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Chapter No. Topics Page No.

Certificate of Originality i
Acknowledgement ii

Abstract iii

List of figures iv

Chapter-1 Introduction 1-5

Chapter-2 Requirement Analysis and Specification 6-9
Chapter-3 Design 10-15
Chapter-4 Coding 16-33
Chapter-5 Testing 34-35
Chapter-6 Implementation 36-39
Chapter-7 Result & Conclusion 42
Chapter-8 Future Scope 43
Bibliography 44
List of symbols and acronyms 42

List of Figures Figure no. Name of figure Page no.
1 3.1 Working of website 14

2 3.2 Student and faculty DFD 15

3 6.1 About us 36

4 6.2 User Login 37

5 6.3 Student Dashboard 37

6 6.4 Search Course Material 38

7 6.5 Course Material Page 38

8 6.6 Upload Course Material 39

9 6.7 Faculty Dashboard 39

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