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Praise the presence of God Almighty for all His mercy so that this project math
learning strategy paper can be compiled to completion. Not forgetting the authors also say
many thanks for the help of those who have contributed by contributing both material and

And hope the authors hope this paper can add knowledge and experience for the readers,
For the future can improve the form and add the contents of the paper for the better.

Due to the limited knowledge and experience of the author, the author believes there
are still many shortcomings in this paper, therefore we are looking forward to constructive
suggestions and criticism from readers for the perfection of this paper.

Medan,05 Desemeber 2017


Table of contents
Chapter I Introduction
1. Background
2. Formulation of the problem
3. Purpose
Chapter II Discussion
A. Theoretical Basis
1. Understanding
2. The Difference of the Industrial Age and Learning
3. Relationship Problem Based Learning and Problem Based Learning
4. Characteristics of Project Based Learning
B. Relevant Research Results
Chapter III closing
1. Conclusion
2. Suggestion
1. Background
The rapid development that is accompanied by the development of Science and
Technology today need to be responded by a professional education performance and high
quality. Development in a country can not ignore educational activities. The future of a
country is largely determined by how the country treats education. The world of quality
education is expected to support the creation of the young generation of the nation's successor
intelligent, skilled and broad-minded so as to compete in the global era. Because in essence,
the function of education is to develop the ability and improve the quality of life and human
dignity . The success of education is determined by many interrelated aspects. As suggested
by Sanjaya .
The learning process is a system. Thus, achieving process standards for improving the
quality of education can start from analyzing each component that can shape and influence
the learning process. However, the components that have been considered to be very
influential in the education process are the components of teachers. This is natural, because
the teacher is the spearhead that directly relates to the students as subjects and learning
Teachers are the party in charge of guiding students to achieve goals in learning as well
as manage the class in order to become a solid team, communicative and conducive during
the learning process. In terms of effectiveness, a teacher is expected to be able to manage
learning well. Monotonous learning will certainly affect the spirit of student learning and
student achievement. The selection of strategies as well as learning models relevant to
competency standards can also spur the ability and interest of students to achieve the
optimization of the quality of learning and meaningful learning.

2. Problem Formulation
1. What is a Project Based Learning in Education?

2. How is the implementation of Project Based Learning in school learning?

3. Purpose
1. Understanding about Project Based Learning in education.

2. Knowing the application of Project Based Learning in school learning.

A. Theoretical Basis

1. Understanding
Project-based learning (PBL) is a learning method that uses problems as a first step in
collecting and integrating new knowledge based on experience in real-life activities. PBL is
designed to be used on complex issues that require lessons in conducting investigations and
understand them and the meaning of PBL according to some experts.
a. Thomas Mergendoller and Michaelson say the PBL is a systematic method of learning that
involves learning into complex learning, skills and questions, and the design and production
of products and tasks.
b. Baron B. said PBL is a constructively constructive way of learning approach to the
deepening of learning with an empirical approach to problem and weighted questions, real
relevant to life.
c. Blumenfeld explains that PBL is a comprehensive approach to teaching and learning that is
designed so that lessons do research on real issues.
d. Boud and Felleti argue that PBL is a constructive way of learning to use problems as a
stimulus and to focus on students' activity.
e. Moeslichatoen in his book "teaching methods in a kindergarten" says that a project-based
learning model (PBL) is a learning method that provides a learning experience by confronting
children with everyday problems that must be solved in groups.
According to research results there is a close relationship between the process of
gaining actual experience with education. Therefore, education for children should be
integrated with the child's life environment that many face children with direct experience.
Project-Based Learning comes from John Dewey's notion of the concept of "Learning
by Doing", which is the process of obtaining learning outcomes by doing certain actions in
accordance with the objectives, especially the child's mastery of how to do something that
consists of a series of behaviors to achieve a goal.
Project Based Learning is a learning model that has been developed in developed
countries like the United States. If translated into Bahasa Indonesia, Project Based Learning
is meaningful as project-based learning. A more comprehensive definition of Project Based
Learning according to The George Lucas Educational Foundation is as follows:
a. Project-based learning is curriculum fueled and standards based. Project Based Learning is
a learning approach that requires a standard of content in the curriculum. Through Project
Based Learning, the inquiry process begins with raising the guiding question and guiding
learners in a collaborative project that integrates the various subjects (materials) in the
curriculum. At the time the question is answered, the learner can directly see the various
major elements as well as the principles in a discipline he is studying.
b. Project-based Learning is a learning model that requires teachers and / or learners to
develop a guiding question. Given that each learner has a different learning style, the Project
Based Learning provides an opportunity for learners to explore the content by using various
means that are meaningful to themselves, and to conduct collaborative experiments. This
allows each learner to finally be able to answer the guiding question
c. Project-based learning asks students to investigate issues and topics addressing real-world
problems while integrating subjects across the curriculum. Project Based Leraning is a
learning approach that requires learners to create "bridges" that connect between different
subject matter. Through this path, learners can see knowledge holistically. More than that,
Project Based Learning is an in-depth investigation of a real-world topic, it will be valuable
to the attention and effort of learners .
d. Project-based learning is a method that fosters abstract, intellectual tasks to explore
complex issues. Project Based Learning is a learning approach that takes into account
understanding. Learners do exploration, assessment, interpretation and synthesize
information through meaningful means.
The Project Based Learning Approach is supported by the theory of constructivism
learning which states that the basic structure of an activity consists of the objectives to be
achieved as subjects within the context of a society in which the work is done by means of
tools, work rules, relies on active activity in the form of doing rather than passive activity
"receiving" the transfer of knowledge from the teacher.

2. Industrial Learning and the Age of Knowledge

Table 1

Differences in Industrial Learning and the Age of Knowledge

Industrial Century Century of Knowledge

teacher as leader Teacher as a facilitator

Teachers as a source of knowledge Master as an example of a learner

curriculum directed lessons students are directed lessons

time of entering, the lesson firmly fixed open, flexible, on-demand learning

Based on the facts based on projects and problems

Theoretical, abstract Based on the real world

principles and surveys action and reflection

practice and practice inspection and design

rules and procedures invention and discovery

Competitif collaborative
centering class Community centered

Results specified adjust to the norm

computer as the subject of study computer as a tool for all lessons

fixed presentation media multimedia dynamic interaction

limiting class communication unlimited communication all over the world

tests that are assessed by the norm achievements assessed by experts, advisors,
role models and self

Based on the table at least can be summed up as follows. First it is clear that a
paradigm shift of learning has taken place in educational practice. Many of the educational
practices that are considered profitable in the industrial age, such as fact-learning, tubian
(drill) and practices, laws and procedures are replaced in real-world, authentic learning
through problems and projects, inquiry, discovery, and intervention in the practice of the
century of knowledge. Second we will imagine how difficult it is to achieve systematic
change when in our educational environment still in conception as the absorption of facts,
effective learning done with drill and so on. Third, it is increasingly clear that communication
and information technology is an important catalyst for our movement towards the method of
learning in the knowledge age. The four new paradigms in professional knowledge, both
before and on duty for our teachers.

3. Relationship Problem Based Learning and Project Based Learning

This project-based learning approach is an adaptation of a problem-based learning
approach originally rooted in medical education . Medical education is paying great attention
to the phenomenon of young medical practitioners who have sufficient factual knowledge but
fail to use their knowledge when dealing with real patients After conducting an assessment of
how medical personnel are educating, medical education develops a learning program that
plots students into simulated or realistic patient handling scenarios. This process became
known as a problem-based learning approach. Today, problem-based learning is widely
applied to medical education in developed countries.
Based on experience in medical education, the problem-based learning approach is
adapted into a project-based learning model for technological and vocational education,
especially productive competency programs. Both emphasize an active student learning
environment, group work (collaborative), and authentic assessment techniques. The
difference lies in the difference in objects. If in problem-based learning educators are more
encouraged in activities that require problem formulation, data collection, and data analysis
(related to the patient's diagnostic process); then in project-based learning educators are more
encouraged in the design activities: formulate jobs, design , calculate, carry out the work, and
evaluate the results.
4. Characteristics of Project Based Learning
Project-based learning has great potential to provide a more engaging and meaningful
learning experience for students . Meanwhile, according to Buck Institute for Education, that
project-based learning has the following characteristics:
a) Learners make decisions and create frameworks
b) There is a problem that the solution is not predetermined
c) Students design the process to achieve results
d) The student is responsible for obtaining and managing the information collected
e) Conduct continuous evaluation
f) Students regularly review what they are doing
g) The final product and quality are evaluated
h) Classes have an atmosphere that tolerates errors and changes

B. Research Results
Several relevant studies related to project-based learning (Project Based Learning),
among others:
This research is a research development of learning method in chemical education
field. The aims of this research are: developing project-based and local culture learning for
SMA / MA in class XI; to realize the integration and interconnection of Chemical Anatar
with Culture and Arts. The subjects of the study were students of class XI SBI
Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta, chemistry teacher, cultural expert, and researcher himself.
The object of the study is project-based and cultural-based learning. The core activity of the
implementation of this learning is the making of manuscript plays .
The result of the research has found that project-based learning and culture with the
making of script / play wayang is necessary because it can increase the creativity of learners
and can help to preserve the culture of Indonesia brupa art wayang orang.

2) PROJECT-BASED LEARNING: Innovation of Soft-oriented Learning Pembelajing.

Issues of soft skills education in the world of education, especially vocational
technology education is never completed for discussion. Various efforts in growing the soft
skills of learning in education praksis continue to be done, ranging from training to education
based on the improvement of the values of soft skills learning. One of the approaches in
education praxis is through Project Based Learning. Project-based learning is an educational
approach that focuses on creativity of thinking, problem solving, and interaction between
learners and peers to create and use new knowledge.
Through project-based learning, students will work in teams, discover the skills of
planning, organizing, negotiating, and making consensus on the issues of tasks to undertake,
who is responsible for each task, and how the information will be collected and presented
scientifically. The project-based learning model constructed from the principles of
constructivist learning is thought to foster the values that will be built in soft skills, such as:
problem solving, creativity, innovation, teamwork, communication skills and presentation.
In this paper explains that the various methods of learning that developed in the
world of education has a goal to make the quality of education better. The conventional
learning method (teacher center) turned into a student center. This transition shows that
student participation is needed in learning. This is what makes the learning method based on
student center to be developed in the world of education in Indonesia.
In the learning process of learning requires a method that can encourage students to be
active in the learning process. In addition, students are also expected to apply mathematics in
the environment outside the classroom or in daily life. Various studies show that students still
have difficulty in applying mathematics in real life.


This study aims to improve the learning activities and understanding of the concept of
class IX students of SMP Negeri 3 Satu Atap Pangkalan Susu on electricity through a project-
based learning approach. The research method used is Classroom Action Research through
two learning cycles, where each cycle consists of planning, implementation, observation and
reflection. The results of data analysis on each cycle shows that the learning activities of
students during the learning process underwent a fairly good change. Along with the increase
in learning activities, students' understanding of electrical concepts also indicates an
increased understanding of the concept. It can be concluded that the approach of Project
Based Learning in physics learning provides a change in learning activities and a better
understanding of physics concepts.


This research uses a qualitative approach with classroom action research design. The
study was conducted on XOTR students of SMK Negeri 1 Singosari. To obtain information
from students about the application of learning conducted interview subjects selected four
consisting of low-ability students, and students with moderate, and highly capable students.
Selection of interview subjects based on preliminary test results and consideration that
students are easy to communicate. The results showed that project-based learning model that
can provide insight to students from the class XOTR SMK Negeri 1 Singosari. The linear
program material is divided into three stages of learning, namely (1) covering the purpose of
revealing the early stages of learning, motivating students about the importance of linear
programming, recalling prerequisite materials, group formation, and giving project
worksheets, (2) covering the core stages of the project with individual group and project work
presentation, (3) final stage including conclusion and evaluation. Student learning outcomes
in this research is good enough on the concept of linear programming through project-based
learning model. It can be seen that the results obtained competence test score average 67%
and examination results on the understanding that must be done by asking orally to the
learners quite well.
The purpose of this research is to improve the creative thinking skill and to know the
creative thinking ability of biology teacher candidate through project-based learning in
microbiology. This research is focused on creative thinking in designing the process of
activity on the topic of fermentation. The study involved a number of fifth semester teacher
candidates from a university in Lombok (n = 34). Data were collected using creative thinking
tests by filling out the design components (including problems, solutions, goals and
procedures). This study resulted in no increase in the creative thinking of prospective biology
teachers with a gain of 0.52 N. The creative thinking ability of candidate biology teachers can
be categorized into low (23.5%), medium (50%), and high (26.5%) category.


Based on the theoretical study by analyzing the Scientific Method process and the
syntax of the approach of Project Based Learning, it can be concluded that: The approach of
Project Based Learning has learning stages that are aligned with the Scientific Method
process. Therefore, the Project Based Learning Approach can theoretically be used as a
means of internalizing the value and spirit of Scientific Method to the students of physics
teacher candidates.


The results show that project-based learning can improve student learning outcomes in
the course of Audio Media Development on the Education Technology Education Program of
UNY. Besides, through this research also students appear to be more active learning, more
motivated learning, and cooperation among students is higher.


The objective of this research is to develop interactive multimedia CD that can be used
online (CD-O) on project-based Physics learning and to analyze students attitude toward CD-
O implementation in Physics-based project learning. This research is expected to provide
benefits, among others, can improve the ability of researchers in developing interactive
multimedia CDs that can be used online (CD-O) on project-based Physics learning, to know
the attitude of students to the implementation of CD-O in project-based Physics learning, to
the world of education, which is about the use of CD-O as a project-based Physics learning
media. The method used in this research is development research. In this research
development contains three components, namely: development model, research procedure
and product trial. The product test is carried out on material experts, media experts and small
group trials.
Based on the analysis and discussion can be concluded that has produced CD-O
(Compact Disk-Online) as a learning media project-based Physics which is an interactive
learning media. Students also strongly respond to good learning using CD-O, so it can
increase learning motivation.
This study aims to determine three important things: First, whether the project-based
learning method is more effective than guided writing method. Secondly, whether students
who have positive language attitudes toward English, have better writing skills than students
who have a negative language attitude towards English. Third, is there an interaction between
learning methods and language attitudes in teaching writing.
This study is an experimental study. Based on the results of inferential analysis of the
existing data, it can be concluded that:
(1) Project-based learning method is more effective than the guided writing method in
teaching writing in first grade students MTsN Gondang Rejo year 2009/2010 learning;
(2) Shiva who has a positive attitude of language, has a better writing ability than students
who have negative language attitudes;
(3) There is interaction between teaching method and attitude of language of student in
writing teaching at first grade student of MTsN Gondang Rejo year of 2009/2010 study.
This study also shows that the influence of teaching methods depends on the level or
quality of language attitudes. Project-based learning methods are more effective than guided
writing methods in teaching writing to students who have positive language attitudes. Guided
writing methods are more effective than project-based learning methods in teaching writing
to students who have negative language attitudes. It is hoped that the results of this research
will be important for teachers in selecting and determining appropriate teaching methods for
their class.
A. Conclusion
No single method is perfect so it can be used for all learning. However, there are
several advantages of each method. The advantages of using project-based learning are as
1. Increase motivation. Written reports on many projects say that students are diligently
overdue, trying hard to achieve the project.
2. Improve problem-solving abilities. Research on the development of high-level cognitive
skills emphasizes students' need for students to be involved in problem-solving tasks and the
need for specialized learning on how to find and solve problems. Many sources that describe
a project-based learning environment make students more active and solve complex
3. Improve collaboration. The importance of group work in projects requires students to
develop and practice communication skills. Cooperative working groups, student evaluations,
information exchange are the collaborative aspects of a project. New and constructivist
cognitive theories assert that learning is a social phenomenon, and that students will learn
more in a collaborative environment
4. Improve resource management skills. Part of being an independent student is responsible
for completing complex tasks. Well-implemented project-based learning provides students
with learning and practice in organizing projects, and making time and other resources such
as equipment to complete tasks.
The shortcomings of project-based learning according to Anita are as follows:
1. Each subject has its own difficulties, which can not always be fulfilled in the project.
2. It is difficult to choose the right project.
3. Setting up a task is not an easy thing, because it takes a lot of time to solve the problem.
4. Difficult to find appropriate reference sources.
5. It costs a lot

B. Suggestions
a) In Teacher
1. In the learning process the teacher must create active learning activities and not boring, one
of them through project-based learning.
2. Teachers in conducting learning activities should adjust the characteristics of students.

b) On Student
1. For students whose learning outcomes have been completed, improve and maintain to be
even better.
2. For students who have not been able to capture learning by using lecture methods alone
should be able to use more interesting and innovative learning, one of them with project-
based learning so that students become more motivated and enthusiastic in learning because
experiencing directly.

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