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Good vs. Evil of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Alexander Guerra
B.E Literature and English

Catalina Rodriguez
May 8th, 2018

Santa Luisa School



INTRODUCTION: Thesis Statement

Robert Louis Stevenson wrote the novel The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde which

was published in 1886, which deals with a doctor named Henry Jekyll who created a

product that managed to change his physical and psychological appearance becoming

Edward Hyde , the evil and criminal part of this, is like that, that the lawyer Utterson

investigates everything that happened and discovers a day that the two are the same. That

said, the behavior of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde leads us to wonder if evil really is natural or

humans adopt evil? Commented [M1]: Introductory paragraph contains some

background information and states the problem, but does not
explain using details. States the thesis of the paper

ARGUMENT 1. Deductive reasoning argument

Argument by definition

It is known that evil is the absence of good by many philosophers and thinkers of past times

and even more, because it has established in society types of meanings for these where it is

notorious in the novel The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde the duality that occurs

between the two spirits, it is so, that we can say that man has a natural instinct that does not

want to prove it out because it has always belonged to him and although we can defeat it we Commented [M2]: Three or more main points are well
developed with supporting details. Refutation paragraph(s)
acknowledges the opposing view and summarizes their main
can never eliminate it because it is genetic. According to Hobbes (1651) he writes the points

metaphor "Man is a wolf for man" in which he affirms that man, by reaching his own

interests, is capable of carrying out great atrocities and barbarities against elements of his

own species, becoming the greatest evil. of the same without being able to control

themselves because it is their naturalness as in animals, they act by instinct and not by

rationing and it is evident in the text that Mr. Hyde was the one who murdered Danver

Carew without caring about his morality if he did not do it because evil does that is not

aware if not only act and act without a good end, and we can say that even if you do not

want to remove the natural evil at some point will come out but we should try to control it

as much as we can. Commented [M3]: Logical, compelling progression of

ideas in essay;clear structure which enhances and showcases
the central idea or theme and moves the reader through the
text. Organization flows so smoothly the reader hardly thinks
about it. Effective, mature, graceful transitions exist
throughout the essay

Argument 2. Inductive reasoning argument

Argument by example

It is clear that in the novel good and evil is shown in a dark and a bit real, however, the evil

depends on many factors, one of them society because it is this who trains us that we adopt

evil ourselves , it is not something natural of ourselves, because in The strange case of Dr.

Jekyll and Mr. Hyde shows how by the product created he becomes an ugly, cold, violent

man and someone who inspires fear precisely because the product that was what I achieved,

but from the beginning Dr. Jekyll was a reserved person, good and prudent as any human

being that can be known for the first time, of course when we started to know him more

thoroughly he is not exactly that person who believed and that has a bad mood, is

sometimes rude and has a bad character, so we can relate the wrong we adopted, because

when we were not kids but as we grow we adopt things from our family or society showing

that evil We adopt by many factors and it is very unlikely to be a natural behavior. Finally

we can say that as Rousseau said (1762) Man is born good and society corrupts, showing Commented [M4]: Source material is smoothly integrated
into the text. All sources are accurately documented in the
desired format both in the text and on the Works Cited page
that when the individual is born lacks a structure of moral thinking and as it grows must

capture the ideologies of each entity to handle and impose things like evil, because Commented [M5]: Overall, the paper is logically
developed. Progression of ideas in essay makes sense and
moves the reader easily through the text. Strong transitions
corruption, theft to other individuals, rapes and other removing the purity that was had at exist throughout and add to the essay’s coherence



Finally we can deduce that the evil is inside us, it is a natural evil that although we do not

want at some point it will come out Hyde whatever it is, with a product, by a person or by

something that bothers us we will be able to do absurd things and grotesque that will

probably lead us to death as it was in the end of Dr. Jekyll, we can defeat the evil that we

have inside but never eliminate it completely, it is so we must try to survive with the evil

that we have inside and how we are, as Jekyll at the end I wanted to continue being him, a

person with friends, but with many problems or like Hyde a person without friends, that the

people had him fear but without problems, in the end it was very late the decision that I

take for not having been able cope with the natural evil that caused the product to untie and Commented [M6]: Conclusion summarizes main topics.
Some suggestions for change are evident.
die without more.

Answer questions exactly

1. A day in a chair Hyde began to feel bad and saw how his whole body changed was

so he had to stay at a hotel and call a friend who supplied his product, but he

changed again and all the time had to take his product until its product is finished

and it dies, finally I do not gain either good or evil.

2. Their relationship was that they were the same person only because of the product

Jekyll was good and Hyde bad and had mental disorders

3. Well, the product that had created the same achievement that became bad, maybe it

was not that the end but it was something natural that was unleashed increasingly


4. When Hyde goes to the house, he looks for the product in the cabinet, he swears he

will not tell anyone and when he takes it he becomes Dr. Jekyll

List of references: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. (2002) (2006)

Commented [M7]:

Commented [M8]: Lacks sources and/or sources are

not accurately documented.
Format is incorrect for all sources.

Grade Equivalent:

A++= 13 - 15 points (50)

A+= 10 - 12 points (45)


A = 7 – 9 (40) 9 points

F 1= 4 - 6 points 3 or less

Points Grade: ____ A *12 points (45)

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