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Alexander Guerra


Luisa Borbon Oñate

May 8th, 2018.

INTRODUCTION: Thesis Statement

Dr jekyll and Mr hyde is a well-known novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson in

1886, which is about a man who with the help of science becomes someone evil. He has

two facets, the friendly Dr. Jekyll and, on the contrary, the horrendous Mr. Hyde. Below

is an important factor in the text read in the English class "The strange case of Dr. Jekyll

and Mr. Hyde" Commented [A1]: Introduction states the thesis but does
not adequately explain the background of the problem. The
problem is stated, but lacks detail.
Argument 1. Inductive reasoning argument: Authority

Why is friendship necessary in this text?

In the text of the strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde we find several close

relationships in which the main character finds support and confidence, relationships such

as Mr. Utterson, Dr. Lanyon and Poole, are reflected in most of this story plot, which

strengthen the life of Mr Hyde Commented [A2]: .

A clear example of this is when Jekyll asks Utterson what will be awarded to Hyde.

Utterson not knowing who Hyde was, he wonders who this man was. However, he helped

him, Utterson suspected of certain different actions in Jekyll, had changed from one

moment to another. It was not that old friend he had met a long time ago. Utterson

wondered what was wrong with him. Why did not he see himself? Why these strange

actions lately? , but he manages to discover each of these questions in accordance with

Hyde's requests and with the help of his other friendly relationship with Poole. Poole, his
Commented [A3]: Three or more main points are present
servant, knew all about Jekyll, knew him so much that he was afraid of his momentary but may lack detail and development in one or two.
Refutation paragraph(s) acknowledges the opposing view but
doesn’t summarize points.

changes, did everything he asked, was worried about his well-being, and was terrified of

his physical and mental changes.

Argument 2. Inductive reasoning argument: Definition

They did it because they were very fond of him, he was an intelligent person, very

friendly and collaborative. Sometimes it is necessary to feel accompanied, because we

feel that someone listens to us, understands us and guides us towards a better way,

without shame.

Maybe those friendships that we think are the closest, disappoint us because we share the Commented [A4]: Sentence structure is correct.
Punctuation and capitalization are correct.
same ideas, or did not know them well enough, but when we really find someone to

share, they generate many emotions and feelings that make us happy. a study that was

carried out at Andrews University, in Michigan, United States. One of the questions that

participants should answer was: "If you were abandoned on a desert island, what would

you most like to have?" 54 percent of them answered that they would like to have a friend

or be

I loved who could talk with, which gives us a small sample of the impact of friendship /

Having a friend drives us away or bothers us if we have any problems, go out and share

with someone who shares their same ideas as shown in the text when Hyde and Lanyon

advocated for science and strengthened their knowledge, which improves you as a person Commented [A5]: Logical, compelling progression of
ideas in essay;clear structure which enhances and showcases
the central idea or theme and moves the reader through the
, What makes you happy text. Organization flows so smoothly the reader hardly thinks
about it. Effective, mature, graceful transitions exist
throughout the essay.

You can be happy one day, when too many conflicts have occurred or you have fallen.

Since we are little we learn to develop friendships for similar tastes, to be a good leader,

to share and interact with different people

For this reason, we experience different skills, knowledge and to be more sociable and

have no greater difficulty as it grows as time begins to form different relationships than

when it is small, to form groups, for the university and especially for the bad influence it

does not happen , but as long as we show a kind side, and so we have more friends

As Hyde did, with his good personality and being attentive to others and not with his

other facet, which was Jekyll, he was a bad man that caused fear and terror. Commented [A6]: Overall, the paper is logically
developed. Progression of ideas in essay makes sense and
moves the reader easily through the text. Strong transitions
CONCLUSION: exist throughout and add to the essay’s coherence

It shows in the text the great relationships that one of the main characters has, friends

who helped him at all times, this is a novel, very interesting and with a very good plot

that brings us closer to friendship Commented [A7]: Conclusion does not adequately
summarize the main points. No suggestions for change or
opinions are included.

List of references Commented [A8]: Lacks sources and/or sources are

not accurately documented.
Format is incorrect for all sources.
Grade Equivalent:
A++= 13 - 15 points (50)

A+= 10 - 12 points (45)

A = 7 – 9 (40) 9 points
F 1= 4 - 6 points 3 or less

Points Grade: ____

Economic- political
Magazine and Essay A
*12 points (45).

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