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1 .
od Io

. ::-~i" 1 1nc
sl1:-1rk:; have an ,·xcellent sense of 3. \\,-1111.·h a1ri'"· !ti i):.·: i\::·,,i \ 1 .1·i;.i1d~:-.i1n !_)e:!c".v
-.~nH:li. '-':hi ..:h d.llO\Vs the1u to detect tiny pi HnL; in the \ r. 1
• •!"11,_' Jirc1·1 !• :!' ·
-.. :·!n1 1)11nt.s 1Jf blood dissolved ·in \Vater. and
\ ir.1ck do\\'n distant \.VOunded animals. ·ni.e lcl·i•:,:·:~
" "!;:irk ;_·an be described as Sri1_'I-.: \.:
'[)' / i')\ !
J. predator ,,t'//
[] parasite
[J1 omnivore Millipedes

rv carnivore

f A.) I only
(FJ) I and JV only
(CJ !I a·nd ll1 only
iQJ r, IT, Ill and IV
4. Son1e insects are brightly coloured,_but are

' difflli'lt to spot.£they sit on plants,. This


2. Which of the foHowiIJ,g are involved in the bright coloration fil&y be important for
cycling of nutrients in nature?
l pollination
L Bacteria fL blending into their environment
IT Pl ams JI!. attracting mates
rn. Eatthworms IV huniing for prey
IV Humans
IA) I and Il only
(Ai rand IJ only (B) I and lTl only
tB"t rrr •nd IV only ~ TI, m, and rv c•nl)
1'&1, I, II and III only tDl l, !I, rtl and IY
(Jj) L ll, lU and IV

------------------------·- ---· -·--- - .

Items 5 - 6 refer to the figure belowwhlchshows the flow of energy through a foud chain

ti. \
Irv /


Grass Gras~happer
Praying mantis


5. Whiclr· arrow represents the smallest At which point is MOST of the energy
transfer of energy between organisms? released to the environment?

(A) (A) J
Cs) II (B) ll
(C) m 'K1 IJI i
(Dl IV (D) rv I
I ..

01 :'O?OtOIF:!OIO
I. ._
'\.. 9 i\ n111turc p! c-~-!1 !.; ·hl!·"f1"1'I ,-r ·!!i _1
rn.Jtnre anirrul ·~·':"!I I •r_·.·;:i1.1'~ 1:•'f!1.~· pi."l]ti ·,.;\ iL!;
II I ..\.)
111 ( Li )
I\ c~11 ?'r-:::.i a large p:::rrnan~n! ;_ :.~,_·:_1. d~
\: 1''1s-;ue (DJ a nucleus suspended i 11 the \.:yror·la ::1 il

\\'l11ch r•f the follo\ving .sho.,vs the correct

sequence ti:" INCREASlNG complexity/ 10. The process by· \vhlch (Q,_1d is i~1n\:c.:""d
spec i ticn 1·:) thro11gh the alin1en1ary canal 1:; ·-·~1:!<:'d

I/~ I ll l. rv, r, n, v (A) digestion

lll, lV. V, I, II masticati(1n
~(Cl I~ I, II, III -==-- peristalsi,

(Dl rv, ' I, III, II (D) S"\\'allo1ving....-

8 '
\Vhich of the fullowingprocesses is involved ·
m the pds<;;gc of water through cell walls?
11. Which of the fo[JO\.,ing are NOT autotropbs?

(A) Algae
\"A.) Diflusion 03) il.fosses
/B) Osmosis (C) Fems
(CJ ,.\ssin1ilarion ~ Fungi
ID! .'\cti;:erranspon

/ ' Sunlight


!---Bell jar

Potassium hydroxide
solution _ ____,i--,. r-~-4--1--~· Well watered
potted plant

Glass sheet with petroleum jelly seal

' 12. A well-watei;ed plant is setup as shown in the cliagram abov~ and left fora few hours in sunlight A leaf
from ihe plant is tl'l'en tested for starch and no blue-black colour appeared

A likely explanation for this result is tbatthe

I/\ 1 ..;c)J/ in the:: pot d1ie-d out

(~., ja.r co11ta1ncd no c~·irbon rlivxide
Ztpparatus \·vas ncH left long enough in sunlight
rr.1rvlc11101 J(:lly prevcntedai£ from <!ritffing tlie bell pr

'""' ·~,' •···· -··- .... -.. - .....

" -4-

Item 13 •·efers to the table below which 16. \Vhich of the following is NOT a reason
shows the results obtained when a food was for placing green plants in an aquarium'?
tested by adding different reagents.
(A) Providingfoodfortheanimals
(B) Providing oxygen for the animals
Test . Result
~ Removing the chlorine from the
Iodine Blue-black colour (D) Removing the animals' waste
Sodiumhydroidde Purple colour products
and co~sulphate(Biuret
17. Which of the following characteristics is

Benediet'sorFehling's No colour change
solution andheating NOT a feature ofrespiratory sw-faces?

' . .
iatge-sllifl¥le area
P~fmoist ..
13. ThefoodcJlinea · ._ ~;;

~ starchandproteinonly _..-t'_-
(B) redudngsu~s-._only"'" --:.=
(C) reducingsugar;starohandprotein
. 18. Which of the following statements
(D) protein, fat and non-reducing sugar
about aerobic and anaerobic respiration is
. correct?
14. Which of the following are essential for.'
Aerobic Anaerohic
the formation ofhealthy bones? . ! .
(A) Does notuile oxygen Uses oxygen '
Calcium and Vitamin E (B) Occl)IS inthe Occurs iil the
(C) Iron and Vitamin A '.•; '
cytoplasm mitochonc;lria
(D) Iron and Vitamin C
~ Release$ large Releases:~a,11

amounts_ofenergy amoun~ ():(ep.ergy

a .ductS 2't~lways 1
is. Which ~the follo~tiLtcme~ts. BEST Atleast oil~ ·

descnlies,_the furictioti ciTATP? c.. product is Qrganic inorganic _


(A) It. stores food.

~- It is am~ ofenergy transfer.
(C) It speeds up chemical reactions in
,CD) Large quantities of energy can
bCcome available.

Item 19 refers to the following !able which 20. As organisms increase iB size, the process of
shows the re.5Ults, recocded after 20 minutes, diffusion limits the transpo1t of substances
- oftests done with cobalt chloride paper on because
two leaves from different plants.
(~ their surface area to volume de-
% Colour cha.hgc creases
(B) theirsurfuceareatovolumeincreases
Leaf Surface! · Surface2 (C) they develop transport systems
(D) theyproducemorewasteproducts
x 100 JO

y 100 50 21. Which of the following plants does NOT

have a modified vegetative storage organ?

~) Ou:rot
F~m theresultS, onemay~ude't
19. . JE Ginger

(A) · LeafX~merestoma'.fuonSurface Potato
2 than Leaf\': ~-..';'~
(B) LeafYhas more stomata on SurlBce -~-
l thanLeaf.X. 22. Through which process does the body rid
(C) Leaf X has a faster rate of itselfof nitrogenous waste products?
tra.nspiration than Leaf Y.

Leaf Y has a faster rate of Excretion
transpb:ationthan LCafX. Diffusion
(C) Evaporation
(D) Osmoregulation

Items 23 - 24 refer to the diagrani.s below which represent some components ofblood.

.. .· ~ ..... • -="..

- • (A)

." ..

(C) (D)

In answering items 23 - 24, match each item with one of the options "above. Each option may be
used once. more than once or not at all.

23. Engulfing disease-causing organisms ,£;

24. Transport of oxygen

.•,. I
27. In the movement of the upper arm .from

Items 25 - 26 refer to the diagram of the
mammalian kidney. posirionX to position Yin the diagrnrn below,
which of the following describes the accion
of biceps and triceps muscles?

25. Ini;i."1ichpartofthekidneyisthel00pofHcnle x y
located?· ..,
L .Biceps contract
(A) I IL Biceps relax

II III. Triceps contract
III IV. Triceps relax
(D) N
..-. (A)
I and Ill only
I and JV only
26. Into whii;h structure is mine emptied? . ! (C) 11 and III only
(D) II and N only
(A) I
-(B) II • Which of the following _aqap!~tJ<'•1S i~

. plants is NOT used tocoru;me\vM';r'!
I r,,
• .......
·~ • (A) ~
SflllLll Ieaves
Long leaves
.,. Cu_ticle tbickne·~;

29. Movement is important to the smvival of a

plant beeauseitensurns that It

I. can find food

II. grows towatrMight
m. can find water
IV. can reproduce

(A) Ionly
~~) I and JV only
II and III only
io} I, II, fll anc! IV


-7 _+

30. .The human sk'Cleton can be divided into two Items 32 - 33 refer to the figure showing a
·pa1ts, the axial skeleton and the appendic;ular diagram of the tip of a stem..and a source of
skeleton. Which row in the table groups light
bones correctly?
Axial skeletOn · Appendicular JI
(A) Pelvic girdle, Skull. humerus, rn
ribs, femur vertebral colwnn source
(B) Humerus, Skull, vertebral
temur,nbs column, pelvic girdle
cc4_ Pelvic girdle, Vertebral column,
"4i: _,.
'hume.iis, femur ibs.skull
~-- SkuU, vertebral ert.s, femur, """ ~
! ..
~-.:.-'.'-~ column. ribs pe'Mc girdle ·.-fa ~;

ACter three days, a e will the concentra-

3 I. - Which of the following types of l!Ws will ___ _ tion of auxin be HIGHEST?
correct shortsightedness? -~- .. ~-'' . ;.,;..-·

(D) IV

33. After three days, what will be the response


(A) Bend to the right

. . .
Bend to the left
Tncrease i11 height
(D) :N'o response

I~ 00 ON TO TH6 Nttl" PAO£
-8 -

34. Which of the following diag<ams correctly 36. \'v11ich of the foliowing functions or ihe
represent;; !he pathwa.y ofti1e transmission skin is an example c;fhomeost::isis?
.ofan impulse for a spinal reflex?
(Al Storage off.ts
(BJ Release of sweat
(A) (C) Secretion ofsebum
~ · Maintenance Qfbody temperature

37. The diagram below represents the growth

curve of a culture of yeast cells. Which
section ofthe graph shows the MOST rapid
·'-'= (B)
rate of growth?

-:-5" :.

NJ>. of
(10 000)
. --~···


-. II
,.;; '

! I
(D) Time/hr

• .. (A) l - II
. . •""
JI - Ill
• ~ ~ ... Ill-IV
. . (D) -· IV-V

Which part·of the brain would be use4-in

$0Ivingarrlatbematicalproblem? p, ·

~­ Cerel>rum
(0)' Cerebellum
(t') lfypothalamus
(D) ,Medullaoblongata


• •

38. Which of the following glands produces 40. 1be reproduction of amoelia by binary fission
a hormone which is directly responsible is an example of asexual reproduction
forgrowthinhumanbeings? because

(A) UJC nucleus divides by mitosis

(B) the nucleus is not involved in tlJC cell
~ two offspring are produced by one
(D) the cytoplasm is divided imu two eq11al

~ms '\ii 42 refer to the ~m below.

··~-" '•

•.· -~


41. The type of seed represented above is

(A} monocot;yledonous
~ dicotyledonous
(C} wind dispersed
(D) water dispersed
(C) m

(D) IV
42. The MAIN food reserves found in the parts

39. •ch of1he following sequences of events
is correct?
labcnedYarelikelyto be

(A) protein a.ndfuts

' (B) (?.IOtein aru:\-calcium
FertiUzatio11 --+ implantation --+
(A) stm:ch and.fa.ts
cOpulation--+ gestation stamh and protein ·
(B) Fertilization --+ iinplantation --+
g~on--+ copulation
43. Which ofthe following statements is 'JRUE
Copulation --+ fertilization --+
of Wind dispersed seeds? ·
implanl!ition--+ gestation
CI;l) Cqfmlat~on --+ implantation ~
They have feathery hairs which al-
· ~on-.+geslation
low them to be taken great
(B) They have hooks which allow them
to be taken great distances.
(C) They are rapidly strewn from dry
(D) T!Jey are found in succulent tiuit


·-\ -.,,,,,.
··i.. ..


- !n -

44 \Vhich of the following events does NOT lkui_48 re.fers {O the table belov.• \'-.'hich
occur during mitosis? shows the numbers of. green and bro'''n
grasshoppers found in equal areas ofdry and
(A) Chromosome makes an exact copy green gxass respcc.ti~ely.
ofitself. ·--·---
(B) Chromosomes al~gn themselves on Brown Green
the equator ofthe spindle. grasshoppers grasshoppers
(C) 'I'wo chrcimatids are joined by a
centromere. Dried
The chromatids exchange genetic grass 19 6
____ 45. TI1e prodnction of gametes dnring the proc-
:ess of roeiosis can le_ad to
I ·-·-
8 25

• ' '-'hich following is the BEST

(A) smaller population size _ explanation for these observations?
(B) largerpopulation size

-~ variation in a population .
no change in the characteristics of a
~ Camouflagingprotects grasshoppers
from predators.
population (B) Brown grasshoppers mutate when
plac.;d in green areas. ·
(C) Green grasshoppers are belier
Continuous variation in humans is illustrated ,
More food is available in green are,s.
(A) sex/gender •
(B) tongue rolling 49. Ifa diploid organism has two different alleles
(C) blood groups for the same gene, it is described as being
~ adult heights
, ... -, ~;;:'·. •.. (A) dominant
r (B) - homozygous
47. ~characteri~saidtobesex!(nked ifit, • ~ hete.rozyguus
(DJ ~ recessive
~ isca~thesexchromosomes
(C) d.evelopsduringsexualin~otllte
(ti) is passed on frOm father to son


- l l -•

50 .Which of the following statements about the 53. An anin1al \Vhich carries a .?isease-ca11sing
differences between artificial and natural organism but i" not adversely affected by it is
selection are true? kno,vnas a
Natural selection Artificial selection (A) host
~ vector
L Envifonmeot Humans select traits. (C) parasite
selects traits. (D) pathogen

II. Based on entire Based on specific

genetic make-up of genes in indi'viduals.
54. Which of the following symptoms indicates
individuals. the abuse ofalcohol?
Ill. Organisms_arewell Humans create the
adaj11:e'dto the environmentsothat (A) Slowed musculaF'Skills, increased
. . .y temper~ •frelings of

" envimem.ciit


organisms can thrive.
· mcreased energy .
Vasodilation, iirijllii"red mental
·functioWng. Joss consciousness
(C) Vasoeonsp;j¢tion, Vi9l,entbehaviour,
I, Il and III reduced need for sleep
(D) Slurred speech. loss of appetite, lung
and nasal'damage
51. Which of the following correctly lists
examples of pathogenic, nutritional
deficiency and physiological diseases? 55. Which of the following statements are
implications of diseases in agricul!ural crops?
Pathogenic Nutritional Physiological
deficien<-v I. Loss of crops
fc.A.) Diabetes .o..IDS Anaemia
II. More jobs for workers in tbe area
-- ·Ill. Lower income for government
(B) AIDS Diabetes =-.:1&• - rv. Higher food import cost
(C) Anaemia Diabetes MOS
. -. . ',

AIDS ··...,-,,1abetes -
(A) land IV only a.._~/:f
~ A11aemia -

-- .' (B) Uandffionly I

I; Ill and lV only ··~
52. In which of the ways listt,;j.below can IT, III and rv o1lly
hypertension be treated or controlled?
L Eating iron-rich foods
l· II. Low carbohydrate diet
III. Low salt intake


I II only

s II and ill only

JU and rv only
I, Tl, Ill and IV

I IH2071Hfl!F .>OIO
00 ON TO 1llE Nf:..xi' r ACll!

sr.. Which ,,f the following are appropriate

methods for measuring biotic
f:1ctors respectively?
x;·. t?iotic
SI). Noa-rc~nc~wahle resources

J. h~n1xife und gold


--··-··-· -------
Uiotlc fllctors
11. and swarnps/\vctlrinds
ll I. ualurttl gns and oil
"f.\) . -i)nadral, sweep ·[J;;;:;;wmetcr, pH
ne ·ar (A) l >Hl<I JJ on!y

(B) Lightmeter, pH l alid lll only
·ar, swee net
n and m only
(D) I,IIanclm
(C) Thermometer, Lightmetcr,pH
sweep net.jar paper, quadrat '
(D) Sweep·net,jar, Lightnieteq;H 60. Which ofthe following practices does NOT
help to <-'<lnserve tlle environment?
thermometer paper, quadrat
57. The term 'habitat' refers to· (A) Osingnatural fertilizers
{B) Reafforrestation
(A) an area where several organisms live (C) Crop rotation
the physical charactl:risticaofl)ll area
t11e biOJogical characteristics ohn
~ Overgrazing

area •
the area .in which .f'particulnr
orgapism Jives
. ,L,· ~t·
: lY •.. ·'· :.
Lte.m SS refers to lhe fi1,,'1.1rtijsh ·i·~ t11e"
'.t - illii ·--~ ~·-···
· ., ·'
growth cmve ofa popnlat1.on c6lonmil)g!lnew
hahitat. . · )~



. I

: !
58. Which of the following accouQIS for
phase I?

There is a smnll numberofrepi:oduc.

(fl) There is competition for.~ources.
!Ci There is competition forfQ(l1.J.
(D) Death rate excce(lshi1thrate,

~ ij
II I )!170 I O/F201 ll i ~

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