THBT Hydraulic Fracturing Should Be Banned SCRIPT For Government

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THBT Hydraulic fracturing should be banned

SCRIPT For Government


 Good morning ladies and gentleman. As we know that behind the low price of oil, there’s
a fact that fossil fuel from conventional oil will be running out in the next dozen of years.
That’s why more and more oil producer countries are trying to find the best solution to
overcome this problem and one of the way by using hydraulic fracturing technology. But
this technology is inflict so many issues. That’s why today we are here to discuss whether
hydraulic fracturing should be banned or not.

Define the key term

 First of all, Hydraulic fracturing is a new technology to recover unconventional oil and
natural gas which is trapped in shale layer.
 This kind of technology is very useful to exploit the old well, by using the help of fracking
fluid which consist of water, sand, and chemical additives to release the trapped gas.
 The chemical additives contain 700 hundreds hazardous and highly toxic compound such
o Benzene is harm to human breath
o Formic acid is harm skin irritation
o Hydrochloric acid makes the pH of ground water is very acid which is bad for skin
 Also, during extraction, there’s must be a leak of natural gas, which contain over 90% of
methane into atmosphere.
o Methane is a greenhouse gas because it absorbs sun’s heat which is triggering to
warming of atmosphere
 That’s why we still propose this motion


 As you know USA has been using this technology for the last decade, the effort to treat
the fracking waste already done, we can see the area where there’s a hydraulic fracturing
activity, the condition of the atmosphere is getting worse year to year.
o For example, In 2011, study in USA show that the level of ozone pollution in drilling
area, located in West Virginia, reached 116 parts per billion, significantly exceeded
the EPA’s healthy limit of 75 parts per billion after the activity of hydraulic
 What we mean banned here is totally banned the hydraulic fracturing activity because
this activity is worsen the condition of atmosphere. Imagine if not only America who use
this technology. How about other oil producer countries also use this technology. It clears
that the age of earth will be shorter.

 Fracking fluid is very harmful for the environment

o Fracking fluid contains about 700 hundreds hazardous and harmful chemical
additives that will precipitate from the soil and contaminate the water ground
o For example, In the fall of 2012, Ranchers near Canada border, lost ten percent of
their cattle herd (18 cattle) after fracking near their ranch. Their veterinarian
found the cattle had an electrolyte imbalance, but couldn’t treat it. They also
noticed an “off taste” in their drinking water and had the water tested. Compared
to previous years, the chloride levels had doubled. In addition to their water
contamination, the ranchers also report severe air pollution and health problems
due to fracking activity.


 As the result, we as government team stand for this motion because hydraulic fracturing
activity is harm the environment
 Thank you 
SCRIPT For Opposition


 Good morning ladies and gentleman. The government has suggested the number of
downside of hydraulic fracturing and we agree that brought by the hydraulic fracturing
 However, are these downside are really match with the benefit of hydraulic fracturing
 Today, opposition side is going to prove that hydraulic fracturing is very beneficial
compare to the downside


 But before I start my speech, let me rebutt the point that had been stated by the
 She/He said because of…
 However…


 This is the right of America to use the technology because they have responsibility to
prosper the needs of their people. Meanwhile America doesn’t have the supply from
OPEC, so they have to be independent.
 This technology should not be totally banned because this is the most effective alternative
technology can be used


 So, Ladies and gentleman

 As we have proven you that the benefit of Hydraulic Fracturing is over the downside
 As the result, this motion should not stand
 Thank you 

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