal
surface of the protected zone. Together with the change to the original ownship velocity vector vo.
constraints, this ensures finiteness of the set of
solutions. We distinguish two kinds of tangential Resolution and Recovery Algorithm
escape and recovery courses
• Line Courses (Figure 3): Courses that are • In this section we develop the algorithm RR3D for
tangential to the lateral surface of the protected 3-D conflict resolution and recovery. We present
zone. the algorithm as a set of formulas that describe
• Circle Courses (Figure 4): Courses that are escape-recovery maneuvers, i.e., triples (t’,vo’,vo”)
incident to one of the disks of the protected zone where t’ is a time of switch, vo’ is a velocity vector
without intersecting its interior. that determines an escape course, and vo” is a
velocity vector that determines a recovery course.
The bold lines in Figures 3 and 4 indicate the The formulas are organized according to the
set of points in the protected zone that define the constraints that are imposed on the escape and
direction of line and circle courses, respectively. recovery maneuvers. As explained above, we
In [16], we provide a rigorous mathematical consider three constraints: change of vertical speed
proof that line and circle cases are correct, i.e., they only, change of ground speed only, and change of
describe conflict-free courses. We just remark here

Figure 7: One-Circle Cases (Side Views)

Figure 8: Circle/Circle Cases (Side Views)

Figure 9: Escape-Circle Cases (Side Views)

Figure 10: Recovery-Circle Cases (Side Views)

heading combined with a change of ground speed at guaranteed for the escape course.
time t’. For each one of the constraints, we • Recovery-Circle (Figure 10). Both escape and
distinguish several cases according to the part of the recovery courses are circle courses. The circle that
surface of P that is touched during the escape and is touched in both cases is the same and it is
recovery courses. We identify the following cases: touched only once. Horizontal separation is
• Line/Line (Figure 5): Both escape and recovery guaranteed for the recovery course.
courses are line courses.
Line/Circle (Figure 6): The escape course is a We note that not all the cases are possible in all
line course and recovery course is a circle situations. For instance, a one-circle case is only
course. possible when a vertical speed change is allowed.
• Circle/Line: The escape course is a circle course For each one of these cases we use the following
and the recovery course is a line course. This case approach:
is symmetric to the line/circle case. 1. We find candidates to maneuvers by solving the
• One-Circle (Figure 7): Both escape and recovery equations given by the constraints and the case
courses are circle courses. The circle that is touched analysis.
in both courses is the same. 2. We disregard candidates that contradict the
• Circle/Circle (Figure 8): Both escape and recovery assumptions. This may require sanity checks with
the implicit meaning that only solutions satisfying
courses are circle courses. The circles that are
them are considered any further.
touched in both courses are different.
3. Candidates that survive each check are the
• Escape-Circle (Figure 9): Both escape and maneuvers returned by the algorithm. This way,
recovery courses are circle courses. The circle that correctness is guaranteed by construction.
is touched in both cases is the same and it is
touched only once. Horizontal separation is

We have constructed closed-term solutions for cylinder. This yields a system of equations for
each constraint. For lack of space, we illustrate at a the time of switch t’ and the scaling factor. We
superficial level how the resolution and recovery solve it to get t’ and v”.
problem is solved under the constraint “change of We check for sanity that 0 < τ’ < t’ < τ” < t”,
heading”. For technical details on all the cases, the where τ’ and τ” are the times when the infinite
reader is encouraged to consult the technical cylinder is touched during the escape and
report [16]. recovery course, respectively.
• Line/Circle. The situation is depicted in Figure 6.
Change of Heading The line case of the escape step is solved exactly as
We impose the constraint that for the escape in the line/line case. Thus we get v’.
step only the heading of the velocity vector may For the circle case of the recovery step, we
change. For the recovery step the heading and the determine the time θ” of arrival at relative
horizontal speed may change. Formally, altitude sign(vz)H. 4 For sanity, we check that
vox’2+voy’2 = vox2+voy2, and voz = voz’ = voz” (1)
0 < τ’ < θ” < t”.
Since the vertical speed is unchanged by the
The horizontal distance to the origin at time θ”
maneuver, we may find the times when the onwship
is D. This yields an equation in t’, vx”, and vy”.
reaches altitudes ±H. If vz = 0 then there are two
The unknowns vx”, and vy” can be expressed by
solutions, θ’<θ”, to the equation in t: |sz+tvz| = H.
t’, using the equations defining the time of
The time t’ of switch from the escape course to the switch. We derive and solve the quadratic
recovery course satisfies equation in t’, and finally get v”.
t’(v’-v”) = t”(v-v”).
• Circle/Line. For the circle case of the escape step,
This vector equation is the same as a system of
equations in each coordinate. With the equation in we get the time θ' of arrival at altitude -sign(vz)H.
the z-coordinate useless, we have two equations in We check for sanity that 0 < θ' < t”.
three unknowns t’, vx”, and vy”. Since at time θ' the escape course touches the
For the cases involving an escape (recovery) boundary of the infinite cylinder, we get a
line course, we assume that s (s”) is outside the system of equations in vx’ and vy’. Using (1), we
infinite cylinder, i.e., determine solutions for vx' and vy’. Unknowns t'
sx2 + sy2 > D2 (sx”2 + sy”2 > D2). and v” are then solved as in the line/line case.
Furthermore, for the cases involving a circle course, • Circle/Circle. Circle/circle solutions (Figure 8)
we assume that relative vertical speed is not zero, may exist if the times θ’ < θ” satisfy 0 < θ’ and θ”
i.e., vz ≠ 0. Otherwise, there is no solution. We have < t”. We get v’ as in the circle/line case. Then we
the following independent solutions. get t’ and v” as in the line/circle case.
• Line/Line. The situation is shown in Figure 5. We We check for sanity that θ’ < t’ < θ” and that
ignore the z-coordinate. First, we find the escape the times θ’ and θ” are exit and entry points,
velocity vector v’, then, the time of switch t’, and respectively, to the protected zone.
finally, the recovery velocity vector v”. • Escape-Circle. Escape-circle solutions (Figure 9)
For the escape step, we construct the tangent may exist if there is only one
from the point s to the infinite cylinder. That is,
given s, we look for a velocity vector v’ such
that s+tv’ is tangent to the infinite cylinder. This
velocity vector is determined only up to a
scaling factor, i.e., for every solution v’, vector
λv’, where λ > 0, is also a solution. We solve
the scaling factor using (1). Thus we get v’.
Likewise for the recovery step, we construct the
tangent from the target point s” to the infinite
cylinder. That is, given s”, we look for a
velocity vector, v”, up to a scaling factor, such 4
that s”+(t”-t)v” is tangent to the infinite sign(a) is the function that returns 1 if a is
positive, -1 if a is negative, and 0 if a is zero.

Figure 11: Strategic Conflict Detection and Resolution

intersection with a circle at time θ”. We check Notice that we cannot apply directly our resolution
for sanity that 0 < θ” < t”. and recovery algorithm (RR3D) to corresponding
The escape velocity vector v’ is derived as in segments of the flight plans since they do not
the circle/line case, but for θ” instead of θ’. necessarily coincide in time. Hence, we first
synchronize both flight plans in such a way that
The time of switch t’ is given by t’ = θ”. they have exactly the same number of segments and
We check for sanity that at time θ” there is an that corresponding segments coincide in time. This
entry point to the infinite cylinder. may be achieved by adding virtual trajectory
• Recovery-Circle. Recovery-circle solutions change points to both flight plans. The
(Figure 10) may exist if there is only one synchronization step is performed in linear time
intersection with a circle at time θ’. We check for with respect to the number of waypoints in the
sanity of θ’ that 0 < θ’ < t”. flight plans.
We derive solutions for v’ exactly as in the Let (so0,t0) ... (son,tn) and (si0,t0) ... (sin,tn) be the
circle/line case. We check for sanity that at time synchronized flight plans of the ownship and
θ’ there is an exit point from the infinite intruder aircraft, respectively. We may assume that
cylinder. The time of switch is given by t’ = θ’. trajectory change points sok and sik, for 0 ≤ k ≤ n, are
separated either horizontally or vertically. If this is
Strategic CD&R not the case, we can always move sok out of the
In this section, we describe a strategic CD&R protected zone surrounding sik.
algorithm that uses RR3D to construct conflict-free A conflict-free flight plan for the ownship is
flight plans. constructed as follows. Assume that there is a
We define a flight plan as a sequence of pairs conflict during the corresponding segments k of the
(s0,t0) ... (sn,tn), where tk < tk+1, for 0 ≤ k < n. The ownship and intruder flight plans. We use RR3D
with inputs
point sk is the 3-D coordinate of the k-th trajectory
• s = sok - sik
change point, and tk is the time when the aircraft is

required to be at that point. The segment k, where
0 ≤ k < n, is given by the subsequent points (sk,tk) •
and (sk+1,tk+1). We assume that segments describe • t” = tk+1 - tk
to get a set of escape-recovery maneuvers. We pick
linear trajectories, i.e., velocity vectors are constant
one of the proposed maneuvers5, say (t',vo’,vo”).
between trajectory change points. We say that two
segments in two flight plans, respectively, This maneuver determines a new trajectory change
correspond if they have the same segment number.
The inputs of the strategic CD&R algorithm 5
For correctness purposes any maneuver can be
are the flight plans of the ownship and the intruder. selected, since RR3D produces only correct maneuvers.

point for the ownship (soj,tj): maintaining separation to the intruder during the
• soj = sok + t’vo’ whole maneuver. We gave a rigorous mathematical
description of the problem and proved that RR3D
• tj = tk + t’ proposes only correct maneuvers. We intend to
The pair (soj,tj) is inserted between the trajectory check the correctness proof using the PVS theorem
change points (sok,tk), (sok+1,tk+1) of the ownship’s prover [17].
synchronized flight plan. Note that indeed tk < tj < The problem may have infinitely many solutions.
tk+1. We restrict the solutions to finitely many by
requiring that both escape course and recovery
Figure 11 illustrates the situation. The dashed line course are tangential to the intruder’s protected
is the original segment of the ownship flight plan zone and by imposing some additional constraints.
that is in conflict with the intruder’s flight plan, and In this paper we showed in some detail the
the bold lines indicate the new escape and recovery constraint “change of heading”, i.e., for the escape
segments. step, only the heading may change but not
Since the two flight plans are synchronized, we can horizontal or vertical speed, and for the recovery
formally prove that if all the corresponding step, only heading and horizontal speed may
segments are conflict-free then the two flight plans change. Other constraints and more technical
are also conflict-free. That is, the correctness of details are discussed in [16].
RR3D implies the correctness of the strategic We outlined how RR3D may be embedded in a
conflict detection and resolution approach. strategic CD&R algorithm, which provides a
The algorithm can be summarized as follows: conflict-free flight plan for the ownship. RR3D is
• Synchronize flight plans. called once per corresponding segments of the
• Move trajectory change points that are in conflict. synchronized flight plan that are in conflict, and
• Call RR3D for each one of the segments that are in each proposed maneuver may be used to change the
conflict. Each time pick one solution of the choice ownship’s flight plan. The formally proven
provided by RR3D. correctness of RR3D extends easily to the strategic
• Remove virtual points unless that they belong to an algorithm.
escape or recovery course. A prototype of RR3D, written in Java, is currently
In the worst case we have introduced 3 new under development. Future work includes the
trajectory change points for each corresponding implementation of the strategic approach and the
segments in conflict: 2 virtual points due to integration in a trajectory planner that takes into
synchronization and one trajectory change point account conflicts with multiple aircraft in the same
due to the escape -recovery maneuver. segment.
Acknowledgments. The idea to extend KB3D
Conclusion and Future Work with recovery courses is due to David Wing. We
acknowledge stimulating discussions with the
We presented a conflict resolution and recovery DAG-TM team, Hanne Gottliebsen, Victor
algorithm, RR3D, for two aircraft in 3-D airspace. Carreño, Gilles Dowek, Florent Kirchner, and
Given the position and velocity vectors of the two Ricky Butler.
aircraft, ownship and intruder, and the required
time of arrival of the ownship at its next target
point, RR3D proposes a choice of maneuvers to the
ownship. Each maneuver consists of an escape
course and a subsequent recovery course that
together replace the original course. The ownship is
expected to perform one of the proposed maneuvers
while the intruder is expected to keep its original
velocity vector.
A maneuver is called correct if, given some
reasonable assumptions about the situation, the
ownship, executing the maneuver, will arrive at the
target point at the scheduled time, while

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About the Authors
Dr. Alfons Geser is interested in inductive
Dr. César Muñoz received his Ph.D. in
theorem proving, term rewriting, and model
Computer Science from the University of Paris 7 in
checking, aheir practical application. He worked as
1997. After completing his Ph.D., he spent one and
a research assistant at the Universities of Ulm,
a half years as an International Fellow in the
Passau, and Tuebingen, and as an ASIC Design
Formal Methods Group of the Computer Science
Engineer at a hardware design company in Passau,
Laboratory at SRI International in Menlo Park. He
Germany. He joined ICASE as a Senior Staff
joined ICASE - NASA Langley as a Staff Scientist
Scientist in Jan 2001. Currently he is involved in
in May 1999. He is leading the formal verification
several NASA Langley formal verification projects.
effort on Air Traffic Management systems.


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