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DRAFT for 18th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, St.

Louis, Missouri, October 24-29, 1999


Wallace E. Kelly III, Rockwell Collins, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

automatic dependent surveillance, global

Introduction positioning system, and decision support
Many of the nation’s airspace users systems. One of the key decision support
desire an increase in efficiency in the air traffic systems discussed in the report is “conflict
control system. Some feel that an increase in probe” for both pilot and controller.
efficiency can be achieved by moving away Conflict probe was described in the
from a centralized control paradigm towards a Task Force 3 report as a system that monitors
distributed control paradigm. In a distributed an “alert zone in which all possible maneuvers
control paradigm, the cockpit crew would have are contained.” The report continued, “As long
more freedom in selecting and modifying their as an aircraft’s alert zone does not touch
routes. This new paradigm is part of the Free another aircraft’s alert zone, it should be
Flight concept. permitted to maneuver freely.”
Increased autonomy of operations will In one of the report’s scenarios, Task
require increases in cockpit information, pilot Force 3 envisioned the nature of procedures
responsibility, and avionics capability. One of surrounding the use of conflict probe. They
the key enabling capabilities will be the suggested that “…the system will propose a
detection and resolution of airspace conflicts. resolution that will alter one of the aircraft’s
Conflict detection and resolution (CD&R) path to assure safe separation. Through a clear
systems will serve in a separation assurance handshaking protocol, the responsibility for
role for the flight deck. Conflict detection is the separation based on proposed resolution will be
first step. This paper contains the following: transferred from the ground ATC infrastructure
• background information on airborne to the affected aircraft.” Airborne Collision
conflict detection and alerting; Avoidance System (ACAS) is always included
• a baseline conflict detection algorithm in the concept as a final safety net.
based on instantaneous state vectors; and
• an analysis of the algorithm’s performance CD&R Research
for flight data from the ADS–B Operational The aviation research community has
Evaluation (OpEval) held at Wilmington, studied the technologies that support conflict
Ohio, in July 1999. probe for the last decade [2]. Both ground-
based controller decision support tools and
Airborne Separation Assurance pilot decision support tools have been
considered. Much of the research has focused
RTCA Task Force 3 on algorithms for both predicting and resolving
In October 1995, RTCA Task Force 3 airspace conflicts. In addition to the algorithm
released its final report on Free Flight research, NASA [3] and NLR [4] have
Implementation [1]. The report offered performed extensive human factors analyses.
recommendations of actions to implement the In the above mentioned research, the
concept of Free Flight. The recommended terms “conflict detection” and “conflict
structural improvements were organized into resolution” have been adopted to differentiate
four technology areas – digital data link,
DRAFT for 18th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, October 24-29, 1999
the alerting and guidance portions of conflict alerting will help identify the traffic that most
probe. The abbreviation “CD&R” has become requires the attention of the pilot.
common, especially for discussion surrounding
cockpit decision support tools. The term Conflict Detection Overview
“conflict alerting” is also convenient for further
differentiating the problem of appropriately Before conflict resolution makes its way
displaying the results of the conflict detection into cockpits, conflict detection alone will
logic to the pilot and controller. likely have to prove itself as a valuable asset in
future Cockpit Display of Traffic Information
CD&R has started to make the (CDTI).
transition from research into standards
development. In December 1998, an RTCA
working group on CD&R held its first meeting
in Orlando, Florida. Representatives from cargo There is a subtle inconsistency in the
airlines, passenger airlines, U.S. and European research literature surrounding the definition of
research agencies, manufacturers, and system a “conflict.” It can be defined as a “violation of
providers have met regularly to develop a a separation standard.” Under this definition, a
CD&R operational concept and begin conflict does not exist until two aircraft are
identifying requirements for an airborne CD&R within a certain distance of each other.
system. Rockwell Collins has been actively Alternatively, a conflict can be defined
involved in this subgroup. as a “predicted violation of a separation
assurance standard.” Under this definition, a
ADS–B Data Link conflict exists when two aircraft will come
CD&R will likely evolve into the within a certain distance of each other at some
embodiment of the airborne separation time in the future. Obviously, this second
assurance aspect of Free Flight. Conflict definition makes the existence of a conflict
detection and resolution could be performed on dependent on the type and parameters of the
aircraft computers with information provided chosen prediction algorithm.
through an inter-aircraft Automatic Dependent
Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS–B) data link. Modeling Uncertainty
In July 1999, the Cargo Airlines The conflict detection algorithms in the
Association and the FAA Safe Flight 21 research literature vary in at least two ways –
program sponsored an Operational Evaluation uncertainty models and protected airspace
(OpEval) of ADS–B in Wilmington, Ohio [5]. zones. The simplest approach to conflict
These demonstrations, which involved over detection is the use of the instantaneous state
twenty ADS–B equipped aircraft, was an vectors to calculate the closest point of
unique opportunity to collect ADS–B data for approach (CPA) and time remaining until
evaluation of CD&R algorithms. The content of separation standards are violated (tsv). If the
this paper is derived from the author’s CPA is less than some minimum and the tsv is
involvement in the CD&R working group and within a look-ahead window, then a conflict is
OpEval. declared. In this case, conflict detection
becomes a binary decision function.
One of the purposes of the CAA/FAA
OpEval flight tests was to evaluate ADS–B Of course, there are uncertainties that
enabled procedures like “Enhanced See-and- can be modeled in the conflict detection
Avoid.” The tests revealed the challenge of problem – uncertainty in the state vectors [6]
clutter that is posed by displaying a dozen and intent of the aircraft [7]. The most common
aircraft on a CDTI. Conflict detection and way to model these uncertainties is with
DRAFT for 18th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, October 24-29, 1999
probabilistic models. This approach has the examples of the separation parameters. While
advantage of generating a probability of the oblate spheroid is mathematically simpler,
conflict, which can be used to prioritize conflict the cylindrical protected zone has the
alerting. advantage of being consistent with the existing
separation criteria in use today. Also, it is likely
Protected Zones more consistent with pilots’ perception of
airspace separation.
Another variation in the design of
conflict detection algorithms is the shape and 2Dl miles
size of the “protected zone.” The protected
zone is actually defined by the thresholds that
are used in the conflict detection logic. That is, 2DV
mathematical models of three-dimensional feet
volumes are generally not maintained in real-
time implementations. Rather, the airspace
volumes serve as conceptually useful concepts Figure 2. Cylindrical Protected Zone
for understanding the conflict detection logic.
The RTCA CD&R Working Group is
The “oblate spheroid” is a moving towards the simultaneous use of two
mathematically convenient shape for a protected zones for each aircraft – a Protected
protected zone. This volume is usually derived Airspace Zone (PAZ) and a Near Mid-air
by considering some vertical separation to be Collision (NMAC) zone. The PAZ would
equivalent to some horizontal separation [8]. define the desired separation standards for the
For example, in cruise flight, 1000 feet vertical airspace. A five-mile, 1000-foot criterion, for
separation could be considered equivalent to example, would define the PAZ. The NMAC
five miles of horizontal separation. The vertical zone would be intended to more closely enclose
units are simply scaled to match the the aircraft. The smaller protected zone could
corresponding equivalent horizontal separation. be used to generate high-level alerts.
It is mathematically convenient because a
single value can be calculated to characterize PAZ NMAC Zone
the separation between two aircraft. Figure 1
illustrates the “oblate spheroid.”

2Dl miles

Figure 3. PAZ and NMAC Protected Zones

Conflict Alerting
Figure 1. Oblate Spheroid Protected Zone When designing conflict alerting logic,
the question to be asked is, “What will be most
The “cylindrical” protected zone is the useful for the pilot?” Consequently, conflict
other common shape used in conflict detection alerting must be tested and refined with human-
algorithms. For this protected zone, the in-the-loop experiments. In light of this, the
separation criteria in both axes are tested following merely suggests the basic structures
separately. Figure 2 illustrates the conceptual that have been used for performing conflict
volume that results from this scheme. Five alerting. It is a starting point that will require
miles horizontal separation and 1000 feet refinement. The section, Flight Test Results,
vertical separation are still appropriate
DRAFT for 18th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, October 24-29, 1999
describes results that suggest the next step in A Conflict Detection Algorithm
that refinement. The following is the development of
All conflict detection algorithms should conflict detection algorithm based on
estimate the time until separation is lost, tsv. instantaneous state vectors, a cylindrical
The simplest alerting logic is one based solely protected zone, and a look ahead window of T
on tsv. Thresholds can be set on tsv to determine seconds. The protected zone has a horizontal
the conflict alert levels, as shown in Figure 4. radius, Dl, and a vertical height, 2Dv.
For probabilistic conflict detection, the The choice of a cylindrical protected
probability of a conflict can be used to specify zone motivates the division of the conflict
alert levels. The probability can be used solely detection problem into a horizontal component
or in conjunction with tsv, depending on the and a vertical component. The two components
uncertainty that is modeled by the probabilities. are considered separately, with the final
conflict detection decision based on a
“warning” “caution” “advisory”
tPAZ composite of these two sub-problems.
0 tC tA
The horizontal distance, dl(t), between
Figure 4. Alerting Based on Time to two aircraft is given in equation (1), where x
Separation Violation and y are the distances from “your” aircraft to
the “other” aircraft in a Cartesian reference
If two protected zones are used, as
frame. The reference frame could be derived
described earlier, an additional alerting level
from GPS positions broadcast over an ADS–B
can be used to indicate that the NMAC zone
data link.
will be penetrated within a certain time
window. The alerting logic can be designed d l (t ) = (x + x&t )2 + ( y + y&t )2 (1)
with three parameters, as illustrated in Figure 5.
Substituting the horizontal separation
standard, Dl, and solving for t yields two times,
tW tl and tl´.
− B ± B2 − A⋅C
tl , tl ' = (2)
“advisory” A
A = x&2 + y&2
B = xx&+ yy&
C = x 2 + y 2 − Dl
alert” In general, tl is the time that the other
aircraft first enters your protected zone in the
Figure 5. Alerting for Two Protected Zones horizontal dimension. Similarly, tl´ is the time
Other variables can be considered for that the other aircraft exits your protected zone
designing conflict alerting logic. It has been in the horizontal dimension. However, there is
suggested that alerting be based on the “cost” the possibility for negative or complex
to resolve a conflict. In [9], for example, solutions. Table 1 summarizes the possible
alerting is based on the number of maneuvers solution conditions and their implications.
available to the pilot that resolves the conflict.
As the pilot’s options decrease, the alerting
level increases.
DRAFT for 18th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, October 24-29, 1999

Table 1. Horizontal Separation Test Cases

Case Condition(s) Implication
A horizontal separation violation is projected in the
L1 0 < tl ≤ T
future, at time tl.
A horizontal separation violation is projected to occur at
L2 tl > T
a time beyond the look-ahead window.
A horizontal separation violation currently exists.
L3 tl ≤ 0 tl ' ≥ 0

L4 A horizontal separation violation is projected to have

tl < 0
occurred in the past.
No horizontal separation violation is projected to occur.
L5 B 2 − AC < 0

y&= 0 The two aircraft are flying in parallel. The horizontal

L6 x&= 0
separation is constant.

The vertical distance, dv(t), between the tv < tv'. In general, tv is the time that the other
two aircraft is given in equation (3). The aircraft’s altitude is first Dv above or below
difference in barometric altitude between the your aircraft. Similarly, tv' is the time that the
two aircraft is z. other aircraft’s altitude is no longer within Dv
of yours. Obviously, there is the possibility for
d v (t ) = z − z&t (3) a division by zero. This condition and others
Substituting a vertical separation standard, Dv, are listed in Table 2.
and solving for t, yields the tv and tv'. For a cylindrical protected zone, there
are two ways a conflict can occur.
 D − z − Dv − z 
tv = min  v ,  (4) Geometrically, the other aircraft enters your
 z& z&  protected zone either through the side of the
 D − z − Dv − z  cylinder or through the top or bottom of the
tv ' = max  v ,  (5) cylinder. Entering through the side of the
 z& z& 
cylinder occurs when the altitude difference
The min and max functions assure that between the two aircraft is less than Dv and the

Table 2. Vertical Separation Test Cases

Case Condition(s) Implication
A vertical separation violation is projected in the future, at
V1 0 < tv ≤ T
time tv.
A vertical separation violation is projected in the future
V2 tv > T
beyond the look-ahead window.
A vertical separation violation currently exists.
V3 tv ≤ 0 tv ' ≥ 0
A vertical separation violation is projected to have
V4 tv ' < 0
occurred in the past.
The two vertical speeds are identical. The vertical
V5 z&= 0
separation is constant.

DRAFT for 18th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, October 24-29, 1999

Table 3. Conflict Detection Test Cases

Case Conditions Implication
A conflict exists in the horizontal dimension. The time
Cl Case L1 d v (tl ) ≤ D v
to horizontal separation violation is tl.
A conflict exists in the vertical dimension. The time to
Cv Case V1 d l (t v ) ≤ D l
vertical separation violation is tv.

lateral distance is Dl. Entering through the top filtering or prediction algorithms. The protected
or bottom of the cylinder occurs when the zone was varied in radius from 0.25 nautical
horizontal distance is less than Dl, and the miles to 5 nautical miles. The height was varied
difference in altitude between the two aircraft is from 500 feet to 2000 feet. The look-ahead
Dv. Table 3 lists the conditions associated with windows, or time to separation violation
determining that a conflict exists. thresholds, included 30, 60, and 120 seconds.
Portions of the results are summarized in
The less-than-or-equal-to condition in
Figure 7.
cases Cl and Cv account for the special case
when tv = tl. When tv = tl, the other aircraft is One way to interpret Figure 7 is in light
entering your protected zone on the vertex of of Figure 4, the conflict alerting scheme
the cylinder. mentioned earlier in the paper. Figure 4 shows
A conflict is detected by checking for that heightened levels of conflict alerts can be
cases Cl and Cv. There are three point cases (L5, based on the predicted time remaining until the
loss of separation.
L6, and V6) that must be checked to prevent
mathematical errors. Since both Cl and Cv can Take for example, a protected airspace
not exist simultaneously, except when tv = tl, zone defined by a desired separation of 500 feet
detecting a conflict in one of these cases is vertically and three miles horizontally. Figure 7
sufficient for determining tsv. shows that for these thresholds, there were 21
conflict alerts for a two-minute look-ahead
Flight Test Results window, 7 conflict alerts for a one-minute
look-ahead, and 8 conflict alerts for a thirty-
The recent Operational Evaluation of second window. The “0 sec.” plot shows actual
ADS–B in Wilmington, Ohio, was a unique loss of separation for these thresholds. There
opportunity to collect flight data from a large were four instances of another aircraft crossing
number of ADS–B-equipped aircraft. This the 500- foot, three-mile thresholds.
section contains results of analysis performed
on nearly half an hour of the morning session’s Keep in mind that there was no
flights. Most of the aircraft were flying a feedback of this conflict analysis to the pilots
pattern and go-arounds for one of the parallel during the flight. There was no attempt to
runways. Figure 6 is a plot of the tracks for a resolve the conflicts during the OpEval of July
one-minute segment of the data. 1999. The data consist of ranges of values that
might be expected in heavy traffic near an
The number of conflict alerts during the Take as another example, a protected
25-minute flight segment was calculated for airspace zone for 500 feet and two miles.
various sizes of cylindrical protected zones. Figure 7 shows that these thresholds would
The conflict detection was based on the have resulted in twelve low-level alerts (i.e.,
aircraft’s instantaneous state vectors, as two-minute look-ahead) and one high-level
reported by ADS–B, without any type of
DRAFT for 18th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, October 24-29, 1999
alert (i.e., one-minute look-ahead). There were 1999 OpEval were broadcasting intent
no instances of these thresholds actually being information (i.e. trajectory change points). The
crossed. CD&R standard will require that intent
information be utilized. However, future
Conclusion mixed-equipage airspace will likely include
aircraft that are not broadcasting TCPs.
Before the Free Flight concept becomes
a reality, airborne separation assurance systems
must be researched, standardized, and References
purchased by the airspace users. Conflict [1] RTCA Task Force 3, Free Flight
detection algorithms are beginning to make the Implementation, Final Report of RTCA Task
transition from research to standardization. The Force 3, RTCA, Washington, DC, 1996.
standardization process, however, is still in [2] J. Kuchar and L. Yang, “Survey of Conflict
need of research using flight data with multiple Detection and Resolution Modeling
aircraft. The ADS–B OpEval is enabling that Methods,” Paper AIAA-97-3732, AIAA
research. Journal of Guidance, Navigation, and
Control Conference, New Orleans, LA,
A baseline conflict detection algorithm August 11-13, 1997.
was specified in this paper. The algorithm was
[3] S. Lozito, A. McGann, M. Mackintosh, and
used to analyze nearly half an hour of flight
P. Cassion, “Free Flight and Self-Separation
with multiple aircraft flying patterns around from the Flight Deck Perspective,” 1st
two runways. The number of conflict alerts was USA/Europe ATM R&D Seminar, Saclay,
totaled for variations in protected airspace zone June 17-20, 1997.
[4] R. Van Gent, J. Hoekstra and R. Ruigrok,
For one 25-minute segment of OpEval, “Free Flight with Airborne Separation
the number of conflict alerts increased Assurance,” Report of the National
significantly as the radius of the PAZ increased Aerospace Laboratory (NLR), The
from 2 NM to 4 NM. Presumably, these alerts Netherlands, 1997.
would be considered a nuisance to pilots [5] J. Ott, “Ohio Valley Trials Demonstrate
performing operations in heavy traffic near an ADS–B Safety Enhancements,” Aviation
airport. Similarly, the increase from a 500-foot Week & Space Technology, July 19, 1999, p.
vertical threshold to a 1000-foot vertical 41.
threshold resulted in additional alerts. This is [6] J. Krozel and M. Peters, “Conflict Detection
likely due to the 1000-foot separation that was and Resolution for Free Flight,” Air Traffic
maintained by ATC during the flights. Control Quarterly, Vol. 5(3), 181-212, 1997.
The increased alerts associated with a [7] R. Paielli and H. Erzberger, “Conflict
1000-foot threshold would decrease with the Probability Estimation for Free Flight,”
use of a tracking filter. The use of estimation Journal of Guidance, Control, and
and tracking filters will be the focus of the Dynamics, Vol. 20, No. 3, May-June, 1997.
continuing research in conflict detection and [8] M. Eby and W. Kelly, “Free Flight
resolution. This study, which used only the Separation Assurance Using Distributed
reported, instantaneous state vectors, will serve Algorithms,” IEEE Aerospace Conference,
as a baseline for incremental enhancements to Snowmass, CO, March 1999.
the conflict detection algorithm. [9] L. Yang and J. Kuchar, “Prototype Conflict
The use of probabilistic models of Alerting System for Free Flight,” AIAA
intent uncertainty will also be the focus of Journal of Guidance, Control, and
Dynamics, Vol. 20, No. 4, July-August,
future research. None of the aircraft at the July
DRAFT for 18th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, October 24-29, 1999

39.6 UPS202
Latitude [deg]




-84 -83.8 -83.6 -83.4 -83.2 -83
Longitude [deg]
Figure 6. Sample Horizontal Tracks, One Minute.


1000 ft.
40 120 sec. 500 ft., 120 sec.
Number of Alerts

500 ft., 60 sec.

500 ft., 30 sec.

500 ft. & 1000 ft.
0 sec.
0 1 2 3 4 5
PAZ Radius [NM]
Figure 7. Number of Conflict Alerts During Test Segment

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