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Name: Critica, John Carlos M.

Industrial Marketing Management

1. Assume that you have been hired by XYZ company as a marketing manager. The company deals
in industrial goods and services. You have heard that the C.E.O. thinks formal marketing planning
is both an inefficient and ineffective mechanism for companies operating in an ever-changing
environment. You want to demonstrate to your boss that Industrial Marketing is essential for the
company. You are determined to change his attitude.
Required. Prepare a presentation to your boss explaining:
(I) How a formal Industrial Market Planning can be useful to the firm, and (II) the
requirements for an effective Industrial Market Planning.

2. (A) Differentiate between Industrial Marketing and Consumer Marketing by using basic elements
of Marketing Mix Variables. Give example.
(B) Describe the ways in which organizations buying behavior is different from the consumer
goods buying behavior. Give an example.

(A) The marketing mix is the combination of the four controllable variables–product, place, promotion, and
price or the four P’s. Marketers should know how to blend these variables to create a mix that satisfies the
needs of the target market. Since the consumer and industry have different needs and characteristics we
can use the four marketing mix to differentiate the two markets as seen below.
Marketing Mix Product Place Promotion Price
Consumer Marketing
Industrial Marketing

5. Give an example of a company you are most familiar with, discuss a comprehensive launch
program of a new product (goods) by the company.

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