Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road

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Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road ?

The famous question..."Why did the chicken cross the road ?" was put before a
few Indians ..........

This is what they had to say.....

Azhar: "I am totally innocent, you know, I am unnecessarily being dragged into
this, you know..... I neither know the chicken nor the road, you know...."

Devegowda: "zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....mmmm...mm... chicken ??? Thanks, I'll have it


Laloo: "The fact, that the chicken crossed the road, means that, there is one
chicken missing from my poultry !!!"

George Fernandes: "I am deeply hurt that this question is being asked after my
40 clean years of public life. I don't own a house, or a car leave alone a
chicken !!!"

Mulayam: "I demand a 50% reservation of the road for the chicken class, so that
they can cross the road freely without their motives being questioned"

Congress: "That the chicken crossed the road clearly demonstrates the fact that
the people and chicken have lost confidence in the Government. The Government
should own moral responsibility and resign !!!"

BJP: "We are very sure of the fact that the chicken DID NOT cross the road. Its
a conspiracy by the congress to bring the Government down. The poor chicken has
been made a scapegoat in this whole issue"

Mamta: "Am I the chicken's Sister ??? #**@! You better go and ask the chicken
itself !!"

Jyoti Basu: "Chicken ??!! Don't you dare call me a chicken ??? I just resigned
because of health reasons..."

Harkishen Singh Surjeet: "We are adopting a wait and watch policy. We have
convened a meeting of the third front today. We will decide the future course of
action after the chicken comes back.."

Menaka Gandhi: "Chicken crossed the road alone...!! If a vehicle had passed over
it, we would have lost one of our dearest creature. Ban all vehicles from using
that road. Protect our chickens..."

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