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Dhaka School of Bank Management

(Affiliated with the University of Dhaka)

Masters in Bank Management (MBM) Program
Specimen Question Paper for Admission Test
(The question format merely reflects sample only and may not fully coincide with the final question.)


The MCQ Test consists of three sections, viz., English Proficiency, Mathematics & Analytical Ability and General Knowledge
and Current Affairs. The total time available for MCQ test is 90 minutes and total marks 100. The structure of questions for each
section is as follows:

Mathematics and General Knowledge and

English Proficiency
Analytical Ability Current Affairs
 Antonym  Arithmetic
 General Knowledge and Current Affairs.
 Synonym  Algebra
 Analogy  Geometry
 Substituting in a single word  Tables and Graphs
 Sentence Correction  Critical Reasoning and
 Sentence Completion  Data Sufficiency, etc.
 Comprehension, etc.

Model questions of each of the above sections are given below to give prospective MBM students a better understanding about
the nature and contents of MCQ Test:
I. English Proficiency
1. The following question consists of a word printed in capital letters, followed by five (5) lettered words or phrases. Select the
word or phrase which is most nearly opposite to the capitalized word in meaning. After you choose your answer, give a tick
mark as shown below:
(A) Fact
(B) Dream
(C) Illusion
(D) Credit
(E) Incident
2. The following question consists of a word printed in capital letters, followed by five lettered words or phrases. Choose the
lettered word or phrase that is most nearly similar in meaning to the word in capital letters. After you choose your answer,
give a tick mark as shown below:
(A) First Design
(B) Absolution
(C) Finale
(D) Concept
(E) Primitive inhabitant
3. The following question consists of a related pair of words or phrases in capital letters followed by five lettered pairs of words
or phrases. Choose the pair which best expresses a relationship to that expressed by the original pair.
(A) Spouse : Divorce
(B) Restaurant : Management
(C) Counselor : Advice
(D) Host : Hostility
(E) Artist : Imitation
4. Substitute the following statement in a single word:
A child without father and mother -
(A) Orphan
(B) Orphanage
(C) Orphean
(D) Father and Motherless
(E) None of the above
5. The following sentence contains problems in grammar, usage, diction (choice of words), and idiom. Select the one underlined
part that must be changed to make the sentence correct.
I am not certain if I should discuss my promotion with him or not. No error
A B C D E
6. The sentence that follows contains one blank space indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the word or set of
words which, when inserted in the sentence best fits the meaning of the sentence.
Her desire for ...................................... soon became apparent when she adamantly refused to answer questions about her
identity or mission.
(A) Anonymity
(B) Help
(C) Publicity
(D) Achievement
(E) Recognition
7. Trade exists for many reasons. No doubt it started from a desire to have something different. Men also realized that different
men could make different products. Trade encouraged specialization, which led to improvement in quality. Trade started from
person to person, but grew to involve different towns and different lands. Some found work in transporting the goods or
selling them. Merchants grew rich as the demand for products increased. Craftsmen were able to sell more products at home
and abroad. People in general had a greater variety of things to choose. The knowledge of new products led to an interest in
the lands which produced them. More daring persons went to see other lands. Others stayed at home, but asked many
questions of the travelers. As people learned about the products and the conditions in other countries, they compared them
with their own. This often led to a desire for better conditions or a hope for a better life. Trade was mainly an economic force,
but it also had other effects.
The general theme of the passage is how
(A) trade makes everyone rich
(B) trade divides the world
(C) products are made
trade changes people’s lives
(E) people find new jobs
II. Mathematics and Analytical Ability
1. If the profit on an item is Tk.4 and the sum of the cost and the profit is Tk.20, what is the cost of the item ?
(A) Tk.24
(B) Tk.20
(C) Tk.16
(D) Tk.12
(E) None of the above
2. If x = 3 and y = 2, then 2x + 3y =
(A) 5
(B) 10
(C) 12
(D) 14
(E) 15
3. If the altitude of a triangle increases by 5% and the base of the triangle increases by 7%, by what per cent will the area of the
triangle increase ?
(A) 12.35%
(B) 3.33%
(C) 5%
(D) 12%
(E) None of the above
4. If the area of the triangle BCE is 8, what is the area of the square ABCD ?
A B 45
(A) 16
(B) 82
(C) 4 45
(D) 8
(E) 21 D C E

25% 25%
5. What portion of the circle graph on the right hand side belongs to sector Q ? R S

(A) 4%
(B) 5%
(C) 6% 25%
(D) 75%
Q 21% T
(E) 96%
2 P
6. When Herodotus wrote the history of the ancient world, he mixed the lives of the famous with those of the everyday. He
wanted not only to record the events that shaped his world but also to give his readers a taste of life in past times and faraway
Which of the following best summarizes the above?
A. Herodotus performed the tasks of both historian and journalist.
B. Historians alone cannot reconstruct times and social circles.
C. Herodotus relied on gossip and hearsay to compile his essays.
D. Herodotus’s history was based on scanty evidence.
E. Herodotus preferred writing about the elite rather than the lower classes.
The correct answer is (A). Herodotus wrote about all classes of people, recording not only momentous events but also the
mundane. Therefore, he could be classified as an historian and as a journalist.
7. The following problem has a question and two statements which are labeled (1) and (2). Use the data given in (1) and (2)
together with other available information to decide whether the statements are sufficient to answer the questions. Then fill in
the space following the instruction given in the box:

(A) If you can get the answer from (1) ALONE but not from (2) alone
(B) If you can get the answer from (2) ALONE but not from (1) alone
(C) If you can get the answer from BOTH (1) and (2) TOGETHER, but not from (1) alone or (2) alone
(D) If EITHER statement (1) ALONE OR statement (2) ALONE suffices
(E) If you CANNOT get the answer from statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER, but need even more data
Is x greater than zero ?
(1) x4  16 = 0
(2) x3  8 = 0
III. General Knowledge and Current Affairs
1. The capital city of Bangladesh is-
 A. Dhaka
B. Chittagong
C. Mujibnagor
d. Rajshahi
E. Comilla
2. Bangladesh played its first Test Cricket match in-
A. 1994
B. 1996
C. 1998
 D. 2000
E. 2001
3. Which of the following country has its territory both in Asia and Europe?
A. France
B. China
C. Algeria
 D. Kazakhstan
E. Germany
4. The first South Asian Diaspora Convention (SADC) was held in-
 A. Singapore
B. Seoul
C. Amsterdam
D. New Delhi
E. Thailand


The written test focuses on the writing ability of the applicant in English. The written test is of 60 minutes duration.

Writing Areas Marks

Essay Writing 15
Reading Comprehension/Precis 10
Translation into English 10
Argument/Dialogue 15
Total 50

I. Essay Writing
1. Write an essay on contemporary banking /economic issues in Bangladesh.
(Answer should be confined to 250 words)
II. Reading Comprehension
2. Read the comprehension and answer the following questions.
Almost two months after the EU's ban on the use of six environmentally unfriendly materials went into effect, designers have
clear evidence that failure to meet the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive means lost sales. Plan inc.
recently announced that its Treo 650 smart phone is no longer being shipped to Europe, since it doesn't meet RoHS
requirements. And several Apple Computer Inc. products will not be sold in Europe for the same reason. The EU irective,
which took effect on I" July, covers lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrorminated biphenyls and
polybrominated diphenyl ethers. Electronic vendors worldwide are working to eliminate those substances from nearly all new
products developed for the European market, while also adapting their manufacturing processes to a lead (Pbj-free
environment. But that is only the beginning. Other counties, including China, Taiwan and South Korea, and certain US states
are creating their own "green" like registration. That means RoHS compliance must become an integral part of a designer's
development process, with RoHS checks at each steps: concept, development, prototype, first builds and volume production.
Major companies will run the gamut from finding component databases of qualified green components to taking due care to
prove compliance and developing processes that allow for the higher-temperature requirements of Pb-free nufacturing. And
for designers, those are just the tip of the iceberg. A host of technical and reliability issue remain to be stored out in Pb-free
board processing and soldering. What it comes down to is what Ken Stanvic, Senior Vice President at Design Chain
Associates, calls a lack of 'tribal knowledge' on design RoHS compliant systems. 'We had a great tribal knowledge when it
came to dealing with leaded systems, but we haven't built up that same amount of knowledge Pb-free', he said. 'Every
problem will be blamed on Ph-free until it's been worked out. We need to figure out tests that replicate more of the
environment and different stresses· that we're going to see in this new system.'
Manny Marcano, president and CEO of EM A Design Automation Inc, (Rochester, N.Y.), cited the impact of parts
obsolescence,including the need to redesign older products and the resultant emphasis on component engineering at the
expense of conceptual design. A key challenge is identifying RoHS design specification as early as possible in the design
process, he said. Meanwhile, designers are looking over their shoulders at several other-and potentially stricter-environmental
regulations in the pipeline. These include the EU's Registration, Evaluation and Authorizaiton of Chemical Legislation,
which could restrict the use of thousands of chemicals, and it's Energy using Products (EuP) directive, which will initially
target energy-efficiency requirement.
a. Complete the summary
The EU has banned the use of six materials that are----------------to the environment. This means that if designers do not
meet the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive, sales will----------------------. Similar legislations is
being put together around the world, which indicates the RoHS compliance needs to become an --------------part of a
designer's development process.
Answer: unfriendly, lose, integral
b. When EU directive took into effect?
Answer: I st July.
c. According to the passage, in which area there is a lack of 'tribal knowledge' in designing RoHS compliant system?
Answer: Pb-free.
III. Precis
3. Write a precis of the following excerpt:
Asia's industrial revolution is swinging along. Its financial revolution is however, only just beginning. In the next decade the
huge capital requirements of industrializing Asian countries will force dramatic changes in the way their companies and
governments raise money. Those changes will have significant implications for how money travels around the world; and for the
banks and finance houses that try to direct the traffic. Three forces are propelling the region's finances. The first is a growing
demand for capital to pay for development. This is producing another force common throughout developing Asia a change in
the way foreign money flows to the region. Rather than relying on official loans, Asian countries are increasingly turning to a
larger and more flexible source of funds : private investors. And the need to lure in foreign capital, as well as to mobilize and
direct domestic savings, leads to a third force for change : the urgent necessity to revamp both Asian banking and the region's
capital markets.
Title: Mode of Development Financing in Asia
In the coming decade the huge capital requirements of the industrializing Asian countries will change dramatically the mode of
financing. The region's finances are influenced by three factors : growing demand of capital for development, increasing
dependence on private investments and necessity of restructuring the Asian banking and region's capital markets.

IV. Translation into English

4. Translate the following passage into English:
mg‡qi m‡½ A‡bK wKQy‡ZB e¨vcK cwieZ©b Av‡m| †mB cwieZ©‡bi †Quvqv †j‡M‡Q Z_¨ Luy‡R †ei Kivi c×wZ‡ZI| †Kv‡bv
wKQy mg‡Ü Rvb‡Z jvB‡eªwi‡Z wM‡q GZ eB NuvUvi mgq †Kv_vq gvby‡li ! GLb gvbyl gvD‡mi wK¬‡K Xy‡K hvq Z‡_¨i mgy`ª
B›Uvi‡b‡U| †mLvb †_‡K ïay cÖ‡qvRbxq Z_¨UzKy †bIqv|
V. Argument
5. A debatable issue is given below. You are required to make your position clear by presenting argument for and against the
‘Internet when used as a source of information has more drawbacks than advantages’.

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