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1. Introduction

1.1 About Autocad

1.2 Interface Autocad

1.3 Toolbars

2. Commands in Autocad

2.1 Line command

2.2 Array

3.Cartesian coordinate system

3.1 Absolute Coordinate system

3.2 Relative coordinate system

3.3 Polar coordinate system

4. Modifying commands

4.1 Erasing objects

4.2 Basic interface

5.Solid and Surface modeling



5.3 Basic 3D surface

5.4Mesh Box

5.5 Mesh Cone

5.6 Mesh Sphere

6.Smooth andSurfaces Meshes


6.2 Revolve Surface 27

6.3 Surface Patch 28

7. Solid modeling

7.1Solid Primitives30

7.2 Extrude with Path

8. Array

8.1 3D Rectangular Array

8.2 3D Polar Array 35

9. Solid Composites

9.1 Union

9.2 Subtract

9.3 Intersect

10.Layers linetype and colour

10.1Color Command

10.2More edit commands

1.1 About Autocad
AutoCAD is a commercial software application for 2D and 3D computer-aided design
(CAD) and drafting — available since 1982 as a desktop application and since 2010 as a mobile
web- and cloud-based app marketed as AutoCAD 360.

Developed and marketed by Autodesk, Inc., AutoCAD was first released in December 1982,
running onmicrocomputers with internal graphics controllers. Prior to the introduction of
AutoCAD, most commercial CAD programs ran on mainframe computers or minicomputers,
with each CAD operator (user) working at a separategraphics terminal.

AutoCAD is used across a wide range of industries, by architects, project managers, engineers,
graphic designers, and other professionals. It is supported by 750 training centers worldwide as
of 1994.

As Autodesk's flagship product, by March 1986 AutoCAD had become the most ubiquitous
CAD program worldwide. As of 2015, AutoCAD is in its thirtieth generation, and collectively
with all its variants, continues to be the most widely used CAD program throughout most of the

AutoCAD was derived from a program begun in 1977 and released in 1979 called Interact CAD,
also referred to in early Autodesk documents as MicroCAD, which was written prior to
Autodesk's (then Marinchip Software Partners) formation by Autodesk cofounder Mike Riddle.

The first version by Autodesk was demonstrated at the 1982 Comdex and released that
December.[8] The 2016 release marked the 30th major release of AutoCAD for Windows. The
2014 release marked the fourth consecutive year of AutoCAD for Mac.
1.2 Interface of autocad

AutoCAD LT is the lower cost version of AutoCAD, with reduced capabilities, first released in
November 1993. Autodesk developed AutoCAD LT to have an entry-level CAD package to
compete in the lower price level. AutoCAD LT, priced at $495, became the first AutoCAD
product priced below $1000. It is sold directly by Autodesk and can also be purchased at
computer stores (unlike the full version of AutoCAD, which must be purchased from official
Autodesk dealers).

As of the 2011 release the AutoCAD LT MSRP has risen to $1200. While there are hundreds of
small differences between the full AutoCAD package and AutoCAD LT, there are a few
recognized major differences in the software's features:

 3D Capabilities: AutoCAD LT lacks the ability to create, visualize and render 3D models as
well as 3D printing.
 Network Licensing: AutoCAD LT cannot be used on multiple machines over a network.
 Customization: AutoCAD LT does not support customization with LISP, ARX, and VBA.
 Management and automation capabilities with Sheet Set Manager and Action Recorder.
 CAD standards management tools.

Text and Graphics Screens The graphics screen and the text screen are two different screens
available in the drawing editor.

1. Press Function key F2 on the keyboard.

Be sure the Model Tab is highlighted at the bottom of the drawing window. “Layouts” will be
covered in a later session. The Cursor must be in the drawing window in order to select objects.
Maximize the AutoCAD windows to be full screen. This will make the drawings bigger and
easier to read. Use ALT + TAB to move between Windows applications.

Cursor Controls the size of the crosshair. The allowable range is from 1 to 100 percent of the
total screen. At 100% the ends of the crosshair are never visible. When the size is decreased to
99% or below, the crosshairs have a finite size, and the crosshairs’ ends are visible when moved
to the edge of the graphics area. The default size is 5%. 1. Choose Tools, Options… 2. Click
the Display TAB. 3. Drag the slider bar in the lower left corner of the dialog to set the cursor

Canceling a Command

1. Press the ESCAPE (ESC) key on the keyboard.

Pressing ESC twice clears nested commands.

AutoCAD 2 Tutorial

1.5 Menus and Colors Pulldown Menus 1. Click On the desired Pulldown menu. 2. Click On
the command to be executed from the pulldown.

Cascading Pulldown Menus

1. Click On a command that has a cascading menu (menus with an arrow to the right of the

2. Click On the command to be executed.

AutoCAD 2D TutoriaL

1.3 Toolbars

Toolbars can be docked on the screen or they can float about the screen. To Float a Toolbar:
1. Choose the gray border surrounding each tool.

2. Drag the toolbar to any area on the screen. To Dock a Toolbar:

3. Choose the title or gray border of the toolbar.

4. Drag the toolbar to the top, bottom, left, or right area of the graphics display.

Holding the CTRL key while dragging will prevent docking. -Toolbars are often a faster way of
accessing a command. -Clicking on an icon with the right mouse button will show a list of all
available toolbars.

Docked Toolbars

Floating Toolbars

AutoCAD 2D Tutorial

Help Tooltips 1. Move The mouse to the toolbar but do not pick the button.

Loading Toolbars 1. Choose View, Toolbar... or 2. Type TOOLBAR at the command

prompt Command: TOOLBAR 3. Choose the desired toolbar to load.

Filedia Some commands evoke dialog boxes which are typically used to enter information or
change settings. The filedia command suppresses display of the file dialog boxes. Dialog boxes
are not displayed. You can still request a file dialog box to appear by entering a tilde (~) in
response to the command's prompt.

1 Turns on dialog boxes.

2. Turns off dialog boxes.

-Menu choices that are followed by three dots (...) typically invoke a dialog box. For example
View, Toolbars... calls a dialogue box. -To use the command line version of a dialog box
command, enter minus (-) in front of the command.
1.8 Status Bar The Status Bar is the area below the command line that shows messages as well
as coordinates, modes, and the current time.

To activate SNAP, GRID, ORTHO, OSNAP, MSPACE, PSPACE, and TILE, you must double-
click on the mode to change.

• Right click on the status bar to see the options.

Status Bar

Pointing Device (Mouse) AutoCAD uses either a mouse or digitizing tablet to select objects in a

Left Mouse Button Used to pick or select objects 1. Click the left mouse button to select an
object area in the drawing. 2. Press ESC twice to deselect an object (or to cancel a
command). Right Mouse Button Used to enter a command, repeat last command, or access
shortcut menus.

1. Click the right mouse button.

• SHIFT + the right mouse button brings up the object snap menus. • Various screen locations
for the mouse brings up different menus.

Function Keys Keyboard shortcuts predefined in AutoCAD

F1 Online Help

F2 Flipscreen

F3 Osnap ON/OFF

F4 Tablet On/Off

F5 Isoplane Toggle

F6 Coords On/Off

F7 Grid On/Off
F8 Ortho On/Off

F9 Snap On/Off

F10 Polar On/Off

F11 Object Snap Tracking ON/OFF


2.1 Line Command

1. Choose Draw, Line.

2. Click the Line icon.

3. Type LINE from the command prompt

Command: LINE or L

4. Press ENTER

5. Pick From point: (point)

6. Pick Specify next point or [Close/Undo]:(point)

7. Pick Specify next point or [Close/Undo]:(point)

8. Press ENTER to end line sequence

9. Type U to undo the last segment To point: U (undo)

10. Type C to create a closed polygon To point : C (close)

2.2 Array
Makes multiple copies of selected objects in a rectangular (parallel with the snap rotation) or
circular pattern.

R rectangular array type

P "polar" array type in circular pattern, you must indicate number of items and angle to fill, and
whether the objects get rotated with the angle

C "circular" array type in a circular pattern, you must indicate angle between items, angle to fill,
and whether objects get rotated with the angle.


Displays a dialogue box that modifies the color, layer, linetype, and thickness of selected objects.

C Color

LA Layer

LT Linetype

T Thickness
2.3 Chamfer

Creates a chamfer (a angled line connection) at the intersection of two lines.

D Sets chamfer distances

P Chamfers an entire polyline

3.Cartesian Coordinate System

AutoCAD provides the user with an infinite two dimensional area to work with. Any entities
place on the working two dimensional plane can be defined relative to the Cartesian coordinate

The Cartesian coordinate system divides a two dimensional plane with two perpendicular axis.
The X axis runs horizontal across the bottom of the screen. The Y axis runs vertically along the
left side of the screen. These two axis intersect at the bottom left corner of the screen.

Each of these axis is further divided into segments. Each segment is given a value. The X axis
segments increase in value to the right. The positive X values are to the right of the intersection
of the two axis. The negative X values are to the left. The positive Y values are above the
intersection and increase up. The negative Y values are below.

3.1 Absolute Coordinates

1. Type x,y coordinate when AutoCAD asks for a point.

From point: 1,1 To point: 2,1 To point: 2,2 To point: 1,2 To point: 1,1
3.2 Relative Coordinates

1. Type @deltax,deltay when AutoCAD asks for a point.

From point pick point To point: @1,0 To point: @0,1 To point: @-1,0 To
point: @0,-1

3.3 Polar Coordinates

1. Type @distance<angle when AutoCAD asks for a point.

From point: pick point To point:@1<0 To point:@1<90 To point:@1<180 To

4. Modify Commands

The modify tools :

Erase, Copy, Mirror, Offset, Array, Move, Rotate, Scale, Stretch, Lengthen, Trim, Extend, Break
at point, Break, Chamfer, Fillet, Explode

Drawing circle objects

1 All circles have a centre point and a radius/diameter.

2 There are several options for drawing a circle with AutoCAD, but at present, select the
CIRCLE icon from the Draw toolbar and: prompt

1. _circle Specify centre point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]

2. tooltips may be displayed. respond pick any point on the screen as the circle centre prompt
Specify radius of circle or [Diameter] respond drag out the circle and pick any point for radius.

3 From the menu bar select Draw-Circle-Center, Radius and: a) pick a centre point b) drag out a

4 At the command prompt enter CIRCLE <R> and create another circle anywhere on the screen..

5 Using the icons, menu bar or keyboard entry, draw some more lines and circles until you are
satisfied that you can activate and end the two commands.

6 Figure displays some AutoCAD line and circle objects.

16 Beginning AutoCAD 2006




Line and circle objects for use with the drawing, erasing and selection set exercise.

4.1 Erasing objects

Now that we have drawn some lines and circles, we will investigate how they can be erased,
which seems rather silly. The erase command will be used to demonstrate different options
available to us when it is required to modify a drawing. The actual erase command can be
activated by one of three methods: a) picking the ERASE icon from the Modify toolbar b) with
the menu bar sequence Modify-Erase c) entering ERASE <R> at the command line.

1 Before continuing with the exercise, select from the menu bar the sequence ToolsOptions and:
prompt Options dialogue box respond pick the Selection tab and ensure:

1. Selection preview: both not active, i.e. blank boxes

2. Noun/verb selection: not active

3. Use shift to add to selection: not active

4. Press and drag: not active

5. Implied windowing: active, i.e. tick in box

6. Object grouping: active

7. Associative hatching: active

8. Pickbox size: set to suit or accept default

9. pick Apply then OK when complete.

10 Now continue with the erase exercise.

11 Ensure you still have several lines and circles on the screen.
AutoCAD 2006 allows multiple drawings to be opened during a drawing session. It is thus
essential that all users know how to save and open a drawing, and how to exit AutoCAD
correctly. In this and all the following chapters, all drawing work will be saved to the named
folder MYCAD.

4.2 3D Basics Interface

The following is AutoCAD’s 3D Basic interface. The 3D Basic ribbons are as follows:






Layers and Views

The 3D Basic pulldown menus are as follows:








Express Tool
3D Modeling Interface

The 3D Modeling panels are as follows:



Solid Editing







Layers and Groups

The 3D Modeling pulldown menus are as follows:






Insert, Annotate, View, Manage, Output, Plug-ins, Online, and Express Tools


5.1 Wireframes
A wireframe model is a skeletal description of a 3D object. There are no surfaces in a wireframe
model; it consists only of points, lines, and curves that describe the edges of the object. With
AutoCAD you can create wireframe models by positioning 2D objects anywhere in 3D space.
AutoCAD also provides some 3D wireframe objects, such as 3D polylines (that can only have a
CONTINUOUS linetype) and splines. Because each object that makes up a wireframe model
must be independently drawn and positioned, this type of modeling can be the most time-
Wireframe lines in 3D
5.2 Surfaces

Surface modeling is more sophisticated than wireframe modeling in that it defines not only the
edges of a 3D object, but also its surfaces. The AutoCAD surface modeler defines faceted
surfaces using a polygonal mesh. Because the faces of the mesh are planar, the mesh can only
approximate curved surfaces.

5.3 Solids
Solid modeling is the easiest type of 3D modeling to use. With the AutoCAD solid modeler, you
can make 3D objects by creating basic 3D shapes: boxes, cones, cylinders, spheres, wedges, and
tori (do- nuts). You can then combine these shapes to create more complex solids by joining or
subtracting them or finding their intersecting (over- lapping) volume. You can also create solids
by sweeping a 2D object along a path or revolving it about an axis.

5.3 2D Solid

Creates solid-filled triangles and quadrilaterals.

1. Type SOLID at the command prompt.
Command: SOLID
First point: P1
Second point: P2
Third point: P3
Fourth point: P4
Third point: enter.

2d wireframe 3D solid

Basic Mesh Commands

1. Click the 3D Modeling dropdown option from the Solids

2. Click the Mesh tab.

3. Click the Primitives panel.

4. Click the Primitive drop-down.

5.4 Mesh Box

1. Choose Mesh box from the Primitives panel.
Command: MESH
Current smoothness level is set to : 0
Enter an option [Box/Cone/CYlinder/Pyramid/Sphere/Wedge/Torus/
SEttings] <Box>: _BOX
Specify first corner or [Center]: pick point
Specify other corner or [Cube/Length]: @4,2
Specify height or [2Point] <3.0000>: 2

5.5Mesh Cone
1. Choose Mesh cone from the Primitives panel.

Command: MESH
Current smoothness level is set to : 0
Enter an option [Box/Cone/CYlinder/Pyramid/Sphere/Wedge/Torus/SEttings] <C one>: CONE
Specify center point of base or [3P/2P/Ttr/Elliptical]:
Specify base radius or [Diameter] <1.5074>: 2
Specify height or [2Point/Axis endpoint/Top radius] <2.0000>: 5
5.6 Mesh Sphere
1. Choose Mesh sphere from the Primitives panel.

Command: MESH
Current smoothness level is set to : 0
Enter an option [Box/Cone/CYlinder/Pyramid/Sphere/Wedge/Torus/SEttings]
<Pyramid>: SPHERE
Specify center point or [3P/2P/Ttr]:
Specify radius or [Diameter] <2.0000>:

6.Smooth andSurfaces Meshes


The following commands control the smoothness of mesh objects.

Increases the level of smoothness for mesh objects by one level.

1. Type MESHSMOOTHMORE at the command prompt.
Select mesh objects to increase the smoothness level: pick object.
Mesh object

6.2 Revolve Surface

One way to create surfaces is with a network of curves. The SURFNETWORK command creates
a surface similar to a lofted surface from a network of curves in the U and V directions.
A network surface also can be created from curves that are not all connected.
The resulting surface can be either a procedural surface or a NURBS surface.
1. Type REVOLVE at the command prompt.
Command: REVOLVE
Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=4, Closed profiles creation mode = Surface
Select objects to revolve or [MOde]: select object
Select objects to revolve or [MOde]: press enter
Specify axis start point or define axis by [Object/X/Y/Z] <Object>: select endpoints of sxis
Specify axis endpoint:
Specify angle of revolution or [STart angle/Reverse/EXpression] <360>: press enter

6.3 Surface Blend

Creates a blend surface between two existing surfaces.
1. Type SURFBLEND at the command prompt.

6.4 Surface Patch

Creates a new surface or cap to close an open edge of an existing surface.
1. Type SURFPATCH at the command prompt.

6.5 Offsetting Surfaces

Creates a parallel surface at a specified distance from the original surface.

1. Type SURFOFFSET at the command prompt.

7.1Solid Primitives
Solid primitives can easily be drawn from from the 3D Modeling panel, Solid Panel

Creates unique solid primitives by extruding existing two-dimensional objects. You can extrude
multiple objects with EXTRUDE.
1. Type EXTRUDE at the command prompt.
Command: extrude
Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=4
Select objects: pick objects
Select objects: enter
Specify height of extrusion or [Direction/Path/Taper angle]: 2

7.2 Extrude with Path

1. Type EXTRUDE at the command prompt.

Command: extrude
Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=4
Select objects to extrude: 1 found
Select objects to extrude: pick circle (P1)
Specify height of extrusion or [Direction/Path/Taper angle] <4.0000>: p
Select extrusion path or [Taper angle]: pick P2
Revolve Command
1. Open a drawing with 3D objects and display in a 3D view.
2. Type REVOLVE at the command prompt.
Command: revolve
Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=4
Select objects: pick profile
Select objects: enter
Specify start point for axis of revolution or define axis by [Object/X (axis)/Y (axis)]: o
Select an object: pick axis
Specify angle of revolution <360>: enter

Sweep Command
1. Open a drawing with 2D objects to sweep and display in a
3D view.
2. Type SWEEP at the command prompt.
Command: sweep
Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=4
Select objects to sweep: pick arc
Select objects to sweep:
Select sweep path or [Alignment/Base point/Scale/Twist]: pick path

Loft Command
1. Open a drawing with 2D objects to sweep and display in a
3D view.
2. Type LOFT at the command prompt.
Command: loft
Select cross-sections in lofting order: pick circles Specify opposite corner: 5 found
Select cross-sections in lofting order:
Enter an option [Guides/Path/Cross-sections only] <Cross-sections only>: enter


8.1 3D Rectangular Array

1. Open a drawing with 3D objects and display in a 3D view.
2. Choose Modify, 3D Operations, 3DArray.
3. Type 3DARRAY at the command prompt.
Command: 3darray
Select objects: pick object and press enter
Enter the type of array [Rectangular/Polar] <R>: R
Enter the number of rows (---) <1>: 3
Enter the number of columns (|||) <1>: 4
Enter the number of levels (...) <1>: 2
Specify the distance between rows (---): 5
Specify the distance between columns (|||): 4
Specify the distance between levels (...): 8

8.2 3D Polar Array

1. Open a drawing with 3D objects and display in a 3D view.
2. Choose Modify, 3D Operations, 3DArray.
3. Type 3DARRAY at the command prompt.
Command: 3darray
Select objects: pick cube
Select objects: enter
Enter the type of array [Rectangular/Polar] <R>: P
Enter the number of items in the array: 5
Specify the angle to fill (+=ccw, -=cw) <360>: enter
Rotate arrayed objects? [Yes/No] <Y>: enter
Specify center point of array: mid of axis line
Specify second point on axis of rotation: pick


9.1 Union
1. Open a drawing with 3D objects and display in a 3D view.
2. Choose Modify, Solids Editing, Union.
3. Type UNION at the command prompt.
Command: UNION
Select objects: pick objects to union
Select objects: ENTER

Join together
9.2 Subtract
1. Open a drawing with 3D objects and display in a 3D view.
2. Choose Modify, Solids Editing, Subtract.
3. Type SUBTRACT at the command prompt.
SUBTRACT Select solids and regions to subtract from...
Select objects: pick the main box
Select objects: (press enter)
Select solids and regions to subtract... Select objects: pick the other solids Select objects: enter

Object subtract from box

9.3 Intersect
1. Choose Modify, Solids Editing, Intersect
2. Type INTERSECT at the command prompt.
Select objects: pick objects
Select objects: enter

10.Layers linetype and colour

1. Choose Format, Layer.

2. Type LAYER at the command prompt.
Command: LAYER (or LA)
3. Pick the layers icon from the Layer Control box
on the object properties toolbar.

10.1Color Command
1. Choose Format, Color.
2. Type DDCOLOR at the command prompt.
Command: DDCOLOR or COL
3. Choose Color on the Object Properties toolbar and then
select a color from the list or select Other to display
the Select Color dialog box.
By Layer
If you enter bylayer, new objects assume the color of the layer upon which
they are drawn.
By Block
If you enter byblock, AutoCAD draws new objects in the default color (white
or black, depending on your configuration) until they are grouped into a block.
When the block is inserted in the drawing, the objects in the block inherit the
current setting of the COLOR command.


Loading and Changing Lineweights

1. Choose Format, Lineweight...
2. Type LINEWEIGHT at the command prompt.
4. Pick a lineweight to make current from the Object
Properties menu.

1. Choose Modify, Break.
2. Click the Break icon.
3. Type BREAK at the command prompt. Command: BREAK
4. Pick Object to break.
Select object: ( select one object)
5. Pick A second break point.
Enter second point : (point)

Move Command

1. Choose Modify, Move.

2. Click the Move icon.
3. Type MOVE at the command prompt
Command: MOVE or M
4. Pick Objects to move
Select objects: (select)
5. Pick A point to move from
Base point or displacement:
6. Pick A point to move to
Second point of displacement:

Copy Command
1. Choose Modify, Copy.
2. Click the Copy icon.
3. Type COPY at the command prompt.
Command: COPY or CP
4. Pick Objects to copy.
Select objects: (select)
5. Pick A point to move from.
Base point or displacement/Multiple: (pick point).
6. Pick A point to copy to.
Second point of displacement: (pick point)
7. Type A point to copy to.
Second point of displacement: @ 1<0

1. Choose Modify, Extend.

2. Click the Extend icon.
3. Type EXTEND at the command prompt
Command: EXTEND
Select boundary edge(s)...
4. Pick The BOUNDARY edge to extend to
Select objects: (select)
5. Press ENTER to accept the boundary edge
Select objects: (press enter)
6. Pick The objects to extend
<Select object to extend> / Project /
Edge / Undo: Select an object, enter
an option, or press enter : (select)
7. Press ENTER when you are done choosing objects.

The TRIM command allows you to trim objects in a drawing so they end
precisely at a cutting edge defined by one or more other objects in the
1. Choose Modify, Trim.
2. Click the Trim icon.
3. Type TRIM at the command prompt
Command: TRIM
Select cutting edge(s)...
4. Pick The CUTTING edge to extend to
Select objects: (select)
5. Press ENTER to accept the cutting edge
Select objects: (press enter)
6. Pick Objects to trim
<Select object to trim> / Project / Edge / Undo:
Select an object, enter an option, or press enter
7. Press ENTER when you are done choosing objects

1. Choose Modify, Mirror.
2. Click the Mirror icon.
3. Type MIRROR at the command prompt.
Command: MIRROR
4. Pick Objects to mirror.
Select objects:(select)
5. Pick First point of mirror line: (point)
6. Pick Second point: (point)
7. Type Yes to delete the original objects and
No to keep them.
Delete old objectsY or N

1. Choose Modify, Rotate.

2. Click the Modify icon.

3. Type ROTATE at the command prompt

Command : ROTATE
4. Pick Objects to rotate:
Select objects:(select)
5. Pick A pivot point to rotate around
Base point: (point)
6. Type A rotation angle<Rotation angle>/ Reference:

7. Pick a rotation angle<Rotation angle>/ Reference: (point)

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