Healthy Children

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Healthy Children Jorge Valera

Healthy Children

Infantitle Diseases
Alimentation and Infantile Nutrition
Diets and Infantile Recipes

Jorge Valera
MAY 2010

Página 2
Healthy Children Jorge Valera




Av. El Polo Mz. I Lote 8 – Huachipa – Lurigancho.


INDECOPI PERU Copyright Management; Certificate of Registration of Literary;

Registration Item Nº 000831-2009.

First Edition – May 2010.

Made in The Legal Deposit of the National Library of Peru Nº 2010-06117

ISBN: 978-612-00-0266-7

Digital Printing by Jorge Augusto Valera López

Date: Lima, May 2010

Página 3
Healthy Children Jorge Valera


Healthy children are happy children. When a home is a healthy child, the parents are happier
because the child plays and learns things every day, is a hyperkinetic and intelligent child the joy of
being home. Having a healthy child should be as common in the vast majority of families that are
formed. A large majority of children born are healthy and therefore happy. Continue healthy if their
mothers breastfeed their children until age two complementing it with organic food. And from 2
years to 12 years will be strong and healthy children if their diet is adequate.

There is a small percentage of sick children, either because they were born so or because they
acquired a disease from infection (bronchitis, asthma) or a virus (flu) or a poor diet (allergies).
When a child is sick there is sadness in the house, the child is still in bed, not playing with friends,
cry for anything, it becomes capricious as some mothers to give presents unnecessary calm, the
whole family is taking care child because it is a major concern and the time lost in this disease is
one time the child stops learning new things and ultimately not smiling.

There is a myriad of diseases that have children; some are common as the flu. There is a saying
that has more than 50 years: "The flu in the doctor heals in 7 days without medical assistance is
cured in a week." We tell them that the flu if it can be cured with natural methods and economic,
with home remedies found in the kitchen, but only if done the first day of treatment, to take a drop
of onion (swab) in each nostril of the child, but it burns heal immediately. You can only use this
treatment when the flu has just begun and only if condition in the nose filled with mucus. When you
pass the second day and there are already coughing from the chest, there is no remedy. You just
have to wait for 7 days.

Elsewhere in the world in a big city is a bereaved mother, the child has diarrhea and is losing
weight rapidly, gave him his pills and nothing happens, then you have to give it a stronger pill (an
antibiotic), which will surely will calm diarrhea and step hurts the liver and kidneys in addition to
lower the defenses, all by a simple diarrhea. But in poor areas of Peru, in the mountains or in the
cones of Lima - Peru, mothers have no money to go buy your pills and give them, curiously, from
time immemorial their traditional medicine, which has always been given result and give them their
panetela which helps them control their diarrhea without complications of any kind, if diarrhea is
severe give foods that strengthen the stools, including rice with carrots (children over 2 years), and
plantain or grated apple and black, just that, as food to pass and control the diarrhea.

Sick children can also be healthy children with natural healing methods or home, they are effective
and economical. This book presents natural treatments for many diseases, which are used by
many peoples for thousands of years. We offer this information so that you can use it in its
discretion, always under medical surveillance. If they served this recipe we give, we suggest you
send us a testimonial. If you have knowledge of other ways to heal naturally, we thank you from
and if you send us this information, which must be for public use.

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Healthy Children Jorge Valera

1.1 Bites in The Child 12
1.2 Blows in the head of Children 12
1.3 Breastfeeding In Babies 13
1.4 Delay in Child Growth 13
1.5 Enuresis / Infantile Urinary Incontinence 14
1.6 Gases / Infantile Flatulence 15
1.7 Gastroenteritis / Infantile Diarrhea 15
1.8 Hyperactive Children 16
1.9 Infantile Abdominal Pain 17
1.10 Infantile Abscess 17
1.11 Infantile Adenoides 18
1.12 Infantile Allergies 19
1.13 Infantile Appendicitis 21
1.14 Infantile Asthma 21
1.15 Infantile Atopic Dermatitis 22
1.16 Infantile Bad Digestión / Dyspepsia 23
1.17 Infantile Bitens 24
1.18 Infantile Blepharitys 25
1.19 Infantile Boils 25
1.20 Infantile Bronchiolitis 26
1.21 Infantile Bronchitis 27
1.22 Infantile Burns 28
1.23 Infantile Canker 29
1.24 Infantile Chickenpox 31
1.25 Infantile Cold 32
1.26 Infantile Colic 32
1.27 Infantile Conjunctivitis 33
1.28 Infantile Constipation 34
1.29 Infantile Convulsion 38
1.30 Infantile Cough 38
1.31 Infantile Crup 39
1.32 Infantile Dehydratation 40
1.33 Infantile Dermatitis / Eczema 41
1.34 Infantile Diabetes Mellitus 41
1.35 Infantile Diarrhea 43
1.36 Infantile Diphteria 45
1.37 Infantile Dislocation 46
1.38 Infantile Ear Pain 46
1.39 Infantile Eczema 47
1.40 Infantile Epilepsy 48
1.41 Infantile Epistaxis 48

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1.42 Infantile Erisipela 49

1.43 Infantile Fever 49
1.44 Infantile Flu 51
1.45 Infantile Food Allergies 53
1.46 Infantile Fractures 53
1.47 Infantile Fungi 54
1.48 Infantile Gingivitis 55
1.49 Infantile Gums 56
1.50 Infantile Headache 56
1.51 Infantile Heat Stroke / Sunstroke 57
1.52 Infantile Hematomas / Blows in The Head 58
1.53 Infantile Hemophilia 58
1.54 Infantile Hemorrhage 59
1.55 Infantile Hepatitis 60
1.56 Infantile Hernia 61
1.57 Infantile Herpes 61
1.58 Infantile Hiccups 62
1.59 Infantile Hives 63
1.60 Infantile Hypercholesterolemia 64
1.61 Infantile Impetigo 65
1.62 Infantile Indigestion 66
1.63 Infantile Infection 66
1.64 Infantile Insomnia 67
1.65 Infantile Iron Deficency Anemia 68
1.66 Infantile Jaundice 69
1.67 Infantile Laryngitis 70
1.68 Infantile Leukemia 71
1.69 Infantile Measles 72
1.70 Infantile Media Otitis 73
1.71 Infantile Memory 73
1.72 Infantile Meningitis 74
1.73 Infantile Milky Scab 74
1.74 Infantile Muguet 75
1.75 Infantile Mumps 76
1.76 Infantile Nerviosism 77
1.77 Infantile Obesity 77
1.78 Infantile Pediculosis 78
1.79 Infantile Pharyngitis 79
1.80 Infantile Pneumonia 80
1.81 Infantile Poisoning 80
1.82 Infantile Pruritus 81
1.83 Infantile Rickets 82
1.84 Infantile Ringworm 83
1.85 Infantile Rubella 83
1.86 Infantile Scabies 84

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Healthy Children Jorge Valera

1.87 Infantile Scarlet Fever 85

1.88 Infantile Seborrheic Dermatitis 86
1.89 Infantile Smallpox 86
1.90 Infantile Sore Throat 87
1.91 Infantile Sprain 87
1.92 Infantile Sty 88
1.93 Infantile Sunstroke 88
1.94 Infantile Teeth 89
1.95 Infantile Tetani 90
1.96 Infantile Tonsilitis 91
1.97 Infantile Vertigo 95
1.98 Infantile Vision 96
1.99 Infantile Vomit 96
1.100 Infantile Vulvovagin 97
1.101 Infantile Warts 97
1.102 Infantile Weakness 98
1.103 Infantile Whooping Cough 99
1.104 Inmune System; Infantil Defenses 101
1.105 Loss Appetite in Children 102
1.106 Sydrome of Infantile Malabsorption 103
1.107 Worms in a Child 103
2.1 Alimentation for Anemic Children 106
Anemic’s Children Menu 106
2.2 Alimentation for Children with Obesity 106
Menu for Children with Obesity 107
2.3 Alimentation for Good Memory 107
2.4 Alimentation for Hyperactive Children 108
Menu for Hyperactive Children 108
2.5 Alimentation for Sporty Children 109
Menu for Sporty Children 109
2.6 Infantile Nutrition: Bad Cholesterol 110
2.7 Infantile Nutrition: Calcium 110
2.8 Infantile Nutrition: Iodine 111
2.9 Infantile Nutrition: Iron 112
2.10 Infantile Nutrition: Phosphorus 113
3.1 Baby Nutrition: (0 – 12 months) 114
Menu for babies between 6 to 12 months 115
Pap Recipes for babies 116
Breakfast 116
1- Apple and Apricot Puree 116
2- Banana Puree 116
3- Oats Pap 116

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Lunch 117
1- Broccoli and Cauliflower Puree 117
2- Broccoli Soup, Green Beans and Sweet Potatoe 117
3- Puree of Carrot with Lemon 118
4- Lentils with carrots and onions 118
5- Salmón Sorpresa 118
6- Spinach Cream 118
7- Vegetable and Potatoes Puree 119
Dinner 119
1- Carrot Puree with Chicken Soup 119
2- Chicken Soup 119
3- Chicken and Vegetable Puree 120
4- Pea Puree with Fresh Mint 120
5- Saltado Broccoli Puree 120
6- Spinach Souffle 121
7- Tuna Puree 121
3.2 Children Nutrition (1 and 2 years old) 122
Menu for children between 1 and 2 years old 123
Recipe: Children between 1 and 2 years old 124
Breakfast 124
1- Boiled Cereals 124
2- Colada of Banana 124
3- Oatmeal 124
4- Poche Egg with Tomato 124
5- Tradicional Porridge 125
6- Whipped Lime 125
Lunch 125
1- Broccoli and Cauliflowe Cheese 125
2- Chickpea Puree with Lemon Juice 126
3- Integral Rice 126
4- Leek and Watercress Soup 126
5- Menestron with Pesto 127
6- Pasta with Avocado Sauce 127
7- Rice Salad 128
8- Torrejas of Salmon 128
Dinner 128
1- Baked Salmon Potato 128
2- Chicken Hamburgers 129
3- Meat Stew 129
4- Meat and Tomato Pasta 130
5- Onion Hamburgers 130
6- Potatoes Croquettes with 130
7- Pumpkin Soup 131
8- Roasted Vegetable 131

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Healthy Children Jorge Valera

9- Vegetarian Hamburgers 132

3.3 Children Alimentation (2 and 6 years old) 132
Menu for Children between 2 and 6 years old 133
Breakfast 133
1- Banana and Walnut Bread 133
2- Cereal Bars 134
3- Cranberry Kekitos 134
4- Dried Fruits withYogurt 135
5- Fruit Salad 135
6- Soy Milk 135
7- Yogurt with Banana 135
8- Yogurt with Fruits 136
Lunch 136
1- Bread and Tomato Salad 136
2- Baked Egg 136
3- Golden Chicken with Sauce 136
4- Potato Puree with Mackerel 137
5- Tartaleta of Smoky Mackerel 137
6- Tuna Salad with Beans 138
Dinner 138
1- Chicken with Plums 138
2- Potatoe Puree and Arracacha 139
Desserts 139
1- Cheese and Apple Compote 139
2- Fruits with Chocolate 139
3- Plum Compote 140
4- Pancakes 140
5- Plum Tart with Cream 140
6- Summer Pudding 141
Beverages 141
1- Energetic Kiwi 141
2- Mango and Passion Fruit Jueces 141
3- Mixed Juice 141
4- Peruvian Lemonade 142
5- Special Apple Juice 142
3.4 Nutrition for children (6 – 12 years old) 142
Menu for Children between 6 and 12 years old 143
Recipes for Children between 6 and 12 years old 145
Breakfast 145
1- Carrot Cake Fruit Salad 145
2- Cranberry Kekitos 145
3- Dried Fruits with Yogurt 146
4- French Toast Prickly Pear Juice 146
5- Fruit Salad 146

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Healthy Children Jorge Valera

6- Prickly Pear Juice 146

7- Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes and Mushrooms 147
8- Soy Milk 147
9- Toasts with Cheese and Apple 147
10- Toasts with Mushrooms and Crisp Cheese 148
11- Yogurt with Walnuts and Honey 148
Soups 148
1- Beet Cream with Onion 148
2- Celery Cream 148
3- Menestrón with Rice and Tomatoes 149
4- Pea Soup with Rice 149
5- Tofu Soup 150
Lunch 150
1-Broccoli with Potatoes 150
2- Chicken Escabeche 151
3-Cod a la Antigua 151
4- Fried Broccoli with Ginger and Garlic 152
5-Potatoe Puree with Cabagge 152
6-Spinash Snack 152
7- Tuna and Paste Salad 153
8-Tuna Salad 153
Dinners 153
1- Vegetable and Potato Buns 153
2-Bean Hamburguer 154
3-Broccoli with Spinach 154
4-French Tortilla 155
5-MIxed Vegetable 155
6-Organic Chicken with Plum 156
7-Parboiled Beans 156
8-Shrimp and Fried Vegetables 156
9- Trout Slices 157
Desserts 157
1- Currant and Gooseberries Pudding 157
2- Plum Puree 157
3- Rice Pudding 158
Beverages 158
1- Apple and Banana Juice 158
2- Berries in Yogurt 158
3- Coconut and Soy Juice 158
4- Refresh Pears 159
5- Tomato and Carrot Juice 159
6- Yogurt with Sesame 159

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Infantile Diseases

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Healthy Children Jorge Valera


A dog bites a child can be fatal or just a scare, but
we must immediately find out if the dog has rabies.
And so with many other animals (cats, humans,
and so on). The bite may be due to loss of organic
matter (tears), contamination by germs (in severe
cases, tetanus, rabies, and so on). As well as
injecting toxic substances (poisons) (Txumari
Alfaro and Pedro Ramos 2000).

- Big Injury: After washing and cover with gauze and apply the bandage and consult a
specialist (Txumari 2000).
- Cloves: Add a plant antimicrobial such as cloves wrapped with gauze.
- Garlic: If the wound is small, place gauze over the wound with a few drops of oil of garlic
crushed in a mortar.
- Others: snake bites, do not attempt to drain the fluid opening the wound and sucking. Avoid
the poison may be spread by blood to the wound by placing a bag with ice cold water
- Remove: Remove with tweezers foreign bodies holding the wound.
- Thyme: Add a plant antimicrobial and thyme wrapped in gauze.
- Verbena: Add some plants such as verbena antimicrobial wrapped with gauze.
- Water and Soap: Wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water or with hydrogen
peroxide only in spurts.


It is a direct impact head injury by any object. These head
injuries are very common in children and infants due to lack
of coordination of their movements. Always falls when the
child is to watch the first 48 hours, to see if the shot is
important, inside the skull may have bruising, bleeding and
other injuries that involve high risks (Txumari 2000).
Please follow the child or baby if there is loss of
consciousness for several minutes or more, if the child has
seizures or shaking, if your eyes have dilated pupils, if you
speak in a disjointed, incoherent,
etc. and if there is headache that lasts an hour or two, and
finally if there is bleeding in the nose, mouth or ear.

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Healthy Children Jorge Valera


- Garlic: When the child is restored and no headaches begin treatment with garlic for 5 days
to clear the clotted blood in the affected part (zone of injury); give crude garlic powder in a
capsule of 200 mg and swallow it with water and not feel the bitterness of the garlic. It is
appropriate to give this treatment because these strokes after 10 or 20 years and stagnant
coagulated blood produce migraine.
- Llanten: Apply to the affected area warm plantain compress with a towel or flannel not to
burn the baby's skin. It is effective for inflammation.


The maternal milk is the best food for most of the babies and it is recommended that all the
moms give of suckling to their babies until the 2 years. It contains all the nutrients that the
baby needs to grow and to be developed healthy, of substances that protect it of numerous
illnesses. The maternal milk is the but it completes since he/she has antibodies that protect
the one he/she drinks and they even facilitate the development of the intelligence, narrow
the relationship between mother and son and even today in day it is considered that the
nursing is a preventive factor for the cancer of he/she suckles. To breastfeed the baby is
also beneficial for the mother's health since, among other things, it allows him to recover
with more speed the weight that had before being pregnant. Also, the special bond that is
formed between the mother and the baby is translated in emotional benefits for both.

During the nursing; the mothers should not consume, neither to give to the children, drinks
finished in line, since remove them the dream and they return them nervous and
psychoactive. Neither alcoholic drinks.
Some recommendations for mothers in the lactation period
- Reduce the use of laxatives, especially Danton.
- Nothing of Alcohol and Nicotine, passed easily with her milk and the baby.
- Antibiotics, if they got the baby could contribute to a possible occurrence of allergies.
- Coffee, reaching into her breast milk in small amounts.
- Tranquilizers and sedatives, most reach the blood and can reduce the baby's vital functions.
- Contraceptives, some decrease the total amount of breast milk.
- Seal apply silicon, could cause esophageal s movements and hinder baby's food.
It is advisable not to take contraceptives during lactation, as the synthetic estrogen pills are
passed through milk, resulting in children not assimilate calcium and also the sexual aspect to
them degenerates. (Hernández, Manuel; Txumari Alfaro and Pedro Ramos, 2000).

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Healthy Children Jorge Valera


When a child loses weight or height for food reasons to worry or not eating what you should
eat, or they are not giving the right food. When a child is stunted is isolated, no friends, you
can not look directly into the eyes of his friends, he becomes timid, does not carry a
conversation at the height of her friends her own age.


- Almonds: Giving your child 6 almonds along with breakfast (Txumari, 2000).
- Carrots: Feed the child with raw carrots so they can have strong bones, firm and
well formed.
- Cocoa: Contains vitamin D. Prepare an infusion with a half teaspoon of cocoa shell and
take twice daily.
- Custard apple: Eat the flesh of the custard apple daily.
- Dates: They contain large amount of magnesium that helps fix the bone calcium.
- Exercise: Have regular physical activity.
- Physalis: Helping retarded children to speak.
- Sea Water: It is very rich in minerals. Should be taken after meals a day, for 3 months and
along with 3 dates, one teaspoon of sea water has been boiled (Txumari, 2000).

Cacao Almendras Chirimoya


When a child of 5 years (or more) wets the bed, suffering in
silence as he knows that the breast (the family) will challenge the
next day and not know what to do, it becomes shy. These
problems of urinary incontinence, most are of a psychological er
and thus must be solved. Bedwetting is involuntary urination
during the night in children older than five years or so. Continence
at night is the last step in the development of the child with regard
to toilet training. About 30% of children still wet the bed at four
years and 10% at six. In general, it is usually more associated

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Healthy Children Jorge Valera

with psycho logical cause, a symptom of aging or simply a child's sleep heavy. A time to
urinary tract infections, to a smaller bladder, diabetes and lack of sleep. It is more common in
males than in females. Relapses may occur after a stressful event or illness (Santwani and
Taylor, 1998; Soldano Maria 2005).

- Black pepper: Place black pepper powder in a cotton bag and place in the child's navel,
then set it on your navel with a bandage, to sleep all night in a week, if there is an allergic
reaction stop treatment (Wang 2007).
- Control the time of urine at night: It is important to control when the child's urine at night,
because it is usually an average hour, then try to make it up before urinating, so with the
help of an alarm clock. This will help a lot, because it will give confidence to the child.
- Favorite food: Give these foods, will help in their problem of incontinence: soaked nuts,
spirulina, bee pollen, brewer's yeast, potatoes, cereals, wholemeal bread, beans, chicken,
soy, goat cheese, nut butter, food rich in magnesium. Eat nuts, red dates and sesame miles.
Chewing cinnamon bark during the day. Do not take products with caffeine (tea, coffee, and
so on)
- Hair of corn: Take your hair from corn, if you want to add sugar, take a week once a day
(Wang 2007).
- Honey: Take before bedtime half teaspoon of honey (except diabetics).
- Infusion of fennel: Prepare an infusion of fennel with honey and drink it before going to
bed. This will help retain fluid overnight. Also parsley / crop / Hair of corn / oat straw /
plantain diluted / yarrow / Pennyroyal / nettles. (Txumari 2000)
- Kion: Crush 30 grams of ginger and throw in 100 ml of vodka of 80 º. Before going to bed
the child must be rubbed with a gauze soaked with the solution ginger - vodka on the belly,
below the navel, for a minute, repeat for 5 days. If allergic reaction does not proceed
(Wang 2007).
- Massage with olive oil: Giving a massage before bed in the lower abdomen with olive oil
(Txumari 2000).
- Motivational Treatment: Implement treatment with awards. When the child does not have
urinary incontinence at night to give a prize. Otherwise, punish or challenge, as many
mothers do is harmful.
- Nerve problems: When the medical doctor says your problem is of nervous origin, or the
same mother sees that her son is very nervous, we recommend giving the next infusion:
Take the infusion of horsetail herb St. John's hair corn Melissa, 3 v / d.
- Oak: cook the leaves. Drink two cups per day (Arias 1982)
- Sitz baths: Take them warm for 10 minutes, then a cold bath for 1 minute before bedtime
- Strengthening the sphincters; Each time the child urinates in place to expel the urine with
a steady stream must do so choppy pee pee-stop-stop, and strengthen the sphincter.
- Urinary Infection: Obtain medical doctor to rule out a urinary tract infection.
- Urinate before bed and / or three hours before drinking fluids (soups, broths,
beverages, etc.).

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Healthy Children Jorge Valera


The children's intestinal gas caused by eating fast, eating plenty of foods rich in fiber, food
intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome have problems, pancreatic and intestinal malabsorption,
and generally is a nuisance and not a disease. The intestinal gases are formed in the large
intestine for digestion of food by the intestinal flora (bacteria). If these gases are produced
excessively or are retained, can cause abdominal pain, sometimes severe, usually acute
(cramps) but sometimes persistent and mild (bloating) (Alfaro and Pedro Ramos Txumari


- Anise: Prepare an infusion of anise prepared with a spoonful of this type of anise. Relieves
symptoms quickly.
- Cumin: If the child is old enough we can give ½ teaspoon of cumin for you to eat slowly and
chew well.
- Fennel: Manage infusions of fennel or cumin helps expel intestinal gas.
- Massage: Make the palm abdominal massage in circular form.

Comino Hinojo Cebada


Gastroenteritis, or infantile diarrhea in children should be treated with home remedies, breast
immediately and very quickly causing weight loss and dehydration, which becomes difficult to
retrieve. A child with diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain and little desire to eat. When diarrhea
occurs more than 4 to 6 times a day and spend the second day and have to be alert because
this may be an intestinal infection and must be treated immediately in a home, if it lasts more
than two days go to the doctor immediately. It is an inflammation of the stomach and intestine
caused a virus (Rotavirus), bacteria (this type is more common in places where sanitary
conditions are not the most appropriate or correct), fungi, or protozoa poor dietary intake.
Children suffer more often than adults. It can occur in children with altered defenses or lower,
or with diseases such as diabetes.

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It is spread through the air, oral intake (food) and by direct contact with an infected person
through saliva. There are two types of infections, one crosses the intestinal wall can affect the
stomach and causing small sores on him and the other, is limited to the intestinal tract without
causing injury. Symptoms of gastroenteritis include diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting,
headache, fever and chills. In general, natural solutions for diarrhea can be applied very well
for gastroenteritis. To see solutions diarrhea, infant diarrhea seen in this section. In vomiting
the same, see child vomiting, etc. (Txumari Alfaro and Pedro Ramos 2000).

- Chamomile: Give infusions of chamomile, helps reduce inflammation and fight germs
(Txumari 2000).
- Feed the child: The child can eat an hour after throwing up, do not wait much longer.
- Food: If diarrhea feed only rice with carrot, banana or apple (see infant diarrhea)
- Water: Rehydrate with water an hour after the last vomit, with Alkaline antisera or lemonade
(1 liter of boiled water, juice of 2 lemons, one tablespoon of sugar, a pinch of salt and a
bicarbonate. Giving from time to time anything you want.


A percentage of children develop an intense motor activity, which

move continuously without stopping and without which all this activity
has a purpose. Going from one place to another and may start a
task, but quickly leave to start another, which in turn, returns to leave
unfinished. This hyperactivity increases when n in the presence of
other people, especially those not maintaining frequent
communication. On the contrary, decreases the activity when alone.
There are also hyperactive children by moving home or school, by
parents who argue too much, sibling jealousy, misunderstandings
with his parents, etc., Manifested by anxiety and nervousness.


- Apple: In an apple peel a tea and drink it warm 2-3 times per week.
- Bach Flowers: It is an alternative that is used for the child to acquire a domestic tranquility
without losing the activity.
- Borage: Prepare a mixture with 4 finely chopped borage leaves, 3 tablespoons of milk and
honey, take a couple of times a week. This is going to provide reassurance.
- Massage: Make small massage the entire back from top to bottom, this is going
help ease the nervousness of the child. Practice every 3 days for 10 minutes. ½ onion Heat a
liter of water, add ½ v associated with white wine. Boil until half the water in the container, and
then dipping the hand in doing the massage.

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Healthy Children Jorge Valera

- Plant Origin: Replace the animal milk and its derivatives by other foods
plant and its derivatives, sugar, sweets, cookies and meals must be of type
integral. Reduce consumption of meat and sausages.
- Seeds: Before breakfast, lunch and dinner, give the child seed oil, evening primrose and borage
one tablespoon each well blended.

Flores de Bach Borraja Manzana


A baby or child has abdominal pain, short-term, when there is vomiting, diarrhea or
constipation; there are also problems of food contaminated by parasites or worms in the
intestine. It is chronic if the discomfort is more impaired urination is urinary tract. If you have
angina or viral infections, abdominal pain may also occur or were a child nervous or do not
want to go to school for different reasons. (Txumari Alfaro and Pedro Ramos, 2000).


- Alfalfa: Eat alfalfa sprouts. It is very effective for stomach pains.

- Chamomile: Apply one dose by age chamomile to soothe the stomach and intestine.
- Hot water: Place a hot water bottle to relax the muscles in that area and to decrease the
- Oatmeal: Eat oatmeal for breakfast.
- Watercress: Decoction of branches fresh watercress or grinding to be used as drinking

Alfalfa Berro Manzanilla

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Healthy Children Jorge Valera


When a child has inflamed tissues beneath the skin we are dealing with an abscess. The
origin of such an abscess is infectious with germs, in the case of caries and abscess of the
mouth, a wound in the knee and the next tissue abscess, etc. When there is always abscess
enlargement of the affected area, redness, warmth and pain. Sometimes pus is formed. In
childhood the most common boils are due to teething or tooth decay (Txumari 2000).

- Comfrey: In a quart of boiling water add 100 grams of comfrey root.
Keep 10 minutes, wet gauze and apply the liquid to the affected area.
Repeat 2 times per day (Txumari, 2000).
- Fenugreek: Boil 100 grams of fenugreek seeds in a little water until it
becomes a mush. Spread on a gauze pad and apply to the abscess.
Repeat 2-3 times per day (Txumari 2000).
- Figs: 4-5 Browse figs in hot water and let stand overnight. In the morning
heat the water, take a fig open it and place it on the abscess. Doing 3 or
4 times per day, will help to eliminate the abscess. (Manfred, 1998).
- Water: When flemones by cavities, rinse your mouth 3-4 times per day
with a little hydrogen peroxide mixed with a glass of warm water.
- Water: Heat ½ liters of water to a boil and then toss in 2-3 tablespoons
of salt. Mix well and put out the fire. Soak a clean cloth and place it on
the abscess for a few minutes. Do it 3 times per day.
- Water with salt: There are also good results by drinking it.


The healthy child has strong tonsils and breathes well.
On the other hand, a child with adenoides has the tonsils
inflamed. The tonsils are behind the nostrils and about
the mouth; these tonsils contain a series of organs
replete with lymphocytes that serve to capture the agent
aggressors. When the tonsils are employed at excess be
filled and the vegetations appear; sometimes
accompanied of tonsillitis, rinitis, pharyngitis, colds, etc.
Among the symptoms, there are fever and the difficulty to
breathe for the nose, being able to be complicated by the
appearance of bronchitis, otitis, and so on.

The affected child of adenoides tends to breathe for the

mouth and to snore due to the inflamed and enlarged fabric obstructs the step of the air of the
nose to the throat.

Sometimes the child nose gets blocked, the Eustachian tube gets blocked which

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communicates the middle ear with the throat and the child loses auditory keenness. For
common the tonsil faríngea recovers its normal size after a few days, but if the symptoms last
more than one month or if the child complains about pain of heard or about deafness, the
child will need to be treated by a specialist.


- Cat's Claw: In principle, improve your overall health and strengthen their defenses
infections taking Cat's Claw as water time allowed as long as
the child is older than 2 years. In 1 liter of water, add ½ tablespoon in Cat's Claw
flour and put it to decoction for 10 minutes. Allow to cool. If not tolerate the taste
bitter, sweetened with honey. It is recommended to be used alone. In addition, please
include certain whole foods diet rich in vitamin C, citrus fruits, strawberries,
green leafy vegetables, potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, garlic.

- Milk Substitute: Substitute cow's milk (fed with hormones), other vegetables (almond, and
so on) Without sugar. Besides reducing the consumption of dairy and refined foods (with

- Sahumerio and Fume with Menthol and Eucalyptus: Make incense in a cup or bowl with
a handful of leaves of these plants mixed with hot water or burn these leaves. Fumigate this
within the nursery. You can also make eucalyptus vapors 2-3 times a day using a cup of
leaves of this plant in a liter of water; breathe deeply for 15 minutes (Txumari 2000).


A child without allergies is in these times of a family member
happy and healthy, nourished with organic products. A child
with allergies is the product of poor nutrition in the last 20
years not 50 years ago saw many cases of childhood allergies
and now. An allergy is an abnormal reaction of the human
body's immune system against foreign substances (harmless)
that are incorporated, developing external sensitivity to certain
foods, animals, pollen, dust and other substances that cause
abundant secretion of tears, hay fever, asthma, dyspepsia,
eczema and headaches. It occurs in 30% of children. The
cause may lie in an awareness acquired during life, although
in some there is a hereditary predisposition. Keep in mind that
the main types of immune system disorders are allergies and
autoimmune diseases. Therefore, allergies occur when the
immune system "overreact" to certain airborne particles which are benign or slightly toxic, such as
pollen, or certain food components like highly toxic (Soldano Maria 2005 Reader's Digest 1971).

One of the most important things is the food you give them your children when they are young. A
diet to avoid allergic children should start from the moment you decide to have a baby that is strong
and beautiful. We recommend feeding a baby up to 2 years. Avoid giving their babies other milk in

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place of breast milk before 2 years, as this generates allergies in babies. If the mother can not give
milk or milk is low there are many natural ways to increase breast milk in the breasts, no side
effects. After the first year to give cow's milk (no additives, no hormones).

In the case of the mother is important to your power supply must be free of cow's milk during their
gestation or pregnancy and during breastfeeding, because it conveys the hormones he gave the
cow, especially before 6 months. As an alternative to breast milk is soy milk (allergy).

Substances that cause allergies are called allergens. If allergens are in the air, the symptoms may
include: itching and redness in the eyes, nose, mouth and throat. The eyes and nose dripping wet,
transparent white mucus is increased (rhinitis). Continuous sneezing. When skin allergies develops
an itch or pruritus, which can be treated by applying menthol 2% alcohol to the affected area with
The allergy is not contagious:
• If the reaction is by ingestion, is headaches, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea.
• When is through the bite of an animal or insect, occur pustules, redness, edema, urticaria,
vomiting, spasms.
• If a drug allergy, there is edema, eczema, hives, runny nose heavy.

- Bath in Oats: A colloidal oatmeal bath relieves itching in the body.
- Avoid cow's milk, goat or sheep, prolonged breastfeeding as possible (2 years). Natural
vegetable milk substitute (almond, soy), including milk hypoallergenic.
- Put in the drinks very slowly, the different types of food.
- Avoid dust and lint from fabrics and stuffed animals in the bedrooms of children.
- If there is a history of allergies in the family, the child is likely to also have it so you have to
watch more carefully.
- Cat's Claw Drinks: In principle, improve your overall health and strengthen its defenses against
infection taking Cat's Claw (the Rojita) and water time, allowed as long as the child is older than
2 years. In 1 liter of water, add ½ tablespoon flour Cat's Claw and deciding upon decoction for
10 minutes. Allow to cool. If not tolerate the bitter taste, sweetened with honey. It is
recommended to be used alone.
- Chamomile: Give the baby a teaspoon of chamomile tea after every meal. We could do the
same with fennel. Any of these herbs helps balance the immune system (Txumari 2000).
- Draw in fresh air: More and more big cities develop more pollution and more childhood
allergies. What to do, go out there, living outside the big cities, avoid major environmental and
industrial pollution.
- Morning Fasting: Drink a glass of carrot + beetroot / / carrot + celery / / carrot + beetroot +
cucumber `/ / A + cup ¼ cup celery, artichoke, mix and take / / Take carrot + cucumber / / Take
carrot more Parsley / / Drink a glass of carrot + celery ¼ cup, mix and take / / Get r juice black
or purple potatoes + carrot / / a glass of nettle juice / / one cup of radish / / one cup of thyme / /
Take 5 papaya seeds ground with a glass of water / / Taking cat's claw (also as drinking water) /
/ Take Echinacea / / Add a teaspoon of medicinal clay in a glass of water, stir and drink the
water (Mejias magdalena and arming Aflallo 2007).

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- Onion: The flavonoid of the onion is very useful in reducing allergic reactions caused by pollen.
Marinate peeled and chopped onion in a glass of water for a couple of minutes. Then drink the
- Salads and Vegetables: In as much for children "Older, better if they are raw and organic
- Short Fasting: Fasting for 1 to 2 days to detoxify the body. Choose one of the following
excerpts from the following paragraph. We recommend with nettles and cat's claw. It is the
fundamental premise (Singh 2004).


• Household aerosols • Egg
• Cat dander • Soaps
• Dyes • Bleaches
• Condiments • Milk and milk products
• Preservatives • Seafood
• Cosmetic Creams • Drugs Duch as penicilin
• Insect coils • Money
• Spores • Pet hair
• Mite droppings and roaches • Perfumes
• Dried fruits • Fish
• Strawberry • Feather
• Flour • Pollen
• Mushrooms • Dust


The infantile appendicitis happens mainly in children bigger than
10 years that one manifests as an abdominal pain, appetite lack,
fever, you nauseate, vomits and diarrheas. It is the inflammation
of the appendix (I segment of the connected thick intestine with
the blind man) these symptoms, accompanied by an in
agreement physical exploration and of the analytic tests and of
image (it x-rays, ecography) that are considered opportune they
can be enough to diagnose or to discard appendicitis.
Frequently you doesn't end up confirming this pathology and the
diagnosis is achieved observing the sick person's evolution or
when intervening him surgically. It is not strange that he/she
decides the surgical intervention of a boy and be not anything
anomalous in their appendix, they are the calls appendicitis "white."

The appendix is a small portion located in the thick intestine near where this unites to the thin
intestine, to the height of the right hip. Their function is very important, since it is the organ
that worries about the immunologic system and it is part of the digestive system. When there
is an appendicitis attack, this it should be immediately, inside the first ones 24 at 48 hours of
contracting; since it can be perforated and to derive in a peritonitis. This complication consists
on the perforation of the appendix, overturning the intestinal content full with bacterias in the

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abdominal cavity and causing an infection of graveness. The peritonitis can put in risk the
person's life (Txumari 2000).

- Chamomile: Reduces nuisance by the use of a chamomile tea and echinacea.
- Foods rich in fiber to facilitate greater movement of stools, as most fruits (pears,
strawberries, apples, citrus, plowing years, raisins), vegetables and whole grains (oats
cereal is a more ric os soluble fibers. For constipation problems is good to make a day of
fasting for 24 hours, only with guanabana or plum (Valera 2009).
- Onion compress: Cut the onion into pieces, fried in almond oil, then wrap in foil and apply
warm castor on the painful area (Arias 1982).
- Plaster of clay: clay poultices Apply to the affected area, if combined with better water


When a child with bronchitis to run and get tired easily agitated, is a clear sign that you have
asthma (early). Asthma is a respiratory disease (partial blockage) of the lungs characterized
by chronic inflammation of the bronchi, making breathing difficult. Its most common symptoms
of tightness in the chest, difficulty breathing, wheezing, coughing and wheezing ("wheezing").
The cough of asthma when cough is white, thick and slimy. Asthma is one of the most
common chronic diseases of childhood. In many cases, disappears about between 12 to 15
years. In the rest, can be effectively controlled by natural treatments and regular checkups
(Balch Phyllis 2000).


- Astexpect Expectorant and 100% natural anti-inflammatory Asteraceae; indicated to

eliminate the cough phlegm. Bronchi clean, clear nasal obstruction reduces the pain of the
throat and the lungs. Candy is complemented by Kof Kof, Flour, Banana and Cat's Claw.
- Bananas: ripe or green banana eating seared, warm with all your shell. Also take the sap
from the stem of the banana tree.
- Cranberries: Cranberry Crumble two tablespoons of sour and pour it in a glass of hot
water. Mix well and takes up little by little. This dilated bronchi and reduce the production of
mucus, making it very useful during attacks (Txumari, 2000).
- Eucalyptus: The infusion of its leaves like effects favoring earlier.
- Expectorant diet: In cleaning liquid to favor the bronchi and exit of the secretions. See
more information in the following book or medical foods by
Jorge Valera, near post.
- Helenio: The decoction of its roots is ideal for removing bronchial secretions and prevent
infection that often accompanies asthma attack.
- Lettuce: Leaving glean the lettuce plant, making a 50% decoction of flower stalks. Take a

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couple of glasses a day.

- Mango: mango seared Eating before bedtime.
- Mullein: Take an occasional mullein leaf tea to strengthen the lungs
- Onion: Boil sliced onion for 4 minutes, then wrap in a clean cloth to apply on the child's
chest to cool (Manfred 1998).
- Physical Activity: Practicing regular physical activity (swimming especially)
- Swimming Against Asthma: Doing it in the morning and if there is no flare dip forearms to
the elbow in cold water for one minute.
- Squash: Squash reduces the pain of inflammation. Include in your diet pumpkins.
- Syrup Sunflower: Relieves cough that accompanies asthma. Boil 2 quarts water with 2
cups of sunflower seeds until the liquid is reduced by half. Strain and mix with 1 liter of
honey. Boil again until tender. Store in an airtight container.

Cebolla Eucalipto Gordolobo


When a baby has a rash, redness, dryness and itching, we
face a childhood atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis is an
inflammation of the skin. It is called atopic because usually
those who suffer or have a family history of asthma, hay
fever or allergies. It is a very common chronic condition in
childhood that often improves with age. In children younger
than 2 years, skin lesions usually start on the cheeks, on the
inside of the elbows or behind the knees. They can spread
to the neck, hands, feet and eyelids (Soldano Maria, 2005).


- Alfalfa: The juice of the blended alfalfa with water and with carrot juice or with tomato juice it
is very healthy and nutritious for the children.
- Aloe vera: To apply pulp of aloe vera on the area affected several times a day.
- Avocado: To apply a cream carried out with avocado pulp or applying their oil.
- Clothes: Wear only cotton clothes.
- Healing juices: Drink one of the following juices: carrot + celery / carrot + celery + apple /
carrot + celery + betarraga / carrot + betarraga + cucumber.

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- Oak: To boil two spoonfuls of the bark of the oak, crushed between liter of water, during 15
minutes, then to strain and to cool the decoction. Then to soak in linen cloths or gauzes and
to use as compress on the affected area, Aryan (1982)
- Oat soap: To use soap of oat applying it with the hand, not to use sponge to avoid erosions
in the skin (Txumari 2000).
- Take baths: Se will recommend to use a neuter soap or of glycerine, bathrooms of
lukewarm water and don't heat, and to apply an humectant lotion on the skin after the
bathroom. The skin should dry off in soft form, giving flicks and not rubbing.


It is the daily inability to swallow food properly; making the digestion is slow and heavy.
Among its symptoms is the presence of gases, difficult to digest, vomiting, and heartburn,
pain in the pit of his stomach and back pain at the breastbone. The indigestion is occasional


- Banana: Fostering at breakfast, along with their milk, a tablespoon or two of banana flour.
- Basil: Prepare leaves and flowers, 5% infusion to stand for 10 minutes and drink 3 cups
daily between meals.
- Boldo: Drink boldo water, whether in the form of an emollient is better (Agapito and Sung).
- Barley: Give the cooking of peeled barley is prepared by boiling a ½ teaspoon in a liter of
water for 20 minutes, then filtered and given to children from a few months (Arias, 1982).
- Infusions: Infusions of plants help in some cases and are known anise, angelica, lemon
verbena, chamomile, yarrow, mint, pennyroyal, licorice, fennel, laurel. Take on an empty
stomach or before bedtime.
- Muña: Drink a tea of the leaves, antiflatulent, antimicrobial and relieves cramping.
- Piperita mint: Prepare an infusion with the leaves, drink it after meals.
- Turmeric: Prepare a teaspoon of turmeric / stick in a cup of water, boil and drink.
- Wormwood: Prepare an infusion of 5 leaves in ¼ liter of boiling water, drink 3 times per
day, add honey if desired.


Children can be stung by many insects, including bees, wasps, mosquitoes and jellyfish sea.
Injuries can range from a small swelling with redness allergic reaction to a general, through
the appearance of wheals accompanied by pain, itching and swelling (Txumari Alfaro and
Pedro Ramos 2000).

- Basil: growing basil to drive away mosquitoes.

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- Bee stings: They tend to leave the stinger to be learned by pushing with the help of a
needle in parallel to the skin. Apply soap and water or some ice to reduce the symptoms
and the arrival of substances into the blood. Also apply calamine lotion or a paste made with
baking soda and a few drops of water (Bestic, 2004).
- Branches of Colorín: Spread in the affected branches colorín juice for insect bites.
- Hip: Boil a pint of pure wine vinegar and pour into a bottle with a handful of fresh petals
rosehips, cover the bottle for two weeks. Then strain the liquid and soak into a cotton ball
and apply on the affected area or irritated. For insect bites.
- Insect repellent lotion: Boil a liter of water with two tablespoons of cloves for 5 minutes,
remove from heat and add 6 tablespoons of lime, then let stand for 15 minutes. Filter and
keep the lotion in a bottle. Use the lotion using cotton wool and apply it to the parties
- Insect stings: Remove the insect poison dart as fast as possible and then disinfect. To
remove the sting of insects is to use an alcohol swab. Then apply on the site of the bite a
cotton cloth soaked in vinegar or a slice of lemon or a few drops of lemon. It is advisable not
- Jellyfish: produce multiple bites are usually manifested as acute pain red spots and small
vesicles of clear content. It is useful applying ice / alcohol / vinegar / ammonia (Txumari,
- Lavender, Melissa and Geranium: These plants scare off mosquitoes.
- Main power: If you go for a walk is good to eat before, rice, yeast, wheat germ, or fish,
which by their content of vitamin b1, repels them.
- Marigold: Calendula ointment prepared and applied to insect bites.
- Onion: First of all insect bite is always good to put a piece of onion and keep it there for 15
minutes, helps to reduce discomfort and relieves fast (Txumari, 2000).
- Parsley: Rub the leaves of parsley in the affected area. It's good for insect bites.
- Poleo: Use of pennyroyal oil to repel insects.
- Poultices: Apply poultice of acanthus, borage and parsley. For insect bites
- Root of Sweet Potato: To use as a water decoction of root of sweet potato.
- Spider Bites: Apply a calendula tincture and alcohol on the affected part. The dandelion
poultices are effective. Also goldenseal poultice. If it is a poisonous spider (black widow),
see a doctor immediately.
- Wheels: Apply a poultice of fresh plantain leaves on insect bites (Alarco, 2,000).
- Wasp Stings: You do not remove the sting, and which do not allow embedded.
Reduce symptoms by applying ice or wet sand on the affected area.
Apply lemon juice with vinegar, onion juice or minced garlic. (Bestic, 2004).


Blepharitis in children is itching or redness in the eyes. Is inflammation of the edges of the
eyelids with the appearance of redness, enlarged and formation of small crusts. The follicles
from where the hairs on the eyelashes, are contaminated with germs, especially with
Staphylococcus. Sometimes associated with allergic processes, and even with excess fat in
the face and scalp, blocking out the contents of the glands. At night, while sleeping eyelids
are bonded together by dried secretions.If you have the feeling of something in your eyes,

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itching or redness at the edges of the eyelids, watering, etc. (Txumari Alfaro and Pedro
Ramos 2000).

- Chamomile: Wash the eyelids with chamomile applied with gauze.
- Chard: Boil for 5 minutes a leaf of spinach, let cool slightly and apply to the eyelids for 30
minutes. Repeat for 2 times per day.
- Eyebright Tea: Place ¼ of cold water and put 2 teaspoons chopped Euphrasia, heat to
boiling and cook for 2 minutes. Strain and add a pinch of salt. Soak a gauze and placed on
the eyelids. Do it 2-3 times per day. (Txumari, 2000).
- Water with salt: Wash eyes often closed with warm boiled water and some salt.


When nodules with pus appear on the skin (face) reddened caused by infection with bacteria,
these nodes are called boils. The boil is an abscess in the skin caused by a bacterial
infection. (Staphylococcus), set in a hair follicle and adjacent subcutaneous skin. The affected
area begins with a subcutaneous nodule that is heated, rises, numb and full of pus (Phyllis
Balch 2,000).

- Barley: Apply poultice of flour boiled barley seeds.
- Hygiene: Hygiene is very important and precautions to prevent transmission to other parts
of the body and even to other people, wash your hands with antibacterial soap before and
after touching a boil.
- Soaked towels in hot water with a dose of local antiseptic (such as water Alibour) to cause
discharge of pus and thus accelerate its healing power.

Comprehensive treatment:
Step 1: inflammation the boil: You can reduce inflammation through a series of pads, the
more effective the pope, also cabbage, comfrey other is more linseed oil, roasted onion, and
so on.
Step 2: Elimination of outcropping boil: When the boil inflammation in their share will be
complete and easy to remove, can squeeze the boil and pour the solution
ASTE (Ask for Jorge Valera) or clay. (Manfred 1998).

- Alfalfa: Eat alfalfa sprouts in salads. Increases milk production. For best results, both for
mom and baby can be combined with brewer's yeast and fish oil. In addition the mother has
recover faster delivery and that is very rich in iron.
- Anise: Drink anise infusion increases the breast milk.
- Banana: Eating ripe bananas.

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- Carrots: To increase milk production can use infused carrot dry seeds (one tablespoon of
seed per liter of boiling water) or infusions of dry Galician (one tablespoon per liter of water
2-3 glasses a day, avoid consumption if diabetic).
- Cotton: With 80 grams of pulverized cotton seeds and 100 ml of pure alcohol of 40 º.
Marinate for 15 days and saved. 10 drops are taken about food.
- Dill or oak: Drink a dill infusion after meals (Arias, 1982).
- Fennel: Give a tea of fennel, a handful in a liter of boiling water. It can be combined with
- Garlic: Breastfeeding women should avoid eating garlic, and that conveys the smell of garlic
babies, alters the quality of milk and children suffering from intestinal problems (Manfred,
- Grape: The grape juice is very nutritious and very good for nursing mothers.
- Oats, anise and lawn: That the mother has plenty of milk, you should eat oats, and
sweetened water with star anise, lawn boiled in sweetened water, 2 or 3 tablespoons toasted
sesame seeds daily in juice.
- Oatmeal: Drink mashed oats to increase milk, 20 grams of flour in 300 ml of water (Arias,
- Peanuts: The fruit roasted peanut milk helps to increase secretion of milk.
- Strawberries: In infusion increased milk of nursing mothers.
- Tomatoes should be eating especially when in gestation and lactation.


A child with bronchitis is a child with dry cough, fever and coughing up yellow or green
phlegm, do not get tired of running. Bronchitis is a bronchial infection that causes
inflammation. In most cases comes from a bad flu or a cold cured bronchitis are usually
caused by the same virus that causes colds, bronchitis, there are also bacterial, but are less
common. It is spread by close to a child with bronchitis in the same room or aulade classes
(Soldano María, 2005).

- Alfalfa: To strengthen the lungs in cases of bronchitis, ground alfalfa seeds and add a
teaspoon to food when they are served daily.
- Apple: Drink 15 grams infusion of dried flowers of apple per liter of water. Drink three
glasses a day.
- Astexpect Expectorant and 100% natural anti-inflammatory Asteraceae; indicated to
eliminate the cough phlegm. Bronchi clean, clear nasal obstruction reduces the pain of the
throat and the lungs. Candy is complemented by Kof Kof, Flour, Banana and Cat's Claw.
Ask for Jorge Valera.
- Castor bean (oil) on the chest is applied a mixture of 2 teaspoons of oil and turpentine,
rubbed her breast with the mixture and leave covered with a warm cloth. Apply 3 times daily.
- Col: To alleviate the conditions of the bronchi. Boil a cabbage leaf in a glass of milk for 15
minutes. Take spread over a meal of the day. The same preparation is useful in colds, flu,

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- Col Syrup: Blend the leaves of a cabbage type cabbage and add 2-3 tablespoons of honey.
Simmer for 20 -30 minutes, while mixing ingredients. Store in airtight container. Take one
tablespoon 2-3 times per day if the cough persists or just when it appears.
- Coltsfoot: Prepare in form of teas, cough, drink it 2-3 times per day.
- Elder: Administer one teaspoon of elderberry tea. Have significant anti-inflammatory and
sedative effects.
- Eucalyptus: The dipping in hot water with eucalyptus extracts relieve congestion.
- Garlic: It is applied in the form of juice (crush several cloves of garlic and squeeze the juice
in a tablespoon), garlic or garlic oil capsule.
- Lettuce: Make a syrup by boiling 150 grams of fresh leaves of lettuce and boil for a quarter
of an hour. Add a cup of sugar. Stored in a closed jar for a couple of glasses per day hot.
Also make a decoction of leaves in water. Add the juice of a lemon. Drinking a couple of
glasses per day, one before bedtime.
- Mango: Fight bronchitis. Infusion of flowers on the handle.
- Milk, Figs: It softens the mucus in the chest and helps to remove the cough. Cooking ¼ pint
of milk boiled with 12 dried figs for 15 minutes. Take the resulting liquid once filtered and
- Oatmeal: Boil 4 tablespoons of oat seeds in two quarts of water until the water evaporates
halfway. Drink two glasses per day in divided doses.
- Onion: Decoction of white onion and ground roasted beans. All cows’ milk. Add 100 ml of
brandy. Drink it warm before bedtime. Decoction of crushed beans and oregano.
- Orange: Drink orange juice (Meltzer 2002).
- Thyme: Manage 2-3 teaspoons per day to develop the germs have an effect and to relax
the bronchi are irritated and also invigorating. The dipping in hot water with thyme extracts
relieve congestion / Massage the child's chest with an emulsion massage and a few drops
of essential oil of thyme. You can also use thyme cream. This herb is antiseptic and
expectorant (Txumari 2000).
- Watercress: Drink slowly before going to bed a hot cup of the mixture of 100 grams of
watercress juice (extracted by crushing the leaves) with a glass of milk and honey to taste.


Bronchitis in babies under one year can be epidemic and is highly contagious. It is an
infection of the smaller ducts of the lungs caused usually by a virus. The infection causes the
bronchioles (small airways in the lungs) become inflamed, blocking the airflow and making
breathing difficult. Some infants need to be hospitalized to treat the condition. Conditions that
increase the risk of severe infection include prematurity, chronic lung or heart disease prior,
and an immune system weakened by disease or medications.
It is spread through contact with mucus or saliva of an infected person. (Txumari Alfaro y
Pedro Ramos, 2000).


- Astexpect: Expectorant and 100% natural anti-inflammatory Asteraceae; indicated to

eliminate the cough phlegm. Bronchi clean, clear nasal obstruction, reduces the pain of the

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throat and the lungs. It is complemented with Kof Kof candies, flour, Banana and Cat's Claw.
Ask for Jorge Valera.
- Avoiding smoke and pollution: snuff smoke is very harmful to these children so parents
should refrain from smoking in front of them. It is also not good to live in cities with a lot of
- Hydration: At home, keep your child well hydrated, humidity, nasal rinses and frequent
suctioning with bulb syringe (Txumari 2000).
- Sahumerio: Use a cool mist vaporizer (not cold) and eucalyptus in the fourth
while the child is sleeping.
- Sleep position: They are useful the position of half-board (to make breathing easier) and
physiotherapy (patting his back and chest) to mobilize mucus secretions in the bronchi.
- Steam: Let hot water run in the shower or tub to make the bathroom steamy and sit there with
your child if she is coughing hard and having difficulty breathing.
- Treatment of bronchitis: Follow the same treatment of bronchitis.
- Water: The child has to drink a lot of water. Do not worry if he or she does not feel
feel like eating solid foods.


When a child suffers burns for any reason, the first thing to do is the type of burn, first degree
if, with red spots and dilated blood vessels. The second-degree blisters, because fluid leaves
the blood. But when is the third level, which is severe, the burn covers all layers of the skin,
dermis and epidermis, is the destruction of connective tissue and muscle in these cases have
to run to the doctor or medical post. Burns in children can occur from washing with water too
hot or pouring a cup of coffee. Babies and children are more vulnerable than adults because
they are curious, small and have sensitive skin need more protection (Txumari Alfaro and
Pedro Ramos, 2000).


- Aloe vera is one of the most important natural treatments is for the treatment of burns. Peel
the foil and rub it gently over the burn. (Manfred, 1998).
- Blisters of burns: If blisters occur, we must protect with a bandage until gradually remove
its contents. Do not break because we run the risk of infection.
- Consuelda: Soak the burn with the liquid from the infusion of dried leaves.
- Escaramujo: Boil a pint of pure wine vinegar and pour into a bottle with a handful of fresh
petals rosehips, cover the bottle for two weeks. Then strain the liquid and soak into a cotton
ball and apply on the affected area or irritated.
- Hamamelis: Reduces pain and prevents infection, hamamelis have to be applied on burns.
- Large burn: In case of burn, we must remove burned clothing or stained with the liquid that
burns and cover the baby or child with a clean sheet. We can ease the pain of children with
acute warm bath. Never remove clothing that are burned and stuck to the skin.
- Marshmallow: Boil a handful of roots in water for 10 o12 minutes. Moisten with liquid and
put gauze over the burn.

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- Melissa: Crush fresh leaves on a gauze pad, melissa and squeeze the juice on the affected
part. Do 2 times a day (Txumari 2000).
- Onions: Place the burned area on onion slices and cover with gauze and secure with a
bandage, change 2 times a day (Txumari 2000).
- Water: Wash with plenty of water until the pain subsides.
- Wheels: The application of poultices made of crushed fresh leaves applied on a burn,
relieve pain and help regenerate the skin. (Manfred, 1998).

Aloe Llantén Rodajas de cebolla


A healthy child without canker is a happy child, and you can eat your food in peace. The
children are inflammation and sores or ulcers in the mouth, are painful and recurrent. Are
presented as plaques, vesicles, stains gray and / or whitish prominences of the same color or
irregularly distributed in the oral mucosa at the edges of the tongue and sometimes extends
to the digestive or upper respiratory tract. They are classified as mild, severe and
herpetiformis. The slight, are small and solitary erosions disappear between six and ten days
of its appearance without scarring. The severe, are ulcers larger, deeper and more painful it
takes between one hour and eight weeks to heal and leave scars. Canker older, can cause
fever, drooling in infants, irritability, malaise, malaise and inappetence. The herpes; are made
up of multiple ulcers in the form of corsage. Its occurrence is associated with hereditary
factors, allergic, infectious, endocrine, traumatic, psychological or a depressed immune
system, others the presence of germs in the mouth; by acid from the stomach, frequent
vomiting, food rich in sugars, etc.. Apart from the sores in the mouth due to a transient
infection, can also be a symptom of a specific nutrient deficiency of minerals such as iron or
vitamins such as vitamin A. They can also be an outward symptom of pregnancy of more
serious illnesses such as Crohn's disease (inflammation of the intestine) or celiac disease
(which affects the intestinal villi). Often confused with a cold sore herpes virus infection is
relatively common in young children between 3 and 4 years of age, although this infection is
usually more painful and is often accompanied by fever higher. Cold sores usually cause
intense burning or itching for one to two weeks. It is therefore appropriate to make changes in
the texture of foods, choosing the softer and slightly more acidic sweeten to the diet is not
monotonous and boring (Reader's Digest 1971).

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- Aloe Vera: Sucking a piece of Aloe Vera pulp consistency, then chew and swallow. One or
two times a day. Then rub with water when finished sucking piece of aloe vera.
- Anise (Pimpinella anisum): infusion mixed with equal parts of half a teaspoon of crushed
anise fruit and marshmallow leaves, mint and sage. Perform rinses.
- Barley: Boil ¼ kilo of barley in one liter of water until the beans are soft. Then remove from
heat, mash to a paste inconsistent, that pressure is passed through a canvas. Once filtered,
boiled again to evaporate the liquid until a third of the volume. Take one cup in the morning
and afternoon with honey.
- Birch (Betula Alba): Perform gargling with the liquid from the decoction for 10 minutes in
one tablespoon of dried bark per cup of water with a squeeze of lemon.
- Cranberries: The antiseptic effect of these fruits helps combat the spread of germs and
facilitates wound healing. It is highly recommended to chew a few of them a couple of times
a day.
- Cold drinks: Give your child cool drinks to relieve pain is also good ice lemon for older
- Chamomile (Matricaria Chamomilla L.): Its antiseptic properties fully charged infusions of
chamomile are ideal for mouthwash to prevent infections that can cause mouth sores.
Infusion of a spoonful and half of flowers per cup of water. Make mouthwash. Do not
swallow, highly charged chamomile is emetic.
- Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum): Rinse with a liquid in the infusion of half a
teaspoon of cinnamon shredded by glass of water.
- Cold foods: Slightly cold, to prevent the child feels pain and rejection.
- Echinacea (Echinacea): It is a great bactericide. Help in healing wounds. Perform liquid
rinses of fresh plant. Dilute a few drops of tincture in water and make mouthwash.
- Fresh Figs Soup: Cut fresh figs 3-4 in milk and heat for 5 minutes. Strain the milk and let
cool. Apply 2-3 times daily with gauze.
- Gentian: preparations with gentian violet is a good resource for thrush in young children.
- Golden Seal (Hydrastis Canadensis): The hemostatic properties of the alkaloids are
combined with the properties that give vulnerary rich in zinc, vitamin C and sucrose to ensure
that this plant is suitable for the external treatment of diseases skin. Make three applications
daily with tincture of goldenseal, which can be purchased in stores or pharmacies, on the
mouth ulcers.
- Honeysuckle (Lonicera Caprifolium): For treatment of skin sores can make a decoction of
5 tablespoons of dried leaves for 12 minutes. After cooling, apply gauze over the affected
area. This treatment is extremely effective in the treatment of mouth ulcers wounds. Perform
rinses off liquid from the decoction mentioned.
- Lemon (Citrus Limonum): Excellent bactericide. You can make rinse or brush with fresh
- Llanten (Plantago Major): Due to its mucilage content exerts emollient, soothing words of
the respiratory mucosa, as used to cure a sore throat or mouth irritation or sores caused by
infection. Perform rinses off liquid from the infusion of one teaspoon of dried leaves per cup
of water.
- Medicinal Clay: Apply clay in the affected area as a compress. It's good to keep your mouth
open for the effective implementation; try not to swallow the clay.
- Malva (Malva sylvestris): Rinsing with the decoction for 10 minutes a teaspoon of flowers
per cup of water. Infusion mixed mauve and thyme, make rinses.
- Marshmallow (Althaea Officinalis): Perform rinses with liquid from a decoction of 10

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minutes a handful of dried root in a liter of water.

- Myrrh (Commiphora Ssp): Used for its content in tannins that helps the healing of wounds.
Apply myrrh powder on the sore. For sale in pharmacies and herbalists.
- Oak (Quercus Robur): The content in tannins and flavonoids confers antibiotic and
astringent properties. Maceration rinses made with a tablespoon of fresh bark in a liter of red
wine for 4 days to shrink and stop the outflow of blood.
- Raspberry (Rubus idaeus): Externally the astringent properties of this plant can be used in
the treatment of sore throats, sore throat, mouth sores, swollen gums, etc. Decoction for 1 / 4
hour 5 tablespoons of dried leaves per liter of water. Let stand for 15 minutes. Make gargling
or rinsing with the resulting liquid.
- Rosemary: Rinse your mouth every 4 hours for 5 minutes with an infusion of rosemary,
made with a pinch of dried leaves and flowers boiled in ½ liter of water. Let stand at fire
lento10 minutes and save. Maintaining treatment until symptoms disappear (Txumari, 2000).
- Salvia: Rinse mouth 2-3 times daily with an infusion of sage leaves. It has antibacterial
properties, anti-inflammatory and healing (Manfred 1998).
- Strawberry (Fragaria vesca): The infusion of dried leaves are very astringent and can be
used for the same purpose.
- Tomato: It is excellent for this disease consume quantities.
- Vitamin A Cure: Include in the days that last sores in the mouth, a carrot and apple
smoothie for breakfast or lunch, a bowl of cream of pumpkin and carrots for dinner or lunch,
and a daily fruit (or juice ) rich in this vitamin, such as carrots, cooked spinach, parsley.
- Yogurt: With the help of gauze 2-3 times per day apply a thin layer of yogurt on the "spots."


When the baby or child (under 9 years) gets very itchy red
spots (vesicles) in the face and body, with very characteristic
symptoms such as fever and headache. Chickenpox is a viral
infectious disease that has up to three weeks of incubation,
very contagious, which occurs mainly in large industrialized
cities. It is caused by the Varicella zoster virus. After a couple
of days the blisters begin to ooze. Finally, they turn into scabs
are shed and then disappear within a week (Brigo, 2005;
Phyllis Balch, 2,000).


- Apply lotion: To prevent injury and subsequent scratching, rub the child with calamine
- Avoid: Fried, meat, eggs, milk, cheese, butter, little salt, sugar, pepper, spices, tea, coffee,
- Carrot, coriander: The cooking of carrots and coriander has been found beneficial for
chickenpox. Boil 100 g of carrots and 60 g of fresh coriander should be cut into small pieces.
Drink once per day.

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- Hand Washing: Most often because there is often pollution and transmit the virus to others.
- Honey: The use of honey as external use has also proven valuable for chickenpox. This oil
is rubbed into the skin, will have a curative effect and the marks disappear.
- Important Food: It must be based on water and juices.
- Infusion: To help the rash outbreak, take water for use as an infusion of borage, marigold or
- Oatmeal bath: Pour warm water bath with 1-2 cups of this type of meal and stay within 15-
20 minutes. Helps reduce symptoms and to dry injuries (Txumari, 2000).
- Orange, lemon, tangerine or grapefruit: Make a juice mixed with 3 of them, boil and drink
(vitamin C).
- The warm bath with baking soda also calms itching.
- Urine: Apply fresh urine on the affected area and rub. Also as a poultice, it smells bad but is
beneficial and healing.
- Vegetable Broth: Take stock of greens, served with carrot.
- Vinegar: Take baths in warm water and pour over the tub ½ cup of vinegar to soothe skin
irritation (Oliveira, 2002)


A cold child is a child with runny nose, especially on the first day,
then a lot of dry cough and sneezing and sniffling after the first
day, accompanied by fever, headache and sore throat. A cold
occurs by a virus infection affecting the upper respiratory tract,
nose, throat, larynx and bronchi. The cold reduces the body's
defenses, thus facilitating the emergence of bacterial infections
such as otitis, angina or pneumonia.


- Cucumber Mint Oil: Apply a few drops in the nostrils with the help of gauze. You may also
be applied to the chest with a light massage before bedtime.
- Eucalyptus: Pour 3 tablespoons of eucalyptus leaves in a pot with ½ gallon of boiling water,
then after boiling, place the pot on his head covered with a towel and breathe deeply the
vapors of eucalyptus for 10 minutes. Do it 2-3 times a day. (Manfred, 1998).
- Liquids and Juices: Remove food, some products increase mucus production or inhibit its
removal. Give plenty of fluids especially juices.
- Orange: Give orange juice provides vitamin C.
- Radish: Relieves general discomfort of colds. Blend 2-3 radishes, put the liquid into a glass
and take it with a little honey (Txumari, 2000).
- Thyme: The immersion bath with essential oil of thyme may ease breathing for congested
nasal passages.

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Colic is a fit of tears for abdominal pain intestinal or respiratory
problems (swallowing air when eating) that appears, usually in
the afternoon, weeping uncontrollably up for three hours. The
cramps started in the second or third week of life, are
heightened in the sixth and disappear about three months
(Santwani and Taylor 1998).

During colic:
- Pick him up against his arm on your stomach so you have a
slight pressure on your stomach and relax the child.
- Another application for relief is to lie on your back and
bending legs against the abdomen, thus expel the gases.
- Feeding in an upright position and burp often. If you do bottle feed every 30 ml of milk.
- The power of mothers should be free of spicy foods and caffeine. Eat bananas, strawberries,
tomatoes, mandarins in moderation and see if avoided, reduce colic in children (or cry less.)
Same with dairy products. (Wang, 2007).


- Anise: Prepare an infusion of anise, 5 to 10 grams of seeds in one liter of water, drink as
drinking water, this tea should be made by breast milk to breastfeed their children when they
relieved. (Manfred 1998).
- Barley: For infants (few months) to give the cooking of the barley, is prepared by boiling one
tablespoon in a pint of water for 20 minutes, this remedy is filtered and given, or you can
add to the cow's milk, if it is heavy for the child.
- Chamomile: Chamomile Boil 10 grams, water 150 ml, give a teaspoonful every hour during
the day until the discomfort goes (Oliveira, 2002).
- Chamomile Oil: Massage your child's tummy with a few drops of essential oil of chamomile.
Chamomile is a sedative, carminative and antispasmodic.
- Dill or oak: Drink a dill infusion after meals (Arias 1982).
- Eggs: Boil one whole egg with the shell, and then cool to comfortable temperature for
baby's skin. With this egg to review the baby's navel from the center out by way of a spiral.
Finally roll it backwards, from the outside in (Wang 2007).
- Fennel: Give a tea of fennel, a handful in a liter of boiling water. It can be combined with
milk. It also serves to nervous colic of children.
- Garlic: Give the child the size of the mashed garlic rice, wrapped in disguise garlic bread,
garlic 1-3-5 parties depending on age.
- Hot compresses: Apply heat in the belly with a hot water bottle. Before use, make sure the
bag does not burn baby's sensitive skin.
- Onion: Foods that promote colic in children are onions, beans, garlic and green leafy
- Salt and onion, fry 100g of salt in a little oil over low heat, then add two stalks of green
onion whites and heat another minute. Then put it in a cotton bag and applied over the
abdomen of the baby, to correct temperature.

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A child with conjunctivitis is a problem child, Porel feels itchy
eyes, their crusts and secretions. Conjunctivitis is redness
(inflammation) of the conjunctiva (delicate and thin membrane
lining the eyeball and eyelids). It is a very common eye
problem that occurs from the spread of viruses and bacteria.
People can get it too allergic contact allergens such as pollen
or cosmetic products. Things happen for obstruction in the
tear duct and other contact with irritants. When it is viral or
bacterial is highlycontagious. The patient should wash hands
thoroughly and should not share towels or pillows (Soldano
Maria 2005).


- Apple: Make a poultice with grated apple and apply over closed eyes once a day for half an
hour Arias (1982).
- Black tea: black tea compresses and warm in the morning are used for cleaning
eyelids that stick with pus at night.
- Chamomile: Flush eyes with plenty of water with chamomile.
- Euphrasia: Cook for 2 minutes 2 teaspoons of Euphrasia in ¼ liter of water, strain and
applied to eyelids moist gauze with this liquid 2 times per day (Txumari 2000.)
- Eye’s Bath: Flush eyes with rough, plantain and lettuce.
- Honey: Soak a cotton ball in water (sterilized or boiled) sweetened with honey and leave a
few minutes on the eyes.
- Lemon: Boil for 5 minutes a glass of water with the juice of one lemon, cool the liquid. Then
apply for eye washes to ease the sting and remove the gummy that can be formed. You can
also apply this formula, depending on the acidity of the lemon, use lemon juice diluted in
either boiled or sterilized. If the formula is too strong dilute the lemon in more water.
- Llanten: Prepare, 50 gr. plantain leaf ½ liter of water. Cook and rest. Wash the affected eye.
- Molle: Crush the plant with water droplets. Place in cheesecloth, squeeze and strain. Make
washed with the juice.
- Oak: You can also do the same with Oak Bark (Txumari 2000).
- Onions: Make a poultice with crushed onions and apply over closed eyes once a day for
half an hour.
- Red potato: make a grated potato poultice and apply over closed eyes once per day for half
an hour.
- Roses: Prepare a natural eye drops with the petals of the rose petals 20 g pint
water, make a decoction Arias (1982).

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When a child doesn’t defecate 3 to 4 days is a problem of
constipation. They are hard stools, painful, sporadic and
difficult to pass. They can cause anal fissures and bloody
stools. Generally, constipation is caused by certain
medications (iron supplements, analgesics and
antidepressants), a diet low in fiber and low physical activity.
Constipation is defined as retention of fecal matter, which
translates clinically by a decrease in the number of
discharges, and increased stool consistency. The babies'
intestinal processes depend heavily on food, on average, an
infant under 6 months later to evacuate at least once a day
at least. After two years, children can have one to two stools
per day (Txumari Alfaro and Pedro Ramos, 2000).

- Alfalfa: Their attributes are proven, so you can find alfalfa pills in the market, because a daily
ingesta of it, or the one that the specialist prescribes, prevents the constipation. You can also
eat medic buds. The alfalfa for their cellulose content (high) stimulates and accelerates the
intestinal evacuation. If the person doesn't want this effect on her organism, you/he/she can
boil it. Under these conditions they take advantage the proteins and the minerals, but they
get lost the vitamins.
- Anise: to take a gram of blended granites with water.
- Apple: Eat lined apples and rusty at first hour of the morning.
- Asparaguses: Squeeze asparaguses and to take a couple of spoonfuls d and their juice per
- Barley: To toast the barley and to reduce it to powder. To take in you fast, or/and two cups,
with or without sugar to the pleasure.
- Carrots: It is a laxative. Eat carrots regularly.
- Cherimoya: Eat cherimoyas for their content in vitamin C.
- Corn: It is very good to eat corn in the foods. The one jumped of corn with tomatoes should
be indispensable.
- Diet: A diet with fruits, vegetables, cereals, salads, juices and abundant liquid.
- Enema or laxative: As last instance, it can recommend a suposit vaselina orio in children;
or a laxative or an enema in bigger children. But only as last resource.
- Fig: It is laxative. To boil 3 figs in water during a hour room. Allow to rest, drink the liquid and
eat the figs the following morning.
- Grape: Eat the whole grape or the grape happens, without discarding the skin.
- Integral bread: Replace the white breads for breads of integral cereals.
- Juices: Give him juices with grapes raisins and to avoid those of guava.
- Licorice: Carry out the same thing with infusions of licorice.
- Mallow infusion, anise and camomile: Prepare a mallow infusion, green anise, and green
camomile in 1/2 liter of water. With the infusion gets ready 2 or 3 of the daily takings of the
one he/she drinks adding the same quantity of powdered milk that receives in each taking.
- Mandarin: It stimulates the intestinal motility. To consume the white pulp that there is under
the skin and among the clusters of the mandarin and that it doesn't suit to discard.

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- Mango: Ingest mango juice. To eat mature mango in you fast.

- Massages in the abdomen: Massage with circular movements the superior part of the
abdomen, it could favor their secretions and with it to eliminate the constipation.
- Oats: It facilitates the intestinal traffic and it avoids the constipation. It is recommended to
consume oat in abundance.
- Oranges: Consume juice of oranges, Aryan (1982)
- Parsley: Make a pellet with fresh leaves of parsley and to anoint it with some olive oil. With
the pellet to stimulate the anus of the one drinks, the effect is almost immediate (Txumari
- Peaches: In the event of bigger children, to consume fresh peaches since among foods acts
as laxatives.
- Physical exercises: If the one drinks he/she finds I inconvenience and constipated; we can
alleviate him placing it face up and moving their legs like the pedals of the bicycle.
If the baby is uncomfortable and constipated, we can ease on his back and moving his legs
like bicycle pedals.
- Pumpkins: They contain abundant fiber. Consume pumpkins daily.
- Plum: Consume juice or preserves of plums everyday, beginning little by little until the
intestine gets used especially during the mornings. It is very effective that you drink them
(Txumari 2000; Messegué 1985).
- Spinaches: To consume spinaches since is rich in fiber and it is easily digestible. Also take
broth of boiled spinaches.
- Tooth of Lion: Infusions of root of lion tooth, with some teaspoons enough and it exercised
their activity laxative.
- Tamarind: Eat this fruit that is one of the good ones for those constipated.
- Vegetables: Preferably with leaves like chard, prepare a bowl of spinach.
- Yogurt: Include natural or low-fat yogurt.

Ciruelas Pan Integral Yogurt


Recommended food to lubricate the intestine: Spinach, bananas, sesame (seed or oil), honey,
pear, plum, peach, apple, apricot, walnuts, almonds, alfalfa sprouts, soy products, cauliflower,
beets, fresh milk, seaweed (Pitchford 2002)

Recommended food to promote bowel evacuation: cabbage, sweet potato, asparagus,

potatoes. Fruits (olives, apricots, capuli, cherry, coconut, peach, figs (dried), plums, almonds,
raspberry, pomegranate, black currant, blackberry, pandisho, potatoes, raisins, papaya, pine nuts,

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melons, peaches, oranges, strawberries, apple, passion fruit, sapodilla, avocado, cucumber, pear,
watermelon, grape, lemon, guava, tamarind, grapefruit, tuna), seeds and oils (sesame, sunflower,
corn, flaxseed, grapeseed, rapeseed, oats), legumes (Lentils, chickpeas, beans, beans, beans),
whole grains (bran, wheat germ, oatmeal, whole flour products), vegetables (green vegetables:
spinach, lettuce, radishes, celery, onions, beets, watercress). Among the herbs, we have on the
cascara sagrada and senna (Pitchford 2002).

Recommended food that improve the intestinal flora: miso, sauerkraut (fermented cabbage in
water and salt), yogurt, probiotic yogurt (kefir, yacult, buttermilk, etc), honey, foods rich in
chlorophyll (alfalfa, spirulina, blue green algae) , fiber (flax, garlic, leek, onion, asparagus, chicory)
(Pitchford 2002)

Recommended laxative herbs: dandelion root, rhubarb root, cascara sagrada, flax seed, oat bran,
aloe vera, agar agar, ash, senna, castor, elderberry, purslane, plantain, chicory, castor oil,

Recommended mucilaginous herbs: The volume of the stool by water swelling. We, linseed,
mucus, psyllium, ispaghula,

Forbidden foods: Foods with refined flour (white bread, cakes), eggs, rice, refined sugar,
chocolate, hard cheese, polenta and grits. Avoid flatulent vegetables as artichokes,
cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, peppers, cucumber, radishes, onion, and
garlic as tolerated pores, the carrots (because of their astringent, only temporarily) / / red
meat, fried foods, sausages , strong cheeses and other fermented products / / alcoholic
beverages and cigarettes / / black tea, green / / drugs containing lead, bismuth, iron and
tannin / / Fruit astringent: quince, banana, apple rust / /

Recommended diet Fasting Rising, 5 to 6 am, you should absolutely take 4-8 glasses
of water (adults), 1-4 glasses of water (children), and add the juice of one lemon in a
quart of water / / Take warm milk (natural soy) with honey / / Allow to soak for 3 to 5 dried
plums overnight and drink the water over the prunes in the early hours of the morning, or
eat 300 500 g of plum or plum syrup / / 10 Plum Juice 1 lemon + carrot + 1 / / 1
tablespoon olive oil / / onion juice diluted / / Water linseed / / 1 large glass of juice 2 to 3
oranges including pulp / / Take infusion senna leaf (not more than 7 days, as it irritates the
intestinal mucosa) / / Peel plantain seed / / Enema of lime (applied in 5 to 7 am, chronic
cases) / / Drink a glass of cucumber oil with a glass of water / / Bake 30 grams of tamarind
in 250 ml of water and drink / / taking a glass of juice, potatoes / / eat dried figs, soak in
conjunction with a tablespoon of linseed, day to day / / A glass of water with kiwi / /

Recommended diet for breakfast: Eat 3 fruit at breakfast (choose any of them, figs,
almonds, raisins, melons, pears, peaches, strawberries, kiwi, papaya, banana, aloe vera
pulp, grapefruit, lemon peel, skin Orange, cucumber, tomato, pumpkin seed, carob,
Cocona, guava, elder and / or passion) / / sour milk or yogurt / / carrot + apple juice + beet /
/ papaya salad and figs / / bran, oats or wheat germ / / Garlic milk / milk / yogurt Garlic / /
Orange juice and tomato / / carrot juice (50%), celery (25%) and apple (25%) / / carrot juice

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1 + 2 apple / / carrot juice 1 + 1 + 1 cucumber beetroot / / carrot juice (70%) and spinach
(30%) / / bread / / Eat a ripe banana + a glass of cold water + a tablespoon of honey / / 2
glasses of juice, asparagus, spinach + cabbage + / / 2 glasses of carrot juice + apple / / 2
cups pepper juice / 1 large glass of orange juice with pulp (from 2 to 3 oranges) + 500
prunes + 2 grams of fat-free yogurt.

Recommended food for lunch: lettuce salad (spinach salad) skipped + + corn Hake in
green sauce + boldo infusion / / Salads varied with 1 raw carrot ½ red pepper + oil +
cabbage+ raw cauliflower + lettuce + endive + onion (+ 50 grams of cooked dry beans) / /
tossed salad with carrots, red peppers, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce, onion, etc. + a plate
of cooked dry beans / / eat 3 pine nuts / /

Recommended food for dinner: Salad (broth) Vegetable + cheese + yogurt nonfat skim +
30 or 40 grams of nuts + bread / / Fruit salad + low-fat yogurt + whole wheat bread / / stew
+ vegetable + vegetable puree cream cheese + nuts / / 2 or 3 kiwis pears or 2 or 3 pieces
of fruit / / pumpkin + soup with pecans and chestnuts + oats+ coconut milk + Infusion of
sen / / Drink a glass of plum and raisin, previously soaked all day (keep in the refrigerator) /
/ Eat 30 grams of walnuts (chronic cases) / / fat cheese + yogurt + 50 grams of nuts +
bread / / fruit salad + bread + yogurt / / stew + vegetable fat cheese / / stewed vegetables +
nuts / / mashed vegetables + nuts seconds / / pure vegetable + skimmed cheese.


When a child convulse, the family is very concerned, because the child loses consciousness,
his eyes turn up, his teeth are clenched and his limbs become rigid to reach strong shocks.
The seizure or epilepsy is the body's response to an abnormal electrical discharge in the
brain. There are many reasons for kids to have a seizure. The most common are those
produced by an abrupt rise in body temperature in young children. Seizures can also be
caused by brain infections such as meningitis or encephalitis (more information on epilepsy,
seen in its respective chapter epilepsy) (Soldano Maria 2005).


- Artemis: Chop the dried root of the Artemis, to give the baby 20 milligrams initially, then
increase the dose to 100 milligrams; give brown sugar together every hour.
- Cold water bathrooms: Briefly dip the child in the bathtub of cold water with a long cotton
nightgown, then wrap it with a flannel or wool blanket, lie down and cover it with a quilt. You
can repeat the operation several times.
- Gum Arabic: Apply as a child enemas.
- Marshmallow and Melissa: The ingredients are 15 gr. marshmallow root, 5 gr. lemon balm
200 gr. of water. Make a brew, then rest. Drink it 3 times daily.

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- Gelsemium: Prepare a soothing tincture. Grind 10 g of yellow jasmine root macerated in

alcohol 50 cms3 70 °, in a covered container for 5 days. Then remove the fluid filter and
mash and keep in a closed bottle. Then in a second root macerate squeezed the same
amount of alcohol for 5 days. Strain and mix the two dyes. Then take 20 drops daily for
seizures, diluted in a little water, Arias (1982).
- Linden: Drink 3 cups of lime per day (Messegué, 1985).


One of the best known and most frequent symptoms in children is coughing. When a child
coughs and phlegm boot (white, yellow, green or bloody) is throwing his illness, should it be
allowed to continue coughing but not coughing and phlegm boot is because it has a dry
cough. The cough is a sudden expulsion of air by promoting a clean lung irritant substances
and secretions (mucus). It is a form of defense of the lungs (nose, throat, larynx, trachea and
bronchi), to shake the secretions produced by an infection or inflammation.


- Coltsfoot: Infusions of Coltsfoot, is one of the best remedies, both cough productive to the
irritant. Mix a tablespoon of shredded plant with a cup of boiling water. Give ½ cup and
repeat 3 times daily.
- Eucalyptus: The vapors of eucalyptus open the airway and facilitate the exit of the
secretions, as well as to improve over the air. (Manfred, 1998).
- Figs: Boil two figs in a glass of milk, let stand for an hour and take a portion in the morning
and once in the evening.
- Garlic: Peel a clove of garlic, stir in honey and grind, you take a spoonful of the mixture
every hour.
- Hot compresses: On the chest with a cloth, then with cold packs ½ minutes left. Repeat
cycle 3 times, do in the morning and once at night.
- Kofkof Candies: Candies of ginger, 2 to 10 years, to give them. For children under 2 years
to give them the candy powder.
- Lemon: Drink lemon juice, diluted with equal parts water, adding a few drops of olive oil. Mix
and take 2 times a day. (Manfred, 1998).
- Licorice: A very nice choice to eliminate the cough. Give licorice root licorice stick or stained
in the lead with a little honey (Txumari, 2000).
- Olive Oil: Apply a compress on the chest, soaked in a mixture of olive oil, camphor and
vinegar, leave overnight.
- Onion: Drink one tablespoon every hour of syrup onion (grated onion and add honey and let
sit overnight.)
- Radish: Drink one tablespoon every hour of syrup of radish (grated radish and add honey
and let sit overnight.)
- Salvia: Salvia Make infusions to flush gargle 4-5 times a day (Txumari, 2000).
- Water: Give plenty of water to soften the secretions.

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1.31. INFANTILE CROUP (Acute Laryngitis)

When babies at night (6 - 36 months) wheeze (heavy breathing), cough and wheeze, it is a
signal that can be croup. Croup is a viral of the upper and lower airways (laryngitis or
trachea). The infection inflames the lining of the respiratory organs, hindering the passage of
air and thus breathing. This condition occurs usually during the night, coughing and difficulty
breathing. Croup is infected with the influenza virus, can get the children up to seven years.
There is the possibility of developing the spasmodic croup. It is called this way to children with
croup with some frequency. People with allergies are more likely to suffer from this disease


- Apple: Drink apple juice also to reduce cough and inflammation (Txumari, 2000).
- Dairy: Reduce the amount of milk, since they favor the increase of the mucosa.
- Echinacea: Echinacea tea.
- Eucalyptus: take Eucalyptus baths, especially at night, or fill the bathtub with hot water
while the child remains in the tub breathing that atmosphere (Txumari, 2000).
- Fresh Environment: Air in the bedroom can be kept moist with a humidifier or electric
supporting a pan of water on a heat source.
- Kion: Make ginger sprays in the room at night to breathe and clear the nose.
- Lemon: Put one drop of lemon in each nostril for nasal congestion. (Manfred,1998).
- Tangerine: Drink tangerine peel tea.
- Vitamin A; drink cod liver oil, necessary for the healing of the mucosa.
- Vitamin C, drink orange juice, lemon, tangerine and grapefruit.
- Vitamin E, drink cod liver oil.
- Water: During the day drink plenty of fluids to thin the airways and reduce inflammation

Oranges Lemons

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A dehydrated child has dry skin, sunken eyes, nausea, lacks strength and mental and
physical fatigue. Dehydration occurs when fluid and minerals needed in the body because the
body eliminates much water you drink. Usually the child becomes dehydrated because of
diarrhea, vomiting, fever, sweating or low fluid intake. Sometimes it can be a symptom of
another disease such as diabetes or Addison's disease. Severe dehydration causes an
abrupt decrease in the levels of salts, minerals and blood (Txumari Alfaro y Pedro Ramos

- Honey and aloe: Prepare one liter of boiled water, then add two tablespoons of honey, ½
teaspoon salt, a bit of baking soda and a little aloe vera juice and mix until dissolved and
drink several times hour.
- Isotonic drinks: If dehydration is mild, recommend the intake of sports drinks to
compensate for levels of sodium and potassium.
- Lemon and baking: Prepare”lemonade alkaline, dissolved in 1 liter of water juice of 2
lemons, one tablespoon of baking soda and sugar to taste (Txumari 2000).
- Mint: Drink the mint tea. Prepare a tablespoon dried mint leaves in a cup of boiling water. It
is preferable to cold infusion.
- Rice: Boil rice for fifteen minutes with water at a ratio of one part rice to 3 of water. Then let
cool, strain and drink the liquid. Drink two or three glasses per day.
- Tomato: Drink tomato juice, you can add a little salt.


When the boy's skin this inflamed one for effects of the use of
the diaper, or of the urine, grounds or mushrooms and
bacterias, an infantile dermatitis takes place. To counteract the
infantile dermatitis it can follow some of these recommendations
(Soldano María 2005):
- Frequently change the diaper to avoid that the area is humid.
- If it is possible, leave nude for a while to the boy.
- Use calcareous oil, oil of kitchen or water tibia to clean the
boy's line without drying up her. The soaps can eliminate the
normal gratitude of the skin.
- To put it face down during the days that the irritation remains.
- Try not to press the area injured as a lot of seated time being.

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- Aloe vera: aloe vera pulp Apply to the affected area several times a
- Juice Healing: Drink one of the following juices: carrot + celery / carrot
+ celery + apple / carrot + celery + beet / carrot + beetroot + cucumber.
- Oatmeal: Add to 1 liter of water 3 tablespoons of oats and heat for 10
minutes over medium heat. Stand for 10 minutes and strain; should
drink the liquid the child 2-3 times a day.
- Oak: Boil two tablespoons of oak bark, crushed in a pint of water for 15
minutes, then strain and cool the decoction. Then soak in linen or wear
gauze cloth as a compress the affected area (Arias,1982)
- Rice: For this type of skin lesions are obtained very good results in
babies when applied to the injured area rice powder (crushed half a
handful of rice) every time you change a diaper


A diabetic child is recognized for his fatigue, weight loss, tingling in hands and feet
(decreased circulation), frequent urination, their desire to eat and very thirsty. Diabetes
mellitus in children is increasing sugar (glucose) levels. The sugar is increased by the lack of
insulin secreted by the pancreas. Insulin converts sugar into energy, as there is little insulin in
the body increases the amount of glucose in the blood. Untreated diabetes can lead to
serious consequences for the health of the person, as difficult to cure infections, gangrene,
visual disturbances, blindness, chronic nerve damage, kidney failure, diarrhea, difficulty
swallowing and heart failure among other conditions (Walter Rodger 2006; Soldano Maria
- Type 1: insulinodependent people. 90% of the cells that produce insulin is destroyed in an
irreversible way, for what should receive injections of insulin every day of its life. It is a
serious affection. The diabetic type 1 are those that develop the illness for that reason
before the 30 years it is also known as the juvenile diabetes.
- Type 2: non insulinodependent people. The pancreas produces insulin, but the organism
develops a resistance to its effects and the result is a deficit insulínico. Although children
and adolescents can suffer it, it is more common in age grown-ups, obese, with high
indexes of cholesterol that don't make physical exercises, with diabetes antecedents in the
family, women that had diabetes during their pregnancy and even some certain ethnoses.
It is controlled with pills, eventual injections of insulin, physical exercise and diet.


- Alfalfa: alfalfa sprouts Eating or drinking juice daily 40 g of fresh leaves.

- Alimentation in 6 times: It suits to distribute the foods of the whole day in many takings (5 -
6 times) and little quantity in each one of them, so that the levels of glucose in the blood
don't show big variations.

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- Artichoke: It reduces the level of sugar in the blood and combat l to diabetes. Drink juice of
the blended artichoke leaves with wine. Decoction of some leaves until reducing the one
liquid in half. Drink a glass per day.
- Alhova: Infusions of Alholva, to make the same thing that the previous one but with milled
seed of alholva and to allow to rest 3 leaves to boil again (Txumari 2000).
- Blueberry: Infusion of leaves of blueberry, spills 2 spoonfuls in ¼ of liter of water boiling and
it is allowed to rest in 10 minutes. Strain and drink half cup to sips or with a tablespoon. To
repeat this remedy twice per week. This makes that it can reduce the dose of insulin
(Txumari 2000).
- Carrots: Carrots Eat regularly.
- Custard apple: Adjusts the level of glucose in the blood, have a satiating effect preventing
hunger. Custard apple Eat regularly.
- Lettuce: Helps lower the blood sugar. 50% decoction of lettuce leaves for 10 minutes. Drink
a couple of glasses per day.
- Oatmeal: The slow absorption of oats allows greater control of sugar levels
no sugar spikes. Also the regular use of oatmeal ignores much of the insulin dose.
- Onion: Boil for half an hour with onion, celery, lemon and cabbage, and then drink to the
discretion several times a day.
- Physical activity: To have an active physical activity of regulating form as swimming,
gymnastics, to jog, etc.
- Pumpkin: Exercises control sugar levels in the body and helps stimulate the production of
the pancreas. Eat pumpkins daily.
- Rice: Rice helps to eliminate water and stabilizes blood sugar levels in the blood to be very
useful for people with diabetes.
- Strawberries: Eating strawberries as they contain small amounts of sugar.
- Tangerine: Eat the white meat beneath the skin and between the segments of tangerine
and should not be discarded.
- Tomatoes: tomato salad with some chopped or crushed garlic.
- Watercress: Infusion of the branches of watercress. Use regularly watercress in salads.


Infantile diarrhea should be treated with home remedies, breast
immediately and very quickly causing weight loss and
dehydration, which becomes difficult to retrieve. A child with
diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain and little desire to eat. When
diarrhea occurs more than 4 to 6 times a day and spend the
second day and have to be alert because this may be an
intestinal infection and must be treated immediately in a home, if
it lasts more than two days go to the doctor immediately.
Diarrhoea is a digestive disorder characterized by an increase in
the number, the softness and volume of evacuations. The causes
can be many: Gastrointestinal infections caused by bacteria,
viruses or parasites; food intolerances; excesses in fruit juices, food poisoning, intoxication,
including enzyme deficiencies. By swell due to infection of the intestine walls, not only does

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not absorb food, but also lose a lot of fluids, which are directed outward with diarrhea. In
children aged six months, the teeth can cause an attack of diarrhea (Santwani and Taylor,
1998; Phyllis Balch, 2,000).

RECOMMENDED BINDING FOOD: cranberry, rice, carrots, bananas (fresh cooked)

apples, yellow or purple potatoes (mashed or baked), lemon peel, flour, beans, yogurt, garlic,
potatoes, white fish, cooked poultry, quince, papaya, pear, pineapple, white toast, radish,
carob seed, buttermilk and lemon, loquat, oats (Jean Carper, Adriana Hassan, 1994)

RECOMMENDED BINDING HERBS: black tea, green tea, chamomile, guava leaves,
plantain leaves, nettle, rosemary, sage, mint, verbena, cash or cashew, lemon balm, anise,
paico, loquat leaves, blackberry leaves, culen, pumpkin pit, ponytail.

PROHIBITED FOODS: Milk and dairy products: milk in all its variables, cheese, etc.. / /
Fruits and Vegetables: Avoid citrus fruits (orange, tangerine, camu camu, kiwi, grapefruit,
lemon, lime, etc). Also almonds, hazelnuts or walnuts. Do not eat raw vegetables, green
vegetables (chard, spinach, lettuce). Avoid eating black bread, for its laxative effect. No
vegetable for its fiber content. / / Do not eat sweets: candies, chocolates, pastries, sugary
foods. / / Cold drinks: Avoid all soft drinks and medicinal mineral waters with gas, coffee,

RECOMMENDED FOOD FOR FASTING: Drink cabbage juice, a glass / / 1 cup plain yogurt /
/ a glass of nettle extract / / extract a cup of plantain / / a glass of green tea / / one cup of
black tea / / Infusion guava / / 2 to 4 cups of chamomile / / 2 to 5 cloves of garlic / / black tea
with lemon / / loquat jam. In cases of bacterial infection or diarrhea or chronic long-term, it is
good to follow the treatments with guava, plantain, nettle, and / or garlic.


- Acorns: Toast some acorns and mash up into powder. Make a decoction of 3 grams per
cup of water.
- Apples: It regulates the intestinal tract. Eat apples early in the morning. (Manfred, 1998).
- Barley: Take 1 pint of barley water. Boil 4 cups of water. When boiling add half cup of barley
and cook for 45 minutes on low heat. Then strain the barley and water separate. Add a
tablespoon of cane sugar and stir well. If you want to add a slice of lemon or a bit of
cinnamon. Take two or three glasses a day quite cold. (Manfred, 1998).
- Carrots: Make a soup of carrots, ½ kilo boiled in water with a little salt for
30 minutes (Txumari, 2000).
- Diet: Take a soft diet such as yogurt, soups, broths, and so on.
- Ginger: Eliminates the Escherichia coli, responsible for most of the diarrhea, especially in
children. Infusion with half a teaspoon of grated ginger dried root.
- Grape: Decoction of vine leaves in water to 5% for ¼ hour. Drink 2 glasses per day.
- Guava: Infusion of 6 sheets and 4 pre-green fruits of guava and mashed
soaked in a liter of warm boiled water. Then let cool and add 8 teaspoons of sugar and a

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teaspoon of salt. Drink a cup with breakfast, lunch and dinner. They also make a decoction
of guava leaves two in a cup of water, drink as drinking water.
- Lemon: alkaline Lemonade is one of the best moisturizers in cases of diarrhea. For disposal
just add, for each liter of boiled water, juice of 2 lemons, one teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of
salt and a bicarbonate. It can be taken as often as you like. Keep it until the symptoms
disappear (Txumari 2000).
- Onions: In cases of diarrhea should take a few cups of the decoction of onion, celery,
lemon and cabbage for half an hour, then drink to the discretion several times per day.
- Papaya: Cut a slice of green papaya, remove seeds and boil in a pint of water for 15
minutes. Add a bit of the resulting liquid to the milk until the diarrhea will subside.
- Plum: Steep three or four prunes in a glass of water overnight. The next morning drink the
water in the glass and eat the plums.
- Pumpkin: Boil a handful and a half of pumpkin leaves per liter of water for 10 minutes. Let
stand for half an hour. Drink four cups per day.
- Strawberry: Drinking three to four cups daily cooking of strawberry leaves.

FOR BABIES: Has astringent value. Make a slurry with banana.

Bottles with carrots boiled for 90 minutes, crushed and passed through the sieve.


° Give your panetela. Toast the rice and then cook the rice roasted twice as much water. Serve
with chopped carrots. Take the cooking and drinking water.
° Give a special diet for children between 2 and 12 years, consisting of cooked rice (add a
little carrot) at lunch and dinner.
° Breakfast, grated apple and black. Give this food during the days of the problem of diarrhea.
It is also good to use ripe bananas. With this power vera panetela and heal the child quickly, not
be necessary to use any pills or medication. Using this formula will save money and time
(Pompa, 1984; Valera, 2009).


For infants (few months), giving the cooking of the barley, is prepared by boiling one tablespoon in a
pint of water for 20 minutes, this remedy is filtered and given.


A child with diphtheria has trouble breathing and eating are swollen
glands in the neck, besides fever, lack of appetite and restlessness.
Diphtheria is a serious infectious and contagious disease of the pharynx,
caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae, characterized by the
appearance of lesions, usually located in nasal mucosa, tonsillar and
laryngeal pharynx, may injure the toxins also sailing in the blood, heart
and nervous system. It can be spread through coughing and
contaminated objects. It is important to emphasize that it is a disease

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that mainly affects children and can be prevented by timely vaccination. If constipation is not correct
(Txumari Alfaro and
Pedro Ramos, 2000).


- Cider vinegar compresses: Apply to the neck of the child a cold compress soaked in cider
vinegar. Change when heated, about every 15 minutes.
- Chamomile compresses: Apply warm compresses of chamomile on the painful area.
- Drink water: You must provide the child with either abundant liquid water, juice, etc. Take a diet
of broths, soups, yogurt, etc.
- Eucalyptus Bath: Take baths with eucalyptus to open the airway and facilitate disposal of
secretions, as well as to improve airflow.
- Lemon: Prepare lemonade in one liter of water with the juice of two lemons. Take the day (1982
° Manfred Arias 1998).
- Pineapple: Take warm pineapple juice in large quantities.
- Sitz baths, take hot sitz baths.
- Wet Wipes: Calmar fever with wet cloths applied to the head and chest while lying down.


When a child is hit or stretching can cause a break or
crack in the joint, separating into two parts, often
permanently .. There are two types of dislocation:
Incomplete, when the bones are separated a bit and
Full, when the bones are separated from everything and
keep in touch (Txumari Alfaro and Pedro Ramos 2000).

The characteristics of a dislocation are:

· Pain intensity; also increase as we try to move the

· Malformation of the dislocated area.
- Inability to move.
- Swelling or inflammation.


- Arnica: Apply a lotion to the affected area with arnica ointment.

- Bands: Avoid moving the affected area with the help of bandages.
- Comfrey: To speed recovery, adding over a gauze soaked in comfrey tea.
- Horsetail: It is recommended for the body to repair bony tissues that are in poor condition,
helps fix calcium. Prepare an infusion of this plant for 30 minutes and drink 2 times per day.

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- Ice: To relieve pain, apply it a bag of ice edges.

- Marshmallow: Apply a compress to a liquid in a decoction of 10 minutes a handful of dried
root in a liter of water.
- Sauce: Decoction of a pinch (1 g) per cup of water. Drink 2 times daily. Note: Do not take if
allergic to aspirin.


Ear pain in children generated their appetite, crying,
insomnia and sometimes fever. In children and babies
pain is not always from infection, then other causes
should be considered as the accumulation of water for
bathing, soap or shampoo retention, or irritation of the
channels by using cotton applicators. Remember that
from the throat to the middle ear is a small tunnel
called the Eustachian tube, there germs can enter
through one ear and cause pain.


- Almond: Add a few drops of almond oil ear pain and placing a small cotton that does not
- Azucena: lily Apply oil to soothe the ear, 3 times per day, a few drops warm (Arias 1982)
- Chamomile: concentrated chamomile infusion Apply a few drops of ear pain by placing a
small cotton so as not to drain.
- Garlic: garlic drops lie diluted to 50%, if more dilute strong solution (Bestic 2004).
- Honey: Apply a drop of honey on the affected ear.
- Hot Cloth: Apply warm washcloth to the ear pain, use a clean cloth and heat it with the iron.
Place the cloth in the ear until it loses heat.
- Milk: For many generations have eased the pain of hearing children by placing a few drops
of milk of women other than his own mother.
- Sauce: An infusion of willow that applied to many other ailments, such as the flu. By having
the sauce the same properties as aspirin (salicin) works great as an analgesic. Remember:
always a small bark per cup of water and bring to the boil. Then consumed in the form of

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A child with eczema (dermatitis) skin has thickened, scaly, red
and sometimes itchy. Eczema are skin inflammations, non-
contagious, dry and this process usually occurs in stages, first
red, then blistering and small scab that eventually go away by
themselves when the skin back to normal.


- Apple vinegar: Apply apple cider vinegar as a compress on the affected area.
- Bankruptcy belly: Make a decoction with a handful of leaves and stems of bankruptcy
belly, then bathe in this solution the affected part, Arias (1982).
- Cabbage: Make a poultice of cabbage and apply on affected area.
- Carrots: Apply a poultice of grated carrot on the affected part.
- Chamomile: Place the affected area gauze soaked in chamomile tea for 15 minutes.
- Clay: clay applying a compress to the affected area.
- Garlic and butter: to prepare an ointment with butter and garlic powder and apply on the
affected area.
- Infusion: To prepare an infusion of Figwort, Nettle and Red Clover, drink it three times
days, for children 3 to 4 tablespoons each feeding and the older half cup.
- Marigold: Make a tea with calendula or comfrey compresses and place over affected area
until it cools. Apply 2 or 3 times per day until the lesion disappears.
- Wheat bran: Make a decoction with 30 g of wheat bran for 3 liters of water, add 2 g of soda.
Apply warm this solution on the skin of the child.
- Watercress: compresses watercress juice purify the affected area and speed recovery. To
prepare the juice, puree of watercress leaves for 15 minutes, the liquid obtained is applied
with a gauze over the eczema and maintained for 15 to 20 minutes. Apply 2 times per day
(Txumari 2000).


When a child convulsing 10 to 20 times a day every day, we face a crisis of childhood
epilepsy. Epilepsy produces seizures, involuntary muscle contractions calls lasting a minute
or two, caused by electrical disturbances in the brain, and also loss of consciousness, falls to
the ground, numbness. The child after the attack of epilepsy does not remember anything has
a memory loss that time.

The seizures are called "crisis" and, according to the intensity of the crisis, may be partial or
generalized and simple or complex.

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Faced with an epileptic fit, you must do the following: Remove the objects may strike the
child. Loosen his clothing that you can press the neck. Do not try to introduce anything into
your mouth to avoid biting the tongue. Do not seek to hold members in seizure. Stay next to

- Artemis: Artemis root, in powder, boil 15 grams in a liter and drink 4 cups daily (arias,
- Digital: Prepare an infusion of digital white flowers in doses of one, three, or four petals
(without ovary) in a cup of water before breakfast, yielding surprising cures. You can put a
little honey (Arias, 1982).
- Elder: Grind the (80 gr) willow bark and make a decoction in a liter of water. Take 4 times a
day, Arias (1982)
- Granadilla: Take 2 granadilla or passion flowers and 300 ml of boiling water to lay the
flowers and make an infusion. Take the infusion.
- Pajarito pito: The best solution, Peruvian remedy. Use the blood of this bird (a teaspoon) is
mixed with two teaspoons of red wine, mix and stir to make a single solution, then give the
child fasting 4 times a year, or every 3 months to see the complete solution . In the case of
children I have observed that with the 4 shots during the year is sufficient. Many testimonies
of children and adults cured in various parts of the country. Consult to give more references.
- Valerian: Valerian Prepare tea or absinthe, follow the same as the above remedy. (Manfred

Infusión Flores de Digital Valeriana


When a child is bleeding from the nose is facing a child epistaxis. This situation is very
common in young children, a majority in males and usually responds to the tiny veins ruptured
by a blow, a strong sneeze, small wounds on the nose and a warm, dry produces dryness of
the nostrils small or fragile veins. (Txumari Alfaro and Pedro Ramos, 2000).

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- Compress: Control of bleeding. While compressed with the tip of one finger the bleeding
nostril applied at the nape of the child a towel soaked in cold water (Txumari 2000).
- Hamamelis: Wet infusion of Hamamelis and placed on the nose with gauze.
- Horsetail: Vacuum steam from a decoction of ponytail, and with the same wash the nose.
- Parsley: Put in the nostril plug of parsley.
- Salicaria: Prepare an infusion of loosestrife, soak in it a little gauze and then applies it in
the nose bleeding (Txumari 2000).
- Santa Maria: Put your head back and put on the pads in front of Santa Maria leaves.
- Seal: Press the nose to keep in the blood.

Hamamelis Perejil Cola de caballo


A child has inflamed skin erysipelas in the form of red plates, hard and hot, especially in the
legs and face. The epidermal Erysipelas is an infection, contagious Erysipelas presents with
severe pain, fever, chills, headache and sometimes vomiting (Txumari Alfaro and Pedro
Ramos 2000).


- Onions: Boil onion and put as a poultice on the affected part (manfred
- Cold packs: Apply cold compresses to the injured area to reduce
discomfort (Txumari 2000).
- Echinacea: Use an infusion of the plant Echinacea helps reduce swelling
and speed recovery, improve skin and reduce associated symptoms.
Practice 2 times per day (Txumari 2000).
- Clothes: Apply wet clothes on his forehead for fever.
- Carrots: Apply to the affected area grated carrot (Manfred 1998).

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A child with fever (38 - 41 °) is hot, flushed, sweaty,
listless and sometimes gives you chills, is a child that
needs attention immediately, so that we can use natural
remedies before going to the doctor and before worsen
the situation.

Fever is the body's immune reaction against infection, is

our system of defense against any disease is the
increase in white blood cells at the site of infection. When
we have no fever virus from any process, then we have the system

Lowered immune defenses or our body does not respond as it should be. Fever occurs in
response to bacterial or viral infections such as pneumonia or influenza, but also to allergic
reactions, cancer, hormonal imbalances, drugs, etc. (Brigo 2005; Reader´s Digest 1971).


- Barley: Eating barley soup once a week. Mix with water, milk or meat broth. (Manfred,
- Barley with Lime: Dilute 5 teaspoons of water of barley in two liters of water. Boil the
mixture until it is half water. Add the juice of a lemon. Take two glasses a day.
- Bath: Bathe the child with warm water to facilitate the loss of calories and reduce body
- Currants: Give one tablespoon currant syrup 2-3 times daily (Txumari 2000).
- Diet: Give it a liquid or semi-liquid diet to compensate for the losses incurred by sweating.
Give them fruit and vegetable juices (Oliveira 2002).
- Feed him well. Fever consumes many calories the body and the child needs to replace
- Honey: For fever, when they start getting teeth, apply on the gums honey
- Light clothes: To not allow the temperature to rise.
- Liquid: Give the child plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration product of sweating which leads
to fever.
- Orange: Dar orange juice several times per day.
- Potatoes: Place the child's sole raw potato slices and fixed with a bandage or sock. Change
2 times a day.
- Rice: Boil rice for fifteen minutes with water at a ratio of one part rice to 3 of water. Then let
cool, strain and drink the liquid. Optionally you can give the patient a tablespoon per cup of
rice flour.
- Sunflower: Add a tablespoon of dried sunflower petals in a cup of boiling water. Let stand
10 minutes. Strain and add a little honey. Take 2-3 teaspoons 3 times a day (Txumari 2000).
- Thermometer: When taking the temperature of the child, remember that the rectal
thermometer must be kept for 1 minute, 3 minutes oral and axillary for 4 minutes.
- Towels: When you have a fever put a warm wet cloth, starting at the head and ending in the

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feet, forehead, chest, belly, thighs and legs.

- Watermelon: watermelon juice is very useful for patients who have fever.

Cebada con limón Agua de Arroz Grosellas


Influenza in children is very easy to recognize, especially

the first day, when only a runny nostrils. The second day
of the seventh day is the combination of mucus and
cough (fever and chills), plus fatigue. Influenza is an
acute viral infection in the airways triggered by influenza
viruses, is highly contagious and occurs mainly in the
winter months. It is spread through coughing and
sneezing (Brigo 2005).
"The cold is characterized by symptoms of congestion in
the upper respiratory tract, while the flu is manifested in a
general congestion box, with a feeling of depression, high
fever and even pains in the bones. Although this
difference is not easy to distinguish one disease from
another. “Source: A Practical Guide”


- Apple: It is expectorant. Take in infusion 15 grams of dry flowers of

apple for liter of water. Take three glasses a day.
- Alfalfa: For flu and colds, it is recommended that an infusion of 10
grams of flowers of alfalfa in a liter of water. (3 or 4 times per day.)
- Citric juice: orange, lemon and grapefruit: During the day it can
accompany with this juice rich in vitamin C. Join in a glass a so much of
orange, lemon and grapefruit (mandarin), boil, cool and take. A daily
dose of three glasses is recommended for the adults and a glass for the
children. It can take any day that the patient has flu.
- Coriander: Prepare a coriander infusion distributed along four or belt
daily takings after the food.
- Elder: Prepare an infusion of; 30 gr. of elder; 500 gr. of water. Make to

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boil and to rest, to take it 3 times a day.

- Eucalyptus: If it has an essential oil of eucalyptus; include some
- Garlic: One of the most important foods with antiviral properties that
may be helpful in reducing exposure. Garlic is able to fight many
bacteria including certain viruses such as influenza virus. It also
cleanses the mucous membranes of the lungs, nose and throat
keeping germ free. It is important to consume at the first sign, cut into
pieces and grind them as a paste, then place it in an empty capsule
and small, then clean the outside of the capsule so that the child may
not feel the smell of garlic and take it without complaining, this
treatment is recommended for children over 5 years. Take one capsule
before bedtime.
- Garglings: Cook 20 gr. of elder, for 100 gr. of water.
- Kion: It alleviates the fever or the nasal and pectoral congestion. Take
in infusion of a spoonful of the dry root of kion for glass of water. To take a couple of
glasses a day. To add the juice of half lemon for potenciar their value / other formulates: To
boil lemon juice and of kion he/she makes expectorate the loaded chest, and to reduce the
fever, to add a spoonful of honey. / to suck the candies of kion kof kof that are good for the
throat / to Prepare this new one formulates, the kion infusion in a glass with a teaspoon of
salt will be effective when alleviating the pain. It is recommended to take it in the mornings
in you fast and before going to bed. If it formulates it it is strong for the children to diminish
the doses until arriving to an appropriate dose.
- Kion juice with salt: Prepare juice and kion, a spoonful for the adults, but and it pinches of
salt and to take; if it doesn't tolerate the flavor, to dilute a point more. He/she can take 3
times a day among foods. If they are children to take diluted, a so much of kion juice, with a
so much of boiled water (2 points). it is good not to leave the house and zahumar the
environment to avoid the infection. It is recommended to take it in the mornings in you fast
and before going to bed.
- Liquid: Offer to their son abundant liquid; include soups and fruit juices that not only
moisturize it, but they also nurture it.
- Mandarin: Eat mandarin during the winter months and in the seasonal changes
- Mango: Infusion of a spoonful of dry flowers of mango for glass of water. A couple of daily
- Oatmeal: Contains zinc which boosts the immune system, making it convenient to eat oats
in abundance.
- Onion drops: Apply to children under 10 years: 1 to 2 drops for babies with a drop in the
nasal cavity swab. This would cause the elimination of the virus and expectoration of mucus
in quantity, accompanied by a very strong sensation of heat (not to be uncovering is
important). Those who believe that a dose is not sufficient to apply this treatment twice. In
case of children is good in bed and not go out to the highest temperature for at least half an
hour until the body recovers its normal temperature. It can also be taken in combination,
together with the onion juice lemon juice and two tablespoons of warm honey. This
treatment should be used promptly and only the first day of the flu when they are runny
nose, and will definitely eliminate the flu.
- Salad antitusiva of 7 vegetables: A very advisable feeding is to eat in the day this plate
antigripal (cough). Prepare a so much of cress, betarraga, onion, lettuce, turnip, parsley and
radish; at the end to add a clove of garlic. If you want, you can pour some lemon and salt

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(not advisable) to improve its flavor. All the family can eat it like part of their daily menu until
observing well-being. It can also be taken as an extract mixing the whole ingredients. It can
be a good form of feeding for these unfortunate days (to substitute to the foods of the day,
only up to 2 - 3 days).
- Watercress: Drink slowly before going to bed a hot cup of the mixture of 100 grams of
watercress juice (extracted by bruising the leaves) with a glass of milk and honey to taste.


Nowadays, there are many sick children that occur when
feeding with food allergens. There are some foods that
produce allergies in children, allowing an exaggerated
response of the immune system. Foods with a greater
capacity to produce allergy are: egg, soy milk, fish, fruit
(avocado, banana, kiwi, pineapple, melon, grapes and
oranges lesser measures and apples), nuts (cashews,
walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds) and chocolate. The
discomfort that may result are highly variable, but
generally predominate rhinitis, urticaria, asthmatic
reactions, inflammation of the throat with difficulty
breathing, headaches, digestive disturbances. The ideal is
to know the cause in order to avoid the food, but meanwhile we can treat the symptoms and
strengthen the body's defenses (Txumari Alfaro and Pedro Ramos 2000).

Some of the good foods are grapes, apricots, cantaloupe, spinach or chicory.


- Avoid dairy products. (Singh, 2004).

- Cat's Claw: In principle, improve your overall health and strengthen its defenses against
infection taking Cat's Claw as water time allowed as long as the child is older than 2 years. In
1 liter of water, add ½ tablespoon flour Cat's Claw and deciding upon decoction for 10
minutes. Allow to cool. If not tolerate the bitter taste, sweetened with honey. It is
recommended to be used alone.
- Fish: Fish should be slightly cooked.
- Ginseng Liquid: Drink each day mixed with a few drops of food.
- Helicrisio: One of the most effective herbs for allergy.
- Meat: Eating organic meat (no hormone-fed), lightly cooked and tender.
- Lavender: very effective herb used in the form of essence for sublingual absorption.
- Recognized herbs with antiallergic action: black currant, Mirtilo, Nettle Green
Thyme, Wild thyme, Fumaria, Green Nettle, Echinacea, Ginseng, Yarrow, Borage
- Recommended food: chard, chicory, apricots, melons and grapes.
- Soy Milk: Soy Milk from naturally prepared in the same soybeans (Txumari, 2000).

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- Stinging nettle: Eat in salads, ½ a kilo a day (Singh, 2004).

- Swab: Use it as essence for sublingual absorption.Liquids: Drink fluids either in soups, teas,
- Vegetables and Fruits: Eat lightly cooked. Eat small amounts but more often, so that the
activity of the digestive and immune system is more balanced. In the case of fruit, it is noted
that children with allergies are prone to develop new ones, so we should not give tropical fruit


When a child has a break or crack of bone, this is called bone fracture; happens for a fall or
blow. In general, children are less likely to have bone fractures flexible than in the case of a
fracture course these heal quickly. How to recognize an acute fracture pain and inability to
move the affected limb and are always accompanied by swelling and sometimes deformity. It
is important to see a doctor at the center under suspicion because the pain can be
excruciating for the child (Phyllis Balch 2,000).


- Clavicle Fracture: When children fall off shoulders. The child has difficulty moving the arm.
To fix it and prevent it from moving enough to put his hand on the belt or hanging the arm of
a neck scarf (Txumari 2000)
- Egg Shell White: Prepare an egg night clean immersed in a cup of lemon juice. The next
morning before breakfast you have to drink all or part of the liquid to surround the egg white.
Doing it for 15 days. One day does and another doesn’t.
- For a Speedy Recovery: Eating calcium-rich products like milk, cocoa, yogurt, nuts, and so
- Rib fracture: does not cause deformity, but no pain when breathing. To reduce discomfort
simply apply a piece of tape and seek medical advice (Txumari 2000).
- Wrist Fracture: As is common especially in the case of falls to rest your hands on the floor.
To fix the forearm or wrist, fasten the trunk with a handkerchief, fastened around the neck
(Txumari 2000).


Fungi quickly located in wetlands, such as feet, armpits, hands, scalp and cause itching and
flaking of the skin. They are easy to infect other children, but that one must be careful to not
expand fungi. Fungi are very easy to transmit to other children unless we adopt a series of
measures (Txumari Alfaro and Pedro Ramos 2000).

• Maintain clean, dry skin, frequent washing with water and soap.

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· Drying very careful of the skin, especially to areas of folds.

• Maintain skin everything outdoors.
° Change diapers in young children, using disposable diapers for single use.
° Change socks daily, and avoid closed shoes all day to keep your foot warm and humid.
° Use clean towels; preferable to be for personal use.
° in the showers and restrooms, use plastic sandals or flip flops.
° If you have to use inhaled steroid sprays (asthma and so on) Spacer using inhalation
chambers and rinse your mouth after inhalations.
• Do not scratch the lesions to prevent spread of contamination to other areas.


- Cinnamon: Getting a foot washing liquid with the infusion of two teaspoons of cinnamon.
- Garlic: Garlic eliminates fungi. Rubbing the skin.
- Infusion of Chamomile and walnut: Make some chamomile tea and walnut, add a
spoonful of chamomile and apply to the affected area with gauze.
- Lemon: Soak the affected area with lemon juice and let it slowly dries.
- Onion: Eat onions, mushrooms combat.
- Salt: Prepare footbaths the hottest possible with 3 glasses of water and 1 glass of salt, if
you want to add garlic. Pour into a tray and put your feet in the water boiled, which is as hot
as possible. Repeat several times. See video on, look there as Jorge Valero
toenail fungus. This treatment is very good for the mold on the toes, especially thick and
brown fingernails. It is advisable to file the nails.
- Walnut: Mix one tablespoon of finely chopped leaves of walnut with a cup of cold water.
Bring to boil and then simmer 5 minutes. Strain and soak a gauze in the liquid, then apply it
to the affected area. Practicing this operation 2 times a day (Txumari, 2000).

Limón Ajo Cebolla

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When your gums are swollen, tender and bleeding
(sometimes there are ulcers) we have a problem in children,
is called gingivitis. Gingivitis is an upset. Is primarily linked to
a defective or incorrect oral hygiene, which facilitates the
formation of the so-called plaque, which is formed by the
accumulation of food debris, dead skin cells and mucin. This
plaque provides an ideal medium for the development of
many organisms responsible for causing gingivitis and tooth
decay. They also contribute in the development of gingivitis
accumulation of plaque, poor dental work, improper closing of the teeth and the accumulation
of food debris between the teeth (Txumari Alfaro and Pedro Ramos 2000).


- Agrimony: Gargling with agrimony, pour boiling water, 2 ¼ teaspoons of agrimony and rest
for 10 minutes. Gargling 2 to 3 times per day (Txumari, 2000).
- Betonica: Infusions of Beton, to gargle with this tea the same as before.
- Hygiene: Have a perfect oral hygiene to prevent plaque.
- Tormentilla: tormentilla infusions, do the same as above (Txumari 2000).


The gums of babies suffer much when the first teeth, also in
children when their teeth are loose. The gums are the basal part
of the teeth. The gums are a red skin type to have many blood
vessels and releases many secretions that protect the base of
the teeth. The gums around the roots of the teeth so when
altered can be annoying and even affect the tooth and lead to


- Avocado: Grind the leaves of the avocado and rubbing the gums for several minutes.
(Manfred 1998).
- Blackberry: Prepare an infusion of blackberry leaves, adding a spoonful of it into a pot of
boiling water, let it be applied with a gauze pad over the inflamed gingiva (Txumari 2000).
- Encina: Prepare in a bottle of red wine over 20 grams of dried leaves over 10 drops
Medical hydrochloric acid (see pharmacies), a marinated in a week, then filter and gargling
or rinsing twice per day (bleeding gums).
- Grade blood: Pour 5 drops in a cup of warm water, then gargle.
- Honey: Honey rubbing the affected area.

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- Lemon: 3 see Gargle daily with lemon juice can also be diluted in a little water for your
- Marshmallow: For gum problems and the departure of the first baby teeth in them a stick of
marshmallow to suck and avoid pain.
- Matico: Prepare an infusion in a cup of boiling water with a sheet of nuances, let stand an
hour as a gargle.
- Oak: Add a tablespoon of dried oak bark to a cup of cold water. Boil for 5 minutes and rest.
Apply a gauze pad over the painful area 3 times a day, can also gargle without swallowing
the liquid.
- Olive Oil: soothes sore gums when teething in infants. Make rubbings of the gums with a
little olive oil. It is recommended for babies.
- Salt and hydrogen peroxide: Mix two teaspoons of salt and two teaspoons of hydrogen
peroxide in a glass of hot water. Gargle.
- Salvia: Make an infusion of sage and make mouthwash 3 times daily. This plant disinfects
and relieves. (Manfred, 1998).
- Tara: Pour 10 grams of leaves and fruits in a liter of cold water for 24 hours in summer and
48 in winter. Gargle
- Vitamin C: Eating grapefruit + orange + lemon.


A child who has headache is a trouble child, is a problem that must be fought. It's a baby who
cries a lot. Generally, children have the same kind of headaches as adults. And headaches
often are hereditary, so if you or your partner get this kind of pain, it is possible that your son
(or daughter) also develops.

- Barley: Boil ¼ kilo of barley in one liter of water until the grains are
soft. Then remove from heat, mash until inconsistent form a paste,
which is passed through pressure a canvas. After filtration, the liquid
boil again until evaporate a third of the volume. Drink as an infusion.
- Lavender: Take a water bath of Lavender for the relaxing of body.
- Massage: Make a gentle massage of peppermint oil or oregao on the
temple and forehead.
- Mint: Inhaling the fumes of oil of rosemary, with the help of a towel
(Txumari 2000).
- Oregano: Inhaling the vapors of rosemary essence, with the help of a
towel (Txumari 2000).
- Rosemary: Inhaling the vapors of rosemary essence, with the help of a
towel. Take baths as an option.
- Salvador Candies: It's a sweet sage that helps cerebral circulation
and relieves headaches, very good for babies with this problem. View

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Heat stroke occurs when a person is exposed to high temperatures for

a while and your body fever rises above 40 º C. To lower body
temperature, begins to sweat but excessive sweating causes loss of
fluids, salts and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of the
body. The lack of fluid makes the system fail to regulate the
temperature and may take the person to unconsciousness (Txumari
Alfaro and Pedro Ramos 2000).


- Bath: We recommend a cool water bath, not cold - or cold compresses to cool the body.
- Clothes: Dress your child in clothing, the whiter the better, cool and cover the head.
- Rice: Boil rice for fifteen minutes with water at a ratio of one part rice to 3 of water. Then let
cool, strain and drink the liquid. Drink two or three glasses a day.
- Water: Give natural juices or water before you ask the kids (Txumari 2000).


An hematoma can also be called a contusion or bruise. These lesions are caused by an act
violently crashing against our bodies, appearing an area of our different skin color, due to an
accumulation of blood produced by the rupture of small blood vessels. Small hematomas are
common among children by the blows that often occur. Extensive hematomas are the result
of hard knocks. Our skin is not broken, thanks to its elasticity, which is produced is internal
bleeding. Symptoms include pain in the affected area, swelling, and change the color of skin
pinkish start, then change still bluish color, the days will be yellow-green and finally as our
skin heals return to its normal color.


- Ice: After receiving a blow on the affected area apply a bag of ice cubes. This causes blood
vessels to close and leave no blood.
- Marigold: Make an infusion by mixing one cup of boiled water with a tablespoon of
calendula, and apply a gauze soaked for 15 minutes on the affected area (Txumari 2000).
- Meat: Apply cold steak on the weak areas such as eyelids, cheeks, face, etc..

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Hielo Carne Caléndula


If your child has a wound with blood that flows and springs and does not stop or no bleeding,
those with a child who has hemophilia. Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder or coagulation,
disorder transmitted by the women but only men have it. Proper clotting of blood helps
prevent excessive bleeding. Symptoms include bruising mainly in the body, bleeding easily,
bleeding into a joint, can cause pain, immobility, and eventually deformity if not treated the
right way, bleeding into the muscles can cause swelling, pain and redness: bleeding from
injury or cerebral hemorrhage, is the most common cause of death in children with
hemophilia, and finally there are other sources of bleeding: blood in urine or stool may also be
a symptom of hemophilia (Txumari Alfaro and Pedro Ramos 2000).

Natural Treatment:

- Alfalfa: Drink the juice of the tender alfalfa (shoots), with breakfast and a daily basis.
- Ambrosia: Prepare a 2% infusion of leaves and flowers, to stand for 10 minutes and take 3
cups daily.
- Artichoke, lemon and onion, eat in salads or cooked (Ballbach.)
- Avoid taking aspirin, which produces more bleeding.
- Bolsa de pastor: Prepare infusions Pastor Bag in a cup of boiled water add one tablespoon
of this herb. Stand for 10 minutes and half a glass. Take it from time to time (Txumari 2000).
- Garden salad: Take a salad of broccoli, cauliflower, spinach (other green vegetables), as
part of their lunch, on a daily basis.
- Ice pack: Apply over swollen joints to soothe pain and reduce bleeding and then be
submerged in a tub of warm water for a soothing effect. During the episode of bleeding
avoid hot or warm water as this (heat) makes blood flow more. The b years jacuzzi also help
relieve pain.
- Infusions Pie Mix a dash of lion, Yarrow and Horsetail with ¼ water boiled. Let stand and
distribute it in 4 times daily. Drink it for 3 days at 15.
- Juices: Include in your diet liver and egg yolk,
- Lemon: Take half cup of lemon juice can be diluted with a little water.
- Medium Plantain (Plantago media L) / plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.): Take an
infusion of 5%, after boiling the solution stand for about 20 minutes. Take 3 cups a day.

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It is a situation that causes a loss of blood, which can be
internal (when blood leaks from blood vessels inside the
body), for a natural orifice of the body (vagina, mouth or
rectum) or external through a break in the skin. The major
bleeding should be treated urgently to prevent blood loss
and promotes heart failure and cerebral oxygenation, etc.
Signs and symptoms of bleeding depend on the organ
involved and the amount of blood lost, among them we
have pallor, cold sweating, tachycardia, weak pulse,
agitation, tachypnea, weakness, decreased body
temperature, hypotension and loss of consciousness
(Txumari Alfaro and Pedro Ramos 2000).


- Alfalfa: Ingestion of 50 grams of fresh juice of the leaves of alfalfa, divided into two doses,
will help stop the flow of blood. Apply a wet cotton with the liquid from the infusion of a
spoonful of dried alfalfa plant per cup of water.
- Arterial bleeding, a bandage should be applied so strong but always watching the color
and skin temperature below the wound.
- Cayenne pepper (powder): Apply the powder on the wound.
- Cotton: Burning a piece of cotton on a spoon and then plug the piece extracted for dental
- Clay: clay plasters or Apply cold compresses to the external bleeding.
- Coffee: Eating roasted and ground by inches.
- Dandelion: Take the root and leaves infusion of 5%, 3 cups daily. Also include the leaves in
salads. Only anal bleeding.
- Fig: Spray two figs, mixed with honey and wheat and would make a dough, then apply the
mass in the anal bleeding.
- Horsetail: Suck up the nose (nasal bleeding), the cooking of a ponytail. For bleeding from
the vein can be used as a compress on the affected part. (Manfred 1998).
- Infusion: Make drinks celery, mugwort (Artemis), and valerian. Take three times a day
throughout the month.
- Internal bleeding, you have to remove the child in a safe position, lying with his head tilted,
legs up and knees loosened, but rather warm.
- Lemon: Take lemon juice for internal bleeding. Serve with cold water rubbing with a towel
around the body to stimulate the functioning of the skin.
- Malva: Rinse with the cooking of mauve, when dental extractions.
- Onion: onion juice aspirate the nose for nose bleeds.
- Small hemorrhages, should be compressing the wound with gauze for 10 minutes (Txumari

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- Tea: Put one tea bag in boiling water, then squeeze and remove water and allow to cool,
then put the bag on the wound until 30 minutes in the dental extractions. Wheels: Take on
an empty stomach without an infusion of plantain liquefied vein, preferably for three days.
- Yarrow: Make a decoction of 10%, boil 10 minutes and apply as a compress on the
bleeding of the veins in his part. Also for anal bleeding, take an infusion of 5%, 3 cups a


When a child's stools are pale (white), the eyes are yellow, has a dark urine also has fever,
weakness, vomiting, nausea, headache and loss of appetite, these face a major problem,
your child has hepatitis. Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver by a viral infection. The liver
can not perform its functions including removing bilirubin, a substance that accumulates in the
blood and give the typical yellow color of skin and mucous membranes known as jaundice. Its
cause may be infectious (viral, bacterial, and so on), Immunological (for auto-antibodies) or
toxic (eg alcohol, poisons or drugs) (Phyllis Balch 2,000).

- Absolute Rest: Facilitate recovery.

- Artemis: Apply poultice of fresh leaves of crushed sage and a little vinegar.
- Artichoke: Infusion of two tablespoons of artichoke leaves per liter of water. Drink three
times daily before meals. A preparation of green leaf juice mixed with wine.
- Artichoke Soup: It is made with the liquid resulting from cooking the chopped artichokes.
- Avoid: Do not eat figs, grapes and beans.
- Barley: Drink soft drinks such as barley water or serum.
- Coco: Drink twice a day a glass of coconut water.
- Compress: Apply warm compresses to the abdomen once a day.
- For Hotness: Gives good results to rub on the skin with gauze soaked in a splash of vinegar
diluted in a glass of water.
- Fruit: eat some of them: Make cure strawberries, melon eating daily, also oranges.
- Juice: Drink beet juice, carrot, celery, cucumber or tomato.
- Light Diet: As fruit juice, porridge, dairy purees, etc.
- Milk, Radish: Drink a sip a glass of warm milk to which is added a large radish, grated and
rested for ten minutes
- Olive Oil: Mix a quarter cup of olive oil with an equal amount of lemon juice or orange drink
slowly two hours after dinner.
- Teas: Piperita mint, Chamomile, boldo for bladder function (Txumari, 2000).

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A hernia in children is a very delicate situation, you have to run to the doctor immediately. But
in the meantime can we give advice outlined below. A hernia occurs when an internal organ
protrudes as a relief through a small opening in the muscles or tissue that contains it. Hernias
can develop anywhere on the body but are most common in the abdominal area. The
abdominal cavity is covered with a layer of muscles that holds the organs in place. If a
segment of the muscle wall is weakened, it can hover for a portion of an organ. When a
hernia is not treated, there is the possibility of developing a strangulation of the protruding
organ. Strangulated hernias, are dangerous because they block the body that stands to
generate serious infections (Soldano Maria 2005).


- Important food: it can take a soft diet to avoid heartburn.

- Aloe vera: drink a quarter cup of aloe vera, one in the morning and once before bed.
- Avoid foods: spicy foods, fats, fried foods, coffee, tea and colas
- Carrot + Celery: Drink juice before bedtime.
- Carrot + Spinach: Drink before bedtime.
- Carrot + Cucumber + Celery + spinach: Drink before bedtime
- Castor bean: Drink an infusion of castor seeds.
- Clay: applying cold poultices of clay (one inch thick) on hernias with no more than two
years. the pads must be resistant to several weeks of use, change the clay every 5 hours.
- You must hold the hernia when there is change of plaster, and the patient should not
move. Serve with gentle massage with olive oil + garlic on the patient's hernia, which must
be lying in bed.
- Comfrey + marshmallow + ulmaria: Prepare an infusion with these herbs in equal parts,
and drink it as drinking water, even at night.
- Gingerbread tree: Apply the latex in the form of plasters for sore area (Brack 1999).
- Mauve compress: Put warm compresses of mauve.
- Malva: twice per day rub the belly with purple leaves.
- Molle + matico: Apply a hot poultice molle and nuances in the painful area.
- Sage, rosemary, fennel, dill or mint: Drink the infusion of some of these plants.
- Truss: To enter the hernias to your site, should lie on your back with legs drawn up, then
made to wear a brace to make it smooth and uniform pressure.


When a child has painful blisters filled with fluid in the mouth and lips, then dried and leave no
scar, we are facing a second-order problem known as shingles. Herpes is a common viral
infection caused by a group of viruses, the common cold and herpes zoster. The common
cold causes painful lesions around the mouth in the form of cold (cold). Herpes Zoster affects

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mainly adults and is more common in the genital region, also produces chickenpox. The
episodes of recurrent herpes virus does not produce general symptoms such as fever. It is
limited only to the affected area. The contagion disappears when the crusts are replacing the
blisters on the skin (Brigo 2005


- Acedera: Apply poultice of fresh acedera leaves.

- Carrots: Apply the green leaves of the carrot poultice.
- Chard: Apply poultice of fresh leaves of spinach.
- Clay: Make a poultice and applied medical clay in the affected area to leave the sick (James
- Eggfruit: Apply the eggfruit latex on the affected areas.
- Eggplant: Use as a poultice the leaves of eggplant on the affected part (Balbach)
- Flowers Cress: Apply poultice of fresh leaves of nasturtium flowers.
- Lime: Apply pustules water compresses with lemon juice, changed two or three times during
the day. Enough to sustain a simple dressing.
- Peach: Wash with peach water.
- Recommended Fruit: Peach.
- Valerian: To relieve pain and speed the maturation of the vesicles and prevent infection
from scratching added are very useful restrooms of valerian, another hippuric and passion
flower over.
- Walnut: Drink walnut-leaf tea. Apply the drying oil of the nuts on herpes Balbach)

Acedera Acelga Limón Durazno


Hiccups are an involuntary spasm of the diaphragm, often repetitive and several times per
minute. Is a series of spasmodic contractions, sudden and involuntary inspiratory muscles,
primarily the diaphragm, followed by a sudden closure of the glottis, resulting in a peculiar and
characteristic sound.

Ordinary hiccups are cured easily, in most cases heal themselves. Among the most common
home remedies include: frighten children or babies affected by hiccups also alter the breath
holding their noses, and covered with it, wait until the hiccups cease. Another good option is

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to make the patient laugh. By laughing, the containment of air causes the hiccups stop. A very
effective way that is inspiring but it will go and then retain the air without exhaling for 40
seconds, arms and hands should be stretched upward as if trying to touch something, if it
were possible to reach a door frame with fingers or palms touching the frame must be lifted
slightly forward, leaving the arms all the way back of his head.


- Anise: Drink an infusion of anise.

- Breathing: Hold your breath.
- Celery: Drink the infusion (Brack 1999).
- Chamomile: Drink some chamomile tea.
- Child Language: Pull the tongue of a child with force.
- Dry Bread: Food and swallowing dry bread (older children).
- Dill or oak: Drink a dill infusion after meals (Arias 1982).
- Fennel: Drink an infusion of fennel.
- Hippuric: Drink an hippuric infusion.
- Lemon: Squeeze a few drops of lemon on a spoon of sugar and take immediately. If
hiccups persist to drink half a teaspoon of lemon juice without sugar.
- Linden: Drink a lime infusion
- Sugar: Eat a spoonful of sugar.
- Valerian: Make an infusion of valerian.
- Water: Gargling with water. Drink a glass of water in crouched position.


Symptoms of hives are easy to recognize, as skin becomes red, hot and very itchy, which
occurs through insect bites or by contact with nettles or allergic actions (extension
greater).Hives is an immune response leading to areas of skin become inflamed.


- Ephedra Tea: Used as a tea or applying also locally with gauze. For prepare to mix a
teaspoon of ephedra with a cup of boiling water, stand 10 minutes and drink ½ cup 2 times
per day (Txumari, 2000).
- Escaramujo: Boil a pint of pure wine vinegar and pour into a bottle with a handful of fresh
petals rosehips, cover the bottle for two weeks. Then strain the liquid and soak into a cotton
ball and apply on the affected area or irritated.
- Nettle tea: Mix one tablespoon of nettle tea with a cup of boiling water, and
cook for 5 minutes. Take ½ cup of the liquid in the morning and at night. Also can be applied
to injured areas.

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- Urine: Apply to the affected area with fresh urine touches or to frictions with care (Txumari
- Warm water bath: A very simple remedy, can help reduce the itching (Txumari 2000).

Té de Ortiga Té de Efedra


When a child has high cholesterol (fat) may have two problems,
one is overweight and the other is to have a poor diet (junk food),
the two problems can be solved, the first is to lose weight at an
appropriate and in the case of the second problem is to leave the
poor food, change the style of food to a more convenient, being a
vegetarian for example. Cholesterol is a fat that is part of the
bloodstream, but when there in abundance is a problem for the
heart since heart disease develops.


- Artichoke: Reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. Infusion of two tablespoons of
artichoke leaves per liter of water. Drink three times daily before meals. A preparation of
green leaf juice mixed with wine artichoke (Txumari 2000).
- Alfalfa: Eat alfalfa sprouts. Lowers cholesterol levels, to improve its effectiveness, combined
with soil recommend fish oil or soy lecithin.
- Antioxidants: food consumption Stress antioxidants that destroy free radicals: such as
fruits, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, green leafy vegetables and whole grain products.
- Celery: To lower cholesterol can be eaten fresh juice of the celery plant.
- Chicken, Turkey: Avoid beef, pork or lamb. Prefer chicken (organic), turkey (organic) or fish
- Diet: Eat a diet rich in fiber and low in fat, avoiding saturated and trans fats such as butter,
margarine, oil, processed foods, fried foods, etc..

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- Eggplant: Eat plenty of eggplant, including tea, mushrooms.

- Essences: The oily essences of lavender and neroli have soothing properties that reduce
stress. Use either individually or combined, add them to your bath water or massage oil.
- Important food: apples, bananas, carrots, dried beans, garlic, onions, grapefruit and olive
- Infusions: Prepare linden tea and horsetail, as the former has a sedative effect vasodilator
and blood fluidizing addition, the second contains silicon, which stimulates the regeneration
of elastic fibers in the arterial walls.
- Juices: Prepare the juices: carrot, spinach, turnip, WATERCRESS, cucumber, celery, do it
in extractor or blender, we recommend eating them once or twice daily. Do not eat any
peanuts, except walnut that can be consumed in moderation.
- Oatmeal: Eat plenty of oats to lower bad cholesterol (LDL).
- Rice: Eat brown rice and red yeast rice lower their LDL cholesterol levels in the blood,
increase HDL and lower triglycerides


When his child (2 to 5 years) see blisters around the mouth or nose (arms and legs), which
then dries and becomes a scab to break out one liquid filled with pus, is a sign that their child
has impetigo. Impetigo is a contagious superficial infection that develops in the skin,
produced by microorganisms in areas previously damaged by mosquito bites, cuts or
scratches. The microorganisms that are deposited in the injury and cause impetigo are
staphylococci and streptococci.

It spreads through contact with affected people or with contaminated objects. Scratching the
affected area of the body.


- Aloe vera: Apply aloe vera gel or aloe on vesical particles.

- Calendula, Echinacea: Prepare baths infused with Calendula and Echinacea.
Select one of these plants and prepare an infusion from 3-4 concentrated
teaspoons of the plant to ½ liter of boiling water and add to the bathroom do. Practice this
mix every day, its effect is antiseptic and pain reliever.
- Carrot + Orange: Drink as juice, is a great lifter defenses.
- Cat's Claw / Echinacea / thyme: Drink any of them to lift the patient's defenses.
- Clothing sick and wash separately in boiling water. The other family members should
wash with germicidal soap.
- Dandelion or nettles: Drink as drinking water to cleanse the liver or kidneys.
- Food: Giving your child foods rich in vitamins A and C as oranges,
carrots, vegetables, salad with yogurt.

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- Garlic: Garlic is useful in relieving constant itching caused by this disease. Must be
crushed and spread on irritated areas. Also p or its antibacterial properties,
may be given to children and crushed raw garlic in capsules so you do not feel
the taste.
- Hygiene: Cleaning up a few times per day the affected skin areas with antiseptic soap and
plenty of water. Dry pressing gently with the towel.
- Turnip: Include pieces of pickled radish and then eat.
- Oranges, lemon, mandarin, grapefruit: Prepare a mixture of 3 fruits, equal contributions,
boil and take them (vitamin C).
- Vitamin E: Apply vitamin E oil on the blisters.


After eating their food your child feel full, has nausea,
dizziness and oppressive pain, is a sign of indigestion
(dyspepsia). When you eat too much or too fast you have a
burning sensation in the upper abdomen. There are also
heartburn and vomiting (Phyllis Balch 2,000).


- Carrots: Using flowers in decoction for indigestion.

- Comfrey: Drink an infusion or decoction of comfrey root.
- Grapefruit: Drink the infusion of grapefruit peel.
- Hot Water: Place a hot water bottle to ease the pain (Txumari 2000). Infusion: In case of
nervousness, use an infusion of valerian, lavender, rosemary and chamomile.
- Massage: Make a massage oil with garlic, you can get at a health food store or do not crush
some garlic cloves on a compress, apply in the upper abdomen in a circular motion.
- Recommended fruit: Datil, priest of lemons, apples and avocado (Balbach).
- Recommended Vegetables: eggplant and asparagus.
- Teas: Raspberry, Peppermint, or Parsley made with a tablespoon of fresh leaves of this
plant (Txumari 2000).
- Tisane for indigestion: Prepare: 5 gr. anise, 10 gr. Chamomile, 2 gr. wormwood 1 liter of
water. Cook and rest. Drink 5 cups per day.
- Ulmaria Infusions: Helps soothe the stomach, improve their activity and reduce symptoms.

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When you find inflamed areas in the child, to be seen whether these are related to infection
developed by the invasion of germs (bacteria, viruses, fungi). Germs are often directly
contaminate wounds or cuts or indirectly as food contaminated droplets by coughing or
sneezing a sick person. Sometimes the pollution is intense and the inflammation appears as
hepatitis, dermatitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, meningitis. In any infection is to help our defenses
to kill germs and avoid spreading it to others (Phyllis Balch 2,000).


- Cat's Claw / Echinacea / thyme: Drink it to raise the defenses.

- Celery + Carrot + beetroot: Drink the juice in the morning.
- Contrast Baths: Maybe for the feet, arms or entire body once a week, use lukewarm water
hot and cold after a few seconds (do 2-3 times a day).
- Col / onion: Drink the cabbage juice. A tablespoon or onion (one tablespoon)
- Fruit: Drink the juice of apples, grapes, blueberries, peaches, strawberries, plums, for
breakfast, a fruit at a time.
- Garlic: Drink it regularly and for stimulate the defenses against germs. It can also be used
externally or extract its oil. Orange, lemon, tangerine or grapefruit: Prepare a juice with
these 3 fruits, in equal parts, boil and drink (vitamin C).
- Thyme, Wormwood and Echinacea: It is done in infusions to gargle (infections of the
mouth, pharynx, and so on) Eat from time to time, or also applied externally (Txumari 2000).
- Verbena, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Rosemary and Lavender: They are also very good.


When a child does not sleep, nor his mother asleep,
or sleeping at night but wake up many times or not
your 12 hours sleep at night. There are babies who
sleep well during the day and night play, these
rhythms have changed. Other babies have a light
sleeper and any noise awakens him, and few can
not sleep alone. It is good to combat the problem of
insomnia in children with natural treatments for
which we have a number of useful tips before going
to visit the doctor.

- Alfalfa: Eat alfalfa sprouts.
- Apple: Eat an apple before bed. We recommend giving applesauce (apple boiled) (Manfred
- Bathrooms: Before going to bed bathe with hot water to relax.

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- Bathrooms with Manzanilla: In addition to relaxing the child will assume more vibrant skin
(Txumari 2000).
- Fruits: Eat peach, lemon or avocado salad.
- Infusion: Take Boldo tea, lime, orange blossom, chamomile, white epazote, chicalote,
marshmallow, raspberry leaf, lemon verbena or lemon balm.
- Lettuce: Take before bedtime cup of tea, made with whole lettuce with its trunk, in a pint of
water boiled for five minutes or in salads, is the daily use and followed for a long time. Also
apply this other formula, 50% decoction of leaves of lettuce. Take a couple of glasses a day,
morning and before bed.
- Melissa: When the child does not want to sleep, give boiled water lemon balm, lettuce or
oregano. Milk: Drink a glass of warm milk before bedtime.
- Pillow with Lavender: Pour a few drops of lavender on the pillow of the child, may also be
on the mattress if not using the pillow.
- Tilo Bath: Add to 1 liter of boiled water 2 tablespoons lime. Let stand ½ hour and add liquid
to hot water bath (Txumari 2000).
- Valerian Tea: It can be done on a regular basis or according to age from a couple of scoops
to a cup tie to bed.
- Wet clothes: Before bed, rub the whole body for a minute, with clothes soaked in warm


The Kids anemia child or tiredness, and listening to Exhaustion
Especially When Their classes at school, Also Have Become no
appetite or pale skin. Iron deficiency anemia is the Decrease in red
blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood. Contain hemoglobin red
blood cells, a substance That Carries oxygen from the lungs to the
rest of the Organs of the Body and Stimulate the Process of vital
cells. Faced with the lack of oxygen, the heart pumps blood faster to
Compensate for the Needs Not sati sfechas the body, Causing
acceleration in the press, fatigue and burnout in children.

Anemia Can be acute (hemorrhage) or chronic (for Various

Reasons). Acute anemia can cause Serious Sequelae in Young
Children and the decline in intellectual lenivel. This is very important
mineral within the first
year of life because the baby's Growth is very fast. The long-term
anemia, immune Reduced Capacity in the person exposing it to infection. The first step in
Preventing Anemia in Children is to prevent the pregnant mother to have it, Through good prenatal
care. When the baby is born, you must ensure breastfeeding for at least the first 6 months of life,
But we recommend 2 years minimum. Iron deficiency in Children May be due to Infections Also,
bleeding and frequent cause of iron-poor diet. Should be avoided until age 2 to Give an artificial
feeding, After this age dog use infant formula with iron supplements, if it is necessary, But only with
proper nutrition, Which Can pick out lines Below (Soldano Maria 2005, Alfaro and Pedro Ramos

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Txumari 2000) .


- Alfalfa: Eat alfalfa sprouts. It provides all known vitamins including

vitamin K, essential for the synthesis of coagulation factors as
recommended in cases of anemia.
- Algae: Eat algae, seaweed in the child's lunch.
- Apple: Fight poverty of blood. Eat apple with skin (Manfred 1998).
- Asparagus: Asparagus contains folic acid and iron, so asparagus
should be eaten in salads.
- Avocado and pear: Include at breakfast or lunch, a week and next
week avocado pear (Valera 2009).
- Beans: Eat beans in all forms.
- Beans Toast: Toast the seeds of beans and make coffee mode. With
honey drink two cups per day.
- Beet: On the carbohydrate-rich food is very strong, but easily
assimilated. It should be consumed in combination with other vegetables
and other energy dense foods rich in carbohydrates or to prevent an
excessive accumulation of them. Whenever possible you should eat
the beets raw in salads, in combination with other vegetables or
vegetables. It is also ideal to take in the form of juice, mixed with other
fruits such as apples or vegetables like carrots.
- Carrots: Carrots Eat regularly. Juice, previously liquefied 1 or 2 day
(Txumari, 2000).
- Custard apple: Eat the flesh of the custard apple daily.
- Eating: Beef (organic, hormone free food), chicken (organic, hormone
free food) and bluefish.
- Egg: egg yolk.
- Figs: Figs Eat to recover.
- Fruits: Grapes, mango, cherries, and so on.
- Gravy: Cook the meat and then liquefy it.
- Oatmeal: It is rich in iron. Eat plenty of oatmeal to prevent anemia
(Agapito and Sung).
- Orange: Join feedings with a glass of orange juice.
- Peas: Helps form hemoglobin due to iron content, so it is
recommended that people ingest anemic.
- Peaches: Eat peaches in abundance, best breakfast.
- Plums: Plums Eat regularly to prevent the occurrence of anemia or
help healing.
- Spinach: Eat spinach 3 to 4 cups of juice a day (Messegué 1985).
- Stimulating Appetite: Peas, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, beets,
- Strawberries: Eat regularly.
- Tangerine: Eat foods rich in iron.
- Shellfish: mussels, clams.

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- Tomatoes: Eat tomatoes in abundance.

- Vegetable stew: Beans, lentils, chickpeas, soybeans.
- Vegetables: These problems will be discarded as long as the food is
rich in vegetables, natural juices and red meats. Avoid eating fried
- Viscera: calf's liver, kidneys, brains, etc.
- Vitamin C: Vitamin C helps iron absorption.
- Walnut: Drink the infusion of walnut leaves in warm baths, and rub
therewith, also drink tea leaves (10 grams of leaves to 1 liter of boiling water) (Manfred 1998).
- Watercress: Eat watercress in salads or drink its juice. Also crush the leaves of watercress and
drink about 100 grams per day (Manfred 1998).


When newborn babies have a yellowish pigmentation of the skin and eyes, have jaundice
caused by liver problems like hepatitis, caused by the accumulation of bilirubin in the blood.
Bilirubin is removed from the bloodstream by the liver, which transforms and sends it to the
kidneys to be eliminated through the urine. Usually cured with a child's exposure to sunlight
through a window, taking care not do too hot and not become dehydrated (Phyllis Balch,


- Banana: Remove the stem sap of the banana, drink it in bedtime for 3 days (Cuban
remedy). (Manfred, 1998).
- Barley: The barley drink water several times during the day is another good remedy.
- Best Fruits: strawberry, black currant, red currant, lemon, apple, melon, papaya (fasting),
pineapple and grape cure.
- Celery: Drink the infusion of the leaves of celery. 40 grams per liter of water.
- Citron, lemon, tangerine, orange and grapefruit: collect 10 seeds of each fruit, then
roasted and ground, then puts them in tea, have a cup fasting (balbach)
- Dandelion: Make an infusion of dandelion and drink it (Txumari 2000).
- Gentian Root: Make an infusion of gentian root and mix a large cup of boiled water with a
tablespoon of gentian flowers. Let stand for 10 minutes and drink 2-3 glasses per day.
- Lemon and Grapefruit: With lemon and grapefruit juice mixed with water to reduce a little,
drink what you want (Txumari, 2000).
- Radish: The blade should be beaten and the juice be extracted through cloth. Give the child
a drink or whatever you want.
- Recommended Vegetables: garlic, artichoke, watercress, onions, cabbage, asparagus,
radish juice, radish and carrots.
- Sugar Cane: Drink the juice of sugar cane, accelerate recovery from jaundice.
- Tomatoes: A glass of fresh tomato juice, mixed with a pinch of salt and pepper. Drink it on
an empty stomach.
- Verdolaga: Use the stems of verdolaga as a decoction or infusion.

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- Water: Give plenty of water to avoid dehydration.



Laryngitis is inflammation of the larynx, usually results in a loss of voice, hoarseness, crying
off, pain when eating and sometimes fever, caused by the scream (too much) of the children
are also generated by allergies, colds, cough and dust in the air, which usually occurs at
night. Laryngitis is a viral infection that causes swelling with narrowing of the larynx and
mainly affects children between 6 months and 3 years. Cough is often called "metallic,
barking, hoarse, hoarseness, wheezing - stridor - shortness of breath and fever.


- Echinacea: Echinacea Spray infusions, make tea with a spoonful of the plant mixed with a
cup of boiling water. Use a spray to spray the mouth and throat with fluid infusion 3-4 times
daily (Txumari 2000).
- Infusion of Black Pimpernel: Prepare a teaspoonful of the dried plant mixed with a cup of
boiling water. Drink 2 times per day, you can add a little honey (Txumari 2000).
- Orange: make a tea of orange peel and take it as drinking water Raspberry: Raspberry
infusions. Do the same as before and take 2-3 times daily.
- Salvia: infusion of sage leaves. Mix 2 tablespoons of leaves of this with ½ liter
boiling water, let stand 10 minutes and strain. Gargle with the liquid 3-4 times per
- Tangerine: Make a tea of tangerine peel and take as drinking water.

Frambuesa Equinacea

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The determination of whether your child has leukemia is very difficult, among its main
symptoms include anemia, bruising and bleeding (gums and nose), plus others such as
chronic fatigue, fever, paleness, weight loss, frequent infections, sore headache, rash, blood
in the stool or urine, enlarged lymph nodes and / or spleen. Leukemia is cancer of the blood
that produces an explosive growth of abnormal white blood cells that leads to many infections
a child will not have the strength to defend themselves. Acute lymphocytic leukemia is most
common in children. There are no known causes that provoke, but it is believed that there are
factors that predispose a person to acquire it, such as family history, certain chemicals,
radioactivity, X-ray exposure before birth, or cancer viruses. Untreated, it leads to death.
Chronic myeloid leukemia may be asymptomatic in its early stages (Mary Soldano 2005).


- Apple: In the presence of antioxidant components, protect the digestive

system cancers.
- Beets (Beetroot): The action of betaine and alantolina renewing cells and
increase the defenses.
- Cabbage: In the presence of antioxidant components, protect the digestive
system cancers.
- Cauliflower: In the presence of antioxidant components, protect the
digestive system cancers.
- Citrus: Oranges, lemons, tangerines are rich in vitamin C and pectin,
which also have a protective power of the digestive system and protect
against cancers that could affect them.
- Melon: In the presence of antioxidant components, protect the digestive
system cancers.
- Tomato: The presence of a compound called lycopene affects a small percentage of


The best-known infectious disease among children is the measles.
This disease is recognized by the red rashes (with a white dot in
the center) very characteristic (Koplik spots), plus there are some
symptoms such as cough, runny nose, high fever, poor appetite,
malaise. Measles is a viral disease through vaccination of the
majority of the population have been significantly reduced cases. It
is important not to minimize the disease because without a good
treatment can lead to pneumonia, convulsions febrile otitis media
and encephalitis. It is spread from person to person by contact with
contaminated objects (Brigo 2005; Balch Phyllis, 2,000).

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There is a list of possible treatment of measles.

- Bath Floors: Prepare a slightly warm bath to which a concentrated infusion added a base of
orange blossom, chamomile and elder flower. It is better to proceed to the bathroom at
- Borage: Prepare a tea with an ounce of borage flowers in a quart of boiling water.
Consuming four drinks per day (Arias 1982, Manfred 1998).
- Borage and Tilo: For the treatment of measles is advisable to prepare a decoction
with thirty grams of borage flowers and a handful of lime in a quart of water. Boil
for five minutes and then let stand for a while and drink three cups a day.
- Burdock: Make an infusion of 10 g of burdock in 100 ml of boiling water, add a little honey
and give children a tablespoon every 5 minutes. The rash will disappear within several hours
of application.
- Celery and onions: Drink the broth to reduce fever.
- Clay: Apply all night wrap clay or mud on the trunk.
- Cornstarch: Bath the child with warm water with cornstarch couple itching.
- Flower of hay: Make a double pad, anterior with a towel or shirt wet with the infusion of fine
warm hay, then cover with a flannel blanket outside. It is renewable every 30 minutes.
- Euphrasia infusions: Managing a spoon and a daily dose for 3-4 days.
- Important food: It is good to eat watercress and pepper as part of food. Drink milk of
- Lemon: Gargling lemon water to quench thirst wing of children.
- Nettle male: Decoction, 5%, drink by spoonfuls.
- Parsley: Decoction of the root to 25%, boil 10 minutes. Drink 3 cups per day.
- Saffron: Drink an infusion of saffron, low fever.
- Salt; Make wraps a wet towel with salt water.
- Thought, fennel, horsetail, chamomile and elder: Make a mixture of 20 g of each plant,
then drink a spoonful of this mixture and pour into a cup of boiling water, take 5 cups a day.
- Tomatoes: Eat in large quantities.
- Whey: Disinfect children's gums wrapping the finger in a clean cloth dipped in buttermilk.
- Yarrow: Prepare an infusion of 6%, then to sit 20 minutes


If your child has deafness, ear pain, loss of appetite
and dizziness, your child may have an inflammation of
the middle ear called otitis. This inflammation can
occur after strep, bronchitis and rhinitis. It is a common
infection in children up to 5 years and often appears
after a cold or respiratory tract disease. Pathogens
often reach the ear through the eustachian tube and
secretions accumulate there. Treatment is necessary
because its neglect can lead to chronic otitis, and even
perforation of the eardrum and the resulting deafness

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(Soldano Maria 2005).


- Avoid: Do not wet the head and especially the ear, while otitis occurs in both the daily bath
house as in pools.
- Flaxseed: Flaxseed Apply warm compresses to the affected part.
- Garlic: Preparing a teaspoon of garlic juice, dilute it with 3 tablespoons of boiled water
Then drink this solution one drop a child's ear. If you see a lot of trouble, dilute a little more.
Peru is a very effective remedy, is also used for itching in the ear.
- Hot water: Calm the pain in the affected ear lying on a hot water bottle or a towel soaked in
hot water until the water cools. Repeat 2 - 3 hours.
- Hyssop: Do not insert swab into the ear of the child's ear canals are shorter and can
damage the eardrum.
- Olive oil, apply a drop of warm olive oil in the ear.
- Onion: Apply a drop of warm onion in the ear.
- Oregano: Apply drops of oregano oil to soothe the ear heard.
- Water in the ears: Sometimes, there is water in the ears, which can cause discomfort or
pain. In that case, place a drop of solution made with half and half alcohol boric water can
be a good resource to evaporate the liquid and prevent further infection.
- Wheels: 20 gr. Plantain Tincture, water 150 gr. Make ear washes.


When a child reads a page from his book of study for the exam the
next day 3 to 5 times to be ready, but if we give it a proper diet and
some herbs purify the bloodstream brain that can be reduced to 1 -
2 times on average, reading and be more prepared for the
examination and brain cooler. The report helps us to remember as
much information we have stored. There is also a visual memory
of the things we see, a gustatory memory, the things we eat an
olfactory memory of the smells we perceive, and a sensory
memory of the things we touch. Through memory we learn, talk,
play, breathe, do many actions that our brain determines what to


- Apple: Boil 2-3 medium apples into ½ gallon of water. Filter the
liquid, half filled with glass and sweeten with a little honey. Take it 2
times a week. It will help to improve brain activity and memory of the

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- Chachacoma: Drink decoction of this plant (Chavez, 1977).

- Nuts: Nuts and dried fruits have a lot of minerals, especially
phosphorus. It can be given 2 times per week as a snack to children
(Txumari 2000).
- Pineapple: Drink pineapple juice (Brack 1999).
- Rice with milk and raisins, take at breakfast this delicious
- Roasted beans: bean eating toast (Alarco 2000).
- Rosemary: Rosemary infusions facilitates brain activity. I would recommend this to half a
cup of tea a week (Txumari, 2000).


Meningitis is a serious problem for the child; the mother should try to resolve the problem
promptly. The symptoms that you see are high fever, stiff neck, headache, vomiting and rash,
babies can develop hydrocephalus. Inflammation of the meninges is mortal is a viral or
bacterial infection. The most common and least dangerous is the viral type. Bacterial
meningitis, however, can lead to death of the person. It is spread by contact with infected
people or objects contaminated by saliva or coughing.


- Cold packs: Apply to all in the head.

- Meat: organ meats Cook above 70 º C. Temperatures below that do not kill the bacteria that
reside in the flesh.
- Oranges: Drink orange juice diluted in water. This strengthens the child.


Some babies develop a layer or crust or flake white,
yellowish or reddish in his scalp (behind the ears, over the
ears and the bridge of the nose), which is called milky
scab. In infants the scab on the head can be accompanied
by dermatitis in the diaper area (Mary Soldano 2005).

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Common condition in newborns in which the scalp produces small

plaques and yellow greasy scales and bumps similar to pimples,
occasionally appear in the eyelashes or eyebrows. Here are the
possible treatments for cradle cap.

- Almond Oil: Almond oil helps remove scales (Txumari 2000).

- Burdock (Arctium Lappa L.): Use the root and leaves. Make a
decoction of 5%, boil 15 minutes. Used as a compress on the
diseased parts.
- Nettle and apple cider vinegar: Add a ¼ cup of boiling water, dried
nettles. When the infusion to cool, filter through a sieve and add ¼
cup apple cider vinegar. Then test the solution to see if there is no
irritation baby. Then apply rubbing the scalp. Avoid the solution and
reach the eyes of the baby. (Arias, 1982).
- Pensamiento: Using the whole plant crushed and mixed with milk, as
a poultice on the affected part.
- Senecio or Ragwort (Senecio vulgaris L.): Using the whole plant
florida. Make a decoction to 8%, boil 12 minutes. Used as a compress.
- Trinity, or Pensamiento Tricolor Violet (Viola tricolor L.): Using the
flower. Make an infusion of 8%, rest 30 minutes. Used as a compress.


When a baby has white patches in the mouth, tongue,
palate and gums, we are dealing with an infection called
thrush (thrush children). It is a fungal infection
(candidiasis pseudomembranous) produced by the
fungus Candida albicans. The disease is spread by
contact with contaminated objects such as pacifiers and
baby bottles, or people affected, as in the case of
breasts in lactating women. See section thrush
recommend CHILDREN (Soldano, Maria 2005).


Baking: Place a spoon of baking soda in a clean container and add drops of sterile water to
the consistency of a paste.
Cleaning: We will proceed to disinfect those items that the child puts in his mouth (pacifier)
with boiling water for about 15 minutes and should keep them soaking in water bicarbonate. If
the baby is breastfeeding, the mother should wash the nipple and applying nystatin cream or

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baking soda (Txumari 2000).

Sterilized Gauze: To sanitize your child's mouth, wrap your index finger with a sterile gauze,
brush with the preparation and clean the plates, do not rub hard.


A child has mumps when you have swollen parotid glands (under the ears), headache, sore
throat, painful swallowing and fever. Mumps is a viral infection of the salivary glands (parotid)
affecting children over two years. If not treated in time, leads to serious complications such as
viral meningitis, deafness, encephalitis, pancreatitis, inflammation of the ovaries and testicles.
Once contracted the disease, the person obtains total immunity against the virus that causes
it (Santwani and Taylor, 1998; Brigo 2005).


- Avoid: coffee, dairy, white flour or sugar.

- Borage: Manage the day during an infusion of Borage made with 25 grams of leaves in a
liter of water.
- Cabbage: Place a cabbage leaf hat on his head and make a dressing. Replace every 8
hours, that prevention of meningitis.
- Cat's Claw / Echinacea: Prepare the cooking and take as drinking water, increases
stamina and reduce inflammation.
- Chamomile: Take chamomile tea to soothe the pain and induce sleep.
- Chamomile and Marshmallow: Prepare an infusion of chamomile 25 g and 25 g of
marshmallow in a cup of 200 ml of boiling water, cool and serve with a dash of honey
(Oliveira, 2002).
- Clay: Apply a poultice of clay an inch thick, 4 times per day.
- Dandelion + aloe vera: Make a poultice and apply.
- Do not eat foods that stimulate saliva production (acid): We require more
salivary glands working and creating more pain.
- Guanábano: Apply poultice of fresh leaves of soursop, ground and mixed with
beef tallow.
- Hiperico with Clay: The hiperico oil is very helpful in reducing symptoms when applied to
the affected area using a clean cloth. We may also use this oil with a little clay, once warm
the mixture applying to the skin on it by installing a hot water bag (Txumari, 2000).
- Hot water: Specific treatment of pain, rest the affected area on a hot water bottle or a wet
towel for half an hour.
- Important food: Eat a soft diet, raw fruits and vegetables into juice or puree. Take plenty of
- Liquid or semi liquid food: for reducing discomfort.
- Nettle: Prepare a tea with 25 g of nettle in a cup of boiling water 200 ml (Oliveira, 2002).
- Rest: During 2-3 days to reduce the spread of other children and facilitate
rehabilitation of other children (Txumari, 2000).

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- Sage, rosemary or thyme: Take an infusion of any of these plants.


When children develop much concern, sweaty hands and shoulder
stiffens and these children have nerve problems. Some parents
believe their children's world is very happy and without problems,
as they have in their hands many material things. But the truth is
that they develop a set of fears and tensions that are sometimes
becomes a problem child. But the truth is that even younger
children are concerned and feel pressure to some degree. For
example, children may feel overwhelmed when arms are
separated from their parents and those of school age, when
preparing for exams. As n hildren grow, school and social
pressure they create tension. Even so parents can cause tension
in the lives of their children. Those children who lack the
motivation or ability of their parents become frustrated and may
cause them stress, which varies from child to child and the amount
of tension that one can easily handle varies
Sometimes stress can push a child to great achievements, but excessive stress can lead to a
personal failure. Therefore, the signs of stress in children should be taken seriously because the
stress can lead to problems in school and can affect their social development and learning.


- Orange Blossom: Drink concentrated infusion of orange flowers (1

or 2 tablespoons) in the bottle is a remarkable calming babies
nervous. (Manfred, 1998).
- Melisa or fresh toronjil: Make an infusion of herbs and give the
baby a bath. (Manfred 1998).
- Melisa and cedrón: Prepare an infusion of 10 g cedrón and melisa
leaves in a liter of water. Drink as drinking water. (Manfred, 1998).


Childhood obesity is a major problem to the children by the verbal abuse they receive from
their friends or classmates that even this problem does not want to leave home. The other
problem is the possibility to remain obese in the adult stage. Your treatment should be linked
to their nutrition mainly. (Porti, 2006).

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- Apple Vinegar: Drink one tablespoon of apple vinegar in the morning.

- Avoid: Do not eat between meals especially high-calorie foods. Do not eat food with
hormones (red meat, milk cows, chicken and eggs), are harmful, especially to the
reproductive system of women.
- Broccoli + beetroot: Take the juice in the morning.
- Carrot + fennel + cucumber: Drink the juice in the morning.
Eat: Distribute food for the day in 4-5 doses, but reducing the total amount of calories from
all of them.
- Exercise: Strengthen regular physical activity.
- Grapefruit: obese child to get used to drinking grapefruit juice every day. If you want to add
honey for a greater pleasure to the palate.
- Horehound and hyssop: Take decoction of horehound 100 g and 100 g of swab in a liter of
water, finely chopped and mixed, every day, as drinking water.
- Horehound, fucus and hyssop: Wash the mucus (10 g) and make you in a liter of boiling
water, add 80 g of horehound and 20 g of hyssop, finely chopped and mixed, every day
drink a cup twice a day for two months, dress warmly and sweat for 10 minutes. Avoid
carbohydrates, fats, sweets.
- Low Calorie Fruits: Give for breakfast any of these fruits, apple, melon, grapefruit,
strawberries and watermelon.
- Mallow: Take decoction of 25 gr purple leaves in a liter of water fasting for 30 days.
- Ooobesus: Make ooobesus comprehensive treatment. (Ask for Jorge Valera)
- Reduce calories: Reduce intake of foods providing more total calories as fruits, vegetables,
- Remember: 7,000 calories is an additional kilo of body fat. This means that if the child eats
1.25 kg of mayonnaise increases a kilo (about 25 salchipapas with mayonnaise, in 25 days,
but only mayonnaise). This means that one kilo is rising every month and about 15 kilos per
year, think again. With the chips is another story, if you eat four kilos of chips can upload a
kilo of fat, this can happen in 40 days, which means that each year can gain weight 8 kilos.
together mayonnaise and fries may increase the child in a year, 23 kilos, of course if you eat
every day the same. Check your child's meal, do not eat junk food. also soft drinks, candy,
and so on.
- Vegetables: If a good mother, smart and has a good relationship with their children give
them vegetable juices, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, kale, lettuce, onion,
radish, spinach and turnip greens, combined with any of them carrot.
- Water: Drink plenty of water between meals to ease a sense of hunger.


A child with lice occurs through poor hygiene. Lice are parasites
that live on the scalp for 40 days and feed on blood. Usually
located behind the ears and neck. Put 55 eggs over her life,
commonly called nits, which attaches firmly to the hair with a glue
that prevents fall out easily (Txumari Alfaro and Pedro Ramos,

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- Avocado: Boil several bones of the avocado, and a sprig of rue in a liter of water. Apply the
resulting liquid head like a lotion after washing the head (Txumari, 2000).
- Bristle Brush: Remove the nits using a fine brush. Pass for 10 minutes.
- Clay Green: Pour several tablespoons of this clay in a container with water and mix until
you get a thick shampoo, which will add 3 drops of thyme essence. Wash the head in clay
when mixed with baby shampoo or other neutral type (Txumari, 2000).
- Cleaning: Disinfect clothes, towels and combs in very hot water and soap for 20 minutes
- Fennel: Apply the following ointment, 10 g fennel oil plus 10 g of lard. (Manfred, 1998).
- Vinegar: Wash hair with vinegar is also used to ward off these pests.
- Vinegar and water and replenish water ½ cup vinegar ½ and over to blend well, apply on
clean, damp hair by massaging. Then comb.
- Oils: A lotion with Cuassia bitter (bitter stick), or a few drops of essential oil of the plant
Melaleuca alternifolia (cajeput) in the comb or in the shampoo, can be a good natural
antiseptic for use as a preventative.


When there is an inflammation of the throat (lymph nodes), with pain on swallowing, difficulty
speaking, swollen tonsils and fever, we are facing a case of pharyngitis. Pharyngitis is an
infection of the throat caused by bacteria called Group A streptococcus It is spread by contact
with infected people, by droplets of saliva (Mary Soldano 2005).


- Alcohol: Protecting the pharynx with a wet handkerchief lightly with alcohol.
- Avoid: The cold, both in food and in the air you breathe.
- Elder Flower: Infusions of elder flowers, add 1 tablespoon in half a liter of water. Cook and
rest. Gargle 3-4 times daily.
- Garlic: raw garlic Give the child in small capsules 200mg.
- Liquid Diet: purees, juices, soups, fish stews, etc.
- Marshmallow: Infusion of marshmallows, make 2 teaspoons of chopped root in a glass of
water. Cook and rest. Drink 3-4 tablespoons hot twice per day.
- Onion: Finely chop an onion and mix with 3 tablespoons of sugar. Add water and cook 10
minutes. Rest, and then drink 1 to 2 tablespoons three times daily (Txumari 2000).
- Orange: Drink tea, orange peel several times per day.
- Salvia: Prepare an infusion of sage. Prepare a heaping teaspoon of sage in a cup of water,
then gargle (Treben 1995).
- Tangerine: Drink tea tangerine peel several times a day.
- Thyme: Thyme Infusion in a glass of hot water add one tablespoon of thyme and stand 15
minutes. Gargle 3-4 times daily. You can also take as another option (Txumari 2000).

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When a child has high fever, chills, cold sweat, a lot of coughing yellow phlegm or blood,
muscle aches, fatigue, rapid breathing difficult, it is possible that your child has pneumonia.
Pneumonia is a lung infection which mainly affects children. There are several
microorganisms that can cause it, such as viruses (respiratory syncytial virus, the adenovirus,
influenza virus, influenza virus and measles virus), bacteria (pneumococci, staphylococci,
Mycoplasma pneumoniae, gram-negative bacteria Haemophilus influenzae type b) and even
fungi. Ogen pat According to the agent, the disease will develop more quickly or not, and
damage lung tissue more or less rapidly. His neglect or lack of treatment can lead a person to
death. Pneumococcal pneumonia is most common in the bacterial type and usually occurs
after a viral infection in the respiratory tract blood. Pneumonia can spread by inhalation of the
organism that produces it, the influence of a nearby infection through the bloodstream or
(Soldano Mary, 2005).


- Barley: Drink a decoction of barley.

- Blows to the back, with the child lying in bed, face down, make
a hole with the palm of the hand and gently tap and help loosen
secretions stored in the lungs and bronchi.
- Comprehensive treatment: Apply Astexpect, cat's claw,
banana flour kofkof candy, as guidelines for children over 2
- Custard apple: Drink hot tea custard apple (remove seeds).
- Fruits: fruit juices especially citrus abundance.
- Fennel: Drink an infusion of fennel root in water or milk.
- Spray: Use a vaporizer to humidify the air.
- Water: During the illness, offer the child plenty of water.


In children, the appearance, color or taste of some cleaning supplies, medicines or other
substances, make it easy to confuse them with various food items such as sweets, juices and
confuse them by accident. Most poisonings are common immediate symptoms such as
coughing and rapid, nausea and vomiting, difficulty breathing, abdominal pain, etc. But others
linger a little longer.
To prevent future poisoning is recommended:

- Do not leave medicines or medical supplies cleaning products within reach of children.
- Some plants may be toxic for babies.
- For any poisoning, is also at the time could give small sips of water with a pinch of clay.
- If you have used acid as lye can give milk or lightly beaten egg white.

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- If you have taken bases, such as soda and detergent contributes to neutralization
consumption of half a cup of vinegar with a little lemon juice.
- In the case of drugs such as capsules, syrups, can cause vomiting with the help of the
- If the poisoning is more advanced and there are difficulties, but take it to the emergency


- Carrots: Regular use can help reduce the toxicity of food poisoning.
- Chamomile: Reduces the unpleasant symptoms of detoxification stomach food.
- Garlic: Garlic is antibacterial remedy par excellence.
- Oregano: It has antimicrobial properties that may be useful to eliminate the microorganisms
that cause food poisoning.
- Rosemary’s use could be interesting in case of poisoning by spoiled food.
- Salvia: Along with garlic, is another good bactericide. Infusion of a spoonful of dried plant
per cup of water.

Salvia Orégano Romero


When a child feels itchy or itching anywhere on the body, causing a scratching, itching is a
sign: Occurs mostly in infants and children, for skin diseases or infectious diseases affecting
the general condition and, in particular skin; very rarely by insect bites, nettle, allergic
reactions and worms if it occurs around the anus (Txumari Alfaro and Pedro Ramos, 2000).


- Apple: Apply to the damaged area apple cider vinegar directly with the help of gauze by
circles. It can also be implemented by adding a little vinegar water replacing the soap all
over his body.
- Carrots: The itching can be decreased grated carrot attached with a bandage or gauze over
the affected area. You can also use it as a carrot poultice applying a little water (Txumari,

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- Cucumber: Blend fresh cucumber to extract all its juice and with the help of gauze to apply
on the itchy area. Should be applied 2-3 times daily depending on the intensity of discomfort
and evolution (Txumari 2000).
- Oatmeal: Using different preparations similar to talcum powder, whose main ingredient is
oatmeal and apply
- Peppermint: Make a poultice and apply. Crush the leaves and stems and apply it to the
affected area.
- Wheat: Apply to the affected area of wheat germ oil in the morning and once at night.
- Wine Vinegar: It is applied as the above remedies.
- Urine: Apply fresh urine itching until the liquid dried.


Children with rickets are easy to spot since they have delayed growth and deformation or
(bowed legs, scoliosis, knees together and narrows the rib cage), which occurs due to vitamin
D in their time of greatest growth . Rickets causes weakening and deformation of bones. We
can say that rickets occurs by a poor diet or is part of poverty. One of the best ways to
combat it with a specialized power lines down will find (Balch Phyllis, 2,000).


- Banana: Prepare in a half liter of water three bananas are cooked

green bananas or coliceros bark, after some cuts in them. This
decoction is administered four times daily, is very effective. Their
results so far have not been equaled or surpassed.
- Cod Liver Oil: Take as a food supplement a tablespoon of cod liver oil
at every meal.
- Foods with Vitamin D: nuts, vegetable oils, eggs, whole grains.
- Maguey: Cook a maguey leaf, extract the juice and bring to the boil
with honey or brown sugar, syrup takes a spoon during the day.
- Oats; provide the child suitable to his age (Txumari, 2000).
- Parsley, always added to food either in pieces, crushed or liquefied
(Txumari, 2000).
- Peas: The broth or fresh peas and tender and even with healthy wraps,
is a special food to make soup for children weak, emaciated, with similar
services in convalescence and in the consumption (Arias 1982).
- Plums: Eat many plums.
- Romero: Take warm baths of decoction of rosemary.
- Royal Fern: Used against rickets. The formula is 500 gr. water, 50 gr. of crushed rhizomes
(roots). It is 10 minutes and drink it three cups daily.
- Soybeans: Add soy food in all its forms.
- Spinach: raw spinach juice is a special tonic for children, frail and infirm and in cases of
- Walnut: Eat plenty of nuts and tea leaves of walnut.

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When your child's hair has red spots that reach up to one centimeter in diameter, then can be
expanded with a center seasoned and rising edges, red, and flake, as a ring, and have a very
intense itching . Ringworm of the scalp is a disease caused by fungal infection of the scalp,
eyebrows and eyelashes, with a tendency to attack the stems and hair follicles. It is also
called "tinea tonsurans. It is caused by a fungus that invades the hair shaft and causes
breakage. The bald caused by hair loss is usually rounded and scalp with a surface with
black dots corresponding to the broken hairs (Txumari Alfaro y Pedro Ramos 2000).


- Carrot: The juice with raw vegetables, especially carrot juice in combination with of spinach
juice has been proven beneficial for the treatment of ringworm.
- Castor oil: The oil should be rubbed in affected areas of the hair.
- Coconut Oil: It Could Be applied in the affected areas, as it Keeps the skin soft and prevent
- Echinacea and Sorrel: Increase the body's defenses, with help from Echinacea and
sorrel. Make decoctions mixing for ½ liter of water. 2 Tablespoons of the first and the
second floor. Drink ½ cup 3 times per day.
- Granada: Pomegranate peel boil water, let cool and drink the juice.
- Lotions with Griseofulvin: Managing for three weeks is Effective Against the
fungus.Mullein: Mullein herb Crush a whole and make poultices.
- Marigold: Mix 2 Tablespoons of this plant in a cup of boiling water. Apply with the help of a
wet gauze and bandages. Repeat 3 times (Txumari, 2000).
- Orange: Make poultices of crushed leaves mixed with orange Some fat. You can also apply
the juice of this fruit.
- Papaya: A few slices of unripe papaya could be rubbed on the affected twice daily.
- Sage: Take Wormwood tea as well as on the par ties spread attack.

Papaya Jugo de zanahoria Hojas de naranja

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When a child has rashes pink / red in the face and body, which lasts 3 days, is called rubella.
It is a contagious viral disease common in children. Its early symptoms are cough, fatigue,
mild fever, muscle aches and stiff neck. It is transmitted by direct contact or by droplets of
saliva present in coughs and sneezes. It is recommended that the MMR vaccine, referred to
in the official vaccination schedule (Balch Phyllis, 2,000).


- Avoid: Eating processed foods.

- Avoid AIDS: It is recommended to keep the child comfortable at home and take
precautions to avoid infection.
- Bathrooms: Bathe the child while drinking water or to lower fever.
- Clove: Drink one clove, Helps Symptoms relief.
- Drink a lot of water, juice or vegetable broth.
- Gold Seal: Place 3 drops under the tongue of goldenseal extract. / Other formula is the
combination of Goldenseal + Echinacea.
- Lobelia: Drink half a teaspoon of lobelia extract to reduce pain.
- Orange: Drink orange juice for fever of Children.
- Piperita mint: Drink the piperita mint tea to relieve the symptoms.
- Vinegar: Warm water baths in the tub and pour over ½ cup of vinegar to soothe skin
irritation (Oliveira, 2002)


When a child suffers a severe itchy skin lesions ytiene shaped channels or tunnels, so he has
a skin infection known as scabies. Scabies is usually found on the chest, abdomen, arms,
thighs, in front of the wrists, between fingers, underarms and elbows, breast area and feet. In
infants also affects the head, palms and soles of the feet. Can be spread from person to
person or contaminated objects such as clothes, sheets and towels. The mite can only
survive 48 hours outside the human (Balch Phyllis, 2,000).


- Artemisa: Take wormwood leaf tea (wash with the Tea attacked zones) or root of
- Bathrooms: bathe with water boiled matarratón, mint.
- Celery: Apply poultice of leaves of celery in the areas attacked, in addition to spray
them with vinegar and salt.
- Chicalote: Make a chicalote seed mass and milk and spread on the parties

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- Garlic: For three days, thoroughly wash skin with soap and running water, then rub all
over with garlic, so must the people around the patient. (Manfred, 1998).
- Gentian: Gentian Prepare teas, 2 times a day for the duration of symptoms, and
even 2-3 days after they appear (Txumari, 2000).
- Iron at high temperatures.
- Mamey Ground: Mix ground mamey almond fat, which is smeared on parties
concerned, it also serves the resin produced by the trunk of this tree.
- Oil: Rub skin with oil (preferably at night, when the mites come into action.)
- Orange: The bark of a sour orange and green mixed with butter and salt, and the
resulting ointment is rubbed the area attacked.
- Tansy: Make a decoction of Tansy, to remove the eggs from the skin and the parasite
may be applied in the form of baths or washing the affected areas. Wash clothes,
sheets and towels of all members of the house to disinfect the possible presence of

Ajos Hojas de Apio Artemisa


When a child of 4 to 8 year-old has high fever (40 º), nausea, vomiting, white tongue and / or
red, sore throat, rashes on the neck and face, flushed skin and rough (goosebumps
reddish), we compared to the case of scarlet fever in children. Scarlet fever is an infectious
disease and is a clinical form of strep bacteria infection. The mode of transmission is person
to person contact through respiratory secretions. At the beginning of the disease, the rash
looks like sunburn with tiny bumps that cause itching. Usually, areas where there is eruption
turn white when pressed. To solve the problems of pharyngitis pharyngitis see the section of
this book, there are many natural solutions (Soldano Maria 2005).


- Olive Oil: Apply olive oil on the infected skin.

- Bathrooms: Practice daily hot baths for an hour.
- Borage: Prepare a tea with an ounce of borage flowers in a quart of
boiling water. Consuming four drinks per day (Arias 1982)

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- Meals: Feed it with warm food, no spicy foods and include many liquid or semiliquid. Give
tea, nourishing soups, soft drinks, milk shakes and ice cream.
- Liquid Diet: To facilitate swallowing and adequate hydration. You
can give your child fruit smoothies.
- Ice: Lie crushed ice in your mouth and keep it there for 1-2 minutes
in order to reduce the discomfort of the throat and vomiting (Txumari
2000). .
- Cocoa butter: Apply cocoa butter on the infected skin.
- Chamomile: Washed with chamomile tea can relax the skin.
- Nettle: Add a teaspoon of nettle leaves to ¼ of a liter of boiling
water. Cook over low heat, applied with a gauze pad over the
affected skin rash. Provides relief and promotes the healing
(Txumari 2000).
- Nettle (Juice): Add a handful of fresh nettle water and let soak 12
hours. After crush and extract juice and apply on the infected skin.
- Tomatoes: Eat in large quantities.


Children with seborrheic dermatitis or grease on the scalp
are often painful and itchy scabs. Occurs generated by the
sebaceous glands accompanying the root of t he hair
follicles produce an exaggerated large amount of fat to
obstruct the gland itself. When infection develops, can be
seen on the scalp red spots, slightly enlarged and form
scabs when they come with a slightly painful and itchy. It is
recommended to treat quickly to prevent injury to be spread
over the skin of the face where there are sebaceous glands
(Txumari Alfaro y Pedro Ramos 2000).


- Almonds: Remove the crusts using almond oil.

- Aloe vera: aloe vera pulp Apply to the affected area several times per day.
- Healthy Diet: Eat a healthful diet rich in natural foods with the presence of plants.
- Juice Healing: Drink one of the following juices: carrot + celery / carrot + celery + apple /
carrot + celery + beet / carrot + beetroot + cucumber.
- Mulberry: Cook the mulberry leaves and use as a poultice, with the help of a cloth.
Replacing the poultice every time a warm to cool.
- Oak: Boil two tablespoons of oak bark, crushed in a pint of water for 15 minutes, then strain
and cool the decoction. Then soak in linen or gauze cloth and use as a compress on the
affected area, Arias (1982).
- Wash with mild shampoo head, make twice per week.

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When a family lives in the tropics and have children, they may get smallpox. Smallpox is
known for its pink, raised rashes that turn into lesions that become crusty on the eighth day.
The symptoms manifested by chills, high fever, headache and waist, nausea and vomiting.
Smallpox is a serious infectious disease, contagious disease caused by the Variola virus,
which in some cases can cause death. It is the disease that has killed more people in the
world, and has the ability to develop infections very easily. Se (Lezaeta, 1997).

Natural Treatments:

- Beans: Decoction of the seeds of Lima bean for treating smallpox

- Borage: Prepare a tea with an ounce of borage flowers in a quart of boiling water. Consume
four drinks per day (Arias 1982).
- Chancapiedra, flaxseed with lemon, plantain and purple: Boil for 3 to 4 minutes, a handful
of these herbs in 4 cups of water. And drink ½ cup of cooking to
7 a.m. and the other at 4 p.m.
- Chickpea: Eat beans for lunch (Agapito and Sung).
- Important Food: Eat food or mixed cress and pepper.
- Lemon: Take the lemon juice or lemonade.
- Cleans silver oak bark and peppermint: Prepare an infusion with these 3 plants. Drinking
small amounts each time.
- Malva, plantain, horsetail and lemon, Boil a handful of these herbs in two quarts of water
for 5 minutes. After a dip with this mix.
- Scars of smallpox: To seed decoction of the peas, fresh or dried, apply this solution to
wash 2 times a day or lotions.
- Tomatoes: Eat in large quantities.


A child with a sore throat is because your tonsils are swollen (infection by bacteria or viruses).
When the throat gets irritated, it gets a pain when swallowing, burning sensation, redness and
sometimes fever. Sore throats can easily be treated with gargle, with home remedies, at the
time the mistress m aware that there are those problems; lines below, there is a list of tips you
can use before going to the doctor.


- Water, Lemon, and Honey: Gargle with some salt water, lemon juice
or a little honey.
- Barley: Boil ¼ kilo of barley in one liter of water until they are soft
grains. Then remove from heat, crush until a paste inconsistent, that
pressure is passed through a canvas. Once filtered, boiled again to
evaporate the liquid until a third of the volume. Take one cup in the

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morning and afternoon with honey.

- Berro: decoction of 50 grams of leaves of watercress in a ¼ of a liter
of water. Drink a glass a day.
- Echinacea: Echinacea herbal tea 3 times per day to reduce
- Eucalyptus: The vapors with steam with eucalyptus symptoms
usually disappear.
- Kof kof Candy: It's a sweet ginger helps to relieve sore throat, very
good for babies with this problem. View
- Liquids: Drink plenty of warm liquids than cold.
- Salvia: Gargle with sage tea 3 times a day. Keep the liquid in a dry
and dark.
- Vitamin C is recommended eating foods rich in vitamin C as orange,
grapefruit, lemon and guava, or make use of vitamin supplements.


When there is a tear, strain or stretching of the ligament of the child as a result of a blow, fall,
sudden movement or twist, then we are faced with a problem of sprain. A sprain is an injury
trauma that affects the soft tissues of the joint: even lead to bloating and sometimes partial tear
of the same (Txumari 2000).


- Ice:To reduce inflammation and swelling, apply some ice cubes for a
few minutes (Txumari 2000).
- Hamamelis:Apply to the affected area soaked gauze infusion of witch
hazel and put the bandage on it fixing the strain (Txumari 2000).
- Lettuce:Decoction of tender leaves of lettuce for 15 minutes in water.
Strain, cool and apply as a poultice. These properties are increased
when added to the paste few drops of olive oil. Get your juice by
crushing the plant. Strain and apply on the painful area
- Rosemary, Thyme:Taking a foot bath with water of rosemary or thyme
2 times per day.

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When a child has a red round package with a yellowish spot (pus) on the eyelid, painful and
hot, that's called stye. A stye is an infection caused by staph in one of the glands that are
situated on the edge of the eyelid. There are three types of ocular glands and in their
functions is to maintain the eye lubricated. Sometimes these glands become clogged and
there is a sebaceous cyst can also lead to a stye.

Cebolla Hojas de frambuesa Hierbabuena


- Antibiotics: only prescribe antibiotics if the stye has not gone after several days of warm
compresses to the affected area.
- Castor: Apply a drop of castor oil.
- Onion: onion also slightly warm compress on the stye.
- Raspberry: Prepare raspberry tea leaves and use it to wash sties.
- Ring of Gold: The old recipe for a gold ring rubbed against a cloth to warm
and place the affected eyelid is logical and exit bear. The temperature it takes the gold
soften the cyst favoring their maturation.
- Yerba Buena: We chewed some mint leaves and apply as poultice over the affected eye.


Infantile sunstroke will generate a body alteration caused by prolonged exposure to the sun
for over an hour, especially at the middle of a summer day. The sunshine will produce a loss
of fluids, thirst, cold sweat, fatigue, headache, loss of appetite, dizziness, nausea and
During the early symptoms of heat stroke must protect children in the shadow and place it
face up. Children should be well hydrated by giving them to drink plenty of fluids. Wet the
body with the help of towels soaked in cold or lukewarm water. Give complete rest to prevent
further loss of fluids (Txumari Alfaro and Pedro Ramos 2000).

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- Almonds: gently rub the affected areas with almond oil.

- Coco: Gently rub the affected parts with coconut oil.
- Drinking: Consume soft drinks.
- Cucumber: Fresh cucumber juice. With the help of a gauze or
washcloth we make gentle rub on parts of the most sensitive skin (face,
head, torso and thighs) (Txumari 2000)
- Tepid baths: Taking a foot bath, half bath or full bath and prolonged.


A good set of teeth in children is a sign that his mother is healthy.

Good teeth are generated by a good diet in childhood, bottom line
we give some guidelines on this favorable power to have good teeth
and hard. The Tooth formation begins during pregnancy. The baby
usually cut their first tooth between six and eight months or so. so
painful for them and a lot of anxiety and excitement for parents.

After two years, the child should attend the dentist at least once a
year. At this age already has four teeth, two canines and incisors in
each jaw. After six years, the permanent teeth start to push the milk
to get out (Santwani y Taylor, 1998).


- Alfalfa: Drink alfalfa juice, better cocktail with carrot or tomato. Eat alfalfa buds. It is due to the
fluorine that possesses. Also drink juices combined with carrot or tomato. It is good the carrot
combination + orange.

- Banana: Eat it in the breakfast, together with their milk, or two spoonfuls of banana flour.

- Chamomile: drink chamomile tea when the first teeth appear.

- Fruits: In the mornings it is very good the date, important; also pears and orange juice.

- If the boy it is he to leave a tooth; the adults can give them pieces of hard bread, a carrot
piece or even a tablespoon so that the small one is taken to the mouth. To avoid to give him
those of rubber.

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- Marshmallow: For the problems of gums and of the exit of the first teeth in you drink them to
give them a marshmallow stick so that they suck and avoid the pain, Aryan (1982).

- Moving teeth: To be rinsed with walnut root (cooked) or to throw the powders of the papaína
(papaya). To be rubbed with sage leaves, he/she also helped him to whiten the teeth.

- Salads of vegetables: To eat artichokes with lemon; another spinach + broccoli + turnip;
lettuce + spinaches; preferable in the nights.

- Toothache: To make mouthwashes with eggplant, with onion juice (+ it dilutes), or with the
cocimiento of walnut root. Chew nail of scent with the affected molar. To apply in the external
part a cabbage cataplasm on the affected area.


When you observe that your child has very strong muscle contractions in the jaw (biting teeth
and avoid opening the jaw). As the disease increases, there are muscle spasms so strong
they can not move, speak or breathe (and choking). Tetanus is a disease caused by a toxin
produced by Clostridium tetani bacteria. This bacterium can live for years in the soil or animal
feces. If a person is burned or cut and not properly sanitized the wound, runs the risk of being
infected and the bacteria get into your body. If the spores enter a cut beyond the scope of
oxygen, germinate and produce toxin that interferes with the nerves that control muscles.
Tetanus is a lethal disease and the best way to avoid it is by preventive vaccination is within
the official vaccination schedule. Adults should increase the dose of tetanus vaccine every 5
or 10 years (Soldano Maria 2005).


- Cloth: To cure tetanus in the navel of the newborn. In the region of navel applied
alternately: hot and cold towels every 5 minutes for one hour. This term restores balance
and heal the child. Then, fry a slice of onion in cooking oil head (no use), camphor powder
sprinkle. Put in plaster above the navel. This formula has healed many children.
- Salvia: As a palliative may apply warm leaves of sage on the jaws, neck and spine. Rub
also by the same parties with hot oil which boiled sage leaves.
- Snuff Sheets: Also used as a palliative juice snuff greens mixed with some fat and put the
sun or heat. It gets warm.

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Healthy Children Jorge Valera


A healthy child without tonsillitis is a child who laughs and
cries all day. A child with tonsillitis not hungry, has a sore
throat, often fever, sore throat, cough and malaise.
Tonsillitis is an acute infection and inflammation
(redness) of the tonsils caused by streptococcal bacteria.
It is very common in children 1 to 10 years. It occurs
mainly in the winter months, but there in the summer
months. Tonsils are glands located on the back of the
mouth, one on each side of the soft palate, easily visible
entity opening the mouth of the person and lower the
tongue with a trowel. Tonsils are organs that defend us
from foreign matter entering through the mouth or
sinuses, such as bacteria or viruses or germs, eliminating them. The most common infection
of the tonsils is the angina. When infections are recurrent or cause sleep apnea or cause
peritonsillar abscess (pus around the tonsil) is very likely that the allergist recommended the
removal of tonsils by surgery. The main mode of transmission is through viruses that abound
in the environment, sometimes through saliva (Soldano Maria 2005; Berdonces Jose 2003).

Tonsillitis is an upper respiratory tract problem, which is also known as sore throat, but in
case an infection like that is pharyngitis and laryngitis, also known as angina. We all know
that tonsillitis, angina pectoris, sore throat, pharyngitis and laryngitis are similar respiratory
diseases affecting upper airway tract, primarily attacking the child population that’s why the
treatments we recommend are similar because they help people.
Therefore, we must know how to act when these problems occur in the throat breathing
adequately by some natural treatments at home, complemented by a special diet, which may
help to relieve the various symptoms quickly as sore throat, which cause this disease .

So our recommendation is to combine treatments, first have a diet that is used for
inflammation of the throat infection and cough remove phlegm, to these must be
accompanied with herbal and fruit extracts enayunas, so we also need to drink orange juice to
control and reduce fever. To relieve pain and inflammation caused by the disease, we
recommend consuming the KOF KOF CANDIES. These candies are the property of
generating an itchy throat and causing the urge to cough up phlegm that they dissolve in the
throat effect of ginger. In addition to this, you need to hydrate. How? Taking lots of vitamin C,
to eliminate those mucus from the throat, such as grapefruit or pineapple orange lemon juice
or extract natural warm (1 / 2 liter) that somehow soften the throat. And to raise the defenses
of your immune system, before bed, take the cat's claw decoction. Also in the day or night to
do in your neck warm poultices for inflammation and incense in the patient's room.


- Recommended food: Agar agar seaweed, garlic, cabbage, mushrooms (maitake, shitake,
reishi), cucumber, radishes, tomatoes.

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- Forbidden food: Fatty foods, cold food and hot, alcoholic beverages, coffee,
- It is better that the patient eat foods cold or liquid slurry, such as yoghurt, custard and
- Teach children nasal breathing.
- Steam: Eucalyptus / / chamomile / / melissa / / mint / / legs / / foot / / sage / / rosemary.
Taking these baths, and be fasting or before bedtime, is recommended to have the morning
bath once a week. If you are in or traveling to Peru, visit Churín (210 miles northwest of
Lima), an ideal place for its hot springs and medicinal springs, ideal for treating skin
disorders, liver, kidney, respiratory, nervous and rheumatic diseases. These baths will
facilitate the recovery of chronic respiratory tract, sinusitis, asthma, rhinitis, bronchitis,
chronic catarrh of the mucous membranes, between the iron of Churin bathrooms, which will
help to expel mucus from the lung, thereby improving lung breathing.
- Contraindications Steam Baths: Cardiovascular disorders such as, arrhythmias, recent
AMI (Acute Myocardial Infarction) Aortic stenosis (narrowing or blockage of the heart's aortic
valve), orthostatic hypotension (low blood pressure), or other decompensated heart; Falls ;
inflammatory skin ailments and general weakness.
- Hot compresses: gargle of sage, chamomile, peppermint and lemon juice, old remedies
that still retain their effectiveness.
- Double towels around the neck (warm): clay + plantain / clay + pine / clay + thyme / col / /
fenugreek thyme 10% + 3% in infusion / / mullein / flaxseed hot / mauve / matico / menthol
Chinese / boiled potatoes / sage (leaves hot) / wheat (flour warmed in skillet and placed as
pouches in the neck) / / cider vinegar / cold cider vinegar / / warm vinegar (Puget Henry,
Régine Teyssot 2002).
- Light Diet: Hearty soups, juices, fruits, salads and vegetables.
- Cold wrappers: Place a towel around the neck of the child and keep overnight.
- Extracts for breakfast or before breakfast: Take one of the following extracts, green tea
with honey / / Cat's Claw Honey / / Place the extractor a grapefruit, an orange the size of
grapefruit (about) and 5 lemons , cut into pieces and seeded shell and extract the respective
juice (you can also combine or mix with mandarin, lime, camu camu. This juice should be
boiled 3 fruits together and take every two hours (each hour is severe) as hot as possible.
It's good in bed after this shooting / / Pineapple juice, and add a pinch of ginger, nutmeg,
rosemary and mint, and a little licorice to sweeten / / tangerine peel (laryngitis) / / Kion +
lemon + salt / / ginger candies (kofkof) / / A glass of ginger juice with a pinch of salt / / water
chestnuts (juice) to relieve laryngitis / / cress (infusion) + honey bee / / honey + olive oil +
lemon / / hot urine / / nettle / / Two glasses of pineapple + lime juice (2 lemons) + a garlic
(one clove) / / pineapple + lime + orange / / raw potato pineapple + / / Two glasses of piña
(heart) + a + 3 cup radishes, garlic (juice) + a glass of carrot + a glass of celery / / Two
glasses of piña (heart) + a + 3 cup radishes, garlic (juice) + 1 glass of alfalfa + a glass of
carrot / / Two glasses of piña (heart) + a + 3 cup radishes garlic (juice) + a glass of apple + a
glass of celery / / Two glasses of piña (heart) + a glass of radish + 3 garlic (juice) + a glass
of apple + a glass of carrot / / aloe / / una de gato (water time) / / carrot + celery + parsley / /
carrot + beetroot / / carrot + beetroot + coconut / / A glass of carrot juice onion + garlic + a / /
a glass of a glass of carrot + apple + juice of two lemons + a garlic (one clove) / / carrot +
pine + orange / / Carrot + pineapple + 2 garlic lemon + a (tooth), mix and drink.
- Fever: taking these juices, lemon, orange or tangerine.
- Raspberry: Make a decoction with 25 grams of dried berries per liter of water, boil 5
minutes and strain. Take three cups daily. Practice three times a day gargle with an infusion

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made with 40 grams of dried pear, boil 2 minutes over low heat and keep another 15, strain
and cool.
- Fruit recommended: carob, dates, raspberry, strawberry, pomegranate, cherry, figs
(Cooking), blackberries, raisins (infusion), pears, watermelon, grapes (raisins, infusion),
blackberry. Vitamin C-rich fruits: acerola, aguaymanto (capuli), plum (Kakadu), camucamu,
hip, black currant, guava, kiwi, lime, lemon, mandarin, mango, apple, passion fruit, melon,
orange, noni, pineapples, banana, Sanky, grapefruit.
- Gargle tea, lemon and salt: If the child can gargle, we recommend this Peruvian medicine,
make a cup of charged, add half a lemon and a teaspoon of salt, stir and gargle, for young
children who can not Gargling can touch them with swabs soaked in the solution of tea,
lemon and salt (Valera2009).
- Gargle (tonsillitis and hoarseness): birch / / water + lemon / / water + salt / / apricot
(leaves) / / aguaymanto / / pepper / / carob / / alder / / arnica (3 tablespoons in half cup of
water) / / marigold / / tan / / onion + honey / / coca + salt / / Flax / / Plum (leaves) / / coca / /
Comfrey / / turmeric + salt + water / / oak / / lavender / / raspberry / / strawberries ( leaves) /
/ grenade (flowers) / / red currant (leaves) / / ginger / / ginger + lemon + salt + water / /
lemon + bicarbonate / / plantain / / mauve / / mint / / berries (immature) / / mullaca / / turnip
(excerpt) / / Loquat (shell) / / oregano / / pepper + lemon juice + salt + hot / / pineapple / /
propolis / / quinoa / / radish + honey bee / / wild rose / / aloe + water / / sage / / salvia + salt /
/ salvia + coke + salt + lemon / / sage 6% + 5% cayenne / / tamarind / / tara 10% / / Tara +
lemon rind + lemon + salt + fire / / tara + coca / / te + lemon juice + salt / / green tea + honey
bee / / + apple cider vinegar / water / apple cider vinegar + bicarbonate / / vinegar cider +
honey / / blackberry (baking sheets) + apple cider vinegar.
- Gargle (tonsillitis with infection, with yellowish white pustules): Copaiba oil / / myrrh / /
bitter orange / / propolis (drops) / / radish / / licorice / / sage / / goldenseal / /
- Herbal teas or cooking (strep throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis): acacia (2%
infusion) / / agrimony / / anise + lemon / / cedar / / + + lemon ponytail / / Copaiba / /
echinacea / / Mullein / / flaxseed + ponytail / / plantain / / mauve flower tea / / marshmallow /
/ Chamomile & Lemon / / chamomile blackberry + 50% / / matico / / noni
/ / Nettle / / pau arc / / radish / / liquorice (use just one week, not for hypertensives) / / aloe / /
sage (2 tablespoons) + saponaria (1 tablespoon) + a cup of boiled water, then
add half a lemon and a teaspoon of honey / / elderberry flower tea / / goldenseal (taking just
one week, forbidden for pregnant women) / / sangre de grado / / Cat's Claw (cooking) / /
wine sage (6 tablespoons sage and white wine to macerate for a week, a glass before
meals) / / Sage + + swab ponytail + mullein + chamomile tea 2% / / blackberry.
- Inhalation or aromatherapy (pharyngitis and laryngitis): Pine oil / oil / thyme / benjamin /
/ hedge mustard / / Bergamot / / American geranium / / Lavender / / plantain / / Walnut (leaf)
/ / clary sage / / sandalwood / / thyme / / blackberry (leaves).
- Sprays: In the tonsils and throat with an infusion of dried leaves of sage or salvia extract.
Do it three times a day.
- Medicinal Herbs: echinacea, eucalyptus, black currant, purple, salt via, sangre de grado,
elderberry, thyme, cat's claw.
- Sahumerio daily (patient room): garlic (dry skin) / eucalyptus. The incense is essential to
apply it every day, with eucalyptus leaves or peel garlic to kill viruses and bacteria that float
in the air. Before going to sleep, try any of the poultices or foot baths.
- Recommended Vegetables: Garlic, celery, beets, onions, lettuce, turnip, radish, carrots,
vitamin C-rich vegetables: peppers, broccoli, sauerkraut (cabbage fermented in brine),

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Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, raw spinach, bell pepper , root vegetables, potatoes, parsley,
red and green pepper, leek, radish, tomato


A diet that helps lift the patient's defenses is very important to prevent relapses and exacerbations
of the disease. We encourage all those who suffer these problems upper respiratory or feeding
liquid diet, no solid for the duration of the discomfort or problem. To fix this just follow these tips for
a period of three months or until you see the problem solved (2007 Huang).

- Food digestible: olives, oatmeal, water chestnuts, cabbage, soy milk, pear, cucumber, radish,
rice soup, tomatoes,

- Garlic / Astragalus / Echinacea / noni / Cat's Claw / vitamin C / Zn: To strengthen the
defenses by stimulating production of lymphocytes and as anti-inflammatory and antiviral.

- Garlic and onion have excellent pulmonary antiseptic expectorant properties very interesting.

- Iron: anemia due to iron deficiency favors the infection of the upper respiratory tract caused by
a functional deficit of immunity (nuts, egg yolk, red meat, beans, oats)

- Pollen: Rich in minerals and vitamins of group B, with superb immunologic properties

- Vitamin C: relieves cold symptoms and more rapid recovery. It is also useful as a preventive
treatment (aguaymanto, orange, lime, lemon, mandarin, passion fruit, grapefruit, kiwi, guava,
cabbage (sauerkraut, cabbage fermented in salt and water), carrots, onion, parsley, peppers,
root vegetables, horseradish, Sankyo)

- Vitamin B6: it has a direct action on the immune system, stimulating the production of T
lymphocytes (cereals, wholemeal bread, spinach, peas, bananas ...)

- Zinc is best placed to treat infections of the cold and raise defenses (lean meat, corn, wheat
germ, figs, lettuce, brewer's yeast, pumpkin seeds, tomato)


- Drink plenty of fluids (water, citrus fruits, soups, onion soup) hot, especially in case of fever,
to reintegrate the fluids lost by sweating, two liters of water, equivalent to 8 glasses per day.
It is preferable to have a liquid diet for throat problems, especially if infected.
- To combat constipation and avoiding smoking (no smoking).
- Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables (rich in vitamin C). Also include ginger in food (sweets
kof kof), honey, lemon and pineapple juice.
- Removal of the tonsils, making them only in very serious cases, one must know that the
tonsils are part of our defense system.

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- Do not talk about everything when you have laryngitis.

- Avoid spicy foods, cold, fried, fat or alcohol. No smoking.
- Integra carbohydrates in the diet such as rice and pasta.
- Practicing fasting is one of the best ways to relax our body physiologically. In other words,
allows our bodies to implement all the mechanisms of detoxification and regeneration. It is
good to do on the weekends; drinking only fruit juices such as orange, lemon, grapefruit and
- Reduce consumption of animal protein, such as milk, cheese and meat, not to tire the body
with foods that are difficult to digest.
- Drink Eucalyptus, Hoja Santa, Sweet Grass, Sage, Lavender, tangerine peel (laryngitis)
teas. Also steam with these herbs
- Drinking a mixture based on egg whites, lemon juice and sugar in order to recover the voice
(Huang, 2007)


When a child has a feeling of unsteadiness or spinning in space, accompanied by nausea
and vomiting is also the fear of heights, is known as vertigo. In children, the sensations of
vertigo are related to alterations of the inner ear, where the so-called organ of balance or


- Garlic: The garlic magical powers give excellent results to relieve symptoms of dizziness,
and so on.
- Basil: Drink the infusion of basil leaves, one teaspoon of leaves in a cup of water,
- Berro: eating in salads, preferably in the morning.
- Dandelion: Drink decoction of dandelion as drinking water.
- Ginkobiloba: Take one capsule of 200 mg daily.
- Infusions Primrose: They are made from the leaves and flowers of this plant. Drink as long
as symptoms are observed with a frequency of 2 times per day (Txumari, 2000).
- Infusion of Piperine Mint: Made with a handful of leaves per liter of boiling water, leaving
the mixture for 10 minutes. Drink 2 times daily. (Manfred, 1998).
- Rosemary: Drink decoction of rosemary as drinking water.

- Move your eyes slowly up-down and right-left.
- Move the head, chin to chest and then neck to the back, then side bending of the head to one
- Rise and fall of the shoulders trying to touch the ear.
- Go straight 5 steps forward and 5 back, first with eyes open and then with eyes closed.
- Perform each operation 5 times a day (Txumari, 2000).

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A good child's vision is provided by healthy eyes. When children suffer

from myopia, parents should be alert to check this problem, but visiting the
ophthalmologist or pediatrician, who is also qualified to solve those
problems. When the doctor will detect that you are nearsighted, you can
help your child to fight that myopia with the following natural treatments:


- Muña: Add 1 teaspoon of powdered leaves of muña in child’s food.

- Orange: Apply one drop diluted organic orange in each child's eye. Prepare a little orange and a
bit of boiled water (50 / 50), (James 2009).


Most cases of vomiting in children is caused by gastroenteritis, usually due to a virus that
infects the digestive tract. (Gastroenteritis is sometimes called "stomach flu" and, in addition
to vomiting, also may present with nausea and diarrhea). We must not forget that can
respond to throat infections, ear, tonsillitis, appendicitis, urinary tract, nervous system in
meningitis. These infections usually do not last long and are more annoying than dangerous.
However, if kids (especially infants) are unable to take fluids adequately and, apart from
vomiting, diarrhea, could become dehydrated.


- Basil: Take the infusion of basil leaves, one teaspoon of leaves in a cup of water.
- Dill or oak: Take a dill infusion after meals (Arias 1982, Manfred 1998).
- Fennel: Prepare an infusion of fennel 15 grams in 500 ml of boiling water. Drink it warm.
(Manfred, 1998).
- Infusions: Retrieve a lot of water, a teaspoon every 5 minutes of warm water or tea or a tea
or anise, soft wines juices under the age of the child. If vomiting have passed (2-3 hours
without them) to provide extra water.
- Lemon: Make a decoction of 10 grams of mint and sage 10 g in 300 ml of water, and then
add 20 drops of lemon juice and drink.
- Oral Serum: Administer slowly starting tablespoons before it reaches the first hours after
vomiting and at a rate of teaspoon for every 3 minutes. It is preferable to add a little sugar
glucose to the water for recovering lost through vomiting, avoid acetone. If the child does not

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want to drink water, you can give him as the lollipop candy.
- Piperita mint: Drink the infusion. Browse a pinch of dried leaves in a cup of boiling water,
then filtered, add a teaspoon of sugar and drink.
- Recipe for avoid vomit: Make an infusion and drink 4 cups a day. In a liter of boiling water
put 3 grams of cinnamon, mint 10 gr and 10 gr dill, then cool and drink.
- Sage and yerbabuena: Make an infusion in 300 ml of water. Browse 10 gr sage and mint.
Boil it for 5 minutes (Arias 1982).


It is a vaginal disease in girls. It is an infection that occurs in the external genitalia (labia
minora and older) and the vagina by fungi or bacteria or virus. Generates a burning sensation
when urinating, an itch (itch) on your vulva, and sometimes become swollen lips.

- Chamomile bath seat: Add an infusion to the bath fully charged or you can also use sitz
baths on the genital area or using wet compresses infusion (Txumari 2000).
- Huacso: Make huacso sitz baths. Boil a handful of leaves and branches of huacso in a liter
of water and pour into the tray so that the child can make their bath seat. Do it daily until you
feel relief.
- Hygienic measures: daily bath, changing clothes frequently, preferably by
clothes, etc. Teach the child to have a good cleaning of the ano-genital region, always made
front to back, never backwards, to not move the impurities from the anus to the vagina.
- Sitz baths: Take Horsetail sitz baths, mix 100g of the plant with 1 gallon of hot water. Let
stand for one hour, then add to bath water (Txumari 2000).
- Ventilation: Keeping a diaper to keep it ventilated their part to avoid moisture.
- Yogurt: Eat yogurt natural rate, it helps with the infection.


When in the hands or feet of children occur prominences hard (keratinized) known as warts,
do not be alarmed benign lesions are generated by the human papilloma virus (HPV). It
occurs in 10% of the population are known three types of warts, common, plantar and genital.
Some are itchy, sometimes painful, and the vulgar are infected by their location in the body
and exposure to trauma. The evolution of which is unpredictable. While in some cases
disappear within three to six months after its beginning, others persist for years (Phyllis Balch,

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- Castor oil: This oil should be applied liberally over the affected parts
every night. Treatment should continue for several months.
- Garlic: Preparing a slice of garlic in vinegar overnight. The next day
apply to the wart with a plaster to hold all day. Change every 12 hours.
- Calendula: Take the fresh juice of a leaf and apply as a compress on
the wart, making it soft.
- Celandine: Put 15 grams of fresh flowers in warm water. This solution
applied as a compress, only in the affected area, just a minute. Also
apply fresh latex celandine. (Manfred,1998).
- Dandelion: The milk of the cut end of dandelion should be applied to
the affected area two or three times daily.
- Figs: The juice of fresh figs is another valuable remedy. This juice
should be extracted from fresh, barely-ripe and apply on the warts
several times per day
- Onion: Warts sometimes disappear when rubbed with cut onions das.
Cut an onion and make a hole, then throw salt into that hole and cover
with the other half. Then apply on the warts the resulting solution with
brush strokes, several times a night.
- Potatoes: Cut and rub in the affected area several times daily, at least
two weeks. This leads to good things good.
- The Wonder: The Wonder is another herb found beneficial in the
treatment of warts. The juice of the leaves of this plant can be applied
on warts beneficial. The sap of the stem has also been found beneficial in the removal of
- Urine: Apply a touch of urine on the wart.


There is a lot of weak children, especially in poor areas or in

peripheral belts of large cities, because of poor nutrition. The
weakness in children is the reduction of forces in one or more
muscles, which can be total or partial, sometimes caused by
anemia, or be due to metabolic, neurological, muscular or toxic.

Natural Treatment:
- Abuta: Take decoction of a teaspoon of flour abuta in a cup of
water once a day (Agapito and Sung).

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- Apple: cut an apple, boiled 10 minutes in 500 ml of water, add 2 tablespoons of honey. Boil
again for 5 minutes, then cool and serve. You can drink it every day before bedtime.
- Basil: Put 5 basil leaves in a cup of boiling water, then drink the infusion.
- Bathrooms common bay: Give them a bath with bay leaves to fight general weakness of
- Beans: Prepare a drink with beans and sweeten with honey, take a taste.
- Berro and alfalfa: Eat salads. Along with alfalfa.
- Cinnamon: Drink decoction of the leaves. (Manfred, 1998).
- Corn: Prepare a pot, let cool and serve with soy milk and honey.
- Fennel: Give a tea of fennel, a handful in a liter of boiling water. It can be combined with milk.
- Oatmeal: Take breakfast on a priority basis (Arias, 1982).
- Mate: Drink an infusion of mate in the day, never at night.
- Rosemary: Make an infusion of 5 g of rosemary in a cup of boiling water for 5 minutes. Drink 3
cups per day.
- Spinach: Drink the raw juice of spinach.
- Tires: Make an infusion of 6% of plantain leaves, stand for 20 minutes and drink 2
cups daily.
- Walnut Bathrooms: Make a decoction of walnut leaves for 12 minutes, then take that cooking
in the bathtub.
- Wheat: Eat two or three teaspoons of wheat germ daily.
- Wild Mint: Drink an infusion of 2%, two cups per day between meals.


An unpleasant sound is heard when a child coughs
uncontrollably, noisy and labored, as if convulsing,
sometimes vomiting are observed. When you see these
symptoms should see a physician as soon have a child
with pertussis or whooping cough, which is very
contagious. Generated by the bacterium Bordatella
pertussis. It is characterized by an inflammatory
condition of the airways leading to persistent coughing
fits are extremely dangerous in young children. The
disease begins like a common cold that gets worse the
week have contracted. In many cases, the patient ends
up vomiting. His condition gives immunity, but is a very
serious disease that can be life threatening to the
Among the complications include pneumonia, otitis, pneumothorax, rectal prolapse, hernia
navel and neurological damage in infants due to lack of oxygen during coughing (Brigo,

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- Alfalfa: To strengthen the lungs, ground alfalfa seeds and add a teaspoon to food when
they are served daily sa.
- Apple: Take 15 grams infusion of dried flowers of apple per liter of water. Drink three
glasses a day.
- Bathrooms with Savory: Browse 100 gr. of this plant in a liter of boiling water. Stand 20
minutes. Pour the mixture into the bathroom of the child. Practice as long as symptoms.
- Berro: Drink slowly before going to bed a hot cup of the mixture of 100 grams of watercress
juice (extracted by crushing the leaves) with a glass of milk and honey to taste.
- Cabbage: Boil a cabbage leaf in a glass of milk for 15 minutes. Take spread over a meal of
the day. The same preparation is useful in colds, flu, etc.
- Castor bean (oil): It applies in the chest a mixture of 2 teaspoons of oil and turpentine,
rubbed her breast with the mixture and leave covered with a warm cloth. Apply
times a day.
- Coltsfoot: Prepare in form of teas, cough, and drink it 2-3 times per day.
- Elder: Administer one teaspoon of elderberry tea. Have significant anti-inflammatory and
sedative effects.
- Eucalyptus: The dipping in hot water with eucalyptus extracts relieve congestion. (Manfred
- Figs: Make an infusion of water into a glass powder as coffee roasted fig and take 4
cups per day.
- Flax Seed Poultice: Pour a handful of seeds in a saucepan with boiling water. Stir to make
a paste, spread on a clean cloth forming a layer of 1 cm. thick and place it on your chest.
Leave 2 hours and apply 2 times per day.
- Garlic: It is applied in the form of juice (crush several cloves of garlic and squeeze the juice
in a tablespoon), garlic or garlic oil capsule.
- Infusion: One or two teaspoons of honey, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, one
tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, one tablespoon white horehound, a tablespoon of
licorice, eighth teaspoon of cayenne powder and vitamin C. Add hot water and sip
throughout the day, drinking at least three to six cups a day.
- Juice: Prepare juice mixed with orange, lime, lemon, carrot and watercress.
- Kofkof Candies: Candies of ginger, 2 to 10 years, to give them. For children under 2 years
to give them the candy powder.
- Lettuce: Make a syrup by boiling 150 grams of fresh leaves of lettuce and boil for a quarter
of an hour. Add a cup of sugar. Stored in a closed jar for a couple of glasses a day hot. Also
make a decoction of leaves in water. Add the juice of a lemon. Drink a brown glasses a day,
one before bedtime.
- Mango: Infusion of flowers on the handle.
- Milk, Figs: chest mucus softens and helps remove the cough. Cooking ¼ pint of milk boiled
with 12 dried figs for 15 minutes. Take the resulting liquid once filtered and sweetened.
(Manfred 1998).
- Oatmeal: Boil 4 tablespoons of oat seeds in two quarts of water until the water evaporates
halfway. Drink two glasses per day in divided doses.
- Onion: Decoction of white onion and ground roasted beans. All cow's milk. Add 100 ml of
brandy. Take warm before bedtime. Decoction of crushed beans and oregano.
- Syrup cabbage: Blend the leaves of a cabbage type cabbage and add 2-3 tablespoons of
honey. Simmer for 20 -30 minutes, while mixing ingredients. Store in airtight container. Take

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one tablespoon 2-3 times a day if the cough persists

only when it appears.
- Thyme: Manage 2-3 teaspoons a day to develop effective against germs and to relax the
lungs, and they're invigorating. The dipping in hot water with thyme extracts relieve
- Water: Drink plenty of fluids.
- Yarrow: Prepare an infusion of Yarrow, take 3 times a day, reduces fever and also
decreases the cough (Txumari 2000).


A healthy child has a strong immune system defenses ysus
act immediately on any lower action, causing fever. On the
contrary, when the child has a lowered immune system, your
body's defenses are low and no fever to fight infections. The
defenses of our body except our skin and mucous
membranes with which we are born form slowly in the liver,
bone marrow from the bones. Babies have defenses that
have been received from the mother until the sixth month
after gradually and as the immune system mature, form their
defensive elements. For this reason, early childhood
infections such as bronchitis, conjunctivitis, pharyngitis,
gastroenteritis, and so on, processes are more or less
frequent (Phyllis Balch 2,000). (Balch Phyllis, 2,000).


- Enabling environment: Have a pleasant, clean and healthy for the child so he can feel
good, preferably small towns without pollution.
- Bathrooms: Make hot foot baths, cold 2 times a week to stimulate circulation and
immune system. Place 2 sinks with hot water one and the other cold. Put one foot in the
heat for 2 minutes and then the same standing in the cold for 30 seconds. Repeat with
the other foot and do it 3 times.
- Cat's Claw: Raise the defenses of children must be given cat's claw. Make a decoction
of a teaspoon of flour from a cat in a cup of water, boil water and take as long. For
infants from 6 to 12 months: 2 to 4 ounces each week for babies from 12 to 24 months 4
- 8 oz. For children over 2 years: 1 cup each week. In times of trouble, such as flu,
diarrhea, stomach infection, and so on, Give them the days of convalescence. Fits all
diseases caused by viruses.
- Exercise: Practicing regular physical activity, inspirations and expirations by slow, deep,
while we, with the hand placed on his navel, the move up to the neck during inspiration
and return to the navel during expiration. Do it for 10 minutes per day.

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- Echinacea: Echinacea infusions elevate natural defenses are bactericidal; take ½ cup
every 15 days with a little honey.
- Fruits and Vegetables: Have a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables.
- Flaxseed, Flax: Accompany with meals to two tablespoons of flaxseed / flaxseed
- Melissa: Take lemon balm tea. Boil and then let stand. Strain and administered with a
spoon. Practice twice a week during the cooler months.
- Tangerine: Eating mandarins during the winter months and seasonal changes.
- Thyme: Manage the same as above with thyme tea.
- Tomatoes: It fights infections and maintain good eye health. Eat fresh or cooked
tomatoes. Also eating tomato ketchup or any food cooked with tomato sauce.
- Watermelon: watermelon eating normally.


Loss of appetite in infants and children is very
common and is related to some diseases,
psychological problems and a poor feeding. In
case the baby might not assimilate food properly.
Although parents do not perceive, infant feeding
problems are at an early age, and two years most
of these disorders are already present. S in
human beings, the way you eat, preferences and
refusals to certain foods are very much
conditioned by the learning and experiences in
the first 5 years of age. Therefore, a toddler who
eats well and quiet will not comply with difficulties later. Follow some of these
recommendations when the child has no appetite:
• Respect the child's poor appetite, do not force her to eat.
• This alert if you experience any symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, rash, and so on.
Avoids distractions, the TV should not be a regular partner in the food.
Do not offer an alternative dish if you do not want to eat, but provides a single meal and do
not want, then nothing happens.
Eating always in the same place, children do better if they respect their routines.


- Alfalfa: Eat alfalfa sprouts. Addresses the lack of appetite (but not increase the appetite in
people who are off their feed).
- Celery, onion, peppers: A plate of fresh celery with some onion, red pepper and parsley,
will open the appetite and help you make the digestion by increasing the intestinal juices
and eject the remaining gases.
- Celery: Open your appetite. Boil for half an hour of 30 grams of celery root per liter of water.
Drink a cup before each main meal of the day.

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- Chamomile: Make tea and drink (Valera 2009).

- Coriander: Drink a couple of cups per day, before meals with the infusion of a pinch of
coriander fruits by glass of water.
- Fennel: Make tea and drink.
- Lettuce: Eat some lettuce at the beginning of meals. (Alone or with the starter).
- Orange: The orange seeds or seeds. About 20 or 30 of these seeds, toasted and ground, a
way of preparing coffee, and comes to children, by teaspoonfuls. It takes away the lack of
- Water Clover: Make tea and drink.
- Wormwood: Make tea and drink


When a child can not absorb certain foods or minerals bowel disability or allergy problems,
whose reaction is with diarrhea, anemia, abdominal pain and weight loss, known as
malabsorption syndrome in children.


- Chamomile: Chamomile Infusion relaxes intestinal disturbances and facilitates their

rehabilitation (Txumari, 2000).
- Comfrey: Comfrey Root is useful and facilitates the renewal of the inner wall of the small
intestine. Drink with the aid of a teaspoon 2 times per day.
- Ulmaria: Ulmaria infusions during the symptoms take 2-3 times per day reduces
inflammation and diarrhea (Txumari, 2000).


Some worms (pinworms, 1 cm long), itchy anus in babies and they do not know what to do,
neither the mother nor the baby is to avoid scratching the itch, leading to injury and even
happening threadworm to the site, with consequent problems develops. The worms are
parasites that live in the intestine and are a nuisance especially for children. There are
several types but the most common worms reach the intestine by mouth when you eat
vegetables, contaminated vegetables, even when they do not wash hands, etc. The youth
and adult worm uses food to reach the intestine and grows, while leading to abdominal
discomfort (Santwani and Taylor, 1998).

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- Ajenjo: Mix 1 tablespoon of this plant in a liter of boiled water and keep the fire for 3
minutes, let stand 10 minutes and give the child what you want 3 times a day. (Manfred
- Ajenjo and orange: Cook 5 gr. Of ajenjo, 5 gr. orange peel, 50 gr. of water. Cook for half an
- Apple: It favors the elimination of body fluids and eliminates toxins that are stored in the
body. Blocks consume regularly.
- Artemis: Prepare a decoction of 10 grams of artemis root in a liter of water and drink 4 cups
per day.
- Complete treatment for tapeworm: Purge at night with castor oil (3 tablespoons). On the
morning after fasting take 50 g pumpkin seeds ground and mixed with sugar. Two hours
after the second dose of castor oil. If even with this treatment leaves the tapeworm, they
prepare a macerate of the root of the pomegranate (50 g) that are left overnight in 500 ml of
water, then boil for several minutes, finally taking it every 15 minutes, the cooking of the
grenade. It is advisable not to pull the tapeworm, but let it out spontaneously (Carvajal,
- Coriander: You can debug the body. Drink a pinch of infusion cilantro nuts per cup of water,
twice daily.
- Fennel and coriander: Serve as a stomach tonic, digestive, soothing and stimulating.
Making an infusion of 50% of Fennel and coriander. Take half a teaspoon per cup of water,
then drink a small cup after meals. Also drink a couple of cups per day, before meals with
the infusion of a pinch of fruit per glass of water.
- Fennel and Galician: Collect 30 g of tincture of fennel plus 30 g of tincture of Galician and
put them into a bottle of one liter. Drink a glass before meals (ary 1982).
- Guava: infusion of 12 grams and 30 grams of leaves from green fruits of guava in a quart of
hot boiled water. Drink a cup with the main meals.
- Hair Corn: Remove body fluids. Decoction of 50 grams of corn silk per liter of water for 20
minutes. Drink four glasses per day.
- Infusion of ajenjo and Yerba Buena: This is very good and effective if it had the Lonely;
drink it once daily before breakfast.
- Laxative Pumpkin: Promotes bowel movement. Boil a handful and a half of pumpkin leaves
per liter of water for 10 minutes. Let stand for half an hour. Take four cups a day.
- Lemon: Lemon Crush 12 seeds and boil with a glass of milk. Add ½ teaspoon of honey and
take fasting. Take the preparation for 3-4 days of treatment (Txumari 2000).
- Mango: Contains fiber which give laxative properties. Eating green mangoes at will.
- Onion: Boil for half an hour with onion, celery, lemon and cabbage, then take to the
discretion several times a day / Drink on an empty stomach 3 to 6 tablespoons of water with
onion, which began last night in a cup water with an onion into pieces (Pompa, 1984;
Manfred 1998).
- Paico: Make Infusion and take 5 shots a day. 10 gr. paico, 100 gr. of water.
- Plums: Plums act as intestinal enema to empty the vats and helps maintain a good figure.
- Pumpkin Seeds: Eat pumpkin seeds shelled at will. Eliminates tapeworms. To eject the
crush had 50 grams of fresh seeds, mix them with sugar or honey and water. Eat the mix as
the only meal of the day, divided into three portions for breakfast, lunch and dinner. After a
few hours of rest, stool should be checked to see if the parasite had been expelled. If it did
not, repeat the treatment the other day (Txumari 2000). This treatment is also good for

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variety threadworm vermicular, usually living in the completion of the gut, develops intense
itching and sometimes moves into the vagina of the girl, causing despair in it (Carvajal,
- Ruda: Prepare, 5 gr. rue, 1 liter of water. Cook and drink 4 cups a day. (Manfred 1998).
- Squash: Eat all day in the morning pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seeds a few crushed in a
- Tangerine: helps to combat infection and enhances the action of vitamin C. Tangerines Eat
- Yarrow: Mix one tablespoon of this plant in 1 cup boiling water and stand for 15 minutes.
Give it 2-3 times per day (Txumari 2000).

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Anemia is a disease characterized by a diet very low in iron, minerals and vitamins.
Symptoms include fatigue, feeling of warmth in the lower extremities, including numbness,
cramps, sleeplessness, paleness, excessive pallor in children, irritability. In order to recover
and treat this terrible disease is how to combat eating right.

The main treatment for these types of anemia is oral iron should be supplemented with a
balanced diet rich in foods containing this nutrient. It is advisable to eat organic meat or
oily fish once a day since proteins improve the assimilation of iron from vegetables. Vitamin
C helps the body to assimilate the mineral that should be included in the daily menu some
citrus such as oranges, kiwis, strawberries, etc. White bread, pasta and rice or cereals
fortified with iron should never miss.

Avoid drinking too much whole foods as they contain phytic acid which is an inhibitor of iron
and calcium absorption. Tea and coffee also interfere with iron absorption, so must be
shelved coffee after dinner, it is best consumed in the collations.

Anemic’s children Menu

A glass of milk with malt or chicory, fortified cereals and a glass of orange juice.

Chickpea salad with steamed vegetables, liver with onions and for dessert two kiwis.

A generous salad of tomatoes, beets, corn, arugula and bean sprouts, eggplant stuffed with
cheese and ham, homemade custard dessert / fruit smoothie with milk, spreadable cheese
toast and a handful of pistachios.


Allowed food: Rice, beans, pasta, salads or vegetables and potatoes. If you combine
legumes and cereals in the same dish, it becomes a second very nutritious which replaces
some of the rations of meat, fish or organic eggs.

Meat, fish and eggs. Provides a moderate amount of protein, iron and other nutrients.
Deguarnicion always accompany vegetable salads, vegetables.
The fruit is always fresh milk or a simple. (Porti, Mariana - 2006)

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Menu for Children with Obesity

Breakfast: cereal with milk and fruit juice / milk or juice with wheat toast and jam without
sugar / 1 piece of bread with turkey breast / 2 granola bars.

Lunch: vegetable soup with chicken. Spinach tortilla. 1 yogurt / salad of lettuce, tomato,
carrot, and so on. / Lentils with vegetables. 1 piece of fruit / 1 baked apple or a salad. fruit.

Dinner: boiled and scrambled Hake with tender garlic with asparagus. Yogurt 1 / 5 crackers
with milk / salad and chicken burger on the grill (without bread). 1 flan


The foods that point directly to improve the memory are headed, for nutritious rich in hill, the
matter prevails of the acetilcolina, the most important neurotransmisor in the nervous
system, something like that as the matter of which the ideas, the thoughts and the
memories are made. This it is in the egg yolk, wheat germ and the salmon. The folic acid
(well-known as vitamin B9) it is highly effective to improve the memory. (Toyos Isabel

We show a relationship of power to improve the memory of his son: - Water: It is advisable
to drink plenty of water.
- Cranberries: They help to maintain a good memory.
- Broccoli and spinach: Broccoli, spinach and, in general, all leafy vegetables
dark, contribute to the preservation of memories. The reason is that within its chemical
composition are folic acid and vitamin B, the same substances that are critical for nervous
system development of babies in stage gestation.
- Red fruits, source of flavonoids: Blackberries and raspberries are among the berries, the
richest in flavonoids, an antioxidant very beneficial in the fight against brain aging.
- Lentils: Rich in sugar are ideal for slow assimilation neuronal health; facilitate the transport
of oxygen to the brain.
- Apple: One of the best fruits known to mankind has the principal effect to improve memory
and brain function. Fruits like kiwi, grapes and peaches also contain it.
- Nuts and grains: These foods are very important at the time of nerve signals from neuron
to neuron jump to the brain
- Salmon: In order to maximize their property and high in omega 3 fatty fish are
recommended twice a week, to slow cognitive decline.
- Sunflower seeds: They are also very healthy for this, as they have lots of vitamin E, which
is one of the most important antioxidants.

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The Symptoms of hyperactivity are the many unfortunate too common for parents and
teachers. The Hyperactive Children are in constant Movement, Coordination They Possess
a low level, index and first floor of Attention They Are Able to concentrate. They are unstable
and prone Also Emotionally to the explosions of violence, and they find very difficult to go to
the bed and much more Difficult Even to be sleeping.

The diet contains four important points:

- Essential fatty acids (oily fish olive oil, cod liver oil) regulate inflammation and nervous
irritability, so it is recommended that children with ADHD to reduce their consumption of
animal fats.
- Foods with salicylates (almonds, apples, tomatoes, berries, citrus fruits), dairy, corn,
wheat, soy and egg s influence in this disorder (presumably due to the metabolism of
- Vitamins that benefit children with ADHD are vitamins C, E and B complex and the
minerals calcium and magnesium.

Among the recommended herbs: lemon balm, lavender, chamomile, passion flower, lime
blossom. Combining three or four is beneficial.

Menu for hyperactive children

1 glass of orange juice, pineapple or grapefruit.

1 cup cereal with milk

1 nonfat yogurt
Can be accompanied by any of these options with bread and butter (not margarine), or jelly
or jam. Organic cheese.

Defatted vegetable soup with rice or noodles. Cakes made with whole wheat flour.
Empanadas with flour. Salads.

You can alternate between a soup, a rice dish with vegetables or even a slice of pizza
mozzarella preferably made with whole wheat flour.

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All children need to eat a variety of healthy foods and those athletes are no exception.
Everybody needs foods that include the following:

- Proteins (found in meat, eggs and dairy)

- Carbohydrates (cereals like wheat bread)
- Vitamins (such as those found in fruits and vegetables, for example) and minerals like
calcium (found in dairy products).
Children need some fat, but that's not usually a problem. They are found in meats, cheeses,
nuts, oils and lard, among many other foods.

Prevent dehydration: Because children respond to dehydration with an excessive increase

in body temperature, its prevention is essential. Make sure that children arrive safely
hydrated workout or competition.

During prolonged activities, even when the child is not thirsty, you should drink every 15-20

Add sugar and a pinch of salt to water: In this way the child is totally calm hydrate without
thirst, leading to drink more, only that salt can cause stomach irritation. A more convenient
option is to give them to drink sports drinks that contain these elements in precise quantities,
in addition to giving a more complete port for hydration. (Melvin H. Williams 2002)

Menu for Sporty children

1 glass of freshly squeezed orange juice (250 ml)
1 serving of cereal (40 grams) with a glass of skim milk (200 ml) 1 banana 200 grams
2 toast (15 grams) butter (10 grams) and jam (30 g)

1 endive salad with tomato, onion, cucumber, etc. (250 g) 1 tablespoon mayonnaise (10 g)
Chicken, turkey or rabbit (150 g) 2 slices of bread (60 g)
1 glass of freshly squeezed orange juice (250 ml)
1 apple (200 g)
Mozzarella cheese (50 g) 1 lemon sorbet (100 G)

150 grams of fresh vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, etc.) Potatoes (200 g)
2 tablespoons butter or dessert equivalent amount of oil (20 g) 4 slices of bread (120 g)
1 plate of spaghetti (100 g) to Bologna (60 g of meat, 60 g of tomato sauce) 1 ice cream
(100 g) with natural strawberries (100 g)
1 apple, orange, peach, and so on (200 g)

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Two types of cholesterol exist, one good and another bad. The bad cholesterol is since the
one that we worry about, it is harmful for the heart of the children. A great part of the bad
cholesterol comes from the diet and especially of the foods of animal origin. When a lot of
bad cholesterol is provided to the organism this it floods the blood and it begins slowly to
obstruct the arteries generating the risk of suffering a heart heart attack or a chest angina
The bad cholesterol in the children, in general, it doesn't generate heart attacks. If the
children have a high level of bad cholesterol, they can increase the cardiovascular risk
during the mature life. Where it is necessary to measure the levels of bad cholesterol they
are in the children with overweight or obesity. These children can change their lifestyle
feeding with a low healthy diet in saturated fats and bad cholesterol. When the children get
used to eat well of small it is more probable than they make it of bigger. (Txumari, 2000).

A good cholesterol coming from the diets also exists, this way the blue fish (trout, tuna,
salmon, mackerel, etc.), it provides us an oil omega 3 that it doesn't affect to the heart. The
meat provided by animals that have a normal feeding, without injections of hormones for the
growth has a fat that generates good cholesterol (German nickel, ostrich, guinea pig, dove
pigeon, black hen, etc.). there is Also fatty of vegetable origin that are beneficial (especially
the olive oil, corn and other seeds). it is good to give to the boy nuts and almonds 2 times a
week. The good cholesterol increases with the physical exercise and it diminishes if one
smokes. When the food that gets ready at home for the children is healthy for the heart, it is
easier and more comfortable for the adults than they live under the same roof they also
follow it. For that reason it is necessary to control the diet, especially the consumption of
fritters, quick food and sausages.


Children for their great physical activity need large amounts of calcium to ensure their daily
activities, which are provided with adequate food and balanced. Within the first two years of
a child's life calcium nutrition is the most important, they should receive breast milk, some
mothers do so only 6 months and that can cause allergies in children, and complement it
with milk powdered or bottled cow's milk with preservatives, which are the most suitable for
children. After two years there is a tradition to feed the children with cow's milk, only humans
do, because the animals once they wean their offspring, never drink milk but, strangely
enough, they are very strong and do not drink milk humans drink cow's milk and are nothing
strong, but increasingly weak and sick. Personally I do not recommend drinking milk after
two years, can compensate with dark green leafy vegetables (broccoli, spinach, chard),
sesame seeds or dates, nuts (almonds, hazelnuts), sardines and anchovies. Another way to
get calcium is sunbathing or seawater. The best way to provide calcium for children is to
give an ounce of chocolate (high cocoa content), once a week should give the chocolate
bars as a special prize, otherwise very quickly creates dependency ( Txumari 2000).

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- Build and strengthen bones, teeth and gums.

- Help on the regularity of heart rate, and the transmission of
nerve impulses.
- Helps prevent cardiovascular disease, lowers blood
cholesterol levels and helps in blood clotting.
- Prevents muscle cramps in the body.
- Prevent degenerative diseases such as cancer.
- Reduces blood pressure in people with hypertension.
- Prevents osteoporosis.
- Maintains healthy skin.


Giving children drinks, juices chemicals, canned, white bread, sweet chemical, sausage,
bologna, candy, alcoholic beverages, etc.


As iodine, that calcium and iron, is an essential element in small amounts but that the
human body can not manufacture. Recent research certifies that iodine is essential in the
maturation of cognitive functions like memory, intelligence, attention span, etc. The main
sources of iodine are: vegetables, fruits, seafood, fish, seaweed and iodized salt.
(Hernández Manuel, 1993)


- Garlic: Raw powder, as presented within the capsules, you can bring mixed with food.
- Seaweed: Especially with a high content of iodine.
- Sea Bathrooms: As the sea water rich in iodine.
- Watercress: Prepare salad of watercress, the leaves of easy assimilation, are very rich in
- Onion: It is essential to add to meals.
- Seafood: Eat seafood.
- Fish: A food that contains iodine.
- Radishes: Prepare salads.
· Iodine Salt: used in food preparation ensures much of the daily requirement.
- Mushrooms: They contain iodine.

Other foods that hinder the absorption of iodine vegetables, cabbage, turnips, mustard, nuts,
cassava and cabbage.

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- Achieving the proper functioning of thyroid hormone.

- Stimulates the smooth running of our metabolism.
- Having a proper functioning of our nervous system.
- It regulates our energy level and a good cell function.
- Makes it easier for our body to burn excess fat.
- Take care of your nails, hair and teeth.
- Used to clean and disinfect wounds.


This micromineral or oligoelement, intervene in the formation of hemoglobin and red
globules, and also in the enzymatic activity of the organism. Since it participates in the
formation of the hemoglobin, other say that it transports the oxygen in blood and that it is
important for the correct operation of the breathing chain and it collaborates with the growth
and development of the smallest. The reservations of this mineral are in the liver, the spleen
and the bone marrow. This situation can also be given because the foods that the boy
consumes don't restore the iron that spends his organism daily. All the small ones need
great quantity of iron; their deficiency retards the growth and it generates certain alteration of
the mental development. The newly born ones have acquired iron reservations during the
pregnancy, with those that cover their necessities until the third month. (Hernández Manuel,


- Beans: Foods that reduce iron absorption in the intestine are the beans.
- Oatmeal: Oat Regular use ensures a high iron intake.
- Watercress: Eat watercress in salads or with other dishes.
- Meat: Eat meat at meals.
- Meals: Delete large quantities of tea or coffee with meals.
- Spinach: Foods that reduce iron absorption in the intestine is spinach.
- Selection: Choose foods (potatoes, broccoli, soybean, tomato, carrot, pumpkin, avocado,
beets, cherries, etc.).
- Vitamins: Try to vitamin C at each meal,
- Vinegar: Do not use excess acetic acid (vinegar).
- Blackberry and Raspberry: fruit are rich in iron, is readily absorbed from the intestine and
red blood cells.

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A nutrition based on rich foods in match is fundamental to nurture our brain improving
our memory. It also intervenes together with the calcium in the formation and the
maintenance of the bones, the development of the teeth, the normal secretion of the
maternal milk, the formation of the muscular fabrics and the cellular metabolism. From it
is absorbed it by the intestine until reaching different organs of the body. Example; it is
united with the calcium to form salts that form the structure and fabrics of the bones,
substances that are constantly renewed. It can incorporate to the organism through the
consumption of meats, eggs, milky, dry fruits, integral grains and vegetable s. A
balanced feeding contributes the match that the body needs, without necessity of
appealing to supplements. The natural form of elimination of this of the organism is the
urine. The symptoms of absence of this they are; decline, weakness, tremors and
disartria, and in some cases anorexy and disorder breathing. The opposite is also
harmful, it is not necessary to be exceeded too much in the match supplements
because you can hinder the mineralization of the bones and also to generate some
renal alteration. (Txumari 2000).

Among the main food sources that contain phosphorus these Dairy and dairy, lentils and
nuts (sunflower, sesame, pistachio, almonds), legumes (soy, beans, chickpeas and lentils),
cereals (wheat, oatmeal, brown rice, yeast, wheat bran) and meat and fish.

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Breastfeeding the baby between 0 - 6 Months: Breast milk is the main and only source of infant
feeding, exclusively in the first 6 months, covering the baby's nutritional needs. This milk has
features that enable digestion without discomfort in infants. Breastfeeding generally lasted up to 2
years now, many problems some mothers stop breastfeeding their babies at 3 months, others 6
months and older, and a large majority birthday. We recommend that breastfeeding duration of 2
years for you mother has a beautiful baby and especially without a lot of health problems and
maternal warmth. During these first two years that the mother breast feeding her baby must be fed
with wholesome food without additives to feed the child better. (Hernandez, Manuel 1993)

Complementary feeding the baby between 6 to 12 months: From 6 to 12 months the baby's
mother must pay attention to hunger and give you drink your milk if required. It is very important to
give breast milk and to avoid future diseases such as allergies, which are very popular in highly
polluted cities. When a mother can not give breastfeeding your baby for problems of shortage of
milk, you should go to the support of some herbs that help to keep giving their milk to increase the
amount of breast milk, there are several herbs for this problem. From 6 months can be given a
supplementary feeding the baby. The mother should breastfeed her baby as a priority, except when
organic problems others can not offer your baby this food. Milk as food provided only after six
months gives them the energy and nutrients needed by the infant from this age. As their digestive
functions are stronger, it is good or introducing new foods into your diet, regulated by rules. It is the
time to educate the taste of the baby and to meet new food staples that will allow the baby to adapt
to a balanced diet, varied and sufficient. You have to replace some making milk during the day for
their porridge or pureed (supplementary feeding) gradually, with sufficient range for the child to be

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accepting of new foods, tolerance testing before introducing a new one and giving time for
adaptation from your body (Miralpeix 2003).

Avoid this food: eggs, chicken (not organic) and cow's milk (not organic) for being associated with
allergy problems that easily acquired by children (in general problems associated with rapid growth
with hormonal methods). It is not good to eat refined sugar or honey. It is not good to eat meat and
fish in this season. (Hernandez, Manuel 1993)

Food rations for children 6 to 12 months

- Milk: 500 cc daily or equivalent
125 cc of milk yogurt = 1
= 50 grams of fresh cheese
- Soup, porridge or mashed liquid: 200 cc
- Semolina, pasta very small: 20 to 30 grams
- Composed of cereal or rice: 20 to 30 grams
- Semolina, pasta very small: 20 to 30 grams
- Composed of cereal or rice: 20 to 30 grams
-Chicken (skinless): 40 to 60 grams
- Veal (organic): 40 to 60 grams
- Loin of rabbit: 40 to 60 grams
- Potatoes: 80 to 100 grams
- Carrots 80 grams
- Vegetables: cabbage chard, zucchini, cauliflower, etc. 75 grams (accompanied with potatoes)
- Onion: 20 grams
- Bluefish: 75 grams
- clean fruit and without skin: 70 grams

Menu for babies from 6 to 12 months:


10 hs: Applesauce and apricot with a little yogurt.

10 hs: A hard-boiled egg yolk with pieces of whole wheat bread soaked in milk. 10 pm: mashed
10 hs: Banana ride with a little yogurt and wheat germ. 10 pm: traditional porridge.
10 hs: Banana ride with yogurt and a little wheat germ. 10 pm: A hard-boiled egg yolk with graham


14 hs: mashed vegetables and potatoes. A ripe pear peeled and grated. 14 pm: mashed turnip and
carrot. Grated apple and orange juice. 14 pm: Mashed spinach with cheese. A bit of mashed
bananas. 14 pm: Puree chicken and vegetables. A fresh pear step.
14 hs: Mashed potatoes and vegetables. A ripe peach peeled and grated.
14 hs: Mashed broccoli and pea pods. Palta ride with a few drops of lemon juice. 14 pm: Mashed
Potatoes bluefish. Mashed turnips and carrots.

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18 hs: mashed potatoes with a little cheese. Mashed bananas. 18 pm: Damascus boiled, blended
with yogurt.
18 hs: mashed carrots, broccoli and potatoes.
18 hs: Mijo boiled with a little pear.
18 hs: Apple simmered with yogurt. Pieces of wheat bread soaked in milk. 18 am: Oatmeal with a
little grated raw apple.
18 hs: Banana with orange juice.




1 organic apple, peeled, cored and chopped
2 organic apricots, seedless
Place prepared fruit in a pot with enough water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for 8 to 10
Strain the fruit and keep the cooking water, prepare the puree into the liquid. To improve the
consistency of mashed potatoes, add the cooking water, previously boiled cooled water or breast
milk or organic (Karmel, 1999).

1 spoonful of organic rolled oats
1 spoonful of sultanas raisin grapes thoroughly washed (babies
over 6 months)
water or milk, to mix by the method described
½ mashed ripe banana.
For babies 8 or 9 months of age or older, use oats from the
package and add raisins sultanas. For babies over 6 months, grind the oats in a coffee grinder
on mortar.
Place the rolled oats and sultanas or ground oats in a pan with two or three tablespoons of
water, breast milk or organic milk specially formulated, or a mixture of both. Simmer to a boil,
reduce heat and stir occasionally to prevent sticking.
Once cooked, add the mashed bananas and mix gently (Karmel, 1999).

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2 sugar-free organic granola spoonfuls
Fruit juice
2 natural yogurt spoonfuls
2 honey teaspoons
Fresh fruits
This simple recipe is wonderful source of energy, minerals and B
Prepare the granola the night before, in individual bowls. Add
enough fruit juice to each serving to moisten. Then pour the
yogurt and honey. Leave the containers in the refrigerator
The next morning remove the granola from the refrigerator as early as possible. Just before
serving, add the favorite fruit of his sons, grated apple or pear, sliced banana, some strawberries
or diced peaches (Gamboa and Pedraza, 1940).



150 g broccoli, cut into small pieces
150 g cauliflower, cut into small pieces
¼ cup unsalted butter
½ cup chicken broth, plus extra for pure, heated
In a medium saucepan, add the steamed broccoli, 3 to 5 minutes until broccoli
is bright green and tender. When finished, leave to cool. Repeat with fresh water to steam the
cauliflower. Steam for 5 to 7 minutes, until cauliflower is tender. Remove the cauliflower is
tender. Remove the steam cauliflower and set aside. Melt the butter in a skillet and saute the
broccoli and cauliflower for 1 minute. Combine the broccoli and cauliflower in a blender or food
processor equipped with a steel blade and pulse until smooth. Add the ½ cup of broth to
mixture and pulse again until smooth. You may need to add some more broth, depending on the
consistency of mashed potatoes. Serve warm or at room temperature. (Christine Splichal 2003,
Karmel 1999).


½ sweet potato, peeled and bucking
3 or 4 cones of broccoli, chopped
Some green beans and chopped green wireless
When your baby is 5 or 6 months, start to include green vegetables in your diet, preferably
Place the diced potatoes in a pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for

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5 minutes. Add broccoli and green beans and cook for another 5 or 6 minutes, until vegetables
are tender.
Strain the vegetables and keep the cooking water. Prepare the mashed potatoes, with the help of
pisapapas. To have the right consistency, add the puree part of the cooking water, cold boiled
water, breast milk or organic milk specially formulated.


Ingredients ( 9 – 12 months)
1 portion of carrots, peeled and chopped
¼ cup whole milk
3 tablespoons of unsalted butter, melted
1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice
chopped fresh parsley for garnish (optional)
Bring a medium saucepan full of boiling water. Add carrots
and cook for 10 minutes until carrots are tender. Remove
the carrots with a spoon. In a small saucepan, combine milk
and butter and heat until butter melts.
Transfer the mixture to the milk in a blender with the carrots and puree until smooth. Add the
lemon juice.
Garnish with parsley and serve warm or at room temperature. (Martinez, 2000).


Ingredients (6- 9 months)
4 cups chicken broth low sodium
2 cups lentils
2 carrots, peeled and finely chopped
1 teaspoon of minced onion (optional)
In a large saucepan, combine the broth and lentils and bring to
a boil. Add carrots and onion. Reduce the heat to a simmer
and cook for about 30 minutes, until lentils and vegetables are
tender. Drain and reserve the liquid.
Serve immediately. (Christine Splichal, 2003).

1 butter curls
½ small onion
½ teaspoon o flour
2 tablespoons of milk
60 grams of salmon fillet
Melt the butter in a nonstick saucepan. Add onion and cook over low heat until soft but not
brown. Sprinkle flour over the onion, stir and add milk until a creamy sauce.
Cook sauce over medium heat for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
While sauce is cooking, remove skin and bones from salmon. Then add the fish sauce and cook
another 3 or 4 minutes, or until fish is tender. Mix the sauce and fish.

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6. SPINACH CREAM (2 cups)

Ingredients (9 – 12 months)
250 g fresh spinach, washed
1 chopped onion spoonful
¼ flour spoonful
1 cup heavy cream
¼ cup chicken broth to the puree
Bring a medium saucepan filled with water to a boil over high heat. Add spinach and cook for
about 3 minutes, until bright green and tender. Drain. Allow to cool. Heat ¼ cup of broth to boil in
a small rola hunt, to simmer down. Cook for 1 minute, then add the spinach, stirring for about 2
minutes, until hot. Stir in butter.
Serve immediately. For infants from nine to twelve months, the mushy peas in a blender with the
extra hot chicken broth. Add more broth, if necessary, to achieve consistency. Freezing of the
remains that can not eat the next day. (Peralta 2002).


To make this puree it takes about the same amount of each vegetable (Broccoli, and so on,
organic if possible). Place vegetables in a pot and cover with water. Cover the pot bring to a
boil, reduce heat and simmer for about 1 minutes or until vegetables are cooked. Strain the
vegetables keep the water of the cooking. Prepare the puree with the help of pisapapas. To
have consistency appropriate, add the puree part of the cooking water, cold boiled water, breast
milk or specially formulated organic milk (Karmel, 1999).



Ingredients (6 – 9 months)
 2 cups with low sodium chicken broth
 2 carrots, peeled and sliced thin
 2 teaspoons of unsalted butter
In a saucepan over high heat, bring broth to a boil. Add carrots and cook for 10 to 12 minutes,
until carrots are tender and easily pierced with the tip of a knife. Remove pan from heat. Remove
carrots from broth with a spoon flush, reserving the liquid. Combine the carrots and butter in a
blender and puree, adding the reserved broth until mixture is smooth. Serve hot. (Christine
Splichal 2003, Karmel 1999).

2. CHICKEN SOUP (4 portions)

 1 tablespoon of olive oil
 1 medium organic chicken
 300 ml of water or vegetable broth

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 The white part of two leeks

 1 big onion
 2 sliced carrots
 1 sprig thyme
 1 bay leaf
 1 sprig of parsley
 2 big potatoes, peeled and chopped
Babies can eat this dish if you process a piece of chicken breast
with some vegetables.
Place the butter and oil in a pan or heavy based saucepan and heat until butter melts. Place
chicken in the pot and brown well. Add water or broth, chicken, onions, carrots and herbs, and
bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover pot and cook over medium heat 45 to 60 minutes or until
chicken is thoroughly cooked and tender. Add the potatoes after the first 25 minutes of cooking
time (Pesch, 2004).


A small piece of grilled chicken breast, skinless
60 grams of diced pumpkin
1 tablespoon of fresh peas
1 tablespoon of fresh corn kernels
Organic food should be used for the preparation of the meals to babies.
Make sure the chicken is well done: to be played at the widest part of thigh, should release a
clear juice, not pink. Remove skin from chicken breast and shred the meat. Cook the pumpkin,
peas and corn kernels in unsalted water until tender. Drain vegetables and
keep the bottom of cooking to add the puree if necessary. Process the chicken and
vegetables in food processor. (Christine Splichal, 2003).


Ingredients (6- 9 months)
 2 - MASH of peas with fresh mint (1 cup)
 2 cups shelled fresh peas
 1 carrot, peeled and cubed
 1 stalk celery, trimmed and cut into small pieces
 1 tablespoon unsalted butter, at room temperature
 1 / 8 teaspoon chopped fresh mint (optional)
Bring a large pot of boiling water. Add the peas, carrots and
celery and cook for about 2 minutes, until peas that are bright
green and tender. Remove from heat and drain, reserving a little liquid to puree. Put the
vegetables in ice water and rinse.
In a blender put the vegetables with butter and mint and pulse until smooth, add the liquid
reserves required to meet the desire for consistency. Serve immediately. (Christine Splichal

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Saute broccoli in butter, add an attractive flavornuts to this dish.
(9 to 12 months)
1 small broccoli, cut flowers into small pieces
3 tablespoons of unsalted butter
½ cup of whole milk
¼ cup of chicken broth, plus extra for mashed potatoes,heated.
In a medium saucepan cook broccoli steamed 3 to 5 minutes
until broccoli is bright green and tender. Drain the broccoli. When cool, remove broccoli water.
In a large skillet, heat the butter over medium heat until it begins to brown. Add broccoli and
cook 1 minute. Stir in milk and ¼ cup broth and cook for 1 minute, until broccoli is lightly
browned and hot. Remove from heat and set aside for 5 minutes. (Christine Splichal, 2003).
Transfer broccoli mixture to a blender and puree. Add more broth to achieve desired
consistency. Serve at room temperature (Karmel, 1999).

 125 grams of cooked spinach, well drained
 4 tablespoons of cream cheese
 2 eggs (separate the whites from the yolks)
 60 grams of grated cheese
Preheat oven to 190 º C. Grease a pan or two small bowls,
also small.
Chop the spinach and mix then with the cheese. Lightly beat
the egg yolks and pour over spinach, along with grated
Beat the egg whites until stiff and add to spinach. Place the
mixture in small saucepan or two bowls. Bake for 35 to 40
minutes or a little less (Pérez, Olga).

2 medium potatoes, thinly sliced
Milk to cover
½ small onion, grated
3 tablespoons of canned tuna, skinless and boneless
1 tablespoon wheat germ
Place potato slices in a saucepan and cover with milk. Add onion. Bring to a boil, reduce heat
and simmer until potatoes are tender and milk has evaporated. Grease a small saucepan.
Step on the potatoes, adding butter first and then the tuna. Place the mixture in the pan,
sprinkle with wheat germ and bake until browned.

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3.2 CHILD NUTRITION (1 and 2 years old):

The child from 1 to 2 years develops an inexhaustible physical activity and an increasing
need to explore and test the world around him. The mothers of these children so full of
energy should give her breast milk until age two, as did our grandmothers and well bred and
beautiful healthy children. If you can not breastfeed due to lack of breast milk is seeking help
in the herbs that help to improve the production of breast milk. If you can not give milk for
other problems (work, etc.) Seeks to give food that does not contain many additives. At this
stage of growth your baby will need plenty of carbohydrates also beneficial. These are found
in grains (wheat, rice and oats), legumes (beans and lentils), starchy vegetables (carrots
and potatoes), fruit and milk (Miralpeix, 2003).

Children from this age need to eat daily:

Breast milk 2 to 3 servings.

Each serving is 200 cc of milk, yoghurt 2 100 grams of fresh cheese.
Meat, poultry, fish and eggs: 2 servings. Each serving is 80 to 100 grams of meat or poultry
(organic), 100 to 125 grams of oily fish, 2 eggs.
Bread, pulses and tender, pasta and rice: 4 servings. Each serving is 40 grams of bread, 50
grams of vegetables tender, 50 grams of rice (raw), 50 grams of pasta (raw), 125 grams of

Fresh and frozen vegetables: 2 servings. The vegetables are cooked about 100 grams per
serving. (Assumpta Miralpeix, 2003)

The first six nutritious foods at this age of growth are: Cauliflower, Kiwi, Millet, Beans,
Salmon and Yogurt.

Food portions for children between 1 and 2 years old

- Bread: 25 grams
- Bluefish: 75 grams
- Egg: 1 unit
- Chicken (no skin or bone): 75 grams
- Organic red meat: 75 grams
- Loin of rabbit: 75 grams
- Clean natural fruit: 125 grams
- Vegetables to accompany Pope: 75 grams
- Carrots: 80 grams
- Pumpkin: 80 grams
- Pope: 100 grams
- Tomato peel oil: 25 grams
- Pasta: 30 grams
- Lentils, beans and peas (dry): 30 grams
- Rice: 30 grams
- Composed of cereals: 30 grams
- Olive oil: 10 grams.

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Menu for children between 1 and 2 years old


- Scrambled eggs with pieces of bread and butter. A glass of milk.

- Freshly squeezed orange juice. Porridge with milk or cream and a little honey.
- Oatmeal with raisins and a sliced banana. Freshly squeezed orange juice.
- Eggs cooked in water with pieces of whole wheat toast. Freshly squeezed orange juice.
- Whole Yogurt with applesauce and raisins. Grain toast with honey and butter.
- Lima whipped. Whole wheat toast smeared with butter and fruit jam without sugar.
- Kruska five grains with yogurt and a banana or some strawberries and sliced.
- Millet with chopped banana and yogurt.
- Dried fruit soaked in yogurt and a little honey.
- Slices of grapefruit. Traditional porridge with milk and a little honey.


- Pasta with avocado salsa. Tomato, cucumber and lettuce, curly endive with a little
mayonnaise. Fresh fruit.
- Spanish Omelette. Celery and carrot sticks with hummus.
- Tuna salad, avocado and tomato with a little ones May, accompanied by bread with butter. A
- Vegetarian chickpea burger. Lettuce salad, apple and carrot grated with mayonnaise. An
- Cold roast chicken with ratatouille and green salad. Fresh fruit.
- Spaghetti to Bologna. Oatmeal cookies with slices of cheese and celery sticks.
- Slices of salmon with broccoli and potatoes cooked in a bain-marie. A peach.
- Cheese broccoli and cauliflower and a baked potato. An apple.
- Eggs poached in tomato sauce with potatoes. Carrot and celery. Fresh fruit.
- Whole wheat toast with canned beans (sugar free). Small mixed salad. An apple.


- Pumpkin soup with toasted bread smeared with butter. A sliced banana with yogurt.
- Mexican Chicken. Yogurt with sliced peaches.
- Hake Moussaka
- Hamburger with onion and spinach. Kiwi sliced.
- Irish stew with steamed cauliflower. A pear.
- Potato croquettes and roasted green beans with bacon. A fresh peach.
- Brown rice with grilled vegetables. F salad fresh routes.
- Sugar-free canned Beans with toasted wheat bread.
- Tomato and cucumber salad. Pear slices with a little yogurt.
- Leek and watercress soup. Toasted bread. Carrot and celery sticks with hummus.
- Menestrón with pesto. Oatmeal cookies with cream cheese. An apple

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RECIPES: Children between 1 and 2 years old


1 tablespoon of wheat grains
1 tablespoon of whole millet
1 tablespoon of whole oats
1 tablespoon of whole rye
1 tablespoon of whole barley
250 ml of hot mineral water
1 tablespoon of wheat germ or oat
1 tablespoon of wheat bran or oat
2 tablespoons of raisins or sultanas common
milk or cream, to serve honey (optional)
Put the grains of wheat, millet, oats, rye and barley in a coffee grinder or food processor freshly
washed and process until finely chopped (not pulverized). Transferred to a pan suitable for oven,
add water and soak all the night.
The next morning, preheat oven to a temperature of 150 º C. Bring the mixture to a boil and add
wheat germ or oat bran and raisins or sultanas common.
Place pan in oven and cook for 30 minutes. The texture of the dish should be thick, add more
water or hot. Serve hot or cold milk or, if preferred, with a little cream and honey.

Cut the green banana into thin slices and put the sun to dry until
they are toasted. Grind and boil with milk for 10 minutes.

½ liter of mineral water
60 grams of oatmeal medium grain
Pinch of salt
honey, maple syrup or sugar cane black
Milk or cream
Bring water to a boil and slowly add the oatmeal. Stir constantly until the water returns to boil.
Reduce heat, cover and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Add salt, stir again and cook another
10 minutes.
If desired, sweeten before serving.
Serve with cream or milk or soy milk or nut oatmeal prepared with almonds and chestnuts

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1 medium tomato
1 egg
A toasted whole wheat bread
Boil some water in small saucepan. Put in tomato. Place whole egg on a slotted spoon and
immerse in boiling water for half a minute. Remove water the whole egg, break the shell and
pour into the water again.
Cook for four minutes, until the egg and tomato are cooked. Remove from pan with a slotted
spoon. Serve with toasted whole wheat bread spread with butter (Georgitsis and Erra 1976;
Pérez Olga).

2 tablespoons of sugar-free organic granola
fruit juice
2 tablespoons of natural yogurt
2 teaspoons of honey
Fresh fruits
Prepare the granola the night before, in individual bowls. Add enough fruit juice to each serving
to moisten. Then pour the yogurt and honey. Leave the containers in the refrigerator overnight.
The next morning remove the oats from the refrigerator as early as possible. Just before serving,
add the favorite fruit of his sons, grated apple or pear, sliced banana, some strawberries or diced

Juice of 2 oranges
Juice of one lime
Peeled banana
300 ml of whole milk
150 g of natural yogurt
2 tablespoons of wheat germ
Place all ingredients in a blender (including citrus pulp which has become of the Juicer). Blend
until the mixture becomes liquid.



1 small cauliflower cut into sticks
1 broccoli cut into small twigs
500 ml of milk

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60 grams of fat
1 tablespoon of whole wheat flour
60 grams of grated hard cheese
1 teaspoon of mustard
Salt and pepper
Preheat oven to 180 º C. Grease a baking dish well. Arrange broccoli and cauliflower in a
saucepan, add milk and cook until tender. Drain, save the cooking milk and distribute the
vegetables in a baking dish.
Melt the butter in a small nonstick skillet. Add flour, a tablespoon of cheese and mustard and
season to taste. Go to add the hot milk little by little until a smooth, creamy sauce.
Heat through and add the cauliflower and broccoli. Sprinkle with remaining cheese and bake for
15 to 20 minutes, until golden look prepared.


 400g canned chickpeas, drained, or an equal weight of freshly cooked
 chickpeas, drained (save some of the liquid in the can or
 lemon juice
 2 garlic cloves, peeled
 2 tablespoons of sesame seed pulp
 Salt and pepper
 125 ml olive oil
 1 teaspoon of freshly ground
The hummus is delicious served with other raw vegetables,
such as chicory leaves, buds red pepper or grated carrot or celery. It can be served with hot pita
bread, black olives and whole roasted garlic cloves.
Place all ingredients except olive oil in food processor or blender.
Turn on food processor or blender and slowly add olive oil until the mixture is smooth
consistency. Humus can be cut by adding a little liquid from the can of chickpeas and cooking
liquid. For a creamier hummus, add a little olive oil.

250 grams of integral rice
Preheat oven to 160 º C. Wash the rice (wash water change several times) and drain. Place in a
saucepan and barely cover with water. Cover the pan tightly, put it in the oven and leave it for
about 40 minutes. If after this time the rice is still a bit hum edo, leave a little more in the oven
with the pot uncovered. To prepare a delicious dish of rice, try the following recipes, or adapt
them to your liking. L Serve with rice and grilled vegetables. Prepare a rice salad. Serve rice with
applesauce and a little cinnamon (Pitchford, 2007).

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60 grams of fat
1 leek, thinly sliced
2 or 3 potatoes, sliced
900 ml of water
1 bunch of watercress, well washed
Salt and pepper
2 tablespoons cream
Melt the butter in a heavy based pot. Add leeks and cook
until soft. Add potatoes and cook in butter for 1 to 2 minutes. Add water, bring to a boil, cover
pot, and for 10 minutes or until potatoes are cooked. Meanwhile, discard the thicker stalks of
watercress (reserve a few sprigs for garnish) and chop the leaves and fine stems. Add these
ingredients to the soup when the potatoes are almost done and cook for 1 a2 minutes. Cool
slightly, then pour and the food processor or blender. Process or blend slightly. Replace the pan
and warm. Season to taste, add the cream and garnish sprigs watercress (Pérez Olga).


1 tablespoon of olive oil
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 leek, sliced
1 carrot, sliced
2 sticks celery, sliced
1 potato, sliced
200 grams of canned tomatoes
1.5l chicken or vegetable broth
2 zucchini, sliced
1 piece of shredded green cabbage
Pinch dried oregano
425 grams of drained canned beans and dried
Salt and pepper
Chopped parsley
fresh grated parmesan cheese
Heat oil in a heavy based pot. Add onion and garlic, reduce heat, cover and cook for a few
minutes until translucent. Add the leek, carrot, celery, potatoes, tomatoes and their juice and
Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook about 15 minutes or until vegetables are tender.
Add the zucchini, cabbage and a pinch of oregano and cook until cabbage is tender. Add the
beans and reheat.
Taste and if necessary add more seasonings. Pour the pesto and garnish with basil leaves.
Serve with grated parmesan cheese in a separate container (Pérez, Olga).

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2 ripe avocados
Juice of one lemon
1 clove garlic, large, compressed
Salt and pepper
1 tablespoon of olive oil
375 grams of dried pasta.
Place the avocado pulp from the two in the same container in which the pasta bring to the table.
Step on the pisapapas until a creamy purée. Add the lemon juice until you tread. Add the garlic
press and stir well. Add seasonings and olive oil and stir vigorously until you obtain a creamy
Cook pasta in plenty of boiling water. When almost ready, add one tablespoon of the cooking
water to sauce and mix well. When pasta is cooked, strain it immediately and vuélquela on pasta
sauce. Mix well before serving (Pérez Olga).

Prepare brown rice as in the above recipe. Add the rice a
couple of tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, a teaspoon of
lemon juice. A pinch of sea salt, some pepper, a clove of garlic
finely chopped, and any of the following ingredients in summer:
tomatoes, cucumber, green onion, avocado and chopped fresh
basil in the winter pieces of celery, fennel , raisins and
sunflower seeds or toasted pine nuts in oil and garnished with
fresh chopped parsley or cilantro (Pérez, Olga).

500 grams of potatoes, peeled and cut into four
125 grams of butter
2 finely chopped green onions
A generous handful of fresh parsley, chopped
175 grams of drained canned salmon
Salt and pepper
150 ml olive oil
Cook potatoes until soft. Drain, return to them in the pan where the cook and put the pot on the
stove a few seconds to remove residual water. Prepare mashed potatoes with butter, green
onions and parsley.
Cut the salmon into small pieces with a fork and stir into puree. Season to taste, if the mixture
seems too thick, add a little milk. Prepare four slices.
Heat oil in a frying pan. Cook the slices of fish a few minutes each side until brown and crispy.
Remove from skillet with slotted spoon and set to dry on kitchen paper. Hot or cold, the fish
slices are delicious.

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1. BAKED SALMON (2 portions)

180 grams of salmon fillet, skinned and boned
1 teaspoon lemon juice
2 small zucchini, thinly sliced
1 egg
150 ml hot milk
A pinch of nutmeg
A little fresh dill
1 teaspoon of wheat germ
Preheat oven to 190 º C. Grease a baking dish just profound. Cut fish into small pieces,
removing all bones. Place the hake at source and drizzle with lemon juice. Cook zucchini in
water for one minute boiling. Then drain, pat dry on a towel and place over fish. Beat egg and
milk, add nutmeg and dill and pour the mixture over the fish and zucchini. Sprinkle with wheat
germ. Place the tray in an oven tray full of cold water to half. Bake for 45 minutes, or until golden
look prepared.

2. CHICKEN HAMBURGER(4 portions)

500g organic chicken breast, skinned, boned and finely chopped
1 tablespoon of soy sauce or tamarind sauce
1 teaspoon of grated fresh ginger
1 clove crushed garlic
1 teaspoon of chopped fresh cilantro
½ teaspoon of sea salt, black pepper
Wholemeal flour seasoned
Olive oil for frying
4 tortillas, mayonnaise, lettuce and avocado.
Place all ingredients except flour and olive oil in a large bowl. Mix well and let stand a few
minutes to allow flavors to blend. Prepare four patties with the mixture. Pass the burgers
seasoned flour.
Heat a little olive oil in a frying pan and fry the burgers for 3 to 4 minutes per side, until cooked
through. You can also paint with oil and cook over moderate oven, turning one so once.
These burgers are served wrapped in tortillas with mayonnaise, lettuce creole chips and sliced
avocado. You can also substitute for sour cream mayonnaise.

3. MEAT STEW (2 portions)

375 grams of organic lamb for this fado
2 small onions, thinly sliced
2 potatoes cut into thin slices
Sprig fresh thyme

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5 tablespoons of vegetable broth

Remove as much fat as possible from the lamb. Place meat in a small saucepan. Cover with
sliced onions and potatoes. Add the thyme and vegetable stock. Bring to a boil, lower the heat to
low, cover and cook for an hour and a half, at least. After this period, potatoes and onions are
broken open, forming a soft dough thick and tasty, and the lamb is very tender. Mix with
vegetables (Garaulet 2001):

4. MEAT AND TOMATO PASTA (4 portions)

60 grams of fat
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1 onion, finely chopped
1 grated carrot
1 stick celery, chopped
200 grams of organic beef
125 ml of red wine
200g canned chopped tomatoes
1 tablespoon of chopped fresh parsley
1 sprig fresh thyme or a pinch of fresh thyme
1 bay leaf
A little vegetable broth
Salt and pepper
4 tablespoons of freshly grated Parmesan cheese
Melt butter and oil in a frying pan. Add vegetables and cook until soft.
Add the minced meat and fry over moderate heat until it begins to turn brown. Add wine and
cook until the bottom of cooking almost absorbed. Add tomatoes and herbs, raise the heat and
simmer a few minutes.
Reduce heat and simmer for about an hour, adding a little stock from time to time, if the sauce
gets too thick: Remember bolognese sauce should be thick but liquid.
Cook pasta al dente choice. Strain it and then over the sauce. Serve with grated Parmesan
cheese in a bow.

5. ONION HAMBURGERS (6 portions)

12 green onions
2 beaten eggs
A pinch of grated nutmeg
2 slices whole wheat bread, crusts removed, made breadcrumbs
375 grams of cold potato
Sea salt and black pepper
sunflower oil, for frying
Wash and cook the green onions in boiling water until soft. Drain well and chop. Vigorously mix
the eggs, nutmeg, bread crumbs, potatoes and seasonings tread. Add the green onions. Prepare
six burgers with this mixture.

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Heat a little oil in a large skillet. Add the patties and cook 3 to 5 minutes per side, until cooked
through. Serve with Creole lettuce, rings of raw onion and tomato slices.


500 grams of cooked potato
abundant butter
Salt and pepper
2 tablespoons of flour
Olive oil for frying
8 slices lean smoked bacon
Roasted Tomatoes cut to the medium, to serve (optional)
Step on the hot potatoes adding butter, salt and pepper. Stir in
flour. Taking two tablespoons of mixture at a time, prepare
eight potato croquettes. Use flour if needed to cover the table, and sobe and mold the dough into
flat disks, smooth texture and pleasing to the eye.
Heat a little olive oil in a frying pan and fry the patties until crisp and golden on both sides. While
patties are cooking, toast the bacon and then put to dry on kitchen paper.
Serve potato croquette with bacon and roasted tomatoes parties to the medium (Pérez Olga).

7. PUMPKIN SOUP (6 portions)

1 medium pumpkin
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 small potato, cut into cubes
1 onion, chopped
1 clove garlic
900 ml vegetable broth
4 leaves fresh sage, chopped
150 ml of fresh cream
60 grams of grated cheese
Fried croutons to serve
Peel the pumpkin, remove all seeds, and cut into large cubes. Heat oil in heavy-based
saucepan or casserole, add the potatoes and cook over medium heat until browned (not
brown). Add onion and garlic, mixing well with the diced potatoes. Then add the broth,
pumpkin and sage. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover pot and cook for 20 to 25 minutes
until potatoes and pumpkins are tender. Pour mixture into food processor or blender and
process or blend until it becomes creamy. Return to pot and pour in place over medium
heat. Add the crème fraiche and serve the soup in portions individual. Sprinkle with grated
cheese and serve bread fried in butter separately (Cooper and Robinson 2001).

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8. ROASTED VEGETABLE (4 portions)

- 1 red pepper, seeded, cut into pieces
- 1 yellow pepper, seeded, cut into pieces
- 2 onions, quartered
- 2 medium zucchini, cut into thin slices
- 8 cherry tomatoes
- 4 cloves garlic
- 4 teaspoons of olive oil
- Salt and black pepper
- A bunch of cilantro, basil or fresh parsley
Preheat oven to 200 º C. harmoniously distributed all vegetables and garlic in a deep pan. Add
the olive oil and turn vegetables several times until they are embedded. Season with a little salt
and pepper. Bake for about 40 minutes, turning vegetables once or twice, until tender and just
golden. Sprinkle with chopped fresh herbs before serving. This dish is served with rice.


split peas 250 grams of canned, drained
500g canned chickpeas, drained and rinsed
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 large onion, finely chopped
3 or 4 sticks celery, finely chopped tender
1 apple, finely chopped
60 grams of almonds
1 tbsp sunflower seeds
Sea salt and black pepper
1 small egg beaten
whole-wheat breadcrumbs fresh or dried
sunflower oil, for frying
hamburger bread, watercress or lettuce and mayonnaise.
Place the split peas and chickpeas in food processor and process until mixture is thick but not
liquid. Heat oil in a heavy-based saucepan, add onion and cook heavy medium heat until tender
and golden.
Place the split peas and chickpeas processed, celery, apples, almonds, sunflower seeds and
fried onions in large bowl. Mix all ingredients and season with salt and pepper.
Prepare six or eight burgers with this mixture. Embébalas first in beaten egg and then dip them
in bread crumbs.
Heat a little sunflower oil in a frying pan and fry the burgers over medium heat for 7 minutes on
each side, until cooked through.
Serve on whole wheat hamburger with lettuce and watercress or a spoonful of mayonnaise
(Mandy 2006).

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3.3. - Children Alimentation (2- 6 years old)

The energy of the children increases sharply at the age of three years. And they are more
active physically, his mental capacity is developed so that they demand a lot of energy and
grow rapidly. What they need most are beneficial calories derived from a balanced intake of
foods that provide the required amounts of other essential nutrients. Nutritious food for
children at this age are: bananas, buckwheat, organic chicken, grapes, potatoes and bread
(Miralpe ix 2003).

Menu for children between 2 – 6 years old: Choose the best for you

Child breakfast is the most important food of the day, you must provide calories and
nutrients essential to good mental and physical performance. It is the first food that the child
must take before starting your daily activities. Just a set of nutrients including high quality
carbohydrates, protein and fluids. Better a good balanced breakfast that a heavy meal and
difficult to digest.

Breakfast: oatmeal porridge / Banana Takeaway, with a slice of buttered whole wheat /
barley pancakes stuffed with a ricotta cheese mixture and seedless raisins / A sugar-free
pancake. Wrap with a ripe banana / oatmeal porridge, a slice of bread buttered toast /
French toast. A small apple slices / fruit mixed with thick yogurt and a little honey A warm
slice of bread smeared with butter and jam organic / A poached egg on toasted bread,
buttered just a tangerine / A scrambled egg with tomatoes and mushrooms on toasted bread
/ fruit yogurt, whole wheat bread and a slice of hot cheese.

Lunch: Mashed potatoes with a blue fish and some grapes mandarin / egg flavored with bits
of wheat toast A banana / broccoli and cauliflower cheese A pear / apple toast with cheese
and a small salad of tomato and avocado / Papa filled beans cooked with seasonal berries
with natural yogurt and a little honey / Rice with beans (black) / Menestrón with rice and
tomato, whole wheat bread, plain yogurt / Mashed Potatoes oily fish, whole wheat bread
buttered A small bunch seedless grapes / Chicken (organic) baked with marinated, with any
green vegetable / Spanish Omelette with curly lettuce, cucumber and tomatoes.

Dinner: fish sticks, mashed potatoes and corn kernels A kiwi peeled and sliced / Couscous
vegetarian. Banana mixed with plain yogurt and honey / Pasta with diced boiled carrots and
broccoli, tomato sauce a plate with apple pure. flan / pie-roofed fish potatoes, served with
peas. Fresh baked apple with cream / yogurt organic chicken broth organic fruit /

Potato croquettes with roasted bacon (shredded chicken breast or fried ham) + fresh
strawberry puree and fresh cheese / split pea soup and rice pudding + / Mashed tuna with
carrots and green beans, cranberry + Kekitos / pasta and tuna salad + A bunch of seedless
grapes / vegetarian couscous with diced chicken fried with onions. A slice of peeled fresh

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 250 grams of previously drained cottage cheese
 125 grams of black sugar
 3 eggs, beaten
 60 grams of chopped walnuts
 2 bananas pressed
 250 grams of whole wheat baking flour
Preheat oven to 180 º C. Magazine loaf pan (1 kg) with parchment paper or foil. Grease
Mix the cottage cheese and sugar. Gradually add the beaten eggs. Add chopped nuts and
bananas and mix well. Stir in flour and mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture neatly into the
Bake for 40 to 45 minutes or until dough successfully pass the test of the knife (insert a
knife into the body and check that the edge comes out clean). Cool on a wire rack and
serve this delicious bread slices spread with butter.

2. CEREAL BARS(12 portions)

 300 grams of cereal without sugar or sweetener (preferably without nuts)
 A pinch of nutmeg
 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
 60 grams of liquid honey
 125 grams of cane sugar
 125 grams of butter
 3 ripe bananas, thinly sliced
 180 grams of fresh or semi dry dates, no car and chopped
 lemon juice
Preheat oven to 180 º C. Grease a deep baking dish 33x25 cm Mix cereal and spices in large
bowl. Place the honey, sugar and butter in small saucepan and warm over medium heat until
sugar dissolves. Pour this mixture over cereal and mix well.
Place half of the grains in the source greased. Mix bananas, dates and lemon juice and pour
over cereal. Add the rest of the cereal neatly. Cook in the oven for 25 to 30 minutes or until
browned. Cool without removing the source. Then cut preparation in half and divide each half
into six bars substantial.

3. CRANBERRY KEKITOS (12 kekitos)

- 100 grams self-rising flour
- 60 grams of whole wheat flour
- 1 teaspoon of baking powder

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- 1 teaspoon of mixed spice

- 125 ml milk
- 60 grams of melted butter
- 1 big egg
- 2 teaspoons of lemon juice
- 90 grams of black sugar
Preheat to 180 º C. Place 12 paper liners butter in a baking dish. Sift flour, baking powder and
mixed spice into a bowl, and add the bran remaining in the sieve. Beat milk, butter, egg, lemon
juice and sugar in medium bowl. Make a well in center of flour mixture and pour there half the
milk mixture. Knead gently, and then add remaining mixture. Add the blueberries.
Spoon into the paper liners. Bake for about 20 minutes until golden brown and tall. Remove cake
from pan and cool on a wire rack.


500 grams of dried fruit (apricots, plums, walnuts, apples, pears and raisins)
½ liter of boiling water.
A curl of orange peel.
7 cm cinnamon stick.
thick natural yogurt.
Wash and dry fruits. Place in a bowl and cover with boiling water. Add the orange peel and
cinnamon stick, cover the pan and let stand overnight.
The next morning, remove the orange peel and cinnamon stick before serving add some thick
yogurt in each bowl.

5. FRUIT SALAD (4 portions)

 ½ mango, peeled and chopped
 1 slice of papaya
 1 kiwi peeled and sliced
 1 peach, peeled and diced small
 an orange juice
Chop finely and mix with fruit juice. (Díaz, María Elena María Elena Figueroa 2007).

1 cup of soy bean
4 cups of water
1 cinnamon stick
1 pinch of salt
Clean and wash beans put in three cups of water overnight. The
next day he pulls the water and the beans are ground in a blender
or grinder. This mass is added to 4 cups water and boil for about an hour with the cinnamon and

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pinch of salt. Strain and sweeten to taste. This milk can be taken alone or with grated coconut, or
sprouts. (Díaz, María Elena María Elena Figueroa 2007).

7. YOGURT WITH BANANA (1 portion)

100 grams of natural yogurt
1 sliced banana
2 teaspoons of yeast
1 teaspoon of liquid honey
Place ingredients in blender and process until the mixture
is a delicious creamy consistency.

8. YOGURT WITH FRUITS (2 portions)

100g thick natural yoghurt
100 grams of whole raspberries or strawberries, sliced peaches. Also you
can use other fruits.
Add fruit to yogurt. This is one of the healthiest breakfasts and quick to prepare that exist.


1. BREAD AND TOMATO SALAD (4 portions)

2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
4 thick slices bread, crusts removed, diced
2 minced cloves garlic
6 chopped tomatoes
1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
2 tablespoons of fresh basil, shredded
Salt and pepper
Heat oil in large deep skillet. Add bread cubes and garlic. Fry, stirring constantly, until bread is
crisp set. Put dry bread cubes on paper towels.
Place bread cubes in a bowl and add the chopped tomatoes, lemon juice, basil, a pinch of salt
and plenty of freshly ground black pepper. Mix all ingredients and serve.

2. BAKED EGG (1 portion)

chopped scallions
1 teaspoon of grated cheese
2 teaspoons of milk
1 egg

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Preheat oven to 220 º C. Grease a small container. Place the green onions, grated cheese and
milk in the bowl. For the egg carefully, so as not to break the yolk. Place the dish in a baking dish
and fill with boiling water halfway. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, until egg is cooked.

3. GOLDEN CHICKEN WITH SAUCE (4 to 6 portions)

1 egg white
1 tablespoon cornmeal
4 organic chicken breasts and boneless skinless
cut into pieces of 5 cm
2 cloves crushed garlic
2 tablespoons of liquid honey
2 tablespoons of rice vinegar
2 tablespoons of soy sauce
1 teaspoon of mustard
8 lettuce leaves
4 tablespoons of olive oil
125 grams of peanuts
12 green onions, peeled and cut diagonally
12 half-cut tomatoes
cilantro sprigs
sprigs flat-leaf parsley
Whisk egg white and cornstarch in a cup, add the chicken pieces and a clove of garlic, and stir
until they are embedded in the egg white.
Mix honey, vinegar, soy sauce and mustard in a bowl. Place 2 lettuce leaves on each plate. Heat
a pan and add oil. When the oil begins to smoke, add the chicken pieces and cook until they
acquire a golden hue. Remove chicken from skillet with slotted spoon. Add peanuts and fry until
browned. Add one clove of garlic, green onions. Cook for a minute. Return the chicken and nuts
in the pan, add the honey and vinegar, and let the sauce bubble and reduce slightly. Serve
chicken and sauce over the lettuce leaves and garnish with tomatoes, cilantro and parsley. This
dish must be served immediately (Pérez Olga).


300 ml of milk
1 tablespoon of chopped fresh mint or parsley
1 lemon peel
100g smoky mackerel
2 potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced
2 teaspoons of wheat germ
Put milk, grass and lemon peel in small saucepan. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and add the fish
and potato slices. Cook for 3 to 4 minutes, until fish is thoroughly cooked. Remove fish from pot
with slotted spoon and let the potatoes continue cooking.
Peel and cut the fish, taking care to remove all the thorns. Place fish in a small pan, previously

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greased, when the potatoes are about to remove the pan from heat and remove lemon rind.
Mash the potato mix with milk (use a fork) and distribute the puree over the surface of fish.
Sprinkle with wheat germ, Grease and brown on the grill (Perez Olga).


400 grams of baked dough
2 smoky mackerel fillets
325 grams of canned corn, drained and
1 egg
150 ml of whipped cream
150 ml of milk
1 pinch of salt and black pepper
Preheat oven to 200 º C. stretch the dough on a floured surface, and once extended it custard
cups covered with 20 cm in diameter.
Distribute the pieces of mackerel on the table and add well drained corn kernels. Beat the egg
just in a bowl and add cream, milk and seasonings. Beat back the ingredients and pour over the
mackerel and the corn.
Bake for about 50 minutes or until the filling up and browned on the surface.

6. TUNA SALAD WITH BEANS (4 portions)

400 grams of beans, blanched and drained
3 peeled and chopped tomatoes
½ cucumber, peeled and cut into cubes
6 green sliced onions
60 ml extra virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons of lemon juice
Sea salt and black pepper
200 grams of canned tuna drained and bucking
2 hard boiled eggs cut in half
1 bunch of finely chopped parsley and basil
Place the beans in a bowl. Add tomatoes, cucumber and green onions and mix well. Mix oil,
lemon juice, salt and pepper in a separate bowl, then pour over the salad. Add the tuna logs or
garnish with halves of boiled eggs and chopped herbs.


1. CHICKEN WITH PLUMS (4 portions)

2 olive oil spoonfuls
2 chopped onions

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1 boneless chicken bucking

1 flour spoonful
150 ml of red wine
12 washed plums
Several sprigs thyme
1 bay leaf
Salt and pepper
Heat oil in a saucepan. Add onions and cook over medium heat until tender. Then remove from
pan with slotted spoon. Thread the chicken pieces with flour, then place them in the pan and
cook in hot oil.
When the chicken is well browned, add onions, wine, plums, thyme, bay leaf and seasonings.
Bring to a boil, cover pan, reduce heat and simmer until chicken is cooked and tender. (Pérez


1 lemon juice spoonful or white wine vinegar
1 big arracacha
Pre-cut 4 or 5 potatoes
abundant fat
2 olive oil spoonfuls
1 small onion, finely chopped
black pepper
This puree is ideal to accompany burgers, sausages, grilled chicken or fish varieties.
Add the lemon juice or vinegar to a large pot filled with water. Bring to a boil. Arracacha Peel and
cut into small pieces. Throw the pieces to boiling water.
Add the potato chunks. Bring to a boil again, reduce heat and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes until
vegetables are tender. Strain and keep the bottom of cooking.
Replace the vegetables into the pot and the pisapapas, adding the butter and, if necessary,
cooking until the bottom of creamy mash.
Heat oil in small saucepan. Add the onion and fry over moderate heat until browned then add
fried onions mashed together with hot oil pot.



 60 ml water
 500 grams of apples peeled, seeded, cut into slices
 250 cheese
Place water and sugar in a large pot, heat over medium heat until the sugar has dissolved. Add
the apple slices to the mixture and cook over very low temperature. When apples are processed
into puree add the cheese. Serve in individual bowls and place in refrigerator to cool before
taking them to the table. Also you can add a sprig of mint, some cloves, or both

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ingredients while the apples are cooking.


➦ Fresh fruit washed and cooled for 2 to 3 hours
➦ 300 grams of black chocolate
Choose your favorite fruits such as apple, grape, pear, banana, peach, tangerine, melon, etc.
Cut large fruit into pieces, if necessary, and place all the fruit in a bowl or large plate
Cut the chocolate into pieces and place in a container on a water bath pan. Let the chocolate
melt. Keep warm in a set, so that children can dip fruit in chocolate.

3. PLUM COMPOTE(4 portions)

500 grams of plums
Juice of 2 lemons
The peel of one lemon
45 grams sugar
3 organic egg whites
Yogurt and pepper.
Put into a bowl, cover withboiling water and let soak overnight. The next day, descaroce and
chop the plums.
Place remaining ingredients in a bowl and beat until mixture hardens. Add the plums and put
them in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Serve the mashed prunes with plain yogurt mixed with
lemon peel and a pinch of pepper.

4. PANCAKES (8 pancakes)
 3 eggs
 150 grams of integral flour
 250 ml of milk
 1 brown sugar teaspoon
 Fat for cooking
Beat eggs and add only once the flour, milk and sugar. Mix
well and place in refrigerator at least 30minutes. When you
are ready to prepare the pancakes, melt some butter in a small panquequera.
When the butter is frothy, add about 4 tablespoons of mixture and cook 1 minute on each side,
must turn the pancake when small bubbles begin to appear on any surface. Keep the pancakes
warm in the oven until all are seated at the table, or serve as the cooking goes. The preparation
of this meal should be a family party. Serve with lemon juice, sugar, applesauce, caramel,
strawberries or raspberries, boiled for a couple of minutes, unsweetened fruit puree or ice cream.

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5. PLUM TART WITH CREAM (6 portions)

8 big ripe plums, apricots or peaches small
250 grams of pastry (thaw in advance)
2 eggs
200 ml of fresh cream
2 spoonfuls of sugar for caramel, and a little more for dusting
Preheat oven to 220 º C. Grease custard cups just a removable bottom 25 x 33 cm. Wash, dry,
cut in half and flake the fruits.
Roll the dough on a floured surface and then tapestries with her pan. Arrange the fruit on the
dough with the cut side down.
Beat eggs in a bowl, add the fresh cream and sugar and continue beating until the mixture is
smooth. Pour over the fruit and sprinkle with a little sugar. Bake for about 30 minutes, or until top
is golden place.

6. SUMMER PUDDING (4 portions)

 375 grams of raspberries
 180 redcurrant
 60 grams of brown sugar
 6 thin slices of bread without crust
 Fresh cream or yogurt
Wash fruit, remove the ends of the berries with a fork and place all the fruit a large saucepan.
Add sugar, place the pan over very low heat for 2 or 3 minutes, until sugar melts and begins to
long routes f juice. Let a side. Tapestry with 5 slices of bread pudding mold for 1 kg making sure
that no are gaps that may damage the appearance of the finished pudding. Add the fruit,
reserving half cup of juice. Cover the pudding with the remaining bread slice and place over a
flat plate to crush the contents of the mold. Chill pudding in the refrigerator for 6 hours at least.
To serve, remove from pans on an elegant china tray. Cover with the juice just saved and serve
with a little creme fraiche or yogurt and fresh.


1. ENERGETIC KIWI (1 or 2 glasses)

 4 carrots
 1 apple cut into four pieces
 1 kiwi
This drink is a powerful dose of energy that stimulates the immune system and intellectual
capacity. In addition to the children they love. Blend all ingredients in blender.



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 1 mango, peeled and pitted

 2 peeled passion fruit
 150 grams of frozen yogurt
 300 ml of whole milk
Process the mango and passion fruit in the blender, then add the yogurt and milk.

3. MIXED JUICE (1 or 2 glasses)

1 mango peeled pitted
1 pineapple, greens, cut into large
A piece of fresh ginger
1peeled and sliced lime
150 g of natural yogurt
A handful of ice cubes
Puree the mango, pineapple, ginger and lime, and mix the juice with yogurt and ice cubes, this is
the perfect recipe for a delicious tropical tea.

4. PERUVIAN LEMONADE (4 or 6 glasses)

6 lemons
500 ams of sugar
1,2 liters of water
Peel the lemons, squeeze in a large bowl and add sugar.
Place the lemon peel and water in medium saucepan, bring to a
boil and cook 3 minutes.
Pour this liquid into the juice, stirring constantly until sugar is
dissolved. Pour the lemonade in a bottle with an airtight lid and
store in the refrigerator. Dilute lemonade with ice water before drinking.

5. SPECIAL APPLE JUICE (1 or 2 glasses)

6 apples cut into four pieces
2 bananas
1 peanut butter teaspoon
Process the apples in a blender, add the bananas and
peanut butter and blend again.

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3.4. - Nutrition for children (6 - 12 years old):

The child after age 6 to age 9, when they are in primary school nutrition it needs a lot of energy,
mainly iron, magnesium and all the B vitamins Without these requirements the child is too difficult to
learn, remember and pay attention. Overeating (especially if food is eaten too substantial and too
late) can cause insomnia. Choose to drink organic whole milk (one cup at breakfast and one at
dinner), water or fresh fruit juice diluted with water. School-age children should not drink tea or
coffee. For children from 6 to 9 years, his food must include Apple, Oatmeal, Eggs, Sardines,
breads and whole wheat crackers (Annabel Karmel 1999).

Children aged 9 to 12 years old are at a stage indefinitely, where begins the transition from
childhood to adolescence through what we call puberty nutrition at this stage is important because it
helps develop a physical and emotional maturity in child. Both boys and girls need a massive dose
of energy during this period of rapid growth and development. Ideally, each day eat six servings of
foods high in starch (rice, bread, potatoes, pasta, and cereals), five servings of fruits and
vegetables, one serving of dairy products, and a serving of dairy proteins animal or vegetable origin.
(Annabel Karmel 1999).

The more varied selection of food is, the wider spectrum of vitamins, minerals and other
polinutrientes consuming their children. We never tire of saying that this stage is vital to incorporate
healthy eating habits to accompany their children throughout their lives. Its nutritious foods we Oats,
Dates, Eggs, Lentils, Oranges and oily fish (mackerel, tuna, trout)

Menu for children 6 - 12 years old


- Whole grain cereal with milk. 1 banana.

- Traditional porridge with honey and a little cream.
- Fruit pace with cereals.
- Scrambled eggs with tomatoes and mushrooms and toasted bread.
- Eggs poached in tomato sauce.
- Traditional oatmeal porridge with milk or cream. Toast bread, spread with butter and fruit
jam without sugar.
- Freshly squeezed orange juice. A boiled egg and a slice of whole wheat toast spread with
- Eggs and whole-grain toast spread with butter.
- Cereal with raisins soaked overnight in apple juice. Serve with yogurt.
- A Mandarin. Whole grains with a little yogurt and a sliced banana.
- Toast with sardines: Sardines crush with a fork, adding a dash of vinegar. Spread the mixture
with a slice of whole wheat bread, top with thin slices of tomatoes and warm in the toaster.
Garnish with a dash of ketchup. Serve a second toast whole wheat bread with butter and
honey. Traditional porridge, with two slices of whole wheat toast spread with butter. A banana.
- Traditional porridge. A loaf of French bread wheat hot with a bit of soft cheese.

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- Poached egg with grilled tomato and crispy bacon with a slice of bread.
- Lima courts, with two slices of whole wheat toast spread with honey and butter.
- Pancakes rolled oats: Fill some with jam and cheese.
- Slices of salmon.
- Cod to the former.
- 2 boiled eggs with 2 slices of whole wheat toast spread with butter.
- Half a grapefruit.
- Beans cooked with potato cakes and vegetables. Half fresh grapefruit or orange.


- Menestrón with rice and tomatoes. Cucumber salad and cottage cheese. A peach.
- Bean burger with chopped coleslaw. An apple.
- Tuna mayonnaise and egg. Green salad with tomatoes and cucumbers.
- Snack spinach. Rolled oats and butter and celery sticks. An apple.
- Pizza baguette with cucumber salad and lettuce. A peach.
- Omelets. One slice of whole wheat bread spread with butter. A pear.
- Veggie burgers with cheese and spinach roof. Minced coleslaw.
- Fish sticks with boiled potatoes. Beet salad and grated carrot and sliced tomato with some
- Spanish Omelette with green beans. A peach
- Slices of salmon with spinach puree. 1 block.
- Sandwiches hot bacon with mixed salad.
- Spinach Soufflé. Selection of dried fruit soaked.
- Fish soup. If it seems a somewhat complicated dish for lunch, reheat the soup of the day before
and skip the croutons. Serve with toasted bread. Then serve topped with orange slices and dates
you picad natural yogurt.
- Slices of fish, thin sliced tomatoes dressed with a drizzle of olive oil.
- Smoked mackerel tart, with a tomato and a salad of watercress and cucumber.
- Curry vegetarian with pita bread.
- Mashed potatoes and cabbage. Slices of fresh melon and orange.
- Baguette pizza. A ripe pear.
- Bread and tomato salad. A kiwi peeled and cut into a carton of plain yogurt.
- Spanish Omelette with green salad.


- Shrimp and vegetables. Summer pudding.

- Organic meat grilled, with rice and peas. Rice pudding.
- Burger homemade chicken: Prepare a mixture of shredded chicken with chopped onion and raw
egg. Shape the burgers and cook on the grill or oven. Remember that should be thoroughly cooked.
Serve on a bed of lettuce and garnish with tomatoes, ketchup, condiments and papasal oven. Fruit
cake with cream.
- Pumpkin Soup. Toasted cheese and apple.
- Menestrón cheese bread and an apple.
- Roasted Organic Chicken marinated with grilled vegetables or steamed. Rice pudding.
- Beef stew., Together with a mixture of mashed turnips. Fresh fruit.
- Golden Chicken with sauce. Any fresh fruit.

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- Fresh fish fillet, roasted with tomatoes and served with boiled potatoes and green vegetables.
Blackberry and apple pudding with pan ceiling.
- Pasta with broccoli and anchovies. Fresh fruit with chocolate sauce.
- Pastas spreads with crisp vegetables. Hamburger rice with green beans. Chunks of fresh fruit.
- Blue fish sticks. Mashed potatoes and peas arracacha. Roasted pears with yogurt.
- Sardines on toast. Pancakes filled with unsweetened fruit.
- Baked potatoes with beans. Yogurt with prunes and apricots.
- Scrambled Indonesian vegetables. Yogurt mixed with fresh fruit pieces.
- Cabbage soup baked with melted cheese. Celery and carrot sticks with hummus. Baked apple
with yogurt.
- Roast chicken with mashed potatoes and arracacha. A baked apple stuffed. With dried fruit.
Brown rice and cheese. Watercress and chicory salad. Fresh fruit.
Pasta with tomato sauce and red pepper. Lettuce and cucumber salad.
Greek Yogurt with strawberries.
Pasta with broccoli and anchovies. Rice crackers with cream cheese and celery sticks.

Recipes for children between 6 and 12 years old


 100 grams of black sugar
 180 grams of grated carrot
 90 ml of light vegetable oil
 100 grams of whole wheat baking flour
 1 ground cinnamon teaspoon
 ½ ground nutmeg teaspoon
 60 grams of raisins
 60 grams chopped walnuts
Preheat oven to 180 º C, and Grease a cake pan of 18 cm in diameter. Beat eggs and sugar until
the mixture is creamy. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Pour into prepared pan.
Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, until cake is set up and golden. Do not forget to test the knife to see if
the cake is ready, insert a knife into the body and check that the edge comes out clean (Fonseca

2. CRANBERRY KEKITOS(12 kekitos)

100 grams self-rising flour
60 grams of whole wheat flour
1 baking powder teaspoon
1 mixed spice teaspoon

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125 ml of milk
60 grams melted butter
1 big egg
2 teaspoons lemon juice 90 grams of black sugar
Preheat to 180 º C. Place 12 paper liners butter in a baking dish. Sift flour, baking powder and
mixed spice into a bowl, and add the bran remaining in the sieve. Beat milk, butter, egg, lemon
juice and sugar in medium bowl. Make a well in center of flour mixture and pour there half the
milk mixture. Knead gently, and then add remaining mixture. Add the blueberries.
Spoon into the paper liners. Bake for about 20 minutes until golden brown and tall. Remove cake
from pan and cool on a wire rack.


 500 grams of mixed dried fruit: apricots, plums, apples, pears and raisins sultanas.
 ½ liter of boiling water.
 A curl of orange peel.
 7 cm cinnamon stick.
 thick natural yogurt, to serve.
Wash and dry the fruits. Place in a bowl and cover with boiling water. Add the orange peel and
cinnamon stick, cover the pan and let stand overnight.
The next morning, remove the orange peel and cinnamon stick before serving add some thick
yogurt in each bowl.

4. FRENCH TOAST (1 portion)

 30 grams of fat
 1 thick slice of whole wheat bread, cut into small
 1 egg, beaten
 Brown sugar
 Ground cinnamon
Melt the butter in a medium saucepan. Dip pieces of bread in the beaten egg. Place in pan and
then fry on both sides until they acquire a golden hue. Remove from skillet toast and sprinkle
with a little black sugar and cinnamon. Serve it hot.

5. FRUIT SALAD (4 portions)

½ mango, peeled and chopped
1 slice of papaya
1 kiwi, peeled and sliced
1 peach, peeled and diced small
Orange juice
Sliced strawberries

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Chop finely and mix with fruit juice. (Díaz, María Elena María Elena Figueroa 2007).


3 peeled prickly pear
A little water
Prickly pears liquefy with very little water and strain. The tuna is a
fruit is very sweet and watery, and not be diluted nor may be put in
the extractor for the seeds it contains. If you want, you can add a
little lemon juice. (Díaz, María Elena, Maria Elena Figueroa 2007).


 1 medium tomato
 1 big white fungus
 A trickle of olive oil
 1 egg
 Salt and pepper
 A butter curl
 A whole wheat toast.
Coat a baking dish with foil and place over heat. Cut the tomato squirt in half and both halves
and the mold with oil. Place tomatoes and media the fungus at the source and cook until
browned. In return the fungus at least once during the cooking process. Meanwhile, whisk the
egg and season only. Melt butter in small saucepan nonstick, add the beaten egg and cook at
high temperatures. Serve with tomato and mushroom, and serve with whole wheat toast.

1 soy bean cup
4 water cups
1 cinnamon stick
1 pinch salt
Clean and wash beans put in three cups of water overnight. The next day he pulls the water and
the beans are ground in a blender or grinder. This mass is added to 4 cups water and boil for
about an hour with the cinnamon and pinch of salt. Strain and sweeten to taste. This milk can be
taken alone or with grated coconut, or sprouts. (Díaz, María Elena María Elena Figueroa 2007).


 slices of bread medium thickness
 90 grams unsalted butter
 250 grams of grated hard cheese
 4 fresh cream spoonfuls
 ½ dried mustard teaspoon

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 2 big apples, peeled and cut into coreless four.

Grease roasting pan and, using about two thirds of the butter. Keep the toast warm while you
prepare the ingredients.
Place cheese in a heavy-based saucepan and add the sour cream and mustard powder.
Simmer, stirring constantly until cheese is melted and mixture is thick and creamy.
Melt remaining butter in a saucepan. Add the apple slices and cook over medium heat. Spread
cheese mixture over toast and brown in the oven or grill. Serve each with four slices of roasted


30 grams of fat
¼ medium onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
4 big flat mushrooms, organic if possible, sliced
8 slices lean bacon, not smoked
2 slices of toasted homemade bread
60 grams of sliced cheese
Melt the butter in a frying pan. Add onion, garlic and mushrooms, and fry over medium heat until
soft. Meanwhile, grill the bacon slices until crisp.
Divide the mushrooms between two slices of bread and top with cheese. Place in oven and bake
until cheese is melted. Garnish with slices of bacon and serve immediately.


 200 ml of thick yogurt.
 40 grams chopped walnuts
 2 honey spoonfuls
Add the walnuts and honey yogurt.


1. BEET CREAM WITH ONION (4 portions )

• 500 branches of raw beetroot, grated
• 1 small onion
• 600 ml lemon juice
• Sea salt
• black pepper
• 150 ml sour cream or whole

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Place the beets and onion in blender. Add a cup of apple juice and blend until well blended. Pour
the remaining apple juice and lemon juice. Add a pinch of sea salt black pepper. Cool the soup
for an hour or two. Serve in individual bowls and add the cream just before serving

 1 small arracacha
 1 lemon juice or white wine vinegar spoonful
 130 grams of butter
 1 chopped onion
 4 sticks celery, sliced: keep the feathery tips for
decorating dishes
 1 small potato cut into cubes
 900 ml chicken or vegetable broth
 1 egg yolk
 3 whole cream spoonfuls
 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
Remove the skin knotted arracacha, cut the meat into slices and place in a bowl of water with
lemon juice or vinegar (to avoid the arracacha r loses its color).
Melt the butter in a heavy based pot. Add onion, cook 1 to 2 minutes, then add celery, and
potato dry arracacha. Add stock, bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and cook 25 to 30 minutes
or until vegetables are tender. Pour the soup into a blender, blend a few seconds and then pour
back into the pot or in a soup. Before serving, mix egg yolks with the cream and add the batter
to the soup. Do not reheat. Sprinkle with the tips of celery or parsley before serving (Pérez


500 grams of tomatoes peeled and chopped
1 small onion, coarsely chopped
1 stick of celery roughly chopped
1 liter of vegetable broth
100 grams long grain rice
30 grams of fat
black pepper
1 bunch fresh basil
2 pesto teaspoons
2 grated Parmesan cheese teaspoons
Put tomatoes, onion and celery in a heavy based pot. Cover and cook over low heat until
tomatoes become soft and pulpy.
Pour mixture into food processor or blender and process or blend until it becomes smooth. Re-
pour the mixture into the pan, add the broth and bring to boil. Add rice, cover pot and cook over
medium heat for 15 minutes or until rice is tender. Add the butter and a little pepper. Then
sprinkle with chopped basil and pour the pesto. Serve with grated parmesan cheese (Kemeny

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4. PEA SOUP WITH RICE (4 portions)

250 grams split peas
1 liter of water
2 olive oil spoonfuls
2 big onions chopped
1 clove crushed garlic
1 cumin seeds teaspoon
500 ml vegetable broth
2 lemon juice teaspoons
A handful of cooked brown rice
black pepper
chopped fresh Coriander
Rinse and drain the split pea. Place in a heavy based pot filled with water. Bring to a boil, reduce
heat, cover pot and simmer for one hour.
When peas are almost cooked, heat oil in another heavy based pot or a pan. Add onions and
garlic and fry until soft but not brown. Add cumin and cook for few minutes. Drain peas and put
them back into the pot, add onions and garlic, vegetable broth, lemon juice and cooked rice.
Heat and season with pepper. Serve hot in individual bowls and garnish with chopped cilantro
(Cobo 1986).

5. TOFU SOUP (4 portions)

450 ml vegetable broth
125 grams of hard tofu cubes
1 big carrot, thinly sliced
2 chopped green onions
The white part of a small pore, cut into thin slices
1 organic soy sauce spoonful
black pepper
1 bunch chopped fresh cilantro
Heat the soup in a heavy based pot and add all ingredients except cilantro. Bring to a boil.
Reduce heat, cover pot and cook for about 10 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Serve the
soup immediately, sprinkled with chopped cilantro.



 500 grams of boiled potatoes, drained and cooled
 6 peanut oil spoonfuls
 1 brown or yellow mustard teaspoon
 fresh green pepper, with the tip cut

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 20 fresh curry leaves

 800 grams of broccoli and pineapple.
Peel potatoes and cut into cubes the same size as the broccoli. Heat oil over medium heat in
large skillet. When the oil is hot add the mustard seeds. Just the mustard seeds begin to pop add
the green pepper and curry leaves. Stir once then add the potatoes. Cook for about 4 minutes or
until potatoes are golden brown. Add a good pinch of salt, mix well and add the broccoli. Cook
for 1 to 2 minutes or until broccoli is hot. Remove the pepper and serve immediately.
2. CHICKEN ESCABECHE (4 portions)
4 organic chicken breasts
Lemon juice
4 sprigs rosemary
4 thyme sprigs
2 garlic cloves, coarsely chopped
2 soy sauce spoonfuls
1 honey spoonful
Sea salt and black pepper
Serve this dish with grilled vegetables or steamed and garlic mayonnaise.
Make two or three incisions on each chicken breast with a sharp knife and place in a baking dish.
Mix remaining ingredients and pour over chicken. Chill at least 2 hours.
Remove chicken from marinade. Place herb sprigs over the chicken breasts on the grill and cook
for 8 to 10 minutes on each side, or a moderate oven (200 º C) for 20 to 25 minutes, until meat
completely pink hue. Spray occasionally with marinade. The chicken is cooked when a long clear
juice when pricked with a fork (Romero and Guttentag 1988).

3. COD A LA ANTIGUA (4 portions)

250 grams of brown rice or long grain
½ liter of boiling water with a pinch of salt
250 grams of cooked cod
Milk, to cover
hard boiled eggs chopped
30 grams of butter into small cubes
1 curry powder teaspoon
1 chopped fresh parsley spoonful
A blast of lemon juice
Sea salt and black pepper
2 cream spoonfuls (optional)
Rinse and drain the rice. Place in a saucepan and pour the boiling water. Place over medium
heat, cover and cook for 35 minutes. Drain if necessary and carefully separate the rice grains
with a fork to prevent sticking. Cook the fish as it cooks rice. Place in a deep pot and cover with
milk. Bring slowly to a boil, reduce heat and cover the pot. Leave on for 10 minutes. After this
period, the fish will be ready. Remove it from the pot with slotted spoon and remove skin and

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bones. Cut into generous chunks. Mix the fish and other ingredients with hot rice, reserving a
little egg to decorate the plate. Add the diced butter and allow it to melt. Taste and season if
necessary. Serve the cod on the ancient eggs and decorated with chopped parsley, if preferred.


1 or 2 large broccoli plants
2 ½ vegetable oil spoonfuls
2 slices fresh ginger
1 ½ salt teaspoon
3 cloves garlic, crushed recently
3 vegetable broth spoonfuls
1 sesame oil teaspoon
Peel and cut into thin slices thick stalks of broccoli. Heat the vegetable oil in a skillet. When the
oil is hot place the ginger and immediately places the broccoli, salt and garlic. Cold vigorously for
one minute or until broccoli acquire a bright green hue. Add broth, cover the pan and cook over
high heat for 1 ½ minutes. Remove the pan from the kitchen. Add the sesame oil and replace the
fire a few seconds. Serve immediately.


250 grams of cabbage
500 grams of sliced potatoes
1 small carrot chopped into cubes
1 small sliced leek
125 ml of milk for the puree
A pinch of nutmeg
A little bit of black pepper
90 grams of unsalted butter
Cook cabbage in boiling water until tender. Strain and chop. Boil potatoes, carrot and turnip until
soft and then strain. In separate pot, cook leeks and milk until the pore is tender.
Add a little nutmeg and pepper to potatoes, carrots and turnip. Add leeks and milk. Prepare a
puree adding more milk if necessary, firm and smooth. Add the shredded cabbage and butter.
Pour into baking tray, rake the surface with a fork and browned on the grill.

6. SPINACH SNACK (2 portions)

4 olive oil spoonfuls
500 grams of well-washed spinach leaves
2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
lemon juice
A handful of nuts
thick slices of whole wheat bread
Heat oil in small saucepan. Add garlic and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes without

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browning. Add nuts and cook another 5 minutes.

Place the spinach in a large pot, without water. Cover and cook until leaves are tender. Let cool
a few seconds and then add the hot oil, garlic, walnuts and lemon juice. Mix well and spread on
bread slices.

7. TUNA AND PASTE SALAD (4 portions)

Vegetable oil
250 grams of dried paste
2 extra virgen olive oil spoonfuls
2 lemon juice spoonfuls
1 mustard teaspoon
Sea salt and black pepper
3 or 4 ripe tomatoes, peeled and chopped
6 green onions thinly sliced
200 grams of canned tuna, drained and bucking
1 chopped fresh parsley spoonful
Fill the large pot of water and bring to a boil. Add a splash of vegetable oil and one or two
teaspoons of salt, then add the pasta.
While pasta is cooking, prepare dressing by mixing olive oil, lemon juice, mustard, salt and
When the pasta is ready, drain well and place in a source table. Cover with the dressing and mix
well. Finally, add the tomatoes, green onions and tuna, and garnish with parsley.

8. TUNA SALAD (4 portions)

 3 tomatoes peeled and chopped
 ½ cucumber, peeled and cut into cubes
 6 onions, sliced
 60 ml of extra virgin olive oil
 2 lemon juice teaspoons
 Sea salt and black pepper
 200 grams of canned tuna drained and bucking
 2 hard boiled eggs cut in half
 1 bunch finely chopped parsley and basil
Place tomatoes, cucumber and onions in a bowl and mix well.
Mix oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a separate bowl, then pour over the salad. Add the tuna
logs or garnish with halves of boiled eggs and chopped herbs (Salazar 1967).

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500 gramos de papas hervidas
Milk for the puree
300 grams of cooked cabbage bucking
2 or 3 olive oil spoonfuls
Mash the boiled potatoes with a fork, add a little milk and butter and mash the mixture with
pisapapas. Add the cooked vegetables to potatoes and mix well, and prepare a large bun or four
rolls. Flour the large bun or muffins.
Heat olive oil in a frying pan and fry the cake or muffins on both sides until golden.

2. BEAN HAMBURGERS (6 hamburgers)

2 olive oil spoonfuls
1 big onion, finely chopped
2 grated carrots
1 grated potato
250 grams of boiled beans, drained and crushed
1 tomato paste spoonful
1 kétchup spoonful
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1 soy sauce teaspoon
One pinch of salt
Black pepper
1 beaten egg
2 integral breadcrumbs spoonfuls
Heat oil on a big pan. Add the onion and fry over moderate heat until it turns soft and golden.
Add carrots, potatoes and beans pure and cook for 7 minutes, stirring occasionally, until
vegetables are cooked a little. Add the tomato puree, ketchup, garlic, soy sauce and seasonings.
Mix all ingredients until a sticky dough.
Pour the mixture on a floured surface and prepare six hamburgers (previously, cover their hands
of flour). Place patties in the refrigerator for one to two hours to harden hamburger dip in beaten
egg and then bread crumbs.
Heat a little olive oil in a frying pan and fry the burgers over medium heat for about 5 minutes on
each side. Serve on whole wheat hamburger, chopped onion rings and lettuce.

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375 grams chopped spinach
375 grams broccoli
4 olive oil spoonfuls
30 grams chopped onion
1 chopped garlic
2 thin slices fresh ginger, peeled and chopped
4 ground cumin teaspoonful
Fill a large pot of water and bring to a boil. Add broccoli and spinach., Bring to a boil again and
cook again for 3 or 4 minutes., Or until both vegetables are tender. Strain and reserve the
cooking water. Run cool water over the vegetables and drain before you chop.
Heat oil in large nonstick skillet, over medium heat. When the oil is hot, add onion, garlic, ginger.
Fry until the onions are turning brown at the tips. Add cumin, stir a little, and quickly add the
broccoli and spinach. Stir once or twice, and cook over medium heat until the vegetables are

4. FRENCH TORTILLA (4 portions)

 2 olive oil spoonfuls
 2 ripe tomatoes, cut into cubes
 1 small eggplant cut into cubes
 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
 8 eggs
 2 chopped fresh parsley teaspoons
 2 chinese onion teaspoons
 2 chopped fresh chervil teaspoons
 Salt and pepper
Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in skillet. Add tomatoes, eggplant
and garlic and cook until they are pureed consistency.
Place eggs, fresh herbs and seasonings in a bowl and beat with a fork. Add half the vegetable
mixture to be prepared.
Heat remaining olive oil in a pan and slowly pour the egg mixture. Cook until base is firm and
golden and therefore the tables that I aim to be bent. Distribute the remaining vegetable mixture
over the tortilla, and serve immediately on a hot plate.

5. MIXED VEGETABLES (aprox. 16)

 2 potatoes cut into cubes
 125 grams of finely chopped vegetables, carrots, green beans, peas, beans, spinach, corn,
cauliflower, and so on.
 1 curry powder teaspoon
 2 cream cheese spoonfuls
 Salt and peper
 1 olive oil spoonful

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 60 rams of melted butter

 8 sheets of puff pastry
 Poppy seeds or black sesame
Boil the potato cubes in salted water just for about 10 minutes or until tender. Drain well. In
another pot, bring to a boil the water enough to cover the chopped vegetables and cook until
tender but still crunchy. Drain well. Place vegetables in a bowl. Add the curry powder and
cheese, and season with salt and pepper. Mix all ingredients vigorously. Preheat oven to 190 º
C. Mix olive oil and butter in a small saucepan. Spread a sheet of puff pastry and paint it with
melted butter and oil. Top with another sheet and repaint. Cut puff pastry into strips about 7 cm
wide. Place a teaspoon full of filling it at the end of one of the bands. Fold pastry diagonally, so
forming a triangle. Paint the triangle and sprinkle with poppy seeds or black sesame. Repeat the
procedure until the filling and dough. Place triangles on a baking sheet and cook for 15 to 20
minutes, until golden. Serve it hot.


2 olive oil spoonfuls
2 chopped onions
1 boneless chicken and cut
1 integral flour spoonful
150 ml of red wine
12 thoroughly washed plums
Several sprigs thyme
1 bay leaf
Sal y pimienta negra
Heat oil in a saucepan. Add onions and cook over medium heat until tender. Then remove from
pan with slotted spoon. Thread the chicken pieces with flour, then place them in the pan and
cook in hot oil.
When the rabbit well browned, add onions, wine, plums, thyme, bay leaf and seasonings. Bring
to a boil, cover pan, reduce heat and simmer until chicken is cooked and tender (Pérez Olga).

7. PARBOILED BEANS (2 portions)

3 butter spoonfuls
1 chopped onion
1 chopped garlic
1green pepper, without seeds and chopped
400 grams of boiled beans
1 or 2 fresh and chopped cilantro spoonfuls
Melt the butter in a frying pan. Add onions and cook over medium heat until golden brown. Add
garlic and pepper and fry over moderate heat until the pepper is cooked. Make sure the garlic
does not burn. Add the beans with half of its liquid, cilantro and salt. Cover the pan and cook
about 5 minutes.

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 olive oil spoonfuls
 250 grams of cooked shrimp, thawed if necessary, drained and dried on paper towels
 1 chopped garlic
 1 red pepper, without seeds and chopped
 1 big carrot, cut into cubes
 A bunch of chopped green beans
 125 grams of corn
 550 ml of vegetable stock
 200 grams of dried egg noodles
 1 sweet chili sauce teaspoon
Heat oil in a frying pan. Add shrimp and garlic and cook for 2 minutes, then remove with a slotted
spoon and place on a plate. Put the peppers, carrots, green beans and corn kernels in the pan,
and cook for 2 to 3 minutes. Add stock, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer about 10 minutes
until vegetables are tender.
Meanwhile, cook the noodles and strain when ready. Stir in the garlic and shrimp to the skillet,
add the noodles and garnish with chili sauce and soy sauce.

9. TROUT SLICES (1 portion)

 125 grams of trout fillet (blue fish)
 Beaten egg
 Vegetable oil for frying
Cut fish into chunks, removing any bones that may have formed. Dip sticks into egg mixture and
then wipe the bread crumbs. Heat the vegetable oil in skillet, add the cold sticks 2 to 3 minutes
per side.



 375 grams of raspberries
 180 of redcurrant
 60 grams of brown sugar
 6 thin slices of whole wheat crust if
 fresh cream or Greek yogurt to serve
Wash fruit, remove the ends of the berries with a fork and place all the fruit a large saucepan.
Add sugar, put the pan on very low heat for 2 or 3 minutes, until sugar melts and begins to long
routes f juice. Let aside. Tapestry with 5 slices of bread pudding mold for 1 kg making sure that
no are gaps that may damage the appearance of the finished pudding. Add the fruit, reserving
½ cup of juice. Cover the pudding with the slice of bread. Left and top with a flat plate to crush
the contents of the mold. Put cool the pudding in the fridge for 6 hours at least.
To serve, remove from pans on an elegant china tray. Cover with the juice just saved and

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serve with a little fresh cream or fresh yogurt.

2. PLUM PUREE (4 portions)

 500 grams of prunes
 Juice of 2 lemons
 peeled lemon
 45 grams of sugar
 3 organic egg whites
 Yogurt and pepper.
Put into a bowl, cover with boiling water and let soak overnight. The next day, descaroce and
chop the plums.
Place remaining ingredients in a bowl and beat until mixture hardens. Add the plums and put
them in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
Serve the plum puree with plain yogurt mixed with lemon peel and a pinch of pepper (Cruz,

3. RICE PUDDING (4 portions)

 45 gramos of fat
 3 rice spoonfuls
 600 ml of whole milk
 2 black sugar spoonfuls
 A pinch of nutmeg
Preheat oven to 150 º C. Grease a baking dish just profound.
Place rice, milk and sugar and mix it. Add small pieces of butter
and freshly grated nutmeg.
Place the tray in the oven and cook for 15 minutes. Gently stir the pudding, bake another 15
minutes. Gently stir the pudding, bake another 15 minutes, and stir again. Cook for 1 ½ hours, or
until the top of the pudding is crunchy and dark place (Cobo, 1986).


1. APPLE AND BANANA JUICE (1 or 2 glasses)

 6 apples quartered
 2 bananas
 1 teaspoon of peanut butter
Process the apples in a blender, add the bananas and peanut butter and blend again.

2. BERRIES IN YOGURT (1 or 2 glasses)

150 g of natural yogurt
300 ml of milk

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fresh or frozen berries (you can use strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and currants)
A handful of ice cubes
Place all ingredients in blender and process until thick and soft drinks.


300 ml soy milk
150 ml coconut milk
150 grams of frozen yogurt
½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon of ground cloves
A handful of ice cubes
Place all ingredients in blender and process until thick and soft drinks.

4. REFRESH PEARS (1 or 2 glasses)

 pears, quartered
 2 slices fresh pineapple
 2 apples quartered
 12 white or black grapes
Blend all ingredients in blender.

5. TOMATO AND CARROT JUICE(1 or 2 glasses)

4 big ripe tomatoes, pears
1 carrot, chopped
1 celery stick
A bunch of basil leaves
half lemon juice
A stream of Worcestershire sauce
Black pepper
Process tomatoes, carrots, celery and basil in blender. Then add lemon
juice, worcestershire sauce and a pinch of pepper.

6. YOGURT WITH SESAME (1 or 2 glasses)

300 grams of natural yogurt
1 tablespoon of tahini
A handful of ice cubes
1 teaspoon of sesame seeds
Place the yogurt, tahini and ice cubes in blender and process until a thick consistency liquid and
smooth. Serve in tall glasses and garnish with sesame seeds.

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1. Agapito Teodoro y Sung Isabel: Fitomedicina, 1100 PLANTAS MEDICINALES. Editorial Isabel,
2 Tomos, 568 págs.
2. Alarco Adriana (2,000): EL LIBRO DE LAS PLANTAS MÁGICAS. Segunda edición,
CONCYTEC, Lima Perú, 311pags.
3. Albertinazzi Elba (2004): Remedios naturales para todos. Utilísima editores, Argentina, 192
4. Arias Alzate, Eugenio (1982): Plantas medicinales, 17 edición, 288 págs.,
5. Assumpta Miralpeix, Random House Mondadori: LA ALIMENTACION INFANTIL, 192 paginas –
6. Bestic Liz (2004): Guía de los remedios caseros. Editorial Parragón, España. 64 págs.
7. Brack Antonio: (1999): Diccionario enciclopédico de plantas útiles del Perú. PNUD, Centro de
estudios regionales andinos Bartolomé de las casas. 550 págs.
8. Brigo Bruno (2005): Todo sobre las enfermedades infantiles, prevención y tratamiento. Editorial
Atlántida s.a... 93 págs.
9. Carvajal P. A. (1957): plantas que curan, plantas que matan. Editorial Juana de arco, México.
318 págs.
10. Chávez Nancy (1977): La materia medica en el incana to. Editorial Juan Mejía Baca. Perú, 426
11. Cobo Carola (1986): Recetario de comidas bolivianas y extranjeras. Publicado por Ediciones
ISLA. Universidad de Texas. 290 páginas
12. Cooper Helen y Reyes Christiane (2001): Sopa de calabaza. Publicado por Juventud. 30
13. Cruz Abel (2004): Cocina naturista para niños. Publicado por SELECTOR. 166 páginas
14. Díaz, María Elena, Figueroa María Elena “Recetario vegetariano para nutrir bien a los niños”–
2007 – 120 paginas.
15. Fonseca Nuri (1978): Recetas de América Latina. Publicado por Editorial Concepto.
Universidad de Texas. 229 páginas
16. Gamboa Rubén y Pedraza Héctor (1940): Gamboa Rubén y Pedraza Héctor (1940): Higiene
integral y alimentación del niño. Publicado por Imprenta nacional, Colombia. 396 págs.
17. Garaulet Martha (2001): Adelgazar sin milagros: Método Garaulet. Publicado por Ediciones
Díaz de Santos. 235 páginas.
18. Georgitsis Ketty y Erra Mabe (1976): Cocina dietética: Regímenes agradables para la salud.
Publicado por El Ateneo, Universidad de Texas. 295 pág inas
19. Hernández, Manuel et al. “Alimentación del niño sano”. En: Alimentación infantil 2º Edición. Ed.
Díaz de Santos. Madrid. Pág. 25 – 93. 1993.
20. Karmel Annabel (1999): La nueva cocina para niños. Publicado por Ediciones B. México, 144
21. Karmel Annabel; La nueva cocina para niños. Ediciones B - México, 1999. 144 páginas.
22. Kemeny Esteban (1970): Manual de alimentación. Publicado por Editorial Andrés Bello.
Universidad de Texas. 468 páginas
23. Lezaeta Manuel (1997): Medicina natural al alcance de todos. Edición: 46, Publicado por
Editorial Pax México. 479 páginas.
24. Mandy Francis (2006): Cocina sana para niños. Publicado por Ediciones Nowtilus S.L. 237
25. Manfred Leo (1998): 7,000 recetas botánicas a ba se de 1,300 plantas medicinales

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americanas, 6ª edición, editorial Kier, Argentina, 668 págs.

26. Martínez Lourdes (2000): Cocinar para el bebé. Publicado por SELECTOR, 199 páginas
27. Meltzer Barnet (2002): La alimentación equilibrada. Editorial Océano. 272 págs.
28. Melvin H. Williams; Nutrición para la salud, la condición física y el deporte: Para la salud, la
condición física y el deporte. Editorial Paidotribo, 2002; 502 páginas
29. Messegué Maurice (1985): Mi herbario de salud. Editorial Plaza y janes. España, 361 págs.
30. Oliveira, lucia (2002): Remedios caseros y naturales. Editor Ojos de papel,
31. Peralta chapina (2002): Cocina para la recién casada. Editorial Limusa, 108 pags.
32. Pérez Olga: Cocinemos Con Recetas de Oro 1 *rustica. Publicado por Librerías Artemis
Edinter. Vigésima séptima edición.
33. Peschiera Emilio (2004): Secretos de la cocina peruana. Ediciones Origo. Publicado por
Ediciones Granica S.A.
34. Pitchford Paul (2007): Sanando con alimentos integrales: Tradiciones Asiáticas y Nutrición
Moderna. Publicado por North Atlantic Books. 803 págin as
35. Pompa Gerónimo (1984): Medicamentos indígenas. Edición 50; Editorial América S.A.; 340
36. Portela MLPM de. Vitaminas y minerales en nutrición. 2ª ed. Buenos Aires: La Prensa Médica
Argentina, 2003.
37. Porti, mariana (2006): Obesidad infantil, 128 pág. , Editorial Imaginador, segunda edición.
38. Romero Emilia y Guttentag Carola (1988): Cocina tradicional boliviana. Edition: 2, illustrated.
Publicado por Los Amigos del Libro, 1988. Universidad de Texas. 389 páginas.
39. Salazar Regina (1967): Cocina colombiana fácil. Publicado por Ediciones Triángulo. 119 páginas
40. Santwani M. T., Taylor Martha (1998): Enfermedades comunes de los niños y su tratamiento
homeopático. Editores B Jaim, 343 págs.
41. Singh Darma (2004): La alimentación como medicina. Editorial Urano, 368 páginas.
42. Soldano Maria (2005): Primeros auxilios y enfermedades de la infancia. Editorial Albatros, 127
43. Splichal Christine, Mosher Pamela. “FEEDING BABY” Ten Speed Press 2003, 160 páginas.
44. Toyos Isabel; ALIMENTOS SANADORES PARA LA MEMORIA, Grupo Editorial Norma USA,
2007 - 64 páginas
45. Treben María (1995): Aliviar y curar las enfermedades del sistema respiratorio. Editorial Tical,
España, 116 págs.
46. Txumari Alfaro y Pedro Ramos (2000): Soluciones naturales para la salud de los niños.
Editorial Plaza y Janes, España; 428 pags
47. Valera Jorge (2009), EL EMBARAZO EN LA ADOLESCENCIA. Impresión digital o electrónica,
130 páginas.
48. Van straten Michael, Griggs Bárbara “SUPER ALIMEN TOS PARA NIÑOS Y BEBES” Q. W.
Editores S.A.C.2006.
49. Walter Rosemery y Rodger Hill (2006): Diabetes manual practico para el cuidado de la salud.
Editorial Quebecor World Perú, 224 págs.
50. Wang lihua (2007): Medicina china casera. Ediciones robinbook. España, 289 págs.

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Jorge Valera López; a man dedicated to nature since the 70s, skilled in the search
for natural resources: plants and minerals. Specialist in plants to relieve breathing
problems such as asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, flu, and so on. He is also
specialized in mineral resources such as clay for acne and metals. Is the author of
METALLIC MINERAL DEPOSITS. Furthermore, he is the author of "PREGNANCY
IN ADOLESCENCE, which shows a series of natural treatments for various
diseases of pregnant women. In addition to recipes for meals to prevent weight
gain than necessary.

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Acne Elimination Comedonicus (1 to 2

Comedonicus (2 weeks) weeks); pustulent (4 weeks), cystic (8
Cystic pustulent (8 weeks) weeks); conglobata (12 weeks).
Conclobata (12 weeks) Treatment of the cause of acne,
hormonal, digestive, intestinal, liver.
Elimination of fat (acne, blackheads,
pimples, pustules, boils)
Elimination of acne on the face, neck,
back, chest and buttocks.
Acne treatment with vaporization,
masks or touch.
Regeneration of the skin, leaving it
smooth and soft
See many photos of our treatments

Contraindications: none

ASTE, eliminates acne

CLAY MEDICAL; Powerful-inflammatory

Natural and holistic treatment for

ASTHMA Asthma intrinsic

Treatment expectorant to expel phlegm
from throat and lung
A complete treatment for each case (8
treatments in one single payment)
Astexpect des inflammatory activity and
cat's claw
Lifting of the immune system and body
Strengthening the muscle tissue of
banana flour
Phasing out of dry cough with phlegm
Duration: 8 to 12 weeks (depending on
the patient)
ASTEXPECT; To remove phlegm Nutritional therapy expectorant
CAT'S CLAW, strengthen defenses
Additional treatments with steam bath,
BANANA FLOUR; strengthens the lung
KOF-KOF; Caramelos de kion for any cough
incense, poultices
CLAY MEDICAL; Powerful-inflammatory. Contraindications: people refrain liver
or kidney ailments, not allergic asthma,
More Information not to take antibiotics for this treatment, this treatment does not affect the heart.

Página 170
Healthy Children Jorge Valera

Natural and holistic treatment for


Regulation and control of glucose

(sugar) from the blood to normal levels

Reducing cholesterol and hypertension

Food to Lose hyperglycemia

Stimulates pancreatic functions idle

Prevents the development of diabetic

foot and eye, helps you lose weight

Treatment duration: 12 weeks.

We are pleased to recommend a special

diet natural food for diabetics.
DIABUTA: detoxifies the blood.
STEVIA mellitus: Low uric acid levels. Complementary Therapy: Physical
exercise and saunas.

Contraindications: Pregnant women,

infants - People beverages

Natural and holistic treatment for

ARTHRITIS Rheumatism / Arthritis

Action-inflammatory and reducing

RHEUMATISM muscle and joint pains
Increased immune system defenses.
Strengthening of damaged cartilage
copper (copper bracelet)
Alkaline Food appropriate to improve
cartilage tissue
Food anti uric acid
Prevent wear of the joints
Appropriate sporting activity
Duration: 12 weeks.
Products: Cat's Claw, Arcilla Medicinal.
Copper Bracelet

Contraindications: Children - Pregnant

CAT'S CLAW, strengthen defenses
women, infants - People with
CLAY MEDICAL; Powerful-inflammatory.
autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis
COPPER BRACELETS; supply of calcium.
or tuberculosis - People who are
More information administering vaccines, hormone therapy, thymus extracts, and insulin.

Página 171
Healthy Children Jorge Valera

GASTRITIS Natural and holistic treatment

for Gastritis

Remove the acid (hydrochloric) acid

stomach, flatulence, abdominal pain
and burning
Healing of the lesions (home of the
bacteria) of the gastric camera
ASTOMACAL - inflammatory
activity with CLAY AND MEDICINE
Elimination of the bacterium
Helicobacter pylori,
Food and alk and antacids
Standardization of digestive function
(sweets savior)
Treatment duration: 04 Weeks
ASTOMACAL, eliminates heartburn Contraindications: Pregnant
BANANA FLOUR; strengthens the lung
CASSAVA STARCH, heals the wounds of the stomach
women, infants - People alcoholic -
CLAY MEDICAL; Powerful-inflammatory liver disease or kidney disease.
CANDY SALVADOR, normalizes gastrointestinal

IMPOTENCE Natural and holistic treatment

FRIGIDITY for Sexual Impotence

The member is HARD AND THAT

LASTS (men)
Stimulate the libido, desire, stamina
and a weak organic
Monitor and improve premature
ejaculation (lasting over 15 minutes)
Improve erectile dysfunction (this
Remove the frigidity in women
Swollen prostate in men
Duplicate sexual activity in older
Aphrodisiac food (food and plants)
Improving irrigation brain
ACHIOTE; Fight UTIs. Treatment duration: 04 weeks.
LLANTEN; natural desinflamantes.
ROMERO; Refreshing and invigorating. Contraindications: Hypertension,
CLAY MEDICAL; Powerful-inflammatory. High Blood, heart and frail elderly.
MACA; Restorative energy.

More information

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Healthy Children Jorge Valera

MENOPAUSE Tratamiento Natural e integral

para la Menopausia

Female hormone balancing and

control of hormonal imbalance
Hormone replacement therapy with
Qalivio and food (natural)
Food with natural phytoestrogens
(plant food)
Relief of menopause symptoms (hot
flashes, sweating, mood swings,
vaginal dryness and insomnia)
Hypertension Relief
Treatment duration: 04 weeks.
Products: Q'Alivio, Maca Medicinal
Clay, Candy Salvador.
Q'ALIVIO, detoxifies the blood.
MACA; Restorative energy. Contraindications: People
CLAY MEDICAL; Powerful-inflammatory. beverages - low pressure.
SALVADOR CANDY; normalizes bowel function,

MENSTRUATION Natural and holistic treatment

for Menstrual Disorders
Female hormone balancing and
control of hormonal imbalance
Generating a period every 28 days
(irregular menstruation)
Relieve menstrual headache
Avoid low or excessive menstrual
Avoid black or brown bleeding with
Avoiding the pains in the breast
(future breast cancer)
Relaxation of the uterus and
removing the pain (menstrual
Desinflamation belly (the anti-
Q'ALIVIO, detoxifies the blood. Control postpartum uterine bleeding
CAT'S CLAW, strengthen defenses Food with natural phytoestrogens
MACA; Restorative energy. (plant food)
CLAY MEDICAL; Powerful-inflammatory. Calling the rule (no rules), stimulate
VEGETABLE EXTRACTS the monthly menstrual flow
Duration of treatment: 1 to 2 rules
More information (treatment when you have your period) Contraindications: Pregnant women,
infants, alcoholics - low pressure.

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Healthy Children Jorge Valera

Natural and holistic treatment

CYSTS, MYOMAS for cysts, myoma or fibroids

FIBROIDS Female hormone balancing and

control of hormonal imbalance
Desinflamación belly (the anti-
Removal of cysts or fibroids,
eliminating the black blood
Food with natural phytoestrogens
(plant food)
Avoid low or excessive menstrual
Avoid black or brown bleeding with
Avoiding the pains in the breast
(future breast cancer)
Relaxation of the uterus and
removing the pain (menstrual
Calling the rule (no rules), stimulate
Q'ALIVIO, detoxifies the blood. the monthly menstrual flow
CAT'S CLAW, strengthen defenses
Duration of treatment: 08 - 12
MACA; Restorative energy.
CLAY MEDICAL; Powerful-inflammatory.
Contraindications: Pregnant
women, infants, alcoholics - low

Natural and holistic treatment for


Lower body fat, cleansing the

arteries of fats (cholesterol and
Gradual decrease in the overweight
(3 to 10 kgs per month)
Decreased blood pressure
Slight reduction from the waist
Food burns calories
Colonic cleansing

Treatment duration: 12 weeks.

Contraindications: Pregnant women,

OBESUS; natural Slimming infants, gastritis or peptic ulcer
STEVIA MELLITUS; natural sweetener disease - low pressure.
SAL MARINA; for colonic cleansing

More information

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Natural and holistic treatment for
Peptic Ulcers

Treatment of Gastric and duodenal

Eliminate the pain in pit of stomach
and hyperacidity
Avoid black-colored stool
Wounds and injuries (home of the
bacteria) of the gastric camera
ASTOMACAL- inflammatory activity
Elimination of the bacterium
Helicobacter pylori,
Food and alk and antacids.
Standardization of digestive function
(sweets savior)
ASTOMACAL, eliminates heartburn
Treatment duration: 12 Weeks.
CASSAVA STARCH, heals the wounds of the
Products: Astomacal, cassava
starch, Candy Salvador, Arcilla
CLAY MEDICAL; powerful-inflammatory Medicinal.
CANDY SALVADOR, normalizes gastrointestinal Contraindications: Pregnant women,
function infants - People alcoholic - liver
disease or kidney disease.

Natural and holistic treatment

COUGH for Cough

Treatment expectorant to expel

phlegm from throat and lung.
A complete treatment for each case
(8 treatments in one single payment)
Astexpect-inflammatory activity and
the cat's claw.
Lifting of the immune system and
body defenses.
Strengthening the muscle tissue of
banana flour.
Phasing out of dry cough with
Treatment of cough asthma (intrinsic
ASTEXPECT; Para eliminar flemas or cold), pneumonia and bronchitis.
UÑA DE GATO; Fortalece las defensas Duration: 1 to 12 weeks (depending
HARINA DE PLATANO; Fortalece el pulmón on the source).
KOF-KOF; Caramelos de kion para cualquier tipo Nutritional therapy expectorant.
de tos Additional treatments with steam
ARCILLA MEDICINAL; Potente desinflamante.
bath, incense, poultices.
Contraindications: Refraining people
More information with liver or kidney ailments.

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Healthy Children Jorge Valera

Natural and holistic treatment for

Preventing herpes virus reactivated

Desinflamar the infected

Remove the blister (blister or ulcer)

Drastically reduce pain

antibacterial and healing.
Adequate food to raise the immune

CAT'S CLAW, strengthen defenses Treatment duration: 04 weeks (each

LLANTEN; natural desinflamantes. time there is an attack, or
MACA; Restorative energy. recurrence of herpes)
CLAY MEDICAL; Powerful-inflammatory
Contraindications: Pregnant women
(external application only)

Natural and holistic treatment for


Restore liver function and regulate

the production of fat (cholesterol and
Liver detoxification and treatment of
Weight reduction (3 to 10 kg /
month), according to constitution of
the person.
Decreased blood pressure and
hypertension control
Swollen liver, prevent liver disease
and ease of digestion

Adequate food to relieve the liver

Elimination of facial acne brown
ARTICHOKE, Restores liver function Treatment duration: 04 weeks.
DANDELION, purifies the blood. Products: Artichoke, Dandelion,
LLANTEN; natural desinflamantes. Plantain, Arcilla Medicinal.
CLAY MEDICAL; Powerful-inflammatory.
Contraindications: Pregnant women,
More information infants, gastric or duodenal ulcer - Diarrhea Appendicitis Colitis - Colon cancer, hypersensitive skin and
allergic reaction, open wounds,

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