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Muvluv Installation Tutorial

Make sure your system language is Japanese, or the setup won’t work. To change your system
language in win 7 follow this step, and for xp user you can go to faqs section provided by admin or
ask Mr. google.

a. Go to control panel Clock, Language, and RegionRegion & Language

b. Go to tab administrative, and your system locale to Japanese

c. Restart your computer

Muvluv installation tutorial

Installing The Game
1. Mount muvluv extra disc with daemon tools or other similar tools
2. Run the setup, and choose install

3. Just click next,next and…… next, and then wait until the setup progress completed

Muvluv installation tutorial

4. Now, you can install english patch for this game, the patch will detect muvluv installation folder
automatically. Click install and wait till the setup completed

5. Enjoy the game :D

Muvluv installation tutorial

How to Unlock Unlimited Route
To unlock unlimited route, you must finish the game with two major route (Meiya and Sumika).
After you finish the game with both of them, the background will change and when you clic k a
new game, you will have an option to choose Extra or Unlimited. Choose unlimited and the
game will asking you to mount Unlimited Disc, do it and you’re ready to play muvluv unlimited.

There are two major problem that mostly occur when installing this game
The first problem is that you need to change your system language to japanese to install this game, the
setup won’t work unless your computer use japanese locale . I’ve tried to install it with Ms applocale but
it won’t work. And for the second problem,some people can’t install this game with english patch
installer, because it will keep asking you to insert Disc 2 (unlimited disc), although you’ve already mount
the disc.
I hope this tutorial will help you to install muvluv, because I’ve seen so many people failing to install this
game and asking for help. I’m not english, sorry if my writing is messed up :lol.

Muvluv installation tutorial

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