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Statement and Designation by Foreign Corporation To qualify a corporation from another state or country to transact intrastate business in Calfornia, fill out this form, and submit for fling 4076172 S&DC-SIN aiong wth = A$100 filing fee (for a foreign stock corporation) or $30 filing fee (for ‘a forelgn nenprofl corpora), and FILED WU = A certificate of good standing, issued within the last six (6) months by the agency where the corporation was formed Note: Il the Secrotary of State corporation is & nonprofit the cetiicate of good standing also must State of California indicate the corporation isa nonprofit or nonstock corporation E i i OCT 19 207 = A separate, non-refundable $15 service fee also must be included, if you drop off the completed form, Important! Corporations in California may have to pay a minimum $800 yearly tax to the California Franchise Tax Board. For more information, g0 to hitps:www (Ur sis Space Force Use On For questions about this form, go to gov/businessibeifiing-tips.him. Corporate Name (List the exact name of the corporation, as shown In the certificate of good standing. if the name ofthe corporation is not availabe for use in the State of Calioria, the corporation must qualiy under an assumed name. Eg, "ist the exact name! which wil do business in Calforia as [ist the proposed assumed name)" For general corporate name requirements and restictions in Caltforna, 90 to htm.) @ PRAVDA CORP. Corporate History © State or toreign country where this corporation was formed: DELAWARE Service of Process (Lis! a California resident or a Califomia rogistared corporate agent that agrees to be your agent to accept service ‘of process in case your corporation is sued. You may list any adult who lives in Calforna. You ray not ist your own corporation as the agent. Do not ist an address ifthe agent is @ California registered corporate agent as the address for service of process is already on fle.) @ «, LAGE ANDERSEN ‘Agent's Name », 216 PARK ROAD BURLINGAME. ca 94010 “Agents Stroot Address (Pagani Ts nota corporation) Da atlstaP.O, Box Gi no ebbrevatons) Sate Zip The corporation named in Item 1 above irrevocably consents to service of process directed to it upon the agent designated above, and to service of pracess on the California Secretary of State if that agent or that agent's successor is no longer authorized to act or cannot be found at the address given, Corporate Addresses @ a 216 PARK ROAD BURLINGAME CA 94010 ‘Ste0i Adzress of Principal Executive Office - 00 not Ista P.O, Box ‘iy [no abbreviations) - Stato zip b. 216 PARK ROAD BURLINGAME cA_94010 ‘Stee! Adzress of Prncpel Ofice In Gatforla, Wany-Donallste P.O. Box City (na abbreviations) Stato Zip CG TWaling Adress of Principal Exeaitve Ofice, aferent fram 4a or 4b Gity no abbreviations) Stale Zip Read aad sign below: This form must be signed by an officer of the foreign corporation JARED BIRCHALL Siar Print your name here Make checkimoney order payable to: Secretary of State ‘By Mall Drop-Off Upon fing, we will return one (1) uncertified copy of your fled retary of State Secretary of State ocurnent for tree, and will cerify the copy upon request and Business Entiies, P.O. Box 944260 1800 11th Street, 3rd Floor payment ofa $5 certication fee. ‘Sacramento, GA 94244-2600 ‘Sacramento, CA 95814 Corperatons Cooe 6210, 2106, Revenue ard Taxation Cade § 28153, 2014 Calle Senet of Sate 'S8DC-STAINP (REV 042016) ‘wn 58.cagofbusiesabe : 4076172 Delaware - The First State 1, JEFFREY W. BULLOCK, SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, DO HEREBY CERTIFY "PRAVDA CORP." IS DULY INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE AND IS IN GOOD STANDING AND HAS A LEGAL CORPORATE EXISTENCE SO FAR AS THE RECORDS OF THIS OFFICE SHOW, AS OF THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER, A.D. 2017. AND 1 DO HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THE SAID “PRAVDA CORP." WAS INCORPORATED ON THE THIRD DAY OF OCTOBER, A.D. 2017. AND I DO HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THE ANNUAL FRANCHISE TAXES HAVE BEEN ASSESSED TO DATE. 6565040 8300 Authentication: 203421901, SRH 20176684442 ss Date: 10-18-17, You may verity this cortificate online at corp dalaware gov/authver shtml

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