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PUNAHOU scHooL ‘Consistent with Ponshou Schoo’ pole of equal emplosmeat opporrnity aeasmeat of an cemplovee applicant for employment, stadeat or volunteer based on the individ’ ne, sx, religion, sancnal origin, age, dab, sexual oveattion, mantal status, ances, colo, personal ‘eaeticinfoxmation, or other grounds protected by sate and federal eal employment cpporanity Taw wll oe be tolerated, CO ec peep pclae vest ioral ‘nicoadie Pane elses Hare ‘© anueleome sevual advances, equests fr sexual favors, and other vsbal or physial conde of ‘sexual mature when 1) submission to such conducts made ees explo impbetly a texm or condinon of an individ employment, academic satus, progres) submicion “ortejetion of such condct hy an iva sel the basis for employment or edeatonal ‘decisions affecting soch individual: or) the conduct has the purpose ot effet of having a negative pace upem an andvka's work or academic performance or resting an ‘nuimiding, hostile or offensive working or edvcatona environment * unueome sesual havior where there i a mentor or calease reaion-hip. + unwelcome means the person complaining about the conduct dorsi i id not engage in the same hind of ean, and oud the condctto be offensive and unwanted when i ‘curred. However, student ca never conse to any form of harassment fom any wource Bespin + future wo observe the appropiate Boundaies ofthe supevisor/subordnate or facley/stadent ‘lationship, including the parscpation ofa syperssor, teacher, chaplain, counselor, advisor ot ‘coach na eomaatic of sexta relatonship with a sadent, whether or not there is apparent © taking adrantage of non-contening person ot sation for personal benef ot gttification oF for the benefit of anyone other than the alleged vied neuding behavior that docs not constete rape, atemped rps, sex touching oe sexual hassel Aba er meats sexu involvement or contact by teacher or other choo! worker with a perion who is minor, ‘cluding rape, tatstry rape, sexal touching, scsual expleitation sexual harastent od ‘ondact segaestive of step to commit any of the aforementioned acs Further Carson Federal and tte ins, a wel Punahow policy, prohibit ny form of workplace hasssment. Ax such no Pumaou administrator, fculty, manager, supervisor, sta or employee shall threaten or insineat, either expt or impicly, that another employee's or applicant's refusal to submit 10 scsi advances wl adversely fet that person's employment, work sats, evaluation, waged advancement or ater condion of emplosment or eater development. Similal, no employee ‘hal promi, amp of grant any preferentl eatment in connceson wth acter or applicant “engaging in soa condat or convening fo or covering up haraamest Page 4 of 4 Guidines om forms sexual haassmest can ake 1 Cinweleome sexual advance or fiations, whether vebal, ual or physi, to an employee, sade, volunteer o isto. 2 Requist or demands for sexu favors This incades sbi or Dla especations, presses ‘orrequcts For any typeof sestalvor accompanied by aa implied or stated promise or preferential tronment or netve consequence conceming one's employment tats oF eduction. 5, Veshulabuse a ses/gender oriented banter that is coded unweleome by another individual. This includes commenting sbost an iadoiduals body or appearance where such omiments beyond mete cours eling “ey jokes", ustees, seal opented comments innuendos actions that offend others. alscussion abou social or sexual i; gender-specific ‘wonder a niidval and use ofsexualy degrading or gender specie profane wor 4. Disp at Schoo of sesullysuggentive objets, cartoons, pictues, posters, lends, writen ‘mats, graft of asexual nature or wse of obscene gestures. 5, Unwelcome touching ofan individual eg, unwanted touching pinching kissing, pang, hogging, blocking of aormal movetent saul or interference wath work oe wal decd at an individual because ofthe individual's nde. 6. Retain for opposing, reporting, threatening to report oe putcpate in an investigation or proceeding on lim of seal harassment (Other Forms of Harassment The School als profits any fon of hatssment of any employes stdent, voluneet or visitor Ibeenue of race, elgion, clot, age, national ergin/ancesty, masta stats, sbi sexual ‘ovienttion or atest and cour cond, Comments cknames (se aks, insu) about a persons ‘ce, rligion, color age, naonal orgin/ancesty, maria status, dab, sexta orientation o& rest and court record to an employee, stent, volunteer or wsitor fom ay source i prohibited at the School f scone fins such behaviors be unwelcome Pnahow School expresdy prohibit retains agiast another employe or ndvidul who has ‘made a jood ith compli of seme or ee fon of harassment, conducted the investigation of 4 complaint, cooported wath the mvestgns of «complain, or acted asa witness ding che investigation of complaint Any employee who seats aginst another employee or indivi in ‘iolaton of this poly chal be immediatly terminated, Ponahow School wll not condone any ‘etlation against an eompoyee ce tnlivkual who his made» complaint of sexual o other forms af Ttasment with the School or any governmental agency "The Schoo: ant haresmen policy iiteaded 1 safeguala positive educations environment and appropiate working condtnas forall Paahou students, employee ad voluatecrs. Punahow ‘School prohibits sexual snd all other foras of harassment, in all forms and will subject the offender to scriowsditipline up to and including termination. ‘Complaint Procedure: Tryon fel you have cen subjected o sexual harassment, any frm of harassment or scrminaton, you should sepor the incident mmeaty. Fmployees and volunteers should report, the incident ue ofthe followings the Viee President, the Dieetor of Human Resources, Page 2of 4 aincial, Supervisors, Deans, Director of Phyicl Plant, Diector of DIS, or Director of Food Service Stadens should report the incidents to thet Principal, Superior, ot Dea, “The School will conduct a thorongh investigation of the llega the sutounding ‘ireumstances. Every restonable effort wl be made to cnet the invesption in as confident ‘manners possible. IF warane after the inestptin, the School shal eke the necesar actions to prevent forure aesrrence of prohibited conduc, incuking spprontae disciplinary action. The School wil ake resonable measures to nse that dhe inal Sing» complaint or who onperates ith the svexigation willbe safe fom rtabition of any nd Any employee who is determined, after a investigation, o be in violation ofthis poliy will be subject t appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including immediate temination of employment. Page 3 of 4 ce HARASSMENT & DISCRIMINATION POLICY ‘ACKNOWLEDGMENT & RECEIPT {Thereby acknowl that Ihave viewed eccved taining and fully undestund dhe Pana ‘Harassment and Discrimination policy. have recived or been offered aa indiual copy of the policy and understand that i decinig an individual ep, areferace copy avaiable atthe Office Sf Fluman Resources, Tam alo awe that may quest copy of di policy fom and ask questions bf the Office of Human Resouces at anytime Furthermore, Lteby acknowledge nd undertand that [have been given taining and ‘opportunity to ask questions rganding the Harssement&e Distinination pole. IF have fuer {questions I may contact the Office of Human Resources by phone 808938.3678, or email iRgrpanabowli. The poy has ben provided to me foe educational and guidance purposes fly and doesnot contain or make promive of specific treatment in specifi tutions, nor Joe it “casttute an inpied or exprered contact for cotining employment “This ply may be changed or superseded by Panahou a any time, with or without prin atice. To bbe eflstve, such chnges most be conesaed ia an oficial Punaho employee handbook ar ina ‘vite document or memorandam gpd bythe President and/or Dietor of Human Resources, Lf Lhave a spesc concer or would ike to tepoet behavior I elec to be harassment ot Aisctimnaton, may contact my diet supervisor or the Ofice of Human Resources by phone 089433678, orem sausl Rasa Signed Acknowledgement Forwarded to the Ofice of Human Resources on 0. 0400-11 Page 4of 4

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