GERAD Annual Report 2014 2015 (English)

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1- Message from the Director ......................................................................................................................................................... iv

2- General presentation ................................................................................................................................................................... vi

3- Board of directors ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9

4- GERAD’s team ................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Members (regular, associated, visiting, honorary) ........................................................................................................................... 10
Collaborators ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Researchers ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Visiting researchers ........................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Postdoctoral fellows ........................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Trainees .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Technical and administrative staff .................................................................................................................................................... 22

5- Graduated students ...................................................................................................................................................................... 23

6- Students currently under supervision .................................................................................................................................... 27

7- Grants and contracts .................................................................................................................................................................... 36

8 - Organization of conferences, colloquium and seminars ................................................................................................... 37

9- Awards, honours and nominations ......................................................................................................................................... 39

10 - Publications .................................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Refereed papers in scientific journals ............................................................................................................................................... 42
Papers in refereed conference proceedings ...................................................................................................................................... 51
Books or book chapters ..................................................................................................................................................................... 54

11 - Contributions to the scientific community ............................................................................................................................ 56

12 - Seminars .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 67

13 - Les Cahiers du GERAD ................................................................................................................................................................ 71

14 - Glossary ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 74


It was with great pleasure with the number of regular members involved. GERAD’s host
and a desire to serve the institution is HEC Montréal and we have been the jewel in its
GERAD community that I research crown for 35 years. HEC Montréal provides us with the
took on the role of GERAD maximum financial contribution for research groups, as well as
Director in the spring of considerable in-kind benefits. The same goes for Polytechnique
2011. My involvement with Montréal, which has been supporting GERAD since the group’s
the group dates back to foundation. McGill University is maintaining its commitment
1988: first as a PhD student, in order to support a promising next generation of researchers:
then as a full member after Several illustrious GERAD members from McGill recently retired,
becoming a professor at and a new generation of talented researchers is gradually getting
UQAM and receiving my involved. UQAM is maintaining its unconditional support, but
first NSERC Discovery slightly decreasing its financial support, mainly due to the financial
Grant, and then later as rules governing the status of regular membership for over 50%
Co-Director of the GERAD of GERAD members. Indeed, while there has been a significant
Energy and Environment increase in the number of GERAD professorial members in recent
team (EG2). Now, after years, many are active in financial mathematics and carry out a
four years, I hand the baton substantial portion of their activities in partnership with the CRM.
over to Guy Desaulniers
(Polytechnique Montréal), Thus, GERAD undertakes a research program that is forward
the GERAD’s eighth looking and based on solid achievements. This program
director in its 35 years of existence. I extend a heartfelt welcome comprises three research programs that (1) connect theoretical
to Guy. He is taking on a GERAD that’s in full growth and great and methodological developments (2) to applications in large-
financial health. scale systems in Quebec society, and (3) to the development of
decision-support software. Program 1 deals with application-
In fact, this fourth year of my term was marked by the preparation of related mathematical problems. The mathematical advances
our request for a grant renewal from the FRQNT Strategic Clusters achieved in this area make it possible to develop algorithms and
Program—which was highly successful thanks to monumental and systems providing competitive advantages in the application
rewarding teamwork. I want to thank everyone for rallying around area. With regard to Program 2, GERAD will first maintain its
this common cause, including the administrative support team; global expertise (scheduling, telecommunications networks, call
the IT team; and members of the working committee set up for this centres, strategic energy/environment decisions , management
purpose: Georges Zaccour and Michèle Breton (HEC Montréal), applications of games theory, financial engineering, dynamics of
François Soumis and Guy Desaulniers (Polytechnique Montréal), large-scale economic or biological sets), and it will also mobilize
and Roussous Dimitrakopoulos (McGill University). I also want its multidisciplinary capabilities to address the following major
to underscore Michael Kokkolaras’ support in our meetings with societal challenges: (1) intelligent systems (cities, power grids,
McGill’s financial authorities. transport electrification, pricing); (2) real-time solutions and
decisions (transport schedules, on-demand delivery, financial
Our success is all the more appreciated since our requests were engineering of derivatives and credit-risk indicators, resilient
made in a context of budgetary constraints for the Fonds de manufacturing systems); (3) integrated resource management
recherche du Québec and for universities, as a result of provincial (mining, energy); (4) cloud computing and network virtualization
government cuts. Despite these less-than-ideal conditions, (software network design, security, big data, wireless). Program 3
GERAD received increased support from the FRQNT, institutions supports the transfer of technology through software development.
and research chairs. This attests to our vitality in the research
community in Quebec, Canada and the world; to our positive All of GERAD’s successes are possible thanks to teamwork
impact on society in Quebec and beyond; and to our growth and and synergy. Resounding thanks to the support team (35%
development. administration, 65% research activities): Carole Dufour, Marie
Perreault, Francine Benoît and Marilyne Lavoie. This skilled
The principal architects of GERAD’s sterling record as a centre and committed team provides support in a number of activities,
of international calibre are its 64 regular members from 18 including the preparation of grant applications, the publication
departments in 11 Quebec universities, as well as its associate, of over a hundred research papers every year in addition to the
visiting and honorary members and its 450 graduate and post- GERAD newsletter and scientific articles, the organization of a
graduate students in diversified areas. The research conducted range of seminars, the design and maintenance of group members’
at GERAD is at the heart of Quebec’s economic development websites, the organization and management of colloquiums
and provides continuous input to industrial clusters working on and conferences, the day-to-day financial management, the
intelligent systems. These industries are GERAD’s top research operations of 12 research chairs and various teams that cover our
partners. 3 research programs and 20 research themes, the management
Thanks to GERAD’s achievements, the four universities that and allocation of workspace, and the many other aspects that are
support the centre all renewed their commitments, in accordance critical to our day-to-day well-being and that help set conditions



fostering scientific production and academic training. are also sources of significant change that GERAD will have to
contend with in the coming years.
In the last four years, the computer team has undergone some
significant changes, and is continuing to grow thanks to the arrival I don’t doubt for a moment that my successor, Guy Desaulniers,
of the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Data Science for Real- will take on these challenges with great success. Thank you, Guy,
Time Decision-Making. The IT team manages the operation of for stepping up to the plate. I will now be part of the wisdom
the computing infrastructure shared by GERAD and CIRRELT, committee, and as such, will always be there to offer support when
which is supplemented as needed by access to the resources needed. GERAD also means laughter, conversation and shared
of Calcul Québec. The IT team is made up of Pierre Girard and lunches —I myself will gladly attest to that.
Edoh Liagros Logo on the GERAD side, and Zahida Benraïs and
Guillaume Michaud on the CIRRELT side. I want to thank them
for the dynamism and commitment they demonstrate on a daily
basis. They also often take over for professors in training students
on the use of various software programs.
Last but not least, I want to give special thanks to the former Jean-Philippe Waaub
directors—Alain Haurie, Richard Loulou, François Soumis, Pierre Director, GERAD
Hansen, Georges Zaccour and Roland Malhamé—who make up
the GERAD’s wisdom committee—for always being there when
One project that meant a lot to me was the creation of a new
GERAD website, which was finally launched in the summer of
2014. We also took advantage of the opportunity and gave GERAD
a new logo and a new look, after 35 years of existence.
GERAD always demonstrates a great vitality that benefits
the community of researchers in decision mathematics as it
does students, various partners and the users of our research
and contracts. And 2014–2015 was no exception. GERAD
organized and co-organized several seminar series, international
colloquiums, summer schools, industrial problem workshops, and
Ever-increasing numbers of our students and professors are
receiving prestigious grants and awards. This year we want to draw
special attention to François Soumis (Polytechnique Montréal)
who received the 2014 Lionel-Boulet Award (one of the Prix du
Québec), and to the appointment of Jean-François Cordeau (HEC
Montréal) to the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists of
the Royal Society of Canada.
Another new GERAD strength is the 2013 arrival of Professor
Roussos Dimitrakopoulos (McGill University) and the Canada
Research Chair in Sustainable Mineral Resource Development
and Optimization Under Uncertainty. This has given GERAD’s
mining theme a major impetus. Several GERAD teams are also
consolidating around the theme of energy, which also happens
to be one of Quebec’s strategic development axes. In connection
with this, we want to highlight the appointment of Miguel
Anjos (Polytechnique Montréal) to the position of Director of
the Trottier Energy Institute, and underscore the cutting-edge
equipment obtained by François Bouffard (McGill University).
On a separate front, Erick Delage (HEC Montréal) was appointed
chairholder of the Canada Research Chair in Decision Making
Under Uncertainty.
GERAD will also be hosting 50% of the Canada Excellence
Research Chair in Data Science for Real-Time Decision-Making,
under the direction of Professor Andrea Lodi (Polytechnique
Montréal). It will also benefit from the leverage provided by the
new Institute for Data Valorization (IVADO) and its dynamic
Scientific Director, François Soumis (Polytechnique Montréal),
and Executive Director, Valérie Bécaert. Partner-based research
is experiencing unprecedented development. These opportunities




Background Research orientations

GERAD was created in 1979 by a group of professors and researchers from GERAD is a multi-university centre and a vital forum for the development
HEC Montréal, McGill University and Polytechnique Montréal. With solid of operations research and the mathematics of decision theory in general.
infrastructural support from HEC Montréal and Polytechnique Montréal, Its research orientations and fields of expertise are as follows:
and through the development of teaching activities involving research
on decision analysis and operational research at the three institutions,
GERAD’s activities reached sufficient scope, in June 1988, to justify being Program 1 - Mathematical methods in support of decision
converted into a Joint Research Centre of HEC Montréal, Polytechnique making
Montréal and McGill University. In 1996, the Université du Québec à
Montréal became the fourth GERAD sponsor. This research focus brings together all theory-level efforts aimed at
developing methods that support decision making in general and,
The following teachers have been GERAD directors: primarily, pure optimization theory (static, dynamic, multi-agent,
1. Alain Haurie, HEC Montréal, from 1981 to December 31, 1988; multi-criteria, deterministic, stochastic). It also includes mathematical
modeling, statistical analysis and data mining, as they can lead to the
2. Richard Loulou, McGill University, January 1, 1989 to July 31, 1992; formulation of optimization questions that are directly relevant to the
nature of the decisions to be made.
3. François Soumis, Polytechnique Montréal, from August 1, 1992 to May
31, 1996;
Theme 1.1 - Convex and non-convex mathematical
4. Pierre Hansen, HEC Montréal, from June 1, 1996 to May 31, 2001;
5. Georges Zaccour, HEC Montréal, from June 1, 2001 to May 31, 2005; Linear and non-linear optimization, interior point methods, global
optimization, heuristics and meta-heuristics for optimization, non-
6. Roland P. Malhamé, Polytechnique Montréal, from June 1, 2005 to
smooth optimization, Stackelberg games, column generation, multi-
April 30, 2011;
criteria optimization.
7. Jean-Philippe Waaub, Université du Québec à Montréal, from May 1,
2011 to April 30, 2015. Theme 1.2 - Combinatorial optimization, combinatorics,
graph theory
Mission Integer programming, mixed programming, graph theory, heuristics and
meta-heuristics for optimization, polyhedral combinatorics.
GERAD’s mission is to:

1) Develop all aspects of decision mathematics in large technological, Theme 1.3 - Game theory, analysis of dynamic systems,
commercial and economic systems, and develop upstream modeling optimal control
based on optimization, data mining, statistics and simulation.
Static and dynamic games, stabilization of dynamic systems, performance
2) Constantly push the limits of the size of systems we are able to analyze analysis for parameterized control laws, optimal control of deterministic
and optimize, and diversify their characteristics to follow emerging needs and stochastic systems, adaptive control, robust control.
(transportation, telecommunications, environment, finance, energy, etc.).

3) Contribute to building collective wealth by training highly qualified Theme 1.4 - Mathematical modeling, model identification,
staff, sharing promising knowledge and its applications, producing state estimation
academic and general public publications, offering consulting to industry
Mathematical modeling in specific application areas, such as finance,
and creating spin-offs.
econometrics, telecommunications, biology, hydrology, techno-economic
models, energy and the environment. Parameter and state estimation
problems as they pertain to the class of models in question.
1) To develop scientific techniques and methods (operations research, Theme 1.5 - Statistics, data mining, probability and
systems analysis, statistics, computer science and applied mathematics) stochastic processes, artificial intelligence
to solve complex decision-making problems in organizations.
Data mining based on statistical methods, classification approaches,
2) To develop fruitful cooperation with businesses, governmental neural network methods, mathematical statistics, variance analysis for
organizations and other universities to ensure the relevance of the estimators, expert systems.
research and to disseminate its results.

3) To contribute to the education of MSc and PhD students and researchers Theme 1.6 - Simulation
(including postdoctoral interns). Development of efficient and reliable Monte Carlo simulation techniques
for stochastic optimization (of queuing systems in particular).



Theme 1.7 - Linear algebra and numerical analysis Theme 2.8 - Supply chain
This theme addresses the design of novel, direct or iterative, stable and This theme encompasses network design problems and the physical
efficient numerical methods for the solution of large linear or nonlinear distribution of goods.
systems of equations, and their application to numerical analysis
problems, including optimization and optimal control. It also concerns
the creative application of existing methods to such problems. Finally, it Program 3 - Commercial software for decision support
addresses implementation issues and high-performance computing.
This focus brings together the centre’s spin-off and technological-transfer
activities, particularly with regard to free or commercialized software that
Theme 1.8 - Continuous optimization is meant to support decision making.
Optimization methods for problems with continuous first derivatives and
for which evaluating those derivatives is affordable. Theme 3.1 - Scheduling software
• GALAHAD: Fortran 2003 Library of methods for continuous
Theme 1.9 - Derivative-free methods optimization (
Optimization methods for problems in which the derivatives do not exist,
are not available or are unreliable; black-box optimization.

Theme 3.2 - Pricing software

Program 2 - Applications development in large-scale tech-
• CUTEst: A Constrained and Unconstrained Testing Environment with
nological, commercial and economic systems safe threads (
This research focus brings together all the significant applications that • DrAMPL: Diagnostics and solver recommendation for continuous
provide GERAD with practical modeling and optimization problems. Some optimization (
of the applications can occasionally give rise to new questions, the answers
to which can lead to important and lasting theoretical developments. • NLPy: Modeling and solving environment for continuous optimization
in Python (

Theme 2.1 - Transportation systems • NOMAD: Blackbox optimization (

This theme covers transportation-related optimization applications, • PyKrylov: Iterative methods for linear systems in Python (http://dpo.
such as the construction of travel timetables and personnel schedules, as
well as yield-management issues in the airline industry and in ground-
transportation industries, including train, bus and truck fleets (in mining • PyOrder: Ordering methods for linear systems in Python (http://dpo.
and forestry applications).

Theme 2.2 - Telecommunication systems Theme 3.3 - Software for resource management
Planning in telecommunication networks for efficiency and reliability at • AutoGraphiX: Computer-assisted graph theory (
minimal cost, optimal resource management in next-generation wireless Gilles.Caporossi/agx)
systems, Internet quality-of-service assurance, Internet pricing, the
optimal operation of call centers.
Strengths and abilities
Theme 2.3 - Logistics, manufacturing systems, distribution
Academic excellence and visibility: Leading group of major international
systems, marketing centres focused on the bases of decision mathematics (Operations
This focus brings together logistics applications for the manufacturing Research Center, MIT; Center for Operations Research, Rutgers; CORE,
industry, health systems, manufacturing planning, the operation of Université Catholique de Louvain; Konrad Zuse Centrum, Berlin; etc.)
manufacturing systems, distribution-centre management, and marketing. and related disciplines (statistical modeling, simulation, etc.).

Great ability to attract and train experts: Talented students and researchers
Theme 2.4 - Energy systems, the environment attracted by the quality of the teams and their synergy, intense scientific
Includes sustainable growth, environmental pollution management, and leadership, a constant flow of well-known visitors, and the near certainty
the optimal management of energy resources, especially in the context of of an interesting industrial or academic job.
electricity generation. Wide international reputation: Proven over the past 30 years (at the very
beginning thanks to the prestige of its founders). The centre includes
Theme 2.5 - Health systems editors associated with over 53 Canadian and international journals on
operations and automation.
Includes applications in hospital management, biostatistics, biotechnology
and systems biology. Experienced teams: Very well-established teams in column generation
optimization, graph theory (AutoGraphiX software), data mining, game
theory, environment, energy, statistics, simulation, transportation,
Theme 2.6 - Finance and econometrics telecommunications, finance, etc.
Includes applications in financial product management, econometric
modeling, portfolio optimization and risk assessment. Several research chairs: Six Canadian chairs and six university chairs
(approximately one chair for every five members): data mining, transport
network optimization, distribution management, transportation logistics,
Theme 2.7 - Engineering stochastic dependence modeling, game theory and management, discreet
This theme includes applications in all areas of engineering. nonlinear optimization in engineering, the Marianne Mareschal Chair for



the promotion of women in engineering, design engineering, optimization

of communication networks, Senior DIGITEO Chair, Desautels Faculty

Continuously updated academic vitality: Regular recruiting of promising

young researchers who are often rising stars. Building on the presence of
well-known researchers, whose stay is often made possible in part through
GERAD financing.

Cutting-edge calculation capacities: Made possible through financing

(infrastructure, FRQNT etc.) through resource-sharing with CIRRELT.

Top quality support and technical team: Including four computer

technicians shared with CIRRELT who maintain and upgrade computer
systems; and a support team that manages the finances, publications,
grant requests, website updates and colloquium logistics and organization.

Human resources

Multidisciplinarity to meet emerging needs

GERAD puts in contact researchers from often very different disciplines:
operational research, automation, statistics, computing, electrical
engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, quantitative
methods for management, financial engineers, environmental science,
etc. What they have in common is their overall level of mathematical
sophistication in addition to their interest in in optimization, mathematical
modeling and dynamic systems analysis. That’s why, more than other
centres, we feel that GERAD had the capacity to rapidly deploy forces to
emerging needs (ex. ecology, environment, quantitative biology).

Commercializing and creating value from research

This may be the most significant of GERAD’s special features: it has
successfully created important spin-offs in the areas of ground and air
transportation (ex. AD OPT) or in the study of techno-economic activity
on greenhouse-gas levels (HALOA). The continuously updated knowledge
at GERAD allows these companies to develop their product, profit and
thereby continue to finance our research through contracts or grants.
GERAD also trains the experts needed by these companies. Ex Pretio is
the most recent spin-off that emerged from GERAD. It uses games theory
in pricing problems (SNCF, Air Canada, Bell etc.).




Robert Gagné
Michèle Breton
Director of the Research and Knowledge
Full Professor Transfer Office
HEC Montréal HEC Montréal

Guillaume Jandelle Jean-Pierre Labelle

Development Manager Director of the Office of Research/Centre
AD OPT division of Kronos Canadian for Technological Development
Systems Polytechnique Montréal

Kristina Öhrvall
Dominique Robitaille
Director, Strategic Initiatives, representing
Rose Goldstein, Vice-Principal, Resarch and Director of the Research and Creation
Internation Relations Office
Université McGill Université du Québec à Montréal

Jean-Philippe Waaub
GERAD Director and Chairman of
the Board
Université du Québec à Montréal




Irène Abi-Zeid Miguel F. Anjos

Université Laval, Canada Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
• Multicriteria decision analysis • Operations research and management science
• Search theory (search and rescue, surveillance) • Optimization and optimal control theory
• Hydrological statistics and risk analysis • Mathematical modelling

Charles Audet Olivier Bahn

Polytechnique Montréal, Canada HEC Montréal, Canada
• Nonlinear optimization • Operational research
• Global optimization • Mathematical models in economics – energy –
• Non-differentiable optimization environment
• Optimal design • Climate change

François Bellavance
Pierre Baptiste HEC Montréal, Canada
Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
• Cross-over and repeated measures design
• Scheduling • Road safety
• Production management • Data mining
• Logistics • Applied statistics

Hatem Ben-Ameur Mathieu Boudreault

HEC Montréal, Canada Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
• Financial engineering • Modeling and pricing corporate credit risk
• Stochastic processes • Modeling and pricing equity-linked insurance
• Stochastic simulation (segregated funds and variable annuities)
• Dynamic programming • Statistical and actuarial modeling of natural
• Options pricing catastrophe risk (earthquakes and hurricanes)
• Risk measurement

François Bouffard
Université McGill, Canada
• Power system operation, planning and economics Tamer Boyaci
• Demand response Université McGill, Canada
• Flexibility in the power industry
• Mathematical programming • Operations management

Michèle Breton Peter Caines

HEC Montréal, Canada Université McGill, Canada
• Game theory • Systems and control theory
• Decision analysis • Stochastic systems
• Stochastic programming • Adaptive control
• Mathematical models in finance and in energy • Logic systems




Gilles Caporossi
HEC Montréal, Canada
• Artificial intelligence Arthur Charpentier
• Data mining Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
• Neural networks
• Algorithmics • Insurance, actuarial, finance, econometrics,
• Combinatorial optimization probability, statistics

Claudio Contardo
Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada Jean-François Cordeau
HEC Montréal, Canada
• Logistics
• Combinatorial optimization • Logistics
• Operational research • Transportation
• Mathematical programming • Combinatorial optimization
• Transportation systems • Mathematical decomposition

Michel Denault
HEC Montréal, Canada
Erick Delage
HEC Montréal, Canada • Financial engineering
• Risk management
• Optimization under uncertainty • Energy derivatives
• Applications of operations research • Environmental finance

Jacques Desrosiers
HEC Montréal, Canada
Guy Desaulniers
Polytechnique Montréal, Canada • Operational research
• Air transportation
• Vehicle routing problems • Rail transportation
• Scheduling problems • Distribution - schedules
• Decomposition methods in mathematical programming • Combinatorial optimization

Roussos Dimitrakopoulos
Université McGill, Canada Pierre Duchesne
• Stochastic modelling and optimization Université de Montréal, Canada
• Mine optimization and strategic planning
• Survey sampling
• Reserve-Resource estimation
• Time series analysis
• Mineral resource management
• Multivariate analysis
• Risk assessment and decision making under
• Econometrics

Debbie Dupuis Issmail El Hallaoui

Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
HEC Montréal, Canada
• Mathematical programming
• Extreme values
• Combinatorial optimization
• Robustness
• Online optimization and approximation algorithms
• Data analysis
• Scheduling and vehicle routing
• Statistical modeling
• Transportation (air, urban, rail)
• Statistical computing
• Software development




Marc Fredette Jean-François Frigon

HEC Montréal, Canada Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
• Wireless networks
• Longitudinal data analysis
• Multiple-antenna systems
• Prediction
• Signal processing algorithms for digital
• Biostatistics
• Random-effect models
• Cross-layer communications algorithms
• Bayesian statistics
• Wireless multiple-access techniques

Geneviève Gauthier
Michel Gamache HEC Montréal, Canada
Polytechnique Montréal, Canada • Differential stochastic calculation
• Optimal real-time fleet management system • Stochastic processes
• Optimal dispatching system • Probability
• Monthly scheduling in air transportation • Derivatives (finance)
• Optimal mine production scheduling • Financial modeling
• Financial engineering

Luc-Alain Giraldeau
Christian Genest Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Université McGill, Canada
• Scrounging and kleptoparasitism
• Multivariate analysis, nonparametric statistics, extreme- • Interference, aggression and resource defense
value theory • Animal cognition, information use and living in
• Applications in actuarial science, finance, and hydrology groups
• History of statistics, scientometry • Factors affecting the size of animal groups

Pierre Hansen
HEC Montréal, Canada
Mehmet Gumus
Université McGill, Canada • Operational research
• Global optimization
• Customer behavior models • Automated classification
• Joint pricing and inventory management • Graph theory
• Supply risk management • Localization

Alain Hertz Raf Jans

Polytechnique Montréal, Canada HEC Montréal, Canada
• Combinatorial optimization • Development of algorithms
• Algorithms in graph theory • Integer and linear programming
• Evolutionary algorithms • Logistics
• Scheduling and timetabling • Mathematical modelling
• Distribution and transportation problems • Operations management

Brigitte Jaumard
Université Concordia, Canada
• Telecommunications
Michael Kokkolaras
• Global and combinatorial optimization Université McGill, Canada
• Automatic classification • Multidisciplinary optimization
• Artificial intelligence • Engineering design
• Health-care applications • Uncertainty quantification
• Logistics and localization




Chantal Labbé
HEC Montréal, Canada
Gilbert Laporte
• Stochastic process HEC Montréal, Canada
• Probability
• Financial engineering • Combinatorial optimization
• Portfolio optimization • Transportation
• Optimal stochastic control • Operational research

Denis Larocque
HEC Montréal, Canada
Fabrice Larribe
• Nonparametric methods in statistics Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
• Multivariate data analysis
• Data mining • Modeling of populations genealogy
• Statistical consulting • Mapping genetic

Jérôme Le Ny
Sébastien Le Digabel Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
Polytechnique Montréal, Canada • Control theory
• Autonomous systems and mobile robotics
• Blackbox optimization
• Design and verification of networked and
• Derivative-free methods
embedded control systems
• Industrial applications
• Security and privacy issues in cyber-physical systems
• Optimization software
• Air transportation

Pierre L’Écuyer
Université de Montréal, Canada
Shanling Li
• Simulation Université McGill, Canada
• Random number generation
• Sensitivity analysis and stochastic optimization • Stochastic dynamic techno-economics models
• Efficiency improvement • Scheduling problems in industry

Aditya Mahajan
Brenda MacGibbon Université McGill, Canada
Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
• Control systems
• Mathematical statistics • Telecommunication systems
• Decision theory • Optimization, control and operations research
• Biostatistics • Telecommunication networks

Malhamé, Roland P.
Polytechnique Montréal, Canada Odile Marcotte
Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
• Modeling and control of stochastic systems
• Optimal operation of manufacturing networks • Combinatorial optimization
• Optimal operation of next-generation communication • Graph theory
networks • Integer programming




Vahid Partovi Nia

Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
Dominique Orban
Polytechnique Montréal, Canada • Learning and inference theories
• Applied statistics
• Nonlinear optimization • Biostatistics
• Mathematical programming • Multivariate analysis
• Operational research • Genetics

Sylvain Perron
Michel Perrier HEC Montréal, Canada
Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
• Operations research
• Process systems (on-line optimization, nonlinear • Combinatorial optimization
control) • Global optimization
• Design integration and control • Reasoning under uncertainty
• Chemical and biochemical reactors • Data mining

Jean-François Plante
HEC Montréal, Canada
• Statistical inference
• Weighted methods Saibal Ray
• Likelihood methods
Université McGill, Canada
• Dependence models (copulas)
• Nonparametric statistics • Operations management

Bruno Rémillard
HEC Montréal, Canada

Djamal Rebaïne • Stochastic volatility

Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada • Financial engineering
• Empirical processes
• Optimisation combinatoire • Time series
• Ordonnancement • Nonlinear filtering

Diane Riopel
Polytechnique Montréal, Canada Brunilde Sansò
• Logistics Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
• Value analysis
• Design
• Product engineering
• Reliability
• Materials handling
• Synthesis and performance of wireline and wireless
• Facility layout
broadband networks
• Warehousing

Gilles Savard François Soumis

Polytechnique Montréal, Canada Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
• Bi-level programming • Shift scheduling
• Airline scheduling • Vehicle routing and scheduling
• Yield management • Air and rail transportation
• Combinatorial optimization • Combinatorial optimization




Sihem Taboubi Adrian Vetta

HEC Montréal, Canada Université McGill, Canada
• Marketing models • Theoretical computer science
• Marketing research • Algorithmic game theory
• Management of marketing channels • Discrete mathematics
• Promotions • Combinatorial optimization

Jean-Philippe Waaub
Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
• Environmental assessment, multicriteria analysis
• Public participation, environmental mediation
• Technico-economic modeling of energy and François Watier
environmental relations Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
• Ecology mapping and local planning: GIS
(Geographical Information System) integration • Probabilistic models in finance
• Integrated forestry resource management

Georges Zaccour
HEC Montréal, Canada
• Game theory
• New product diffusion
• Transportation and distribution of oil and gas products
• Environmental management
• Quantitative marketing


Daniel Aloise
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
David Avis
• Classification Kyoto University, Japan
• Combinatorial optimization
• Column generation • Discrete optimization
• Data mining • Polyhedral computation
• Methaheuristic methods • Discrete and computational geometry

Jack Brimberg
Collège militaire royal du Canada, Canada
Sarah Ben Amor Associate Professor, HEC Montréal, Canada
Université d’Ottawa, Canada
• Mathematical programming
• Management information systems • Production management and operations management




Pascal Côté
Fabien Chauny Rio Tinto Alcan, Canada
HEC Montréal, Canada
• Operational research and stochastic optimization
• Applied statistics applied to the management of water systems
• Operational research • Linear and nonlinear optimization

Javier de Frutos
Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
Christophe Duhamel
• Numerical analysis ISIMA, France
• Modeling and simulation
• Computational methods in finance • Computer science

Anissa Frini
Jean-Pierre Dussault Université du Québec à Rimouski, Canada
Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
• Multi-criteria decisions
• Computer science • Multi-period decisions in a context of uncertainty
• Applied mathematics • Sustainable development

André Girard Minyi Huang

INRS – Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications & Caleton University, Canada
Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
• Mean field stochastic control and game theory
• Telecommunication networks • Stochastic control and its applications
• Mathematical programming applied to • Coordination and optimization in stochastic multi-
telecommunications agent systems
• Numerical analysis • Wireless network resource allocation

Maryse Labriet
EOI-École de Management, Spain
• Techno-economic modelling Guiomar Martín-Herrán
• Énergy Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
• Technology
• Policy • Applied optimal control
• Climate • Economic growth and environmental problems
• Mitigation • Differential games
• Adaptation

Nenad Mladenović
David McDonald Université de Valenciennes, France
Université d’Ottawa, Canada
• Metaheuristic methods
• Applied probability • Numerical algorithms and mathematical
• Nonparametric regression programming methods
• Quality control • Localization, transportation, clustering and data
• Analysis of ion channels in cellular membranes mining




Jordan Ninin
ENSTA Bretagne, France Monia Rekik
• Applications in electrical engineering Université Laval, Canada
• Affine arithmetic • Combinatorial optimization
• Affine relaxation techniques • Personnel scheduling
• Branch-and-Bound algorithm with limited memory • Auction mechanisms
• Optimization of polygons • Emergency logistics
• Black-box optimization

Nicolas Zufferey
Manuel Vieira Université de Genève, Switzerland
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
• Combinatorial optimization
• Semidefinite optimization • Algorithms in graph theory
• SAT and Max-SAT • Metaheuristics
• Interior point methods • Scheduling


Diego Amaya
Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada Yang Cai
Université McGill, Canada
• Financial engineering
• Risk management • Algorithmic game theory
• Derivatives • Applied probability
• Asset pricing • Online algorithms
• Credit risk, and fixed income • Logic

Fausto Errico
École de technologie supérieure, Canada
• Transit system modeling and planning Marius Solomon
• Flexible transit systems Northeastern University, USA
• City logistics
• Supply-chain management
• Vehicle routing problems
• Logistics
• Combinatorial optimization
• Routing and scheduling
• Column generation

Jean-Philippe Vial
Université de Genève, Switzerland
• Mathematical programming
• Environmental modeling
• Manufacturing management
• Analytic center cutting plane method




Alain Haurie
HEC Montréal, Canada
Jean-Louis Goffin
Université McGill, Canada • Dynamic game theory
• Stochastic control in risk management and
• Mathematical programming manufacturing systems
• Analytic center cutting plane method • Energy and environmental management

Richard Loulou Édouard Wagneur

Université McGill, Canada
• Discrete event systems
• Large-scale optimization • Max-algebra and ordered sets
• Bottom-up energy models • Combinatorial optimization: sequencing,
• Energy economics lotstreaming, etc.


Stéphane Alarie Nahid Masoudi

Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada HEC Montréal, Canada
Mounira Groiez Pierre Trudeau
Polytechnique Montréal, Canada GIRO Inc., Canada


Mustapha Aouchiche Joanne Leveillée

HEC Montréal, Canada Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada

Mohamad Aziz Gonzalo Ignacio Nelis Suazo

Université McGill, Canada Polytechnique Montréal, Canada

Majid Bazrafshan Benoit Rochefort

HEC Montréal, Canada Polytechnique Montréal, Canada

Frédéric Ebacher Rebecca Sueur

Polytechnique Montréal, Canada Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada

Camille Fertel Christophe Tribes

GERAD, Canada Polytechnique Montréal, Canada

Amina Lamghari Lingqing Yao

Université McGill, Canada Université McGill, Canada

François Lessard
Polytechnique Montréal, Canada




Bernardetta Addis Pierre Colmez Robert Lund

École de Mines de Nancy, France Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France Clemson University, USA

Hansjoerg Albrecher Antonio J. Conejo Andreas A. Malikopoulos

HEC Lausanne, Switzerland The Ohio State University, USA Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

Aleksandr Aravkin Octav Cornea Bertrand Mareschal

IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA Université de Montréal, Canada Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

Stefan Behringer Marie-Christine Costa Hadrien Mélot

Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany ENSTA ParisTech, France Université de Mons, Belgium

Hatem Ben Amor Guillaume Deffuant Abdelmoutalib Metrane

AD OPT, a Kronos Division, Canada Irstea – Lisc, France École Nationale des Sciences appliquées de
Khouribga, Morocco
Georgia Benkart John E. Dennis, Jr.
University of Wisconsin, USA Rice University, USA Fatima Zahra Mhada
École Nationale Supérieure d’Informatique et
Cédric Bentz Skander Esseghaier d’Analyse des Systèmes (ENSIAS), Morocco
CNAM-CEDRIC, France Koç University, Turkey
William Minicozzi
François Bergeron David Fuller MIT, USA
Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada University of Waterloo, Canada
Konstantin Mischaikow
Jean Bigeon Steven A. Gabriel Rutgers University, USA
Laboratoire G-SCOP, France University of Maryland, USA
Mehdi Molkaraie
Alexei Borodin Ekaterina Gromova Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona, Spain
MIT, USA Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
Sophie Morel
Zdravko I. Botev Mohammad Jahromi Princeton University, USA
The University of New South Wales, Australia University of Waterloo, Canada
Éric Moulines
Paul Bourgade Zohreh Javanshiri Télécom ParisTech, France
New York University, USA Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
Maureen W. Murage
Steve Boyer Michel Yevenunye Keoula Cornell University, USA
Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada Bielefeld University, Germany
Alessandro Navarra
Francis Brown Nicolas Klein Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile
Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques, France Université de Montréal, Canada
Angelia Nedich
Alessandra Buratto Sonja Köke University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
University of Padova, Italy Université de Hambourg, Germany
Claire Nicolas
Leandro Callegari Coelho Alex Kontorovich IFP Energies nouvelles, France
Université Laval, Canada Rutgers University, USA
Nilima Nigam
Eglantine Camby Peter M. Kort Simon Fraser University, Canada
Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium Tilburg University, the Netherlands
Yi Ouyang
Antonio Capone Stephen S. Kudla University of Michigan, USA
Politecnico di Milano, Italy University of Toronto, Canada
Mohamed Ouzineb
Giuliana Carello Andrew D. Lewis INSEA, Morocco
Politecnico di Milano, Italy Queen’s University, USA
Elena Parilina
Richard J. Caron Andrea Lodi Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
University of Windsor, Canada Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
Pierre-Olivier Pineau




HEC Montréal, Canada Stéphane Tchung-Ming

IFP Energies nouvelles, France
Kartik Prasanna
University of Michigan, USA Abdelwahed Trabelsi
Institut supérieur de gestion de Tunis (ISG),
Marco Premoli Tunisia
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France
Navneet Vidyarthi
Michael Rabbat Université Concordia, Canada
Université McGill, Canada
Martin Wainwright
Thomas Ransford University of California, Berkeley, USA
Université Laval, Canada
Stefan M. Wild
Edwin Romeijn Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Daniel T. Wise
Mohammed Saddoune Université McGill, Canada
Université Hassan II Casablanca, Morocco
Cees Withagen
Patrick Saint-Pierre VU Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Université Paris-Dauphine, France
Stefan Wrzaczek
Laure Saint-Raymond Vienna University of Technology, Austria
École normale supérieure (ENS), France
Fang Yao
Sylvain Sardy University of Toronto, Canada
Université de Genève, Switzerland
Yanchong Karen Zheng
Alistair Savage MIT, USA
Université d’Ottawa, Canada

Wil H.A. Schilders

Eindhoven University of Technology,
the Netherlands

Stefano Secci
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France

Nevroz Sen
Université McGill, Canada

Bruce Shepherd
Université McGill, Canada

Suzanne M. Shontz
The University of Kansas, USA

Afzal Siddiqui
University College London, United Kingdom

Philippe St-Jean
Polytechnique Montréal, Canada

Boumedyen Taibi
Université de Saida, Algeria

Farzin Taringoo
The University of Melbourne, Australia




Xiaoyu Bai Julio C. Góez Marie Pelleau

Polytechnique Montréal, Canada Polytechnique Montréal, Canada Université de Montréal, Canada

Eva Barrena Algara Ryan Goodfellow Fei Qin

HEC Montréal, Canada Université McGill, Canada Université McGill, Canada

Didier Beloin-Saint-Pierre Mohamed Helwa Puduru Viswanadha Reddy

Polytechnique Montréal, Canada Université McGill, Canada HEC Montréal, Canada

Claire Bernard Arman C. Kizilkale Nazim Régnard

HEC Montréal, Canada Polytechnique Montréal, Canada Université de Montréal, Canada

Silvia Boiardi Hichem Klabi Nabila Remli

Polytechnique Montréal, Canada Université Laval, Canada Université Laval, Canada

Nicolas Bousquet Moussa Kounta Nevroz Sen

Université McGill, Canada Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada Université McGill, Canada

Hatice Çalik José Daniel López Barrientos Bastien Talgorn

HEC Montréal, Canada HEC Montréal, Canada Université McGill, Canada

Pierre-Luc Carpentier Wissem Maazoun Elena Tamayo-Mas

HEC Montréal, Canada HEC Montréal, Canada Université McGill, Canada

Wyean Chan Ilnur Minniakhmetov Duygu Tas

Université de Montréal, Canada Université McGill, Canada HEC Montréal, Canada

Iman Dayarian Luis Montiel Mehdi Towhidi

Polytechnique Montréal, Canada Université McGill, Canada Polytechnique Montréal, Canada

Franklin Djeumou Fomeni Crispin Mutshinda Nikola van Omme

Polytechnique Montréal, Canada HEC Montréal, Canada Polytechnique Montréal, Canada

Abdelalim Farag Jérémy Omer Alexandra van Wijk

Université de Montréal, Canada Polytechnique Montréal, Canada Université McGill, Canada

Ioannis Fragkos Cosmin Paduraru Binxin Wu

HEC Montréal, Canada Université McGill, Canada Université McGill, Canada

Luca G. Gianoli Diego Galindo Pecin Ray Zhang

Polytechnique Montréal, Canada Polytechnique Montréal, Canada Université McGill, Canada


Mohamed Ali Akari Alexandre Arsenault Abderrahman Bani

École Polytechnique de Tunisie, Tunisia Polytechnique Montréal, Canada École Nationale des Sciences appliquées de
Khouribga, Morocco
Ali Alnashashibi Laura Artigas Aranda
Université McGill, Canada Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain Melek Ben Othman
École Polytechnique de Tunisie, Tunisia
Sai Anirudh Kondaveeti Niels-Christian Bagger
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India Technical University of Denmark, Denmark




Radia Benheddi Fernando Kentaro Inaba Fabrice Nonez

HEC Montréal, Canada Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil École Polytechnique, France

Alexis Bretin Stéphane Jacquet Srinivasan Ramanagopal

Ecole des mines de Nantes, France Télécom SudParis, France Manikandasriram
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
Fatma Chaabene Elham Karimi
École Polytechnique de Tunisie, Tunisia Polytechnique Montréal, Canada Thomas Ridremont
Université Catholique de l’Ouest, France
Geoffroy Chevalier Sana Khelifi
École Polytechnique, France École Polytechnique de Tunisie, Tunisia Tristan Rigaut
ENSTA ParisTech, France
Pierre Courteille Babak Khorramabadi Zad
Université de Montpellier 2, France Polytechnique Montréal, Canada Vilmar Jefté Rodrigues De Sousa
Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
Anne-Sophie Crélot Nicholas Kwan-Wong
Université de Namur, Belgium University of Alberta, Canada Chérifa Sâadi
École Nationale des Sciences de l’Informatique,
Gauvin Devillez Louis Lallemand Tunisia
Université de Mons, Belgium AgroParisTech, France
Cherif Sellal
Frédéric Ebacher Quentin Laudereau Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier, France
Polytechnique Montréal, Canada Mines ParisTech, France
Akshita Sukhlecha
Amal Feriani Jules Lemonde-Trudeau Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India
École Polytechnique de Tunisie, Tunisia Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
Adil Tahir
Pierre Gabet Salah-Eddine Makhloufi Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
École Polytechnique, France ENSA Tanger, Morocco
Luca Trapin
Hadrien Godard Shazmane Mandjee IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy
ENSTA ParisTech, France Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Marjolein Veenstra
Olivier Godard Alexis Mocellin University of Groningen, the Netherlands
HEC Montréal, Canada École Polytechnique, France
Nha Vo-Thanh
Rachid Hassani Tamires Nascimento Pereira Université d’Anvers, Belgium
Polytechnique Montréal, Canada Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil
Anouar Zarroug
Ines Henchiri Moncef Ilies Nasri École Polytechnique de Tunisie, Tunisia
École Polytechnique de Tunisie, Tunisia Polytechnique Montréal, Canada


Benoît, Francine Girard, Pierre Logo, Edoh Liagros

Edition coordinator Analyst Micro-computer technician

Benraïs, Zahida Lavoie, Marilyne Michaud, Guillaume

Systems analysts Editorial technician Micro-computer technician

Dufour, Carole Lavoie-LeBlanc, Valérie Perreault, Marie

Administrative support coordinator Editorial technician Executive secretary




Ph.D. (26 graduated) Université de Montréal

Jena, Sanjay Dominik; Dynamic facility location with modular capacities:
HEC Montréal Models, algorithms and applications in forestry, 09/2009-09/2014,
Department of Computer Science and Operations Research, B. Gendron,
Sebri, Mouna; Store brand’s performance: A cross-country and a cross- J.-F .Cordeau
category analysis, 09/2008-01/2015, Department of Decision Sciences,
administration, G. Zaccour Simard, Clarence; Modélisation de la liquidité et stratégies de couvertures,
09/2010-12/2014, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, B. Rémillard

Polytechnique Montréal
Université Concordia
Azarfar, Arash; Employing cross layer mechanisms to provide
differentiated relibaility in cognitive radio networks, 01/2009-06/2014, Hoang, Hai Anh; Scalable column generation models and algorithms for
Department of Electrical Engineering, B. Sansò, J.-F. Frigon optical network planning problems, 01/2008-08/2014, Department of
Computer Science & Software Engineering, B. Jaumard
Bellemare, Jocelyn; Variables stratégiques fondamentales et cardinalité
nécessaires au vêtement sur-mesure de masse pour hommes, 01/2008-
12/2014, Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, P. Baptiste, Université McGill
S. Carrier
Goodfellow, Ryan; Stochastic programming forlarge scale global mine
Boiardi, Silvia; Radio planning and management of energy-efficient optimization, 09/2009-08/2014, Department of Mining and Materials
wireless access networks, 01/2011-07/2014, Department of Electrical Engineering, R. Dimitrakopoulos
Engineering, B. Sansò, A. Capone
Jahanbani Ardakani, Ali; Rapid and robust identification of umbrella
Bolouki, Sadegh; Linear consensus algorithms: structural properties contingencies in large power systems, 02/2011-11/2014, Department of
and connections with Markov chains, 08/2009-09/2014, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, F. Bouffard
Electrical Engineering, R.P. Malhamé
Laekhanukit, Bundit; Inapproximability of combinatorial problems in
Gianoli, Luca G.; Energy-Aware Traffic Engineering for Wired IP Networks, subexponential-time, 09/2010-08/2014, School of Computer Science, A. Vetta
01/2011-07/2014, Department of Electrical Engineering, B. Sansò
Montiel, Luis; On globally optimizing a mining complex under supply
Hoang, Lê Nguyên; Conception bayésienne de mécanismes et quantification uncertainty: Integrating components from deposits to transportation
de l’équité appliquées à la construction d’horaires personnalisés, 01/2012- systems, 09/2009-08/2014, Department of Mining and Materials
01/2015, Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, F. Soumis, Engineering, R. Dimitrakopoulos
G. Zaccour
Nikoofal, Mohammad Ebrahim; Risk management under information
Hosseinalifam, Morad; A mathematical programming framework for asymmetry: Applications in supply disruption, 09/2009-08/2014, Desautels
network capacity control in customer choice-based revenue management, Faculty of Management , M. Gumus
09/2009-08/2014, Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering,
G. Savard
Autres universités
Lasalle-Ialongo, David; Problème d’affectation des types d’avion aux vols :
optimisation robuste et intégration de la demande de passagers, 08/2008- de los Santos, Alicia; Rapid transit network design and line planning,
11/2014, Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, 06/2008-11/2014, University of Sevilla, Spain, J.A. Mesa, G. Laporte
G. Desaulniers
Fiorotto, Diego; Hybrid solution methods for the parallel machine lot
Lauzon, Alexandre Jean; Modèle d’aide à la conception de système sizing problem, 10/2013, 09/2014, Universidade Estadual Paulista «Júlio
d’entreposage pour le milieu hospitalier québécois, 01/2008-12/2014, de Mesquita Filho» (UNESP), Brazil, S.A. de Araujo, R. Jans
Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, D. Riopel
Grothe, Michael; The impact of market structure on innovation incentives,
Li, Xingliang; MIMO communications with dynamic radiation pattern 09/2009-10/2014, Bielefeld University, Germany, H. Dawid, G. Zaccour
diversity, 09/2007-04/2015, Department of Electrical Engineering, J.-F. Frigon

Maazoun, Wissem; Conception et analyse d’un système d’optimisation

de plans de vol pour les avions, 01/2009-04/2015, Department of
Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, F. Soumis, A. Saucier, S. Dufour M.Sc. (83 graduated)
Perea-Vega, Diego Enrique; Resource allocation algorithms for MIMO-
OFDMA networks, 06/2007-06/2014, Department of Electrical Engineering, HEC Montréal
J.-F. Frigon, A. Girard
Abdellilah, Nafia; Exploitation informatique de données financières de
Riquelme-Rodríguez, Juan-Pablo; Le problème périodique de tournées
marché, 06/2013-08/2014, Department of Decision Sciences, option
sur les arcs avec contraintes de capacité et de gestion de stocks, 09/2010-
ingénierie financière, H. Ben-Ameur
06/2014, Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, M. Gamache,
A. Langevin Abdul-Menhem, Hesham; Prévision de faillite : ratios bruts versus ratios
relatifs, 06/2012-08/2014, Department of Decision Sciences, option
Vakilian, Vida; Mimo communication systems with reconfigurable antennas,
ingénierie financière, H. Ben-Ameur
06/2009-06/2014, Department of Electrical Engineering, J.-F. Frigon



Ammari, Abderrahim; Optimisation de processus de remplissage des Mensah, Hervé; Les techniques d’exploitation de données (Data Mining)
bacs au mezzanine du centre de distribution de Boucherville de Rona inc, à l’aide du logiciel R, 09/2012-07/2014, Department of Decision Sciences,
08/2012-10/2014, Department of Decision Sciences, option méthodes option intelligence d’affaires, F. Bellavance
analytiques de gestion, S. Perron
Munteanu, Andrei; Beating the house: Exploiting inefficiencies in the
Assaf, Lynn; Forecasting model for PW100 engines aftermarket demand, major league baseball betting market, 09/2012-03/2015, Department of
09/2012-02/2015, Department of Decision Sciences, option intelligence Decision Sciences, option ingénierie financière, D.J. Dupuis
d’affaires, F. Bellavance
Padjip, Yannick; Analyse du comportement des clients prépayés de MTN
Beaulieu, Vincent; Développement d’un modèle de prévision des résultats Cameroon, 12/2014-01/2015, Department of Decision Sciences, option
des matchs de hockey de la LNH, 12/2014-04/2015, Department of intelligence d’affaires, D. Larocque
Decision Sciences, option intelligence d’affaires, D. Larocque
Papineau, Simon; Prévision de la demande de maintenance de moteurs
Ben Mustapha, Fatma Khadija; Integration of competitiveness indicators d’avion, 09/2012-05/2015, Department of Decision Sciences, option
in the modeling of international logistics networks, 01/2013-09/2014, méthodes analytiques de gestion, F. Bellavance
Department of Logistics and Operations Management, J.-F. Cordeau
Peyrol, Fabien; Une méthodologie de prise de décision pour la
Chaudru de Raynal, Sophie; Rendement total, 09/2014-12/2014, Départe- délocalisation en logistique internationale, 05/2011-04/2015, Department
ment de sciences de la décision, option ingénierie financière, M. Denault of Logistics and Operations Management, J.-F. Cordeau

Chouinard, Jean- François; Prévision du désabonnement chez Desjardins, Rachdi, Fatiha; L’impact des junkets sur la performance financière
10/2013-09/2014, Department of Decision Sciences, option intelligence des films, 05/2014-01/2015, Department of Decision Sciences, option
d’affaires, D. Larocque intelligence d’affaires, D. Larocque

Desnoyers, Guillaume; Projet dirigé en entreprise à PSP Investments, Reisi, Noushin; Le secteur résidentiel au Canada : analyses avec le modèle
09/2013-01/2015, Department of Decision Sciences, option ingénierie TIMES-Canada, 09/2010-03/2015, Department of Decision Sciences,
financière, G. Gauthier option méthodes analytiques de gestion, O. Bahn, J.-P. Waaub

Duranceau-Desmarais, Vincent; Évaluation de la prime à terme des taux Saboonchi, Behnoosh; Analysis of the evolution of the scientific
d’intérêts, 09/2012-12/2014, Department of Decision Sciences, option collaboration among the HEC Montréal professors, 08/2011-07/2014,
ingénierie financière, B. Rémillard Department of Decision Sciences, option méthodes analytiques de gestion,
G. Caporossi, P. Hansen
Dussarat, Mélanie; Analyse comparative de la performance d’indices
boursiers islamiques et conventionnels, 09/2012-06/2014, Department Saucedo-Prado, Luis-Lenin; Symmetry breaking in MIP models applied
of Decision Sciences, option ingénierie financière, B. Rémillard to logistics and production problems, 09/2012-10/2014, Department of
Logistics and Operations Management, R. Jans
Eyitayo, Mohamed Moufid; Approche de théorie des jeux pour l’analyse
des systèmes de paiement interbancaires, 09/2007-06/2014, Department St-Amand, Nicolas; Developping optimal churn models in video games,
of Decision Sciences, option ingénierie financière, M. Breton 04/2014-02/2015, Department of Decision Sciences, option intelligence
d’affaires, M. Fredette
Guennouni, Ahmed; Analyse des stratégies de fidélisation, 06/2014-
02/2015, Department of Decision Sciences, option intelligence d’affaires, Tabet, Nassim; Studying injury risks for apprentices in low-skilled jobs,
D. Larocque 11/2013-12/2014, Department of Decision Sciences, option intelligence
d’affaires, M. Fredette
Hedroug, Amine; Création d’un entrepôt de données sur le prix des
produits pétroliers raffinés au Québec, 05/2014-02/2015, Department of Tran, Quang-Khoi; Erreur de modèle en risque de crédit, 06/2013-
Decision Sciences, option intelligence d’affaires, D. Larocque 08/2014, Department of Decision Sciences, option ingénierie financière,
H. Ben-Ameur
Irie Bi Tiesse, Théophile; Développement d’un modèle stochastique tenant
compte de la corrélation spatiale pour le rayonnement solaire au Canada, Vrabii, Alexandru; Analyse de la distribution des produits alimentaires à
07/2013-08/2014, Department of Decision Sciences, option méthodes domicile: le cas de Montréal, 08/2012-10/2014, Department of Logistics
analytiques de gestion, J.-F. Plante and Operations Management, J.-F. Cordeau

Juste, Marie-Emmanuelle; Modèle de prévision des prix horaires de l’électricité Yanni, Imad; L’influence des indicateurs d’efficience et d’efficacité
dans plusieurs marchés nord-américains, 09/2014-12/2014, Department of dans le partage de services entre municipalités ontariennes, 09/2012-
Decision Sciences, option ingénierie financière, M. Denault 06/2014, Department of Decision Sciences, option intelligence d’affaires,
F. Bellavance
Kubler, Lisa; Identifier des KPI et créer des tableaux de bord pour
comprendre le trafic internet d’un site web d’une université canadienne, Zhong, Qihua; Two-level lot sizing with an emission constraint, 06/2013-
01/2014-09/2014, Department of Decision Sciences, option intelligence 10/2014, Department of Logistics and Operations Management, R. Jans,
d’affaires, M. Fredette O. Jabali

Labrecque, Jonathan; Développement de mesures pour l’analyse de

sentiments en text mining, 03/2013-04/2015, Department of Decision Polytechnique Montréal
Sciences, option intelligence d’affaires, G. Caporossi
Assari, Chakir; Classification de mots-clés des campagnes publicitaires
Legendre-Bilodeau, Sarah; Analyse de l’efficacité des succursales d’une sur les moteurs de recherche et calcul de prévisions, 03/2014-08/2014,
institution financière, 09/2012-12/2014, Department of Decision Sciences, Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, M. Gamache,
option intelligence d’affaires, M. Fredette L.-D. Adjengue
Marcil, Alexandra; Effet de l’abaissement du taux d’alcoolémie à 0,05% Berthelemot, Antoine; Control over AFDX networks, 01/2013-07/2014,
assorti de mesures administratives sur les accidents routiers mortels liés Department of Electrical Engineering, J. Le Ny
à l’alcool au Canada, 09/2013-02/2015, Department of Decision Sciences,
option intelligence d’affaires, F. Bellavance Carpentier, Sabrina; Planification stratégique d’une mine souterraine en
tenant compte de l’incertitude géologique, 09/2012-04/2015, Department
of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, M. Gamache, R. Dimitrakopoulos



D’Auteuil, Thierry; Analyse et recommandations de la chaîne logistique Université McGill

des fournitures médicales, 09/2011-12/2014, Department of Mathematics
and Industrial Engineering, D. Riopel Anbalagan, Yogesh; Approximate well supported Nash equilibria in win-
lose bimatrix games, 09/2012-07/2014, Department of Mathematics and
Dailleux, Eddy; Performance analysis of 60 GHz MIMO communication Statistics, A. Vetta
system, 09/2012-04/2015, Department of Electrical Engineering, J.-F. Frigon,
S.O. Tatu Côté, Marie-Pier; Copula-based risk aggregation modelling, 09/2012-
06/2014, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, C. Genest
Froger, Camille; Mise à jour des horaires de personnel travaillant sur des
quarts, 09/2013-05/2015, Department of Mathematics and Industrial De Freitas Silva, Mario; High-order simulations for categorical variables,
Engineering, F. Soumis, G. Desaulniers, B. Tachefine 06/2012-08/2014, Department of Mining and Materials Engineering,
R. Dimitrakopoulos
Hakim, Mary Helmy Fawzy Hanna; Jitter evaluation in networks, 11/2013-
09/2014, Department of Electrical Engineering, B. Sansò Del Castillo, Fernanda; Joint effect ofcommodity price and geological
uncertainty over the life of mine and ultimatepit limit, 09/2012-08/2014,
Ihaddadene, Amina; Algorithme de recherche directe pour l’optimisation Department of Mining and Materials Engineering, R. Dimitrakopoulos
robuste de fonctions bruitées, 05/2013-12/2014, Department of
Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, C. Audet, S. Le Digabel Grebennikov, Ievgenii; Moment-based estimation of dependence
parameters in copula models for discrete data, 09/2013-08/2014,
Jaoua, Mehdi; Algorithme de recherche Tabou pour la planification Department of Mathematics and Statistics, C. Genest
optimale d’une campagne marketing sur les moteurs de recherche,
01/2012-08/2014, Department of Mathematics and Industrial Hu, Huining; Randomized experimental design for casual graph discovery,
Engineering, M. Gamache, A. Hertz 09/2011-01/2015, School of Computer Science, A. Vetta
Kermanshahi, Farnaz; Vision-guided path planning for a quadrotor, 01/2012- Joyanes, Antonio; Vertical integration in the chemical industry: Growing
12/2014, Department of Electrical Engineering, J. Le Ny, D. Saussié alone or with others, 09/2013-08/2014, Desautels Faculty of Management,
T. Boyaci
Leuliet, Alexandre; Nouvelles coupes pour le problème de tournées de
véhicule avec demandes stochastiques, 01/2013-12/2014, Department of Mannan, Mehnaz; Finite-state approximation for a class of POMDPs and
Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, G. Desaulniers, W. Rei, O. Jabali comparison of reinforcement learning algorithms for managing energy
storage in renewable generation, 01/2013-01/2015, Department of
Mohammady, Meisam; Differentially pricate event stream filtering with Electrical and Computer Engineering, A. Mahajan
an application to traffic estimation, 05/2013-04/2015, Department of
Electrical Engineering, J. Le Ny Nogueira Teixeira; Murilo, Application of multiple-point simulation of
mineral deposits based on discrete wavelet transform, 06/2012-09/2014,
Mouret, Geoffroy; No-mean clustering algorithm, 09/2012-12/2014, Department of Mining and Materials Engineering, R. Dimitrakopoulos
Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, V. Partovi Nia,
J.-J. Brault Prokopiou, Prokopis; Dynamic programming, machine learning and mean
field control, 09/2012-08/2014, Department of Electrical and Computer
Mousavilar, Fatemeh; Visual servoing for a quadrotor, 01/2012-12/2014, Engineering, P.E. Caines, A. Mahajan
Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, D. Saussié, J. Le Ny
Saadeh, Omar; Decentralized automatic economic dispatch in grid-
Munezero, Emelyne; Une heuristique en deux phases pour la confection connected and autonomous microgrids, 01/2012-10/2014, Department of
d’horaires de personnel avec transferts inter-départementaux d’employés, Electrical and Computer Engineering, F. Bouffard, G. Joós
05/2012- 12/2014, Department of Mathematics and Industrial
Engineering, G. Desaulniers, C. Contardo Sell, Maiko; Application of highorder simulation with continuous TIs,
01/2011-08/2014, Department of Mining and Materials Engineering,
Nguyen, Alessandro Q.T.; Titre à déterminer, 09/2014-03/2015, R. Dimitrakopoulos
Department of Electrical Engineering, B. Sansò
Senécal, Renaud; Production scheduling with multiple processing
Renamy, Farah; Processus logistique chez Pikiw, 09/2012-04/2015, streams flow, 12/2013-05/2015, Department of Mining and Materials
Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, D. Riopel Engineering, R. Dimitrakopoulos
Ruel, Julie; Analyse des besoins en fournitures médicales, 05/2012- Spleit, Michael; Stochastic long- termProduction scheduling of the LabMag
01/2015, Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, D. Riopel iron ore deposit, Labrador, Canada, 09/2012-08/2014, Department of
Sauvé, Frédéric; Optimisation de la gestion des fournitures médicales Mining and Materials Engineering, R. Dimitrakopoulos
pour les soins à domicile du CSSS-IUGS, 05/2012-08/2014, Department Villalba Matamoros, Martha E.; Integrating short and long term
of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, D. Riopel scheduling in iron ore deposits, 09/2011-08/2014, Department of Mining
Willame, Alexandre; Séquencement de primitives pour la synthèse de and Materials Engineering, R. Dimitrakopoulos
mouvements naturels en robotique, 01/2013-12/2014, Department of
Electrical Engineering, J. Le Ny, R. Gourdeau, D. Saussié
Autres Universités

Université du Québec à Montréal Aissaoui, Sidi Allal; Inference on the dependence parameters of bivariate
Skellam distributions of the first and second kind, 09/2013-12/2014,
Chraiti, Mohaned; MIMO cooperative links in cognitive networks, 09/2012- Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada, M. Mesfioui, C. Genest
06/2014, Department of Computer Sciences, W. Ajib, J.-F. Frigon Alghamdi, Amal; Managing clinical handover processes for cardiology
Niass, Fatima Amath; Évaluation d’options européennes avec le modèle patients using business process management, 01/2012-12/2014,
de corrélation stochastique Wishart, 01/2015-05/2015, Department of Université d’Ottawa, Canada, S. Ben Amor
Mathematics, F. Watier Amrhein, Lisa; German weather data modeling using multivariate
Sall, Seydo; Trajectoires de qualité de vie des patients atteints du cancer extreme-value theory, 01/2014-12/2014, Technische Universität
tête et cou, 01/2012-05/2015, Department of Mathematics, B. MacGibbon, München, Germany, M. Scherer, C. Genest
J. Atherton



Boujneh, Ayoub; Méthodes d’évaluation des options américaines,

02/2014-06/2014, École Polytechnique de Tunisie, Tunisia, M. Breton

Bouzid, Mohamed Amine; Changements de régime non observables:

application à l’évaluation de fonds distincts, 02/2014-06/2014, École
Polytechnique de Tunisie, Tunisia, M. Breton

Cho, Byung Yun, Gestion et optimisation de tournées de véhicules avec

enjeux médicaux, 09/2012-05/2015, École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Lausanne, Switzerland, N. Zufferey

Devito, Alessio, Blow and injection molding technologies in the world of

Procter & Gamble purchasing organization, 09/2013-05/2015, Université
de Genève, Switzerland, N. Zufferey

Hailer, Erik, Control-theoretic security mechanisms against GPS spoofing

attacks, 01/2011-06/2014, University of Stuttgart, Germany, J. Le Ny

Magnet, Laurent, Planification opérationnelle et en temps réel

des interventions des techniciens ERDF, 09/2013-05/2015, École
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, N. Zufferey

Wattez, Adrien, Simulation de fluides, approche lagrangienne, 01/2012-

11/2014, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada, R. Egli, J.-P. Dussault, F. Colin

Fast-tracking to a doctorate
Amaioua, Nadir; Improvements of the use of quadratic models in the
NOMAD software package, M.Sc., Polytechnique Montréal – Department
of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, 01/2013-09/2014, S. Le

Bingane, Christian, Semidefinite programming approach for the optimal

power flow problem, M.Sc., Polytechnique Montréal – Department of
Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, 01/2014, 12/2014, M.F. Anjos,
S. Le Digabel

Campeau, Louis-Pierre, Optimisation de la planification à court terme

à la mine Westwood, M.Sc., Polytechnique Montréal – Department of
Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, 09/2013, 01/2015, M. Gamache

Jacquet, Stéphane, Techniques de classification pour contraintes binaires

en optimisation de boites noires, M.Sc., Polytechnique Montréal –
Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, 09/2014,
04/2015, C. Audet, G. Caporossi




GERAD members are currently supervising 177 Ph.D. students and 174 M.Sc. students.

HEC Montréal (Total: 72 M.Sc. & 33 Ph.D.) Business Intelligence specialization

Azmi, Youssouf; Caractéristiques des collisions des conducteurs âgés,
Department of Decision Sciences M.Sc., 09/2011, F. Bellavance

Bastarache-Roberge, Marie-Christine; FLOW forecasting during multi

Financial Engineering specialization player video games using physiological data, M.Sc., 07/2014, M. Fredette
Abdul-Baki, Youssef; Reducing risks without losing accuracy in portfolio Benoit, Ghislain; Algorithmes de détection de communautés dans un
selection problems, M.Sc., 10/2014, E. Delage réseau, M.Sc., 05/2014, G. Caporossi, S. Perron
Aouad, Tarik; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 09/2013, G. Gauthier Boivin, Virginie; Étude des plans financiers personnalisés dans une
Bazier-Matte, Thierry; Big data portfolio selection problem, M.Sc., 01/2015, institution financière, M.Sc., 05/2015, D. Larocque, J.-F. Plante
E. Delage Boubezari, Sarah; Développement de stratégie de A/B Testing pour les
Bizier, Anne-Marie, Model based Monte Carlo pricing of energy and applications mobiles, M.Sc., 01/2014, M. Fredette
temperature Quanto options, M.Sc., 09/2012, D.J. Dupuis Daneau, Olivier; Intégration de l’outil statistique R à la solution d’affaire
Boujneh, Ayoub; Méthodes numériques, M.Sc., 01/2015, M. Breton de l’équipe de modélisation et développement analytique à la Caisse de
dépôt et placement du Québec, M.Sc., 04/2015, J.-F. Plante
Caccia, Massimo; Réplication optimale pour des options basées sur des
modèles autorégressifs avec changements de régime, M.Sc., 09/2014, Débordès, Jean-Baptiste; Combining ROC curve with adaptively weighted
B. Rémillard estimates of the marginals, M.Sc., 01/2014, J.-F. Plante

Charifi, Oussama; Projet dirigé en entreprise (Aon Hewitt). Simulateur de Devienne, Benjamin; Optimisation des stratégies en jeux vidéos en ligne,
scénarios économiques, M.Sc., 09/2013, G. Gauthier M.Sc., 08/2013, G. Caporossi

Chbani, Jean-Sébastien; Estimation of the GARCH-Lévy model with an Doiron, Frédéric; Détection de communautés dans un graphe : Étude du
application to commodities derivatives, M.Sc., 09/2013, G. Gauthier, critère de la densité de modularité, M.Sc., 05/2013, S. Perron, P. Hansen
M. Boudreault Gélinas, Sophie; Segmentation de la clientèle et des donateurs du musée
Child-Cortes, Natalia; Modélisation de la dette corporative, M.Sc., des beaux-arts, M.Sc., 09/2013, F. Bellavance
09/2014, Breton, M. Grigny, Océane; Segmentation et développement d’un modèle prédictif
Day Michaud, Jean-Philippe; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 01/2014, G. Gauthier dans le commerce de détail en fonction de la saisonnalité, M.Sc., 05/2015,
D. Larocque
Dyotte-Cournoyer, Guillaume; Projet dirigé en entreprise chez Rio Tinto
Alcan, M.Sc., 09/2013, G. Gauthier Houenoussi, Jade; Optimisation des tableaux de bord chez La Presse,
M.Sc., 05/2015, D. Larocque
Fortin, Jean-François; Gestion robuste d’un portefeuille avec produits
dérivés, M.Sc., 09/2011, E. Delage Jabir, Mohamed; Imputation des valeurs manquantes dans la base de
données nationale des collisions, M.Sc., 01/2009, F. Bellavance
Garant, Yves; Couverture de produits dérivés sur matières premières,
M.Sc., 09/2012, B. Rémillard Larocque, Maxime; On the statistical properties of criteria for variable
selection in genetic algorithms, M.Sc., 01/2014, J.-F. Plante
Lemieux-Ouellette, Simon; Analyse de la performance des fonds négociés
en bourse, M.Sc., 09/2014, B. Rémillard Le, Nguyet Minh; Segmentation de la clientèle d’un détaillant majeur de
produits optiques, M.Sc., 09/2012, M. Fredette
Léveillé, Nicolas; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 05/2015, M. Denault
Mack, Claudia; Modélisation du churn dans les entreprises de télécom-
Olivier-Meunier, Jean-Philippe; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 09/2013, munications, M.Sc., 09/2013, M. Fredette
M. Denault
Mallette, Jean-Philippe; Insight from the top 2 000 mobile games found
Painchaud, Guillaume; Un modèle hybride en prévision de faillite in the Apple store, M.Sc., 05/2015, D. Larocque
corporative, M.Sc., 05/2014, H. Ben-Ameur
Mathieu, Louis-Philippe; Analyse de l’influence du canal web sur les
Viau, Edith; Couverture dynamique, M.Sc., 09/2014, M. Breton ventes du canal traditionnel, M.Sc., 05/2015, D. Larocque

Yu, Qing; Évaluation d’options américaines pour des processus de Lévy, McDonald, William; Prédiction de l’attrition des clients d’une agence
M.Sc., 09/2014, B. Rémillard de voyage pour des voyages de groupes d’écoliers, M.Sc., 09/2013,
F. Bellavance
Zarmair, Kyle; Projet dirigé en entreprise à la Fédérations des caisses
Desjardins, M.Sc., 09/2013, G. Gauthier Ouellet, Nicholas; Segmentation des donateurs à HEC Montréal, M.Sc.,
05/2015, D. Larocque

Sid’Ahmed, Hakim; Analyse et prédiction de la rétention de la clientèle

dans le domaine des jeux en ligne, M.Sc., 01/2010, M. Fredette



Slama, Mohamed-Fadhel; Prédictions mensuelles et annuelles du nombre Alcocer-Morales, Yuri-Ernesto; The canadian oil sector under TIMES-
de réparations de moteurs d’avion, M.Sc., 09/2013, F. Bellavance Canada. Extraction, transportation and refining, Ph.D., 01/2007, O. Bahn,
J.-P. Waaub
Radi, Youssef; Analyse et segmentation des abonnés de la revue XX
(confidentiel), M.Sc., 05/2015, D. Dantas, D. Larocque Ardestani Jaafari, Amir; Price of robustness in inventory and location
problems, Ph.D., 01/2012, M. Breton, E. Delage
Terrab, Badr; Determination of the optimal multi-channel modelling for
electronic conversion, M.Sc., 04/2015, M. Fredette Baccouche, Marouen; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 05/2014, C. Labbé,
J.-F. Renaud
Tiomo Demanou, Dieunedort; Téléphone mobile au volant et risque
d’accident : devis cas chassé-croisé et correction du biais dû à la déclaration Bégin, Jean-François; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 09/2012, G. Gauthier
inexacte de l’heure de l’accident, M.Sc., 09/2011, F. Bellavance
Ben-Abdellatif, Malek; Un programme dynamique pour l’évaluation
Vallée, Jonathan; Établissement de modèles prédictifs pour le d’obligations corporatives dans un modèle structurel multidimensionnel,
comportement d’internautes à l’aide de données occulométrique, M.Sc., Ph.D., 03/2010, B. Rémillard, H. Ben-Ameur
09/2013, M. Fredette
Chérif, Rim; Un programme dynamique pour l’évaluation d’obligations
Zerguini, Ghislene; Mise en place d’un système de maintenance prédictive corporatives dans un modèle structurel avec sauts, Ph.D., 05/2010, H. Ben-
dans le cas d’un système d’aération institutionnel, M.Sc., 01/2015, Ameur, B. Rémillard
J.-F. Plante, D. Larocque
Dahmouni, Ilyass; Dynamic games in fisheries, Ph.D., 01/2012, G. Zaccour
Zoure, Inès; Social network mining, M.Sc., 05/2015, D. Larocque
Debia, Sébastien; Strategic Interactions in Power Markets, Ph.D., 01/2012,
G. Zaccour, P.-O. Pineau
Global Supply Chain Management specialization
Garrab, Samar; Stabilité des accords environnementaux, Ph.D., 09/2009,
Dehghani, Fatemeh; Dynamic vehicle routing with consumption patterns, M. Breton
M.Sc., 09/2013, G. Laporte, O. Jabali
Gauthier, Jean-Bertrand; Primal algorithms for degenerate linear and
Sinclair, Karine; La récupération des opérations dans le transport aérien, network flow problems, Ph.D., 01/2011, J. Desrosiers
Ph.D., 09/2007, G. Laporte, J.-F. Cordeau
Guesmi, Sahar; Assurance et gestion des risques, Ph.D., 01/2014, H. Ben-
Vahabpour, Mona; Exploring avenues for potential improvement in Ameur, M. Breton
medical supply distribution, M.Sc., 06/2013, G. Caporossi
Janssens, Gert Investment dynamics, Ph.D., 09/2010, G. Zaccour

Joly, Louis-Philippe; Caractérisation de la solution du problème d’optimi-

Business Analytics specialization sation d’utilité avec contraintes convexes, Ph.D., 09/2007, C. Labbé,
Baudouin, Antoine; Développement et implantation d’un algorithme B. Rémillard
de recherche à voisinage variable pour le problème de localisation de Kanani Kuchesfehani, Elnaz; Essays in dynamic games played over event
franchises, M.Sc., 04/2015, G. Caporossi, S. Perron trees, Ph.D., 09/2011, G. Zaccour
Blanquart, Adrien; Conception d’une base de données et d’indicateurs de Khribi, Lotfi; Efficacité des lois a priori maximisant l’entropie sur la prévision
gestion et création d’un tableau de bord, M.Sc., 09/2013, F. Bellavance d’événements récurrents, Ph.D., 01/2008, M. Fredette, B. MacGibbon
Correc, Anaïs; Comparaison d’algorithmes de détection de communautés Kpodjedo, Florent; Risque de crédit dans le domaine de l’assurance,
dynamiques dans les réseaux évolutifs, M.Sc., 08/2013, S. Perron, G. Caporossi Ph.D., 01/2008, M. Breton, B. Rémillard
Gagnon, Jeanne; Réoptimisation sous contraintes d’une trajectoire sur une Lamarre, Hugo; Using extreme value analysis to improve dynamic hedging
grille 3D par algorithme de plus court chemin, M.Sc., 08/2013, S. Perron, and the pricing of options, Ph.D., 01/2013, D.J. Dupuis, B. Rémillard
S. Dufour
Marzouk, Oussama; Risque de contrepartie et gestion des garanties,
Gagnon, Philippe; Algorithmes parallèles et applications en analyse de Ph.D., 09/2013, M. Breton
réseaux complexes, M.Sc., 03/2015, G. Caporossi, S. Perron
Mathlouthi, Walid; Développement d’arbres de régression pour processus
Jeanbart, Karl; Étude de l’impact de différentes transformations majeures de Poisson, Ph.D., 09/2008, D. Larocque, M. Fredette
des modes de consommation d’énergie sur le secteur énergétique québécois
à l’aide du modèle NATEM, M.Sc., 02/2015, O. Bahn, P.-O. Pineau Mirzapour, Hossein; Comportement stratégique dans le secteur de
l’énergie, Ph.D., 09/2010, M. Breton
Osseyi, Edem; Analyse de la fluctuation du prix de l’essence ordinaire au
Québec, M.Sc., 01/2014, J.-F. Plante, P.-O. Pineau Moradian, Hoora; Les arbres de régression et de classification pour
l’analyse de survie, Ph.D., 09/2011, D. Larocque, F. Bellavance
Pelletier, Samuel; Green vehicle routing, M.Sc., 01/2015, G. Laporte,
Jabali, O Ndoye, Mbaye; Tarification de produits dérivés financiers, Ph.D.,
09/2010, M. Breton
Rivest, Robin; Robustesse de la mesure et de l’agrégation des préférences
en aide à la décision multi- critères avec la méthode AHP, M.Sc., 06/2013, Oubraham, Aichouche; Jeux dynamiques en environnement et gestion
E. Delage des ressources naturelles, Ph.D., 08/2014, G. Zaccour
Zhuang, Yiming; The measurement of cost effects in component Pourkalbassi, Farhad; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 09/2013, G. Gauthier
commonality, M.Sc., 08/2014, R. Jans
Roy, Marie-Hélène; High-dimensional variable selection and mixture
models, Ph.D., 01/2012, D.J. Dupuis, D. Larocque
Siliadin, Axel Yaovi Gassesse; Méthodes numériques d’évaluation de
Akari, Mohamed Ali; Finance mathématique, Ph.D., 01/2015, M. Breton produits multidimensionels, Ph.D., 09/2012, M. Breton

Wu, Si-Yang; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 05/2010, M. Denault



Department of Logistics and Operations Management Ahmed Bouh, Moustapha; Sélection des équipements statiques et des
équipements dynamiques de l’entrepôt, Ph.D., 09/2014, D. Riopel
Beauge-Malenfant, Anne-Sophie; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 05/2015,
R. Jans Alijani, Shahrzad; Stratégie de gestion des retours des conteneurs de
l’internet physique, M.Sc., 09/2013, D. Riopel
Birem, Sami; Évaluation des coûts liés à la reconfiguration d’un centre
de distribution afin de l’adapter à la saisonnalité des produits, M.Sc., Altinakar, Sivan; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 09/2008, A. Hertz, G. Caporossi
05/2015, J.-F. Cordeau Amaioua, Nadir; Improvements of the use of quadratic models in the
Boulos, Lorraine; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 05/2015, R. Jans, H. Giroux NOMAD software package, Ph.D., 09/2014, S. Le Digabel, C. Audet

Chitsaz, Masoud; Assembly inventory routing problems, Ph.D., 09/2014, Ardila Agredo, Andrés Yahir; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 09/2013, D. Riopel
J.-F. Cordeau, R. Jans Arreckx, Sylvain; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 09/2009, D. Orban
Laurainne, Pauline; Optimisation de la planification des séances de chimio- Attia, Dalia; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 04/2015, F. Soumis
thérapie ambulatoire au CHU de Strasbourg, M.Sc., 01/2015, J.-F. Cordeau,
M.-H. Jobin Azeuli Nkamegni, Koukla; Attribution optimale de poids sur les divers
événements d’une campagne marketing sur Internet, Ph.D., 09/2012,
Liu, Jingshu; The one-warehouse multi-retailer problem with a rolling M. Gamache, A. Hertz
horizon emission constraint, M.Sc., 04/2015, R. Jans
Baatour, Sana; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 01/2014, D. Riopel
Martinez, Julian; Distribution Network Optimization, M.Sc., 03/2014,
J.-F. Cordeau, R. Jans Barbier, Thibault; Approche par simulation pour la gestion des revenus
dans le domaine aérien, Ph.D., 06/2014, M.F. Anjos, G. Savard
Nguyen, Ngoc-Thuy-Chau; Interaction among costs in different lot sizing
problems with substitution, M.Sc., 08/2014, R. Jans Barris, Nicolas; Optimal control strategies for electricity production in
isolated sites, M.Sc., 01/2014, M.F. Anjos
Nie, Mengyu; How trade policy shocks affect global value chains, M.Sc.,
02/2014, R. Jans, A. Van Assche Barros, Breno; Logistique verte, Ph.D., 09/2013, P. Baptiste, M. Gendreau
Ouellet, Alexandre; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 05/2015, R. Jans Bécotte-Boutin, Hélène-Sarah; Visualisation et analyse des données
d’écriture, Ph.D., 09/2012, A. Hertz, G. Caporossi
Thibodeau, David; Conception de réseau de distribution multi-modal,
M.Sc., 05/2015, J.-F. Cordeau Ben Nasr, Moatez; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 09/2012, F. Soumis
Valcarcel, Yasser; Problèmes de production et tournées de véhicules avec Bingane, Christian; Semidefinite programming approach for the optimal
plusieurs produits, Ph.D., 09/2014, J.-F. Cordeau, R. Jans power flow problem, Ph.D., 01/2015, S. Le Digabel, M.F. Anjos
Wang, Hui; Environmental aspects in supply chain design, M.Sc., Bouarab, Hocine; Quelques aspects de la dégénérescence dans un contexte
03/2014, J.-F. Cordeau, O. Jabali de génération de colonnes, Ph.D., 05/2011, G. Desaulniers, J. Desrosiers
Zengue, Maximin; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 05/2015, R. Jans Brika, Zeyneb; Méthode optimale et stratégies de résolution pour le
problème de planification stratégique (mine New Millenium), Ph.D.,
09/2013, M. Gamache
Department of Marketing
Campeau, Louis-Pierre; Optimisation de la planification à court et moyen
Lamarre, Hugo; Développement d’un modèle explicatif de l’écart de prix terme dans une mine souterraine, Ph.D., 01/2015, M. Gamache
entre les versions tangibles et digitales d’un produit : Cas du marché des
livres, M.Sc., 09/2013, S. Taboubi, D. Dantas Cherkaoui, Kaouthar; Planification hiérarchique de Étudiante projets
d’ingénierie, Ph.D., 09/2011, P. Baptiste, R. Pellerin
Shaker, Hameed; Investigating reference price formation during online
shopping experience, Ph.D., 01/2013, S. Sénécal, S. Taboubi Cherkesly, Marilène; Le problème de tournées de véhicules avec
cueillettes, livraisons, fenêtres de temps et contraintes de manutention,
Ph.D., 05/2011, G. Desaulniers, G. Laporte

Chtita, Fadwa; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 09/2014, P. Baptiste, R. Pellerin

Polytechnique Montréal (Total: 42 M.Sc. & 63 Ph.D.) David, Alexandre; Optimisation de l’affection des produits aux
emplacements dans un entrepôt, M.Sc., 09/2014, M. Gamache, D. Riopel
Department of Chemical Engineering Delorme, Matthieu; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 08/2011, F. Soumis
Recio Garrido, Didac; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 05/2012, M. Perrier, Demeester, Kenjy; Improvements to a sequential linear programming
B. Tartakovsky method for hydropower management, M.Sc., 05/2015, D. Orban, P. Côté

Duret, Jean-Sébastien; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 09/2013, D. Riopel

Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering
Er-Rbib, Safae; Construction d’horaires de chauffeurs d’autobus, Ph.D.,
Abdou Amadou, Issoufou; Optimisation et ordonnancement de la 05/2014, G. Desaulniers, I. El Hallaoui, M. Saddoune
production à moyen terme dans les mines à ciel ouvert, Ph.D., 09/2014,
Farhadi, Farnoush; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 02/2015, V. Partovi Nia
M. Gamache
Farnia, Fatemeh; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 09/2014, V. Partovi Nia
Adams, Elspeth; A novel approach to tightening semidefinite relaxations
for certain combinatorial problems, Ph.D., 09/2010, M.F. Anjos Foutlane, Omar; Méthodes de décomposition locale pour le problème de
partitionnement, Ph.D., 01/2013, I. El Hallaoui, P. Hansen
Aherdane, Oussam; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 01/2014, D. Riopel



Gauvin, Charles; Méthodes d’optimisation robuste pour le problème de Rahnama, Hassan; New models for the robust portfolio management,
gestion de réservoirs, Ph.D., 01/2013, M. Gendreau, E. Delage, Ph.D., 01/2014, G. Savard, P. Marcotte

Ghaemi, Mohammad Sajjad; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 01/2014, V. Partovi Rimélé, Adrien; Optimisation à long terme dans une mine à ciel ouvert
Nia, B. Agard tout en intégrant les haldes de stérile à l’intérieur de la fosse, M.Sc.,
09/2014, M. Gamache, R. Dimitrakopoulos
Gillett, Patricia; Semidefinite relaxations for complementarity problems,
Ph.D., 09/2010, M.F. Anjos Rioux-Fiset; Laurence, Horaires mensuels en transport aérien avec équité,
M.Sc., 08/2014, F. Soumis, G. Desaulniers
Gómez Herrera; Juan Alejandro, Optimization models for demand-
response, Ph.D., 05/2012, M.F. Anjos Robatian, Damoon; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 01/2015, V. Partovi Nia

Himmich, Ilyas; Problème de plus court chemin avec contraintes de Rodrigues De Sousa, Vilmar Jefté; Valid inequalities for the semidefinite
ressources, Ph.D., 01/2013, I. El Hallaoui programming relaxation of the k-partition problem, Ph.D., 01/2015,
M.F. Anjos, S. Le Digabel
Ibanez Salinas, Miguel; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 09/2013, V. Partovi Nia
Rodríguez Sarasty, Jesús Andrés; Improved models for the unit commitment
Jacquet, Stéphane; Techniques de classification pour contraintes binaires problem, Ph.D., 08/2013, M.F. Anjos
en optimisation de boites-noires, Ph.D., 05/2015, C. Audet, G. Caporossi
Rosat, Samuel; Coupes locales pour le problème de partitionnement,
Kasirzadeh, Atoosa; Optimisation intégrée des rotations et des blocs Ph.D., 01/2013, F. Soumis, I. El Hallaoui
mensuels personnalisés des équipages en transport aérien, Ph.D.,
09/2009, F. Soumis Sabaghi, Mahdi; Design for disassembly using modularity technique
aiming to support product end-of-life, Ph.D., 01/2013, P. Baptiste
Laage, Greta; Nouvelle approche de bid-price pour l’optimisation des
inventaires dans un contexte de market behaviour, M.Sc., 01/2015, G. Savard Séguin, Sara; Optimisation de centrales hydroélectriques chez Rio Tinto
sur un horizon court terme, Ph.D., 01/2014, C. Audet, P. Côté
Lakhmiri, Dounia; Implementation of methods for derivative-free
optimization, M.Sc., 09/2014, D. Orban Sellal, Cherif; Développement du système AutoGraphiX de recherche
automatisée de conjectures dans les graphes, Ph.D., 01/2015, A. Hertz,
Lehouillier, Thibault; Algorithmes de génération de colonnes pour des P. Hansen
problèmes de tournées de véhicules complexes, Ph.D., 09/2012, F. Soumis,
G. Desaulniers Shams, Sheida; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 01/2015, V. Partovi Nia

Lemyre-Garneau, Mathieu; Conception d’une boîte noire en ingénierie, Souissi, Sarra; Construction d’horaires d’employés multi-départements,
M.Sc., 09/2013, C. Audet, S. Le Digabel, C. Tribes M.Sc., 08/2014, F. Soumis, G. Desaulniers

Leite-Corthésy, Raphaêl; Simulation et programmation mathématique Spleit, Michael; Planification à long terme dans une mine à ciel ouvert en
pour la planification à très court terme dans une mine souterraine, M.Sc., tenant compte de la réhabilitation du site à la fin de l’exploitation, Ph.D.,
05/2015, M. Gamache 01/2015, M. Gamache, R. Dimitrakopoulos

Lévesque-Thibodeau, Maxime; Pratiques de l’organisation des retours des Tahir, Adil; Algorithme du simplexe en nombres entiers avec décompo-
conteneurs maritimes, M.Sc., 09/2013, D. Riopel sition combiné à la génération de colonnes, Ph.D., 09/2014, I. El Hallaoui,
G. Desaulniers
Lioret, Alain; Planification de la production dans les mines incluant la
gestion des piles de minera, M.Sc., 01/2015, M. Gamache Tammam, Adham I.; Optimal management of thermal energy storage,
Ph.D., 01/2012, M.F. Anjos
Luguern, Ariel; Modélisation du partage d’opérateurs en ordonnancement,
M.Sc., 09/2013, P. Baptiste Thibault, Mathieu; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 09/2013, D. Riopel

Messaoudi, Mayssoun; Problèmes en transport: optimisation, Ph.D., Tilouche, Shaima; Application of massive data learning in industrial
01/2015, L.-M. Rousseau, I. El Hallaoui automation, Ph.D., 09/2013, V. Partovi Nia, S.J. Bassetto

Michon-Lacaze, Hélène; Élaboration de quarts de travail robustes aux Torres, Fabian; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 09/2014, M.F. Anjos
perturbations de courte durée, M.Sc., 01/2014, G. Desaulniers
Tourenne, Luc; Modélisation technoéconomique du système énergétique
Mirshahi, Mina; Bayesian clustering of shapes, Ph.D., 09/2013, V. Partovi des forces armées canadiennes, M.Sc., 09/2014, G. Savard
Nia, M. Asgharian
Ulatowski, Michel; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 09/2013, D. Riopel
Montagné, Romain, Théorie des graphes et télécommunications, Ph.D.,
09/2012, A. Hertz, F. Gagnon Vahidpour, Mahroo; An R package for survival curve estimation, M.Sc.,
09/2012, V. Partovi Nia
Moutassim, Abderrazak; Optimisation de trajectoires aériennes, M.Sc.,
08/2013, S. Dufour, S. Perron Waguih, Dalia; Reformulation-linéarisation dans le simplexe en nombres
entiers, Ph.D., 09/2014, F. Soumis
Ochi, Khaoula; Logistique verte: une approche globale, M.Sc., 06/2011,
P. Baptiste Yao, Lingqing; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 03/2015, M. Gamache,
R. Dimitrakopoulos
Palobdé-Zagre, Gilles Éric; Optimisation d’une campagne de forage
d’exploration géologique, M.Sc., 01/2015, M. Gamache Zaghrouti, Abdelouahab; Simplexe en nombres entiers pour les problèmes
en nombres entiers, Ph.D., 09/2009, F. Soumis, I. El Hallaoui
Peyrega, Mathilde; Contributions to derivative-free optimization, Ph.D.,
01/2012, C. Audet, S. Le Digabel Zahedi, Hamidreza; Product Advanced End-Of-Life Treatment using a
Modular Approach, Ph.D., 01/2013, P. Baptiste
Quesnel, Frédéric; Construction de rotations d’équipages aériens avec
contraintes sur les horaires personnalisés mensuels, Ph.D., 09/2013, Zeighami, Vahid; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 09/2012, F. Soumis
F. Soumis, G. Desaulniers



Department of Electrical Engineering Farmer, Iain, Armed bandits, stochasticity and sampling, M.Sc., 09/2014,
R. Dimitrakopoulos
Solis, Jérôme; Chauffe-eau électriques comme outil de stockage d’énergie :
modélisation et estimation d’état, M.Sc., 06/2013, R.P. Malhamé Grogan, Sean; On metaheuristic for mine scheduling, M.Sc., 01/2014,
R. Dimitrakopoulos
Abedinpour-Fallah, Mehdi; Analysis of a class of distributed linear
estimation and control problems, Ph.D., 09/2011, R.P. Malhamé McNeil, James; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 09/2013, R. Dimitrakopoulos

Alam, Sahabul; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 05/2011, B. Sansò Mu, Yanyan; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 02/2013, R. Dimitrakopoulos

André, Hubert; Privacy-preserving traffic estimators for floating car data, Quigley, Matthew; Stochastic supply and optimization of rare earth
M.Sc., 01/2015, J. Le Ny element production, M.Sc., 09/2014, R. Dimitrakopoulos

Beza Ndayi, Chantal; Validation du modèle de patient virtuel de l’Hôpital Rashid, Ahmad; On training image reconstruction with high-order
Ste-Justine, M.Sc., 09/2014, B. Sansò, A. Girard statistics, M.Sc., 12/2013, R. Dimitrakopoulos, I. Psaromiligkos

Bolouki, Ehsan; Resource allocation in multiantenna relay networks, Vallejo, Maria Natalia; Global optimization at the La Colosa mine,
Ph.D., 09/2013, J.-F. Frigon Columbia, M.Sc., 09/2014, R. Dimitrakopoulos

Bourdel, Benoît; Simulation de la gestion intégrée renouvelables/stockage Zhou, Xiaohang; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 09/2014, R. Dimitrakopoulos
d’énergie distribué par la technique des champs moyens, M.Sc., 09/2014,
R.P. Malhamé, F. Sirois
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Cascone, Carmelo; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 09/2013, B. Sansò, A. Capone
Abiri-Jahromi, Amir; Techniques and methods to assess reserve provision
Dbira, Hadhami; Analyse mathématique, méthode de calcul de la gigue in power systems through aggregated demand-side flexibility, Ph.D.,
et applications aux réseaux Internet, Ph.D., 01/2012, B. Sansò, A. Girard 04/2011, F. Bouffard, G. Joós
Fan, Shu; Identification de modèles markoviens de demande d’eau Afshari, Mohammad; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 01/2015, A. Mahajan
chaude, M.Sc., 09/2013, R.P. Malhamé, V. Partovi Nia
Arabneydi, Jalal; Teams with mean-field sharing information structure,
Hentati, Amina; Resource allocation and routing in energy harvensting Ph.D., 09/2011, A. Mahajan
sensor networks, M.Sc., 09/2014, J.-F. Frigon
Chakravorty, Jhelum; Event based communication in smart grids, Ph.D.,
Li, Feng; Mean-field games for the control of smart grids, M.Sc., 08/2014, 01/2013, A. Mahajan
R.P. Malhamé, J. Le Ny
Cui, Can, Decentralized sequential hypothesis testing, M.Sc., 09/2013,
Losseau, Romain; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 10/2014, R.P. Malhamé, F. Sirois A. Mahajan
Malandra, Filippo; Communication network analysis and design for smart Dagenais, André; Formulating the offshore optimal HVDC transmission
grid applications, Ph.D., 01/2013, B. Sansò planning problem, M.Sc., 09/2010, F. Bouffard
Mashhadi, Tahereh; Wireless network virtualization, M.Sc., 01/2013, Destounis, Nicholas; Mean field game analysis of evolutionary systems,
J.-F. Frigon M.Sc., 09/2014, P.E. Caines
Michiels, Jacques; Robot exploration and planning with semantic Dhaliwal, Navdeep; Automating remote community microgrid design,
perception, M.Sc., 01/2014, J. Le Ny, D. Saussié Ph.D., 01/2014, F. Bouffard
Mignon, Antoine; Impact of IMA architectures on aerospace control Dong, Chaungshen; Energy efficient cyber physical system design, Ph.D.,
systems, M.Sc., 01/2013, J. Le Ny 09/2013, A. Mahajan, H. Zheng
Numan, Ahmed; Antenna design for advanced millimeter wave MIMO Firoozi, Dena; Mean field and state estimation theory for major-minor
radar systems, Ph.D., 09/2014, J.-F. Frigon agent MFG systems, Ph.D., 09/2013, P.E. Caines
Rafrafi, Wassim; High-precision, cooperative UWBaided robot navigation, Gao, Shuang; Pinning control and coalition formation for MFG systems
M.Sc., 09/2014, J. Le Ny on large graphs, Ph.D., 09/2013, P.E. Caines
Salhab, Rabih; Mean-field approaches for the control of networked robotic Kayyali, Dima; Demand-focused microgrid control, Ph.D., 09/2014,
swarms, Ph.D., 08/2013, R.P. Malhamé, J. Le Ny F. Bouffard
Torabi, Seyed Mohammed Ali; Cooperative communications in ad-hoc Layeghi, Hamed; Model predictive control of stochastic hybrid systems
networks, Ph.D., 09/2008, J.-F. Frigon with applications to electric vehicles, Ph.D., 09/2013, P.E. Caines

Lei, Ming; Markovian processes and electric vehicle charging, M.Sc.,

01/2015, A. Mahajan, F. Bouffard

Université McGill (Total: 18 M.Sc. & 29 Ph.D.) Ma, Calvin; Accelerated lifetime aware early design space exploration
using multiarmed bandits, M.Sc., 09/2014, A. Mahajan, B. Meyer

Department of Mining and Materials Engineering Nazir, Md Salman, Systematic integration of wind power variability in
power system dispatch resource planning, M.Sc., 09/2013, F. Bouffard
Abolhassani, Amir; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 02/2013, R. Dimitrakopoulos
Nosair, Hussam; Flexibility potential characterization and planning in
Del Castillo, Fernanda; Global optimization and option valuation, Ph.D., power systems, Ph.D., 09/2011, F. Bouffard
09/2014, R. Dimitrakopoulos
Pakniyat, Ali; Optimal hybrid control systems with applications to electric
Dirkx, Rein; Armed bandits, stochasticity and sampling, M.Sc., 09/2014, vehicles, Ph.D., 09/2011, P.E. Caines
R. Dimitrakopoulos



Seal, Sayani; Mean field game systems theory for dynamical masses of Dagues, Marie Barou; Différences individuelles d’apprentissage et de
agents and associated PDEs, Ph.D., 09/2013, P.E. Caines flexibilité dans le jeu producteur chapardeur, M.Sc., 09/2014, L.-A. Giraldeau

Shi, Ruigao; Optimization of distribution substation energy storage, Gonella, Baptiste; Effet de la fréquence-dépendance sur l’apprentissage
M.Sc., 01/2014, F. Bouffard individuel des membres d’un groupe, M.Sc., 09/2014, L.-A. Giraldeau

Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of geography

Goncalves, Cassio; Modeling, design and optimization of product-service Antic, Sonja; Évaluation et cartographie du potentiel d’énergie
systems for the aerospace industry, Ph.D., 01/2014, M. Kokkolaras renouvelable au Québec, M.Sc., 09/2012, J.-P. Waaub

Marwaha, Gautam; Modeling and Optimization of Systems of Systems, Bouffard, Simon; Simuler sans dissimuler. Vers le développement de
M.Sc., 09/2012, M. Kokkolaras nouveaux outils d’analyse du milieu visuel appliqués au processus d’évaluation
environnementale des grands projets, M.Sc., 01/2004, J.-P. Waaub
Pithipaul, Purnendu; Multidisciplinary design optimization of vascular
stents, M.Sc., 09/2012, M. Kokkolaras, D. Pasini de Robert, Arthur; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 01/2015, J.-P. Waaub

Department of Mathematics and Statistics Environmental Science specialization

Cormier, Éric; Functional data analytical methods for multivariate Batellier, Pierre; Le rôle de l’État au regard de l’acceptabilité sociale
extreme-value copula modeling, Ph.D., 09/2011, C. Genest de grands projets de développement économique à fort impact socio-
environnemental. Le cas du projet de développement de la filière du gaz
Côté, Marie-Pier; Étude de la dépendance et de ses effets en actuariat, de schiste au Québec, Ph.D., 09/2012, J.-P. Waaub, L. Sauvé
Ph.D., 09/2014, C. Genest
Burbano, John; Évaluation des impacts environnementaux de la
Khan, Muhammad; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 09/2013, B. Shepherd, A. Vetta production de poules pondeuses, M.Sc., 09/2012, J.-P. Waaub, D. Proulx

Murphy, Orla; Statistical methodology for modeling dependence in Diallo, Mariama; Contribution méthodologique à l’évaluation environne-
multivariate extremal data, Ph.D., 05/2013, C. Genest, J. Neslehova mentale stratégique de l’aménagement des ports minéraliers en zone côtière
tropicale : cas de la Guinée, Ph.D., 09/2012, J.-P. Waaub, K. Samoura
Schulz, Juliana; Multivariate modeling of sums of dependent claims via
GLM, Ph.D., 09/2013, C. Genest Djibo, Maman; Importance du suivi environnemental dans la conservation
de la biodiversité lors de la mise en œuvre de projets de développement
Thain, Nithum; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 09/2008, A. Vetta au Niger : cas des aménagements forestiers, Ph.D., 01/2007, J.-P. Waaub

Guay, Jean-François; Essai sur un cadre conceptuel et méthodologique

Department of Economics de modélisation intégrée pour la planification du territoire et de
l’environnement, Ph.D., 09/2005, J.-P. Waaub
Behzadnejad, Fatemeh; Economics of renewable ressources, Ph.D.,
09/2009, M. Breton, H. Benchekroun Lahyani, Fatima; Contribution méthodologique aux études d’impact des
projets de mines d’uranium au Québec, M.Sc., 09/2012, J.-P. Waaub

Desautels Faculty of Management Malo-Comtois, David; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 09/2012, J.-P. Waaub

Morin, Mathieu; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 09/2013, J.-P. Waaub

Alibeiki, Hedayat; Assortment decisions in supply chain management,
Ph.D., 09/2012, S. Li, M. Gumus N’Diaye, Malick; Suivi des impacts environnementaux du bassin fluvial du
Sénégal à la suite des grands aménagements de l’OMVS, Ph.D., 09/2002,
Doan, Thang Long; Dynamic decisions in retailing, Ph.D., 09/2014, S. Li
J.-P. Waaub, M. Khouma
Ergin, Elcin; Optimization models for online supply chains, Ph.D.,
Rondeau, Carole; Étude d’un projet de revitalisation urbaine intégrée
08/2014, M. Gumus
(RUI) : le cas d’Airlie-Bayne à Lasalle, M.Sc., 09/2012, J.-P. Waaub
Kenney, Jud; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 01/2011, S. Ray
Sentenac, Eulalie; Potentiels d’adaptation aux changements climatiques
Tao, Zhexiong; Supplier relations considering technology improvement, de la Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal : scénarios à l’horizon
Ph.D., 09/2012, S. Li, S. Ray 2050, M.Sc., 09/2012, J.-P. Waaub

Zargoush, Manaf; The value of information in health care operations

management, Ph.D., 09/2010, M. Gumus, V. Verter Department of Mathematics
Ait Kaci Azzou, Sadoune; Modélisation de l’évolution des virus
recombinants par le processus de coalescence, Ph.D., 09/2010, F. Larribe

Université du Québec à Montréal Allab, Imène; Temps de passage des processus de diffusion, M.Sc.,
(Total: 23 M.Sc. & 10 Ph.D.) 01/2014, F. Watier

Barry, Amadou Diogo; Causalité et économétrie: Application à la

Department of Biological Sciences modélisation de l’obésité, Ph.D., 07/2012, A. Charpentier

Afshar, Mohammad; Règles d’apprentissage explorées par simulations Beaulac, Cédric; Intelligence artificielle avec apprentissage automatique
multiagents, PhD., 09/2010, L.-A. Giraldeau pour l’estimation de la position d’un agent mobile en utilisant les modèles
de markov cachés, M.Sc., 09/2012, F. Larribe
Bonin, Marie-Pierre; Apprentissage et différences individuelles chez la
perruche ondulée, M.Sc., 09/2010, L.-A. Giraldeau



Castiblanco, Fabio O.G.; Estimation of reduced-form credit risk models Trung, Kien Do; Distributed and parallel algorithms for protection in
using an optimal weighting of information sources, M.Sc., 09/2013, multi-domain optical networks, Ph.D., 09/2010, B. Jaumard, M. Toulouse
M. Boudreault

El Kasmi, Yassin; Gestion de portefeuilles stochastiques sous contraintes, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Ph.D., 09/2013, F. Watier
Damian, Oana; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 09/2009, P. Duchesne
Ferradji, Abdelhakim; L’utilisation du processus de coalescence et des
modèles linéaires mixtes dans le cadre de la cartographie génétique des Desaulniers, Benoit; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 09/2011, P. Duchesne
variantes rares, M.Sc., 01/2014, K. Oualkacha, F. Larribe
Dongmo Jiongo, Valéry; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 09/2008, P. Duchesne
Flibotte, Simon; Premier temps de passage sous changement de régime,
M.Sc., 09/2014, F. Watier Harlouchet, Iban; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 09/2012, P. Duchesne

Forest-Désaulniers, Jean-François; Hidden Markov models in insurance Rosamont, Kevin; Approche bayésienne de la modélisation incrémentale,
and credit risk, M.Sc., 09/2013, M. Boudreault, J.-P. Boucher M.Sc., 09/2013, J.-F. Angers, F. Bellavance

Grégoire, Jonathan; Estimation of discrete- and continuous-time Sango, Joël; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 01/2011, P. Duchesne
stochastic volatility models, M.Sc., 09/2013, M. Boudreault
Tagne Tatsinkou, Joseph François; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 09/2010,
Li, Wanling; Diagrammes de Voronoï aléatoires, M.Sc., 05/2015, F. Watier P. Duchesne, P. Lafraye de Micheaux

Rostand Koetz, Carlos Felippe; Réchauffement climatique et assurance,

M.Sc., 08/2013, A. Charpentier

Ortiz Ortega, Oscar Camilo; Clustering of low cytometry data, M.Sc., Université Concordia (Total : 2 M.Sc. & 12 Ph.D.)
09/2013, F. Larribe, C. Greenwood

Zare, Ebrahim; Aspects théoriques et algorithmiques des transversaux de Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
circuits dans les graphes orientés, Ph.D., 09/2013, L. Laforest, O. Marcotte
Ortíz Astorquiza; Camilo, Hub location problems, Ph.D., 09/2013, I. Contreras,
Ziou, Myriam; Cartographie de caractères polygéniques par le processus G. Laporte
de coalescence, M.Sc., 09/2014, F. Larribe
Zetina, Carlos; Network Design Problems, Ph.D., 09/2014, I. Contreras,
J.-F. Cordeau

Université de Montréal (Total : 7 M.Sc. & 13 Ph.D.) Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering
Bakshi, Mahesh; Scheduling issues in sSensor networks, Ph.D., 01/2013,
Department of Computer Science and Operations Research B. Jaumard, L. Narayanan
Amghar, Khalid; Modèles multi-flots pour les problèmes de tournées de Le, Thai Hoa; Freight train scheduling, Ph.D., 01/2013, B. Jaumard
véhicules, M.Sc., 01/2014, B. Gendron, J.-F. Cordeau
Mbougni, Michel; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 01/2014, B. Jaumard
Ben Abdallah, Amad; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 01/2015, P. L’Ecuyer
Muhammad, Ali; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 01/2014, B. Jaumard
Bolanos, Ruben; Two-echelon location-routing problems with
synchronization constraints, Ph.D., 09/2014, T.G. Crainic, C. Contardo Negahishirazi, Mahdi; Scheduling with QoS in multi-channel multi-radio
wireless mesh networks, M.Sc., 05/2013, B. Jaumard
Chaouchi, Ahmed; Intégration de la réserve stockée énergétique des
voitures électriques dans le réseau, Ph.D., 09/2012, P. Marcotte, G. Savard Nguyen, Minh Bui; Optimization of logical design with respect to multi
failure protection issues in optical networks, Ph.D., 05/2010, B. Jaumard
El Filali, Souhaila; Conception de réseaux de métro, Ph.D., 01/2014,
B. Gendron, G. Laporte Nweiser, Munir; Multi-agent systems in social and P2P networks, Ph.D.,
09/2011, B. Jaumard
Enderer, Furkan; Vehicle routing problems with cross-docking, Ph.D.,
09/2014, B. Gendron, C. Contardo Pouya, Hamed; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., 09/2013, B. Jaumard

Hanini, Mohamed; Contruction de réseaux digitaux adaptés aux Shahriar, Md. Istiaque; Resource sharing In P2P networks, Ph.D.,
applications, Ph.D., 01/2014, P. L’Ecuyer, M. Gendreau 06/2009, B. Jaumard, D. Qiu

Kemerchou, Nabil; Logiciel de génération de nombres aléatoires dans Song, Shibo; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., 09/2013, B. Jaumard
OpenCL, M.Sc., 09/2011, P. L’Ecuyer
Tian, Huaining, Efficient freight locomotive management, Ph.D., 06/2011,
Méchouat, Myriam; Modélisation stochastique du taux d’intérêt, M.Sc., B. Jaumard, A. Akgunduz
01/2015, P. L’Ecuyer
Wang, Yan; Multi-criteria optimization problems in cloud computing,
Ta, Thuy Anh; Optimisation stochastique dans les centres d’appels, Ph.D., Ph.D., 06/2011, B. Jaumard
01/2014, P. L’Ecuyer, F. Bastin

Thiongane, Mamadou; Méthodes de prévision de la durée d’attente de

chaque appel et impacts des annonces aux clients, dans un centre d’appels
multicompétences, Ph.D., 09/2011, P. L’Ecuyer

Tremblay, Pierre-Alexandre; Calcul efficace de politiques pour un problème

de réplication avec applications financières, Ph.D., 01/2006, P. L’Ecuyer



Other universities (Total: 10 M.Sc. & 27 Ph.D.) Huot, Pierre-Luc; Optimisation de méthodes de calage en hydrologie, Ph.D.,
École de technologie supérieure, Canada, 09/2014, A. Poulin, C. Audet

Afsar, Sezin; Gestion de la charge par une approche à deux niveaux, Ph.D., Kamel Saad, Mahmoud Ibrahiem; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., INRS,
INRIA, France, 09/2011, G. Savard Canada, 09/2013, A. Girard, L.B. Le

Al Zahrani, Ali; Interference control in large cellular networks via Koç, Cagri; Heterogeneous location- and pollution-routing problems, Ph.D.,
meanfield game theory, Ph.D., Carleton University, Canada, 01/2012, University of Southampton, England, 09/2012, T. Bektas, G. Laporte,
M. Huang O. Jabali

Aldave, Roberto; Systematic ensemble learning and extensions for regression, Lamah, Gilbert; Dynamique des organisations paysannes dans la gestion
Ph.D., Université de Sherbrooke, Canada, 04/2004, J.-P. Dussault des écosystèmes forestiers : cas de Diécké en république de Guinée, Ph.D.,
Université de Conakry, Guinea, 09/2011, J.-P. Waaub, D.L. Kourouma
Allaoui, Reda; Impact de la centralisation des marchés de transports sur
les transporteurs, M.Sc., Université Laval, Canada, 09/2012, M. Rekik Liu, Qiurui; Risk and technology management, Ph.D., 09/2014, Sichuan
University of China, China, S. Li
Atanasov, Nikolay A.; Active perception strategies in robotics, Ph.D.,
University of Pennsylvania, USA 09/2010, G.J. Pappas, J. Le Ny Ly, Antoine; Datamining & Assurance, Ph.D., Université Paris-Est,
France, 05/2015, R. Elie, A. Charpentier
Azzi, Sabrina; Priorisation des gènes dans les maladies d’asthme:
approche algorithmique, Ph.D., Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Madhooshiarzanagh, Parisa; La conception et le développement d’une
Canada, 09/2013, D. Rebaine méthode de désagrégation des préférences pour ELECTRE Tri-nC, Ph.D.,
Université Laval, Canada, 09/2013, I. Abi-Zeid
Bachir Cherif, Kahina; Optimisation et approche métaheuristique dans le
traitement thermique des matériaux diélectriques, Ph.D., Université du Marchand, Luc; Qualification de contraintes d’ordre deux, M.Sc.,
Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada, 01/2014, D. Rebaine Université de Sherbrooke, Canada, 05/2013, J.-P. Dussault

Beaulieu, Luc; Développement d’un système d’aide à la décision dédié à Marif, Anouar; Développement d’indicateurs pour l’évaluation des
la gestion de l’entretien d’un réseau routier non revêtu, Ph.D., Université performances d’une chaîne logistique dans un contexte multicritère,
Laval, Canada, 01/2010, I. Abi-Zeid Ph.D., Université Laval, Canada, 09/2013, I. Abi-Zeid

Ben Othmane, Intissar; Reputation-based auctions for transportation Mastouri, Takoua; Déploiement de l’aide humanitaire dans les cas de
procurement in collaborative markets, Ph.D., Université Laval, Canada, tremblements de terre et des feux de forêts, Ph.D., Université Laval,
05/2011, M. Rekik, S. Mellouli Canada, 06/2013, M. Rekik, M. Nour Elfath

Benkalai, Imène; Ordonnancement de machines avec ressources Morin, Michael; Planification multicritère et exécution de plans de
humaines partagées, Ph.D., Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada, recherche et de surveillance basés sur la visibilité des unités en milieu
09/2013, D. Rebaine, P. Baptiste incertain, Ph.D., Université Laval, Canada, 08/2010, C.-G. Quimper,
I. Abi-Zeid
Bianchi, Luca; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., Politecnico di Milano, Italy,
04/2015, A. Capone, B. Sansò Neily, Abdallah; Robustness in multicriteria decision aiding applied to
healthcare: The QALY measure, M.Sc., Université d’Ottawa, Canada,
Bigeon, Emmanuel; Optimisation des opérations de maintenance basée 12/2012, S. Ben Amor
sur la fiabilité en fatigue des turbines hydrauliques, M.Sc., École de
technologie supérieure, Canada, 05/2015, S.-A. Tahan, M. Gamache Nguyen, Thanh Tung; Analyse de terrain pour la construction de graphes
de visibilité et la résolution du problème de surveillance, M.Sc., Université
Carle, Marc-André; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., Université de Genève, Laval, Canada, 05/2008, I. Abi-Zeid
Switzerland, 06/2011, N. Zufferey
Paku, Daichi; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., Kyoto University, Japan,
Dahmen, Sana; Confection d’horaires avec transfert d’employés entre 03/2014, D. Avis
départements, Ph.D., Université Laval, Canada, 01/2010, M. Rekik, F. Soumis
Respen, Jean; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., Université de Genève,
El Fassi, Hamza; Détermination des tailles de lots avec retours, Ph.D., Switzerland, 03/2014, N. Zufferey
Université Laval, Canada, 09/2008, M. Rekik
Salem, Khaled; Asymptotic cost related to the use of marginal information
Fakhfakh, Tarek; Prévision de faillite corporative : extension du modèle when available in estimating a high-dimensional copula, M.Sc., Université
structurel de Merton, Ph.D., Institut supérieur de gestion de Tunis, du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada, 09/2013, M. Mesfioui, C. Genest
Tunisia, 06/2007, M. Ayadi, H. Ben-Ameur
Salvail-Bérard, Adam; Étude de la difficulté de l’entrainement des réseaux
Furukawa, Yusuke; Titre à déterminer, M.Sc., Kyoto University, Japan, de neurones profonds au niveau de l’optimisation mathématique, Ph.D.,
03/2014, D. Avis Université de Sherbrooke, Canada, 01/2013, H. Larochelle, J.-P. Dussault
Gabla Kanou, Emmanuelle; La sélection de projet dans un contexte de Simard, Catherine; Algorithmes optimaux en optimisation convexe,
développement durable en présence d’incertitude: Simulations Monte M.Sc., Université de Sherbrooke, Canada, 05/2012, J.-P. Dussault
Carlo, M.Sc., Université du Québec à Rimouski, Canada, 01/2012, A. Frini
Smaili, Youcef; L’analyse multicritère en maintenance industrielle, Ph.D.,
Gatón, Victor; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., Universidad de Valladolid, Université Laval, Canada, 09/2012, I. Abi-Zeid
Spain, 10/2010, J. de Frutos
Sokun, Hamza; Robust radio resource allocation in wireless networks
Hajjam, Sarra; Prévision de faillite corporative : modèles statistique, with model uncertainty, Ph.D., Carleton University, Canada, 05/2013,
Ph.D., Institut supérieur de gestion de Tunis, Tunisia, 03/2009, H. Ben- H. Yanikomeroglu, M. Huang
Sopot, Eugen; Maritime operations planning for servicing offshore
Huang, He; Supply chain management in apparel industry, Ph.D., Sichuan installations, Ph.D., Molde University College, Norway, 09/2011,
University of China, China, 09/2014, S. Li I. Gribkovskaia, G. Laporte



Thevenin, Simon; Titre à déterminer, Ph.D., Université de Genève,

Switzerland, 03/2014, N. Zufferey

Togbodouno Téwa, Jeanne; Vulnérabilité et stratégies d’adaptation des

communautés face aux inondations dans un contexte de changements
climatiques: cas de la commune urbaine de Gueckédou (Guinée), Ph.D.,
Université de Conakry, Guinea, 09/2011, J.-P. Waaub, D.L. Kourouma

Toussaint, Maxime; Reconstruction 4D en tomographie par émission de

positron, M.Sc., Université de Sherbrooke, Canada, 01/2012, J.-P. Dussault

Yu, Yu; A study of the effect of low-carbon technology implementation

by using data envelopment analysis, Ph.D., 09/2014, Hohai University of
China, China, S. Li




Infrastructural grants
Supporting Academic Institutions 177 000 $
FRQNT – Strategic Clusters 390 000 $
Others 37 500 $
Sub-total 604 500 $

Research grants
Research Chairs 1 417 500 $
Collaborative research & development 1 465 252 $
Individuals 2 049 400 $
Research Tools and Instruments 48 000 $
Others 552 414 $
Sub-total 5 532 566 $

SSHRC 182 576 $

Teams 395 911 $
Action concertées program 5 401 $
Young researchers 88 704 $
Others 74 849 $
FRQNT/Partnership 100 000 $
Sub-total 706 365 $

Supporting Academic Institutions 238 811 $

Others grants 1 405 616 $

d'infrastructure / Infrastructural grants 62Grants
Subventions de recherche / Research 910 $

TOTAL 8 733 343 $

Infrastructural Grants Research Grants

37 500$ Supporting
6% Academic
Institutions Others
238 811$ 1405 616$
3% 17%
Supporting Academic
177 000$ Contracts
29% 62 910$
706 365$
5715 142$
FRQNT - 70%
Strategic Clusters
390 000$



Miguel F. Anjos Jean-François Cordeau
Coordinator of the GERAD/CRC-ONDI Seminars Member of international advisory committee of the Third Annual
Conference of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics
Member of the program committee of the Optimization 2014 conference, Optimization (VeRoLog), Norway, June 22–25, 2014
Guimarães, Portugal, July 2014

Member of the international organizing committee of the 4th International Roussos Dimitrakopoulos
Conference on Engineering Optimization, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2014 Chair of the 2014 Orebody Modelling and Strategic Mine Planning SMP
Symposium, Perth, Australia, November 24–26, 2014
David Avis Organizer of the 2014 COSMO Technical Day, Montréal, Canada June 26,
Co-organizer of the Workshop on Extension Complexity: An Update and 2016
Future Directions, Kyoto, Japan, June 9, 2014

Co-organizer of the ELC Workshop on Exponential Lower Bounds for Charles Gauvin, Thibault Lehouillier and Dominique Orban
Pivoting Algorithms, Tokyo, Japan, March 24-25, 2015 Coordinators of GERAD’s "Séminaires pas ordinaires" seminar series

Pierre Baptiste and Diane Riopel Christian Genest

Members of the scientific committee of the 5th International Conference Organizer of the CRM-CANSSI Workshop on New Horizons in Copula
on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS 2014), the Modelling, Montréal, Canada, December 15–18, 2014
Netherlands, August 24–27, 2014
Organizer of the conference "La statistique au service de la collectivité:
Members of the international program committee of the 10th International Hommage à Louis-Paul Rivest pour ses 60 ans," Québec, Canada, August
Conference on Modeling, Optimization & SIMulation (MOSIM’14), 28–29, 2014
France, November 5–7, 2014
Member of the International Scientific Committee of the 21° Simpósio
de Probabilidade e Estatística, Associação Brasileira de Estatística, Natal
François Bellavance Brazil, July 20–25, 2014
Member of the scientific committee and co-chair of the symposium "Les
distractions au volant," which was part of the 27e Entretiens du Centre
Jacques Cartier, Québec, Canada, October 7–8, 2014 Alain Hertz
Member of the organizing committee for the GO IX (Graphs and
Responsible for organizing the annual conference of the Road Safety Optimization) conference, Sirmione, Italy, July 6–10, 2014
Research Network, Université Laval, Québec, Canada, May 8, 2015

Raf Jans
Hatem Ben-Ameur Organizer of the internal GOL seminar series at HEC Montréal
Member of the scientific committee of the 8th International Finance
Conference (IFC8), Paris, France, March 12–14, 2015 Member of the steering committee for the Fifth International Workshop
on Lotsizing, Porto, Portugal, August 27–29, 2014

François Bouffard
Organizer of the TISED-GERAD Research Workshop, "Energy Storage in Michael Kokkolaras
Sustainable Electricity Systems: Technology Push, Policy Pull," Montréal, Member of the scientific committee and mini-symposium organizer,
Canada, November 20, 2014 International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences
Optimization, Greece, June 4–6, 2014
Member of the technical program committee for the University of
Washington-Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Joint Power System
Reliability and Resiliency Workshop, Seattle, USA, October 2014 Pierre L’Ecuyer
Member of the program committee of SIMULTECH 2014: International
Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies
Michèle Breton, Alain Haurie, Guiomar Martín-Herrán and and Applications, Vienna, Austria, August 28–30, 2014
Georges Zaccour
Members of the program committee of the Sixteenth International Gilbert Laporte
Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications, Amsterdam, the Co-host of the C Workshop on scientific writing, HEC Montréal
Netherlands, July 9–12, 2014
Member of the international advisory committee of the Third Annual
Conference of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics
Michèle Breton and Georges Zaccour Optimization (VeRoLog), Norway, June 22–25, 2014
Organizers of the Fifth Workshop on Dynamic Games in Management
Science, Montréal, Canada, November 27–28, 2014
Jérôme Le Ny
Member of the research seminar committee of the Department of
Peter E. Caines Electrical Engineering, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
Co-organizer of ISS Informal Systems Seminars



Member of the program committee of the 6th ACM/IEEE International

Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, Seattle, USA, April 14–16, 2015

Aditya Mahajan
Co-organizer of the workshop on Optimal Cooperation, Communication,
and Learning in Decentralized Systems, Vancouver, Canada, October 17,

Co-organizer of ISS Informal Systems Seminar

Georges Zaccour
Co-organizer, Workshop at the Boundaries of Dynamic Games, Control
and Viability, France, June 19–21, 2014




Elspeth Adams, Miguel F. Anjos and Mathilde Peyrega François Bouffard

Finalists in the 2014 MOPTA competition "Time-Ahead Pricing of Energy Guest speaker at the IEEE Power & Energy General Meeting, National
Supply," which ended June 13, 2014 Habor, USA, July 2014

Peter Silvester Faculty Research Award, McGill University, Montréal,

Miguel F. Anjos Canada, 2014
Plenary speaker at MINLP 2014, Pittsburgh, USA, June 2–5, 2014
IEEE PES Technical Committee Prize Paper Award, 2014
Plenary speaker at the 12th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in
Continuous Optimization, Perpignan, France, July 10–12, 2014 Plenary speaker at the 4th Climate Change Technology Conference,
Montréal, Canada, May 2015
Plenary speaker at IFORS 2014, Barcelona, Spain, July 13–18, 2014

Plenary speaker at Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications Peter Caines
(MOPTA) 2014, Bethlehem, USA, August 13–15, 2014 NCMIS Distinguished Lecturer: National Center for Mathematics and
Interdisciplinary Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, October
Guest speaker, Smart Grid Canada, Montréal, Canada, October 2014 2014
Guest speaker, Entretiens Jacques Cartier 2014, Polytechnique Montréal Kwan Chao-Chih Distinguished Lecturer: Institute of Systems Science,
& ETS, Montréal, Canada, October 2014 Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, China, October 2014
Guest speaker, ISyE Colloquium, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,
USA, October 2014 Guest speaker, Institute of Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
China, October 2014
Guest speaker, University of Toronto, Seminar Series, Mechanical &
Industrial Engineering, Toronto, Canada, October 2014 Guest speaker, Department of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology,
China, October 2014
Guest speaker, Tilburg University, Seminar, Econometrics & Operations
Research, the Netherlands, October 2014 Guest speaker, Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of
Hong Kong, China, October 2014
Plenary speaker at the 8th Annual Trans-Atlantic Infraday on Energy,
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Washington DC, USA, Guest speaker, Department of Applied Mathematics, Hong Kong
November 2014 Polytechnic University, China, October 2014
Plenary speaker at the 2014 Joint NZSA & ORSNZ Annual Conference, Guest speaker, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang
Wellington, New Zealand, November 23–26, 2014 University of Technology, Singapore, December 2014
Guest speaker, Fields Industrial Optimization Seminar, Fields Institute, Guest speaker, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Toronto, Canada, March 2015 National University of Singapore, Singapore, December 2014
Guest speaker, University of Southampton, United Kingdom, May 2015 Guest speaker, ICARCV, Singapore, December 10–12, 2014
Plenary speaker at NOW 2015, La Rochelle, France, May 18–20, 2015
Arthur Charpentier
Guest speaker, ACP Meetings, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium,
Diego Amaya
May 2015
Recipient of the best publication award for his article titled "Does Realized
Skewness Predict the Cross-Section of Stock Returns?" published in the Guest speaker, Le Mans Insurance & Finance Risk Colloquium, France,
Journal of Financial Economics, UQÀM, May 14, 2015 November 2014

Guest speaker, R in Insurance, London, United Kingdom, July 2014

Jalal Arabneydi
Best Student Paper Award, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2014
Marilène Cherkesly
Recipient of the NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Scholarship, 2014
Charles Audet
Guest speaker at the Groupe de Travail sur la Programmation Recipient of the Lieutenant Governor of Quebec’s Youth Medal, May 2,
Mathématique, Toulouse, France, June 18–19, 2014 2015

Sarah Ben Amor Geoffroy Chevalier

Guest speaker, NEOMA Business School, Rouen, France, March 2015 Recipient of an award for best internship in the category "cognitive science
and complex systems," during the X-Forum in France, November 13, 2014
Hatem Ben-Ameur
Promoted to Full Professor by the HEC Department of Decision Sciences Claudio Contardo
of HEC Montréal, June 1, 2014 Recipient of the 2015 young researcher award, UQÀM, May 4, 2015



Jean-François Cordeau Plenary speaker at the 13th International Symposium On Locational

Elected member of the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists of Decision (ISOLDE), Italy, June 16–20, 2014
the Royal Society of Canada, 2014
Minyi Huang
Anaïs Correc Guest speaker at the Mathematical Cybernetics: Hybrid, Stochastic and
Listed on the Honour Roll for the Fall 2014 term for obtaining the highest Decentralized Systems Conference, Ottawa, Canada, May 28–29, 2015
GPA in Business Analytics after completing at least 15 credits
Raf Jans
Erick Delage Recipient of the Chenelière Éducation/Gaëtan Morin Award, HEC
Promoted to Associate Professor by the Department of Decision Sciences Montréal, 2014
of HEC Montréal, June 1, 2014
Promoted to Full Professor by the Department of Logistics and Operations
Appointed Chairholder of the Canada Research Chair in Decision Making Management of HEC Montréal, June 1, 2014
Under Uncertainty
Elnaz Kanani Kuchesfehani
Guy Desaulniers Recipient of the 2015 Esdras-Minville Award, HEC Montréal, April 8,
Guest speaker, OW 2015, La Rochelle, France, May 18–20, 2015 2015

Guest speaker, Route 2014, Snekkersten, Denmark, June 1–4, 2014

Michael Kokkolaras
Guest speaker at the National Colloquium on Sustainable Aviation,
Jacques Desrosiers Toronto, Canada, May 27–28, 2015
Plenary speaker at the thematic seminar "Modélisation, Optimisation. De
l’idée à la création d’Entreprises," Limoges, France, June 17–20, 2014 Guest speaker at the Institut de Recherche en Communications et
Cybernétique de Nantes, France, April 17, 2015

Roussos Dimitrakopoulos Guest speaker at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace

Recipient of the 2015 Georges Matheron Lecturer Award, International Engineering, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Canada, March
Association for Mathematical Geosciences 23, 2015

Recipient of the APCOM Recognition Award Guest speaker at the Probabilistic Design Lab and Structures Lab, General
Electric Global Research Center, New York, USA, September 25, 2014
Marc Fredette Semi-plenary speaker at the International Conference on Engineering and
Invention disclosure: Visual tool to represent physiological signals (2015). Applied Sciences Optimization, Greece, June 2014
Courtemanche, F., Léger, P.-M., Fredette, M., Sénécal, S., Dufresne, A.

Recipient of an teaching scholarship to attract and retain the best Pierre L’Ecuyer
administration teachers in Quebec universities: $1 ,050,000 for 2009– Recipient of the 2104 Award of Merit from the CORS
2016, Quebec ministry of education and higher learning, Canada
Plenary speaker at SEPADS 2015, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, February
Jean-François Frigon
Promoted to Full Professor by the Department of Electrical Engineering of Plenary speaker at the 10th Workshop on Performance Evaluation (AEP
Polytechnique Montréal, June 1, 2014 2014), France, June 2014

Jean-Bertrand Gauthier Jérôme Le Ny

Recipient of the 2015 Esdras-Minville Award, HEC Montréal, April 8, 2015 Guest speaker at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA,
April 15, 2015

Luc-Alain Giraldeau Guest speaker, McGill University, Montréal, February 6, 2015

Recipient of the Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire Award, SFECA, 2014
Gilbert Laporte
Frédéric Godin Renewal of the Canada Research Chair in Distribution Management for
Recipient of the 2014 Best Thesis Award for his thesis titled "Couverture the next seven years
globale de risques en marché incomplet," HEC Montréal
Recipient of the Lifetime Achievement in Location Analysis Award from
INFORMS, June 2014
Mehmet Gumus
Recipient of the MSOM iFORM Best Paper Award, INFORMS, 2015 Winner of the Optimize the Real World Contest (Roel G. Van Anholt,
Leandro C. Coelho, Gilbert Laporte, and Iris F.A. Vis) organized by FICO,
Recipient of the Desautels Faculty Scholar Award, McGill University, San Jose, USA, July 2014
Recipient of a certificate of excellence in reviewing from the journal
Guest speaker at the Catolica-Lisbon School of Business and Economics, Computers & Operations Research , September 2014
Portugal, March 2015
Guest speaker at the Distinguished Transportation Lecture, Institute of
Transport Studies, The University of Hong Kong, China, August 22, 2014
Pierre Hansen
Plenary speaker at the 3rd International conference on Variable
Neighborhood Search, Tunisia, October 8–11, 2014



Fabrice Larribe
Guest speaker at the 4th Annual Canadian Human and Statistical Genetics
Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, April 20, 2015

Guest speaker at the Workshop on Emerging Statistical Challenges and

Methods For Analysis of Massive Genomic Data in Complex Human Disease
Studies, Banff International Research Station, Canada, June 24, 2014

Sébastien Le Digabel
Guest speaker at Canmet Énergie, Montréal, Canada, 2015

Guest speaker at Bombardier, Montréal, Canada, 2014

Aditya Mahajan
Promoted to Honorary Member, IEEE

Guest speaker at the conference on Mathematical Cybernetics: Hybrid,

Stochastic and Decentralized Systems, Ottawa, Canada, May 28–29, 2015

Roland P. Malhamé
Plenary speaker at the Fifth Workshop on Dynamic Games in Management
Science, Montréal, Canada, November 27–28, 2014

Guest speaker at the conference on Mathematical Cybernetics: Hybrid,

Stochastic and Decentralized Systems, Ottawa, Canada, May 28–29, 2015

Lê Nguyen Hoang
Received a special mention for the quality of his thesis titled "Conception
bayésienne de mécanismes et quantification de l’équité appliquées à la
construction d’horaires personnalisés"

Dominique Orban and Mehdi Towhidi

Winners of the 2014 COIN-OR Cup, San Francisco, USA, November 10, 2014

Mathilde Peyrega
Recipient of a scholarship for a two-month international internship to the
United States, July 2014

Recipient of an FRNQT doctoral research scholarship, May 2015

Jean-François Plante
Promoted to Associate Professor by the Department of Management
Sciences of HEC Montréal, June 1, 2014

Brunilde Sansò
Runner-up best paper for "Detour Planning for Fast and Reliable Failure
Recovery in SDN with OpenState" during the International Conference
on Design of Reliable Communication Networks 2015, Kansas City, USA,
March, 25–27, 2015

Sara Séguin
Recipient of an FRQNT scholarship for a four-month international
internship in Norway, 2015

François Soumis
Recipient of the 2014 Lionel-Boulet Award, Gouvernement du Québec,
November 4, 2014

Sihem Taboubi
Guest speaker at Université Koç, Turquie, April 16, 2015

Nicolas Zufferey
Plenary speaker at the 5th International Conference on Metaheuristics
and Nature-Inspired Computing (META 2014) Marrakech, Morocco,
October 27–31 , 2014




Refereed papers in scientific journals

2014 Ben-Ameur, H., Kirillov, T., Welch, R., Ayadi, M., A stochastic dynamic
program for valuing options on futures, Journal of Futures Markets,
Abi-Zeid, I., Taillandier, F., Taillandier, P., Sauce, G., Bonetto, R., An 34(12), 1185-1201
interactive decision support method for real estate management in a
multicriteria framework, International Journal of Strategic Property Ben-Ameur, H., Mnif, W., Karoui, L., Pricing interest rate derivatives
Management, 18(3), 265-278 with multilinear interpolations and transition densities, The Journal of
Derivatives, 22(2), 82-109
Aloise, D., Queiroz dos Santos, J.P., de Melo, J.D., Duarte Neto, A.D.,
Reactive search strategies using reinforcement learning, local search Brimberg, J., Mladenović, N., Hanafi, S., Salhi, S., Editorial, Computers &
algorithms and variable neighborhood search, Expert Systems with Operations Research Part B, 52, 147-148
Applications, 41(10), 4939-4949
Brimberg, J., Hurley, W.J., Limitations on the "better information system"
Anjos, M.F., Chang, X.-W., Ku, W.-Y., Lattice preconditioning for the solution to the problem of lapsed government operating funds, Journal of
real relaxation branch-and-bound approach for integer least squares Defense Modeling and Simulation, 11(4), 375-385
problems, Journal of Global Optimization, 59(2), 227-242
Caporossi, G., Hansen, P., Carbonneau, R.A., Globally optimal clusterwise
Aouchiche, M., Hansen, P., Distance spectra of graphs: A survey, Linear regression by column generation enhanced with heuristics, sequencing
Algebra and its Applications, 458, 301-386 and ending subset optimization, Journal of Classification, 31(2), 219-241

Aouchiche, M., Hansen, P., Some properties of the distance Laplacian Charpentier, A., Interprétation, intuition et probabilités, Risques, 99, 101-
eigenvalues of a graph, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 64(3), 751- 106
Charpentier, A., Le Maux, B., Natural catastrophe insurance: How should
Audet, C., Orban, D., Dang, K.-C., Optimization of algorithms with OPAL, the government intervene?, Journal of Public Economics, 115, 1-17
Mathematical Programming Computation, 6(3), 233-254
Charpentier, A., De la diffculté de faire des prévisions (quand on a peu de
Audet, C., Ouali, M.-S., Aoudjit, H., Replacement scheduling of a fleet données), Risques, 98, 109-112
of hydroelectric generators: A case study, International Journal of
Cordeau, J.-F., Laporte, G., Callegari Coelho, L., Heuristics for dynamic
Performability Engineering, 10(6), 615-630
and stochastic inventory-routing, Computers & Operations Research, 52,
Audet, C., Hansen, P., Belhaiza, S., A note on bimatrix game maximal 55-67
Selten subsets, Arabian Journal of Mathematics, 3(3)299-311
Cordeau, J.-F., Laporte, G., Muter, I., A branch-and-price algorithm
Audet, C., Ordering 15 marbles with a three-way scale, The Mathematical for the multidepot vehicle routing problem with interdepot routes,
Gazette, 98(542), 304-316 Transportation Science, 48(3), 425-441

Audet, C., Ben Yahia, I., Adjengue, L.-D., A variance-based method to rank Côté, P., Leconte, R., Desreumaux, Q., Role of hydrologic information in
input variables of the mesh adaptive direct search algorithm, Optimization stochastic dynamic programming: a case study of the Kemano hydropower
Letters, 8(5), 1599-1610 system in British Columbia, Revue canadienne de génie civil - Canadian
Journal of Civil Engineering, 41(9), 839-844
Audet, C., Le Digabel, S., Cartier, D., Leclaire, L.-A., Minville, M., Guay, C.,
Merleau, J., Improving process representation in conceptual hydrological Côté, P., Brissette, F., Arsenault, R., Poulin, A., A comparison of stochastic
model calibration using climate simulations, Water Resources research, optimization algorithms in hydrological model calibration, Journal of
50(6), 5044-5073 Hydrologic Engineering, 19(7), 1374-1384

Baptiste, P., Maknoon, M.Y., Koné, O., A sequential priority-based Delage, E., Arroyo, S., Ye, Y., The value of stochastic modeling in two-
heuristic for scheduling material handling in a satellite cross-dock, stage stochastic programs with cost uncertainty, Operations Research,
Computers and Industrial Engineering, 72, 43-49 62(6), 1377-1393

Bellavance, F., Rancourt, M.-È., Goentzel, J., Market analysis and Delage, E., Lisser, A., Cheng, J., Distributionally robust stochastic
transportation procurement for food aid in Ethiopia, Socio-Economic knapsack problem, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 24(3), 1485-1506
Planning Sciences, 48(3), 198-219
Desaulniers, G., Desrosiers, J., Vidal, T., Vieira, B.S., Ribeiro, G.M.,
Bellavance, F., Larocque, D., Hajjem, A., Mixed effects random forest for Efficient heuristics for the workover rig routing problem with a
clustered data, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 84(6), heterogeneous fleet and a finite horizon, Journal of Heuristics, 20(6),
1313-1328 677-708

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To be published Bouffard, F., Abiri-Jahromi, A., Contingency-type reserve leveraged

through aggregated thermostatically-controlled loads - Part II: Case
Abi-Zeid, I., Tremblay, J., Value-based argumentation for policy decision studies, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
analysis: methodology and an exploratory case study of a hydroelectric
project in Québec, Annals of Operations Research Bouffard, F., Joós, G., Clavier, J., Rimorov, D., Generation dispatch
techniques for remote communities with flexible demand, IEEE
Anjos, M.F., Manickavasagam, M., Rosehart, W.D., Sensitivity-based Transactions on Sustainable Energy
chance-constrained generation expansion planning, Electric Power
Systems Research Bouffard, F., Nosair, H., Flexibility envelopes for power system operational
planning, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
Anjos, M.F., Adams, E., Wiegele, A., Rendl, F., A hierarchy of subgraph
projection-based semidefinite relaxations for some NP-hard graph Bouffard, F., Jahanbani Ardakani, A., Acceleration of umbrella constraint
optimization problems, INFOR discovery in security-constrained generation scheduling problems, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems
Anjos, M.F., Hungerländer, P., A semidefinite optimization-based
approach for global optimization of multi-row facility layout, European Boyaci, T., Ray, S., Zhu, J., Effects of upstream and downstream mergers
Journal of Operational Research on supply chain profitability, European Journal of Operational Research

Anjos, M.F., Vera, J.C., Ghaddar, B., A dynamic inequality generation Boyaci, T., Ray, S., Zhang, D., Gumus, M., Nie, X., Joint procurement
scheme for polynomial programming, Mathematical Programming and demand-side bidding strategies under price volatility, Annals of
Operations Research
Aouchiche, M., Hansen, P., On the distance signless Laplacian of a graph,
Linear and Multilinear Algebra Boyaci, T., Ray, S., Zhang, D., Gumus, M., Huang, X., United we stand or
divided we stand? Strategic supplier alliances under order default risk,
Audet, C., Xu, J., DiLiberti, C.E., Hauck, W.W., Montague, T.H., Parr, Management Science
A.F., Potvin, D., Schuirmann, D.J., Optimal adaptive sequential designs
for crossover bioequivalence studies, Pharmaceutical Statistics Brimberg, J., Mladenović, N., Todosijević, R., Urosević, D., General
variable neighborhood search for the uncapacitated single allocation
Audet, C., Séguin, S., Côté, P., Self-scheduling short-term unit commitment p-hub center problem, Optimization Letters
and loading problem, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Brimberg, J., Mladenović, N., Salhi, S., Drezner, Z., Solving the planar
Audet, C., Le Digabel, S., Tribes, C., Dynamic scaling in the mesh adaptive p-median problem by variable neighborhood and concentric searches,
direct search algorithm for blackbox optimization, Optimization and Journal of Global Optimization
Brimberg, J., Mladenović, N., Todosijević, R., Urosević, D., A basic
Audet, C., Le Digabel, S., Tribes, C., Dynamic scaling in the Mesh Adaptive variable neighborhood search heuristic for the uncapacitated multiple
Direct Search algorithm for blackbox optimization, Optimization and allocation p-hub center problem, Optimization Letters
Brimberg, J., Mladenović, N., Salhi, S., Drezner, Z., New heuristic
Avis, D., Tiwary, H.R., On the extension complexity of combinatorial algorithms for solving the planar p-median problem, Computers &
polytopes, Mathematical Programming Operations Research
Avis, D., Tiwary, H.R., A generalization of extension complexity that Brimberg, J., Schöbel, A., Schieweck, R., Locating a median line with
captures P, Information Processing Letters partial coverage distance, Journal of Global Optimization
Avis, D., Meagher, C., On the directed cut cone and polytope, Journal of Brimberg, J., Hurley, W.J., Allocating operating funding in the public
Combinatorial Optimization sector and the newsvendor problem, Journal of the Operational Research
Baptiste, P., Mascle, C., Sabaghi, M., Cai, Y., Sustainability assessment
of dismantling strategies for end-of-life aircraft recycling, Resources, Brimberg, J., Drezner, Z., A location–allocation problem with concentric
Conservation and Recycling circles, IIE Transactions
Bellavance, F., Marcil, A., Blais, É., Effects of introducing an administrative Brimberg, J., Mladenović, N., Urosević, D., Janićijević, S., Solving the
.05% blood alcohol concentration limit on law enforcement patterns and clique partitioning problem as a maximally diverse grouping problem,
alcohol-related collisions in Canada, Accident Analysis & Prevention Optimization Letters
Ben-Ameur, H., Kryzanowski, L., Ayadi, M., Typical and tail performance Brimberg, J., Mladenović, N., Salhi, S., Drezner, Z., New local searches for
of SRI equity mutual funds, Journal of Financial Services Research solving the multi-source Weber problem, Annals of Operations Research
Boudreault, M., Caron, L.-P., Camargo, S.J., On the variability and Caines, P.E., Gromov, D., Stability of composite thermodynamic systems
predictability of eastern pacific tropical cyclone activity, Journal of Climate with interconnection constraints, IET Control Theory & Applications
Boudreault, M., Augustyniak, M., On the importance of hedging dynamic Caporossi, G., Hertz, A., Altinakar, S., A comparison of integer and
lapses in variable annuities, Risk & Rewards constraint programming models for the deficiency problem, Computers
& Operations Research
Bouffard, F., Nosair, H., Reconstructing operating reserve: Flexibility for
sustainable power systems, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy Caporossi, G., Majstorovic, S., Bounds and relations involving adjusted
centrality of the vertices of a tree, Graphs and Combinatorics
Bouffard, F., Joós, G., Ross, M., Abbey, C., Multiobjective optimization
dispatch for microgrids with a high penetration of renewable generation, Charpentier, A., La guerre des étoiles: la significativité statistique pour
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy distinguer le signal du bruit, Risques
Bouffard, F., Abiri-Jahromi, A., Contingency-type reserve leveraged Charpentier, A., Cherrier, B., “Mathiness” et assurance, Risques
through aggregated thermostatically-controlled loads - Part I:
Characterization and control, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems Charpentier, A., Denuit, M., Elie, R., Segmentation et Mutualisation, les
deux faces d’une même pièce, Risques



Charpentier, A., Gallic, E., Visualizing spatial processes using Ripley’s Desaulniers, G., Perron, S., de Fréminville, P., Rousseau, L.-M., A column
correction: An application to bodily-injury car accident location, generation heuristic for districting the price of a financial product, Journal
Geoinformatica of the Operational Research Society

Charpentier, A., Geenens, G., Paindaveine, D., Probit transformation for Desaulniers, G., Rakke, J.G., Callegari Coelho, L., A branch-price-and-cut
kernel density estimation of the copula density, Bernoulli Journal algorithm for the inventory-routing problem, Transportation Science

Charpentier, A., Galichon, A., Henry, M., Local utility and multivariate Desrosiers, J., Gauthier, J.-B., Lübbecke, M.E., About the minimum mean
risk aversion, Mathematics of Operations Research cycle-canceling algorithm, Discrete Applied Mathematics

Charpentier, A., Durand, M., Modeling earthquake dynamics, Journal of Desrosiers, J., Gauthier, J.-B., Lübbecke, M.E., Tools for primal degenerate
Seismology linear programs: IPS, DCA, and PE, EURO Journal on Transportation and
Charpentier, A., Flachaire, E., Log-transform kernel density estimation of
income distribution, Actualité Économique Dimitrakopoulos, R., Lamghari, A., Network-flow based algorithms for
scheduling production in multi-processor open-pit mines accounting for
Contardo, C., Martinelli, R., Exact and heuristic algorithms for capacitated metal uncertainty, European Journal of Operational Research
vehicle routing problems with quadratic costs structure, INFORMS
Journal on Computing Dimitrakopoulos, R., Lamghari, A., Ferland, J.A., A hybrid method based
on linear programming and variable neighborhood descent for scheduling
Cordeau, J.-F., Laporte, G., Sinclair, K., A column generation post- production in open-pit mines, Journal of Global Optimization
optimization heuristic for the integrated aircraft and passenger recovery
problem, Computers & Operations Research Dimitrakopoulos, R., Montiel, L., Optimizing mining complexes with
multiple processing and transportation alternatives: An uncertainty-
Cordeau, J.-F., Jena, S.D., Gendron, B., Modeling and solving a logging based approach, European Journal of Operational Research
camp location problem, Annals of Operations Research
Dimitrakopoulos, R., Mustapha, H., Chatterjee, S., Fast wavelet based
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production routing under demand uncertainty, Operations Research
Duchesne, P., Francq, C., Multivariate hypothesis testing using generalized
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algorithm for auto-carrier transportation, Transportation Research Part
B: Methodological Dussault, J.-P., Kadrani, A., Benchakroun, A., A globally convergent
algorithm for mathematical program with complementarity constraints,
Cordeau, J.-F., Laporte, G., Solyali, O., The impact of modeling on robust EURO Journal on Computational Optimization
inventory management under demand uncertainty, Management Science
El Hallaoui, I., Gendreau, M., Rousseau, L.-M., El Hachemi, N., Flow-
de Frutos, J., García-Archilla, B., Novo, J., John, V., Grad-div stabilization based integer linear programs to solve the weekly log-truck scheduling
for the evolutionary Oseen problem with inf-sup stable finite elements, problem, Annals of Operations Research
Journal of Scientific Computing
El Hallaoui, I., Saddoune, M., Rousseau, L.-M., El Hachemi, N., A two-
de Frutos, J., García-Archilla, B., Novo, J., Local error estimates for the phase approach to solve the synchronized bin-forklift scheduling problem,
SUPG method applied to evolutionary convection-reaction-diffusion Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
equations, Journal of Scientific Computing
El Hallaoui, I., Soumis, F., Rosat, S., Chakour, D., Influence of the
Delage, E., Iancu, D.A., Robust multistage decision making, Tutorials in normalization constraint on the integral simplex using decomposition,
Operations Research Discrete Applied Mathematics
Desaulniers, G., Laporte, G., Cherkesly, M., Irnich, S., Branch-price-and- Fredette, M., Sénécal, S., Léger, P.-M., Courtemanche, F., Riedl,
cut algorithms for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows R., Consumers’ cognitive lock-in on websites: Evidence from a
and multiple stacks, European Journal of Operational Research neurophysiological study, Journal of Internet Commerce
Desaulniers, G., Gendreau, M., Errico, F., Rei, W., Rousseau, L.-M., A Gamache, M., Partovi Nia, V., Hosein Homaie Shandizi, A., Agard,
priori optimization with recourse for the vehicle routing problem with B., Flight deck crew reserve: from data to forecasting, Engineering
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Gamache, M., Dimitrakopoulos, R., Carpentier, S., Underground
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International Journal of Production Research
Gauthier, G., Boudreault, M., Thomassin, T., Estimation of correlations
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annual delivery programs of liquefied natural gas, Optimization and Economic Dynamics and Control
Gauthier, G., Amaya, D., Léautier, T.-O., Dynamic risk management:
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algorithms for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows and frictions, Journal of Risk and Insurance
last-in-first-out loading, Transportation Science
Gauthier, G., Dupuis, D.J., Godin, F., Short-term hedging for an electricity
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metaheuristic for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows and
LIFO loading, Computers & Operations Research Gauthier, G., Ferland, R., Lalancette, S., The sensitivity of interest rate
options to monetary policy decisions: A regime-shift pricing approach,
Desaulniers, G., Spliet, R., The discrete time window assignment vehice Journal of Futures Markets
routing problem, European Journal of Operational Research
Genest, C., A conversation with Herbert Tate: Mathematics educator and
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Giraldeau, L.-A., Bolhuis, J.J., Cause and function in behavioural biology: Jaumard, B., Houle, A., Jarray, A., A scalable design of agile optical
A tribute to Jerry Hogan, Behavioural Processes networks under dynamic small-batch traffic, Journal of Optical
Communications and Networking
Giraldeau, L.-A., Afshar, M., Hall, C.L., Zebra finches scrounge more
when patches vary in quality: Experimental support of the linear operator Labriet, M., Calvin, K.V., Beach, R., Gurgel, A., Loboguerrero Rodriguez,
learning rule, Animal Behaviour A.M., Agriculture, forestry, and other land-use emissions in Latin America,
Energy Economics
Girard, A., Sansò, B., Dbira, H., Calculation of packet jitter for non-poisson
traffic, Annals of Telecommunications Labriet, M., Calvin, K.V., Beach, R., Kitous, A., van Ruijven, B.J., Daenzer,
K., Fisher-Vanden, K., Kober, T., Paltsev, S., Calderon, S.L., Lucena, A.F.P.,
Gumus, M., Kaminsky, P., Mathur, S., The impact of product substitution van Vuuren, D.P., Baseline projections for Latin America: Base-year
and retail capacity on the timing and depth of price promotions: Theory assumptions, key drivers and greenhouse emissions, Energy Economics
and evidence, International Journal of Production Research
Laporte, G., Koç, C., Bektas, T., Jabali, O., A hybrid evolutionary algorithm
Gumus, M., Nikoofal, M.E., On the value of terrorist’s private information for heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problems with time windows,
in government’s defensive resource allocation problem, IIE Transactions Computers & Operations Research
Hansen, P., Mladenović, N., Hanafi, S., Todosijević, R., Mjirda, A., Sequential Laporte, G., Contreras, I., Ortíz Astorquiza, C., Multi-level facility location
variable neighborhood descent variants: An empirical study on travelling as the maximization of a submodular set function, European Journal of
salesman problem, International Transactions of Operatinons Research Operational Research
Hansen, P., Mladenović, N., Alguwaizani, A., Carrizosa, E., New heuristic Laporte, G., Cabantous, L., The art & science of practice: Academia-
for harmonic means clustering, Journal of Global Optimization industry interfacing in operations research in Montreal, Interfaces
Hansen, P., Costa, A., Cafieri, S., Adding cohesion constraints to models Laporte, G., Pascoal, M.M.B., Path based algorithms for metro network
for modularity maximization in networks, Journal of Complex Networks design, Computers & Operations Research
Hansen, P., Ninin, J., Messine, F., A reliable affine relaxation method for Laporte, G., Gharehgozli, A.H., Yu, Y., de Koster, R., Scheduling twin yard
global optimization, 4OR cranes in a container block, Transportation Science
Hansen, P., Bettinelli, A., Liberti, L., Community detection with the Laporte, G., Rakke, J.G., Bakkehaug, R., Fagerholt, K., An adaptive large
weighted parsimony criterion, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity neighborhood search heuristic for fleet deployment problems with voyage
separation requirements, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging
Haurie, A., Bahn, O., Andrey, C., Computing alpha-robust equilibria
in two integrated assessment models for climate change, Annals of the
International Society of Dynamic Games Laporte, G., Callegari Coelho, L., An optimized target level inventory
replenishment policy for vendor-managed inventory systems,
Haurie, A., Bahn, O., A cost-effectiveness differential game model for
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climate agreements, Dynamic Games and Applications
Laporte, G., Gribkovskaia, I., Norlund, E.K.Supply vessel planning under
Hertz, A., Mélot, H., Counting the number of non-equivalent vertex
cost, environment and robustness considerations, Omega
colorings of a graph, Discrete Applied Mathematics
Laporte, G., Barrena Algara, E., Canca, D., Ortega Riejos, F.A., Analyzing
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Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
Jans, R., de Araujo, S.A., Fiorotto, D., Hybrid methods for lotsizing on
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Jaumard, B., Rocha, C., Li, H., Design of efficient node p-cycles in WDM Annals of Operations Research
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Switching and Networking
Laporte, G., Callegari Coelho, L., van Anholt, R.G., Vis, I.F.A., An
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approaches for traffic routing in optical networks, Networks



Larocque, D., Nevalainen, J., Ahonen, I., Global tests for novelty, Mladenović, N., Hanafi, S., Todosijević, R., Crévits, I., Mladenović, M.,
Statistical Methods in Medical Research Adaptive general variable neighborhood search heuristics for solving the
unit commitment problem, International Journal of Electrical Power &
Larribe, F., Dupont, M., Boucher, G., Simultaneous inference of haplotypes Energy Systems
and alleles at a causal gene, Frontiers in Genetics
Mladenović, N., Todosijević, R., Urosević, D., Less is more: Basic variable
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the demographic history from DNA sequences: an importance sampling Information Sciences
approach, Frontiers in Genetics
Mladenović, N., Nikolić, N., Grujičić, I., A large neighbourhood search
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Harvey, J.-P., Chartrand, P., Use of a biobjective direct search algorithm
in the process design of material science applications, Optimization and Mladenović, N., Drazic, M., Zhao, Q.-H., Drazic, Z., Urosević, D,
Engineering Continuous variable neighbourhood search with modified Nelder-
Mead for non-differentiable optimization, IMA Journal of Management
Le Digabel, S., Talgorn, B., Kokkolaras, M., Pourbagian, M., Habashi, Mathematics
W.G., Constrained problem formulations for power optimization of
aircraft electro-thermal anti-icing systems, Optimization and Engineering Mladenović, N., Meliàn Batista, M.B., Editorial: Special issue: Applications
of variable neighbourhood search, IMA Journal of Management
Le Digabel, S., Gramacy, R.B., The mesh adaptive direct search algorithm Mathematics
with treed Gaussian process surrogates, Pacific Journal on Optimization
Mladenović, N., Lazic, J., Hanafi, S., Wilbaut, C., Crévits, I., New variable
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Mladenović, N., Todosijević, R., Nikolaev, A., J-means and I-means for
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M. Gerber and N. Chopin, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B
Mladenović, N., Duarte, A., Pantrigo, J.J., Pardo, E.G., Multi-objective
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constructing rank-1 latice rules, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software optimization problems, Journal of Global Optimization
L’Ecuyer, P., Botev, Z.I., Tuffin, B., Simard, R., Static network reliability Mladenović, N., Escudero, L.F., Alonso-Ayuso, A., Martín-Campo, J., A
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Modeling and Computer Simulation problem by performing turn changes, Journal of Global Optimization
Li, S., Dimitrakopoulos, R., Scott, J., Multi-fractal conditional simulation Mladenović, N., Sheikh Rajab, R., Drazic, M., Yu, K., Mladenović, P.,
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Loulou, R., Labriet, M., Edwards, N.R., Vielle, M., Kanudia, A., Babonneau, F., Mladenović, N., Hanafi, S., Valério de Carvalho, J.M., Jarboui, B., Macedo,
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Malhamé, R.P., Bolouki, S., Consensus algorithms and the decomposition- Mladenović, N., Ait El Cadi, A., Hanafi, S., Ben Atitallah, R., Artiba, A., New
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delays, Optimization Letters
Malhamé, R.P., Ahmadi Javid, A., Optimal control of a multistate failure-
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criterion, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications neighborhood search for computing graph separators, Optimization
Malhamé, R.P., Bolouki, S., Linear consensus algorithms based on
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Malhamé, R.P., Bolouki, S., Siami, M., Motee, N., Eminence grise
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discounting and Ak-type growth models, Economics Letters
Orban, D., Towhidi, M., Customizing the solution process of COIN-OR’s
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linear solvers with Python, Mathematical Programming Computation
of fully-endogenous growth with increasing returns and exhaustible
resources, Macroeconomic Dynamics



Orban, D., Limited-memory LDLT factorization of symmetric quasi- Mladenović, N., Hanafi, S., Todosijević, R., Urosević, D., A general
definite matrices, Numerical Algorithms variable neighborhood search for solving the uncapacitated r-allocation
p-hub median problem, Optimization Letters
Partovi Nia, V., Asgharian, M., Davtalab-Olyaie, M., Roshdi, I., On
characterizing full dimensional weak facets in DEA with variable returns to Seyedi, Y., Bolouki, E., Frigon, J., Slow adaptive power control and outage
scale technology, Optimization: A Journal of Mathematical Programming avoidance incomposite fading wireless channels, IEEE Signal Processing
and Operations Research Letters

Partovi Nia, V., Kijko, G., Margni, M., Doudrich, G., Jolliet, O., Impact Soumis, F., Kasirzadeh, A., Saddoune, M., Airline crew scheduling:
of occupational exposure to chemicals in life cycle assessment: A novel models, algorithms, and data sets, EURO Journal on Transportation and
characterization model based on measured concentrations and labour Logistics
hours, Environmental Science and Technology
Torabi, M., Frigon, J., Haccoun, D., Adaptive transmission in amplify-
Partovi Nia, V., Ghannad-Rezaie, M., Agglomerative joint clustering of and-forward cooperative communications using orthogonal space-time
metabolic data with spike at zero: A Bayesian perspective, Biometrical block codes under spatially correlated antennas, IET Communications
Vakilian, V., Frigon, J., Roy, S., Full-diversity full-rate space-frequency-
Partovi Nia, V., Davison, A.C., A simple model-based approach to variable state block codes for MIMO-OFDM communication systems with
selection in classification and clustering, Canadian Journal of Statistics reconfigurable antennas, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

Rebaine, D., Quilliot, A., Linear arrangement problems and interval Van Der Zwaan, B., Calvin, Katherine V., Veysey, J., Octaviano, C.,
graphs, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Herreras Martinez, S., Kitous, A., McFarland, J., Pathways to Mexico’s
climate change mitigation targets: A multi-model analysis, Energy
Rekik, M., Mellouli, S., Klabi, H., A reputation based electronic government Economics
procurement model, Government Information Quarterly
Waaub, J.-P., Macharis, C., Mareschal, B., PROMETHEE-GDSS revisited:
Rekik, M., Hajji, A., Feki, Y., A hedging policy for carriers’ selection under Applications so far and new developments, International Journal of
availability and demand uncertainty, Transportation Research Part E: Multicriteria Decision Aid
Logistics and Transportation Review
Zaccour, G., Domenech, P.A., Martín-Herrán, G., Cooperation for
Rémillard, B., Dupuis, D.J., Papageorgiou, N., Robust conditional variance sustainable forest management: An empirical differential game approach,
and value-at-risk estimation, Journal of of Financial Econometrics Ecological Economics
Sansò, B., Frigon, J.-F., Azarfar, A., Delay analysis of multichannel Zaccour, G., Kanani Kuchesfehani, E., S-adapted equilibria in games
opportunistic spectrum access mac protocols, IEEE Transactions on played over event trees with coupled constraints, Journal of Optimization
Mobile Computing Theory and Applications
Savard, G., Gilbert, F., Anjos, M.F., Marcotte, P., Optimal design Zaccour, G., Lambertini, L., Inverted-U aggregate investment curves in a
of bilateral contracts for energy procurement, European Journal of dynamic game of advertising, Economics Letters
Operational Research
Zaccour, G., Buratto, A., Grosset, L., Strategic pricing and advertising in
Savard, G., Gilbert, F., Marcotte, P., A numerical study of the logit network the presence of a counterfeiter, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics
pricing problem, Transportation Science
Zaccour, G., Masoudi, N., Santugini, M., A dynamic game of emissions
Soumis, F., Towhidi, M., Omer, J., The positive edge pricing rule for the pollution with uncertainty and learning, Environmental and Resource
dual simplex, Computers & Operations Research Economics

Papers in refereed conference proceedings

2014 Caines, P.E., Helwa, M., Hierarchical control of piecewise affine hybrid
systems, 2014 IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on Decision and Control
Baptiste, P., Maknoon, M.Y., Anjos, M.F., A decision support system to (CDC), 3950-3956
optimize material handling at crossdocking terminals, IFORS 2014
Caines, P.E., Sen, N., Mean field games with partially observed major
Bellavance, F., Fredette, M., Sénécal, S., Faubert, J., Léger, P.-M., player and stochastic mean field, 2014 IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on
Courtemanche, F., Cameron, A.-F., Labonte-LeMoyne, É., Texting while Decision and Control (CDC), 2709-2715
walking: Measuring the impact on pedestrian visual attention, Proceedings
of the Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS 2014 Caines, P.E., Pakniyat, A., On the relation between the minimum principle
and dynamic programming for hybrid systems, 2014 IEEE 53rd Annual
Boyaci, T., Ray, S., Zhang, D., Gumus, M., Huang, X., Supplier alliances Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 19-24
under default risk, M&SOM 2014 Conference Proceedings
Caines, P.E., Pakniyat, A., The gear selection problem for electric vehicles:
Caines, P.E., Aziz, M., Computational investigations of decentralized An optimal control formulation, 13th International Conference on Control
cellular network optimization via mean field control, 2014 IEEE 53rd Automation Robotics & Vision, 1261-1266
Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 5560-5567
Caines, P.E., Pakniyat, A., On the minimum principle and dynamic
Caines, P.E., Helwa, M., In-block controllability of affine systems on programming for hybrid systems, Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World
polytopes, 2014 IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on Decision and Control Congress, 9629-9634
(CDC), 3937-3942
Caines, P.E., Kizilkale, A.C., Mean field estimation for partially observed
Caines, P.E., Helwa, M., Relaxed in-block controllability of affine systems LQG systems with major and minor agents, Proceedings of the 19th IFAC
on polytopes, 2014 IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on Decision and Control World Congress, 8705-8709
(CDC), 3943-3949



Caines, P.E., Sen, N., Nonlinear filtering for McKean-Vlasov type PDEs Jaumard, B., Develder, C., Medhi, D., Time-varying resilient virtual
with application to mean field games, The 21st International Symposium network mapping for multi-location cloud data centers, 16th International
on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2014), 1344- Conference on Transparent Optical Networks
Laporte, G., Baptiste, P., Maknoon, M.Y., Vehicle routing and scheduling
Delage, E., Ardestani Jaafari, A., Affinely adjustable robust location with cross-dock, IFORS 2014
transportation problem, Proceedings of the 2014 Industrial and Systems
Engineering Research Conference, Y. Guan & H. Liao (eds.) Le Digabel, S., Talgorn, B., Kokkolaras, M., Problem formulations for
simulation-based design optimization using statistical surrogates and
Dimitrakopoulos, R., Montiel, L., Optimizing open-pit and underground direct search, Proceedings of The ASME 2014 International Design
mining operations under geological uncertainty, SMP Symposium, AusIMM Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in
Engineering Conference, V02BT03A023
Dimitrakopoulos, R., Senécal, R., A multi-neighbourhood Tabu search
metaheuristicfor stochastic production scheduling, SMP Symposium, Le Ny, J., Mohammady, M., Differentially private MIMO filtering for
AusIMM event streams and spatio-temporal monitoring, Proceedings of the 53rd
Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2148-2153
Dimitrakopoulos, R., Zhang, J., Mining supply chainplanning with
dynamic recovery rate and uncertainties in ore supply andcommodity Le Ny, J., Atanasov, N.A., Pappas, G.J., Daniilidis, K., Information
market, SMP Symposium, AusIMM acquisition with sensing robots: Algorithms and error bounds, Proceedings
of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Dimitrakopoulos, R., Goodfellow, R., Stochastic optimisation of mineral
value chainsdevelopments andapplications for the global optimisation of L’Ecuyer, P., , Chan, Wyean, Ta, Thuy Anh, Bastin, F., Chance-constrained
mining complexes with uncertainty, SMP Symposium, AusIMM staffing with recourse for multi-skill call centers with arrival-rate
uncertaint, Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, IEEE
Dimitrakopoulos, R., McNeil, J., A stochastic optimization formulation for Press, 4103-4104
the transition from open-pit to underground mining, SMP Symposium,
AusIMM L’Ecuyer, P., Botev, Z.I., Rubinstein, R.Y., Vaisman, S., Reliability of
stochastic flow networks with continuous link capacities, Proceedings of
Dimitrakopoulos, R., Minniakhmetov, I., Joint simulation of correlated the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, 543-552
variables using high-order spatial statistics for orebody modeling, SMP
Symposium, AusIMM L’Ecuyer, P., Rousseau, L.-M., Delorme, L., Pelleau, M., Zegal, W.,
Scheduling agents using forecast call arrivals at Hydro-Quebec’s call
Dimitrakopoulos, R., Mustapha, H., Chatterjee, S., Reservoir modeling centers, dans B. O’Sullivan (ed.), Proceedings of the 20th International
through fast wavelet based stochastic simulation, ECMOR XIV – 14th Conference, CP 2014, Lyon, France, Lectures Notes in Computer Science,
European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery Catania vol. 8656, 862-869
El Hallaoui, I., Mhada, F.Z., Ouzineb, M., Pellerin, R., A hybrid method L’Ecuyer, P., Tuffin, B., Saggadi, S., An adaptive zero-variance importance
for solving buffer sizing and inspection stations allocation problem, sampling approximation for static network dependability evaluation,
Proceedings, Part III, IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS Proceedings of SNA&MC 2013: Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications
2014,IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol. and Monte Carlo
440, 156-166
L’Ecuyer, P., Botev, Z.I., Tuffin, B., Modeling and estimating small
El Hallaoui, I., Soumis, F., Rosat, S., Lodi, A., Integral simplex using unreliabilities for static networks with dependent components,
decomposition with primal cuts, Experimental Algorithms, 13th Proceedings of SNA&MC 2013: Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications
International Symposium, SEA 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, and Monte Carlo
Springer International Publishing, vol. 8504, 22-33
Mahajan, A., Arabneydi, J., Team optimal control of coupled subsystems
El Hallaoui, I., Soumis, F., Rosat, S., Lodi, A., Integral simplex using with mean-field sharing, 2014 IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on Decision
decomposition with primal cutting planes, Experimental Algorithms, and Control (CDC), 1669-1674
13th International Symposium, SEA 2014, Lectures Notes in Computer
Science, vol. 8504, 22-33 Mahajan, A., Chakravorty, J., On the optimal thresholds in remote state
estimation with communication costs, 2014 IEEE 53rd Annual Conference
Girard, A., Kamel Saad, M.I., Le, L.B., LTE wireless network virtualization: on Decision and Control (CDC), 1041-1046
Dynamic slicing via flexible scheduling, 2014 IEEE 80th Vehicular
Technology Conference (VTC Fall), Vancouver, BC, 1-5 Mahajan, A., Chakravorty, J., Average cost optimal threshold strategies for
remote estimation with communication cost, 2014 52nd Annual Allerton
Jaumard, B., Shahriar, M.I., Qiu, D., Cooperative channel resource sharing Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), 335-
in P2P networks, Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Information and 342
Communication Technology, 110-118
Mahajan, A., Mannan, M., Simultaneous real-time transmission of
Jaumard, B., Rocha, C., Li, H., Bui, M.N., Shortcut Np-cycles with no multiple Markov sources over a shared channel, 2014 IEEE International
loop backs, Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Information and Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2356-2360
Communication Technology, 119-125
Malhamé, R.P., Abedinpour-Fallah, M., Martinelli, F., Distributed
Jaumard, B., Trung, K.D., Optimizing ROADM configurations in WDM estimation of multi-agent systems with coupling in the measurements:
networks, 2014 16th International Telecommunications Network Strategy Bulk algorithm and approximate Kalman-type filtering, 2014 IEEE 53rd
and Planning Symposium (Networks) Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1810-1815
Jaumard, B., Trung, K.D., Resilient distributed design of very large multi- Malhamé, R.P., Kizilkale, A.C., A class of collective target tracking
domain optical networks, 2014 16th International Telecommunications problems in energy systems: Cooperative versus non-cooperative mean
Network Strategy and Planning Symposium (Networks) field control solutions, 2014 IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on Decision
and Control (CDC), 3493-3498
Jaumard, B., Bui, M.N., Develder, C., Resilience options for provisioning
anycast cloud services with virtual optical networks, Proceedings of the Malhamé, R.P., Le Ny, J., Salhab, R., Consensus and disagreement in
IEEE International Conference on Communications, 3461-3468 collective homing problems: A mean field game formulation, Proceedings



of the 53rd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 916-921 2015

Malhamé, R.P., Bolouki, S., Siami, M., Motee, N., A geometric approach Aouchiche, M., Caporossi, G., Hansen, P., Mladenović, N., Lucas, C.,
towards linear consensus algorithms, 2014 IEEE 53rd Annual Conference Finding conjectures in graph theory with AutoGraphiX, dans N.E.
on Decision and Control (CDC), 715-720 Mastorakis & K. Psarris (eds.), Advances in Software Engineering and
Systems, Recent Advances in Computer Engineering Series, WSEAS
Malhamé, R.P., Bolouki, S., Siami, M., Motee, N., Eminence grise
Press, 42-51
coalitions in opinion dynamics, 2014 52nd Annual Allerton Conference on
Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), 556-562 Baptiste, P., Mascle, C., Sabaghi, M., Application of DOE-TOPSIS
technique in decision-making problems, INCOM 2015, Ottawa, Canada
Malhamé, R.P., Kizilkale, A.C., Collective target tracking mean field
control for Markovian jump-driven models of electric water heating loads, Baptiste, P., Mascle, C., Zahedi, H., A conceptual framework toward
Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress, 1867-1872 advanced aircraft end-of-life treatment using product and process
features, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48(3), 767-772
Malhamé, R.P., Kizilkale, A.C., Collective target tracking mean field
control for electric space heaters, 2014 22nd Mediterranean Conference Caines, P.E., Mahajan, A., Prokopiou, P., An estimation based allocation
of Control and Automation (MED), 829-834 rule with super-linear regret and finite lock-on time for time-dependent
multi-armed bandit processes, Proceedings of the Canadian Conference
Ninin, J., Chabert, G., Global optimization based on contractor
on Elecrtical and Computer Engineering, 1299-1306
programming, XII Global Optimisation Workshop (MAGO)
Capone, A., Cascone, C., Nguyen, A., Sansò, B., Detour planning for fast and
Partovi Nia, V., Bassetto, S.J., Tilouche, S., Classification algorithms for
reliable failure recovery in SDN with OpenState, 2015 11th International
virtual metrology, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Management
Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN),
of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT), 495-499
Rebaine, D., Bachir Cherif, K., Erchiqui, F., Nahas, N., Slaoui-Hasnaoui,
Desaulniers, G., Soumis, F., Lehouillier, T., Omer, J., A new variant
F., A heuristic approach for the infrared heating in thermoforming
of the minimumweight maximum-cardinality clique problem to solve
process, COSI’2014, 71-78
con icts between aircraft, Modelling, Computation and Optimization in
Rekik, M., Mellouli, S., Ben Othmane, I., Reputation-based winner Information Systems and Management Sciences, Proceedings of the 3rd
determination problem in transportation combinatorial auction for International Conference on Modelling, Computation and Optimization
the procurement of TL transportation services in centralized markets, in Information Systems and Management Sciences - MCO 2015 - Part I,
10th international conference on modeling, optimization & simulation Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 3-14
(MOSIM), Nancy, France
Dimitrakopoulos, R., Marinho, A., A surface-constrained stochastic mine
Rekik, M., Klibi, W., Service-oriented carriers selection in transportation productionscheduling method and its application at a copper deposit,
auctions under uncertainty, Conference of The International Federation Proceedings, Application of Computers and Operations Research in the
of Operational Research Societies (IFORS) Mineral Industry (APCOM), Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration,
Rekik, M., Hajji, A., El Fassi, H., Stochastic dual dynamic programming
approach for lot sizing problem with returns, Proceedings of the Dimitrakopoulos, R., Goodfellow, R., Stochastic optimization of open
International Conference on Green Supply Chains pit miningcomplexes with capital expenditures: application at a copper
mining complex, Proceedings, Application of Computers and Operations
Rekik, M., Hajji, A., Trade-off between strategic and operational costs Research in the Mineral Industry (APCOM), Society for Mining,
in transportation service procurement, Proceedings of the International Metallurgy & Exploration, 657-667
Business and Consumer Research
Dimitrakopoulos, R., Zhang, J., A Dynamic-ore-price-basedmethod
Sansò, B., Frigon, J.-F., Azarfar, A., Liu, C.-H., Cabric, D., Cooperative for optimizing a mineral supply chain with uncertainty, Proceedings,
spectrum sensing scheduling optimization in multi-channel dynamic Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry
spectrum access networks, IEEE Globecom Proceedings, 810-815 (APCOM), Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 608-717

Vakilian, V., Nguyen, H., Abielmona, S., Roy, S., Frigon, J., Experimental Dimitrakopoulos, R., Montiel, L., Optimizing a miningcomplex
study of direction-of-arrival estimation using reconfigurable antennas, under supply uncertainty: integrating components from deposits
2014 IEEE 27th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer totransportation systems, Proceedings, Application of Computers and
Engineering (CCECE), Canada Operations Research in the Mineral Industry (APCOM), Society for
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 647-656
Vetta, A., Alkalay-Houlihan, C., False-name bidding and economic
efficiency in combinatorial auctions, Proceedings of 28th Conference on Fredette, M., Sénécal, S., Léger, P.-M., Labonte-LeMoyne, É., Research
on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) directions for methodological improvement of the statistical analysis of
electroencephalography data collected in NeuroIS, Information Systems
Zufferey, N., Respen, J., Tabu search with guided restarts for a car and Neuroscience, Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS 2015, Lecture Notes in
production problem with a 2/3 balancing penalty, Proceedings of Information Systems and Organisation, Springer, vol. 10, 201-206
5th International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired
Computing (META 2014), Marrakech, Morocco Fredette, M., Sénécal, S., Léger, P.-M., Courtemanche, F., Georges, V.,
Baccino, T., Measuring visual complexity using neurophysiological data,
Zufferey, N., Tabu search with diversity control and simulation for Information Systems and Neuroscience, Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS
an inventory management problem, Proceedings of 5th International 2015, Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation, Springer,
Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing (META vol. 10, 207-212
2014), Marrakech, Morocco
Fredette, M., Sénécal, S., Léger, P.-M., Courtemanche, F., Labonte-
Zufferey, N., Thevenin, S., A deconstruction-reconstruction metaheuristic LeMoyne, É., Randolph, A.B., Proposal for the use of p Passive BCI
for a job scheduling problem, Proceedings of 5th International Conference to cevelop a neurophysiological inference model of IS constructs,
on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing (META 2014), Information Systems and Neuroscience, Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS
Marrakech, Morocco 2015, Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation, Springer,
vol. 10, 175-180



Fredette, M., Sénécal, S., Léger, P.-M., Courtemanche, F., Bastarache- Mahajan, A., Chakravorty, J., Distortion-transmission trade-off in real-
Roberge, M.-C., Measuring flow using psychophysiological data in a time transmission of Markov sources, Proceedings of the Information
multiplayer gaming context, Information Systems and Neuroscience, Theory Workshop
Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS 2015, Lecture Notes in Information
Systems and Organisation, Springer, vol. 10, 187-191 Mahajan, A., Arabneydi, J., Team optimal control of coupled major-minor
subsystems with mean field sharing, Proceedings of the Indian Control
Frini, A., Ben Amor, S., A TOPSIS multi-criteria multi-period approach for Conference, 95-100
selecting projects in sustainable development context, Fifth International
Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Numan, A., Frigon, J., Laurin, J., Millimeter wave orthogonally polarized
IEOM 2015, Dubai, UAE substrate integrated waveguide slot antenna arrays, 8th Global Symposium
on Millimeter Waves (GSMM), Canada
Girard, A., Kamel Saad, M.I., Le, L.B., LTE multi-cell dynamic resource
allocation for wireless network virtualization, 2015 IEEE Wireless Sansò, B., Malandra, F., Analytical performance analysis of a large-scale
Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), New Orleans, LA, RF-mesh smart meter communication system, ISGT2015
Talgorn, B., Kokkolaras, M., Deblois, A., Piperni, P., Non-hierarchical
Jaumard, B., Song, S., Dimensioning hybrid PONs, 2015 International coordination for multidisciplinary design optimization in an industrial
Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM), 16-21 environment, Proceedings of the 62nd CASI Aeronautics Conference and
AGM, Montréal, Québec
Jaumard, B., Bakshi, M., Narayanan, L., Kaddour, M., An efficient method
to minimize TDMA frame length in wireless sensor networks, 2015 IEEE Zufferey, N., Graph coloring tabu search for project scheduling,
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 825-830 Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science,
Applied Mathematics and Applications (ICCSAMA 2015), Metz, France
Le Ny, J., Atanasov, N.A., Pappas, G.J., Daniilidis, K., Decentralized active
information acquisition: Theory and application to multi-robot SLAM, Zufferey, N., Adaptive memory algorithm with the covering recombination
Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation operator, Proceedings of the Conference on Modelling, Computation and
(ICRA), 4775-4782 Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences (MCO
2015), Metz, France

Books of book chapters

2014 Laporte, G., The undirected chinese postman problem, dans Á. Corberán,
G. Laporte (eds.), Arc Routing: Problems, Methods and Applications,
Audet, C., A survey on direct search methods for blackbox optimization and MOS-SIAM Series on Optimization, SIAM, 53-64
their applications, dans P.M. Pardalos, T.M. Rassias (eds.), Mathematics
without boundaries: Surveys in interdisciplinary research, Springer, 31-56 Laporte, G., Ghiani, G., The undirected rural postman problem, dans
Á. Corberán, G. Laporte (eds.), Arc Routing: Problems, Methods and
Charpentier, A., Computational Actuarial Science with R, Chapman & Applications, MOS-SIAM Series on Optimization, SIAM, 85-99
Hall/CRC The R Series, 656 pages
Laporte, G., Ropke, S., Vidal, T., Heuristics for the vehicle routing problem,
Charpentier, A., Kaas, R., Introduction, dans Computational Actuarial dans P. Toth, D. Vigo (eds.), Vehicle Routing: Problems, Methods, and
Science with R, Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series, 1-72 Applications, Second Edition, MOS-SIAM Series on Optimization, SIAM,
Charpentier, A., Escoto, B., Bayesian philosophy, dans Computational
Actuarial Science with R, Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series, 127-164 Mahajan, A., Chakravorty, J., Multi-armed bandits, Gittins index, and
its calculation, dans N. Balakrishnan (ed.), Methods and Applications of
Charpentier, A., Tufféry, S., Statistical learning, dans Computational
Statistics in Clinical Trials, Volume 2: Planning, Analysis, and Inferential
Actuarial Science with R, Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series, 165-206
Methods, John Wiley & Sons, 416-435
Charpentier, A., Boucher, Jean-P., General insurance pricing, dans
Computational Actuarial Science with R, Chapman & Hall/CRC The R
Series, 475-510
Anjos, M.F., Optimization for power systems and the smart grid, dans B.
Hansen, P., Cafieri, S., Using mathematical programming to refine
Defourny & T. Terlaky (eds.), Modeling and Optimization: Theory and
heuristic solutions for network clustering, dans Models, Algorithms and
Applications, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Springer,
Technologies for Network Analysis, Springer, Vol. 104, 9-20
vol. 147, 29-47
Hansen, P., Mladenović, N., Cafieri, S., Variable neighborhood search for
Bahn, O., Alcocer-Morales, Y.-E., Vaillancourt, K., An analysis of the
edge-ratio network clustering, dans S. Butenko, E.L. Pasiliao, V. Shylo
impacts of new oil pipelines projects on the Canadian energy sector
(eds.), Examining Robustness and Vulnerability of Networked Systems,
with a TIMES model for Canada, dans G. Giannakidis, M. Labriet, B. Ó
Gallachóir, G. Tosato (eds.), Informing Energy and Climate Policies Using
Hertz, A., GRAPHITI - L’Inspecteur Manori enquête à Paris, Les Éditions Energy Systems Models: Insights from Scenario Analysis Increasing the
Amalthée Evidence Base, Lecture Notes in Energy, Springer, vol. 30, 247-260

Laporte, G., Corberán, Á., Arc routing: Problems, methods and Breton, M., Keoula, M.Y., A great fish war model with asymmetric players,
applications, MOS-SIAM Series on Optimization, SIAM, 392 pages dans M. Finus, A. Caparros (eds), Game Theory And International
Environmental Cooperation – Essential readings, Edward Elgar
Laporte, G., Corberán, Á., A historical perspective on arc routing, dans publishing, 911-934
Á. Corberán, G. Laporte (eds.), Arc Routing: Problems, Methods and
Applications, MOS-SIAM Series on Optimization, SIAM, 1-15 Dussault, J.-P., Joannopoulos, E.,Pomar, C., Dubeau, F., The diet problem,
dans L.M. Plà-Aragonés (ed.), Handbook of Operations Research in
Agriculture and the Agri-Food Industry, Springer-Verlag, 397-417



Haurie, A., Labriet, M., Edwards, N.R., Vielle, M., Kanudia, A., Babonneau, in Adaptation and Control, Lecture Notes in Control and Information
F., Holden, P., Pizzileo, B., Fairness in climate negotiations: A meta-game Sciences, Springer
analysis based on community integrated assessment, dans L. Bernard, W.
Semmler (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Macroeconomics of Climate Mladenović, N., Hanafi, S., Valério de Carvalho, J.M., Macedo, R., Alves,
Change, Oxford University Press, 170-203 C., Ramos, B., Integer programming based approaches for multi-trip
location routing, dans R.J. Fonseca, G.-W. Weber & J. Telhada (eds.),
Hertz, A., De Werra, D., Chromatic scheduling, dans L.W. Beineke and Computational Management Science, State of the Art 2014, Springer
R.J. Wilson (eds.), Topics in Chromatic Graph Theory, Cambridge
University Press, 255-276 Rémillard, B., Ghoudi, K., Diagnostic tests for innovations of ARMA models
using empirical processes of residuals, dans R. Kulik (ed.), Asymptotic
Labriet, M., Giannakidis, G., Gallachóir, Ó., Tosato, G.C., Informing Laws and Methods in Stochastics, Fields Institute Communications
energy and climate policies using energy systems models. Insights from Series, Springer
scenario analysis increasing the evidence base, Lecture Notes in Energy,
426 pages

Laporte, G., Nickel, S., Saldanha da Gama, F., Location science, Springer,
644 pages

Laporte, G., Nickel, S., Saldanha da Gama, F., Introduction to location

science, dans G. Laporte, S. Nickel, F. Saldanha da Gama (eds.), Location
Science, Springer, 1-18

Laporte, G., Mesa, J.A., The design of rapid transit networks, dans
G. Laporte, S. Nickel, F. Saldanha da Gama (eds.), Location Science,
Springer, 581-594

Larocque, D., Nevalainen, J., L1-Regression for multivariate clustered

data, dans K. Nordhausen & S. Taskinen (eds.), Modern Nonparametric,
Robust and Multivariate Methods, Springer, 225-234

Le Digabel, S., Talgorn, B., Kokkolaras, M., Blackbox optimization in

engineering design: Adaptive statistical surrogates and direct search
algorithms, dans N.D. Lagaros, M. Papadrakakis (eds.), Engineering
and Applied Sciences Optimization, Computational Methods in Applied
Sciences, Springer International Publishing, Vol. 38, 359-383

Martín-Herrán, G., Cabo, F., Martínez-García, M.P., Global warming and

R&D-based growth in a trade model between environmentally sensitive
and environmentally neglectful countries, dans L. Bernard, W. Semmler
(eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Macroeconomics of Climate Change,
Oxford University Press, 222-247

Zufferey, N., Graph coloring models and metaheuristics for packing

applications, dans J.D. Pintér & G. Fasano (eds.), Optimized Packings and
their Applications, Series in Optimization and Its Applications, 295-317

To be published
Brimberg, J., Mladenović, N., Urosević, D., Maximally diverse grouping
and Clique partitioning problems with Skewed general variable
neighborhood search, Models, Algorithms, and Technologies for Network
Analysis / From the 4th International Conference on Network Analysis,
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Springer

Dimitrakopoulos, R., Applied strategic mine planning: Modelling and

optimization technologies in practice, Springer

Genest, C., Chebana, F., Copula modeling in hydrological frequency

analysis, dans V. Singh (ed.), Chow’s Handbook of Applied Hydrology,
Second Edition, McGraw-Hill

Hansen, P., Aloise, D., Clustering, Handbook of Discrete and Combinatorial


Laporte, G., Demir, E., Bektas, T., Green vehicle routing, dans H.N.
Psaraftis (ed.), Green Transportation Logistics: The Quest for Win-Win
Solutions, Springer

L’Ecuyer, P., Random Number Generation and Quasi-Monte Carlo, Wiley

StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online, John Wiley, Chichester, UK

Malhamé, R.P., Kizilkale, Arman C., Collective target tracking mean

field control for Markovian jump-driven models of electric water heating
loads, dans K. Vamvoudakis, J. Sarangapani (eds.), Recent Advances




Daniel Aloise Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); IEEE Power & Energy
Referee for the following journals: European Journal of Operational Society (IEEE-PES); Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS);
Research; Journal of Global Optimization; 4OR; IEEE Transactions Portuguese Operational Research Society (APDIO)
on Systems, Man and Cybernetics—Part B: Cybernetics; Discrete
Applied Mathematics, Pesquisa Operacional; Computers & Operations Charles Audet
Research; International Transactions in Operational Research; Journal Editor of the GERAD Newsletter
of Classification; Annals of Operations Research
Member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Global Optimization,
Pacific Journal on Optimization and Computational Optimization and
Diego Amaya Applications
Permanent member of the CDPQ Research Chair in Portfolio Management

Member of the American Finance Association David Avis

Professor at Kyoto University, Japan
Miguel F. Anjos Member of the editorial boards for the following: Discrete Applied
Chairholder, Canada Research Chair in Discrete Nonlinear Optimization
Mathematics; Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications;
in Engineering
Graphs and Combinatorics; Discrete and Computational Geometry
Director of the Trottier Energy Institute, Polytechnique Montréal
Referee for the following journals: Advances in Computing Research,
Member, Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy (WISE), University Algorithmica, Annals of Discrete Mathematics, American Math
of Waterloo Monthly, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Communications of
the ACM, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics, Discrete
Interview in Montreal Gazette on May 27, 2015: "Quebecers Sound Off on and Computational Geometry, European Journal of Combinatorics,
Energy and Global Warming" Graphs and Combinatorics, IEEE Transactions on Computers,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Information Processing
Interview in Le Journal de Montréal on May 27, 2015: "Energy Issues Are Letters, Information Sciences, Journal of Classification, Journal of
of Little Interest to People" (in French) Fire Prevention Engineering, Journal of Graph Theory, Journal of
Interview in Journal Métro on May 27, 2015: "Quebecers Lack Knowledge Combinatorial Theory B, Journal of the ACM, Journal of Computers
about Energy" (in French ) and Systems Sciences, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,
Journal of Symbolic Computation, Mathematical Programming,
Interview in PLAN, the magazine of Quebec’s order of engineers, June– Networks, Neural Networks, SIAM Journal of Computing, The Visual
July 2014, pp. 40–42, "Energy has an Institute" (in French) Computer, Transactions on Mathematical Software

Reviewer for one tenure and promotion case in the USA

Olivier Bahn
Vice-president of the Montréal section of the Canadian Operational Member of IEDDEC and CORS
Research Society
Member of the training committee and the research committee of the
Member of the selection committee for the ACFAS Pierre-Dansereau IEDDEC
Member of the aggregation promotion committee and of the MBA steering
Member of the Mitacs Research Council committee at HEC Montréal

Member of the selection committee for graduate scholarships in the area Associate editor for the Journal of Applied Mathematics, Energy Strategy
of energy, Fonds de recherche du Québec Reviews and Environmental Modeling and Assessment

Editor-in-chief of Optimization and Engineering and IEEE Transactions External evaluator for the renewal of a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair
on Power Systems
Invited Professor at the Institut Banque et Finance, University of Zurich,
Associate editor for RAIRO-OR, Operations Research Letters, and Switzerland, December 15–19, 2014
Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science
Expert consulting for government organizations and private companies:
Member of the editorial board for Discrete Applied Mathematics Environment Canada, for the development of its EC-IAM integrated
evaluation model; expert looking at greenhouse gas reduction strategies
Referee for the following journals: European Journal of Operational in Canada for the Trottier Energy Futures Project, The Trottier Family
Research; Mathematical Programming (Series A); Mathematical Foundation, The Canadian Academy of Engineering and the David Suzuki
Programming Computation; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Foundation; impact analysis of oil pipelines on the oil and gas industry
Reviewer for a grant application for NSERC in Newfoundland and Labrador, in partnership with the ESMIA and IEC
consulting companies, for the benefit of the CARE Centre of Memorial
Scientific expert, Trottier Energy Futures Project (TEFP) University, Newfoundland

Fellow of The Higher Education Academy (HEA)

Pierre Baptiste
Member of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM); Director of the Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering,
Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS); Institute for Operations Polytechnique Montréal
Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS); Institute of



Member of the professional relations committee, Polytechnique Montréal Co-chair, education syllabus committee, Canadian Institute of Actuaries

Board member of CEFRIO Committee member of the Education and Eligibility Council, Canadian
Institute of Actuaries
Deputy chair of the board of the website "Voyagez futé"
Associate member of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries
Referee for the following journals: Journal européen des systèmes
automatisés, International Journal of Production Economics Fellow (FSA), Society of Actuaries

Consultant for the AMF and the Casualty Actuarial Society

François Bellavance
Sabbatical leave from June 1 to December 31, 2014 Referee for the following journals: Insurance: Mathematics and
Economics; North American Actuarial Journal; Quantitative Finance;
Member of the Table québécoise de sécurité routière Variance and Journal of Credit Risk
Board member of the Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals
François Bouffard
Director of the Réseau de recherche en sécurité routière, Fonds de Invited expert: Renewable energy in electricity networks expert
recherche du Québec—MTQ—SAAQ roundtable, Consultation on Quebec’s 2016–2025 energy policy, Quebec
Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, 2015
Member of the CIRRELT board and executive committee
Member of the OIQ
Member of the Road Safety Research Network
Member of the Trottier Institute for Sustainability in Engineering and
Member of the Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals
Member of the Statistical Society of Canada
Member of the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,
Member of the research ethics committee, HEC Montréal IEEE Power Engineering Letters, Journal of Modern Power Systems and
Clean Energy
Member of the appeals committee, HEC Montréal
Member of the Power System Analysis, Computation and Economics
Member of the professor ethics committee, HEC Montréal Committee of the IEEE Power & Energy Society
Member of the selection committee for the FRQNT transportation Referee for the following journals and agencies: IEEE Transactions on
scholarship (A4) Power Systems; IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid; IET Generation,
Transmission and Distribution; IEEE Transactions on Sustainable
Member of the recruitment committee for new professors and lecturers in
Energy; NSERC and Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
the Department of Decision Sciences, HEC Montréal

Member of the HEC Montréal internal selection committee for the NSERC Tamer Boyaci
doctoral scholarship and for SSHRC’s talent scholarship Visiting Professor, Koc University, Turkey, January–June 2015
Member of the selection committee for the doctoral admissions and Member of CORS, POMS and INFORMS
midterm Lektor-Brousseau scholarships, HEC Montréal
Senior editor, Production and Operations Management
Evaluator of a MITACS scholarship application
Associate editor of Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Decision Sciences
Guest editor for a special number on driving distractions in the journal
Recherche Transports Sécurité Topical editor on energy and the environment, Wiley Encyclopedia of
Operations Research and Management Science (EORMS)
Referee for the following journals: Applied Soft Computing, Assurances
et gestion des risques, Epidemiology, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal Committee member for the Best Paper Award of the Manufacturing &
of Health Economics, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Service Operations Management (M&SOM) Society; iFORM (Interface of
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, Statistics & Probability Letters Finance, Operations, and Risk Management) SIG (Special Interest Group)

External reviewer on tenure and promotion to associate professor or

Hatem Ben-Ameur to full professor at the University of Toronto, Rennslaer Polytechnic
Member of the GERAD scholarship selection committee Institute, American University of Beirut, Dalhousie University, John’s
Hopkins University and Indiana University
Associate editor for a special series on finance of the Annals of Operations
Research Referee for the following journals and granting agencies: Management
Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations
Consultant on behalf of Caterpillar Tunisia: sales forecasting and order
Management, Naval Research Logistics, IIE Transactions, Production
planning, 2015
Operations Management, European Journal of Operational
Management, Marketing Science, International Journal of Production
Sarah Ben Amor Economics, Annals of Operations Research, INFOR, Computers and
Member of CORS, INFORMS and the International Society for Multi- Operations Research, NSERC and SSHRC
Criteria Decision Making
Michèle Breton
Mathieu Boudreault Professorship in dynamic optimization, HEC Montréal
Committee member, Task Force on Canadian Eligibility Requirements,
Canadian Institute of Actuaries Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada

Chair of the academic relations committee and the academic research Director of Academic Affairs, HEC Montréal
subcommittee of the research committee, Canadian Institute of Actuaries President of the rankings committee and the program committee



Member of the Fondation HEC Montréal’s executive committee, for the award of summer research scholarships; committee for award
pedagogical committee, IT governance committee, teaching masters’ nominations
evaluation committee and orientation and liaison committee
Member of IFAC technical committee on discrete and hybrid systems
Member of the graduate studies liaison committee, Quebec’s Ministry of
Education, Graduate Studies and Research Annual reviewer of papers for the leading conferences on systems and
control: IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, American Control
Member of the studies commission, Université de Montréal Conference, IFAC Conferences and Symposia, European Conference on
Control and workshops, etc.
Member of the academic affairs committee, BCI (CREPUQ)
Member of the editorial board of Foundations and Trends in Systems and
Member of the liaison committee between the Université de Montréal Control
graduate studies department and affiliated schools
Senior editor of Non-linear Analysis—Hybrid Systems Journal
Training seminars on "Programa ejecutivo de capacitación en el sector
energia," international projects, Análisis de riesgo, Mexico, November 2014 Associate editor of Communications in Information and Systems and
IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
Member of the board of examiners for the Daniel-Brosseau and Peter-
Letko grant, HEC Montréal Reviewer for NSERC research grant proposals and the Hong Kong
University Research Grants Council
President and treasurer, International Society of Dynamic Games
Referee for the following journals: IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Associate editor of the following: Automatica, International Game Control; SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization; Systems and
Theory Review, International Transactions in Operational Research, Control Letters; Kybernetica; Nonlinear Analysis - Hybrid Systems
Dynamic Games and Applications
Visiting Research Professor at the Department of Mathematics, City
Member of the ISDG, the Society of Computational Economics and the University of Hong Kong, September 2014–February 2015
Game Theory Society
Visiting Professor at the School of Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton
Member representative to the GERAD board University, February–August 2015
Referee for the following journals: Environmental and Resource INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION
Economics, Ecological Modeling, Journal of Economic Dynamics and
Control, Energy Economics and Dynamic Games and Applications Collaboration with Professor James Juanhui Huang, The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, is being initiated on a project titled "Mean
Member of the selection committee for new members of the Royal Society Field Game (MFG) and Major-Minor (MM) Optimization with Positive
of Canada Controls" within the framework of the Hong Kong Universities Research
Grants Commission
Member of the scientific committee, Montréal Structured Finance and
Derivatives Institute
Gilles Caporossi
Guest member of the Interdisciplinary Adjudication Committee, Canada Editor of the GERAD Newsletter
Research Chairs program
Guest professor, Université Paris-Est –Créteil, France, January 19–23,
Jack Brimberg
Affiliated Professor at HEC Montréal, Canada Guest professor, Université fédérale d’Espirito Santo, Brazil, May 4–29,
Member of these professional associations: Professional Engineers of
Ontario, Operations Research Society of America, Canadian Operational Referee for the following journals: European Journal of Operations
Research Society Research, Computers and Operations Research, Discrete Applied
Mathematics, Psychometrika
Member of the Editorial Board of Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research
Member of the International Academy of Mathematical Chemistry
Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews
Associate member, Institut des textes et manuscrits modernes (ENS/
CNRS, France)
Peter Caines
Chairholder of the Sir William C. Macdonald Chair in Electrical Member of the research ethics committee of HEC Montréal
Engineering, McGill University

James McGill Professorship, McGill University Arthur Charpentier

Lecturer, Faculté de Sciences Économique, Université de Rennes 1, France
Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, the Royal
Society of Canada and the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Director of data science training for actuarial studies, Institut des Actuaires
& Institut du Risk Management, Paris, France
Life Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Member of the FRQNT evaluation committee for the graduate and
Senior Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Advanced Research postgraduate student program
Member of the IEEE Control Systems Society and the American Associate editor, European Actuarial Journal
Mathematical Society
Member of the Actuaries’ Institute, France
Member of HYCON Highly-complex and networked control systems
Member (intermittently) of the Société Française de Statistique (SFdS), de
Member of the following committees at McGill University: committee on la Société Canadienne de Statistique (SSC) and the American Economic
staff grievances and disciplinary procedures; department reappointment Association (AEA)
and tenure committee; department chair’s advisory committee; committee



Fabien Chauny Jacques Desrosiers

In charge of the B.B.A. Quantitative Management Technique specialization, Sabbatical leave from June 1 to December 31, 2014
HEC Montréal
Research stays:
- June 17–20, 2014: University of Limoges, France
Claudio Contardo - October 05–10, 2014: University Paris 13, France
Reviewer for the following journals: Transportation Science, European - October 14–21,2014: Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
Journal of Operational Research, Computers & Operations Research,
Networks, European Journal of Industrial Engineering, Discrete Applied Member of the Royal Society of Canada
Mathematics, Annals of Operations Research, INFOR, Operations
Reviewer for the following journals: European Journal of Operational
Research, Mathematical Programming Computation
Research, INFORMS Journal of Computing

Jean-François Cordeau
Chairholder, Canada Research Chair in Logistics and Transportation
Roussos Dimitrakopoulos
Chairholder, Canada Research Chair in Sustainable Mineral Resource
Member of INFORMS Development and Optimization Under Uncertainty

Associate editor of IIE Transactions, INFOR, Transportation Science Director and founder of COSMO—Stochastic Mine Planning Laboratory,
McGill University
Member of the editorial board of Computers & Operations Research
Editor-in-chief, Mathematical Geosciences, Springer
Member of the advisory board of International Journal of Automation
and Logistics Executive Expert Advisory Board member, Horizon 2020 Project: Real-
Time Mining Consortium
In charge of the MSc in International Logistics, HEC Montréal
Associate member, Centre for Intelligent Machines, McGill University

Javier de Frutos Member, Society of Mining Professors, the Netherlands

Chair, Mathematics Department, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
Member of the editorial board of Journal of Mining Science, Journal
of the South African Institute of Mining & Metallurgy, International
Erick Delage Journal of Mining Science and Technology, Mining Technology
Chairholder of the Canada Research Chair in Decision Making Under
Uncertainty Member of these professional societies: Canadian Institute of Mining,
Metallurgy and Petroleum, AusIMM, IAMG, INFORMS, SPE, SME,
Director of LACED SAIMM and iEMSs
Member of INFORMS, MOS and CORS
Pierre Duchesne
Associate editor of Springer Computational Management Science, Professor in charge of the graduate program in statistics, Université de
Management Science and Pacific Journal of Optimization Montréal, Canada
Guest editor for a special issue on robust optimization in Computational Associate editor of Computational Statistics and Data Analysis and The
Management Science, Springer Canadian Journal of Statistics
Reviewer for the following journals: Mathematics of Operations Research,
INFOR, Journal of Global Optimization, Four Operations Research, Debbie Dupuis
Mathematical Programming In charge of the PhD Quantitative Methods specialization, HEC Montréal

Member of the standing committee on MSc grants, HEC Montréal

Michel Denault
In charge of the MSc Financial Engineering specialization, HEC Montréal External expert with the commission reviewing nominations for the
positions of assistant professor with tenure track, or associate or regular
Member of the organizing committee for the election of the GERAD professor, for the Institut de Recherche en Statistique, of the Economics
director, December 2014 to March 2015 and Management Faculty, Geneva University, September–February 2015
LACED member Reviewer for the following journals: Journal of Business and Economic
Reviewer for the following journals: Applied Energy and Computers and Statistics, Journal of Climate Environmetrics, Canadian Journal of
Operations Research Statistics, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Extremes

Guy Desaulniers Issmail El Hallaoui

Sabbatical leave from June 15, 2013, to June 14, 2014 Member of the GERAD’s scholarship selection committee

GERAD Director since May 1, 2015 Evaluation of NSERC grant applications

Member of the academic council, Polytechnique Montréal Member of the FRQNT evaluation committee for the new researchers
INFORMS member
Reviewer for the following journals: European Journal of Operational
Reviewer for the following journals: Transportation Science, Computers Research, Transportation Science, EURO Journal on Transportation
& Operations Research, European Journal of Operational Research, and Logistics, International Transactions on Operations Research
Networks, Operations Research, Journal of Heuristics, Journal of
Scheduling, International Transactions of Operations Research, Annals
of Operations Research, Computers and Industrial Engineering,
Marc Fredette
Associate editor for Statistical Modelling
International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, INFOR, Naval
Research Logistics



In charge of the Microprogram on user experience in a business context Chair, nominations committee, Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS)

In charge of the short graduate program in User Experience, HEC Member of the accreditation appeals committee, Statistical Society of
Montréal Canada

In charge of the Statistics Consulting Centre for the professors of HEC Chair of the new researcher grants selection committee, mathematics,
Montréal logistics and operations research section, FRQNT

Chairman of the selection committee for the MSc, PhD and postdoctoral Associate editor for the following journals: Accromath, International
scholarships at the FRQNT (statistics) Statistical Review, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, La revue de
Modulad and Statistique et enseignement
Member of the executive committee of Tech3lab
Consulting Editor for Springer’s French-language book series on statistics
Jean-François Frigon Member of the Statistical Society of Canada
Member of the Advanced Research Centre in Microwaves and Space
Electronics (POLY-GRAMES) Member, CRM board of directors

Member of the OIQ, IEEE, IEEE Communications Society and IEEE Member of the local scientific committee, CRM
Vehicular Technology Society
Referee for a number of journals
Member of the Centre of Research in Radiofrequency Electronics (CREER)
External evaluator for the following granting agencies: NSERC, Hong Public lectures at the Club mathématique de l’Université de Montréal
Kong Grants Council, MDEIE and PROMPT Quebec (2015-01-14) and Collège André-Grasset (2015-01-28)
Reviewer for the following journals: IEEE Communications Letters, IEEE
Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Luc-Alain Giraldeau
Communications, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Dean of Research at the Faculty of Science, Université du Québec à
IEEE Transactions on Communication, IEE Proceedings Communications, Montréal, Canada
IET Communications, IEEE Communications Magazine, Eurasip
Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking Co-president of the evolution and ecology evaluation group (EG1503),
Michel Gamache Regular member of Québec Centre for Biodiversity Science, McGill
Member of the Polytechnique Montréal selection committee for the University
NSERC graduate scholarship program
Editorial committee member for Philosophical Transactions of The Royal
Member of OIQ, INFORMS, Canadian Institute of Mining and CORS Society of London, Series B
Associate editor, Optimization and Engineering Guest editor of a special issue in honor of Jerry Hogan, Behavioural
Industry consulting with the National Research Council of Canada
Reviewer for the following journals: European Journal of Operational
Research, Transportation Science, Annals of OR, Discrete Applied "Homo sapiens giganticus?", Les années lumière, Première chaîne, Radio-
Mathematics, Journal of Operations Research Society, Canadian Journal Canada, April 19, 2015
of Geotechnical Engineering, 4OR-A Quarterly Journal of Operations
"Le viol chez les animaux", Les années lumière, Première chaîne, Radio-
Research, Mining Technology, INFORMS Journal on Computing,
Canada, March 22, 2015
International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering, Computers
& Operations Research, International Journal of Production Economics, "Camille et Carly (pigeon)", Loin d’être bête, Radio-Canada Television,
Optimization and Engineering January 24, 2015

"In the battle for fitness, being smart doesn’t always pay", with Elizabeth
Geneviève Gauthier Pennisi for Science, 345(6197), 609–610, August 8, 2015
Director of the Department of Decision Sciences, HEC Montréal
"Fallen Angels", with Jude Isabella pour Canadian Wildlife, July 1, 2014
Departmental representative at ISM
"Les manchots empereurs et les nouveaux mâles", La nature selon Boucar,
CIRANO researcher with Boucar Diouf, Première chaîne, Radio-Canada, June 7, 2014
Member of the academic council, HEC Montréal

HEC Montréal representative at IVADO

André Girard
Honorary professor at INRS, Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications
Member of the recruiting committee for two full-time lecturers and a
Adjunct Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Polytechnique
professor, HEC Montréal

Christian Genest Referee for the following journals: Telecommunication Systems; IEEE/
Chairholder, Canada Research Chair in Stochastic Dependence Modeling ACM Transaction on Networking; and for NATEQ and NSERC research
Director of the Institut des sciences mathématiques du Québec

Regional Associate Director of CANSSI Jean-Louis Goffin

Editorial board member of Computational Optimization and Applications
Director of the Statistics Laboratory of the CRM



Mehmet Gumus Raf Jans

Academic director of the MSRC, McGill University Departmental representative to the local PhD committee, HEC Montréal

Desautels Faculty Scholar Member of CORS and INFORMS

Area coordinator for operations management, McGill University Board member of the EURO Working Group on Lot Sizing

CORS, INFORMS, POMS and CIPSS member Referee for the following journals: European Journal of Operational
Research, International Journal of Production Economics, International
The CORS diploma coordinator for McGill University Journal of Production Research, JORS, Optimization Letters, Naval
Research Logistics, Journal of Scheduling, Flexible Services and
Reviewer for the NSERC
Manufacturing, IIE Transactions, Computers and Industrial Engineering,
Referee for the following journals: Management Science, Operations APJOR, OR Spectrum, IJPOM, MSOM, INFOR, Omega, Computational
Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Optimization and Applications, INFORMS Journal on Computing,
Production and Operations Management, Marketing Science, IIE Transportation Science and Networks
Transactions, Naval Research Logistics, Journal of Operational
Research Society, International Transactions in Operational Research,
Brigitte Jaumard
OMEGA, Transportation Research Part C, Management Information
Chairholder of the Concordia University Research Chair (Tier I) on
Systems (MIS) Quarterly, Decision Sciences, Mathematical and
Optimization of Communication Networks
Computer Modelling
Member of and Concordia University representative to CEP of the
Interview in Insurance Business: "Industry Reacts to Vote to Renew US
Terrorism Insurance Act," January 9, 2015
Referee for the following journals: Discrete Applied Mathematics,
Mathematical Programming, IIE Transactions, Management Sciences,
Pierre Hansen
Operations Research, Journal of Lightwave Technology
Chairholder of the Data Mining Chair, HEC Montréal

Member of the editorial committees for the following journals: The Open
Michael Kokkolaras
Operational Research Journal; Journal of Classification; Computer
Member of the organizing committee for the election of the GERAD
Science and Information Systems; International Game Theory Review;
director, December 2014 to March 2015
Journal of Heuristics; YUJOR; RAIRO—Operations Research, Annals of
Operations Research; Discrete Applied Mathematics Member of the student exchanges and study abroad committee (Faculty of
Engineering), McGill University
Alain Haurie Chair of the steering committee of the McGill Institute for Aerospace
Director and co-founder of ORDECSYS Engineering, McGill University
Honorary Professor (Emeritus), University of Geneva, Switzerland Member of the Program Committee, NSERC CREATE in Competitive
Manufacturing for the Aerospace Industry: Technology and Design
Associate editor for Environmental Modeling and Assessment; Journal
of Economic Dynamics and Control; Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Expert witness in pending litigation for Mitchell and Gattuso Attorneys at
Theory and Applications; Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Law, Montréal, Canada
Games; International Game Theory Review; International Management
Member of the AIAA multidisciplinary design optimization technical
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and of the Academies of Arts, committee and the ASME design engineering division design automation
Humanities and Sciences of Canada executive committee

Associate editor of ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Optimization

Alain Hertz and Engineering, and Transactions of the CSME
Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Heuristics; RAIRO—
Operations Research; and YUJOR Member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Reliability
and Safety
Coordinator of the graduate studies in mathematics program
Polytechnique Montréal Guest editor for a special issue of Optimization and Engineering, 2014
Member of the executive committee for the European Chapter on Referee for the following journals: AIAA Journal, AIAA Journal of
Combinatorial Optimization Aircraft, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and
Manufacturing, Computer-Aided Design, Engineering Optimization,
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, IIE Transactions, International
Collaboration with Professors Marie-Christine Costa, ENSTA-Paritech, Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, International Journal of
and Cédric Bentz, CNAM, France Production Economics, International Journal of Reliability and Safety,
International Journal of Vehicle Design, Journal of Aerospace Engineering,
Collaboration with Professor Hadrien Mélot, Université de Mons, Belgium Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Journal of Manufacturing Systems,
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, Optimization and
Collaboration with Professor Dominique de Werra, EPFL, Switzerland
Engineering, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, SIAM Journal on
Collaboration with Professor Bernard Ries, Université du Luxembourg, Optimization, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Structural
Luxembourg Safety, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control,
ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, ASME
Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of the Canadian Society for
Minyi Huang Mechanical Engineering
Associate editor for Systems and Control Letters and IMA Journal of
Mathematical Control and Information



Chantal Labbé Member of the editorial committee for The Canadian Journal of Statistics
Sabbatical leave from June 1, 2014, to May 31, 2015 and the International Journal of Statistics and Systems

Associate editor for the journal Applied Mathematics and Computation

Fabrice Larribe
Referee for Insurance: Mathematics and Economics and Applied Director of the undergraduate programs in mathematics and statistics,
Mathematics UQÀM, Montréal, Canada

Member of the FQRNT evaluation committee for the establishment of new Charter member of the EMoSTA team, UQÀM
researchers program
Referee for the following journals: Chronic Disease in Canada, Statistical
Science, Statistica Sinica, PLoS ONE, and IEEE/ACM Transactions on
Maryse Labriet Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Director, Eneris Environment Energy Consultants S.L., Spain
Member of the CRM statistical laboratory
Editorial board member of Environmental Modelling & Assessment Journal
Lecture on the popularization of science at Collège de Rosemont,
Guest energy expert at the El Cano Institute, Madrid, Spain November 4 and 26, 2014
Expert member of the Energy Technology System Analysis Program (IEA-
ETSAP, International Energy Agency) Pierre L’Ecuyer
Chairholder of the Canada Research Chair in Stochastic Simulation and
Peer-review of scientific papers for: Energy Policy, INFOR, Climate Policy, Optimization
Environmental Modeling and Assessment, Climatic Change, Energy
Economics, Computational Management Science, International Journal Chairholder of the Inria International Chair, France
of Climate Change Strategies and Management, Local Environment
Visiting researcher at the INRIA research center, Rennes, France, March
to July 2014
Gilbert Laporte
Chairholder of the Canada Research Chair in Distribution Management Member of INFORMS

Adjunct professor, University of Alberta, Canada Steering committee member for the IMACS Seminar on Monte Carlo
Adjunct professor, Bilkent University, Turkey
Steering committee member for the International Conference on Monte
Adjunct professor, Molde University College, Norway Carlo and Quasi–Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing
Invited professor, University of Science and Technology of China, China Member of the selection committee for the INFORMS Simulation Society
Outstanding Publication Award
Visiting professor, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Member of the selection committee for the INFORMS Simulation Society
Representative of the Professors’ Assembly to the committee on chairs Distinguished Service Award
and professorships
Registered in Who’s Who in Canada
Member of the Royal Society of Canada
Associate editor of Statistics and Computing; ACM Transactions
Member of the scientific committee and the board of directors, CIRRELT on Mathematical Software; Cryptography and Communications—
Member of the scientific directions committee, HEC Montréal–University Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and Sequences; International
of Liège, Belgium Transactions in Operational Research

Member of the scientific steering committee of CISIT (International Referee for 141 scientific journals over the last 30 years
Campus on Safety and Intermodality in Transportation), France Research grant evaluator for NSERC; Mitacs; the Canada Research Chairs
Associate editor or member of the editorial committee for the following Program; Canada Council for the Arts (Killam Grant); Fonds québécois de
journals: Operations Research, Networks, Transportation Science, recherche en nature et technologie; National Science Foundation (USA);
Journal of the Operational Research Society, Naval Research Logistics, Agence nationale de la recherche (France); Institut national de recherche
Computers & Operational Research, European Journal of Operational en informatique et automatique (France); Brittany Region (France);
Research, EURO Journal of Transportation and Logistics, TOP, K.U. Leuven (Belgium); and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific
INFOR, Pesquisa Operacional, Industrial Engineering & Management Research
Systems, Scientia Iranica, European Journal of Industrial Engineering,
International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, Journal Sébastien Le Digabel
of Applied Operational Research, International Journal of Advanced Member of SIAM, OIQ and MOS
Operations Management, Surveys in ORMS, International Journal of
Applied Industrial Engineering, Journal of Advances in Management Collaborations with IREQ
Research, Operations Research Perspectives, Decision Analytics
Referee for several journals

Denis Larocque
In charge of the MSc Business Intelligence specialization, HEC Montréal Jérôme Le Ny
Software Engineer, Robert Bosch GmbH, Saint-Ouen, France
In charge of the Microprogram on data mining and business intelligence
Co-director of the Mobile Robotics and Autonomous Systems Laboratory,
Chairman of the awards committee for The Canadian Journal of Statistics Polytechnique Montréal

Member of the Statistical Society of Canada Member of IEEE, Control Systems Society, Robotics and Automation
Member of the ASA Section on Nonparametric Statistics and Section on
Statistical Learning and Data Mining



Senior Member of AIAA Aditya Mahajan

Associate editor of the conference editorial board for IEEE Control
Member of SIAM, Activity Group on Control and Systems Theory
Systems Society

Shanling Li Member of CIM, TISED, REPARTI

Editorial review board member for Production and Operations Senior member, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Management (POM)
Member of the SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics);
Chair, Supply Chain Management, Continuing Education Committee, IEEE Information Theory Society; the IEEE Control Systems Society; and
McGill University, Canada the SIAM Activity Group on Control and Systems
Associate editor for the International Journal of Information Technology Member of the faculty nominations committee, the ECE undergraduate
and Decision Making; International Journal of Business and Systems advising committee and the ECE TA allocation committee at McGill
Research (IJBSR); Mathematical Problems in Engineering; and Socio- University, Canada
Science Economic Journal
Reviewer of a research grant for NSERC
Member of these professional societies: CORS, INFORMS, POM, Women
in OR Referee for the following journals: IEEE Transactions on Information
Theory, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE Signal Processing
Member of the PhD committee, McGill University Letters, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on
Member of the MBA redesign task force, Desautels Faculty of Management, Networks, SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization, Springer Annals
McGill University of Operations Research

Member of the university continuing education committee, McGill

Roland P. Malhamé
Member of the IEEE
Referee for the following journals: Management Science, Operations
Member of the organizing committee for the election of the GERAD
Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production
director, December 2014 to March 2015
and Operations Management, IIE Transactions, Naval Research Logistics,
European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Referee for the following journals: IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Production Economics, Annals of Operation Research, INFOR, Operations Control, International Journal of Production Research, IEEE Control
Research Letters, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, and Decision Conference Proceedings, IEEE Control and Decision
Energy Systems and Policy, Journal of Operational Research Society, Conference Proceedings
Computers and Operations Research, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences,
International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, Associate editor for International Transactions in Operational Research
International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, International
Transaction on Operational Research, International Journal of Quality
& Reliability Management, Mathematical and Computational Modeling,
Odile Marcotte
Deputy Director of the CRM
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, OMEGA, Production Planning &
Control and for the NSERC Member of the organizing committee for the election of the GERAD
director, December 2014 to March 2015
Brenda MacGibbon
Fellow of the IMS, USA Guiomar Martín-Herrán
Vice-rector, Department of Economics, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
Member of the committee on quality and risk management, MUHC
Member of the executive committee of the Health Technology Assessment
Unit, MUHC Associate editor for the Journal of Applied Mathematics and Dynamic
Games and Applications
Patient representative member of the committee on quality of the geriatric
care department, MUHC
Nenad Mladenović
Patient representative for the Patient Engagement Project/TCAB Member of the Academia Europaea
(Transforming Care at the Bedside)
Member of the Serbian Scientific Society
Community member, research ethics board of the Montreal Neurological
Hospital and Institute President of the Yugoslav Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Member of the Royal Victoria Hospital patient committee Reviewer of NSERC grants
Member of the MUHC technology assessment unit Member of the advisory editorial board for Elsevier journals
Patient representative member of the cancer care quality committee, Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews (AMS)
Member of the editorial board of the following journals: International
Chair of the Royal Victoria Hospital patients’ committee Journal of Metaheuristics; International Journal of Mathematics in
Operational Research; Romai Journal; Computers and Operations
Referee for the following journals: South African Statistical Journal, Research; Computer Science and Information Systems; Yugoslav
Statistics, Statistics and Probability Letters and Journal of Statistical Journal of Operations Research; IeJEMTA; TOP: An Official Journal
Research of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research; EURO
Journal on Computational Optimization; Journal on Optimization



Reviewer for several international journals such as Mathematical et statisticiens du Québec

Programming, INFORMS Journal on Computing, European Journal of
Operational Research, JOGO, Computers & Operations Research, JOH, Webmaster for the Association des statisticiennes et statisticiens du
OR Spectrum, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Discrete Québec (term ended in December 2014)
Applied Mathematics, etc.
Member of the following societies or organizations: Statistical Society
of Canada, American Statistical Association, Institute of Mathematical
Dominique Orban Statistics, Association des statisticiennes et statisticiens du Québec,
Member of the COIN-OR Foundation Inc. Statistical Society of Montréal, INFORMS

Technical editor for Mathematical Programming Computation Associate editor for Liaison (Statistical Society of Canada)

Associate editor for the SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Reviewer for The Canadian Journal of Statistics and Environmental
Applications and Operations Research Letters Modeling and Assessment

Referee for the SIAM Journal on Optimization, SIAM Journal on Matrix

Analysis and Applications and Mathematical Programming Saibal Ray
Desautels Faculty Scholar (Endowed Chair)

Vahid Partovi Nia Associate Dean, Research and International Relations, McGill University
Member of the Statistical Society of Canada
Director of the Master’s program in manufacturing management,
Member of the Iranian Statistical Society Desautels Faculty of Management

Director of the Global Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management

Michel Perrier (GMSCM) Program, Hangzhou, China
University partner, System and Control Division, Pulp and Paper Research
Institute of Canada (PAPRICAN) Director of the Centre for the Convergence of Health and Economics and
the Program for International Competitiveness, McGill University
Member of the OIQ
Guest co-editor for a special issue of Production and Operations
Member of the CRIP-Biorefinery Management Journal on global supply risk management

Member of the Canadian Academy of Engineering Senior editor for Production and Operations Management

Member of the PhD grant committee, FRQNT Associate editor for IIE Transactions, Manufacturing & Service
Operations Management, Operations and Supply Chain Management
Member of the selection committee for the award for excellence in Journal
teaching, École de technologie supérieure
Referee for Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing
Secretary and treasurer, IFAC Canada & Service Operations Management, IIE Transactions, EJOR, Naval
Referee for the following journals: AICHE J., Automatica, Journal of Process Research Logistics, INFOR, Production and Operations Management,
Control, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Biotechnology Progress, International Journal of Production Economics, Marketing Science,
Chemical Engineering Science, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Quantitative Marketing and Economics, OMEGA and for NSERC, the
Research, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, International Journal Research Grant Council (RGC) of Hong Kong and SSHRC
of Robust and Nonlinear Control, International Journal of Control Member of INFORMS and POMS

Sylvain Perron Djamal Rebaine

Reviewer for International Transactions in Operational Research Visiting Professor at the Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Lens,
In charge of the MSc Business Analytics specialization, HEC Montréal Université d’Artois, with Professor Lakhdar Sais’ team, October 2014

Member of CORS Member of the IT reserach group, UQÀC, Canada

Local official degree program of CORS Referee for the following journals: Journal of Scheduling, 4OR, RAIRO,
Journal Engineering Optimization, Journal of Computers & Industrial
Chairman, Montréal-Concordia lacrosse association Engineering, Journal of Modelling and Mathematical Algorithms,
Journal of computers and OR, European Journal of Operational
Member of the committee of the Institute for Operational Research and Research, Journal Discrete Applied Mathematics
Data Sciences

Monia Rekik
Jean-François Plante Referee for the following journals: Journal of Scheduling, Transportation
President of the public relations committee and of the publications Science, European Journal of Operational Research, Transportation
committee, the Statistical Society of Canada Research Part C, Journal of the Operational Research Society, IEEE
Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
Member of the ISM scholarship committee
Evaluator for Mitacs Accélération
IVADO statistics representative
External collaborator with Kronos Inc.
Responsible for the translation of The Canadian Journal of Statistics
Member of INFORMS and CORS
In charge of public relations (executive member), Statistical Society of
Canada Founding member of the CeRCI
Director of communications and webmaster, Association des statisticiennes



Bruno Rémillard Referee for the following journals: Operations Research, ORL, SIAM
Member of the College of Reviewers for the Canada Research Chairs J. on Scientific and Statistical Computing, INFOR, Journal on
nominations Global Optimization, JOTA, IEEESMM, Management Science, IJEP,
Transportation Sciences, EJOR, International Journal of Environment
External referee for NSERC grant submissions and Pollution, Optimization and Engineering, Canadian Applied
Mathematics Quarterly, Networks and Spatial Economics, CORS, RAIRO,
Member of LRSP and CRM INFORMS Journal of computing, Computational Optimization and
Member of the following scientific organizations: Canadian Mathematical Applications, Annals of Operations Research, Networks, International
Society, Econometric Mathematical Society, International Statistical Transactions in Operational Research, Naval Research Logistics and
Institute and the Statistical Society of Canada NSERC, FRQNT, FNSRS

Referee for the following journals: Bernouilli, Computational Statistics and

Data Analysis, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Quantitative Finance
Marius, M. Solomon
Associate editor of Transportation Science

Diane Riopel Member of INFORMS

Member of the Institutional Affairs Commission, Polytechnique Montréal

Member of the OIQ

François Soumis
Chairholder of the Canada Research Chair in Large Transportation
Co-holder of the Marianne-Mareschal Chair for the promotion of Network Optimization
engineering to women, Polytechnique Montréal
Director of IVADO (Institute for Data Valorization)
Evaluator for the Agence nationale de la recherche, France; Mitacs
Evaluator of NSERC grant requests: Individual, Strategic, Cooperative
Accelerate; and ASAC 2015
R&D and Chairs
Referee for the International Journal of Production Research and
Member of the research commission, Polytechnique Montréal
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
In charge of mathematical research for the graduate studies program,
Brunilde Sansò Polytechnique Montréal
Associate editor of Telecommunication Systems Referee for the following journals: Operations Research, Management
Committee member for Ontario’s large research infrastructures Science, European Journal of Operational Research, Annals of Operations
Research, International Transaction in Operational Research, INFOR,
Head of the BROADLAB, Polytechnique Montréal IIE, Discrete Applied Mathematics, ASAC, IFOR

Responsible for the microprogram in telecommunications, Polytechnique

Montréal Sihem Taboubi
Guest professor, Koç University, Turkey
Referee for the following journals: RAIRO, Design of Reliable
Communication Networks, Communication Networks, Discrete Member of the ISDG
Mathematics, IEEE Transactions on Networking
Editorial board member of the Journal of Business Research
Member of OIQ; CIV (Colegio de ingenieros de Venezuela); IEEE (Institute
Committee member for a PhD student grant (Fondation J.A. DeSève)
of Electrical and Electronic Engineers); CORS; and ACM (Association of
Computer Machines) In charge of the MSc in marketing, HEC Montréal
External expert for the creation of an IRISA group, France Marketing tips for NPOs, Tunisentraide, Tunisia

Referee for the European Journal of Operational Research, Applied

Gilles Savard Mathematical Modelling, International Journal of Arts Management,
Director of research and innovation, Polytechnique Montréal Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Production
President of the research commission, Polytechnique Montréal Economics, International Game Theory Review and Computers and
Industrial Engineering
Associate editor for RO, Operations Research Letters, EURO Journal on
Computational Optimization
Adrian Vetta
Member of the board of directors for CIRANO, CREER, CIRRELT, GRIFE, Associate editor for Discrete Optimization
Referee for the following journals: Algorithmica, Combinatorica, Discrete
3IT and ExPretio Technologies
Applied Mathematics, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Journal of
Member of the ministerial committee setting the mandate of the Electric Algorithms, Journal of the ACM, Mathematics of Operations Research,
Transportation Institute Networks, SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics, SIAM Journal on
Member of the advisory committee for NSERC-Québec
Referee for NSERC and Mitacs grant applications
Member of the research council of the ISAE, Toulouse, France
Member of the ACM, the AMS and the IEEE
Member of the Emeritus and Honoris Causa Committee, Polytechnique
Montréal Founder of the inter-departmental Discrete Mathematics Group, McGill
Member of the coordination committee, the directors’ council, the
academic council, the committee on research, the retirement committee,
the priority committee and the professional relations committee,
Polytechnique Montréal



Jean-Philippe Waaub Scientific committee member of the DAS & Bachelor of Science in Business
GERAD director Administration, the Master of Arts in International Trading Commodity,
Finance and Shipping, the MBA in Strategic Management, Logistics and
Co-director of the E2G team, GERAD Purchasing, the Master of Arts in Standardization, Social Regulation and
Sustainable Development, Université de Genève, Switzerland
President and co-founder of E3SA Consultants Inc.
Referee for the following journals: Journal of Scheduling, Computers &
Regular member of the ISE, UQÀM
Operations Research, Computational Optimization and Applications,
Member of the interdisciplinary studies group on geography and regional International Journal of Production Research, Annals of Operations
environment, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Research

Member of the steering committee on the future of the Institute of

Environmental Sciences, UQÀM

Member of the scientific committee of the journal Liaison Énergie-


Member of the following scientific and professional organizations: AQEI;

IAIA; MCDM Worldscan; Groupe de travail européen "Aide multicritère
à la décision" (EWG – MCDA); IEA (MARKAL and TIMES); and CORS

Member of the board of trustees and the executive committee of SIFEE

Referee for the following journals: Canadian Journal of Development

Studies, Energy Policy, International Journal of Multicriteria Decision
Making, Revue Gouvernance, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences,
Sustainability, Vertigo

François Watier
Member of the GERAD scholarship selection committee

Bilingualism committee member for the Statistical Society of Canada

Member of the executive committee of the Probability Section, Statistical

Society of Canada

Member and co-founder of the faculty research group EMoSTa—Équipe

de modélisation stochastique appliquée

Referee for the following journals: Automatica, International

Transactions in Operational Research, IMA Journal of Management
Mathematics and Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

Georges Zaccour
Chairholder of the HEC Chair in Game Theory and Management

Member of the Royal Society of Canada; the ISDG; the CORS

Editor-in-chief of Dynamic Games and Applications

Editorial advisory board member of the Static & Dynamic Game Theory:
Foundations & Applications series

Associate editor of Computational Management Science, Environmental

Modeling & Assessment, INFOR, International Game Theory Review,
Journal of African Business, Journal of Operations & Logistics,
Strategic Behavior and the Environment, International Transactions on
Operational Research and Journal of Business Research

Nicolas Zufferey
Adjunct professor, Université Laval, Québec, Canada

Director of the BSc program in business administration and the MSc in

management HEC Geneva, Switzerland

Co-director of the Diploma of Advanced Studies in Management,

Procurement, Logistics & Supply, the Diploma of Advanced Studies
in Project Management, the Diploma in Advanced Studies in Aviation
Management, the Diploma of Advanced Studies in Management Business
Administration, Université de Genève, Switzerland




GERAD Seminars December 2014

Yang Cai, Université McGill, Canada
June 2014 Algorithmic multi-dimensional mechanism design
Arthur Charpentier, UQÀM, Canada
Fausto Errico, École de technologie supérieure, Canada
Modeling dynamic incentives: Application to basketball
The vehicle routing problem with hard time windows and stochastic
Nicolas Bousquet, Université McGill, Canada service times
Clique, stable set and chromatic number
Zdravko I. Botev, The University of New South Wales, Australia
Églantine Camby, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium Simulation and CDF estimation for truncated multivariate normal and
The price of connectivity for vertex cover and dominating set student-t distributions

Sarah Ben Amor, Université d’Ottawa, Canada

Information imperfections in multiple criteria decision aiding: Modeling, January 2015
processing and robustness concerns
Bruce Shepherd, Université McGill, Canada
Tight bounds for online vector bin packing
July 2014 Marjolein Veenstra, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Bernardetta Addis, École de Mines de Nancy, France An ALNS for the one-to-one pickup and delivery TSP with handling costs
Giuliana Carello, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Handling shared protection in telecommunication network optimisation
February 2015
Leandro Callegari Coelho, Université Laval, Canada
August 2014 An overview of integrated logistics: Inventory and distribution
Nicolas Zufferey, Université de Genève, Switzerland management
Exact and solution methods for a car sequencing problem
Gilles Caporossi, HEC Montréal, Canada
Angelia Nedich, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA AutoGraphiX-III: A new system for computer aided graph theory
Distributed optimization in directed graphs: Push-sum based algorithms
March 2015
September 2014 Bertrand Mareschal, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Djamal Rebaine, UQÀC, Canada PROMETHEE : une aventure multicritère belgo-québécoise
Ordonnancement de tâches en présence d’opérateurs dans un
Sylvain Sardy, Université de Genève, Switzerland
environnement de job shop
A new selection of the lasso parameter for model selection, with
Irène Abi-Zeid, Université Laval, Canada applications in cosmology and cancer research
Value-based argumentation for policy decision analysis – Methodology
and an exploratory case study of a hydroelectric project in Québec
April 2015
Zohreh Javanshiri, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
Mohammad Sajjad Ghaemi, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
Strong competitors for beta and skew-normal distributions
Clustering and non-negative matrix factorization
Anissa Frini, UQÀR, Canada
Cédric Bentz, CNAM-CEDRIC, France
Une approche multicritère multi-périodes de sélection de projets dans
Steiner trees with edge capacities
une perspective de développement durable

Aleksandr Aravkin, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA

Optimization perspective on Kalman filtering and smoothing
May 2015
Mohammad Jahromi, University of Waterloo, Canada
A theoritical framework for anlysis of communication pathways
October 2014
Michael Rabbat, Université McGill, Canada
Mehdi Molkaraie, Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona, Spain
Distributed stochastic convex optimization
Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for two-dimensional constrained
models Damoon Robatian, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
One and two-dimensional dynamics of a compact interval
November 2014 Andreas A. Malikopoulos, Urban Dynamics Institute, Oak Ridge
National Laboratory, USA
Diego Galindo Pecin, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
Complex systems in transportation: ευφυια
Improved exact algorithms for the vehicle routing problem



McGill University/GERAD Seminar Chair in Game Theory and Management

June 2014 October 2014
Efthymios Karangelos, Université de Liège, Belgium Alain Haurie, GERAD and ORDECSYS, Switzerland
Probabilistic criteria for power system reliability management Computing α-robust equilibria in two integrated assessment models for
climate change

GERAD’Joint Seminars with:

Canada Research Chair in Distribution Management
Fondation HEC Montréal and the Chair in Game
Theory and Management June 2014
Duygu Tas, HEC Montréal, Canada
The traveling salesman problem with time-dependent service times
October 2014
Nicolas Klein, Université de Montréal, Canada
The importance of being honest Canada Research Chair in Discrete Nonlinear
Sonja Köke, Université de Hambourg, Germany Optimization in Engineering and CORS
Learning to cooperate on climate policy facing uncertain damages

Skander Esseghaier, Koç University, Turkey February 2014

Should a B2B firm involve all or part of its influential customers in Richard J. Caron, University of Windsor, Canada
co-designing a new product? A network optimization model for the TDL Group Corp.

November 2014
Canada Research Chair in Discrete Nonlinear
Stefan Wrzaczek, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Choosing health expenditures optimally
Optimization in Engineering
Guillaume Deffuant, Irstea − Lisc, France September 2014
Approximating viability kernels and capture basins with simplex star
surfaces John E. Dennis, Jr., Rice University, USA
Why to study derivative-free algorithms

January 2015 Navneet Vidyarthi, Université Concordia, Canada

The impact of directed choice on the design of preventive healthcare
Peter M. Kort, Tilburg University, the Netherlands facility network under congestion
Comparative advantages of additive manufacturing

Cees Withagen, VU Amsterdam, the Netherlands October 2014

International capital markets, oil producers and the green paradox
Franklin Djeumou Fomeni, GERAD, Canada
Elena Parilina, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia The quadratic knapsack problem and related problems
Coalition structure stability in static and dynamic case

Afzal Siddiqui, University College London, United Kingdom

November 2014
Are targets for renewable portfolio standards too low? The impact of
market structure on energy policy Stefan M. Wild, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Beyond the black box in simulation-based optimization

February 2015
January 2015
Patrick Saint-Pierre, Université Paris-Dauphine, France
Capture of dynamical targets with obstacles and discrete tychastic Maureen W. Murage, Cornell University, USA
uncertainties Application of mathematical programming in assessing the integration of
wind power: Case study of Kenya
Ekaterina Gromova, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
Cooperation in differential game with coalitional structure Steven A. Gabriel, University of Maryland, USA
Discretely-constrained Nash equilibria
Stefan Behringer, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Price wars in two-sided markets: The case of the UK quality newspapers
February 2015
March 2015 Antonio J. Conejo, The Ohio State University, USA
Robust transmission expansion planning
Yanchong Karen Zheng, Sloan School of Management, MIT, USA
Trust and information sharing in global supply chains Manuel V. C. Vieira, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
An improved two-stage optimization-based framework for unequal-areas
facility layout



April 2015 E2G Seminars

Edwin Romeijn, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Quantifying the trade-off between IMRT treatment plan quality and June 2014
delivery efficiency using direct aperture optimization Pierre-Olivier Pineau, HEC Montréal, Canada
L’intégration des marchés de l’électricité et les orientations de recherche
de la nouvelle Chaire de gestion du secteur de l’énergie
May 2015
David Fuller, University of Waterloo, Canada
A model of near equilibrium for an electricity pool market with Colloques des sciences mathématiques
du Québec
"Meet a GERAD researcher!" Seminars October 2014
Paul Bourgade, New York University
February 2015 Universality in random matrix theory
Erick Delage, HEC Montréal, Canada Alex Kontorovich, Rutgers University, USA
Addressing model ambiguity in the expected utility framework Applications of additive combinatorics to homogeneous dynamics
Amir Ardestani Jaafari, HEC Montréal, Canada Georgia Benkart, University of Wisconsin, USA
The value of flexibility in robust location-transportation problem A pedestrian approach to group representations

May 2015 November 2014

Mathieu Boudreault, UQÀM, Canada Daniel T. Wise, Université McGill, Canada
Couverture du risque de taux d’intérêt dans les fonds distincts The cubical route to understanding groups
Jonathan Grégoire, UQÀM, Canada Kartik Prasanna, University of Michigan, USA
Le modèle à volatilité stochastique en temps discret dans l’évaluation et Recent advances in the arithmetic of elliptic curves
la couverture de fonds distincts
Martin Wainwright, University of California, Berkeley, USA
High-dimensional phenomena in mathematical statistics and convex
Not Ordinary Seminars analysis

Nilima Nigam, Simon Fraser University, Canada

September 2014 On the well-posedness of the 2D stochastic Allen-Cahn equation
Mathilde Peyrega, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
A short introduction to derivative-free optimization December 2014
Lê Nguyên Hoang, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada François Bergeron, UQÀM, Canada
Magie des Maths (2/2) - L’analyse Algebraic combinatorics and finite reflection groups

November 2014 January 2015

Hélène-Sarah Bécotte-Boutin, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada Fang Yao, University of Toronto, Canada
The writing process: visualization and data analysis Functional data analysis and related topics
Romain Montagné, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada Hansjoerg Albrecher, HEC Lausanne, Switzerland
A graph coloring model to maximize the number of communicating On the usefulness of mathematics for insurance risk theory - and vice versa
mobiles in wireless networks
Thomas Ransford, Université Laval, Canada
Spectres et pseudospectres
April 2015
Philippe St-Jean, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada February 2015
Ordinateurs quantiques : les défis software et hardware
Octav Cornea, Université de Montréal, Canada
Cobordism and Lagrangian topology
May 2015
Laure Saint-Raymond, École normale supérieure, France
Camille Froger, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada Influence des côtes sur les courants marins
Mise à jour d’horaires de personnel travaillant sur des quarts
Francis Brown, Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques, France
Irrationality proofs, moduli spaces and dinner parties

Alistair Savage, Université d’Ottawa, Canada

Categorification in representation theory



March 2015 COSMO – Stochastic Mine Planning

Sophie Morel, Princeton University, USA
Laboratory, GERAD, and Canadian
Pierre Colmez, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France
Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and
The upper half-planes Petroleum (CIM) Seminar
Alexei Borodin, MIT, USA January 2015
Integrable probability
Jérémy Omer, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
Steve Boyer, UQÀM, Canada Programmation stochastique avec recours pour la séparation des
Left-orderings of groups and the topology of 3-manifolds aéronefs sous incertitude

April 2015
William Minicozzi, MIT, USA
Uniqueness of blowups and Lojasiewicz inequalities

Konstantin Mischaikow, Rutgers University, USA

A combinatorial approach to dynamics applied to switching networks

Stephen S. Kudla, University of Toronto, Canada

Modular generating series and arithmetic geometry

May 2015
Éric Moulines, Télécom ParisTech, France
Gradient proximal stochastique et applications pour l’inférence de
modèles à effets mixtes en grande dimension

Robert Lund, Clemson University, USA

A statistical view of some recent climate controversies

Informal Systems Seminars (ISS)

February 2015
Jérôme Le Ny, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
Differential private filtering

Farzin Taringoo, The University of Melbourne, Australia

Synchronization on lie groups and extremum seeking on Riemannian

Andrew D. Lewis, Queen’s University, USA

Tautological control systems

March 2015
Yi Ouyang, University of Michigan, USA
Signaling for decentralized routing in a queueing network

Yi Ouyang, University of Michigan, USA

On the optimality of myopic sensing in multi-state channels

Yang Cai, Université McGill, Canada

Algorithmic Bayesian mechanism design

April 2015
Nevroz Sen, Université McGill, Canada
Estimation theory for nonlinear major-minor mean field games




G-2014-38, A. Abiri-Jahromi, F. Bouffard, G. Joós, Characterizing and G-2014-62, F. Del Castillo, R. Dimitrakopoulos, Joint effect of commodity
controlling the statistics of aggregated demand-based reserve resources, price and geological uncertainty over the life of mine and ultimate pit limit,
06/2014 08/2014
G-2014-39, A. Jahanbani Ardakani, F. Bouffard, Acceleration of umbrella G-2014-63, M.E. Villalba Matamoros, R. Dimitrakopoulos, Stochastic short-
constraint discovery in generation scheduling problems, 06/2014 term mine production schedule accounting for fleet allocation, operational
considerations and blending restrictions, 08/2014
G-2014-40, R. Dimitrakopoulos, A. Lamghari, Progressive hedging applied
as a metaheuristic to schedule production in open-pit mines accounting for G-2014-64, A. Marinho, R. Dimitrakopoulos, Two-stage stochastic surface
reserve uncertainty, 06/2014 constrained mine production scheduling with pit discretization, 08/2014
G-2014-41, J. Omer, Comparison of mixed integer linear models for fuel- G-2014-65, M. Sebri, G. Zaccour, Umbrella-branding spillovers, 09/2014
optimal air conflict resolution with recovery, 06/2014
G-2014-66, M. Cherkesly, G. Desaulniers, G. Laporte, A population-based
G-2014-42, E. Delage, M. Denault, J.-G. Simonato, A simulation-and- metaheuristic for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows and
regression approach for dynamic programming, and its application to portfolio LIFO loading, 09/2014
choice, 06/2014
G-2014-67, J.-B. Gauthier, J. Desrosiers, M.E. Lübbecke, Decomposition
G-2014-43, J. Clavier, D. Rimorov, F. Bouffard, G. Joós, Generation dispatch theorems for linear programs, 09/2014
techniques for remote communities with flexible demand 06/2014
G-2014-68, M. Aouchiche, P. Hansen, Proximity, remoteness and distance
G-2014-44, F. Gilbert, M.F. Anjos, P. Marcotte, G. Savard, Bilateral contract eigenvalues of a graph, 09/2014
optimization in power markets, 06/2014
G-2014-69, M. Aouchiche, P. Hansen, On the distance signless Laplacian of
G-2014-45, P. Hungerländer, M.F. Anjos, A semidefinite optimization-based a graph, 09/2014
approach for global optimization of multi-row facility layout, 07/2014
G-2014-70, L. Nguyên Hoang, F. Soumis, G. Zaccour, Measuring the
G-2014-46, R. Pacqueau, F. Soumis, Shift scheduling under stochastic unfairness feeling in allocation problems, 09/2014
demand, 07/2014
G-2014-71, S. Arreckx, A. Lambe, J.R.R.A. Martins, D. Orban, A matrix-free
G-2014-47, L. Lambertini, G. Zaccour, Inverted-U aggregate investment augmented Lagrangian algorithm with application to large-scale structural
curves in a dynamic game of advertising, 07/2014 design optimization, 09/2014
G-2014-48, P. De Giovanni, P. Viswanadha Reddy, G. Zaccour, Incentive G-2014-72, M. Pourbagian, B. Talgorn, W.G. Habashi, M. Kokkolaras, S. Le
strategies for an optimal recovery program in a closed-loop supply chain, Digabel, On power optimization of aircraft electro-thermal anti-icing systems,
07/2014 09/2014
G-2014-49, J. Omer, F. Soumis, A linear programming decomposition G-2014-73, E. Adams, M. Peyrega, M.F. Anjos, Time-ahead pricing of energy
focusing on the span of the nondegenerate columns, 07/2014 supply, 09/2014
G-2014-50, N. Masoudi, M. Santugini, G. Zaccour, A dynamic game of G-2014-74, L. Nguyên Hoang, The randomized Condorcet voting system,
emissions pollution with uncertainty and learning, 07/2014 10/2014
G-2014-51, T. Lehouillier, J. Omer, F. Soumis, C. Allignol, Measuring G-2014-75, L. Nguyên Hoang, G. Desaulniers, M. Elahipanah, F. Soumis,
the interactions between air traffic control and flow management using a Normalizations of employee preferences in personnel scheduling, 10/2014
simulation-based framework, 07/2014
G-2014-76, K. Vaillancourt, Y.-E. Alcocer-Morales, O. Bahn, An analysis of
G-2014-52, M. Asgharian, V. Partovi Nia, On testing MCMC convergence in the impacts of new oil pipelines projects on the Canadian energy sector with a
Bayesian clustering, 08/2014 TIMES model for Canada, 10/2014
G-2014-53, M. Ouzineb, F.Z. Mhada, R. Pellerin, I. El Hallaoui, Optimal G-2014-77, J.-F. Bégin, M. Boudreault, G. Gauthier, Credit risk in corporate
planning of buffer sizes and inspection station positions, 08/2014 spreads during the financial crisis of 2008: A regime-switching approach,
G-2014-54, B. Jaumard, H. Tian, P. Finnie, Locomotive assignment under
consist busting and maintenance constraints, 08/2014 G-2014-78, P. Viswanadha Reddy, G. Zaccour, A friendly computable
characteristic function, 11/2014
G-2014-55, R. Goodfellow, R. Dimitrakopoulos, Global asset optimization of
open pit mining complexes under uncertainty, 08/2014 G-2014-79, R. Montagné, A. Hertz, F. Gagnon, Graph coloring to maximize
the number of communicating mobiles in wireless networks, 11/2014
G-2014-56, L. Montiel, R. Dimitrakopoulos, Optimizing mining complexes
with multiple processing and transportation alternatives: An uncertainty- G-2014-81, T. Ben Rhouma, G. Zaccour, Optimal marketing strategies for the
based approach, 08/2014 acquisition and retention of service subscribers, 11/2014
G-2014-57, D.F. Machuca-Mory, R. Dimitrakopoulos, T. Pham, High-order G-2014-82, H. Bouarab, I. El Hallaoui, A. Metrane, F. Soumis, Dynamic
simulation at block support scale, 08/2014 constraint and variable aggregation in column generation, 11/2014
G-2014-58, S. Chatterjee, R. Dimitrakopoulos, Production scheduling under G-2014-83, A. Ardestani Jaafari, E. Delage, The value of flexibility in robust
undertainty for an open pit mine using Lagrangian relaxation and branch-and- location-transportation problem, 11/2014
cut algorithm, 08/2014
G-2014-84, S. Tilouche, S.J. Bassetto, V. Partovi Nia, Classification algorithms
G-2014-59, R. Senécal, R. Dimitrakopoulos, Parallel implementation of Tabu for virtual metrology, 11/2014
search procedure for stochastic mine scheduling, 08/2014
G-2014-85, A. Capone, C. Cascone, A.Q.T. Nguyen, B. Sansò, Detour planning
G-2014-60, A.C. Kizilkale, R. Dimitrakopoulos, Optimizing mining rates for fast and reliable failure recovery in SDN with OpenState, 11/2014
under financial uncertainty in global mining complexes, 08/2014
G-2014-86, A. Mahajan, A. Nayyar, Sufficient statistics for linear control
G-2014-61, M. De Freitas Silva, A. Lamghari, R. Dimitrakopoulos, Solving strategies in decentralized systems with partial history sharing, 11/2014
a large SIP model for production scheduling at a gold mine with multiple
G-2014-87, A. Mahajan, M. Mannan, Decentralized stochastic control,
processing streams and uncertain geology, 08/2014



G-2014-88, H. Nosair, F. Bouffard, Flexibility envelopes for power system G-2015-04, R. Absil, É. Camby, A. Hertz, H. Mélot, A sharp lower bound on
operational planning, 11/2014 the number of non-equivalent colorings of graphs of order n and maximum
degree n−3, 01/2015
G-2014-89, A. Abiri-Jahromi, F. Bouffard, Contingency-type reserve leveraged
through aggregated thermostatically-controlled loads - Part I: Characterization G-2015-05, E. Delage, J.Y. Li, Minimizing risk exposure when the choice of a
and control, 11/2014 risk measure is ambiguous, 01/2015
G-2014-90, A. Abiri-Jahromi, F. Bouffard, Contingency-type reserve G-2015-06, M.F. Anjos, A. Fischer, P. Hungerländer, Solution approaches for
leveraged through aggregated thermostatically-controlled loads - Part II: Case equidistant double- and multi-row facility layout problems, 02/2015
studies, 11/2014
G-2015-07, M.F. Anjos, M.V. C. Vieira, An improved two-stage optimization-
G-2014-91, H. Dbira, A. Girard, B. Sansò, Mean delay variation applicability based framework for unequal-areas facility layout, 02/2015
for jitter buffer, 11/2014
G-2015-08, J.-G. Simonato, M. Denault, A simple and tractable time-series
G-2014-92, H. Dbira, A. Girard, B. Sansò, Calculation of packet jitter for non- model of electricity prices, 02/2015
poisson traffic, 11/2014
G-2015-09, G. Caporossi, Variable neighborhood search for extremal vertices:
G-2014-93, S. Boiardi, A. Capone, B. Sansò, Energy-aware planning and The system AutoGraphiX-III, 02/2015
management of wireless mesh networks, 11/2014
G-2015-10, H. Nosair, F. Bouffard, Reconstructing operating reserve:
G-2014-94, A. Azarfar, J.-F. Frigon, B. Sansò, Priority queueing models for Flexibility for sustainable power systems, 02/2015
cognitive radio networks with traffic differentiation, 11/2014
G-2015-11, Z.I. Botev, P. L’Ecuyer, Efficient estimation and simulation of the
G-2014-95, A. Azarfar, C.-H. Liu, J.-F. Frigon, B. Sansò, D. Cabric, Cooperative truncated multivariate student-t distribution, 02/2015
spectrum sensing scheduling optimization in multi-channel dynamic spectrum
G-2015-12, Z.I. Botev, P. L’Ecuyer, R. Simard, B. Tuffin, Static network
access networks, 11/2014
reliability estimation under the Marshall-Olkin copula, 02/2015
G-2014-96, A. Azarfar, J.-F. Frigon, B. Sansò, Differentiated reliability in
G-2015-13, M. Sajjad Ghaemi, B. Agard, V. Partovi Nia, M. Trépanier,
cognitive radio cellular networks, 11/2014
Challenges in spatial-temporal data analysis targeting public transport,
G-2014-97, A. Azarfar, J.-F. Frigon, B. Sansò, Delay analysis of multichannel 02/2015
opportunistic spectrum access MAC protocols, 11/2014
G-2015-14, M.T. Devine, S.A. Gabriel, S. Moryadee, A rolling horizon
G-2014-98, A Azarfar, J.-F. Frigon, B. Sansò, Queueing model for approach for stochastic mixed complementarity problems with endogenous
heterogeneous opportunistic spectrum access, 11/2014 learning: Applications to natural gas markets, 02/2015
G-2014-99, S. Rosat, I. El Hallaoui, F. Soumis, D. Chakour, Influence of the G-2015-15, S. Moryadee, S.A. Gabriel, Panama Canal expansion: Will Panama
normalization constraint on the integral simplex using decomposition, 11/2014 Canal be a game changer for LNG exports to Asia?, 02/2015
G-2014-100, X. Nie, T. Boyaci, M. Gumus, S. Ray, D. Zhang, Joint procurement G-2015-16, C. U-tapao, S. Moryadee, S.A. Gabriel, C. Peot, M. Ramirez,
and demand-side bidding strategies under price volatility, 11/2014 A stochastic, two-level optimization model for compressed natural gas
infrastructure investments in wastewater management, 02/2015
G-2014-101, X. Huang, T. Boyaci, M. Gumus, S. Ray, D. Zhang, United we
stand or divided we stand? Strategic supplier alliances under order default risk, G-2015-17, E. Kanani Kuchesfehani, G. Zaccour, Incentive equilibrium
11/2014 strategies in dynamic games played over event trees, 02/2015
G-2014-102, M. Gumus, P. Kaminsky, S. Mathur, The impact of product G-2015-18, É. Santi, D. Aloise, S. Blanchard, A model for clustering data from
substitution and retail capacity on the timing and depth of price promotions: heterogeneous subjects, 03/2015
Theory and evidence, 11/2014
G-2015-19, A. Ardestani Jaafari, E. Delage, Robust optimization of sums of
G-2014-103, A.E. Gheribi, J.-P. Harvey, È. Bélisle, C. Robelin, P. Chartrand, piecewise linear functions with application to inventory problems, 03/2015
A.D. Pelton, C.W. Bale, S. Le Digabel, Use of a direct search algorithm in the
G-2015-20, E. Adams, M.F. Anjos, Exact separation of k-projection polytope
process design of material science applications, 12/2014
constraints, 03/2015
G-2014-104, J. Chakravorty, A. Mahajan, Distortion-transmission trade-off
G-2015-21, G. Chevalier, J. Le Ny, R.P. Malhamé, A micro-macro traffic model
in real-time transmission of Markov sources, 12/2014
based on Mean-Field Games, 03/2015
G-2014-105, J. Omer, M. Towhidi, F. Soumis, The positive edge pricing rule
G-2015-22, A. Navarra, L. Montiel, R. Dimitrakopoulos, Stochastic strategic
for the dual simplex, 12/2014
planning of open-pit mines, with ore selectivity recourse, 03/2015
G-2014-106, V. Partovi Nia, A.C. Davison, A simple model-based approach to
G-2015-23, A. Hertz, O. Marcotte, A. Mdimagh, M. Carreau, F. Welt, On the
variable selection in classification and clustering, 12/2014
design of a wind farm collection network when several cable types are available,
G-2014-107, D.E. Perea-Vega, J.-F. Frigon, A. Girard, Fast heuristics for 03/2015
power allocation in zero-forcing OFDMA-SDMA systems with minimum rate
G-2015-24, C. Andrey, O. Bahn, A. Haurie, Computing α-robust equilibria in
constraints, 12/2014
two integrated assessment models for climate change, 03/2015
G-2014-108, P. Viswanadha Reddy, G. Zaccour, Feedback Nash equilibria in
G-2015-25, M. Cherkesly, G. Desaulniers, S. Irnich, G. Laporte, Branch-price-
linear-quadratic difference games with constraints, 12/2014
and-cut algorithms for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows and
G-2014-109, M. Boudreault, G. Gauthier, T. Thomassin, Estimation of multiple stacks, 03/2015
correlations in portfolio credit risk models based on noisy security prices,
G-2015-26, J.-B. Gauthier, J. Desrosiers, M.E. Lübbecke, Vector space
decomposition for linear programs, 03/2015
G-2014-110, G. Desaulniers, F. Errico, S. Irnich, M. Schneider, Exact
G-2015-27, E. Delage, L.G. Gianoli, B. Sansò, A practicable robust counterpart
algorithms for electric vehicle-routing problems with time windows, 12/2014
formulation for decomposable functions: A network congestion case study,
G-2014-111, A. Kasirzadeh, F. Soumis, M. Saddoune, M. Towhidi, 03/2015
Simultaneous optimization of personalized integrated scheduling for pilots
G-2015-28, P. L’Ecuyer, D. Munger, A general software tool for constructing
and copilots, 12/2014
rank-1 lattice rules, 04/2015
G-2015-01, S. Debia, P.-O. Pineau, A game between two interconnected power
G-2015-29, G. Côté, J.-P. Waaub, B. Mareschal, Évaluation des impacts sur
utilities, 01/2015
l’environnement en péril. La nécessité d’agir, 04/2015
G-2015-02, M.F. Anjos, Optimization and the smart grid, 01/2015
G-2015-30, M. Reza Hesamzadeh, J. Rosellón, S.A. Gabriel, A profit-
G-2015-03, M.F. Anjos, Conic optimization, 01/2015 maximizing approach for transmission expansion planning using a revenue-
cap incentive mechanism, 04/2015



G-2015-31, M. Aouchiche, P. Hansen, A. Hertz, C. Sellal, Bounds on differences Revised

between some graph theoretic invariants, 04/2015
G-2015-32, B. Taibi, J.-P. Waaub, L’approche multicritère et la prise de G-2010-30, M Labriet, L. Drouet, M. Vielle, A. Haurie, A. Kanudia, R. Loulou,
décision dans les entreprises publiques, le cas de l’Algérie, 04/2015 Assessment of the effectiveness of global climate policies using coupled
bottom-up and top-down models, 05/2010. Revised: 01/2015
G-2015-33, J. Brimberg, S. Janićijević, N. Mladenović, D. Urosević, Solving
the clique partitioning problem as a maximally diverse grouping problem, G-2012-58, H. Ben-Ameur, R. Chérif, B. Rémillard, American-style options in
04/2015 jump-diffusion models: Estimation and evaluation, 10/2012. Revised: 02/2015

G-2015-34, S. Boiardi, A. Capone, A. Girard, B. Sansò, On the impact of energy G-2013-16, R. Ben Abdallah, M. Breton, To squeeze or not to squeeze? That is
caps on the costs of cellular networks with different layouts and technologies, no longer the question, 02/2013. Revised: 11/2014
04/2015 G-2013-51, J.-B. Gauthier, J. Desrosiers, M.E. Lübbecke, Tools for primal
G-2015-35, P. L’Ecuyer, D. Munger, B. Oreshkin, R. Simard, Random degenerate linear programs: IPS, DCA, and PE, 09/2013. Revised: 01/2015
numbers for parallel computers: Requirements and methods, with emphasis G-2013-52, J.-B. Gauthier, J. Desrosiers, M.E. Lübbecke, About the Minimum
on GPUs, 04/2015 Mean Cycle-Canceling Algorithm, 09/2013. Revised: 07/2014
G-2015-36, J. Lazic, R. Todosijevic, S. Hanafi, N. Mladenovic, Variable and G-2013-77, O. Bahn, A. Haurie, A cost-effectiveness differential game model
single neighbourhood diving for MIP feasibility, 04/2015 for climate agreements, 11/2013. Revised: 10/2014
G-2015-37, A. Mjirda, R. Todosijevic, S. Hanafi, P. Hansen, N. Mladenovic, G-2014-03, O. Bahn, M. Chesney, J. Gheyssens, R. Knutti, A.C. Pana, Is
Sequential variable neighborhood descent variants: An empirical study on there room for geoengineering in the optimal climate policy mix?, 02/2014.
Travelling salesman problem, 04/2015 Revised: 09/2014
G-2015-38, J. Brimberg, N. Mladenovic, R. Todosijevic, D. Urosevic, A G-2014-09, G. Laporte, The Tube Challenge, 02/2014. Révision : 09/2014
basic variable neighborhood search heuristic for the uncapacitated multiple
allocation $p$-hub center problem, 04/2015 G-2014-22, A. Kasirzadeh, M. Saddoune, F. Soumis, Airline crew scheduling:
Models, algorithms, and data sets, 04/2014. Revised: 09/2014
G-2015-39, N. Mladenovic, R. Todosijevic, D. Urosevic, Less is more: Basic
variable neighborhood search for Minimum differential dispersion problem,
G-2015-40, R. Todosijevic, R. Benmansour, S. Hanafi, N. Mladenovic,
A. Artiba, Nested general variable neighborhood search for the periodic
maintenance problem, 04/2015
G-2015-41, R. Todosijevic, D. Urosevic, N. Mladenovic, S. Hanafi, A general
variable neighborhood search for solving the uncapacitated $r$-allocation
$p$-hub median problem, 04/2015
G-2015-42, J. Brimberg, N. Mladenovic, R. Todosijevic, D. Urosevic, General
variable neighborhood search for the uncapacitated single allocation $p$-hub
center problem, 04/2015
G-2015-43, R. Todosijevic, M. Mladenovic, S. Hanafi, N. Mladenovic, I.
Crévits, Adaptive general variable neighborhood search heuristics for solving
unit commitment problem, 04/2015
G-2015-44, S. Rosat, I. El Hallaoui, F. Soumis, A. Lodi, Integral simplex using
decomposition with primal cutting planes, 05/2015
G-2015-45, A. Abiri-Jahromi, N. Dhaliwal, F. Bouffard, Demand response in
smart grids, 05/2015
G-2015-46, F. Malandra, B. Sansò, Analytical performance analysis of a large-
scale RF-mesh smart meter communication system, 05/2015
G-2015-47, G.I. Nelis Suazo, M. Gamache, D. Marcotte, X. Bai, Stope
optimization with convexity constraints, 05/2015, 19 pages
G-2015-48, M. Gamache, A structured approach to model logical constraints,
G-2015-49, A. Hertz, V. Lozin, B. Ries, V. Zamaraev, D. De Werra, Dominating
induced matchings in graphs containing no long claw, 05/2015
G-2015-50, J. Brimberg, N. Mladenović, D. Urosević, Solving the maximally
diverse grouping problem by skewed general variable neighborhood search,
G-2015-51, A. Abiri-Jahromi, F. Bouffard, On the loadability sets of power
systems - Part I: Characterization, 05/2015
G-2015-52, A. Abiri-Jahromi, F. Bouffard, On the loadability sets of power
systems - Part II: Minimal representations, 05/2015
G-2015-53, J. Chakravorty, A. Mahajan, Fundamental limits of remote
estimation of Markov processes under communication constraints, 05/2015
G-2015-54, C. Audet, A lower bound on the sum of the largest components of
a nonnegative vector, 05/2015
G-2015-55, E. Parilina, G. Zaccour, Approximated cooperative equilibria for
games played over event trees, 05/2015




ACM : Association for Computing Machinery MCDM Worldscan : International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making
ACFAS : Association francophone pour le savoir MDEIE : Ministère de l’Économie, des Innovations et des Exportations
ADRIQ : Association pour le développement de la recherche et de l’innovation MEDTEQ : Consortium de recherche et d’innovation en technologies médicales du
du Québec Québec
AERNA : Asociación Hispano-Portuguesa de Economía de los Recursos MIT : Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Naturales y Ambientales
MITACS : Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems
AIAA : American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
MOS : Mathematical Optimization Society
AMS : American Mathematical Society
MSRC : Management Science Research Centre
AQEi : Association québécoise pour l’évaluation d’impacts
NSERC : Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
ASA : American Statistical Association
OIQ : Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec
ASME : American Society of Mechanical Engineers
POMS : Production and Operations Management Society
AusIMM : Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
REPARTI : Reroupement pour l’étude des environnements partagés intelligents répartis
CEP : Commission d’évaluation des projets de programmes
SAIMM : South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
CEPSI : Centre d’études sur la paix et la sécurité internationale
SCRO : Société canadienne de recherche opérationnelle
CeRCI : Centre de recherche sur les communautés intelligentes
SEMA : Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada
CFQCU : Conseil franco-québécois de coopération universitaire
SIAM : Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
CIM : Center of Intelligent Machines
SIFEE : Secrétariat international pour l’évaluation environnementale
CIRANO : Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations
SME : Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration
CORS : Canadian Operational Research Society
SPE : Society of Petroleum Engineers
CREPUQ : Conférence des recteurs et des principaux des universités du Québec
TISED : Trottier Institute for Sustainability in Engineering Design
CRIP : Centre de recherche en ingénierie de procédés
UQÀC : Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
CRM : Centre de recherches mathématiques
UQÀM : Université du Québec à Montréal
CRSNG : Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada
UQÀR : Université du Québec à Rimouski
CUSM : Centre universitaire de santé McGill
EAERE : European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
EMoSTA : Équipe de modélisation stochastique appliquée
ETSAP : Energy Technology System Analysis Program
FRQNT : Fonds de recherche du Québec en nature et technologies
FRSQ : Fonds de recherche du Québec - santé
IAMG : International Association for Mathematical Geosciences

IEA : International Energy Agency

IEDDEC Institut de l’environnement, du développement durable et de l’économie
iEMSs : International Environmental Modelling and Software Society

IFAC : International Federation of Automatic Control

IMS : Institute of Mathematical Statistics

INCASS : Institut canadien des sciences statistiques

INFORMS : Institute For Operations Research and the Management Sciences

INRS : Institut national de la recherche scientifique

IREQ : Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec

ISAE : Institut supérieur de l’aéronautique et de l’espace

ISDG : International Society of Dynamic Games

ISE : Institut des sciences de l’environnement

LACED : Laboratoire de calcul et d’exploitation de données

LORLAB : Laboratoire de réseaux à large bande

LRSP : Laboratoire de Recherche en Statistique et Probabilités


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