BRM Questions

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Research Survey Questionnaire

Dear Participant,

This questionnaire is prepared to fill up the requirements for my course material. The main
objective here is to understand future of app based transportation services in Bangladesh. This
survey is done completely for my academic purposes. So, your participation is highly appreciated
in this regard through answering the following questions. I am ensuring that confidentiality is a
top priority here and it will be properly maintained. Therefore, it would be helpful if you could
take a few minutes of your time and help me.

Personal Data of Respondent

1. Name: ……………………………….....................................................
2. Age: ……………………………………................................................
3. Email: ………………………………………………………………….
4. Gender:
□ Male
□ Female
5. Occupation:
□ Student
□ Self-employed
□ Government Servant
□ Employee
□ Other: ……………………….........
6. What is your monthly income?
□ No sources of income
□ Less than BDT 30,000
□ BDT 30,000 – BDT 50,000
□ BDT 50,000 – BDT 80,000
□ More than BDT 80,000
7. What is your daily mode of transportation?
□ App Based Vehicles
□ Public Transports
□ Private Vehicle
□ Taxi
□ Others………….
8. How frequently do you use app based transportations?
□ Everyday
□ Once or Twice a week
□ Once or Twice a month
□ Only when needed
9. Which app do you mostly use?
□ Pathao
□ Uber
□ Amar Ride
□ Dhaka Motors
□ Others……………
10. How was the quality of the service of your last shared ride?
□ Very low
□ Low
□ Moderate
□ High
□ Very high
11. Is fair a major concern while choosing the mode of transportation?
□ Yes
□ No
12. Please rate the safety features of app based transportation services on a scale of 1
to 5 (1= least, 5=highest)
□ 1
□ 2
□ 3
□ 4
□ 5

13. Please indicate your level of agreement with the statements below.

1. Do you trust app based

rides with your

2. Do you think it has an

impact on traffic jam?

3. Easier medium of

4. The fair is affordable

5. Faster than other

modes of moving

14. Were there any drivers, who behaved in an unprofessional or abusive manner
during your ride?
□ Yes
□ No
□ May be
15. Do you think the government should monitor this sector more directly?
□ Yes
□ No
16. Do you think this sector is helping the economy?
□ Yes
□ No
17. Do you own a private vehicle?
□ Yes
□ No
18. If yes, do you use it in any app based transport service or if you purchase your own
vehicle will you use it for any app based transportation service–
□ Yes
□ No
19. Have you ever addressed any issues with the customer services with these ride
sharing service?
□ Yes
□ No
20. If yes, how do you rate their response,
□ 1
□ 2
□ 3
□ 4
□ 5
21. Do you think the drivers are maintaining regular traffic rules while giving rides?
□ Yes
□ No

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