Teenage Pregnacy

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Jr. Paseo del Bosque Nº 868 – San Borja – Lima 41 - Perú

E-Mail: jvalera00@hotmail.com

INDECOPI PERU Address Copyright; Certificate of Registration of Literary Works; Item

Registry Nº 000-85-2009 / Place 01

First Edition - February, 2009

Done the Legal Deposit in the National Library of Peru Nº: 2009-03860

ISBN: 978-9972-33-975-2

Digital printing, by Jorge Augusto Valera López

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The pregnancy is very important in the adolescent women (also future mothers unmarried)
who for the first time are going to have a childbirth, they have many questions of how to
take a happy pregnancy to give a normal childbirth and a beautiful baby, healthful and
strong. The adolescents who take a pregnancy need the advice of all the people (mothers)
who surround it, because they have knowledge of the pregnancy problems. When there is
not answer to questions like how to treat this disease or what will be my better feeding, then
this is the book that you need.
We present with informative character 374 natural treatments for 71 diseases (anemia,
spontaneous abortion, asthma, cholesterol, constipation, pains diverse, striae, hemorroides,
calcification of bones, insomnia, headache and varix, etc.), that can be dealt with diverse
medicinal herbs, that the pregnant women can use, consulting previously to the medical
gynecologist and the naturist doctor. They are medicinal herbs that many Peruvian women
use during their pregnancy with enough facility to solve their diverse problems. As example
for the diarrheas of the pregnant women (it serves equal for their babies that they are
hoping) only they must prepare one panetela and eat in the breakfast and lunch rice with
something of carrot; at night only grated and black apple; if in the lapse of one week it
follows with the diarrhea problems, then there is a serious infection that only can be offset
with guava leaves; greater information of dose and treatments in the section diarrheas in the
We also offer to you specialized feeding, diets and revitalizing recipes with abundant
vitamins A, C, Iron, Calcium and ideal folic acid for this prenatal stage, so wonderful of the
woman, next to be mother. For the breakfast you must to choose 11, for the lunch 53 and
dinner 13 plates. The good feeding during the pregnancy constitutes one of the main
aspects that we must consider during the pregnancy. These diets or prescriptions allow
giving force to the pregnant woman, prepared with foods low in fat and rich in Omega 3,
which can be consumed during the pregnancy, not like in some places where only revitalize
the pregnant women after the childbirth. It’s necessary to change that custom and to feed
itself well during all the pregnancy. In order to have a healthy and strong baby, which will
be the pride of the future mother and that does not bring a sick baby with many headaches
for the new family.
There are many plants that produce spontaneous abortions, that is very important that the
adolescents know, since it can damage the fetus that is inside their belly. It is necessary to
know them to avoid problems with the futures babies that are going to be born. We are
against the abortion for many reasons. But there are many adolescents who by economic
problems want to apply these methods. Here we tell them that we didn’t prescribe forms of
abortion. We are only interested in the gestation of the new baby.

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CHAPTER 1: PREGNANCY………………………………………………… 11
1.1 Symptoms of pregnancy……..……………………………………….………….. 12
1.1.1 Interruption of the menstruation………….………….……………………….. 12
1.1.2 Sensible Chest…..…………………………………..……………………..….. 12
1.1.3 Fatigue……………………….………….……………..…………….………... 12
1.1.4 Urinate frecuently…………..……..………………..………………………..… 13
1.1.5 Nausea and Vomits…………………………………………………….…...….. 13
1.1.6 Feel sicks o queasy…..………………………………………………….……... 13
1.1.7 Sensibility to the aromas….…………….……………………………………… 13
CHAPTER 2: Pregnancy, Diseases, treatments with Medicinal
Herbs and Food…………..……………………………………………. 14
2.1 Acne in the pregnancy ……………………………………………………….….. 16
2.2 Arterial Hypertension in the pregnancy………….……..……………………….... 16
2.3 Asthma in the pregnancy ………………………………………………………..... 18
2.4 Back, Annoyances in the pregnancy…….. …………………….………………… 18
2.5 Backache in the pregnancy……..………………….……………..……………… 18
2.6 Bleeding gums in the pregnancy….….………………………………………….. 19
2.7 Bones, fortification in the pregnancy …..……………….……….………………. 20
2.8 Bronchitis in the pregnancy ……………………………….……………..……… 21
2.9 Candidiasis during the pregnancy……….....…………..…………………….…... 21
2.10 Cardiopathy in the pregnancy …...…………………………………………...… 21
2.11 Cholesterol in the pregnancy …………………….…………..……………...…. 22
2.12 Constipation in the pregnancy ….……………..……………………………..… 23
2.13Cough dry and cough with phlegm during pregnancy……………….……….….. 25
2.14 Cystitis in the pregnancy…...…………………..…………..…………….…….... 26
2.15 Cutaneous Eccema in the pregnancy …………………………………………….. 27
2.16 Depression in the pregnancy …………………..…..………………....……….... 27
2.17 Diabetes in the pregnancy ……………………………...………………….…… 28
2.18 Diarrhoeas in the pregnancy …………………………………………….…….… 29
2.19 Eclampsia in the pregnancy ………………………….…………………………. 31
2.20 Edema in the pregnancy ………...….………………….…………………….…. 31
2.21 Epigastric heartburn in the pregnancy ….………………………..……..………. 32
2.22 Feet and hands swollen in the pregnancy …...………………….…..……………. 33
2.23 Fever in the pregnancy ………………………….…………….……..………….. 34
2.24 Flatulence / Gases in the pregnancy.………………………………...………….. 34
2.25 Fungi: Infections in the pregnancy…………………..………………..……….… 35
2.26 Gingivitis in the pregnancy ……………...…...…………...……........…………. 35
2.27 Headache in the Pregnancy ………………………………………………..…..... 35
2.28 Hemorroids in the pregnancy………………………………….…….………….. 36

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2.29 Hepatic diseases in the pregnancy…………..…….………………….………… 37

2.30 Hipersensitivity in the chests of the pregnancy…………………………………. 37
2.31 Influenza in the pregnancy ………………………………………………..…… 37
2.32 Insomnia in the Pregnancy ……………………………………………………... 39
2.33 Itching in the skin in the pregnancy.……………………………………..…....... 40
2.34 Muscular cramps in the pregnancy …………………..…………………………. 40
2.35 Muscular fatigue in the pregnancy………………………………………………. 41
2.36 Muscles of the Uterus in the pregnancy…………………………………………. 41
2.37 Muscular pain in the pregnancy…………………….…………………………... 42
2.38 Nasal congestion in the pregnancy …………………………………………….. 43
2.39 Nauseas in the pregnancy ……………………….……………………………… 44
2.40 Nerves, balance in the pregnancy……….…….….………………………........... 45
2.41 Palpitation in the pregnancy………………..…………………………………… 46
2.42 Physical and mental exhaustion in the pregnancy..……..………………..…….. 46
2.43 Pirosis in the pregnancy ……………...…………….………………….…….…. 47
2.44 Postpartal Bleeding………………………………..……………………………. 47
2.45 Pregnancy allergy…………………………………………………..…...….…. 47
2.46 Pregnancy anemia………………….…………………………………………… 48
2.47 Pregnancy and music ……………….…….…….………..….………….……… 50
2.48 Pregnancy and to Smoke ………………….………………..…….……….…….. 50
2.49 Premature contraction in the pregnancy ………….………………….…………. 51
2.50 Preparation for the childbirth..………………………..………….……………… 51
2.51 Psoriasis in the pregnancy…………………………….….……….………..…… 51
2.52 Queasy and matutinal discomfort in the pregnancy…………………….……..… 52
2.53 Renal diseases in the pregnancy …………..……………………….…………….. 52
2.54 Retention of Liquid in the pregnancy.………...………..……………..………… 52
2.55 Reumatismo and pregnancy …………………………………………………… 53
2.56 Sexual relations and pregnancy …………………………….……………….… 54
2.57 Sinusitis in the pregnancy………..………………………………………….…. 54
2.58 Spontaneous abortion in the pregnancy………………………………………… 55
2.59 Spots in the skin in the pregnancy ……………………………………………… 55
2.60 Stomach acidity in the pregnancy……………………….……………..……….. 56
2.61 Striae in the pregnancy………..………………………….…….………………. 57
2.62 Syndrome of Tunel Carpiano in the pregnancy……………….……………….. 58
2.63 Teeth in the pregnancy ……………….……………………….………………… 59
2.64 Typhoid in the pregnancy………………………….……………….………….… 60
2.65 Tuberculosis and pregnancy ……………………………………..……………… 60
2.66 Vaginal Hemorrhages in the pregnancy…….…………………………………… 60
2.67 Varices in the pregnancy …………………………….………………….……….. 61
2.68 Vomits in the pregnancy ..………………….……………………………………. 62
2.69 Works and pregnancy …………………………………………………………… 63

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PREGNANCY…………………………………………………………. 64
3.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………. 64
3.2 Risk Categories……………………………………….…….……………………… 65


PREGNANT WOMEN……………………………………………………..…… 77
4.1: Main foods for pregnant women………………….……………….……………… 77

4.2: Feeding (nutrients) and pregnancy…………………..…………………………… 78

4.3: Feeding Prohibited in the pregnancy……………………….……………………. 81

4.4: Feeding / Revitalizing / Diets …………………………………...……………… 82

Breakfast………………………………………………..…………………………… 82

1. Fruit Juice 1…………………………………..……………..………………….. 82

2. Fruit Juice 2…………………………………..….……………..………………. 82

3. Fruit Juice of the forest…………………………..…………...………………… 83

4. Green tea with spices……………………………...……………………………….. 83

5. Juice of tomatos...…………………………………………...…………………….. 83

6. Juice Spring……………………………………………………………………….. 83

7. Maca punch….….………………………………………………………………… 84

8. Oats and fruit.……………………………………………………………………. 84

9. Oats milk………………………………..……………………………………... 84

10. Revitalizant breakfast……..……………………………….…………..………… 84

11. Revitalizing cookies.….…..…………….………………………..…..…………. 85

Lunch…………………………………………………………………………………. 85

1. Broth of black hen………………………………………………………………… 85

2. Broth of black hen with Asparagus......................……………………….……….. 86

3. Broth of black hen and pigeon………………….…………………………………. 86

4. Broth of pigeon ripened with ham ……………………………….……………….. 87

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5. Casserole of alpaca …………………………………………....…………………. 88

6. Guinea pig consommé………………………………………..…………………… 88

7. Pigeons broth ……………………………………………..………………………. 89

8. Pigeon Soup ……………………………………………………………………….. 89

9. Shepherd Soup …………………………………………………..……………….. 90

10. Soup of black hen with vegetables….…………………………………………… 90

11. Soup of black hen with vermicelli ………………………………..……………… 91

Second food

1. Alpaca Marinade………………………………………………..………………… 91

2. Alpaca to the tupac turin with quinua and ratatouille …………………………….. 92

3. Chicharron of guinea pig …………………….…………………..………………... 93

4. Dry of black hen…………………………………….…..……….….…………….. 93

5. Green rice with guinea pig ………………………….……………..……………… 94

6. Guinea pig Brine………………………………………………….……………….. 94

7. Guinea pig red pepper …………………………………..…..…………………. 95

8. Guinea pig to the furnace………………………………………………………….. 95

9. Guinea pig to the natural one ………………………….………………………… 96

10. Guinea pig Volute……..……………………..…..……………………………… 96

11. Guinea pig to the wine ………………………………………………………..…. 97

12. Guise pigueon with vegetables and chocolate sauce in.……………………….…. 97

13. Marinade of Black hen with English Sauce…………….………..………….……. 98

14. Noodles to the cream and cheese with alpaca meatball …………………….…... 98

15. Noodles with pigeon ………………………………….……………….…….……. 99

16. Olluquito with charqui of alpaca ………………………………….……….……. 99

17. Pachamanca of guinea pig …………………………….…………..…….….…… 100

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18. Peanut sauce Guinea. ……………………………...………………….…………. 100

19. Pigeon escabechados……………………………………….…………………..…. 101

20. Pigeon to garlic ………………..…………………….………….………….……. 101

21. Pigeon in grasera...............…….............………………………..………………… 102

22. Pigeon in hojaldre ………………………………….…………………..………… 103

23. Pigeon to parsley…………………………………………...………..……….……. 103

24. Pigeon Roast with puree of popes and vegetables ………………………………... 104

25. Pigeon stew…………………………………………………………………….…. 104

26. Pigeon stews ……………………………………..………………….…………….. 105

27. Pigeon with vegetables and rice………………….…………………..…..……….. 106

28. Pis cuy (cuy to the with pisco)………..…………..…………………..…………… 106

29. Rice to the parmesana with alpaca to the peper ……………………….…..……... 107

30. Rolls of alpaca praised in grapes of red wine …………………………….……… 108

31. Saltimboca of Alpaca ………………………………..…………..………..……... 109

32. Sharp of guinea pig huaracino ………...................................................................... 109

33. Stewed of alpaca …………………….…………………………………….……… 110

34. Stewed of black hen …..…………………………….…………..………………… 111

35. Stewed of black hen with peppers……………………………….……………..… 111

36. Stuffed guinea pig………………………….. …….……………………………… 112

37. Stuffed honey-coloured tamales with guinea pig sauce ………….………………. 112

38. Stuffed pigeons………………………………..…………………………..……… 114

39. Stewed of pigeon……………………………………………..…………..………. 114

40. Stuffed potatoes of cuyes……………………………………………..….………. 115

41. Stuffed rocoto of alpaca……………………………… ………………….……….. 115

42. Uchu-cuy……………………..………………………………………..…………. 116

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Dinner…………………………………………………………………………..……. 116

1. Alpaca with onions…………………………………………………..…………….. 116

2. Guinea pig chactado …………………………………………………………..….. 117

3. Guinea of pig skewer ………………………………………………..…………... 117

4. Lettuce Salad and Chick-peas ……..……………….…………………...………. 118

5. Marinade guinea pig …………………………………………………………….. 118

6. Milanese of guinea pig ………………………………………….………………… 119

7. Orange Salad …………………………………………………………………...…. 119

8. Pigeon and Eggplants ……………………………………….………………….… 120

9. Pigeon Roasts with apple compote…………………………………………….…. 121

10. Pigeon to the South American woman.…………………………………………... 121

11. Piqueos of alpaca with herbs and spices……………….……………………...…... 122

12. Stuffed with alpaca meat ………………………….…………………….….….…. 122

Revitalizing Menu……………………………………………………………….…… 124

Bibliography………………………………………………………………………….. 125

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The pregnancy is a part of the process of the human
reproduction that begins with the fertilization of the ovule by
the spermatozoon in the adolescent (nidation: implantation
of the ovum fertilized in the endometrium) and finishes with
the childbirth. (Committee of Ethical Aspects of the Human
Reproduction and the Women Health of the International
Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics, FIGO, 2007). The
pregnancy also is known like gestation or state pregnancy.
The pregnancy is a sequence of events that happen normally
during the gestation of the woman and they include the
fertilization generally, the implantation, the embryonic
growth, the fetal growth finalizing with the birth.

It includes all the processes of growth and development of

the fetus inside the maternal uterus, as well as the important physiological, metabolic and
even morphologic changes that take place in the woman directed to protect, to nourish and
to allow the development of the fetus, like the interruption of the menstrual cycles, or the
increase as large as the breasts to prepare the lactancia.

The pregnancy is a vital subject mainly for the women and all the people generally since
somehow they are at some time related to this of direct and indirect way; Ronald Gots and
Bárbara Gots (1991). Once the adolescent has become a test of pregnancy and this salio
positive, there the problems come from her, if the family supports or no. to him To the
good knowledge the new one of the pregnancy, the news gets to be the greater
preoccupation of the family, since they are going to bring drinks and this it must be
beautiful, healthful and strong; it is there where the mothers of the adolescents must support
all their material and spiritual to him. The material support is in a good feeding that helps to
take a prenatal stage without complications and malaises. Support spiritual is in part
psychological, is to accept that they are going to have drinks, that the adolescent girl is
going to be woman and who wants all the affection of the parents, does not want
recriminations because with the boy that takes already under the belly it has many
preoccupations; it is necessary to give much affection, consideration them and considers by
the new one drinks that it is going to come, without remorses.

During the pregnancy the organism of the adolescent is going to undergo different
anatomical, physiological and psychological changes, will turn that it into woman, for that

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reason is very important and necessary that the adolescent woman accepts and knows to
take these transformations as well as possible, because on it depends that this vital period
becomes a unique and immense experience, whose fruit is the creation of a new life. One of
the important data that we must memorise is the duration of the pregnancy, this hard
approximately 40 weeks as of the first day of the last menstruation or 38 weeks as of the
day of the fertilization, which is equivalent to about 9 months.

1.1 Symptoms of Pregnancy

The symptoms of the teenage pregnancy are similar to the one of their mothers, are
consequence of the physiological changes that happen in the stages of the gestation.
Each pregnancy is a world, and not even the same woman undergoes same the symptoms in
each pregnancy, for that reason she is not to be marking in a list the signs to confirm the
state, but of knowing how to recognize some of these symptoms in case of having them.
When an adolescent has symptoms to be pregnant a test must be made of the pregnancy
immediately to determine its real situation. In order to determine the sex of the new one it
drinks is good for becoming an ecography, this is in the last months of pregnancy.
Generally the adolescents have a precocious pregnancy and sometimes they do not know if
they are pregnant and the mothers must check the possible symptoms. Even so, although
these signs are present also can be due to other causes; Ronald Gots and Bárbara Gots

1.1.1 Interruption of the menstruation

The main symptom of the pregnancy is when the menstruation is interrupted. This
happens after two weeks of happened the fertilization will notice the menstruation
absence. It is the cease of the menstruation in a healthy woman in reproductive age
and sexually active, that until then has had a regular menstrual cycle and
predictable, it is a very suggestive sign of the pregnancy.

1.1.2 Sensible chests

Another one of the symptoms is to have the soft chests, inflations or something
sore, that notice when lying down or when looking for certain comfort to sleep. By
the congestion and the appearance of the colostrum also they become sensible. The
development of turgescent chests also.

1.1.3 Fatigue
The fatigue and the fatigue are symptoms of the pregnancy. Some adolescent
pregnant women lie down more early and she costs to rise to them in the mornings.
It is a change caused by the increase of hormones. When there is pregnancy is
necessary to take frequent siestas from 15 - 30 minutes, whenever it is possible.

1.1.4 Urinate Frecuently

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Urinate frecuently is the other important change. This symptom can continue by
nine months. The growth of the uterus presses the bladder and this generates desire
to tinkle.

1.1.5 Nausea and vomits

A very important symptom for that they surround to the pregnant woman feels
nauseous is it and I vomit. It can appear to the first week of the pregnancy. Many
women undergo nausea in the morning when they take coffee and/or they eat
something in an empty stomach.

1.1.6 Feel Sick o Queasy

One of the samples of the pregnancy that surprise more are to feel sick and queasy.
The inflammations of the uterus compress the arteries in the legs, reducing the
arterial pressure and therefore to develop mareos. When it stops eating by a certain
time, it can feel weak, to cause that the percentage of sugar of the low blood, by
feeding of drinks.

1.1.7 Sensitivity to the aromas

Another symptom related to the pregnancy is a hypersensitivity to the aromas. The
pregnant woman develops a greater olfactory perception, distinguishes better her
preferred aroma, the scent of a food or a perfume, the scent of the harvested herbs
fresh, the scent of a powerboat, the scents of several foods, the cleaners of the
house, the perfumes, the smoke of the cigarette, etc.

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PREGNANCY, Diseases, treatments

with Medicinal Herbs and foods
We present with informative character a series of diseases that can be dealt with diverse
medicinal herbs and foods that the pregnant adolescents can use, consulting previously to
the medical gynecologist and the naturista doctor. They are medicinal herbs and common
foods that many Peruvian women use like diets during their pregnancy with facility to solve
their diverse problems enough. Already from the times of Hipócrates tapeworm to the
feeding as a form to cure itself (Hipócrates, 1988-2003)

We recommend all the pregnant adolescents who take medicinal herbs for to their only do it
diseases with medicinal herbs. When they are taking drugs prescribed by the medical ones
they only must take these drugs. Important, never forms must to combine these two to solve
problems of diseases in adolescents pregnant, since this causes the risk of which these
interact to each other and cause complications, like hemorrhages, during the childbirth. In
agreement with diverse investigations, some medicinal herbs can cause adverse effects in
pregnant adolescent women and the fetuses. The Dr. David Hepner and others (2002),
anesthetist and author of one of those studies, indicate that some medicinal herbs can
inhibit like increasing the action of some drugs that are taken during the pregnancy. For that
most recommendable reason it is to take the medicinal herbs 24 hours after to have taken
drugs, or to have seen from another point of view to take medicinal herbs and to avoid
drugs as far as possible; AA. VV. (1999).

When we have a malaise we must go to the naturista doctor so that it prescribes to us that
plants and what doses agree to us to take by the pregnancy and so that the fetus not to enfer
itself to me.

In all the cases we recommended to him to consult with its doctor (gynecologist or
naturista), therapist or another professional of the competent health. The information
contained in this page Web on diseases and pregnancy has an informative function

600 different herbs exist more than that they are used of habitual form to deal with or to
prevent great variety diseases that happen or accompany the pregnancy. These are sold in
different forms, like teas, pills, flours, capsules and extracts. Also there is a series of
supplements with herbs that is not necessarily safe during the pregnancy. The FDA (it uses)
recognizes, them like dietetic supplements and they are not subject to the same norms that

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conventional medecines. The naturistas laboratories fulfill some quality controls, and to
realise experimental studies before commercializing their products. Some herbs can interact
with other medecines and cause that they become less active or safe.

However the preferred and specific use of some daily foods can help to alleviate many
annoyances that have the women pregnant by their diseases. Much information
desperdigada by the times and the towns exists, that have been used with much
effectiveness for treatment and lightening of their diseases. These prescriptions that come
to be as specific diets are very favorable since they are used in the daily feeding and they do
not have complications nor contraindications. To thus we can indicate as a example the rice
them use many Peruvian women to fight the diarrhoea during the pregnancy; that it means
this, that a diet of only rice in the breakfast, lunch and food in one or two days will be
sufficient to stop that diarrhoea, if to that we can accompany to him at night before sleeping
a lined and negreada apple plate; they will be but that sufficient to calm any attack of
common diarrhoea; but for diarrhoeas of several weeks or months it is necessary to add to
the previous diet a pair to him of guava small leaves and those rebellious diarrhoeas will be
disappeared. That is the form to fight the diarrhoea in the pregnant women, and also to save
suns, that always are good to fatten the pocket of the trousers and not to buy drugs that in
the long run can damage the fetus.

For more than 2.000 years in Peru herbs for the diverse diseases of the women pregnant
without problems has prescribed itself, but now in the last 100 years the treatments are had
complicated by the presence of the drugs that often interact with the herbs, complicando the
diseases of the women. Similar situations happen in Chinese, the Indian, etc., countries
with millenarian cultures and many traditional medicines that now are being relegated by
drugs. Many safe herbs exists and beneficial that the pregnant women can consume, since
they are used does thousands of years. He is very recommendable to use a single medicinal
herbs for a single treatment, if the pregnant person has two diseases, to prioritize by the
disease and to apply the corresponding herbs, soon to make the second treatment for the
second disease with another medicinal herbs, thus not to complicate the pregnancy; the
same with drugs, or only takes the drug or the herbs, but never the together drug and the
herbs, bother to the liver and the fetus. Finally we recommended visiting the medical
gynecologist and the naturista doctor to choose the medicinal herbs of its election, of the
entire list that we offer to him here like information.

WARNING: The ALWAYS pregnant adolescent woman must take medicinal medecines or
herbs under medical prescription. The use badly controlled of the same can have
consequences in the development of the fetus. This is more important during the first
trimester of the pregnancy, the fetus is more susceptible to undergo the injurious effects of
drugs. It is the period in which the medecine use must be controlled more.

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2.1 Acne in the pregnancy

For the cases of acne the cosmetic use is recommendable that is applied in the face or the
body, of no way to take tablets or capsules to eliminate the acne.

Natural treatments:
• Aste: For all type of acne (comedoniano, papulo pustulento, nodular, quístico or
conglobata), of diverse origins or causes (hormonal, digestive, hepatic or intestinal). It
is an external with vaporizations or masks, very effective application. To look for in
Internet or the page Web www.medicinasnaturistas.com. We recommended it.
• Cabbage: For the affections of the skin; grains and pustules, etc., the cabbage exerts a
value tonic of the skin, especially when it is mixed with just a little bit of olive oil. To
crush the fresh leaves and to apply them in the form of emplasto on the affected zone of
the skin.

2.2 Arterial hypertension in the pregnancy

The arterial hypertension is one of the main causes of maternal and fetal morbimortalidad.
The women who have arterial hypertension must consult to their doctor before remaining
pregnant. Possibly a drug change is indicated to him and a pursuit is done to him of its renal
state. Perhaps with a correct attention, there is no reason that it prevents to have a normal
pregnancy and childbirth, although the woman enters before time in the hospital. If during
the pregnancy it develops hypertension will by day take care of, it in a center, where they
will control his pressure. However, in some more severe cases the entrance will be
recommended. Sometimes, it will be necessary to advance the childbirth, by means of
Caesarean, because of the pressure of the maternal blood in the baby. An increase of the
arterial pressure at the end of the pregnancy can be symptom of pre-eclampsia, a very
serious affection. Most recommendable it is to lower the arterial hypertension by natural
means before becoming pregnant. Many natural methods exist to diminish the arterial
pressure in the people, Balch James, (1997); Margulies Miguel and Voto Liliana (1999); Adrián Vander
(1987); Aryans F (1993).

Natural treatment:

• Artichoke: It reduces the arterial pressure and it prevents the aterosclerosis. Infusion of
two spoonfuls of dry leaves of artichoke by liter of water. To take three times to the day
before the meals. A preparation of juice of mixed the green leaves of artichoke with
wine (alfons balbach)
• Asparagus: To put to boil 60 grams by root of asparagus by liter of water during 5
minutes. Two cups to the day. Also to express asparagus and to take a pair from
spoonfuls of its juice to the day.
• Beetroot: To eat beetroot in salad.

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• Celery: To eat with certain frequency celery to fight the hypertension.

• Cherimoya: To eat cherimoyas habitually.
• Garlic: To consume garlic, 1 to 2 fresh teeth to the day, generally in uninformed. It is
the best method to lower the arterial hypertension. In the Chinese with this method
thousands are avoided of died by this disease every day.
• Ginko she-wolf: To take liquid extract ginkobiloba, ½ teaspoon, 2 times to the day.
• Grape: To make a diet of 2 to 3 kilos of grape daily in the breakfast and dinner.
• Handle: It reduces the hypertension. Decoction during 20 minutes of a pair of semi-dry
leaves of handle to the sun during 14 hours, cut in small pieces in a liter of water. To let
rest during 60 minutes and take a pair from glasses to the day during 3 days. To rest
during one week and to repeat the previous treatment.
• Kion, onion and garlic: It favors the sanguineous circulation. To take 3 capsules from
250 mgs of kion to the day, distributed between the main meals. To eat it along with
other foods, especially if it is combined with the onion and garlic. It is good for the
problems of circulation of the extremities.
• Kion: To eat kion along with other foods, especially if it is combined with the onion
and garlic. To take 3 capsules from 250 mgs to the day, distributed between the main
• Maize hairs: Reduction high arterial pressure. Decoction of 50 grams of maize beards
by liter of water during 20 minutes. To take four daily glasses.
• Peach trees: To eat peach trees droughts to control the hypertension.
• Presera: To take Presera to help to reduce the arterial pressure.
• Taraxacón: To take Taraxacón to help to reduce the arterial pressure.
• Spinach: To consume spinach in salads habitually.
• Tamgerine: To consume mandarins habitually.
• Tomatoes: To eat fresh or cooked tomatos. Also to eat tomato in Ketchup or any food
cooked with tomato sauce.
• Tooth of lion: To eat in salads leaves of lion tooth (Kathi Keville, 1997).
• White hawthorn: To consume White Hawthorn (Cratageus spp.), improves the
circulation; the arterial hypertension falls.


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2.3 Asthma in the pregnancy

Natural treatment:
• Apples: During the pregnancy the mother can eat apples (4 times per week) to protect the
future baby of the asthma and related problems.
• Beans: To eat beans in all the forms.
• Beet: To eat in salads along with beans. Entibiar (Alfons balbach)
• Garlic: To include in the food, coverall in the soups garlic. Also eat in fasting, until 5 raw
• Pumpkin: To include pumpkins in your diet.
• Mango / banana: To eat mango / banana soasado, before sleeping.

Pumpkin Bananas Peaches

2.4 Back, Annoyances in the pregnancy

In the back, rather the spine changes of position during the pregnancy and is therefore the
pregnant women can undergo annoyances in the back.

Natural treatment:
• Dry heat: To apply dry heat during 15 minutes to the day, this alleviates the
annoyances. The heat you can provide hot water stock market a surrounded in a hot
towel, or cloth. It is very important to maintain the back straight.

2.5 Backache in the pregnancy

The backache (lumbalgia), a pain that appears in the low and central part of the back, is
one of the most typical annoyances of the pregnancy. One takes place by the increase of the
size of the uterus, that it alters the center of gravity of the woman. This one modifies its
position gradually (it separates the legs to balance and bends the back) and brings about a
greater pressure on the ligaments and the joints. This annoyance also takes place by the
greater slackness of the ligaments of the pelvic bones due to the relaxina, a hormone that is

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secreted during the pregnancy to allow the passage of the baby by the channel of the
childbirth. The ligaments of the column also soften, which supposes a greater effort for the
joints of the back.
This annoyance with these treatments can be come up:
• To walk: To make exercises as to walk it can correct the position of the back, corrects
the curvature of excessive of the back and fortifies muscles of the abdomen.
• To fortify muscles of the back: To practice specific exercises to fortify muscles of the
back and the abdomen, especially the exercise of the cat.
• To use comfortable footwear to take a walk, preferably with a heel of about 3-4 cm.
The heels do not agree either very high, but those that are totally flat, since during the
pregnancy the arc of the plant of the foot falls by the hormone of the relaxina. This can
bring about pain in the plant and bad circulation of return.
• To sit down with the straight back stuck to the endorsement of the chair or if one is a
deep sofa, to place cushions between the back and the endorsement.
• Not to ease up mouth arrives with the extended legs, because the lumbar zone
• To ease up of side to sleep with the leg of above flexionada over a cushion or the
The following remedies are known:
• Cabbage: To be applied cabbage in the affected zone. To throw a leaf of boiling water
cabbage and to put like cataplasm in the affected zone.
• To apply heat: massages with temperate water or dry heat with an electrical blanket.
• To realise pregnant exercises especially designed and to alleviate the pain.
• To go to the gynecologist, who will prescribe the suitable treatment to him if the pain

2.6 Bleeding gums in the pregnancy

During the pregnancy a weakening of encías due to hormones of the pregnancy takes place
and is frequent that bleed when cepillar themselves the teeth. Of there the importance of
maintaining special a well-taken care of one of the buccal hygiene. The periodic visits to
the dentist, avoiding to expose itself to X-rays, are advisable like preventive measure. To
brush after each food it will also help to improve the state of encías and the teeth.

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Natural treatment:
• Alfalfa: To take juice from alfalfa, better combined with tomato.
• Celery: To make mouthwashes very suitable to cure the sores of the mouth or problems
of encías. To crush the dry plant of celery and to realise a mouthwash.
• Oxygenated water: to make crops with oxygenated water, would help him to hurl the
fouling of the teeth and the food that fills up in the teeth. Not to take the oxygenated
water since she is toxic for the organism.
• Salvia: To make mouthwashes with the cofoundation of salvia; also to scrub with fresh
leaves of salvia encías. To make rinsings with wine of salvia.

2.7 Bones, fortification in the pregnancy.

Natural treatment:
• Asparagus: It takes part in the elimination of corporal liquids. To put to boil 60 grams
by root of asparagus by liter of water during 5 minutes. Two cups to the day. Also to
express asparagus and to take a pair from spoonfuls of its juice to the day.
• Banana: To consume banana daily to fortify the bones.
• Figs: It prevents the appearance with diseases of the bones. To eat fresh figs or
• Lemon, egg, honey: In a container of glass or stoneware to throw the rind of several
eggs, previously crushed, soon to express the juice of several lemons until covering
them, to leave in rest shaking of short while in short while until they dissolve. To take a
spoonful before the meals, sweetened with honey.
• Oats: Oats has calcium that prevents the osteoporosis. To take it habitually. The
children in growth, the pregnant women and the old ones must eat oats.
• Onion: To eat a daily onion favors the development of the bony weave, fortifying the
bones. • Cherimoya: To consume the pulp of the cherimoya daily.
• Tail of horse: To take cofoundation from Tail of Horse, since also she is rich in
minerals and silica, they will help which it to fortify the bones; if is consumed it by
long periods of time, it will be necessary to ingest some I supplement of thiamin (B1

Eggs Lemons Milk

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2.8 Bronchitis in the pregnancy

Natural treatment:

• Apples: During the pregnancy the mother can eat apples (4 times per week) to protect the
future baby of the asthma and related problems.
• Beet: To eat in salads along with beans. Entibiar (Alfons balbach)
• Garlic: To include in the food, coverall in the soups garlic. Also eat in fasting, until 5 raw
• Pumpkin: To include pumpkins in your diet.
• Beans: To eat beans in all the forms.
• Mango / banana: To eat mango / banana soasado, before sleeping.

2.9 Candidiasis during the pregnancy

The candidiasis is the presence of fungi in the vagina that generally if they are not giving
symptoms is not important to treat them during the pregnancy, is said that the use of
medecines does not affect the pregnancy, nor has important indirect effect. On the other
hand the day of the childbirth when breaking membranes the amniotic liquid that leaves has
antiseptic effect and the doctor or the midwife cleans the vagina with some antiseptic
solution generally and there are no problems for the mother nor for drinks.

Natural treatment:
• Alfalfa: The saponinas of the alfalfa have properties anti fungi. It is applied of topical
form, like cream or ointment.
• Huacso and matico: It is the best Peruvian remedy for the hemorroides and it is not
necessary to take nothing, is used in seat baths before sleeping. To take a handful from
leaves of huacso and a handful of leaves of matico and to boil by 3 minutes in two
liters of water. To throw this cofoundation in the tray of the seat bath. To sit down in
vain of seat by 10 minutes.

2.10 Cardiopathy in the pregnancy

The problems of the heart occur in a small number of pregnant women, but the majority
usually does not have problems nor complications. The medical cardiologists prescribe
antibiotic to protect their arteries when to give light. If he suffers some important
cardiopathy, the cardiologist will be in charge to communicate it. The women with
pacemaker, a transplant of heart and another coronary operation can take a safe and normal
pregnancy. Those that presents/displays muscular abnormalitys they must consult it before
remaining pregnant.

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2.11 Cholesterol in the pregnancy

Natural treatment:
• Alfalfa: To eat alfalfa buds. It diminishes the cholesterol levels; in order to improve his
effectiveness, it is recommended to combine it with Oil of Fish or Lecitina de Soja.
• Apple: It controls the cholesterol. To consume apples before sleeping.
• Artichoke: It reduces the cholesterol level in the blood. Infusion of two spoonfuls of
dry leaves of artichoke by liter of water. To take three times to the day before the
meals. A preparation of juice of mixed the green leaves of artichoke with wine.
• Beans: Aid to eliminate fats of the arteries, falling the cholesterol level. To put to boil
10 grams of dry flowers of beans in ¼ of liter of water. To drink the amount that is
desired; or the tender cases.
• Celery: In order to reduce the cholesterol juice of the fresh plant of celery can be
• Cherimoya: To take juice from cherimoya to stop to the bad cholesterol.
• Culantro (curiander): To take in infusion a pinch from fruits droughts from culantro
by cup from water, twice to the day.
• Eggplants: To eat eggplants in its diet, especially in salads.
• Garlic: To take crude garlic (1 - 2 teeth) in uninformed, with moderation, to take in
great amounts they can be responsible for an increase of bleeding during the childbirth,
when interfering with coagulation mechanisms; Brigo, Dark brown (2004).
• Grape: To consume fermented grape or came. Also to consume red grape without
• Kion: To take 3 capsules from 250 mgs of kion to the day, distributed between the
main meals. To eat it along with other foods, especially if it is combined with the onion
and garlic.
• Oats: To consume oats in abundance to diminish the “bad cholesterol” (LDL).
• Peach trees: To include peach trees in its diet, mainly in the breakfast, like natural
juice or with yogurt.
• Rice: To consume integral rice and red leavening of rice reduce the cholesterol levels
LDL in the blood, to increase cholesterol HDL and to diminish the triglycerides.
• Strawberries: To eat strawberries with yogurt natural, in the breakfast.
• Tomatos: To eat fresh or cooked tomatos. Also to eat tomato in Ketchup or any food
cooked with tomato sauce reduces the cholesterol.

Rice Strawberries Beans

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2.12 Constipation in the pregnancy

The constipation/cold is very common between the pregnant women, especially at the end
of the gestation, as a result of the reduced gastrointestinal motilidad and of the delay of
intestinal casting that produces the pressure of the uterus. Effective medecines in the
constipation/cold recommended by the medical gynecologist are mainly the laxatives that
act favoring the elimination of lees. The constipation appears frequently in pregnant
women, since the fetus occupies a space in the belly where previously the intestine lodged.
The capacity of mobility of the intestine is diminished and the excretion of lees becomes
difficult. The first measurement to fight has it to be to follow a rich fiber diet, increasing
the rations of fruit and vegetables in the daily menu. Also it is helpful to eliminate
medecines that can cause constipation (P. ex., antacid with aluminum. In case not outside
sufficient, the laxatives are indicated medecines. The laxatives can be differentiated by their
mechanism of action, González de Agüero (1996).

A poor fiber diet can increase the own constipation of the gestacional period. This problem
must to the hormonal changes and, in particular, to the increase of the progesterone that,
when relaxing the muscles of the intestinal walls, causes that the foods happen more slowly
through the digestive system. Thus much is absorbed more water of the deposition in
Columbus, hardening it. At the end of the pregnancy and due to the increase of the size of
the uterus, it is normal that the woman is constipated, since the intestine is more
compressing and produces less mobility. Also it is possible that the iron supplements that
recommend the doctors in the pregnancy generally bring about constipation. As preventive
measure is advisable to make exercises, drink water and take fresh fruit, as well as rich
fiber foods. One is not due to take laxatives without before consulting the doctor; AA. VV

Natural treatment:
• Alfalfa: Their attributes are verified, that in the market are alfalfa tablets, because a
daily ingestion of this one, or the one that the specialist prescribes, it prevents the
constipation. Also it can eat alfalfa buds. The alfalfa by its content of cellulose (high)
stimulates and accelerates the intestinal evacuation. If the person does not wish east
effect on her organism, can boil it. In these conditions the proteins and the minerals take
advantage, but vitamins are lost.
• Apple: To eat apples in the morning bordered and oxidized first thing.
• Asparagus: To express asparagus and to take a pair from spoonfuls of its juice to the
• Barley: To toast the barley and to reduce it to dust. To take in uninformed, one or two
cups, with or without sugar to the pleasure.
• Camomile: To take 1 - 2 daily cups, to avoid to take great doses. It reduces the cold. To
abstain to take in great doses since it can be detrimental.

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• Celery: Able to increase the movements intestinal to help those people who suffer of
constipation and to neutralize the excess of bacteria. To consume celery in salads with
other vegetables.
• Cherimoya: To eat cherimoyas by its vitamin content C.
• Eggplants: To consume in salads or soups. There are no contraindications.
• Figs: He is laxative. To boil 3 water figs during a quarter of an hour. To let rest, drink
the liquid and eat figs to the following morning.
• Garlic: To include in the food, coverall in the soups garlic. Also to eat in uninformed
up to 5 crude garlic.
• Grape: To eat the whole grape or the grape happens, without rejecting the skin.
• Hairs of Choclo: It is very good for eating choclo in the meals. The jumped one of
choclo with tomatos must be essential.
• Handle: To ingest mature handle juice in uninformed. The handle fortifies the small
capillaries and prevents that they break venitas. Decoction during 20 minutes of a pair
of semi-dry leaves of handle to the sun during 14 hours, cut in small pieces in a liter of
water. To let rest during 60 minutes and take a pair from glasses to the day during 3
days. To rest during one week and to repeat the previous treatment.
• Linseed: To take 1 to 2 teaspoons from seed Linseed, with a great water glass per day.
It is possible to be left soaking the seed during the night in cold water.
• Oats: It facilitates the intestinal transit and it avoids the constipation. To consume oats
in abundance.
• Onion, celery and lemon: To put to boil during half an hour with onion, celery and
lemon, soon to take to discretion several times to the day.
• Peach trees: To consume fresh peach trees between meals since they act like laxatives.
• Plums: To peel a kilo of plums and to clear the bone to them. To cook these plums in 4
or 5 liters of white wine during about 20 minutes. To macerate the plums during 5 days.
To leak and to keep in a fresh place. From as much in as much a small glass can be
taken from this liquid that is ideal, as much to lift the spirit, like seating those internal
that have tendency to originate depositions habitually too soft, beginning little by little
until the intestine is accustomed.
• Pumpkins: They contain abundant fiber. To consume pumpkins daily. It favors the
intestinal transit. To boil an average handful and of leaves of pumpkin by liter of water
during 10 minutes. To let rest during half an hour. To take four cups to the day.
• Spinach: To consume spinach since he is rich in fiber and he is easily digerible. Also to
take broth from boiled spinach.
• Tangarine: It stimulates the intestinal motilidad. To consume the white pulp that there
is underneath the skin and between gores of the mandarin and that does not agree to

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2.13 Cough dry and cough with phlegm during

The Dry cough does not produce expectoración or flema. The
dry cough is clear because it causes a cosquilleo and is
irritating. This cough can be caused, for example, by one flema
so viscous that it is not possible to be loosen nor to be
expectorar. Also it can have an allergic, neurotic nature or be
caused by faringitis, asthma or chronic bronchitis, enfisema or
quística fibrosis The humid cough produces expectoración or
cough with flema (white, green or yellow), that happens due to
a viral or bacterial infection. The humid cough is a cough that
produces spit; it is an important form by means of which its
body eliminates secretions of the respiratory tract. The humid
cough must try to eliminate itself with expectorantes
Natural treatment:
• Apple: To take in infusion 15 grams from dry flowers from apple by liter from water.
To take three glasses to the day.
• Culantro: The infusion of a tiny amount of fruits of culantro by water cup makes expel
the mucosities, since he is expectorante. Also to prepare a Tacitus distributed
throughout four or cinto daily takings after the food.
• Decoction of 50 grams of watercress leaves in ¼ of liter of water. To take a glass to the
• Figs: It softens the mucosities of the chest and to help to clear the cough. Baking of ¼
of liter of milk boiled with 12 figs droughts during 15 minutes. To take the resulting
once filtrate and sweetened liquid.
• Kion: To eat it kion along with other foods, especially if it is combined with the onion
and garlic. To take 3 capsules from 250 mgs to the day, distributed between the main
• Oats: To put to boil 4 spoonfuls of oats seeds in two liters of water until the water
evaporates until half. To drink a pair of distributed glasses to the day in several takings.
• Onion and sugar: To have a red onion of head, to place it in a glass and to fill it of
blond sugar and to leave the night watchman. In the following morning to express it
with a fabric of flannel or cotton, in a glass container. To take by teaspoons several
times to the day.
• Syrup of onion: Decoction during one hour of the same amount of water onion that. To
the resulting preparation, one adds 1/5 to him part of honey and 1/3 of sugar. To remove
until it has a good consistency and to take three cups to the day. Vapors of boiling water
onion. The onion mixed with honey to equal parts clarifies the voice and solves the
problem of the ronquera. To drink 3 daily spoonfuls of the juice of the mixture of onion
with honey.

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• Tea, lemon and salt: We can calm it to a cough doing gárgaras with a temperate
infusion you, the juice of a lemon and two spoonfuls of salt, soon revolver (Peruvian
remedy Jorge Valera). To accompany taking quite liquid, because therefore the hydrous
mucous stay and as in the case of nasal congestion, also is important to avoid a dry
• Watercress: To take slowly before lying down to a hot glass of the mixture of 100
grams of watercress juice (extracted by crushing of its leaves) with a glass of milk and
honey of bee to the pleasure.

2.14 Cystitis in the pregnancy

The cystitis affects a high percentage of pregnant women, mainly when they have a
cystitis file. The cystitis is the infection of the low urinary tract with uretral and vesical
affectation that originates pain and irritation when tinkling. Other symptoms are signs
of blood in the urine, annoyances in the low abdomen and desires to tinkle frequently.
It is good for consulting to the doctor in time to prevent the appearance of renal
problems. If one does not treat correctly, as much the mother as the fetus can suffer
diseases of gravity in the kidneys.

Clothes: To use underclothes of cotton.
Hygiene: To maintain a good hygiene.

Natural treatment:
• Alfalfa: To eat alfalfa buds, also to make a cofoundation of the root of alfalfa, 50
grams by liter of water, to boil by 3 minutes and to add the juice of a lemon.
• Orange: Juices of orange, grapefruit and lemon.
• Water: The best thing is to drink much water.


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2.15 Cutaneous Eccema in the pregnancy

Natural treatment:
• Blue fish: To consume blue fish (trout, salmon, tuna, mackerel), at least 1 time to the
week, during the pregnancy, to reduce the risk of which it drinks develops eccema

Blue fish

2.16 Depression in the pregnancy

The depression in the pregnant adolescent women is very common, mainly in the
underdeveloped countries, by the insecurity of which the husband goes away or already he
has gone away. Many episodes can satisfactorily be dealt with psycotherapy, but when the
symptoms are so serious that they can jeopardize the well-being of the mother and the
health of the fetus must be gone to the doctor to obtain an antidepressing treatment, Balch
James, (1997); Jeanetti Alex (2000)

Natural treatment:
• Cherimoya: The cherimoya juice is tonic and stimulating for people with depression.
• Plums: To peel a kilo of plums and to clear the bone to them. To cook these plums in 4
or 5 liters of white wine during about 20 minutes. To macerate the plums during 5 days.
To leak and to keep in a fresh place. From as much in as much a small glass can be
taken from this liquid that is ideal, to lift the spirit.

Plum San Juan Herbs

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• San Juan Herbs: To take the San Juan herbs or hipérico, serves like tranquilizer and
antidepressant, but when other drugs like the medipidirina are taken, to increase the
arterial pressure, it can be dangerous, already a fall of the sanguineous pressure (as a
result of the hipúrico), would reduce to the sanguineous flow and oxygen in the fetus. It
is necessary to take into account that the hipérico tranquilizes (it reduces) the
sanguineous pressure and the medipidirina increases the pressure sanguineous;
reason why we recommended to take hipérico or the medipidirina, according to is the
case, if the depression is but strong or vice versa this with low pressure.

2.17 Diabetes in the pregnancy

When a woman wants to be pregnant woman, if she has antecedents of diabetes in the
family must go to the doctor to control the situation before becoming pregnant, so that the
possibilities of having a healthy son and a normal childbirth are highest possible. If it does
not know that she is diabetic, it is good for asking to the doctor when one becomes the first
controls if it has an abnormal glucose in the blood, but normally the doctor must check this
abnormality from the start of the pregnancy; there are some forget. The adolescent women
with mellitas diabetes can need great amount insulin during the pregnancy and his doctor
will be in charge to make a pursuit detailed of the amount that needs at every moment,
because it can vary. Also it is probable that he must go most frequently to the hospital to
realise the prenatal tests and will have to put special a well-taken care of one in his diet,
González de Agüero (1996); AA. VV (1999); Brigo, Dark brown (2004).

Also there is a percentage of women who them diagnostic gestacional diabetes mellitus, a
type of diabetes that is developed only during the pregnancy and that usually disappears
shortly after the childbirth. The risks of this type of diabetes are smaller and rarely insulin
needs; with reducing the sugar ingestion usually it is sufficient. The main complication in
the children of mothers with gestacional diabetes is macrosomia fetal (young with greater
weight of 4 kilos)

To sit down. It is recommended to improve the position when sitting down and to use
comfortable clothes. This pain is alleviated partly when the head of the fetus descends in
the pelvic cavity, before the childbirth.

Natural treatment:
• Alfalfa: To eat buds of 40 daily alfalfa or to drink g of juice of the fresh leaves. It is
possible that the alfalfa is beneficial for the diabetes.
• Artichoke: It reduces the sugar level in the blood and fights the diabetes. To take juice
from the mixed leaves of artichoke with wine. Decoction of leaves.
• Beet: To consume salads with much beet and watercresses (alfons balbach)

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• Cherimoya: It regulates the glucose level in the blood, having a saciante effect
avoiding the hunger. To consume cherimoyas habitually.
• Oats: The slow absorption of oats allows a greater control of the sugar levels without
abrupt sugar ascents. Also oats the habitual flour use does without good part of the
doses of insulin.
• Onion, celery and lemon: To put to boil during half an hour with onion, celery and
lemon, soon to take to discretion several times to the day.
• Pumpkin: It exerts control in sugar levels in the organism and aid to stimulate the
production of the páncreas. To consume pumpkins daily.
• Rice: Aid to eliminate water and stabilizes the sugar levels in the blood being very
useful for the diabetic people.
• Strawberries: To consume strawberries since they contain little amount of sugar. •
Mandarin: To consume the white pulp that there is underneath the skin and between
gores of the mandarin and that does not agree to reject.
• Tomatos: Salad of tomatos with enough perforated or crushed garlic.
• Watercresses: Infusion of the watercress branches. To consume watercress in salads
regularly. Aid in the dryness of the mouth (alfons balbach).

Mandarin Artichoke

2.18 Diarrhoeas in the pregnancy

The malaises of the diarrhoea are frequent in the pregnant women. When there is diarrhoea
is due to avoid a possible dehydration: the use of solutions of oral rehydration or serum
along with a suitable diet often is sufficient. If it creates it to the doctor necessary,
medecines that delay the motilidad of the intestine are used. The gelatins also cut the
diarrhoea to facilitate the absorption of the nutrients in the intestine. When the diarrhoea is
of infectious origin the medical gynecologist must prescribe antiinfectious treatments. The
diarrhoeas are more frequent when the moment of the childbirth approaches, although also
they are possible to be originated to eat too much, to undergo anxiety states or to suffer
some infection. When the pregnant woman this with diarrhoea is due to increase the
consumption of water to avoid the loss of fluid and the dehydration. If diarrhoea is not
appropriate way, can suppose a risk for the fetus. Perhaps in the case of a very intense

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diarrhoea, it is necessary to hospitalize the mother and to feed it by intravenous route,

Balch James, (1997).

Natural treatment:

Barley Guayaba

• Apple, Guava and honey: Infusion of 6 leaves and 4 green fruits of guava previously
crushed and soaked in a boiled liter of water hot. Soon to let entibiar and add 8
teaspoons of sugar and one teaspoon of salt. To take a cup along with the breakfast,
lunch and food. Also to make a cofoundation with two leaves of guava in a water cup,
to take like time water (very effective treatment we recommended, it).
• Apple: It regulates the intestinal apparatus. To eat apples first thing in the morning.
• Barley: To take 1 liter from barley water. To put to boil 4 water cups. When it boils to
add average barley cup and to let cook during 45 minutes to untimed fire. Soon to strain
the barley and to separate of the water. To add a spoonful of cane sugar and to remove
well. If it wishes it adds to a slice of lemon or a small piece of cinnamon. To take two
or three cold glasses to the good day.
• Grapes: Decoction of leaves of water grapevine to 5% during ¼ of hour. To take 2
glasses to the day.
• Kion: It eliminates the Escherichia coli, person in charge of most of the diarrhoeas,
especially in the children. Infusion with half of a teaspoon by rallada dry root of kion.
• Onion, along with garlic, is one of best natural antibiotics. By his rich sulphur
compound content, he is one of the best natural remedies to fight infectious processes of
the respiratory apparatus (influenza, bronchitis, faringitis, etc.) and digestive (intestinal
rottings, diarrhoea, etc.).
• Onion, celery, lemon: In cases of diarrhoea he is advisable to take some cups with the
decoction from onion, celery and lemon during half an hour, soon to take to discretion
several times to the day.
• Pumpkin: To boil an average handful and of leaves of pumpkin by liter of water during
10 minutes. To let rest during half an hour. To take four cups to the day.
• Rice: The “water of rice”, seats the belly and stops the diarrhoea (panatela). To boil
during a quarter of an hour rice toasted (previously) with water in a proportion of a part
of rice by 3 of water. Soon it is let cool, it is strained and the liquid drinks. One second
formulates is to serve to the patient a plate as rice with something of carrot in all the

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day, like breakfast, as lunch and as it has dinner until solving the problem. We
recommend this treatment on the basis of rice. For very persistent diarrhoeas of more
than one week to throw leaves of guava to the cofoundation of rice or to accompany
with cofoundation of 2 leaves of tender guava by water cup.
• Strawberries: To drink three to four daily cups of the baking of the leaves of the

2.19 Eclampsia in the pregnancy

The Eclampsia is characterized by the elevation of the arterial tension, swelling of the
ankles and the loss of proteins by the urine. Pre-eclampsia entails risks for the mother such
as: cerebral hemorrhage, eclámpsicas convulsions, edema pulmonary, renal and hepatic
insufficiency, intravascular coagulation scattered and death. The risks for the fetus are those
derivatives of the placental insufficiency (delay of the intrauterine growth, asphyxia and
loosening of the placenta).

Natural treatment:
• Garlic: To consume in preferably uninformed crude garlic preventing the problems
with eclampsia.


2.20 Edema in the pregnancy

Edema is the retention of liquids that takes place during the gestation usually brings about
swelling in weaves. The most sensible zones are the feet, the ankles, pantorrillas and the
fingers. It is frequent that swells the feet after remaining long short while standing up, after
a trip in airplane or car or when it is warm. In order to reduce to the swelling the best
remedy it is to rest and to put the feet in stop. It is possible that the appearance of this
problem has to do with a low protein feeding. In that case, one is due to try on a daily basis
to eat milky fish or meat, as well as vegetables and products. In addition, it is better to
avoid special the salty food ingestion and to use pantys for pregnant women. It does not
seem that edema is prepared reducing the ingestion with liquids, but rather it is
recommended to drink a liter of daily water to make work to the kidneys. Sometimes, an

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excessive retention of liquids can be due to a renal deficiency or to be a signal of arterial


Natural treatment:

• Alfalfa: To drink 40 daily g of juice of the fresh leaves of alfalfa. By its diuréticas
properties the alfalfa has the capacity to increase the elimination of liquids favoring the
treatment or the improvement of many metabolic upheavals in which the retention of
liquids plays a very interesting role. The amino acids arginine and asparagina, along
with minerals potassium, calcium and magnesium and acids ascorbic and cafeico are
the main components that realise this function.
• Guava: To boil 15 grams of crust of guava in a liter of water during three to five
minutes. To let rest. To take 3 to 4 cups to the day. Note: if edema has not been
alleviated in three days, to consult its doctor
• Hair of choclo: To make an infusion with the hairs of choclo, and to take the tea up to
5 cups to the day. Decoction of 50 grams of hair of choclo by liter of water during 20
minutes, to take four daily glasses.
• Rice: To consume rice to eliminate edemas.

2.21 Epigastric heartburn in the pregnancy

A great majority of adolescent pregnant women (60%) suffers of epigástricos ardors. The
symptoms usually begin enters 1º and 2º quarterly of gestation, and 2º and 3º are become
serious during. Although the factors are many that can influence in their aetiology, seems
that as a result of the hormonal changes the pressure of the esofágico sphincter falls
producing a gastroesofágico acid ebb tide; although also an ebb tide of duodenal alkaline
content can happen (even bile) during the gestation. The treatment of the pirosis is
symptomatic. As first measurement is recommended exclude foods and habits that make
worse the symptoms (greasy, chocolate, alcohol, coffee, tea and cigarettes), realise light
and frequent meals, and not to eat 4 hours before lying down. In the cases of acute group of
symptoms the majority of the doctors prescribe antacid. Although few clinical tests in
pregnant exist very, and the data on their security are little, the antacids do not seem
dangerous for the fetus, but it is recommended to initiate the treatment after the first
trimester, Balch James, (1997).

Natural treatment:
• Cherimoyas: To eat cherimoyas by its vitamin content C.
• Handle: To ingest handle juice.
• Mandarin: Aid to fight the infections and power the action of vitamin C. To consume
mandarins habitually.
• Mud cataplasm: To apply in the stomach.
• Strawberries: Baking by the roots of the strawberry.

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Mandarin Cherimoya Mango

2.22 Feet and hands swollen in the pregnancy

The feet and swollen hands are normal in the pregnancy because they increase the liquids
of the body. Many pregnant women mainly undergo this swelling during the last trimester.

The annoyances come almost always at the end of the day and they notice
mainly by:
• Swollen ankles
• Inflamed feet
• Heavy legs
• Clumsy hands

Alíviate following these advices:

Comfortable clothes
It leaves your blood circulates freely with comfortable and comfortable clothes, this way
you will avoid the swelling. Forget the tight pants or socks with very hard elastic.

Legs in stop
The form simplest to obtain than edema disappears, or it falls at least is that you lie down
mouth above and the East the legs. If you place pillows under your feet you will notice like
after minutes edema improvement.

Much water
In order to avoid edema it takes 2 liters from natural water. When doing you will be
eliminating it the excess of liquid and therefore there will be no swelling. He is better to
avoid the swelling than soon to have to undergo it and to remedy it.

To take a walk
It walks about 20 daily minutes calmly. The long walk is your better friend in the fight
against the slowness of the legs. If you can avoid be stopped without move, much better.

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Natural treatment:
• Presera: To take Presera to help to reduce to the swelling of the feet and wrists by its
diuréticas properties, also they diminish the arterial pressure.
• Taraxacón: To take Taraxacón to help to reduce to the swelling of the feet and wrists
by its diuréticas properties, also they diminish the arterial pressure.

2.23 Fever in the pregnancy

Natural treatment:
• Barley: To dilute 5 spoonfuls of water of barley in two liters of water. To boil the
mixture until it is half of water. To add the juice of a lemon. To take two glasses to the
• Orange: To take orange juice.
• Rice: To boil a quarter of an hour during rice with water in a proportion of a part of rice
by 3 of water. Soon it is let cool, it is strained and the liquid drinks. Optionally a
spoonful of flour of rice by cup can be given him to the patient.
• Water baths: 35º is good for taking a bath from water to normal temperature - 36º.

2.24 Flatulence/Gases in the pregnancy

Natural treatment:

Culantro Fennel

• Culantro: It expels gases from the digestive apparatus. Infusion of average teaspoon of
fruits of culantro. To take a Tacitus after the main food.
• Fennel and coriander: To realise an infusion to 50% of fennel and coriander. To take
average teaspoon by glass from water, soon to take a small cup after the meals.
• Fennel: To consume the Seeds of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), they act as carminativo
(they alleviate the excess of gases). It can be used the fennel seeds since they do not

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cause problems because the content of apiol is low, but the concentration of apiol is
consumed in essential oil will be greater, having abortion effects.
• Maize: It eliminates liquids of the organism. Decoction of 50 grams of maize beards by
liter of water during 20 minutes. To take four daily glasses.
• Syrup of plum: The ingredients of this syrup are 200 ml of alcohol, 100 grams of
plums, ½ kilo of sugar, 1 water cup (300 ml). It is prepared thus: To clean the plums
well and to cut to pieces. To spill the water in a casserole and, when one is warms up
before boiling, to add the sugar removing well. To lower the power of the fire to avoid
that it boils and to add the plums. To remove all good. To extinguish the fire and to let
macerate during 24 hours. To keep to the refrigerator. In the morning to take a spoonful
from tea after the breakfast and another one at night after dinner. It is possible to be
taken until the belly is well.

2.25 Fungi: Infections in the pregnancy

Natural treatment:
• Alfalfa: The saponinas of the alfalfa have properties anti fungi. It is applied of topical
form, like cream or ointment.

2.26 Gingivitis in the pregnancy

Natural treatment:
• Alfalfa: To take juice from alfalfa, better combined with tomato.
• Mouthwashes: Very adapted to cure the sores of the mouth or problems of encías. To
crush the dry plant of celery and to realise a mouthwash.

2.27 Headache in the pregnancy

Natural treatment:
• Linden tree: To take you from linden tree, 3 to 4
cups to the day; Brigo, Dark brown (2004).

Linden tree

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2.28 Hemorroids in the pregnancy

In the adolescent woman pregnant the hemorroides they are frequent as a result of the
constipation, approximately a third of the pregnant women undergo hemorroides. The
hemorroides are varicose veins that excel through anus. One of the causes of the swelling of
the veins of the rectum is the constipation. Also they appear because the fetus, when
increasing of size, presses on the rectum and prevents the venous flow. The blood stagnates
and the veins dilate to accommodate it. The annoying hemorroides usually produce picores
that are appeased with special drugs for this kind of problems. It consults his doctor if he
notices his appearance for a solution with drugs or naturistas medicines; Adrián Vander
(1987). They are possible to be come up when constipation is dealt with natural methods (to
see constipation, in this same section). The initial treatment is dietetic (enough fiber in the
feeding) and hygienic (baths of seat with lukewarm water, to wash with cold water and
soap or special products for its prevention after each defecation). If the hemorroides persist,
must be natural and effective way to alleviate the pain and diminish the inflammation.

Natural treatment:

Chestnut tree of Indians Matico Meliloto

• Alfalfa: To take 50 grams daily of fresh juice of the leaves from alfalfa, distributed in
two takings. Its use can help to stop the bleeding of the hemorroides.
• Arnica: The use of arnica is recommended, like healthful remedies that help the mother
and they do not affect the fetus (Alfred Vogel, 1952).
• Chestnut tree of Indians: The use of chestnut tree of Indians is recommended, like
healthful remedies that help the mother and they do not affect the fetus (Alfred Vogel,
• Ginkobiloba: The use of ginko is recommended she-wolf, like healthful remedies that
help the mother and they do not affect the fetus (Kathi Keville, 1997).
• Grape, Nuggets: The grape nugget use is recommended, like healthful remedies that
help the mother and they do not affect the fetus.
• Grape: Decoction of 50 grams of leaves of grape by liter of water. To take 3 or 4 daily
cups before the meals. To also consume oil of seeds of grape 2 to 5 spoonfuls per day.

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• Hamamelis: The use of hamamelis is recommended, like healthful remedies that help
the mother and they do not affect the fetus.
• Huacso and matico: It is the best Peruvian remedy for the hemorroides and it is not
necessary to take nothing, is used in seat baths before sleeping. To take a handful from
leaves of huacso and a handful of leaves of matico and to boil by 3 minutes in two liters
of water. To throw this cofoundation in the tray of the seat bath. To sit down in vain of
seat by 10 minutes. In order to obtain this product to consult with
medicinasnaturistas.com, section products.
• Meliloto: The use of meliloto is recommended, like healthful remedies that help the
mother and they do not affect the fetus.
• Tomatos: To apply slices of tomato in the affected part.
• White hawthorn: The use of white hawthorn is recommended, like healthful remedies
that help the mother and they do not affect the fetus (Kathi Keville, 1997).

2.29 Hepatic diseases in the pregnancy

Natural treatment:
• Tooth of lion: To consume enough in salads or like cofoundation (alfons balbach).

2.30 Hypersensitivity in the chests of the

Natural treatment:
• Tooth of lion: To eat leaves of tooth of lion in salads (Alfred Vogel, 1952; Kathi Keville,

2.31 Influenza in the pregnancy

Effective medecines for the influenza base their action on eliminating the symptoms, since
the influenza is produced by a virus, and does not exist treatment with drugs to eradicate it.
For a treatment of the influenza as much with drugs as with medicinal plants it consults
with his doctor. The analgesic ones are used generally to eliminate the pain body and the
typical fever of the influenza. The analgesic ones more used are the acetilsalicílico acid, the
ibuprofeno and paracetamol. All act avoiding the formation of substances responsible for
the pain and the fever. They exist in the market numerous anti-flu eliminate the pain,
congestion and mucosity or cough that can be presented in gripales processes. These

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medicines are made up of analgesic associate to antihistamine, mucolíticos or antitusígenos,

Balch James, (1997).

To avoid the use of acetilsalicílico acid (aspirina) and in the last quarterly ibuprofeno of the
pregnancy, and in the previous ones they are due to carry far the precautions and to only
use it of precise way. To avoid the anti-flu medecine use (associations of several
substances). Consult to your doctor for the treatment.

Natural treatment:
• Alfalfa: For the influenzas and resfríos, an infusion of 10 grams of flowers of alfalfa in
a liter of water is recommended. (3 or 4 times to the day.)
• Apple: He is expectorante. To take in infusion 15 grams from dry flowers from apple
by liter from water. To take three glasses to the day.
• Culantro: To prepare an infusion of culantro distributed throughout four or cinto daily
takings after the food.
• Garlic: To include in the food, coverall in the soups garlic. Also to eat in uninformed
up to 5 crude garlic.
• Guava: It protects of the influenza. To eat the guava (fruit) mature.
• Handle: Infusion of a teaspoon of dry handle flowers by water glass. A pair of daily
• Kion, lemon and honey: It eliminates congestions that take place in the chest as a
result of the accumulation of mucosity. To boil kion and lemon juice makes expectorar
the loaded chest, and reduce the fever, add a spoonful of honey.
• Kion, lemon: It alleviates to the fever or nasal congestion and reduces the pains that
take place in the joints. To take in infusion of a teaspoon by the dry root of kion by
water glass. To take a pair from glasses to the day. To add the juice of average lemon to
harness its value. IT IS a good medicine.
• Oats: Oats contains zinc that increases the immunological system, reason why is
advisable to consume oats in abundance.
• Onion, along with garlic, is one of best natural antibiotics. By his rich sulphur
compound content, he is one of the best natural remedies to fight infectious processes of
the respiratory apparatus (influenza, bronchitis, faringitis, etc.) and digestive (intestinal
rottings, diarrhoea, etc.).
• Onion, orange, lemon, grapefruit, mandarin: To this we recommended it treatment,
it is the best treatment of the world, does not cost. In the first DAY of the influenza
when there is moquera only to lie down 10 drops of juice of onion in each nasal grave.
If it arrives at the second DAY with moquera, cough and picazón in the throat, to lie
down l10 drops of juice of onion, accompanied by citric juice (somewhat of orange, of
lemon, mandarin, grapefruit, rind of lemon) boiled and to take hot; to make the
treatment until disappearing the influenza.
• Tangarine: To eat mandarins during the winter months and in the seasonal changes.

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• Watercress: To take slowly before lying down to a hot glass of the mixture of 100
grams of watercress juice (extracted by crushing of its leaves) with a glass of milk and
honey of bee to the pleasure.

Mandarin Grapefruit

2.32 Insomnia in the pregnancy

It is very common in the pregnant women to at some
time suffer episodes of insomnia of the pregnancy. They
can be due to many causes, from a state of anxiety to a
simple indigestión. Also, as they advance the months, it
can be difficult to find a position comfortable to sleep. A
hard mattress and the use of cushions under the
abdomen and between the knees can help to alleviate
this inconvenience. Also the frequent desire to tinkle
that they take place towards the end of the pregnancy
can force the mother to rise several times at night,
preventing him to conciliate the dream later. It is
recommended to let pass a pair of hours from the last
food before lying down and avoiding the stimulants like
the coffee, the tea or any drink with caffein; AA. VV

Natural treatment:
• Alfalfa: To eat alfalfa buds.
• Apple: To eat an apple before sleeping. Also an apple compote before sleeping.
• Camomile: To make infusion of chamomile being used 1 to 2 teaspoons overflowed by
water cup, to take before sleeping.
• Exercises: If the insomnia obeys to an anxiety state, is advisable to realise relaxation
exercises before going away to sleep and to practice something of exercise during the

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• Lavender: To do infusion of lavender using 1 to 2 teaspoons overflowed by water cup,

to take before sleeping.
• Linden tree: To do infusion of linden tree using 1 to 2 teaspoons overflowed by water
cup, to take before sleeping.
• Valerian: It can be used in insomnia treatments during short periods of time.

2.33 Itching in the skin in the pregnancy

Some women notice during pregnancy one comezón (picores) in the skin, mainly in the
abdomen, the chest and the thighs. The prurito usually is due to a small alteration of the
liver caused by the action of estrogens. Generally it disappears spontaneously after the
childbirth. Some treatments are known that alleviate comezón, to use comfortable clothes
of cotton, to use creams and soaps of oats, not to take the sun and to deal with not rascar
itself, because otherwise the picor gets worse. In any case, it consults his medical
gynecologist if he notices this annoyance. In some cases this picor, if he is very intense and
it is located in Las Palmas of the hands and the plants of the feet, can be due to a greater
hepatic affectation. It could be intrahepatic colestasis, a serious upheaval and little it
frequents that one takes place when the bile does not flow freely by the conduits of the
liver. It can cause problems to baby the future. For comezón in the skin, that pronounces in
all the body beginning in the members superiors, soon the inferiors, and it sees like red
points that and are inflaming as a result of the rascado one. This is fought lying down a
cream with the name of medipiel, and consuming juice of carrot with lettuce, cooked sweet
potato. Consult with your medical dermatologist.

2.34 Muscular cramps in the pregnancy

The muscular cramps are typical during the pregnancy, especially during the third trimester.
They are related to the circulatory changes or with the greater weight with the one than it
loads the woman and, sometimes, a calcium deficiency of and magnesium obey to. Usually
they appear in pantorrillas or in the feet and mainly they appear in the nights. Although a
pair of minutes only lasts, are very annoying. Like preventive measure, the most adapted it
is to make exercise and to take a rich calcium diet. In the case of undergoing a cramp, the
foot is due to give a massage to the affected zone and to stretch, extending the heel towards
outside (streching exercises), several times to the day.
Natural treatment:
• Peach tree: To eat peach trees in abundance.
• Rodela: To take Rodela that helps to alleviate the muscular cramps
• Tomatos: To crush several tomatos and to drink the juice with just a little bit of salt,
except hypertension is had.
• Viburno: Viburno can use that helps to alleviate the cramps in the legs; and to avoid
possible spontaneous abortions.

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Viburno Matico

2.35 Muscular fatigue in the pregnancy

One of the problems of the pregnancy is the muscular fatigue. In the beginning of the
gestation it is normal that the woman feels more tired of the habitual thing. This must to the
high levels of progesterone partly that have a sedative effect. The organism needs to adapt
to numerous physical changes. The metabolism is accelerated to support the development
of the embryo, reason why the vital organs of the mother must work much more. This
sensation, that even forces to sleep the mother, is disappearing with the passage of the
months until the last stage arrives from the pregnancy. Then, the mother returns to feel
fatigue consequently, mainly, of the increase of weight of the baby within the belly. In
order to reduce this annoyance, the best thing is to rest and to try not to spend long time
standing up. When the fatigue is excessive is recommendable to go to the medical
gynecologist, because it can obey to other causes like an anemia. Usually it is, however, a
fleeting state.

Natural treatment:
• Beans: To toast the seeds of beans and to do as a coffee. With honey. To take
two to the day.
• The cherimoya is vigorizante. Consume cherimoyas daily.
• The lentil: it is a tonic for muscles. Consume lentils in the lunch.

2.36 Muscles of the uterus in the pregnancy

• Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga Racemosa: It is possible to be strengthened muscles of the
uterus with Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga Racemosa), regulates the contractions at the time
of the childbirth and of the lighting; it must be used only during the third trimester.

• Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides): It is possible to be strengthened muscles of

the uterus with Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides), regulates the contractions at
the time of the childbirth and of the lighting; it must be used only during the third

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• Fennel: It is possible to be strengthened muscles of the uterus with fennel seeds,

regulates the contractions at the time of the childbirth and of the lighting; it must be
used only during the third trimester.
• Orobanca: It is possible to be strengthened muscles of the uterus with orobanca,
regulates the contractions at the time of the childbirth and of the lighting; it must be
used only during the third trimester.
• Rodela (Viburnum opulus): It is possible to be strengthened muscles of the uterus with
Rodela (Viburnum opulus), regulates the contractions at the time of the childbirth and
of the lighting; it must be used only during the third trimester.

Rodela Fennel Black Cohosh

2.37 Muscular pain in the pregnancy

Natural treatment:
• Camomile: To take camomile like water from time to alleviate the muscular pain (Kathi
Keville, 1997).
• Radish: to eat rabanito to strengthen muscles (alfons balbach).

Radish Camomile

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2.38 Nasal congestion in the pregnancy

During the pregnancy some adolescents have the sensation to be catched a cold during the
nine months of pregnancy. They notice the plugged nose and parched and, sometimes, they
have a small nasal hemorrhage. One is a swelling of the nasal mucosa caused by the high
levels of progesterone, one of hormones of the pregnancy. This hormone brings about an
increase of the sanguineous circulation in all the mucous of the body, including mucous
membranes of the nose, and produces something of inflammation.

Natural treatment:

Cebollas Choclos

• Onion: To use the juice of filtered onion to solve this problem. To lie down 5 - 10
drops of juice of onion in each nasal grave, hurt by 10 second and soon it leaves the
snot or flema in abundance and I finish the problem, this generates much heat to him,
then it is necessary to take shelter not to fall (Peruvian remedy, Jorge Valera).
• Saline water: To use in the nasal graves, like this described previously, up to four
times to the day. It does not have to use any inhaler nor medicine that has not been
prescribed by its gynecologist. In case of nasal hemorrhage, to press the partition
smoothly. It is important that it does not confuse this annoyance with a cold. If she is
resfriada will notice other symptoms like fever, general malaise, headache, etc. always
consult its doctor, who will indicate the suitable treatment to him. This annoyance
disappears after the birth of the baby.
• To consume liquids: Also it is helpful to increase the consumption of liquids, because
therefore the mucosity is diluted and is simpler to expel it. It is good for avoiding tinned
• Zahumar the quarter of the pregnant woman: To ventilate and to sahumar the
quarter where to duer the pregnant woman with eucalyptus or dry leaves to me of garlic,
all the mornings, to kill the microbe that flies by the environment and that reproduces
and increases with each I sneeze. With this treatment it will not have problems to be in
atmospheres droughts; it will not have to use a deshumificador and to lie down
petroleum jelly in the nasal graves either to hydrate them.

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2.39 Nauseas in the pregnancy

It is the main upheaval that undergoes the pregnant women. They happen in the majority of
the normal pregnancies, affecting to more of 70% of the women. Usually one begins to the
8 weeks of gestation and to finish to the 16 weeks, happens mainly in the mornings. They
do not have effect on the pregnancy. In serious cases it is necessary to consult to the doctor.
Many women, before knowing at least that they are pregnant women, feel nauseas and
mareos. In many cases, along with nauseas, they appear vomits. These signals can indicate
a high possibility that the woman is pregnant. It is possible that the causes that originate
nauseas are the increase of the level of hormones, the glucose diminution in blood or the
pregnancy of twins, or the emotional or psychological changes (caused by the fear, the
insecurity or even a pregnancy nonwished, etc.); AA. VV (1999).
The vomit is a process that is triggered by diverse factors; effective medecines to avoid this
sensation (antivomiting) have different mechanisms from action. The pregnancy produces
vomits to a large extent of the women, but the one must be the doctor that values if a
pharmacological or naturista treatment is necessary, González de Agüero (1996); Geiger
CJ, Fahrenbach DM, Healey FJ. Bendectin (1959).
Feeding: The sensation of nauseas can be avoided if little eats and most frequently during
the day. A rich feeding in proteins, carbohydrates is not due to forget and fats with the aim
of as much contributing all the necessary nutrients for the mother as for the future baby. To
avoid saturated fats. To increase the consumption of B6 vitamin (also called piridoxina) in
the diet, fruits droughts as the integral peanuts or hazelnuts, bananas, vegetables or cereals.
Some pregnant mothers consume to eat a pair of cakes to lift the sugar in the blood and to
wait for minutes before rising of the bed.

Dehydration: In order to avoid the dehydration it agrees to drink abundant liquid in small
sorbos and to mid-morning.

Natural treatment:
• Bad scents: To avoid the bad scents and flavors since they can produce the vomit
sensation as it grazes of teeth, the coffee or the tobacco.
• False Unicornio: It is good for taking it for you feel nauseous and vomits. Its
consumption must be moderate, a pair of daily cups will be than sufficient more and
more is not due to take.
• Handle: To ingest handle juice.
• Kion (Ginger): It is good for taking it for you feel nauseous and vomits. Its
consumption must be moderate, a pair of daily cups will be than sufficient more and
more is not due to take. if the taking in great amounts can be caused spontaneous
abortions. Infusion with half of a teaspoon by rallada dry root of kion. Another
possibility is to eat it fresh, mixed with apple or crushed pear and with a mixer.
• Lavender: It is good for taking it for you feel nauseous and vomits. Its consumption
must be moderate, a pair of daily cups will be than sufficient more and more is not due
to take.

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• Melisa: It is good for taking it for you feel nauseous and vomits. Its consumption must
be moderate, a pair of daily cups will be than sufficient more and more is not due to
• Piperita mint: It is good for taking it for you feel nauseous and vomits. Its
consumption must be moderate, a pair of daily cups will be than sufficient more and
more is not due to take.

2.40 Nerves, balance in the pregnancy

Natural treatment:
• Apple: Aid to sleep better. To eat it before going away to sleep.
• Asparagus: It fortifies the mind. To eat asparagus in salads. To put to boil 60 grams by
root of asparagus by liter of water during 5 minutes. Two cups to the day. Also to
express asparagus and to take a pair from spoonfuls of its juice to the day.
• Celery: It has an effect tranquilizer of the nerves. To put to boil 30 grams by dry root of
celery by liter of water. To take a pair from glasses to the day.
• Hair of Choclo: To drink the water of the hair of choclo in cofoundation of 25 grams
by liter of water.
• Peach trees: In order to maintain the nervous system in good conditions for adding to
peach trees droughts like habitual food in its diet.
• Sesame: To eat toasted sesame (Doctor Jorge Pamplona Roger).

Sesame Lettuce salad

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2.41 Palpitations in the pregnancy

It is normal that the pregnant women suffer of palpitations. As it advances the gestation, it
increases the volume of the blood in the body of the woman and its heart must deliver a
greater attack. This is the main cause of the palpitations in the pregnancy. Generally, these
irregular beats do not have major importance and disappear after the birth of the baby. He is
not advisable to become distressed when they appear. The best thing is to take a deep
breathing and to relax. Sometimes the palpitations have to do with some anomaly as the
anemia or can derive in arrhythmias. For that reason, when palpitations appear, it to the
doctor is necessary to communicate so that it determines his real origin.

2.42 Physical and mental exhaustion in the

Natural treatment:

• Alfalfa: To eat buds of alfalfa in salads.

• Apple, Guava and honey: To wash and to disinfect the fruits: a great apple, 6 guavas,
soon to liquefy them with 1 teaspoon of bee honey and ½ mineral water cup. Later to
take the juice.
• Asparagus: To express asparagus and to take a pair from spoonfuls of its juice to the
• Beans: To toast the seeds of beans and to do as a coffee. With honey of bees. To take
two Taciti to the day.
• Beet: To consume in the salads, preferable with asparagus (Alfons balbach).
• Beetroot: Whenever it is possible would have to eat crude the beetroot in salads in
combination with other vegetables or vegetables. It also turns out ideal to take it in the
form of juices, mixed with the one of other fruits like the apple.
• Cherimoya: The cherimoya is ansiolítica and tranquilizer. To consume cherimoyas
• Figs: To eat figs in the breakfast (Doctor Jorge Pamplona Roger).
• Grapes: For sportsmen, students, children at time of growth. To consume grapes,

Apple Cherimoyas Beetrot

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2.43 Pirosis in the pregnancy

Note: To see epigástrico ardor
Natural treatment:
• Cherimoyas: To eat cherimoyas by its vitamin content C.
• Handle: To ingest handle juice.
• Mandarin: Aid to fight the infections and power the action of vitamin C. To consume
mandarins habitually.
• Strawberries: Baking by the roots of the strawberry.

2.44 Postpartal bleeding

Bleeding post childbirth is usually like the bleeding of the genital tract of 500 ml or more in
the first 24 hours after the birth of the boy. The majority of the cases of severe bleeding
take place because the uterus (or matrix) is incapable to be contracted suitably after the
childbirth. Other causes of excessive bleeding are the vaginal tears and of the uterine neck,
coagulation problems and the complications with the placenta.

Natural treatment:
• Abuta: To take a capsule from q'alivio (abuta), (to see the section
products in medicinasnaturistas.com). We recommended it.
• Stock market of shepherd: Stock market of Shepherd, to prepare
dye 40 to 60 drops in water of shepherd stock market, to take the
childbirth subsequent to. Stock market of Shepherd.

2.45 Pregnancy Allergy

Some adolescents in the pregnancy happen through allergic episodes that they had before
not had. The causes can be multiple, from the rejection to milky products, to the contact
with detergents and cosmetics, happening through the dust or pollen, among others. The
most frequent reaction is the irritation of the skin and mucous membranes. Also the colds,
the acidity of stomach or the diarrhoeas can be allergy symptom. Before anyone of these
symptoms, the first measurement is to consult with the medical gynecologist so that, by
means of determined tests, it determines the real origin of the problem. As with other
typical upheavals of the gestation, the allergies disappear after the childbirth, AA. VV (1999).

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The allergic reactions, independent of the agent cause, are dealt with antihistamine, that act
avoiding the formation of substances responsible for this reaction, or in the form of rinitis,
cutaneous eruption, picor, irritation of eyes, etc. Also the administration of corticoids in
acute allergic reactions is effective. The medical gynecologist is the unique professional
who must consider risk-I benefit in the treatment of an allergic reaction for the pregnant
woman, and if so to restore it during the period of possible shorter time; González de
Agüero (1996). An allergy with comezón in all the body exists beginning in the members
superiors, soon the inferiors, and it sees like red points that and are inflaming as a result of
the rascado one. It is an allergy in weak skins (mainly in people of the third age). This is
fought lying down a cream with the name of medipiel, and consuming juice of carrot with
lettuce, cooked sweet potato and juice of alfalfa.

Natural treatment:
• Onion: The flavonoide of the onion turns out very useful to diminish the allergic
reactions produced by pollen.

2.46 Pregnancy Anemia

The anemia is common in 20% of the pregnant adolescent women, because of the lost one
of blood during the menstruation previous to the pregnancy, is an anemia by iron deficiency
(when the hemoglobina level is inferior to 12.8 g/100 ml of blood). Some pregnant
adolescents have problems of anemia by a lack of assimilation of the iron and can lower
their level of hemoglobina to 10 in average; in order to remedy it is good for consuming the
rich iron foods that we mentioned in the list inferior, since he helped to stay them in that
level or to raise a little; and when they are going to conceive to his drinks can lower up to 7
of hemoglobina, ojito is necessary to check itself. For that reason before conceiving he
would be advisable to consult the doctor, so that it prescribes corrections for the anemia by
iron deficiency with a specific treatment. A woman pregnant with iron deficiency will feel
more tired and will have a greater food necessity. A rich vitamin and iron diet is
recommendable C. The doctor usually advises I supplement of folic acid from even before
the conception. In fact, he recommends himself to take folic acid up to three months before
to prevent the bifid thorn in the fetus, González de Agüero (1996).

Natural treatment:

• Alfalfa: To eat alfalfa buds, its chlorophyll wealth makes useful to eliminate the
impurities of the organism, since it helps in the red blood cell formation, reason reason
why it is recommended to patients with anemia. It contributes all the vitamins known
including vitamin K, essential for the synthesis of the coagulation factors reason why it
is recommended in cases of anemia.
• Alverja, aid to form the hemoglobina, due to the iron that contains, reason why is
recommendable that ingests anemic people. Also it is possible to be consumed crude.

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• Apple, Guava and honey: To wash and to disinfect the fruits: a great apple, 6 guavas,
soon to liquefy them with 1 teaspoon of bee honey and ½ mineral water cup. Later to
take the juice. It fights the blood poverty. To eat apple with rind.
• Asparagus: The asparagus contains folic acid and iron, thus is due to consume
asparagus in salads.
• Basil: To consume basil in salads in the lunches, with brócoli and asparagus.
• Beans: Decoction of the grain of the beans.
• Brócoli: To consume brócoli with asparagus in salads in the lunch.
• Cherimoya: To consume the pulp of the cherimoya daily.
• Espirulina: To take espirulina, to follow treatment according to indicated dose (Doctor
Jorge Pamplona Roger).
• Genciana: To throw 2 to 5 drops of dye of genciana with water before the meals.
• Lentils: One of important plates: It does not have to lack in your table.
• Liver/spleen: To consume liver and spleen by its great iron content.
• Mandarin: To consume mandarins with rich iron foods.
• Oats is rich in iron. To consume oats in abundance to avoid the anemia.
• Peach trees: The peach trees own a very high iron content. To eat peach trees in
• Plum: To ingest plums habitually to prevent the appearance with the anemia or to help
its treatment.
• Quinua: Peruvian plate with many vitamins, especially iron, not to forget.
• Spinach: To consume spinach to fight the anemia.
• Strawberries: To consume strawberries habitually.
• Tomatos: To eat tomatos in abundance.
• Watercress: To eat watercress in salads or to take its juice. Also to crush the watercress
leaves and to drink about 100 daily grams.

Spinach Strawberries Tomatoes

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2.47 Pregnancy and music

During the pregnancy he is recommendable that the mother puts music classic, since the
children by their own divine nature please this music to them, avoiding who hear strident
music, electronic, to much volume.

2.48 Pregnancy and to smoke

He is recommendable not to smoke near the children, because the smoke bothers the view
to them and it affects the respiratory system to them.
Natural treatment:
• Peach trees: To eat peach trees can prevent the habitual act to smoke.


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2.49 Premature contractions in the pregnancy

Natural treatment:
• Raspberry: In order to reduce the premature contractions: Raspberry, extract of the
raspberry leaves, liquid 1 teaspoon 3 times to the day (traditional use, nonscientist).

Note: To avoid the consumption of sábila (aloe side) can bring about uterine contractions
because the Mirra and the Claw of the devil or Nail of the devil Also stimulate the internal/.

2.50 Preparation for the Childbirth

Natural treatment:
• Raspberry: To take you from Raspberry, tea preparation with 1 teaspoon of leaf of
raspberry by hot water cup, to rest 5 to 6 minutes and to take 1 to 2 cups to the day.

Note: Not to let rest by more than 6 minutes. It is recommended as a uterine tonic and to
some use it midwives to help in the childbirth. It only must be used in last the six weeks of
the pregnancy, and whenever to your it approves it doctor. (Kathi Keville, author of “Herbs
for the health”)

2.51 Psoriasis in the pregnancy

Some drugs can produce psoriasis in the pregnancy. These drugs can be injurious even if
they are taken up to three years before the pregnancy. This demonstrates why it is important
to consult to a doctor before being pregnant.

Natural treatments:
• Fast water showers temperate without soap.
• Bariums of immersion with cereals (oats, barley), herbs (chamomile) or flowers.
• Compressed of herbs.
• Emulsions of calendula and aloe side.
• You milk of cereals (oats), seeds (sesame) and oily (almonds).
• Oils of sesame and germ of wheat.
• Sun baths.

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2.52 Queasy and Matutinal Disconfort in the

Natural treatment:
• Camomile: To take up to 5 cups from chamomile to the day.
• Fennel: To take Tea from Fennel, up to 3 cups to the day,
preparation with ½ teaspoon of the seed by hot water cup, to rest 10
• Kion: To make tea with ½ to 1 teaspoon of fresh root of kion
pricked by cup hot water, to rest 10 minutes, to take as water from
use (in small drinks throughout the day) up to 3 cups per day; it
only can be or with lemon juice (Kathi Keville, author of “Herbs for
the health”).
• Raspberry: To take the tisane from raspberry, seizure in Europe
by the pregnant woman during centuries, to relax the uterus, avoids
the morning mareos and to prevent the spontaneous abortion (Kathi
Keville, author of “Herbs for the health”).

2.53 Renal diseases in the pregnancy

Natural treatment:
• Spinach: To consume enough in salads with tooth of lion or like cofoundation (alfons
• Tomato: To consume tomato in salads enough. Also it is good for eating them crude in
uninformed (Bircher Benner).
• Tooth of lion: To consume enough in salads or like cofoundation (alfons balbach).

2.54 Retention of liquids in the pregnancy

During the pregnancy it is very common to retain more liquids of those than the organism
needs. 50% of the adolescents at least retain liquid, mainly at the end of the cycle of the
pregnancy. It must to the drastic hormonal changes that are developed during the pregnancy
and usually it is pronounced with a slight swelling.

Natural treatment:

• Apple, Guava and honey: To wash and to disinfect the fruits: a great apple, 6 guavas,
soon to liquefy them with 1 teaspoon of bee honey and ½ mineral water cup. Later to
take the juice.
• Asparagus: To consume fresh asparagus.

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• Barley: To add to the boiled barley a little grama or liquorice. To take three cups to the
• Beans: To put to boil 10 grams of dry flowers of beans in ¼ of liter of water. To drink
the amount that is desired; or the tender cases.
• Beetroot: The beetroot is a food very adapted for which they undergo retention of
liquids. It not only purifies the kidneys, but also the blood when alcalinizante being
eliminates the corporal acidity and aid to the liver in his purifying function, fact that
makes very interesting so that it is consumed by liver patients.
• Celery: To express a pair of stems and leaves of celery with the beater and to drink the
juice, combining it with lemon or apple.
• Cucumbers: To eat cucumbers or in salads or juice.
• Juniper: To consume this herbs for the retention of liquids.
• Onion: To take 2 you cotoot to the day of the maceration of 50 grams of onion crushed
in a liter of wine.
• Peach trees: To consume peach trees droughts since they contain potassium.
• Plums: To eat plums since it alleviates the consequences of anomalies like the passage
of the age, the menopause, the problems of renal insufficiency or the diseases of the
• Rice: Another one of the wonderful medicinal properties to try. Then, aid to eliminate
liquids. The rice helps in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys.
• Tail of horse: To take like water from time water from tail from horse.
• Tooth of lion: To eat leaves of tooth of lion in salads.
• Watercress: Decoction of 100 grams of leaves and watercress stems for half liter of
water. To take a cup during the day.

Cucumber Enebro Infusión

2.55 Reumatismo and pregnancy

Natural treatment:
• Alverja: To consume salads with alverjas. To consume crude.
• Artichoke: To eat in the afternoons artichoke cooked with lemon
• Beet: To consume salads with beets enough (Alfons Balbach).
• Beetroot: To consume salads with alverjas and beets.
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• Onion: To include in the food, coverall in the soups. Also to eat in uninformed ½ to 1
crude onion.
• Tooth of lion: To consume enough in salads or like cofoundation (Alfons Balbach).
• Watercresses: To eat watercresses in salads, to complement with beets. Also it is good
for consuming crude watercresses, his action is but effective.

2.56 Sexual relations and pregnancy

The mother must avoid the sexual relations during the pregnancy, during the nine months.
To practice sex during the pregnancy passes on passional vibrations and sexual that are
recorded in the dawn of the creature and later they bring consequences to him, mainly in
the psico-sexual behavior. In addition the woman exhausts forces who needs for the
creature. In the Kingdom Animal, the animal by instinct avoid sex in the pregnancy.

2.57 Sinusitis in the pregnancy

Sinusitis although is not a serious disease that affects the pregnancy, but is quite difficult to
support, since it is characterized by nasal congestion, headache and nasal secretion. In the
pregnancy contraindication for the medecine use of the type does not exist that you need
reason why you do not have preocuparte to have to use them, if you do not feel
improvement with the present medicine I suggest you speak to you with your doctor.
Natural treatment:
• Esponjilla luffa: To lie down 1 - 3 drops of the cofoundation of esponjilla luffa in
each nasal grave. It does not affect the pregnancy.

Esponjilla Luffa

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2.58 Spontaneous Abortion in the pregnancy

During the pregnancy the adolescents can develop acts that cause spontaneous abortions.
One of the ways to avoid these problems is to take some medicinal herbs that avoids these
spontaneous abortions. Most well-known, and practiced in Europe by the pregnant
adolescent woman during centuries, it is to take the tea from the raspberry leaves to relax
the uterus, to avoid the morning mareos and to prevent the spontaneous abortion (Kathi
Keville, 1997).
But other medicinal plants that cause spontaneous abortions, like robust, rhubarb,
eucalyptus, oregano, abuta and artemisa exist, because they increase the circulation of
the blood in the uterus; these herbs is not recommendable of any way to take them during
the pregnancy. However to prevent the spontaneous abortion it is good for taking kion or
rodela or unicornio false.

Abuta Eucalyptus Robust

2.59 Spots in the skin in the pregnancy

Spots in the skin that take place during the pregnancy are known like
melasma or cloasma. The pregnancy process considerably improves
the aspect of the skin and is one that assures that it works like the
best treatment of beauty. But some women appear to them spots in
the face, that usually appear in the bridge of the nose, the cheeks
and the neck, and must to the high melanin concentration as a
result of the own increase of estrogens of the gestation. After the
birth of the baby, they take around three months in disappearing.
It is very important that when, during the pregnancy, the woman is
going to expose itself to the sun, to be applied a solar cream of
protection, since the solar rays increase the pigmentation of these
spots. In other parts of the body the skin also can undergo some
alteration, appearing small red circles, and if spots are had, perhaps
they increase of size and they darken themselves. In the belly usually she

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arises a well-known dark line like black line that disappears after the childbirth. She goes
from the navel to the pubic hair. It marks the separation of abdominal muscles to
accommodate the increase of the size of the uterus.

Natural treatment:
• Asparagus: To wash the face with the decoction of a handful of asparagus during half
an hour in the morning and at night.
• Watercresses: To realise a mask with 50 grams of watercresses and average spoonful
of honey to crush them and to mix them. To apply the mask during half an hour and
cleaning with cold water. To grind the watercress and to place in the form of cataplasm
or to grease the watercress juice on the affected zone.

Mascarilla Berros

2.60 Stomach acidity in the pregnancy

Acidity in the stomach takes place when the action of hormones secreted during the
pregnancy, in particular the progesterone, brings about the softening of the valve that
separates the stomach and the esophagus. This causes that the gastric foods and acids
ascend, creating a sensation of ardor in the stomach and the chest. This. A form to avoid
them is to reduce the amount of foods and to eat most frequently. Some doctors recommend
not drinking during the meals. A milk glass before lying down neutralizes the acidity.

Natural treatment:
• Alfalfa: He is good a purifying one. Take juice from alfalfa
(better with celery).
• Pea: in the salads to include it or the soups. It is good for
consuming it crude.
• Oats: To consume oats since she is protective of the
digestive mucous.
• Apple: It is antacid a natural one. To eat apple pieces
habitually. Alfalfa

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2.61 Striae in the pregnancy

The striae are marks of reddish color that appear when breaking themselves the fibers of
colágeno and elastina of the dermis. During the pregnancy an increase of the level of
hormones in the organism takes place that causes a greater fragility of elastic fibers of the
skin. When taking place a great distension of the skin by the increase of the size of the
abdomen and the chests, the fibers break with greater facility giving rise to these feared
marks. In addition, some women have genetic predisposition to undergo them in spite of
the treatments with creams. They can appear later in the chests at the beginning of the
pregnancy and also in the glúteos, the abdomen, the waist and the thighs; AA. VV (1999).
In order to prevent them, it is applied from the first trimester of the pregnancy creams
antistriae twice to the day (in the morning and at night) or a pure oil of vitamin and in the
affected zones to increase the elasticity of the skin and takes care of his feeding not to
increase of weight in excess. If she appears some after the childbirth, it will adopt a white
tone and it will fall of size, although never it will disappear absolutely.

Natural treatment
• Olive oil: To rub in the affected areas or to firmly masajear the oil of Olive tree 1 or 2
times to the day.
• Aloe Side: To rub the gel of the Aloe in the affected areas or to masajear firmly. This
second combination also can be applied; to mix ¼ of gel cup aloe side with ½ olive oil
cup; to add 10 vitamin capsules and A (to drain the content of the capsule); to beat all
this contained in a cup and to daily apply it in the form of massages on the stomach
during the pregnancy, after the bath. To keep the mixture in a fresh place.

Aloe Olive oil

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2.62 Syndrome of Tunel Carpiano in the pregnancy

Tunnel in the pregnancy It is a problem of retention of
liquids in the hands, that can be solved with naturistas
medicines. Sometimes the woman feels pinchazos in the
hands, concretely in the fingers heart and index, followed
of a weakening and a certain loss of sensitivity in the
affected zone. This happens by the swelling of the carpiano
tunnel, a fiber set located around the wrists that are
originated by a retention of liquids. That inflammation
presses on the nerves of the hand and the pinchazos take
place. The syndrome of the carpiano tunnel disappears,
generally, after the childbirth, when eliminating the
retained liquids. Some doctors recommend diuréticos.
Exercises with the hands One of the main forms to alleviate
this annoyance, is to develop movements with the fingers, the hand upon the head. If the
pinchazos do not stop, sometimes the doctor advises to a muñequera or rule. Also he
advises himself to sleep with the arm over the supported head and in a pillow.

Natural treatment:
• Acupuncture: Another form to deal with this type upheaval is with acupuncture
• Apple, Guava and honey: To wash and to disinfect the fruits: a great apple, 6 guavas,
soon to liquefy them with 1 teaspoon of bee honey and ½ mineral water cup. Later to
take the juice.
• Asparagus: To consume fresh asparagus.
• Barley: To add to the boiled barley a little grama or liquorice. To take three cups to
the day.
• Beans: To put to boil 10 grams of dry flowers of beans in ¼ of liter of water. To drink
the amount that is desired; or the tender cases.
• Beetroot: The beetroot is a food very adapted for which they undergo retention of
liquids. It not only purifies the kidneys, but also the blood when alcalinizante being
eliminates the corporal acidity and aid to the liver in his purifying function, fact that
makes very interesting so that it is consumed by liver patients.
• Celery: To express a pair of stems and leaves of celery with the beater and to drink
the juice, combining it with lemon or apple.
• Cucumbers: To eat cucumbers or in salads or juice.
• Juniper: To consume this herbs for the retention of liquids.
• Onion: To take 2 you cotoot to the day of the maceration of 50 grams of onion
crushed in a liter of wine.
• Peach trees: To consume peach trees droughts since they contain potassium.
• Plums: To eat plums since it alleviates the consequences of anomalies like the
passage of the age, the menopause, the problems of renal insufficiency or the diseases
of the liver.

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• Rice: Another one of the wonderful medicinal properties to try. Then, aid to eliminate
liquids. The rice helps in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys.
• Tail of horse: To take like water from time water from tail from horse.
• Tooth of lion: To eat leaves of tooth of lion in salads.
• Watercress: Decoction of 100 grams of leaves and watercress stems for half liter of
water. To take a cup during the day.

2.63 Teeth in the pregnancy

During the pregnancy, the set of teeth also is affected, is very common to undergo
problems with encías and the enamel. The decays and the gingivitis are very annoying,
sometimes unbearable, a previous care of your set of teeth and with it cures more during the
gestacional period, will help to avoid the old proverb “by each son, a tooth”. The pregnancy
always jeopardizes to a healthy set of teeth. It is necessary to put individual taken care of in
the washing and cleaning of his teeth. They avoid unnecessary procedures exceeds. If it is
necessary to take dental X-rays or any other type, it must make sure that its abdomen is
protected by a mandil of lead. It goes to revisions with his dentist. It maintains a suitable
hygiene dental.

Natural treatment:
• Alfalfa: To eat alfalfa buds. It is due to the fluorine that it owns. To take juice from
alfalfa, better combined with tomato.
• Asparagus: To consume asparagus habitually.
• Brócoli: To eat salads of brócoli with asparagus, if he is possible crude. It serves to
reinforce the teeth, very important problem in the pregnancy (alfons balbach).
• Caruru: Very rich Brazilian calcium plant. To eat in salads (alfons balbach)
• Cauliflower: Very well-known and little used by the pregnant women. To eat them in
soups or salads, according to the station.
• Guava: To chew fresh leaves of guava and soon to hurl them (not to eat).
• Kion: It alleviates the pain teeth. To chew a rodajita of kion. Also to take in infusion a
handful from root of kion in a liter of water. To wet a compressed one and to apply
warm up well it during about 15 or 20 minutes on the joints. To repeat the treatment
every 6 hours. Friccionar the sore zone with oil of kion mixed with oil of almonds.
• Turnip: To consume turnips habitually, mainly in salads.


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2.64 Typhoid in the pregnancy

Natural treatment:
• Garlic: To include in the food, coverall in the soups garlic. Also to eat in uninformed
up to 5 crude garlic.
• Onion: To include in the food, coverall in the soups. Also to eat in uninformed ½ to 1
crude onion.

Sopa de Cebolla

2.65 Tuberculosis and pregnancy

Natural treatment:
• Asparagus: To include in the food, coverall in the soups and salads. Also to eat in
uninformed crude asparagus
• Garlic: To include in the food, coverall in the soups. Also to eat in uninformed up to 5
crude garlic.
• Onion: To include in the food, coverall in the soups. Also to eat in uninformed ½ to 1
crude onion.

2.66 Vaginal hemorrhages in the pregnancy

The vaginal hemorrhages bother to a small percentage of pregnant women, for that reason it
is important to take care of immediately, it is good for consulting to his doctor the treatment
to follow, or with drugs or medicinal plants. The losses of blood during the pregnancy
always require a special attention on the part of the gynecologist. If they take place mainly
at the beginning of the gestation, in the first months and agreeing with the menstruation, it
is very possible that there is a low level of concentration of hormones of the pregnancy.
The doctor will recommend rest in this case. Sometimes, the hemorrhages take place month
of the pregnancy in the last. If the amounts are small, can be a sign to which the childbirth
is close and of which has expelled the mucous cork already, a substance that plugs the neck
of the uterus to isolate to the uterus of the outside. The vaginal hemorrhages always are due
to watch much and to inform of the gynecologist immediately, since sometimes they
precede to more serious complications of the pregnancy as the abortion, the previous
placenta, the loosening of placenta or a ectópico pregnancy; AA. VV (1999).

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Natural treatment:
• Alfalfa: To eat alfalfa buds.
• Asparagus: To eat asparagus in salads.
• Beans: Decoction of beans, tail of horse, barley, yellow maize toasted and rind of potato.
• Guava: To boil 5 grams of crust of guava in two water cups. Take a cup in the morning
and another one in afternoon.

Potatoes Horse’s tail Asparagus

2.67 Varices in the pregnancy

Another one of the problems of the pregnant women is the softening of the veins some
discover that they get worse during these months of delay. Varices appear when the valves
in charge to send blood to the veins are overflowed by the greater amount of blood than it
crosses the body of the woman. The accumulation of blood is greater in the low part of the
body, the legs. This problem has treatment, although to prevent them he is advisable not to
spend long time standing up, to rest with the legs in stop. The practice of some exercises
improves the circulation, as well as the ingestion of rich vitamin foods C. When sitting
down, must be not crossing the legs, since this position makes difficult the circulation of the
blood. In the pregnancy, varices can appear not only in the legs, type of varices disappears after the
Natural treatment:
One recommends these healthful remedies that help the mother and they do not affect the
• Arnica
• Chestnut tree of Indians
• Grape, Nuggets Ginkobiloba
• Hamamelis
• Ice: To surround it and to apply reduce it the swelling.
• Meliloto

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Grapes Ice

2.68 Vomits in the pregnancy

Note: To see nauseous.

Natural treatment:

• Bad scents: To avoid the bad scents and flavors since they can produce the vomit
sensation as it grazes of teeth, the coffee or the tobacco. • Handle: To ingest handle
• False Unicornio: It is good for taking it for you feel nauseous and vomits. Its
consumption must be moderate, a pair of daily cups will be than sufficient more and
more is not due to take.
• Kion (Ginger): It is good for taking it for you feel nauseous and vomits. Its
consumption must be moderate, a pair of daily cups will be than sufficient more and
more is not due to take. if the taking in great amounts can be caused spontaneous
abortions. Infusion with half of a teaspoon by rallada dry root of kion. Another
possibility is to eat it fresh, mixed with apple or crushed pear and with a mixer.
• Lavender: It is good for taking it for you feel nauseous and vomits. Its consumption
must be moderate, a pair of daily cups will be than sufficient more and more is not due
to take.

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• Melisa: It is good for taking it for you feel nauseous and vomits. Its consumption must
be moderate, a pair of daily cups will be than sufficient more and more is not due to
• Piperita mint: It is good for taking it for you feel nauseous and vomits. Its
consumption must be moderate, a pair of daily cups will be than sufficient more and
more is not due to take.

2.69 Works and pregnancy

It is not recommendable that during the gestation
the mother does not raise heavy objects, nor to do
heavy or violent works. It does not have to see
televised programs, nor readings that excite the
nervous system because they affect the mind to him.
It must have well-taken care of when walking, when
raising and lowering launching slips. The women
prone to the abortion must consume vitamin and,
yam, and beet, González de Agüero (1996).

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A high percentage of adolescent pregnant women (until a 80%) is set out to some medicine
during the gestation, although esteem that only a 2-3% of the neoborn ones present/display
congenital anomalies, and only a 2-5% of these is attributed to the drug consumption,
although many of them can be prepared (1-3%). It is necessary to consider that the own
physiological changes of the gestation (increase of plasmatic volume, increase of the renal
explanation, etc.) can affect the pharmacokinetic parameters of medecines, altering their
effectiveness and its toxicity, as much for the mother as for the fetus. On the other hand,
they appear another compartment (fetal placenta and organs) that also can modify the
pharmacological answer.

The teratogénesis, or dismorfogénesis, can be defined as that one morphologic, biochemical

or functional alteration induced during the pregnancy that is detected during the gestation,
in the birth, or later. These alterations can classify in majors (focomelia) or minors (delay in
the development of the behavior). Any agent (radiations, medecines) or factor can be
teratógeno (genetic disease) who causes abnormalitys of the physical and/or mental
development, in the fetus or the embryo. Medecines can at any time damage the fetus of the
pregnancy, although the period of greater risk is the first trimester, since during the
embryonic phase (from day 20 to the 55) it takes place the formation of the majority of the
organs, reason why exists more possibility of than a medicine induces structural anomalies
on the fetus, that are the more important morphologic malformations. During the fetal
stage, from 8ª week to the childbirth, the drugs can affect the growth and functional
development of the fetus, originate morphologic anomalies of smaller gravity, and induce
complications in the childbirth.
In order to diminish the appearance of teratógenos effects the prescriber has to decide if it is
essential to treat the disease, to know in depth the safest medecines, the their best effective
dose and via of administration, considering in addition the gestacional age. It is important

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to warn to the patient one on the risks of the automedicación, by very innocuous that can


The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has established five categories (To, B, C, D and
X), to indicate the teratogénico potential of a medicine.



The studies controlled in women do not demonstrate risk for the fetus during the first
trimester and the possibility of fetal damage appears remote.
• Folic acid, is indicated in the treatment of the macrocíticas or megaloblásticas anemias
of type different from the pernicious anemia; it is indicated then in the nutritional
macrocítica anemia, syndrome of malabsorption-sprue, idiopática esteatorrea,
macrocítica or megaloblástica anemia of the pregnancy and infantile megaloblástica
anemia. The folic acid brings about a remission of the hematological picture,
reticulocitaria answer, increase of erythrocytes, increase of the hemoglobina, and
disappearance of hiperplasia megaloblástica of the bony marrow.
• Levotiroxina, regulator of the tiroidea function, therapy available or substitution for
the tiroidea function.
• Liotironina, Medicine that is used to deal with certain affections the tiroidea
• Buccal and genital Lisina, herpes (one is in milky vegetables, products, fish and meat)
• Magnesium, sulphate, immediate control of the convulsions (pre-eclampsia and
• Vitamins, complement the daily diet in the pregnant one (ex MADDRE)
• Ferrous sulphate, anemia during the gestation, prevention of anemia.
• B1 vitamin, treatment of you disorder metabolic.
• B6 vitamin


The animal studies do not indicate risk for the fetus, and studies controlled in humans do
not exist, or the animal studies yes indicate an adverse effect for the fetus, but in controlled
studies good with pregnant women fetal risk has not been demonstrated.

• Acebutolol, Acetaminofen • Arginine, improves the immune system

antihypertensive, analgesic, antirheumatic, • Allergic, urticaria Azatidina, rinitis.
anti-inflammatory. • Azitromicina, antibiotic (gram positive)
• Aciclovir, viral infections of the skin. • Aztreonam, infections of complicated
•Acrivastina, antihistamine urinary tract.
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anticongestionante and • Bacampicilina

• Amilorida HCl, edema of cardiac origin • Bentiromida
• Urinary Amoxicilina, treatment of • Bromfeniramina
Infections • Budesonida
• Ampicilline/sulbactám, antibiotic • Bupropión
• Ampicilline • Buspirona HCl
• Amphotericin B, progressive fúngicas • Sodium indanil carbenicillin
infections • Cefaclor
• Aprotinina, tromboembolìtica therapy, • Cefadroxil, infections of the urinary tract
hemorrhages • Dipivefrina
• Estreptocócicas, estafilocócicas • Dornasa alpha
cephalothin, infections • Doxapram HCl
• Cefamandol, nafato • Disódico Edetato of calcium
• Cefalexina, infections by germs • Enflurano
• Cefaparina • Enoxaparina
• Sodium Cefazolina, infections by germs • Eritromicina
• Cefixima • Espectinomicina
• Cefmetazol • Espironolactona
• Sodium Cefonicid • Ertapenem
• Sodium Cefoperazona • Etacrínico, acid
• Cefotaxima • Etambutol
• Disódico Cefotetán • Etidocaína HCl
• Sodium Cefoxitina • Disódico Etidronato
• Cefpodoxima • Famciclovir
• Cefprozil • Famotidina
• Cefradina • Fenazopiridina
• Ceftazidime • Flavoxato
• Sodium Ceftizoxima • Fluoxetina
• Ceftriaxona • Flurbiprofeno
• Sodium Cefuroxima • Galantamina
• Ciclobenzaprina HCl • Glucagón
• Ciclopiroxolamina • Gliburida
• Cimetidine • Glicopirrolato
• Ciproheptadina • Gonadorelina
• Potassium Clavulanato • Granisetrón
• Clemastina • Guanadrel, sulphate
• Clindamycin • Guanetidina, monosulphate
• Clorfeniramina • Guanfacina
• Clorhexidina • Haloprogina
• Clorotiazida • Hidroclorotiazida
• Clortalidona • Ibuprofeno, pain and inflammation
• Vaginal Clotrimazol, infections • Indapamida
• Cloxacillin • Iohexal
• Clozapina • Iotalamato
• Cromolín • Ioversol

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• Dapiprazol • Ipratropio, bromide

•Desflurano • Isosorbide
•Desmopresina • Ketoprofeno
•Dexclorfeniramina • Lactulosa
• Dextrán-1 • Levocarnitina
• Dextrotiroxina • Lidocaína, the anesthetic regional premises
• Diciclomina HCl • Lincomicina, infections of bones and
• Diclofenaco, for the pain joints.
• Didanosina • Lindano, infections of acaruses, insects.
• Dietilpropion • Lodoxamida
• Difenhidramina HCl • Loperamida HCl
•Dimenhidrinato, emesis and gravidica • Loracarbef
hiperemesis (you feel nauseous and vomits) • Loratadina
• Maltión • Prednisona
• Maprotilina HCl • Prilocaína
• Masoprocol • Probenecid
• Meclizina HCl • Probucol
•Sulfosalicilato Meclociclina • Propofol
• Meclofenamato • Ranitidina
• Mesalamina • Retildopa
• Mesna • Rifabutina
• Metdilazina • Ritodrina
• Meticlotiazida • Rocuronio
• Metildopa • Sincalide
• Metoclopramida, you feel nauseous and • Sotalol
vomits • Sucralfato
• Sodium Metohexital • Sulfadiazina of silver
• Metolazona • Sulfasalazina
• Metrizamida • Sutilains
• Metronidazol, trichomoniasis • Terbinafina
•Sodium Mezlocilina • Terbutalina, sulphate
• Molindona • Tetracycline (topical)
• Moricizina HCl • Ticarcilina • Ticlopidina
• Mupirocina • Torsemida
• Nafcilina • Tranexámico, acid
• Naftifina HCl 1% • Tretinoína
• Nalbufina • Triclormetiazida
• Naloxona HCl • Urocinasa
• Naproxeno • Ursodio
• Nedocromil • Zolpidem
• Niclosamida Pemolina
• Nitrofurantoína • Penicillin G, diseases infections
• Nistatina (topical) • Penicillin V
• Octreotida • Pergolide
• Ondansetrón • Permetrína

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• Meglumina Ooxaglato • Pindolol

• Oxacilina • Piperacilina
• Oxiconazol • Praziquantel Prednisolona
• Oxibutinino, chloride • Pemolina
• Oxicodona • Penicillin G, diseases infections
• Oxitetraciclina • Penicillin V
• Pergolide
• Permetrína
• Pindolol
• Piperacilina
• Praziquantel Prednisolona


The animal studies have demonstrated that the medicine exerts teratogénicos or
embriocidas effects, but do not exist studies controlled with women, or it is had woman nor
studies neither animal.

• Acetazolamida • Aurotioglucosa
• Acetic acid and desonida • Azatadina
• Acetylcholine • Ophthalmic Bacitracina
• Acetohexamida • Baclofén
• Aciclovir • BCG lives
• Acetilsalicílico acid • Beclomethasone
• Adenosina • Belladona alkaloids
• Albumen • Benazepril
• Albuterol • Bendroflumetiazida
• Alclometasona • Polilisina Benzilpeniciloil
• Aldesleucina • Benzoíl peroxide
• Alergénicos, extracts • Benzonatato
• Alfentanil • Benztiazida
• Alglucerasa • Bepridil
• Alpha proteinasa, inhibitor • Betacaroteno
• Alfaprodina • Betametasona
• Alopurinol • Betanecol
• Recombinant Alteplasa • Betaxolol
• Aluminum chloride • Biperideno
• Amantadine • Bisoprolol
• Amcinonida • Bitolterol
• Aminophylline • Bretilio
• Sodium Aminohipurato • Bromodifenhidramina
• Aminosalicílico, acid • Bronfeniramina
• Amlodipina • Buclizina
• Ammonium, salts • Bumetanida

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• Amoxapina • Buprenorfina
• Amrinona • Butocanozol
• Amyl nitrite • Butorfanol
• Amphetamine • Caffein with sodium benzoate
• Anistreplasa • Calcifediol
• Antazolina and nafazolina • Calcipotrieno
• Anti-hemophilic factor • Calcitonins
• Coagulating, complex Antiinhibidor • Calcitriol
•Antipyrine and benzocaína • Capreomicina
• Antithrombin III • Captopril
• Antralina • Carbacol
• Asparaginasa • Carbidopa
• Astemizol • Carbinoxamina
• Atovaquone • Carboprost
• Atracurio • Carisoprodol
• Atropine • Carteolol
• Auronofina • Ciclopentolato
• Cycloserine • Dexpantenol
• Cyclosporin •Dextrán 40
• Ciclotiazida • Dextroanfetamina
• Cilastatina • Dextrometorfán
• Cinoxacina • Dezocina
• Ciprofloxacina • Diatrizoato
• Cisaprida • Diazóxido
• Cisteína • Diclonina
• Claritromicina • Diclorfenamida
• Clidinio bromide • Difilina
• Clobetasol • Diflorasona
• Clocortolona • Diflunisal
• Clofazimina • Difteria, toxoides and bacines
• Clofibrato • Digitoxina
• Clomipramina • Digoxina
• Clonazepam • Immune Digoxina FAB
• Clonidina • Dihidrotaquisterol
• Clotrimazol • Diltiazem
• Cloral hydrate • Dimetil
• Cloranfenicol • Dinoprostona
• Clorciclizina • Dipiridamol
• Cloroprocaína • Disopiramide
• Chloroquine • Disulfiram
• Clorotiazida • Dopamine
• Cloroxina • Doxacurio
• Clorfeniramina • Doxazosina
• Clorpropamida • Doxepina
• Clortalidona • Dronabinol

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• Chromic chloride • Droperidol

• Clorzoxazona • Econazol
• Cocaine • Ecotiofato, iodide
• Codeine • Disódico Edetato
• Bovine rage • Edrofonio
• Colestiramina • Efedrina
• Hill • Enalapril
• Corticotropina • Encephalitis, Japanese virus, bovine
• Cosintropina • Enoxacina
• Multipurpose Crotalidae, antidote • Epinefrina
• Crotamitón • Epoetina alpha
• Dacarbazina • Ergocalciferol
• Dactinomicina • Eritritil, tetranitrate
• Dantroleno • Eritromicina
• Dapsona • Escitalopram
• Deferoxamina • Escopolamina
• Deserpidina • Esmolol
• Desipramina • Estavudina
• Desonida • Estreptoquinasa
• Desoximetasona • Estreptozocina
• Dexametasona • Etanolamina oleate
• Dexclorfeniramina • Etidronato
• Etionamide • Glycerin
• Etocolorvinol • Glipizide
• Etodalac • Godoteridol
• Etomidato • Griseofulvina
• Etosuximida • Guaifenesina
• Etotoína • Guanabenz
• Ezetimiba • Guanetidina
• Factor IX • Haemofilus B, conjugated vaccine
• Felbamato • Halcinonida
• Felodipina • Halobetasol
• Fenazopiridina • Haloperidol
• Fendimetrazina • Halotane
• Fenelzina • Hemina
• Fenfluramina • Heparina
• Fenilefrina • Hepatitis B, immunoglobuline
• Feniramina • Hepatitis B, vaccine
• Fenoxibenzamina • Hexaclorofeno
• Fentanil • Iron, will dextrán
• Fentermina • Histamina
• Fentolamina • Homatropina
• Yellow, bovine fever • Hialuronidasa
• Filgrastim • Hidralzina
• Fisostigmina • Hidrocodona

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• Fitonadiona • Hidrocortisona
• Flecainida • Hidroflumetiazida
• Flucitosina • Hidromorfona
• Fluconazol • Hydroquinone
• Fludrocortisona • Hidroxianfetamina
• Flumazenil • Hidroxizina
• Flunisolida • Hoscaamina
• Fluocinolona • Imiglucerasa
• Fluocinonida • Imipramina
• Sodium fluorescein • Sodium Indigotindisulfonato
• Fluorometolona • Influenza, vaccine
• Flufenazina • Immunoglobuline and antirabic
• Flurandrenolida vaccine
• Flurbiprofeno (ophthalmic) • Interferon alpha
• Fluticasona • Interferon beta
• Folic acid • Gamma interferon
• Foscarnet • Isoetarina
• Fosinopril • Isoflurano
• Furazolidona • Isoniazida
• Furosemida • Isopropamida
• Gabapentina • Isoproterenol
• Gadodiamida • Blue Isosulfán
• Gallium, nitrate • Isoxsuprina
• Ganciclovir • Isradipino
• Dimeglumina Gandopentetato • Itraconazol
• Gemfibrozil • Ketoconazol
• Gentamicina • Ketoralac
• Labetalol • Mometasona
• Latrodectus mactans, antidote • Monobenzona
• Leucovorín • Monooctanoína
• Levamisol • Morphine
• Levobunolol • Muromonab-CD3
• Levocarbastina • Nabumetona
• Levodopa • Nadolol
• Lymphocyte, immunoglobuline • Nafazolina
• Lisina • Naloxona
• Lisinopril • Naltrexona
• Lomefloxacina • Natamicina
• Loxapina • Neostigmina
• Mafenida • Neumocócica, vaccine
• Manitol • Niacina
• Mazindol • Nicardipina
• Mebendazol • Nicotine polcrilex
• Mecamilamina • Nifedipina
• Medrisona • Nimodipina

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• Mefenámico, acid • Oral Nistatina

• Mefenitoína • Nitrofurazona
• Mefentermina • Nitroglycerin
• Mefloquina • Sodium Nitroprusiato
• Mepenzolato • Nizatidina
• Mepivacaína • Norepinefrina
• Mesoridazina • Norfloxacina
• Metacolina • Novobiocina
• Metanfetamina • Ofloxacina
• Metaproterenol • Olsalazina
• Metazolamida • Omeprazol
• Metenamina • Opium
• Meticlotiazide • Orfenadrina
• Blue methylene • Gold, sodium tiomalato
• Metilergonovina • Oxamniquina
• Metilprednisolona • Oxaprozina
• Metipranolol • Oxitetraciclina
• Metirapona • Oxtrifilina
• Metirosina • Pamidronato
• Metocarbamol • Pancrelipasa
• Metocurina • Pancuronio
• Metoprolol • Paraldehyde
• Metoxamina • Paregórico
• Metoxiflurano • Parotiditis, vaccine
• Metoxsalén • Paroxetina
• Metscopolamina • Bovine Pegademasa
• Mexiletina • Pegaspargasa
• Miconazol • Penbutolol
• Milrinona • Pentagastrina
• Minoxidil • Pentamidina
• Mitotane • Pentomic
• Mivacurio • Pentazocina
• Pentoxifilina • Selegilina
• Perfenazina • Selenium, sílfide
• Pilocarpina • Selenioso, acid
• Pimozida • Sermorelina
• Pipecuronio • Sertralina
• Pirazinamida • Seudoefedrina
• Pirbuterol • Cardiopléjica solution
• Piridostigmina • Somatrem
• Pirimetamina • Somatropina
• Podofilox • Sorbitol
• Polimixina B • Succimer
• Poliovirus, alive vaccine • Succinilcolina
• Meningocócico polysaccharide, • Sufentanil

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bovine • Sulconazol
• Politiazida • Sulfabenzamida
• Pralidoxima • Sulfacetamida
• Prazosina • Sulfametizol
• Prednisolona • Sulfametoxazol
• Prenicarbato • Sulfanilamida
• Procaína • Sulfidiazina
• Procainamida • Sulfisoxazol
• Prociclidina • Sumatriptán
• Proclorperazina • Suprofén, ophthalmic solution
• Prometazina • Tacrina
• Propafenona • Tacrolimus
• Propantelina • Teofilina
• Proparacaína • Terazosina
• Propranolol • Terconazol
• Protamina • Terfenadina
• Plasmatic protein, fraction • Teriparatida
• Proteinasa alpha-1, inhibitor • Testolactona
• Protirelina • Tetanus, globulin and toxoide
• Protriptilina • Tetracaína
• Quimiopapaína • Tetradecil, sodium sulphate
• Quinapril • Tetrahidrozolina
• Quinidina • Tiabendazol
• Ramipril • Typhoid, bovine
• Reserpina • Timolol
• Rho (D), immunoglobuline • Tioconazol
• Rifampina • Tiopental
• Rimantadine • Tiopronina
• Risperidona • Tioridazina
• Rubéola, vaccine • Tiotixeno
• Biliary salts/pancreatina/pepsina • Tirotoprina
• Ferrous salts • Tocainida
• Salmeterol • Tolazamida
• Salsalato • Tolazolina
• Measles, vaccine • Tolbutamida
• Sargramostim • Tolmetina
• Secretina • Botulínica toxin
• Tranilcipromina • Vancomicina
• Traziadona • Vasopresina
• Trazodona • Vecuronio
• Tretinoína • Venlafaxina
• Triamcinolona • Verapamilo
• Triamptereno • Vidarabina
• Trientina • Vitamin C
• Trietanolamina • B12 vitamin

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• Trifluoperazina • Vitamin K
• Trifluridina • Yodopovidona
• Trimetoprim • Yodoquinol
• Trimipramina • Yodoxuridina
• Troleandomicina • Yopanoico, acid
• Thrombin • Zalcitabina
• Trometamina • Zidovudina
• Tuberculina • Ziprasidona
• Tubocurarine


Positive evidence of fetal risk in humans exists, but, in certain cases (for example in
threatening situations or safer serious diseases in which medecines cannot be used or those
than they are possible to be used are ineffective), the benefits can make the acceptable
medicine in spite of their risks.

• Acetilsalicílico acid •Clorambucil

• Alprazolam • Clordiazepóxido
• Altretamina •Cisplatino
• Amikacina • Colchicine
• Aminoglutetimida • Cortisone
• Amiodarona • Cilofosfamida
• Amitriptilina • Citarabina
• Amobarbital • Dauno-rubicina
• Atenolol • Dicumarol
• Azatioprina • Sodium Divalproato
• Benazapril • Doxiciclina
• Busulfán • Doxorubicina
• Butabarbital • Enalapril
• Calcium, iodide and codeine • Streptomycine
• Captopril • Strontium, chloride
• Carboplatino • Etoposido
• Carbamazepina • Fenacemida
• Carmustina • Fenobarbital
• Cladribina •Nortriptilina
•Fensuximida • Oxazepam
• Floxuridina • Oxitetraciclina
• Fludarabina • Paclitaxel
• Fluorouracilo (systemic or topical) • Parametadiona
• Flutamida • Pentobarbital
• Fosinopril • Pentostatina
• Halazepam • Pipobroman
• Hidroxiprogesterona • Politiazida

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• Idarubicina • Potassium, iodide

• Ifosfamida • Primidona
• Kanamicina • Procarbazina
• Lisinopril • Progesterone
• Lithium • Propiltiouracilo
• Lomustina • Quinapril
• Lorazepam • Quinetazona
• Mecloretamina • Ramipril
• Mefobarbital • Reserpina
• Melfalán • Secobarbital
• Meprobamato • Tamoxifeno
• Mercaptopurina • Teniposida
• Metaraminol • Tioguanina
• Metimazol • Tobramicina
• Midazolam • Trimetafán
• Minociclina • Trimetrexato
• Mitoxantrona • Valproico, acid
• Nalbufina • Vinblastina sulphate
• Neomicina • Vincristina sulphate
• Netilmicina • Warfarina
• Nicotine



The human or animal studies have demonstrated fetal abnormalitys or exists evidence of
fetal risk based on the experience with human beings, or are applicable the two situations,
and the risk surpasses clearly any possible benefit.

•Acetohidroxámico, acid • Danazol

•Anisindiona • Demecario
• Oral contraceptives • Desogestrol
• Belladona, alkaloids • Dienestrol
• Benzfetamina HCl • Dietilestilbestrol
• Clomifeno • Dihidroergotamina
• Clortrianiseno • Megestrol
• Efedrina • Menotropinas
• Ergotamina • Mestranol
• Estanozolol • Metotrexato
• Estazolam • Metiltestosterona
• Estradiol • Misopristil
• Estramustina • Nafarelina
• Estrogens, conjugated or esterify • Nandrolona
• Estrona • Noretindrona
• Estropipato • Norgestrel

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• Etinil estradiol • Oxandrolona

• Etretinato • Oximetolona
• Finasteride • Oxitocina
• Fluoximesterona • Plicamicina
• Fluvastatina • Pravastatina
• Coriónica Gonadotropina • Quazepam
• Goserelina • Quinestrol
• Histrelina acetate • Quinine
• Isoflurofato • Ribavarina
• Isotretinoína • Simvastatina
• Leuprolide • Temazepam
• Levonorgestrel • Testosterone
• Lovastatina • Triazolam
• Medroxiprogesterona • Urofolitropina
• Vitamin A
• Warfarina

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They are revitalizantes foods that help to one better nutrition during the pregnancy;
González, R. Fabre E (1996).

These are:
• Banana or Guinean: Fruit energetic
• Cacao: It contains calcium, phosphorus and iron, therefore, in the form of chocolate or
from soluble dust to add to milk, turns out ideal to feed the mind. It watches the
composition of the food and chooses the one that takes a greater percentage of cacao. •
Revitalizantes meats: They are animal meats that you do not have much fat and that are
recommended for patients after an operation, for pregnant women. But known they are
pigeon of dove, guinea pig, black hen (of small farm) and alpaca.
• Camomile: Relajante.
• Eggs: Because they contain hill, an optimal nutrient for the nervous cells. But it does
not have to take more than 5 eggs to the week.
• Essential fatty acids like which it contains the fish and olive oil, maize, sunflower and
germ of wheat.

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• Fish: Because he is rich in proteins and phosphorus, necessary mineral for the good
operation of our brain.
• Fruits droughts: They are rich in calcium, iron and phosphorus (mineral last east that
when contributing to the metabolism of fats and starches the capacity increases of
• Germ of wheat: It gives energy.
• Grape: It releases the toxin organism.
• Honey: The nervous system relaxes.
• Lecitina: By its high content in hill and phospholipids. It is necessary to take 3
spoonfuls after each food.
• Lemon: It favors the immunological system.
• Orange: Rich in calcium and vitamin C.
• Pineapple: Powerful desintoxicante.
• Pollen: Protector of the system immunological.
• Strawberry: Orange protects the defensive system: instantaneous energy.
• Tangerine: Rich in vitamin C.

Kind of Meat Calorie Kcal. Protein % Fat % Col.(*)

Alpaca 101 21 4 0,20
Llama 100 23 3 0,16
Chicken 140 18 6 85
Turkey 135 21 5 69
Beef 240 18 22 90
Pigeon 182 21 10 0,56
Pig 275 12 37 98
Lamb 205 22 13 91
Cuy 2436 20,3 7,43 0
(*) Cholesterol


An pregnant adolescent must eat by two, to take a good pregnancy. By those reasons it
needs approximately 300 calories daily to feed the baby more who takes in the belly,
mainly when the pregnancy is quite advanced and the baby is growing very quickly. A thin
woman or a woman who hopes twin or twin must still ingest more calories. A pregnant
woman with overweight must consult with a doctor so that she recommends the amount to

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him of calories that must consume, must generally reduce it; Fabio Valli (1992). A sensible
diet must incorporate the following foods: - Thin meat (guinea pig, pigeon of dove, black
hen, alpaca) - Fruits, that are of station and not in conserves. - Vegetables, better if one eats
them crude. - Integral bread and milky products of low content in fats.

Between the essential nutrients we have calcium, iron and folic acid, that those that needed
before remaining pregnant. He is very recommendable that plans its pregnancy, thus it will
be able to plan its feeding and it would procreate drinks sanito. The professional of the
health that supervises its pregnancy will send prenatal vitamins to him to be sure that as
much you as their baby in growth process is feeding itself well. Anyway, the fact to take
prenatal vitamins does not mean that it can follow a diet unbalanced and which need you
nutrients. It is important that it remembers that must be fed well during the pregnancy.
Prenatal vitamins are supplements to complete the diet, not a substitute of the same nor the
unique source of nutrients. When a woman is pregnant woman, she must avoid the alcohol,
caffein, the cigarette and drugs; González de Agüero (1996); Balch James, (1997);
Hausman, Patricia and Venn Hurley, Judith (1993).


When the calcium contributed by milky ones is not sufficient, the pregnant woman must
ingest foods or supplements of calcium in 1,000 a daily amount of mgrs in average, mainly
in women majors of 19 years; Martha Ardila (1986). This calcium contribution is for
preventing that the bones decalcify to him.

Between the rich calcium sources they are included:

- The low milky products in fats, milk, the thin cheese and yogurt.
- The products enriched with calcium, like the juice of orange, the milk of soybean and
- The vegetables green dark, like the spinach, the curled cabbage, brócoli, alfalfa and
beet. - Tofu; frejoles; almonds.

Oranges Beans Cheese

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The pregnant women must ingest 30 iron mgs every day, to make hemoglobina, the
component of the blood and that confers to red blood cells its characteristic color. The red
blood cells circulate around all the body to transport oxygen to all the cells. Its absorption is
optimal when it interferes in uninformed, but gastric malaise takes place is due to ingest
with foods; Martha Ardila (1986).
Down we give some rich iron foods them:
- Thin meat (guinea pig, pigeon of dove, black hen, alpaca, liver)
- Blue fish (tuna, salmon, mackerel, trout).
- Eggs; tofu; black molasses; frejoles.
- Dehydrated fruits (almonds, raisins, nuts, hazelnuts, pistachios).
- Vegetables of dark green leaf (spinach, asparagus).
- Cereals (oats, barley, rice, wheat).
- Seafood, olives, potato, etc.

Beans Wheat Seafood

Folic Acid
Pregnant teens should take a folic acid supplement of 400 micrograms deben tomar un
suplemento acido fólico de 400 microgramos (0,4 miligrams) daily (multivitamin
supplement); can also be sonsumed through the food. The consumption of folatos (folic
acid) before and during the first weeks of the pregnancy it can help to prevent the neural
tube defects in the baby. The best sources of folate are the vegetables of green leaves, the
legumes (also known like: beans, kidney-beans, string beans, beans), some fruits and
vegetables. The pastas and the grains that are strengthened are a good source of folic acid.
The lacteal products, not strengthened grains and the meats are low in folato.


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4.3 Feeding prohibited in the pregnancy.

Prohibited foods
• Not pasterizados creamy cheeses (often announced like " fresh"), including the cheese
feta, the one of goat, the Brie, the Camembert and the blue cheese or Roquefort.
• Fruits: Dates, melon, pineapple and blackberry, to favor the menstruation.
• Milk nonpasteurised, apple juices and cider.
• Vegetables: cabbage, parsley, lettuce and carrot, to favor the menstruation.
• Crude eggs or foods that contain crude egg (of hen fed with purina, hens of farms),
including mousses, the tiramisú, you graze elaborated with insufficiently cooked mass,
the homemade ice creams and the seasonings for salads that contain crude egg yolk.
• Inlays, perforated meat or sausages little done.
• Coffee (caffein) or drunk that contains caffein.
• Foods scrap iron (greasy) or eaten precooked; prepared mayonnaises and sauces.
• Dish of marinated raw fish of fish or sushi, is prohibited in Chile by Chilean doctors,
the danger to contract some parasitism, many of which happen to the fetus and can get
to even bring about severe cerebral damages. These foods are preparations with Chilean
or American lemon (semisweet lemon). But the dish of marinated raw fish preparation
in Peru does not have those disadvantages since it is preparation with the Peruvian
lemon that is acid, special for these plates, very different from the Chilean and
American lemon. Also crude meats or seafood.

Foods that produce gases

To reduce the consumption of salt, salty cheese, serum, etc., to avoid that the kidneys are
recharged to him, the legs and the possibility of Eclampsia are swollen to him. In case it
suffers of the kidneys avoids in addition the egg, the sugar refining, yogurt and milk.

Avoid to consume sugar because it affects the assimilation of calcium in the creature.

Also, although the fish and the seafood can be extremely healthy parts of their diet (to the
being rich in beneficial fatty acids Omega-3 and proteins and contain very few saturated
fats), it would have to avoid the following species: shark, swordfish, tuna, giant mackerel
and tile (the Agency of Protección Ambiental (EPA) and the Administration of Foods and
Drogas (FDA) of the United States); these fish can contain elevated mercury levels, that
can cause cerebral injuries in the fetus in development process. Concerning the total
consumption of fish and seafood, it eats a variety of fish and seafood, but gr. limits about
340 amounts to the week - the one that corresponds approximately to two meals.

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4.4 Feeding/revitalizing /Diets

Prescriptions for pregnant women many meals for the pregnant women exist, but some
help to resist the maternal effort, revitalizing the organism. These meals are generally low
in fat, rich in Omega 3, many fruits and vegetables; Martha Ardila (1986). They are foods
that are helping to train a boy (fetus) healthy within the placenta of the mother. It is
important to take care of the feeding when this pregnant woman, for that reason we
recommended a series to them of Peruvian meals with low fat animal; Rescuing Yesica (2007);
Villanueva victory (2008).


 1 slice of pineapple
 4 carrots
 30 gr. of sharp radishes
 1 apple
 1 watercress handful
 1 spoonful of beer leavenin
 20 my of water
Extract the juice separately and to mix them, to take it on a daily basis during a month.

 1 cup of green grapes
 small Guineans or mature bananas good
 bare oranges
 Fine slices of Lima, or branches of fresh mint
To add all the would frutasen a mixer and soon to spill
the game in a great glass globe and to adorn with Lima
or leaves of fresh mint. Drink immediately. They leave
2 rations.

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India berries, bilberries, raspberries, you dwell and/or currants.
1 lemon 1-2 spoonfuls of organic honey
Liquefy the amount necessary of fruits to obtain 1 cup of juice.
Express the lemon and to mix the juice with the one of fruits of the forest.
Add the organic honey.
Prepare and to drink at the moment.
They can be taken up to 6 cups throughout the day, during a single day.


 1 spoonful to the evenness of green tea
 1 teaspoonful of grated rind of orange or organic
 ½ teaspoonful of cumin in powder
 1 liter of warm water
To place in a pan the green tea, the grated of lemon or
orange, the ginger and the cumin
To spill the water on the verge of boiling, cover and
let to cool. Strain. Take 4 cups per day.

 tomato, 500 grams
 lemon, 1 spoonful
Wash the tomatos, to peel them, to divide them and to put them in the glass of a beater.
Add the lemon juice, to beat until obtaining a puree and straining it to gather the seeds.
Add sugar or liquid sweetener if it is desired, to distribute in glasses or glasses and to

 ½ melon
 1 pink grapefruit
 ½ watercress cup
 1 water cup

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To peel and to cut in pieces the melon. Wash the watercress well. Extract the juice of
the grapefruit. Liquefy the melon and the watercress with the juice of grapefruit and the
water. To replace a daily food (lunch or has dinner) by this juice during one week.

 1 maca tuber
 1 liter of milk
 1 teaspoonful of cocoa (optional)
Mix all ingredients until to make a punch and take it at breakfast.


To soak 1 ½ oats cup in 1 ½ water cup until one softens. To sweeten with honey to the
taste, to mix well and to spill in individual compoteras next to perforated bananas and
orange juice or another juice of season fruits.

Put about 2.5 liters of water in a pot and to take it to boiling. To add 6 spoonfuls to him
of oats and when it again enters boiling (approximately 1 minute) to extinguish and to
let rest covered. Dangerous banana can be added once fried. It can be strained to clear
grumos or to praise/pour off it and to use the rest for papillas or to cook. If it is very
thick it reduces with water. It is possible to be used like the soybean milk (with cacao,
in liquefied, etc.


 1 orange
 1 tanegrine, in gores
 1 files, without peeling, finely perforated
 1 melon of orange meat of medium size.
 1 cluster of black grapes
 Several leaves of fresh mint
 Yogurt of mint
 1 cup of natural yogurt
 1 nosey spoonful of fresh mint bite, or
 2 tea teaspoon of dry mint
 1 nosey spoonful of fresh juice of Lima

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 1 teaspoon of honey
With the help of a small good knife sharpened, to cut the melon in two, giving to the
cut an indented form, and cleaned of pipes. Adorn the center of each half of melon (a
small cluster of grapes around 10), 2 slices of Lima, 2 mandarin gores and the other
ingredients). Add to the taste honey or with yogurt of mint. They leave 2 rations.


These galletitas can be consumed in the breakfast, to mid-morning and in healthful and
complete the tea since they represent in himself a revitalizante food, for all the family.
 200 grams of oats
 100 grams of wheat flour
 50 grams of you happen of grape
 50 grams of crude peanut without salt
 150 grams of brown sugar
 1 and ½ teaspoon of worn out cinnamon
 ½ nut teaspoon nutmeg
 1 ½ leavening teaspoon
 A salt pinch
 200 ml of sunflower oil
 200 ml of milk or water
Warm up the furnace to 200 degrees. To begin to mix the ingredients droughts in a
great bowl, adding the oil and to mix very well. Soon to add milk or water sufficientto
obtain a firm mixture. To put a few spoonfuls of the mixture on an oiled tray offurnace
and to locate graze of the preparation in medium arenas. To cook during 12 to15
minutes until the galletitas are sea breams by the edges. To let cool them on ametallic




 A black hen, cut in preys
 ½ kilo of pumpkin
 1 cup of rice
 1 kilo of potatoes
 ½ cup of fresh alverjas
 1 maize in slices

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 1 carrot in slices
 1 celery branch
 1 spoonful of chopped coriander
 Salt to taste
Parboil the black hen in two liters of water with salt, when it is tender to add the celery,
the maize and to let it to cook for five minutes. Then add potatoes, carrots, alverjitas,
pumpkin and rice. Serve accompanied with chopped coriander.


 ½ corral hen
 100 g of carrots
 100 celery g
 50 onion g
 100 g of leeks
 1 handful of asparagus
 250 g of season mushrooms
 1 liter of water
 1 leaf of laurel
To put in a container all the ingredients, except the asparagus and the mushrooms, to
cover with water and behavior like a traditional broth, with a baking of 3 hours
approximately. Soon to strain and reserve. Simultaneously to cook the already lacking
asparagus of the part lasts and, next, to come similarly with the mushrooms. Place the
asparagus, the mushrooms and the meat of hen in center of the plate with a laurel leaf
and to serve the broth in nosey.


 4 bare whole pigeons good
 2 legs with crotches of black hen
 3 liters of water
 1 bare trunk of kion
 2 small and bare carrots
 1 small pore head (only white part)
 3 woods of celery
 3 spoonfuls of oil
 1 minced small onion finely
 3 teeth of picadito garlic

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 2 spoonfuls of dry oregano

 2 minced yellow red peppers in very small cubes (without pepas nor veins)
 2 carrots in buckets
 4 small and bare yellow potato
 1 choclo shelled
 ½ cup of bare beans
 4 small pieces of parboiled yucca
 ½ cup of pallares green
 300 cooked vermicelli g internode
 Chinese onion (washed bite and)
 leaves of culantro
It is provided with the legs with crotches of black hen. Good washing the hen retiring
the skin before placing it in a pot with 3 liters of water. It includes kion bare, the 2
carrots, pore (white part) and the celery. It cooks until the meat is suavecita. It retires
the meat and it reserves. It lets cool the substance and de-oiling completely. It rejects
the vegetables that already loosen all their value in the broth. It returns the liquid to the
fire and includes the bare whole pigeons good, washed and cleaned up. It cooks until
they are tier to us. It retires the birds and it reserves. Until the moment, it must have,
like minimum, 2 liters of hen concentrates and pigeon. It maintains to low fire. Aside,
in a frying pan, it prepares a dressing with oil, the minced onion, the teeth of picadito
garlic, dry oregano, yellow red peppers; it fries lightly smoothly by 10 minutes. It
includes east dressing in the soup and ripens with salt. It continues cooking and it adds
the 2 remaining carrots in buckets, the small and bare yellow Popes, choclo shelled,
bare beans, parboiled yucca, pallares green. When the vegetables are tender, it includes
the deshuesada hen, the whole pigeons and vermicelli cooked internode. In deep
serving dishes, it serves the hot broth, the birds and everything what expression to this
wonderful plate grants. It dusts onion Chinese (bite and washed) mixed with whole
leaves of culantro; also it can place 1 hard egg of quail with the substantial yolk. It
accompanies with ½ lemon, rocotito perforated and flavored with olive oil and heavy


 ½ rice
 150 gr. of ham
 1 carrot
 1 green pepper
 1 garlic
 Black grain pepper
 1 wine glass must

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A refrito with garlic, laurel, parsley, divided carrot in tacos and green peppers
becomes. With the same oil the deshuesados and shabby pigeons fry lightly
themselves, the taquitos of ham and the black pepper. Water is added to him. Must
of the County is added to him to wine. It is let boil before adding the rice and begins
another baking calculating the abundant water so that it is caldoso fact but; Sarrau,
Jose (1950).

Cut recommended: Back, shoulder, leg.
• ¼ k of alpaca meat
• 1 onion
• worn out garlic
• ¼ kg of fresh pea
• 1 small turnip
• ¼ kg of zapallo
• 2 spoonfuls of oil
• 1 tomato
• ¼ k of bainite
• Potato
• 1 carrot
• Salt and parsley pricked to the pleasure.
To cut the meat in small pieces. In a great pot, to warm up the oil, to put the meat and
to gild well. To add the minced onion, worn out garlic and the perforated tomato and to
drown it everything. To increase sufficient amount of hot water, to ripen, to cover
slowly and to boil during 1 hour. To prick bainite, pea, carrot, Popes, turnip and
zapallo, to increase to the casserole and to boil again to untimed fire. To adorn with
pricked parsley to serve.


• 1 tender guinea pig
• 1 carrot
• 1 small branch celery
• 1 onion
• 1 tomato
• a drops of pisco
• a parsley pinch
• salt and pepper
• just a little bit of aromatic herbs
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To clean and to break the guinea pig. In a pot to throw a liter of water approximately
and to add the guinea pig prey. Once it gives a fervor, to throw vegetables, carrot,
celery, aromatic herbs, onion and parsley. Soon to ripen with salt and pepper to add
pisco, the tomato slices and finally the aromatic herbs, to let cook by space of 15
minutes until the guinea pig meat is smooth. One uses with: Bread, yellow potato.

In a casserole we fried lightly onion, red and green pepper, carrot, the wings and the
shell of the pigeon that we had reserved, we added the red wine and we covered with
water, we let boil until obtaining a broth.

 young pigeons
 60 cheese g seeds or rallado parmesan
 50 butter g
 liters of meat broth
 1 glass of white wine
 6 slices of homemade bread last
 1 carrot
 1 foot of celery
 1 onion
 pepper just ground
To clean to the pigeons conserving the little liver well and to cut them by half towards
LONG it. to mince the carrot, the celery and the onion and to gild in 20 butter g; after
about 4 MINUTES to incorporate the pigeons, to dunk with the wine and when this one
evaporates to salpimentar; to cover the container and to cook to untimed fire during
about 25 minutes, or until the pigeons are cooked, dunking with the broth. Some
minutes before retire the container of the fire to incorporate the little liver. Meanwhile
fry the bread in 20 g of butter. The pigeons are hardly cooked to remove them from the
casserole, to pit them and to cut by half the higadillos. Approximately to incorporate to
the remaining sauce a liter of broth; to ensopar 2 slices of bread, to place them in a
source pyrex with quite high edges lubricated with butter and sprinkled with the rallado
cheese; soon on each slice to place HALF pigeon and half of higadillo. To cover with
one SECOND layer of bread, cheese and meat and to finish with last the 2 slices of
bread ensopadas in the broth and to there be dew with the rallado cheese. To wet the
preparation with more broth, to put it to the furnace to 80c and to leave in rest from
time to time the soup during 5 HOURS, spilling hot broth. To serve it with a cup as
broth to aside; Sarrau, Jose (1950).

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9. SHEPHERD SOUP (4 people)

 ¼ k of black hen
 ¼ k of calf rib
 1 piece of ham of 100 g
 1 celery
 1 leek
 1 carrot
 4 slices of bread
 100 rallado cheese g
 4 eggs
 2 liter of water
 1 dl of olive oil
 1 ramito of thyme
Put water in a saucepan with the celery, onion, leek, carrot, hen, rib of beef and a piece
of ham. Boil 2 hours to simmer. Once preparation the broth in bowl put the egg and a
slice of bread fried in olive oil and sprinkled with thyme. Add boiling broth to the egg.
Above the slice to put the grated cheese. Fill 4 bowls in the oven to 250ºC, until the
cheese melts and serve.


 1 ½ kg of hen
 laurel leaves
 1 tied of verduritas
 Fresh or dry rosemary
 1 spoonful of white grain pepper
 500 gr. of celery
 250 gr. of fennel
 75 gr. of rice
 2 spoonfuls of soybean sauce
 3 spoonfuls of dry sherry
To wash the hen and to make it boil in two liters and average of water with salt. To
skim and to add the verduritas in pieces, except the onions of verdeo, the laurel, the
rosemary and grains of pepper. To follow the baking without covering more during 45

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To clean and to wash the celery, the fennel and the onions of verdeo of the tied one of
verduritas, cut in slices, canes and ring respectively. To retire the hen of the broth and
to strain it. To add the celery, fennel and cebollitas, as well as the rice and to cook
during 25 minutes. Meanwhile, to clear the skin of the hen, to pit it and to cut the meat
in plasters. To in the last add to the broth five minutes of baking. To decorate the soup
with the soybean sauce, the sherry, you just leave and worn out pepper, if outside


 ½ black hen
 1 carrot
 1 leek
 3 liters of water
 1 dl of olive oil
 1 leaf of laurel
 2 nails
To put all the ingredients, one of the onions cut in slices and very toasts to cook. Once
the sufficient thing has boiled, to prove the broth and to happen through a strainer. To
reserve. For the trimming of the broth, to cut the breast of chicken in four pieces and to
place each piece in a transparent lamina. To cook until obtaining one loncha very fine,
on that they are placed the meat of the hen crumbled broth, the verduritas, the hard egg
and a few cooked vermicelli. To close in the form of small balls and to cook in water
during 3 minutes. Once cooked, to place in a nosey plate with ham small pieces. To
serve thus and, in front of the companion at table to add the hen broth.


• 1 k alpaca meat (arm or leg)
• 1 k red onion, cut in long pieces
• 1 k cooked yuccas
• 2 cups of chicha of jora or beer
• 3 spoonfuls of oil
• 2 spoonfuls of red pepper panca ground
• ½ spoonful oregano
• ½ teaspoon worn out cumin

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• ½ teaspoon of worn out pepper

• 1 teaspoon of annatto
• ½ rosemary teaspoon
To cut the meat of alpaca in pieces not very small. To fry the onion in four spoonfuls of
good oil I warm up, until they are gilded. To spill the beer in a container and to add to
the red pepper panca, garlic, cumin, pepper, oregano, annatto, rosemary and the onion
that previously was skipped. To leave the meat marinating in this mixture until the
following day, to give more flavor him. On the following day, to slip the alpaca prey
and to gild them in a strong fire frying pan. To return the meat to the mixture of the
marinade and to cook approximately 1 hour to smooth fire. To accompany with Popes
or cooked or fried yuccas.


The meat
• 800 grs. Alpaca back
• 1 spoonful dry tarragon
• Salt and pepper
• 1 cup of Oporto
• Tarragon to the pleasure
• Salt
• ½ cup meat sauce concentrate
• 2 spoonful butter without salt
• 300 grams quinua (grain burst)
• 3 spoonfuls Oil
• 2 spoonfuls minced red onion
• 2 teeth perforated garlic
• ½ cup red pepper worn out brine
• salt and pepper
• 3 spoonfuls of vegetal oil
• 3 spoonfuls of minced red onion
• 2 teeth of perforated garlic
• Salt and pepper
• 1 eggplant
• 1 Italian zapallito
• 1 red pepper morón
• 1 yellow pepper morón
• Tomatoes

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It seasons the back of alpaca with salt, pepper, tarragon and takes to the grill. It
prepares the sauce, mixing all the ingredients until homogenising. For quinua, it makes
a dressing with the oil, the onion, garlic, the red pepper brine, salt and pepper to the
pleasure. Year quinua and leaves thickens. For ratatouille, it makes a dressing of onion
and garlic, squaring incorporate all the ingredients pricked in. It boils 15 minutes and it
retires of the fire. It serves the meat as laminated, bathed alpaca in sauce and locates the
trimmings in decorative form in the plate; Claretiano school (2004).


• 1 tender guinea pig
• 1 flour cup
• Worn out garlic
• Salt and pepper
To break the guinea pig in small pieces. In a
container to throw the clear one of egg and to only
mix it with the pieces of guinea pig meat. To retire
to a plate and to grasp them with flour. To fry in
abundant oil; Adela (2008). One uses with:
Parboiled yucca. Creole salads. Cream of rocoto or


• 1 hen cut in prey
• 1 rallado red onion
• 2 beer glasses
• 2 spoonfuls of oil with annatto
• 2 bare tomatos
• ½ cup of culantro and spinach in leaves
• 1 pepper
• ½ red pepper (pepper) Peruvian
• Salt
• Pepper, cumin
It liquefies the tomatos along with culantro and the spinach, the pepper and the red
pepper. It puts in a pot all the ingredients and adds the liquefied one without sifting. It
mixes until the meat is smooth. Before serving it verifies the season.
It serves with yellow rice and mature fried.

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• 2 Cuyes to tier to us
• 3 Yellow red pepper mirasol
• 1 kilo of rice
• 1 onion
• ½ small glass of pisco
• Pepper
• Alverja
• Worn out Culantro
• A pinch worn out parsley
• Garlic
• Cumin, salt and pepper
To break the prey and to gild them. In the same pot to throw the onion, garlic, parsley,
culantro, red pepper, pepper, cumin, pepper and pisco, once the dressing this in its point
to throw the water, the peas and to add the prey and to hope to that it granulates the rice.
One uses with: Creole sauce.
Cream of rocoto or yellow red pepper.
Boiled potato.

6. GUINEA PIG BRINE (4 portions)

• 2 cuyes to tier to us
• 2 onions medians
• 2 teeth of garlic
• 2 spoonfuls of vinegar
• ½ pimento
• ½ sugar teaspoon
• ½ oregano teaspoon
• 2 worn out red peppers droughts mirasol
• 2 worn out red peppers droughts panca
• 1 cut yellow red pepper in plasters
• ½ parsley teaspoon
• ½ oil cup
• A pinch of sillao
• Cumin, pepper, and salt to the pleasure
To clean cuyes and soon to break them in 4 prey, to ripen them with salt and pepper and
to fry them in the frying pan. Once the prey is sea breams to retire them and to fry
garlic, red peppers and the ingredients like parsley, cumin, pepper, sillao, salt to the
taste as well as the prey, soon we added the onions soaked previously in salt and
vinegar, as well as pimentón, oregano and vinegar. Once the dressing is sofrito to verify

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the season and to add the vinegar; to let rest minutes more so that the flavors intensify.
Let cook to untimed fire until the prey finishes their baking.
One uses with:
Lettuce, sweet potato, olives, egg.


• 2 Cuyes bare and clean
• 4 Red peppers yellow
• 1 spoonful of worn out garlic
• 6 breads
• 1, 5 milk cups
• 2 perforated onions
• 2 spoonfuls of oregano
• 2 branches of celery
• 1 carrot
• Cups of guinea pig broth
• 8 parboileds and bare potato
• 100 gr. of toasted and minced peanut
• Salt and pepper to the pleasure
• Trimming of white rice
In a pot to put to boil in water cuyes broken in prey, the celery, carrot, oregano and salt
to the pleasure. In another pot to warm up the oil and gilds to the onion, garlic, yellow
red pepper and to ripen with salt and pepper, until seeing that this golden good, soon
adding the liquefied bread, previously soaked in milk and broth of guinea pig, to let boil
approximately 10 minutes removing to avoid that it is burned. Until it takes point and
we have the creamy sauce. Meanwhile to slip the sancochado guinea pig and to fry it in
abundant oil. To serve to each prey with the sauce, accompanied with the parboileds
Popes and white rice. To adorn with egg, olives, lettuce and with one pisca of
perforated peanut; Adela (2008).


• A great guinea pig
• Two spoonfuls of worn out garlic
• Two spoonfuls of huacatay dry
• Two spoonfuls of cumin
• Salt to the pleasure
To mix huacatay, garlic, cumin and salt, to ripen
the guinea pig with this preparation and to fill up it
with this cream, to let macerate by space of two

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hours so that it absorbs the flavors, to take it to the furnace by forty and five minutes.
Once ready to serve accompanied with Popes sea breams and Creole sauce; Adela


• 4 cuyes to tier to us
• 1 garlic teaspoons
• 1 spoonful of pisco
• ¼ of oil cup
• Salt and pepper
Clean guinea pigs well whole.
Ripen with salt, pepper, garlic and pisco.
Soon freírlos with abundant oil by space of 5 minutes until the meat this point.
One uses with:
Yellow or white potato.
Gherkin salads, tomato, onion, lettuce.
Yellow or green red pepper.
Red pepper cream huacatay or cream of rocoto.


• 1 deshuesado tender guinea pig
• worn out garlic
• Vegetables minced in bastoncito
• Salt and pepper
• Red wine to the pleasure
Clean and to pit the guinea pig. Once ready to stretch the pulp of guinea pig meat and to
place minced vegetables, to coil it and of being possible to moor it with one it toots.
Once the meat is ready to place the volute in a casserole with a little broth being
Let cook to untimed fire and throw the wine that boils until the meat cooks; Villanueva
victory (2008).
One uses with:
Puree of potato.
Rice, salad.

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• 2 Cuyes medium (1.5 kg each)
• 1 glass of red wine
• 1 branch of celery
• 2 or 3 carrots and 1 branch pore
• 2 minced great onions
• 100 gr. of flour
• Garlic ground to the pleasure
• Oil, salt, pepper and cumins to the pleasure
The appropriate container in the mountain range mud pots are used are placed the
portions of guinea pig according to the number of companions at table, having covered
them with red wine, accompanied by celery, carrot, pore and perforated onions along. It
is let macerate 8 or more hours, according to the taste of the cook, are dried the portions
of guinea pig, go through flour, like grasping themselves, and soon frying themselves.
In separate pot the dressing with oil is prepared, worn out garlic and squared perforated
onions. The vegetables macerated with the guinea pig take to the mixer (or fulling mill),
adding itself, little by little, the wine of the maceration, which is spilled to the pot with
the dressing; it is ripened and it is made boil. The fried portions of guinea pig, are
placed within the pot in fervor, leaving themselves by 20 minutes until everything
cooks well. One gets used to serving with parboileds potato, mote, choclo or granulated
rice, since one becomes in the Coast.


• 4 pigeons
• 2 teeth of crushed garlic
• laurel small leaves
• 6 spoonfuls of olive oil
• 2 onions medians
• 2 carrots
• 2 teeth of garlic
• 1 potato
• 25 grams of chocolate cover
The outer pigeons of pens clean themselves. In a frying pan with olive oil the pigeons
we fried until gilding the outside. In a casserole sofreímos the onion cut in strips along
with the carrot cut in fine slices and the teeth of whole but bare garlic. Once sea bream
the vegetable we added the whole pigeons and gilded, we covered with water and two
cacitos of broth, we covered the casserole and we cooked to moderate fire during 2
We remove the pigeons and we kept to the heat. We crush the sauce of the casserole
and cooked until it is reduced to a somewhat thick consistency.

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We add to the sauce the chocolate cover that we will leave undoes slowly outside the
fire and with the heat that the sauce keeps. Once darkened the sauce by the chocolate
we put on the verge of salt and we have list to serve.
We prepare a pigeon by plate and we covered with the sauce.
We accompany with a trimming by potato, carrot and cooked green beans and slightly
skipped in the frying pan with olive oil and salt; Kings Gavilán Maria Antonieta (1925).


• 1 fat hen
• 1 handful of leeks
• 1 cotoots of English sauce
• 1 cotoots of black sauce of soya
• 1 glass of dry red wine
• ½ cotoots of balsamic vinegar
• 1 red pepper
• salt, pepper
To cut the hen in pieces of its election, to marinate the hen with the salt the liquid
pepper and all the ingredients except the wine; to add the cut leek menudito, to liquefy
the pepper along with the wine to add to the pot, to cover and to wait for the first steam,
to place the weight to the cover and to wait for 30 minutes of baking, to extinguish and
to let cool to open (pot under pressure); Grouse, Simone (1972).


• ¾ kilo of alpaca stew meat ground
• 150 grams of rallado Andean cheese
• 600 grams of tallarines cooked " al dente "
• 1 spoon of picadito fresh rosemary
• 2 spoonfuls of cornstarch
• 3 spoonfuls of butter
• 1 egg
• 1 evaporated milk jar
• salt - pepper - parsley
It prepares meatballs ripening the meat with salt, pepper and pricked fresh rosemary. It
adds the egg and the cornstarch. Beating energetically by space of 5 minutes.
With the meat a nut forms small balls as large as and cools at least 1 hour. Passed that
time pa them by flour and it fries them to untimed fire. In a great frying pan it places
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butter, it skips tallarines, and it already incorporates fried meatballs, evaporated milk,
rallado cheese and the parsley.

15. NOODLES WITH PIGEON (6 people)

• ¾ kilo of tallarines
• 6 pigeons
• 1 minced great onion
• 1 rallada carrot
• Bare and pricked tomatos
• 1 spoonful of grazes of tomato
• 1 spoonful of soaked and minced fungi
• laurel leaves
• Spoonfuls of oil
• 1 glass of red wine
• ½ spoonful of sugar
• Butter
• Salt to the pleasure
Clean good the pigeons and to clear the vísceras. In a casserole with oil and a little
butter, the pigeons gild well. Aside to prepare the sauce. This to fry the onion well and
when she is to point, you throw the carrot to him rallada with the fungi and the tomatos
passed through hot water, bare and strained. When everything well is fried and a little
has been consumed the tomato, you add average sugar teaspoon indeed to clear acid to
him of the tomato. Immediately it incorporates the pigeons. It hopes to that 5 minutes
boil; you throw its point to him of salt and you continue cooking minutes more. If the
sauce is very thick him you can increase something of boiled water. Before retiring of
the fire you spill a glass to him of red wine. With this sauce it previously covers water
vermicelli boiled with salt, and slipped opportunely.


• 300 grams of ollucos
• 300 grams of charqui of alpaca
• 4 worn out teeth of garlic
• 1 onion
• 3 spoonfuls of yellow red pepper
• Oil
• Oregano
• perforated parsley
• Salt and pepper

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After to prick the ollucos in small pieces along and, we gilded charqui in a frying pan
with a little oil by a brief time we retired and it to fray it. Aside, in a pot we fried in oil
warms up the minced onion, ground garlic, the salt and the pepper to the pleasure.
When the dressing is ready, we added charqui accompanied with olluco itched and
cooked by a brief time. In order to finalize the preparation, we added a little broth and
the ground yellow red pepper. Revolvemos, we let rest by five minutes and we can
serve. If it wishes it can serve the accompanied olluquito with charqui with a little white
rice. Adorn with chopped parsley; Cheek Cavero, Hugo (2004).


• 2 cuyes
• 1 spoonful of yellow red pepper dry ground
• 1 spoonful of red pepper panca ground
• 1 glass camomile wine
• ½ pure glass of pisco
• ½ head of rallada onion
• ½ spoonful of rallada carrot
• ½ teaspoon of huacatay
• ½ teaspoon of cilantro
• ½ spoonful of garlic
• Oregano, toasted and ground thyme
• Cumin, pepper and salt to the pleasure
• Kion and sillao
Break the guinea pig. Fry garlic and onion, when these are gilded to add: yellow red
pepper, red pepper panca, oregano, thyme, came, pisco, huacatay, culantro, cumin,
pepper and rallada carrot.
Pass the prey through the previous preparation and to let rest by 2 hours. After the
indicated time, take to the corresponding furnace in the ground. Of not counting on the
ground furnace, to use mud pot and to let cook by approximately one hour to untimed
fire until everything has the necessary baking (pachamanca to the pot).
One uses with: Choclos, Popes, sweet potatoes, beans. Decorate with slices of
pineapple in syrup and cheese slightly horneados.
Accompanied with cream by rocoto; Villanueva victory (2008).


• 2 cuyes to tier to us
• ½ spoonful of red pepper panca
• ½ spoonful of red pepper mirasol
• 150 gr. of toasted peeled peanut

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• Onions
• Oil
• Garlic teeth
• 1 cup of broth
• Cumin, pepper and salt to the pleasure
• A pinch of worn out parsley
To clean and to cut each guinea pig in four prey.
Ripen with salt and pepper and soon to gild the prey
in a pot.
Once sea breams to retire and to throw to the pot the onion, garlic, ground parsley, red
pepper mirasol, cumin, pepper, and red pepper panca.
Once the dressing changes of color to add the meat and the broth that creates necessary
along with the peanut. To rectify the season and that the stew is with a slight thickness,
to let cook by space of 4 minutes; Villanueva victory (2008).

One uses with:

White rice, yellow potato, cooked yucca, one cotoot of wine.


• 6 pigeons
• 1 onion
• Garlic
• 1 olive oil glass
• 1 water glass
• ½ glass wine vinegar
• A laurel pinch
• Salt and pepper
The whole pigeons in a frying pan with oil gild themselves, the pigeons retire when
they are gilded and in the same oil a little becomes the onion and garlic, adds to water
vinegar, laurel, salt and pepper to them. We put the pigeons and all the stew in a mud
casserole we let and them cook during 20 minutes. We let them cool trying that is
places setting with their own broth; Kings Gavilán Maria Antonieta (1925).


• 2 Treated pigeons
• 1 perforated Onion
• 1 thimble of dry Culantro

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• 5 teeth crushed Garlic

• 1 spoonful of Vinegar
• Oil
• Salt and pepper
The pigeons cook in a pot with salt water and in which they have get ready culantro, the
onion, garlic, you leave, pepper and a spoonful of oil. In a frying pan, in as much, oil is
warmed up, to receive the pigeons immediately that in the pot are to point, that is to say,
to tier to us. The pigeons fry themselves, without fit, giving them returned until they are
gilded, and in third tiesto crushed garlic lies down and the broth cooks in a little in
which the pigeons cooked, turns upside down the spoonful to him of vinegar next and
to the new fervor, everything is spilled on the pigeons: Kings Gavilán Maria Antonieta (1925).


• 4 ready pigeons for the baking
• 4 markets of mountain ham
• 3 glasses of red wine
• 6 spoonfuls of olive oil
• 2 or 3 teeth of garlic
• 1 spoonful of capers
• 1 anchovy
• 10 leaves of salvia
• Salt
• Pepper just ground
Surround each pigeon in 1 market of ham, accompanied by 2 leaves of salvia, and to
insert them in the thorn [espetón]. In the grasera to spill the wine, garlic, the rest of
salvia, the capers, you leave and pepper.
Cook approximately during 1 hour, greasing from time to time the pigeons with a little
oil and incorporating to the grasera the necessary water so that the liquid is not dried.
When they are cooked, clear to the pigeons the asadura to them and to cut them in
pieces. to finely mince the anchovy along with the asadura. To filter the liquid of the
grasera, placing it in a small casserole, to incorporate the internal and the perforated
anchovies and to cook the sauce obtained during 5 minutes.
Extinguish the fire, to incorporate the rest of the oil, to spill the sauce obtained on the
pigeons cut in pieces and to place them on a tray; Kings Gavilán Maria Antonieta (1925).

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22. PIGEON IN HOJALDRE (4 people)

• 2 pigeon
• Mass of hojaldre
• 4 spoonfuls of pate
•4 spoonfuls of pochados fungi
• Triangles of graze very light
• 250 grams of potato puree
• ½ liter of Spanish sauce
• 1 dangerous egg
• Oil
• Salt and pepper
Clear the skin and to pit the pigeons, leaving them only the bone of the legs.
Ripen with salt and pepper. Extend the mass of hojaldre and to form circles of able size
to surround half of the pigeons.
Place half pigeon upon each circle and to distribute upon each part, 1 spoonful of
cabbage and 1 spoonful of paté.
Surround it, to paint with egg beaten and to cook in the furnace to 200 degrees, of 12 to
15 minutes.
To fill up the triangles of grazes brick with the pochados fungi and to hornear them
minutes so that it is gilded grazes and the fungi warm up themselves.
Salsear the plates with the potato puree and the Spanish sauce I warm up. Put upon
puree the golden purl of fungi and, upon the Spanish sauce, the quarter of pigeon; Kings
Gavilán Maria Antonieta (1925).


• 4 Pigeons of dove
• 1 cup of Mushrooms
• 2 cups of Broth of bird
• 2 Small onions
• 2 Clear of egg
• 4 Lemons
• 4 Nails of scent
• 3 spoonfuls of Flour
• 4 leaves of Basil
• Oil
• Salt and pepper

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The pigeons once treated, that is to say, undressed of pens, vísceras and legs, cut
themselves in two and they get ready in one marinated composed by the broth, the juice
of the lemons, nail, onion, basil and salt.
Three hours are left there, and they retire of the marinated one, are dried and they get
wet next with the clear searches, they are enharinan and they are fried in the oil, and in
each plate in which they will use the pigeons deposit a pair of spoonfuls of fried
parsley, notwithstanding a support like a salad of beans with something, little, of good
onion bite, and a thimble of merquén; Kings Gavilán Maria Antonieta (1925).


• 4 units of pigeon
• 1 carrot
• ½ onio
• ½ celery branch
• Thyme or rosemary
• Wine of Oporto
• Red wine
• Broth of bird or water
• 1 pinch of butter or cornstarch
• Puree of potato
• Vegetable cooked
Clean the pigeons and to separate thighs and breasts. In a frying pan with a little oil fry
lightly the divided housings, the leek, the celery, the onion and the carrot. When it takes
color add the aromatic herbs, the Oporto and the wine and to let reduce to half. Add the
bird broth and to let reduce again. When the sauce is done, strain, to ripen and to bind
with cornstarch or butter. In a frying pan to gild the salpimentado pigeon and to finish
cooking in the furnace. To serve accompanied as vegetables cooked al dente skipped
with butter and puree of potato; Sarrau, Jose (1950).


• 8 pigeons pluckings and drawings
• 1 ' 5 liter of red wine
• 1 chorretón of Sherry vinegar
• 1 chorretón of olive oil
• perforated chives
• 1 perforated tomato
• 1 perforated carrot
• 1 head of garlic finds out, washed

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• 8 grains of black pepper

• 1 small branch of thyme
• Water
• 1 spoonful of dust cacao
• 5 spoonfuls of olive oil
• 100 g. of cold butter
To downwards put the pigeons with the breasts in a casserole which well they enter.
Place envelope they them chives, the tomato, the carrot, garlic, the pepper, the thyme
and to spill chorreones of oil and vinegar and the wine. Leave it thus 12 hours in the
Spent east time, we will retire half of the liquid and will add to the same, that is to say,
the same amount of retired liquid, of water. To put to fire very slow and covered and to
cook until the pigeons are tier to us what will happen approximately passed about 90
minutes. In order to verify if they are done, the legs will have to be blanditas, verifying
it with the fingers.
Once spanish stews the pigeons we removed, them from the casserole and we separated
the vegetables of the liquid of baking, adding to this last liquid of the marinated one that
we had reserved. In order to make the sauce, to put to pochar to average fire vegetables
of the marinated one in 5 spoonfuls of dark olive oil until they are sweated well and.
We will be adding and reducing with the liquid of the marinated one up to 3 times. To
crush with turmix and to pass it through a fine one, adding nosey of dust cacao and
chorretón of brandy.
We put it to boil and we incorporated, without stopping to him boiling nor to beat with
rods cold butter.
We divide the pigeons in two, along, with the help of scissors. We will spill the sauce
exceeds they, straining it and we will let boil a set half an hour, proving them
definitively and putting them to outside necessary point if.

26. PIGEON STEWS (4 people)

• 4 pigeons
• 2 onions
• 1 leek
• 1 branch of celery
• 1 carrot
• Ramillete (thyme, crust of green orange and of leek)
• 300 milliliters basic of meat
• 150 milliliters of dry sherry
• 150 milliliters of red wine
• Salt and ground black pepper
• Olive oil

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• Butter (optional)
Clean and to tie the pigeons. To ripen with salt and pepper and to gild them in oil in a
casserole that fits quite right. To retire and in the same oil to fry lightly during 20-30
minutes vegetables minced along with ramillete. We dunk with the fine sherry and we
reduce almost to dry.
Next they become to introduce the pigeons and they are covered with the bottom. They
are let cook to untimed fire until they are tier to us and they remove. We crush a little
the sauce we strained and it.
We reduce the red wine until they are only 50 milliliters approximately we united and it
to the sauce. It is let cook until it is to point and the sazonamiento tries on. It is possible
to be added if a butter nut is wanted.
We return to place the pigeons in the sauce already untied, warmed up and we served.
Potato puree of and apple can be accompanied with or apples roasted or skipped in


• Pigeon of nest
• Onion
• Garlic
• Green pepper
• Tomato
• Rice
• Broth of bird clearly
• Salt and pepper
Gild vegetables slowly. We divide the pigeons in quarters and salpimentamos. When
the sofrito this ready one we added the pigeons and we fried lightly a little to untimed
fire, we added the broth and the rice (1 mark of rice by 3 of broth) we cook to untimed
fire of 18 to 20 minutes. (Ideal in mud casserole); Sarrau, Jose (1950).

28. PIS-CUY (CUY TO the PISCO) (2 portions)

• 1 deshuesado tender guinea pig
• 1 flour cup without preparing
• 1 egg (only the clear one)
• 1 small glass of pisco
• Teeth of worn out garlic
• Oil
• Salt and pepper

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Break the meat of guinea pig in small prey and a bowl to ripen them with garlic, salt,
pepper and pisco.
Soon in a container throw the clear one of egg and to pass the prey, one by one, to retire
them and only to grasp them with the flour.
Once ready to fry the prey in the frying pan with abundant oil until they are sea breams
soon to retire them well and to let slip them.
One uses with:
Yuccas sea breams, salads, creams of huacatay or rocoto, to accompany with a small
glass by wine or pisco.


Rice to the parmesana
• 1 liter of chicken broth
• 2 ounces of butter
• 2 spoonfuls of olive oil
• 2 spoonfuls of onion or small onion, finely itched
• 11iter ounces of rice
• Salt and pepper just ground to the pleasure
• 2 ounces of cheese parmesan, just ground
It warms up the broth and it lets cook smoothly. In a great pot, basic thickness, warms
up together butter and the oil. Year the onion or small onion and cooks until it is
transparent. It adds the dry rice and muévalo until each grain is varnish. It drains about
150 ml of hot broth on the rice and cooks to average fire, revolviendo, until the liquid
has been absorbed almost completely. It adds little another of broth and it cooks, always
revolviendo, until this one has been absorbed also. It continues adding few of broth,
cooking and revolviendo until each grain of rice is burst and smooth, but with certain
firmness in center. It clears the pot of the fire and ripens with salt and pepper. Mix the
rest of butter and the grated cheese. Serve it immediately with more cheese parmesan.
What him on it can use it for croquettes, because it is not reheated well.
Alpaca to the pepper
• 6 fillets of alpaca meat
• 1 spoonful of green pepper
• ½ cotoots of cognac
• 1 deciliter of milk cream
• 1 spoonful of mustard
• 50 grams of butter Salt
To melt butter in a frying pan, to fry lightly fillets until they are gilded to fire alive but
a little crude on the inside. To ripen. To pass them to a source to serve and to maintain I
warm up them. In the same frying pan and with the fat that is, to put the mustard, the

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cognac, the cream of milk and the green pepper a little chafada with the roller. To let
boil a little while and cover with this sauce fillets.


• 600 g of ground meat of alpaca
• 500 g of whitened spinach
• 250 g buttery cheese
• 300 g of white onion, minced
• 25 g rosemary
• 25g tarragon
• 100 g of worn out garlic
• Salt
• Olive oil the Olive grove to the pleasure
• Paper film
• 100g butter
• 1 egg
• 600 g of table, bare black grape and without pepas
• 1 cup of red wine
• One oz of pisco
• 100 g butter
• ½ liter of milk cream
To whiten in butter the onion and garlic, to mix in east bowl dressing, with the ground
meat of alpaca, the aromatic herbs crushed and the egg. To ripen to the taste and to let
In a frying pan to put to boil water, once it breaks the fervor to add the spinach so that
verdee. Soon to retire straining and throwing in a bowl with cold water with ice so that
it maintains his color.
Finally, to place on the paper film a spinach bed, on her to throw the mixture of the
meat, and in the middle of the meat the buttery cheese with an olive oil point. Soon to
surround like a volute and to fit with the paper film. Take to boiling in a casserole by
thirty minutes.
Prescription finalist in the prescription contest of the Olive grove, presented by Jose
Antonio Guillén Ñahui.
To skip grains of grape in butter, to flambear with pisco, to add the red wine, to let
reduce 2 minutes and finally to throw the cream of milk. To let boil a minute, rectify the
Serve a bed as sauce and on her, the medallions of the volute.

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It is possible to be accompanied with a fresh salad by vegetables and fruits, Puree of

apples, Slices of syrup pineapples with guindones; Cheek Cavero, Hugo (2004).
Suggested wine: Merlot.

31. SALTIMBOCA OF ALPACA (8 portions)

• 1 kilo of alpaca back
• ¼ kilo of mountain ham
• 2 spoonfuls of oil
• Pabilo to tie
• Salt and pepper to the pleasure
• 2 cups of cooked carrot
• 2 spoonfuls of flour
• 2 spoonfuls of butter
• 1 cup of red wine
• 2 fresh milk cups
• 200 grams of chuño sancochado
• 1 cup of basil leaves
Cut the back of steak alpaca, to salpimentar it, to place a slice of ham above and to coil,
to tie with pabilo. Aside to warm up oil, gild the roll and reserve. In the same frying pan
to warm up once melted butter to add the flour, to cook minutes, soon to spill milk and
the wine, to let cook minutes, to add the volutes to the sauce to finish the baking by five
minutes more.
Once ready to serve accompanied with white rice, cooked vegetables and leaves of


• 4 cuyes
• 12 teeth of garlic
• Salt, Pepper, Cumin
• 4 potatoes
• Yellow red peppers
• 3 spoonfuls of oil
• 2 spoonfuls of red pepper panca in grazes
• ¼ of cup of toasted and crushed peanut
• 3 spoonfuls of meat broth

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Using hot water, to peel cuyes and to down place them mouth to the air to slip them and
to dry them.
Mix in a bowl 8 chancados teeth of garlic, salt, pepper and cumin. Introduce cuyes and
to macerate them by a pair of hours. To place cuyes in a grill or to the furnace and to
cook them until they are crocantes. Cook the water potato with salt and soon to peel
them and to cut them in heavy slices. Place the potato in the grill or to the furnace along
with cuyes so that they are gilded slightly.
To retire the veins and seeds of yellow red peppers, following the sharp degree of that
are desired and liquefying them to form grazes.
To place the oil in a frying pan and to fry by minutes graze of yellow red peppers, the
red pepper panca in grazes, 4 chancados teeth of garlic and the toasted and crushed
peanut. Add the broth and to mix.
To serve cuyes with the potato, throwing to them raises the sauce of red peppers. Serve
immediately; Adela (2008).


• 600 grs. meat (leg) of alpaca
• 4 spoonfuls vegetal oil
• 200 grs. bacon cut in buckets
• 1 cut great onion in brunoise
• Crushed teeth of garlic
• 1 great tin of grazes of tomato
• ½ spoonful Sugar
• ½ liter red wine
• 1 k tomato puree
• laurel leaves
• 1 big branch of rosemary
• ½ cup soaked black fungi
• ½ cup you pass blacks and white
• Salt and pepper
Break the meat, to ripen it with salt and pepper and to gild it in oil. To add onion, garlic,
bacon and, after minutes grazes of tomato with a sugar pinch. Fry lightly by 15 minutes,
to upper middle fire. Raise the temperature and to add the wine. When the alcohol
evaporates lowers the fire and adds the rest of ingredients moving with a wood spoon. It
lets cook slowly by 40 minutes.
It serves with alverjitas, carrot and yellow potato; Claretiano school (2004).

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• 1 hen or back quarters of hen (like 1,200 gr.)
• 500 g potatoe
• Spoonfuls butter
• Garlic teeth
• 2 onions
• 500 ml hen broth
• 1 pepper cut in Julian
• 2 spoonfuls capers
• Salt and pepper
Clean the hen. To mince the onion, to peel garlic and to peel and to cut potatoes in
quarters. To reserve.
Warm up the butter and to gild whole garlic. Retire them and to reject.
To add to the butter the onions and to leave until nonsea breams are transparent but.
Add the hen and to fry slightly, to add to the potatoes and the pepper, and to cover with
the broth.
Let cook to untimed fire until the hen is tender. To add then the capers and to leave 5
minutes more.
Ripen or to rectify season.
Serve in a source; Grouse, Simone (1972).


• 1 black hen
• 1 branch of celery
• Breads soaked in broth
• ½ evaporated milk cup
• 4 olives
• 2 hard eggs
• 2 onions perforated medians
• ½ oil cup
• 1 teaspoon of garlic
• worn out green peppers or two spoonfuls of pepper panca
• 50 grams of cheese parmesan
• A pepper pinch
• White potatoes or granulated rice
• Salt to the pleasure
The black hen with salt cooks, and a celery small branch. Once the meat is cooked, to
cool and to fray.
For the dressing, to fry in average oil cup the onion, garlic, the green pepper ground and
a pinch of pepper.

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With the hands you slip the bread in the dressing; revuélvalo constantly with a wood
spoon during about five or ten minutes, until one cooks. If it seems more comfortable to
you it liquefies the bread with the pepper, and viértelo on the dressing.
You incorporate the shabby hen and it give a fervor him; if you prefer more small
change you add broth in the amount that you consider sufficient.
Finally you add evaporated milk and the cheese to him rallado parmesan.
When serving it accompanies east pepper as hen with slices by potato, adorning with
hard egg and olives. Also it is possible to serve it with granulated rice; Grouse, Simone


• A guinea pig of medium size
• Interiors of the guinea pig, including the blood
• A onion median
• 8 teeth of garlic picaditos finely
• Spoonfuls of red pepper colored in cream
• Branches of huacatay
• Pepper, worn out cumin and salt
• Oil and pure butter of pig
At the time of sacrificing the guinea pig the care must have to receive the blood in a
container. After peeling the guinea pig it will not be abrirá to him, will be extracted the
interiors to him by the anus. Will be washed it with abundant water and it will be let
orear. The onion to cuadritos will sour. The interiors of the guinea pig, huacatay and the
oregano will sour slight. A dressing in a frying pan with oil will be done frying. To
throw the colored red pepper, garlic and the onion, soon the interiors and the blood of
the guinea pig. They will be added, finally, the herbs and a little salt. This dressing will
be introduced to the guinea pig by the same zone by where it was extracted the interiors
to him. Part of this dressing will grease the external part of the guinea pig. In the
container abundant butter will be put. The four guinea pig will be moored of patitas in a
wire cord and will be submerged, colgadito, so that it is cooked by the butter. The
baking is slow and respectful. Delay approximately two hours. Once cooked, type
medallions will be cut to him and it will accompany with potato huairo and bramble to
him by rocoto ground with huacatay.


• 200 gr. of clean guinea pig
• 2 spoonfuls of graze red pepper panca
• 2 spoonfuls of graze ají mirasol

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• 1 spoonful of grazes yellow red pepper

• 4 quail egg units
• 4 units of olives
• 50 gr. of you happen
• 50 gr. of toasted peanut bare puree
• 3 spoonfuls of graze of garlic
• ½ onion
• Salt and pepper to the pleasure
• Necessary bottom
• 50 gr. of pressed yellow potato
• 250 gr. of pressed Yungay potato
• 2 spoonfuls of red pepper panca
• 2 spoonfuls of graze of red pepper mirasol
• 1 spoonful grazes of yellow red pepper
• 2 spoonfuls of puree of cilantro
• 2 spoonfuls. of puree of huacatay
• 2 spoonfuls of graze of garlic
• ½ you unite. of onion
• 2 spoonfuls of vegetal oil and butter of pig
• Bottom of guinea pig in necessary amount
• Pinch of salt and pepper
• Pinch of oregano
To boil the guinea pig with salt and pepper, reserves the bottom.
Separate hot butter of pig with vegetal oil, in a frying pan, year the guinea pig
deshuesado in pieces, gilds during minutes, reserves. In the same frying pan the onion
throws, grazes of garlic, grazes of red peppers, gilds during minutes and ripens with salt
and hydrous pepper, year the guinea pig, raisins and peanut, to add bottom in necessary
amount, lets cook to low fire with the frying pan covered during 40 minutes to rectify
Boil the potato, to press reserves them.
Separate in a pot, it warms up the butter of pig with vegetal oil it throws the onion, it
grazes of garlic, it grazes of red peppers and the puree of culantro with huacatay, gilds
during minutes and it ripens with salt, pepper and oregano.
Add in the same pot the bottom that boils, and incorporates the pressed potato, mixes
with a wood spoon. It cooks until the Pope thickens slightly rectifies the season and
retires of the fire.
Pancas of choclo puts a little mace on two and places the guinea pig sauce filling, the
quail egg and olives, cover with another portion of mass, surround and moor with
pabilo. The operation repeats until the mass is finished. It accommodates in a vaporera,
to let cook to average fire, during 15 minutes. It retires pancas and it serves with Creole

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38. STUFFED PIGEONS (4 people)

• 4 spoonfuls of oil
• 20 grams of onion
• 2 milk cups
• 1 pinch of salt
• 1 pinch of oregano
• 2 slices of bread
• 2 ramitos of parsley
• 3 pigeon
• 1 pinch of pepper
• 50 grams of rallado cheese
The pigeons clean themselves, they are pincelan of oil and it seasons with salt and
pepper. The bread is mixed with milk, and later it lies down the onion, the parsley, the
oregano, and the cheese to him. It is introduced to him in the pigeons is mixture. A
source is smeared with grease with oil and the pigeons put themselves. Hornea during
30 minutes and from time to time it is watered to him with the sauce that loosen.

39. STEWED OF PIGEON (4 people)

• 12 small pigeons
• 1 wine bottle
• 4 onions
• 300 grams of carrots
• Teeth of garlic
• laurel leaves
• 1 branch of thyme
• Black pepper
The pigeons clean themselves well and they are tied with a twine thread. They are fried
immediately afterwards in very hot oil, by both sides, during 2 minutes.
In a separate casserole a bottom with the onion and the carrot is made finely bites, the
laurel, garlic, thyme and pepper. It is let fry lightly and in the last moment the pigeons
with the digging get up themselves, cooking all the set to smooth fire until the birds are
tender; Sarrau, Jose (1950).

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• ¼ cup you happen
• 1 k (2,2 lb) white potato
• Salt to the pleasure
• Pepper
• 4 eggs (1 fresh and 3 spanish stews)
• 6 spoonfuls of oil
• 1 kg ground meat of guinea pig
• 1 cup of perforated onion
• 1 tooth of perforated garlic
• 1 teaspoon of pimentón or paprika
• 6 olives of earthenware pitcher (black)
• ½ cup of bare tomato, pricked and without seeds
• 1 teaspoon of perforated parsley
• 1 teaspoon of culantro itched
Wash potato. Cook in a pot with water and salt. Once cooked, to retire and to peel.
Happen through prensapapas and to let cool. To knead with a fresh egg, you leave and
pepper until they are smooth. Separate.
In order to prepare the filling, to put 2 spoonfuls of oil in a pot or frying pan median. To
gild the onion and to add garlic. Add ground meat of the guinea pig and perforated
tomato. To cook by 5 minutes and to add parsley, culantro, minced olives, 3 cooked
eggs itched and you happen. Ripen with salt, pepper and paprika. With the enharinadas
hands to take a portion from potato (½ cup approximately) and to put it in the palm of
the hand, flattening it. To in center put a portion of stuffed of meat (1 spoonful). To
double and to close, pressing the edges, giving him an oval form. Pass the potato
through flour. Repeat until ending the potato.
To warm up 4 spoonfuls of oil in a frying pan. Gild to the potato, giving him the return
with care.
Serve with rice and Creole sauce.


• ¾ kilo of alpaca ground stew meat
• 1 kilo of spinach (leaves)
• 2 cups of pore picadísimo
• 3 spoonfuls of butter
• 2 spoonfuls of yellow red pepper (puree)
• ½ teaspoon of garlic just ground
• 8 rocotos of regular size
• Huacatay
• Salt, pepper

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It retires the veins of the rocotos and hiérvalos so that their subtle flavor and its
unmistakable aroma are not disarmed and conserve. There in a frying pan it melts butter
and it cooks to untimed fire the pore, avoiding that takes color. It adds garlic, the meat
of worn out alpaca and the red pepper cream.
After 10 minutes it extinguishes the fire and it includes the spinach washed and cut in
Julian thickness, to ripen with salt, pepper and huacatay. It fills up the rocotos, it covers
with cheese of neutral flavor (mozarella) and takes to the furnace preheated by space of
25 minutes. It accompanies with Popes to butter and parsley; Claretiano school (2004).

• 1 tender guinea pig
• 3 teeth of worn out garlic
• 1 small onion
• 4 ground fresh yellow red pepper
• ¼ teaspoon of culantro
• ¼ teaspoon of worn out parsley
• Salt, cumin and pepper
• ½ lemon.
Break the prey of the guinea pig and to be gilding them in a pot.
Once they were gilded to retire the guinea pig and to throw the onions, garlic, red
pepper, cumin, culantro and worn out parsley until the onion changes of color. When
the dressing this in its point to add a little broth or water and to throw the prey until the
meat cooks well and loosen stew.
Before retiring of the fire to express ½ lemon; Adela (2008).
One uses with:
Yellow potato.
White rice with peas


1. ALPACA WITH ONIONS (6 portions)

• A kilo of alpaca back
• Four red onions
• Six tomatos
• Two cut yellow red peppers in strips
• Average red vinegar cup
• Two spoonfuls of red red pepper
• Three spoonfuls of oil

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• Salt and pepper to the pleasure

Cut the back in thin strips, to warm up the oil, to skip the meats. When they are sealed
to retire them and in the same frying pan to add the colored red pepper, the tomato cut
in gores, the vinegar, you leave, pepper and to incorporate the meats uniting carefully.
Accompany with white rice and parboiled potato; Claretiano school (2004).


• 4 cuyes
• 8 worn out garlic
• Oil
• Salt and pepper
Initially, we must place the water meat with abundant
salt during one hour. Then, we retired the guinea pig
and we come to dry it we hung, it in a cord we extend
or it in a dryer by one hour. Later, we cut the meat in
prey and we greased with worn out garlic and pepper
to the pleasure. We fry the hot oil meat, until it
acquires the gild wished. Then, we lowered the fire
and we turned around the prey in short intervals, until
they are crocantes. We accompany the guinea pig chactado with Creole sauce; Villanueva
victory (2008).


• 2 cuyes to tier to us deshuesados
• 2 spoonfuls of vinegar or red pepper teaspoon
• 1 teespoon of aji panca
• Oregano pinch
• Cumin, pepper and salt
• pepper moron
• Onion
Break cuyes without bones.
In a container mix the red pepper, oregano, cumin, salt, pepper and vinegar, to throw
the prey and to let macerate to the guinea pig from the previous day.
Place them in small sticks of cane putting in with the pepper and onion in pieces,
slightly happened through sillao.
Soon gild slightly in a grill ripening with gotitas of sillao; Adela (2008).

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One uses with:

Potato, choclo, rocoto cream.


The milky white chick-pea is a good variety that is soft to eat it whole germinated;
Leonella Nava (1993).
• Green lettuce cut in strips, Lettuce divided leaf of oak, Chinese Cabbage or tender
cabbage in fine strips or bare and cut in square or rallada apple
• 1 chick-pea Cup germinated
For the sauce
• 2 spoonfuls of skimmed natural yogurt or kephir
• ½ lemon
• 1 mustard teaspoon
• 1 chorrito of virgin olive oil. To beat by hand until it binds.
In order to decorate
• Olives without bone and pepper strips (natural roast or)
We cut and we sprinkled the apple with lemon so that one does not oxidize. The
ingredients are mixed and on them the sauce is added to him. One decorates with olives
and the pepper strips.


• A tender guinea pig
• 1 teaspoon of worn out garlic
• 1 spoonful of vinegar
• 1 red pepper teaspoon panca
• 1 wine small glass
• Salt and pepper to the pleasure
Clean and to break the guinea pig.
In a container to mix the vinegar, with garlic, red pepper panca, salt, pepper, soon came
and to throw the prey of the guinea pig, to let macerate it or to rest approximately by 2
Once ready to take the prey to the frying pan in regulating oil and frying until the meat
cooks; Adela (2008).
One uses with:
Parboiled yucca. Yellow Pope. Salad.

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• deshuesado a tender guinea pig
• 1 worn out cake package or rallado bread
• 1 egg
• 2 garlic teeth
• ¼ oil
• Drops of pisco
• Salt and pepper to the pleasure
To clean well and to pit the guinea pig. Soon ripen it with salt, pepper, garlic and pisco.
In a container to only throw the clear one of egg, and to bathe the prey. Once ready to
grasp the prey with the ground cake, and to fry in moderate oil; Adela (2008). One uses
with: Chipses. Gherkin salads, lettuce, tomato.

• A great orange or two small ones.
• Lettuces, canons, cabbage and Chinese cabbage
finely bite, Tooth of lion. etc. can be used and be
• Fruits droughts like nut, almond (the almond can be
germinated) etc.
• A chorrito of olive oil 1ª presses an oregano
• A pinch of marine salt without refining (optional)
• A tiny amount of germ of wheat and leavening of
• Germinated of alfalfa and or sunflower.
The orange is peeled leaving a part of the white layer and it is washed or if the orange is
not biological, in which case will be necessary to wash or the hands after peeling it. It is
cut in fine slices and to half soon if it is a great piece. Everything in the salad bowl is
mixed and it is adorned with germinated and fruits droughts.
A vinagreta with the oil, juice of orange, the oregano and the marine salt can be done
so that the flavor is more homogenous. Also this prescription with other citruses can be

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• 5 units of eggplants
• 3 pigeon units
• 1 onion
• 100 grams of mushrooms
• 2 eggs
• 250 grams of cream
• Olive oil
• Salt and pepper
• 1 spurt red wine
• Bones of bird (those of pigeon)
• Carrot
• 1 onion
• 1 branch of celery
• 1 wine spurt of Oporto
• Broth of meat
• Olive oil
• Salt and pepper
• 1 carrot
• 1 marrow
• 1 turnip
Pit the pigeons, to reserve the bones and to skip the meat. Cut an eggplant in small dices
and to fry it. Fry lightly the onion and to add the eggplant, to ripen. Cut the mushrooms
in small pieces and to skip. To cut the rest of the eggplants and to fry them without they
get to take color. Slip them on paper absorbent. To beat eggs with the cream, you leave
and pepper. To cover the flaneras with the eggplant slices, to above place the filleted
breasts. Mix the eggplant, the onion in dices, the mushrooms, the meat of the thighs and
the egg mixture and cream. Spill in the flaneras, to close the molds with eggplants.
Hornear flanes covered to the bath Maria about 30 minutes to 180ºC.
Gild to the bones with the vegetable and the oil, to add a spurt of Oporto, the red wine
and to let reduce it. Add the meat sauce and to strain, to ripen and, if outside necessary,
to bind with a little cornstarch.
Make small balls with vegetables and to cook them. Serve charlota with cooked
vegetables, aromatic sauce and some herbs; Kings Gavilán Maria Antonieta (1925).

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• 4 pigeons
• 4 teeth of garlic
• 50 grams of margarine
• ¼ liter of meat broth
• 1 glass of red wine
• 250 grams of green apple
• 2 spoonfuls of olive oil
• Salt
In a mud casserole we put the pigeons ripened.
We slightly lubricated them with 2 spoonfuls of olive oil and we introduce a tooth to
them of garlic to each one of the pigeon.
We put the pigeons to the hot furnace to 200 degrees during 10 minutes. We retire we
removed and them from the casserole.
In the casserole where there are roast the pigeons we put margarine, the red wine and
the broth of meat. We leave cooks to average fire.
We clean the pigeons in such a way that we have left clean halves of bones. We
introduce the pieces of pigeon in the broth that is reducing to give flavor him.
In 10 minutes the sauce and the pigeons will be preparations.
We warm up the pigeons we presented/displayed and them with apples sliced and
roasted in the furnace, after to have salseado everything.


• 4 pigeon
• 1 lemon
• 1 onion median
• 1 garlic
• 1 red pepper
• 2 spoonfuls of butter
• 1 ramillete mint
• Salt to the pleasure
• pepper ground to the pleasure
• ½ cumin teaspoon
Singe the pigeons in the flame if it were necessary, to wash them, to dry them with
absorbent paper and to salpimentar them. To peel the onion and garlic, and to prick
them slight.

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Open the pepper, to clear the seeds, to wash it and to prick it. To melt butter in a
casserole and to fry the pigeons until they begin to gild itself.
Incorporate the onion, garlic and the pepper; to fry lightly everything during 10
minutes. To add the pricked herbs, salt, pepper and cumins slightly crushed so that they
loosen his aroma. To cover with water or broth, to cover and to cook to smooth fire
during 30 minutes or until the pigeons are tier to us. To serve them accompanied with
white rice.


• 1 kilo of garlic sausage
• 1 kilo of meat of alpaca shoulder
• 150 grams of smoky bacon
• 200 grams of butter
• 2 liters of water
• 2 spoonfuls of tarragon
• 1 onion
• 1 branch of celery
• 1 pore head
• 1 carrot
• 4 garlic teeth
• 2 laurel leaves
• 12 pepas of pepper
In a great pot it places the meat of alpaca and the water with the smoked bacon, the
vegetables and spices. Passed 1 hour of cofoundation it adds garlic sausages and it
cooks by one more hour. Scoundrel, lets cool and crumbles the meats (alpaca, bacon
and garlic sausage) of very fine way. Aside, she melts butter without leaving she burns
themselves, already outside the fire, adds tarragon. She mixes of a few the meats with
butter, beating with force so that the products are integrated. She rectifies the season,
she lets cool and she accompanies with tostaditas or fresh vegetables. A red goes to him
well; Cheek Cavero, Hugo (2004).


• ¾ kilo of potato
• ½ kilo of yucca
• 50 grams of melted butter
• 2 eggs

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• flour (the necessary one)

• Salt and pepper
• 100 grams of minced fresh cheese
• 300 grams of meat of slight perforated alpaca (arm or leg)
• 50 grams of you happen
• 30 spoonfuls of oil
• 1 spoonful of dry oregano
• 1 spoonful of pricked good herbs
• 2 spoonfuls of perforated peanut
• 2 broken hard eggs
• 3 tomatos without skin and pepas
• 1 picadita great onion
• 2 perforated teeth of garlic
• 2 caihuas itched finely
• 4 perforated olives of earthenware pitcher
• salt and pepper
It boils the bare water Popes abundant with salt. When they are cooked, peel and press
them when still they are hot. It comes equal with the yucca. Later it mixes purees of
Popes and yucca in a great bowl and year the eggs, butter, the salt and the pepper, soon
dressing gown until obtaining a thick puree and let it to cool. The filling is obtained
sofriendo in a great frying pan with oil the onion, garlic, the meat and the tomato,
leaving to gild 10 minutes and retiring of the fire.
It adds the rest of ingredients, it mixes well and it ripens to taste with salt and pepper. In
order to arm the Popes stuffed it takes a good handful from puree, put it on the palm of
the hand (enharinada well) and little places a good one of the filling of alpaca in means.
When you have the potatoes later good armed pa them by flour and by beaten egg. It
fries them in abundant hot oil to average temperature. It serves with lettuces and Creole
sauce; Cheek Cavero, Hugo (2004).

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• 65 gr. of cereal with half liter of milk
• 4 bread slices with 4 spoonfuls of jam
• 400 ml of orange juice

Between food
• A sweet roll with candy
• Yogurt and average fruit
• 1 energizante drink.

• 6 slices of bread or one potato with 200 gr. of kidney beans
• 1 banana
• 250 ml of milk

In afternoon
• A bread bun with honey
• 1 banana or 50 gr. of you happen of grape
• 500 ml of energizante drink

• 300 gr. of vermicelli
• Sauce of tomato with brócoli
• 1 apple
• Dessert of rice with milk of low calories
• 500 ml of diluted juice

Additional food
• 90gr. of cereal with 400 ml of milk

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See many photos of our treatments
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Treatment expectorant to expel phlegm from
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A complete treatment for each case (8
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Additional treatments with steam bath, incense,
ASTEXPECT; To remove phlegm poultices
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More Information

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MENOPAUSE Tratamiento Natural e integral para la


Female hormone balancing and control of

hormonal imbalance
Hormone replacement therapy with Qalivio and
food (natural)
Food with natural phytoestrogens (plant food)
Relief of menopause symptoms (hot flashes,
sweating, mood swings, vaginal dryness and
Hypertension Relief

Treatment duration: 04 weeks.

Products: Q'Alivio, Maca Medicinal Clay, Candy

Q'ALIVIO, detoxifies the blood.
MACA; Restorative energy.
CLAY MEDICAL; Powerful-inflammatory.
SALVADOR CANDY; normalizes bowel function, Contraindications: People beverages - low
relaxing pressure.

MENSTRUATION Natural and holistic treatment for

Menstrual Disorders

Female hormone balancing and control of

hormonal imbalance
Generating a period every 28 days (irregular
Relieve menstrual headache
Avoid low or excessive menstrual bleeding
Avoid black or brown bleeding with clots
Avoiding the pains in the breast (future breast
Relaxation of the uterus and removing the pain
(menstrual cramps)
Desinflamation belly (the anti-inflammatory)
Control postpartum uterine bleeding
Food with natural phytoestrogens (plant food)
Q'ALIVIO, detoxifies the blood. Calling the rule (no rules), stimulate the monthly
CLAY MEDICAL; Powerful-inflammatory. menstrual flow
Duration of treatment: 1 to 2 rules (treatment
when you have your period)
More information
www.peruviannaturistasmedicines.com Contraindications: Pregnant women, infants,
alcoholics - low pressure.

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Natural and holistic treatment for cysts,
FIBROIDS myoma or fibroids

Female hormone balancing and control of

hormonal imbalance
Desinflamación belly (the anti-inflammatory)
Removal of cysts or fibroids, eliminating the
black blood
Food with natural phytoestrogens (plant food)
Avoid low or excessive menstrual bleeding
Avoid black or brown bleeding with clots
Avoiding the pains in the breast (future breast
Relaxation of the uterus and removing the pain
(menstrual cramps)
Calling the rule (no rules), stimulate the monthly
menstrual flow
Q'ALIVIO, detoxifies the blood.
CLAY MEDICAL; Powerful-inflammatory. Duration of treatment: 08 - 12 Weeks

Contraindications: Pregnant women, infants,

alcoholics - low pressure.

OBESITY Natural and holistic treatment for Obesity

Lower body fat, cleansing the arteries of fats

(cholesterol and triglycerides),
Gradual decrease in the overweight (3 to 10 kgs
per month)
Decreased blood pressure
Slight reduction from the waist
Food burns calories
Colonic cleansing

Treatment duration: 12 weeks.

Contraindications: Pregnant women, infants,

gastritis or peptic ulcer disease - low pressure.

OBESUS; natural Slimming

STEVIA MELLITUS; natural sweetener
SAL MARINA; for colonic cleansing

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PEPTIC ULCERS Natural and holistic treatment for Peptic


Treatment of Gastric and duodenal ulcer

Eliminate the pain in pit of stomach and
Avoid black-colored stool
Wounds and injuries (home of the bacteria) of
the gastric camera
ASTOMACAL- inflammatory activity with CLAY
Elimination of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori,
Food and alk and antacids.
Standardization of digestive function (sweets
ASTOMACAL, eliminates heartburn
CASSAVA STARCH, heals the wounds of the
stomach Treatment duration: 12 Weeks.
CLAY MEDICAL; powerful-inflammatory Products: Astomacal, cassava starch, Candy
CANDY SALVADOR, normalizes gastrointestinal Salvador, Arcilla Medicinal.
Contraindications: Pregnant women, infants -
People alcoholic - liver disease or kidney

COUGH Natural and holistic treatment for Cough

Treatment expectorant to expel phlegm from

throat and lung.
A complete treatment for each case (8
treatments in one single payment)
Astexpect-inflammatory activity and the cat's
Lifting of the immune system and body
Strengthening the muscle tissue of banana flour.
Phasing out of dry cough with phlegm
Treatment of cough asthma (intrinsic or cold),
pneumonia and bronchitis.

Duration: 1 to 12 weeks (depending on the

ASTEXPECT; Para eliminar flemas source).
UÑA DE GATO; Fortalece las defensas
HARINA DE PLATANO; Fortalece el pulmón Nutritional therapy expectorant.
KOF-KOF; Caramelos de kion para cualquier tipo
Additional treatments with steam bath, incense,
de tos
ARCILLA MEDICINAL; Potente desinflamante.

More information Contraindications: Refraining people with liver

www.medicinasnaturistas.com or kidney ailments.

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HERPES Natural and holistic treatment for Herpes

Preventing herpes virus reactivated again

Desinflamar the infected

Remove the blister (blister or ulcer)

Drastically reduce pain

Treatment-inflammatory, antibacterial and

Adequate food to raise the immune system

Treatment duration: 04 weeks (each time there

is an attack, or recurrence of herpes)

Contraindications: Pregnant women (external

CAT'S CLAW, strengthen defenses application only)
LLANTEN; natural desinflamantes.
MACA; Restorative energy.
CLAY MEDICAL; Powerful-inflammatory

HIGADO GRASO Natural and holistic treatment for Fatty


Restore liver function and regulate the

production of fat (cholesterol and triglycerides)
Liver detoxification and treatment of
Weight reduction (3 to 10 kg / month), according
to constitution of the person.
Decreased blood pressure and hypertension
Swollen liver, prevent liver disease and ease of

Adequate food to relieve the liver

Elimination of facial acne brown spots
ARTICHOKE, Restores liver function
DANDELION, purifies the blood.
LLANTEN; natural desinflamantes. Treatment duration: 04 weeks.
CLAY MEDICAL; Powerful-inflammatory. Products: Artichoke, Dandelion, Plantain, Arcilla

Contraindications: Pregnant women, infants,

More information gastric or duodenal ulcer - Diarrhea Appendicitis
www.medicinasnaturistas.com Colitis - Colon cancer, hypersensitive skin and
allergic reaction, open wounds, burns.

www.medicinasnaturistas.com Página 134



Jorge Valera López; Naturist since the 70s, an expert in the search of natural resources,
both vegetable and mineral. Specialist in plants to alleviate the respiratory problems such as
asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, influenza, etc. Also specialists in mineral resources such as
clay for acne, metals. He is the author of the book. DEPOSITS OF METALLIC
The pregnancy is a vital topic not only for the teen women also for all the persons in
general since somehow they meet in some moment related with this one in a direct and
indirect way. We published this book with informative character a series of diseases that
can treat with diverse medicinal herbs and foods that the pregnant women can use,
consulting before to the gynecologist and to the medical naturists. They are medicinal herbs
that many Peruvian women use during their pregnancy with enough facility to solve their
diverse problems. In case of the foods that well applied serve as medicines the pregnant
women can apply it with more facility. In addition we offer you a list of 77 dishes or
recipes of revitalizing meals that are necessary for the good development and growth of the
new baby, which are used in Peru by the pregnant women.

www.medicinasnaturistas.com Página 135

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