Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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Journal of Diabetes 4 (2012) 266–280


Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Ana C. TUYAMA1 and Charissa Y. CHANG2
Laboratory of Biochemical Genetics and Metabolism, Rockefeller University and 2Division of Liver Diseases, Mount Sinai Medical Center,
New York, New York, USA

Correspondence Abstract
Ana C. Tuyama, Laboratory of Biochemical
Genetics and Metabolism, Rockefeller Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic
University, 1230 York Avenue, New York, liver disease in the Western world. It is closely associated with metabolic
NY 10065, USA. syndrome. The alarming epidemics of diabetes and obesity have fueled an
Tel: +1 212 263 6741 increasing prevalence of NAFLD, particularly among these high-risk
Fax: +1 212 263 4129
groups. Histologically, NAFLD encompasses a disease spectrum ranging
from simple steatosis to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), which is
Received: 2 February 2012; revised 15 April characterized by hepatocyte injury, inflammation, and variable degrees of
2012; accepted 28 April 2012. fibrosis on liver biopsy. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis can progress to cir-
rhosis in a fraction of patients. There is currently little understanding of
doi: 10.1111/j.1753-0407.2012.00204.x risk factors for disease progression and the disease pathogenesis has not
been fully defined. Liver biopsy remains the gold standard for diagnosis.
Weight loss, dietary modification, and the treatment of underlying meta-
bolic syndrome remain the mainstays of therapy once the diagnosis is
established. There are no well-established pharmacological agents for treat-
ment of NASH, although this is a subject of ongoing research.
Keywords: insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, non-alcoholic fatty liver,
non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.

for cirrhosis resulting from NAFLD. The number of

transplants due to underlying NAFLD is rising.4
Chronic liver disease (CLD) is the 12th leading cause
of mortality in the US and is the fifth leading cause of
death among adults aged 44–64 years.1 Non-alcoholic
fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is currently the most com- The overall prevalence of CLD has risen steadily over
mon CLD in the Western world,2 particularly in recent decades according to the National Health and
patients with obesity and diabetes. Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) database.5,6
The term ‘‘NAFLD’’ is used to describe a spectrum Although the prevalence rates of alcoholic liver disease
best defined by liver biopsy findings ranging from and viral hepatitis have remained stable, NAFLD and
deposition of triglycerides as lipid droplets in the cyto- its associated comorbidities (obesity, diabetes, and
plasm of hepatocytes, namely simple steatosis, to the insulin resistance) have increased substantially. Preva-
more aggressive form of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis lence estimates of NAFLD vary according to the diag-
(NASH), which is characterized by additional features nostic modality used to establish the diagnosis. Given
of hepatocyte injury, inflammation, and variable that most patients are asymptomatic and do not
degrees of fibrosis. Although simple steatosis appears undergo a liver biopsy, the reported prevalence rates
to follow a non-progressive course, a subset of patients are likely to underestimate the real problem.
develop NASH, which is of concern owing to the Reports from biopsies of non-obese potential liver
potential progression to end-stage complications of transplant donors, considered healthy, are one estimate
liver cirrhosis2 and hepatocellular carcinoma3 (HCC). of the true prevalence of NAFLD in the general popu-
Approximately 10% of liver transplants in the US are lation. These studies have reported NAFLD rates of

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A.C. TUYAMA and C.Y. CHANG Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

14–53% (overall 43%) and NASH rates of 2–34% decade in men compared with the sixth decade in
(overall 15%).7–11 More importantly, the presence of women.23 These studies suggest different disease
NAFLD and ⁄ or NASH results in the disqualification behavior and pathogenesis between men and women.
of 12–20% of potential liver donors in the US.
In an autopsy series from Canada,12 the prevalence Age
of NAFLD and NASH in lean subjects was 7% and Similar to metabolic syndrome, the prevalence of
3%, respectively. Other autopsy studies have reported NAFLD and NASH tends to increase with age. Fur-
prevalence rates as high as 16% for NAFLD in the thermore, older patients with NAFLD are at risk of
general population,13,14 but some of the cases were disease progression and fibrosis.24–27 However, given
attributed to alcohol consumption. the impact of aging on the progression of most CLD,
Non-invasive imaging modalities such as ultrasound it is difficult to separate the effects of associated com-
and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) provide orbidities on the natural history of NAFLD from
another estimate of the prevalence of NAFLD. Two those of the duration of the disease or age itself.
population-based studies from Spain and Italy reported
a prevalence of NAFLD of 26% and 20%, respec- Ethnicity
tively,15,16 based on ultrasound. Similar numbers have Ethnic differences in the prevalence of NAFLD have
been reported in India17 (17%) and Japan18 (30%). As a been demonstrated in population-based studies in the
more sensitive modality for detecting hepatic steatosis, US. In general, Hispanics have the highest prevalence
MRS has been used investigationally to diagnose NA- rates (45%), followed by Caucasians (33%) and Afri-
FLD. Initial studies from the Dallas Heart Study can Americans (24%).2,22,28 Hispanics are also at
reported slightly higher prevalence rates of 33–34% increased risk of NASH and cirrhosis compared with
based on MRS.19 More recently, a prospective study of African Americans, and have higher liver-related mor-
middle-aged US adults reported an alarming prevalence tality rates.3,22,29 Asians and south Asians have been
of 46% for NAFLD based on ultrasonography.2 The shown to develop hepatic steatosis at much lower body
prevalence of NASH among the entire cohort was 12%; mass indices (BMI) than individuals in the West.30,31
however, 30% of patients with a positive ultrasound
had biopsy findings consistent with NASH. Metabolic syndrome
Among patients with NAFLD, the prevalence of It is thought that NAFLD is the liver manifestation of
NASH will vary according to the associated comorbid- metabolic syndrome, defined by Adult Treatment
ities. In a recent review of 934 biopsies of non-cirrhotic Panel (ATP) III criteria32 as the presence of a combi-
adults with NAFLD from the NASH-Clinical nation of at least three of the following: central
Research Network (NASH-CRN) consortium, 58% obesity, hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, low high-
had features of steatohepatitis.20 Advanced fibrosis density lipoprotein (HDL), and hyperglycemia. Meta-
and cirrhosis is thought to develop in 10–15% of bolic syndrome is present in 34–65% of patients with
patients with NASH.21 NAFLD.33–35 Among individuals with NAFLD, fea-
tures of metabolic syndrome are associated with more
advanced and progressive disease, as well as with a
Associated risk factors
three-fold higher risk of NASH and fibrosis after cor-
The overall rates of NAFLD and ⁄ or NASH in the rection for sex, age and BMI.33–35 Interestingly, the
general population do not take into account the associ- presence of NAFLD is also an early predictor of the
ated factors that increase the risk of an individual of later development of metabolic disorders, particularly
developing steatosis and progressive disease. Hepatic in normal-weight individuals.36
fat content varies substantially among individuals with
equivalent adiposity, indicating that other factors con- Obesity
tribute to this condition.2 Obesity is a strong predictor of NAFLD, with a paral-
lel increase in the rates of NAFLD and NASH with
Gender rising BMI.2 It has been reported that NAFLD is pres-
Once believed to be a disease of middle-aged, non- ent in approximately 71–93% of patients undergoing
drinking women, recent population-based studies have bariatric surgery, with 25–41% showing features of
suggested that men may have higher rates of NAFLD NASH and 6–9% with advanced fibrosis and cirrho-
than women, especially before 60 years of age.3,22 It sis.37–42 Similar rates have been reported for patients
seems that NAFLD occur earlier in men than in undergoing liver biopsies in obesity clinics,12,43 as well
women, with the prevalence peaking in the fourth as from autopsy series.12

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Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease A.C. TUYAMA and C.Y. CHANG

The higher rates of NASH among obese patients sug- (CVD).77,78 Patients with NAFLD have increased
gest a role for obesity in disease progression. In fact, overall and CVD-related mortality compared with the
increased adiposity correlates with progression to NASH general population.25,79 In addition, studies have dem-
and cirrhosis.12,38,44–46 This is further confirmed by onstrated an increased risk for incident cardiovascular
regression of histological severity and normalization of events in patients with NAFLD compared with non-
liver enzymes after weight loss.47–57 The patterns of body NAFLD controls, independent of traditional risk fac-
fat distribution may be particularly more important in tors.25,70,79–88 In fact, NAFLD histology, particularly
predicting disease severity and progression than BMI.58 NASH, is correlated with early markers of atheroscle-
Central obesity, as measured by waist circumference and rosis, such as endothelial dysfunction89 and carotid
waist-to-hip ratio, has been suggested as a stronger pre- intima–media thickness.90 Based on the Framingham
dictor of NAFLD,59 NASH60 and cirrhosis.61 Visceral risk score, patients with NAFLD have a higher 10-year
adipose mass determined by magnetic resonance is a pre- probability of CVD events, which is greater for
dictor of hepatic inflammation and fibrosis.62 More NASH.89 In patients at risk of CVD based on tradi-
recently, the presence of dorsocervical lipohypertrophy tional risk factors, NAFLD imparts an additional risk
(similar to the cervical hump seen in Cushing’s syn- for CVD and may be a marker of current, future or
drome) has been shown to be strongly associated with progressive CVD.83,91
histological severity in patients with NASH.63
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Diabetes mellitus The prevalence of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
Insulin resistance (IR) is the hallmark of the metabolic is estimated to be 5–10% in women of reproductive
syndrome. Hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and IR age and PCOS preferentially affects obese women
based on Homeostatic Model Assessment (HOMA) or (prevalence 28% vs 5% in obese and lean women,
Quantitative Insulin Sensitivity Check Index (QUICK- respectively).92 Polycystic ovarian syndrome increases
I) scores have been independently associated with clini- the risk of NAFLD, with a 36–55% prevalence of liver
cal progression to NASH and cirrhosis.39,42,64 steatosis93–95 and a 44% prevalence of NASH96 in
The presence of NAFLD is correlated with the affected women. In addition, NAFLD increases the
degree of peripheral and hepatic IR,65,66 which is more risk of PCOS in women of reproductive age, with one
severe in individuals with NASH compared with sub- study reporting a diagnosis of PCOS in 71% of women
jects with simple steatosis, independent of global or with NAFLD.97 Despite these associations, the under-
regional adiposity.67,68 Ultrasound-diagnosed NAFLD lying mechanisms have not been defined clearly (for a
increased the risk of diabetes 2.5-fold.36 The reverse is recent review, see Baranova et al.92).
also true, with increases in fasting blood glucose and As outlined for each specific condition, the risk of
insulin levels leading to a higher overall prevalence of NAFLD and NASH appears to be increased in sub-
NAFLD, which is estimated to be 63–69% in patients groups of patients based on epidemiological data. One
with diabetes.58,69–71 In addition, in a cohort of NA- important question that arises is whether patients at
FLD patients with diabetes, the risk of developing cir- risk should undergo screening for NAFLD. The ques-
rhosis was three-fold greater compared with that in tion becomes more complicated when determining the
non-diabetics, and the presence of diabetes increased appropriate screening test (liver ultrasound, liver
liver-related mortality 22-fold.72,73 Finally, treatment enzymes, liver biopsy) given the limitations and risks
with oral hypoglycemic agents has been associated imposed by each of them. There are currently no
with regression of steatosis and features of NASH.74 screening recommendations for NAFLD in high-risk
Cardiovascular disease
The importance of the liver in the regulation of metab-
Pediatric NAFLD
olism has been increasingly recognized over the years.
Patients with metabolic syndrome typically have ath- Currently, NAFLD is the most common cause of liver
erogenic dyslipidemia,75 which is characterized by high disease in children and is estimated to affect up to 38%
triacylglycerol, low HDL, increased small dense low- of obese and 5% of normal or overweight children.98 In
density lipoprotein (LDL) particles, and increased apo- an autopsy study of adolescents, 17.3% were found to
lipoprotein B100 concentrations.76 have NAFLD, which was more prevalent in boys of
The strong association between NAFLD and meta- Asian and Hispanic descent.98 The associated risk fac-
bolic syndrome established an interest in the connec- tors, clinical presentation, and diagnosis for pediatric
tion between NAFLD and cardiovascular diseases NAFLD are similar to those of the adult population.

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Given the lack of long term data, the natural history of to be higher in NASH than in simple steatosis. However,
pediatric NAFLD has not been clearly defined.99 Of liver enzymes as a diagnostic modality have poor sensitiv-
note, the histological findings in the pediatric popula- ity (0.3–0.63) and specificity (0.38–0.63) compared with
tion may differ, particularly in Hispanic boys, with a ultrasonography105 or liver biopsy.106,107 In population-
pattern of fibrosis and inflammation that is predomi- based cohorts, ALT levels were within normal limits in as
nantly portal based, rather than Zone 3.100,101 Treat- many as 80% of patients with NAFLD.2
ment (see below) should involve dietary and lifestyle
interventions, which can be difficult to achieve.
Several modalities have been used to diagnose NAFLD
non-invasively with variable sensitivity and specificity,
Clinical manifestations including ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT),
Liver steatosis is often incidentally detected on imaging magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and MRS.
of the liver and is greatly overlooked by most physi- Although useful for the diagnostic evaluation of a patient
cians. Most patients present for care of associated with suspected NAFLD, they are of limited use because
conditions, such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, or dysli- of their inability to differentiate simple steatosis from
pidemia, and are mostly asymptomatic from the liver NASH or to determine the presence and stage of fibrosis.
perspective. It is not until they develop abnormal liver This poses a diagnostic challenge, because NASH and
enzymes and ⁄ or liver-related complications that the fibrosis are of greater concern given the risk of progres-
diagnosis is brought to attention and a systematic sion to cirrhosis and its related complications.
work-up is initiated. In fact, evaluation for fatty liver Ultrasound is the most readily available imaging
is often precipitated by abnormal liver enzymes modality for the diagnosis of fatty liver. Ultrasound
detected on routine evaluation or prior to initiating findings of NAFLD include hepatomegaly, diffuse
therapy with any potentially hepatotoxic medication. increased echogenicity of the liver parenchyma, blur-
Symptoms and signs associated with NAFLD ring of intrahepatic vessels, and loss of echoes of the
include fatigue, right upper quadrant pain, hepatomeg- posterior hepatic segments. A review of studies com-
aly, acanthosis nigricans, and lipomatosis. Cirrhotic paring the role of ultrasound in diagnosing histologi-
patients may present with any manifestations of end- cally proven NAFLD reported an overall sensitivity
stage liver disease. and specificity for the detection of moderate to severe
The diagnosis is confirmed by findings on liver steatosis (‡20–30% steatosis) of 84% and 93%, respec-
biopsy in the absence of other forms of CLD and the tively, with an accuracy of 0.93.108 Ultrasound sensitiv-
exclusion of daily alcohol consumption >30 g in men ity varies considerably with liver fat content and to
and >20 g in women. technical limitations in morbidly obese patients.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease may be separated In a recent meta-analysis of the performance of differ-
into two types. The primary type of NAFLD is associ- ent imaging modalities in diagnosing biopsy-proven NA-
ated with features of metabolic syndrome and is thought FLD, CT was equivalent if not inferior to ultrasound.109
to be secondary to IR, whereas the secondary type of In addition, CT carries the disadvantage of radiation
NAFLD can result from conditions that lead to steato- exposure. Magnetic resonance imaging and MRS per-
sis, such as infections (hepatitis C genotype 3, HIV), form better than ultrasound or CT, particularly in detect-
medications and toxins, or acquired and inherited meta- ing lower degrees of steatosis. However, they are costly
bolic derangements (lipodystrophy, total parenteral and not widely available. Furthermore, MRS offers the
nutrition, cachexia, intestinal bypass surgery). The medi- advantage of providing a safe and quantitative assess-
cations and toxins that have been associated with liver ment of hepatic triglyceride content by directly measur-
steatosis include glucocorticoids, tamoxifen, tetracycline, ing protons in acyl groups of liver tissue triglycerides.110
amiodarone, methotrexate, valproic acid, vinyl chloride, Transient elastography, an emerging technique that mea-
anabolic steroids, and estrogens at doses higher than sures liver stiffness, has been used for the non-invasive
used for hormone-replacement therapy.102–104 assessment of hepatic fibrosis. The use of this technique
in the NAFLD population has been limited by its lower
reliability in the presence of severe steatosis and the
Laboratory abnormalities
reduced performance of the standard M probe in obese
In patients with NAFLD, elevations of alanine amino- patients.111 More recently, improved diagnostic accuracy
transferase (ALT) are more common than elevations of has been achieved with the Fibroscan XL (Echosens,
aspartate aminotransferase (AST). The ALT levels tend Paris, France) probe.112,113

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Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease A.C. TUYAMA and C.Y. CHANG

acinar Zone 3 and has a perisinusoidal or ‘‘chicken

Liver biopsy
wire’’ pattern. In 1999, Brunt et al.120 proposed a sys-
A liver biopsy remains the gold standard for the diag- tem to assess the global necroinflammatory activity
nosis of NASH and for fibrosis staging. Establishing a (grading) and extent of fibrosis (staging) to standardize
definitive diagnosis of NASH is important for identify- the histological features and develop a scoring system
ing individuals at risk of progression to advanced for NASH. More recently, the National Institute of
fibrosis and cirrhosis. Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NID-
However, there are limitations associated with the use DK)-sponsored NASH-CRN developed and validated
of liver biopsies. First, a biopsy represents 1 ⁄ 50 000– the NASH activity score (NAS)121 with the aim of
1 ⁄ 65 000 of the liver and is subject to sampling errors.114 standardizing the features of the full spectrum of NA-
Studies on paired liver biopsies in patients with NAFLD FLD in order to quantify and define histologic end-
demonstrate substantial discordance for most histologi- points for therapeutic intervention trials. The NAS is
cal features, highlighting the uneven distribution of the based on the sum of individual scores for steatosis,
disease.115,116 This is also true for surgical biopsies of the lobular inflammation, and hepatocellular ballooning.
left and right lobes of the liver.117 Liver biopsies are sub- The validity of NAS in diagnosing NASH was recently
ject to intra- and inter-observer variability in the grading evaluated in a study by Brunt et al.,125 who concluded
of steatosis (j statistics of 0.74–0.98), fibrosis staging that, although closely related, NAS ‡5 cannot be used
(0.68–0.85), and NASH diagnosis (0.66–0.90).115,117 reliably to establish a diagnosis of NASH.
Complications include pain, bleeding, transient bactere-
mia, bile peritonitis, and perforation, as well as a
Scoring systems ⁄ non-invasive biomarkers
1:10 000–12 000 mortality risk.118
Given the expense, inconvenience, limitations, and In an attempt to overcome the limitations of current
risks associated with a liver biopsy, it is unsuitable for the diagnostic modalities, which are unable to differentiate
screening of the general population for such a prevalent NAFLD from NASH and cannot determine the extent of
condition. In the absence of practice guidelines, the deci- fibrosis and the risk of progression, as well as to address
sion to proceed to a liver biopsy is left to the discretion of the need for a reliable test that can be used in both patient
the physician in individual cases. A recent position state- care and research, several scoring systems and non-inva-
ment from the European Association for the Study of the sive biomarkers have emerged (for reviews, see Adams
Liver (EASL) recommended that a routine liver biopsy and Feldstein126 and Wieckowska and Feldstein127). The
be performed in high-risk patients undergoing antiobesi- biomarkers are based on the current understanding of
ty surgery and cholecystectomy.119 the pathophysiology of NAFLD and include markers of
apoptosis (cytokeratin-18), collagen breakdown (serum
prolidase enzyme activity), oxidative stress and lipid per-
Histological findings
oxidation, cytokines (tumor necrosis factor [TNF]-a,
Liver steatosis is defined by the accumulation of fat in interleukin [IL]-6), and adipokines (adiponectin). How-
the liver exceeding 5–10% of its weight or by the pres- ever, none has been sufficiently validated and incorpo-
ence of cytoplasmic triglyceride droplets in >5% of rated into clinical practice and their usefulness remains to
hepatocytes.3,114 Steatosis in NAFLD is macrovesicu- be determined.
lar and starts at acinar Zone 3 (perivenular), but mixed
or even microvesicular steatosis may be present as well.
Steatosis can be graded on the basis of the extent of
the involvement of the hepatocytes as follows: mild, 0– The liver plays a central role in the regulation of metabo-
33%; moderate, 33–66%; and severe, >66%.120,121 lism. Excessive accumulation of intrahepatic triglyce-
Because fibrosis in NASH progresses to cirrhosis, stea- rides, the hallmark of NAFLD, has been associated with
tosis may not be readily identifiables, thus accounting changes in glucose, fatty acid, and lipoprotein metabo-
for cases of cryptogenic cirrhosis.122,123 lism, as well as inflammation. Given the many vital activ-
Since the description of NASH by Ludwig et al.,124 ities performed by the liver, additional metabolic and
the histological criteria for diagnosis have evolved with hormonal functions are likely affected.
the intent to standardize the findings. Non-alcoholic Hepatic steatosis results from an imbalance between
steatohepatitis is characterized by the presence of mac- free fatty acid (FFA) uptake and synthesis (input) and
rosteatosis, ballooning degeneration of hepatocytes, fatty acid oxidation and triglyceride (TG) secretion
and lobular inflammation, typically in Zone 3. Fibrosis into very-LDL (output). The presence of a net positive
is not required for the diagnosis but usually starts in energy balance leads to the accumulation of fat in the

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A.C. TUYAMA and C.Y. CHANG Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

form of TG and lipid droplets within hepatocytes. • Obesity

Hepatic TG arise from three sources: (i) dietary fats • Insulin resistance
• Genetic predisposition
(packaged into TG-rich chylomicrons); (ii) de novo
lipogenesis (DNL), regulated by several nuclear
transcription factors, such as sterol regulatory element- • Peripheral lipolysis
binding protein-1c,128 carbohydrate regulatory ele- • Dietary fat
ment-binding protein, liver X receptor a, farsenoid X • De novo lipogenesis
receptor, and peroxisome proliferator-activated recep-
tors;129 and (iii) peripheral adipose tissue lipolysis.
Both IR and obesity are associated with increased Steatosis • Lipotoxicity
delivery of FFA to the liver because of increased • Oxidative stress, ER stress
• Inflammation (IL-6, TNF-α)
peripheral lipolysis in the former and increased adipo-
• Hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia
cyte mass in the latter.130 The rate of hepatic FFA • Gut microbiota
uptake appears to be unregulated and proportional to
plasma FFA concentrations.131 The contribution of
each step to the hepatocyte TG pool can be broken NASH

down to the majority of FFA originating from lipoly-

sis of peripheral adipose tissue132 as opposed to dietary
sources,133 visceral adipose tissue lipolysis,134 or
Figure 1 The Liver plays a central role in the regulation of metab-
DNL.135 The fate of FFA taken up by hepatocytes is
olism. Obesity, insulin resistance (IR), and genetic factors set the
one of three: (i) oxidation in the mitochondria to gen- stage, leading to triglyceride accumulation in hepatocytes as a
erate ATP; (ii) re-esterified to TG and stored in lipid result of increased fatty acid delivery from both dietary sources and
droplets; or (iii) re-esterified into TG, packaged, and peripheral lipolysis. Hyperinsulinemia leads to increased de novo
secreted as VLDL. lipogenesis, despite the presence of IR. Once steatosis develops,
In NAFLD, abnormalities in both fatty acid uptake the liver is susceptible to further insults, such as lipotoxicity, inflam-
and lipogenesis have been reported, with increased mation, oxidative and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, which
result in cell injury and the development of non-alcoholic steatohep-
peripheral lipolysis, higher post-prandial lipemia and
atitis (NASH). IL-6, interleukin 6; TNF-a, tumur necrosis factor-a.
FFA concentrations, and increased expression of genes
involved in DNL.3,136,137 Interestingly, rates of fatty
acid oxidation138,139 and VLDL secretion140,141 appear mon pathways. The type of lipids accumulated plays an
to be increased in these patients.142 However, the important role in lipotoxicity. Accumulation of TG per se
excess VLDL export is not adequate to compensate does not appear to be harmful; however, excess free fatty
for the excess TG input and the net result is steatosis. acids144,145 and cholesterol146–148 can result in hepatocyte
In fact, a study by Fabbrini et al.141 showed that the injury. Insulin resistance, reflected by hyperinsulinemia
increase in hepatic VLDL secretion reaches a plateau and hyperglycemia, clearly affects lipid metabolism,142 in
level, beyond which rises in intrahepatic TG will not addition to promoting further inflammation and fibro-
result in enhanced TG export through VLDL. It is sis.149 More recently, the gut microbiota has been impli-
unclear at which step the hepatocytes lose the ability cated in both the pathogenesis of NAFLD and the
to further enhance lipoprotein secretion. progression to NASH through metabolic derangements
Steatosis is a compensatory, adaptive mechanism that and proinflammatory effects (Figure 1).150
is clinically silent. However, it affects cellular and molec-
ular functions that sensitize the liver to any additional
Genetics of NAFLD
insults. Once the balance is tipped over, the result is a
complex and poorly understood interaction between he- Family and interethnic studies have provided evidence
patocytes, hepatic stellate cells, and leukocytes within the for a genetic component in NAFLD. Case series of
liver that leads to NASH and the development of apopto- index patients with biopsy-proven NASH, NASH cir-
sis, inflammation, and liver fibrosis. What leads to the rhosis, and cryptogenic cirrhosis (CC) have demon-
progression to NASH has not been completely defined. strated the coexistence of varied forms of NAFLD
Systemic inflammation (increases in TNF-a and IL-6 and among kindreds.151,152 Siblings and parents of over-
decreases in adiponectin), oxidative and endoplasmic weight children with biopsy-proven NAFLD are more
reticulum stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction clearly likely to have elevated liver fat fraction on MRI and
play an integral role in disease pathogenesis.136,143 The abnormal liver enzymes than relatives of overweight
question remains as to which factors trigger these com- children without NAFLD, resulting in an estimated

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Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease A.C. TUYAMA and C.Y. CHANG

heritability for NAFLD of 39%.153 Twin studies have stress, insulin signaling, cell death, and hepatic fibro-
also indicated a heritability trait for liver fat content, sis.157–162 One study evaluated microRNA expression
serum ALT, and fasting insulin levels.154 However, the in NASH compared with normal controls and identi-
observed familial clustering of NAFLD could result fied microRNAs that target genes regulating lipid
from common environmental exposure or heritability metabolism, cell growth and differentiation, apoptosis,
of conditions associated with NAFLD, such as obesity and inflammation.163 Despite pointing to pathways
and diabetes. A study by Browning et al.2 demon- that are known to be altered in NASH, there was little
strated differences in susceptibility to NAFLD diag- concordance among the genes identified. This can be
nosed by MRS among Americans of diverse ethnic attributed, in part, to variations in sample size, differ-
backgrounds despite similar rates of obesity, diabetes ent group comparisons, patient populations studied,
mellitus and insulin resistance. Hispanics had the high- and microarray platforms used with variable numbers
est rates of hepatic steatosis compared with Caucasians of interrogated transcripts. Furthermore, these samples
and African Americans. represent the expression pattern of hepatocytes, which
are overrepresented among RNA species collected
from a liver biopsy. Because non-parenchymal cells,
Genome-wide association studies
such as hepatic stellate cells, Kupffer cells, endothelial
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have led to cells, and leukocytes, represent <30% of the total
the identification of several variants associated with liver, differences in gene expression in each specific
NAFLD.3,155 The variant that most strongly correlates population were probably not detected given the sensi-
with hepatic fat content was identified in a genome- tivity of the assay. A separate analysis among specific
wide survey of 9229 non-synonymous sequence varia- cell populations within the liver will provide greater
tions of individuals of various ancestries from the insight into the cross-talk among cells at different
Dallas Heart Study.156 The single variant (rs738409) stages of NAFLD.
results in a missense mutation (Ile148 fi Met148;
I148M) in the patatin-like phospholipase domain-con-
Natural history and prognosis
taining 3 (PNPLA3) gene that encodes for adiponu-
trin. The association with hepatic fat content was The natural history of NAFLD has been explored in
independent of BMI, diabetes mellitus, and ethanol cross-sectional studies, case series of patients with
use. The variant allele was more frequently identified paired liver biopsies, and longitudinal cohorts from
in Hispanics (0.49), followed by European Americans both tertiary and community-based centers. However,
(0.23) and African Americans (0.17). In addition to the studies are limited by referral and selection biases,
this loss of function mutation, another allele was iden- heterogeneity in the definition of NAFLD, populations
tified (rs6006460) that was correlated with lower hepa- studied, interval between biopsies, and duration of fol-
tic fat content and was more frequently observed in low up. Nonetheless, a few conclusions can be extrapo-
African Americans.156 In that study, these two alleles lated. Patients with NAFLD have increased overall
could explain 72% of the ethnic differences in the fre- mortality from both cardiovascular and cancer-related
quency of hepatic steatosis.156 Currently, the physio- deaths. Of note, NAFLD patients have increased liver-
logical role of PNPLA3 and the mechanism leading to related mortality, which is the third leading cause of
steatosis are the subject of intense investigation. death among these patients in contrast with the general
population, where liver disease represents the 12th
leading cause of death.24,25,79,164
Gene and microRNA profiling
Progression of NAFLD may be predicted by the
The advent of microarrays has enabled the relative severity of the histological findings at the initial
expression of a broad range of genes to be analyzed in biopsy, with the presence of inflammation on a
RNA samples from human tissues. The characteriza- baseline biopsy increasing the likelihood of the
tion of gene expression patterns associated with a spe- development of advanced fibrosis by 2.5-fold.79,165
cific disease state can help elucidate genes and Fibrosis progression is observed in 32–41% of
pathways that may contribute to disease pathogenesis. patients.25,79,166,167
Studies from patients undergoing liver biopsies have Although patients with simple steatosis have a more
compared the global liver gene expression in simple benign course and comparable mortality rates as the
steatosis, NASH, cirrhosis and ‘‘normal’’ livers. They general population,168,169 patients with NASH can
have reported differential expression of genes involved develop the entire spectrum of complications asso-
in lipid metabolism, mitochondrial function, oxidative ciated with CLDs: progressive fibrosis, cirrhosis,

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A.C. TUYAMA and C.Y. CHANG Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

end-stage liver disease (ESLD), and HCC. Approxi- endpoint of an improvement in histological features of
mately 10% of individuals with NASH are likely to NASH was achieved in the vitamin E arm (43% vs
progress to cirrhosis over the course of 10 years. A 19% on placebo), but not for pioglitazone (34% vs
recent multi-center international prospective study 19% on placebo). The findings were independent of
assessed the outcome of patients with biopsy-proven changes in insulin sensitivity or weight loss. The trial
NAFLD with advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis compared concluded that vitamin E was superior to placebo for
with patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) at the treatment of non-diabetics with NASH. However,
equivalent disease stages.170 That study showed that other studies with anti-oxidants have reported inconsis-
well-compensated NAFLD is associated with lower tent results167,179,187 and the long-term use of high
rates of liver-related complications, but similar mortal- doses of vitamin E has been associated with increased
ity rates. Prior case-control studies had reported lower mortality.188 There is currently no approved pharma-
rates of decompensation and mortality in advanced cological therapy for NAFLD and ⁄ or NASH.
NASH compared with chronic HCV.171,172 Although
the incidence of HCC is also probably lower in
NAFLD patients compared with those with HCV,173
patients with NASH and cirrhosis are clearly at risk of Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is the most common
developing HCC and warrant imaging at regular inter- CLD in the Western world and is closely associated with
vals for HCC screening. More recently, cases of HCC the alarming diabetes and obesity epidemics. The preva-
have been reported in patients with NAFLD without lence of NAFLD, NASH, and NASH-related cirrhosis
advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis.174 Although the rela- has risen steadily over recent decades. Despite intense
tionship and mechanisms associating simple steatosis research, the pathogenesis of NAFLD has not been
and NASH to HCC have not been clearly defined, clearly defined and there is little understanding of what
these reports raise great concern owing to the high and leads to disease progression in a subset of patients. Of
rising prevalence of NAFLD. concern are the silent clinical presentation and the lack of
a non-invasive diagnostic test to identify and stage these
patients. Furthermore, given the marginal success of
medical therapy, and associated cardiovascular comor-
In light of the current understanding of associated risk bidities that often exclude patients for transplant listing,
factors and pathophysiology of NAFLD, several treat- it is crucial to identify patients early in the course of the
ment modalities have been investigated with variable disease in order to optimize treatment of underlying com-
success rates.175–177 Therapies targeting medical or sur- orbidities and slow disease progression. Increased aware-
gical weight loss in the overweight population have ness among physicians caring for patients at risk of
reported significant improvement in metabolic parame- NAFLD may help in the diagnosis and management of
ters, steatosis, NASH and fibrosis.178 Studies suggest these patients in a multidiscliplinary manner.
that a reduction in body weight of 5% and >7%
results in improvements in steatosis179 and NAS,180,181
respectively. Despite the central role of IR in the path-
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