Violence of DR Jekyll and MR Hyde: Teacher: Alexander Guerra B.E Literature and English

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Alexander Guerra
B.E Literature and English

Violeta Baena



INTRODUCTION: Thesis Statement

The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a novel written by Robert

Louis Stevenson published 1886, his principal theme is the investigation of the

strange relation between the famous and gentle Henry Jekyll and the withdrawn

and violent Edward Hyde, the principal cause of the investigation of Hyde was his

two crimes that we could appreciate in the novel; already established the Commented [M1]: Well developed introductory paragraph
contains detailed background , a clear explanation or
definition of the problem, and a thesis statement
relationship between Jekyll and Hyde we could kwon that the violence or the

aggressivity is an important part of the humans. Commented [M2]: This paragraph contains some
background information and states the problem, but does not
explain using details. States the thesis of the paper.
ARGUMENT 1. Deductive reasoning argument: Authority

The theme of the violence in the humans was studied by Sigmund Freud in

his work “Beyond the pleasure principle” (1920); he explains human behavior

compound by two “drives”: the Eros drives and the Thanatos drives, the first of

these is the condition of the human to preserve the specie by the reproduction

(sexual behavior), and the second is the behavior of the self-preservation and

protection of his social group (violence behavior); in the novel we could speculate

that Henry Jekyll is making use of his Thanatos drives in the two crimes that

Stevenson tell us (the young girl and the Carew’s murder), Henry Jekyll took the

poison to avoid possible risk to his life, he always want his security while he was

doing the crimes, the only difference between the Sigmund Freud’s study is that he
Commented [M3]: Logical, compelling progression of
really don’t need to cause this crimes, his only reason is the satisfaction of the ideas in essay;clear structure which enhances and showcases
the central idea or theme and moves the reader through the
pleasure that Henry Jekyll was keeping inside and need to release, with tragic text. Organization flows so smoothly the reader hardly thinks
about it. Effective, mature, graceful transitions exist
throughout the essay.
consequences to his life.
ARGUMENT 2. Inductive reasoning argument: By example

In the novel Stevenson describe us from the point of view of the witness of

the crimes, it doesn’t give us a total vision of the crimes until Utterson reads the

letter from Jekyll, in the letter Jekyll explains the reason of the crimes that he

commits in the skin of Mr Hyde and the reason of why he decides to have two

different lives: Commented [M4]: Three or more main points are well
developed with supporting details. Refutation paragraph(s)
acknowledges the opposing view and summarizes their main
' Can I separate the two sides?' I asked myself. ' Can I make two points.

people - one good, one bad - from a single person? If I can, life will be

much easier. The bad person can live in his own bad way, without

hurting the good person and people's opinion of him. And the good

person's good name will be in no danger because of the other

person's bad actions. It seems wrong that we have to live with both

persons in the same body' (Stevenson, 2000, P. 41) Commented [M5]: Source material is smoothly integrated
into the text. All sources are accurately documented in the
desired format both in the text and on the Works Cited page.
In this fragment of the novel we could observe that Henry Jekyll have the need to

satisfy his violence impulses always keeping his social and economical life in a

safe place; Jekyll decide to have two different life to satisfy his violence wishes

without destroying his social life. Commented [M6]: Three or more main points are present
but may lack detail and development in one or two.
Refutation paragraph(s) acknowledges the opposing view but
CONCLUSION: doesn’t summarize points

In conclusion, the novel gives us a history of a person who has a problem


the control of his impulses; it probably causes a mental problem if the novel was

ambient in a most-real scenery probably Jekyll would be a person with bipolarity

disorder, one of his personality: the good and gentle people of Henry Jekyll and his
social and economical stable life, and the other: the evil and violent Mr Hyde and

his uncontrollable need of violence. Commented [M7]: Conclusion summarizes main topics.
Some suggestions for change are evident.

List of references??????? Commented [M8]: Lacks sources and/or sources are

not accurately documented.
Format is incorrect for all sources.
Grade Equivalent:

A++= 13 - 15 points (50)

A+= 10 - 12 points (45)

A = 7 – 9 (40) 9 points

F 1= 4 - 6 points 3 or less

Points Grade: ____ Economic- political Magazine and Essay A *12 points



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