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Okay guys now I want to tell you about arduino in generally.

First I want to tell you about the history of

arduino and how the arduino is created. Arduino in Indonesian means teman yang berani or friends who
brave. It’s all started from a thesis by Hernando Baraggan from Institute of Ivrea on Italy. The main
purpose of making the arduino is to make some device that more easy and cheap from the devices that
already exist that time. And that device first shown by the student that’ll making the device design and
interface. Now it is developed by many talented man such as Massimo Banzi, David Cueartielles, Tom
Igoe, Gianluca Martino, David Mellis, and Nicholas Zambetti. They trying to make these 4 things included
on arduino, such as

 cheap prize
 It can be run on many diferent operation system like windows, linux, max, and
 It’s simple, with programing language that so easy to learn not only for the engineer user but
also for the non-engineer user.
 Open Source, hardware and software.
Because of arduino is an open source system. The development of arduino is so fast. And made a
birth for many of new software base on this arduino software that have been developed into a
new software. In Indonesia itself there’s already so many programmer that reprogram the
software or just edit the software base for what they need.

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